no.19- 16th february 2011

02/2011 It has been a very busy start to 2011 and very different to my first few days at St Anthony’s in 2010. We have been exceptionally busy enrolling 46 new students into the College. As well as our Prep class (11 students) the other students have come from a wide range of schools in Frankston, Hallam, Cranbourne and Dandenong, and come from Government and Christian schools alike. Welcome to our St Anthony’s family and I am certain that you will find our family a caring, sharing and learning-focused Christian environment. Thank you for trusting your child’s education to us at St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College. To the students and their parents returning to us in 2011, it will be a year where our ideas for change and improvement are put into place. Ranging from new buildings and organisation, to new technology, to improved teacher expertise, and even a canteen, you will see these changes come to life throughout the year. Please let me know how it is going, I appreciate and look forward to your feedback. If something is not going as planned for your child please ring me immediately because your child’s happiness and improved education is of paramount importance to us. I look forward to meeting you all over the next two weeks at information nights. Come and join our fete on the 26 th and 27 th February at St Mina and St Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church. All funds go to supporting your children at our school. There is everything from rides to stalls selling fairy floss to new books. Come along and join in the fun. See you there! Read More inside St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College Celebration Telephone 03 9786 3145 Fax 03 9786 3988 15 Alpina Street, Frankston North, VIC 3200 WWW.STANTHONYS.VIC.EDU.AU St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College Welcome to 2011

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Page 1: No.19- 16th February 2011


It has been a very busy start to 2011 and very different to my first few days at St Anthony’s in 2010. We have been exceptionally busy enrolling 46 new students

into the College. As well as our Prep class (11 students) the other students have

come from a wide range of schools in Frankston, Hallam, Cranbourne and Dandenong, and come from Government and Christian schools alike. Welcome to

our St Anthony’s family and I am certain that you will find our family a caring,

sharing and learning-focused Christian environment. Thank you for trusting your child’s education to us at St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College.

To the students and their parents returning to us in 2011, it will be a year where

our ideas for change and improvement are put into place. Ranging from new buildings and organisation, to new technology, to improved teacher expertise, and

even a canteen, you will see these changes come to life throughout the year.

Please let me know how it is going, I appreciate and look forward to your feedback. If something is not going as planned for your child please ring me

immediately because your child’s happiness and improved education is of

paramount importance to us.

I look forward to meeting you all over the next two weeks at information nights.

Come and join our fete on the 26th and 27

th February at St Mina and St Mina’s Coptic

Orthodox Church. All funds go to supporting your children at our school. There is

everything from rides to stalls selling fairy floss to new books. Come along and join

in the fun. See you there! Read More inside

St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College Celebration

Telephone 03 9786 3145

Fax 03 9786 3988

15 Alpina Street, Frankston North, VIC 3200


St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College

WWeellccoommee ttoo 22001111

Page 2: No.19- 16th February 2011

Want to know what will be taught to your child this year?

Want to have a say in that curriculum?

Want to know how and why they must do homework?

Want to know what happens if your child doesn’t follow school rules?

Want to know how the new Primary School is working out?

Want to see the new facilities?


You just like our coffee?

Then make sure you attend the Information Nights this week. I expect to

see all parents at these evenings because your child’s learning and happy

schooling is critical to their future success. It is essential that VCE parents

attend so we are all working to get the highest possible results for your

child. Parents unable to attend should contact the College by phone

otherwise we are expecting to see all parents. The VCE Information Night

will outline essential parts of VCE that you MUST be aware of and ensure

your child completes.

Wednesday 16th February VCE INFORMATION NIGHT



All will be held at the College at 7pm.

Information Nights NOW ON!

Come and see the new

primary building before

the official opening

All parents of students in Years Prep to 5 will know that we have

moved into our new primary

building. The huge space is

amazing and we are all adjusting to

this new educational environment.

Our building can hold 250 students

but we have only 130 primary

students. If you would like to see

the rooms and how we are working

in them then please give Michaela

or our Principal a call and come in. Parents are always welcome at

St Anthony’s.

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With the number of VCAL students rising to eight due to new

students entering the College, it has been an exciting time.

Students have been organising their day at their TAFE college

and organising their one day a week at work. We have VCAL

students working in careers areas ranging from building to

law. Under the watchful eye of VCAL Coordinator

Mrs. Susan, our students are taking those first steps to

education and their working career. We all wish them well as

they create a new pathway of education at St Anthony’s.

St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College

VCAL gets off to flying start

Head of primary

appointed as coach?

In 2011 Ms Christian has been

appointed by Independent Schools

Victoria to train and act as a coach for

ten teachers in our school. In what

will become a larger state-wide

program, Ms Christian is being

trained and helping to establish a

program where experienced teachers

can coach other teachers to help

deliver the best teaching possible.

This will involve her sitting in on a

teacher’s lessons, taking notes and

meeting with them afterwards to

discuss their teaching and ways to

improve the learning opportunities in

the classroom. Ten of our staff have

volunteered from all three sub-

schools for the pilot program. We

wish them well, and thank them for

their professionalism. If your child

talks about Ms Christian taking notes

in class and are wondering what is

happening, then you will know why

this occurring.

Gary Underwood, Principal

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Back to School Asthma Checklist

Back to school time presents a phenomenon called the ‘Back to School Spike’, which is a well-documented

occurrence of an increase in asthma hospital admissions in children. This trend occurs two weeks after school goes

back, with the spike generally occurring in mid to late February. Ensure your child with asthma is prepared for the

new school year by following this simple back to school asthma checklist.

Doctor Review

Updated Asthma Action Plan (advise the school of any changes to their plan)

Medication Review

Preventer medication scripts

Technique Review (good device technique will ensure more medication reaches the small airways)

H1N1 Vaccination

(A person with asthma who gets any type of flu has a greater chance for developing serious health complications

from the infection. Anyone with asthma is recommended to get both the seasonal flu vaccine and 2009 H1N1


School Asthma Action Plan returned

(This needs to be updated at least annually or as required)

Blue Reliever Medication & Spacer

(ensure your child has their blue reliever medication and spacer device available at all times. Remember to check

the expiry date and amount of medication left in the canister)

Your child is aware of their asthma triggers

For further information please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 645 130 or email [email protected]

Floods and Asthma In the aftermath of the recent floods, most people will be focusing all their energies on the clean-up. However, it is

important to protect your health in the process.

Mould and your Health

- Mould thrives in the damp, still environment of a flooded building

- People are exposed mainly by breathing in the mould spores

- Inhaling mould spores can trigger asthma and worsen other respiratory and allergic conditions

- Many people are sensitive to mould and may experience a stuffy nose, irritated eyes, wheezing or skin irritation

- Asthma symptoms such as coughing and wheezing often worsen after exposure to damp and mould

- Rarely, people with chronic lung disease may develop mould infections in their lungs

Stay in control of your asthma

There are several things you can do to ensure you stay in control of your asthma during this time:

- If you suspect your medications and/or spacer were affected by floodwaters, replace them as soon as possible

- Always carry your blue reliever and keep taking your preventer medication as normal

- Visit your doctor to receive a thorough check-up and update your Asthma Action Plan

- Be familiar with the signs of worsening asthma and the 4 step first aid procedure

For further information please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 645 130 or email [email protected]

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St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College 2011 Dates

Term 1 Coptic Orthodox Feasts & Events Victorian Public Holidays

26/01/11 Australia Day

29/01/11 Departure of the Virgin St. Mary

30/01/11 Feast of St Anthony the Great

01/02/11 Staff Professional Development

02/02/11 Staff Professional Development

03/02/11 Staff Professional Development

04/02/11 Commencement of Term 1

14/02/11 Start of Jonah’s Fast (3 days)

15/02/11 Feast of the Lord’s Entry into the Temple

15/02/11 Yr 9&10 Volleyball

16/02/11 VCE Information Evening

17/02/11 Middle School Information Evening

17/02/11 Primary Swimming Trials

23/02/11 Primary Information Night

26-27/2/11 College Fete (held at Hallam church)

28/02/11 Start of the Great Lent Fast

28/02/11 Yr 3-5 Swimming

1-4, 7-9/3/11 Yr 3-5 swimming

03/03/11 Yr 11&12 Basketball

09/03/11 Yr 7&8 Volleyball

14/03/10 Public Holiday - Labour Day

16/03/11 Primary District Sport

25/03/11 SEISS Yr 7-11 Swimming

07/04/11 Parent/Teacher Evening – Years Prep to 12

07/04/11 Last day of term 1 for students

07/04/11 Feast of the Annunciation

08/04/11 Staff Planning Day

15/04/11 Last Friday of the Lent

17/04/11 Palm Sunday

21/04/11 Great Thursday

22/04/11 Great Friday (Western Good Friday)

23/04/11 Western Easter Saturday

24/04/11 Feast of the Holy Resurrection

25/04/11 Public Holiday – Anzac Day

26/04/11 Public Holiday – Easter Monday (substitute)

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“Big picture” and “Transition” funding

for St Anthony’s

For the next 18 months Anglicare is funding two projects at St Anthony’s and we thank them

very much for their support. Big Picture is a program for six Year 5 students at a time to work

with art professionals to work on their creative talents and to build life skills. The program

helps students build a positive attitude to themselves and their work while building stronger

relationships with other students. These students will also be part of a Transition program in the

second half year. Once a week for two hours, two professionals will come into the College to

run the programs. We look forward to the exciting opportunity and if your child is to be

involved we will contact you for permission in advance.

St Anthony’s

Coptic Orthodox College

Educating for Life

Telephone 03 9786 3145

Fax 03 9786 3988

15 Alpina Street, Frankston North,

VIC 3200


St Anthony’s Coptic Orthodox College