ninpo sanjurokkei - 36 levels of ninja techniques

36 Levels To study our style of Martial Arts you must study many forms of self defense and weaponry. This is known as "Ninpo Sanjurokkei". It is the 36 categories that make Ninpo or Budo so special. The first section is known as the "Bugei Juhappan". This is mainly Samurai arts, but to be a complete student you must eventually begin training in secret techniques called "Ninja Juhakkei". This will create the 36 essentials. The number 36 is special because it can be separated into 3 and 6. Adding 3 and 6 you get 9. Multiplying 3 and 6 you get 18. Then adding 1 and 8 you get 9. All these combinations produce the number 9 or numbers divisible by 9. In Martial Arts, the number 9 has special significance, with two important meanings. Firstly that if one uses all it's techniques (Ninja Juhakkei / 36 Essentials) one will never fail. Secondly the number Nine means the school or system is very old and complete. Here is the first section we all must master. The Bugei Juhappan; Ju-Jutsu Ken-jutsu Iai/Batto jutsu Kusarifundo- jutsu Kusarigama- jutsu Bo-jutsu So-jutsu Naginata-jutsu Suiren-jutsu Ba-jutsu Kisha-justu Jo-jutsu Kyu-jutsu Unarmed Defense Sword Techniques Drawing and Cutting skills Weighted chain techniques Sickle and chain techniques 6' Wooden staff techniques Spear techniques Halberd techniques Water survival Horsemanship Archery from horseback

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36 Levels of Ninja Techniques


36 LevelsTo study our style of Martial Arts you must study many forms of self defense and weaponry. This is known as "Ninpo Sanjurokkei". It is the 36 categories that make Ninpo or Budo so special. The first section is known as the "Bugei Juhappan". This is mainly Samurai arts, but to be a complete student you must eventually begin training in secret techniques called "Ninja Juhakkei". This will create the 36 essentials. The number 36 is special because it can be separated into 3 and 6. Adding 3 and 6 you get 9. Multiplying 3 and 6 you get 18. Then adding 1 and 8 you get 9. All these combinations produce the number 9 or numbers divisible by 9. In Martial Arts, the number 9 has special significance, with two important meanings. Firstly that if one uses all it's techniques (Ninja Juhakkei / 36 Essentials) one will never fail. Secondly the number Nine means the school or system is very old and complete.

Here is the first section we all must master. The Bugei Juhappan; Ju-Jutsu Ken-jutsu Iai/Batto jutsu Kusarifundo-jutsu Kusarigama-jutsu Bo-jutsu So-jutsu Naginata-jutsu Suiren-jutsu Ba-jutsu Kisha-justu Jo-jutsu Kyu-jutsu Yoroi Kumiuchi Hojo-jutsu Jutte-jutsu Ho-jutsu Shuriken-jutsu Unarmed Defense Sword Techniques Drawing and Cutting skills Weighted chain techniques Sickle and chain techniques 6' Wooden staff techniques Spear techniques Halberd techniques Water survival Horsemanship Archery from horseback 4' Wooden staff Archery Fighting in Armor Rope tying arts Iron rod techniques Illusions / Deception Blade throwing techniques

Here is the second list the "Ninja Juhakkei"

Seishinteki Kyoyo Taijutsu Biken Jutsu So-jutsu Naginata-jutsu Bisento-jutsu Kusarigama/Kyoketsu Shoge Rokushaku Bojutsu San jaku and Jo-jutsu Shuriken/Sanban Nage-jutsu Kisha-jutsu Inton-jutsu Hoko-jutsu Henso-jutsu Kakushi Buki-jutsu Ninyaku-jutsu (Kampo Jutsu) Gunryaku Heiho Tenmon and Chimon Spiritual Refinement Unarmed Combat Sword Techniques (All blades) Spear techniques Halberd techniques Battlefield Halberd techniques Sickle and chain techniques 6' Wooden staff 3' and 4' Wooden Staff techniques Blade Throwing Archery from horseback Special disappearing techniques Walking techniques Art of disguise Secret Weapons Special medicine and drugs Battlefield strategies Strategies of Heaven and Earth

A true Ninja warrior must learn 36 Ninpo Essentialsalso known as Ninja Sanjurokkei.These are divided into two categories,18 Bugei Juhappan (Samurai arts), and 18 Ninja Juhakkei (Ninja Secret arts).

NINJA JUHAKKEI1. Seishinteki Kyoyo--------------------------------------Spiritual refinement2. Tai-jutsu-------------------------------------------------Unarmed Defense3. Biken-jutsu----------------------------------------------Sword Techniques4. So-jutsu--------------------------------------------------Spear Techniques5. Naginata-jutsu------------------------------------------Halberd Techniques6. Bisento-jutsu--------------------------------------------Battlefield Halberd Techniques7. Kusarigama-jutsu--------------------------------------Sickle and Chain Techniques8. Rokushaku Bo-jutsu-----------------------------------6' foot staff Techniques9.Hanbo and Jo-jutsu------------------------------------3' and 4' staff Techniques10.Shuriken-jutsu & senban Nage-jutsu---------------Various Blade Throwing11.Kisha-jutsu-----------------------------------------------Archery From Horseback12.Inton-jutsu------------------------------------------------Special disappearing Techniques13.Hoko-jutsu------------------------------------------------Walking Techniques14.Henso-jutsu----------------------------------------------Disguise15.Kakushi Buki-jutsu--------------------------------------Secret weapons16.Ninyaku-jutsu--------------------------------------------Special Ninja Medicines and Drugs17.Gunryaku-jutsu------------------------------------------Strategies18.Temon and Chimon-------------------------------------Strategiesusing Heaven and Earth


1.Ju-jutsu---------------------------------------Unarmed Defense Techniques2.Ken-jutsu-------------------------------------Sword Techniques3.Iai-jutsu---------------------------------------Art ofDrawing the Sword Techniques4.Kusarifundo-jutsu---------------------------Weighted Chain Techniques5.Kusarigama-jutsu---------------------------Sickle and Chain Techniques6.Bo-jutsu---------------------------------------6'Foot Staff Techniques7.So-jutsu---------------------------------------Spear Techniques8.Naginata-jutsu-------------------------------Halberd Techniques9.Suiren-----------------------------------------Swimming10.Ba-jutsu---------------------------------------Horsemanship Techniques11.Kisha-jutsu-----------------------------------Horseback Archery12.Jo-jutsu---------------------------------------4'Foot Staff13.Kyu-jutsu-------------------------------------Archery Techniques14.Yori Kumiuchi--------------------------------Fight with Armour15.Hojo-jutsu------------------------------------Tying with Rope Techniques16.Jutte-jutsu------------------------------------Iron Fork / Rod Techniques17.Ho-jutsu---------------------------------------Illusions / Tricks18.Nage Ken-jutsu------------------------------Blade Throwing Techniques

These 36 essentials were the main body of training, but two remained as the most important. The first was Seishinteki Kyoyo (spiritual refinement of the heart, spirit, and soul), and the seconded is Tai-jutsu (unarmed defense). With both of these mastered and combined it can produce great power for the student also known as Shin-gi-Tai-Icchi (Heart techniques and body integration).