no inquest pends in wreck killing fotitnat (rooding...

IdaliO. IBM...............522 Ktaho, :959 — in KABlC VftilfT, 1050 - :o- A HcKiimnl Newspaper Serving Nine Irri;;a(cd Idnho Counlics FINAL EDITION ,. 11, N O - TWIN I'ALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, JULY 1:',, I'.l.W I’RICE 5 CENTS -I 1 Steel Talks Resume; Ike Four Killed, l\vo Autos Are Smashed I hiSIMK '' Makes Plea vinvYORK. Julvl-'VWV—Stallt'd slnul ni'irolialioiis y.ol ‘i r wjiv acnin todav-iit W hile Ilnusc lji(l<liiivr Iml with S it of an t- avert a :^trike at inijl- Vit. lominrnw. The lituoii prom ised t<. iiiakti 'an all- irv" nt iic«otinliti>? a strikc-savuif: siatlcniciit. i) Cotirail Conpcr, chief imUiHtry iioKoiiatfir. tlirew roid Ltpr on ?cttlemunt iirospccts aiid .sliow.-d in-iialion in willi union President David .1. McDonald Icr plio- ---------------------L i i g r u p l i c r . s . (.'Dujier said there was only one i>ossib!c way. n strike could be avoid- ed—for the iiiiinn to npain extcnil its contmct. McDonald, however, nilrd o nny lurtlicr dclny In n ftliottilo'* •nir union cnrlirr h;itl cranttd ^ UU-\VCCk (MKT bill 11 cxplrM UIIMI Fla July J3 tn — Ttic;nitdiili:lu lomorrnw, .-.H^Tnnt-bomb-»l»ell«-hoiicy-l _Cu9Pfr. '"'f union iilrrady 'ri krot house toflayjn lor- han^c£UNrd 11irnmlli.«ry injury Dy lllie prlvncy 10 ltd utidcrTnie fact tin t inany'firiiini:ivc h;id «i»ml's imibakd nntUndj. I to close down some fnclllllcj la llie Mrlvin MlnlMon, 28, ftiiil nn coMly prcpnriillnii Tor nn orderly ' Wiirte llodrJKUet. 27. T»rii-. lndlJ^lr>• ;.lnjldo\vii. ipcnil two wetlu 111' iiie borKnlnlnR tfilkj hnd broken Couple Starts -Bomb Shelter ‘H o n e y m o o n c,c boict to ’publlcltf >»mb Kfllcrs Bii‘1 civil drferue. If Uity i-k 11 out, spoii.iors ol iht jtiint romlifd them a ^«onll lioiiry- liijnmnlen.- Call li MaiSe ,,ic Mlnlnnons Inclicd down iidiway isiidcr into'ihe ihelirr . ._ *t t|;30. ■fnlimic calicra MltfP and none too hsppy ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1ihclr well iKlnR. Tliey Mid they were very llrfd. lilt Cedi 0. DnrnaKl, (irwldenl ot lomb Slifltrrs, Inc.. which arrange ihc jublerrnnean honeymoon, •nirre were people Knlore-ln. adinK plcltela — topside as the ouiil(> tcciied their vows In wed- niieri’and went undersround. S picket pve plac.ird-carrylriK women tiillllfcl themselves aa membtr Ihe'Greater Mloml committee • k une nuclcar policy. One mid • undfrjrround honeymoon waa rrotnollon for financial snln m prfpires people piycholosl- ^i^^Muple’a quartet! are 8 feel » feet Ions and 7 feet, I AtJ hlKh. e.iulppcd with cook- Land toilet facllltlea, food, elec- ftnd a - U l e p h r " * - ” "'!.!*-! KOtlallnE sp'.;.lnn;i ,«hf(lill>.'d, PrL•^lal•m Kr.cnhouTf Inp un:i'd boili jJdr.i to rraume the mei'lini:* lo try to reach t atrlljc-stivlni; r.oIutlCii. David J- McDonald, linloa pwl- drni, mi-V briefly wllli the inilmri exccullve bnarcl and then telC' nhmietl n r n r]rnd Cooiier. flile: induslr>' ncKOttiiior, to nrraiicc thi re.iumption of tnlk.1. 'llie Inclintry. prior to today's dcvelopmcnt-1. Imd already started biinklnR furnncrn nnd slowing pro- duction. 'rlirep «lays-nre norm.illy required for a Ijlc plant to aliut down wlthoiil dnmaclnif etjulji' mciit. , Crowd Sees Wane Land; Unit Blasted NEW YOflK. Jill? » ;flr-"I|mor- ance and conXu-ilon" niled at Idle- wild airport while |i crippled Jet fUrlincr wliii 113 pemon.'( itjr hate a radio but no TV »ct. Hit by Car W, W. Parker. 60, km taken lo Magic Valley Memorial hoo- pllal by »»tnt« patrol car about :M p.m. today after he was ..a by a ear at the comer ot .Main avenue and Shoshone man 'was unconaclout ittien he wn» picked up. Tie »wnan driver ot the auto was tnsklni; a rli;ht hand turn onto Uiln ttvfnue when Uw accldtnl hippenrd. No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding Three Goodlnc boys ridloc tn the luto at (op wero killed inilantly wheo (heir car. trarellnc uphill at hl{h (peed, collided xrltb auto at botlom on the creit of a hlU two and onc-fourtli mllei «eit of Good- Inc. The Goixllnr car was on th.e ;trreni: iilde of the ruad attemptlnt to p a» a car w hes it cmathtd head* cn Into the car occupleii by a nstae fahilly. A lO-yrac-oId boy ridinc In (he car ihoam In'^ht lower photo vai killed, and hli father, the driver. Incurred fractures of both arms .and leci. (fiUff photo, encraylnri) COODINn. July 1:!—Tlirve lloodini: leeii-iijrtT.' "ii tlicir way for a late evening sniick at liliss and u lO-year-old boy riding' witii liis I'ainily for u stay wiili hi.s Rrnnd- mother in Idaho Kalis were killed two anil iiiK'-fmnth inilvs of GocdinK on .stato highway 20-2(5 Saturday iiif-lit. tJnodiiij: county Slifi-iff Keith Ander.soii naid <ltie.'<t woulti be held as. all per.'^nns iii the tinodinj: car were killed nntl the car had " '■ ' '■ crnsscii the white line nntl was speeding on the wronff cjf the roml when the citlenl ncciirred at the crcat of a hiil. Killed la tJip tuo-car accident itrr Jnnics O, McOlice, ifl, driver if u 1051 Olduiioblle, ton of Mr. niKl Mrs, Waller McOhce, Good- nK. nnd liLs iitiwriKrrs, Charles StrlcklltiK. U. son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. .''i> Htricklinit, Ooodlnu, and Ccrnld LoomLi, JB. wn ol Mrv Miircnret LoomLs, CoodlnR, and Noriiinn •C.-Loomix;-5trLouurMiir KHIrd_lu_Uie.oUier.Mr.ttM. El* (loi) Olinffln, 10. who aa.1 rIdlnR In the front Mftt of a 1950 Hudson drum by Ills lather, Wendell Oh,i//ln.-48.— Week-End’s Death Toll in Idaho Hits 7 n.r The A»*oflalrJ I'reM Tltrec iiuto iicclili-ni.i nnd r drowntnc brought dr.un lo r,:'vcr pcr,;ons in Idaho durlni; the \U'ck- end. —"t'he totnl dlcd-in-n-eoiil.‘ 'lon-ncnr GnocUnit, and two others ptTlshcd in iiccf' dent-1 In touth ctniral .iuiiU!'’fll'' ern Idalio, The »evenlli-ftn ll' year-old boy—drowiiril in n Ilolsc Allan p.-i'ttnn drowned iiller he lrip|)C<l un a brldi;c and frtl li: the nidenljanKli caa;il in liol^c, •llic boy wn.i playliiK nllli Rroup of younK c«ini)iinloiin .iTid slipped while ntnnlnKfrom allRht- firecracker, lie could not r.wlm • escape from Uie eoiicrctc-lincd canal. His body war, tpcovcrcd a I" WnnmTIi?~crowinircani, He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gcmld E. Pnttnn, Dolr,e- Darbnrft~DuViilI— 2[l.“ Sin,k:tnf; Wa.^ll., was killed S.iturdny wlieu she app.irently lost control ot licr car on a sravel road near Worlcy In northern Id.iho, State Pollcc said she was thrown from tlic s It overturned. The other accident Saturday In oQuth centml Idnho look 1hc life of Charica William E\’ans, 50, Foj, ter, Ore. circled the fWd .nn(l_^|Rlitaecra Jnnmied'roiid.'i and Uie nlrport. the clly flro commLisloncr chnrccs. Klre CommLv.loner Etlward P, CavnnnKli.. jr„ .mid ye.'.terday tliat city firemen cot lUtle or no co* operation.fron> port of .New York authority personnel who run the airport. Iiu-itcad. he snid. they en- countered an nrrocant attitude. Tlie Pnn American World Air- ways plane, whlclj dropped part of its landlrw! Rear Just after taking off for London, circled the field for four hour.\ before maKInR a aafe cmerKcney landins early yester- day. 'Austin J. Tobin, executive dlrec- ir of the port Kutliorlty. re-ipond- hoUy ................. Ussmg Girl’s Father Feels She Is Alive BOISE. July 13 ( U P n - B c m ir d 'un/uhftM 5-ytar-oId daiishicr been mbjlne two wccka, la j UII ("Slnj «n Krtmly to the con«c- nthafshe-s itlll alive," l^ie lUtle blond. Clinrlena Zahm, ’ppeareil Ju n e 30 from her home ind't beri. «cn since, h.ivt been no leads, no clues htr faip, uhnle enlpna of.wluvt lup- '■fd lo Charlene h as baffled p»- ! from the clay ih e was reported 'slni:. d 10 Isce In 21 yeara." wild Police Chief Gu.^ Urrritl. w " liaie comt>ed the capital city M day.^ wlUioui a slnRle clue l!p llui led anywhere except » deadfiid, ^arlrnc-.? fftt^itr. who went back »'Drlc today m a national Ruard «pcr« jprdnllji, summed fp a Iff tl)ii.iic-A'eiUTled «lnce the laltlu: day: ‘ *>"Pt , . . 1 think she's still i f l V ' I Just think .-vomtbody has lirr up nnd taken her. It'A ^ lo look a t 11 any ottier way, IIGHLIGHTSin Todaif's Timot-Nowi ' I - No inquBl r;t In crMi al qoalto,. U lh renimie. Long fires >c‘nni, Sclentl.1t faclns "P''n.iloii for cancer, la-i la «>uUi hills area, ^-linpert ttTKk aliown. <~E<lliorlaJ: •'Measure , -'nn': .VIewa of Othen, h.k W,.s Not ned." ,-Klncheloe nearl'BcU >ce 3 — Twin Palis county Premimn books b tln j mall- Kiri »eeU MOV queen title. Ca%’tuiaRh's He (^ild th e fire commLvsloner' haC made an attem pt "to bc.inilr«h maimlflccnt feat.” ' • The re.'-cue efforU were severely iiampcred' by thrill seekers thronR- Inc lo tlie airport by car and or foot. Airport authorities aalrt Uiere were 50,000 of them, knocking o (C«nlln>H <n I. Ctlann I) Some Acceptance Of Reds Is Asked UKW YORK. July 13 I^WLlmlt- etl acceptance of the Ea-U Oer- man communist rcKlme by the witiiout RlvlnR It diplomatic reeoRnitlou is proposed by W. Averell Uarrlman. former ombos- sador to Ute ^ v le t Union, Ilarrimnn, Democratic et^MV, ernor of New York, added that he the vital 1.VUB and Berlin InrRely n diversion in current Easl-Weat; / , Ilarrim nn <iald Khru.sHCfiev him the Impre.vilon that somctiilnR miRht be \k-orked oot on Berlin "K wc-plve some-nccept-mce to the East G^nnan regime.” TO VISIT POLAND >3 lOPD-World 1 chief, Nikita Khruslt- 1“ here by nir tomorrow. BUKARN& NAMES SIDES JAKARTA. Indonesia, July 13 Ifl —Prf-ildent sukam o today swore In 21 of the 23 deputy mlnisieni he appolViled to help run his pel Mhcme of "Ruided democracy’* for Uils sprnwllnR nation's 3,000 U- lands. Long Fires Doctors, Looks for ‘Scalawags’ in Administration FORT WORTH. Tcx.i July 13 (U PI)—Gov. Earl K. Lonjr, Loui.sittna, ftnnoiinccd to- day that he hns fired all of his doctor.^ nnd p.sychiiitriHtH because he knows ns much n.«i they do. •‘Dishired" wn.s the term he used to announce he has .siickcd them. He hn.s had as many a.s .six at one time. Lonfr, G3, who is aufferinp from n nervous break- down, heart trouble and n .stroke, said he't fiRure that t\e ihould pity them if he jisn’t g5ins to take their fid- jvice. ‘Tve .frot another doc- ,lor conintr over tomorrow to jRive ne an,examinntion .. . and ri Lake his word for it,” Lons inid. LonR Is vacallonlnp In Texas and tryns to flRure, out while he relaxes i.'ho tlie "scalawoRs" In his nlminl.'.traUon, ' Tliere are a lot of oilmen In rexaj aid on Uils subject,' Long observed •'Somcof llJCiC.Texas oilmen .... Rood met but a lot of tliem would not pay a dime to get Christ off NEWS BULLETINS UOIfjB, July 13 Sen, Henry C. Dworahak. R.. Ida, reported day Uiat federal funds available to Idaho under the Columbia river fishcrifs dcvclopmcnl uroeram have been cut back to {2SJXK) for 1060. He said Uie aeuon was taken by the senate'appropriations committee. WI.VOO.SKI, VI, July 13 tfl—A Vermont natioRil cutrii Unk rer a parked ear yeatrrday, .Vo one was Injured, but (he car demollihrd. U'lnoo>kl police u ld the 2G-ton tank, headed for a parade 'nurllnfton, made a vide turn and "ran rl|ht up on lop” of the GENEVA, July 13 liTi—Riwsla's Andrei A, Gromyko unexpectedly de- manded loday Hint German advisers be Included In secret meetings of Uio Dlff F^ur foreign m lnbten conference. The demand.blocked tRrcemeni on a sccrcl icislon tomorrow and thiw Uie conference procedure Into confu-ilon. round (rip Into (lie hr.-iTcns, II vrax learned (oday, Darint apparently wtt one of the two doc pauencers aboard » ''balilitle rocket" launched luly 10. A brief announcement loday from the official Soviet •rency Tass reiraled both animals “were recoTered.' No mention made ot Uielr condKlon, pcm oa, Tcnn., July 13 (UPI)—Pri:ioncn at the Bruiliy Mountain Ins Uiem hoslnRe In.ilde a mine fJinft, Prison Warden Prrfnk Llewellyn said llH'prlioners are involved In the trouble iit this state prison in (flit Tcniie.«ce. where convicts mine extensive coal opcrotions. Baseball Today Ursen, Maas I2), Bronstad (O). Coates (6) and Derrn; Sullivan ml While. Only RAme .idi'etluled, NATIONAL LEAGUE Los Angeles al Cincinnati nnd -an Fronclfico al-MHw«iikeernlKlit iramcs. Only Rames scheduled. Scientist Contmues His Bout Willi Cancer, 92nd Operation ClilCAOO, July 13 (UPl)-An elderly KientLH who has Riven his fare and pari of his left arm to science wlli undcrco his 02nd oper- ation this week. Tills time, sureeons will ampu- „ite two fingers from the right hand of Dr. EmU Orubbe. 83. Tlie many.opcrotJoas..tmd ,the racking pain are the price Onibbe hos paid for his 60 year# of cancer research and X -m y therapy. Hlg experlmenU and «tudy have 6lv(a.lllc-and-reco?eti_io.ihou*- ids of cancer sufferers. •But the X-my expertmenU left serious nvdiotlon burns and cancer throughout Grubbe's own body. Through the jrearB. the dedicated sdentut h w lost' hti lelt hand, port of hla left aim. tha tissue from his naie, lipi: Jaw and check. Ooclors believe hla cancer bcRnn with bumj Incurred during exper- imenn with X-ray therapy Jn 1800 Today, 10 yean alter his retire- ment, Orubbe remains mentally keen and li often sought out for advice by radloloRlsU and canccr ipcclallsts who consider him. a Ittend In hli own Ume. - A friend eays Gnibbe -never treatment. He’s a scientist every Ut of the way.“ ----------- -------- Despite U)B crippling toll cancer has taken- on his body, Orubbe manaces to wrap his own band- ages wIUj one hand. He malntah Powell-Schuman Case Dismissed 8ANTRANCISC0. July 13 (UPI) Treason charges Jn the- Powell, Schuman '•germ a-arfore" case wen dIsmUed today because tlie jrovem- ment has failed to obUln grand Jury IndlctmenlA TJie sedition ladtetment Is sUll pendtpB. . Tlie defendants'were John ... Powell, 40, and his wife, Sylvir. 30 San Francisco, and Julian Schu-, man.-NCTr-Ytjrk-Clty;Trtio-puroUt a eommunlat line magarlne----- Uu China Monthly Iteview In Sliong- hal during the Korean conflict. U.S. Commbuloner Jaseph Kar^ esh dLvnlsed the complaint when the soveniment failed lo present two eye wltn«ses of an OT'crt a of treason m order lo establish .. probable cause fo rthe complaint. He noted the complaints were filed five months ago. Ho*ever. U.8, Attorney Ljm i GU OUlard aald that an invcsUgation A friend eays onibbe -never trcaaon asoMti of th e ^ « nocKET rmiNG set ' POINT ARGUEUXl, Oallf, July 13 ,(DPIJ-rA two-«lag« Nlke-Asp solid propellant rocket packing a 50-pound payload. Is scheduled lo be fired tonight by navy leientlsla studying the nature of explosions oa the sun. Uie c Lonff . Ilncla-iea . thnt li«_l3^i oilman Umsclf. He Mid a "long shot, wlJcat oil well" has pre- sented tun wlUi a «300/»0 fortune. He pronised thnt ne Is Rolni; lo clean aiy bribe-takers he can find out <f his administration when he Rets lame. "Hell's jolng lo brcXk loose,” he said. Lone nrived in Fort Worth 6at- urdny ni(Qt with a pilloi Power Off Though power for people liv- ing tn Uvi oast part of Uni’n«-aa off for 60 minutes early Ston- day morning, nlniost no one knew about the failure until -tiie7-RWolre-t»ntha-clocicrsl6i;-;' The Twin Foils fire depart- ment uiAwered a coll at 3:45 a.m. Monday to check a short- ed power line In the 1100 block of Sixth avenue east. A limb from an overhanging tree had fallen upon the cross-bar on Uie power pole. It crossed three wires and aborted theoi._ The lira departm ent'w as summoned at 3:48 tk.m. and stood by after calling the Idalio Powel- company to remm-e the limb. The blackout luted less than an hour. New Revolt in Honduras Is Again Beaten WASIIINOTON July 13 t^^-The .Ate 'department reports tliat for Uie second Ume In two montlii The department quoted the U, 8. embassy in Tegucigalpa as saying yesterday's revolt was shortlived but that there was heavy firing tn the area around police head- iiunrters In TcRUclRalpa. Tlie epibassy said goverr troops'ond police beat bad. . . attack, launched «iUi a few pieces of field artillery «s well as rifles and pistols. Tlie reports named the lender of-the revolt ns Armando Veleas, He opoOBlred later for his pro- inity ai4 for a Louisiana state police IlMtenant’s pusliing a porter ou; of nn elevator. Lons hdd n news conference „ day in libeuite In the Hotel Texas Khoro-ht-iold-^-about-hls-tmTe plans nnd announced that he wll call a .ipelnl seulon of the Loui- siana legUnture Auj;, 10. He saidhe plans to leave Fort W orth Welne.-idny for El Paso. He hopes befqe Wednesday to be in- vited lo nfar(5as Uie Texas iegls. lature. . -; Prom-’ElPaso, Long expccis to 3 to Motj^rey and Acapulco In 18 H(imes Lost IntanyonFire HOLLYTOOD. July'13 (UPI)~ he latest tre department report ..1 lo.ues lt|Uie dbiostrous Laurel canyon blax, listed today 38 homes destroyed, ffo with major damage.aatSOO acres blnckeaed. Damage lia esUmated st a toul of two mllll(» dollara. Cause Of whlch_row jTiday sUl But flremei Indlcatlpn t1 the four-hsur. fire Ihrough the -area wa.< undetermined, said there was no t' It was deliberately /.A " ProperUoi desu-oyed had an averase \-alb of t32,000.-accordliig to a Red c t o survey. Ttiey rang- ed Irom 19100 to »I50.000. staff, and sold by agreement he was permitted to leave Uic central Amerlwin country aRain. The Associated Press has reclev- .d no direct word from Teguci- galpa aince early lost nisht. That dispatch, delayed some hours In' (mn.imlssiOD. snld firing was ,con- Unulng throughout the city but centered around the police iiead- quarters, "which' seems to be the center of the revolt." CUSHING LEAVES UOSPITAL BOSTON, Jaiyis-UB-iUchartl Cardinal Cushing left Bt. Ellta- 1 man's auto on the crest of m hill tttsl.of Gooding, killing four pcrsgns. •nie father had mulllnlf fmc- uw, eiid-wns-rejiorted'irf-nair"----- -f' condition Monday afternoon In St. Alphonstw hospital In BoUo where i taken Sunday.-He was In ,i criiicnl condition following the ac- i‘ ' cldcnt. ! I- Tuo Rirls of the Chaffin fam- ily riding In the Ij-ick seat of the Dnronna Chaffin, b and t.u- la uii»iiiti,~(!, receive bruise* ^ were treated at Gooding Me- 1 morlal hosplui following Ui« ac- ' 't Cldcnt and released to relaU t^-.-; Sunday. i The nccldent occurred at 11:35 -1 . .m. Sftturdoy on the crest of a |li gradual grade west of Gooding. II Sheriff Anderson s.ild aptmrentty tJ1 the carload of teen-agcrt was l| p<ming anoUier car and hit Uit : Cliaffln car headon. Sheriff Anderson estimated Ut# ir driven by the McGhee youth was. trovcllng 76 to 8i miles in 1 hour and said UiB Chaffin car w u y traveling at a “moderate speed." ■He-Bildea UiaC 'W i' McOhee car----- pulled acroa the white Una In his Uns-of trtUlo.'before Uie oolUson. Mtttutel Oaidner, 17, Ooodlnc,., driver ol » 1»48 that wm GERALD LOOMIS .,. died itulandy in the erashi He was graduatoJ thU apring from Gooding high school where he was active lu ntbleUca and scouting. Deadline for Horse Show—- Entries Near Entries will dose Wednesday for Uie Magic Valley Western Uorst shovr, advises Mrs. Ddm Viekert, 510 lleybuni avenue west, teen- Uiry. Tlie ahow will be held July 3S and 3(3 a t JVonUer field. Twin Falls, wlUi the Twin Palli Junior lUdlng club as sponsors. Entry blanks may b« obtained from Mrs. Vlcken or the Twla Palls Chamber of Commerce of- fices. Interest io ths show U running Mgh. and officials were pleased vhen one of the top cow culling jorses in Uie nation. Poco Lena, iwned by B. A. Skipper, Jr, Long- 'lew; was entered for the show. Entries are coming in from all across the state, says Urs. Rodney Tegan, Chamber of Commerce of- fice manager..indientlng.aworUi- while event for valley residents. -Ja n e t .JIall.. Jerome, who_*k«. ehosen from a field of contestants at- Uie. 1958- show, will rclgn- aa . queen of Uie event. Twelre glrU will compete at the two-day event for her tlUe. • . , . M?year-old boy. aUo wa* killed InsUnUy. (SUff engrar- Inti) Native of T.F. Capt. Ocorgo Wilson, Seattle, who reported Uiot on object with a mysterloua. cluster, .of extremely bright llglrta flaalied by hLn plane *vcr the Pacific a-ilurday is the nephew, of K. 11. Carr, Twin PalU..and Mr. and'Mrs. W. V. Wilson; YaWma; former local residents. Captain Wilson was bom. In Twin Palls and attended local schools. Police Judge Fines Woman Outing for ScputsProlonged When ‘Camp Is Lost’ in Storm Members of Boy Scout troop.168 re Illnchlng today at the word ’•hike", ■mey ’went lor o hike and cookout Sundo; morning In the Shoshone basin area ot Uie south hllb, ran into foul weather and hiked Uie n-rong direction la tiie ruin.' locat«-tbe -roung- iters end their leaders, & «arch was organized about li pjn. Both SherUf James H. Benhom and clly otncers aided Seoutcommltteemen and parent*.' The group -wM lo- cated «t s:SO.aJn. Mondav by Don Bcot^ clty policeman, from hla plane.'■When located, tliey w e scruth o t Indian Springs, Nev. about 25 mllea southwest of their starting point near Magic moun- tain. Using his walUe-talUe radio equipment, Scott directed the ground scorch party to toads and taUls where tiey were able to pick up the weary and'niln-drenehet group, Lee ToIkUjgton, Scout_Jea<t et;ana pred"Olto7 Order of the Arrow president, »et»mpanled t ^ 11 sccut^ who were all In good condlUori when located >looday morning. City police Offfcers J. P. Crist, Tim Qualls and Clifford Sharp oont^ued ’u extr« ahUt.'.M.ftlOlta For Speeding Arilno H. Puller.' 43. route 1, ' Twin Palls, waa fined $S and ootta and given 35 domeriu for spMd* - Ing when she appeared before Po- lice Judge J. O. PumphreyUim^— day morning. She « u cited Wed- - - neaday by T»'ln Palls police in tha 400 block of Blue Lakes boulerwd for speeding S3 mile# aa hour ta . 3S-mlle aone. _______________ : Ttt'O Rupert t«h-ager» were cited - foUowlng aa accident at 8 - p. tn; Sunday six and three-q^iar- ler miles' southwut ot Rimert. William Weeks, 17, was cited ice faUuro to yield rtght of way ta » , 1058 •Chevrolet-ariven'l>r'Bhat^-^ MoOomb*, 16. -Weeks.-drl»lng-»— m o PlymouUi,-pulled-ou« ol-n- private .driveway and made a left turn In front ot Mlea. McOomte* car. Miss McCJortbs was fclted for bavins no driver's llcetue. ... Donugea to her car were set at WOO and to his 178. OTieo Johnson. Mlnldokn county sheriff, investi- gated. Five speeden caught in a radar - net near King Hin were Jtaed'lart week by Sliig HlU Juitiet of tb* Peat# Lynn sfiennan. , _ BogflT-'Wood, Btn W»„ fihed»l7aad.eo«i|«»«d^^ , ^r-Blobart a»iaan, 5^«k_ ; «li and eorts; J*o ItetM , '«adr«aitt.-u4-<R«nk—

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Page 1: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR

IdaliO. IBM...............522Ktaho, :959 — — i n KABlC VftilfT, 1050 - :o-

A HcKiimnl N ew sp a p er S e rv in g N in e I r r i ; ; a ( c d Idnho C oun lics


,. 11, N O -T W I N I 'A L L S , ID A H O , M O N D A Y , J U L Y 1:',, I'.l.W I’RICE 5 CENTS


1Steel Talks Resume; Ike

Four Killed, l\vo Autos Are Smashed

IhiSIMK ''

Makes Pleav in v Y O R K . Julvl-'V W V — S ta ll t 'd s ln u l n i 'iro lia l io iis y.ol ‘i r wjiv a c n in todav -iit W h ile I ln u s c lji(l<liiivr Im l w ith

S i t o f an t - a v e r t a :^trike a t inijl-Vit. lo m in rn w . The lituoii p r o m is e d t<. iiiakti 'a n all-

i r v " n t iic«otinliti>? a s t r i k c - s a v u i f : s ia tlc n ic iit . i) Cotirail C o n p c r, ch ief imUiHtry iio K o iia tf ir . t l i re w ro id L tp r on ? c t t le m u n t iiro sp c cts a iid .sliow.-d in - i ia l io n in

w illi u n io n P re sid e n t D av id .1. M cD o n a ld I c r plio----------------------L i i g r u p l i c r . s . (.'Dujier sa id

th e re w a s o n ly one i>ossib!c w ay. n s t r i k e co u ld b e a v o id ­e d — f o r th e iiiiinn to npa in e x tc n il i t s c o n tm c t .

McDonald, however, nilrd o nny lu rtlicr dclny In n ftliottilo'* •n ir union cnrlirr h;itl cranttd

^ UU-\VCCk (MKT bill 11 cxplrMUIIMI Fla July J3 tn — Ttic;nitdiili:lu lomorrnw,

.-.H^Tnnt-bomb-»l»ell«-hoiicy-l _Cu9Pfr. '" 'f union iilrrady'r i krot house toflayjn lor- han^c£UNrd 11irnm lli.«ry injury Dy lllie prlvncy 10 l td utidcrTnie fact t i n t inany 'firiiini:ivc h;id

«i»ml's im ibakd nntUndj. I to close down some fnclllllcj la llie Mrlvin MlnlMon, 28, ftiiil nn coMly prcpnriillnii Tor nn orderly ' Wiirte llodrJKUet. 27. T»rii-. lndlJ lr>• ;.lnjldo\vii.

ipcnil two wetlu 111' ii ie borKnlnlnR tfilkj hnd broken

C ouple S ta r ts -Bomb S h e lte r

‘H o n e y m o o n

c,c boict to ’publlcltf >»mb Kfllcrs Bii‘1 civil drferue. If Uity i-k 11 out, spoii.iors ol ih t jtiint romlifd them a ^«onll lioiiry-

liijnmnlen.-Call l i MaiSe

,,ic Mlnlnnons Inclicd down iidiway isiidcr in to 'ihe ihelirr . ._ *t t|;30.■fnlimic calicra

MltfP and none too hsppy ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR.Tliey Mid they were very llrfd.

lilt Cedi 0 . DnrnaKl, (irwldenl ot lomb Slifltrrs, Inc.. which arrange

ihc jublerrnnean honeymoon, •nirre were people Knlore-ln. adinK plcltela — topside as the ouiil(> tcciied their vows In wed-

niieri’and went undersround. S picket

pve plac.ird-carrylriK women tiillllfcl themselves aa membtr Ihe'Greater Mloml committee

• k une nuclcar policy. One mid• undfrjrround honeymoon waa rrotnollon for financial snln

m prfpires people piycholosl-

^i^^Muple’a quarte t! are 8 feel » feet Ions and 7 feet, I

AtJ hlKh. e.iulppcd with cook- Land toilet facllltlea, food, elec-

ftnd a -U le p h r" * -”"'!.!*-!

KOtlallnE sp'.;.lnn;i ,«hf(lill>.'d, PrL•^lal•m Kr.cnhouTf

Inp un:i'd boili jJdr.i to rraume the mei'lini:* lo try to reach t atrlljc-stivlni; r.oIutlCii.

David J- McDonald, linloa pw l- drni, mi-V briefly wllli the inilmri exccullve bnarcl and then telC' nhmietl n r n r]rnd Cooiier. flile: induslr>' ncKOttiiior, to nrraiicc thi re.iumption of tnlk.1.

'llie Inclintry. prior to today's dcvelopmcnt-1. Imd already started biinklnR furnncrn nnd slowing pro­duction. 'r lirep «lays-nre norm.illy required for a Ijlc p lant to aliut down w lthoiil dnmaclnif etjulji' mciit.

, Crowd Sees Wane Land;

Unit BlastedNEW YOflK. Jill? » ;flr-"I|mor-

ance and conXu-ilon" niled a t Idle- wild a irpo rt w hile |i crippled Jet fUrlincr wliii 113 pemon.'(

itjr hate a radio bu t no TV »ct.

Hit by CarW, W. Parker. 60, km taken

lo Magic Valley Memorial hoo- pllal by »»tnt« patrol car about :M p.m. today after he was

..a by a ear a t the comer ot

.Main avenue and Shoshone

man 'w as unconaclout ittien he wn» picked up. Tie »wnan driver ot the auto was tnsklni; a rli;ht hand turn onto Uiln ttvfnue when Uw accldtnl hippenrd.

No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing

FoTiTnat (rooding

Three Goodlnc boys ridloc tn th e lu to a t (op wero killed inilantly wheo (heir car. trarellnc uphill a t hl{h (peed, collided xrltb auto a t botlom on the creit of a hlU two and onc-fourtli mllei « e it of Good- Inc. The Goixllnr car was on th.e ;trreni: iilde of the ruad attem ptln t to p a » a car w h es i t cmathtd head* cn Into the car occupleii by a nstae fahilly. A lO-yrac-oId boy ridinc In (he c a r ihoam In '^ht lower photo vai killed, and h li father, the driver. Incurred fractures of both arm s .and leci. (fiUff photo, encraylnri)

C O O D IN n . J u ly 1:!— T lirve llood in i: leeii-iijr tT .' " ii t l i c ir w ay f o r a la te even ing sniick a t l i l is s a n d u lO -yea r-o ld boy rid ing ' w it i i liis I 'a in ily f o r u s t a y w iili hi.s Rrnnd- m o th e r in I d a h o K alis w ere killed tw o a n il i i iK '- fm n th in ilv s w o f GocdinK on .stato h ig h w a y 20-2(5 S a tu r d a y iiif-lit. tJnodiiij: c o u n ty S l if i-i ff K e i th A ii naid <ltie.'<t w o u lti b e he ld a s . a ll per.'^nns iii th e tin o d in j : c a r w e r e k ille d nn tl th e c a r had

" ■ '■ ■' '■ c rn s sc ii th e w h ite line nntlw a s s p e e d in g on th e w ronff

cjf th e rom l w hen th e c itle n l n c c iir red a t th e c rc a t o f a h iil .

Killed la tJip tuo-car accident i t r r Jnnics O, McOlice, ifl, driver if u 1051 Olduiioblle, ton of Mr.

niKl Mrs, Waller McOhce, Good- nK. nnd liLs iitiwriKrrs, Charles

StrlcklltiK. U . son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. .''i> Htricklinit, Ooodlnu, and Ccrnld LoomLi, JB. wn ol Mrv Miircnret LoomLs, CoodlnR, and Noriiinn •C.-Loomix;-5trLouurMiir

KHIrd_lu_Uie.oUier.Mr.ttM. El* (loi) Olinffln, 10. who aa .1 rIdlnR In the fron t Mftt of a 1950 Hudson d r u m by Ills lather, Wendell Oh,i//ln.-48.—

Week-End’s Death Toll in

Idaho Hits 7n.r The A»*oflalrJ I'reM

Tltrec iiuto iicclili-ni.i nnd r drowntnc brought d r.un lo r,:'vcr pcr,;ons in Idaho durlni; the \U'ck- end.—"t'he totnl dlcd-in-n-eoiil.‘'lon-ncnr GnocUnit, and two o thers ptTlshcd in iiccf' dent-1 In tou th c tn ira l .iuiiU!'’fll'' ern Idalio, T he »evenlli-ftn ll ' year-old boy—drowiiril in n Ilolsc

Allan p.-i'ttnn drowned iiller he lrip|)C<l un a brldi;c and frtl li: the nidenljanKli caa;il in liol^c,

•llic boy wn.i playliiK nllli Rroup of younK c«ini)iinloiin .iTid slipped while ntnnlnKfrom allRht-

firecracker, l ie could not r.wlm • escape from Uie eoiicrctc-lincd

canal. His body war, tpcovcrcd aI" WnnmTIi?~crowinircani,

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gcmld E. Pn ttnn , Dolr,e-

Darbnrft~DuViilI— 2[l.“ Sin,k:tnf; Wa. ll., was killed S.iturdny wlieu she app.irently lost control ot licr car on a sravel road near Worlcy In northern Id.iho, State Pollcc said she was thrown from tlic

s It overturned.The o the r accident Saturday In

oQuth cen tm l Idnho look 1hc life of Charica William E\’ans, 50, Foj, ter, Ore.

circled th e fW d .nn(l_^|Rlitaecra Jnnmied'roiid.'i a n d Uie nlrport. the clly flro commLisloncr chnrccs.

Klre CommLv.loner Etlward P, CavnnnKli.. jr„ .mid ye.'.terday tliat city firemen c o t lUtle o r no co* operation.fron> port of .New York authority personnel who run the airport. Iiu-itcad. he snid. they en­countered an nrrocant attitude.

Tlie Pnn American World Air­ways plane, whlclj dropped part of its landlrw! Rear Just a fte r taking off for London, circled the field for four hour.\ before maKInR a aafe cmerKcney land in s early yester- day.

'Austin J . Tobin, executive dlrec- ir of th e port Kutliorlty. re-ipond-

hoUy ■ .................

Ussmg Girl’s Father Feels She Is Alive

BOISE. July 13 (U P n-B cm ird 'un/uhftM 5-ytar-oId daiishicr been mbjlne two wccka, la j UII

("Slnj «n Krtmly to the con«c- n tha fshe-s itl ll alive," l ie lUtle blond. Clinrlena Zahm, ’ppeareil June 30 from her home

ind't beri. «cn since, h.ivt been no leads, no clues

htr faip,uhnle en lpna of.wluvt lup-

'■fd lo Charlene h as baffled p»- ! from the clay ih e was reported 'slni:.

d 10 Isce In 21 yeara." wild Police Chief Gu. Urrritl. w

" liaie comt>ed the capital city M day. wlUioui a slnRle clue l!p llui led anywhere except » deadfiid,^arlrnc-.? fftt^itr. who went back »'Drlc today m a national Ruard «pcr« jprdnllji, summed fp a Iff tl)ii.iic-A'eiUTled «lnce the

laltlu: day:‘ *>"Pt , . . 1 think she's still

i f l V ' I Just think .-vomtbody has lirr up nnd taken her. It'A

^ lo look a t 11 any ottier way,

IIGHLIGHTSinTodaif's T im ot-N ow i '

I - No inquBl r ; t IncrMi a l qoalto,.

U lh renimie. Long fires >c‘nni, Sclentl.1t faclns "P''n.iloii f o r cancer, la-i la «>uUi hills area, ^ -lin p ert ttTKk aliown. <~E<lliorlaJ: •'Measure

, - 'nn ': .VIewa of Othen, h.k W,.s Not ned."

,-Klncheloe nearl'BcU

■ >ce 3 — Twin Palis county Premimn books b tln j mall-

Kiri »eeU MOV queen title.

Ca%’tuiaRh's He ( ild th e fire commLvsloner' haC made an a ttem p t "to bc.inilr«h maimlflccnt feat.” '• The re.'-cue efforU were severely iiampcred' by th rill seekers thronR- Inc lo tlie a irp o rt by car and or foot.

Airport authorities aalrt Uiere were 50,000 of them , knocking o

(C«nlln>H <n I. Ctlann I)

Some Acceptance Of R eds Is Asked

UKW YORK. Ju ly 13 I^WLlmlt- etl acceptance of the Ea-U Oer- man com m unist rcKlme by the w itiiout RlvlnR It diplomatic reeoRnitlou is proposed by W. Averell U arrlm an. former ombos- sador to Ute ^ v l e t Union,

Ilarrim nn, Democratic et^MV, ernor of New Y ork, added th a t he

the vital 1.VUB and Berlin InrRely n diversion in current Easl-W eat; / ,

Ilarrim nn <iald Khru.sHCfiev him the Impre.vilon tha t somctiilnR miRht be \k-orked oo t on Berlin "K wc-plve some-nccept-mce to the East G ^nnan regim e.”


1 chief, Nikita Khruslt- 1“ here by nir tomorrow.


—Prf-ildent su k a m o today swore In 21 of th e 23 deputy mlnisieni he appolViled to help run his pel Mhcme of "Ruided democracy’* for Uils sprnwllnR nation 's 3,000 U- lands.

Long Fires Doctors, Looks for ‘Scalawags’ in Administration

FORT WORTH. Tcx.i Ju ly 13 (U P I)—Gov. E arl K. Lonjr, Loui.sittna, ftnnoiinccd to­day that he hns fired all o f h is doctor.^ nnd p.sychiiitriHtH because he know s ns much n.«i they do. •‘D ishired" wn.s th e te rm he used to announce he has .siickcd them. He hn.s had as many a.s .six a t one tim e . Lonfr, G3, who is au ffe rin p from n nervous break­down, heart trouble and n .stroke, said he't fiRure th a t t\e ihould pity them if he

jisn’t g5in s to tak e their fid- jvice. ‘T ve .frot ano ther doc- ,lor conin tr over tomorrow to jRive n e an,exam inntion . . . and r i Lake h is word for it,” L o n s inid.

LonR Is vacallonlnp In Texas and try n s to flRure, out while he relaxes i.'ho tlie "scalawoRs"In h is nlminl.'.traUon, '

Tliere a re a lot of oilmen In re x a j a id on Uils subject,' Long observed

•'Somcof llJCiC.Texas oilmen .... Rood met bu t a lot of tliem would not pay a dime to get Christ off

NEWS BULLETINSUOIfjB, July 13 Sen, Henry C. Dworahak. R.. Ida, reported

day Uiat federal funds available to Idaho under the Columbia river fishcrifs dcvclopmcnl uroeram have been cut back to {2SJXK) for 1060. He said Uie aeuon was taken by th e senate'appropriations committee.

WI.VOO.SKI, VI, July 13 tfl—A Vermont natioRil cutrii Unk rer a parked ear yeatrrday, .Vo one was Injured, but (he car

demollihrd. U'lnoo>kl police u ld the 2G-ton tank, headed for a parade 'nurllnfton, made a vide tu rn and " ra n r l |h t up on lop” of the

GENEVA, July 13 liTi—Riwsla's Andrei A, Gromyko unexpectedly de­manded loday Hint German advisers be Included In secret meetings of Uio Dlff F^ur foreign m ln b te n conference. The demand.blocked tRrcemeni on a sccrcl icislon tomorrow and th iw Uie conference procedure Into confu-ilon.

round (rip Into (lie hr.-iTcns, II vrax learned (oday, D arint apparently w tt one of the two doc pauencers aboard » ''balilitle rocket" launched luly 10. A brief announcement loday from the official Soviet •rency Tass reiraled both an im als “were recoTered.' No mention

made ot Uielr condKlon,

p c m o a , Tcnn., July 13 (UPI)—Pri:ioncn a t the Bruiliy Mountain

Ins Uiem hoslnRe In.ilde a mine fJinft, Prison Warden Prrfnk Llewellyn said llH'prlioners are involved In the trouble iit this state prison in (flit Tcniie.«ce. where convicts m ine extensive coal opcrotions.

Baseball Today

Ursen, Maas I2), Bronstad (O). Coates (6) and Derrn; Sullivan ml While.Only RAme .idi'etluled,

NATIONAL LEAGUE Los Angeles a l Cincinnati nnd

-an Fronclfico al-MHw«iikeernlKlit iramcs. Only Rames scheduled.

Scientist Contmues His Bout Willi Cancer, 92nd Operation

ClilCAOO, Ju ly 13 (U P l)-A n elderly KientLH w ho has Riven his fare and p a ri o f his le ft arm to science wlli undcrco his 02nd oper­ation th is week.

Tills tim e, sureeons will ampu- „ite two fingers from the right hand of D r. EmU Orubbe. 83.

Tlie m d ,the racking pa in are th e price Onibbe hos paid fo r his 60 year# of cancer research a n d X -m y therapy.

Hlg experlm enU and «tudy have 6 lv (a .lllc -and-reco?eti_ io .ihou*-

ids of cancer sufferers.•But the X -m y expertmenU left

serious nvdiotlon burns and cancer throughout G rubbe's own body.■ Through the jrearB. the dedicated sden tu t h w lo s t ' h ti le lt hand, port of h la le ft a im . th a tissue

from his naie, lipi: Jaw and check. Ooclors believe hla cancer bcRnn with bumj Incurred during exper- imenn with X-ray therapy Jn 1800

Today, 10 yean a lter his retire­ment, Orubbe remains mentally keen and li often sought out for advice by radloloRlsU and canccr ipcclallsts who consider him. a Ittend In hli own Ume. -

A friend eays Gnibbe -never

treatment. He’s a scientist everyUt of the way.“ ----- ------ --------

Despite U)B crippling toll cancer has taken- on his body, Orubbe manaces to wrap his own band­ages wIUj one hand. He malntah

Powell-Schuman Case Dismissed

8ANTRANCISC0. July 13 (UPI) T reason charges Jn the- Powell, Schum an '•germ a-arfore" case wen dIsmUed today because tlie jrovem- m ent has failed to obUln grand Jury IndlctmenlA

TJie sedition ladtetment Is sUll pendtpB.. Tlie defendants'were John . . . Powell, 40, and his wife, Sylvir. 30 San Francisco, and Julian Schu-, man.-NCTr-Ytjrk-Clty;Trtio-puroUta eommunlat line magarlne----- UuChina Monthly Iteview In Sliong- hal during the Korean conflict.

U.S. Commbuloner Jaseph Kar^ esh dLvnlsed the complaint when the soveniment failed lo present two eye wltn«ses of an OT'crt a of treason m order lo establish .. probable cause fo rthe complaint. He noted the complaints were filed five m onths ago.

Ho*ever. U.8, Attorney L jm i GU OUlard aald that an invcsUgation

A friend eays on ibbe -never trcaaon asoMti of t h e ^ «

— n o c K E T rm iN G s e t 'PO IN T ARGUEUXl, O allf, July

13 ,(DPIJ-rA two-«lag« Nlke-Asp solid propellant rocket packing a 50-pound payload. Is scheduled lo be fired tonight by navy leientlsla studying the nature of explosions o a th e sun.

Uie cLonff . Ilncla-iea . thnt li«_l3^i

oilman Umsclf. H e Mid a "long shot, w lJcat oil well" has pre­sented tun wlUi a «300/»0 fortune.

He pronised th n t ne Is Rolni; lo clean aiy bribe-takers he can find ou t <f h is administration when he Rets lame.

"Hell's jo lng lo brcXk loose,” he said.

Lone nrived in F o rt Worth 6at- urdny ni(Qt with a pilloi

Pow er OffThough power for people liv­

ing tn Uvi oast p a rt of Uni’n«-aa off for 60 m inutes early Ston- day m orning, nlniost no one knew about th e failure until

-tiie7-RWolre-t»ntha-clocicrsl6i;-;'■ The T w in Foils fire depart­

ment uiAwered a coll a t 3:45 a .m . Monday to check a short­ed power line In the 1100 block of Sixth avenue east. A limb from an overhanging tree had fallen upon th e cross-bar on Uie power pole. I t crossed three wires and aborted theoi._

The lira d e p a r t m e n t 'w a s summoned a t 3:48 tk.m. and stood by a fte r calling the Idalio Powel- com pany to remm-e the limb. T h e blackout lu te d less than an hour.

New Revolt in Honduras Is Again Beaten

WASIIINOTON July 13 t^^-The .Ate 'departm ent reports tliat for

Uie second Ume In two montlii

The departm ent quoted the U, 8. embassy in Tegucigalpa as saying yesterday's revolt was shortlived but th a t there was heavy firing tn the a rea around police head- iiunrters In TcRUclRalpa.

Tlie epibassy said goverr troops'ond police beat bad. . . attack, launched «iUi a few pieces of field artillery «s well as rifles and pistols.

Tlie reports named the lender of-the revolt ns Armando Veleas,

He opoOBlred la ter for his pro- inity ai4 for a Louisiana state

police IlMtenant’s pusliing a porter ou; of nn elevator.

Lons hdd n news conference „ day in libeuite In the Hotel Texas Khoro-ht-iold-^-about-hls-tm Te plans nnd announced that he wll call a .ipelnl seulon of the Loui­siana legUnture Auj;, 10.

He sa idhe plans to leave Fort W orth Welne.-idny for El Paso. He hopes befqe Wednesday to be in­vited lo nfar(5as Uie Texas iegls. la ture. . -;

Prom-’ElPaso, Long expccis to 3 to M otj^rey and Acapulco In

18 H(imes Lost In tan y o n F ire

HOLLYTOOD. Ju ly '13 (UPI)~ he latest tre department report

..1 lo.ues lt|U ie dbiostrous Laurel canyon blax, listed today 38 homes destroyed, ffo with major damage.aatSOO acres blnckeaed.

Damage lia esUmated s t a toul of two mllll(» dollara.

Cause Of w hlch_row jTiday sUl But flremei Indlcatlpn t 1

th e four-hsur. fire Ihrough the -area

wa.< undetermined, said there was no t' I t was deliberately

/ .A "

ProperUoi desu-oyed had an averase \-alb of t32,000.-accordliig to a Red c t o survey. Ttiey rang­ed Irom 19100 to »I50.000.

staff, and sold by agreement he was permitted to leave Uic central Amerlwin country aRain.

The Associated Press has reclev- .d no direct word from Teguci­galpa aince early lost nisht. That dispatch, delayed some hours In' (mn.imlssiOD. snld firing was ,con- Unulng throughout the city but centered around the police iiead- quarters, "which' seems to be the center of the revolt."


Cardinal Cushing left Bt. Ellta-

1man's auto on the crest of m hill t t t s l .o f Gooding, killing four pcrsgns.

•nie father had mulllnlf fmc-u w , e iid-w ns-rejiorted 'irf-nair"----- -f'

condition Monday afternoon In St. Alphonstw hospital In BoUo where i

taken Sunday.-He was In ,i criiicnl condition following the ac- i‘ ' cldcnt. • ! I-

T uo Rirls of the Chaffin fam­ily riding In the Ij-ick seat of the

Dnronna Chaffin, b and t.u- ■ la uii»iiiti,~(!, receive bruise* ^

were treated at Gooding Me- 1 morlal hosplui following Ui« ac- ' 't Cldcnt and released to r e la U t^ - . - ; Sunday. i

The nccldent occurred a t 11:35 -1 . .m. Sftturdoy on the crest o f a |li gradual grade west of Gooding. II Sheriff Anderson s.ild aptmrentty tJ1 the carload of teen-agcrt was l| p<ming anoUier car and h it Uit : Cliaffln car headon.

Sheriff Anderson estimated Ut# ir driven by the McGhee youth '«

w as. trovcllng 76 to 8i miles i n 1 hour and said UiB Chaffin car w u y traveling a t a “moderate speed."

■He-Bildea UiaC 'W i' McOhee car-----pulled a c ro a the white Una In his U ns-of trtUlo.'before Uie oolUson.

M tttutel Oaidner, 17, Ooodlnc,., driver o l » 1»48 tha t wm

GERALD LOOMIS . , . died itu landy in the erashi

He was graduatoJ thU apring from Gooding high school where he was active lu ntbleUca and scouting.

Deadline for Horse Show—- Entries Near

Entries will dose Wednesday for Uie Magic Valley Western Uorst shovr, advises Mrs. Ddm Viekert, 510 lleybuni avenue west, teen - Uiry.

Tlie ahow will be held July 3S and 3(3 a t JVonUer field. Twin Falls, wlUi the Twin Palli Junior lUdlng club as sponsors.

Entry blanks may b« obtained from Mrs. Vlcken or the Twla Palls Chamber of Commerce of­fices.

In terest io th s show U running Mgh. and officials were pleased vhen one of the top cow culling jorses in Uie nation. Poco Lena, iwned by B. A. Skipper, J r , Long- 'lew; was entered for the

show.Entries are coming in from all

across the state, says Urs. Rodney Tegan, Chamber of Commerce of­fice m anager..indientlng.aworUi- while event for valley residents. - J a n e t .JIa l l.. Jerome, who_*k«. ehosen from a field of contestants a t- Uie. 1958- show, will rclgn- aa . queen of Uie event. Twelre glrU will compete a t the two-day event for he r tlUe.

• . , . M?year-old boy. aUo wa* killed InsUnUy. (SU ff engrar- Inti)

Native of T .F .Capt. Ocorgo Wilson, Seattle,

who reported Uiot on object with a mysterloua. cluster, .of extremely bright llglrta flaalied by hLn plane *vcr the Pacific a-ilurday is the nephew, of K. 11. Carr, Twin Pa lU ..and Mr. and'Mrs. W. V. Wilson; YaWma; former local residents. Captain Wilson was bom. In Twin Palls and attended local schools.

Police Judge Fines Woman

Outing for ScputsProlonged When ‘Camp Is Lost’ in Storm

Members of Boy Scout troop.168 re Illnchlng today a t the word

’•hike", ■mey ’w ent lo r o hike and cookout S u n d o ; morning In the Shoshone basin a rea ot Uie south hllb, ran into foul weather and hiked Uie n-rong direction la tiie ruin.'

locat«-tbe -roung- iters end the ir leaders, & « a rc h was organized about l i p jn . Both SherUf Jam es H . Benhom and clly otncers aided Seoutcommltteemen and parent*.' T h e group -wM lo­cated « t s:SO.aJn. M ondav by Don Bcot^ c lty policem an, from hla plane.'■When located, tliey w e

scruth o t Indian Springs, Nev. about 25 mllea southw est o f the ir starting point near Magic m oun­tain.

Using his w alUe-talU e radio equipment, Scott directed the ground scorch party to toads and taUls where t ie y were able to pick up the weary and 'n iln -d reneh et group, Lee ToIkUjgton, Scout_Jea<t e t;an a pred"O lto7 O rder o f the Arrow president, »et»m panled t ^ 11 sccu t^ who were a ll In good condlUori when located >looday morning.

City police Offfcers J . P. Crist, Tim Qualls and Clifford Sharpoont^ued ’u extr« ahUt.'.M.ftlOlta

For SpeedingA rilno H . Puller.' 43. route 1, '

Tw in Palls , waa fined $S and ootta a n d given 35 domeriu for spMd* - Ing w hen she appeared before Po- lice Judge J . O. Pum phreyU im ^— day m orning. She « u cited Wed- - - neaday by T »'ln Palls police in tha 400 block of Blue Lakes boulerwd for speeding S3 mile# aa hour ta .

3S-mlle aone. _______________ :Ttt'O R upert t«h-ager» were

cited - foUowlng a a accident a t 8 - p . tn; Sunday six and three-q^iar- le r m iles ' southw ut o t Rimert. W illiam Weeks, 17, was cited ice faUuro to yield rtght of way ta » , 1058 •C h e v ro le t-a riv e n 'l> r'B h a t^ -^ MoOomb*, 16. -W eeks.-drl»lng-»— m o PlymouUi,-pulled-ou« o l - n - private .driveway and made a left tu rn In fron t o t Mlea. McOomte* car. M iss McCJortbs was fclted for bav in s no driver's llcetue. . . .

D onugea to her car were set a t WOO and to his 178. OTieo Johnson. Mlnldokn county sheriff, investi­gated.

Five speeden caught in a radar - ne t near King Hin were Jtaed'lart week by S liig HlU Ju itiet of tb* Peat# Lynn sfiennan. ,_ BogflT-'Wood, Btn W » „f i h e d » l 7 a a d . e o « i |« » « d ^ ^ ,

^ r - B l o b a r t a » ia a n , 5 ^ « k _ ; « l i and eorts; J*o I te tM ,

'« a d r« a itt.-u 4 -< R « n k —

Page 2: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


No Inquest Is Set in Crash Killing Fom-

r»f» o»»iJust before th e accident,

Kild Uie two cars (lew into the air y h tn they coUWed.' He enld Uic ChaHIti car landed uprigh t on the road lieodlnu In a northrrly dIrtcUon and Uie M cOhec car ovcrtuniFd and landed In a borrow

- p i t on lU top. fGftrdnVr aald’tlirM 'cars o f teen-

ajiere lelt ooodlns la t« BaUirday nlRht lor D te . Ju s t before the crrsl of the hUl Oic M cOhce <*r paisfd a 1D51 Ford driven by

. MIS1.H j ? . good lng .n'lis pn«lne the d a rd h e r car“ wlien It eolHdw! wlUi the C ha/nn

------Oo:^nfr "*old‘Tie and lUBBinidrove beyond the pOlnt of Impact ond stopped tlieir cars. O ard n tr

— rep o rtM irw o rth e-y o n n rC h afn n Rirls to Uie hoipital ioT u-e&tmenc o itf r the sheriff nrrlved. Tliere were no passenRcrs In Uic other two ears, ' -

Oardner told BJicrUI Anderson tha t tlie youLbs had been, tcstlns speedomtlera and th a t the McGhee car. sxippoaedly hftvlnit the correal speedometer, was ntWmptlnK to Bet ahead of tlie'oUier cars bo they could cheek tlielr «pe«dotncterB

. with it.Slicnif Anderson, who

sLitcd by Deputy Guy P. Coles, Deputy William Dunn imd Qoroner Walter-Anderson. snlJ tht<-elder Cliaf/in, a life Insurnhce saieaman.

■Wa.i Uirbwn“ 35’ Teet“ l)eyona the point of Impact.

McOhce was pinned beneath his car and died of head Injuries while

__Rlrlrkltnp mill In thf? Car, dlpil Of• ft brain eoncu.'sslon and Loomis, also in (he car. died of a. broken neck and head Injurlc^, .Sheriff Anderson aald Loomis and Strlck- linp apparently, dlod in su n tly end MeOheo dJed before h e could be taJcen to Uie hospital.

BfRfirrxndcrson-'rclM Ttiff'tnst the boj-s w re on their u-ay to Bliss a fter attending • morfe in Good­ins. “Hie Chnffln family waa on ltd wuy to Idaho Palls where th a ja th - ef WBJ Icavliw the ch lld rea with

' >Irs. Eva Oh«i(fln, a irnuulmotber. while ha attended nn Insurance

■eeinTenUcn. ■«nie-tnoth e r-d le d -o f cancer several yesrs ago.

All tJ\B Injured w ere trea ted a t Ooodlnj Memorial hospital loUow-

..-ln8.theacddcnt.T he C haffla child who died was Uken to the hospl- U t with chest injuries a fte r the accident and lived 30 m inutes.

Jo in t funeral services io r the aoodlns }-ouths will b« held a t 10 a re . Wednesday a t the First Uelhodltt church w ith th o Rev, Paul V. WlUie. offlclaUnff, assist­ed by the Rev. Jack ro re m a n . pas­tor of (he F ln t ohrlsU sa church, Ooodlng.

Final Tltes for Jam ea McOhee - ' tiatrtckllng.w U l b e held

WVE-DAY PORECABT MONDAY T H RO U aH PIUDAY—A few showers near the befinnlng of the Xlvo-dsy period, otbenrtse lltUe preclpltaUon. Teaipcraturea avcrafinf near or allghtly below nonnal, «.tth maxlmums In the eO's and mlnlmums ss to fS.

BlAGIC VALLEY—Fslr with slowly Jnefeailnc eloudlness tomorrow .ad a th rea t of Chunderstorms In northern m oaatalns late In the rtem oon. lll{h tomorrow 83 (o 95' low ton ljh t near CO. Gusty after-

ooon winds. Low last n ljtit 6J, 75 a t S a jn . and S5 a t noon.

SUtlon «•AJbwir. cJoudr_______itAJbuQufTuue, clf»r---- »:Anchomgr. eJoudj----- «A tunu . cioudr ____ —UUmuc*. c lw __ wU01«« ............................ K

•Mrtnphln. el'A T__ MUUnil. cl0\>0y_______ ISMUw»uktr, r ;c a r____Mp’ji.'St, l*aul. clp«r .... W " Orlcuia. cluuoy .... n

■w YotX. cJoudr . '0o r i r n ------- —......— w

llu u * ___________Chlc**o, eloudf — -Clerflwd. elr«r------- “P r iiici, clouar —___ *5

8 S i S ? a ; ^ ? * ^ - s -yort WorUi. cloudj---- MOoodlnj . ..............—— M

t S r t , . ------ Wlnai»n»poiK. ( i f i r ---- *JK*niit< c itr , cioiuir__as

v t « u --------------- llJ

K enneth Dcall, pastor of tlie Bur­ley presbyCcfkn church. offlctaC- Inc. ooocludlns rites wlU be a t Sunset Memorial park. Friends m ay call a t WhttB moi • day and until 3 p jn , r

will h________ . . . . .W hite mortuary chapel f o r ___EJthel Bonsall. OfflclatlnB will bo thq Rev.-Em rst-H aaulblad. Final rites will be held a t Sunset Me­m orial pork.

a t Qmvooil c e n e t ^ . Ooodlng. Concluding rites for Gerald Lroomla wlU be a t clorerdale cemetery, Boise.

Services fo r Eldon c h aU ln are pendJnj a t tha n e ly e t tvnenX

~ d m p e l,-B o ls tr-H e -w B 3 -b o m -ln Boise Sept. 39, 1EH8.

SurvlTlns In addition to his father 8t)d alslers In the a icldent. Include three brothers, LeRoy Chaffin, Alaska, and D arw in Chaf­fin and Ronsld C haffin , both Boise;..tvo.slsKrs, M ia. LaVonne Knudson, M o iin laW H o m er'ttn d DorothT; Chaffin. Boise, a n d his frondmother, Mrs. E va Chaffin, Idaho Pulls,

G en ld Loomis was bom M arch 1, 1041, a t Council ftnd attended Welscr elementary achool In Dolse. Be was graduated t h b sprloff from Qoodlnit lUffh school. He w aa ac« Uve tn scouting and p o ^ d p a te d In athletics.

He Is'survived by h is paren ts; one brother, Gary Loomis. Good­ing; paternal Brnndparenta. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Loomis. Meadows, and matenuU grandfather, Ralph Telcher, Orangeville.

Jam es McGhee w m bom ‘Ju ly 9. ' IM l. a t Wood. & D„ and a t t^ d e d

Ooodlog schools. He wos gradua t­ed from Ooodlng h igh school this spring. Survivors Include h la par­ents; tlx brothers. E arl McOhee, Boise; Eddie McOhee, Pocatello; jQhtmle McGhee and I^onald Mc­Ghee. both Shffihooe. and Melvin

P rnnir KnfhGoodins; one sister, Mrs. Shirley Kohnon, Rlchflcld, and m aternal grandmother, Mrs. Josle Ncbola. '

C h s j la strlckllng was bom Sept. 91. 1IH4. iQ Gooding and would have been a aophomoro a t Ooodlng hlsh school this fall. He Is sur-

, Tlved by his parents; one brother. MonUi BMckHne. Ban Diego; one slater. EUeen Strlckllng.. Carson

mother, Mrs. Mary Pohlm an, Long Beach. Calif. .

Caskets will not be opendil a t the funenu, accordlnir to the Thom p- « » chapel. Gooding.

Bond Forfeited’ Matthews, route t«-o. Burley, for­

feited a $8 bond Saturday to Jus­tice of the Peace J . L . Weldon for haring no reglsttntlon

Btato patrolmon D. U Cane,Jose R. Rodriguez, route two.

Burley, was fined t tS and costs last week when he appeared be­fore Justice of the J»ence Weldon for permlttUig an unauthorised

“ peTK ra-to-opem te-R-Tchlcle.' He W0.1 cited by State PAtrolm an U ar- Tln J. Bnj-der.

K e e p th e W h l to .r in g o t B ftle ty F ly in g

iTUiaOfipnu., clouar ..., '■. cloar Ilwalfllo , .............I-ortUiKl. Mr.. cw>v-. - l-ortJ»ud, Ori-., cloudy- 1! TtApig'CtTTPougy-.-.-..— <!ilUcfinionrt, clouajr-----"!

, U pnuo .......- .......f-lAkr C!i/. eioiidr 6J

. .. rrsuetico. doudr-T«iip«. cJoiifly ___ — . MTWI.S r x i i a ------------mw iiftlajwn. cloudi ....- ''i

Doctors Are Dismissed by . Stormy Long

Women FUo &Iect Women of the Moose will hold

formal meeting a t 8 p. m . Tuesday a t the Mooee home.

-.w,~v Donil' ro«trd and especially into reports that PosllnR SI w erllm e ptirklns he has hidden away unused funds.bonds wlUi Tu-ln Falls police Sun- from his la st cam palan. |do>- were Dean* D. Moore and

In regards to the IR S Investlga-'jolm Itosera, Jr. lion. Long u l d : { —

" It never dawned on me you'd iVaeaUoo Endi owe Income* tax on BUnbllngj cily Commission C hairm an J. money, because oil niy hfe ray,Tsd Davis has returned from a 10- losics were Krentw- th a n my.Balns.!day, vacation In Estes P a rk and

"And th a t’s true w lih the aver- Denver, age American who Is sucker enoughto try to beat tlie horses and bingo and the lottery and niois maqfilnes)."

Magic Valley FuneralsBUHL—M ou wlU bs celebrated

fo r Robert R, Lee a t 10 aJn . Tues­day In th e Buhl Catholle church w ith the Rev. C. ,A. Bradley as eelebront. Military riles will b« held in th e Buhl eemttery under th e direction of Clark G. Fox post No, 43, American Legion, with BlUy_lL-asln..Kraimandcr..dlrccti lug. visitors may call a t the Al­bertson funei«l home Monday un- tU 8 p jn . -

■'TWIN PALLfl-Kuaeral 'aervlccs fo r Vemon E. Morgan will be held a t 3:30 p jn . Tuesday Id the White ffi« aflafy -?n iP --------------- -----------

RUPERT—Funeral ser%-lcw fo Geprge C. Brtnic;U will be held n 10 a jn . Tuesday In the Ruper MeUiodlst churcli u lth the Itev Wendell Coe offldatJni. Coptiutl- lug riles will be held In tlie Ru­pert eeoietery. Frlcndi muy cal Monday afternoon and evenltig and j n i p.«Iay_iintil time of sert’lcc a t the Walk mortuary.

pOO DIN G -^Funeral ser\'lces fo Gary Lee Johnston will be held a 10:30 »Jn, Tuesday n t the Tliomp son ftineral chapel with the Rev Jack IMreman 'officiating, Fina rltea wUl bg heM J n the Elmwoodcemetery, Gooding. Friends ma; call a t tho Tliompwn funera chapel Monday and until time of tervl^ei'Tuesday.

t w i n ' FALLSI-Punerttl Rervl«s for Mrs; Rachael H enrietta Ware Lbgan will be conducted a t 3 pm .

will be held In the Teton cemetery Friends may call ict the Twin Falls mortuary from i . t o O p in .J lD n - day And from S. a jn . until noon Tuesday.

Magic Valley HospitalsMagic Valley Memorial

visiting hours In the m aternity words a re from 3 to 4 and 7 ' ' p m ; In a ll others, from 11 to 8 p jiu

ADMITTEO Mr*. A. R . Hultlnga, Gary M at­

thews, John Stevens. Michael Dwyer, Raymond Root, Randy pol­le r, Mrs. OJen Oomlelaoa, M/a. Jo h n Honstrin .and HsMcLgopple- tOQ, all Twin Falls; Benneth En­n is. Rupert; Mrs.. Donald Parker, ■Buhl; ‘Mr*T LllUan Kolouch. Fre­m ont. Nebr.; Mr#. 0 . L. Dougherty, Shoshone, and Cecil A. Perkins, Phoenix. ArU.

DISMISSED Mrs.‘-S te v e n -» n to n -and-!

Mrs. Bdn-ard Stock and son, Mrs, WlUlam Requa and son. Mrs. M ar­lin Brown, Fred Schwarts. Mrs. Norman McCoy and daughter and Michael Dws'tr, all Twin Falla; Jimmy Lauder, Sden; Mrs. Boyd Parker. Glenns Ferry; Mrs. Rich­a rd Rill, Buhl, and Gary Price, Flier.

BIRTHS Saturday night births Included

o daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Carl W lncgar and a son to Mr. and Mrs. .K enneth Dugan, a ll Twin Fall#.*>

Minidoka Countyvisiting hours are from 10 a m .

to 8 p jn . .AVMITTED

Mrs.- Byron Oney. Mrs. Juan Irlgoyen and Mrs. James Eeene, a ll Rupert; Mrs. Eugene Teeder. Burley, ai}d WUlard-Evans, Sweet Home, Ore.

Mrs. Cecil Joh n u n . Bonnie Meyer. M rs. Ardell Jensen and son and Mrs. Henry Hemaodes and daughter, all Rupert.

BIRTnS Daughters were bom to Mr. and

M rs. Byron O ney.-Rupert; Mr, and Mrs. Ja ae * Xeese, Minidoka. oQd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Teeder.

bom to I^Ir. andM ^ Ju a n W ^ y e n . Rupert.

Mrs. Bonsall, 60, Claimed by DeathMrs. E thel Bonsall. M, 200 Bue-

F a lls Cliiilc hospital a t 10:30 p jn . Saturday.

She was bom In Iowa Jan, 1&99. She was a tncmtKr of theV44 Ui ^nu- w*.w » — ....... ■

■trailer. H tt-w a s -c l te d -b y CnncecattO Dal_caunai In IQwa.- - - She was married to Floyd C- Bon-

r.nll in Mlrmeat>olls, Minn., Jan . 17, 1619, T hey came to T«’in Falls In 1&40 from Arcadia, Nebr.

8ur^•lvlftg in addition to her huKbarul are two daughters. Mrs. Edna—W hited.' Goodlsnd. -R ans; c m d .M n ^ d r c d J ^ ln f . .B s n B er. nardlno. Calif.; a son. llarold Bon- - - Falls; 10 grandchildren:

Now' one d a y w i th o u t a f ru / /ic d e a th {n our M a g ic

-•ra llfv r ,-------------------------------

four brothers. Roy Bonsall. Irrlng Bonsall ond Leo Bonsall. al' Charles CJty, la .; and Vem Bon­sall. Hampton. la .; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Cummings. Charles City, and Mrs. Nelli# Nelson, Hol.comb.W ls.

Funeral services will be held a t 4 pm . Tuesday a t the While, mor­tuary chapel with the Rev. Emcsl Ilasselblad. officiating. Final rites «1U be held a t sunset Memorial park. - • '

UTAn MAN HNED BU RIX y, July 4 J -H o rt Due-

rock. U tU e Valley, Utah, was fin­ed >100 and wnteneed to 10 days In Jail Monday by Burley Ju-Ulce of Uie Peace J. Weldon for be* tng drunkHn a*"vehicle parked on

hlghwBy.-Duerock wn.-! cltefl-by; a ts 'Patrolman Roy TTiomas.

St. Benedict’s, JeromeVialUng hours ofts from 3 to i

and 7 to B p. m.ADMlTTi:n

Robert Hodge, Mrs. Fred Mei-eni and N orm an Rldlfter, all Jerome; Mrs. Ixidllo Brlzee and Alben Irish, both Ta-ln Fnlb; Clmrles Etchato, Shoohone, and Rodney Surke, Z d n t

DISMISSED -M iB.-Jnck-N ofM O r-nnd - Eufiene Harder, both Jerom e; FraiUc Kellej and Robert Claco»J»Ui_fiho9Jione: Mns. Bland Ruascll. Wendell, and Robert Hendriks, Iloiucn.

Gooding Memorial —VisItUig-lMHirs-aro-fmn-e Srto 8:30 p jn . ’

AD'MnTED Mrs. Robert 00.0(111, Ooodlng

and Wendell Chaffin. Dtironna Chafrin ond Lucinda CImffln. all Boise.

. DISMISSED Mrs. John Hoover 'and- Mrs

W alter Prince, both Goodins, and Wendell Chaffin, Daronna Chaffin and Lucinda Cliaffln. alt Boise.

UIRTIW n MS bom to 'M r. and ,M «,

Levi Ma.ion. Bliss.

• Cottage, BurleyVtslUnfr hours a re from 2:30 lo

i And 7 to a pjn ,ADMITTED

M rs. Lowell Baker. Mrs. Lowell Bodily, Mrs, Lee A nn Walter, Mrs Oladya Chon. Mrs, Jo.nepliine Jolley, and Mrs. Adell Shafer, all Burley; Mrs. Lala Grnff and Mrs Sylvia Nelwert. both Hcybiim : Mrs. CToycfTIidns, Oault-y, 'and Mrs. Carol R asm usen and Alton Collett, both Paul.

. DISSUSSED Mrs. Donna Robins, Mrs. Betty

Novosel. Mrs, Natalia Miller. M et Marie Davidson. Mrs. Lee Ann Walker, Mrs, Connie Geary ond William KeJsy. nil BurJry;_.\}M, Barbara Bnrrus and-Betty McNcll. both Rupert: Mrs, Rnylola Hanill. TOJi.- n r >'<J»n i.~ iii Paul.

n iR TH S Tw in dauRhtera were bom to

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Baker. Bur- lei-..Sons, wcra bom to Mr. ond Mrs. Lowell Bodily, Burley, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Haln,i, Ouk'

Mrs. Forrester -^-J)ies-in^Builey. B iniLEY. July 13 — Mrs. Henry Forrester. 70, died ot 1 a,ro. Mon. day a t tlie CotUise ho-TpitiU fol­lowing a long lUnc.-LV

She w as,bom Auc, 31. at Osark, M O ,'and w ftA'marriftl'tr Henr>' Forrester Au(t. 27. IDM at Osane. The couple rams to TQfthf. in IBM and wtUed a t FelL In la u they moved to Burley.

She was a member of (he Bur­ley First Methtxllnl chtu-eh.

Survivors Include her huibnnd- one non. Joseph Harold FW e.iter’. Burley: two d.iuRhterj. .Mrs. M.iudc Edith Mom. Ata.ic.idDro, Ciillf.. nnd Mrs. Hortcn.v: Mildred Johawn Boise; one sIMer. Mrs. Nellie Boles! Burley: U prtindchlldren, and fiveCrtat'-grandcliildrcn......................

Senlcfs are pending and wllj be announced by Payne niortuan' B u rley ,........................ • • . . - ' •

Is suing for legal separation, ( "taken hlm “-for-"seTeTBj-hw3-

dred Uiousond."But because of h is wildcat oil

well, he aald. he lu s t300,000 IcIL “ ■ .. ■ iiJ 'unfe 'T nS yof'o tnciais

in his adm inistration who are tak­ing payoffs, -b u t I ’m too sa a r t to do that."

“1 don't know of any specifies th a t I care to ta lk about rUht now, b u a t. ls w h at l am look­ing for," he aald. '

•This Is giving m o a chance to locate and clean out-the scaliwi tiiat I haven 't had a chance Iwfere,"

Lon)[ said h e is going to win the Democratic prim ary in LouisianaDec. 5.',

•Tm on top now and I'll win In tJie first primary." h e r.sld. "i pirn U> stop eome o! th u UjIjja’s Uwt I've found out"iit>out In tne Iwt four years and haven' chance to stop,. "Hell's going to break loose. We

httve-Rlven-Bway-iL-hundred-mii- Uon acl-cs of s ta te land In Louisi­ana anti 00 per cen t had oil In It, Some of I t w ent a t four cenls -

A rgentina Nava!ArgeiO ffiiicials FeudingBUENOS AIRES, Arucntlna,

July 13 M W Presldcnt Arturo iTon- dlri wo* plagued today- by a feud botween high navnl officers and navy secretary Adolfo Estevtz.

italna wero arrested last........ « r form ally demandlnBthe resignation of R ear Adm. Es-

Esteves and prondlzl met for hour-last-n igh t, a n d an loforiL— source sold. "You can consider E steves's/resignation -os m a d e .^

Minor Accidents Reported in T.F.

Two m inor acddcnts wera In­vestigated by Tw in FalLi police Sunday and early Monday niom- ■ IB.

Richard P . C lark, 37. route 3. Twin Falls, was drlvlnc a IDS? Old.'jnoblle sedan which collided with o 1051 Studebaker driven by Man-ln E. Adams, 20, 000 Sunrise boule\’ard; n t 12:43 p.m. Snndny In Shelby's M arket parking lot. Tho Oldsmoblle' had about 130 dnmngw, while tlie Studebaker had obont $15 in damaKCs,. T h a A ddlsoj^avcnuejfcst. Town

nnd Country D rive-ln wns tTic of tho«U ier collision a t 33:<0

...... Monday. W ayne P. McCoI.lum, 20. 320 Third avenue cast, wa-i_ driving o_- 10.')0_ Chevrolet wlilcli collided w ith a lOM Bulck driven by S andra A. O ane. 17. 584 Sparks street. T he oily dam-

125 lo th r CUevrolel.

CoDipIetei Training 'Army Pvt. -WllUam M. H askett,

son. of Mr. and Mrs. M ilton^ p .

Aboard D atroyer —K avy-E os-B auL R -G nllow ay^n of Mrs, Kathr)-n .Galloway. COl Quincy street, and husband of the lormce Coiccii Watson. 815 Addi­son avenue west. Is serving a t»ard the destroyer U5S Shelton oper- tttlnj with the U. 5 . seventh fleet In the Western Pacific.

Reethres RchoUnhIp Edwin R. Croft. 20. son of Mr.

and Mrs, R. F, Croft, Bolse„ and iploje of the Tlmes-New-s, has en notified he h&s received a

«C0 full tuition scliolarshlp fo r the 1009-00 school year to Northwestern university’s Medlll school of Jour- n.allsm. lie will be a junior.

Cars Damaced No citations were issued Satur­

day evening when a C h n ro le t se­dan driven by O arv B urton. 31, 405 W u s t s ln c l . collided with Chrysler driven by O ary Lemoh. 18, Murtaugh, a t Minidoka avenue and Shoshone s tree t sou th . D am ­age to (he Cltevrolet woa about 175, there waa about S3S damages to the riRht side’ of the Chrysler. Tw’ln Falls police Investigated a t fl;20 pin.' • -

Lodte ffss breakfaatMore Uian CO merr^bers a ttended

the armual Tu'ln F n lb Moose lodge breakfa-H lng Ih the south hills followed by a picnic luneh a t noon. Baseball and horse-a r ocs~wwra?TKiaflH T>r -tK B-qty: Guests Included Mr. and M rs. Car­ter Kllllnger and family. Layton. Utah: Marguerite ' K ll l ln g c r -^ d Annale KllllngcrJ. bo th . Pomona.

No More Fires Listed fo r Area

SHOSHONE. Ju ly 13-.No i fires trere reported Sundw lo Shoshone office of the tiircau land management b u t lliee f believed to bo man-cause and Saturday.

Lftrgest of tlie three n Little Deer creek net

Durnint; an estim ated The fire Is under contn men u-ill bo oji It fo r fo doys ns It l.i In timber.

Nearly 200 ocres wc east of Ooodlng In a asted until 11 p.m .

SforJnf la BorJey Xfter 14 years of residence in

Twin FalU, Mr. and M rs. C. A. Rlnr^wood a re moving to Burley this week where Rlngwood managing the m eat departm ent for Shelby’s Foodllner. Mrs! Rlngwood has been a buslnes.t college In- Ktnictor for more than n ine ycors In this city. She Is owner nnd in ­structor of speedwrltlng school which transferred to Bur­ley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rlnpwood a former Salt Lake City residents.

Two Cars Damsceil—Aiwut-450-ilamncn rejul^cd_to two auloj w’hlch collided in frtmt nf 4l0-ix)cust-*trcev-«l 8;55- s Monday. How’ard H, Klelnkopf.440 Polk street, was driving a 1 Chevrolet, pickup owned by the clty.when I t crashed In to a 1053 CadlllBc sedan- trwnta 'b y ; Arlle W ilte, route J, Twin Palis, The colliilon came when Klelnkopf started lo turn. Tlie Cadlllnc was parked. It had damtf^es lo th e left

while the pickup waa dam ­aged in Clie right front.


Mor DniB company. M ountain e. Inc.. Nampa, filed incor­

poration papers w ltlj Uic Bccretary of state today, incorpora tors ore Edgar and May Dmke, N am pa, and Arden D. Drake. M ounU ln Home, The firm's capitalization is listed


Going to Wedding Mrs. A. L. ADderton and her

stster-ln-jaw, H ilda Anderson, Los Angeles, left Sunday evening for SeatUe to attend the wedding of her jranddaughter. Sherry DuvaU.

rienic Set Joly 25 The Twin Fall* County Farm

Bureau picnic will be held a t 1 pjn, July 25 a t the picnic grounds a t Twin falls. Ice cream and drink R'lll be furnished by th e womens committee.

Accorded U eaon Myma Schlffler, Twin Falb. has

been accorded honors a t entrance a t Mllege. Portland, T2je honor, which doM not carry m y .flaan clalaUgglfl.' U~TiwBrdfd -to- . .

» per cen t of th e Incom' im freshman class.

Baek FTom Cmli*

technician second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Hodge. Twin Falls, returned ta San Diego Jn m id-June aboardthe destroyer USS Otboum sfter a slz-month (our of duty with the U. S, seventh fleet In the Western Paclfle.

ifce~An'gered By Plan for Marine lEke

Seen t w’lndo'* . . Ballelsen weorlni: suu '-'j.. Set. Robert Rlcii:irclj p ro g rp i for ler^icc cluu■WASHIKOTON, July 13 tU Pll , . .

President Elsenhower "iios h li - --------h . c u » up- ,h , .p - ! , » “ ‘n S . " ‘'• ■ S '. ; :proprUUons committees plan to r-'o .c.:,-Increase marine corps strenRth, - senate Republican Leader E'-erett M. Dlrksen said today.

The Increase Is part of UjB-t3fl,- 800,000,000 defense approprlatton.1 bfll for tjie fiKBf year which begsr»July 1. T t\t senate opened debate

■\ the measure today, i;The bill would provlde"$34C,13:>.-

^ 0 more than the President re- Quesled-ln-hls bud(t.'t-and 74C-mll- ' ............................

dollars from reviving funds. It would give the defense department

'40>bll>lon-dollar-dra wing .account. Dlrksen. R . Ill-, aald the Presi­

dent was concerned with the pisn boost Uie marjne corps strenRtli

from 175,000 meh to 300,000 because such a mandatory floor on forces »ould involve coQtlnuisg.cOil.lii- creoses. - ;

Earns MasUJ's DegreeN. •Jo>-ee Ooodman. Murtaugh

native and former teacher In M ur-' tatigh and Washington school.; T»’in Falls, recently received o, roaster of science degree, with S| major in music education nnd a; minor In education, a t Brigham I Young university. She plans to re-| sume duties os -choral-dlrector-flt; Jim Brldgcr junior high school.l Los Vegas, Nev. ___________j

“Use Them”ALBANY, N.Y., July 13 HW

Gov. Nebion A, Rockefeller nays a ll New York slate cars will soon tw equipped wltli s.'ifely belt.1.

He ordered departmenLheads •to see tha t tmployes-nse-lhem.-

Small girl v ...............brella Wiilkini: iirmii’ •Tall woman m Mhii.- c;-r'V'. ing’' in to uiiiiii lo,,.;™ ', • Second avenvif ^oulll w ' wcarlDK red iinrt r-.-tuie dress parkini: mailbox iindIflttiT ------- Cliiiiiib'Tsecretary o:",'mniu_to Li’c_TiUi:|n-’

■ ifeci> I

"Car, Truck Hi(‘RUPER

collision 'pm TtMir-,tlriy ,Of V fctrcct aim hltiliw.-iy ’o 'c ^

Apparently » 1054 Maciiryt-T >;n by Shirley M. W r.t, n,;;,/,, ■slopped n t a Etop s:— - •■Chevrolet pickup t i ............ . ..iThoma.s M. Ki-ll. All;iun. cc’I i 'w ith the W est car. '

Tlie M ercury'w as iiol'cli.Tj;g but (lamnKC to the irucX n- p a ted a t ^ 00.

“ T o ro n V m o iilh 'n “ y rn r’ eat nothing durlnc diiyltvlii

Potable wardrobes for N tOCAirMf

costs you nothing extra!

K odak Finishing--D A IL Y ^ V I C E -

Leedom Photo

You rely on h e r c.—for many ihingt. Scarcely a

m day pi\»q in which ,Molhcr it r noi calltJ upon lo apply her \ judgmtni and v.ijdom toe- the ,;

.hcnefil rif Vnu .Ifpenil^ upon her for love, comfort snd ^ ____unilcrstsndinj—day ,_ ..

I US, too : : ,a lim e in cvcrj’one’s life w h e n —

Jndcrstand ing "from Ihc ouL';idc” too . W e conManily p ro v id e th a t is m ost nccdciJ.


REdwood 3-5274

Among the m any rea so n s given by Lyon custom ers lo r choosing, o u r spccia lizod fecal moving scrviccs, is tho convcn 'w nco o l tho portable c lothos w ardrobe — a t no

jnal chji u;------------------------Clothing Is tran s fe rred d irec tly from

closet to w ardrbbs on th o h a n g ers , th e n placcd in the d o s e ls in th e 'n ijw 're s i* dence , to savo n e e d le s s e x p o n s o in cleaning and p ressing . And If y o u s to re , -

-Jhe-w .ird rnbc_is_ m Q lh .trc a lcd -an d Jhcn sc a le d w ith t a p e , f o r a r c a s o n a b l o .

_char£c._You'll like all th e a d van tages in u s in g

Lyon services, w hether i t 's m oving a few

p icces'or a houseful..

FREE — Phon# lor your Lyon Moving Day Kit - mailed immediately, no obllBSllon of course.

- • .............. < - • - ■> ...

|yo i|VAN I STORAGE C O . ^


Page 3: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR

J^gentina^s Money Boss

Once Fired' S nrcd U prawt»> or ii«\

~ ~ S ^cu ‘S ru ,“s :“ ™rj K aitl.U )r Jou> D. r m n .

I. • dicUlor _Kov p f « « ‘-' ^f,;rnn U dead. Dul Al^ogaroy U Mill

on June 25 In the heat of rmrniar>’ crlsla whlcJi Uireatencd 10 brinfr dow'H cuvcrimiriit uf

A prcJldent Arturo Frondlzl.^ n il* »J>o‘'t. iUxXy. bespecuclfd

nijn hA»» touch ruadnhw d.Ahosaray m>» ■>'

fonltdenee of Areentlnn’.-. 21 mil- ~ h o l pcoS Ic-ln -nw -profp^ ti'-fn r

economic- recovery; convince kbor ih»t It mu?l not Mclt blB wskb in- e ito iti until prxluctlon and buy- Inc expund; convince Uie people S» t hnrtJ work with llltle return now will brlnu Uic beElnnlnc o( belter condlUona In October or No­vember.

— Goals Missed


One Killed, Olio Injured in Crash Near Rupert


JU L YC L E A R A N C EB A J U S A J I i S -

TOKYO. July 13 W — Chlim'; Communist party hM miule plain the country did not reach the 5M-

.m tuion-loa-eraln-prpductlon b;'!> premier Chou En-lal fixed for 1D59.

It hinted th a t Chou had set the •marfc loo-hlBh.-Scvere flooda In vast aicrlcultural areas of south China have cut fu rther Into the pro«pfcHve crop,

■ ; « > " « i ^ r r a r « . - a s : j a y . - . r . - n W ^ ^ ■:

<:ii»tlfi n 'llllam Kran». SB, Foilcr. Orr„ died when Ihli car nvrr liiin rss t of Kiigirrl Saturday, lil t broiler, U’lllaril Kvaiit. 4!). Swrrt Hume. Ore.. I> repurled In ••Impriivctl" condlllon at MlnldiikA county liukiillal and may lie muved 5<>'in (n the ve ten iu hoipllal In either Hiilje or I'lirtland. The ItiJureU nun tnuclieil off a w areh uf a

%cle Mishap Injures Youth

nearby “muilhule'' morf than !H yardi Inng and i tirep when lir a»krd, -Illd you re t the other I llupert offlrrr^ nnir brReve no one rUe w at In the r they are >1111 rhrcklns the remote pouiblllty a eouiln « e rr . (Slaft pliiil»-rn(ra>ln|[)

n iC H H E U J. July 13 — Miirtln W H it-K lirjrT lS rS oirof^ lchflC M

niiir.slwl M arlin WhIlAcll. Injured hb IrR and linnd In n motorcyclr-ciir accldciil nt .12::0

I. Sunday nne block e.-uM of t.^r hJcJitvay M infer.^rcUo.'i. I

VVhlUell, who ^na drivlns tlie^

inolnrcycle, npp;irenlly .-.tnrtfij In pa.M a car driven by Harold Ki'iii. M ount-I’ro jp cc i^ lL -w h ic h liad ' .'.topped a t tlie Intersection brfore Lumiitf lQ*ard a cate Hcra-.'' t lir ,%trcct.

Kcin told liive.sllRalliiK Sl;iipPatrolm nn-V an-D yka-lic—loolicdback for tralJlc and not r.cchiK any. turned and struck the inotorcyclc thr^iwlnc Whltsell QVer the hood of Ihc'car. j

Sllrloil. J8, a pa.vciiK'-rl on Uic motorcycle, Ra.i not Injurrcll

and Mrs. tiaroUl Kcm. n pa.uenser in tlie car. not liuM.

Whltwill wiu> uii.'n (0 St.-Ben- edlct’s hn-'pltal. Jn'Oiiie, where 35 ^tltchfs were rctiiilrrd to clwe Uie wojjnd on hl% rlnht Itc. lie wa

Patrolman Dykr r.\ltiiinled. t<0 dnma^e to tlic niutorcycle and {90 to the car.


ccjit for one-eprtilned-Ankle and I dunklnir. 50 per^om—half of

thera children—e.scaped unh yciterday when a dock collapsed ftnd.lliey,lu[nblpri Into Lake MichI' Ron. The crowd was dropped Into 6 to 8 feel of water.

n ie Red ^ res .\ waa founded 100 years aeo.

wM built-in gas savers gives,

B o n u s-the ultimate in gasoline performance

These built-in gas savers prevent ru st in gasoline , lan k ; prevent dcpositslnT uel line an d carburctor;

spark plugs perform more efiiciently; give you the

highest octane ever; seasonal blending permits finest_p.erfoimailcclat_alLscaspn!yjyLaJion^alky]alc^givC5

extra mileage, power and smoothness.


RUG SAMPLESA wide choicc o f tixci, ^olori and pot*

terns. All first quolity. First comc, firit

icrved — Shop Early, for bcit tclcction!

2 ONLY— (Set includci bookcase bed, chott mirror) Reg'.

J _ 2 S 9 . 0 0.2-piece BEDROOMS6 ONLY— RATTAN


HUBBA TUB CHAIRS ^ I :: : 4 .98








Regulor 10.95

TABLE UMPS - — z_ -6.95^ Choica of sh e i, colon and ity let





Page 4: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR

p a g e fO U B TIME3-NBW S, T W IN FALLS,'IDAHO 'MONDAY. TOLY Is, i s jj

I St Wlho H b »lilt N m «lAblUi>4..........

. .igSKort StrMt Wm '■ I'ubllihlnc Caeiiwi

tl*M mtlJ Buiuc AptU I. l> tl. I t U> ..Idilxi. undfr Ik* XI »t H«rtk (. i


M K A g ll ■ M A f i ,’ Most m en cannot hope to achieve fam e In th is world. In Its slcnd they look for some kind or recognition. Even th a t Is den ied to fiomc, Incmdln^ n [,’ood m any who de.scrvc ItT

' The fabric of life about us is he ld together . partly by the inisung, unrewarded labo rs of

such hum an beings as these. They are key. th reads which, if removed, would cau.i.c the

----- whole-fnbrl&-to-begrently-weakened.In more .lim ited seltlng. com m unities,

families and a ho.'tt o! Individual personal relationships would tend to fa ll o p a r t If these stu rdy elements somehow were e lim ­inated.

Here’s an example th a t pame recen tly to a tten tion :

On a farm in Rcntly rolllnR e a s te rn coun­try, a stocky ^ a n with th e s t re n g th of horses lives as a roomer.-A quick outw ard meosuro sugge-'its he’s a so rt of h an d y m an

’who does odd Jobs, collects t ra s h from n e ig h b o rin g farms, and scrnpc3,by^

Th'o' tru th is a good deol d iffe ren t. He works in a factory six and som etim es seven days a weelc, and.a.bos3.w ho.Just took over

. to ld h im he was voitly underpaid. He owns B house a few miles from the /a rm , b u t ypn ts I t on t t n nrtfl to hl.i p n rn ln g s . /. On th e farm , owned by an o ld wdjman,

•stands thousands of dollnra w orth of Varm equipment, all bought by h im . H e owns a truck, and also paid for a c a r u se d -a t the farm . ~~ ^

The old woman has had two serious oper- ntlons. The "handy man" nald all tho m e d­ica l Dins” fo r tho first' one, and probably

..would have helped on the second b u t-fo r his mor(gase< burdens.

For th e oJd woman and h e r fa rm , l ie ’s b e e n th e sta ff o f life fo r m a n y , m an y years, From d a w n 'tb 'd a r k ho h u r r ie s abou t, l i f t i n g , tu g g in g , sh o v in g , digg ing , a lw ay s w o rk in g as if each d o lla r he e a rn e d w a s t l j e dnc which would ju s t b a re ly k e e p h im ROlng.

Take away th is stout th read a n d a p a t ­te rn of living would dissolve.

The world will never h ea r of th is m an. He will have no fame. B ut as he cuts h is backroad p a th doggedly and bravely th rough life, ho tru ly makes of him self every b it much a hero as m any whose nam e la etched' In the h istory books.


W HIRLIG IGWASinNOTON—The ma*t Inltnatve aod deUI)«l

»tud; of AaierUk'i. nstcUr w ick populaUon ever made It now,t>elnt conducted.b; eonfrreulonftl com* m lltetj holding htarUiEi on the M one-P o^i ■■ “ "

provldlnR agram for people

n ie plan would rewmbl# Uie m>* elBl K curllr with the eni'

• tL'- eniploye and federal goV'!S ^ ic m m ? n t conirlbuUtut to (innnce

pliyjiclans' and hoapltol clinrgRS inaofar u -possib le . It would be telf-iu-ilAlnln;...n ie .m aa a of m aterial iLv.einhled on Ute aoclal, llncinelal and med- (eal flatus of th e naUon'i older people—and ihelr numbei ereuinir' every • year bee.iuw of grcaitr longevity—Sa omailnit. For

producM-no-JcsWi--UveTcmedy, Uie itudy la exUfmely valuable.

.VUMnER OI' ACKI) CnO W lN R-Tlie (mimlllcc on the prolilem.i of the #gcd and aRlnj; inn htcn tifvrlhning new tinti ' conomlMji, plijRiclaiis and welfare workeri According to their flnilltucs. there are today IS.

400.000 people over 65. and Ihere will be twent, million beyond th a t ase In lO'S. o r about oilf>tenlh

r ihe expected population In Uial yeffr.Tlie life expectancy of m m at cs Li about 13 yean

and-JB for womtn. 'H ii' difference diminuhM witl At 10. the life expectancy‘for ninlei

. , For w ciirn. It I* 122 years. At 80. the years ahead are fl lor men and 6.8 /nr women.

INCOME. 'l,JVINO PATTEUN STUDIKD-Tliree- fourth of nil a^ed people, according to thU aurvey. live with Rome family memljcr. Ineurrlnc xhnrgea which the ir chlldrcn or relatlTei are often unable afford.

About IS per cent of tlie aiifd live In their ou-n homes., alone or wltli relatives. AnoUier four per cent live wltli nonrtlAllvea, but no t la Uielr own homes. At>out six per cent reside In Inatltuiloai. hoteli •nd nxmlnB

The total Income of all AmerjM’a agrd ln_lC5fl ros-J3-I}inion-aoli!ir»;Tlicy fecdved 0'7 bllflon dol­

lar* from »oclal ieciirity, 1.7 billion dollars from public (uulstancc. and 13 billion dollara from civil scrvlcc and vcieranv pen-ilons and pa jm entj, PrlvnH Income (ihd penjloi;^ Dccount.ior the balance of ap' proxlmalcIy.i5 billion dollars.

-fiTJII)V-MO»T-COJHCHJSjVs.-VKT— H-« r <v-dr« of committee's other dlsco 'crln about the

old people of America;"Some are worUng. Most are hot. Some

tween 03 and 70. Most are over 70. Some are in Rood tenltli. are not. Soma liv e ')n IiutltuUons,Moat do no t. " --------------

"Some Ure living with the ir «pouses. Most are not. llvr alnnr rin nnL.Kftma-]iau«-Arf<v).f <«•

Income. Most do not. Some do no t receive ooelal security l)cncflta. Most «

"Some receive private pensions. Most do not. Soma recclve coclol security payments o c d .a p rlra te pen­sion. Most do not. Some have hosplUl Inaumnc*. Most do not. Some have lurtrical ln.<mrBnce, Nfost do

\ very few have eomprchenslvo medical Insur- Most da rot.

ncgardlfM of w hat congrcss does or does no t do with re.ipcet to tiil.i kglalntlon, th is Is the most definitive and conclusive report ye t mode on problem th a t grows more scrloui year by year.

<It«ltu«J br UcClut* Nmpaptr CrodktU)

THE BURMA ROAD ' For m any m onths seasoned observers h av e

been bringing back reports of a friend lie r a ttitu d e , toward the . United. S la te s am onj

|, tho"Asion neu tra l nations. Now, In B urm a, J — ^we-have-concrot«l<ivldcnce-of f i .c h a n g c J ^ _

A fter refusing for six s tra ig h t years, th e governm ent of Burm a hds agreed to accept 37 m illion dollars In economic aid over the

• 'n ex t four years. Most of tho help w ill go for highway and school construction.

I t Is im portan t th a t the In itia tive f6r th e ,. renew al of o ld came from B urm a Itself. T h a t

would seem to be the best p roof of a n a ltered attitude.

B urm ah burned U. S. a id back in 1953, when charges were made th a t Am erican support was given Chinese N ationa list gu e r- rlllaa operating In northern B urm a.

Tho change In Aslan th ink ing , in and beyond Burma, Is said to have begun w ith Red China’s fresh assaults on th e offshore lsla;ids of Quemoy and M atsu. B u t i t re -

. celved its g reatest .spur from Peip ing’s broital crushing of la s t w inter’s rebellion In lo fty Tibet. ‘

Not long a f te r th a t .■stunning event, B urm a le t It bo Jcnown It was once more w illing to have American assistance,

--------- B u rm a-lfl,-o f-cou rae ,-care fu l-l«T refrftlnfrom saying th a t any official chan g e has occurred In Its neu tralist policy. I t m u st s till live w ith th e Red Chinese a t Its back door. B u t the fac ts speak plainly.

W hen Peiping pounced on Tibet, th e le s ­son was lost on no one. The Aslans, seem ­ingly fo r the f irs t tlm eiljigan to u n d e rs ta n d th a t ty ranny Is tyranny, n o m a tte r w h a t dress I t wears. .The wishful ta lk of th e "New

—Chlna'*,.waa hfiarri lc«> fittnn._Aslan h a tred of jVestcrn colonialism Is

gb deep rooted th a t Aslan leaders have for m any years stam ped "good", on a n y th in g

-which appeared in opposition to it, Including . communism. I t took PeiplQe.Jtscl£ akc

.„thf! ..point, tho ,Wctt scDm od-barrod—from m aking , th a t you don’t save yourself fro m one fo rm of Imperlall-sm by em bracing a n

“ o ther, f a f worsoTjrdnd. "B urm a’s decision to partake ag a in of

A m erlcan jiffo rts to help stn icclinR A sian countries Is a mllc.slone. And for t iic Chinese Com m unists who thqught to engulf all Asia, I t ccfuld prove a kind oi gravestone.

_____ _ _ _ i ___O N E.BR IG H T-H O PE....... . .— T h is m ig h t go down a.i tHo year w jtli no

BUly Season. No Loch Ncs.vmoii.sters m aking th e headlines, no flagpole slUors of no te ,

■-n o -sp c c to c u la r fak irs plylfiR th e ir a r ts on . Tiling" green o r city sldcTOlks.

W orld problem s and domestic issues such ^ th e steel ta lk s seem to have made, u s go all-over serious, and there’s precious little in th e way o f 'emollient fo r th e slzZle of

> j^immgr._• TTift one t o r l ^ t hope Is a gcntlem tin -who ahall be nam eless, but who the m a n ­agerial Whlt43 Sox of a ball club in Chicago,

TTia f la ir fo r th e dram atic h a s brought r - ' —llttlo B ien d ressed In space sult,>;, a n d a m llk-

in e contest, complate with m ilkmaid, to th e diam ond, fo r pregam e Jollification of the d e v o t e e s . - o t h e r s will no doubt follow.

, qq seem s'to be th e one bright hoptS o f an ■ otherwlW -go^crslde summer. _________


Deoplto A lot of- )-ammerlng and yelping on port of DemocTttts In Idaho throughout the lost biennium th a t tho alAte of Idaho »ti8 "tn the' red, tho final report showed 11,118.131 surplus. To the extent Umt surplus.may be pleasing to the t«x- payer nho «‘oa overcharged, Idahoans . may tAke proporUonate catlsToctlon. *

The eontlnuol polltlool w n ln c . t h a t Idaho i short of money may havs b«to of some n tlu s omcchaldgra tffk lng perpetuity, or to the party Umt u-aa on the outside. B ut ‘there wasnTknyUiinf of viOuo to Uie sta to of Idaho, New tndu-itry avoldi locAting in suites Uiat have tmuiury deficits, Nev residents do not find U ut kind of a sltuatloa at- tnicUve. Tlio ovcr-iOl total of damBRe InTOlved ncvei V.-UI be mensured but no one should aasame tha t dtunogs Li no t done by such destrucUve procedure.

Th« end of th# biennium total ehows, first o f oil, Uiat Uiere were aoms lolkLS around tiie stAt«houM. and In tho le^lslnture. who-dldn’t knorr w hat they were tAlklng about when they ventured Into Uie field of sta t« flmince. Every alftimlng stAtement has been proven false. Every penon who made such su te m e n u has been IdenUfled as a politician first and an Idnlioon ofter^'ord.

Tho a tate will hare periodic overdrafts due to Uie fact th a t the legislature planned U Uiat way. Money is advanced to school db trlcls before It Li collected In tAxes, This n-os done to care the Khool dlstrtcti tho cost of borrowing, TlU-i coat, by leuls- lntl>'a action, n-ns deliberately Uiuuferred to the stot«. I t w(ui no luscldent. I t «-ns a definite plan,

aimed a t providing more for sclwols by saving them Interest co,its.

Idaho Is no t ap t to hear these unfounded ftoon- cliU alarms In the future, n ie rtxenUy-closed bl- etmlum made It clear Uiat gutsslng li one thing, ffttis something else. Idaho wUl_ gnln JrD m _n_t<^ mlnauon ofpollUcol'bimicr'tirivl Li Injurious to Uie slate,-w it th e oUicr party.—Boise StatMman.

LOUISIANA PUZZLE T h t o n t lu and conflicting 'statementA of Loutsl-

ana's OovcnCor E arl I>»i(r, Svlio hivi lost <0 pound.i and has b e ta In Uure poytsliopaUUc words In the l u t tlx weeks, Bxs.puzzllng, JO put i t mildly.

Mors puzzling,-however, nre tlie co:iftlcting' menta of payxhlotrlsls and other doctom oi s ta te of Mr. Long's mind and geneml healtli.

Psychiatrists announced a t the ouiflcc th a t'C av -__ Long Auiicruig iiu n para4ioic ' td iplirenla and n-as dangerous. He n-ns relnued from a Louisiana statu ho^pttAl—of ter .firing the director o f state hOAplCals and replacing lUm with a doctor who told th e goi^mor had “aerer been cnuy lo r i second," ^Z3Tie;enia o r.X an Long Is-m -m nny rwpeeia-mori tmslo than puzzling. But far more pur,zllng tincl tmglo luis b n n the performance nf the doctors! Politics hiui Uken p r e s e n c e over healU). We have become accustomed to poIlUcal spcctaele.v p a rtia r larly In LouLilann. But we are no t nccu-itomed t< seeing m en who hare Uikcn.Uie. OaUi of Hippo- cnucs play U»U kind of pollUcs, Tliey have rendered

grave dt-iscrvlce to society and lo Uielr profe.i- Blon. And they have added nothing to public under- standing regartlng mental lllnc.M. — Salt ' Lake Tribune.


P E G L E R ’S A N G L ElUUUoni v llh soviet Russia

h a re been ■ calamity to our aide and It U Dol for American report­ers to say whether the future promises better Ui»n the p u t. In recent years, thanks to a relaxa­tion o f . the Bovlel. restrlcUona. s o m e thouunds) of students and- “artists" ol reel- U tloa have m ut- tled to and fro and, on past per-

SOUNDfl BtASONABLE W hen ham Is advertised, th e

store offering It-for u ie usually specifies Uie price by the pound for sUccs and the price per pound for a whole cr half ham.' Now In the absence of a lis tedprice specifying Uiat Uie .. ...........................m ust be purchased either by th e i may aasuma that whole or half. It Is reasonable to ; most of t h e l ~ ' aaaume the customer could pur-1 »cre spies, eliase one pound-or even-half a -Ours may ha ^ n d If he ao desired. been willing, t

So looking a t It from Uiat ang le, A m e r l c a n i y « i“couId" rea-anruM trS U O arxneC ^entrS iP m Jn 4>nsltion.o -ed he r mother, asking for two a n d promise good results one-half cents. Qoestlonln« - d l s - ; called artUls of Uie pcrfon closed she had noUced a sign In; categories «ho hsve gone abroad palenLi. Averell Htrrlman. noose-

trw ittrm eiom nurw n-1 on cultu~ral~niLislun.irT avt~t)tcn:^imimbage»aor-m-MoseOTr ■ - Ing for two and one-half cen ts a ,o r Uie most psrt, trash of doubt- crntrosllv.pound.

Nothing was u ld ibout buying the whole melon, now wax there 17

TtUMQR n K rr .

Is It true tha t Ihe flih aDd gnmp department Is gcilng to poison nil Uie flah In Msgic reservoir th is Iall7 We heard Wood river wn: going 10 be cleaned out from S tan ' ton 's crossing downstream, Includ' Ing Magic reservoir, '

W here do you find ou t about sucli UilnRS?

A. Flsherma(Ooodlngi

Pol Bi'ota note; O ffhand, we’d aay the fish and game departm ent Im sn't made-anyijcclslon'llke th a t yet. The experts will w ait un til they see how much water »-iU be left In the reservoir a t the 'end of Uie IrrlgaUon season------ -

th is business of forecasting, th e weather Is full of rbks, probably tha t's why Uie flvc-(Tay wenUier forecast has ended In iprobably) theae many yean.—At-any-ratc, the chlff riRk Is tlie failure of Uie weather to cooper-

T ake Sunday’s predlctlpn. foi Instance, '•Continued sunny nnc hot," H iere was nothing to Indl- cate anything else. The Ixiromete; was' high, and the weathermnn didn 't even hedge wlUi hl.i •■ blllty of scattered afternoon Uiun- derstorms.'*. Bo w hat developed? Yep. th e re were bits of sunshine, bu t mosUy the skies were overcast and threatening. And rain.

Tlie point Is that when a guy asked po t Shots Saturday n igh t w hat to expeot Sunday In the way of weaUier. Pot Shots dIdn’C eve~ ' hesitate.

We tossed It off like th e ex perU: "Just more of Uie same.

T he one consoUUon li th a t th e experta wbre Just u wrong a s P o t ShoUl


Ttt'o kittens are avalftble to th e first people who call

.nEdw(M>d S-2909 (Twin Falla)

OLn IDEAS A ^ GOOn Deni- Sir:

•How do you go about trnclng fam ily.tree? I luspecl my hu band’s once.itors may have been prc.ient a t Uie Ume the'M ayflower arrived, but If so, Uiey were g ree t­ing-the new arrivals to tho land .

If anything Is done around o u r happy llUIe home, It seesu th e little woman has to do IL And If tlie task i t U» big. Uien some acrvlce man or repairman Som e' , liow I t seems t h e ^ d and m osterl Is much too bu.iy fLitilng. playing golf, hunting or any nuBiber of sim ilar pu»ult.i.

From hLi attitude -I g a ticr U ia t he thinks the Indians had 'a grenC Idea when Uiey turned all the little household chyr'es over lo the « juaw rhlle Uie bravt concenUnted on

enjoying life.N.O. pquaw


FAMOUS LAST MSE “r.-.-\V hit »he-ean‘t po | n lf tin«

(11 tomorrow, she Just w^n't do!" GENTLEMAN IN THE


TIIEES DOWNTOWN planUng ahade trees Jn Uis buslncia area. , _,

community is .a new development in municipal beautlflcaLion-wlilclj la caichlnr on mpidly among!

- „rTMlV8 clUej. New York liM urdertiUcen a longl mnge planting program .which has re.iulted In com- j pletel; changing tho sppetirunco of some fonncrly I unattracUve streetji. And «-ord recently received from , WUllafn M.' Blrtwell. A.ibury r.irk niglneer who Li vacaUoning on the n m 00.1.11, rc f rrv b(«uUtleaUon program hi Portland. Ore.. which luwi placed lar«e concrete p lanurs alone the streets o f Its downtown section, filliiig Uicm with treesand-geraniums.------------------------------------- ------------- again we-emphv.Iie Uie benefits which flou- from this aort of town beaiitlfieaUon: more residents — d'm oro b a iln trj acUvliy. De.uroble people prefer

lire In an atlracUrt rommunlty ja i t na they pre­fer to shop in such a plsee. A few treea and a fe« flowers can work wonders.—Aabury Park. N. J Eve­ning Herald.

Some people walk to reduce. O thers are reduccd to walking by th e price of-jiew cars.

ful sundlng even among Uielr 0 colleagues.

I t would not be the considered decision of (he American people•ven of . congress lo select as agcnuof our culture a roster of plt^yed'hAma io'<li»c..ufM..a dirty play about low-down life In i Negro slum or an exasitefHlcd-per- .lonallty, far from ftln.v5me. U bray horribly on a bm.M horn de- Blgtied for very abaletnlwis use In large bands.

We are not very good spies, ex­cept, of course, as profe.ulonals O ur pros are not bad. But Uie Ilus- alans not only empliaslre Ihe pu- ulollc Importance of e.iplonng* to a ll of theirs who come this way but_bRYe_liad_our-pcrmis?loa .10 esUbllsh in our midst, indeed, even In the sUte and Uessury depart­m ents and In Uie armed forces, or. Ranlzatlons of traitors which Wlilt. tak er C ham btrs 'ducrlb td 'tir tnc term "apparatu-V* In a revelation M’ljJch sAouW ha lf prodi ,, lynching carnival but only kicked up IHe slorm'^r''McCirtByi5mT T lie Communist parly was loyiU to Maicow alone.

We not only give but forced upon mother lUiuia almost the en tire conunu of our butmu of

rt-Uuifn Uj aprobably ever since, whereas the house' commlUee disclosed a t tha t tim e Uiat Russia had not let us look a t a single Rus.ilan patent alnce 1027.

The clialrman of. (he committee who revealed this InformsUon was th e wretched parnell Thomas. New| Jer.iey. who shared Uie ssd fate qf_most enemies of Uie treason—

“W cCarthy. welker. Jenner,

enta. th e other for 359. 'M ia O. Pravdln." who signed thls-cae « -technical .deparUnenl," twitted Uie commissioner or patents be cause more Uun t « weeks had passed since she hsd sent a eheck Jo r »80 for a list of eo Amercan psten ta . The average cost w u 3.'

" o n e Isidore O. Needleman. gen- eral counsel for boUi the (rsdltig commission and Amterg. said neither agency had ever bought 1 single copy of a patent from ou bureau. Henry Wallace, havini

kicked out of tlie deparimen of commerce by Harry Tnimaii sald.Jc.-je jo n t i hlKl-tieen at fault if onyone »-as.

However, conceding Uist Jones1.1 tieeret«»fT-lt>-»W i-Wallsf4i.

— .........

NO nwICH . Conn.. July 13 Norwich, Uie H ose-of New Eng- Und. is wilting. •

Striking municipal e m p lo y e s ave left UUs City wlUiout street

cleaner* and garbage men for a l­most two weeks. Now Norwich,

ice known for Its abundance of (les, IS trying to dig from under week of festlvuips In honor o '

Its aooth anniversary.S'i-m lle parade, which In.

v .,--.d some 500 horses, attracted about 15,000 spectators Saturday, •n>e sUeeU.iUf littered wldscandy

ippers, confetti, paper cu |u aiul

Preasm an's demand, 'm is Is thito s

generosity, sue. ceeded Wallace as aecreUry. His commissioner In New York, Jurisdiction over a whole system of porui slilpplng stulf to RUMls,

Louls 1.. llordi. Uie promoter le lamaAery on Riverside drive

where Walbee-etsn.iulled-lilJ-orl- en tal guru. Nicholas noerlch. ant blew Incense out of hla halo’ e-irs

W hen Horch came Ihto noto. riety for Uwt reaion, he abruptly resigned and Hsrrlmah refused U ' tell why.

•T liey have onler^l «0.000 pat ents In one request," Tliomas said . More than that. tJiey had loot' ed us of blueprints for everytliing from th e mu-stache-cup W compo-

of (he aUim bomb, and Uii fcw 'rer.tricted’ pitints'w blcirihcy were no t freely given they stole (hrough the Rosenberg appara(us and others.

Survey Planned

and in otlier loans of the are July 15-

•n ie NorUi Side Communltlr. .lodaUon U dlstrlbuUng bhinks for Uie .lun-ey. Stioshone begsn Uie survt-}’ In 1050, and In 1B57 and 1858 u iti~ jo lned 'by ~other cnm-

of the arw^ “

E ast Cify Rose Wilts as Strike

Leaves Trash

t the renough

s growing again'.rubbish

barrels to the c lty ^ u in p in theli au(oj. Some residential areai

have been cleaned up by Indlvl- flualfu-but the ln(}u»tr>’ area li Uilck wlUi debrl.i.

rventy-elght employes have brou’gl.i-cUy sanlUUon lo 'a -halt. M em bm of local U1(H of the United Mine Workers union, they

isktng for a 15 per cent wage Increase.

Union repre(.eiilnllve.i complti la t the city spent money for

birlliday cclebroUon but would n

IRichfield WomanTo Face Surgef,-

RICHHELD, July :3_® . Mrs. Forrest Armstmnj if.V I’ ' day for Salt U ke Ci:>- ”

to enter the LD.S n preparation for heart week.

Out-of-Mate vlMinr. nf Irs, Carloi Rce.i ihe p ere Mr. and Mrv 'i-rci

Portland; Ore.: Mr. and ■Ham EAAterlv, Siniin-t.i

nd Mr, and .\lr,v Cui I'l-i nd son, Denver.Mrs. Pearl Urniin ai;,

daURliter, Samira CnrL*nr an() Mrs. Wtll.ird Am-ri Calif., arrived •nuii.s,;,,,Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Coniir; er-relK llV M -lii-thnrrn- Mrs. U0.-L1 Conner, Jrr.n A. C. Conner, anil v,ti t

Richfield rrlatlvei .’Ith Ihe vutioi.i a ,er home Friday :

iiAVK noLKS IN co.Mnnr UNlVEii.srnf o r in.^no m ' 1*', July 13-Cn.1t In in |«

(hree-art eoniedv. '•H''nr;rr'i« ElKhUi.- Siimmrr thm ifr p„x..Lon-aUted—Tuc.%dav.—w-tjRrt'innd Tliursrtay, urc cUire fer.Klmberly] and Charles T»'ln Falls. •

snge between »1 J 1 nnd

AstKma Formula Prescribed Most By Doctors-Available NdwrWithout Prescription"

m uiiUlw 0

Slops A ( U i ^■f«^»^K ,T.<S»«l.l>-Tb»aitl formula pr««rll>««l n*»r* Ihan- olhtr by deetora far (heir prli t>all«n\a li now avallaliU to aitbma •ulTarer* wKhout pr»»erip(lon.

•topiaitbniaaltackilnm lni' ' hours of frewlnm fron

rvne* ef painful aithma ipThli formula Is loeiTfcliv........

la th* phyilcUni* leading aXhma Breicrlptlon-«o safa that nib« •ald-uH(»«i.C pT4Mirip<Uny talUU tailed Pn'waH

M in u le t.. .R e lie f L a tti fo r H ounI rrlmateni o[.»n« brnnrhiil luW

o .- J n

atrensth).found most eff. rnmblnaHoa for, asthma Each performa a (iirrial p

So lonk for»r<! (n.lrrj. anr! frrr<lom frum'a.thm. . . . r t l Pflmatrn*, mlany <1 Oaly tSf-moner-back-eui

ln« officer of ft.HonmouUi, _ Lawton n-ai Ulueod andjetlred

fo rr wanting t« tell'Uie truth In dispute wlUi Ike’s friend. General Zwlcker. Thomas went to prison lo r a year ostensibly for a kick- back arrangement which n.-as tht

as Harry Tniman's a c e p t tlwit Uie employe who drew the

ay vi-as not married to Uie elialr.

During Uie Thomas expos*, i got copies of letters from the Soviet puTcha-ilng eommls.don and Am. torg, boUi In New York, bully-rag- Rlng Uie U. 6. ( ‘tSiTehtr-ror-lnnlli th e ir demands, i^ie purchasing commLvilon said. 'Please complete ou r order In accordance with the above paragraph and seJid to u; Immediately." (Signed) V. A. K a­mensky.

T lin ia te of Uils mlr.ilve. April 28, 10H3, was »ithln (he reign of H orry Hopkins of whom MaJ. Qen. John R. Deane, chief of Uie Amerl-

in military mlvilou to, lid tho t his real for "Ilu-vilan aid

approached fanaticism." Hopkins w as the most enthusiastic and ef­fective traitor who ever beUny- cd Uie united StalM. a nul.illng of enonnous magnitude who failed to ruin his own country—God only knows why.

In another tetter from Uie Riis- •aaln purchasing sgeney, this one in January, IfifO, alter the «-or, ••MIsa L. Pressman.” who signed It. bespoke haste because the pat­en ts were needed by a Soviet en- icineer who was "reTT ahortlylear- ing the country." •■ Amtonf on April 13, 19«, en­closed two lists, one for <95 pal-

W e're Now OPEN for Business In Our New Home



TUES. EVE. PAPERBut come on in ajnyway...

’ “ R i s e t- C a u L .

l o w a b o u t o n e o f

^ h o s e

■w o n d e r -d r -iig s ? "

•■rvc pot a cold," (he msn sa id , and he u-ent Qn to

der d ru g ." The phsnnsdu toU In and atlvised him to see hii happened the i|spirin fised him

I point i* th is : Pharmncaii »r« We w ork w ith doctor*, proi’iding

mcdidne* they prescribe. W* h«v«- knowledge o f the powerful new..

V.C kn o w how Important i( ii reclly. do not feel oCTended ‘

mwclJt refu sei to sell you t certain your protec tion and in the IkjI

good health . Always see your

“wonder d ru f ,'10 u « ihcm

■ when your ph drug. It Is ro Interest of yi doctor when ^ t'cnt medicaUon is required.

Finnncinl S ta tem en t of

Southern Iddho-Production- Credit Association

AS OF JU N E 30, 1959

ASSETSLoans and Discounts,

, In terest Earned but n ot Collected - A s f o ciation Building and Lota ■1 2 2 1 8 5 .0 5 -

......... 27,289.33

: $11,775,211.27 291,739.95

L ess Depreciation .

F urn iture and F ixtu res .Less Depreciation .....V.

O th e r A.s.sGts...............................».........................................U . S. Bonds and N FL A D eb en tu res...................C lass B Capital S tock /F cd eral Interm ediate

A 6 -edit B a n k ...................................Cash on H a n d ....................... ....................................


34,170.72 - 1 :7 t4 5 7 t2 4-------- ^ i r ) , 7 - 1 3 . ^



— -T O T A L -A S S E T S -

. $11,296,065.98


rnn:::..:.-.!.;......— $13,590,8: -47-

LIA'BILITIESLoans and Discounts to Federal Interm ediate

Cre’d it B a n k .......................................Interest Payable to Federal Interm ediate

Credit B a n k .....................................T axes and other L ia b il it ie s .......................................

, NET WORTH-C lass-A -and B Stock.............. ' ........................

■"0\vned'by"Meifjbers ~ ~ r 7 'r , '0 4 2 ,8 9 5 . '0 0 " " '~ ' Accumulated Earnings

nnd Reserves ........ 1,086,285.08 r, '

T otal Capital Stock, E arn in gs, and R eserves........ 2 ,129,180.08

TOTAL LiABUJTIES & NET WORTH.. ?13,590,853.47 .

Page 5: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


fyvin Falls Bride

MBR. O A nr TAMME- ^ S K J i s ^ H r ™ r « T t n r r4 » * ♦

Marjorie Denney -A ndT am m aSay„

Vows in ChurchMirjorle Denney. dftURtilcr

Mr »nd Mrs. Orville Denney- ,ime Uie bride of Gary Tainme, un of Mrt. Lucllle Tamme nnd T , Z Tunme. In 8 o’clocl: rltw U,e evcnlnc ol l»>e PourUi of July.

Th£ IUV..W. A. MMArtliur offl- diltd for ihe double rinK ccre- S v ^ f o r e . .ettlng of UU b r« * cwdcUbf* funked by Uffwiy bu tfli of plnlt iMlcipur and white

_lili,i_ia_the_M clhodi«t_cliurcJ>pftplice room. ^

Mrs Ann M aw n'played trndU tional ft cddlne music.

■me brldf. fflven In marxlnRc htr lnUitr. u-ore a alreel-lenftth ,;li brocade Clilncsc iJieaUi dress

U «hlcit Uie brWfgroom hnd Ullorcd » t i“ j»Di>n. Slie carried a.boutjuel

f plni'rosH)u34 vrlth plnim UiA/n iixent.

Donna Tamme. aWer of the SrldrKroom. mold of honor. She wore a Rrecn »henlh drew

. B«»nled wlUi lUver and a corsAse

Dile Denney, brother of Uic bfldp, was best man. LeRoy Bell tened »« wher. Lonnie Bolyard, totisin of Uie bride, waa candle*

-Ughto.___________*A Uwn reception a t Uie home of

Xlr. and Mr«. Arty Bolyard. uncle ir.d aunt of the bride, followed the i,cddlnK.

The retrcilmient table «red s’lth a-white linen cloUi and •ppolntmuiu were in pink and »hll«. T^i»' Uered weddlnR cake v u lopped with I pink bdla find trimmed. sIUi pearU and pink roKi, m;». Viola Hlintln* and Mr*. lUy Kemp, auntd of the bride, and Pauy Surjeon presided. -

Colleen KIgSlns. cotuiln tride, re«lJl*rtd the 6Ue»l*-

The brWe'» mother.chOM a blue tusuntr tiieath dreiiS. Her aeces-. Mfltj wer« white and aha wore a comie ot pink carnations. The

^ lo ther of the bridegroom waa at* In,a tummer d reu of gold white accessories. H er cor-

u te aiM waa of pink catpaUona. . For a {0lns*away ensemble, the

tvecd suit with blue accessories •nd the corsaite from her bridal bouquet. She Is a IBSg gra<hiat« of' Terreton high school and Tamme atrtfd In the navy. They will be i t hom * a t Olt second avenue

^.Marian Martin- Pattern

M iss Benkulato - M arry Neville in

Idaho Foils RiteMURTAUOH, July 13_c.irnic-

IlUx.Denkula and Domld Neville have selected Aus. : : ns the d.He for their Mfdrtiiis at ilie Trinity M cthodW cliurcti In l(i;il]o t'aHs. T lie enKacemfiit w iiiuiojiicrd by h e r paronis, Mr. and Mrs. D, W Dcnkula.

T lie brltlf-clcct waa gi.viuatfd from TVhi tiisti r<-hool in 1058 and attnicltil Id.ilio Slalt COllcRe. rocalcllo, vfnr.

Her fiiuice, the s«ti ol .Mr,Ml S/ E. O, Neville, Id.iho Falli (fraduolrii from Rliiljy hlch .-^hool In !050. HP ntlfiidrd ISC for'tw o yenra wtipre hr a iiiftnbcr of Phi-Slcm ji-K sppa fnitpmlty.— " “

l l ie y Mill nmke ilifir home In Idalio FalLi.

Eileen Olsen Is -Br-ide-of-Wilson

In LDS RitualsJEnOME, July 13-Eilecn-Olstn

becixmc the bride of Arlow Wllxon In the U crn LDS temple. fYlrtay. Jiine-?(TrM:iroi.<cn irorc-dnuffh*: le r of'M r, Biid'Mr.v Uean Olsen. Tlie brldeRtoom l.t the son of Mr, nnd Mr.i, Luther K, Wll.son. Lund.

Mr. and Mr.<, Wilson were lio.iti to the britle and brldCKrooin and the weddlnK party at a breakfast foIlowinR the ceremony in LoRan..

A rcceptlon woa lirld July i In tlie Rnrdcn of the bride’s parent's ho'me. BackRround music was by Mrs. Cecil Durrnnt who played Uie electric organ In Uie home ampll- fled to Uie Barden. -Tne-»ria(Viiyiou-orBaiiii“ Ko*T

fea tured a ilRht bodice, short -ilecves. a Jeweled neckline and full .-skirt, accented by embroidered m itls. Her walst-length veil was cnuffht by a minMtone tiara: Her boufjuet was pink roses centered with a ofiKe oreJild and t/ed with

Su.mnner Weddings P lanned

. -fiu llon r-6a lt-L ake-C ltrrwna maid of honor. Mflmetta Ol­sen. slater of tlie bride, »-as brldea- mnfd. Both were drt«ed In orchid sheath.i of emboMed cotton antln. Lucy Ann Olsen, the bride'i sls- -tar . was | io » e p _ g i , |^ h e - drew ed In orchid jo i’n wit tlRht bodice and full iklrt.

T lie brideitroom's moUier ciiose blue afternoon dress and the

bride's mother, a tw i tray a fte r­noon dress, Boih wore pink rode corsages.

Mrs. j e w TonkB. Prjvo. was. In :harRc of.Uie Rift table. Tlie lace covered bridal table featured two th ree • candle co'slal candclabra nnd two bud case* of flowers. Tlie four-Uered cake, separated by whlt« ewans 'and decorated wlUi ribbon and lace of Icln*. was top­ped w ith a clw ter of Uiree belU tied w ith fan-sliaped tulle.

Mrs. Leo Olsen and Mn, WUilam Olsen. aunU of the bride. Lea Ol­sen and ^Jrs, Tonk.i, Provo, served Uie cake and poured.

B i* o p Lew Pratt wai m astc fo f ceremonlei lo t the prtiRram which IncJuded a solo by Ardel Sliockley, a humorous reading by Mrs. Leo Olsen, and * duet, 'I n Uie Temple by the River", by the brldeffroom’a TiAther and his best man. Joann Sutton ' played several accordion num tjen .'T tiesnde^ 'm othE r play­ed t*-o o rjan selections.

O ut-of-town Buesls were from Lund. Prow , and S a if Lake City.

T he bride is a sraduat« of Je- ime high school and attended, ne year a t Brigham Young; uni-

T h e brideRTOom completed mission for the LDS church and is employed by the AAA Insurance company. Ofden.

. . weddins dance and rtcef waa held a t the bridepoom’s ^In Lund.

Wilmo Ling and -Fornswor-th-P-lart-

Rites in TempleFILEH. July 13—'An LDS temple

.weddlnc A us. 17 In Salt I/ike city li belns planned by Wilma Ling and Richard K. ramswortli. An. hounclnR the plans are her par ents, Mr. and M n . William P LInK-

T he bride-elect was graduated from Filer hl«Si achool In lOH and Brigham Young imlverilty college of nursing in 1SS8. She Is employ* ed a t th e LDS b a ^ lta l in Sail Lake City.

H er fiance Is attending Uie Uni­versity of Utah. Salt Lake Oily, where h e is majoring in physics He fulfilled an L D S' mission. Central America. He U Ui»*s- of M n. Burton K. ParmworUi, S a lt L«Ve city.

V ¥ *

H oliday Reunion Held by FamUyWENDELL, Ju ly I J -T h e family

o f-M r.-an d -M ra-J ta n k -M e rrm , were all together fw Uib week­end holiday.

Here to celebrate with the familyere Mr. and Mrs, Larry Merritt,

San. FVanclsco. and Mr, and/Mrs. Marvin M c n ltt. and daughters. Portland.

Mr.' and Mrs. Marvin Merritt turned U> the ir home Tuesday after a 10-day vislL He is Uie Union In- cifie agent a t PorUand. Mr. «pd '*■ — [V M erritt returned Sur-

a ifom la. fonowlne a four- day visit. H e is in the nary in Uie submarina division.

Care of Your ChildrenBy A N G E L O PA TRI

Sum mer days bring more leisure to moUiers and children. Cooldnj: chorea are lighter because fru it and raw vegetables help out w ith the menu on these hot daya. I t feeU Booa to Ju*' i ira n d do no th ­ing. Even the children.are wllllnj U> a ll quietly under a tree, on the porch, in a shaded room, as may tw convenient, and listen to musle,

r to a story.T h is Is the Ume when a mother

can read to the children (or have them read to her) interesting w orthwhile atorles. Thli wiU not only pass an Idle hour pleasanUy, It will use it profiUbly. Reading

to a good story1 a goo--------to th e children's language abUity and to their good taste In reading: m atter.

O ne book tha t I find particularly good for thLi purpose U Sldonle Oruenberg's ••Favorite Blorles Old and New." This is a big, fat book full 'of dellghUul stories, tha t all children like. Prom the youngest ont*—those beginning to know about atorle»-to the teen-age ones —th e stories are well suited. Palry and folk tales, classic ones and. those too new to have gathered: th e halo of Ume. all are In this fine coIIecUon and any moUier will find it most useful all year long.

Bummer U the time for poetry. N ature li a^t to rhythm. Antholo- g1« ^ tWfl ^o r the quHt--no5ir secause they hara so. many And 10 varied a Ust of good things. •Favorite Poems Old and New." compiled by H tltn Ferrli. U Ju « Uie righ t one for.ourpurpo«. Hm«

find poems all children like,. ------------- -— ‘•era recit<d;

"Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight,” sing the "Old Oaken Bucket." all Uie words, but her grandchildren cannot. W hnt of it? Pleatyl •

Our. children have not the background“ for "llterutut» their elders had. They have not Uie ta ste for good reading Uiat is in­grained in their elders because they had access to the best in liter, a tu re , poetrv and music.

Mothera, nurses, counselors, cat use the quiet hour to help the children acquire knowledge, taste and pleasure from these line sourcea.

r« tri ert»Tirw*Ti lnHWj (

'( S ta f f engra

M issBlauer and Liljenquist Plan August Services

BURU;V, July 13-.Ml-, .iml Mrs. Eriif.ll il. ljl:>ucr, Uurlry. nrl* nounce llir nnrt ftirUl* comliiK marrl;ii:co; i;ii-:r d.iunlitcr. JoIlC. m Val R. They >*i:i be 'c•d AUS. ,:i til the Salt Lcikc Cil>' iciiiiilc.'

T he p ru 'iiftl iu bildr,;i former aluclent o! lllp iJriKlmiil YOUll« umvcrsuy, u a wii ol Mr. and Mrs. ll.iy V. .I.ll)riiquial. SouUi :300 .s.ill Uike City.

.Miss Blivucr.'ft Muclnil at HYU. .1 mi'nilHT of t‘:e Conii Los mj-

al unit and Oiclir.sij club.Her f::tnce l« nlliliainl u iih

IlrirktT Mfial imit luul.............. -r ICM, from I'lVU,

He has M-rvrd an l,U3 iiil.'-li'll In

'l licy v,nT niftU tliclr liainr liT Salt Uike CU'y wtirie Liljciiijuiit is lu busmc.'J.

Bridge PlayedCASTLEPORD. July 13 - Mrs.

Sorcn Jlr.v'cllioU lioslrsj to the Themniiii.i BrlilRf club v n dcs- tiert-limchfoti-Fridny-rfterroon'a t her-home,

PrizM tor meni')rri went in Mrs. m d Himicrt and .Mr.\. Wiiltcr Rcciic. nnd to RUfsW. .Mrs, Itobert Deckcr and Mrs. 'I'uny I“uiurrk.

Months C ircled fo r Rites

C.tllOL EDITH CALCUTT — . . . »iion~fT!r*KniFni— pt- nav id n . Tllul. Ml) of Mr. and

Frank Thus. Jeroinr. is an- nnunrrd br hrr parenli. .Mr. and M n. Alfred W. Calculi. KeaUlc. Wolh atteiidtd the UnlteriJty of

-Idaho.- aioKoir J s j t .3 t i r_ y rh t if i . T ltua-U affllUItd willi .Slcma Nu frauro lly . They plan an Au- lu i t weddlnt. illannon photo—


KAT LESK KAII.SH.S ,---- rTTTrtTwr-piTent*rMr7%n*-j<

Don Fanies, Klmtierly. are ' ftitnouiirln* her rnpsfm fiU to K cim lth L. r tfslon . »nn of Mr. a n d Mm. fllff ITeilon. T«ln ■t'alU. The couple will bt nurrlrd In r ltf^ ao lm nlsed Sfpt. I in

'"ihc SHIt Lake O i l LUh mniile. tK elkrr plioti>-«tair eniravlnt)

One of Uie Inclu-'trle.? on Uin Island of Jamaica In Uie Indira Is turtle cntctiliiK.

Social C alendarFir.'.t v ,.irt Rrllef society will

hold II nork niecUnc a t fl:30 a. m . ' T utv lny a t Ulc Lt>0 church. A..-I special meeitnR U planned and I all,.-rt m c urged to attend. | Nursery c ir r v.111 be provided.

' ¥ » ¥D Iirrn iC H — Friendililp cirtle 111 m rcl Tlmr.-.<lay a t Uie hom«

ot .Mr.-'. Arlyne K lUIiik with Mra. Vcm M trirny a.i co-har.tess. All mciiil>rrs arc un trd to atiend.

Pair Honored a t "Fete iin kichtieldRICHKIELD. July 1 3 -M r, and

.Mr.i, Clint Bukb were hotiored at iriJ-jiiioirtiiia' rtiTew^n'ponyiM t' crk a t ilif Mclliodht church.

Mrs, Clifford Daylcy. L. T. Sand- BUKK. Gifts were present­

ed Mr. and Mr.v Burk.and Uielr :5 th ttcddii)R anjilversjry, July

oli-.en’rd.Inxliip Bmwn and Iren* Deeds

pliiycd accordion aelecUohs.Tlie were aaslited in

M-rvUiR by Mra, ■ Chw lei Sludcr, . Mrs. Myrtle Rliey. Mrs. Carl Riley, Mr.i. Charles A. Brown and Nancy J Swuln.iton.


' ! '-‘I

Judy N elson to —Wed-Sr-JomisonMr. and Mra. Harold Nelson.

Tttln Falls, announce the en- RnRement of the ir dniiRhter, Jud>-. lo Sterling Howard, son of R oM -JanilM n. - Hollister. The: couple plana to be v,-ed In late July. •I Mias NclAon was Rniduatcd from fTv.’ln Fulls hlRh acIiooI. In ’Hie pro.ipccUve bndeRrooin 1M7 graduate of Valley hluh m IiooI and Is employed as a mechanic a t Twin Falls T ractor nnd Implement company. - •

* ¥ *

H agerm an UnitP lan? B reakfast

HAOER-MAN, July 13-A break­fast, open to the public, waa plan­ned by members of the Woman's tioclety of C hristian Scrvlce Wed- jifK m oon a t the MeUiodlst:hurch.■|Th« b reakfast will be served

fcom 7:30 to 0 a-m. next Wednes­day by members and the proceeds w|ll go tow ard the of new banquct tables for Uie dining hSbiiT:------- ’

Mra. V. W . Carson, president, cotiducted the business meetlnit.

T he progm m and woralUp scrvlce were under direction of Mra. Al- f r ^ Sandy. She used a' Juvenile delinquency Uieme for Uie pro- gnim, assisted by Mrs. Ray Claw- toA and Mrs. Claude Butts.

Mrs. E rnest BllHard and Mrs. \v |lllam McConkey were hostess-

Picnic Held by Tw in Falls C lub

Past Noblo Omnd-club_m rt_for picnic Ttiursday evening a l the

home of Mra. W. O, Watts, As- slsUntc were Mrs. Carrie ^{odlln,

Lionel D ean and M n. Gene- vleve.Holienbeck.

A brief business mceUng fol- lon-rd. Mzv. D ean told of vislUnc Oalifomlft n«t>eknli lodges. The white elephant prlM «-ent to Mrs. J . C. —

Mrs. W ilford Benedict and M n. Johnson were In chars# of a pro- gmin on p ie admission of Alaska 10 the union and th e origin of I n d ^ n d e n c e day. Contort giunes abo K t n played.

Vlsllors were Mr*. Nor* Lewis and Mr*. A nn H offm asur.




_D iscontinued lS ty ies-by ,_ / Redwing-

ond ■ Par-A-Trooper


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Florsheim - Pedwins Roblee - French Shriner


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.90i a ” - t 5T he largest selection we have ever shown a t th e s t

p rices. Over 400 pair, oil from our regu la r stock. Buy

several po ir now. GOOD SIZES.' DOZENS OF STYLES.

VASIIION-rAOE FLASn (Treat ncws-fashlon'a grent

wliir nirvu widely away from Uie wck to li,, your shoulders.. See

you loo'sy « J i wlih 8lde-buttone«I dash.pattern: H alf-slie oos-

PrUiled piiiteni 8340: 'Mliseo- i M. Ifl, la. Sixe 18 tAkes’ ■ W U 3S-lnch fabric..

Priniol directions'on each paU,-‘^™pi.-t.&«,ler. accurate. .......

50 cents (coins) for this

« ^ o r ilr.i-ciaa malllnff. Send to Martin. Tlmea-Newg, I>aU

• 233 we.« laih S t, New

U»fl« M . “TrmjbJ.

'school celebrations, poems Justi rm from the press, » u lt« to iU,

'C h ild r e n ot all ago lore rhythm I and love th# muslo.of words longj before they understand the n e an - ng of the words, long before they|

can hear the overtone* of the, poetry they hear or recite. need th is touch ot beauty in their thlnW ng. • in" their- language. - in ittltudes toward life in general ind we 'hot gliring them :nough of it.

I t is no longer the custom Lcach children poems to be recited j i class a n d -a t celebrations and the children are the lasen. Qrand-

• sp-«ao-«clt*-"P»ul-Rerert.

held Frldny evening a t the home of Mr. and Mra. J . H. Sharp. Mra, D, B. n in e was co-ho«t«ss. The evening w aa sp c a t social]^'.

S ee M r. STAUFFER'S " M A G fC C R A D L E"

SLIM DGWM AT HOME• Y o u ca n trim in c h esfro m iu m m y .h ip s ,

leg# w ith the Stauffci H om e R d u d n g P la n o f cffortlejs exerdse a n d a l o r i e reduc tion A nd you a n do U a i ho m e

If you are blertated .in being a 6TAUFPER PiaU H E CONSULTANT fo r IntormaUoQ . .


STAUFFER HOME PLAN6 3 5 M oin Avenue.East R E p - 2 4 1 7


QXEQRDS^— 5izes-3-to-6— '

Widths A to D

Regular 8^95<



Still a large se lection

REPRICED-REGROUPED fo r G reater Savings . . .

NO W ;.:.9o



Page 6: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


i-;4 i , ■]



Utdri(rTry To Regulate

River TripsBALT LAKE CITY, July JS Ifl—

go you »-»nl ihrllla »4>a fiellc- nirniT You tnlitit find Uirm by *hootln*- ih# bolUn* r« p l6 In

MiD-on on the OoJomdo ., rlTcr. And you m ljh t find ( t« U i-

of c<ai tome filer h li life In n.- - penilve rwcue opernllon.

Before you dfcJde to try Uif Col- or»do trip. l>«ll»r clieek with Utah

posklblf. to r«ul»le nmniei/rs »no wwit to tliooc Uie . treaclierout n p id n ., , I

And A w ttn in r t r r r rvnncr, 57-■ ~ y? ir-o id 'B u i.T iu fc iirv rtiJrtJ ta h r

»«>■» 11* "dwim foolulinta»“ for.

8c»rfh Ciuw» T»Ik— m a r - Droucnr .............

WM the fninllc w arch liuit Moir d ty for Itt in iiifu rr^m fn , »w n«i *nd clilltfren - ffn m l l « i er •trand fd In the canyon.. Thfy thouBht the «»rch exell«nfnt

• The p«irty of 16 wwe mOBtly Cal- IfomUn*. A a rm i lUver. Ut*h, pilot. Jim Jtunt, »poU«l tin 803 In the middle of the canyon. He u v ft c o u p le ^ t .d idn 't know tho’d JU9i E0U«n tcared uid'quU,

Ilu rs t fm red the K-ont. He found a h e J l ^ t e r to tioUt Uie couple from ihe CAnyon. T lie hpt, tur* bulent oOrIlu fsl rMce<l hl3 life flndlnc Ihe a5uplo_MKl.. Ih S -h eliw W f ,p l l« rlKked hU Ufa to e it ic h Uieni from the loiye.

Other* Safe MeftDwhlle. the other bonten

Unded a tfeb^ln IDlc. UUh.T hey .cou ldn 't 'unden tand why

there W4a » much excltcment, .They wer* on m * t4on . . . Just harlnff ft sood lime. Nothing to »-0fT>' ob(Wt, they jrild.

llca Director Harlon Brnient be­lieve the party of 10 risked their

' llv(»—but didnX luvB tho river ta n j r lo know II.

“Contrniy. to the v n f . St, «ouDd- ed,“ »ald Bement, “I t is not ehikl’i

^ V isit’LMoQn_L O S A N O E L E S ,_Ju ly IS

t O T n —A “rocket tr ip to the moon" Iftunohed tho opening of ft to u r^ a y tuUoiMl -cotiferenco of mayor* yeeterday w ith about 300 . TlsiUnv clly offldaU cn hand.

A »peclftl rresenU tlon ftt tho

the offlcl___An Irtformil ncepUon for the

deleffttei « u hosted by Lot ADffelca Mayor Norrla Poulwa, prtalilent o t the group.

Speakers a t Ihe seaelon will Include SCO. KubcvC Humphrey. D ,‘711111*., CftUfornU Oor. Ed­mund O. (Pat) Brown, TlUnols O or. WlWam O. Stra tum , fed­eral officials and many mayors.

250 Marines Will Sweat and Shiver

, BARSTOW. CaUf.. Ju ly 13 (UPIi —Tsi-o-hundred and /Ifty marines arm ed with 20,000 aolt Ublela sJt ou t tonight on a n s-m lle hike from th e scorchlDg h e tt o t DeAth val­ley to anow-capDed M t. Whitney.

The 14-<lay martih tabbed "Opcr- aUon Hi-lo" will be undertaken by members o f the flrat rMonnals- tance battalion of th e first laarlna dIvUlen, Camp Pendleton, CalU, as a toughenU)( up and tralnlnf mission.

T he group will leave bivouac here a t 9 p m

.. They.w ill.etK ounter, ISIH Jfm * h eat a t 2S2 feel below aea. level and temperatures of ftbout 30 de­grees a t 14,48(5.foot peak of Mt. W hitney.

Air d t ^ ' of lupplles will be made dolly to the m arines durlnj? the ir m arch from th e lowest point In the un ited S tater to w hat was. until Alaska became a state, the highest. T he marine co n » sold that as far aJi was known the march the firs t of Its kind by a n .ortnn- Ited sroup.

U.S. Satellite to Soar Until 1962

HUNTSVILLE. Ala.(UPD—Tlie army ball agency said todny Explorer I, the UnlUd States' first E arth lateh

. A um st, IBU.The agency said la test estimates

• also show E iplortr IV, the second ! arm y aatelllte itlll orbiting, will

re - fn te r the.EsH h'.^ almospherc > m September snd bum up.. Explorer I was launched Jan. 31.

1958. while Explorer IV was placed In orbit July j r


- aon, Jerome, Hai jMprved the pre-] ' fix, "Roush OIow’s." tor u«e In'

nam ing his purebred Guem^ey ................ e American


i m UlMyelM) M uhual

liOt ftkiModfl:M D«lt> DmMuraj

1:01 UiIlRM .. M tt.H li.tM l K ttU tt- T:ll^ lllllUH>d

K B A R .I t 2 n ■llocyeJMl.'^


' K E E Pa U 4 UlacTClM]


l:l t H^rU N«ti •i;M 19 'la I

MyTk '111 1«II :M IlkckruM IC«t«»t'

!:<>^Tun.1>r UsuaM 1109 Tu'iiti; U illnn



T;0» K.f»i.1 .^ N»»n>o'> Nlfku,4<

TUIUJU T »:lf.Blr»siS r«t.

<» Sl*n4nrJ N o .It Jundu S lBK -

KTFI( i r i K ll*eyd«)

•.m. TUeSOAT I'o i Undr' C«». DeM

t U .u lt Cann

I Tiuf Swrr lain UK*rlrom. T rixK n

Delegates to Saucer Meet- ‘Come Down

LOS.ANOELES, July;13 (U P I> - Two-thousand flying saucer be­liever* came d<w.-n to E arth and relum ed lo the ir hoiur.i today from' the ftr^t aiuiuiU oonvenUon of the Amalgiixnnted Flying Saucen Clube of America (AKSCA).

Most of Uie final acadon of the two-dny oonvenUon tu rned lo the m c n pnicUcnl buslncn.i of nm ninc the- E nrth but the spenkere salcl

/ccdlvliit' Otia r advlcc on how this should ba dona from “space people,”

Objects No SurpriseThe week-end algh tins of

Identified. llehted- obJccU. over vetem n-alrU nea .pilots did no t come as a surprise to the convcatlonlne delcpitcs, claimed.

"We had been told by the space people tha t Uiey would make Uiemselves knon-n on E arth du r­ing our convention." «ald AFSCA Director Gabriel Orcen. Lav An- RctM, "Tliey have expressed lnt«r- est In our work and said they would do this to draw atten tion to our eathertRff. They d id no t my m advaiKO Just how or w hen Uiey wo\|ld dm onstnU o th e ir cxlstoice.

tismlsslon Reported ■ Oeortro Klnc. cljolrmnn of the Aelhcrlus Society of London, re­lated to the delegates a tmnomls* slon he said he received from ai>nce people described as "M ars, section six," He oald Uie lran.m lsalon la st­ed 35 mlnulea and coala lned ad ­vice on —iiovi.v-&arth11n)»--Bhould change their u-nys of life.

Green ducribed the tj-pe of economy the apace people any ahould be followed on E nnh .

Called the "prior choice DomlM.'' the system w as described as fully uslnjt all of th e EarUt' production capacity no th a t In Uie end there «-ould be enough for everyonr. Green said th e croup vitLi siudylnc a ll phasert of eco­nomics, whlcii Include v.-orld poli­tics and leilglon. Ho said there A-ere sections in the B ible predic t­ing the doing away w ith the money system.

Oreen said Uie "p rio r cljolce economics" uned the-beat parta of boUi communism and cnpltAllsm.

HauIc Has Stroke of Genius; Invents Baby Bed for Auto

Castro Is A ngry A t U.S. Decisions

HAVANA. July 13 (UPD —P re­mier Fidel Cn.itro a-as angry to ­day over the American decision t< grant political asylum to form er Cuban a ir force com m ander Pedro LuLi Dias U n z and D ias' aecrct appcarance before a U . S- acnale subeommlltee.

Castro said over Uie week-end the United S tates deserx'cs to be hauled before the O nranlsaUon ot AmeHean States on chanies of In­terfering with the Internal af- 'i lr so fC u b a .

He said the United Staley wni guilty o t “a lack of respe c f to niDihcrltkiid lo Udinit a of.vcV~Iraltor and-receive h im In tie secret m ettlng."

Dias, who reslirnM Ills .air force poM aft^r charging communl.<i;s were being a llow ed-to* Infiltrate Cuban aVmed forcen, escaped .to Florida and was granted n.iylum.

i°:Oa NoXVi)lU 8Hi

Thli dally tcbedula of television and radio procrams li presented as a im le« le readers of th e Tlmes-Naws. LlsUnn are furaUhed by ihe suilon. Any e rrsra or cbanxes should b« rtported to Uia tUUoo Itself sad not Uie Tlmea-News.

K A R T(l«M Utoey-tei}

ti4 i UUt Aim T;6* Cw»<»

.T:»i |-»pl.l.U


.l l! » UuutkiVu'lljkl n :l« Nt«tU :>l llyiw kr Surllikl

Replacing of Butler Talk Meets Denial

WASHXHaTON. July 13 (U P D - Sooie influenUal senat* Democrats scoffed today a t the suaesUon that they a re tryln* replace Democfatlc NaUonal C h ^ s i Paul U. BuUer wlUi one of Uielr colleafues.

Butler said yeslenU y tha t his DemocraUc crtUca in congress al- ready have selected a •cejttla WMtera senator" to suppUnt him. He forecast th a t any ouster move would fall. H e refused to IdenUfy the senator.

Congressional DemocraU have (>efn critlclxlnz BuUer since he a itaeitrf the pa rty 's cotisfeiuonal, ■ ■ w rrk for being too’

.t kortlni HaloiiM

» W«raiBi HilMw

l> KAKT WbMH 0'Nt>i llndllcM t lloutS-vy

Television LogKLIX-TV

TUEUIIAT .1 KUX IlMdllBM ifl I tm i Luc;

i8,-D«r. 0 lloul* Pirii 'S Vlf Tt/efl

Senate GOP -Split Al)out

Bolilen PostWASHINGTON. July 13 (in>I)

—Senate Republicans sharply today over whether Chsrics E. Bohlen should be Riven a. to[> job In th e s ta te department aj .'.peclal consultnnl on Rav.lsn sf. f f t l n . _ ,

Clinlrmnn Styles Bridges, New Hiinipshlre. of the senate OOP

imlttee. was reported to

n r HENRV McLKIVIORE MUNICIf-Hid h e wlLnc.'.ied It.

Sir I s m Newton would have been ptoud'o! me.

Chances are ho would have slapped mo on Uie bade and cried, "bully!"■ For It wna k m en tal fea t—this nmirlni;' out' how M egan could always have a safe, comfortable

' no matter how fa r o ff the beaten path we w andered—much like hl.1 own Invention of calculus.

NcMtIng calculus.U>-Cxprc3s.Ills findings. Ncu-ton pulled up a ch.'vlr, burled hlm.ielf in thought, and Invented calculu.t. ] like that.

I t V I tho s wlUt r I andMegan's bed.

Our small c a r . was already Jamnfed from tlrc.n to top rylng a regular crib wili out of U)s qumUon. At 11 monUui nlie Is loo bis to sleep In a bureau draw­er. A pallet v,-n8 ou t .of Ihe qucs-

on becsu.te nf d rafts and cold. Once off Uie hishways, nnd onto

tho b)'ways In Europe; Uie small hotels and pensions Just don't have cribs for bablrs. And much of the Jun In motoring through Europe In finding Uio out-of-Uie* way ploccs.

So. r<tiiemberln)!-NAWton.-I. ds- clde<l to t h i n k the problem ttiroURh. Tliere had to, be an an­swer. and I wuUl lick It throuRh apptleallon of w hat b rain pouer I had st my command.

I t took me a whole day, mo.iUy spent In irolUude. and grouchy tide. W hen on custonicd to tlilnklng than three o r io u r m inutes a day.

fltralRtjl stretch of 23 hours Li, punl.<kliliig, .

Hour after Jiour 1 Ujogght. Make.iliitl baby crib a fte r miike- shift b.tby crib was thoueh l up. and then dtst-irtled as e ither Im­practical. un.'wJe, uncomfortnble un.''omflhln(!-or-oiher,

Tlien, like a pelican phimmeUnE down lo RMlp A ft.<ih, th e solution

One mom ent fru'stra-

Paiulns only bng enough to yell •excelslorr I made a beeline for' Munich's largest department store, and tore through the aisles to thesporUn* goods secUon, ------

There I purchased a clilWs In­flatable wading pobl—a sort of g iant doughnut u ith ft bottom.

Deflated. It hold.t up lo notlUng. fflown up. I t has sides high enough to keep Megan from rolling away and to keep Uie draft out. ■

Megim-used. it last night and slept like a baby Rip Van Winkle? Mary lined the wading ring wlUi blankets and quilts, and It was as good a crib as a baby could ask for.

T ills morning I let out tho air. rolled the ring Into a bundle no larger than a paperback book, and stuck It In the glove compnrtment.

All of which pnn'cs tha t the human braln-cven Uie sample slw onn I have—is a man-elous thins.

)lilrlbulwl i f McN«u<rtit «7i'dk«l»l

be leading Uie liglil agaiiui i ten, form er ambassador to Rus­sia and now ambassador to Uie Philippines. Sen. Milton R, Young. R-. N. D.. and others also opposedthe proposed move....................... .

But Sen. Barry Goldwaler.. R., Arlz.. said he favored Riving Boh­len Uie position. Goldwaler, »lio voted against Bohlen's appoint­m ent as ambassador to Raula In 1S53, s a ld .^ e believed the em’oy did a good Job' in Moscow.

Young, said Bohlen ww "wrong typo of person' for the proposed sta te department post. Ho described Uie ambassador u "vasUy overrated" and a "sneery — of person.''

ohlen-may-be-able and Intelll- gent," Young told United Press Intem aU onal, "bu t I queeUon his Judgment on some matters,'

Secretary of' S la te ChrlsUan A. H erter told hU news conference last week h e would like to lia)'e Bohlen. a recognl«d expert fin Soviet a ffairs, retu rn to Washing- ton.


With More ComfortrA8TE?m . • p le u u l alkallni

(nua-kcld) poviSer. bolilt Itu» utUi more nnnlr.To e*t Rnd tsls In muf comfort, lu ll iprlnklt a lliile PAS'

-TEETll on xour plsU*. No rimmr. Sno«r. putjr u i u or (HllDt. CtUCU

(demur* brt»ih|..>l a&v dnii eoualtr,




ir iO N K l

-conserrauve a n d moderftte. ~s«fUitr~Demgcr»Uc w h tp - Mansfleld. M ontana, th e f ln t to guike back a t Butler's criticism,'said the <chalrman's remaric aooui

western la»-maker was Uie "first - e>er heard" o f any move to place him wlUi a senator.

"I do no t believe any such move­ment Is under way.“ Manfleld ssld.

• N t-thi • •"BuUer -ought to sU y on the Job."

Sen. S tuart Sym ington. D., Mo, tald he would no t suggest Uiat But­ler resign. H e Indicated he went along a t least In part with But­ler's crlUelam o t Democratic Con­gressional leaders.

Rails W arped; 3 Killed in Wrecks

WARSAW. Ju ly 13 (U P D -H eat- w aiped-ralls were blamed-today for a series of week-end railroad crashes.

Three pertons were killed and ■ore than a dosen Injured. • 1 Pcllsh railways declared a stalei

ot emergency a n d sen t out atra^ U«ck patrols.

Tlie most serious accident wi about 40 miles c as t of Pow nn, ne; eiupca, where Uic lost two cars l. the Berlln-W arinw exprc.'.^ Jumped the hent-lwlsted rails Saturday, two po-'iScnRc'rs w cri' killed, four

Near Dslalclowo. 80 miles north-, est of W arsaw, three passenger irs were derailed and three trav­

elers were Injured.

MONDAY— TUESDAYDebby Reynolds -P . Douglas



G E 5 ! 5 ^ 5 B f BENDS TO N IG H T

C; Gable - B . Lancaster

RU N S IL E N T , I t U N D E E P -----





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W ednesday $ ^ C A Win up to

For your enterfainmen(


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Delicious Southern Style




Page 7: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


Kincheloe Nears No-Hit Game as Red Sox Handle Mini-Cassia in 12 Frames

A fo u r-ru n o u tb u r s t ip th e to p o f th e 12 lli inninR . hik’h liK hted bv a tw o - n in d o u b lr Ihv G »ry J e n k in s , h e M _ t h e J l f t g i c V ftiley S c m i-I 'ro Ich ru c loaditiK T w in F j i l ts Ucd s i x edlfe p a s t M in i-C aasia 6-2 S u n d a y . R iK h tfia tii ic r .L iir ry K iiichcloc d id n 't n l lo w n h it ^ U 1 th e 10th in n in ? b u t ev en th e n th e Icukuc le ad e rs liad to ra lly f o r one r u n in th e n in th to t ie th e sc o re a n d d e m an d e x t r a iniiinK !'. In o th e r nctioti, T w in 'F u l l s C ubs '

“ No Connection” S k o w r o i l '

Stengel Frets on

“ t t pltchlnc h li ne>r no-hllt«r' loekfd hom i »lUi fornieri

^ m m » M Brinn Thompson, who for is h iu by the;

• » '* . . . . ____ I ... «i»r< hnrk.:'• S r u e le in m . A few y w i bnclt.:. .two tooK Twin r»ll» ug loa ;^ 10 Ui# rtirtonaU: fiuwUy Hiompwn li»d the.

- j T o f u o « r much of the resu- s n m r n e Wl freely bMt!

Btrer when U counted. ftIU te*mm»te» look Bdr«it»ite of;

erors w come up with two raw In! the fourth and they ftlmoat u( „ou«h. Kincheloe brouftlit t S S ^ o n hlm*elf.h!UJnBn«y J. K t h » pitch and. then co, S tu n s »n errer t h « allowed j i r - »u tnd E. MOOT# to.Kore.

•me Red BOX got one back l n the lU th vhen Larry Cruss* walk-

-ftS-«n<l-ciine-«rojind_on_ » elngle»Dd error, But Thompian protKtcd the one-run bulge until the nlntli, plcktWt Mike Stows oft third bn« twice *eoond once to ersiic

In the ninth. Jay Douslaji ■ublfd and Jenkinj aacrHlced lilm third. Jle romped home on Chnd

’Drottnlns'i double.II w s HiompMn 'who tnspped

Klncheloe's no-hlt spell In Uie inninfi and & Moore got the otherInU ielltli.

In the IJth. BUnre llred on an f f« r but i-ai forced out by Crwg*.

-JfnK 5-aif'!r« --th ifd~ but-< ;appel »nd DouRlss drew.walka to keep the rany alive. Then three con- KWtlve doubles by Jenkins. Kln- eheloii’B and Brownin* nuickly

• puihNl rour runs acroM to • -

Ktachloc lanned • 10 durinif Uie d»r Willie Thompson atruck out Ifl. •in Twin Fall4, the.Oubs epolljd

Ilaserman an unetimed n in In the third Innlns and then

Dick Dray and rtlleler Mike PrcMon around the park to nolcli their victory.

Pour «in«le.i In tiie aecond Inninj br wlnnins pitcher Ted BurgcM who now is 4-1. Moe Brew. Sexton and a two-RBl binao by newcomerMike Lehman pushed In threeind cinched the win.

But the iiecond place Cubs kept up the prtMure and knocked Bray ofj Uie hill In the third with one

l i p and plcted up aeven mere off JlluUJfuJ-rreslon. w ha.w aijiursinj

I » re arm, ' ruefrm an ROt tt< final niQ In

the »i*Ui when Prince ilngled and itter an error, came home ' Brsy'a hit, '

Max Mecoy. a pitcher turned third bMentnn and aJuBf?er. un­tucked the Duhl ottenslve machine In tJic sUUi to pruvlde the win at Wendell,

in the fifth Innlni;, Buhl held mencer 2-0 lead and plftylng-msi sjer D tt« Spradlins. Uklng hla first turn on the mound, woi coait- luK along on no-hlt faahlon.

But In tJie alxth. McCoy itroked I b.ue-Ioaded homerun to <tart Wendell downhllli Over the last four Innlnca, the Buhl squad push- M home 13 runs. McCoy followlnR up his maximum. effort with a double worth two runs In Uie, elSliUi.

rr. r. c»b.h rbl' .t> r h >i1 n .. 1 • 1 »rt 4 I u OilTirrnn ii * • * *

1 S-Uaiir tb t 0 1 0 1 01) Krrn c S 1 S ^^ rf > « ! SK’.";"!: : !

K ? J !0 0 IlfWSC If 4 S S1 l'.<W<bta rf X I r

1 ij To(.u Mina i

Bilro (W 4.rimn''"

-ii.-ir’;; s is-i', i;i i !■! 'I !

,T. r. R.J |Ulnl<4uU» 4‘nM th *» # 0

nO ST O N , J u ly '] :i (/? ) — Moose Skow n in ’s i i c h i n g liack h iis M n a k’ 0 r C a se y ■‘M engel I r e t t n i K a lio i i t ~

iVort for trritmeni of Ills jrliis ailment Sundiiy

took n fourth iMrslula drubbing 1-3 from the aioiLv^ Boston Red &oi.

' Muscular but brmlr, Skoi

: ^ t.uu,.hns foil- cti MO niKl » cllftfclwto the first division by a nier hnif (ffitne.- "He's jomia be miucd bad. Steniicl saia, "Ur's nnly uur lend jhiK RDI man (W) niid been hm inc around JOO. Thert'.< no Iclllnc how lone he'U be out. i t don't look KOI*! for our tide."

StenRel hinted he mi|;lit try ,Nurm aiebern or Elston iiuward a t I first in place of Die v,Mk-hlttlne Marv Throneberry,

Skowron‘».-lojs_haa_bccu_niBde 'more ncutc becsuse Nciv Vork B lum r Mickey Mantle lias

53 ilnys uti'i h as not

Pirates’ “Baron” Face Takes 14th Straight Triumph

»y I nlledV rrM InlernaliiThey call him th e vimron of the bullpen" or the “ m nn .

with the v’olden a rtu ,” uml conu* tiiin w iiilir they everr I niuy be nilHntc little Klniy Face th e most valuable p lay er ' ill the N ational k-ai;in.‘. Thi' |iinl-Hi/.e(i riUsburKli re lie f .' ni-c turned in hi.s l Uh .straigh t v ictory of tlie ucason w ith ­out a los.s Sunrt.-iy wiicn the I’iratcH bea t th e Ci.rdinal; i;.5 in a 10 - in lnn^r aii(l wa.s o u t th e re ii'.minil Rpvln prolfctlnK i

"1;S Seattle Surge f l ' ”

e to Pennsylvanln'A Sunday c -Coast Lcaiiuelly The A»«oflat

n In a ■e Jiiii'iI) The Yankee pltchlii 'riddled too,; WutinK the team Ji.i

complete K»ine.i Ir letengel coinmciiieil: ■

IjKotta do U tind four piicliiT.^ who I can BO. Tliose JiO hitlers on the

Red Sox have Seen murderliiK us.” filnce manacer Billy Junic.i took ver July <. Baiton Im suclileiily

bccome the most potent offcrmVe fmrr-tn-^he- - -

._ O ll M eDousaldJJ!}, New Yark Yankfc tlio r t i top. iteps between umpire Hill Summtra and ityn# Uiiren, Yankee p itcher whn charted from the moand In anger when the umpire ban l.hed catelier Yngl Berra, leff, for argnlng a (liird ball on a pitch » |u ln i t ihe lied 9ox. Kummeri aisu threw i>ui llurrn wlien (lie argum eiil became healed. Dojion won ihe gamr. lAP nlrrpholn) ,

Gamller and ex-ncketeer Mickey Cohen c au ir t a a tlr In boxing elrclei when he vlalted (Igbter Don Jordan a t 1 a.m. o f Uie nighi preeedlng Jordan’* fight with Benny Moj-er In I’oriland, O re. There hate been rumor* th a t (he underworld li trying lo take OTer Jordan, but Cohen fold newtmen th a l he do« not own any pereenU ge of thn flghlrr. ilrre Cehcn U ahown al Inleniew In hla bo le l room, following hU Tfslt lo Jordan.

Kicker’ Era Noted By Former Umpire

N E W 'i l i lR K , J u ly I S ( U P I ) - B n s e b a l l is in n n e r a of 'th e n lib i a r t i n t n n d th o ch ro n ic k ic k e r ," f o r m e r m a jo r

leafruc u m p ire R a lp h (B a b e ) P in elli charge<i t o d a y , w ith 50 m uch f a k e ry t h a t i t " m a k e s anyone s e r io u s a b o u t th p fram e s ic k to h ia e tom ach .'-’ ‘-iThero a re to o - m n n y - p la y c r f i w ho w ould r a t h e r w h in e an il sc re am th a n 'swinfi: a - b a t , ” h e a.sficrted. “ T h e y a re ' w o rse th a n a b u n c h o f o ld w o m e n ."

Plnelli, who from 1B33 throunh IPM compUed a record of handling 3.400 games without mlaslng #-

made hla ehargea Inaweeplng indictmeal of modem playcra and, the "alibi trend" ' Da«b«il.

Jle cor>cluded th a t:Spltballa are a m yth concocted

by player# who are more crybabies t h a n athletes w tillt beanl«n charges are trumped u p '80 per cent of the Ume.

Managera are victims of their wn nerve* became they are

frightened men with « job span of only three or four aeaaana.

Ninety per cent of eJecUona ari ............. lonal In'

orer .up

lO W L fiM Gd o w la d r o m k

Mixed Leagoe KJUi antj Kin defeated V and

Jtood*. defeated 4 P end W defeited

^ Chucka 4-0 and aunamoken* f r a i e d A l I t j - K iU S - I . --------u-HM*! same. Earlv f lndl»ldual aerie*,fe^m echatch« m game, p ^ ,^ j . jjjjj,

team game, 4 -,6trike». -Srt’ JT."^-W£h_handlcap_t«ain S h W. 308: year high « f« « h team *erle*, p and W.

b S I* eompoted of

r r a a •Hiunnaa,

for I S T J *«<* Wgh game^ • ^ n „ ^ ^ a a l ? y ^ 0 t d J * h l 8 h

suit »L-four-letter attem pt to the player'* o«ii laUure.

Pitcher* today have, "no chance' nualnst the «vely ball, light bftta. *hort fence* and a Uny lUlke zor-

'Por 20 year* I dW my best enlarge the *trlke rone," Plnelli writes In a magailne later thl* week, making an admission which will start the hitter* screamlnR all )ver again, "And 1 called pltche* jtrlke.i if the *llghtes( partm f tho ball »haded the ta rs e t - - —

There are In the m ajor league* wliat Babe detcrlbe* a* "sincere klckeri." Among these he Hit* such a* Ted lUucewtk]. W all; Post, Harvey Kuenn. Jackie Jenaen, Ed­die Yost. Richie Aahbum, £m le USRlu;TiinK"XEroTfr'CiiTi"Pnniiu: o n Ilodge*. Johnny L o ^ . and Don Dcnietcr. .

Ted WllH«m5, Blaa i tu tM ita i Willie Mb}i. he applauded, "are real proa who don’t *h lne — but thej'ro BctUng rarer au the time.

T.TiYoiilh& Win Tennis Meet Titles

BOISE, July 13 Ifl—D rnd IfuW' phreya of Twin FalU ,j\nd Albert AUen of Boise won divlaion tillfs Sunday In the Idaho Jaycce ten' Dla tournament In BoLie.

They will represent tho atnte at the national Jnycee m eet n t Plioe- nix In AugURt. So will th e two they defeated Tim Olenaon and Bill Donnan of Boise.

Humphreys •downed D onnan 8-1.•3 In the 15 years and under di­

vision.Oleason lost lo Allen 0-7. 6-3 Inle boy* singles. IB and under; -In the 15 and under doubles Brad

and Steve Humphreys. broUjera irom Tn'ln KalLv defeated two Meridian boya, U rr y Holverson; and Bob Owen, 6-4. C-3, to cop thi doubles title.

Tom Ballanl>ne, Tw in Palls, »nc his partner. Raymon Goodwin DUckfoot, made their way lo th final* of the IB and u nder double before losing to Gleason a n d Allen 8-0, fl-0.

The Humphrr}-* boys will no t . further In eompeUtlon as only the alngles winner and run n er-u p are eligible to enter the nn tlonal meeU

Killebrew Told He’d Better Watch Rocky

. inning-ttreak in 1: . jow u oiily five sliy n t the of 10 In a row during a miii:

by Rube MnrfiuiiulO lu iu tii tD13. Dating back ......... .30...1DM..yace_l*.ui)lJCtiicn.lnJB

rnlKlit gajne.i.MilKiiukre defeated Kati l-Tiin-

iscD 4'3 but the OlantK aiHI xinvrc Kiiine-ln front when Clnclnn.ii

p;il ircjmd-place Los Angeles 4-3 Clllcntn won tile opener of n iloii- Udicndtr iroin PhlladFlpliia 7>G ttirn lust tile nlghtc.ip 4-1,, Lew Burdettp pitched a oiver hitter A TUiv't the OliuUx In iiulcl Ing liU I2U1 victor^' and movln the tJilni-pIaee Brnvea wlllim 1' Kitincs of the top. Eddie Mnilirv lined his tSlh lio<ner wiUi tu n f off Snnford In th e third It ning ior MUwnukce’a margin of victor)'. jAckle B randt hit n tuo- run-hom er-for-ban-l^nci& co,—

Ouji Bell'* n ln tli-In iiing sinule scored Johnny Temple wlih the RedV winning run nRnpist the Dmlurrs. Homeruna by 'V ada Pin. wjt, fij Dalfer w ii Traftfc

\ve Clnclnnml lt,i first three Dt* Purkry won hi* rfgJilJj

game, giving up flro hlU , Including homtr by Oil Hodge*. Rookli

Larry Sherry wa* th e loser.

.., uiidrr llif (irifction "of T~ ;iiute maniiRer. h«a »tartea 1 ■ w u'on ftume that is Jan i'

, ill the Pafilie Cox-.t league l>.iM-b.ill Ifiinm up liKlitrt- than n pinchhlttrr'N tuitr;s,

• •<'mU(‘-l»e»i SpokMi*- - a-4 Sunday nisht to complete a ihrec-giunr wric.i ^aeep Uiat le ft tlir Ralnlcrs ju.M 7!i guiirs be-

/JjaJ'pJact'■nip Solons were blMiol H-4 by I

■jtJie Pluxnlx Qinnt.\ who have w on ’10 of ihe ir IMI 17 Fimw. Oeonto

m nrt ihrru- a seven-hit shutout n I'b rtiand dumi^d Vancouver 3»

a^lt liike City and Ban Diego uplit, wltli the Brej xvlnnlng tho

hchltiil the ihree-hlt pitching of Oeofce Pe:e: nnd tlio Piulre.i flniUly t.iking the night- cap 1-5 wiUj a three-run outburst * ■ • Uit-12Ui____ _

By The Auoriattil Pres*

tho Yankees bearing the brunt o

Hydro-Plane Test Won by Seattle Man

COBUR D'ALENE.. July 13 (.R- Blliy Schumacher of Seattle wor the Western divisional champion' ship Sunday for Itmiled hydriv planes of the 2i0 class on U k e Coeur d ’Alene.

Sclmmacher edged' Mira Slovak'.. Miss Wahoo. Each won one heat nnd plaeed second In the tlilrd. But Scliumadier’s elapsed time was 3.S secondj better. _p»aLM cM alion.-abo-of-8«ittIe. was the one who won the aeeond heal and placed third In overall ratings.

Rex Manchester of Spokane w.i*' fourth.

Summary:2io Hydro — Billy Seliumac'her,

Seattle; Mira Slovak, Seattle; Paul Mc.Mahon, sentUe; Rex Manchea- • ;r, Spokane.

2CB H ydro-Bob Crittenden. Fall City, 'Wasli.; Dlion Vo«e. Turner, Ore.; BUt Waslilngton. Morj'sjrllie, Wash.: BlIlXtunele, Sealtli

225 1 . van 'couver. Wash.; BIU Muncle; Seat.■e; Jim McOulre, Vancouver, B,.; Harry Reeves, Seattle,13a Hydro — Jim Yamamuclil.

Pnsco. W asli,;' Gordon Butter-wortli. Vancouver, b ; C-: J la r ry ...... ........... ....................Reeves, SeatUe; Don W rleht~Bf= qn etle hurled live-hiC ball for,tlle.

4B Hydro—Church Lyford, Seat- le;. Jack, phllpotl, Seattle -'V . J.

Bplnner. Mercer Island, Wash.; Ar­nold Oreen. fieatUe.

Only Lyford and Crittenden said they would rtmpete In the national championship* for the 49 and 269 claa.iei next wter-end Bl G unter- 'nie, Ala,


^ , IMCAHRDrtreU----------- M4 «M 00ft—«C lm l.M -------- m 0» - .

Ten^k •ml IWtb»m. Lnckf. SnUh (»». r .rr .r« , (», ,.4 Klieh, V


14 Nations E nter World Pentathlon

HERSHEY. P« , July : j (iTU-Pour. teen naUon* already have signed up to compete In tho world pen­tathlon championships hero Sept 25-30. More ar* »xpect«l.^

Ma]. Jack Bumhelm, Sscretar>-

A/yeaUna. Auflria. BraxU. Den­mark, Finland, O reat Britain, HungaJT. Itlly . Ru*Wa. Sweden, SwlKcrtand. Tunisia, Weal Oer* many and the tJnlted BQites.' Rui~ Ha 1* the defending champl'

The penUthlQQ coosuta of eountrr ildlng, fenciog, shooting, fwlmming and cro*a<ountry run ­ning. Each c o u ^ will enter four-man-teun*.


women's 'W etttfn am ateur goU tournamant vUl bo held a l the Oolunblne Country club near Den- te r July 10*18, » a : . The touma- ment w u held this week a t ths Exmoor Oountiy club se ar Ohlca-

MO&COW flEVENTn TACOMA, W aah, Ju ly 13 W -

The Moscow Swlhi club placed nest to l u t In the fUth a nnual Nortli- veae AAT7 swimming ' cham pion­ships Saturtlay. The T acom a Swloi club v u U nt w ith 33i>i points. .

1 ., CAMl BUflPENDKD. a — S B ' P i i , ! ' !

h o m e ru n re c o rd f o r th e tim e beinjr. T h e « u y to w a tc h r i ^ h t n o w in R o c k y C o lav ito . T h e B ro n x -b o rn sh iR R er o £ - th e [^Icvelund I n d ia n s c lo sed w ith in tw o o f K ille b re w '.s m a jo r le aR u e h o m e ru n le a d by b a n g in g hi.s 2 7 th n n d 2 8 th o f th e y e a r S u n d a y . T h e p a ir o f f o u r - b a K K c r H , C o lu v ito ’H f o u r t h .since th e a l l - s t a r b r e a k , he lped- t h e I n d ia n s gain an uphUl victory over Detroit an d a rpllt In their doubleheuder.T h e Indians won Uie sccond goii 8-4 after losing tlie opener 0-1.

The spill■lelfClevclnnd with one-Bome ndnintage over Ciilcft- KO's White Sox. who swept n doubleheader from Kansas City 5-2 and 9-7. Baltimore's third pUce Orioles defeated WaslUng- ■■■■ a-1 and Bo.iton mwle It four

row over New York with a 7-3 triumph.-A Oierelend crowd of 84,737

Colnvlto smash two homerun* In the second game, his second com- In g ^ llh two on In th e sixth inning to overcome a 4-3 Detroit lead.Killebrew, whose 30 homerun* in Waflliinglon'e B3 games match the pace of Ruth when ho slammed hi*, record SO hi 1827, wcjil hJUcsa Sun'clay.

Rocky’s four runs batted In helped relief pitcher Jim Perry gain hLi louith rictorv. in five de­cisions. The rookie righthander re­lieved auuter Al Clcotte In the th ird and allowed no runs and four h its In OS Innings. Paul FoyUek, helped by Har\'ey K uenn’s two-run ■ omer. won the opener for the

Igerj with a slx -h lt perforroanee..JacU e Jensen drove In four runs

w ith k homerun and two doubles and relief pitcher Bill Monbou-

inn ln ji a s jh e Red Sox won their sixth’ game In eight start* under Ihelr new mannjer, Billy Jurges. TJie defeat dropped the Yankees under the iOO marit again wlUi 11-43 record.• Hoyt WUlielm flwUJy won h 10th (ame. The knuckleball sp< d a lls l who loti (our s tn lg h l after wlnnlrjf his first nine games hurl­ed a lour-hltter for the Orioles. BlUy Gardner and Joe Taylor homertd oft loser Russ Kemmerer and ‘Baltimore outfielders Gene W ooding and WiUle Tasby eollect' ed thjee hits apiece.

Roctle outfielder Him McAoany: 11 bises-loaded triples In each.

..Kn# to lead the W hlt« Box lo th e ir double victory over Kansas City, lie capped the /Ive-run first Irmlni of the opener w ith a baje- clearing wallop off Bud Daley ond

^tiplJoH<d-ih<hfo*Wn-U>#4UUftn- nlng }f the second game to give '*'ie 8cx a mucli-needed 9-0 lend,

TheAthJeUe* scored two run* 1 sixth, three In the seventh and; t\v o morv In the n in th to tpake the ■geconc game close. Bob Snaw credlt«d with his eighth victory

s w m * HOME, O re , July 13 HI —Schoo. 8upU Harold Dlshaw has confirmed repo rt* 'lha t he talked i5 -a in B B n )-h !im T a « ijn » a * k ii: ball eo«:h about the vacant hoop coachin{ spot a t Sweet Home.hllh BChoor.

He m H We* Lalhen, who coach* > a t Leslston high now, Is among

th e canddate* for the Job vacated here by Lou Scrlven* la*t week.

Boise Retains Pioneer Lead By 15^2 Games

By The Associated PressBoise’s B raves fell before Bil­

ling* 3-0 In Uu> Pioneer league Sunday nlghl. b u t Uielr lead over Uie sceor>d-pla«e Mustangs re- nuUned hefty— 15',4 gwnes.

Idaho Polls took a fingerhold th w ith a O-a.-lI-lnnlng victory over Pocatello night’s other Bome.

Crent Falla took both ends of n afternoon 'doubleheader from

Mls.x>ula. 3-1 and 3-3. wlUi the sccond gome fea turing a freak, de-

doublep lay .

Nqte A rrestsBOISE. July 13 (U PI)-JdnhO

The play c u n e In the last of Uie fourth, w ith O real I ^ l s ahead 3-0. Mike O aatanon was on first and Ron Boone on second. Both

Tony Hopey lined out to Missoula second baseman Mike Hlney, who th rew lo first lo entch Caslanon. ' '

Tho throw wild' and Casta- non wound u p on second, Boone on th ird . T h en somebody called for tho baU a t first, but the um­pire ruled CAst«non had tagged up. A* play wros about lo re«ime again, someone called for the biiU a t second. T h e umpire ruled that Boono had n o t tagged up and the double play was finally consum­mated. '

Clyde D rum monds' two-run ho- ler did All th e damage BllUnga

needed against Boise.Another hom er, by Idaho Palls

Andy Prevndello, scored two nina and forced th e game Into extra Innings. Don Clendenon singled In the winning ru n In the 11th. Po­catello protested the game in the top of the n t h a fte r a double play thal featured a forceout a t home plate.

Chuck BenneU alngled witJi Uie bases loaded for Pocatello and Leo KemICA headed for home plate. He was cftlied ou t nnd the biOi wiii pegged to flr» t to catch Bennett be'fore he could gcuhper back after eomplellni; hi* turn.

J17 pcrtons Ituit motilh lor game Inw vlolnllorui. depart­ment lavr-enforccmenl chief P. J. McDermotl said Unlay.

Pine* coHccled becaitK of the arrested amounted lo S3.871, half of whlcJi remained In the 39 counties where th e violation* occurred.. Plih. and game director Ross Leonard said authoiiU es o' lilMiisjppl nnd Idaho cooperat' ed to coavlct a Mliulsslppl rcS' Idem for hunting w-ltliout ( non-re*ldeat’llcense.

I t wo* a surprised Souchak who ;xelalmcd ' I wa* Ju*t shooting ' second or third place." He with a 73-hoIe total o f 373—«1. . under par. Palmer’s 373 netted him p.500 A* runner-up,

A* » w u, big MUu e ra s« l-a five-atroke lead held Jointly by Palmer and young Joe Campbell of KnoxvUle, Tenn., golns Into yesterday’s final 18 holes.

Boxer Booked on

T aR oyB cciuy humeateno with noixxJy on base In the second Inn lss. Hopey homertd for Great Falls tn th e sixth Inning of the opener—ftl50 T d th 'th e Msei em pty.. . ■

Ex-EootballStar Lost in Alaska

JUNEAU. Ala-ika, July IJ HV-A former Unlverajty of Utah all-Sky* line conferenee ' football player, Lorry Amlxlch of Rock Sprliics, Wyo, -wa* s ta i missing today In Alaska.

He disappeared la*t TTiursday on a hike lo * coastal beach near Juneau;--------------

Amlzich WAS working In Alaska for-th«-J}oyle3-Bn>lhera Drilling company of S a lt.L a k e City. Thei drtlUsff camp was' la rugged eoun-i U7 some SO miles southeast ofj Juneau. |

Souchak Wins Western Title 5 Under Pai-

PIXTSBUROn, Ju ly 13 (U P D - Blg Mme Souchak o f Oros.ilngcr. N. Y.. ti,000 richer a ft« r winning the 5«Ui annual m en’s Westem open golf cliamplonahip, packed up hi* golf k it today and headed tor a pro-amatcur tou rnam en t al Odessa, Tex,

The former Duka university football sta r won th e erowa ye*-, terdsy at the P lttsbursh Field club, course by shooting » flve-under* par C5 In the final round and then watclilng the pre-toum ey favor­ite. Arnold Palmer, blow a three-

HOLLYWOOD. July 13 (U P D - Boxer Art (Golden Boy) Aragon

oked on susplsion of assault, with a deadly weapon today when he went lo a police atnUon to deny charge* by his former wife tha l he struck her and tried to run over her with hla sports car.

The boxer appeared with h la at- tomey and manager. Paul Caruso,

satlon* by hla wife, Aragon showed scratchei* on hi* neck and left arm and a tom while ah lrt. He said hi* wlf« *tnick him w ith a abo«.

ACCIBENT UUBT8 S/tMAn t t i r ) , t v t , rn_

A racing car cUsibed a barrier and plunged, among s p e c te r s a t a local tnck Sunday 'In juring t&ee' of mtD.

Paul Pettit of Seattle, Marrnned out three hits In five time* up. Hl.i three-run homer In (he fourth c.irlcd over llie right field fence 370 feet from Uie plnip. n i r I n - dinnx londed up Uie base* to threaten in the ninth, but ions- bnll hitter. Stevs Blllco was called

Jt nn strikes,Phoenix hnmmcred out 13 hita.

Including Bob Pre.'cott's 14th and 16Ui homera on Uie Reason, In taking a fo'ur-game k rles s w ^ . Tlio liotnorun hit pamde Includ­ed Wlllle McCovey's Urd of the

Wliittle Takes UtaliTourney On Sub-Par

HELPER, UUh. July W (U P D -. Twin Paff* munlclpdt golf course pro - CUff WhltUe broke U tah's hold on the eastertr Utah open rolf tournament Sunday by w in­ning the event with a one-under- par 71. • • •

W hittle put togeUier scores ot 33-3S to oust host pro G rant Len- vltl and two other golfers. Leavitt, Dean Candland, Brigham City, Utah, pro, and George Schnelter, BUllnBa, Mont., were runners-up with 72s.

W hittle won top prite of II7 B .' Leavitt, Csndlsnd and. Schnelter each received to ,

Lnveir Shiner. Price, and Bud Johnson, Ogden, tied for f if th with 74s. Defending champion Billy Johnston of Provo finished sixth with a 75.

Al PassJe. ffefper, won the chaffl- plonshlp flight by beating BUI Neff, Salt Lake City, In a suddea deaUi playoff. Beth Ued with 72a.

OlmedoLikied . As Qay CourtMeet Opensni* tournam ent opens to ^ y w ith Alex Olmedo, Bony MacEay and <}ff ending nhflmploiLBigP»«LaaHL-_ BicUen favored for the • tnea’a alngles championship.

Olmedo. the 23-ycar-oId Peruvl- n and top-seeded In the tcumA-

ment, has rocketed up Uie net r a t ­ings a fte r victories for. the con. Querlng United Stales Davla Cuo team and a recent tingles < plonshlp a t Wimbledon, r

MocKay, tho former-^ star of Doyton, O . Is seeded. Ko.3. Bortsen, 31-ytor-«I<] Dallas d e­fensive machine. Is seeded th ird as he tries for his third m e n 's ' singles UUe.

The women are led by top-seeded


Ow j ^ m y-^a^ BcrriM

RE 3 -5 5 0 0Stam pt

B ut Dlakaw said he hasn’t offered th e Job to Lathen, and Lathen hasn’t Slid whether he’d take lU

Heavlert plsyer on the ilardln- BlmmootifootbaU team 1* Tommy Cnppa, aB58-pound C-foot-3 tackle from MtfClnney. Tex.

Cdihera CenterSouthern Idoho'*'V^ost Com plere'

Photojrophic Supply, Store

R adiatorsNEW AND .USED ServlCd t RepaJrj

P h o n e RE 3 -6 0 8 041) T ypM -K lnds


Q l-W v Track Laa*Badiators Ar* O w Bntlasa«

Not a " ■

COMPLETE A U TO M O T IV r ___ ______ S E R y ]C E _ : „

f o r A ll M akes-of-C ors— Expert T u n e -U p Front End A lig n m e n t C o m p le te B rak e Service M odern E q u ip m ent A u to m a tic T ron sm ission Service U tocb 'G d s a n d O ils “T a rm i A r a i la b le On M oiorV ob'f.'

HOPPY'S ^s5c(austs3 : - M > 7 4 t t ■351 M bIh A t*. Eat»

n -

Page 8: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


Page 9: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


- m a r k e t s a n d f in a n c e Meeting Vote Asks C. of C.

InflationSALT LAKE C m ’. July 13

-p o lic e otlicrr n.ivid WcaUey thUikj InllBtlon l;»!i h it tlir

A T - A G U K C E^ YOWC,

fo.efnm».i« In.-

.ll£bUI bullLh

CBllcd hljn ‘'Uie Asptirn*


195SJwin Falls County Fair Premium Book$ Now Ready, Being Distributed

.Pnrki tild liic RroivncU wlU b* 10 hAiidlt ih t f tdd iuou l r-iM with IriuMn* o.' sround Itom ' Mt!>. John rciiiiy. as ko4 dooe In15M.

He nmiclrxitM Uie 1059 faU- wlU r).crrd nil iirevimu rrcorda. boUl

'.rmtMicr ntirt quiilltj Of t iiml niUTinlmnenl,

Boyle Opens His Mail, Finds— Days^adiially Gertoivger”

nnd some m errt; bubble nn( tonm (ind rcL nowhere.

N o lln s Uml oil Moclu r ls h t non rro babbllnff and {oivmlnR but get' llni; nowhere. Ward believes th a t Jiln Rroup will enjoy nn 'upw i tiovcm cnt btfore the bull mur nin.i It# couwe.

In the olb. he liked Roynl P u ic h . Union Oil. Indiana SlAn- da rd . CnllfomlA Slandara, PhllUp: petro leum and Socony-Mobll.

O il stAtlsUcs company, In c , eays wWJo Uis Bhon n r r m arket pcr- fonj»*nc8 of' the oil (troup ;onUnue to' bo Indeel.ilve, It

pe a rs th a t most ot the 1059 lows been s^U Current oil iitock

prices nppenr to luiva discounted the betu-lsh factors in th e plctun

ivlns nmplo room for advance Uie Industry sotre.i Itji problcmi :t odvUes p u rch m of AUnntlc

n e fln ln i; which loolui priced riffht rebound this year. I t also

lives Honolulu tm and Woodley------ileum,

n-Mnthlesen. wlilch should between $2£0 and t2S0 Uili

rnr nnalnst <2i2 r sliare In 1058. nn attractive commitment, say.

can W ilier nnd company. Shenr.wn. HummlU and com

\n y likes Uie lone-lcrm outlook . ir tlie iteel Industry an<J snyi. V. 8 . Steel U sllll ihe ouUtandlnfr investm onc the.t<>p rjLiillty Ateels. I t also recotnmendfl I i ' ' Steel. R ^ u b llc 6 t« l. Jones McLnuRhlln. W h e e l l n c S i« t . a ro n lt e City Steel, Carptmtcr steel ind KftJser Steel.

A braham nnd company meft-nured by all historic ntxindnrds, equity prices on the wholi

vulnerable area and It sur- cestJi th a t Investofs be cautlou.nIy selective nnd 'maintain

buylnc power In Uie event of •H idden.m ersal.. .. _ However, UiIs firm recommend.i

Am erican Natural Om , NftUonal 0>T>aum and Quaker OaU,

W alton and compjiny inentloi elRht stocks'whlch mlirht have m nido BpecuInUve potentials—AlIC'

. ■ w ponrtte irltitrscT rtorpor lUon, Brttfgtiioti ■Brass. Commcr- ;!al Solvents. Burroushs. Thew

Shovel. Alco Products and New- a rt New-# Shipbuilding.Sperry . lU nd. which may

♦1.40'ft-8harp ajralnit OB cen ta 'ft year ORO. may be movlnir Into one of Ita most profitable periods and la on attracUve, lonK-lerm irrowih situation , u y s lUynoIds a t ' pnny.

TALKS 80U 0IIT roA H O PALLS. July 13 ‘(D P n —

Contrnctora sought t ^ l e v e l talks w ith union leaders today In a n po rted attem pt to settle a Jurlsdli tlona l dispute tlint has IritM 'nflIllon_dQlian_u-orih • of-

idiird coVi’S. <19 commrrclnl cows, uUUty eotts. tU 00-1050 and cutirra, JIOM-H.IO: bulla, »21.0Ci-23i»: c bulls. i:0i0-22.50; llKhL bulls, »18.00- !1.00: no cliolcc c; fcred; heavy Uol.item fettli »MJ>0-2i a j ; JlfihtU lolstc ln-ilicra . t22.00-25.00; llRht HolMeln hrl{-

1. »24.00-20.10; htavT ferdei ^ers. (3UO-:i3.CO; lltiht yearllnt:

steers. 28 i0 .3 lj0 ; henvy fredei lirlfem, j21.00-25.00; llsh t heifers $25.15-2BiO: littht whltcfncf“ .ilfci

»31*)-34AO; llithl \vhiterftC{ calves, t:9.O0-31,:5.3. number I and 2 htxjs

ilO.(»-J7.1l), henvy Jiog.i, IH.OO' ISiO; »ow», M.OO-12iO.

NoZJiaif feeder l.-imbs, «10.50-17J0.

Crowd Sees Plane Laud;

Unit Blastedharriers.' ipilUnB onto Uie field, JvnmlTiR so tire equSpmtnleouldn’t get tliroush.

Meanwhile, tlie pilot circled.'? mile up In the nlclit sky. waltini to make an «merRcncy ItindlnR. Hi worried about the more Uian 10 tons of flirpiimer'J.lth a limdmp speed of ISO mites an hour, cninch* Inc dov,-n on tlie broken landlni:

l ie was afrnld the plane might cw off the runway, or catch fin 1 the broken Rear struck spark;

from the concrete.He didn’t know It a t Uie time

at ft'dfMCrmnnRer awaited him 1 the ground. At 4,000 per- ins Used the runway.- Officlats said tliat the 200 a ir­

port and city police on hand *- Traffic backed up bumpei bumper. All road* leading a airport were tied up. The Jams stretelied for mlltf.

City firemen, with 40 pieces of apparatus, finally reached tlie scene, but were delayed half hour BCttln* out on the field.'

if[i.-lvr procrnm of any one yea nn.r!iiK complciii.n, -

A new hors^barn, 34 by lOO fee' lin.i bein coiiipletrd iiliil the ol uin.r bum, 34 ijy 200 ffrt, com :)lfirly re-rnofnl. A ne*- ^llc^p ili«i, 32 by “2 (ffl, ni.-o lin.i brtn xilll and a proem bulliiliiK foi hrrstocfc wiu\hln£ »lll be compictct

-e the fa ir . 'n i t ttiuh baiidint concrete .walls three and «

half feci lilfth. ttUh cindrr blocki • of the way up. It » equip,

prd wiih tie rinw and will have rirtnl roof,.................................Tlie bulidlnR will )iave an oper out nnrt concreie floorTi. Tlie -toi nuxe Ls btlng rc-bullt and pourlnc

of th r ronrrete floor Mill roii) '

'H e ’rW illin g --LOS ANGELES. Jufy 13 tO -

W hat if Uie Dcmocmls offered California Oov, Etlmund O.

. Drown the pruidcntlal. nom- ■ latlon?

" I'd take it.“ Brown says.I even’llilnR I could to

Ruling Holds up Negro Vote Case

SHREVEPOnT. L a , July 13 (UPD—Sesrcjfatlon leaders today Imlled a leRiil ruling whicli pri venU the U, B. civil rlRhtJi mLvnlon from InvuUsatlni;' plaints tliftt north Louisiana groea are barred from %-otlm!.

Federal District JudRj Ben Dawkins issued a temporary . . stTEXlnlng order yesterday barrlnR the conmUslon from holdinr achedulBd htarlnir today on cl...

IilntJi from a t least 07 NeRroes m t they w e r e d l i c r l m J n a t e d

.(•alnst.Dawkins announced la st night _

Ihrco-judK# court will decide July ■■ /helJier tlie commli

State Land Unit Starts on Tour

BOISE. July 13 in -M em bcrs o. the Idaho Iftnd board—occompani' cd by othir state offlclnis. ctaU legislators and Industrial leadfrs— ie(t hS'c today, fo r.a ilve-day l « k it the state's timber n

T lie group planned MccXll today. lookltlR a t JoRKlnc opemClons in the Packer John

lountaln area near Sm lth 'i Ferry n route.TonlRht a formal Be.islon

planned In McCall with Robei Han.sberger, president of theUoise- Cascada corporation, as th e «peak-

For Uia-tcmalnder of th# tour, ‘hicb winds up IQ Lewtston Frl>

day nlglit, sesslatis will be Inform­al. w ith travel by automobile and boat Into remote areas of the Clearwater river dratijage up-


Oftinmunitr'PVinn Bureau plm lc ind. swlmmlnr party will be held It fl p jn , Tuesday a t N at-Soo-f ah.

Mrs. Logan Dies H er^onS unday

At Age 85 YearsMm , JlncJi.iel JfenrJcll.i W.i;

Lonni I Sunday i

:umrd to him unsold.because of ilie high price. One of thoee same violln.i lodny would be worth jai.OOO or more.

Tlie oyly ground for divorce .rfcctpiilzfd by ever}- state in the ' union Is nduitcry.; Our nuolnble noiablfs: " If you ■ stick lo any opinion long enougli,. 11 bccoincj reapfctnble,’ —Berirand' ItU.VSfll,

l l io wooden tru th : Despite the lirtr.'pri'iia incicnse in ploslle » d ' l):lit mi' products In this coun­ty. Uic avrroge American still Lscs (uice as mucli lumber as

llu.vslun, four times as much as a aiBlWunan. and aU times as much A-fc. l^tiiclunaxi.______ — ____!

You hcnr a tot about how broke lid ptoplb are. But 40 per cent of ill U, 6. citlMns over U have

,'iiiid a.wts of a t least 12.000.Orownupi are netting bigger,

b u fb a b lb al~blHh~are“ im»lltr; e !nrr;est baby In meilical his- y waa a 325»-pound tyko broi 1870 to Mrs. Ano Bates, a 7

fool-S'i-lndi lady from Novi iicolii

1 Jones.- 202 Poik a lr6 had been In falling henith lor the pa.1t 25 ycar-1,.

She was bom Oct. 1.Mand. Dial), nnd wns ma nobcrt B. Log&a Nov, 2. , the ManU LDS temple. Sh

imember of the LDS iDauRliter.i of Utah Pioneer*, ser\'ed

■IsltinI Primary

Senator Thinks , His Ideas Won’t

Suppress News

!5 years, nnd for many yeara.

Mr. Loaan dic’d Feb. 58.' Iii23. iThree clilidren have died. 8ur\’i'I ora a r e '13 children. Mrs. Alli iBInch. Helper. U tah: Mre, Jones, Twin m is : Mrs. Della Marlctt, Pa.-ndena. Calif.: Mrs. Aimes Carl' son. Parker. Ida,; M n , Melvt Becrist. Moore. Ida'.; Prank J.Lo- gfln. Teton; Douglas B. LoRsn, St. Anthony: NcphI Bay Logan, Bon Dieco: Mrs, Annie Jewkes. Orange- vUle, U tah: James Lo«an, Karl W. Logan nnd Clyde N. Logan, nV Chula Vistn. Cnlif. 41 Rrandchll- drcn and 40 great-srandchnd^cn.

WASHINOTON. July 13 (U P D - Scn, Henry Dworshnk. It.. " said today he did-not believe his a^'cniim ent to Uie foreign nld'ed a t 2,'TRur:'<lay from the Si law o ^ i l d Ireep the prtvt.|rnm'A nthoiivDCcoiid want LDS cluiruh RCltft^nfnrmmini) .from the et/HeTinai rlW . Milil'be'hcldj^t tlie T< dppartmeht. ^

Last Wfdncsday.'preslflcnt El­senhower took. Issue with " the ametidment to law. luying tha t he Uiought It might suppre.u Ir formation.

B ut Dworaliak »ald tlint tl; amendment Is "Intended to kee Uie foreign aid sRcncy from set Ung Up a tremendous propagand machine to bralnwarJi the Amerl-

[ f

m enacted la 1052 there 80 people In Wo-shlngton ''luniinK out propaganda.”

The Idaho -UsTnaker said hi ngri*d with Prold?nt Elsenhowei Uiat "a m u informfd citbcnry Is necessary, i believe Uie public ought to know more detalLi aboui

le foreign aid program, what 11 ;lually has done, not what 11

alms Dt. because i am certain Uiere u-ould -be great public BcnUnent over Uie conUnued jwndlture of blillona which do produce any beneficial effects for

nation," Dworshnk B.-M.

Light Damage Is Noted in Mishap

BUHL. July 13-81l8ht damai Multed from an accident a t 3:1S

..m . Friday, one mile north of Filer, reports Elate Pauolman Richard Bums, Investigating of­ficer. - •

W. J . Thompwn. CO. Harper, Kans.. driving a 10S9 Ford, was

ivellng north on highway 30. As n-cnt to pass a parked car.

willed wa.1 p a r t l i U l y on the highway, Uie driver of Uie parked cjtr-otyaied tlig.door. Thnmn^nn swerved to Uie lelt.and sld«wlped ft 19S0 Pl}-mouth’ irsvellng souUi, driven by John W. lUNshl. 38, Wen. dell. Domase to the Thompson car was MUmated a t $75 and to Oie noehl ear a t »S0,

Baby’s Rites HeldQniveslde. servlcu . were .held

Mondpy afternoon for Jesse Nev­arez,'Jr.. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nevarez. Twin Falls,.at the Filer lOOF cemetery.

Officiating was .UiB Rer. John Koelsch.


i'*iri«»f« K« t.U’.oos {

R«od(t>f rjft 1

MU KS JtiniVr. UilnrrDr KU^Ii.l »

Sti>l-Olk<l 4 (•1 Acr»f«*tS oti* drmfl tnii

,01, b<,» Jui, S.


I y o u -

o other'

know tha t a phyBlcIan bound by law lo accept a Ucnt even though there’s doctor around?

Unusual lady: Eleanor Roo«- v«lt has been .praised for maay Quallllea. but she has one virtue Uiat makes her really rare am onj women.-Despite her busy schedule, she la almost never lal« lAr UTSII?' polnlmcnt.

Some dleIcnTondybelleT«rih‘eT“ tn melt away fat through hot

batl's. But, actoTillns \o * ituily by Uie Bon Ami InsUtuK, K would Uke 370 hot one-h6Ur baths to ue a single pound!You may bo bored on tb s Job.

ut you-re safer Uiere, LAst year . ne out of eveiy 20 Americans was

killed or suffered a. disabling In­jury by an accident away Irom work.

In 25 yean u » disc Jockey. MorUn Block, dean of.Uiis lonely Industry, has played some 400,000 '

:d.r rjioiigh In make a-staelc a.s h lih as the Empire State '

buildinj;- . • ■ — - •\J5r.ii ajin of'Uie-«wetk: A yhur_.

iton ;f eiiK'iiry: Vrlehd.V«J(y enll a tl^ t jr ra y ^ l ln the «uy who lost'Uie’ Tft-ln'Kalls"-moxluar>- horii 4 • ' ' • - ..........ii/'g ]rl. EdlUi. bscAuse wtieneve.

Uiey went out to dinner a ll ba would'do w ass lt-aa d eat-pestty , Kft went to » psychiatrist who told him: “You c an t bavB your a k » and EdlUi too."

In Sweden g lrb believe. they can get their narrla<e o ft to a good start by giving a lo*t of bread to a poor person.

I t was Joseph Conrad who ob- «r\'ed: “What humanity needs Is not Uift promise of sdentUlo' ln]- moruiity but compuslODate pity in this life and Infinite mercy oa Uit day of Judgment."

Filer Man FinedFILER, July IS—Bob a. Can*

trell. Flier, was fined |16 and co*U by JusUce of the Peace V. A. AlU- son Sunday night fo r havlns no tail lights on his vehicle.

He was unable to pay the ' fins and was committed to the Twin FalU county Jail. He was clt«d by SUle Pau^lmnn Richard B um s..

T T s iR V ic T; Day Phone RE 3-7111 I Night Phone RE 3-1037 j


i-Conner,-l0,-W ehfleld.-ls-ret ported recovering satisfactorily a t St, Bcnedlcfa hospital, Jerome. She Is to be reledsed-the r in t of Uils week. M is Comter was In- jiir«d In a farm accident last week,

Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surge^ Stops Itch—Relieves Pain

T. (BrMUll —For th* first Uot leltnc* b u fouod a nt' lieallRrtBbtUnN'wlUi U>* atUa ( •h in t ability to (b rink homor- rfaoidi. slop Kchinr, and rVliaT*pain - wlUioat lurgvry.

eai*. whllf c«ntly

llLISt) tMkik pUc..:ofali~rttulU>___lat ■offmrs Btadi

-.rld .f.B flt......... .This lu b iu n n li

.,1 »iippoiiUr» ©r •___undor th t nama i'rtM r

you r droBBtit, bonay back arantM.


h IniUto ' avalUbla N«iit l^rm

W E CAN OFFERS u b jec t to Prior Sole

3 0 0 SharesID A H a POWER 4%^Prefewed

*85 pe r sh o re Nct-Yield 4.75% -

E. W. McROBERTS ■T w i n F d l l s / I d a h o k E 3 ^ 1 3


Page 10: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR
Page 11: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR


Page 12: No Inquest Pends In Wreck Killing FoTiTnat (rooding · 2014-12-12 · ifr betoC awakened lor a clitcic ,1 ihclr well iKlnR

PAGE TWELVE TIMEStNEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO MONDAY, JULY 13, ,55,

Bored Youths Caught _ After

. Theft ui BankSAN DrEOO, Calif, July 13

(UPD—T w o Canadian joullis cau jh l tr>lnR to Jit* Inlo MfXlcowtlti lAktu trofn “n Oliawft bftnlc wlicre one of Uirm worked ft5 a tellff told police lodny. Uiey stole Uie moiify bfrnuM Uicy «cre •■borfcl und «nntcd tome adven-

lUcliard Doudreau. 20. and Oer- i ld Lf Clrrc, 19, boili Otlnwu.

■ arreMfd j e.ilerdny b)’ a yoiin; bor- dcr patrolman »lio Uioushl they, jookrtlooyouM K lo be on tlicir

minion Bank of Ottawa, &ild he tlolc tlie caAli from Hip Frl- doy-'Hc doubled llie Uiclt wuuld liRve bpen dlscovereil until oiictilnt:of tlie bank today. Jic

Tlie youtJu, ftciirlm cowb«)‘ lintj fcnd cftro’lnc Uielr loot In a siill- ciiAe. were flopped by Palrolmnn lUctiard Wolfe, :5. only recently ou t of Uie rooUe cln.'J,

They Mid later Uiat tliey liad cro.ucd tlie border Kvcrni liniirs before on n trial nin to see If lliry would bo stopj>cd.

Wolfe (laid Le Clcre loolied r thouch lie were only nboul Ifl yrni old. He (uiked tlie youths for tlieir Identification w rd i and. when Uiey were unabla to produce any,' fo r their draft redslrallon earda.

Youth Can't Hpeak The patrolman lusld Boiirirfnii

bccntne pitlP iJiirinK me rjiirstton* jng and aeenied w ui»et Uial he was unable to Ri>enk.

1 fisured eomethlnc Wolfe said.

One of Uie youths attempted lo Btve itie Inxl drlv'er who brought them to Uie border a tlO bill to

. toike the tu l lw in back' lo motel where they had Mnyed •notfier paJrolman, Albcrlo Fu-

—entc.. loofc-Uia-: opened Uiem.

Then they found tlio one stuffed •• canBdun and u, 8. currtncy.

h a u lu d . "OkAV. whcr«. did you the money?"

“At Ik. bttnk." choruied, tlie youUa.

A ir Crash Kills Pilot. 4 Others

URANGQ. Colo-Jlllff 13 HIPH —A phino crash kllled-clilcaKo plIot-lndwitrialL^t Kenneth D. Rm,i a n d four pa.'denRera l u t niRht, bul a 100-acre bnM]i and forest fire h u prevented seftrch partlea from Liiltifiln^ out thd^tiodleT}.

Ross' p ln n e . . . n tKln-enslne Beecheroft, smaihed Into an 6,000* fooV mountain near lennclo. In aouthwestcm Colorado.

lA Pkit* county Slierlff Ilertjert McKlasey *ald Rom' paAscnRcra were IdenUfled as Mre, Dewy Mink. Waohlnelon, la , her ton Daniel. 17. and her two j-ounuer daughters. Mia. Mink m thouchl to be entploj-ed a t Ross' plant In Wftahlnston.

Oiriclals St lA P k la fleld. Dur- u iso , sold Roas did not file ii flight p lan with them as he Intended to

;_<k> tha t in rann!n*l«n. N. M.He Bcrer arrlred In Pwrnlngtcn.

Drevlow Starts, Backs Air Unit

■ BOISE. July IS t^W-Lleut. Oov. WUUun B. Drevlow Is responsible fo r the formation of.a unique or- gonltatlon which has functioned In the Idaho legislature for 13 years—th e Idaho Flying Leslsla' tors.

Drtrlow promoted Uie Idea when he first came to the capltol s ta te ropresenUUve In is n .' "As for as I know,” he &ald, 'I t Is th e only orsiuilsaUan of Its kind In the country."

I t ie function of luA a eroup, - l>reTlow said, h u been good for

ttio STlatlon Jnduatrr and has helped promote benellclal Icclsla- tlOQ.'

Hansen High School Senior Is Horse Show Queen Entry


Kozlov Is in Spot lo Tell Boss of U. S.By W IM IAM L nVAN

A1‘ Fnreltn News AnalystProl RomnnovIrJi Koilov

tu rn th e results of hla two-week tour of Uie United Stales lo a use­ful purpa'.e, lie Li now In a posi­tion to ivdvise“ hu-ba.u,- soviet Prem ier Nikita K h r u s h c h e v , nsftlniit any firtnl mlsttilculatlon rcKardlnR Die strencth and Inten­tions of tills country.

I t wns the Soviet first deputy prem lcr'a venture in his tO' ta lly J»doc£rJn«f«f adult llte out- ' • •• ............ llLIt.KOUld

hnvn been difficult for him not lo be linprcMcd by what he saw In th e i;n ltcd -8 ta le .v H e left -todayfor n u J A lu . ..................

conference o f hl» dcpiirture for Moscow he Inslitcd hl.t trln did not c h ^ g eh is rniFd about one thing: T liai th e U nited Stales someday will livo under n Sovlet-lllce system. O u t Khru.-dicliev will be Interested In hl.i notions about the timetable fo r Uils.

■ ■ ayTomL'TiuieT-wnrmmr a report as p o x .ij^

corapnrc I t with the llndtngs P ln it D eputy Prelmler A, I. Mlko- yi\n, who made tlie eam ejrjp early Uiin veiir.

T he -two men probably will dif­fe r In lnl«rpr«taUon'ot the things they have seen. Mikoyan'U an ' Bolshevik revolutionary with hlRhly cynical outlook toward Uilngs AS they stem to be. Koilov U ft bom bureaucrat, represents* Uve of Uie new seneratlon of So­v iet functionaries who know noth-. Ing of revolution first hand.

M eeting HeldMrs. Itufih Boone conducted the

lexlcolooy le.uon and Xtrs. Bari H oroldscn led the table toplc«_o»i _ pntrlottam a t the regular summer mectlnjc o f the Twin Fulls ToMt- mlBtrcsa club FYldoy. a t the home

po rt on a recent Ooundl Nine meotlnff nnd Mrs. Ihagh OoU spoke

1 clvU defense, ,,Mr«. B ert AtorrL''. chairman of

th e T w in PaJts council of civil de­fense. wns a iruest.


Tw in Falli RE 3-2260 Filer DA 6 4 3 0 0

TIm anlr R«rrlr« oap tar ll’ las GOLD STBIKE aTAMP_8_

UTAH KIHG COALK b W . . . mnlies cen ts . . . w liy each more Idnhoans save more ninntjy for vncn* tibns and other lhinR.s because they use abundant, inexpensive U TAH KING COAL

_ instead of expensive natiira lR as;:.- - - -


-A contest*nt for the Migle Val­ley Ho t# Show Queea Is 18-yeor- old Lorraine LarsM , llanien high school Junior.

The daughter of Mr. and M«, W arren Larsen, L o m ln e Is spon­sored by th e U W . Moore ware­house. She will ride her own Al­bino horse In the show. She Itas lived In lU nseo for the post 13 years and was a contestant In the 1»M horse show.

H e r .h o b b le s , a re hnrae* and painting, bu t she has alio appeared a t public functloai as a aoIuI'I. Miss Lftnen broke and trained her

More than 80 per ccni of the ‘I30,51B square miles o( Oreenland sre covered by glafclrr-t.

CkM)kie M aking Is Shown fo r P arleylUCHFIELD, Ju ly IJ—T h e Mar-

ley Molds <-K club-Pttve demon- strstloRS on cookie maklnE a t the Thursday meeting held at home o( the leader, Mrs, T liur- man ll^nsen.

Tlie cookies were made by first year girls. Nlckl Nleld, Cyntliln ajid Laura Ridgeway, Mary Helen Ba.-ve end Joy Alexander. Aprons and pot holders also were In- rpccted.

Tlie Jlily : j meeting will t:c held St the home of Nlckl NIrld,

GI1.\L\ Fill.’'! O rn C IA I- IIIKS -13*-

Rcal Estate Transfers-I a i t S •n«rtli>a. IM S.

' ‘l . ni«li»nW 1» J, A.

J-Vunlr T n ^ h a l r - lT .u i i Tfu.i ----- of the boiird tirVrTT7Tfi'i'vyJ>"J^^"j**!

larKMl gniln hondllnn flrni», Snlurcl.iy of h eart disi'sse. He wn.n , pre.-.ldrnt of tlie comp;my Jro m

wiiiu A. nfTBoW»jJ«

OU. s. Coowr u> A. lU N«r. lol 7, Mrn<m U UiVrj l<i H'ohltxtna Con*

D.l-IVlh' ir la OHa" K- rr»«ni^d

Vrrt C»KruiI« J. ld«l .ub-

o Juhit C-

•!' w C;T’f"lU *hiji

.1 u> ntui:

l>Uloa. Ti>lB J'tllJ.

Answers ToldWASHINGTON. J„iy ',3 „ .

DU are unpreparul lu arr-.^T''' virtues of Caiillnn-m tvc-’’ lUnlsm the senate l!i!rr:-,i ^

Alt-MV MISSILES PRAISED, _ uy .subcommltlre h.u FT . RILEY. Kans.. July IJ

T he arm y’s missile program iJ ahead of scliedule and 1* the.strongest In the world, says Secfe-lprlntlnR olilre. <..........tary of th e Arniy Wilber Hrucker.jdlctlons of Corainuiii.-.;ii.-

'!.»• Cttnrr luWlrUkio No. t, 1

Thick Butt Shingles*8.50

ij ~D afrDaniels-Roofing—

215 Pounds Per Square — Scverol • colon to choojo from

Look who helped boost average to 19.43 miles per gallon in the Mobilgas Economy Run!...

Mary Hjuoer scored a whopping 22.37 miles per gallon in a Chevrolet Qlscsyne to win In the Low Price 6-Cy1lnder Csr CIsu.

Young secretary proves

women can drive as economically

as m en-usjng

T h e N e w C a r G a s o l i n e

Does your wife'oftcn double as the family tiaufTcur? Here’s good news—the 14 women drivers in the ’G9 Mobilgas E(»n- omyRunaveraged only .07railcspergallon/cMthanthenicnI

re-the-male-conttstontsrthcscTTOmcn clrovc tliu ctpcKi

ISOS-milc route at maximum legal s p e ^ —in city .traiTjc, on highways, over desert and mountain roads. Their cjqwrt porformancc helped boost the average of all cars to J 9^ s viHes per gallon . . . proof that women can get as good gas men when they take this tip from the Economy K u n d r i v e r s ■ ------ : .....— --------------------------

Keep your car in good shape, drive carefully, use '69 Mobil-- gas Special—The Weic Car Gasoline. Get it a tyow friendly' Mobil dealer's foryour new or late model carl '

G e n e r a l P c lr o l e i im C o r p o r a t i o n ,

J ^ S o c o 7 } y M o b i l C o y n p n n y