n^mm^^^^^m^^n^m^^ - nys historic...

Eyihj* among some loose ?pint Victory. |a the r stating Legislature, sn : for the itsAY, you say : nan oftheCbm- ructivo five, tie Lours icti the top of tin case con," a of which is The folio to the Sepre last OUI) hdftnfes 'Mr. say, every p half ral. liailroa roet, togetfi the Franklin site <6f Sir mittee of Ways anjf 3>%iTis, ;Eish JliiVier. t ' i ' h M ' . ., . ;tl»e exjfeditipjrrttp it*«this-. date was 'nine conld o ffieers andfifteenmon. i ^ ^ y of 3 *8®t> -miles ofceoaffe lme, by'wtiilh- *wc Jiave united- the explprat3onSJ'0"f the "former, (searching^expeilitSeHn's'-sto'thewnorth: and «ie6t-<iS.O.nrrfpositii'oii r awitli-tlrose&f fe J ^ 3 0 d S i d ^ p ^ , p , south, has-been peiifpiMifetl; by:*s : !odg<f : j puf- >; antmosl- ties andexcitementsj'fopes and, fears, biirn- ojeij like -IKes.excit&me lit j'tlfere like the is ovefv .In y, the Eepiiblifeans-have i % Cpnivty t a i&gi|u-.& them ;ayay : T to agp - andba OnlGofliifty Jftdge, to rejoipg. .As.Ave.figui^,.their, c p d i i a t e . I j T i i b 7 : h | 6 f jM SYLVESTER, ,iM j 'to -lieaP-.froro/ vas?i to tfe'telmme th 1 d;Tpsult;Sv i th a?Gurac.y ^ Sill Si!! 3 L i b b L ] d fet Still, ; e]eqt«;d-, "Oic State Is as gone EepiiMicSn. Mijoviti.es pa. udge. T0WSS, TURNER. glr y ..ic;'-l3t-2-.v..J.- .... 58 ...... SO llarrlsljurgh,, 131-..£..">'."• 1~. '•- ^^^^.^feafellSiisW^"' oov.. •4U return to this country of Lady Frank tfi^i^^KSft*! to ^^SclHt^ had thfrlionorto condjiiet. Their Lordships wjll iejoiee to hear 'that I i CVozier and Ii.y. it we' jre. informej tlrat. Stoss' pillar., which: had not been fp.uud.-^- - - ' - - " .firs! The winter at Ijsland,; after having i % h id /1ig«^ deg. N., and returning %y thewest side of ClliJ1fc ^^hl2*R^f Sept 1 tembwr, 1840, thev were beset,in lat. N. and••' '' for supporting a weather ;e.lpj;h i K M j ^ jkirdeS^here jundei' commandk i rf d| at-ilheight of 3 ft.' :gn n*ra!e. • * '" .- "~ ;*pi)"Nn ABOUT ROS'S* g the-Grelt dis- i ^ p ; pickaxes, shovels, boafe, cooking utensils, ir.(J» work,, rope blocks, j^asVp , g Frederick HcSrnby^ K. Nj.," a -small medi' oars, &a. fw. miles .southward,.across•-Back y, a-second ^record" was found,' having ilnscn dep^sitfd.by>Liftut.'G0re and Mi des V i M 1 4 7 It tfdd d4i ^ It atforded-no ad4i t i o n a l ii)forinaj6i~o*n>. f -'•-•• - . JLient. w , 'lfobson:>coiiti«iJpid(- Ms search until .>y;ithiii,-a»/ew. da^s', march of €ape B J f i d - dbt'aflbd fgpoft Sf'jShr b£tt i i p interesting, to ^ g ^ g ;heir toricUhfrJsj'it is herewith' encToscd, together with ' a eliarf of ~6ur *dfeeovef ids ihd explorations, afi'd at the earliest tfppor- i l i j f t lf th Ad wili^prese'nt: mysftlf at the J xality to aftoW^further information," and lay before ; t!reir"HdrdsM'ps theVecord foifn'd' sit PbTt Victory. '" '••*'" ' ~ I have- the •liPnoftP "be;' ifec, : . F. lj. r M?GEifKto'eK, (5aptaiiV, R. N. The enclosure referred-to above gives a in in iite account of the se«i relies lujwle by V ^ W wreck.or of-^natives,,- lie-left fidl informal tion of his. important discoveries-for nie^ thefeforej when; -teturnipg riorfihward' by the'West. shore>of King Wiiliam's Island, I had. tlie advantage; of kno.wang, \V!h»t . h»d i b f d * SoQii-after^leaying Gape Mcfschell^'the traces: patise3>beeaine less tiuinerous ;ajid;4ess s re.ccrit,,<a : nd- alter,Grounding, v -thc- We§t- point of-tHe Slatid they ceased alto- : getlier.. SElHSsshore is extieinely low, and 1 aliijpst'-iitterly -destitute ot>vegetatian.^- Nnnierous bsinks of swingle and low.islets lie off it, attd-beyond those Victoria Strait is covered, with heavy, and impenetrable .. 09 ^ !«it. pg 99-«|eg4;2.7 W>, we : c»nic-toi a and long- boat y he expeditory parties. The following describes : what"was foniid' ou'the 8th of I now gavff iiien'ts MWbson.difection'i to search-'for-the wreck, and to follow up iiriv races he might find on : King Williatn's- d -AccoHipaniedby fin-own partratfd Af Peterson; F'rntfiteiiecl 1 "along the -shore of r K4ng'"\¥illiam ! s' il MaV)d, occasionally pass- i d l b ih g , y p ng deserted snS\v- lvptej but withoiit iheet- ihg-natives till-the 8tli" of Jifay, wil]cn off Capev^rton \^e.arTivedat r asii6'w-village containing iaivoutfliirt^fnhabitatfts. ? l%ey gath'bre(fcar6~ii[nd ; uf^witlfiSUt'feAr or syh ness, _ Plui&cver' seefriivini*' Atfliii people*betete." ~They wore m'SstAvillfntf'tcr iia-ve every 'thing. hadHhey not-been Very close- 1 ly watehed. .Ma-riyvAfppro*" relics of our* tjonntrymen ; iw«te; j p'b.tai'ned : ;__we could not' carry away all we might%a\'e purchase'"!: [pvtfie irilfet we had crossed t ; he-.*fay4)cfp]Fe, and tcld us that one day's itV'a'nd thence--four- day* -over- land 1 , b"r,bngbtthefnto>|Rb vt-'reck.' : **-^li-ad" been thcrb y 4 Q r y p as his notice informed me. It appears tli.it this boatliacl. been inton-lcdf for the ascent of the Fish ltiver, bat was aljaiuloued appateullyrupon a return jour- r.ey to the. ships, the sledge, upon which she.was mounted being pointed in that direction. She^measured 2,8 feet in length by %1-2: fcet . ,most.carefully fitt- y y ed, .and made, as ; iigh.t..a^ possible -; but the dg ofjsolid Oakj snd,ajinost.as heav vy as thejboat. .:- - : ., A large quantity of•c:}otlving*w«s found'! within her, also two hunian' skeletons'.—'- One of these lay in the'after part of •the boat, mider a pile of clothing; the other.;", which was nvuiih '.mtore disturbed,; p'roba-' d in the bow.-^- y Five pocketwatehes, jpqn.iHfity^f Spoons and funks-, :vtHlfa < ifo.w'ieligi-ias Ixioks .were-also ftiTiucI, but IHJ. jttawm-lis pocket- a-raes- upo-ii ,ivny ari-fcies of upright against the boat's side, just as they had=~been.-"placwl e'etven years before. OiU- barrel in -eitclr was loadedand cocked-; stheie*was:aniinvi'nit-ion in .abundance, also thirty pi' -forty pounds of chocolate, soino tea.and tobacco. -Fuel -.was-not wanting" .-.i drift tree hty within one. hundred yards •ofthe boat. •".'.'.' '6hpifa"m "5P©lintock -says from all* that eatt^be gleatfedr feoth "lite record papers, anf!>-df?e > vjdenc& nffo'fdecl 1 by theboat and tosh gijn «6S:er f (marked in paint, "A 12,") siipperj lined w.itti caff quantity of grayi,-and strtae. other pioper- ,ty, stowed within-. r ''i.^..L....-i.i:-.^~ _—i...;i,i ings belongo;! ^tp ii,nd a wplf-s|an-tope;: part, of a bpitt's whale fine •rtfpe.'-wiilj"- of ; No. 8 f yellow mark, aid. jftiark^ ^isa^W p with, ted; l 'OX. POINT.V case, ..two; v % p^ Bale, two joints <>f ajc ^ ^ J ^ 4 ^ p p (tot ; dgg^faiiesiof boats. Theitcireularstirass plate "brpke .out of a woodun gnn ; cascf r cn- .g>axe^*'ailv0rme^ jl.i£.; f I"he fieW glassand^gcjigsin siJLvj}r s ,tt)p of a twp^fflrot telescp.pe j ,, ! a, brass curtain rod. si!yer s ,top.pf a ,caiiister,,,a v :piece> , Tlie " Of April, been tatcirput. A sextanj, op^wlfcicji. the Awner!s name is%n- grAvedl'^demllprniJjv R. ; K r " "* * the sajme,place wassfonnd^a ,,, _.--. s .., snm«$$m. .., i- Iiailrpad U'ntaiieb.«sf.jc)isregar| of law, iint 'at $200,000, ' prove that a pai:t of ifohad -been upon which there was npinsnrancej wejjiqviojs, .dj-iink .bushels ieat, were stor- of whiuli can- j raeffl n^mm^^^^^m^^n^M^^ was iti^fiaeiSblil^ipi^^l -l^lS ?! fli<j' b( pioving^S^re^^ ; rcrtiainder^oWlhtil^s?' .'%£ se| Wpti ;|he ' ~~' \ 1 - %ML stotal^elttsuctiof o'^r6pi>ty'" i ;;at, 1 -aJ : Joi^ pi?SSff4i|kJ»«!».ape..«!itw'rfI enable me, I wijtefve^'pu, aft •eniportnnati' -wver U'tulci 1 't\%\ <:*•-•' f -*M?>2& road; •dtvstwsy.; rigiffoii muiwtit da'nger fr«ih thelire; buP'fliTough. ^.ix^wife%ttr«"|fed5'«>me*^^h.6 :I '-W!r WthiiB.'boiiU^tiit. ^©f^lJe^efe T^Armpn^ithfi incideiite coiinected witl '4 H r ^ t V ^ n »•-*-* •'•••^^II*^ J J "- • - •' " r*.- n^h. ^ . -^r. J .L. - 1 . ~^>. illows-* The Htttl, -"-^ in ^ : :": X' "Cb'ilgjfgffi m^miMmm^im,^ the l'lcsidjjnLjiaJi^njte^t- joOiJIemp.nf and ~.Ven to pntation !*/.„. - . .neigijll^refefred him their uniteda entione<l J istcd in Iheiowg. be lcarued last nightC if""bt pk-jt a;!.Htj>yiasi|uB,djsiS|>9n •*. o3^ ? ^roeift'x)ne^t & tlre itaiiinchest st- 1 me)|pp ^f^e;|hpr^f*nd p ES- •QtH-MAlUX,- SKWR THEMAGS'EflC POLB, IN MARCft ASD APRU, Soiven-'kivives made W the natives owt of materials 6KtninedJrdnttnel)|5te^pedrtio!^ one knife"wTtlfout a handle. 6ne,Vpcar^head d tff (thfin h hi^ktf) ^oke'n-.otf,) two tlie hatidle o! and staff, (thefinier has tilesj large spoon or' s ! eo<vp, pine or bo.ne,, tl^e bowl; of iiin.sk^ o j c ^ . ^ , , silver* spoons atid^prlp^iie-propcrty ot Sir John Franklin, Lu:ut.vll. de Viscompte %nd Eaii bolni'!,,.4.M'Dpria!d,vassist;int-stir- gepn, and Xijeut. D-. Gou<Sh, (supposed from the inijial letter T. and crest a lioirs hea-j) a sm.ait«po^gjftn of a .gold. rwatch chiiin, ! a brkn J p f tl k pt ly silv p^gj .g ken ,p J ecp of ornamental work apparent^ il l fc ll hdh pp small ;navahand«ethtir tainmcints atia Uibuajjl), April, icnys, in jvliieli, w ; oo0, irovv, or- CO|*per, has. been usetl in tjse .cniistiuolion ef no other^ interests...'"• . '. . .. - -. •,. R .. .. Treaenaons JExcitement—Aii. Elephant Satupijay -morniiig a.tmme.ii3p.U!*excitc- nitiut was created in the; lower Willia.insbuj-g created in the; lower jmttc of* buj-gii. .caused by .the e-iejjliant- to Van AiiibHrg's..Mc;n;)!ger(ieftje- d b the _ ii^lias... } -- : - e wpnid" agkw^iertiie.r, Bted at ,:M,ftQ,g;-Mpf. six-or :forid;ispla;y.-on parade fejpjt,g^ ;^p Mess -tli'ajg 1 gar.ty, ^3t»lch £as,-ain^eMhj pro- i d idbh lii giving-»# Titfriv a per, 4*rciiit«d r ;to. "a .icpr^e,spon4(j.ii,t pf the .On the 8th of September- last a child two heads. The" ^ g name of the .parents"are- d 4h .first,--.-a*'-iiat- y , ural head, seemud..as*neaf !y ; perfect as that ofan-iiitant usnally-; the second, or un- natural lic'a'dj ;was5i>connccted by a neck-of ^b h l h d i h gg c<.tnvi,ng.e.iir;vgud .-ma liis kw[>er. biint; aoui which g . loose from A,.uian had to the Menagerie. were l)ro.ii«;lit in a ivaoon. The man drove i-.itto.the.tent, au.d wjiilp.unl.yad- lng-}iis W-ii^'iy Ui^^h*-( ; »l.um,)t;.V!'-a3 i^bscrv^f:! 1 to-grow restless at Uio.sigJit of tlie.;hot:se,- w tilth !i:id * \y.liituibkiii:k&t.oiu Tlie .man was ai!\ i.-cd t-.-> the usual, length and size,., to the back fir postemgr p,ar.t of the first- one,,.- a littje^'aboj^the^ppin^^vhere the:he'iid-;and about the same, sixe and lacing .opposite IIair, i gre.w : iperfegtjA' natural o,n, both. *Qalg?,, -.biit- tihe sec©.pd Jjjead '.. . was..fi|itir wanting in features; there were,.a few* small iiireirular.ities where the face pc fea- tures ilioiild hRv;e been, appearing as jf iia-: turn hail atteinpfed .to formfeatures^,but. w.-rlhoiit success., . 3-he-.health of the child it grew well- until the --— ft).-.-. r--^: ..-_-.->;-„ - - -'• -10r otf1iL;p^j4J^^t,^i^,j> tlie ifiin:rtnrH-p.ij : ca.d. a -w^s i ' gij.§cc.ssjitrl.ly put:it.cci nt tlie ;: iio.pk ,1)^ Ijt-.J.C-- W*ti tection and pj uppif: -isHe;'pubijcv - -r , ^ j p . brought •great. teit^b h! thv carry that*jjarty tiftoU'gn'ilie'stjrflggle to. a complete: triutHjphi-. Bjess Jft*»»es Bu- chanan, the tried :and. honest ^statesman,; chair. Bless John C. Biecke'nridge,. the yong and Jealous Dpinbcrat, and open tp him the path of duty as well as that which leads ! to the "YiceTlresi.dency. Gjve, them"-vj.cto.ty. 0,-liJess^the opponents of IDempcraey .perspnajl^'brtp -iifterly destToy their'fanatics! a'nd.inj.urip'ns schemes, if it be thy will |6 tlb so/aiftl; 3r -veSily Believe 'l^ 1 - tc ' J |t?rt- /^«'"«4' H |^ W\,,£».£ .- l « ' ' J >*^- "r+^li rti-"" 'IC^.'i-^^'rtVu-rt-iTfc*!^ -it- i». x>u-_oir iim- O Lord, ai ^bou v fiity-six,. an^'ofi^tlie 4& ofWJ Mgdijtefranean at the time, state* that *Sif' jh FrSrtfclin^"%jfir-ib i command of the- in- by tTie* Academy'b'f"Science gjft will- give their- attentioa- to : ^iattCT»-ol ; entifit; W"l» * x 'ir'l^^vrin'f^ft I' ^ l l I •& '/^'CT^Oif* 1 "!^ the : CMistfan-©hflrcb'es frotivf' wewS the df- a's "brought t>y the widow , t who>e Jeath was caus^ . a. to be coiuposed ^ofb so onu en-» to victory .and Oiie day last week a"h Irish woman . , ., ~;~f--i' i i'•• v " r :-i i i t ' i i i i . i r • i i '<r ii ."^"ja i - TO "-"' . .n-... ....... sustain-' tmerl a t>6<>t"n,ud shoe st&nJ;--5fl> St; ix-d.a , u w ^•] i ^ ^ ^ ^ » - : r h « . S H i n i | ^ ^ v - al»,what?!oul^ downAvvth ab:.w. ofJ!5s,t.:ij.iiik^u^.W*^d4"'.J;I^J^k^ - - -•' : • • 3 -" " • " '•""-- •-•*•*'•-'-"--•. * * • • ' . - " • - •thf-horsu br ufrans oj Iris• tniniyawt-injins- ln-ad co.Ktained ; " •••-' •*---•-'-• »— ?-••• • - of 1 oiif^atifdrnvatip'n 'was rpceiveds 1 she "said 5 was- then g discovsfelj it -appeSfs- tlrat. the mefitr-of- ; ehe ~JSB$ : 4Pi?f abandon- : bcen large,; : citizens" of; this' Stafe ,fro,ra. ^hejsacred.rig.iit gf freem|,ii: =by >the _._ _ i-i B ^^,}j;y-.-\wtfdh"-W-b^^i^#i(afded* ; J;lmt' following, f- ; bpdies-were discovered. " allWassiireS^s.thSLt. we wputd find were fortunately this was not the- cas<r. one.ifa.mjly -wasprneit-jvith. off-Poi q, d -none ; a.t i Mwjitreals?felau.d-,or ajW. place U iid * , and Bor- iwitheut finding £ and Oii.lv I S*a.P lr ical Sfontreal -Tslaiid" two -miles-, The ! ffibsti«per-fe&t btder i'seenSs to jJiave'existedtteougiiSut. ' * *• "TitS FKASJ&tir RELICS*. Captain XFCJlibtodfc, in ,,h;is repbrt, of' •which w<l-li!ive f|!rea(ty given' aji, es|raet, states tliat-in,o.rfl(ii ?i tp extenSf' SsJ^tjijjh, "^ , a ~»leac I- .whieh y rm ppeketrbapfc-was. i* o f = ,,«,-., .rposes,^ were, supplied tnrbj^.. ^ .... v,. ^ ^ litj 1 ' the. ,^o^a| ^raet-y^l^JSJ ^P^ 1 )^ft6 n -tij5ually - >• P on - 1injfSl«tul|f%akefi;:.a|^ &e,r£op|T(>rtnrirty r - ^etnovhig the^. snow, a sin-ail 1,hi 1|e2fi'fnrBm^rijy 1 |fi? stir^epft,"!) )htirihing,a Jew. \t 8 fi;T,"M! 1>^ of forming complete' col miigh -.decayidf 'icptiops ijti all the .^rlaus^firgn^i il hini seriously. i : lu-Moxt ! sci}x > i:tii€--.w < H;i- n, Vlrnwiiig IV-jip in t-iie ai.r ajiil.-.bruakj.ng:. L to jiiixes. .. lli.-J a^ig-.M-vv-.-vs fulLv; : j.U-w.'.l.«<id!-. iieii, and pr-oevediua;. to tU& c-age-.of.th.e.; irairie woll^ he S!ir;\slicd:it>yi|h .It-is tr<u:nk, cleitsfiijj; him. KciSt in bis w-ay .-vvasthe :agti ofsjtblack 1'iear. .This pagevwas «.l,e-: ; con -•i. hi**i Iff ' the was: clniiucd->np The cagft of the, sjJjr-su hying, nest -i.j-». 4v=is vay, |ie\i>u^|iud- it. AlWHgh .j/iieJtpntiand sleal?ifliT5iigijr''the""w^^jo^aii^ lv resenrbling It-has now Jtijji ticfflvaiicTBhe'c "A l a t h e r in 5earph?bteKS= D W h t e r and 1 P''' 0V " WtJ us^a-trae; ministep of the" gospel.--:! with'.---a..]}u^ie3..Mo.k > -Jfeti'^8^i/«hg other, Tv who. EaithleisSonrin-law. 'e-sa.w _}^e.! At any rate, the pi'escnt state of things A l;i«t. If politics are to ^i^,in,tlns city: -a. man j shall claim oneihalMhe tifpe in behalf tShel ,.a't v^ater.\jiet, Albany cp.,j Democratic party, \s~o- tli«t there tnay^ be] the worriah 'deliteratclj togk;.:a). = •ftamed Lew-is i ^ .ilupsjph,- a.. ;Eespectab.Ie I fair.discussion withiu these walls? * farmer, in seaKch. "-*"•'" son- riven *:«'}« iii-law, w.Ko. hSd eiopfititogeUier.a.ud^iven ''HP^y'- | 'theiii i> 1'pij5-Mjif%ia^jjj^i»^ys^,'l;, of pain. The uo-Serious obstacle was" intbrpQsed, and workmen were engaged-in dress stone-ya ,cha1 n tp^ this ; " - • ai[t••got niht,. 'which <5heSkeir nl |stetr' 1 bis'ie|s, d fr v h n ihr it npt till.he had received sevefar8cypr»« .With spTarsVtha|Im a^tentipn coiil$' ^'erted sp'as tp'iferide y as tp'iferider it pp4sible to secure The otfcertlajvat'the faiiibns .German bathitjg-and gambling .place^ Hdmbiirg a ~ " fhff bad been pl^y.in'g tor sbrae -time with "tfie'-usual luck of a __ 'down his last Napbleen, "Rke tflifi resfc "He'drew a pistol biit' •Kef, and : blcw" his - lirSins- out sitting at the fatal trente etquaraitte^ 'tabler. The people who-"are gene'ralljpn 'rew"a-clbtli oTer Ms laody^ 5 <3Srne3 the wretched man <»ut, iife- behigigmte extinct', add tljSi gSme"pfoceeTi== ed as if nothing had occurred". .-•••- v ed tha^tKe* #oK'$JsW m^^Mi^Hr ier 5 has ft is ascejrtaiti- cars at Schenectadv" '$&:$$ lather folKwcd; p ;had-heen. murdered, byj- Jby ;tbe-. roadside... -•^B^id d itive# ^ y ^ i .wpman satia dog,* watching- eager.% ^ ojr a ngtvits aiid : if,tdcatch ^recognition. _ fcbllar bea^ng., thegjiiaineiii'^lpgsei" ^ ^K%! x - 'officer*i"n command of thq Carty, to^k^thej p.p, *! searchedievlry p1fBl traits prUieY5onplfe s to this'-- < i»ip>aiii& ;1 Bfe 5i ' : ^ X *HU:|(.j# ,.. _.,._ , when th;ey Ii*l:pi»eee^ed;about.twenV ^ | d bk (lace from "whence ?hi|n: v thei. i ? cr^tttj^Ja^ > ^eg.d > |)n4,be 3 gEav n and steSyard or oi8cer!s ftpd^hat. were left Vily b^und with uS-'«i2»^'iiiv- !s % n 6 f deemed J?aps ithcr he nor the whjehJlstilF'j indicated the daughter SJ 0 jgreatest sufferer. ant that i *mce, caused such ha from his c|j(e at some such dumon bo«, With ihrtrn oftobtc * Ih tlie wemnd,. e- Jnail ,meji qyej the ^ajnte;* Eaiitp;fouBd, pn aiatejrip thebpdie cf p ^ four'persons, three' l mea<and.ia'W.Qnian,.,w-ha: hdh dd bti ^^j J| Jy|iig? f the ; ^ ^ g ^ ^ i ^ dollar,,ajd-of epurse.causiiVg tbe.shopinan- to loss'.i-jfree tim_5S0ba| : ^^iJt?33jc-fel low on whom .thertjick >w h h J d fel-. j p Mt ashamed that he Jiad not a word to say. Tttf"'EASftSTT —Wilkesl, stride •oditiiei$ teen hand horsey ? i«ST>Jthe p fonnd, pn equal t*) that pf a;.«ix» thesayingexactjtude pf ma4hiiig!6|,- and wastes nptp.oweT in unnecessSfey «cfio*f-or Iwwhat.js«jnore gfip1ircjBly3(5pmed ? ^s^ter : * H>4 - C g t f p ^ t ^ i #11^i.lf: lure the iongjDnB»k|inj{ which lyreat their m^mMm*' than anj »j cptnpetitors, » P 4 * * r are exhansted T pr

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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Eyihj* among some loose?pint Victory. | a ther statingLegislature, sn:

for theitsAY, you say:nan oftheCbm-

ructivo five,tie Loursicti

the top oftin case con,"a

of which isThe folio

to the Seprelast



say, every phalf

ral. liailroaroet, togetfi

the Franklinsite <6f Sir

mittee of Ways anjf 3>%iTis,

;Eish JliiVier. t ' i 'hM' . ., .;tl»e exjfeditipjrrttp it*«this-. date was 'nine


offieers and fifteen mon.


^ ^ yof3*8®t> -miles ofceoaffe lme, by'wtiilh- *wcJiave united- the explprat3onSJ'0"f the "former,(searching^expeilitSeHn's'-sto'thewnorth: and«ie6t-<iS.O.nrrfpositii'oiirawitli-tlrose&f feJ ^ 3 0 d S i d^ p ^ , p ,south, has-been peiifpiMifetl; by :*s:!odg<f:j puf-

>; antmosl-ties andexcitementsj'fopes and, fears, biirn-

ojeij like -IKes.excit&me litj'tlfere

like theis ovefv. In y, the Eepiiblifeans-have

i %Cpnivtyt

a i&gi|u-.&

them ;ayay:Tto

agp- andbaOnlGofliifty Jftdge,

to rejoipg. .As.Ave.figui^,.their, cpdiiate.I j T i i b 7 : h | 6 f jM


j'to -lieaP-.froro/

vas?i to tfe'telmme th1 d;Tpsult;Sv i th a?Gurac.y

S i l l S i ! ! 3 L i b b L ] d fetStill, ; e]eqt«;d-,

"Oic State Is as gone EepiiMicSn.

Mijoviti.es pa. udge.


glry..ic;'-l3t-2-.v..J.-... . 5 8 . . . . . .


llarrlsljurgh,, 131 -. .£..">'."• 1~. '•-

^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ f e a f e l l S i i s W ^ " '



return to this country of Lady Franktfi^i^^KSft*! to^ ^ S c l H t ^

had thfrlionorto condjiiet.Their Lordships wjll iejoiee to hear 'that


CVozier andIi.y. it we' jre. informej tlrat.

Stoss' pillar., which: had not been fp.uud.-^-- - ' - - " .firs!The

winter at Ijsland,; after having

i % h id/ 1 i g « ^

deg. N., and returning %y the west side ofC l l i J 1 f c ^ ^ h l 2 * R ^ f Sept

1tembwr, 1840, thev were beset,in lat.N . a n d • • ' ''

for supporting a weather ;e.lpj;h i

K M j ^jkirdeS^here jundei' commandk

i rf d |

at-ilheight of 3 ft.':gn n*ra!e. • * '" .- "~;*pi)"Nn ABOUT ROS'S*


dis-i ^p ; pickaxes, shovels, boafe,cooking utensils, ir.(J» work,, rope blocks,j ^ a s V p , gFrederick HcSrnby^ K. Nj.," a -small medi'

oars, &a.f w . miles .southward,.across•-Back

y, a-second ^record" was found,' havingilnscn dep^sitfd.by>Liftut.'G0re and Mi desV i M 1 4 7 It tfdd d4i^ It atforded-no ad4it ional ii)forinaj6i~o*n>.f -'•-•• -. JLient.w, 'lfobson:>coiiti«iJpid(- Ms searchuntil .>y;ithiii,-a»/ew. da^s ' , march of € a p e

B J f i d

- dbt'aflbd fgpoft Sf'jShrb£tt i i

pinteresting, to^ g ^ g

;heir toricUhfrJsj'it is herewith' encToscd,together with ' a eliarf of ~6ur *dfeeovef idsihd explorations, afi'd at the earliest tfppor-

i l i j f t lf th Adwili^prese'nt: mysftlf at the Jxality to aftoW^further information," andlay before;t!reir"HdrdsM'ps theVecord foifn'd'sit PbTt Victory. '" '••*'" ' ~

I have- the •liPnoftP "be;' ifec, : .F. lj.rM?GEifKto'eK, (5aptaiiV, R. N.

The enclosure referred-to above gives ain in iite account of the se«i relies lujwle by

V ^ Wwreck.or of-^natives,,- lie-left fidl informaltion of his. important discoveries-for nie^thefeforej when; -teturnipg riorfihward' bythe'West. shore>of King Wiiliam's Island, Ihad. tlie advantage; of kno.wang, \V!h»t . h»d

i b f d* SoQii-after^leaying Gape Mcfschell^'thetraces: o§ patise3>beeaine less tiuinerous;ajid;4esssre.ccrit,,<a:nd- alter,Grounding, v-thc-We§t- point of-tHe Slatid they ceased alto-:

getlier.. SElHSsshore is extieinely low, and1

aliijpst'-iitterly -destitute ot>vegetatian.^-Nnnierous bsinks of swingle and low.isletslie off it, attd-beyond those Victoria Straitis covered, with heavy, and impenetrable

.. 09^ !«it. p g99-«|eg4;2.7 W>, we :c»nic-toi a

and long-boat

yhe expeditory parties. The followingdescribes :what"was foniid' ou'the 8th of

• I now gavff iiien'ts MWbson.difection'i tosearch-'for-the wreck, and to follow up iirivraces he might find on: King Williatn's-

d-AccoHipaniedby fin-own partratfd Af

Peterson; F'rntfiteiiecl1 "along the -shore ofr

K4ng'"\¥illiam!s'ilMaV)d, occasionally pass-i d l b ih

g , y png deserted snS\v- lvptej but withoiit iheet-ihg-natives till-the 8tli" of Jifay, wil]cn offCapev^rton \^e.arTivedatrasii6'w-villagecontaining iaivoutfliirt^fnhabitatfts. ?l%eygath'bre(fcar6~ii[nd; uf witlfiSUt'feAr or syh ness,

_ Plui&cver' seefriivini*' Atfliiipeople*betete." ~They wore m'SstAvillfntf'tcr

iia-veevery 'thing. hadHhey not-been Very close-1

ly watehed. .Ma-riyvAfppro*" relics of our*tjonntrymen ;iw«te;jp'b.tai'ned: ;__we could not'carry away all we might%a\'e purchase'"!:

[pvtfie irilfet we had crossedt;he-.*fay4)cfp]Fe, and tcld us that one day's

itV'a'nd thence--four- day* -over-land1, b"r,bngbtthefnto>|Rb vt-'reck.' :

**-^li-ad" been thcrb

y 4 Q r yp as his notice informed me. I tappears tli.it this boatliacl. been inton-lcdffor the ascent of the Fish ltiver, bat wasaljaiuloued appateullyrupon a return jour-r.ey to the. ships, the sledge, upon whichshe.was mounted being pointed in thatdirection. She^measured 2,8 feet in lengthby % 1-2: fcet . ,most.carefully fitt-y yed, .and made, as;iigh.t..a^ possible -; but the

dg ofjsolid Oakj snd,ajinost.as heavvy as thejboat. .:- - : .,

A large quantity of•c:}otlving*w«s found'!within her, also two hunian' skeletons'.—'-One of these lay in the'after part of •theboat, mider a pile of clothing; the other.;",which was nvuiih '.mtore disturbed,; p'roba-'

d in the bow.-^-y

Five pocketwatehes, jpqn.iHfity^fSpoons and funks-, :vtHlfa<ifo.w'ieligi-ias Ixioks.were-also ftiTiucI, but IHJ. jttawm-lis pocket-

a-raes- upo-ii ,ivny ari-fcies of

upright against the boat's side, just as theyhad=~been.-"placwl e'etven years before. OiU-barrel in -eitclr was loadedand cocked-;stheie*was:aniinvi'nit-ion in .abundance, alsothirty pi' -forty pounds of chocolate, soinotea.and tobacco. -Fuel -.was-not wanting".-.i drift tree hty within one. hundred yards•ofthe boat. „ • " . ' . ' . '

'6hpifa"m "5P©lintock -says from all* thateatt^be gleatfedr feoth "lite record papers,anf!>-df?e>vjdenc& nffo'fdecl1 by the boat and

tosh gijn «6S:erf (marked in paint, "A 12,")

siipperj lined w.itti caff

quantity of grayi,-and strtae. other pioper-,ty, stowed within-. r''i.^..L....-i.i:-.^~ _—i...;i,i

ings belongo;! ^tp

ii,nd a wplf-s|an-tope;: part, of a bpitt'swhale fine •rtfpe.'-wiilj"-of ;No. 8 f

yellow mark, aid.jftiark^ ^ i s a ^ W

pwith, ted;




..two;v % p ^Bale, two jo ints <>f ajc

^ ^ J ^ 4^ p p(tot;dgg^faiiesiof boats. Theitcireularstirassplate "brpke .out of a woodun gnn;cascfrcn-.g>axe^*'ailv0rme^ jl.i£.;f I"he fieWglassand^gcj igsin siJLvj}rs,tt)p of a twp^fflrottelescp.pej,,!a,brass curtain rod.

si!yers,top.pf a,caiiister,,,av:piece>, Tlie "

Of April,been tatcirput. Asextanj, op^wlfcicji. the Awner!s name is%n-grAvedl'^demllprniJjv R.;Kr" "* *the sajme,place wassfonnd^a

,,, _.--. s.., snm«$$m. ..,i- Iiailrpad U'ntaiieb.«sf.jc)isregar| of law, iint

'at $200,000,' prove that a pai:t of ifohad -beenupon which there was np insnrancej wejjiqviojs, .dj-iink.bushels ieat, were stor-

of whiuli can- j raeffl

n^mm^^^^^m^^n^M^^was i t i ^ f i a e i S b l i l ^ i p i ^ ^ l -l^lS?!fli<j' b( pioving^S^re^^

; rcrtiainder^oWlhtil^s?' .'%£ se| Wpti ;|he ' ~~' \ 1 -%MLstotal^elttsuctiof o' r6pi>ty'"i;;at,1-aJ:Joi

pi?SSff4i|kJ»«!».ape..«!itw'rfI enable me,I wijtefve^'pu, aft •eniportnnati'

-wver U'tulci1 't\%\<:*•-•' f-*M?>2&

road;•dtvstwsy.; rigiffoiimuiwtit da'nger fr«ih the lire; buP'fliTough.^.ix^wife%ttr«"|fed5'«>me*^^h.6 : I '-W!r

WthiiB.'boiiU tiit. ^©f^lJe^efe

T^Armpn^ithfi incideiite coiinected witl'4 H r ^ t V ^ n »•-*-* • ' • • • ^ ^ I I * ^ J J " - • • - • ' " r * . - • n^h. ^ . - ^ r . J .L. - 1 . ~^>.

illows-*The Htttl,-"-^

i n ^ : :":X' "Cb'ilgjfgffim^miMmm^im,^

the l'lcsidjjnLjiaJi^njte^t- joOiJIemp.nf and~.Ven to

pntation! * / . „ . - .

.neigijll refefred him their uniteda


J istcd in

Iheiowg.be lcarued last nightC if""bt

pk-jt a;!.Htj>yiasi|uB,djsiS|>9n •*.

o3^?^roeift'x)ne^t&tlre itaiiinchestst-1 m e ) | p p ^ f ^ e ; | h p r ^ f * n d



Soiven-'kivives made W the natives owt ofmaterials 6KtninedJrdnttnel)|5te^pedrtio!^one knife"wTtlfout a handle. 6ne,Vpcar^head

d tff ( th f in h h i ^ k t f )^oke'n-.otf,) twotlie hatidle o!

and staff, (thefinier hastilesj large spoon or' s!eo<vp,pine or bo.ne,, tl e bowl; of iiin.sk o j c ^ . ^ , ,silver* spoons atid^prlp^iie-propcrty ot SirJohn Franklin, Lu:ut.vll. de Viscompte%nd Eaii bolni'!,,.4.M'Dpria!d,vassist;int-stir-gepn, and Xijeut. D-. Gou<Sh, (supposed fromthe inijial letter T. and crest a lioirs hea-j)a sm.ait«po^gjftn of a .gold. rwatch chiiin,! ab r k n J p f tl k p tly silv

p^gj .gken ,pJecp of ornamental work apparent^il l fc ll h d h

ppsmall ;navahand«ethtir

tainmcints atiaUibuajjl), April,icnys, in jvliieli, w;oo0, irovv, or- CO|*per, has.been usetl in tjse .cniistiuolion ef no other^interests...'"• . '. . ..- -. •,. R .. ..

Treaenaons JExcitement—Aii. Elephant

Satupijay -morniiig a.tmme.ii3p.U!*excitc-nitiut was created in the; lowerWWillia.insbuj-g

created in the; lower jmttc of*buj-gii. .caused by .the e-iejjliant-

to Van AiiibHrg's..Mc;n;)!ger(ieftje-d b

the _ii^lias...

}--:- e wpnid" agkw^iertiie.r,Bted a t ,:M,ftQ,g;-Mpf. six-or

:forid;ispla;y.-on parade

fejpjt,g^ ; pMess -tli'ajg1gar.ty, ^3t»lch £as,-ain^eMhj pro-

i d i d b h

lii giving-»#Titfriv a

per, 4*rciiit«dr;to. "a .icpr e,spon4(j.ii,t pf the

.On the 8th of September- last a child

two heads. The"^ g

name of the .parents"are-d 4h .first,--.-a*'-iiat-y ,

ural head, seemud..as*neaf !y; perfect as thatofan-iiitant usnally-; the second, or un-natural lic'a'dj ;was5i>connccted by a neck-of

^b h l h d i h

ggc<.tnvi,ng.e.iir;vgud .-maliis kw[>er.biint; aouiwhich

g. loose from

A,.uian hadto the Menagerie.

were l)ro.ii«;lit in a ivaoon. Theman drove i-.itto.the.tent, au.d wjiilp.unl.yad-lng-}i is W-ii^'iy Ui^^h*-(;»l.um,)t;.V!'-a3 i^bscrv^f:!1

to-grow restless a t Uio.sigJit of tlie.;hot:se,-w tilth !i:id * \y.liituibkiii:k&t.oiu Tlie .manwas ai!\ i.-cd t-.->

the usual, length and size,., to theback fir postemgr p,ar.t of the first- one,,.- alittje^'aboj^the^ppin^^vhere the:he'iid-;and

about the same, sixe and lacing .opposite

IIair,igre.w: iperfegtjA' natural o,n, both.*Qalg?,, -.biit- tihe sec©.pd Jjjead'... was..fi|itirwanting in features; there were,.a few*small iiireirular.ities where the face pc fea-tures ilioiild hRv;e been, appearing as jf iia-:turn hail atteinpfed .to form features^, but.w.-rlhoiit success., . 3-he-.health of the child

it grew well- until the--— ft).-.-. r--^: ..-_-.->;-„ - - -'•-10r 1» otf1iL;p^j4J^^t,^i^,j>

tlie ifiin:rtnrH-p.ij:ca.d.a-w^si' gij.§cc.ssjitrl.lyput:it.cci nt tlie;:iio.pk ,1)^ I j t - . J .C-- W*ti

tection and p juppif: -isHe;'pubijcv - -r

, ^ j p. brought •great.

teit^b h !thv

carry that*jjarty tiftoU'gn'ilie'stjrflggle to.a complete: triutHjphi-. Bjess Jft*»»es Bu-chanan, the tried :and. honest statesman,;

chair. Bless John C. Biecke'nridge,. theyong and Jealous Dpinbcrat, and open tphim the path of duty as well as thatwhich leads!to the "YiceTlresi.dency. Gjve,them"-vj.cto.ty. 0,-liJess^the opponents ofIDempcraey .perspnajl^'brtp -iifterly destToytheir'fanatics! a'nd.inj.urip'ns schemes, if itbe thy will |6 tlb so/aiftl; 3r -veSily Believe'l 1- tc ' J |t?rt- /^«'"«4'H|^ W\,,£».£ .- l « ' ' J>*^- "r+ li rti-"" 'IC^.'i-^^'rtVu-rt-iTfc*!^

-it- i». x>u-_oir iim-O Lord, a i bouv

fiity-six,. an^'ofi^tlie 4 & ofWJ

Mgdijtefranean at the time, state* that *Sif'j h FrSrtfclin "%jfir-ibi command of the-


by tTie* Academy'b'f"Sciencegjftwill- give their- attentioa- to:^iattCT»-ol;


W"l» *x 'ir'l^^vrin'f^ft I ' ^ l l I •& '/ 'CT^Oif*1"!

t he : CMistfan-©hflrcb'es frotivf'


df-a's "brought t>y the widow

, t who>e Jea th was caus^

. a.to be coiuposed ^ofb so


to victory .andOiie day last week a"h Irish woman

. , ., ~;~f--i' i i'•• v " r : - i i i t ' i i i i . i r • i i ' < r i i . " ^ " j a i - T O " - " ' . . n - . . . ....... s u s t a i n - ' t m e r l a t>6<>t"n,ud s h o e st&nJ;--5fl> S t ;ix-d.a ,uw ^ • ] i ^ ^ ^ ^ » - : r h « . S H i n i | ^ ^ v - al»,what?!oul^downAvvth ab:.w. ofJ!5s,t.:ij.iiik^u^.W*^d4"'.J;I^J^k^ - - -•' : • • 3-" " • " '•""-- •-•*•*'•-'-"--•. * * • • ' . - " • -• t h f - h o r s u b r u f r a n s o j Iris• t n i n i y a w t - i n j i n s - l n - a d c o . K t a i n e d ; " •••-' • * - - - • - ' - • » — ? - • • • • -

of1 oiif^atifdrnvatip'n 'was rpceiveds1

she "said5

was-then •

gdiscovsfelj it -appeSfs- tlrat. themefitr-of-;ehe ~JSB$:4Pi?f


large,;: citizens" of;

this' Stafe ,fro,ra. hejsacred.rig.iit gf freem|,ii:

=by >the _._ _i-iB^^,}j;y-.-\wtfdh"-W-b^^i^#i(afded*;J;lmt'following,

f- ;bpdies-were discovered. "allWassiireS^s.thSLt. we wputd find were

fortunately this was not the- cas<r.one.ifa.mjly -wasprneit-jvith. off-Poi q ,

d -none ;a.tiMwjitreals?felau.d-,or ajW. placeU i i d *

, and Bor-iwitheut finding

£ and

Oii.lv I S*a.PlricalSf ontreal -Tslaiid" two

-miles-, The !ffibsti«per-fe&t btder i'seenSs tojJiave'existedtteougiiSut. ' * *•


Captain XFCJlibtodfc, in ,,h;is repbrt, of'•which w<l-li!ive f|!rea(ty given' aji, es|raet,states tliat-in,o.rfl(ii?itp extenSf' SsJ^tjijjh, "^

, a ~»leacI- .whieh

y r mppeketrbapfc-was.



= , , « , - . , . r p o s e s , ^were, supplied tnrbj^. . ....v,. ^

litj1' the. ,^o^a| raet-y^l^JSJ ^P^1)^ft6n-tij5ually- >• Pon- 1injfSl«tul|f%akefi;:.a|^ &e,r£op|T(>rtnrirtyr

- ^etnovhig the^. snow, a sin-ail 1,hi 1|e2fi'fnrBm^rijy1 |fi? stir^epft,"!))htirihing,a Jew. \t8fi;T,"M! 1>^ of forming complete' colmiigh -.decayidf 'icptiops ijti all the .^rlaus^firgn^i

il hini seriously. i:lu-Moxt!sci}x>i:tii€--.w<H;i-n, Vlrnwiiig IV-jip in t-iie ai.r ajiil.-.bruakj.ng:.L to jiiixes. .. lli.-J a ig-.M-vv-.-vs fulLv;:j.U-w.'.l.«<id!-.iieii, and pr-oevediua;. to tU& c-age-.of.th.e.;irairie woll^ he S!ir;\slicd:it>yi|h .It-is tr<u:nk,cleitsfiijj; him. KciSt in bis w-ay .-vvasthe:agti ofsjtblack 1'iear. .This pagevwas «.l,e-:

; con-•i. hi**iIff '

the was: clniiucd->np

The cagft of the, sjJjr-su hying, nest -i.j-». 4v=isvay, |ie\i>u^|iud- it. AlWHgh .j/iieJtpntiandsleal? i f l iT5i ig i j r ' ' the""w^^jo^ai i^

lv resenrblingIt-has now JtijjiticfflvaiicTBhe'c

"A l a t h e r i n 5earph?bteKS= D W h t e r and 1 P'''0V"WtJ us^a-trae; ministep of the" gospel.--:! with'.---a..]}u^ie3..Mo.k>-Jfeti'^8^i/«hg other,



'e-sa.w _}e.!

At any rate, the pi'escnt state of thingsA l;i«t. If politics are to

^i^,in,t lns city: -a. man j shall claim oneihalMhe tifpe in behalf tShel,.a't v^ater.\jiet, Albany cp.,j Democratic party, \s~o- tli«t there tnay^ be] the worriah 'deliteratclj togk;.:a). =

•ftamed Lew-isi .ilupsjph,- a.. ;Eespectab.Ie I fair.discussion withiu these walls? *farmer, in seaKch. " - * " • ' " son-

riven*:«'}« iii-law, w.Ko. hSd eiopfititogeUier.a.ud^iven''HP^y'-|'theiiii>1'pij5-Mjif%ia^jjj^i»^ys^,'l;, of pain. The

uo-Serious obstacle was" intbrpQsed, and

workmen were engaged-in dress

stone-ya,cha1 n tp^ this

; " - •

ai[t••got niht,.'which <5heSkeir

nl |stetr'1bis'ie|s,d f r

v hnihrit

npt till.he had received sevefar8cypr»«.With spTarsVtha|Im a^tentipn coiil$'^'erted sp'as tp'iferide


as tp'iferider it pp4sible to secure

The otfcertlajvat'the faiiibns .Germanbathitjg-and gambling .place^ Hdmbiirg a~ " fhff bad been pl^y.in'g torsbrae -time with "tfie'-usual luck of a __

'down his last Napbleen,"Rke tflifi resfc "He'drew a pistol biit'

•Kef, and :blcw" his - lirSins- outsitting at the fatal trente etquaraitte^

' t ab ler . The people who-"are gene'ralljpn' rew" a-clbtli oTer Ms laody^

5<3Srne3 the wretched man <»ut, iife-behigigmte extinct', add tljSi gSme"pfoceeTi==ed as if nothing had occurred". .-•••-

ved tha^tKe* #oK'$JsWm^^Mi^Hr

ier5 hasft is ascejrtaiti-

cars at Schenectadv"'$&:$$ lather folKwcd;

p;had-heen. murdered, byj-Jby ;tbe-. roadside... -•^B id


y ^ i

.wpman satia dog,* watching- eager.% ojr a



if,tdcatch^recognition. _fcbllar bea^ng., thegjiiaineiii'^lpgsei" ^ ^K%! x- •'officer*i"n command of thq Carty, to^k^thej p.p, *!

searchedievlry p1fBl

traits prUieY5onplfestothis'--<i»ip>aiii&;1Bfe5i':^

X * H U : | ( . j # , . . _.,._ ,when th;ey Ii*l:pi»eee^ed;about.twenV

^ | d bk(lace from "whence?hi|n:vthei.


n and

steSyard or oi8cer!s

ftpd^hat. were left

Vily b^und withuS-'«i2»^'iiiv-

!s % n6 f deemedJ?aps

ithcr he nor thewhjehJlstilF'j

indicatedthe daughter


0jgreatest sufferer.

ant that i*mce, caused such ha

from his c|j(e at

some such dumon

bo«, With ihrtrnoftobtc * Ih tlie


e- Jnail ,meji qyej the ^ajnte;*Eaiitp;fouBd, pn aiatejrip thebpdie

cfp ^

four'persons, three'lmea<and.ia'W.Qnian,.,w-ha:h d h dd bti ^ j J |Jy|iig?

f the;

^ ^ g ^ ^ i ^dollar,,ajd-of epurse.causiiVg tbe.shopinan-to loss'.i-jfree tim_5S0ba|:^^iJt?33jc-fellow on whom .thertjick >w

h h J d

fel-.j p Mt *°

ashamed that he Jiad not a word to say.


—Wilkesl,stride •oditiiei$

teen hand horsey

? i«ST>Jthep fonnd, pn

equal t*) that pf a;.«ix»

thesayingexactjtude pf ma4hiiig!6|,- andwastes nptp.oweT in unnecessSfey «cfio*f-or •Iwwhat.js«jnore gfip1ircjBly3(5pmed?^s^ter: *

H>4 - C g t f p ^ t ^ i #11 i.lf:lure the iongjDnB»k|inj{

which lyreat their m^mMm*'

than anj »j cptnpetitors, » P 4 ** r are exhanstedTpr