ninth manhattan district - news/masonic... · speed up...

Masonic News Ninth Manhattan District Devoted to the interests of Freemasonry, its District Lodges, their members and their families Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Volume 50, Number 2 German Masonic Charitable Foundation Semi-Annual Meeting President Jack Lanzer called the meeting to order at 2pm with District Deputy Peter Unfried providing the opening prayer. He wel- comed all the Lodge Dele- gates and recognized the District Deputy and RWRobert Stein, Staff Officer, VWGlenn Opperman, President of the Masters Association, WMark Rampanelli, Vice President of the Past Masters and WSteven Schwartz, President of the Nobel Ninth. RWLawrence Wund conducted the role call, which resulted in a quo- rum. President Lanzer re- viewed the status of the on- going OMIG Vent audit and noted that the original au- dit findings have been re- duced but not yet finalized. In addition, the Dumont Masonic Home participated in a class action brought against New York State re- lated to unfinalized audits of previous years statewide. The Nursing homes pre- vailed in this case and we have received two initial payments with additional payments forthcoming over the next few years. The private vs. public sta- tus of the Foundation was discussed next. Due to the fact that the Foundation’s investment income exceeds its public donation sources, the Foundation may be re- classified under Federal 501 (c) 3 regulations as a private foundation and may be required to distribute donations and grants pur- suant to those same regula- tions. The Foundation will develop the necessary processes to identify and distribute such grants. Foundation funds will be held in a special fund until such processes are identi- fied and implemented, un- der the guidance of our fi- nancial advisors. Due to their assumption of Grand Lodge positions, both RWPeter Unfried and RWRobert Stein were required to surrender their Trustee positions. RWPeter Unfried will continue his functions as Temple Manager. His ac- complishments and ongo- ing efforts in this endeavor were applauded. Allemania Lodge was rec- ognized for its donation to- ward the establishment of the “Tree Of Life”, which has been installed just out- side the Lodge Room. Tree of Life program details are currently being developed. Trustee Jarrett Weinrich was recognized for his work in the Safety ID program, which was supported through the purchase of new equipment by the Foundation. Plans for ex- pansion of this program to Nursing Homes and Assist- ed Living facilities are un- derway. President Lanzer next de- lineated the charities which the Foundation would sup- port this year. They include the CJ Foundation for SIDS – Pediatric Center Hacken- sack Hospital, Mecca and Kismet Shrine Hospital Transportation Funds, Plattduetsche Home Socie- ty, Masonic Care Commu- nity, Lustgartin Pancreatic Cancer, Susan G. Komen Cancer Foundation, Joe Torre Prostrate Cancer, Alzheimer Association of New York City, Whitestone Ambulance Corp, Steuben Society of New York and the Noble Ninth, Inc. The recip- ients and donation amounts were unanimously approved. Trustee Wund reported on plans for the next Trav- elling Man Festival for 2017. Additional support from the District in partici- pation and ideas to expand the Festival are appreciat- ed. Among the closing com- ments from the various Dis- trict leaders, RWKurt Ott surprised many in at- tendance with his state- ment. He announced his resignation as Trustee of the Noble Ninth. The Presi- dent thanked him for his many years of service to both Boards, 5 years with the Home/Foundation and 25 with the Noble Ninth. His hard work and dedicat- ed efforts mostly behind the scenes will be impossible to replace. RWPeter Un- fried thanked Kurt for his Dumont “Legacy of Caring.” President Lanzer thanked all for attending with the closing prayer offered by RWRobert Stein. The Meeting was adjourned at 3pm. Brothers attending semi-annual meeting News From the Noble Ninth By Bob Stein The Brothers of the District con- tinue to support both the Noble Ninth and the Grand Lodge of the State of New York by their active par- ticipation in the many events spon- sored by both the District and the state. The Brothers show this sup- port by their continued involvement in District and State activities which demonstrates their commitment and devotion to the brotherhood and the tenets of true Masonry. The Noble Ninth has left the starting gate of the new Masonic year at rapid speed. I hope you join us and are ready for another year of Masonic cama- raderie. The new DDGM the RWPeter Unfried and the Grand Steward the RWBob Stein embraced their new position and have begun what we hope will be a successful and pro- ductive two years. They continue to encourage the Brothers and Sisters of the Ninth Manhattan to actively participate in the many district func- tions. The Ninth Manhattan con- tinues to be one of the busiest dis- tricts in the state and the calendar is filling up quickly. Once again, the bus for the Steuben Day Parade leaving from Whitestone was filled. After a light breakfast of bagels, lox and pastries, those in attendance boarded the bus for the trip into Manhattan. Behind the new blue and gold banner which is 3 feet by 12 feet, the marching Brothers followed by the Noble Ninth float traveled proudly down Fifth Av- enue passing the reviewing station. The banner was held by Joey Kem- met, the son of Christina and Joe Kemmet of Lessing Lodge and Christopher Dunne, the son of Lu- ann and Chris Dunne of Trinity Lodge. As always, the Ninth Manhat- tan was well represented. When the contingent returned to Whitestone, they were treated to delicious au- thentic German food provided by the Puckhabers. NEWS 5

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Page 1: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth

Masonic NewsNinth Manhattan DistrictDevoted to the interests of Freemasonry, its District Lodges, their members and their families

Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Volume 50, Number 2

German Masonic Charitable FoundationSemi-Annual Meeting

President Jack Lanzercalled the meeting to orderat 2pm with District DeputyPeter Unfried providing theopening prayer. He wel-comed all the Lodge Dele-gates and recognized theDistrict Deputy and R∴W∴Robert Stein, Staff Officer,V∴W∴ Glenn Opperman,President of the MastersAssociation, W∴ MarkRampanelli, Vice Presidentof the Past Masters and W∴Steven Schwartz, Presidentof the Nobel Ninth.

R∴W∴ Lawrence Wundconducted the role call,which resulted in a quo-rum. President Lanzer re-viewed the status of the on-going OMIG Vent audit andnoted that the original au-dit findings have been re-duced but not yet finalized.In addition, the DumontMasonic Home participatedin a class action broughtagainst New York State re-lated to unfinalized auditsof previous years statewide.The Nursing homes pre-vailed in this case and wehave received two initialpayments with additional

payments forthcoming overthe next few years.

The private vs. public sta-tus of the Foundation wasdiscussed next. Due to thefact that the Foundation’sinvestment income exceedsits public donation sources,the Foundation may be re-classified under Federal501 (c) 3 regulations as aprivate foundation and maybe required to distributedonations and grants pur-suant to those same regula-tions. The Foundation willdevelop the necessaryprocesses to identify anddistribute such grants.Foundation funds will beheld in a special fund untilsuch processes are identi-fied and implemented, un-der the guidance of our fi-nancial advisors.

Due to their assumptionof Grand Lodge positions,both R∴W∴ Peter Unfriedand R∴W∴ Robert Steinwere required to surrendertheir Trustee positions.R∴W∴ Peter Unfried willcontinue his functions asTemple Manager. His ac-complishments and ongo-

ing efforts in this endeavorwere applauded.

Allemania Lodge was rec-ognized for its donation to-ward the establishment ofthe “Tree Of Life”, whichhas been installed just out-side the Lodge Room. Treeof Life program details arecurrently being developed.Trustee Jarrett Weinrichwas recognized for his workin the Safety ID program,which was supportedthrough the purchase ofnew equipment by theFoundation. Plans for ex-pansion of this program toNursing Homes and Assist-ed Living facilities are un-derway.

President Lanzer next de-lineated the charities whichthe Foundation would sup-port this year. They includethe CJ Foundation for SIDS– Pediatric Center Hacken-sack Hospital, Mecca andKismet Shrine HospitalTransportation Funds,Plattduetsche Home Socie-ty, Masonic Care Commu-nity, Lustgartin PancreaticCancer, Susan G. KomenCancer Foundation, Joe

Torre Prostrate Cancer,Alzheimer Association ofNew York City, WhitestoneAmbulance Corp, SteubenSociety of New York and theNoble Ninth, Inc. The recip-ients and donationamounts were unanimouslyapproved.

Trustee Wund reportedon plans for the next Trav-elling Man Festival for2017. Additional supportfrom the District in partici-pation and ideas to expandthe Festival are appreciat-ed.

Among the closing com-ments from the various Dis-trict leaders, R∴W∴ KurtOtt surprised many in at-

tendance with his state-ment. He announced hisresignation as Trustee ofthe Noble Ninth. The Presi-dent thanked him for hismany years of service toboth Boards, 5 years withthe Home/Foundation and25 with the Noble Ninth.His hard work and dedicat-ed efforts mostly behind thescenes will be impossible toreplace. R∴W∴ Peter Un-fried thanked Kurt for hisDumont “Legacy of Caring.”

President Lanzer thankedall for attending with theclosing prayer offered byR∴W∴ Robert Stein. TheMeeting was adjourned at3pm.

Brothers attending semi-annual meeting

News From the Noble NinthBy Bob Stein

The Brothers of the District con-tinue to support both the NobleNinth and the Grand Lodge of theState of New York by their active par-ticipation in the many events spon-sored by both the District and thestate. The Brothers show this sup-port by their continued involvementin District and State activities whichdemonstrates their commitment anddevotion to the brotherhood and thetenets of true Masonry. The NobleNinth has left the starting gate of the

new Masonic year at rapid speed. Ihope you join us and are ready foranother year of Masonic cama-raderie.

The new DDGM the R∴W∴ PeterUnfried and the Grand Steward theR∴W∴ Bob Stein embraced theirnew position and have begun whatwe hope will be a successful and pro-ductive two years. They continue toencourage the Brothers and Sistersof the Ninth Manhattan to activelyparticipate in the many district func-tions. The Ninth Manhattan con-

tinues to be one of the busiest dis-tricts in the state and the calendar isfilling up quickly.

Once again, the bus for theSteuben Day Parade leaving fromWhitestone was filled. After a lightbreakfast of bagels, lox and pastries,those in attendance boarded the busfor the trip into Manhattan. Behindthe new blue and gold banner whichis 3 feet by 12 feet, the marchingBrothers followed by the Noble Ninthfloat traveled proudly down Fifth Av-enue passing the reviewing station.

The banner was held by Joey Kem-met, the son of Christina and JoeKemmet of Lessing Lodge andChristopher Dunne, the son of Lu-ann and Chris Dunne of TrinityLodge. As always, the Ninth Manhat-tan was well represented. When thecontingent returned to Whitestone,they were treated to delicious au-thentic German food provided by thePuckhabers.


Page 2: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth

By Bambi R. Schimmel

From our house to yours – hope you hadpeaceful and serene holidays; but now it’s timeto get back to our regular routine, work that is,just to keep our General Chairman Gottfriedand our readers entertained – so let us begin.

Tracking back a bit – our PMSC President Ir-mgard Barth and hubby Harry embarked on awell-deserved vacation from their hectic meet-ings/commitments to visit their daughter Lisain California, just in time for Irmgard’s birthday(39 and holding) aren’t we all? Everyone en-joyed this special time of togetherness.

We are mourning the loss of Allemania SisterLillian Schnase, Lessing Sister Erna Geiling,and Johannes K. “John” Boyen, Brother of Alle-

mania Lodge. May all of you find everlastingpeace on your continued journey.

Under the leadership of Schiller Lodge’s Jr.Past Master, W∴ Rick Schneider, we celebratedyet another wonderful Christmas Party with alladorable little ones who waited patiently for thearrival of Santa Claus with his sack full of sur-prises. When the bells started ringing, thelights were dimmed and, with a jolly HO HOHO, our Santa appeared. Our own precious-teenage grandchildren, Nicholas, Julianna andZachary, who enjoyed having been a part of itfor many years prior, were just as eager to bewith us again and re-lived what they have wit-nessed ever since their very young life. Let ushope that we can keep this tradition alive to be

enjoyed for the next generation.Another Holiday Party was held at our White-

stone Hall, hosted by the Past Masters SisterCircle starting out with a scrumptious dinner,delicious desserts, and let’s not forget thePMSC’s chorus line with ever-so-popular FrankRapuano, accordionist/singer/entertainer.With dancing, singing and friendly chit/chat itwas again, as always, a great evening to get youinto the festive spirit.

Just a little hint here, do you want to knowwhen and if your calendar is over-booked? Talkwith R∴W∴ Hans Sievertsen and take it all in.We were talking forever - so here is what tran-spired. In my opinion, Br. Hans has more titlesthan Carter has pills. Let me summarize here:Hans is a Past Master of Copernicus Lodge #545, a Past District Deputy in 1988 and 1989,he took the position as Eastern Star Patron 4times of Queens Chapter 211; has functionedas Assistant Grand Lecturer 3 times, V.P. of theFellowcraft Club, is Treasurer of the HistoricalSociety at the Plattduetsche Park; a Treasurerof the Oompa Fest at the Plattduetsche Park; isPres. of the Foehrer and Amrum K.V.V. - thenour phone lines started to smolder and, by theway, wife Joann functions as a Warden in theQueens Chapter 211. Get a life you two, everheard of just sitting by the fireplace and cud-dling up for relaxation, never mind. Congratu-lations are definitely in order!!!

We are sending our get well wishes for aspeedy recovery to Allemania Br. RobertQuaglio, Copernicus Br. Bruce zum Stein, andour Copernicus Br. “Horstl”, R∴W∴ Horst Mahryou are needed in our District, so please let’sspeed up the recovery process.

A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSCSecy Ellen Toth informed us that she just becamea proud grandma. Son Andrew and his wife Kimgave birth to an adorable tyke named Phoenix.The baby was born on June 13, 2016 sporting a

Page 2 9th Masonic Manhattan News Winter 2017


Ninth Manhattan

Masonic NewsPublished February, April, June, September, November and December

by German Masonic Charitable Foundation, Inc.c/o GMCF Publishing Committee

14939 11th Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357Phone (718) 360-1538

Published under the auspices of theNinth Manhattan Publishing Committee

Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gottfried SchueblerCo-Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stanley PratnickiEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin Koeberl

Email: [email protected]

Editor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joesph GoldbloomEditor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marvin GoldsmithTreasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robert SchimmelSecretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marge MorgoContributing Correspondent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry MessinaContributing Correspondent . . . . . . . .John Kuhlmann,Walter Fingerle Contributing Correspondent . . .Stanley Lewin, Anna-Maria SchueblerSociety Columnist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bambi R. SchimmelKruisin’ With Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathy SteinHoliday Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Theodore & Marge MorgoMemorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .email: [email protected] - Robert SteinCommercial Ads Subscription/Advertising . . . . . . . . .Robert SchimmelProduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lee Publications

Coordinator . . . . . . Larry PriceProduction Coordinator . . . . . . Jessica Mackay

518-673-0106 / email: [email protected] Jersey/So. PA Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Werner Graba

Per capita Lodge assessment subscription $3.50 per yearNon-member subscription $10.00 per yearThe deadlines for announcement and

article submission to our 2017

Ninth Manhattan

Masonic NewsJanuary 5th - Winter Issue / March 2nd - Spring Issue

May 4th - Summer Issue / July 20th - Roster IssueOctober 5th - Thanksgiving Issue

November 2nd - GREETINGS and Holiday Issue Kristas Rose SchneiderMichaela-Beate Miskiewicz with Mom & Dad

Nicole & Russel and Santa Erich Wagner

Lillian Schnase Memorial

Page 3: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth

Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 3

birthweight of 8 lbs. 12ounces and measuring20 ½ inches in length.To the entire family wesend our sincere con-gratulations.

The day was Novem-ber 13, 2016 when ourSchiller Brother, theR∴W∴ Kurt Ott wasbestowed the Honor of

DeMolay by being pre-sented with the Hon-orary Legion of Honoraward at a special cer-emony held at theSpartan Masonic Tem-ple in Baldwin in thepresence and supportof our Kurt wereR∴W∴ Peter Unfriedand Inge, R∴W∴

Robert Stein andKathy and R∴W∴ Wal-ter Fingerle and Diane.Congratulations dearKurt on this well-de-served recognition.

Our New Years Eveget-together, and howtruly special it wastook place at the pala-tial home of Sister In-

grid Wolf. Festivelydecorated inside andout, it was spectacularand only out-done bythe delicacies sheserved. Thank you In-grid and Helga and, aspromised, we will notmention your attach-ment to the deer.

The passers-bythought it was part ofthe décor, so we leaveit as that, okay?

Just a reminder, the(Grand Line) MasonicBreakfast date isMarch 5, 2017 at thefabulous Marina Del-Ray. A reminder toour organist StanleyPratnicki, keep yourinstrument oiled andready to entertain us.

Looking forward toour upcomingevents, signing offuntil then – B.

BAMBI from pg. 2

Phoenix Toth with SantaP. M. Sisters Circle Chorus

Kudos to the R∴W∴ Kurt OttFor his many years of service to Masonry and the Ninth Manhattan DistrictOn November 13th, our very own

R∴W∴ Kurt Ott, was awarded theHonorary Legion of Honor by the Or-der of DeMolay. The Public Investi-ture took place at the Baldwin Ma-sonic Hall and was followed by a cel-ebration dinner.

The Legion of Honor is the highestDegree and Honor conferred by theInternational Supreme Council ofthe Order of DeMolay. It is awardedin recognition of outstanding adultleadership in some field of endeavorthat serves God, Country, or Hu-manity. The Honorary Legion ofHonor is awarded to a Mason whohas not been a DeMolay, for unusu-al and meritorious service on behalfof DeMolay, or who has evidenced aspirit of cooperation and apprecia-tion for the Order of DeMolay. Awhite Cordon distinguishes an Hon-orary Legionnaire.

This honor was bestowed upon theR∴W∴ Ott in front of a packed house.Those of us present from the NobleNinth were proud of R∴W∴ Kurt as hewas ceremoniously given this award tohonor his many achievements andsupport of DeMolay and Masonry. Theritual and the ceremony were very im-pressive with its pageantry and wordsof dedication. Those of us present feltgreat pride that the R∴W∴ Kurt wasgiven this great honor.

Throughout the years, the R∴W∴Kurt Ott, has given continually and

selflessly of himself whenever he wascalled upon. When something need-ed to be done, Kurt took it upon him-self and would tackle anything headon. His knowledge of Masonry andthe workings of the Ninth ManhattanDistrict made him the go to person inall things. When in doubt, one needsonly to go to Kurt to find the answer.His service activities in this Districtare legionary and encompass theG.M.H.C., The Noble Ninth, Inc. andthe Tappan property.

Kurt first became active in the Ger-man Masonic Home Corporation in1976 as Statistical Secretary of theG.M.H.C. and he was responsible forthe Kleine Kasse. In those years, heattended the monthly board and orcommittee meetings that were held inthe Tappan Home on the last Sunday

of each month. This outreach wasfollowed by his election as SecondVice President in the G.M.H.C. whichmeant he was the Chairman of the15th Street Masonic Temple as well.He was elected as First Vice Presidentof the G.M.H.C. in the early 80's andbecame Chairman of the property inTappan. He was elected President ofthe G.M.H.C. in 1985 and served inthat capacity through 1987. There-after, he remained an active hands-onBoard member of the G.M.H.C. untilhe resigned in May 2012 when hewas elected as Grand Treasure of theGrand Lodge of the State of New York.

Kurt was a very busy man as hefollowed Hans Jannsen as Presidentof the newly formed The Noble Ninth,Inc. in the mid 90's. He was verybusy and extremely active in this po-

sition which he held until May 2015.He was also Chairman of the TappanPark and property beginning in1981. He has held this position forthe past thirty-five years and hasdone an outstanding job keeping thepark operating. Kurt was also thefirst Co-Chairman of the Trauben-fest and he became the sole Chair-man when R∴W∴ Werner Puck-haber stepped down.

As Chairman of Tappan since 1981,he forged alliances and acted as a liai-son and "ambassador of good will" tothe local community, the Vol. TappanFire Assoc., the Orangetown Police, theOrangetown Town Board, the Orange-town Day Care program, and in gener-al was the go-to trouble shooter when-ever a problem or issue arose. He gavegenerously of his time to workingclosely with outside organizations thathave rented the Park to ensure theirsuccess was also the Park's success.

It is with deep gratitude and muchappreciation that we thank theR∴W∴ Kurt Ott for his many contri-butions and years of service for hiscontinued dedication and devotionfor the betterment of Masonry in ourbeloved Noble Ninth District and inNew York State. It is through his ef-forts that this district remains one ofthe strongest Districts in the state.We wish Kurt good fortune as hecontinues his Masonic journey andreaches great heights.

Page 4: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth


Page 4 9th Masonic Manhattan News Winter 2017

Christmas around the Noble 9thBy Kevin Koeberl

The greeting "MerryChristmas" has becomesynonymous in the lexi-con of human interac-tion with that of an out-stretched hand or warmembrace, offering thewishes of peace, loveand goodwill towards allpeople. This significantseason was made evenmore memorable by theJewish Festival of lightsand Christmas Evealong with the first dayof Chanukah andChristmas day fallingsimultaneously. Takinga whirlwind tourthrough our Noble 9th

we see that the districtheld a robust schedulethroughout the holidayseason.

W:.Jay Francisco re-ports that the Brothersand Sisters of Knicker-bocker Lodge held theirparty at the WoodsideClubhouse whereBrother Bernard de laMerced serenaded theattendees. The Ameri-can Legion Hall inWhitestone hosted theHerder Family where itwas rumored byW:.Fred Jente thatOLAF the Snowmanhanded out gifts to allthe children. Worshipful

Master Brian Williamspresided over KingSolomon Beethoven’sDecember 21st meetingin exemplary fashion.After the Lodge’s busi-ness had been complet-ed R:.W:. Stanley Lewinrecounted that, in theLodge’s fine tradition,the Brothers met theirguests in the JacobeanRoom, at the GrandLodge building, to enjoya Festive Board. BrotherJoe Cutollo provided thedelicacies for theevening while Mike En-dick and his band pro-vided the entertain-ment.

The Allemania Sis-ters Circle hosted theirannual Christmas Par-

ty in Whitestone onDecember 17th, withthe ladies preparing adelicious spread astestified by their Mas-ter, Carl Strievski. Theafternoon was spentwith good cheer andtypical German gemut-lichkeit. December3rd, the WhitestoneTemple found itselffilled with attendees ofthe Copernicus Chil-dren’s Christmas Par-ty. Junior Past DistrictDeputy, Jerry Messina,tells us that 60 Broth-ers and Sisters as wellas 22 children of allages filled the collationroom. Brothers StanPratnicki and RichieWitthohn again enter-

tained the throngs ofrevelers with their mu-sical prowess. Withthree generations inattendance, Santa wassure to park his sledon the WhitestoneTemple roof. Specialthanks were extendedto Kelly Lackner for herwork in preparing theChristmas stockingsfor the kids.

The Lessing Fellow-craft Club hosted itsannual children’sChristmas Party inWhitestone on Decem-ber 4th. As with manyother lodges, a newgeneration of childrenfrolicked throughoutthe Temple, insuringthat no loose balloon

would be spared fromdestruction. R:.W:.Carter Dorzbacher wassure to adeptly engageall the children in con-versation so that Santawould be informed ontheir accomplishmentswhen dispersing thegifts. Zum Stammtischprovided the backdropfor the Lessing adultChristmas Party where40 Brothers andLadies rubbed shoul-ders in the party room,enjoying an evening offellowship.

Brother Edgar Colonreported that theBrothers of UhlandLodge in conjunctionwith the TemplarKnights MotorcycleClub, Low Twelve Rid-ers Masonic Bikers As-sociation, and Mem-bers of the Starling-Ci-gar Club provided 105Christmas Turkeysand well as toys forfamilies and childrenin a city shelter. Thetoys were providedthrough Brother JulioMateus and his MarineCorps unit as well as adonation from BrotherLouis Mercado. Thechildren’s smiles wereabundant with ourbeloved Mike Moriarityproviding the season’sPast Masters Sisters Circle sing Christmas carols at

the annual District Christmas Party

The DDGM and the Grand Steward with Ingeand Kathy at the District Christmas Party


Page 5: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth

Trinity Lodge #12 had anapron re-presentation forR∴W∴ Bob Stein on Sep-tember 20th at KismetShrine. There were a num-ber of past and presentGrand Line members in at-tendance as well as manyguests representing many ofthe different lodges and dis-tricts. It was a great night

for R∴W∴ Stein and TrinityLodge. Trinity lost one oftheir elder statesmen thisweek which brought a greatsadness to the brotherhood.R∴W∴ Rudy Feye had beena Trinity institution for manyyears and continued to be anactive member until he gaveup his working tools. Bro.Rudy was a 51 year Mason

and was the District Deputyin 1971-1972. After a shortlodge meeting on October18th, the lodge was open toladies and guests as a me-morial service was held tohonor the R∴W∴ Rudy Feye.It was very well attendedwhich demonstrated theplace of respect that BrotherRudy held amongst hispeers. His wise words, ad-vice and kindness will begreatly missed by his Broth-ers, friends and family.Trinity Lodge would like togive a shout out to their Sec-retary, Bob Quaglio, as he isrecovering from recent sur-gery. We wish him a speedyrecovery and look forward tohis return to the meetings.The Trinity Dinner Dancewas held on October 29th inCaptain Bill’s. The room wasdecorated in the beautifulwarm colors of autumn withmum bushes adorning everytable. The Halloween spiritpermeated the room andthere was definitely a feelingof celebration in the air.

The ladies of the Past Mas-ters Sisters Circle were hon-ored at the Past Mastersladies appreciation brunchat Captain Bill’s at the startof the new Masonic year.This is always a great way tobegin the Masonic season

enabling members to reuniteafter their busy summersand reconnect as the manyfunctions and obligationsbegin. The sisters kept verybusy manning the bigkitchen at the Traubenfestduring this year’s festival.The menu was different forthe sisters this year whichcertainly changed things upa bit for them. Things wentfairly well but they wishedthey had more pigs knucklesto fill the many requests theyhad for them. The sistersalso reported that there weremany requests for mashedpotatoes. The Traubenfesthad approximately 2000 vis-itors this year and thecloudy, dreary weather earlyin the day may have keptsome people from venturing

out. The attendance wasdown which may have effect-ed the proceeds.

The Warden’s Acquain-tance Party was held at theJagerhaus in Whitestone. Itwas a very nice affair and thefood was plentiful and deli-cious. Everyone that was inattendance had a really nicetime. It would be great ifmore of the Masters andWardens would come out tosupport these events. Manyof your Brothers put in a lotof time organizing these gettogethers and it would begreat to have more participa-tion from the members.

Copernicus Lodge hadtheir District Deputy visita-tion in October. Congratula-tions to the Master, W∴ JoeLackner, on his first DDnight. He did a great job.Congratulations to S∴W∴Jeff Maurer for receiving hisMaster’s Chair and MasonicDevelopment Course certifi-cation. The Brothers ofCopernicus recently lostBro. Uwe Enke as he layeddown his working tools. Hewas a true gentlemen andwill be missed by his manyfriends. Bro. Fritz Reimen-

Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 5

cheer as Santa Claus.The Christmas season gives us an opportunity

to take time out of our chaotic and hectic sched-ules, where we can reflect and contemplate thethings around us which we sometimes overlook.We see that the spirit of Santa Claus is strong, vi-brant and all around us. The selflessness of San-ta Claus existed in the hearts of those magnifi-cent 343 firefighters who perished on that fatefulSeptember 11th day; the love of Santa Claus inthe police and first responders who aid and con-tinue to assist so many in our communities

throughout the year; we see the dedication ofSanta Claus in that lonely soldier who stands apost in the mountains of Afghanistan far from hishome and family; the compassion of Santa Clausin the brother who spends an afternoon with anelderly friend or relative.

We know that Santa Claus is not a fictionalcharacter but a living breathing being. SantaClaus was at the heart and soul of DetectiveSteven McDonald, a man we lost on January10th, a man who gave the gift of inspiration to anentire generation and taught us how to love and

to forgive under the most difficult of situationsand impossible of circumstances.

As the holiday season has passed we renewand continue to pursue that spirit of SantaClaus; that spirit of peace on earth and goodwilltowards all men, that spirit which exists allaround us. We are continually reassured thatbest in humanity oftentimes is exhibited duringthe most difficult of times. As Freemasons ourgreatest labors find their origin in our hearts;hearts that we seek to fill with the spirit of San-ta Claus.


NEWS from 1

Uhland Lodge presents the District Deputy GMand the Grand Steward with

the traditional Guayabera ShirtsDistrict Deputy and Honor Night for Von Mensch

Allemanis Lodge celebrates Thanksgiving Dinner


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schneider did a great job of-ficiating at Brother Uwe’sMasonic service.

Weiland Lodge held its Dis-trict Deputy visitation in lateSeptember which was fairlywell attended. It was nice tosee many of the Brotherscome out to support Wei-land.

Lessing Lodge held itsAwards Night and honored anumber of its brothers. Dis-trict Deputy Grand MasterR∴W∴ Peter G. Unfried, theGrand Steward R∴W∴Robert Stein along with theMaster of Lessing Lodge, W∴Glenn Opperman presentedBro. Walter Kohler with his50 year apron and 50 yearpin. Brother Helmut Weissalso received his 50 yearApron and his 50 year pin.W∴ Robert Hoefferle, Jr.Past Master, received hisPast Masters apron and theW∴ Glenn Opperman waspresented with the AssistantGrand Lecturer’s apron.

Brother Bring a FriendNight was also held at theend of September. This is agreat way to introduce per-spective applicants to Ma-sonry and I would encouragemore Brothers to take part inthis yearly event. It was dis-appointing to see only a fewBrothers in attendance. Re-member, this is your Broth-erhood and it is up to eachone of us to encourage mem-bership to keep our districtstrong.

The Masonic Yacht Clubheld its first meeting of thenew calendar year and it waswell attended by members

and First Mates. The annualland cruise to the east end ofLong Island took place on Oc-tober 15th. An early startmeant that we could stop forhomemade pies and goodies

at Brieremere Farms. Therewas also time to stop formums and vegetables at He-lens flower Farms. It was agreat day and you should planto be on this cruise next year.

Lessing Lodge #608 hasbeen very busy and active inthe district. R∴W∴ PeterUnfried the DDGM was theguest of honor at his apronrecommission on September8th. It was great to see somany Brothers come out toshow their support for theDistrict Deputy and it wasespecially good to see thePast Grand Master theR∴W∴ Jim Sullivan. Con-gratulations to Brother Fred-die Jente of Herder Lodge#698, on the many races hehas run to support manywonderful causes. He re-cently ran a race in Hawaiiand combined it with a beau-tiful vacation. R∴W∴ EricJacobs recently returned

from yet another trip to Octo-berfest in Germany. Congrat-ulations also to his parentsR∴W∴ Heinz Jacobs and hislovely wife Ursula on their re-cent anniversary.

Allemania Lodge’s W∴Master Carl Strievski waspresented with his certificatefor completing the MastersChair course. He was alsopresented with his certificatefor completing the Road tothe East course. Theseclasses are very important tofurther your Masonic educa-tion so watch the district cal-endar for upcoming classes.

Please keep Brother RolfPoetsch of Socrates Lodge inyour prayer. He is in thehospital and prayers andhugs are appreciated.Brother Karl Hank of HerderLodge also can use ourprayers. He has good daysand bad days so let’s keephim in our thoughts. Please

keep W∴ Robert Quaglio ofTrinity and Allemania inyour prayers as he is recov-ering from recent surgeryand R∴W∴ Borbeck of Alle-mania Lodge as he recoversfrom his knee replacement.

The Masonic education inthe Ninth Manhattan Dis-trict continues at a rapidrate. In June, there was aMaster’s Chair class thatwas very well attended.R∴W∴ Bob Stein with theassistance of R∴W∴ GeorgDauterman, recently con-ducted a Masonic Develop-ment Course. It was verysuccessful as many mem-bers of the District complet-ed the course. These class-es are a great source of in-formation for those brothersseeking to move up the lineas well as those who havegone through the chairs.

NEWS from 5

King Solomon Beethoven District Deputyvisitation and awards

King Solomon Beethoven Festive Board

Lessing Lodge recognizes an Eagle Scout NEWS 7

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NEWS from 5

Bro. Georg and I continue to learn new things aswe give these classes. Continuing your Masoniceducation is important for all brothers and Istrongly encourage anyone who has not takenthese classes to do so. In October, the districthosted a Northstar program class which was wellattended. Many brothers from multiple lodgestook the class and became certified. Members ofour district are encouraged to take this class. Thisis a new program under the guidance of our GMJeffrey Williamson and the Grand Master wouldlike to see at least two brothers from each lodgebecome certified. Please consider joining the nextclass when the date becomes available. A class tolearn the MORI system is in the works and hope-fully information on this will be available soon.

The District is asking for donations of older Ma-sonic paraphernalia such as old Charity Balljournals, souvenir glasses, plates and such from

past Charity Balls, and special Lodge Anniversarycelebrations. They are also looking for old DistrictBooks and older R∴W∴ Aprons. If you have anyof these items and you are willing to donate themto be displayed in the cases at Whitestone, pleasecontact R∴W∴ Peter Unfried, District DeputyGrand Master.

The Brothers and Sisters of the Ninth Manhat-tan should be commended for their continuedgood works and dedication to the Masonic frater-nity. Their willingness to give of themselves iswhat continues to make the Ninth ManhattanDistrict strong.

Brother-Bring-A-Friend Night 2016By Bro. Jerry Messina

On September 29,the Ninth ManhattanDistrict hosted the an-nual Brother-bring-A-Friend Night in White-stone Temple. In atten-dance were thirteenmen seeking informa-tion regarding whatour Fraternity is aboutas well as the pathnecessary for member-ship

For centuries,

Freemasonry wasthought of as a “secretsociety” reserved for aselect group of men.This veil of secrecy hadan adverse effect uponmembership. In recentyears Freemasonry hasevolved into a fraterni-ty that welcomes andencourages men to vis-it our Lodge rooms onspecial meeting nightsdedicated to providinginformation to men

having an interest inour fraternity.

The Grand Lodge ofNew York, in an effortto attract new mem-bers, requires Lodgesin the State to planthese informationalmeetings in their indi-vidual Lodges. In addi-tion to individualLodges hosting Bring aFriend meetings, theNinth Manhattan Dis-trict takes this require-

ment one step furtherby hosting this eventcombining all thirteenLodges in the district.

During the districtmeeting, Chairman,Bro. Joe Kemmet (608)gave an informationaltalk on the history ofFreemasonry and howa man may benefitfrom membership. Inaddition to several in-spirational videos pre-sented to the visitors,

RW Lawrence Wund,RW Mike Moriarty, andI were asked to speakabout the impact Ma-sonry has had on ourown personal lives. Af-ter thanking all fortheir participation,Bro. Kemmet askedthe prospective Broth-ers to introduce them-selves giving a brief ex-planation of what in-spired them to seek in-formation about

Freemasonry. I was en-couraged to meet sev-eral of our visitors thefollowing Sunday inTappan helping theLodges during ourTraubenfest.

The district thanksBrother Joe Kemmet(608) and Brother MikeKromar (608) for theirgenerous personal do-nation providing din-ner and refreshmentsfor the evening.



Compliments of Village Delicatessen






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Past Masters Sister CircleThe Sisters of the

Past Master’s SisterCircle have been busy.They continue to sup-port the Past Masters,the lodges of the dis-trict and their charitiesthrough their goodworks and donations.The Sisters ended theirvery busy year withtheir annual Christ-mas Party at theWhitestone temple. Afull house of Brothersand Sisters turned outto take part in the fes-tivities. The music wasprovided by FrankRapiano who played avariety of differenttunes and there wasdancing and merri-

ment. The sisters sangtraditional carols bothin German and in Eng-lish. Their joyoussinging and enthusi-asm helped all to re-member the true rea-son for the season.

Under the leadershipof their President, Irm-gard Barth, the Sistersended their very busyyear. In keeping withtradition, the sistersdecorated the tableswith beautiful Poinset-tias which alwaysmakes the room so fes-tive. As in past years,the tree was beautifuland Inge and Peter, to-gether with Irmgardand Harry Barth did a

beautiful job decorat-ing it. Many of theGerman traditionswere kept alive withthe choice of music,food and drink. TheGluhwein is a holidaytradition that the sis-ters always enjoy and anumber of batches hadto be made to replen-ish the quickly empt-ing crock pot.

The sisters wouldlike to thank the PastMasters for their con-tinued supportthroughout the year byproviding the bever-ages for their meetingsand particularly dur-ing the Christmas fes-tivities.

The Sisters wouldlike to thank IrmgardBarth for her dedicatedand tireless efforts onbehalf of the SistersCircle. After threeyears of successfullyleading the sisters, Ir-mgard has decided topass the gavel. Herleadership will begreatly missed but weknow that she willgladly lend a handwhen she is calledupon. She has donean awesome job ofleading the sisters andspearheading the or-ganization. It is withsincere gratitude andappreciation that weaccept the gavel and

let her retire.Please mark your

calendars for the Chi-nese Auction which isquickly approaching.This year’s activity willtake place on February25 and is the biggestfund raiser that thePast Masters Sistersdirect. We have been

fortunate to raiseenough money in pastyears to support threecharities with sizabledonations. Please sup-port the sisters withyour attendance at thisfun evening. It usuallysells out so it would beadvisable to put yourreservation in early.


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In MemoriamBro. Gustave Reifenkugel ...Schiller Lodge #304Bro. Siegfried Harisch.........Schiller Lodge #304Bro. Uwe Enke..............Copernicus Lodge #545RW Rudy Feye........................Trinity Lodge #12RW Werner Graba.........Allemania Lodge #740Sister Rose Sieb ...................Schiller Lodge #304

Please send all Memorial notices toBob Stein at [email protected]

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Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 9

Lessing-Whitestone Visits Lessing-PassaicBy Glenn Opperman

After approximately a yearand a half in the works I amdelighted to say that eightbrothers of Lessing Lodge#608, and 2 from HarmonyLodge #199, had the privilegeof traveling to Rutherford,New Jersey to visit Lessing-Passaic Lodge #67 on Tues-day, June 21st, 2016.

As we arrived at the Lodgewe were immediately greet-ed with a warm welcome bytheir Secretary, Bro. RobertStajek, followed by theirWorshipful Master, W:. Ken-neth Adams.

The evening began withus witnessing them conferthe First Degree on one oftheir candidates. After thedegree, I was escorted to theEast where, as WorshipfulMaster, I introduced oureight Lessing Brothers inattendance and I had thehonor of presenting W:.Kenneth Adams with our

150th Anniversary LessingBijou. In turn I was pre-sented with a lapel pinwhich they had made tocommemorate their 150thanniversary which was cele-brated 1 year earlier.

We conversed and shareda hearty collation with ourfellow Brothers. To end theevening, Lessing-Passaicsang “Ein Prosit” to us fol-lowed by our brotherssinging a hearty “Hoch SollSie Leben” in our true Less-ing fashion.

We would like to thankLessing-Passaic for welcom-ing us into their lodge.What a truly wonderful ex-perience it was for us tomeet the Brothers and to bea part of their evening. Thetrip proved that no matterwhat district or in whatstate our Lodges reside in,we are all Brothers. We lookforward to seeing themagain in the near future.

50th Anniversary CruiseGottfried and Anna-Maria Schuebler

celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniver-sary with their family on a cruise to theBahamas. The weather in New York wasmuch too cold for a November day, butsoon the temperature and the moodslifted and the 7 day cruise was a lovelyway to celebrate this impressive mile-stone. We took an airboat ride and mar-veled at the bald eagles, alligators andseabirds we saw in abundance. In Nas-

sau we tried to solve the mysteries of At-lantis and enjoyed the water rapids andslides. We celebrated Thanksgiving witha traditional turkey dinner and all thetrimmings – and this time no shoppingand no preparations involved – nice tojust take a seat and enjoy the meal andthe service. The journey was over muchtoo soon but the memories will last along time.

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Gone are the colorfulleaves floating gentlyto the ground replacedby father Winter’sstone cold grip. Oneday sees record lowtemperatures followedclosely behind byrecord warm ones. Itis easy to understandwhy everyone is underthe weather. Theskies have been rela-tively snow free andthe snow gods havebeen good to us hav-ing kept beautifulsnowflakes tuckedaway in the heavens.Now if we can just getby for another sixweeks...the warmth ofSpring will startcreeping in.

The last meeting ofthe Masonic YachtClub was held at theLandmark Restaurantin Roslyn. Approxi-mately twenty fivemembers and FirstMates enjoyed a deli-cious meal while plan-ning the activities thatlie ahead. We saygoodbye to our snow-birds as they leave ourfair shores to bask inthe warmth of theFlorida sun. Theyseem to be leavingearlier and earlier toseek refuge from thecold. We will keepthem in our thoughtsand see them againwhen Mr. Winter liesdown to sleep. Bettyand Karl Hank, Boband Cookie Donnelly,Anthony and KathyBoccabella are just afew who are fortunateenough to headSouth.

The nomination

committee, chaired byEd Mittendorf, wasasked to canvas thebridge officers and de-termine who will re-main in their posi-tions for the secondyear. Ed does a greatjob keeping things inorder and settingeverything into place.He is a real asset toour club and we thankhim for working sodiligently. The Ma-sonic Yacht Club web-site is going to be up-dated so make sureyour suggestions forthe site are heard. Allsuggestions to im-prove the site are al-ways welcomed andyou are encouraged tobring your ideas to thenext meeting. This isa great opportunity foryou to utilize your cre-ativity. You could giveyour ideas to a BridgeOfficer if you do notwant to wait for thenext meeting.

We decided to sup-port the Rainbow girlsonce again and theMYC purchased an adfor their annual jour-nal. Many of the indi-vidual members alsopurchased boosters atthe last meeting whichwill also appear in theRainbow Girls jour-nal. The MasonicYouth are very impor-tant to the MYC andwe now support theRainbow Girls as wellas Camp Turk. TheMasonic Youth of to-day are our Masonicleaders of tomorrow soour youth organiza-tions are important toour Masonic Yacht

Club. With this inmind, we would like toplan some activitiesthat will benefit theMasonic young peo-ple. Put your thinkingcaps on and bringyour ideas to the nextmeeting of the club.

The Masonic YachtClub has some activi-ties coming up. We al-ways have our Ac-quaintance Party inthe Spring and it isscheduled this yearfor March 25th. It willbe held at CaptainBill’s and we usuallyhave a Saint Patrick’sDay theme. If anyoneis interested in know-ing more about theyacht Club and thebenefits of member-ship, this would be agreat time to get toknow us. Member-ship is extremely inex-pensive and there aremany perks with yourmembership. Here isa brief history of theMasonic Yacht Club tofamiliarize you withthe Club.

History of theMasonic Yacht ClubIn the spring of

1958, a group of nau-tical minded Mason’s,gathered together andestablished a MasonicBoat Club. The firstCommodore was Wal-ter Priace and theirmeetings were held atthe Hotel Astor. Fromthis very small begin-ning, our membershiphas grown to includemembers from all overthe globe. Since itsinception, all Masonswere welcome to at-

tend and to bring theirwives and friends. Allof the clubs businessand finances weretaken care of by theOfficers and Board ofGovernors, and thensubmitted to themembership for theapproval and vote.This system made themeeting very pleasantnot only for the Ma-sons but for theirLady’s as well.

On September 20,1958, CommodoreWalter Priace led thefirst sea going trip.More than 12 boats,all commanded byMasonic skippers,sailed from the Hud-son River through theRockaway’s to SandyHook. The seas wererough but all arrivedsafe and on time withtheir distinguishedguests, M∴W∴ NathanTurk, R∴W∴ WilliamRose, and his son, W.Charles Estey.

The Mason YachtClub was formed thatSpring. On January30, 1959, The NewYork World Telegramand Sun stated thatMason sailors hadformed a club. Theycame together withfamilies, friends andtheir ladies to formthis club and you didnot have to have aboat or be a skipper tobecome a member.The W∴ Carl Terjungwrote their communi-cations and becametheir editor and hiswife, Lady Rose, didthe typing and gavethe communication aprofessional look.

Under the Fellow-ship program, there isan active club knownas the Masonic YachtClub, whose incorpo-ration has been ap-proved by the GrandLodge of New York. Wewere granted a charterand since then wehave had many ren-dezvous throughoutthe New York andLong Island areas.

Today, we still sailthe seven seas having

increased our mem-bership to includebrothers nationwidein states such as Cali-fornia, Louisiana,Florida, Vermont andmany others. We arealso international aswe have membersfrom other countriessuch as St. Thomas,Germany, and France.

Today, we have theaddition of dedicatedservices of the mem-ber’s lady’s known asthe First Mates Club.They offer supportand help wheneverneeded. The MasonicYacht Club is part ofthe Yachting Clubs ofAmerica, which af-fords the Membersreciprocity with otheryacht clubs. AnyMaster Mason in goodstanding is entitled tobecome a member ofthe Masonic YachtClub.

The Masonic YachtClub is a YachtingClub of America mem-ber listed in the Regis-ter of American YachtClubs and on theYCA’s Website. OurClub’s burgee is alsoregistered in the YCA’sburgee RegistrationDivision establishingour Club’s ownershipand certifies ourClub’s design. As amember of the Mason-ic Yacht Club, you aregranted all the privi-leges of an YCA mem-ber. You will receive aspecial reciprocalcourtesy Card, whichentitles you to utilizeother clubs facilities.The YCA is “The Old-est Existing YachtClub Register in

America.” YCA has aYACHTING INFOLINE at: Whenyou visit their site youwill see a listing forour club.

Today, the MasonicYacht Club enjoys andhosts many eventsand outings. OurOpening Day Cere-monies include funfor all ages. We havemagic shows, clowns,face painting for thechildren as well enter-tainment, great foodand drink and cama-raderie for the adults.We host DinnerDances and other so-cial events. We spon-sor many fun activi-ties like our landcruises to AtlanticCity and the East endof Long Island for ourannual winery tourand dinner.

Most importantly,we continue to dogood works such assponsoring and par-ticipating in the an-nual Jones BeachBreast Cancer Walk,donating the boatsand life jackets toCamp Turk, andsponsoring the annu-al Great Sailboat Raceat Camp Turk.

For those out therethat are interested inlearning more aboutus, come to The Land-mark Grill in Roslynfor our next meeting.For more informationor directions, call PastCommodore, R∴W∴

Bob Stein, at 631-422-6559. New shipmatesare always encouragedto attend. Boaters andnon-boaters alike, we

Page 10 9th Masonic Manhattan News Winter 2017

Kruisin’ 11

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Page 11: Ninth Manhattan District - News/MASONIC... · speed up the recovery process. A bit delayed, but yet so very special, PMSC Secy Ellen Toth

Winter 2017 9th Masonic Manhattan News Page 11Kruisin’ from 10

Welcome You Aboard!Once again, if you

would like to get toknow us rememberthat our annual ac-quaintance Party willbe on March 25th atCaptain Bill’s. It willbe a fun evening as wecelebrate St. Patrick’sDay with Masonic ca-maraderie. It will bean evening of goodfood, good music andgood friend – both oldand new.

Also coming up isthe annual landcruise to Atlantic Citywhich is in April. Thishas proven to be avery successful outingand enjoyed by every-one that has traveledwith us. We alwayshave as much fun onthe bus as we do inthe casino or on the

Boardwalk. There isplenty of food, liquidrefreshment, and en-tertainment to keepone occupied for boththe trip down and thetrip home.

Congratulations toBea and Oscar Garciaof Trinity Lodge #12on the purchase of ahome in CamelotWoods. It is in a love-ly section in upstateNew York and theyhave been enjoying iton weekends whenthey are able to. Rickand Barbara Wit-thohn’s were veryhappy to host theirentire family for theChristmas holiday.They will be travelingupstate with all theChildren and Grand-children for the Feb-ruary break from

school and are lookingforward to everyonebeing together. Con-gratulations to CathyWithjack as she con-tinues to get better asshe practices at thepistol range. PerhapsPaul is creating amonster!

The next meeting ofthe Masonic YachtClub will be on at theLandmark Grill inRoslyn. The meetingbegins at 7:30 anddinner and the meet-ing is usually over by9:30. If anyone is in-terested in learningmore about the YachtClub feel free to joinus and find out first-hand what the club isabout and how we op-erate. We are alwayshappy to have visitorsjoin us. This is theonly Masonic groupthat includes womanas First Mates and arepresent at the meet-ings. Their input isnot only encouragedbut greatly appreciat-ed. For more informa-tion feel free to callBob Stein at 631-422-6559.

Our Commodore,Jeff Arist and the PastCommodores welcomeall suggestions fornew activities or howto improve existingones. Everyone’s in-put is not only wel-comed but stronglyencouraged. This isyour club and we en-courage participationby all its members.Our Commodore andthe Bridge will consid-er all suggestions andlooks forward to hear-

ing from you. Our Treasurer, Al-

bert Li of TrinityLodge, was proud towelcome a new grand-daughter, Cyan. Wecongratulate him andhis daughter Erica onthe new edition to thefamily. Congratula-tions are also in orderas Bro. Albert was ap-pointed by the GrandMaster, M∴W∴ JefferyM. Williamson, as amember of the GrandLodge Pay of Membersand RepresentativesCommittee effectiveimmediately. BrotherAlbert has been hav-ing issues with hisback. We miss himwhen he is unable toattend our meetingsand we want him toknow that he ismissed and always inour thoughts.

Brother Dan Rosen-feld, Trinity Lodge,looks great and is feel-ing awesome. It is sonice to see him smil-ing and feeling somuch better. Pleasekeep Bro. Vinny Savo-ca in your prayers. Hecontinues to makegreat strides as he re-covers from a majorstroke. He has a greatattitude and is doingawesome.

Caroline Dunne, asister of TrinityLodge’s Sister Circle,daughter of Past Com-modore Chris Dunneand First Mate LuannDunne, and Grand-daughter of Past Com-modore Bob Stein andFirst Mate Kathy wasscheduled to studyabroad in Sweden this

semester. There wasan issue with her Visaand it was not issuedin time so she was un-able to leave with herfellow classmates. AsI am writing this, weare waiting to hearfrom the embassy.Hopefully, the issuewill be resolved in aday or two and shewill be living in Swe-den as you are read-ing this.

We send special wellwishes to AnthonyBoccabella and hislovely wife Cathy. An-thony hasn’t beenfeeling well and wewant him to know heis always in ourthoughts and prayers.We continue to re-member Olga Ernst asshe continues to re-cover from her ail-ments.

Brothers Fred andRich Stein, TrinityLodge, were scheduledto go to Jackson Holefor their annual skitrip. Unfortunately,the trip this year hasto be cancelled andrescheduled.

Congratulations toEllen Toth, WeilandLodge, as she cele-brates her son, Alex’s,graduation from Itha-ca. Alex is looking for-ward to performingwhich is his first love.Also, congratulationsto Ellen as she has be-come a first timeGrandmother. We sentour condolences toR∴W∴ David MacDow-ell on the passing ofhis sister. Ourthoughts and prayersare with David andAmy at this difficulttime.

The Masonic YachtClub is registered withYachting Club ofAmerica and is listedin their ReciprocityGuide. The MYC isalso listed on theYCA’s Website. As amember of the Mason-ic Yacht Club, you au-tomatically become amember of YCA, the

oldest existing YachtClub organization inAmerica. A ReciprocalCourtesy Card will bemailed to you withyour membershipwhich entitles you tothe use of the facilitiesof all member clubs.One of the perks of be-ing a member of theMYC is the ReciprocityCard. Some of themembers reportedthat they have used itrecently and receivedgreat discounts. Theyreported that it can beused in numerousplaces and they notonly were able to pur-chase dinner at manyYacht Clubs but theyalso received large dis-counts for their boats.This included the firstnight free forovernight stays, andreduced prices forboat dockage. I haveenjoyed wonderfulevenings and greatfood at a variety ofclubs on Long Island.It is a pleasure to beable to utilize the reci-procity benefit for aspecial evening out ata beautiful locationthat is not a publicvenue.

The Masonic YachtClub and its FirstMates Club is for nau-tically minded individ-uals who enjoy anevening out withfriends. You do nothave to be a boat own-er to enjoy and benefitfrom membership inthis organization.Please attend one ofour meetings to expe-rience what we areabout. For those outthere that are inter-ested in learning moreabout us, come to ournext meeting. Formore information ordirections, call BobStein at 631-422-6559. New shipmatesare always encour-aged to attend.Boaters and non-boaters alike, we Wel-come You Aboard!


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Page 12 9th Masonic Manhattan News Winter 2017

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District Deputy VisitationsJanuary 25th – Wednesday – Herder Lodge #698 – WhitestoneFebruary 8th – Thursday – Lessing Lodge #608 – Whitestone

District Social Functions & Dinner DancesJanuary 28th – Saturday – Allemania Lodge #740 – Kale Dinner – Plattduetsche

March 3rd – Friday – Warden’s Dinner Dance - Pompeii RestaurantMarch 25th – Saturday – Yacht Club Dinner Dance – Captain Bills Bay Shore

April 1st – Saturday – Lessing Lodge 151st Anniversary Ball – Russo’s on the BayAPRIL 8TH – Von Mensch – Schlachtfest Kismet Shrine – Hicksville 7PM – 10PM

German Masonic Charitable Foundation Inc.ANNUAL MEETING

Sunday – March 19th – 2 PMWhitestone Masonic Hall

Masonic Breakfast –Sunday, March 5th – Marina Del Ray

Forget Me Not Lunch – Sunday, April 23rd Plattduetsche Park Restaurant - 1PM – 5PM

Blood Bank Drive –Friday, March 24th – 3:30 PM – 8:30 PMWhitestone Masonic Hall

March 30th – Thursday– Grand Lecturer’s Convention– Whitestone 7:30 PM– 9:30 PM

Lodge of Instruction / Drama Presentation

Wednesday, May 31st – 7PM – 10PMWhitestone Masonic Hall

Road to the East – March 9th – 7 PM

March 11th 12 noon –Whitestone Masonic Hall

The Masters Association ofthe Ninth Manhattan District presents their

Annual Charity BallSaturday, April 22nd – The Inn at New Hyde Park

Grand Lodge Communication At 23rd Street – Monday, May 1st and

Tuesday, May 2nd Grand Master’s Reception and Dinner

At Russo’s by the Bay - Monday, May 1st

February 25th –Past Masters Sister Circle Chinese Auction

Saturday 6 PM Whitestone

Noble Ninth Inc.Annual Meeting Sunday, May 21st - 2 PM-

5PMWhitestone Masonic Hall