no god but allah

8/3/2019 No God but Allah 1/33  Bismillah Hirrahmaan Nirraheem THE ULTIMATE TRUTH NO GOD BUT ? By Atomic Scientist, Engineer SULTAN BASHIR MAHMOOD (S.I) Col. Baktayar Hakeem (S.I.M) DAR-UL-HIQMAT INTERNATIONAL 60-C, Nazim-ud-Din Road, F-8/4, Islamabad Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 2260001 - 2858672 28-03-06 D/S.B.Mahmood/HQRF English/No_God_But_Allah 1-48 1

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 Bismillah Hirrahmaan Nirraheem





Atomic Scientist, Engineer


Col. Baktayar Hakeem (S.I.M)


60-C, Nazim-ud-Din Road, F-8/4, Islamabad

Web Site:

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 2260001 - 2858672

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There is a very important question which everyone, even the staunch

believers, ask sometimes in their life

Is God really there?

Atheists who believe in nothing, they also ask,

If He is there, then?

Science in its own way asks the same question. It is also in search of some

formula, which may provide answer to all natural laws. The Order, which

they observe in the universe everywhere, makes it think that this may be the

result of some Grand Singularity. Some give it the name “The Primordial

Cause” Some call it Infinity and some have given it the Name “Omega

Point” (1). Whatever it is, in its search for reality there always comes a point

where physics end and meta-physics begins. What is beyond. Is it God?

Universe as seen by science today has more that 1000 million galaxies and

every galaxy has more than a billion stars. It is also unlimited in its expanse;

whereby light traveling at its speed of three hundred thousand kilometer

(186,000 miles) per second cannot reach from one end to the other end in

billions of years. It exhibits a stupendous system of time, space and motion.

Never earth has gone off its axis, nor sun has pulled moons into its orbit ever

or stars go off their pre-destined routes. Billions of trillions of the All

planets, stars and whole systems of galaxies are in motion and are seen

working in the most perfect way. All are being governed by one set of laws.

All are part of a splendid design and all work in perfect unison.

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Why? Is there some Mastermind behind all this? Who has established this

uniform order and maintain it?


Paradoxically some still say, there is the God but …… it may be result of 

some chance coincident of Nature. If you ask, what is Nature? Wague

answer is; Allah this.

About 15 billion years ago,

there was no time and no space. A Big Bang

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took place and universe came into being.

There was no Nature then.

It become out of nothing just for no Reason.

Then there were series of accidents and coincident, that resulted into

development of orderly universe as we see today. But theory of probability

does not support this scenario. Even infinite number of chances cannot

produce such an intelligent universal order. How can the deed produce the


Still there is no God.

The founder of modern physics Dr. Albert Einstein stated that

throughout the Time and Space Continuum.

There is only one set of scientific principles. Same set of physical

laws which operate an earth govern all the creations every where in the


Calculated, designed and established laws of science? Who organized

them? Can this grand unity of the scientific order attributed to chance? Just

an accident! more coincident! Or these laws are the ways the Supreme

Creator What will you say?

Science has also seen that whole of the universe is functioning like a most

delicately balanced industry. Here every unit, every machine and every gear

is at its work according to a pre-programmed system, pre-determined

inevitable absolute fundamental constants of nature. Had there been any

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non-conformity in these numbers, the universal systems could have never

come into being.

Think of the structure of any atom. If the inner ‘Strong Force’ in its nucleus

was even slightly different then the atom could not have sustained itself.Similarly, if ‘Weak Force’ was out of balance, the material world could not

have been there. If the constants of Force of Gravity and the Electromagnetic

Force was different by one in million, the universe could never have existed.

All existence depends on the fine tunes of these constants of nature.

Who planned and fixed the Constants of Nature so precisely? Who

maintenance the balance in the natural forces? Since the very beginning?

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Did the “Nothingness of pre-universe created itself? Did the lifeless atoms

 joined hands at their own, to set up this grand order? Do the atoms govern

the laws of Nature, or these laws govern the atom?

Still No God!

But chance – Accident – Evaluation – Nature? What will you say?

How strange! There is the design, but no Designer

There are plans but no planner.

There are laws but no law maker, law maker,

There is absolute control and order everywhere but controller

Look into the water you drink. Every thing on freezing, squeezes in size and

attains higher density. But here is one strange exception. As it cools water

first gets heavier, after reaching 4oC it starts expanding. Thus the ice is

lighter than the water, therefore floats on the top, and covers it like a blanket.

Being bad conductor of heat it does not let the lower layers of water to cool

down further. This in turn prevents the lakes and oceans from freezing to the

bottom, and the marine life continues living comfortably in warm layers of 

liquid water underneath. If the exception was not there, no life could exist in

the oceans. Eventually all of them would have frozen into solid ice.

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did some one outside water made this exception for water in the rules of 

Nature? Or was this the idea of the water itself in sympathy to marine life?

Think of your own body and biological world around you. All of this is

primarily made of Carbon. How did this basic building block of life came

into existence? Atoms of carbon were made by the fusion of three atoms of 

Helium in the stars at ultra high temperatures and pressures. The fusion

reaction was made possible by the special frequency of resonance of Helium

atoms. Had there been even a slight miss match in the mutual resonance of 

these elements there would have been no Carbon and consequently no life.

Who established such precise system?

Modern science has revealed that every thing in nature is in motion.

Electrons within atom run around the nucleus. Planets go round and round

their stars, and Constellations are on their way in the galaxies, Every thing isfloating in space on pre destined, pre-programmed course?

Who has designed these complex motions and set them on their paths?


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Our Sun is moving on its course at a speed of six hundred miles per second,

along with its nine planets, twenty-seven moons, and hundreds and

thousands of meteorites, most obediently. No one overstepping, the rights of 

others. Who maintains this equilibrium?

Moon, from a distance of two hundred and seventy thousand (270,000) miles

up above the earth performs the service of pushing and pulling the waters of 

our oceans, causing ebbs and tides. It helps, enriching the water with oxygen

and providing nutrition for life in the sea. It cleans the harbours and river

deltas and the seashore by taking the polluted waters to deeper levels. Is this

planning the work of some accident! or some matured consultation between

Moon and oceans together? Still there is no God.

Waters of in the and oceans is saltier to a measured level. The salinity has

been maintained within limits over last three billion years. It is essential for

the marine life in many ways. It makes for them easier to float and when

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they are dead, help to preserve them without smelling foul, as food for many

other species. Who established this system? Oceans?

There are side by side streams of sweet and saline water in the seas and they

are kept and maintained that way. There are aquifers of sweet and saline

waters under the surface of earth as well. At places these water are exposed

together, yet their boundaries are maintained. There is an unseen curtain

barrier between them. Who is keeps them apart? Water?

Who tells the newly born baby to cry and draw the attention of her mother?

Who gives fortitude to mother to meet every challenge bravely to protect her


A mother sparrow can stand eye-ball to eye-ball to an eagle to protect her

chicks. Who gives her this courage?

Who teaches the chicks to start walking soon after hatching? Who makes the

off springs of mammals rush towards mammary glands soon after birth?

Who has developed these instincts in the animals?

No teaching, no training. But they know exactly what to do? Is it the work of 

blind evolution?

Still there in no God?

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Honey bee searches nectar from far and wide and collect it in her hive. She

knows the science of poisons and thus never touches a poisonous flower.

She knows the art of separating the honey from wax, for food and wax for

building its hive. She is also well aware of the science of heating and

ventilation. During hot weather she knows how to keep the honey cool to

prevent it from flowing out of hexagonal cubicles and, in the freezing winter

works as a thermostat to let it not freeze. She is also a master civil engineer.

Her hexagonal houses  are simply marvelous of supreme art and architect.

She also knows science of sociology and management par excellence. They

work in hundreds and thousands under one queen - no mismanagement. Her

skills of remote sensing and communication are simply superb. There is an

excellent system of distance and direction keeping. They fly back to their

own nest without losing their way. Her defense system is also marvelous

while sharing and team work is simply superb.

Who has taught all this to poor honey bee?

Who tells the spiders to weaves an unmatchable fine but strong web with its

specialized salivary glands.

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How Ants know when and how to store food for winter season. They live in

most organized colonies, like any civilized society. Who has taught them

these principles and cannon of living? Who told them the principles of food

preservation? Who educated them in the safety rules and environmental

laws? How come they know it is going to rain and take precautionary

measures lest they are washed away by water?

Still there is no God!

How come the earth learnt to bow at a degree of 67o

30´; allowing the

occurrence of different seasons in a year, and made her to rotate to have a 24

hours cycle of day and night? The inner metallic core and rotation has

created a strong North-South magnetic field. This allowed the invention of 

magnetic compass. And compass helped submarines, aircrafts and many

more to orientate survey and track their ways, to their destinations. It is also

the cause of the lightening in clouds which converts free Nitrogen into

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Nitrous Oxide. This in turn provides for the food of flora. Not only this,

magnetism within the core of the earth is also the reason to maintain the very

essential protective cover of ionosphere. This causes the radio waves to

reflect back to earth allowing radio communication for man; and shields us

from the harmful rays coming from the outer space. Did it happens by


Look at the water cycle on earth. Million of Billions tons of sweet water is

lifted from the salty oceans in the form of vapors with the heat of sun. Winds

carry them to different lands and pour it down in various forms of 

precipitation. Rain and snow bring sweet water to give life to the dry and

barren lands. It helps to keep the atmosphere sufficiently humid, that we

may breath comfortably. Moreover, trillions of tons is stored and stacked in

the form of snow at the mountain tops for our need in summer. Subsoil

aquifers are recharged to grow crop for us. Rivers and streams bring water

from the mountains to the alluvial plains and give fertility to land. Excess

water reaches back to the seas. What a perfect cycle. Not a drop lost. And all

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of this is pormed…. by the “sun engine” about 2000 million kilometer up in

the skies. Will you say that it is also the work of chance? Or it needs some

Super Intelligence to plan and implement this marvelous life giving system?

Now peep into your own life. Is it another accident? Our pancreas (gland) do

not let the level of sugar in our blood go beyond certain limits. Heart pumps

blood to each cell of the body for the length of the life. Untiringly it

reciprocates around three billion times in about seventy-five years. Look at

the function of kidneys. They know what to filter out and what to retain in

the blood. So is stomach and so is liver. What do these wonders of 

engineering and bio-chemical processes, speak about? Still there is no God?

Who made the brain? Bubbly grayish dough locked safely in a spherical box

of bones. It floats in a delicately balanced fluid of minerals. Unparallel

intelligent super computer which gathers, stores, analyzes, processes and

takes decisions about our life and remains at work all 24 hours of the day

and 365days of the years.

Every cell of our body carries a complete programme. It is written through

genes, placed on chromosomes. Life unfolds, according to this programme.

That is why every part of the body is set rightly to work properly and every

cell is a complete personality in itself. Eye is an eye and ear is an ear.

Billions of mankind though member of the same specify but each one is

unique in it self. Who wrote the blue print of our life in these cells? Who

designs the different patterns? Who is the source of life? Blind atoms! Did

the stupid evolution made us so intelligent?

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May it be fauna or flora, seed (sperm or egg) carries the blue print of whole

life. Who planned it? A microscopic cell turns into a full size, muscular,

talking, walking genius. Who designed it?

Look at the functions of local cords, lips and tongue in between. Who made

them to cooperate together to create unlimited sounds, words and rhythms?

Where ever science probes, it finds a definite system. May it be the nucleus

of a cell or unfathomable depths of space, every thing is seen following a

definite design and a pre-programmed course. Moon completes its cycle in

27 and a ¼ day, Sun experiences cyclic sun spot activity after about eleven

years; period, earth returns to its position after one year and creates day and

night in a rotation of twenty-four hours. Radio-active materials radiate for a

definite period of time. Indeed whole nature, its macro and micro system

inclusive, is highly mathematical and chronological. So is human life, going

round and round.

Can this wonder full programmed spermatic world system be without a


Who has made the protective layer of Ozone gas seven hundred miles above

the surface of earth to protect us from ultra violet rays? Non but Allah

Who has kept the solar system in order for billions of years now? None but


Who has kept a critical distance between the Sun and the Earth, to ensure

right energy balance for the propagation of biological life?.... none but Allah

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Who has created the cushion of atmosphere around the earth, extending for

hundreds of miles to meet the shooting stars and burn up these before they

reach the surface of earth?....... None but Allah

Who has taught the trees to use solar light for photosynthesis, thereby use

carbon dioxide and water to establish food chain and generate oxygen for

life to survive on earth? …. None but Allah

Who has created hundreds of different species of plants from just a Single

Cell in the beginning from the soup of water and soil?

Who has filled up the earth with minerals, fauna and flora for the mankind?

Who has created every man unique even if they are in billions, none of the

finger prints match and yet we have many similarities and commonalities?

Non but Allah

If still you doubt then tell;

Can disorder create order?

Can darkness bring light?

Can nothing cause something?

Can dead give birth to the living?

Can stupidity create ultra intelligence

Science acknowledge that according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics

such happenings are impossible, without the intervention some suitable

external Agency.

Who is that other than Allah?

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Whether You Agree or Not

Every bit, every piece and every facet of universe is singing the saga of its

Planner, Inventor, Engineer, Designer, Creator, Protector and Sustainer

encompassing power.

He is the First Cause. The Alpha and Omega

He is Allah

The Grand Singularity, the Total Control

Above Time and Space, The First and the Last, The Outermost and The

Innermost, The Absolute Reality, who encompasses every atom from inside

- outside, effortlessly.

He is The Omnipresent; The protector of all, The knower of all, The Listener

of all, The All - wise, The All – powerful, and All knowing, acitive all the


Every particle in the universe bears witness to Him. May it be a petal or a

sepal or a drop of water all extol His holy Name. All await His

commandments and follow them diligently. Laws of science are His Nature,

All places are His domain. Future, Present or Past are one to Him. All

measures are given by Him. He says “Be” and it is there. He Creates and

recreates. He is the total Control and the Absolute rule.

He is Allah Ever living, ever there,

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His mercy is limitless, sustains all, even those who deny Him. If you oblige

His creatures he says, “You have obliged Me.” If you spend in His way out

of what He has given, He says, “You have given Me.” And His lone is

bound less for the who seek His forgiveness. He is the best friend. Closer

than one’s own jugular vein. He encompasses the heavens and the earth and

every atom they are made of. None can intervene on His behalf except when

especially permitted to do so.

He is Allah

The One and the only one. Free of any fault and supreme in all qualities. The

Absolute, None has given birth to Him and He has given birth to none.

There is nothing like Him, no words to describe Him, no eyes to see Him, no

vision to comprehend Him. But every thing in the universe Piynm… His

praises and in witness speak of His existence.

Is it not strange that most of the mankind loves for the creations but forget

the Creator; Live in His sovereignty but violate His rules and regulations;

Come from Him and after death go back to Him, yet are not mindful to Him;

Look for a in everything but we do not know the purpose of their own being.

Relationship between Man and His Creator

By the modern thinking we always place mission before undertaking any

project and any business. We are supposed to plan and execute in view of 

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some objective. Science also reveals that every object of nature is doing a

specific task. But when it comes to explore the purpose and mission of our

own life we simply shun away. We do see the unity of purpose every where

in the universe, but are confused in the our objective of our own life.

Fifteen billion years hence, thought to create science one who could

denstand them one appreciate His good Reality. There was nothingness was

in existence of matter and antimatter. But in that void of nothingness was

everything. Just as zero is the sum of plus and menus of any number. The

supreme Creator paited of the Nothingness who everything. Out of the

subatomic fundamental particles was created the element of hydrogen which

accumulated to form stars and therein became the singular cause for all the

formation of all elements of this universe. Over the span of these years,

series of atomic explosions in the stars kept creating more and more

complicated elements and molecules. Thus through a long process of 

creation, spread far and wide in the universe more and more complex

elements kept coming into being. Very recountless, only four billion years

ago, some of them accumulated to constitute our earth and our bodies. Out

of the hot plasma gases the supreme Creator also created the Sun of the

appropriate size, and placed earth in the right order and at right place in the

solar system. Stage was thus set to create the worlds of geological features,

the world of plants and the animal world. And last of all came the man when

all required to fulfill his needs was in place. Thus have emerged on the

supreme of creations of the verses. Cause of universe and everything in it.

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This raises the fundamental question. If our Creator has made Universe and

everything in it for our sake them what are we made for?

Therefore, the ultimate goal of our life can only be with reference to our

loving Creator. Only that life will be worth living whose principle objectives

is to serve the Creator and His Creations.

As for the question how to serve the purpose of our being, our Creator has

not left us in confusion. Infact He made elaborate arrangements to teach man

the right path, which leads him to Him. He from among the mankind,

appointed especially chosen people in every nation, every tribe to teach them

what He required out of them. When human race became developed enough

to preserve the message for good in writing. He sent His Last Messenger,

Muhammad (PBUH) to unify the teachings of all the precious Messengers.

He confirmed their truth and their Mission, and purified their religion from

wrong belief and practices which over the time had polluted the religion.

This was Islam, the religion of all the messengers of God before him. Same

is the soul and core of universe, man inclusive. Unity of the Creator, Unity

of the mankind and Unity of the universe is its fundamental principle. Its call


‘O people, say out of your hearts, There is no God but Allah – You will

achieve time success.”

It is the message of liberty and unity, “One God, one Book, one Rasool and

One Humanity, it is the call of freedom from all gods of exploitations,

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resolution to struggle against tyrannical forces up to enslave mankind. All

are born equal by Allah, as this vicegerent. While his /her hands are busy in

work his / her heart is with Allah, the ultimate object of his / her love.

Embodiment of the Qualities of Allah

Those who believe and share these ideal are called Momin. They are

vicegerent of the Creator on earth and thus the embodiment of the supreme

qualities of Allah.

a.  Allah embodies absolute kindness, so too Momin must be kind and

merciful always

b.  Allah is the absolute love, so two the Momin must be loving for

His creations.

c.  Allah is the supreme Creator, so to Momin should also be busy in

creative activities always.

d.  Allah is the Absolute Giver, so too Momin should also be a giving


e.  Allah is the Source of as built Power, so too Momin must acquire

power for the weak.

f.  Allah is the ever Forgives, so too, the Momin should be forgiving.

g.  Allah is All knowledge, so too, Momin must seek knowledge all

his life.

h.  Allah is the all Wise, so too, the Momin must use his head and

heart wisely.

i.  Allah is the ever seeing, ever using…, so too, the Momin must

also keeps his eyes and ears open.

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 j.  Allah is the most Merciful, so too, the Momin should be

kindhearted and merciful.

k.  Allah Loves Cleanliness, so too, the Momin must try to remain

clean and tidy.

l.  Allah hates transgressors and oppressors, so too the Momin must

help the oppressed ones, and first against the oppressions.

Summarizing  Momin, not only belongs to Allah, he represents Allah on

Earth. He embodies His deeds and conduct at the human level.

Kalima Taiaba is the Code of life of every Momin

By, proclaiming La-i-Laha he frees himself from all subjugations.

By announcing, ill-lall-Lah he resolves to sew Allah only, His Real Master,

the Sustainer and the Protector

By proclaiming, Muhammad Rasool Allah he adopts the last prophet as his

supreme leader, guide and ideal in his in life.

Thus to attain the highest pedestal of life the slogan of the Momin is,

No god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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The Glorious Quran

The Code of Islam

For success in this life and the life Hereafter, Quran is our Road Map. It is

the criteria of the right and wrong. It testifies and completes the teachings of 

all prophets and thus it6 is the book of all the religions of mankind. Its theme

is Man; a code of life to strengthen family system, and is the guide to

eradicate injustice, oppression and aggression. This is the book, which

addresses all human beings, and the speaker is Allah Almighty. Thereforesometimes it has disclosed some great natural truths which surprises every

scientific merical. How could be that a book written 1400 years ago in

Arabia in so precise terms describe some of the great scientific discoveries

of the 20th


Science discovered, in the last century, as to how the universe came into

being. Through a sudden big bang. Quran revealed it fourteen centuries ago

that not only universe, but every creative process Gomes into being suddenly

on the call of Allah’s order, ‘Be’ and it is there. It tells that universe is a

creation of Allah and came into being suddenly by Big Bang of “Kun” and is

neither ever everlasting.



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It was discovered in 1924, that universe is expanding. But much creater

Quran had told to mankind that God created it through the twist of His Hand

and He surely is expanding it. Thus it gave the reason of its expansion, that

Big Bang push was angular in its direction.



33. It would be the climax of modern science to discover another world

like ours; where life is possible. Quran paradoxically starts with the

plural for world i.e. worlds! In begins as “All praise is for Allah who

is the sustainer of all the worlds.” And then it also tells He has created

seven heavens and the earth like thereof.

2: ? …………………..


It clearly means there are many worlds. And He is sustainer of all of them.


Where is the ancients had described stars a lights hanging by the heavenly

dome Quran described that system of the universe in extremely dynamic

where every day is a new day of splaraid for its Great Creator.

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Quantum mechanics, in 1930, was based on the find that photons travel in

series of jumps or waves. Thus, atleast at the subatue levels charges always

take place not by slow evolutions by in sudden jump and appear instantly

leaps or quantum jumps. Quran had much earlier given the rule of ‘Kun’,

that every creative activity of Allah occurs suddenly in his order of ‘Be’.

Quran said:


The Quran says:

16: ? …………………..

Science is rightly proud of its discovery of the 2nd

law of thermodynamic,

which states entropy will increase with time, unless and until it is prevented

by applying some external energy in the right direction. Thus it says that

simply every thing is moving towards its end with the passage of time.

Quran told the same thing in such general way that immortality is for Allah

only. Except Him every thing will decay over time and finally die.

55: 26-27 ……………….

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According to this Quranic rate Death is the destiny of every thing. Even

partm will delay and ultimately die. Only Allah shall last Exception is for

Him only.

Science has proudly discovered that every phenomenon in nature is

according to some system and abides by certain laws with Space - Time

frame. Nothing in nature happens haphazardly. Infect what scientific

discovery and analysis person based up this vital assumption much before


Quran has taught to the world that Allah measures everything and

programmes them and His laws (ways) never change in time and space.

Thus absoluteness of science was assured in the Quran at its very beginning.



Science has also discovered that the energy of sun will be consumed one day

and it will shrink. Even large galactic world will decay and turn into black 


Quran laid id down the rule that nothing is everlasting. What to say of the

sun every star will be ultimately folded with time and decay.


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Science has recently discovered that while the universe is expending which

has given it equilibrium and stability. When was being developed and it was

smaller than a particular volume, it was wanting in balance. For equilibrium

and balance the volume had to enhance to a definite level, called Critical

Volume. Quran fourteen hundred years ago had told that balance and

equilibrium in the universe is coupled with its opening up i.e. expansion,

thus labour a critical crlums universe must had been in great transient



Translation :

Science has, of late, accepted that universe con not be forever. It now

behaves its Doomsday. However, Quran, through hundreds of its  Aayahs 

had warned much earlier that universe and everything in it will meet their

end; and it will happen suddenly.

Science has now discovered that universe will stop expanding one day. It

will then start shrinking. It will then be re-created after a huge explosion.

This is called Big implosion. Quran had described this great discovery of 

science in a very pictorial manner with the metaphic of opening out of a

scroll and latter rolling it backward. ,



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Measuring and assessing the vastness of universe, on the infinity of creation,

great scientist Newton had said, “I am like a small child playing with

pebbles on shore. A deep sea lies ahead of me to discover.” Quran says, “if 

all seas become inkpots, they would dry out but the description and details

of my Allah will remain unfinished.” Thus Quran taught that there is no

limit to knowledge and science will exhaust but works of Allah will still

remain waiting for discovery.



One of the most significant discoveries of 20th

century was the Atmospheric

layers. Were we without these protective layers, the life many have been in a

very diminutive shape. Quran many centuries before science disphered that,

told, atmosphere above the earth is like a roof over a house, and further told

that there are seven strong barrier above us for our protector from the perils

from the outer space.

2 : ?………………..

78 : 12……………….

“And (have we not) built over you the seven strong (barriers)”,

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Nineteenth (19th

) Century brought the discovery that mountains have deep

roots. They are deep down under the surface of earth as well. Quran had

described the same fact much earlier in its pictorial words that mountain are

like pegs in the crust of earth. Since pegs are used to join and hold two more

things together, thus Quran one could corvine the idea that of structure of 

earth is in layers stabilized by mountains.

78 : 6-7………………..

it is important discovery of the 20th

century that from its birth for many

billions of years universe had remained in the form of primordial gases.

Quran had described this fact in its verse: 91(11) that in the beginning, even

long after creation, space remained filled with some kind of smoky staff. It

was latter that heavenly bodies were created out of it now we call it

premarital plasma of gases. All stars and planets have been formed the

collections and latter cooling of this gaseous stuff. When it started

compressing under the gravitational effects, then it heated again and atomic

falcon reaction under intense presume, are the reason for the heat and light

emitted by them.

91 : 11…………………………


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Amongst the greatest achievement of science is space travel. Exploration of 

space through space rockets resulted in landing on moon in 1969. Quran

more that fourteen centuries ago had predicted that one day man will leave

the boundaries of earth but it will be possible when he get communicate to

acquire huge power. It also highlighted the perils of space travel, being

under constant attack of radiation flares.

Quran Says:

“O ye assembly of Jins and men. If it be, ye can pass beyond the

zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! Not without authority

shall ye be able to pass”.

55 : 33………………….

Than Quran further described: 55 (35)

“On you will be sent (O ye evil ones twain!) a flame of fire (to burn)

and a smoke (to choke). No defense will ye have:

Science has recently learnt that outer space is under constant

bombardment of radiation. Hot solar flares from uncountable stars like

our sun are continuously pouring down.

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Science has also discovered that in the beginning everything in the universe

was compounded together. Quran centuries before disclosed that in the

beginning all the heavens and the earth were, together as a single mass. It

asks the 21: 30 ………………………

“Have not the unbelievers seen that the heavens and the earth were

  joined together (as one unit of creation) before we clove them as

under? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then


Note the words, “Have not the disbelievers seen……” pointing out that this

great discovery will be first made by the non-believers, and they will

actually ofeme see to it by their telescopic tools.

Science is proud of the fact that it has discovered that life evolved in water

Quran much earlier explicitly told that not only life began in murky pools of 

water; it depends for its survival on water too. It also means if there is no

water there will be no life; and vice verse fine also.

Famous scientist Paul Divac discovered in 1933 that matter in the universe is

in the form of positive and negative pairs and given it the name “Matter and


Quran long ago in its eternal message had desorbed that what it say of matter

and antimatter, it a is the rule of Allah to creat thing in pairs in all things –

known and the unknown.

51 : 49…………………………….

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“And of every thing hue have created pairs; That ye may receive


In Sura Yasin Quran further said that Allah has created all thing within you,

in plants and even those which you do not know as yet, in pairs.

Einstien, the father of modern science, was first to present the idea of 

Relativity of time. However Quran told us, that time depends upon the

observer. For some our thousand years are equal to one day and our one-day

can be equal to fifty thousand days of others and for some of years could be


Of course, these were only some examples chosen at random. Quran is full

of wisdom, knowledge, information and provides guiding principles for

every problem. True followers of Quran rose to the pinnacle of social and

civic development in just scores of year. Arabs who were among the lowest

in knowledge and power rose to the peak of the comity of nations. Muslim is

presented to the world finest example of balanced organization starting from

family. Whatever they lack now is due to lack of their ignorance and

indifference to Quran. Teachings of Quran are for every one and all people.

Quran says and reiterates:-

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It is a point to ponder as to how was it made possible. More than fourteen

centuries ago in a backward and fragmented society like that of Arabs an

illiterate man when reaches to the age of forty, starts talking and teaching all

wisdom. (May peace and blessing of Allah be upon Him) He taught and

preached the finest posits of history, sociology, economics, international

relations, interpersonal relations and above all, of character building. When

he (Muhammad (PBUH)) was asked who taught you this, he said, “It is all

from Him. It is through divine revelation. I am only a messenger”.

No doubt where science end the Quran begins.

The point of thrust of Quran is the human being it is to vane him to the

highest pocut of human dignity, in the …………. World of  infarute

……………. If you want to be that this Quran should be your discourse; the

path to Salvation.


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Destination and Prayer

Prayer and supplication from God Almighty can change the destiny. For He

knows what is there for us as it in He who laid down our destinations and it

is He who can change it for us. Therefore, one must pray and pray to Allah.

It is one of His great resources.

Prophet taught to beg Allah and ask Him for every thing and none else. He is

the giver, most magnanimous, kindest of all and most merciful He listens to

all, He sees all and loves the one who prays to Him.

Let us pray:-

  O’ Allah guide us to straight path.

  Make this life easy for us and whatever we have been able to achieve,

accept it, please.  Give us a contended self before death.

  O’ Allah grant me the justice you have chosen for your beloved ones.

  O’ Allah treat me along those you are kind to whom and make me like

those who are happy and satisfied with you.

  Ameen O’ Sustainer of Universe Ameen.
