no. 7 saturday, june 13, 2020 pages 4 tour of inspection to...

No. 7 Saturday, June 13, 2020 Pages 4 Special Edition Eritrea has repatriated over 450 stranded nationals from across the world in the past 10 days. 41 of the nationals depart to 10 countries today 13 th June 2020 with Charter Flights organized by the Eritrean Government and respective Embassies. An additional 157 Eritreans from 46 cities in the US, who were stranded with banning of flights, returned to their respective places of residence with Charter Flight yesterday 12 th June 2020. It is to be recalled that 259 Eritrean nationals, resident in 16 different countries repatriated to their places of residence with Charter Flight last Saturday. The Arrangements was made by Eritrean Foreign Ministry in conjunction with relevant Eritrean government’s bodies and Embassies. ERITREA: NATIONALS REPATRIATED According to report from the Ministry of Health, Eritrean nationals inside the country and abroad contributed about 600 thousand Nakfa and over 16 thousand Dollars to the effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, ‘Zaer’ Private Company contributed 364 thousand and 356 Nakfa, Colluli Mining Company 46 thousand and 570 Nakfa, ‘Alfa’ Mining Company 3 thousand Dollars, ‘Andiamo’ Mining Company 3 thousand Dollars, Eritrean Embassy in Washington 10 thousand Dollars, European Union office in Eritrea 29 thousand Nakfa and Gash The Governor of the Anseba region, Ambassador Abdella Musa conducted tour of inspection on 5 June to the development sites and social service provision institutions in the Elaberet sub-zone. Nationals in various sub zones of the Central, Gash Barka and Southern regions are extending more financial and material support to disadvantaged citizens with a view to ease the burden they might encounter due to the ‘Stay at Home’ guideline. Accordingly, residents of Tiravolo, Aba-Shawl, Serejaka and Paradizo sub zones extended cash and food items. In Tiravolo, 105 thousand Nakfa and food items affluent individuals contributed was extended105 disadvantaged families. Certificate of Recognition was also handed over to 10 volunteers for their participating in the extension of the support. Similarly, the residents and affluent individuals in Aba-Shawl contributed food items worth 98 thousand Nakfa members of the 84th division also extended food items to 196 individuals in the sub zone. Over 162 thousand Nakfa contributed by residents, affluent individuals, vegetable and fruits farmers’ associations, and owners of taxis and buses in the Gala Nefhi sub zone was extended to disadvantaged The residents of the administrative areas of Mahfid, Kumhule, Arebto, Airomale and Dengolo, Foro sub-zone, expressed readiness to reinforce participation in the implementation of the charted out development programs. The comment was made at meeting the Governor of the Northern Red Sea region, Ms. Asmeret Abraha held with the residents on 10 and 11 June. At the meeting the residents said that the construction of water diversion schemes and the Demhina-Malka road as well as the social service provision institutions put in place are significantly CONTRIBUTION TO AUGMENT NATIONAL FUND SUPPORT TO DISADVANTAGED NATIONALS CONTINUES RESOLVE TO REINFORCE PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS TOUR OF INSPECTION TO DEVELOPMENT SITES IN ANSEBA REGION contributing in improving their livelihoods. They also expressed readiness to reinforce participation in regrouping their villages. Ms. Asmeret Abraha also visited the progress of the various projects in the administrative areas including the construction of roads, terraces and micro-dams and was provided briefings by the coordinators of the projects. The development sites and social service provision institutions that Ambassador Abdella visited included the dams, micro-dams educational and health facilities as well as Elaberet Agricultural project and others and he was provided briefings by concerned bodies. In Eleberet sub-zone there are seven dams and micro-dams with capacity of holding from 600 to 200 thousand meter cube of water and the study to construct one additional dam that could cultivate 160 hectares of land has been finalized. According to the document from the sub-zone, in Elaberet sub-zone there are one community hospital, 4 health stations as well as 12 community kindergartens, 24 elementary, 10 Junior and 4 high schools. citizens in the area. In Mekerka sub zone, over 38 thousand Nakfa contributed by affluent individuals was extended to disadvantaged families in the sub zone. Residents of Paradizo sub zone also extended over 28 thousand Nakfa financial and material support to disadvantaged families in their area. The report also indicated that, residents of Laelay Gash, Dige, Golij and Teseney sub zones, Gash Barka region extended over 330 quintals of food items to disadvantaged families in their area. Similarly, over 98 quintals of food items and 9 thousand 600 Nakfacontributed by the War disabled organization in Shambeko sub zone was extended to 48 disadvantaged members of the organization and NUEW in the sub zone also extended material and financial support to its disadvantaged members. In related news, 12 cooperative associations and Kokob Plastic Factory in Dubarwa town contributed over 55 quintal food items and was extended to 153 disadvantaged families in their areas. Barka administration, vegetables and fruits farmers in Kerkebet and Forto-Sawa contributed a total of 158 thousand and 247 Nakfa. Small businesses in the Central region contributed a total of 54 thousand Nakfa while cooperative associations and small businesses in Gash Barka and Southern region contributed 594 thousand and471 Nakfa and other individual nationals 8 thousand and 200 Dollars. According to the Eritrean Embassy in the Scandinavian countries, Eritrean nationals in Sweden contributed additional over 75 thousand Kroner to the effort to combat the spread of corona virus pandemic. Consequently Kidisti Selasie Church in Gothenburg contributed 30 thousand Kroner, Evangelical- Lutheran Church in Stockholm 10 thousand Kroner, Kidane-Mihret association in Stockholm 13 thousand and 400 Kroner, nationals in Norberi 10 thousand and 900 Kroner, and other nationals in three cities in Sweden contributed at total of 10 thousand and 800 Kroner. continued on page 2

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  • No. 7 saturday, June 13, 2020 Pages 4


    al Ed


    Eritrea has repatriated over 450 stranded nationals from across the world in the past 10 days. 41 of the nationals depart to 10 countries today 13th June 2020 with Charter Flights organized by the Eritrean Government and respective Embassies.

    An additional 157 Eritreans from 46 cities in the US, who were stranded with banning of flights, returned to their respective places of residence with Charter Flight yesterday 12th June 2020.

    It is to be recalled that 259 Eritrean nationals, resident in 16 different countries repatriated to their places of residence with Charter Flight last Saturday. The Arrangements was made by Eritrean Foreign Ministry in conjunction with relevant Eritrean government’s bodies and Embassies.

    EritrEa: nationals rEpatriatEd

    According to report from the Ministry of Health, Eritrean nationals inside the country and abroad contributed about 600 thousand Nakfa and over 16 thousand Dollars to the effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Accordingly, ‘Zaer’ Private Company contributed 364 thousand and 356 Nakfa, Colluli Mining Company 46 thousand and 570 Nakfa, ‘Alfa’ Mining Company 3 thousand Dollars, ‘Andiamo’ Mining Company 3 thousand Dollars, Eritrean Embassy in Washington 10 thousand Dollars, European Union office in Eritrea 29 thousand Nakfa and Gash

    The Governor of the Anseba region, Ambassador Abdella Musa conducted tour of inspection on 5 June to the development sites and social service provision institutions in the Elaberet sub-zone.

    Nationals in various sub zones of the Central, Gash Barka and Southern regions are extending more financial and material support to disadvantaged citizens with a view to ease the burden they might encounter due to the ‘Stay at Home’ guideline.

    Accordingly, residents of Tiravolo, Aba-Shawl, Serejaka and Paradizo sub zones extended cash and food items.

    In Tiravolo, 105 thousand Nakfa and food items affluent individuals contributed was extended105 disadvantaged families. Certificate of Recognition was also handed over to 10 volunteers for their participating in the extension of the support.

    Similarly, the residents and affluent individuals in Aba-Shawl contributed food items worth 98 thousand Nakfa members of the 84th division also extended food items to 196 individuals in the sub zone.

    Over 162 thousand Nakfa contributed by residents, affluent individuals, vegetable and fruits farmers’ associations, and owners of taxis and buses in the Gala Nefhi sub zone was extended to disadvantaged

    The residents of the administrative areas of Mahfid, Kumhule, Arebto, Airomale and Dengolo, Foro sub-zone, expressed readiness to reinforce participation in the implementation of the charted out development programs.

    The comment was made at meeting the Governor of the Northern Red Sea region, Ms. Asmeret Abraha held with the residents on 10 and 11 June.

    At the meeting the residents said that the construction of water diversion schemes and the Demhina-Malka road as well as the social service provision institutions put in place are significantly

    Contribution to augmEnt national Fundsupport to disadvantagEd nationals ContinuEs

    rEsolvE to rEinForCE partiCipation in dEvElopmEnt programs

    tour oF inspECtion to dEvElopmEnt sitEs in ansEba rEgion

    contributing in improving their livelihoods. They also expressed readiness to reinforce participation in regrouping their villages.

    Ms. Asmeret Abraha also

    visited the progress of the various projects in the administrative areas including the construction of roads, terraces and micro-dams and was provided briefings by the coordinators of the projects.

    The development sites and social service provision institutions that Ambassador Abdella visited included the dams, micro-dams educational and health facilities as well as Elaberet Agricultural project

    and others and he was provided briefings by concerned bodies.

    In Eleberet sub-zone there are seven dams and micro-dams with capacity of holding from 600 to 200 thousand meter cube of water and the study to construct one additional dam that could cultivate 160 hectares of land has been finalized.

    According to the document from the sub-zone, in Elaberet sub-zone there are one community hospital, 4 health stations as well as 12 community kindergartens, 24 elementary, 10 Junior and 4 high schools.

    citizens in the area.In Mekerka sub zone, over 38

    thousand Nakfa contributed by affluent individuals was extended to disadvantaged families in the sub zone.

    Residents of Paradizo sub zone also extended over 28 thousand Nakfa financial and material support to disadvantaged families in their area.

    The report also indicated that, residents of Laelay Gash, Dige, Golij and Teseney sub zones, Gash Barka region extended over 330 quintals of food items to disadvantaged families in their area.

    Similarly, over 98 quintals of food items and 9 thousand 600 Nakfacontributed by the War disabled organization in Shambeko sub zone was extended to 48 disadvantaged members of the organization and NUEW in the sub zone also extended material and financial support to its disadvantaged members.

    In related news, 12 cooperative associations and Kokob Plastic Factory in Dubarwa town contributed over 55 quintal food items and was extended to 153 disadvantaged families in their areas.

    Barka administration, vegetables and fruits farmers in Kerkebet and Forto-Sawa contributed a total of 158 thousand and 247 Nakfa.

    Small businesses in the Central region contributed a total of 54 thousand Nakfa while cooperative associations and small businesses in Gash Barka and Southern region contributed 594 thousand and471 Nakfa and other individual nationals 8 thousand and 200 Dollars.

    According to the Eritrean Embassy in the Scandinavian countries, Eritrean nationals in Sweden contributed additional over

    75 thousand Kroner to the effort to combat the spread of corona virus pandemic.

    Consequently Kidisti Selasie Church in Gothenburg contributed 30 thousand Kroner, Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Stockholm 10 thousand Kroner, Kidane-Mihret association in Stockholm 13 thousand and 400 Kroner, nationals in Norberi 10 thousand and 900 Kroner, and other nationals in three cities in Sweden contributed at total of 10 thousand and 800 Kroner.

    continued on page 2

  • Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

    Acting EditorAmanuel [email protected]

    P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49


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    Azmera BerhaneSara Alem

    Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

    Acting Editor Amanuel [email protected]

    P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49

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    LayoutAzmera Berhane

    Sara Alem

    Published Every Saturday & Wednesday

    Acting Editor Amanuel [email protected]

    P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49

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    LayoutAzmera Berhane

    Sara Alem

    Published Every Wednesday & saturday

    Acting Editor Amanuel Mesfun

    P.O.Box: 247Tel: 11-41-14Fax: 12-77-49

    E-mail:[email protected]: 12-50-13

    LayoutAzmera Berhane

    Aida Johar

    2 No.7Eritrea Profile, saturday, June 13, 2020

    Madame ChairDear Colleagues,

    I would like to start by thanking Ambassador Perks Master Clemency, Chair of Group of the Least Developed Countries. Eritrea commends your leadership. Our thanks also go to Ms. Fekitamoeloa Utoikamanu the Under Secretary- General and High Representative for LDCs, LLDC, and SIDS and her team for convening this important meeting.

    It is my honour to share with you Eritrea’s experience and lessons learned in containing COVID-19 and mitigating its socio-economic effects.

    The first case of COVID-19 in Eritrea was registered on 21 March 2020. Eritrea has to date recorded a total of 41 cases and zero deaths; 39 individuals have fully recovered and 2 cases are still active. Since the emergence of this global pandemic, Eritrea pursued a two-pronged strategy: containing this deadly disease and continuing with the major national development projects.

    In relation to COVID-19, early mitigation measures and intensive public awareness campaigns have been important in containing the spread of COVID 19 and reducing its effects. The GoE began thermal screening at all ports of entry in late January in order to detect and isolate cases and for contact tracing. Once the first case of the virus was recorded in late March, the government took swift action

    Intervention by Ms. Elsa Haile, Director, International Organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea

    to close borders, ban intercity travel and travel by air to and from the country. Eritrea, introduced “Stay-at-Home” measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Through close cooperation with the private sector we have boosted prevention; local manufacturing industries were retooled to produce disinfectants.

    Any measure would not have been successful without the full contribution and cooperation of the citizens. Despite all the severe disruptions and challenges it created, Eritreans all over the country appreciated the importance of the measures taken and have fully respected the guidelines. Societal contribution in Eritrea went beyond respecting the measures; the Eritrean society has shown exemplary commitment, solidarity, and burden sharing. People continue to make financial and material contributions, one example being the cancellation of rent payments until the restrictive measures are lifted.

    Media in Eritrea has played a decisive role in helping with the dissemination of valuable information to help build awareness amongst the population. Singers, actors, comedians, the artist community in general, all have come together to communicate critical and key messages with humor, song and acting; and this has been well received by the public.

    The technical and financial contributions of the Eritrean diaspora as well from nationals living in Eritrea cannot go unmentioned. Aware of the impacts that COVID-19 will have on the country, Eritreans all around the world have continuously raised funds for the efforts to fight the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past two months Eritreans abroad have raised millions of dollars for the national fight against the pandemic. Our diaspora communities continue to support each other and share the burdens and pains. The same is true for all segments of the population inside the country.

    We are acutely aware of the economic set back the pandemic might create, the GoE is keen on ensuring that this pandemic does not overwhelm or paralyze us and disrupt the development programmes that the country has embarked on. Within the appropriate social distancing and sanitation requirements, it has exempted vital

    sectors including manufacturing, agricultural, mining, construction of major roads and dams.

    Madame Chair Dear Colleagues,

    While we recognize the success so far achieved, we cannot be complascent. In order to be able to continue to control the spread of the virus, the High-Level Task Force on COVID-19 announced in mid-May that the GoE will conduct random and widespread testing across the country in different phases to estimate the spread of COVID-19. The first phases of these tests were finalized on 2 June in the capital of Asmara.

    Although flights to and from Eritrea have been stopped since the outbreak of COVID-19, travel to the country through land continue to grow at this point in time. As a result, 5270 individuals were put in quarantine in 81 centres established throughout the country during these past months; 3477 of these were released subsequently after due processes while 1793 individuals still remain in quarantine in 45 centres. It is evident that this influx will continue even as necessary border control measures are taken.

    Madame Chair, Dear Colleagues,

    The most important lessons from this unprecedented global pandemic crisis, are the following:

    1. The importance of enhanced prevention and mitigation strategy - upgrading human, institutional, financial, technological capacity, including capacities of manufacturing drugs and medical equipment;

    2. Active community awareness and involvement. Collaborative community role is indeed critical for successful implementation of restrictive measure proposed

    3. Importance of working to deliver accurate and timely information about the health crises to the public, including proactively dealing with misinformation and existing societal prejudices.

    4. Harnessing the financial and social remittance of the diaspora.

    Madame Chair, As the effects of COVID-19

    continue to unfold, it is clear that

    this pandemic will have long term impacts on our countries and our continent. While LDCs in the aftermath of this pandemic will need the solidarity and international support, it is most important that we continue to engage with each other and share lessons learned in order for us to regain and advance our development objectives.

    I would like to express a heartfelt appreciation to Eritrean health workers, the Police, artists and all

    StAtEMEnt At MEEtIng (vIrtuAl) OF nAtIOnAl FOcAl POIntS OF lDc’S In AFrIcA; rESPOnSE tO cOvID-19 & tHE WAy FOrWArD

    essential workers that are putting their lives and the lives of their loved ones to keep us safe

    I would also like to take this opportunity to express Eritrea’s solidarity with all the countries that are fighting this pandemic and extend our condolences for the loss of human lives.

    I thank you.

    Asmara, 11 June 2020

    Similarly, according to the Eritrean Embassy in Israel, Eritrean nationals in Israel contributed additional 173 Shekel while the Eritrean community in Israel contributed 200 thousand Shekels.

    In related news a number of nationals in Sweden and Israel have decided that the families renting their houses to live free of rental payment ranging from three months to one year.

    According to the Eritrea’s Consul General in Toronto, nationals in Canada have made additional contribution of 125 thousand Canadian Dollars towards augmenting the National Fund to fight COVID-19 pandemic.

    In related news, Eritrean nationals in Dubai contributed additional 25 thousand and 759 Durham.

    In the same vein, the Eritrean National War-Disabled Veterans’ Association (ENWDVA) extended medical equipment and reference books to the Ministry of Health. According to Mr. Mohammed-Nur Idris, head of Organization and Information of the association, the medical equipment was donated to the association by the Stuttgart branch association.

    local nEwS

    continued from page 1

    Contribution to augmEnt. . .

    Residents of 27 villages in Dubarwa sub-zone and members of the Eritrean Defense Forces stationed in the areas are conducting water and soil conservation popular campaigns with a view to redress the environment.

    According to Eng. Adem Abdulwase’e, expert of irrigation farming, so far the residents have constructed terraces that cover 100 hectares, two thousand meters of water diversion schemes as well as one micro-dam.

    The residents expressed readiness to continue the water and soil conservation popular campaigns with the objective to boost their agricultural produce. They also asked for machinery support for better outcome.

    In related news, the dam constructed in cooperation with the Northern Red Sea administration at Wegeret River is significantly contributing in alleviating the potable water supply to the residents of Nakfa town.

    According to the administrator of the sub-zone, Mr. Yakob Idris the residents of Nakfa town have participated in the construction of 8 km of water pipeline and two water reservoirs.

    According to report, two dams are under construction at the Ela-Tselam and Beyen administrative areas, Nakfa sub-zone.

    WatEr and soil ConsErvation popular Campaign

  • Kesete Ghebrehiwet

    Children in rural areas across Eritrea have relatively easy access to primary education but not to pre-schools. It is no wonder then that the opening of Omhajer Kindergarten, the first of its kind in Omhajer semi-urban center, has eased the challenge parents had been facing.

    As education is a basic human right in Eritrea, the Government has been building schools everywhere in the country, including its remotest parts, to provide easy access to education.

    Guided by the “Education for all” policy, the Government of Eritrea has been making huge investment in the construction and upgrading of educational facilities since the wake of Eritrea’s independence. The Government also created investment opportunities for nationals who are interested in making investments particularly in the disadvantaged areas. The opening of new kindergartens (KG) in rural areas, which is a noble gesture of the investors, is making a difference in the lives of pre-school children and in easing the challenges of parents.

    Usually, private businesses invest in major cities with big populations to make huge profit. But concerned individuals tend

    Omhajer Kindergarten Eases challenge of Parents

    to invest in areas that alleviate societal challenges. For this reason, some individuals have opted to make a contribution in the construction of Kindergartens, particularly in the remotest parts of the country.

    The opening of Omhajer KG in 2013 enabled the inhabitants of Omhajer to carry out their daily activities with ease because they have a safe haven for their children. Omhajer semi urban center has a good distribution of educational facilities from primary through secondary schools.

    Children who go to KGs before they join elementary schools are more confident than those who do not have access to KGs. Parents of children in Omhajer say their elder children, who had no access to KG, did

    not do as well academically as their younger ones. The KG has a spacious playground and three classrooms. At the KG, the children start the day by singing the national anthem in unison in Tigrinya and Arabic languages. They learn through real objects and images, sing and play. This way, they enjoy their stay at the KG and get ready for their primary school.

    Primary school teachers in the Semi-urban center say the opening of the KG has been of great help in enabling the children to easily grasp lessons when they are in the first grade and thereafter. The children from the KG tend to learn faster than those who have not attended nursery school.

    Mr. Kidane Adhanom, Manager of Omhajer KG, said that parents of the children are satisfied with their children’s performance. “Their parents have been informing us that the children are able to read and write before they join primary school,” Mr. Kidane said.

    Omhajer KG started its operations in 2013 with 127 children and it has since been enrolling a total of 140 students annually. “We have been providing awards for outstanding children,” Mr. Kidane added.

    The children’s joy is a great

    relief for parents. There is nothing more pleasing than observing children’s merriment.

    The administrations of Golug sub-zone and Education Ministry’s office in the sub-zone have been instrumental in

    encouraging us to perform well, Mr. Kidane said.

    Omhajer semi urban center borders Ethiopia and Sudan and is home to all ethnic groups of Eritrea. It is most known for its agriculture and trade.

    Mr. Kidane Adhanom

    3 No.7Eritrea Profile, saturday, June 13, 2020

    that came from overseas. While on our side, it was all home-made. We started with minimal firearms. Bit by bit, we got about everything we needed and taught ourselves how to operate the firearms. Our forces were growing sturdy by the day. The only force the EPLF did not have was an air force. But we knew how to survive air raids. All of our heavy artillery and about every firearm were literally taken by freedom fighters that jumped on the enemy’s tanks. It was surreal. And in the process many young freedom fighters risked and lost their lives. We were few in number and yet we fought against an army of multiple hundreds of thousands. But that never bothered us because even if our army was little we knew that our real number was three million (the Eritrean population); our people were assisting us in every way possible. We were never alone. Knowing that, death was just worth it all.

    What do you think makes the Eritrean people so resilient?

    We never had it easy. Decolonization in many African countries did not exact the enormous hardship and precious sacrifices that it entailed in Eritrea and few other African nations. But we earned it. Our forefathers stood up and fell for their rights. Then it was our turn to go for the last option: an armed struggle. We clashed against the biggest army in sub-Saharan Africa and it was fierce. We finally got the Independence our people fought for decades. Now, our younger siblings and children are on the frontlines securing this country as it still relies on them. We, the Eritrean people, had nothing bestowed on us on a silver platter. Therefore, when constantly faced by challenges and conspiracies our only option is to be relentlessly resilient.

    Anything you would like to say at the end?

    Everlasting glory to our martyrs! May our people prosper eternally! My heartfelt greetings and gratitude to the Eritrean youth! They are amazing. Happy 29th Independence Anniversary!

    Q: Where were you on ..Independence . . .

    continued from page 4

    Pictures taken before Covid-19 lockdown

    Pictures taken before Covid-19 lockdown

  • 4 No.7Eritrea Profile, saturday, June 13, 2020

    Billion Temesghen

    Q: Where were you on Independence Day 2 9 years ago?

    A: In Ethiopia, still Fighting!

    Solomon Berhe, who was then a 27-year-old young man in the mechanized units of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), was one of the many EPLF freedom fighters deployed in Ethiopia to assist the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) in the fight against the Dergue. On May 24, 1991, while his comrades were rejoicing with their compatriots in the liberation of Eritrea, Solomon and his fellow fighters were still fighting in Ethiopia. They were marching towards Addis Ababa for what would then be a total liberation of the Ethiopian people as well. These events were later compiled in a historic book under the title: ‘Wefri Sigre Dob’, translated as ‘Cross-border Operation’. Currently Director General of the Press Department at the Eritrean Ministry of Information, Solomon, a journalist and an author, shares his recollections.

    Thank you for your time, Mr. Solomon. It must have been sour to be away from your country on the very day of its liberation!

    It was. But some of us were still at war. When we heard that Asmara was under our control and people were finally freed, my companions and I were extremely delighted that words cannot express. We got the news while our mechanized and artillery units were marching towards Addis Ababa assisting TPLF troops. I remember exactly how we were crossing a town called Debreberhan and my companions started shouting and screaming out of joy. Yes, we were at war, but we had to party regardless. We did it in our way; we started firing into the air out of joy! A barrage of bullets to echo the news of the liberation of Eritrea! We were still at war, but those shots were in honor of the Eritrean glory. After all, a thousand mile or so away from where we were, a Nation was being born at a heavy price; a home for Eritreans.

    You were marching alongside TPLF troops; the sudden firing of guns must have been rather startling to them.

    It was at first. The firing came about unannounced. But we were young and excited. We left home for that very reason (liberation of Eritrea) and we just had to celebrate somehow. In fact, when they realized what was happening, the TPLF troops did join in our merriments in the same way. I still can’t get that moment out of my head. It was big and very memorable.

    Addis Ababa was under the control of revolutionary forces on May 28th 1991. What was the situation like?

    Dergue’s stronghold was in Eritrea where the resistance on our side was exceedingly sturdy. So relative to what we had gone through in Eritrea, the battle in Ethiopia was lighter. There was no strong resistance. By that time, after the demolition of the Dekemhare Front in Eritrea, Menghistu Hailemariam had already fled Ethiopia. However, there were some fire exchanges in the vicinities of Menelik State House in Addis Ababa, where our tanks were deployed.

    Did you like assisting the TPLF in their revolution against the Derg regime?

    It was not only the TPLF but other movements too. Indeed, the EPLF had forged, over time,

    alliances of solidarity with various liberation movements in Ethiopia. These had their ebbs and flows. The general conviction of the Eritrean people is, of course, the same as it has always been. We wanted our neighbors to prosper so that we can focus on doing the same. Everything the EPLF drew up and conducted had its strategic reasons and explanations. We did have notable differences with the TPLF, but at that moment, we were focused more on joining hands with various opposition movements in Ethiopia to finish off the war in the best interests of both peoples. And the truth is they did appreciate our assistance. So much so their high ranking officials openly expressed their gratitude. I was present at one event. The TPLF hosted a celebration for our Independence in a place called Sendafa. There, high ranking officials praised and appreciated our assistance. EPLF deployed its mechanized and artillery units to assist them

    until they reached Addis Ababa. Moreover, our special forces, the ‘Commando’, had been there before us, scouting and clearing the way for us. Our support was vital for TPLF forces to fully engage in advancing forward.

    Do you remember the layout of how the Eritrean forces were deployed in Ethiopia?

    I do. Generally, our liberation front had four mechanized divisions, brigades. Three were in Eritrea while one, which I belonged to, was deployed in Ethiopia. Our main task was to back-up the TPLF infantry. We fought in most fronts of Ethiopia. There was intense fire exchange in Debre Tabor Front. There, we seized the cities of Bahrdar and Gondar. After that we split into two and then we marched through Gojam, Welega, Fincha, Godar and Ambo and got to Addis Ababa directly through the west. The units advancing through the

    north pulled out to move on through the front of Dessie, attacking the front of Wuchale.

    How important was the role of the Eritrean mechanized force, specifically in the last phase of the EPRDF-led revolution?

    It had paramount importance, of course. And we took it seriously because not only did we deploy our mechanized units but also lost fellow comrades who sacrifices their lives.

    We are conducting this interview on the occasion of the 29th Independence Anniversary. What would you like to sayabout the armed struggle?

    I wouldn’t know what to say. It was truly a heroic feat that saw genuine altruism. It is one of its kind in Africa but may also be in the entire world. Nobody can dispute our journey. History is made by people but no one can change it. The Eritrean struggle was an earnest struggle of a people that had had enough and was willing to risk everything for the sovereignty of Eritrea and securing its respected place in the world. We had virtually no meaningful external support as a Front. Ours was a popular struggle of almost a century. Experiences and lessons learned during that span of time were definitely what really defined the revolution. Militarily speaking we made the impossible happen. The Ethiopian forces were backed by the world: USSR, East Germany, Cuba, Libya and Yemen. Their strategists were big names

    Solomon during the armed struggle Solomon at present

    continued on page 3