no281 newslettr daily e-30-10_2013

PAGE 4 The battle “Adhklo Aleehim Al-Bab” in western Guta Massacre in Homs and Kurds battle was ended PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 2013/10/30 -NO. (281) Al-assad receives Brahimi PAGE 5 A general amnesty for crimes the terrorists leaders »were killed in Deir al-Zour »Lewa Tuheed handed its weapons Jarba in Cairo and the opposition demanding exemption Brahimi

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Page 1: No281 newslettr daily e-30-10_2013


The battle “Adhklo Aleehim Al-Bab” in western GutaMassacre in Homs and Kurds battle was ended




2013/10/30 -NO. (281)

Al-assad receives Brahimi


A general amnestyfor crimes

the terrorists leaders »were killed in Deir al-Zour

»Lewa Tuheed handed its weapons

Jarba in Cairo and the opposition demanding

exemption Brahimi

Page 2: No281 newslettr daily e-30-10_2013

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (281( 2013/10/30

Sources of the opposition side that the alliance of flag which represented by bri-gades and battalions “Saha-baa” and “Jabhat Nusra” and the Islamic movement “Ah-rar Sham” and the battalion “Forsan Al-Sonah” and uni-fication of the capital brigade and a brigade “Ezz” all of them are announced the start of battle “ Adhklo Aleehim Al-Bab” where they attack-ing violently on the numbers of military unites in 7th bri-gade in the eastern Guta in Damascus countryside, in addition to control of the part of the regiment 137 and the destruction the most infra-structure and rocket launch-ers inside it, the sources said also that the militants’ op-position attacked the hill of (Kabusaa) in (Khan Shihk), as Brigade “Muawiyah Ben

Abi Soufyan” and a brigade of “Saeef Al-Demashqi” and a brigade “Usood Gota” in integration within the Army “Malhamah Al-Kubra in Damacuse” and its country-side, at the time, the leader of “Jabhat Tahrer Souria” “Abu Issa Sheikh” said that the consolidation between his faction and “Ahrar Sham” and the “Lewa Touheed” and “Jaeish Al-Islam” will be soon. On the other hand; Syrian army began a lashed out at the headquarters of the gunmen in the towns of (Ghazala) and (Sbenah) near “Sayeda Zeinab” area, and clashes are continuing be-tween the other units of the army and the militant’s op-position in (Barzeh), (Qa-boun), (Jobar), (Orbin), (Duma) and Farms (Seaar-ia) and the Yarmouk refu-

gee camp and which killed during these clashes a gun-man “Abdel-Fattah Safsaf”, “Diab Kilani” and “Ramez Abdel Rahman,” In Darya killed by the army “Ahmad Kamoon” and injured “Abu Teseer Zeada” a leader of a military cancel in (Darya) near “Abdul Rahman” Mosque, and the sources of official media said that about five hundred citizens were able to leave (Moadamyh) by the supporting of the Syr-ian Red Crescent. To that six civilians were wounded, including children, after the fall of mortar shells at the (Homsi), (Rawda) and (Nah-da) neighborhoods and in Ja-ramana and caused a materi-al damage in the place. N.b: The battle “Adhklo Aleehim Al-Bab” is a term from Holy Koran.

The battle “Adhklo Aleehim Al-Bab” in western Guta

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Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (281( 2013/10/30

Kurds battle was ended and “Lewa Tuheed” handed its weaponsAccording to an official source in al-Hasakah said that the com-petent authorities destroyed yesterday a thirty-five harragas manually used by militants in refining the oil stolen and five tankers to transport crude oil, and the two citizens were killed in the city by the explosion of barrels of fuel oil refined by burners handmade, the source added that the army carried out two operations against the head-quarters of gunmen on the road to (Abeed- Hasakah) and near the village (Khreta) on the road (Hasakah- Tel Nemer). In the same related protection units of the Kurdish people had an-nounced in a statement that the end of the third and final phase

of a campaign of “loyalty” to the martyrs of soil (Sabyah) and (Jal Aqaa) that dominated through the villages of (Derek), (Safa) , (Yusifiyah) and (Jgneh) addition to the company Dajla oil, while battles continuing between units

of protect the people and mili-tants of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in (Ras Al Ain) in the countryside (Hasakah), and the “Lewa Tauhed” had handed their weapons after besieged them by Kurdish in rural (Jawadah).

In the countryside of Aleppo a battles between army units and the militants’ opposition are done around the towns of (No-bil and Zahra) in (Khan Asaal) , (Haritan), (Kafr El- Hamra) and (Mansoura), while mili-tary source said the army killed

Battles in the Nobil and Zahra, and reporter of Arabya Tv was killed in Aleppo

eighteen gunman in the vicin-ity of a prison Aleppo central among them, “Mazen Asoad”, “Jihad Kurd” , “Ahmad Ali “and “Tariq Rahal” the sourc-es spoke to the opposition for the unidentified murder to kill “Mohammed Saeed” a reporter

of Arabyah and Orient Tv and a member of the Syrian Revo-lution General, while another sources said that the militants of (Daash) are killed, as sources said that the militants opposi-tion stood up to try to provide Syrian army from mills in front of the military airport (Neirab) to the neighborhood of (Karam Kaser), as the gunmen targeted by mortar a forces of the Syr-ian army that stationed at the airport and the area around the Umayyad Mosque and the (Sa-beh Bahrat), and they were able to snipe three members of the army, and violent clashes on the front of the southern and east-ern of (Sferaa).

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Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (281( 2013/10/30

Massacre in Homs, Terrorists Kuwaitis and Egyptians killed in Hama, and an ambush in the countryside of Idlib

In Homs countryside fifteen civilians were killed includ-ing a children in the massacre committed by the militants in the village Al-Shouh in Tal-kalkh. A military source in Hama said that the army forces killed twenty militants most of them from Kuwait and Egypt

during the attempt to assault on an army checkpoint at the entrance to the town of (Mork) in the northern countryside, also the army is targeting a two cars loaded with weapons in (Alarashwna) and (Rasem Kherba) in the (Salamyah) countryside. In Idleb country-

side a military source said the army was killed in an ambush fully armed group members on (Kvrroma), and foiled the attempt to blow up an explo-sive device on the road (Alm-sthomh-Areha) and faced an infiltration of militants to (Abu Aldhor) Airport.

A leader of battalion com-mander Omar ibn al-Khat-tab “Abdul Salam Tabash” was killed in Street (Hassan Taha) in Deir al-Zour with-out knowing any details of his death, also was killed the founder and commander of the brigade (Alfathoon of the land of Sham) and Amir

The terrorists leaders were killed in Deir al-Zour“Jabha Nusra) in the neigh-borhood (Rashedayh), while militants of (Daash) and “Jabhat Nusra”and the army free were burned the houses’ citizen that belonging to clan (Busraya) in village (Acham-maitih) after they kidnapping on yesterday Sheikh of clan “Muhanna Faisal Fayad”.

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Page NO.5The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (281( 2013/10/30

Al-assad receives Brahimi

Jarba in Cairo and the opposition demanding exemption Brahimi

President Bashar al-Assad con-sider during his meeting with UN Secretary General’s Special Representative “Lakhdar Bra-himi” on Wednesday affirmed that the Syrian people are the only side entitled to draw Syria’s future and that any solution or agreement in this regard must have the approval of the Syrians and reflect their desires away from any foreign interference. And “walid al-Moallem” the Deputy Prime Minister and Min-ister of Foreign Affairs and Emi-grants met yesterday afternoon

An official source in the Syrian opposition has revealed that co-alition chairman “Ahmad Jarba” will participate in the meetings of Arab foreign ministers at the Arab League and will call for obtaining the opposition on the cover of Arab support for the opposition to participate in the “Geneva 2”, the source said: The Arab foreign ministers will discuss it next Sunday after the Arab and UN envoy “Lakhdar Brahimi” ended his tour of the political parties that involved

“Lakhdar Brahimi”, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and he arrested on that Syria will be participate in this conference because it is the right of the Syri-

in the Syrian crisis. In the oth-er hand; the National Council opposition called exemption “Lakhdar Brahimi” from his mission after his insistence on engaging Iran in the “Geneva 2” during his visit to Tehran, in the

an people to determine their own political future and choose their leadership and reject any foreign intervention and the dialogue in Geneva will between the Syrians and will be led by Syria only.

recommendation made by the Council of the coalition, which will meet with the foreign minis-ters of the Arabs in Cairo, while considered a member of the co-alition “Kamal al-Labwani” that the exemption “Brahimi” from his office is necessary because it is part of the repressive regime, describing non-neutral because he did not visit the (Yalda) and (Moadamyha) that its people are die of starvation, and he does not visit Gota which hit by chemical weapons.

An explosion at Israeli ObservatoryA media sources has talked about an explosion in the Israeli Observatory on Mount Shihk and it is make high cloud of smoke over the mountain with-out knowing the reasons of the explosion.

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Page NO.6The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (281( 2013/10/30

Syria rejects the global economic siege

A general amnesty for crimes

Extension of the progress of the trade-offs parallel education

Syria renewed its rejection of coercive measures imposed by the U.S. and European Union countries on the Syrian people because it represents a flagrant

President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued legislative de-cree No. 70 for 2013, granting a general amnesty for crimes committed before October 29th,2013. Also presidential decree on Tuesday removed Dr.”Kadri Jamil” from his post as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.

The Ministry of Higher Educa-tion has announced to extend the acceptance of requests for progress tradeoffs parallel edu-cation and non-resident Syrians, Arabs and foreigners for the 2013-2014 school year until the end of the official working hours on next Thursday.

violation of the principles of international law and a tool for dominance of the western coun-tries and peoples, stressing in a speech by Dr. Bashar Jaafari

the delegate Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Na-tions on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba.