nl agency-workshop-biomass-projects-tanzania-september-2010

Agro Pecuária de Manica Lda Project partners: Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 1 Project ‘Towards Sustainability Certification of Jatropha Biofuels in Mozambique’ Matthias Spöttle – Jatropha Alliance, project manager Peter Vissers – Partners for Innovation, senior partner Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010, Moshi, Tanzania Project co-financed by:

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Agro Pecuária de Manica Lda

Project partners:

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 1

Project ‘Towards Sustainability Certification of Jatropha

Biofuels in Mozambique’

Matthias Spöttle – Jatropha Alliance, project manager

Peter Vissers – Partners for Innovation, senior partner

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010, Moshi, Tanzania

Project co-financed by:

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Project objective

� To build up knowledge for future certification of Jatropha bio-

Project ‘Towards sustainability certification of Jatropha bio-

fuels in Mozambique’

What is the aim of this project?

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 2

� To build up knowledge for future certification of Jatropha bio-

fuels through a benchmark pilot sustainability assessment,

using existing sustainability criteria frameworks


� 1 Oct 2009 – 30 Nov 2010

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Why this project?

� Fulfilling sustainability criteria has become a market requirement for


� Jatropha industry has little experience with sustainability standards

Reasons for the project:

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 3

� Advanced government policy on biofuels

� Existing cooperation with 3 Jatropha Alliance members having

operations in Mozambique

� Suitability of Mozambican situation, soils, climate, population

density, availability of unused cultivable land >

to grow Jatropha

Reasons for Mozambique as the country of choice:

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What is the approach and planning of the project?

2009 2010Project activity Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3/Q4

1. Review sustainability standards + methodology X

2. Regional embedding X X X X

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 4

3. Data collection and compilation X

4. Sustainability assessment X

5. Interaction with European institutions X

6. Dissemination within Jatropha Industry X

7. Project management X X X X

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Review sustainability standardsReview and Pre-selection for Multi- criteria analysis

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 5

>> Analysis of 11 sustainability standards

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Review sustainability standardsMulti – criteria analysis of selected standards

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 6

Scoring for criteria 1 to 4: 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high Scoring for criteria 5 to 7: 0 = low, 2 = medium, 4 = high

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Review sustainability standardsMain standards for the pilot sustainability assessment

� Fits the most with the needs of the companies and the sector, as its

is supposed to become the important standard for biofuels.

� Covers all sustainability issues

Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels Version 1 (RSB):

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 7

� Covers all sustainability issues

� Developed activites towards a Jatropha-specific variant

Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO):

• Has proven its success since 2 years of operation

• Provides clear guidance on carbon calculations

Supporting standard for Greenhouse Gas Emmissions

>> Questionaires for each standard for the assessment

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Data collection3 Jatropha growing plantations are involved

Company Province Location Actual size


Target size


Former Land Use

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 8

M1 Elaion Africa Lda Sofala Dondo 65ha 65 ha Bush-Savanna, charcoal


M2 Sun Biofuels

Mozambique SA

Manica Chimoio 2,000 ha 10,000 ha Tobacco

M3 Agro Pecuaria de

Manica Lda

Manica Gondola 40ha 40 ha Farm land, probably


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Pilot sustainability assessment Exemplary gap analysis against RSB (1/2)


� Answers within the RSB questionaire and provided documents are

assessed and score points are given for the following grades:

1. Adequate: Sufficient proof to pass RSB criteria

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 9

1. Adequate: Sufficient proof to pass RSB criteria

2. Needs Improvement: Very close to adequate, but something is


3. Needs Significant Improvement: Huge amount of work needed

for improvement

4. Not covered: No info obtained for this areas

5. Not applicable

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Pilot sustainability assessment Exemplary gap analysis against RSB (2/2)




10P1 Legality

P2 Planning, monitoring, cont. improvement

P3 Greenhouse gasesP11 Technology

P12 Land rights

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 10




P4 Human and labor rights

P5 Rural and local development

P6 Food security

P7 Conservation

P8 Soil

P9 Water

P10 Air

>> In this case the company would fail to meet RSB criteria

GAP scores against RSB:10: adequate8: needs improvement5: needs significant improvement0: not covered

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Pilot sustainability assessment Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stage Parameter

1 Jatropha Cultivation Fertilizer input, Diesel use, Pesticide input, Crop


2 Seed Transport Truck

3 Crushing of Jatropha seeds Plant yield, electricity used

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 11

4 Oil Transport Rail, Ship

5 Transesterification Biodiesel yield, Electricity used, Natural Gas,

Additions,Glycerol, Potassium Sulphate

6 Biodiesel Transport Truck

7 Blending depot Electricity used

8 Blended Biodiesel Transport Truck

9 Fuel Filling Station Electricity used

10 Land Use Change Status of the land in January 2008 (RED)

>> Assessing the carbon for the whole biodiesel chain

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Pilot sustainability assessment Greenhouse Gas Emissions of other Chains








J fu



Figures of othercrops are EuropeanCommision default


Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 12













Jatropha D1 Oils

Jatropha RTFO default

Waste oil Palm oil Sunflower Rape seed

Soy bean Palm oil Diesel


G e





g C


% shows GHG savings compared to fossile fuel


Land use change isnot included here

Input of fertilisers isa main contributorto GHG emissions

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Recommendations for companies aiming for sustainability assessment (preliminary) (1/2)

1. In the business set-up and land acquisition stage:

a. Ask a competent institute to do a comprehensive ESIA

b. Carry out a thorough stakeholder consultation process (avoid

minimalistic approach) and document it continously

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 13

minimalistic approach) and document it continously

c. Assess the carbon stock of the land before acquisition

d. Make sure your business plan is realistic and viable in the long

run (avoid that it is based on grants...)

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Recommendations for companies aiming for sustainability assessment (preliminary) (2/2)

2. In the business operation stage:

a. Install good operation practices (as all professional businesses)

b. Adopt a ESMP and keep it updated

c. Monitor ESMP implementation closely, document related

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 14

c. Monitor ESMP implementation closely, document related

activities meticulously (photos, records, inspections reports etc.)

d. Master your GHG impact as well as the carbon finance rules

e. Obtain your sustainability certificate

3. For companies considering sustainability certification:

a. Contact us ! (we are there to help you to make the right

choices, on the basis of self assessment or quick GAP analysis)

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Next steps

1. September: Finalise sustainability assessments.

2. Oktober: Workshop with the three companies in Mozambique

3. November: Finalise reports and fed back results into RSB and EU

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 15

3. November: Finalise reports and fed back results into RSB and EU


4. Overall: Develop further projects to support Jatropha industry

We offer capacity bulding in sustainability

assessments to all interested Jatropha players!

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Thank you for your attention!See our sustainability special on !

Jatropha Alliance

Matthias Spöttle

Project Manager

c/o GEXSI, Brunnenstraße 192

D-10119 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 (30) 4000 4764-0

[email protected]

Sustainable Access to Sustainable Energy, 27 September 2010 , Moshi, Tanzania © Jatropha Alliance 2010 16

[email protected]

Partners for Innovation BV

Peter Vissers

Senior Partner

Cruquiusweg 20

1019 AT Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Phone +31 (20) 6200511

[email protected]

(Workers at the Sun Biofuels plantation, having finished their day)