no.3. - · a monthly...

A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ART, LITERATURE AND OCCULTISM: EMBRACING MESMERISM, SPIRITUALISM, AND OTHER SECRET SCIENCES. VOl,. I. No.3. BOMBAY, DECEMBER, 1870. SPECIAl. NOTICES. I t e\,i.lellt thnt the 'I'IlEQSOI'IlIST will olfer to nlh·ortl.ol·s IIUlIsunl n,l· \'nu!.n;.:e. iu circlllntioll. "'e hll"o IIlrenlly ""b.criber. iu e"wry pllrt of Iu.lill, iu Ce)')ou, Bllrmllh, lIud on tho I'or"illr. Gulf. Ou .. 1'"1'01' Ills" goe. h. lla'cat Britllill, Fllllleo, Germllll)', Hllllgllr)', Grecco, HII ..sill, Vuu.tallti· lIuplo, Egypt, Au"tmliu, lllld Nu .. th 1111<1 !>uulh Amerioa. 'I'ho fulluwillg VCI')' mOllemta mto. 1111\'0 boou adopt ell : ADn:nTI81:>c. H.ITf:S. First ill'ertion 16 Iiues nud umle } nllpeo. }'or elloh IIdtliHunlllliue 1 A 11I111. Spnee i. chllrge.1 for nt the rate uf I:.! Iille. to tho illch, Sl'cdal nrrange· hlcntJi cat! lIe JlJfllio for Jorgu mh'ortisclJlouts, nnd for IUIlg-or ntHl h:o.:ctl porio,ls. }'or furthol' infuI'lUntion IIlId cuutract. fur lid I'erti.illg, ul'l'ly tu ?llJ;SSIlS. COOI'Elt & Co. AJl'crlising Agents, Book.eller. lind Mcndow Street, Fort, DOlllbn)'. To SUDSC(:IIJEr:S. The Subseril'tion (wico at which tllD 'I'IIEOSOI'IIIST I. )'"hli,hed ba .. I)' CO\'cr. cost-Iho <le,il{u ill the jounllll 1111\'111;; Ioccu rathcr tu rellch II \'01')' wido circle of re",loro, thllll to mllko II I'r"llt. "'0 C'"II1"t III1'ul'll, thol'cf"ro, t,1l ..ond .I'OdIllCII cOl'ieo fl'OO, uor til olll'!,I}' Hhm.. ic., so· ciotios, or illdh'ithHds }'o.· tho bUIUO rOllHOIi \\'0 nro ol,lig-Ctl to Ihl0l't tho plnll, HuW ullivorsn ill Alllcl'iClI, of requiring' .. i"cr:; tt_ )'")' ill advnllce, IIlId of .topping the I'llper at the olld of 1100 tCI'lII I'llitl for. MallY )'enr,; of I'ruelioal experieneo loa. cOllvinced Wedtcrn I'lIhlishors that this S)'stClll of cnsh l'a)'lncllt i. the hcst alld most ",.ti"factor)' to hoth partios; Dud nil rC"l'octnl,lo journnl. arc 11011' condnct(·d 011 thi. I'lan . .... Subserihor. wishillg a prinlc.1 r,;,ocil't for their relllit ",mccs IlIllbt ,,"uul" fOI' relnl'll I'0stngo, OIlIOI'WI.C llcknuwlcclgolllcllts Will be lIIado throngh tho jonl'llll!. 'I'ho 'J'lIf:OSIII'lIIST will appCnr ench Illonll" 'lhe I'lllo:l, ·-fur t\\'l'lI'e Ilnlllbcl" of not Ie so than 40 COlllll1ll8 ItO)'II) 410 elich, of l'onlHIII{ 1IIl1tter, 01' 480 eolnlllus ill os fullowo :-'1'0 SnLscriber. in 1111)' p"l·t of IlI,lia, 1:21. t.i por annum; ill Ceylou, Us i; ill tllo Settlement., Cllilln, JnpnH, lind Australia I:s. 8; ill "fden, Enrope, 11",1 tho UuilClI Hlatos, i. I. lIalf )' (Illdin) H:ol, -&; Hillglo copied nllnHd 12. nCluitt-aIiCOS ill slalil1'3 IlIll,,1 ho at tho rllto of annas 17 to tho J:u!'eo to CO\'er di.cuIIIII. 'J'he alou\'e rato.s iucludo post.ago. ,rill be, nilfntl un tin: 0,' lH.lJit·". lull 1Uit,l tilt: 1ItO/H.II U and IUI'(u'wbl!1 tlte JWJH:)' wdl d,Sfl/;;{ul1lt'd ..I tic. 't( II,. I, ""I ..,bsaibut fU1'. Itclllitt""eos HlllIlIlII Le IIl.l,lo ill lIIulloy·onler.,, mil clw'lno_, (01' '1'''''IISIII')' l,ill., if ill I'cgi.lerc.l lolte1'8), alld modo 1'1I)'nl.lo to the 1'1l01'1I1LTOlls U}' TilE 'I'IILosol'lIls'r, lU8, tiirgnuOl Bnck Hund, 13ombll)', hulill. AOF.:\TS: New YOl'\;, S. It Wcll. k Cu" iai, Bl'Oac1ll'ay; I>",too, Mass, Culby uml 1:ieh, 0, lIIuntgomcr)' Pillco; ChiCIIl{o, III, J. C, Iltnuly. 02, 1.1 !>lIl1c SI. AIllodell1l subscriber. 1I111y 111.0 ordor thoir \,111'0"8 Ihruugh W. (,!. Judf{e, ES'I', 71. llrClullwllY, Now yo ..k. Cu)'lull: Isallo Wool'c.ood)·", Del'uty CUI'ullor, DOllnllllllwll. THE THEOSOPIIIS'r. BOMBAY, DECEMBER 1l'l7H. mnae:75"rrw cz=z-- Tho editors for opinious expressed iu tho articles by contributors, Great latitwle is allowed correspolHleuts, IIml they Illolle arc accouutallle lor their personal views. 'l'hOllgh IUI'go (,llitions of the first and 80CO)1I1 uUl11110rs of this joul'Il/ll were printed, the supply of copies is nearly exhausted. It would be prudent, therefore, Ii,I' persons who may be coutemplatiug subscriptiou to relllit tlleir !Iloney ami tllus seclI1'e tlw el1l'ulhncnt of their llames at ouce, provilled that tlley ca)'e to Ilave It cOlllpletc Hie of 01\1' first volume. Delllyg aro daugerous whure the demaud vf any desired thing is likely to exceed the supply, Our revcrell hrotlter, tlte 8wallli Dayanllud Sarallwati, eoutiuues ill this ulll11Lor his aUlobiographical lIarrative, which the Indian press Il1ls dedared the III0lit iuter- estiug' portiou Ill' Ilur jlJllmal. \Ve hope the lessull of Ilili lielf-lilwriHciug' qllelit after diville kuowledge-tlmt true wisdolll wlIieh tl'aelles ma\l the 1Il11llre ontis illller Selt; its ,source allli dl'stilly-will lIut be Illruwu away IIpOIl the yOllth of his COlli I 11')'. Happy, i\ldeed, wUllld we feel if We cull III lice tlJC In'ight )'lIl\llg l!ll'n wllll arc Hocking intu his ArYll Sllmajes, cllllliatilig his condne! as well as l'everelleing hili person. No \Vesll'l'Il reader \Iced at a luss tu u\lder- sta\lll the interl'st that attellds cH:ry mOVellle\lt ill hili prcaclling' pilgrilliage thrullglli,II1 [llliia. A III I, ohject as 0111' pl1l11lits lIIay t" his cUlllitl'l\l'tio\ls uf Vedic texts, nut C\'ell the Illust urthodox call filii ill l"L'SPl'ct Ii,,· o\le who joills to a proti'1111d klluwl('dgl' of Sanskrit litl'rature all ahsolute purity of Illlltivc :llld of lifl', allli a fervid lielllie of d II t Y Ilever Sll I hy re 1'0 1'1 I Il'rli. Fur Thl'oliophistli of eVl'ry naliu\lality lhl' ,Wl'Ullllt of his advelllllres alllullg adepts of tllC secret (allll sacred) seiellce will 1m ve a pecu- liaI' charlll. Dr, Palldllrallg Cupal, n.U.M.1 :" a WUll;k\lllWII fllll'g'eoll- oClllist alld bota\list, of Bllllllm)', Kivus ill tl", prcosc\lt Illlm- Iwr ot' our juurllal tile lin'!t ot' a pl'llposed sl'ril:s of articles IIpllll the Illlliall Mall'ria Medil'a. As little, or, indeed, lIIay l:l<ly less, is klll)\I'n \,)' \\\'slel'll science Ill' this highly i\llporlant sull.jed tl(a\l lIf utlll'r '1'll'sliuns rdating to the \lll!therlallll of 11111' raeI'. \Vith thl'\l1 all researches prac- til'lllly Legill witll till' pcoriod ot' I lreek learni\lg; it' we ex- ecpt the very recL'ld data wllii'11 lilt; Egyptologists a\ld Alis)'- riologists Ita VI' SlipI'I ied frill n till' iI' excavatio\ls. TlwlIgh COln\lwn SCHlie woltld tcadl tll(:\l1 lilat lllCIl fell sick aIII I were cured belill'e tile tillll:S of the Asclepiada;, the Pytha- gurea\ls, or the (lalellites, the ahsl'\lce uf tra\lslatio\lli from the Salllikrit, lias cIJlllpellcd nlOdl'l'IllllediClll writers to say, with tlIe leal'lll"i ,lllthllr of tIll: articl(, on "Ml:dicilll:," ill AppletoH'S lVe/u ,11111'/'/('(1 II ('!Jc!/J/JI/,,[t'(I: "III wllat CUIl- sislt,d the lI11'dicilll: of t.he Egy!'tialls, the 11 illdus, &e., If '/llaltej' l'/Jojn'!uj'(' ,,"ly." To n.'lIlU\"e tl,is IIt'eessity fur bli1ll1 glleSll- work, awl sit,,\\, Ilioderll seil'l1cl' what the Aryas kllew of tllU illtinllitil's ttl whicll 11Ial1kilHI are is tIll' ailll of uur cOlltrilllltur aIII I fellow Theoso- phist, Dr. l'alllllirallg', Frull1 mallY ColTl'iipolltlellts We have rl'Ceih·d letters ex- pressillg del:!' n'gn't Illat till' IIlaj"l'ity uf lIil ldlls olltsilll.l t.he I aI'" ]Ji'L'velltl'd 1'1'''111 rl'adillg tilt: Til EO· Hlll'lllHT 1lt'causI: of i[:-; Ill,illg !,1I1>1i:';]IL'd ill TIll) ol1ly rt'lIlCdy that OI'l'III'S til liS is till: isslle ufall editiull llf the jOlll'l1al ill lHH; t,f till' VI'I'lI:\I'1I1a1' Iang-lIagt's.• Bllt this is til ulltlerlake till' Illallagellll'lol "I' two jlul,liealiom; ilJ- skad of ulle, a gn'all'r task thall 111IIsl societies wOllld care 1'111'. Still, a:> til,' SIII'I'l'Sli uf 0111' I'n'sl'l1t vellture is 110W all asslIred lild, if it. l:;11I hL' SIIOWII liS tllat a \"l'l'lIlIcldar paper wtlldd :-Hlppur!. it.:-;lo/r, WI' Illiglll 1'''IISI'l1t, 1'01' tit!) sake of Illdia alld of 0111' IH'tll,ltcrs, ti,e Iljlldlls. We illvite a gene- rall'xIH'l;s:>ioll of lIpilli"ll "1"'11 lh" slIllject. .Awl til(; u1l1y CUIH'illcillg lihape that SUel, ((It ("J."'<:liliiun call alilll!/lte,i8

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Page 1: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing


VOl,. I. No.3. BOMBAY, DECEMBER, 1870.


I t i~ e\,i.lellt thnt the 'I'IlEQSOI'IlIST will olfer to nlh·ortl.ol·s IIUlIsunl n,l·\'nu!.n;.:e. iu circlllntioll. "'e hll"o IIlrenlly ""b.criber. iu e"wry pllrt ofIu.lill, iu Ce)')ou, Bllrmllh, lIud on tho I'or"illr. Gulf. Ou.. 1'"1'01' Ills" goe.h. lla'cat Britllill, Fllllleo, Germllll)', Hllllgllr)', Grecco, HII..sill, Vuu.tallti·lIuplo, Egypt, Au"tmliu, lllld 1111<1 !>uulh Amerioa. 'I'ho fulluwillg VCI')'mOllemta mto. 1111\'0 boou adoptell :

ADn:nTI81:>c. H.ITf:S.

First ill'ertion 16 Iiues nud umle } nllpeo.}'or elloh IIdtliHunlllliue 1 A 11I111.

Spnee i. chllrge.1 for nt the rate uf I:.! Iille. to tho illch, Sl'cdal nrrange·hlcntJi cat! lIe JlJfllio for Jorgu mh'ortisclJlouts, nnd for IUIlg-or ntHl h:o.:ctlporio,ls. }'or furthol' infuI'lUntion IIlId cuutract. fur lid I'erti.illg, ul'l'ly tu

?llJ;SSIlS. COOI'Elt & Co.

AJl'crlising Agents, Book.eller. lind I'ublisher~, Mcndow Street, Fort,DOlllbn)'.

To SUDSC(:IIJEr:S.~. The Subseril'tion (wico at which tllD 'I'IIEOSOI'IIIST I. )'"hli,hed ba ..e·

I)' CO\'cr. cost-Iho <le,il{u ill eslaljlishill~ the jounllll 1111\'111;; Ioccu rathcrtu rellch II \'01')' wido circle of re",loro, thllll to mllko II I'r"llt. "'0 C'"II1"tIII1'ul'll, thol'cf"ro, t,1l ..ond .I'OdIllCII cOl'ieo fl'OO, uor til olll'!,I}' Hhm..ic., so·ciotios, or illdh'ithHds gl'ntuito\lslr~ }'o.· tho bUIUO rOllHOIi \\'0 nro ol,lig-Ctlto Ihl0l't tho plnll, HuW ullivorsn ill Alllcl'iClI, of requiring' l"iuLJ~c.. i"cr:; tt_)'")' ill advnllce, IIlId of .topping the I'llper at the olld of 1100 tCI'lII I'llitl for.MallY )'enr,; of I'ruelioal experieneo loa. cOllvinced Wedtcrn I'lIhlishors thatthis S)'stClll of cnsh l'a)'lncllt i. the hcst alld most ",.ti"factor)' to hothpartios; Dud nil rC"l'octnl,lo journnl. arc 11011' condnct(·d 011 thi. I'lan.

.... Subserihor. wishillg a prinlc.1 r,;,ocil't for their relllit ",mccs IlIllbt~olld ,,"uul" fOI' relnl'll I'0stngo, OIlIOI'WI.C llcknuwlcclgolllcllts Will be lIIadothrongh tho jonl'llll!.~. 'I'ho 'J'lIf:OSIII'lIIST will appCnr ench Illonll" 'lhe I'lllo:l, ·-fur t\\'l'lI'e

Ilnlllbcl" of not Ieso than 40 COlllll1ll8 ItO)'II) 410 elich, of l'onlHIII{ 1IIl1tter, 01'480 eolnlllus ill all~-lIre os fullowo :-'1'0 SnLscriber. in 1111)' p"l·t of IlI,lia,1:21. t.i por annum; ill Ceylou, Us i; ill tllo Strnit~ Settlement., Cllilln, JnpnH,lind Australia I:s. 8 ; ill "fden, Enrope, 11",1 tho UuilClI Hlatos, i. I. lIalf)' (Illdin) H:ol, -&; Hillglo copied nllnHd 12. nCluitt-aIiCOS ill po~t:ll slalil1'3IlIll,,1 ho at tho rllto of annas 17 to tho J:u!'eo to CO\'er di.cuIIIII. 'J'he alou\'erato.s iucludo post.ago. ."-'~o }j,((;JI~ ,rill be, nilfntl un tin: ll(~o~'$ 0,' lH.lJit·". lull1Uit,l tilt: 1ItO/H.II U l'emdtctl~' and IUI'(u'wbl!1 tlte JWJH:)' wdl IJ(~ d,Sfl/;;{ul1lt'd..I tic. c~:J'jl'ltlio" 't( II,. I, ""I ..,bsaibut fU1'. Itclllitt""eos HlllIlIlII Le IIl.l,lo illlIIulloy·onler.,, mil clw'lno_, (01' '1'''''IISIII')' l,ill., if ill I'cgi.lerc.llolte1'8), alld modo 1'1I)'nl.lo to the 1'1l01'1I1LTOlls U}' TilE 'I'IILosol'lIls'r, lU8,tiirgnuOl Bnck Hund, 13ombll)', hulill.

AOF.:\TS: New YOl'\;, S. It Wcll. k Cu" iai, Bl'Oac1ll'ay; I>",too, Mass,Culby uml 1:ieh, 0, lIIuntgomcr)' Pillco; ChiCIIl{o, III, J. C, Iltnuly. 02, 1.1!>lIl1c SI. AIllodell1l subscriber. 1I111y 111.0 ordor thoir \,111'0"8 Ihruugh W. (,!.Judf{e, ES'I', 71. llrClullwllY, Now yo..k.

Cu)'lull: Isallo Wool'c.ood)·", Del'uty CUI'ullor, DOllnllllllwll.


mnae:75"rrw cz=z--

Tho editors tli~clllill1respollsibilityfor opinious expressediu tho articles by contributors, Great latitwle is allowedcorrespolHleuts, IIml they Illolle arc accouutallle lor theirpersonal views.

'l'hOllgh IUI'go (,llitions of the first and 80CO)1I1 uUl11110rsof this joul'Il/ll were printed, the supply of copies is nearlyexhausted. It would be prudent, therefore, Ii,I' personswho may be coutemplatiug subscriptiou to relllit tlleir!Iloney ami tllus seclI1'e tlw el1l'ulhncnt of their llames atouce, provilled that tlley ca)'e to Ilave It cOlllpletc Hie of01\1' first volume. Delllyg aro daugerous whure the demaudvf any desired thing is likely to exceed the supply,

Our revcrell hrotlter, tlte 8wallli Dayanllud Sarallwati,eoutiuues ill this ulll11Lor his aUlobiographical lIarrative,which the Wllllll~ Indian press Il1ls dedared the III0lit iuter­estiug' portiou Ill' Ilur jlJllmal. \Ve hope the lessull of Ilililielf-lilwriHciug' qllelit after diville kuowledge-tlmt truewisdolll wlIieh tl'aelles ma\l the 1Il11llre ontis illller Selt; its

,source allli dl'stilly-will lIut be Illruwu away IIpOIl theyOllth of his COlli I 11')'. Happy, i\ldeed, wUllld we feel if Wecull III lice tlJC In'ight )'lIl\llg l!ll'n wllll arc Hocking intu hisArYll Sllmajes, cllllliatilig his condne! as well as l'everelleinghili person. No \Vesll'l'Il reader \Iced Ll~ at a luss tu u\lder­sta\lll the interl'st that attellds cH:ry mOVellle\lt ill hiliprcaclling' pilgrilliage thrullglli,II1 [llliia. A III I, ohject as0111' pl1l11lits lIIay t" his cUlllitl'l\l'tio\ls uf Vedic texts, nutC\'ell the Illust urthodox call filii ill l"L'SPl'ct Ii,,· o\le whojoills to a proti'1111d klluwl('dgl' of Sanskrit litl'rature allahsolute purity of Illlltivc :llld of lifl', allli a fervid lielllie ofd II tY Ilever Sll rp:lS~'H;l I hy re1'0 1'1 I Il'rli. Fur Thl'oliophistli ofeVl'ry naliu\lality lhl' ,Wl'Ullllt of his advelllllres alllullgadepts of tllC secret (allll sacred) seiellce will 1m ve a pecu­liaI' charlll.

Dr, Palldllrallg Cupal, n.U.M.1 :" a WUll;k\lllWII fllll'g'eoll­oClllist alld bota\list, of Bllllllm)', Kivus ill tl", prcosc\lt Illlm­Iwr ot' our juurllal tile lin'!t ot' a pl'llposed sl'ril:s of articlesIIpllll the Illlliall Mall'ria Medil'a. As little, or, indeed, w.~

lIIay l:l<ly less, is klll)\I'n \,)' \\\'slel'll science Ill' this highlyi\llporlant sull.jed tl(a\l lIf utlll'r '1'll'sliuns rdating to the\lll!therlallll of 11111' raeI'. \Vith thl'\l1 all researches prac­til'lllly Legill witll till' pcoriod ot' I lreek learni\lg; it' we ex­ecpt the very recL'ld data wllii'11 lilt; Egyptologists a\ld Alis)'­riologists Ita VI' SlipI'I ied frill n till' iI' excavatio\ls. TlwlIghCOln\lwn SCHlie woltld tcadl tll(:\l1 lilat lllCIl fell sick aIII Iwere cured belill'e tile tillll:S of the Asclepiada;, the Pytha­gurea\ls, or the (lalellites, the ahsl'\lce uf tra\lslatio\lli fromthe Salllikrit, lias cIJlllpellcd nlOdl'l'IllllediClll writers to say,with tlIe leal'lll"i ,lllthllr of tIll: articl(, on "Ml:dicilll:," illAppletoH'S lVe/u ,11111'/'/('(1 II ('!Jc!/J/JI/,,[t'(I: "III wllat CUIl­sislt,d the lI11'dicilll: of t.he Egy!'tialls, the 11 illdus, &e.,i~ If '/llaltej' (~,. l'/Jojn'!uj'(' ,,"ly." To n.'lIlU\"e tl,is IIt'eessityfur bli1ll1 glleSll-work, awl sit,,\\, Ilioderll seil'l1cl' what theAryas kllew of tllU illtinllitil's ttl whicll 11Ial1kilHI arelia)'ll~, is tIll' ailll of uur cOlltrilllltur aIIII fellow Theoso­phist, Dr. l'alllllirallg',

Frull1 mallY ColTl'iipolltlellts We have rl'Ceih·d letters ex­pressillg del:!' n'gn't Illat till' IIlaj"l'ity uf lIil ldlls I ~ivil Sl~rvjl'l' aI'" ]Ji'L'velltl'd 1'1'''111 rl'adillg tilt: Til EO·Hlll'lllHT 1lt'causI: of i[:-; Ill,illg !,1I1>1i:';]IL'd ill 1~llglisll. TIll)ol1ly rt'lIlCdy that OI'l'III'S til liS is till: isslle ufall editiull llf

the jOlll'l1al ill lHH; t,f till' VI'I'lI:\I'1I1a1' Iang-lIagt's.• Bllt thisis til ulltlerlake till' Illallagellll'lol "I' two jlul,liealiom; ilJ­skad of ulle, a gn'all'r task thall 111IIsl societies wOllld care1'111'. Still, a:> til,' SIII'I'l'Sli uf 0111' I'n'sl'l1t vellture is 110W allasslIred lild, if it. l:;11I hL' SIIOWII liS tllat a \"l'l'lIlIcldar paperwtlldd :-Hlppur!. it.:-;lo/r, WI' Illiglll 1'''IISI'l1t, 1'01' tit!) sake ofIlldia alld of 0111' IH'tll,ltcrs, ti,e Iljlldlls. We illvite a gene­rall'xIH'l;s:>ioll of lIpilli"ll "1"'11 lh" slIllject. .Awl til(; u1l1yCUIH'illcillg lihape that SUel, ((It ("J."'<:liliiun call alilll!/lte,i8

Page 2: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

'I'IIE TIIEOSUPlIlRT, rJ)ec('nll)(~I', 1f\7fl.

=J~'" 111/1' (ril lids fo .qUI, f,o/" IIItllly cllll;es of fl/c t·r.l',wr111al, 1 CHRisTMAS TI.lEN AND ell RISTMAS NOW,ed;f;oll 'flll'Y /Iud ff,I";" l,-i:'11118 '1l'ill SI/U8Cl'~U~ lOl', lit R,~, (j I \Ye nrc rcaching the time of the year when the wholecorT"/,/'l' alill/lll'~ C(/l~h In (/tl.,,(/U~"; wntllig the IIn\llCR Cllri~tinnworltl iRpreparingtocelehmtethe\llostllotcdllfitsalld adllrc~scs pialilly, alld slatlllg III what langlwge thc)''s-thehirth ofthc I"ollllller oftl)('ir I'Clif.{Ttlll. Whenwill he ~atistil'd III hll\'(' it. If we lilld th:,~. :100 1)(~I'llOllS tl iR 1'111'1'1' rcnelles ils 'Vestl'rJI ~uhscriller~ t.hcm will he fes­will ~lIhsl:rihc 011 th('s,~ It'l'IlIS, allll, IlItl:r 1I0t.Ilylllg tlll'l~1 t~llIt ti 'ity l\lICII'I~.ioicillgilll'vel'yhouse. 111 North Wpstem E1II'0pethcir otltm, an' al'l'l~ptl'd s""~tld. n'C(~I\,(' the, suhscnptlllll lIud in America the holly amI i\iy wilt decorate each llOlIlC,I\lOllPY of thlllllllnlh,'r, W(' wtll 1111'11 nl."llcl' I~~ue ~u,-,h ,all al d the c1I1lrches he decked with evergreclls; a customeditioll of th~ 'l'III':OSI.1I'IIIST" COllllI.II'III:lIlg WIth the IlI'st dl rivell fr011l the Illiciellt prnctices of the llagallDrttids "that1I111I1her, taklllg tlw I'Isks III puhlll'atioll UpOIl o~u'SclveR, ,8) Ivnll flpiI'its might Hock 10 the evergreens, n\1(1 remain un­Bllt. we c.ollid I~O~, ('OIlSI'lIt III :dlow .II\·I'SPIII, sub~cl'lller1'l 10 niplll"l hy frost till a llIildl'l' scnson." III HOlllan Catholicthe 1':lIglIsh l'dltlllll til Iralls!er thell' 1IIIIIIl'S to th,~ \'l'l'Il:\- ('I,lIl1tril's large crowds IIc,('k dllrillg the wholc cvcnillg lIIHlCilia" I'ditioll's lisl" :,lllIldd :,11,,11 1I11 I'dit.jllll he IlIllll'rtlll<l'lI. ni"ht of' Chl'l~I.llIlls-cve' to the ellllrclll's, to snlllte waxl'lITlwy alld WI' III'" IIl1ltwdly I1011 lid by 0111' prl'scllt l'Olltl'lld.: il,~lgl's of Ihl' diville Tllfallt., allli his Vil'~in \IIother, ill herif IllI'y wi~h a n'l'\lIIl'lIlnl' :r~fIo:"S"I'IIIS'l', Illcy 1I111st ~lIh-l W rb of "QlIl'ell of lIe:\\'ell," To nil allnlytical millll, thiSscri he 1'111' 1t. \\'e :t r~' SII h":ld IZI'd II)' 1,10 gO\'l~r~IIII('lIl., I1\'1 1I1'l', h,avory of rich goll Il\Ild la('p, pearl-broidl'l'!,(lflati n m\ll vpl vel,or pat,.roll, 111ld. tlll'l','IIII'" 1I1w4 sel',lo It. tllat .101' I'\'l"',}: 1'11- 11Il.d tho hljl'Wl,lIed cradll' do Se('11I mthl'l' pllmlloxical. \\'hellpec 01 I'xpellllItllre tltere arc II) allllas 01 assl'ls 1II\'tlt-, III I' tltillks of the POOl', wonll-ealell, dirly manger of theconlillg, I .It wi~h country-illll, ill which, if We llIust credit the Gospel,

---- Illl' flltnre .. Hedcenll'r" WIlS placcd ai, Ids hirth lilr lack ofA rc'('1'1I1 1111111111'1' "I' t 1,1' LOlldon ....,·/iI'if 1/(([ isf rOltla iw, (Ille ~ a better flhcl tel', we Call1ll)l help sllspccli lIg Ibnt. betill'c the

nftlll'lllllst illll,ol'tnlli l,llidl's-fn.111 t!"' St:I~ld)1llilltofJ'bY-1 .II zzk',I(.y~'s of the IInsol'his,t~ealtod~Ie~'otel' tl,~ Bethh'bel11"il.:tl ~l'i"lll'l' ('\",-,1' I'rillll',( II1I the slll~Jl'l't. 01 the I1ICdlllll~- RIl~I,le vanlsl..e~nllogp~llI'~" 1,0 pnt It 111 tbe l!l1)lles.t terms,isl ic )11111111111/'1111. It is a. dc,l a ikd. n 'p"rt, ~ 'y ~II'. .'" 1.1 IS g-audy \11~play talll('s III WI t.J~ t.he d('I,llocrn ~~c ,feell1lgR 1I11l,I,II. IlalTis"lI, of 1m l'xl'l'rllll('1I1 WlI.11 a sl'lI.n'glsll'l'Il1g Indy dl\'llI(, cOlltel1Jpt. for neill's 01 the SOli of l\lnn,1I1'paral.lls I.,. \'l'l'il)' th,~ Il'I'igllt of a Illl'dilllll a" IIIH- who lta~1 "1101, where II: I:~y ~lis IIl'al\." It l1Jakes.i~ all theh'l'ialised sl,iril," so 1'1I11(,d, 01', IIll1n' 1'1'''1'''l'ly, \'I~lhle psy- lwnler f"r till' :~\'el:ag-(' (~hI'lS~.lllll to J"('ganlthe I'xplIclt'stalc­dli(~ 1'111'111, is ],c,illg S""II, li,lt. IIl1d 1'IIII\'el'~l'd wlIIt hy t~lle lI1<mt. t.hnt-" It IS l'a~ll'1' I"~' a cl1111el tH go thl'OlI,gh IheO!lSI'I'\'I'1'S prl'SI·II1. ]', I,I;~'f fuf "~III"if;(J/I,~ ol'e /<lIJ'l'llctl "~l' ot a 1I,;l'dll', th/l~1 lor a I'Ich Il1al1 to ('I~"'r tht: klllg'I}~'11\by fill' lI/o,./,i""I'!! : alld this I'XI "'1'1 111('11 I. !IlIS, at "I!I'/, slIg- 01 ltell\'I'I~ as allyl.llIlIg II~OI'C t.l~an a rlll'lol'ICIl,1 tll.n'Il~.. 1hegesll'oI that tI\l' sII1,... I:.IIIl'(· III' Ihl' ps,\'dl.'" 101'~11 IS tnkl'lI ; n"I.lIm.. l.hlll'l'h :u;~tl'd wlsply 111. ~l'I'('n'ly' lorlJl~ldlng h,effr"l1l tlte ll1dk III' 1111'01111111, till' alllllll1l1ll1~ I'q,!,lskr Rhllw- l'ansllloll"l'S til l'lt.It('r \'I'/ld or Il1ll'1'}lrel the (.ospels 1,,1'ill'" t.lllIt Ilis \\'I'i, 01 d, is n'dll''l'd the 1111lIII('lIt 1.lle 1'''1'111 t.l.elll~('lves, and leaving the Hook, n~ 10llg /IS it WII," pos~i.

SI~\'S "If lite f10".1' ~f t.\I(' SlIslll'w~l'd ""X in wllidl .lte sits, hIe: to 'proclnilll. its Irut.!!., ill Lnt.ill-" Ihe \";,.ice. of oncalll I'l'l'",'('rs ilsl'''' til(' 1IIIIIIIl'IIt It ,.:hol's'k agaili. Mr' l 1'1 ylug 111 Ihe wddenle8R, 111 thai, ~he hut toll"well thoIlarrisllII's )"I 'pOI',! is illll.:-<tral':l~ with a nUlllher o!' large I ~\'isdon." l;lI' II!~ agp8.-tl,lc ,~isd"l1l ,~.f ,tlte old ~rynl1s, whichaud sllIall drawlllgs ,,:1111'11-11 I.Ill' J'('solln'es "I' j."l1JllHy Is als" ,.IuslilH'd "I 111'1 dllldren; 10r,IlR neIther ,the 1I1~1­d" 1I0t. 1'1'0\'(' lit f"rI)' 11111l!t-'IU:tll',-I\'l' It"pe I" 1'1'1 In III 111'1', d,rn Ilindu d('volt'e .l1l1d{'r~I:\.Illls a '~'"nl of the ~H1.'sknt.t"gl,tlll'r witll till' )'l·I"lrf. its"lf, III IIII' .Jalllllll)·. 111~lItlll'I', 1101' Ihe Illodern P,a\'~1 0.'((' syillthl~~ l~1 the hend, 80101' t.ho01'0111' ,illllrllai. Tltis I'xperillll'1I1 i~ hili, t.Ilf_' ll('gllllll~l~ 01 l\"l'l'I1gl'.Holl1:'~1 lathollc. t.1t(, Lntlll IS 110 hettel' thal1 Hl~­

It sl'ri('s ",llil'lt c:1l1l1ll1 rail to 1'1'0\'1', III tlte \lIOSt. stnklll,g I'q.;ly\lhll's, . J III: r('~IIIt .. s that 1111 the t.III'l'e-Bra!l1lHlI1!­1l1HI il'n'l'lIlah.II''r, tltl' .trlItII Ill' IIII' ArYIIII 11}:llCltlll'S.IS I c~d 1I.I~h. Pnl'fll, h"roaslI:llll" Mohed, :\111..1, J~'Hn,ltn Cath~.lIcof psychology, It "'olilel I", pn'III:lllIr~~ t.o ~'lIt('1' 1~lto t.l1I' I JntIlt,Il1.'p 1I110\\,pd 11I11I1111~ed o/lportllll1,lJl'R .101' evolVingJ'(,th'diolls lIatlll:lll)' sllgg-.'sll'd h." litiS slll~,(,(:t lll'fol'P Iny- I"'~W 1'e1lglllll~ dO~llIn.<;. 0111. 01 t1~I! 1 el'ths 01 thcII' 0\\'11 fancy,illg 1.lll' n'llort hl'I;,I'I' 0111' n'lId,.'l's, ~o W(' r(,lmlll. 1:111. we Ilo~ ~)te h('nl'~lt 01."''''11' rl's!,I'c!we clllrehcs. "lIlay say, at Il'ast, t11:11 Ihe 1I11'a lllstlilltly Ol'l'Il!Tl'd 10 us 10 ushel' In tIllS gn'nt dny th(, hells are ~ct 111£'1'1'11)' nllg­Illat tIll' l'xIH·riIIH~lIt.'rs Ilael olliittl'd 011(' 1~lost. IIl1p,orlant iug at l1lidllight, throllghout Englal1d a1111 the Conlinellt"dl'lllil-f/II' 1",.iyhill!l ,~( flu~ l)·~y,'hi,-~ jOj'j1l Ifscl.( II",."e fl,,' 111 Frallee awl Itnl)', after the celebralinn of the mass illIIl/lulI/ofi" u,,[ol/rc /1'".< n'n'!"/;lIy flll~ o/(rl'ol 1"("y),f 0.1 chlll'ches llecomll'd," it is Ilsnal, 1'111' the re·lho lIIl',lilllll. Not hillg is !':lsier. It needs ollly tl.' plal'l' "Pllprs 10 !,arlakc of l\ ('(llIatioll (1'1'1'(';/1011) that fllf'!! may lienil ordinary AIIll'ril'an 'pl:ltli'l'lll-scale' at It short d.ISt~~IH~ll b"fl'l' able f08I/,~f(/in fhefrlf;!l1/I',~ n!fhe lI;gM," ~aith l\ bookfronl till) sllspended eahllwl, and IIlI\'O the p~yc1IIC .fOI'lII U!'oll Popish c1I1J1'c11 cel'Pl1Iollinls. Tllis \litrht ofRtllnd 111'0\1 it 101l~ ellollglt to he wl'ig-Itl'll hy. one 01 t.lte eh I'ist ian lilsti ng 1'1'111 inds 0\11' of the S; /'(11'0 fl'ce of tf.e Ii)).':olllln iItel', wh" l'onld :11 Ij nst. IhI' ('null Icrpolsp, alld n~I\l1 !owl'rs of the god Hi va,-tlre grent day of gloo1l1 and liL"t­the Illarkill.!.!,":, hy 1.111' light. of all ordillary plrllsphorIlR-lnl~lp, illg, in tIle 11 Ih 1I1OI1I.h of the l-rindll yenl'. Ol1ly, with tireIf it shlluld I.e f'llllid tlt"t tltc \\'{·ight ~,f the fOl'ln la~lIl'd Inllel', tire \light's )0\111 vigil is !'r(,l'e(lell lind li.llowed hywith the SIlIll altst.rad.l'd 1'1'11111 IIII~ Wpig-itt (If t.he nll:dl11nl, a slrict. :\Ild rigid litSlf\lg. No l'el'('ill()n,~01' compromises forhl'1'l' wolI!t1 b~~ ]'re~llIlIpti\'L' pll)'Rical pl'flof that HIU 10rlll('r tl t'lI\, 'I'mI', HillY are bllt wiek"t1 " heatlH'lls," a1\(1 therc­was I'xl\lled 1'1"1111 HII' Inltel', Awl thell-Illlt perltn]'s Olll' fOl'e their way to salvat.ioll \IIust be tcllli)ld Itllnkr.fril'llIls, thc ~pi,ritllalist~, willpl'efl'r to fill out tlte selllcllce 'I'holl~h 1I0W tllliversally ohsl'rvl'd hy Cllristial1l1ali'lIlfl nsfor thclllseives : tl e nlllllversary of the hirth of .Testls, the 2:>th of ])ecem-

-_.-- b'~r ,,·:u; not origillnlly Ro rrhc luost Jllo\'nhlt! ofA "'ELL PLAf'Jo:II 1'11':1'\',-'1'11" ('1111 ri I'll ri, dl'pl"l'ill~ tlw tl'e Christi:m feast clayR, dmillg the carly cellturies, Chl'ist­

growillg illfidelity of tIll: dny, gives :IS all illstHIICC of Il'ns was oft.cll clllllil1l1l(lPd with I,he EpiplJallY, lUlllcele­I1Il'diwVHI pid)' 1..11(' followillg' Il'tlel', fro II I tIle ('Illlectioll t)1 1l1ated ill tlte IllOlIthsof April alld 1\Iay, As there IICVl'rwasllUtll:.:r:lplt" of Ilaroll Uiranlol, wltil'lt 11'11:-1 r('c('lIt.l,v IId\'cr- allY allihelltic 1"IJconl, 01'\"'001' of its idelltificatioll, whethertiSI'd 10 be !lolol al :lIwt.ioll. '1'111' IIlOther of Cardillal ill scclliar or ccclcsiastica history, the selectioll of that dayHiclllJliell writl's to a yOlll1g IIHlrril'l! lady:- I"ug relllnillcllo]'tiol1al; llllli it was ollly durillg the +th

.. Fill' !fl'(/I"~ 11I''''~.I;'J'I'''I'''!lllj'a/Jill!l(,'0'/ I" ,~I'II" fo III!! G< IItmy that., IIl'gcd hy Cyril of .JPrtl1<:t!elll, the Pllpe (.Julius/:oll a 11li.<fl'l's,~ lil.'/'; f/II" ; "",' fllIIl I",s all fl,,' tI",~il'I'tI II"fI- l.l onlerell the bisllOps to \IIake all ill\'('sligatioll aud cOl\leliti,',~. ] 11'1\\' filld tlmt. (lud AlIlIigltt.y wns I'lell~l'd 10 limlly to 811111/'; agrceml'lIt as to the ll1'CSlIIIIIIlJle llatc of theaccept. 1IIy hlllllbic prHyel', sillce you lillve allowed Illy dear lIatiVlly of Christ. 'I'ltl'ir choice I'd I UpOIl till' 2.ith daySOli to be YOllr 1IIIII1ltie scrvHIlt." 01 Decl'llIbcr,-lllld a most. I1l1fort\llHlte cltnice it has sillce

Chll \'lll iI1g l'ictlll'l', ('l)rsl)otlt, of Jllother, sOIl,priest, church, p 'ovl'll! It waR Ih1Jl1I i~, follllWl'l I hy Voll1ey, who aimed IhoIIml God; li'st shots at this lIatal allllivcrsary. They proved t.lmt for

__ _ ._ il calculable periods belore OUI' er~, upon very c1eaf MtrollO'

Page 3: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

Decombei', 1870.] THE ·THEOSOPHIST. ,')!)

::;ical data, 1I.~I-lrly all thenllcillnt-pcoples Iln;l,cclcIJl,:\tl~d the Icred privacy Ih;lI~ nllder till; "y"S "I' 1~1I~ ~lall;,c;r ..,n~, ,n1~~II~:bIrths of theIr slIn-gods on that vcry day. '))lp"IS sllO\\'s eyl'd reportl'r. \ et the eatlllg alld dnlll(llig lestlntlt'S arethat the celcstial sign of the VIIWIN AND (!III1.11 wa..'1 ill ex- I'rl'servcd tlll'llllgllll\lt tlll~ l'llrisliali worlll; awl, \HunJis.ten~e se.veral thollsand years hetilre Christ"-rclllarks Big- s\llldl~n llcalhs an' dlllllltiess e:\lIsl,d by glllttoll'y alld intenl­gUls 111 hiS A lIucalYj)sis. As Dllpllis, Volney, 1I1lt11l iggills peranee dlll'i IIg 111l: I :hl·istlila.'l alld I~askr tlOlidays, thall athave all heen pllgged over to posterity as inthlds, alltl cne- any otll('r tillll·"fthe yeal'. Yd, ( 'hristiau,wlIrshil' hecollies'mies of Christillllity, it lllily bo as well to 1\II0le in tllis eVlll'y year lIlore alld Illore a lids" I'rdl'llce. TLe lIearl­relation, the confessions of the ellristian Bis 101' of H,lltill- 1"SSIIl·SS of til i:-; lip-service lias l'l't'll dl'lIl1l1 need i1llIlIlIlvr­bone," the \Host learued IlI:U1 that the middln agl:s pro- able times,l,"t nuv,~r, \\'e tllink, witla II IIlUre atli!dillg tOllchdllced "-the' )ollliniclln, Albel·tlls Magnlls. "Tlae sign of of realisnl than iu a chanllillg drl'alll-t.dc, whicll appeared iuthe celestial Virgill rises above Ihe horizon at lite Illllment tllC X"w Ymk Jlt'1'tf Itl abollt last ( 'Iorisl lJIas. AII a.~ed IIHUl,ill 'w!ticl, 1I'i~.Iix tI,e ~;dl, of tlte ',llI'd Jt:8IlS CltI';gt," Ite say~, presidillg at a (lllillic Illectillg, said Ite wuuld amil hilllsclfill tllC llt·dtt'l'd,('s/t;tit()l'jqll('S~lIll'/,·/tlltjl:J(',Pttl'/"IiI!J"l'i" pre- of Ihe ol'portllllily 10 relate a visioll he had witlll'sscd 011ttC, :-lu Adollis, Bacchus, ()sirill, Apollo, etc" were allllOl'IlolI the previolls lli,dl1,. "lIe til, II If"1 11, lie was st:\\Idill~( ill tlllJtho 2;itlt uf J)eceluhm'. Cltrist.llwl comes jllllt lit the tilllC pllipit of 1110 II;:,SI. g'"rgeolls alld' 1Ill1,~lIilicullt "allt:~11'Il1 110of the wi II t!! I' solstice: the days then al'e sltol'test, alld had ever seell, Bl'l'OIl'c 'lim W:IS Ihe (II' pllstCII' ofDlll'l.·ij('S,~ is IlIllI'O upon the tilee of tlte earth tllall ever, the dlllrcll, alltl 1ll,~ide IJim st,"ul all allg-PI wit.1t IL tahletAll the slIll-gOlhl were believed to Lo annually hoi'll at that a litI p':lIcil ill IlllIlll, wlll,se IIlis~i,," it was tu Illake I'I'l'or,1epoch; tin' from tIlis tillle it... Light dispels more alld 1I101'c of e\'l'ry act Ill' w"rship orl'rayl'l' lilat trallspin'd illilis prc­tlarknc:>3 witlt each succeedillg day, and the power of tlte St'uce alHlll'lCl'lId.,d Wi all aet'l'ptal,I" ofl'''I'illg tIl till' IllrOllll!SIl,/1 Legiml to of <hilI. EVI'I'y Ill!W wa_~ fillud witll I i,·ldy-attil'.,d wor"hip-

However it lIlay he, tlw Cltl·istillas festivith:s that W(:I'O OI'S of eithel' SI!X. TIll'llltlst sllbli'll" Illllsie thlltl'Yl'r lidlheld by tile Ohl'istin,lls for lleady fil't.,eu cell III ri.,s, werl: of Oil Ilis unral't.III',!d l'al' filled tltu ail' with 1lll'lody. All tileII particularly Pfl~lLll charaetcl'. Nay, we lU'e afraid tllat ],l'antifnll'itllalislit:l :1 llll'd I sl'rvi,·,'s,illdndillga slIl'passillglyCVell the pre!lellt ceremunies of tho clllln:h call hardly I clotl'lCnl SCI'IIlIlII fl'''llI the giftud IlIillisll'l',llad ill till'll tralls­esc:lpo the reJll'Oach of being almost litemlly cllpil·ll. l'il',·d, alHl yet the \'l'clIl'tling allg,'lllIad.~ 110 ulltl'Y ill his taL­l'Will tlte mysteries of Egypt IIIH I Urecce, Ill'ld in houlllll' let; Tilc congreg'a tillll Wl're aUl'Jlgl h d i:;11 tis:;;;d hy tit" pastorof O,-lil'is IUlIl Horus, Apollo alld Bacchlls. \lotlt Isis witll a lengtl,y allol l'l·allt.iflllly-\\'IIrd,'d prayl'1', f'lllllwl~d

and Ccrl's Wel'u called" 1I0ly Virgins," alld a OI\'I:-a: by a Ilclludietion, alld yd thc all,~t,1 IIUldl' IlCl sign :"BAIl~; lIlay be 1'1111 wi in every" heathen" rcligilln. 'Ve I .. Allended still by tlw allg"I, Iii" sl"'ak,,r ll,ft t I,,· d,,"r ofwilluuw dmw two pictul'e:l of tlte Merrio UIII'illllllas; une tile ehlll'elt in rl'ar III' tlte rieldy-al Lin·d cOlIgn'gatillll. Apol'lmyillg the" gOOlI old ti lIIe,;," anti the otltet· tlJC pOU1', tattul'e,1 east a way s\.o"d ill llw gllttur I,,'sidl~ tltepresellt s~ato of UIIl'istiaJ~ w,)l'sitip, Frum tllC til'st days ~,f Clll'''stoll~, wil,lt Itur paiL~, !;lIl1illlll'd. llalld u.xt('"dl'd. si!ent­Its estalJlIsltlllel,t as Ulmstlliall tho llay wa'l n~garded IU Iy pleading IIII' alIlIS. As tht: 1'I,:ldy-attlreoi worslllJll~rs

tlte duuhle light uf a IlOly cIIllllIlCmOl'atioll alHl a must fl'tJlII thc ellu\'l,h passed hy, thl!)' slll'alik fnllll the \,''''1' Mag­chued'u! festivity: it was equally giVlJll lip to devotion awl dalen, the ladies witllllrawillg asidl! thuil' :-;ilkell, jl~Wel­

illsalle lllerrill1ellt. "Amollg lite revels of the Cltrist:I\'lli bedeckedl'llb.;:!, lest they sbollid 1>., \,,,lluted I,y llel' tOlldl."season wore the so-caUml fea'lt:! of liJOI:'! and of a'lSeS, g-rote:l- .. J list tltell all illtoxicatl'd saillll' ,'alIlO rL'elillg t1I1WII tltoque satul'llalia, which were tel'lllCl! • Deeemher liberties,' ill sidewalk on tlto otlll'r si,le, \\,111'11 Ill: gut 0l'pIIsite tltuwhieh evcry tit ing seriou'l wa~ 1m rlcslJ uell, tho order uf slleie- \'11111' limmkell gi rl IIe Sl:lggl:...·d a, '1', ,s·; the stH'd t .. wlll'rut.y I'OVUI'.'>ed, and iL,; dccellcit~,~ ridil:llled"-sa)'s 0110 cOlllpilur shu st.ood, lilld, t,akillg' a fl'w Ill'lllIi,'s 1'1'11111 his 1'"e!wl"IIUof old chrollielo,;." DlIl'illg the MiddleAgcs, it W!lS cL'ldJl'ilted thrllst tlll!1I1 illtll Ilnl' hand, a"I"lIlll'llllil':\ wit II tlill atljllra­by tll'.l g,Ly flLlltaslic spectaclc of dl'illllatic Inysteries, pel'- tilln. ' Hew. y"ll 1""'1' f'lrSakt'1I ,'II"S, takt~ tIlis ~' A ce­fonned by pel':lt>llages in gr"tesll'lC masks and singlliarco:l- Il'stialmdi:wce IIOW lighted Ill' til" he.! til' tIll! r,'c'>nlingtume:!. The shuw usuaUy rcpwscllted an illfiult ill a cra- ang"', willi installtl)' cnlL-red tile sail .. r's ad Ill' s)'lIll'alhydie, surmlllH!cd Ly the Virgin M:lry alit1 :-It. Joseph, hy Iawl c1mrity in his 1:ILld, all<l tlt-l':lIll'd willa it Wi a SWl'etbull's heads, cheruhs, Eastel'll Magi, (the MollOtls of old) alld saerilice to (;0;\:'1I11lIlifilldoI'lIlUilclltS." The CIIStOlIl of singing clllltie1cs at A l!,mcretillll, ,1I1'~ might say, lIl' tllo Billlil!al Htol'y ofChrilltlllas, called Clarols, was tll I'Iwall tho songs of the shop- thl!jlldglllOllt "1'"11 tho WOlli1l11 lakt'll ill adultl'ry. I:e ithOl'ds at tho Nativity. .. The bishops alld t.he clCl'gy so; yet it porlrays with 1\ IIl:llllL'r h:1\1l1 the stale (If Oll\'

often joiuc,l with the populace ill ca.rolling, lllltl tlIC Christian s'/Ciety.8uugs were enliveued hy dances, antI by the lIIusic of talll- Al'conling to tradition, on C'hrist 1Il:l:'i-CVe, tl\C oxpn lllaybo\ll':!, guit.ars, viulins awl organ:!..... \Ve lIIay ad.l tlmt always he liJIIlld nil thuir kllC'!!', IIi! I1IIIIIgli ill l,rayer allli de­tlown to the present times, lillriug the days preceding votiou; alltl, " tllOI\) was a fam'lIlS hnwtllum ill the chllrdl~

Cliristma:l sllch lIIysteries nre beiug enacted, witli mario- yard of Glastllllblll'y Abbey, whidl always budded oU thonettes aU11 doll:!, ill Sonthel'll Itussia, Poland, aud Ualicia; 24th, alHI blosslllllCd Oil the 2;,1 h "I' J)ecelll] 11'1' ;" whidl,and kuowu as the J{((lid()w~·i. Iu Italy, Calahrian min- considcrillg that the day was ('lllISl'll by tile Jt'atlwl'll IIftliestreb desceud 1'1'011I their mOllutaius to Naples Hud RUllle, church at l'illlllllln, alld tktt th!! l':d"llIlar lias 11141'11 cllaugctland crowd tho shrines of tho Vil·gin-].fothCl', cheering her 1'1'(>111 tllO old to the new style, SIIII\\'S a relliarkaille IIt)l'sl'i­with t.heir wild music. caeity in both the animal und \'egdal,le! Tlle1'C

In England, the revels used to begin on Chl'istlllall eve, is also a tradi tion III' the dllll'l,h, IWI'S' :l'l'ed t'l 11:1 by (Hailsnnd coutilluo uften till CallLllellllls (Feb. 2), overy day beiug archl,isllOp of Upslll, tllat, at. Ih" f"sli"al of Christ II illS,a holiday till 'l'welfth-night (Jau. Ii). In tho IlOuses of "the men livillg iu tllO cold N"rll ... rH parts, are sudcll'lIlygre<\t. nohles a" lord of misl'll Ie," or ,. abbot of llllre/l.SOp" and strallgcly lIletalllurpllOsed illtll \l'lIh'l'''; allll that., a hllgeW:l'l appointed, whose duty it was to play tlto part of IIll1ltitude of tlll'lIl 1I1o:.ct togdlll')' at all app"int"cI placen Lutiiloll. "TIIC larder Wll-'1 tilled with capolHl, hellS, tllr- alit! rage so lil'rcdy agaillst III:lI,k ill,), that it sull'"l's Illorekeys, geese, d licks, beef, lllU ttOll, pllrk, pies, plilid i IIgH, 1111 t:-l, 1.... 1111 l.flei \. at.tal)kH t.hall CVtW t.h!!)' do 1'1'11111 Ihu 1111 t,nl'a Ipi II Ill::!, SUgill' a III I hOlloy" ......... "A glowing til'o, nlllJlu wlllvl's." Mdnl,IIIII,j,'aJly viowl'd, Illis wlluld Sl!tJlll I." boof great log,;, the prillcipal of whidl was termed the" ¥lIle more t.lllln nvul' t.11l) case wit h 111"11, lIlill partil'ltlarly witlllog," ur Clll'istllllls block, which might be humt till Caudle- Christian natillns, HIIW. Tlwr,) S"I'IIlS n" Heccl til wilit t"rmas eve, kopt out the cold; alii I tlte almndancu was Christlllas-eve til sno whllie lIat jllns changed illto "wildsharell by the lonl's tenants "limit! music, conjll1'ing, beasts "-<)sl','ci:dly in time of war.riddles, hot-cockles, fool-plough, snap-dragou, jokes,'nulTllter, repart.ees, forfeits aIHI dallces." HEiSe: Pollln.-An AlIIeriellll wag s:lys--TIIl'l'u is 1111 dis-

I~I our modern times, tho bishops nIHI the dorgy joiu gl'i\t~e ill Leillg IIt HI I'. 'I'lw thillg i'l 10 I\,',.p it qlliut., a III Ino IIIOro with tho populace ill opeu carolling alltl daucillg; 1IIIIt Il't YOllr Iloighhlll's kllllW :lIlyt Ilill,~ alH'llt it.II lit I feasts of" fuuls amI of a'llll'S" al'e enacted 111"l'e in Sl\-

Page 4: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

00 THE THEOSOPHIST. [December, 1870---=-=c--.-----=""---.......""'==-==-=_-C~---,---

THE POPULAR 11)1o~A OJ<' snUL-sUltVIVAL. zell dlll'in~ civilization." We arc now Ilealing with thebdie('! of twenty lIIilliollR of lIlodern Spiritnalists; our

At what cpoch thl' dawnill:.{ illtl'lh·cl of man first ac- own fellow lIIen, living in tlw fnll blaze of the enlightenClIcepte.1 the idea of futul'l'. lite: none cnn tell. But wc 19th ccntury. These men ignore none of the discove­know that, frolll the \'NY hrst, Its root!'! struck so Ileeply, rie!'! of 1II1){lern science; nllY IIlnllY nmollg then, nre thell1-SI) entwinctl nbout hunlllll illstinct.", that the helief has ell- I' I I"

I selves rnnkell hi!!h among the IIg lest of StlC I SClentl-durClI th1'llu"h all ~l'nt'ralions, alld is illlhl'ddet! in t IC ~, II I' I

..,. 'I "I' I . . fic t!iscoven'.rR. NotwithstaJllllllg a t IIR, lire t .I~y a.,n>:.consciollsncss (If evcry. natioll awl 1,1'1 II', eivi IZC' ,Slllll- the leR.'! addICted to tilt! sanle .. form of sllperstJtlon, 11civilizetl 01' snvage, 'I;hl' gl'I'alest Illinds Illt~l' speclllntcci sllperstition it Iw, thnn the primitive man? At leastupon it: lllltl the rlltll'st !llI."lI).,(I'S" though !1:WllIg no n:\I~le their interprl'lntionR of the physical phenomena, when­f'H' the Deity, h:we yet, 11I'hl'""d III the eXlslellce of SplntR evcr nCI'Olllplllliel1 by those coillcidenceR which carry toand wor,;hipell .hl·lII. If, in ('hl'istian Itnssia, \Vallachia., their mindR the conviction of lin intelligence behitlll theBul!rnria awl 01'1'(,1'1', thl' Ill'il'lIhl ('hlln,1t ('lIjoills tltat . I h

o . k I II I physic.'ll Fo"cl~-are oftell pn'cIRuly t Ie 8l1me. a.s ~ oseUpOIl All-Saillt.s clay cdl(·l'illg.~, of ricc 11111,1, c1rJ~' s In Ie which p..('slm\,(',1 thelllRelvl'H to tho npprelW\lSlOll of theplacet! IIp'lll dIP gI'llVl'S; alltl III "11l'atlll'll IllclllI, tIll' SI~lIle lIlall of tho I'Hrly l\IHI1Ullh'vl,loped ageR,propitiat.o..y gifts of I'it'!: lln~ Ill:~dl) \II t.!lll c11'\ltlr!.e(! ; so, 1!1~1~- \Vhat iR a sluulow ? l\..~k!l lIe..bert Spencer. By a chil,1wisl', thl' )1001' s:l\'agl~ ot Nl'\v (,aleclollla 1IIa (t,.'s IllS sacnhce filld a saVlI!!l' .. a shadow i!l thollght of 1\11 an e\ltity." Bas-of fOOlI to the skulls uf hi!'l heloved tlead, L' I 'tiall says of the Benill \lPgroC!'l, that" they wgafl men s

Acconlill" tn He..hl'r!. S I'l'l 1CI''', I,ltl~ worship of SOUIR alII) shntlows as their soulR "... thillkillg "that thoy, ..watchrelics i!'l to lIe att..ihllll)d to "tllll primitive iclea that lilly all their acliolls. lllltl heal'!'I!'I Hgaillst tlwm." Aecor­property Ch:U'llcllll'i7.illg a,lI aggnog;t1I', ill,III'I't'S in all paris of c1illg to Crall 1,7., lUll,ollg tI ... (InwlIllllltlC"!'I a lIIall'S shadowit. .....Th.· sOlll, PI'I'SI'"1, III Ih~' hotly 01 till' tll'all lIIall pn~- "is olle of hill two RoulR-the Olle which gocR away fromsen'c(1 (,Iltirl', is a~s~l l~n'!'II'II,t I~~ ,I~IC: pn.s.' ....v~.tI part." 01 ,his body at llil{ht." By tlw r'eejecall!'l, the shadow isblllly. Helice, the ~:\Ith III n,llcs. J hl!'l c1('I~lIltlclII, thOl~gh III I called "the dai'k spi, I\.'l ,!istillgliishell from anotherlogic elJllfilly appllcahle til the gol,l-ells~lI'llll,tlan.1 bcJewel- which each lI1all possesses," Alld the celchrntell authorled relic of ~hc clllt1\l'('d ltolll,all t',ollc de"o!,ee, anc,l til of the" !'..illciples of }'!lychology " explaill!'l that" the C01l1­the Ihl!lt.y, tlllle-WIlI'11 skllll:11 tile 11:llsh worsllI)lel', nll~ht lI1unity of Illeallill:.{, IWl'cafter to bo notc(1 1I10re fully,yet he eX(,l'p!t~(~ tu hy thl' "11'111('1', Sillce lIP W,II 1I lei, flay that which vllriolls unnllied IlInl{lIages betray between shadehe Ilocs not hl'lIe\'c till' !lolIl til be pn'S,'llt III. elthcr the and spirit, sitow us tlte smne thing."whole cadaver, !'kell'loll, Ill' p:lrt, 1101' dlll'~ h.", stnctly spe~k- \Vhat all thiR showR IIR the most clendy however, ising, worshiJI it. He hili IllInom,; th" n·1Ie a'l ~,lIlll'tlllng that, wrong nnll contrndicting l\.'l the conclusions may be,which, IJa\'lIl!,; belonr:-"d til 0111' WhOll,1 1Ie clt'('IIlS ~:\Intly, hM yet the 11l'1'lniReR Oil which tllcy are based nre 110 the cOlltat·~ ~c~l'lIn'd II s:,rt of llllr:u'nious \'lItue. 1\11', A thing 1Illlst 1)(', before the hUlllan l1lilld cnn think or con­Spcnecr's llehllliioll,'rl'flll't.,. dill'S 1101 SCl'III.. tll cm:l'r tl~e cei"e of it. The verycaplleity t~ illlllgine tlte existence ofwh.ole gl'o~lIId. , ~Il nl~'l I'l'llt~~sor Max 1\Iuller, III. ,IllS flOlnethill~ uRually invisiblc nllIl intllngible, is itself' evi­SClellce IIJ Relit/lOll, attN 11ll\'11Ig' flhflWII t;1l us hy CI~lIlg dence that it Inllst hnve Illl\llilcsted itselfatwme time. Sket­nUll1el'Ol!S !Ilstances, thnt thI' 1~11I1I:\Il 1I1111~1 ,!Iad, fr~llll chillg in his URIIllI nrtiRtie way the gnulual llevelopment ofthe begllllllllg, a "\'11);"11" hop" 01 a tnln\'(' 1Ife cxpl:~II~s the sOIlI-idea, al\(I puinting out at the RllllIC time howno more thall Herhl'rl, Spl'IIC'l'1' ',\'h~IJel' or how. c.'lm~ (l1'l~1- .. 'Iltytlwl0!JY not ollly pcrvlHles the Rphere of religion... hilt,nally slIch a hlll.le. Bill. 1,111'1'l'1)' ]':111110; t,~, Ilil IIIht;lellt la-. illieds more 01' less the whole realm of thought, " ProfessorcHlty ill /l11(~II]fl.V(/f('" 111\.1.111118 01 Ch:llIg'lIlg, thn tOI'Ges 01 Miiller ill his tUl'll tells 1111 that, whell I1lCII wislted furlIatHro int~l gOfls allIl clC'III'III!'1. II~' clo.,,';'1 1118.11~e~Hre .11)~C?1l the first time 10 CXpre!lR" a distillction bl'lween tlte body,the THralllall, 1.l'W~lllls ,lIlIcI t.ill) ulIl\'~'rstlil'y 01 thIS h.elI~~1 III 111\(1 sumething' clRe withill hilll distinct from the bOlly...ghosts allIl s)llI'lts. by Rllllpl,Y rCIII'lrk I11).,( t,.hllt the wOI,;IIIP of thc name that suggested itsl'lf was breath. choscn to ex­the spil·its,o." t.he Ilepartl''' I!'I till' most wld,·ly spread form pre~s at fin~t the prillciple of life l\.'l ,listinglliRhcJ fromof 8/1Jlel'8f Ilion nil oV1'1' t.lw wlJrld, the decaying' body, afterwards Uw incorporeal.. .immortal

Thus, whil'hevel' way w.. t.111'I1 1;1I·:t pllilo!lllpllical solutillll part of mall-hill soul, his Il\illd, his sclf...wllell a per!lonof the mygtcl'Y; whdlll'l' WI) f'X p:)ct, a'i allo;Wt~I' fl'olll thell- dies we, tllO, say that he haR given up the ghost, andlorry which is itself h:llllid til ldievI~ ill IlIimdc." ami teach ghost, too, lIIeant originally Rpirit, ami spirit lIleant breath,"supernaturalism; or ask it fl'tlll\ the 1I11'" dOl IIi lI:lIIt scl\f~ols of As instanceR of thiR, narmtives ?y various, lIlissioll~'\riesmodern th'lllght-tlll' g... ·atl·'t opp )IIClltS Ill' thC nllraCII- ami tmvcl\er;i arc (luoted. QuestlOnc(l by l' ather F, deIons in lIatul'c; or, agilill, 1.111'11 for all f'xplalntioll b that Bobadilla, ROlin after the ~Pllllish coml'lCst, l\.'! to theirphilosophy 01 pxtrelll~ pIIsili\'i!'l11l ",hicll, fl'~llll the t!:~Y;i icleas concol'llillg (leath, the Indians of Nicaragua tol:lof Epicul'lls clowlI to the IlIlIdel'll sehool lit Jallles Mill, him that" when IIII'll die, there COIllCS forth from theIra,loptin,r 1;1\' it.'! .Ie\'ice tile glaring flcioli!'lill " lIi/lil. ill ill-I mouth sonlething which reRembleR a l,lc,rson anll is calledtellect/l.,""JIt/}{l 11011 allil' /'/I'l'it ill S('ll~II," make..; IIItellect Jltlio (in Aztec ynli 'to live'-explains M, Miiller,)subservient to matter-we rl'ccive a satisfactory reply frolll This being is like a per~on, hut does not die nlld the curpRenone l remainR here ..." In olle of his numerous wurks, Andrew

If this article were ill\('llllt',) merely for a simple collation Jackson Da\'i!l, whilom cOllshlerel1 the grcategt Americanof faclll, authenticate,1 by Imvellel':! 011 till' spot, alld COII- c1airvoyallt allli known as thc " Poughkeep!lie Seer," give."l'cl'lling but" Ruperstitilll1s " hol'll ill the IlIiml of the pri- us what iR It perfect iIIuRtmtion of the belief of the Ni­mitive lIIan, ami WIW lillgt·rillg ollly alllllllg the .'lavage c.'\mgull. IllIlians. ThiR book (Death and tlie A.t~er Life)tribes of humanity, then tIle cl,mhinpli works of fluch phi- contains nn elll{mved frontispiece, representing the death­losophers l\.'! ~Ierbert Spencer, might. soh'~ our diffic.III- bed of. /\,n old won~~II. It is. called the "Formation oftics. We nllght rem:un cllntent Willi IllS explanatlOll the Spll'1tnal Body, Out of the head of the Ilefnnct,that ill tho abscllce III' hypll\,hcsis "foJ't·ign to thollght there isslles n Ituninous nppoal'l\lIce-her own rejnvenn­in its Cll.rlil'st starre ... prilllil.ivc idefl.lI, al'i!lillg' out of vari- ted form.•ons experiences, Jerived from the illorgnllic worlll "-slIch --------- _fl.'! the actiollR of willd, the ccho, awl 1Il1lll'S own sh:ulow • "SUl'l'o.o1\poraoni.t1)·ill!!'''.1\)'.lhol'ouA'hkol.'l'.icScor;'1'hcclnirvo)'mlt

1 I I I 800S right o\"or lho ho;\(1 ",hnt IIIny 100 CRllod Il mnKllolio 11R10-nn ethere1\1-proving to the IlIWC IIcatl'd lIIillC t. lilt t lere Wl\.'!" all elll1\URtioll, in npl'cnrRlleo goldoll, t\tlllthrolohiul( .... thou!!,h oOIl.olou.......1'hoillvisiblc form of cxi!ltellcc which lIIallit;~!lts power" were pernon hn. cenRcIllo Io..cnlhe, lho puI80 i••till, nntl tho elllnlllltion io elon·I,ll Slllll'CI'''llt t'l 11,°,,(' (,1'('llt,c(\ l' likn" iIH~vit.lthle belicf" gntcd tlml jrr,~i.mtd ill I~e n"l/ill' of lI,e ""111"" ,lim" I Ilollonlh it, is COli·• ~ .. _. lIeotetl tho \,....ill .........owillg to the brnlu'. momoutum, I II/\\'o .1.'011 nd)'illg(see Spelll'l'r's Gene8i,~ of Snpaslition,) Hilt we al'c 1l0W (,oroon,o"on nt tho In.t Coololo puloo.bonl, rOU80 im\,ul.ivoly nu,l rise up in

I 'I I ' I I' I tl 10.1 to convol,,.l. .. llltl the 1I0xt ill.tnnl ho wn. A'0no- Ii. hl'llin boillg tho IMtCOllcerllCI WI t 1 somet 11111{ 11(':1.1'1'1' to liS, allC IIg 1('1' lllll to )'io1<lllp lho liCo,principlo.. Tho 1!'01<Io'1I olllRnnlion ..... io connected wilhthe primitive ml\1I of t!w stolle ag?; the lIIa.1I who,. totally tho brnin by n "orr 11110 lifo,throR.I. Wholl it ROOOII.I., thero Rl'pelU'8 .omo·. I tl tI'l I t I I I thillg due t\tlll ,"",iN!! liko 1\ hlllllRII h01\tI ; noxt, RfRint olltlille of the fRI.'OIllrrOrel " . lORe COIICCp,lflllS 0 I'lyslca callRa 1011 w lie I lI\\'e (li.i~e; then th&ji,i,,"cck nnd bt,,,.tif.d .houiolors; thcn, In rRpi<ls\lccosoionllrfsell only l\.'! experiellce~, 11111 I ha\'e beell slowly orglllli- como nil I'nrta of tho 1l0W l.>odr, down to tho,foel-1\ bright .hiuing imRge 1\

Page 5: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, 1870,] 'l'HE TIIEOSOPIIIS'l'. 01

Among S(Jmc Hindu:; the spirit is supposed to remninfor ten days seatcll on the eaves of the house whel'e it part­ed fwm the hody, Tbat it may Imthe allli 1!I'ink, twoplautain leaf-cllps are pl:tced on tIle eaves, one filII of milkand the other of water. "On the first day the dea.d is sup­posed to get his head; on the second day his ears, eyes,aud nose; uu the third, Itis hands, hreast, a IIII neck ; on thefourth, his middle parts; on the fifth, his le~rs awl feet; onthe sixtll, his vitals; on the sevelltlt, his honos, marrow,veins allli arteries; on tlte eighlll, his nails, Imil', and teeth;on the ninth, all the remaiuing limbd, orgilns, and manlystreugth; allll, on the ten til, hllugcr amI tllirst liJr the re­newed body." (TIll: Plitti He Pm{,/I/lS, by Krisllll:llH'ith Ra­ghunuthji ; in the OOVel'llnwnt Bonlhay Gazetteer, IH7!J,)

MI', Davis's theory is accepted hy all tIll) Hpiritllalists,and, it is on this model that the clairvoyants now IlcscI'ibethe separation of the" incorruptihle 1'1'0111 the cOl'l'uptible."Bnt here, Hpil'itnalists and the Aztecs brandl oil' into twopaths; li)I', while tIte lormer maintain that the sonl ii> inovery case inllnortal and pl'cservus its individnality tltrouglt­out utlll'llity, the Aztecs say that .. when tile decl'ased haslived well, tlte julio glW,; np on Iligh with our gods; butwhen he Illls lived ill, the julio perishes with the body, alldthere is all ellli of it."

Some perSl)l\S might percll:uu:o fillll the "primitive"Aztecs \\lore cOllsistent ill theil' logic thall onr 1ll00lerllSpiritualists. The Lapllninns lU1l1 Finn:; also lIlaintnillthat while tllll bOily decays, a lIew one is given to the deallwhich the f;halllan call alone see,

.. Thollgll brc:tth, or spirit, or ghost" says fllrther on Pru­fessor l\'liiller "are the Illost conlilloll lHuned... we yet speakof the slwtlelJ of tlllJ departell, whieh meant originally theirshatlows .... ,:l'llO"a~ who tirst introdnced this ex pression­llllli we tllld it in the IIIUst distallt P:Llts of the worlll­cvidelltly touk the slladow as the Ilcarest approach to whatthey wi:;hell to express; something lImt sllllllill be incorpo­real, yet dosely cOllnected witlt the uOlly, The Gn:ekeidolulI, too, is 1I0t lillich' more than the sh:ulow......ulltthe curious part is this ...... tlmt people wllO speak of thelife ur SUIII :L'i the shadow 07 tllll body, lwve brullght thelll­selves til bdieve that a d()ad IJody l~asts 110 shadow, becallsethe shadow has departed fl'Olli it; tlillt it becollies. in filct,II kiml of Peter Seidelnilll." (" The f;cience of l{eligion").

Do the AnJazul1l allli uther tribes uf SOllth Africa olllythus believe I By 110 lltemls ; it is a lHl}Julm idea amollgSiavolli:w Christi:ills, A corpse which is noticl~d to cast asLadow in the sun i::l deemed a sinfnl so1l1 rejected IJyheaven itself. It is dooll1cll hen('e!iHth to expiate its sillSas an earth-bound spirit, till the Day of the Hesurrection.

Both Lander awl Catlin describe the savage Man­tIans as placillg the skulls of their dead in a cirdc. Eacllwife knows the skull of hoI' fOl'lllel' husband 01' ehihl, lUlllthere seldolll passes a day that she does not visit it, with adish of tllC best ctJoked fuod ......Tlwre is scarcely all hulll'in a pleasant day hilt lIIore or less of tllCse WOlIlCn may beseen sitting 01' lying hy the skulls of their ellildrell 01' hus­hands-talking to the III in the most elHlearilig languagethat they can use (as they were WOllt to tlo in liJl'lller days).. and seemill!Jly [Jetlilig em eUlIlWCI' uack." (Quoted byHerbert Hpencor in Fet islt-wol'sl, i/J.)

\Vllllt these poor, slwage Mandall 1II0thers anll wivos do,is perfonllud da.ily by Illillions ol'civilized Hpiritllalists, andbut tlte 1II0l'e proves tIle uuiversality of the cOllviction thatour dead Ileal' anll C,lll answer U'l. 1"1'l)Ul a theosophical,magnetic.-llCnce in a certainsellse a scielltitic-stlllilipoillt,the fonner lwve, 1Il0I"l)OVel', 'lin better rteaSOlls tn ofter thallthe latter, The skull of the departed persoll so illteno­gated, has surely closer maguetic:!l affiui ties IUlll relationsto the defunct, thall II tahle through the tippillgs of whichthe dead olles answer the living; II taule, in most cases,which the spirit while clIlbodied had lIever seen uur touch­ed. Bnt the Spiritllalists arc not tho mtly olles to vie wit.hthe M:mdans, In overy part of Russia, whether 1Il0uming

little .mallOl' tllnu the ..hysical 1o0,Iy, hut II !,o..ruct )lrllluty!,o,,,iu all exee!'1itil,Ii.:'h'lu·Olllollt.. '1'110 JiIlO )if",tllre",1 cOI,ti."",. attnehed III t1", 01<1 brain.Tho next thiug i. tllo \\'itlldl'l\\\'al of Ill" electric !,rillei ..le, WI,er. this thread•11:1\'., the .pi";t,,,,1 i. froll (I, 1111111"'01'''''0,1 to nocoml'''''>' it. /illnn1illlls~o t '11 S,,,PIJlOI' Ll\wl,"

over the yet fl'eslt corpse, or a.ccompallying it to tile hury­ing gl'ollllll, ur dming the six wcoks fullowing the,death,the peasallt wumell lL'i well as th,se uf the rich lIlercantiloclasses, go on tllC grave tu shollt, or ill Biblical pllrase­ology to .. lift up their voices." ()nce there they wailin rhythm, mltlressillg the llefllnct hy lHll1lC, askillg ofhilll questiulls, pllusillg lL'i if for IlIl allS\\'er.

Not ollly the llncient and illolatrolls Egyptian lIllll Peru­viall had the ellrioll~ nution tlull the gllOst or sU1I1 of thedeallnl:tll was eit.her presellt ill 1I1e mllllllllY, ur that thecorpse was itself cOllsciuus, but tlillre is a silltilal' beliefnow lUnollg the orthodox Christiaus uf the Greek allli thoHoman dlurclws. 'Ve reproach the Egyptialls with pla­dllg their enlllllhned dellil at tho table; allll tlte heathenPeruvians with havillg carried al'lllind the fields the Ilt·kll­up corpse of a pl1l'ClIt, that it lllight See alHl jUllge of'the state of the crops, But wlmt of tllC Christiall Mexi·call of to-day, wlto \lIlIlel' tlte prit!s!, dresseslip llis corpses ill tlllel'y; Ile,lecks tltl'1I1 witlt Howcrs, ami illcase of tlw del'lI11et happuning' to hu a f'!Il1l1lc-I'VI'1I pailltsits cheeks with ruuge. Tltell sentillg' the botly ill a chairplacell on Il large table, I'rulII wltiell tIle gltastly carrion pre­sides, as it were, tlver tIll! mOUl'llurs seated aroulltl tlte table,wllO eat alit I drillk tIll: wltule lIigllt, alld play variousgamcs of cards alltl diee. cowmlt tlill dufllllCt liS to theil'chalices. Oil tlw other halld, in Russia, it is a 11Iliv(lrsal CllS­

tum to CroWIl the deceased pcrsoll's hruw with a long slipof gilt all~1 ol'llamelltetl papel:, eallec~ VI'lltdtil.· (the cro,\\'lI),upon willclt a prayer IS, pl'lllteci 111 ga\llly letters. fIllSprayer is It killd ora. leUor uf introdildillil with which theparish priest flll'llislll's tlw corpse til his palroll ~-billt, re­eomlllelltling tlte dufl1llct to tlte Haint's protection.- TlteRoman Cat Itulic Basll'h's wri te letters to tl wi I' deceasedfrillllils awl relatives, nddn!ssillg t.hCIII ttl either Paradise,1'Ill'gatol'Y or-Hell, a('clInlillg to thll instructiolls giV(!Jl IJytlte Fatlter confessor III' the late addresses-and, placillgtltem ill tlte clIffins uf tile lIewly depllrtl~d, ask the lattertll safely deliver tltem in tile uther wurld, prolnising a..'! aIlle to tlte InessOllgel', more or less Illilsses fllr tlte I'llpose ofhis sonl.

At a recullt .41111 cr. Itl,ld hya wI·1I knllwn medium inAmcrica,-(see BIIIIlII'I' 4 DUM, nllstllll, .Jnlle I Hit, IH7D.)

" l\[ercedell, lale Qlle\'" tof Spaill, ;\1111"" IIC,', I herself, all.l camofurllt ill filII "ridal ill"J'ily,,-·a IImglliticl!lll prllfllHioli nf I,we :11111jewels, awl spoke ill SO\'I'\'al ditlel"'llt tUIIgllcs with a lillgnist pro­St'llt, Hm' "istCI', lhe J 'l·il,cnJ<.~ UlJriH!,illa. cal'llJ 111.<0 jllHl after illIIl1iCh plainer cllsllllllO, 1II111 witlt 1\ Hlllid s.,]lool'gil'l aia·...

Thus, we see that 1I0t 1I1l1y call the llelul people deli­ver letters, bllt, evell relllrnillg frulII their celestial lwmes,I..rillg back with them t1lt·ir·' lace alitljewels." As tlwllllciellt pagall Greek peopltld II is OIYlllpiall heavcn withI'ullstillg and flirtitlg Ikitil'H; awl lite Americall I'lld In­dian ltas Ids happy htl tl ti IIg-gl'Ollllt Is wlaere tlae spi ri L'i of1ll'llVe chief's bestrille thl·ir gllostly steeds, alld cltase t1leirphatltOlIl gallic; aUlI the Hindu Ilis IIHlIly stll'l~rior lukas,where theil' lI11tlWrOIlS gods Evu ill gulde\l Jlalaees, SlIl'­rotlnllecl witla llilnutllller of sensllal dulights; and tho Claris­tian his New J el'llsalulll with streets uf "plll'U guld, asit were tl'i\lIsparellt glass," awl the !il1lndatiolls of tlae wallof the city" gal'llislwll." willa preciolls St.OllteS;" wltere bo­diless chirping clterubs and tlJC dect, witla goldell Illll·pS,sillg praislls t.u Julaovalt; so tlae l'llllllml Spiritllalist hashis" Hnlllllier Lawl ZUllO within tIle IIlilky way,"t thulIghsOlllewhat ltiglaer tlaan tile eelestial l.erriltlJ"ies of otlterpeople. t Tlaere, llmitl cities alld villages aboullding illpalaces, III1lSeIlIllS, villas, colleges alld telll pies, all dCl'Ilityis passed. Till' yOlltlg ltru IIIl1'lUJ'I·d Hlld tallgltt, tlae Illl­Ilevelopell of tlte carth II lIltu red, tIle old n;jll vellated, amIevery illdividnal taste lind desire gl'lltitiCll; spirits lIirt,get married, alld have li\lllilies of e1lildren. ~

.. It roms ill Illi. wi.,> : "St, Nicholas, (01' St. ~11l1')' 8"'11'") so) hul)' l'"trolluf--(fulhH\'- (lofuJ1cl',.,. full U:lIllll 1Il1d titlo) nH..'oh·o Lbo sonl of UU(1',l) ltOl'\'llllt,

1U141 iutOl'CCtiO Cot' l'UlJlisliicm of lJil'4 (HI' he.') HillS:)

t Soo .. 8tollnl'I,lIy 10 tho SIIIIlIlIOl' Lnlld" loy AlI')row Jacksoll Dnvis,:=: III the sam£' nuUlOl"~wOI'k·-_'1 Tho S(lil"itl1ul (~HIIg'I'C:;':lJ" f:nlcn guys lhrllllg-h

Lho clairvoyllllt seol': .. BelwecII 11'0 Spirit II"mo nIHI the earth. IhOl'e nrc,.drowu n)ollA the illlor\'ouiug tlh,tauctL.....1I101'L' UUllI };Ji~" Idu,.l,"td tlwlUH/ltl

1,)nuclsJ nwl/ifftcu t/fOHStflld ~ulal' 11\1l1k~ of )CS!iCI' IIULg'uitndo.

~ 'I'ho l~to~L illtolli/{CIH'C f,'01l1 AIll~·'l\ i~ llint I.r II,,· Illn'Tiag'o of n spirit

Page 6: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

02 THE TJIEOAOPIIIAT, [Docember, ]870.



III ISOR .1111l11 VI., t11l'1I I'l'illCe-HlW'lIt of PfII'l.lIg'al, feal'­illg Napolcoll I., IIIIHle his ('scape \'0 Bl'llzil; alld in 1S Li,was Cl'o\\'lIpd lIIollnt"Ch of tIll' United Kilw(lolll of l'ortu<ralB ' "''' ')1"117011, allll Algarve, Recalbl to his cOlllltry by t.he Cortesof Portugal, ht: sn.ilull 11IIek \'0 Lisboll ill 1~21. AlIlI UOW,a \'I'ry illterl'stillg dOCIIIIICllt, eOllt~illillg neither more 1I0rless than ~IIC al'Poillt~lIIcllt o!' long-dead St. Ant(JIlY to the1';II~k of ~IC.!tt)llallt L~,IOIwl !Il the Pl~rtugese I1m'lY, by tlli8] rlll{'C, IS Jllsl. pllhlislll'd III the LIShol1 papPI' "R('l'islnAI ililw·... Thc fi,lIowillg is a ycrbatilll tmllslatiou frollitIm 1'1IItllgu('se of this liui'lue proclamation: .. Don JUIlIl,by tile will of (lillI, Princc-It"gellt of Portugal lind bothAIg-n rvc, of thc twu sen.'! 011 hoth sidl's of Africa, HuTl'\' ofUu iIlea, alltl lIIastcr of lI11vigati'JIl alit I commerce ill Eth io­pia, Ambia, l'el'Sia alltl Il1dia, ctc" etc" etc. By thc presentwe declare to all whom it lIIay cOllcel"ll that, ill cOl1sillcra­tioll of our spec.inl devo\'ioll t~) tllC very fjloriolls St.. Autou)'.who, lI\oret)V(:r IS cOlIst:l.IItl)' nddressed III nil thClr needsand ill filII faith hy the illhabitnnts of this capital, and like­wise f,?r the r..a8011 thaI. the helligerellt powers of ollr ai'lni ..s?rc eVIl~ellt Iy ullder the protection IlIIlI elljoying the bless­lIIg of ,,~od, alld that t!IIJS the peace of Portugal is ensured;a PI'0PltIOIlS I'esllit WhiCh, wo are firmly l'C'rslladed, is solL·lydue to the powerful illtcrcession of the saill Saint,-wehavc resolved: to COli fer upon him the mnk of LieutennlltC,olrli,'l'!, IUIlI all alk~(llI\tc slllary, wllic!1 will he received hy111111 III thl' HlmJlc (I[ 0111' r"yal dccora(.1U111'! n\)(1 (.nlcJ's (/;)j'-

,111\lghler of CololI,,1 gntoll. of (.cnyollworth, I{nll":", n I'l"OlIIIlIollt melllloer 01tho Nntional \lcmo<;,alie ('ummltll'e, 'I'his .lall/:"ht<:l', wh" died nt tho PI:0 ofthree week•• Itro•• 111 some l",elll)'.o,I,1 yen.... III tho St;lIlIIIO"')h'\n,l, to 100 ntillo r'llllll{ la,ly RlIll 1I01V I. wedol".1 to the "I'irit son of F....llklill Piorco, lalo1'l'OSlllollt of tho lJ, K, 'rho wo,I.IiIl#{, willlo""OlI loy n fOIlIOIl" cinil'nJ)'lIl1t orNcw.York, WtU4J.t01'~-.mI9. 'I'llo flH1Jirit hri.lo" wos '/:11'1'1')'(.'(1 in n (11'OIolH(.(",i1" groen" A we.l,lilll: ""I'I,el' .,,'" 5l'ron" h)' tloe "pld!'_ "r<lor, witlo 1i~lotsnll<l OO"'l"e"'. n1l'\ I'late. "lace.1 f,'r tloo 1Iol'I'Y eO"l'lo, '1'100 '-"Icsts a"em·hl~fl, " ... \ tloo \\o",le,\ gloosl" flllly '",aterlnlizell' theDJ~oh'es nn<l mt ot tal,lowith 11'('11"

(NoW' Yo"\( Tilllr,., .hllll' 20th, 18;!1.)

Verily, vl'rily we call C'xdaim with raHI, "() tleatll where HpOIl the lIatmo of varioHs spirits. C'xpressell his opiniolli~ thy xtill~; () l!I'llVt·. WIIl'I'I! ix t.lly victory;" Dcli('f ill HpOIi the xpirits of tlll' depart.l!d by ~mrill<T' that he 1.-111'10

the slll'vival or Uw ItllCl'st.orH iH tile uldest alld most tilllU- IllW ail wlljell tlwse p(''lIt °d('II;OIl; 'WOIlIII uot liehonourctlof all J,eliC'fs. ready to do. Alld, ill our own c('lItmy, a kabalist, tho

'fravell('rll tl·1I liS that all thc MOllgoliall. Tartar, Fin- gl'l'atl'st magnetizer livillg', Baron DHpotet, in his "MnO'iouish, mill TI1I1g'IlHic t.ribl·s. l)(~,,,id('s the Hpirits of Illlturl', J>uvoill'e," warlls the spiritists 1I0t to Irollble till' mst of 010lh.ify alsll t,lwir r,lIcl'stl'lll xpirit.s, Tllll Chilll's(' historialls, dl'ad. For" t.!10 uvokcd shiHlow C:III fn8/i'1/ il.~('l/ "1'"11,tl'l'atillg' of till' TllrauillllS, tI.l' HUIIX Illld tlll~ Tul.-ui-the fullow, awl for l'vcr afterwl\l'lh ilflHI'"CC yOH: alld we CHII

forl'fathers of the I11odl' 1'1 I THrks, show thl'lll a.e: worship- apI'l'ase it bllt throllgh a pact wIJich will biud liS to it­illg "tile spirito; of tIll' sky, of t.he ('nrth I\.lId tile spirits till dl'lIth ;,.of the dl'JlIlrtl·ll." Me,lhllrst eliHIlIl!rates tIll' \'nriOllS classes Bllt all tltis is a mnttN of iIHli\-idllal opinioll; what woof the Chillese s\,irit'l thus: Till' pl'illcil,a! :11'C' tlll~ C(·· al'l~ l'ollcel'lle,l with 1l0W is Illl'reIy to leaI'll how the hn.'1iclestial spirits <'il'lI .4Iio); thl' tl'lT('slrinl <Ii- ..i); alllltlll' all- fact. of belief ill SOIlI-slIrvival co\1ltl havc so ellgraftell itselfcest.ral or wnwll'rill~ spirit.'"I (jiJl ',,/I'I·i.) AlllOlI~ tit I'Sl' , the \11'011 CVNy slll'cl'ee1ing" ng('.-despitl' the l'xtravagalll'l'sRpirits of the late Elllpl'rOrs, great, pllilosopllt'l'll, alld sng-l'S, WOYl'lI illlu it-if it he hilt a shadowy and \1 II rl'a I intl·lIl·l'­are reYl'red till' 1II0St. They am tile 1'1I1,lit~ prllpl'rl,Y of tllal l'OIll'l'pt,ioll ol'lglltatillg' with" primitive 1111\11." (Iftilt' whole lIatioll. I1nd an' 1\ part of tile slate 1'\,ligioll, all IlIlldcl'll 111('11 of seiellec, alt.holl"h Iae lloes his best ill"\\·hile l'aeh f~lIlily 1111.'1, llt·sides ~lais it.s O~VII III lillI'S, wllil'h I the hody of t.h~ ,work to present tl~! belief all lit 11',1 to a,'! 1\

nrc .trellt:cd With great I'\'gnrd.;. JlW"I!SC IS 1:lIl'1Jell "bl'fore lIlere" s\1per,41t.101I"-t:11l' ,".lIy satisfactory allswer is gi\'I'1ItheIr reliCS, alii I IIlany SlIperstltlolls I'Ites IIl'rfol'llled. lly Prof. Max MiHll'r, III his" IlItnllllietioll t.o the SCielll'1l

BlIt if nil IIntilllls ('(I'lally !lelil'v,) ill, aIHI Inany worslaip, of Itl'ligioll." Alld hy Iais solnt.ioll we haH' to abidl' for wallt,their ,leatl. their vicws II.'; to the IIt·sirnbilit,Y nf a tlin·et ill- I o~'a better onf'. .lIe call ollly do it. howcycr, hy O\'crstl!p­tercol1J'Se with thl'se laic ciliz"lIs dint'r wid,",y. In f:ld,! plllg- ~hc bOlllldal'll',s of cOlllparatiye philology, allll boldlyItlnOIlg' tilt' 1't1l1ented. olaly the III0d,·1'II I-lpiritllalists se(!k IlIlvadlng thu dOlllali1 of 1'111'\' IlIetnphysics; by followillg', illto COllllllllllicate cOllstalltly with tltl'lll. \Ve will take a IsllOr!.. It path fin'hiddell hy exad scimlcc. .At ulle Llowfew illstallc('s frolll the 1II0st widely separatl'd pcoples. The: Iw Cllts till' (:ordinll kllut which Ilerbert Spl'"cer awlHindus, n.'l a m1P. bold that 110 pure spirit, of a IIlall whn i his school ban' til·d ullder tIle chariot of the "Unknow­lliell recollciled t.o his fatl', will CVl:I' COllie Il:wk hodily to IlIhll!'" lie shows liS that: " there is II philosophical disci­trouble l\lort,al~, They IIHlilitaill tll,lIt i!, .i~ Oldy t:h~ li/III/"B plillt,' ~vbich I'Xlllllille!l ~~Ito t1~~~ cOllditions .01' SI'II~1I01lg ,01'-tl.'e soul;o; oj those, who ,~(~part thiS Ilfl' IIl1satlshed 1\11t111l.'tl~ltlOllal, kllnwledHl', .11 IId allot.lll·r. \)llliosoplllt;al dls­havlllg' theIr tl!ITestl'lal tlesl ... ·S 11I111"I'IICh('d, ill short, bad, IclplllJ(' wlucll I'XallllllCS mto the COllllltlOlls or ratlOllal orSillflllull'1I nllll wOlllell-who becollw "eartll-boulld." 1I11- COIIl~l'ptllal kllowll'd~e; ,. aIHI then ddilles fOI' \HI n thirdabk. to ns~~elll~ at ollce,to Mokshll. t11l'y have lolillger 111'011 f:Il'III~y .. ,":r!ll~ filclIl.l.y of al:pl'chelltlillg th? llIfiliite, IIO!earth IIBld elth('r thl'lr IIl'xt tmllsllligmtioll 01' cOlllplele, ollly III I'ellgloll hilt III all tlullgs; a pO\\'er IlIth'pelltlellt ofallllihilation, alltl tlllls Inlw eVl'ry opportllllity tn obsess ISl'lIse alltl rl'a:mll, a power ill a certaill Sl'nsc l'olltmdicled]Icople, especially wenk WOllIl'lI, So III1,lPsirahle is ttl tlll'lli I by SI'IISI' alltl I'lm.'1OIl. hilt ,Yl~t. a very real power, wlticb hasthe rellll'lI 01' a.Pl'a.rit.iOl~01'!l1~c11 gllosto'"l, that till')' lise o\'l~ry II h(,ld its OWII f:1"01II tIll' l,egillllillg o{thn w~n'I,!, lIt·ither. sellsemaalls to 1"'cvI'1I1 It, ]',\'1'11 III tire case of the 1Il0st holy nor l'elL'llln hl'llIg able to OVl'rmmc It, willie It alone, IS ablefeeling. the Iliothel"s lovp 1'01' Iwr illfllllt-tlll'Y nflopt Illl.n-1 tn O\'ercollw both rl'aSOn alld sense."S\ll'es to prevellt her n'llll'll to it. 'l'hNe is a helief nllllJllg The faCilIty of II/til ilioll-that which lies C'lItirely he­ROlJle ~lf thl'llI tllat W..lll'IW\'el' a WOlllan dies ill. dlil(~-!Iirth, I· yOlld the ,scope of 0111' Illodem bi(lll)~{ists, ~ould. harllly I.eRbI' wIiI I,..tlll'll to SCI' alld watch over her child, 1111'I'l'- h(·l.ter den Ill"I. AIIlI yd, wlll'1I c10sllig Ius Il~dllre 111'011fore, on t!Il,ir way IllIck 1'1'11111 the gllllllt, afte\' the hlll'lIillg i the sllperstitiollS ritei of t.he Chillcsu. and their telllpiesof the b(),l.r.-tlll~ molll'lIprs t.hicIdy strew IIl1lst.\r<l seeds de~'ol'~ll,to t.Iw wor:ihip of tlll~ depa\'tedallccsiol's, UlI\' greatall aloll).{ the wad lentling" fl'Om t.llt' fllllel1\l pile to tIll' tlc- pllllolo,~lst n'I!Jarks: .. All tllis bkcs place hy slow de­fllllCt'!; llOlIlC. 1"01' S'''IIl' III\('ollceivahle rea.'loIIS they tlaillk gl'ec.~; It.. hcglllS with I'laeillg a f1owel' 011 the t')lllb j ittlaat the ghost wi II feel obliged to "ick II p. 011 it"o; way elldH-wlth worshi pillg the ~pirit.'l...... "back, every OIlC of thesc seeds. Alld, as tIle labor iH !llowamI tClliolls, the poor nwtlll'r call II('Vcr reach her hOlllchelin'c tho cock CloWS, wh('11 she is ohliged-ill accllrtlnlwcwitb the ghostly laws-to v/tllish, t.ill tIll' followillg lIig'ht.druppillg" l>:Ick HII Iter IlIIn'l'St. Amollg tile Tchllva..;hl's. atribe illhahitillg" HII8.'!inn tlomains, (l'nstren's" Fillaisclw My­tllologie," 1" 122) a SUII whl'lwver olli'rillg sllcl'ifice to tilCRpirit of bis fatber, IIseH t11(! followillg' l'xor(~islil: "\Vo ho­1I011J' thee witlt a fenst : look. Itcre i~ bread fill' thel', allll\'al'iolls kiwis of food; tholl Itn.e:t all thou callst. Ilesire: hutdo 1I0t troll hIe liS, do not ('ollie IHwk Ill'nr liS," A II Iilligthe Lapps alltl Fillns. thosl: dcpnl'tl,tI spirit.!I which IIl11ketheir presence visihle alHl t.llIgiblc arc snppoHl,tI to he verymischic\'olls allll " the most miscltievolls aw the spirits oftlte priests," EVl'rytltillg" is donc to kecp t.1ll'1II awa), 1'1'0111

the livillg. The agrcclIIl'lIt we fillll bctwf'('11 tllis blilld}IOplllnr inst.illct alltl tlte wise conclnsions of some of tltegreatest pltilosophcrs, alld I!YCn modl'l"lI spl'cialists, is \'l'ryremarkahle, .. Hl'sl'ed t,hl' spirit.'! Hlld-h'I'P them at atlistnnce"-saitl Confllcins, six ccntllries B.C. Nine CCIII.I\­ries later, Porpltyry, tlte famous anti-tlwmgist, writ illg

Page 7: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, H,7D.] THE 1'lIEOHOPHJ8T.

ma das mi'1111a8 1'caes onlells), tllroug"h the office of Field- I discrimillated as" tile Hpiril." Dr. lIemy More, 110 lIleallmarshal Xaviers Cabm da CUllhit, who, in Ilis capacity of I authority, repudiatcs tltis illter\'retatiuu. "Tllcre clln heG~lI.eral-Adjuta!lt, Js. II,OW. llOl,dillg' tI.HJ o~,iee I ~li)tltillg mol'l~ 1I11J1IStl'i;ll!S," Itc says, "tllllI! to malw tWI~ s~1I1s01 (AJllllllallilel'-m-Clllef 01 uur a 1'1 II ICS. Ho be It. J lie III lllall, the OIW sew-alive, the otller ratlollal, nally tltst\llctsaitl salary to be clltered ill the ofticial books, alHl to be frolll one allolliL'r, allt! to give thc lIallll' (If Astra! spirit topaid regularly at each tcrlll. In assurance of tile authen- tile liJl'lller; wilen tllcl'l~ is ill lllan 110 Astral spirit bcsideticityof tile presellt we ll£'rewitll sigll it witll our name, tile Plastic (If tIle suul itsldf, wlliell is always ills('lI:U'ablealld stamp it with tlte large seal hearillg our al'lIIS, LEvell fruIII tltat wlliell is ratiou:'!, Nul' uJlon ;lIlY otller aecOlmtill tile city of Rio-di .1ancil'O, Augllsl :Hst, A,I>, IHl+." call it he ealll'd astral, bllt as it is lial,le to tllat cor-

\Ve may add that this is 1I0t tlte lirst tinle that de- porl'al tempemlllcllt wllidl pl'ueet~tlH from tIle stars, orccased saints II<1\'e been appointed to Iligh military posi- rather from allY material causes in general, as 1I0t beingtiolls. Haillt Yago, in 11 is cnp:lcity of Captain-Ueueral, yet sllfiicielltly uuited witll tile divine Iltltly-tlwt vehicle Ill'received lur years lIis salary li'Ol1l the Spnllish Treasury, . divine virtue or power," Holle mailltaills tlmt the KaLalisticit heillg tUl'lled ovel' hy Itim (0 to tlte Chll1'ch Le:trillg I (,11I'I.:e SlJUls-J'(p!II'141,NIl((l'It, XI<,'wl/111111111, origillnte in aItis 1H1lI1C. ImisulHlel'stalldillg IIftllU Il'Ile Platollic dllct.l'ille, wllich is

; that of It three-lolt! "vital congl'llity." Tllese correspollli: til the tllree tlegr,'es III' bodily l'xistenee, 01' tu the

ANCIENT OPINIONS UPON PSYCHIC! BODIES. tlll'ee "velticles," tIte krrestri:d, lite aerial, alii I tIte

B!J C. C, Masse!J' EIiIJ', PI'{'sidl'uf 4 tlte lh·itilih Hi'allch, dllerial. The latter is tile 1{/I!JIJ('idl'll-the lucifol'lll ve­hide of the puritied soul who,;e irrational part 1m,; Leell

l'!H'ul!lI'1iltical Hucid!J. 1 I I I 1" I' I '1'1, Jnlllg It llIll er 1'01111> ete su l,ledlOll to tIL' ratlOn:t . 10

It In\lst be cOllfesscd tllat model'll SpiritualislIl falls very aerial is tlmt ill wlliell tile great llI:~iority of mankillll fint!short uf tIte ideas lorlllerly suggested by tIle sul,!illle de- tllelllsel\'es at tile dissolution uf tIll' terrestrial budy, andsignatioll wllich it has assumell. Cllicfly intcllt nJl1I1l recolY- ill wllicll tIle illl'II11\llldu process "I' Jlurifieatioll Il<\s tu beuising alld pntting" lilrwal'll the pllelllJlIlcllal prllols ota IIl1llerg-ulle t!lI1'illg' long ngus of preparation for tho soul'sfuture existence, it concel1ls itself little witlt spcclliatiolls return to its primitive, dllcrial state, For it must beOil the distillctioll betwel!1l matter alld spirit, alld rather remembered tllllt tile pre-existcnce of son Is is a disling"uish­priues iIsclf ou ltaviJlg delJlolislwt! "M aterialisllI witholl t iIIg teuet of tllis pit ilosoplly as uf tIll ~ Knbab. TIle suulthe aid of Illetaphysics.. l\,r1Jal's a Platonist IlIigllt say lias" SUlik illto matter," Frolll its Iligh,'st origillnl statutllat tile rccoHllition 01 a flltu!'u IJxi:-;tellco is cOllsistellt tile n':\'olt of its irratioll:d IIHtlll'C liaS awakmH:d alld de­with a very pradieal alld evell dogmatic materialislII. bllt vdopell Slll.:cl'ssivl'!y its" vital I'lIl1g'l'llitil's" witlt tile re­it is rather to be fe:tl'ed tlmt such a mate!'ialislll as tltis gioll'; Ildow, I'ilssillg, by IIleHIIS of its" Plastic," 11rst illtowould lIot g!'eatly distll!'b tlte sp"irillla.l or illtelledllal re- tile Herial alld afkrwal'ds illto tile 1t-l'l'l'strial condition,puse of Ollr mOlleI'll pltellOlItelJalisls.· Uiveu tlte consciolls- Eadl of theslJ regiolls f,'~l'IllS also witlt all appropriateIless wiUI its sellsibilities !':ialely llollst~d in tlw psycLie hody I'opulatioll wllielt 11Uver passes. likl! till' ItlllllHll soul, frumwhich dmllllllstrativcly sllrvi\'es tile I'ltysieal earCHse, aud we 0111': to the ot Ilcr-" gods," .. 1Jt.1I10IlS," alll! auilllals,· As toare like Illell saved frllill shil'wrel.:k. wlto nrc 1;lr tile 1110- duratioll" Ille sllOlrkst of all is that of tIle tl'rl'estrial "e­IllCllt th:l1Ikflll amI COil tell t, 1I0t givillg tltought wllCtller Ilide, 111 tlte aerial, tIll' sOlll lllay illitallit" as tltey defille,tltey are lallded on a IlOspitable. shore, 01' Oil a 1);lI'l'l'lI rod:, IIIallY ages, :1IllI ill tllC l,tlwrial, for 1'1'1'1'." HpuHkillg of tlteur Oil au islalld of cHllllilmls, 1t is not of euursu illtended seeollil budy, Hellry Mo1't~ says ,. t11l~ SOlll's astral v"ltielethat this" haml to lllOUtlt" illlllllll'tality is sullieiellt for is of tltat tellllity that ilsl.(I' eall as casily pass lit!! :iIItallesttlte many tllOughtfuI lltillds ""lose activity givc,; liti..: IH.res ot'tlle 1Mdy as thl~ light dOl'S glass, or the liglttningalld progress to tlte IIlOvemcnt, but tltat it alliJ1'lls the tlte seabhal'll of a SWill'll witltuut karillg or scorl'hillg ofrelief wltielt lJlOSt people feel wllell ill all age (,I' doubt tltey it," Alld ag"aill "I sllalllllake h,ld til HSSl'rt tllat tile soulmake tlte discover:y tltat tltey arc lluduuhledly to liv!! Ilia)' live ill all :lI·rial "ehi,:!1' as well w, ill till~ dlteri:d, andagain, '1'0 tlte (Iueslioll" how arlJ tile dead raised up, lIlat tlJeru arc vmy few that. arrive til L1lal Iligll IllIl'pilless asawl wi tit what budy do tltey cOllle?" modem Spiri tllal iSIlI, to al''1l1ire a cl'!cst ial velt ielt~ iIII I lied iaklY II pon t.hl'i I' CJ II it­witlt its empirical methods, is not adequate to repl)', Yet lillg the tl'l'I'I'strial olle ; tllat Ileavellly chariot Ill'l'l'ssarilylong before Paul suggested it, it Imd attelltioll 01' tlte most carryillg us ill trilllllpli "to tlle ~wHkst llappiness tIle soulcelebrated schools of philosophy, whose splll:ullltiollS 011 01' 1I1l111 is l'Hl'lIhle of, whi,,1t wuulll arrive to all IlIl'n ill­the sllhjl'c(" howevcr little tlICY may seUIII to bu verified, ditlcrently, gllllll Ill' bad, if tlte )larlillg' witll tltis earthlyuugItt not to Le withollt illtcrest to Wi, wllO, after HII, llre body woultl slIddellly 1IIIlllllt us illlo tile Ill'avcllly. 'VIIl'lltitill in the illtimcy of a spiritualist revival. hy a jllst Neillesis tlte s"lIds of lJIen tlaat are 1101 Ileroi-

It wOllld 1I0t he lIeces&u'y to premise, hut fiJI' tlte fre- l'Hlly virt\llHls will filld tIICIIISe!VCS restrailled witllill the'1ucncy with whiclt tlte plmlse Oel~lIl'S, tlJat " tlw sl,iritual I~olilpass of this ealigillolls air, as Ilotlt Hl'asoll itstllf slIg­hody" is a cOlltradil:f.illll ill terlllS, 'I'lle OftiCl~ 01' IJody is to gests, alld tit" Platollists have IIllHllilllllllsly ddel'llliu­relate spirit to au objedive wodd. By Platollic writers ed," TIlliS also tlte IIll1St Illorollgll-goillg', nlld prolmhlyit i,; usually termed ol.l/I'llIrt-' vehicle.' It is tile lllediulll, the IIlOst de"I"ly versed ill tile dodrillcs of tlte IIIHsterof action, alld alsoofsellsibility. 111 t1lis pldlosopllY tlle·l'oll-llllllollg llloderll l'latollists, Tllolnlls Taylor (1IlIrllllllctiolJ.ceptioll of HOIII was not simply, as wit II liS, the illlillaterial l l'lln·d,,). "Artei' tltis 0111' divine pililllsopltel' illt'J!'IllSsubject of cOllsciouSIWSS. How warily Lite illterprder Ims to' 1.1 III I. tile JlIII'I~ :;0111 will after deat,1t rutlll'll I" )111m 111111 e.ter­trea,l herc, l'very olle kllows who Itas dipped, evclI supcr- lIal lIatllrcs; hilt that tltu illlJlllre SOld, in eOIlSUI(lwncctieially, illto tlte cOlltl'tlversies aillollg Platonist:; tllelll- of heillg illlblll'd with telTelll' alli'dions, will heselves, All admit tlte distinctionbctweell the mtiollal alld : drawII tlown to a kiwlred nalun', nlill lie illvestellthe irratiollnl part ur prillciple, the lattel' illcludillg, lirst, 'witlt a gross vehicle capable Ill' IIL'illg' scell by tltetlte sensi hi Ii ty, and secolI"ly, till' Plastic, or l.lla(, powel' corporeal l!ye,1' Fol' W IIi Ie a pl'opellsi ty (.0 hody I'lllllllinswllicll in obedience to its sympatlties Uillthlus tlte s01l1 to ill tile sunl, it eallses' Itc'l' 10 attmd a clil'tain vdliele toattach itself to, aIHI 10 urganise into II suitable budy tllOSu ItUI':iI.:U; eitlle! uf an aerial lIatlll'l', 01' compose,l frullI thesubstances of tlte universe to which it is 1II0St cOIig-rnons, spirit allll vapuul's ot Iler terrestrial hody, 01' ",hidl is re­Jt is 1II0rc ditlicnlt tu detel'lIIiue whether Platu 01' his prin- celilly collected fro II 1 l-:lll'l"lIl11ding" air; 1;,1' accor,lillg to thecipal fullowel's, rccogniscll ill tlte ratioll:tl 80ul or 1/lJII8 a ;1I'I.:allll (lfllie I'latlJllic 1IIIiloslIpll'y, hdll'el~1I all etllUrial hudy,clistiuct alii I sepamble UIlIity,-tllllt which is S(lllldillW:; wI licit is simple alld illlllllliurial allll is tlte del'lInl eOllllatc

• iI] BIll all'nitl," ila,}":5 TholJul.i 'l'aylor ill hi-i lult'odnctioll t-) tile PIHl'.ltl,"the"e al'o se,l)'coly IIU)' lIt tho pl'C,;cut tI"y whu kUGW th"l it is 01110 tlth.:;fo" tho ooul to 100 "opamto'\ f ....1Il tho Loti>" n"d Illlothel' f,,"' tho \,,,(1)' tu he>ol,amlt.',l f""11I Iho sunl, alld Illal tI,\) f'Jl'lIlc" i~ loy UO IlIC"ll~ n lloec;;."I'yWll~O'JIl"llCe uf IhQ lattcl'."

• 'rhe il!lU:",illl\ here l" to tlll)SO "Loin'.::;: of (IIC ::c'"cl'ul kill~IIIlIlHt ur tllO"le'"cl,l, whiel, wu, 'l'I.e"'('I,hi,I" fulluwil.:; nft,,1' thu ),n)>I1lht", hlll'u enlleutile tl Elcntultlnli.'· The)' Be"Ct' 'ICCUllll~ u'cl •. ···/~·d. 1'/HU,'.

t 'J'hi, is tho Hiudu th'.)"r>' uf uO:ll'1I' (I'CI'>' oUO uf the Al'rnu I'hllo., io~. -£.'d. •

Page 8: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

TilE THEOSOPHIST. (Deel) IIIbel', 1RiO.

yehi..ll· of IIII' !<0111. U\leI a 1.'IT"lll' bllely. whielt is maleriall o\le Se \I ilO1')'. Ill' hy tlti" OIlC ile\lilllr)' Illea\ll'f,h tlw ilpi-rit~II IIII l'OIIl)losito,. IIl1d of ilh.nt e1l1ratillll. tlll'n) iR 1111 IIl'rial l

III' RlIhtll' Iliry hf/e1y. III whidl the ill'11Ritiv" 1"1111'1'1' cloth allhody. ",lli ..h is 111llterial illc1el!e1. lllit. silllpin 111101 Ill' a IliOn! of it t.hrollg-h t,ll1' wholo illlllll'di:l!I·ly al'l'ndll'lIe1 nil varie­I'xt,,'!\leI'ld dllrllt.ioll; /l.IIII ill this hody I,h.! 1I11\J1l1'ifi"d ROllI ty of s('IIRihlml, Alld ifit, he' dl'llla,lIdl·d 1.0 110'" it e!lllll'::!dWl'lls for II IOIl.~ t.illll' aft'l'r it.s ,~xit 1'1'0111 111'1I1'1" t.ill lids til jtllSS Ullil, this spirit h.'ellllH'sorglillisI·d ill s"/llIlelm·il. alldjtlll'l1ll1l1lie vl'1I i.. lt! hl'illg e1issolved. it is lIg-ai\l i\lvl'illeel most I!OIllIllO\lly of 1.11\11:111 1'01'111, hllt sOllwtillles illwith a eOlll)losill' hocly; wllile 0\1 the l'olll"'lIry the pllriti,',1 the li'l'Il1s of ol.hl'r ItllimalR. 10 t1lis tllos" Allci!'lIl.sSOli I i\ll\lll'diatl'ly nSI'\'lHIR i\lto the c"l "11 I.ia I rel-{iltlls wit.h I repliecl Ihat t1l1'ir ap)learillg Sl. fn'(}III'\llly i\l humallit.~ "'.herial v"hidl! a1oll!'." Always it ill till' cliR)lllsil.ioll of forlll pro(·"(!cI,,d 1'1'0111 tlt"ir Il!'i\lg iIIlTm"q,'\tl!e1 withthn sOllllhat d"t.I'I'llIillt'S the '1l1l1lil.y of it!'! hoely, "Jlllw!'v!'r evil did., alld 11.,,11. a;\ it wert" SI.l\llIl'eel lIPO\l wit.ll thetlte 110111 hI' i\l il,snlf nH...·d"e1" says Porpllyry. (tra\lslate,1 1'01'111 of Ihill eXIl'I"ior ambient hoely in whieh tltey are, ashy ClIelworth) "so clol's it IIlways linel a hody snitnhle allll ,crYRt~ll ill li.nlll·'\ alld colomed like ttl tlwse tJlilll-'1'I which itn<rrl'l'nhl'l to it,s Jlrl'~l'lIt disJlositioll. II lit I tlll'n·forl to the is lilSh'III'd ill. or n,lh'cts the iinng!' (lfthelll. Alld tllllt theirp711'~\'d s01l1 dol'S lIaturally 1I1'(!1'I1l' a hody Ihnt COll1l'lI nl'xt hllvin~ SOIl1d.i,uulI othl'r dilferellt fonns pml'l'l'deth f....mto ill1lllat.(·rialily. that is, all l'UlI'rili1 Olll!," Alld tlte SlIlI1e tlte phnut~l.slic POWI~I' of the soul it.self, whieh call at plplt­author... Thl! 1I0ld is Ill'\'er 'luitl' lIakedofllll hody, hut Italh sure trallsfill'lll t.he spirituolls hod)' illto lilly shape. ForII!WlIp Sllllle hOlly or other joilll!(1 wit.h it., suitHhle IIIHI beillg airy. whell it. is cOlHlclIseti 11I1I1 fix!'d. it becomethlwrel'nhlu to it.o.; pn'sl'lIt dispo~itioll ("it.III'r a plll'CI' or visihh', II III I a~lIin ill\'isihle alld vanishillg' out of sightil~l)JI1mr 0111'). Bllt Omt Ht. ils Ill'st. qlliHillg' this wIlen it is I'Xlltluclt'e1 allll raritil"l," ProellJ ill Aris!. ticeartlily hody, till! spiritu"us hotly whid, III'c·OIupalliet.h it Allilllll, Alid ClIdwort.h ilayR .. Though spirit!'! or ghosts 11I1l1(n.o.; its " ..hiI'll,) IIlllst.lIl'eds go aWllY 1;!lIll'tllIlld illcra1\.sah·d cert:1ill 1I111,ple hodi ..~ whil'h.t~II'Y ('ollld so I'HI ~'o~Hlenile aswith Ihe \,alH'lIl'S lIllIl steallls thereof, tdl tIll' lIoul nfterwanls to lI111kl' t. 11'111 SOllll'tHnes "Islhle t~) 1I1l'1I, yet IS It re.'\.<;on­hy dl'~n'.'s purgillg itself, this 1",('olllet.h nt Ipllg'th a 111')' abll' 1'lIoU/.{h to t.llillk tltnt they ('oultl 1I0t ('Ollstipate or lixsi.h,"e1our. which IIllUI 110 Illist.y ohscllrit.y 1101' ca..,teth allY thell1 illto 11111'1. a Ii 1'111 lies.';. gnl sSIll'1\." alltl solidit.y :1.0.; \.11111. ofsillulow." 111'1''' iI, will 1)(' S1'1'II , we lose sight of the l'lpp- flesh IIIItI h011P is 10 continne th('l'eill. or at lllllSt lint with­eilic t1in...·rPllC'e or the two fllt.un~ \'ehid ..s-the ..till-rial out 1I11cli difliclIlt,y alHl paill as wOllld hillder them fromis n-gnnlt'd as a slIhlillllltioll or tIlt' aerial. Thil'l,IHJwP\'er, attemptillg the SlIllIe. Notwithstalltlill/? which it is 1I0tis OppoSl,tI to 11... ~eneml COIISI'IISIIR of Plato's COll1lllell- ,Ienietl thaI they lIIay posRihly SOllll'tlllll'S Illnke lise oftators, :-;lIIl1dinws the eth\'rilll Ilody. or l"I~O\'idl'i', is ap- other Rolid hodies, 1II0\'ing alld lIeting t,III!IIl, as in thatpropriait'd 1.0 t.11I! I'IIl.ional sonl, Ill' spirit,. whidl Illnst. tllI!n falllOIlS st.ory or Pldq~um; wlllni till' hody va.llislwd Illlt ashI! conRich'l'l'd as a, e1istind, \'liI,it)'. spparahll' from tIll! 10wlH' other g-host,!'! IISI' 10 do, hut wn.S h·ft, l\, dl'ad'l'areail(l hellind."ROllI. I'hilopOIlIlH. II ('Ilristillll wriler. say!'! " Hlat the Ha- In nil t.llI'se sp"'~lIll1lion.i; the 11 llilllCl ,VI/lid; plap a COil­

tionlll ~olll,:I." to its ,'nl'rgil'. is sepllrahl,' frolll nil h'HI)'. hilt lIpiCIIOIIS pnrt: It is 11.1' sOllrce nnd principle of nil animalthl' irrationnl Plllt or IiI;, tlll'l'l'of is s\'pnrnhh! onl), frolll SOli Is. indlldilll-{ tIll' irrntionnl s01l1 of mnll, Bill. in mlln,this, ~ross hotly. 1,1I~tl lIot 1,'WIII,II11 hody \~'hnLs'.II!VI:r, hilt, hath IW~IO wO,lIltl ollll'r~\'isl' he IIH'!·(!.Jy ollal: 'glls t.o other .te~rcs­oft..r tI\'lIth n SPll'llllollS or 1111')' IUllly. III ",hll'h It ndeth- tnnl allllllllis-tills sOIlII,artJ('l\llI!es III a JIIg-her prInCIple.thill I !Illy is a tTIlI' opinion whi,·h shall at'tl'rwanls he proved iwhich 11'llIls to raise anI e01l\'PI'! it to ilself. Ttl compre­by II~.. , ..'1'111' irrationallili, 01 tile 1I0ld 11l\1.h not nil its· hellll till' natme of this ullion or hypostn.'Iis it would heIl1'in~ in this ~ross I'nrthly hotly, hilt n'llIn,illl',th after 11.1' Inece1\.C;:lrY 1.0 Im\'\' Innstered tl1l) whole of ,l'lal.o·lI philosophySOld'!,! tll'l'nrtlln' 0111 of iI, hnvillg' fi ... its v"llide alltl snh-I as cOIII\,risl'tl in tlll~ I'al'lilenitles nntl thl! TillllPUS; and hejed, t.llIl spiritllous hody. whieh it.self i!'! III!'!o I:Ollllu.llneled woultl ( Og'llIlIti!'!1' I'I1sldy who withollt t1lis ardlll'US pn'l'n­0111..01' tIll' 1'11111' ,,11'11I1'nt,s. hilI, n'eei",·tll it,s d,'ncl1l1illllt.iolJ I ration shollitl dnilll I'lal.t-, as the dlalllpioll of all IIl1colHli­1'1'0111 t.lII' pn'don,illllilt pnrt.. to wit, Air. a;\ tllis gross hody tiollal illllllorl~dity. Cerlaillly ill t.hl~ Phll,tlo Ule dialogllcll~' Ollrs is l'~llll·d ,' from wlmt is 1I10!'!t. pretlolllillant poplllarly sllpl'0sed t.o ('outain all Plat,/s tl'llehillg on thetlll'n,in," Clldwort.h, ]lIldl. S)'sL Frolll 1.110 slime soun'l' WI' Rllhjeet-tlw iII II II 0 ity allotf.etl tIl till' illJjl1l1'l' S01l1 is of aext.rnd. t.1", 1;lllowillg. .. \Vh,'n,I;.re thesn ancimlt.s say that, \'ery 11"I'stiollable (~llIIrnet.('r.nlltl WI' sbollld mtll('r infer rrolllilllplln' sOllls after tlleir departlll'l' Ollt. of thi!'! hody wlllltier t.he aCCollllt tllI're l-{i\'PII that the hlllllall 11"rsllllality, at allIIPn- lip awl dow II for a certaill space ill t.1 spiritllolls Vll- eVPllls, i!'! lost hy ~lIl'cI'1\.o.;ive illllllersiolls illt .... IIllltter," Thepnroll~alllllliryhocly,appellrilll-{aholltspplll"hn'sllllllhalllltilll-{ follnwilll-{ pas.c;:\~ .. frOlll Plutnrch. ('IlIot..d by Ma.\llIlle Bla­thl'ir forlller llahilation. Fill' wllieh CIlIIse tlwre is ~r('at rea- vlIt.'Iky." l!'!is UII\'l'iled" Vol. 2.1'. 2~H) will at Ipa.."t demolls­SIlII t.hat we shollid t~lkl' care Ill' li\'illl-{ well. as also of ahstaill- tmte tho Illlt.i'l"ity Ill' notiuns whieh have recl!III,ly becl1l11is­ill,!.{ 1'1'11111 a 1;111101' awl grllsser did; thl's,! Allcil'llt'l lellillg takell for lilllciflllllo\'elties. " Every sOllllHlth 11111111' portillnlIs-lik"wise t.hat.l.his spiritllolls hll,ly ofollrs beillg-ti.llled awl of I/I///I'C, reasoll. a IIlall call1lot he a mllll withollt it; bllt a,<;ineras!lllt.ell hy l'vil did, i;; :1\'1. t.o rell,ler the SOli I ill thi!'! lil'e mudl of each SOIlI as is Inixed with tlesll anel nppetit~! isnlsll 11\1'1',' ohlloxiolls t.o tIl(' distllrlmllces 01' passiolls, Tlwy ch:lIIgl·d, .alld throllgb paill andpl,'a.sllre he('01l1l'5 irratiollal.flll't.ll('r ndd that t.hon! is Sllllldilillg 01' thl' Pllllltal Ill' Every slllli dlltb 1101, mix herselfaftnr olle sort.; SIIIIW pI II lil'(!, alsll (\xt!reisl'e1 hy f,hn "o.d, ill t,IIIIse spirillllllls tltelllsl'lvt!lI illt.1l thl~ 1,,"ly, awl so ill this liliJ tlleir wholoor airy bodie·s aft,'r death: t,ItP'y IH!illg' IIllllrisl ...d t...., Ihllllgh fmllll' is I'OITIl\lted It)' llppetite alldpassi"ll ; ..then~ are mix­Illlt aller tIll' ~IIIIP mlllllll'r, liS thill'll' gross part.hy h..dips 01 ed as t... sOllie part. hut the purer part slill rl'lllail1s with­0111':'1 are IIN,'. IlIlt, hy vap,,"rs. alld Ihat 110t hy part.s 01' out the body, It. is 1101. e1rawn dl)\\,11 illto tire body, hut itorg-l1I1S. hllt thrllllghollt till' whole of tlll'lIl. (as spollge's) swims ahovl', alld toueill'S t.he extn~nll'st part Ill' tho mall'"they illll.ibill~ pver)' where thosl' vapollr!'!. For which eallsc head; it is like a c.. rd t.o IllIld lip allel direct t.he l'lllhsidillgtltl',Y wh.. are wise will in tllill lil'L! also take care of usillg part of tIll! sOIlI. a.'I 10111-{ as it pru\'PS Ilbediellt lmd is 1I0t1\ thillller alld dryer diet, that so that spirituous hody overcome by t.he appetites of the flesh. The part that(wltich WI' lla\'p also at this presellt t.inll! withill ..ur proper Iis plnnged illto till' hotly is called RoUI. Dut the incOInlp­hody) lImy 1101., hi! dogged allIl illcrassPII, but attellll'lled. 'tihle part is called the III/I/S, alld tlll~ vlligar think it isOver Hlld llhon! whidl, t.hosl' AlIeil'lIt!'! IIlatl,: lise of eHth- witlrill tllt'lll, a.s tIll!), likewise iIllHgill(! tho illlllge rctlectedan II!'!. 01' pllrgatiolls to tltll sall\(~ elltl alltl I'"rpose alilo. For frlllll a glass t.o he ill Wat glas~. Bill. tire 11101'0 intelligellt,ns t,lris ,!arth'y hotly is wa.<;IrI't1 hy water so IS tlrat sl'iri- wlro kllow it to he wit.hout., call it, a \);1~1I101l." Alltl in tiretllllUS hotly dl·allsI·d hy cathartic \'HI'0llrs-sollle of thl'se same leanll!t1 work (" l~is Unveilt·t1") we hay,! two ChristianvapOllrs hl'illg lI11trit.ivu, others pllrg-litivu. Moreover, tlws(' 1I11thoritil's, Irellll'lls allli Origl:ll, eit.l·d f;lr likp distillctionAII ..i..lIl.s fllrl.ller d(~,!lar('d 1:Illll'lll'llillg t1li!'! !'!pirit'llolls hlldy betwllllll !'!pirit Hill I !'!old in sllch a IlIantH'r II." til SIrI,W tlrntthat it WIlS lilli, Ilr~anizcd. hut did till' 11'1101., Ilfit in ever)' the lill'lIler III11SI, Iwc,'ssarily he rl'~anlt·d as sl'pnrablc frompart II. rllughllll t exercise all fllllctiolls of SI'lise. the SHU I the III tter, III the d istilldioll it.<;(·II' there is of course Ill)

1II'arill~. sel'illl-{ and perceivilll-{ all sCllsihlell hy it l!v(!ry novelt.y li,r the IIIOSt IIwdcratel)' wcll-irtlimned. It is ill.when', For which ClIllse Aristotle hilllscif affinncth in ilislell UpOIl ill IIll\ny modern works, amollg whie" mny hI)his Metaph~'sicg that there is properly tHit one Sense and mcntiollcd Hl'anl's "Trichotomy of Man" nllll Grecn's.

Page 9: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, 1870.] THE ;l'HEOSOPIIIST. 65

" {1<f(fl f>if(Kr'T'~ <i'r'ij~ ii'liT '1l>if1f: IIqllr Rll1fr4i'fr~ 'if ~<""t ,F~'f"q~ir'1": II


Not fllr froln tile town of TOl'!lt'u (UleaLol'g, Filllllllll),the Illoulltaill "lIl1ed .11((1'1111(/,1', hecollll'S every yt'lIr, on :-;1.Johll's dlly, a pluce of l'clldezvlJus fill' lIllllly tourists,During that wllllie lIight tile sun nevel' sets at all, alHlhllllllreo1s gather to witness tIte IlIlIguificent spectaclc.Tllill yellr, accunliug ttl tIle Uleaborg gllzettes, tlll~re Wereabuut :100 people, allllJllg tht;m tlll'('e EuglishllwlI, twoFl'cndlnwn, sl~vel'al HussillllS, el"mUllls, ])alles IIl1d Swed(~s;

the rest. Filllls. The SIIU sllOlle with IIHll'ycllollS hriglit­1Iess tllC whole higlit. All hotel is beillg built 011 thePlolmt fvr thc cVllve.liclIcC of tltturc t1'llvellers.


By Bal1/t Ram Dl/S 5icn, Vl'lliIW/'Y MClllbcl' of tIle OrientalAcadelllY of Flol'CllCC.

The Jain religion nevcr sprcll(l heyond the limits ofIlldia. Being thus ul1lc11 less widely known, it IllIs neverstood high, like Buddhism in the estimation of foreigners.Even ill India itself. arter Hashing like a meteor across thereligious sky fur a ~';)lOrt tillll~. it long since grew ('Onlpara­tively dilll, As a IIlattl'r or conrSl.·, it has fililell to CUlII­

1IIllIIII allY cOllsidl'ra IJlo dl'gn'e of lIut ice frolll ht'yunll.Arltat.'\ was tllC ti,lIl11h'r of the Jaill religioll, alll\ was a

king uf the Benkata hills ill the SOllth Camatie. Eadyretirillg fru II I the world, he Wl'lIt a1Jollt. exllllltillg the peu­I'I(! tu fulluw t.he (!XIlIlIl'le ur Hish:dllm Deva, whose elm­raeter he held n)l liS a lIIodel to ill1itatt..·.

The ])c'gal1lhar and Switlllllhara sccts (,I' tile JllillSdiverged and calili' illtu notielJ 10llg arterwards.

H,islHlhha Deva is Illelltiolled ill till' firUI book of Sri Mata11.llIigavatll' He is, llccordillg' t.o the Hilldlls. a part-illl'lIl'1la­tlOllof Visllnll, Tile .Taills lleklluwledglJ Ilinl as tile lirst Ar­

I hat~\. allli he is styled Admta, hC'cause, l'llllowillg ill the wakeof Hcsava, lie attenll'tl'd to I'tli·et a religiuus rl'!i>rlnatiull.AcctJnlilig tu the PI I I':1l1as, Hislmblill WWi fatl1l'r of' Hlm-

A copy of the filllowilllr certificate, fuulld 1IIIIong tJlC \ 11 'I I ' I' 'fl I' IPapers uf the late VCllayek Guno<radher SIIll.strec, K-lll., the rata, alII ollns Il'l III v('ry ('ar y tlllll'S. It). IIIIIS II)

lIot delly the existellce of (:0.1 ; but tlH''y huld tbl! Adllltaeminent IlIIlian Astronollier has beell killdly pla"ednt om tllClllSelVCS tu he tlmt (:011. It is said ill Vit~lI"lt gllstati,disposal hy bis son, ~Ir. B. V, SIHIstree, after dill' cUIIl}la- a .Jain work, Ihllt .. there is ollly olle Cn'alur of tbe wodd,risoll with tile origillal hy Rao Balllldur S. 1'. l'alldit:- IIl1d 110 utlll'I', Willi is otl'rllal allli Olllllil'n'sellt; alld be-

CEHTH'JCATE. sides billl, l'v(!r)'thillg e1Sl' 111:1'0 is a sol liTe of l:vil, 111111

B,IToda, 20'h Febl't/{//'Y IH4-1. '1Il1SIlI'stlilltial I'VI'n liS II dn'alil. 0 Arlllilm ; TIII're is llU-Tllis is to cedify tllat n Jutl!l[JII/' (iugotl'ler) hy ItillllC thillg ill t.llis world, whidl tllllll IlHst 11111 ereated." Tile

attributes of tile .Iaill Uod III'" ditl'l'n'lIt. li'olll tllost' of tileLalla Bhallall~, all illlmhitHllt uf KllppudwUlI, ill Uuzerat, been at this place dllrillg the last week, alit I tll1lt Ill~ (lod, "'illl tlll'lIl (lud is olllllisl~ielit. l~olllllll'l'tJrexhibited till! 1II0St extl'aonlillary feat.s, or, I sbollid ratlwr of allgel', cllvy,alld ofevcry I'vil passioll; n'vl'rl'd ill till! tbn'esav, he wroll~llt Illiracles, ill tllC lll'eselll'u of a largc eOIl- worlds and the ~''1'l'aker of trlllb; Al'hnla ollly is the true

,] Y (;od,.CUIII'se of CUI'IOI1S spectators, alllolig WJ.OIII I WIIS olle. lIe .

I 'I' 111 tbeir 0llillioll virtlle is tIle ollly I\\'('IIIIC to'1 ccrtam t lings, 1I0wers, koollkoo, betd1111 ts, Sil-

1 "I Virtne ahsol\'es IIlall ii'I'11l till' bOII(ls of :wtioll, allli there-garemu y, II euc'ullllut, a scurplon, a piece of 101le, &c.tllOUgl1 we I'ould 1I0t discover, 1I0r cOlIl'l'ive nllY possibility II)' restores Jlilll to )Iis 0l'igiulI1I'llrity of 1I:III1I'l',uf his IIllVillg previolllily COli cealed tlll'llI with Ilil1l, Ill' r;:t1vatioll is ill its V('l'y IllItlll't' 1'1'1'1' up-liftillg', 'I'11CcOlI\'eltel1 celtaill thillgs illto cert~lin others IIwrdy by .Iaills Ilave it thlls: TIII'n' is a !illlil )1(')'llIlll wbidl evcnonce hoMilig tJ.CIII in Ilis tist, in spite of tJ.e most vigilallt tbe SlIII. 1110011, allli tbe plallds ('allllot rise; 1111.1, wlll'1Iattclltion we pai,l, in tbe llOpc of heillg lillie to discovl'r tlley n!aeb tbcil' p"illt of dillmx, till')' Collie .1011'11 agaill,the lIIystery. Howovcl', be L:oulllllot lll'olluce or exllilJil 1I11t tile sllllls tll111 lilt\'(, 11111'(' :tltailled to p('rleclion, IleVerallY SlIell artiele as (appan'lIl)y not at. land) Ilad 1I0t, be (~Ollie .1011'11 agaill. TIII~ Vl'l'y tl'lIlIL-III')' of the SOIlI is cverpretel\llell, been previullsly sanctioned I,y his Patron Ood- to rise IligJ.. It. grovI·ls lwlow. ollly bl'l'allse of its IlIor­dess, calle,1 Beclulfiljee. We so far Pllt him to test that tal tl'lll'llIl'lIt tlmt holds it ill; or, bl'I'aIlSc it is weightedIlc was stript of c1otlll's all(f left almust IIllked, when, dOWII with its day('y l'lIvi 1'01111 1I'lIt. As SOOIl as tllis 11101'­

to 0111' great surprise, he pillcllcil Ollt sOllie betl'1l1l1lli f\'(J1II t:ltl. co~1 is sit II tlll,d ,"t.l; it I'l:SIIIIIl~S its origillll! lIallll·I'. In­Illy hody, IIl1d droll' Ollt a lew pieces of sllgnrcalllly appa- ~11I~t~ IS.SplII~I!: IlIhlllle so IS llw IIl'~lgl'l'HS 01 t~le slJlIl; 01'rently 1'1'0111 tlte duth of Illy jacket. He tuok out Illy gold 1I~llIIlt.L' Is.tlte nll),roVL'lIlcul t.IIl' ~oul ~s ~"IJ,ablc of. A plllllp­chaill lind instuutly litr.uck IllY tllig-h with it, whell it d.ili-I ~ .. u, lor I1lst.(.lIce, tl.ougll ...n Ilsell 1i~llt l'lIougl~, wo'.'hl,II ppellrell. III II lIIillute he IIHIIle it 1'l:lIppenr ill a pillow II ellv!d0l'(·d III ~~lay, (,r wI'lglw.d. !Iell\'lly l~theI'WIS(" ,sl1lk,two feet hehilHl Ilim, Our gold seals 111111 rillgs apl'lIrelltly to tIle. IJottlJlll uf III': sea; 11\II,.Il It ('lJnld Ihsbllrtht'll It~elfvallislled, 110 suouer were they put illto his hllwl, allil wew the~'e, It ~vollid s~eadJl)' work I~S WilY "I' to the surfacel't'prUilucellllll'rdy by pillching over thc IIl1l11e of a hllllJl' IIg:l~U, J"~'L'II so IS ,tile uatnre 01 Ilw sl)nl.or at the poiut of a trident, which he alwllys hl'II1'S fur II is I ~I,e .1i1n~ Illoralis~s SilY::-sceptre. Iu fact, lIulle of us coultl pl'I'ceive the 1t'IIHt sleight, \\ Isdo.1II IS IIU IIttnLllte 01 1111111.. "'~sclolll ollly Cllli leador Ilexterity, uf IllIud, if it IlIigllt be possible IiiI' him to to ~III\"l1.tJ~'~I, or t'~IlII)le 1111111 to Hat!. :<lilt·ly lJ\'('r the SI~I~'"1nexcrcise it., liming lilly of these very wouderfu), I Illay say, IIHIIU 01 hie., \Vlsd:,11I t'lIl1 (I~lipd tl~~~ gluulli of falsesupel'llllturnl exhibitious klluwledge,ldw IlllstS IIltl'r SIIU-I'li';e. "Isdolll ouly can'. ., ,', (H' I) N \.NU NAI)A\' \N IIhso!v.e 1111111 fl'lJlli tlte cullSI'ljlll'IWl'S of IIctioll. \Visdolll is

'-\.l ,- I Igllel, 1 ~ \ 1 , Suprculc; lIud 110 lll~tiou (",Ltl ('ljuIII wisdClIII. \\'isdoUI isjoy.\Visdolll is S/lJIlIII lim ~1J1I1I m. \Vilidolll is Bl'llllllla II i \IIscI 1',

Furtller 011, iu tlte ethiclIl pllrt of tile Jain religiou) itis said :-

"A mlln should llwel! ouly where virtlw, truth, purity/111(1 good UIIUII: lin! prized, IIl1d wlll're oue WilY ohtllin thelight of true wisdoul.

tltau sllOlIld lIot dwell whcre' tlll~ sO"I~rl'ib'11 is /I. hoy,II WlJlllnll, III' /111 igilorllllllls: lJl'. w!wru tlll'l'\! arc two killgS.

A IIIllU sllOulcl glJ 1I0W)WI'l' witllllllt 1111 ohjed iu "iew.A IlJlIlI lillUuhl lI .. t travel 1l101W; 1101' slcep alulle ill 1\

Spiritual Philosophy; the latter being an exposition ofColeridge's opinion on this and cognate su~jects, Rut thedifficulty of regarding the two principles as separable intilct as well lIS in logic arises from the seuse, if it is uot theillusion of personal i(lelltity. That we are partihle, andthat olle part only is illlmortal, tile nOll-metaphysical mindrejects with the illdignation which is l\lways encounteredby a propositiou that is at once distasteful andunilltelligible,Yct perhaps itisnota greatenlifficulty (if, illllcell, it is not tileyerysallle)thl\u that IllInl saying wllich troubled Nicodcmwi,nllIl which yet has heell the key lIote of the Illysticllireli­gious cousciousncss ever since, This,llowevcl', is too cx­tcnsive allli deep a question to he treated in t Ids article,wl.ich has for its ohjcctcllielly tocallattl'lItion to tlw distillc­tions intl'lllluced by /lncient thongll! intu the concl'ption ofhodyas the instnllilent or" vehicle" of soul. 'fhat thcre is acorrespolllience between thc spiritual colltlition of 1111111nud the medium of his ol~ective activity evcry spiritualistwilladlllit to he prohahle, alld it 1II11y wcll he tllllt sOllielight is thrown on fu tnre states hy tile possihil i ty or themanuel' of spirit communicntion with this one.

Page 10: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

fJti TilE ;r H E 0 H () P H [ H T .

rCOlilinllcc1 (rom (he Odober Xumher,1


house or Oil an elevated plnce; llor ('1111'1' nllY mau's housp' Couucil to make our Lihrnl'y, iu time, ouc of the richestsuddellly, I ill the world iu this H's)lel:t. Acknowledgemeut is lllso

A gOllll Illau should 1101 weal' torn or dirty clothes; U01' . due to Pmf(·ssol' Sllkllllrllll1 Aljun nUll ])1'. Pnllllur:lIlg}lilt 1111 his hOlly a red flowl'r, except it Ill' a red lily. ' C:01'a1 fllr Il1llgaziues 101l1l!!d to the Librnry.

A wise mall sllOuhl l1en'l' deceivc gods 01' old mell; aIHI I •neit.lll'1' slilluid be a pn,s('l:lllol' or a willll'SS,' I

'Yllell you comc Imek 1'1'0111 lJ,, you should Ink!' AltY A. PllAI{ASfI.a littlp rest, thell put oft' 'yom clothes, alld wash YOUI' hl\lIds n

nIHI fept,A grilldillg l11ill, It cultillg illstnllllelll, a cookiug ut('u­

sil, a wall'r jn1', aud a waleI' pot, nm Ihe Ihe tlliugs I.hal,hrillg mpII to sill: which, agaill, in its turll, causes 1.111'111 :

to If!!vial" 1'/'0111 the ]lat.lls of virtue. For I.hesc nrc the I lrr;lfclI I,y !tim eJl'l·e.~.~/.11 1'01' 'ltc 'fIlEC SOPIJISl'.soul'~:es 0." I'll v)'. Tnke wllat carl' you will, thpy arl) sure I . . .. -;' .to give mw 10 ellvy. ! Alter pnsslIIg lJ, cerlalll 1.11111' III solItude, ou the Rushce-

Thp auciellts pr;'scrilll'd ~everal virtlll'i' 10 ellable )l1all i kesh, a BmlllllHchliri awl two 1I10lllltaill ascetics joilledto escape from this sill. lIellce IIII'll should alwnys prac- : me, a1111 we ull thrce WCllt to Tidee. The place was lilllti~e virtuol1s acliolls, . I of ascetics lllltl R"j (Ro)'ul) Pallllit;;-so ('lIlled 011 accoullt

Killdlll:'S1'1, charilY, jll'rl'l'd COIlt.rol ovt'l' the pnssiolls, lof tlll'ir grellt learning. Olle of Ihem illvited JIll' to COIIIl'

worsltipillg" lIw ,!{olis. r('\'I:I't'lIl.'e to t.he (lllril. forg"ivl~IIl~SS, :llltl have dilll\('l' wit.h lJiIll at Ilis llOlIse. At tlte :ll'poin­1.1'111,11, pllrity, IJc.V;ltioll, lilld hllllesty :-·I.h,·s(~ lIl'C' tile virl.uI's 1e(1 hllur III! S('lIt a IIUlIl, t.o l'Iludnet lIIe s.afdy to his place,t.hat en'ry Ilt1llsl'-llOlder shoilid possess. :11111 huth tltp Bralnnnchun lIlId myself followed thc mes-

Virlue is too extellsin', It.o; IIIOSt promiuent fp:lll1rt', st'lIgl'r. Bul wlmt wn;; 0111' (Iismay lIpon ('nterillg thehowever is doill<r 1T0011 to mllllkilJll hOl1se. to first st'e a Brahmill Iln'IJarillg :II1l1 eutti'JIT UH'at

J ~t"l:' I ' 0 • ,

There me I.wn killfls of vil'lue-that whieh atolle1'1 for' mltl theil, procl'cding fl1rther illio the illtcrior apnrtll1euts,our sills; IIl1d t.hat wlli..!1 st'cllr,'s 01' hrillgs IIlllmt salva/ioll. 'to fjlJlIIl large comp:lIlY of pau(lits seatell with a PJrnJllil1The first·II\(~lItiollell virtll" I'lllhodies the l'edeJllptioll of of flesh, 1'I1111p1'1teaJ<s, 11lld dress"d up I\('lllis of anilllaisthe fa11ell, h"IIeVo!ellce, 1llIllIility, perf,!et colltl'lll over the 1)('1'01'1' tllCm, The masll!1' of the hOllsl! conlially in­pnssiolls, ullllmihlness, Tllese virtlles deslroy i'ill, vit!!II lIle ill; hut, with a ft'w hril'f wonls-llt'ggillg th('111

Pries!.", gurlls, guesli', IIIJ1I distresse,l pl'I1IOl1S, when IIlt'y: to proe('ed wilh their good work and not to dislurb('(.)mc to 0111' !IOI1Se, sllUuld first he WI·kollll'd, 11)](1 thclI fed I themselves Oil my 11C(,Ullll~, I lert the house 11l1d r~tl1l'l~e,1to the lll'sl, 01 our mellllS. t.o lily OWII '1Ull rt 1'1'1'1. A ftow III11111tes later, the heef-eatlllg

\Ve sllll1t1,1 relievo :11111 soothe as lIH1dl as we CllII tlw. pa)](]it wa,'i at Illy side, pr:lying me to rdllm,1111l1 trying, k . . I I' If' I . ) . .SIC -. the iJnng"ry, the t.hlJ'sty, all11 the fl'lgltlellL'(l. I to excuse 1IIIIse ly ~aYl1lg t lat It was 011 111/1 (((WIIHt

Beillg SO fortllllate liS til have heeu hilI' II IIll'lI, we sllll1lltl . Ihat the SllIlI]lI.I\IH1S Viands hnd hreu pn'pared ~ I thenalways he t'lIgllgell ill slInll'llting useful either to ulIrseln's firlllly clee!:JI'ed to IlilJ.I tlUlI it was all usl'1ess. TIley WNe

or to others," ellrni\'(JI'I)1\s, flesh-eating lIIGII, anel lIIys(·lf a strict vegeta-There is "ery little dint'n'lWO hetwel'lI tJ1Il Hilldu alit I rinn, wllO fell sil'kellod at the \'(~ry sight of meat. ]f 1)('

UIO Jain SySII'IIIS oflJlondit.y. Tllis is owillg 1.11 t.he HilldliS would illsist lIpOIl providing IIII' with fi'od, 1)(' lIIight 110 so:llJd .rains livillg togdheJ' lilld ill tile S11111t' (;lIllJ1try, nlld 10 I,,)' s!!IHling 11lu a few provisiolls of graill :tI1l1 vegetahlpsthe fad. that most of Ih,' dhi,~s of the .J:liIlS were derived' which my Bndllllnchliri wflllld prepare li,r me. This 110from the Aryau code 11/' Illondity. ]ll'lllllise,l to do, alHI theil, very mueh clJllfused, retired.

Stnyillg at TideI' 1(11' SOliit' lilll(', I ill(I'lin'll of tIle sameI'nllllit llhout some books aIHI lenJ'lIed treatises] wHllt!!d

'I'H L~ ,L'CH.:I l'~'l·".PC',' BT.TLJ']","'I N. . .1'. 0) .I,~ I.. • to get 1(11' IllY IIIstructwn ; wlUlt hooks nlld mnlluscril'tsTwo )ll'l'S!lIIS of ildlll('llI'e ('lIllnect('d wit.ll tile Vil'I'J'rgal ('ould he )l1'O('lIrell at that pbcp, nllli wlwre. He Illell­

Governllll~ld. Imve ]"(·Cl'lIt.1y joilled t.!1l! Socidy. Tlte I.ide liollell Sllllll' works !Ill SallHkrit gmmnmr. dassies,lexicll-turns, evidl'lIlly. graphies, hooks Oil astrology, allli the 7'(Il1fl'(;.~-or ritua-

____ t lisUcs. Filldillg that tllll. laltN were the ollly olles UII-" • I kllowlI to IIIC', I IIsked hUll to procurc the slime 1'111' me.

IOuI' I' e1.ltlws "1'111

1be gll~dl' .our :1t!vcrIRa1'1es .son)', "? Il'am Thereupoll Ihe lenmell mall hrought to IIII' scveral works

t lat 01\1' .J0llrlJ:l W''', \\:It.111I sixty I nys :dlpr 1.l.s first. llJ~· lIpon tllis sllhjeet., But 110 soollpr hnt! I 01]('lIl'd them, thaupenrnllcl': fl('()-f//l(l-a-Il(/~t f'1I/(,8 (/S ?Ilf/II!1.'~1I118C/·lb(,1'8as II Illy eye fdl 1I)l01l sllch :IU /111\(111111.01' il1eJ'edihle ohseellilies,be.galt '1UIf/!. Not oue day hilS pasHed, SIlH'(! Oc~ober, .1101.1, IlJislrawdaliollR. misillterpretatiolls of text 1I11d absurdily,wlthollt Sllille Ilume,s havlllg heen adlled to 0111' lIst., ~ hIS tltat I felt. p,'rfedly horrified. In this Ritual [ fOllUd t1H~t\mcxpected ~oo(.1 lorltull' IIl\lst be takl'u as prouf of tllt~ iucest was 1'('rJllit.t('d witll Jr)ol.II('rs Iln)),,1 I .,,~ nl I ,,' t'I' r I I I I I' I' 11" I' . c,''.., 1.1 .~, "If ",IS ersWlf e 1\It.l'rest. Ie I Iy I Ie U( Jail r~al III~ )III.) Ie III I lIS (of tlte Sho('maker's caste), :IS well us alHollg the P((?'i(//,.~

atl(:mpt 10 reeall th,~ g"ldell ~JH· 01 allCll'ut Aryall, or the ol1tcastes,-aud wlll'shil' wa;; perforJlle,1 in a per­ac1l1eVellll'IIt... Bill. .IlIOSt. precIous (If all to liS, IJave he('11 I Ii.-ctly Illllle stat.e (l) .........Hpiritllolis li( 1101'101, fisll, aud nllthe lettl'rs 01 hlesslIIg /Il1delleo\ll':lg('IIIt·ld. IlllItwe hav(~ killllof'lIIiul'dfood '1111] JUI!(/(1/,(.(2\(ex

ll·I·II· f" I, I.. I I' . I" . II . I' }1 • I ". ". v , • II ll. Oil 0 JIll cecil

re:clvcl rom llatlves IYlllg III a parts. 01. t. liS elllllSlI II. inwg-es) ...... wI're allowed. 1'1'0111 Brahmin down to .Jlfrill/.\\0 ha\'ll marked lIpnll a map of Irltllll, In culured clwlk, - .Jthe 101':dities uf 0111' RlIhsfTill1'/'s, H!If) filld I;ltat Oil)' pn!II'r !1\.For re"',,"s ,,"I,ich will I,c ol'l'l"cci,,(('.\ wc 1'rder l!iI'illg' tl,e lexl 111already g'lJ('S, I'aeh m01l1 h, to 1I('ady every IIl1p(lrtant ('lly" 111",11:-

from tIlt, Hillllilayas to L'olllorill. If we shollld contilJlI(' (fOf 3";~T~t IJr~ iI~ IF'lf fl'~~r (~, tNr ~or iiI~ff ~RH:'fi1to ree"ivp eOllt.rilmtiolls fmlll HIICh erllditl! Illdialls liS Ibose I Oliff 3""fq ;..,,;, fiF illffT ~711 "'.:rril;f! "filrt} "f1~Tif,t" arT::fl~ ri'l_

I. I . I l' '\'~ I " , ' 1 ' '\'"

w.lOse nr~lc PS gracc n~II·. II1'('sellt IRSI.II', t. Ie JI IWSUI' II 1ST il 'R"fT, rm 'fifi;" 'l~"fT il::T ill~. il~m il~r ~'lf~.'f jfr~VJil~~wIiI cerllilldy have a hnlllallt and useful car('cr. t 1;l; "",!'l.' -'" ..'. .. "-

• "f ~ ~~~(f ~'fi:r lt~"f 'film, ~I\ 3m 1~71r~ il~"f" 'fi\"fr, ~if

'll'" fl"filfm ~im'fir ~'''fT, ~Ii~ ~ ~"fq ~l'f'f; f"f'ilofT ~~ siT f'"The C:('II('1":1I Council t1lnllks tllC Fellows who hav(' (~;R q It''lf if"fTir ~ ~ ~ "f13" ?!f.~ it. I-Ed. '"

presellt.ed hooks to the Lihrary, alii I has ordered 1':lI:h -,I ,t I,' . ,'1 ,I ,'11 tl. I " . , A . . (2) The l<~r,1 ,1/o",lm hM bcen ""rionsl)' nn,.lc.rsloo.l 01111 illlcrl'relc,l. It'011111" .n ll. .IIIS(.]1 III \II. ~ IC (OIl~J1 S 11.11111. p.:Ilt.l- m~nn~~h,e",~lIelllfnroJal,,~well "".o( II rehglolls J.ergo.nnge:n rin!!"genlcular n'qlwst. IS llIade that. I'ldiows wIll Helltl to the Llhra- \\'lfh IIl1t",I" elll!'l',"'ooillPOI1 It. Bill It ,. "'"0 Illl<lersloOllll1 nnolher sense-. II I' 1 b k . I' I I I tho pre.tine on, I esoteric.nan a liSt' U 00 s, IJIngazlIles aJII )olll'Ua S t In I. la \'t' I" • . ., I • '" , " ,. 0

1 I I 1 I . . . I "'''''''"If'O"', (1"'~1"1I1'1. ""(("'''''. (/"(1'110'«1'/, and .1,/lld'l/fi-these fi,'olCPU re:u l'y t WIIl:t1lt arc not espeCially WHlltcd lor were the Mooc1rn... l'l"Rctisc<! h)' the I\r)'o, lo '1l1nlif}' U;em,eh'es (or Yng,referenc('. \\'orks UpOIl allY brandI of (kenlt :-;ciellec will They nrc tho inilioli\'o .Inlr0s t.l the (lillienlt system of 1t.\J,Yo.:. nn.1 theI I

· , 'J ,. 1 I' I' h lll'relimillnries or /111"/'''0/;, the end)' .Ii<cil'line of H.\T- 11'00. 'I'ho MOOflra i.ltlve a l'eCli lUI ,a uel as It I~ t.le (('SIJ'~' 0 t e Gellera II 'J'lite dislillel nUll independent t'Ollrse of Yogn Iminill", the completion of

Page 11: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, 1870,] I THE THEOSOPHIST. fi7

And it was explicitly stated that all those fivc thilll,"S 1-11~lto ascC1t~\ill wltet~I~~r SOllie :ftl:l'~n llid -c~~ di-d lI~t li\'~ therewhich the lIame COllllllClIce8 with thc IIIUml (I), /II, as till' ali 1'111110111'('11. But the trl'IIIClHlous llitlicuJti'~li 01 thisiilstlll1ce, Jl[adya (illtoxicatillg liquor) ; J.leen (Iish) ; Mci.ul/Il IllOulltaillous jounH'y alld the l'x"essive cold till'ced(t1esh) ; jl[uodl·a ; aIHI !IlaitlwolI \\'lH'C so lIlallY IIW. ullllllppily, to first IIll1ke illf[uiries amoug till' llill-mealls for reachillg .MI/J.'fc·e (salvatioll) J By actually tribes alld Icam what they kllew Ill' such men. Every­readillg the whole cOII'tellts of the ~'mIiJ'ci.~ I fully as- where I ellcoulltercd either a prolillllld ignoralll'c uponsured myself of the craft alld viciouslless of the authors of till' subject 01' a ridiculous superstitioll. H:\\'ill~ wan­this disgustillg litemtme which is regarded as HEJ.IGIOt'S: dered ill vaill )iu' about twellty days, disheru1.clIl'd, I re­I left the place aud wellt to ShreclIagllr.... tmcellmy steps, liS lottely liS Iwlill'C, Illy COIIIJl:llliolis WillI IWll

Takillg up my quarters nt a tl'lIlple, 011 Kedllr GIll\!, I at first accollipallil·d 1111', havillg left me two days lI1'tl'r wellsed these 'l'lllliJ'ci/l llS wellpolls agaillst the locnl pll.lIdits, hlld stnrt,)d thl'OlIgh dread ol'tlle great cold. I tlwlI IIscelldeclwhenever there was all opportunity for discussiou, 'Vhilc the TlIlIgl\llllth l'eak.(1) There, Ilillllld a tl'lIIpIe 1'1111 of itlobithere, I becalllu lI(."(lllailltc,1 with a Slldlwo, Illlllled Gangll and otticiatill~ priests, andllllstcne,l to clesl'elltl tlw )ll'ak t'llGiri, who by clay lIever lett his Illolllltain wlwrc he resilh'd the sanw day, Befon: 11Il: were two pall.s, olle Il'adiugill a jllllgie. ()1I1' aCl}l1aintallce I'esldted ill ti·jelldsltip as I \,'t'st alld the otlwr SOlltil-wesL 1 l·hosI: at I'll 11.10111 thatSOOIl leal'lIell Itow untirely wOI,thy he was of resped. 'Vhile which led towards the jllngl,~, alld ascl'lIded it. S"OIl after,tugetltel', we tliscussell Yuya ami other sacred subjects, aIHI tIll' p<lth led IIlC illto a dellse jllllgle, with ruggl'dr'l('ks alldthrough close lIuestiolling IIIllI answering becallle fully aIHI dried up, waterless Ill·ook. '1'111' patll stopped abrllptlyIIllltually sntisfiClI thllt we were tit for eacll other, So thel'e. Seeillg' IJlysell' tlillS al'l'estl~d, I I1lI1 I to Illlllw lI1y

ntt1'llctivu was his society 101' lIIe, tlillt I stayed ovel' two clwice to either clilllu up still Ilighcr, 0]' dl·seeud. Hl't1l'ct­montlls with him.. It WllS only at tlw expimtioll of this inl{ what a height there was to the SIIIIlIJlit, the trcllll'IHI.mstime, /\l1l1 when autulIlll was setting ill, that I, with my llilnculties of clilllbing that rOllgh a1ul st,·,~p hill, alld thatcOlllpauions, the Bralllllacillhi nlltl the two ascetics, left the night wOllld COllie bdi))"() I could asc,'lId it, I cOlleilldCtlKedar Ohut for otller places. We visited Hlldm Prayag that to l'l'ach the SlIlIllllit thal nigllt WIIS lUI illlpossillility,nllll 'other cities, until we I'cached the shrine 01' Agasta With \Illlch ditlielllty, IlOwever, cate/ling" at the grass and~rllllee, ........ FllrtllCr to tlte Nortlt, therL' is a Illouutain the bllshes, I sllceeeded in /lttailling tIll' Iti~lter ballk of thepeak kllown as the Shivpooree (t"wn of Shivn) where I Nala (the dry brook), and stmlllillg Oil a rock, slln'l~ye,1

spellt the fOllr mOllths of the cold tll'lISOn; wllell, tillally the ellvirons, I saw llOtltillg Iollt tonllolllc,d Ilillo,~ks, ltigh}IHl"lillg 1'1'0111 tlte Bmlllllacitari alld tlte two ascetics, I lalld, awl a dellse patltless jllllgle covl'rillg tlte wltole,pro~ee<.led to Keliltr, tltis tillle 1l1~I!te all~1 IIl1illlpeded wlwn! 11.0 IIIaIl could pass..~llmllwlli"! tlw sun was rapidlyIII my llltentlOll!ol, ami reached Gilpin A lIsltee (1.) (t lie ISl'cl'ei desc(!lIdlllg towards t Ite Illlrl~oll. Dark lIesS would soon setBerutres)......... ill, alld tlll'lI-witltollt water or allY II1l'allS fur killdlillg a

I stnyell bllt tell' days tltere, a IIII went tilelll~e to tlte lire. wltat wOllld ue Illy positioll in tIll' dreary solitllde ofTl'iyllyl!c (3) N.il1Lyan sltril1l', visitillg 011 my way (:owree tltat jllllgie rKO<HHI ulllk, a IIII tlte cave of Bhel·lllg'ooplta. Itdllrllillg By dillt of trelllelldolls ,!xmlioll, tllUlIglt, awl after nnin a lew llays to, IllY liworitc place of J'l'sidelll'l', aCllte Slllfl!I'illg 1'1'0111 tlllll'IIS, wllidl tort! III,Y dotlws to sit reds,I tltere finally I'l'sted, It IIlllllber of ascetic Braltmill wor- wOllllded Illy wltolo lllllly, alld lamed Illy li'et, I Iliallag'clishipers-cnllcil P.Llllhis, anel the devotees of the Temple to CI'OS-'l tile jllllgho, anll at last reached tlac li,ot of tlte Itillof KL.. lar, of the Jnngl\lll sect,-kee\,illg me cOlllpallY awl foutHl lIIyself on tlte Itigll-way, All was darkllessuntil IllY previous companiolls, the Bl'll Ilnaclul.ri with II is al'OIuH1 atHl over 1I1l', allli I Itad to pick lily way attwo ascetics. l'ctllmcd. I e10scly watched tlleil' eercmo- mndolll, trying ollly to kl"!P to tIll' road. Filllllly IHies nlltl doiugs, !L1lt1 obsel'ved a\l thnt WIIS goillg 011 with l'l'achell n dllstl'r of Itllts, aud leamillg 1'1'0111 tllU )leo,,'" tltata determined object ofll'al'llillg all tltat was to ht! known tltat rumI led to Oklll'c Matlt, I direet.·d my steps towarelsabout these secls. But once that my u~jcct was fulfillell, tltat place, allel p:l.'isell tlte lIigl.t tlter<'. III tlle IIlOmillg,J fdt a stl'Ong e1esire to visit tlte SIlIToUlHlillg moulI- feelillg'sufficielltly l"l!stud 1 rdllrlled to t.lte (Jllllt,1 ]{,i,4Iectaills, witlt theil' eteriml ice awl glaeicl's, ill «[uest, of tltose (tltl~ Seerl't HOlIl\l'l~S), frum wlll'lIce IlIad started 011 mytme ascetics I Illlve he:1l'l1 of, hut a"l yet had lIevel' met- Northward jounll'y. But tltat joumcy attracted me, lindthe MlI/lI!t1111is (l). I was e1etermined-come what might- soon again I rcpaired to OklteL: ~lat!l, IIlItier the·prdext of------------------------------- eXlllllilliug that Ilenllitagc awl obsen'illg tile way 01 liviug"'hich hcll'" 11.o CIII..Ii<llll11 10 tltUtill .1 ";,,,a, Lcl"I,j...a tllld (/",.j...., (~'or 11.0 of its illlliates. Tlwl'c I hlld tilllC to l,xlImiuc lit Icisllre,1I101l1lill::' "f Ihoso Sj,t.{MI, SOO III ticlo 0" l'i.y-I'jd¥., ill I.ho N"v. '"II"ho, uf'J'IlEo.OJ'IIIS'·), 'l'ho .0"80 of Ihi.I",ly w"",1 UIIOO l'OI"'OI'Iu,I, tho iUllol'1I111 nl·"I,. the ado of that tillllOIlS aIHI rieh, so full of pillllS,"11H Ilchtlscd il 10 iml'ly tho I'iolurilll reprosulltntiull of Iho omhlems uf pl'deuees IIl1d a show of asceticism. The !Iig!l priest (ortheir tluili..., B",I Iu Hill'"ify tho mal·l.. uf tho.o Hex"al omuloll" ,1a"I,e,lul'oll I" H . II I 1r 1 • I I I 'Iheir booli"s wilh (Jopj"~"",l mB.lo of Iho whili.h cl"y of rive.... I.eld 8lIcro,l. C lief erullt), ca III 1 HUII/llf, tnc. Ill ... t., lIHI11(,(, Ille t,)'I'ho VBi.hIlAvtuI,toL/L,o the IUnrk nlllilhowurli 10... II..m tho ,'i~ .. j,,,,; Lut l'eillaiu alld live t!lere with Ililll, hl'('Olllillg his disciple.Ihu S~al'/"I hy tlp!,I)'ill!! it to tho "b8C01I0 "oatllru. tllld tho iluluccnl ex· II I II I I' I I . I I I II'0s",c. of Ihoir Ii Ihy HilllBI, havo unlirely ,lug'I'lIIle,1 ils ArYtllI mfttlllillg'. _ . e evell 11' t III un' uw t Ie pruspect, Wlie I lC t IOllg It~:'l. quite tlm:zlillg, Ill' illhl'ritillg SUIIII' llay his lacs of nq.I·lls,

(1)'1'hu fullowllllo(lll'O tho 11\'0 IIn>l,I. ill San.ltrit; .. his splelldollr allllpll,,"er, alld lillally Sllcl'l'ctliug Ililll ill !lis(I) ~ (lIglL), (:!) Sf (yun), (3) lIT (I.U.I:\), (-I) il (111\), (:,) q (1111\). _

(2) Oal't" l\bhuo -({lJplll, aecrol, IIi'lclon; h',i.I.", Ihe nncielll nnlllo of ol'io'u,1 loy thu clll.l IWl{lltiOIl of thu 1ll;'0, ,1"sl'i.<u UIU tt":Hlitio"o, "... wellllunllre,,- i. a 1.01)" I'laeo en.hron,lod il! my"lel·y. It i" "ho"I/ill IlIiI".. from ... liou rulilriun of liouir furcfnlhcr·., c"lIill~ IlII 11.111 was Ioulol sncrod1II10.lrio:llh. OUI",,,.·.lIy Ihere i••"en only a tom pie with coh"",,, ; lout tl loy 1100 Illlter, Il "roll"" 8"I,or·.tilioll." AI/L'l! llou)' hnnll)' I'emllrk t1,um.firm lIcliof provail. amollg pilgrims to the effect thllt this .hdllo ollly sene. 80h·c. Ih"I from i'lulnlr)' I lOy hlll'u fnllull illio f.I;,·~;."",. 'rho)' lUll'" LuIas II IBlulllurk 10 inlHcalo tho l"clllily "f tho ."cro.1 hicl<lun 1IolIBru8-B wloo10 chBlllo(o,1 tloeir 10101. flU" 1'001'01' Olle", Illld "omaill tlou ."IIIU.

city, ill filet, ulI,lorl{rOlllld. '!'hi.lwly pl"ce, tloo)' Iooli"vll, will lou rovualed "I (II At /II,".lrilllltlo (N"l'lhurll I",lill), "" 11.0 l'i~lol Iollllk "f lloe m"IWIIIC"llgB,tho timo, to the \\'orI.l. 'rhu .lIa.l', nluno ClUJ HOW ruuch it, n1l11 wluH'o tho colulH'nloll tOllll'lo of \"i~hlJu, with hut IIlilit~I'1l1 spring'd ill it, nu­11)1110 iu lahit it. A lom"noll SWI{ ... i friollll, nnd n IUltivo of llha41r&luith, hiU'hly lI ..nll) nttl"i,cll'l UlilUcrOUti pilJ{rims, thu.'o i:l n titnlllg'o trflilition nllUlli1l thorespected "I 1Iomh"y, I."" just t"ltl u. tI"'I tlocro is" l,r0l'loo"y Ihat ill 25 illl",,,"'". '1'Iooy l:ulicvo llonl 1",ly ~I:lht.llll.i. (Illlchodt.,,) h,,\'O 1i,"oJ1c;aN frum thill til1lo Bcnare.:l will hug-ill to decline iu ever)" uther re~pcll\:t fI~ tho tlIonllt~dll penkal. ill caves of tho '..'TcntC":'Ot hOHllty f,nIt ha... 100~K 4.lono ill hoHne~, nlul. owing to lhl' wickednc!ltl ur mOll, will tio\'..,rnl thou~aUlI )'on..". '1'llCir r~si(lollco is Zl),)"-undlahlu only throtlJ,(h II

Iltlt\lIy fB11. 1'/1011, tho Ul)"slory of O"plll KlLl),oe will be tli.closod "",I Ihe cllver" pO"l,ul""lIy cll"kc,1 ",ith SlIlOW, which f"I'!,i,l. 11.0 "1'1"'10'1<'10 lOr thotruth hogin to dnwn upon mUll. tiwthui P-. "1IIumu)' nyerll that, hln'ill~ curiuuK nlHI tllu tlkoptictd. '1'110 Bltllltl'ililltlJ l'chk~ ill thitt Ilcighhollt'IIO(HI nl'oorloll \'i"itu,1 Uri. VOl')' "hl'lIlo, hu htl. SOl'O",,1 timo. OLSOI'\'Otl, with his "I".vo 22,000 f"ot high.-own UfOS. f\H it wcro, Ihntlowy fonn~ dhlnpPcl\riu~nt thu ontranCO-HS thoughhalf "'uiible mon, or thu wr-.tith. of lIIell wore cnturiug,-Ed.. Since tho noo\'o W'\.!I writtun ono of UUI' mO:it rc~pccl('(l IUhllcnrncd "'c1lows

hn' illformc.,l U8 thnt hi, (;wnf (Pn'ccl'tor) tul.1 liilll tlint "'hilt! .tu)'l'ill~(3) Three )'UIfS, ur lho ThrC<l Jo:pochs. nt Iho tCUlplo of Nt.I't.PII, Oil tlie Ilitll:\Il1)'t.-, wlocr.. 10" 1.,..1 I'no"",1 .""..0

(4) 1"be ~lllhaitnlli., or literally ..:rcf\t soul$, from two words-.lIftA.;. IJ"rcut, 1II0uths, 1.0 MaW thcroin n copper plutt' J.,cariHg" ,llItu. willi nu ill!"('ripti('II,IIIJ 4/",ti. aoul---are those my.terloll.lldoplo WIoUIII lloo \'0)11'1"" fllIlC)' "icwH ••i,1 tu hll,'"I'uell 1I1l"le 1..~' :-hllll,,"·,'cllfil')·Il t!lal t!lllt. IUII'I,lo 11'110 Iho ox.ali II mngiciautlJ

u Hull (If whum O\'UI'Y child kllUWK ill IIH in, but whu nro mot il'ulUU limit wlam'o 0110 Hlllln1,l J.!U ill l\l'lcUlldiug' Uw lIilllllla~',ll'J. '1'110 0",'11_will. 00 r",'oly. espucially ill this Iljj'O uf dOj!""0'·1l1101l. With 11.0 u1cul'IiuII of 81su ."iol th"I f"'"lhur uI' 1110 hcig-hls, Illulloo)'''lId .1'1'''I'cIIlI)' IIl1sm n,olllllnl<lo"omu SWl(luUI ntal nlcelics of a pcrfoctly holy lif", thore nro fow who klluw wnlls uf .1I0W ","d ico, 10 .evcrBI limos OIlIY mcn or 1\ IIlOst ,-clle....hlo OIl­positiYely that thoy (/0 e1i.~t, AUJ art 110 lUyth.. created hy ,ulJi.'rititiou. lonrnllcc, loiu,'h '8 tho Ar)'nu ni:-llis arc rCI,r~cntctl, wcolring hnir MO lun~

IIlllcy, It "ill be I:i\'cn, perh"l's, to Swimi Il")'allllllld, tho groat an,l huly BO Iu halll{ holo,," their ..."i.t. '1'llCl'O i" r('Il,OIl to kiln", lloBt Ite ,nlV corr~dl\',

11>311, t> dilllllollsO lloe okel'lic"lllIhul. of hi. d"l:ellumling cOIIIIII')'lOell; c.- Illld 11".1 tho ClIl'l"ellt I.ulicf i. nut willu"'I fOIl".I"ti .." tbal Ilic pillce "i.

!"'d"lIYof this )'UIIIIg Ilecornto,II:"lIemlioll, Iho ,/"'1It11< Do,'A' of In,l;", 1110 illlml,ilc.1 I,y "c1ul'lo Illul IIG one whu i. 11"/ [III nol0l'l /,ill "t,' tiIlCCl,lC.t ill.1..11., lind M,A. llrl.tucmur--whu, fc<llll'ull WyHlyl'1I 1I1l,19ri[l1i~1I11 1111,1 ill' . g'ctlillg" lUI CIIII'(lIICO (1':,1) .

Page 12: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

os TII.E THEOSOPHIST, [Decclllb~l', 1870.


'I'll I'; T>EA D,

By Rao BaJ,wlJu' Jtllltl j'd/,(( n S,r/,1,w'((JIl Gtld!!il, I, I"ll.,}". 1'.......

Jl(allfllltxJ,ij', or SlIprl'lIl1'l':IlIk. T .fr:l1lldy aIlRwpn·t! hilll Itlll:olll1h the h(ldi,~s of lIIedillllls or hy ossumill.g te.mporaril'ythat had] ever crav.,d allY slIdl ndll'~ or glory, ] wOIII,], O]'JI~ctl\'l' fonlls thcmsclves j tllat tIlls state 01 l'Xlstcllce IS1I0t 1m",' sl' left tIll) IllillSI' of IllY 1:ltlll'r, wllieh waR lint i bdl.l·l· Ulall tIle ('arUdy olle; IIIHI tlmt in tlmt illcurporea]lell.o; ~lIl11l'tlloUS or attrad i"l' lIlall his 1II0llasicry, witllllll its existl'lll'!' tlll'y will ,]('vcln\l1l11l1 IIttHill tu the ,Il'gree of filialridws.-" The nhjeet., wllil'll illlllleL',1 IIle tn dn aWHy with, pl'rfectioll. Nuw, Hilldll philosophy and J"l·ligioll tl'ochall these wortHy bIL'!"sillgs" I adell·d:' I lilld Y')U IIl'ilhl'r dil1i.'rl·lItIy Oil l'\'ery ulle of these puiuts, Thollgh theystrive for, lIorposseRs thl' kllllwl,·elge 01'." Ill' tlll'lI ell-' ot!llIit tlmt sOllre humall !louIs lIIay cOlltilllw fur a 10llgIlllil'I',1 what was tltat n],j,·l'! li,r wlli,·1t I so sl,rivet!.! tillll! wil,hollt IIlIoUler eOIJlorl'al body, after tlll'ir severallce.. That ol~il!d,," I ltllsWI'I'I·d" is till' sl'erd IwowJ..dgl!, the! frnlll tIle Itlllilall hodi,·s which they allimated, still this"idyll,ol' true el'l1elitillll Ill' H t/f'lI"i."c YIl;':; IIII' 11/0/1/.11'('" is thl' lot of cOlllparatiVl·ly a fl'w,-of thosl' nllly who, dll­whil·ll is n'al>1l('I] ollly hy tl\l' \llIrily of 011"'1" stllIl, awl /'('1'-1 ring tIH·i .. l'xislt'lIce Oil this l'art,h, ICl] a life of sewHlaltlfill (/ffaiIlIlH·,tf..nlllalt,a.illa.ltlll willltlllt. it.. Ml·IIlIWlril .., tire: f1pl'dit.l's, 11llel who dil·d 1'J'('matllrl'ly witlr thl' illtellsityIlI·rlill'malll'l) of. all t1~" dllti"s. til' IIll1n !I,w,:,I ..ds Ilis lellow-IIII'II, ' of ,tlroS~! cllmal. llesires IlIll~lllItcd 1II.1t1 slln'i','in~ t)l('ir sepa­alld lire l'lm'atlOlI 01 Irllllllllllfy t1l1'rl'l,y. mfttlll 11'0111 tlll'lr grOs.o; IM.dl('s. It IS such !\IlIlls ollly tlrat

Tile Mal'a I/t rl'llI:lrkl·,1 Ihat it was \"I'ry gtltld, alld lIsk..d ' arc cOlIsil]ered to stil'k tH the ellrth, owl LccOlne whatlIle 10 J'('llIaill with Irilll till' Sllllle tiljJl! at ICHSL Bill InrI' call ..d PisllClclUlS,· ur what the 'Vestern spiritllalistskl'l't. si It'll t. awl I'l'I.lIl'lll'd 1111 n'l'ly: r had 1It11. yd filllllli i miscall ':-lpirit.s·! Bllt I!Vl'n IIH>se are lIot cOlIsil!el'ed towlral [ snllgltt. Hisillg' till t111~ 1~.Illl\\'illg' IlIllnlillg' "I'ry I cnntinlle in tllis state of' existpllce for evcr, 1101' is tlris(larly, I Id·l. tllis ri,·1t .)w"llillg' alld W(·II1. ttl .JtlShl'l· Math. : slain consid(!retl as ill allY way dl'sirnhle. With H'gartl'l'hl'rl', ill till' eOllll,all." tlr I>abd 1:11 11'1', or 1\1 allllnlslrt.ra HII:IS- ,to the lIlajority of 11111 nan son Is, it is lleltl that ncconlingtrw'S al~d Sallll~·rlsis, 11/1' fl'1I1! :I.';I:I,til's of' t.lte ·Hh ()nler-I I to tlt~ia' Illlly Ill·.unholy dl'l!ds HIHI tlt'sires in. tltis !ilc, tlteyr"Hted for a wlull', ' go eltlrer ttl Irlgher alltl better worltls, ewllllg With BmIL-

(Ttl I", CfllIt i 1/ /' I'd.) lila 10/"(/, by the arclti l',idi lllli '!I(/, or tQ the lIl'ther world!!,by the yallla 1Il,i"ga,t The fonnl'r are cOllsillered to he

: tcmporary elevations tt) better existellces, the latter to

IWor:ill nxistenel's than on this world ill humall shape. Buttho'e of I'xistence kllown II.'! Pil:llwelut !fOld. is regar­ded ill the I1inllu system of philosophy allll religioll o.'~

the most horrible aud pitiful that the human soul eallellieI', Thl' J'l'ason of It is thnt it is the state that comesover the hUlllall soul os the result of the bnser dC8ires

Now that n medillill of re~lIlar comlilllllientiou, ill the having \lI'epllIlllerauce at the time of sepmation from theRhope of the 1'11t·tI.~(jll/'i.'1t, has II!'!'II l'st.a.hlislwd I)('tweell tIle· rorporea Lody; it is the state ill which the cHparities forElI"o;t 1I11d the 'Vest, 1'''1' I'xl>1mugillg idells 011 ulat!.!'rs of: the I'lIjOYUll'lIt of sensllItl pleasures are in lL devclopedphilmlOphy awl oecuitislll, it limy he liS!' I'll I 10 state iu statn, hnt the soul locks tllP lIIl'aus of physical 1'lIjoymellt,W'ul'ml tenlls what II illllu plJilosopllY alii 1 psychology viz, a corporeal oody; it is the state in which the soulhave to say about Spiritlllllism, This is thu IllOre ililpor- call ucver IImke progres.o; al,,1 develop into hetter exis­tallt illoslllllch as Ellr"I'" 111111 AlilericII are lit tIll' prl'sl,"t tCIICU, It is considered that" in this state the BOlli beillg,lay startled allll hewild .. r..d hy t.hose J'I'IIIHrkahll' mallifes- lleprivl',1 of the meaus Ill' l·"joymeut through its own phy­tHtitlns of so-calie' I spirit.o;, whieh have ri\'''' It·d the IItJPlllioll simi hody, is perpetually tormentcd by hUllger, nppetiteof the leanll'd, awl an' said to Imv(' drawlI away II1I,re aw]otllCr hodily l]esire:-, alld call have ouly vicl\I·ious en­thllll twellty IlIiJlitlllR ofl"·,,ple there 1'1'11111 thl' lltalt'rialistic jllyllwUt hy l'lItm'ing illto the livillg physical hodies oftlllldellei ..s of tl,,; pre:'lI·II1. II).;'''. OtlWI':i, fII' hy allsorbillg tlto suht(I'st essellccs lIf libations

Viewl'll frulII thc Sllllllipoillt III' Ililldll philosopby. lIay, lu,,(ohlatiolls o!tel'ell 1'01' t.11l'ir OWII sake. Nut 1IJ1 Pi,'1ha­lliat uf allY philoRuphy wurlhy of Ihe lIallll', t.lle ehas clln ellter the li\'illg hUlllau Lody of another,list.ic 1Il0Vl'mcllt in AIIH'rica allll Ellrupe is 10 be haile,1 as :1Il11 1I0lle call l'\lter the hOlly of a huly mau, that is, aun demonstrative cOllllelllltatill1l of t.hat gruss IIHI.terialislll, ascetic or adept in occull.islll,1mbversive of all religiou allll true sciellcP, which pn'aelll's Very few spirits are considered to possess tlte powertllnt nothillg of Inall sllr"iv('s the curptlrl'al ,Iis.~olllt.iun of making themselves mallifest Ly I\Ssuming physical np­('alletl ']l~'\th, Altlllllg'st HilldllS, this WlIS tIlt) beli('f alll] }ll'amnces for CVl'n a short time. These aw regnnled I\S

tho creed of thc Cllllr"llks, wholll 0111' philn~ophers ha\'c havillg greater strengt.1t tltall the others, a\l(\ it is bclieVl'drp~ll1'lled, Oil tlwt fil'eOllllt" as so desl'iea]'ll~ tltat 110 writer that. t.lIl'SC gl·t this pOWI'I' ovcr those who ill t110 sta"oof .I isti netioll amollg II i1)( IllS cOllsiders it worllt Ids whilc of t.11I·ir corporeal existellce Oil earth, were gi veil nil to tlteto tnke the tl'OlIble of noticing llll'ir creed or rl'fnlillg'it. wursldp of, 01111 associat.ion with demons (Pisllllchos), or toTltese Ch:'rv[Iks are Pllt dowlI as illijjilll"~' that, is. eJ'('ntllres the l'ontelnplntion alit I 1'1'lIctice of malltras that 1.'0111.1'01who are so ,11'f1cient ill philosophical 1'~ll'a('ity t.hat t.he·y t.ltpm, 0)' who were tlw vietims of some overhcaring pas­are not fit to he argned with. a III I mu~t he left to tltem- sinll. But this state of beillg is deemed the most miscrnbleselvcs till hy experiPllcl' or e\,('n Illedit.'\tioll they gd the a\l(l awful that anyone cu1l1t1 have eutere.1 upon, and itcapacity of perceiving tllat sOllletltiug sll1'vi\'es the Lodily is ollly the cOlllpamtivl'lIy good sOllls that uftl'r long sulrer­Ilissolutioll. The spirit.llalists of America Hlld EUI'OJlo Itave illg nllli }Jll1'ification ore ablo to pxtricate themselves.this tl'1lth phenomellally delilollst.ratutl to t.ltolll and so IiII' Tho whole series of prescribell Hindu funeral cer('mo­Easlern philusophy Wpll~OIIll'S t111l movcnll'nl.. Bllt. !lPYOIH] nil's, fl'Om the 1st to tho 11th day after a mall's dellth, if!this it can not go; for it finds littlt) reason t.o ('ongratttlote lIotlling 1II0re than the mOlle illculcated Ly that religioll tothe spirit.ualists IIpon 1,1)(, ncw idl'a.s Hili I 1I."l'iratiolls t.hey prevent tIle 1111111011 soul frum becoming a Pislwcha. ThePllt forth. Tltat lleath is t Ite IIlNP :'I,'paratioll of tIlP corpor('alIh\llle 1'1'0111 the Jil'(I, 01' sU1l1 tlmt it, is a tnlth O/'j,It'ld.",.· thi! word (':\n hnr,lIy oorell<lHo<l n('cumtel)' in ~:n~li,h, thoull'b

tho nuthor of" I_i. Unveiled" J:'h'o. n!l"""1 equivnlent in tho term" Elemen·admitted ill all schools of Oriental philosophy' The Blmg- l:Iri('.... They nrc A'ros.., deprR\'e,lllIlInon _oulo which, after the ,Ienlh of the

·u tl ttl T' I . I . I I I' hotl)' RI'e enrth·hollll,l .... tbo 1'001111 of their IItler lack of "\lirilllnlily n'!llthowatgl a says ll\ . Ie, Iva, W Ill' I IS a pal' ,all' patTe II 1IIY- !.retlolllinoncc of I heil' bosel' notllro•. The.e nro tho onl}' diaelllhollie,1 hlllllnnself, that is, Brahlll, IU:lvl's the GIlI'p"real h"dy al the tillie 'Oilll{H wilh whom tho li\'illJ.(' enn, lIeecrdillA' til lIin,lu holief, comllIllno; n,"t,(If tll'oth, lll\ll it dmws ill alld takes with it., tho lllilHI nlld t.he needle.. 10 ""y, tho illoB of tid. inlol'eolll'He i. nhhorl'ent. Mon of IIlCl'O in·

tolledlllli e'!llowlllenU<, who Inek "pidtllal intllitions may hecollIo ri.hnchnssl'lIses; jllst ns the hreeze "I' ail' t.hat tOllches alltl ICllves a e'l'tnll)' wilh the ";CIOl'S. In ahort "/'j,}",d"," is" returning Houl, ndlt'mon.lIower bears off its perfil IIII'. SO faJ' Oriell phi losophy til h"IIIO 1Il00U}' believe thr.t ~he 1'IIrifi('ation. nllli l'rowo._ion of lho humnn

I '~r£~stel'l1 Sl)i ri tl1'LI iSI I aI" at 0111' HII tit allll('ars that ROllI IIfle,' ~Ienth RI'O effeclcd l~y ,t. !'eturn ~ tillS carth fro,lll Ih~ oC"ernl IIthor

lUll ,-, ,,'. , ' ,I , e., .' , . 11'0",,1. wllllhor it gOOR, RllIl 110 rOlllenrnntllln. 01' lrnnslll'j(I'/Itllln ; eneh new\Vestern RIl\ntllahs~~ lin' tlnftlllg 1IIto tIll' heilpl that ('vcry, roinenl'llntiollisA'o,·el'lled.b)·iLA,loo<I,.in thol'!'e"ious ~irtl" tholW80u.I .....hiehhllmllll 80111 after Its Sl'\'erance from the corl/oreal lJO(ly hnvo hoell A"oo<l re"p(lC:U-lIlll' un,lor 11I~llt;r relllc~rnnb?n!, thooe wlllcb were. . .' . . . IbB,1 \lllIler lower one.. But Ihe t..,o "010;' 00 l'urtfie.o h•• IIIl1er .elf .... to go atwhich It l\lI1mate,1 011 tillS cartll, rcmalllS fur ev('r Without 'le"lh irllmedinlely to Eml"." lol'n, whenco ho never return., Llllt wllOr'! heallother cor}lOrelll b,Ocl)' . t,hat all )111111:111 slllds call, alltl solnc l'emoiuo.tll,liI tho next P....I,,!!',. or dis"ol."lion of the vioihlo univer.e, com·

, , , . , ., 1''''1..0h'M Clllnlldpatiull from nil cnrlhl)' tAlnl, nnd trnllRfcr. hilll Inlo .1/.,k,I,,,,do IIl1\k(' tIl~'IJ1S1'1\'('s 1I1l111t11'st, f,,, IlvllIg !J II II III II helllgs, I'lt,lter. III' Ihe 010"11:11 hll.-,

Page 13: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, 1870.] THE THEOSOPHIST. aD

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,\ 3lRf1i(''!"l<T P<ff'li'f"lftf~:j' 'Ii'i~<T 'l~~l1h rcf~7?f <T P1:tlij" I,~ ~ ~ -'

P<r 7.i~~(fl-'f '1~lH {'if 1{Q"'if~ lfil r1iflf'l ~".f~'liJl,,1

Fi fJr:f CfqvJ~ an,,~_ 3l'~...3lqr f~tf: ~ t)'Juli 1f~(lH'f I~'" ~~. f!(IlY ij~Y C1i;"(qii-l Q"Ji lHoft~q'<Tl1 3l11£: I

J: i~ [. Hll ·j(l,',.

[Contiuu",1 "'0111 li.o :s-o\'cn,ucr N11111\>01',]


By ]lao Bll/wlllli' S/lIwktu'l'alldtll'mig )l«wlil, M.A.

The hnre, inllocellt. uaked, lIusophisticatell Tmth isthere, viz, that the idea uf mauy god:! is the lIIust uatllmlto hllUllUl thinkiug IUHl that the idea uf one SII)ll'euteGod is the result of u1llch tltinkiug, sl'cclliatiug lIud ge­nern.lizillg. TLus we Illlve tIll' gellesis uf tlw IlIllUy gudsout of the great pllll!llOllleH:\. uf uatlll'e, sucb of tltelll, thatis to 11Ily, II:! strike the illll\.gilll\.tioll of silllple Lilt spl'ell­lativo lIIinds. Iudl'll. the goo of l'llil1, StOl'llI, and ligltt.that sends showers of refreshiug allli fructiliziug mill tuthe cnrth, strikes with Lis thlllllierholt-tite lightuiugaccompauied by th\llHler-tLc SII pposcil dClllou that with­lluhls the min lludil'l'eveuts tho ligllt of tIle heavullsfl'om reachilIg the ellrth, Vanll,\I\. WIiS CIlIII:l'i ved liS thogreat )lowe I' that envelopcd the eal'th with tile Llilllipall of uight, pllllishell the wicked /\.1111 rewarded tIleJIISt, witllOllt their being aw~re uf who it was that 1.1\1­lIi:!hed ur l'ewardcll thL'lIl, Aglll was II. necessary creationtu accolllIt for all tlw phU:UOIIl\:IlH ('ollm'ctl.·d with light HilI!

ceremullies perful1lledlllld ublatiolls otl'eredl)y tIle relatives heat-tlle light fillll hellt that (,xtclltls frnm l'artll below toof the dCl'cll.'K.'(I, fire l'Ollshlerell cttical'iolls lur tllis pllrpose, IlCavell aho\'l'. TlIe SI1Il. tllat li'lIitJlI1 SOmcl' of \lllIch reoawl hellce Hindu religioll elljuills it ml the 1I10St Iltl'ediollate ligiun ill all ages alHl cOlllltries. did Ilot filii to be vilm'ellIllIty of II SOil or othel' relative to save II is dl!parted olles frulll IIlallY variell pol'ticlIl st:ll1d poi IItS. Tlw Sllll hl'CllIIIOfrolll III is dirclid filte. I II tile Sllll.'it1'll.'l, the k illg, as tlte S:wi tA, i.l'. tlle llaily l/ j '0!J/!u i/O/' uf tile world, as 111' IIH\.llolIeir of tlle IlCiriess, is clljoillell hy tlle sacred hooks to pcr- tlle wol'1d daily rise illto visible existl'llce f1'l1l1l tIl\: dL'ntht,)I"1II or get perttJrllled thesc sacred rites ftl\·tlwse that have of llarkllesll ill whiell it IllY ellvelolll,d dllrillg tlte pl'eviollll110 relative's to perftll'lll tl,em ill tlleil' helmlfj for it is COIl- lIig-llt. Tile SI1I1 becnllle I't',skl, tlln /1O/ll'ishL'I', becallse itsillen,'11 of pamlllOllll t jill portalice t ilat tile post-lIIortelll was tl,rol1gh ilis Iigll t tilll t \11,11 risld Ilg lilllt! was grow II,

cOllditioll uf Pis/mc/Ill }'olli slwllld he avoided hy 1111 Tile SIIIl IIll befriellllillg all life by Ilis life-illspirillg" liglltalltl}Xlssible IllelltlS. Evell after tllis calalllity overtllkl's II 1111- prevelltillg tlle world frolll heillg nlways pllll1ged ill llark­l1lall sOlll, a\lll it begillll to lIIallifest itself liS a Pislmcll,' IIeSS, callie to he eOllsiden~d as the IIl1ivl'rs;d ' Fril,wl"­thel'e lire l~ereulOuies elljllilled, I'alled lji,~//(icltlt ?//Il('/wlli, Mif/'{f whll J,l'eallie filially persolJilil~d, dl~ilil,d alld l~xaltl'd

iuteuded tu ellIallci(llltl) it from tllis statu a IIII pill, it ill ill IIYIIIUS IIl1dlH' that lIallll'. '1'111, SIIII ellllid Ullt filii to botho way ot'assllllliug a corpOl'eal hody accordillg to its de- SlllIkell of liS the' grcat II'llVL,llel" that gOt'S swiftly 1'0111111

serts. Evt.'u the trallsmigratioll of a hUlllall soul illt,) a t Ie earth as 11(>110 e1SI' cOllld go; liS tile" I leavcllly Hii'll oflower existt.'ucc, such /l.ll tllilt of a benst, reptile, illscct, &e, excellellt willgs" flyillg tlll'Ollglt llLOavl'lIly spat'e with ill­is Cllusillercd prd'erahle to the state uf Pis!lI1(ha· YVlli; IlescribahlL' rapidity-alld tll\ls to Ill! Ilyllllwd as SlIjHll'­fur, ill t.he lil'st phll'l', tltere is ill tllat state II. eorpllreal ~ta Om'lIfmdo. The IIlorllillg dawlI, so rl'frl~sllillg' alldbody 1,.1' 1'lIjoymclIl, lllld socoudly, it is COIl1Jllll'lltively II brilliallt, Sll filir awl lllmllliflli. allli I~vor yOllllg', dailyvery sltUI'l existcucl', at the eud of wlticb the slllli hllll shiuiug lill'th illtu mallitestatiou alld ytot daily "l\.l1isbillg"the \1'~'I.'liLility uf risillg lip to II. better stato uf existellce, away wilhllllt tarryillg' 101lg', Wll.'i Ul'cl'ssarily pcrsollified,The IUIIlau t'1I"1I1 uf existellco is rl·ganled as the Ilighest' awl wall deilied illtd Ut;I'lI.'J. All tllesL' :11111 similar hL'illgsgmd to be aspirell to ill tllis series of trallsllligratiulls, I,ll' seemed til awake dnily ill the l·nrly I 11111'11 iIIg (USllilrlJlldllll.'i)ill that IIlolle, tlw SOIlI IlIIs the ellpallility of knowillg till) lllld to l'isu illto daily l!xistl'lICe rrllill dll' w(/lllh of thatultilllllte secret III' its lI11tUl'e, lllld tlwreloy IIttaillillg vast ulllillJitt,d spaee, Ihllt illtillily of brilliallt Ill'llVL'ldythc Iligltest beatitllde. Existellee ill worlds eveu hetter space, which could lIot hilt he pcrsllllitil!d. duitil'd alliltlmll the l'al'lll, is dl'III'ecated, fur, llithougit tlte capacities ltyllll1ell hy tltem as ~,ttlifj. It recl'lin'd Jill great strdcllalHl powcnl of ulltward elljoYlllelll il1 tltuse wurlds lire of illlllgil1l1tiol1 to speak "f lito prilll!il'al gods, wlto seel1lL·dgreater IIWI1 on ellrtll, yet I1U otltel' world:hesides tlte elllth, to be hul'll ill tlto 1110l'I1il1g il1 tile till' ea;.;t ill lhn Wl'llIh ofthe lll'llhl1111 luka excepted, is c0l1sidel'el1 to give to II s01l1 IlClweu's ulllimitell IJrillilll1l space ,I liifi, ll.'i ..l,z,"Y08 orSlIclt developmel1t liS it is capable of receivil1g' wllCl1 sous of Ai/ai,c1.utllCd il1 tl~e human hody,-a development wlticlt eUlIhles I But Spt'Clllaliun did uot filii to lIe. rl'g.ulated •~)y I'eas,,!),111m to aCIIllIre knowledge of 0\11' own essence, lIlIIl tlterd.y llIlil rcasull h'll to grad 1111 I gellcraltzallOlI, Illl! V('dleIittnin Iil1al elll!UICiplllioll, Set~I'S IJl'gal1 tIl perceivu IllIlt thL'ir selliors Itad lifter nil

It will be seen frOl1l tlte above titat tltc lIil1dl1s are 110t heell speakil1g of (JIll' Hlld the Sllllli''' (jIll! Bl,illg" ul1dcrspiritualists iu the s~'lIse that tlwy foster lIledilll1lship or ditl'eI'el1t I1IlIII es. 'Not kl1uwiug I ll.'lk Itere tltuse tltathoM willil1g COlllllllll1ioll witlt tlteil' dead. Tlte ohsessell 'know, Itu' tlte sake uf kl1owil1g', I that 1lI11 igl101'f1l1t: 110pel'sol1 tlte Hiwlui'l I'('gal'll as lIufortll illite, nwl if I/y al1 'tlmt u pI 10It Iii the~j(J tli x worlc Is ill thL·i I' r(,sl'l·cti ve plllel's,\lI1IIl1Jlpy chance, tlto Itousc is·;villited hya delld rdlltivL', 'tlwre is, ill tltere 1101.. sOl1wthillg il1 till' lIntlln, "f thlltthe OCClIl'I'CI1Ce is cOl1sidl'rcd a disll.'itL'I', alld tltc rdlll'llillg 'Ul1h01'1I ()lIe, tllHt is 011l' ! '." ... 'Tltey call [llim] '1111(1/.one II. 811hject tor pity. Ill1d pmyerll. Bllt tlte Yoga pllilu- 'Milt'((, V(/j'/I~La [awl] .tt!Jlli. Also Iii' [is tlte saine as] tltesophy, witlt the Yogi's evol\ltiol1 of hi:! psycllical powers, 'lTeat'ellly jJil·d of cxcL>!IL'l1t wil1gs. ThL' sagL's 1I1111le tIleis a very ditl'erel1t tltillg, By it Ite cal1 separate Ilis k.;IIIl;- 'OI1C Beil1g ill variolls ways. Tlleyeall [hilu] .tlf/l/i, }'(/'/I/tl,

'j·!tj/lt 01' astml S01l1 frOl1l Ilis physical body, ClIl1 clIter al1d [allll] ltll;ful'is/,tl,'- SIIYll 011U of tllll risllUs, J);rgltlll.IIIl11IS,t:lIlplll'lll'ily llil'cct lllliltl,wr lIH1I1:S hod,)',. I'llI', becolllu 0111- cer.taillly olle oftlt~l oldl:st VL'c1i~ pods. A 1I0tlll'(', SJlI'CII­

IIISCll'l1t, call COIIIIIIIIIlIl WIth the IlIgh slllnts 01 otlWI' worlds, latlllg 011 the 1'l'eatlOlI 01 t he IUIIVL~I'SI', t.he gods, IIIHI ntllL'l'ami call attail1 to powers wltich to onlillary l'ersous appear beil1gs. snys of tile tiuw Ill,lul'e the L'l"eatiou:' Tltere wasmiraclliulls, bllt which to a pililosoplll'r alld trlle scieutist•.. tlll'U uu uuueutity 1101' I'lItit)', tlwn! was uo world, IIOJ' thel'l"Ove ollly tilL' iutill1ate couuectioll of the l1lil'l'OCOSIII alHI '1Il'avell tlillt is aluft, WlllIt em'doped ltile world] ! \Vlwl'cthe UlllcmCoSIIl, llllli the illcolllparable )lower of tllc !tIlUllLU '111111 for whose bcudit [WIIS it]? 'VIII'l'e WilS waleI', thesoul ovel' the material Illliversc. 'lleep nbyss '( There WllS th('11 110 deatll, UlI1' iUlIIHll'tnlit)',

'Ill) distillctiun of lIigllt :11111 llay. Tllat ouc !Jl'eatlH'd· Iplietly, tlll"Ullgh its 011'11 )lUWCl', It'ur bcsides thnt th('re'was lIothiug" else. III the hegiullillg tlllJre wns Ilal'imesll'ellvelojlell iu d:nkII eSli, All t!tis was III1t1istillgllislml,le'uuthiug', '1'Ilat uue wllieh lind bt'ell ellvdopl'd every­• where ill II 1111 istillgll i!>hahlu 1I0thi IIglless was devl'1opcl I'through tile turL'e of li)rvol', Desim arose ill it ill the, begilllliug, which wall tlill lirst genII of tile lIIilld. SlIgL'S'seal'chillg with their illtellect have foillHI thllt to be· the coulwctiun bctwel'lI tlte I'lltity alld till' 1101l-L'lItity,'The ray of tllese [lIoll-I,lItity, desim all" gl'I"II1], was it, ncross, below, 01' abm'l'? There thell lIrose those that'colIlLl illl\,I'I'guate, HIllI 1.1"'1'1' arose thosu that wen, Illighty· objects. There WllS sdlslIl'Jlortillg l'rilll'il'll! below lU1l1

'power lI!Jove, \VI,o kllows trllly. who elln IWl'e declllrL'., whence, whence this en~atioll aruse! Till' gods arL' poste­, riol' to the l'1'eatiull 1'1' Ihe IIllivl.:l'se. This beillg su, willi'kumvs ",llcuce this Ilui\'l'rse s)lraug ( "'llcnee this IIl1i-

Page 14: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

70. ~u-,------

THE THEOSOPHIST."-;--------.


By Xi/kant K. ('hhall'e, B.A., 1:.e.E'.The way ill which knowlpdge of Physical Scic'lIce is im­

parted to IIs.iil nl't. to mish·ad. TIIP' principles are laidIlowlI, Lilt 0\11' toxt-Ilooks are silellt as to the origillal dis­coverers allll eXI'0IlI'lIts; so that, gdtillg aliI' edul'atiollfrollt EuropeHII ill~tl'lIctors, with til(' help of Europeantext-hooks, alld IlfIvlllg no ('OIIl~IIlTellt teaeIlin rr as t.o nilcicnt1 I, I . t . ). t'.III Jan liS ory, arts, flCWIICt'S or Iteratum, we arc a.s 1"lIorallt,I, . . I I '"o our lIatwlm alltl'Ce( ent... as t1lough we werc at. sehool in

Irelallll or GerlllallY, or eVl'n Icelalld 01' Russia. No won­tiel', t.lll'n, that t.he· fires of a true patriot.ism-thllt whichIIlHkes one love 111111 revere his native la.nd alHIltis ancest.orsnre bl'ing lJuenclwd. \Vo are becoming 11101'1.' ElIroilclIn:allli less Aryan every IIny. Let us avail then, of t.he presentopportullity, to 801llld the sea of Ar)'all fiterat.nre nntl brillgup whatever import.ant thing we can. The idea of l\ sipholl,liJl' exanlple, is ohta.illed by liS throngh the mediulIl of tlteElIglish tongne. No llistnril:al sketel. is attached t.o im­portallt. treatis~s on. these sciellces..This most lIaturallybreedil III us a false Hlea that the sul~Ject we read of mustbe a European discovery, AJt,hough Sanskrit literatl1l'oabOlIIIl!iI ill refl'l:l'nces to. various cOllelu8i()~lS of, tllt'~(j ~Gien­ces, still therc IS 110 work yet found WIllch IS d('voted to11IIy special su~jed. The progress of Europe and t.he back­wlmllless of Hilldustan ill the cllltivation, of PhysicalSciences strcllgtJII:n this prejudice, until we 1'01;11' til believethat nothillg wn." done in this direction ill Ary:lvllrta henin its goldell days. This is smldeninff: tme, but. we cannotdCIlY it.; the fact is there. Patiellce,llOwever, in our searchthro~lgh !hc pl'IlliHIIIl! depths of A ryan litcmtll.n:, re,,'at'{Jsthe 1I1l1"Jrer evr~ry 1I0W allil 1.111'11 With fad,:; WllleJl at lenstli)r a moment ellahIe olle to realise to some extent whntmust have been the good old times of Aryavllrt.a. Up,theil, hrothers; let us search, allll we will sl1l'ely filltl, LetI1S begin with t.11l' sipholl.

1. The ](11/"/"/1111 ...Ycidl: what is this; It is no otherthan the siphon. The lIame whell trallslnt.ed com('s to mean" a cock tube," and is analogous to "the U shapetl t.llbe."

Bh()skaniclHlr)'a, the celel>rated Hindu astrollomer, wholivell pight celltl1l'ies ngo, says -:-" If a metallic tube

• (fJ;:,r~lll1{l1r~q;~~~{'lll'arqU1"tl1 II u 3 II,~ ~c:-... •

~*f~>i\"<woi~o1'Q"m:h1'"-i1~f<f ~ Of~: I

---~ ----~ ---------

I \"('rse arOSl', wlwtlaer it. has been ITPated or whet.her it It i:'! ill tlli:'! vim\' agaill of t.lae Yl'da t.hat. we regard it'IH\..~ lIot beell creat.ed at. all,-He wllO is it.s Itllier in tlais as t.he origin of n·ligion. Alld looked at from tlaii poillt'laighest Ileaven, He alolle l{)Jows; alld if lie does lIut., (,laell of Vil~w,-tllC point of vicw, tlaat is to say, from wlaich yOIlf 110 olle kllows.' - sec ill it all tlae true prillciples of II II iversal rl'!iffiou awl

The highest f1igllt of specnlat.ioll, the must lahoriclIIs Ilis- the chit.f blelllislaes tlaereof, awl also see thl"tlll~h thosocovery or evell tIll' bl,ldest assl'rtioll of allowahl(' dng- principII's allll l,leillishes tn their <,arliest germ 1\I~ll follow,mil tism of modern days Imve 1101., we tla i11 k, gOlle 1Illleh thClII tla rollgh nIl tIle I'IIIIS('8 uudergollo by tht'lll 1111 t.i IbeYIlllI1 this philosoph). of religioll of tlae Vl'di(~' ~~ishi. yOll COllie to a stage which illdllce people to say that the

Tlais is abollt creatiull. Tlae ot.her att.riblltes of the good principles wem rcvealt'd by God alld the blemishesDeity, viz. \Visdolll, I IIflII ity, MI·rey. lInlllllt~lbility, 1111- were imparted by GOII'S ('lIeIlIY, the Devil-looked atmort.ality, .Jllstice, Ulliversal care, tIll' quality of beillg t.he 1'1'0111 this stawlpoillt, the whole of tlae Vella is the mostshelter of till' helpless, t111~ poor, (.\lIi oppressl'd-t,hesn allil vIIIlIab.le book ill the wo~·ld. It is the oldcost cOlltellJpo­nil others whit'h go to fOI'lJl tjllJ tl"d of all lIatiolls 1101, mry history, tllP oldest bIOgraphy of 1II1lll, the oldest SOIlI-{ollly filltl II pl'olllillCllt place ill the Veda, hilt. we have that lIIall ever sallg to a higher Power or Powers. \Vhellthereill a reliahle bistory as to bow Illall-tlie Arynll lIIall at we 1'1.'1IlCIllber this we cea~!) to reject the hYlllllR as cnllloleast-ol'igillally call1t' to I'ollceivl.' of thelll, how lw dl~\'I'- aIIII 111lt'llltivlItl!d allli take th~ Upallislln':tls, or to tnkl.'IOpt'd thelll lind how he lIIatlll'l.'d thelll to a }loillt hl'yollIl tbe hYlIIllS alltl n:jl.'d tilt) Br:1I. mal):ls. To the biogmpllcrwhich 110 religioll or philosophy has pl'ogl'essell to till' the illfallcy, tlw ehiltlllOocl, the sellOol clays, the YOllth aspn'sl'lIt day-alld all t.his, he it n·lIllJlllben·d, IIllaidl'd, 1111- well as the old age of his sll~jcct are all el)lIal(y impol';assisted, IIlIills(lired by dirt'ct diville n'velatioll-at least tallt. Look at t.he Veda as a Ilistorical record to be reat!so f:11' as the Ycd ic poet.., alit1 all tlllJl's tl1clIIsell·us are COII- nncl iIII el'pl'dl'cl historically, a IIlI i I. is n. tJ'(~nsllre of pl~r­

cel'lled,f fed gl'IIlS, 1I11clillalled ill IlIstl'e or si?e. J,ook at it fromOther religiolls s,Ystt'llls-grantillg tlll.'llI all ol'igill ill- thc poillt of vit'w which is gl'lIcrally adopted lly tllCo­

11e(lOllllellt of the vUlluraJ,(l) VI·da-do illdced t.e:wh the logialls of wbatever sect who wish to find in it eithersallwattrillutus of t,l1O Divillit.y, hilt they do 1I0t aliY of llot.llillg hilt divillu kliowll.'dgl' or llothillg bllt hllman .I'a­them 'allow lIiI to see t/1I'(lllfjh tillHII, to sel' lJC!J0nd thelll, villgs, and it at once heCIIIIII's a perfect chaos. To the llis­to Sl'e lJehind Illelll. Cllristiallit.y, li,r instmlcl', tlnt!s it torian, the sl'ielltific scltolm, the stlHIl'nt of hlllllall illst.i­!Iccl'ssa I'y to stalll I u pOll I't'velatio!1 1'1:1' the 11IIsis. o~ wIlat r 1.11 tiollS, ,~lae fi ,lIo.wt·rs or ~lI1ivers,al I'd igiou :lIld. aho.v.e a.JlIt teaehes, thollgh we have 110 laeslt.atlOlI willit!)ver In say- to !.lie lilcosophist the \' l'dlt will always COlltlllllC to. beilll-{ tliat tllOlIgll it te:telll~s mallY 1;0011 things it t.eacill's tIle lllOst importllllt book. .nothing that the Vella had 1I0t tallght beli,rt·.

Re\'L·!atillll is all 1JIlilatisiadol'y Illl'thotl of accollutillgfor YOllr pllssessioll. The aequisitioll requires a IIHlrl' ua­tuml, more illtdligible, alld 1II0re aeceptabh~ expl:lllat.ioll.This explallat.ioll is flll'lIislietl ill alHlIltlallce 1Iy tlie Vecla,alld it is chil,tly for this l'eaSOIl that wc call tllC Vedathe nrigill alit! history (If all religioll.

Bill. n.)t ollly have we ill thl' Veda what, WI' may eallilw virtues of rdigioll, alltl the history of their origillallll developmellt, bllt also the viet'S thert'of nllli the his­tory of their origill aUII developllll·lIl.. Like all thill~s

hUlllall, mligioll-whidl we regal'll ill it.s dl'Velopllll'lIt. ,I.',hUllllIn alHI vallie it to that l'xtellt olllv that it is hllllllill-has had its mistakes :llId t'vil COlls~'(l'lellces. I I. hasalso dOlle-or lIIore corl'Pt't1y sOlllethillg else has dOlle ill it""lIallle-great Ilarm silll'c it hl'gall to get allY votal'il'stogl'tlwr IIndur its stallllal'li. Religioll has had its m)'l,\lo­logy, it.s miracles. It has paralysed tllC free exercise of tIll!bl'st part of Illall, reasoll: it has taught us to helieve tlllltGod is partial to cert.aill lIIen alii I illimical to certaillotlael's; it has tmlght liS to hdicvc ill imngillmy horrol'S ofwodds IIllseell, allll to kill those people who do 1I0t. believeill whnt we helieve. These a IIII other bll'llIishes whichat.t:u:h to religioll are ill the Vella, nllli as ill the case ofthe virtnes of religioll We have a clear /tllll well-COllIll'duIIhistory of the rise and developmell I. of tlte blem ishes also,

• <fTff~r(:J~T ff~r€T~'V;:fi <fTtf~>i\"l ;fl «rllll 'lQ 'Q"~ I~lll'n~'l':r: ~~ 'fit'T ~4~ll: f"'IlTffTif~rt 'rlll~l!. II t II<f 1J(~n~T"1Jff <f of~ <f ~l3q-T' '31;7{ '31H:f)rr. lI~o: Ia:ll1~~qTIf ~'.f\:l'Q"l o~'l; (RllT:lW11~ 'R": Y'l;" ~<fm II ~ IIo&i '31rffi~ (fffffT ~lll~l{~if ~f~~ ffq~T ~~~ I~~jJij<fTP.ff'll~i 'Q""l~lt o'lff~ (Fqr~<fT>i\"l'Q"~'-fi~, II 3 II'JiTll{~i{ ffw'(~if1i\:l iRm i"o: lIqq 'Q"~l~rr, I~lfl iF~iffif'f r~f-F~ ~f~ lI;ft~l1l 'fi"f~ llrf)..,T II '( IIftK~;fl Pfool 6~~"'lli\:l: ~'.f"nf1~'lil" ~'.f~Tffl~ I~<fTl:ll '31~ff'f. ll~lll<f a:llff~ {'.fl:lr '31'.f{'irl,\ lI'Q"fu: f,(~~OH, Ihll'fiT 31:lrl q~ 'fi J:{ :q <fr~t !o '31l>i\"Tol fO J,<i Prfflq: I'31<f~'l, ~ql '31{'Q" fq~~;f;:rrl1r if ~~ 'Q"o ;m~q II \ IIl.lf f-T~~o '3111T~"f 'Q"f~ 'fl ~~ 'Q"f~ 'IT ;:r I '"

'Q"T '31{q-Tl'q~: 'l~i't c~llrr. m~ ~~ 'Q"f~ 'll <f 1-t~ II \9 IIr.ig,·c>ln X. 129.

.t Rw,;!"! Dn)':;III1I1~1 Snrn.<..-nli~-lhe newcsl HefoJ'mer-likewi"e "ejeds.lIred 11I\'Il1e re,,,lnlloll fiS fill illll'ossi1,ilil~' bllt c1aillls ill,/,ij'ff!lOll fol' his1''';lIIitil'o four Hbla's (1':.1.)

Page 15: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

,1)ecelllbe1', 187D,] '1' I{E T II E 0 8 0 P II 1ST • 71

(I) Sce I'a... lit K ", t:amasw:,,,,i',, skchltUs, JI ·11111,1 tl", ~Ial' al the on,1of the book, (2l Kn\'iul,al'ila, I' a, Iinc II, (:,) ,I'h. II '1",1 IV, It "'a)' bend,lcd Itcro that I Iln\'u ~ra"c ,10"I'ls n, to tI", S""kar" "jjll)'Il, l'" ('alc"tta, rca II)' a work "f AlIlll"la'!i.-i, Ihu ""I,i1 vf SI"kllnl, III Mnlllll\'\'Ild",,'a}'a, II.:J, (5) I'. :!21i, (I) ,\lndha" I\', 1·:J,

(I) ~11"t1H\\' y, 1. ('0"'1'''1'0 Anantla;(il'i p, 11.

heut ill the ftll"ln uf all anhlAlI - be fillet! with W:ltCl", aud to tleify whomsuever exemplifil's its higher aspiratious; asif olle ClU! of it he put out of, alll! t.he other illto a pot though the lwepiug of him 011 tIle hUIIUl1I plalle madcfidl of watcl', am! if we let go both the ellds, the water other mell seem mealier lllH! more little hy coutrast,will How out in a coUtiUllOUS stream, This is" says tlte Sllllkamclull'llya's biographers apotheosisct! their hero,alltho1' of the Siddilltuta Shil'IJlllauui, " well kuowlI to the as A!exauder's alld Ciccro's aw! those of Apollouius. Jesusartizans by tho uame of' a cock-tubc or !.'/ll'kula mid t t; alld a III I Mahomet did theirs, They made Ilis III Ivout presaget!wonders are wrought by meaus of this," by a lteaveuly vision-of' Mahadeva, tu Ilis father, Sivll-

Gauot speaks thus :-" The sipllOu is Hllet! with some gum-alH! his e<lreel~ attelldcd hy lIIiracles which uo theo­!itlnid aIH! the two euds beiug closed, the shorter leg is ry of interior, 01' psyehic:d, developmellt call eOVl'r, A le­dipped iu the litlUitl - • 11. will then run out through lIiellt posterity IIllly wdl pass over these pious oUlbellish-the siphon as long as the shorter end dips iu the litl'Iid," meuts as the fruit of an cxhulx'raut partiality, for after all

, (Gauot's " Pilysics" : The Sipll(JlI,) these have beeu stripped away, the tme gnuHlelll' of theNUW, while tlj() Aryan kuowledge of the siplllJll cau llOt pllllllit, philosop!ll'r, aIHI mystic is ollly the mure pilliuly

he hypothecated upou an Iudiau work only eight ceuturies revealed to us,old, yet this passage makes it clear enough that this lty- 'Ve are, ullfortunate!y, without the necessary t!at<l tol1raulic iustrulllcnt WlIS used in this country 10llg Lefurc cnaLle us to prceisely nx the ..pod I in whidl this greatGllllot'S "Physics" was wl'itten, anti hence the lads in OUI' teachl'l' Houl'islll·ll. SOIIIC ascribo it to till' secoud cellttll'Yschools arc uot obliged to bclilwc the siplllHl a Europcan Ilcfore,othel's WOU)I! brillg- him down to the tenth alter,invention mel'ely beclluse Ganot dcscribes it, Am! that Christ. Most modern scholars agl'ee iu locating him iu}Klint bcinrr sett.led, the l'e1l10ter question uf ArYIlI1 priority t!te eightll centnl'y of the Christian 11I'a ; and, since WI! haveovel' the (h'eek and Egyptian philllsophel's, lllay be sall·ly fur this opinion tho cOllonl'l'll,nt autllOrit,y of Wilson, Cole­postponell fill' another occasion, The ulllguiticent ruius of hrooke, RllIlIllIlllllln Hoy, YaJuesvar Shastl'i, 11lH! Professorour auciellt hydraulic wor~s ought to satis(y us that cng!- I Jayall:II::"ya~1 Tarkaplll~~~hanam, t!J(~ .Bengal,i editor of l~n­nCl'I'S capable of consl.\'llctll1g thellluHlst have known theIr ilIHlaglrl S .lianl.-cll'(/ Y/jll,ljll, and II, IS less 111I1'0rtllnt, alterscieuce thoroughly, , all, to kllow whell lit) taught thll!l,wlmt. he tllugIJt alltl ditl,

Iu the wOl'ks caIlet! SlIkmlllt.i an(l Brilllltsauilitll, much we lIIay as well aceept that tleClslolI wltllllnt deLate, Noiutercstilt" iulil1'llllltioll is <rivcn, 'Ve will pl:;ce it beful'e more Cl'l't.llinly clIn his birth-place he ddcl'IlIincd. AsOtll' reade~s ill tllC uext iss~c, sevcn t'itics cOlllpeted ful' till' IIUIIUI' uf having produced a

1'uo II a, ...YO/,Clltl)(:I', 1879, 111~'~~lIcr, SOlfi\.'l'!,I.),i,.)gl'at.h~m; a~cl'i,be 1.lis Ill,ti,\'itybto

l,as IlI


t dll:rl'lIt uca Itil'S, ,~l'Iugcrl IS l'O1ll1ll01l)' C levet to_ J.ave ht'ell tJ.e filvoI'l,d town (I); 1)\11. a pas;;age 1'1'0111 tile

SANKARACHALtAYA., PHILOSOPHER AND Sival'llll111lja, !Juotel! ill t,1111 Kaviellal'itra, woulll illdicate al\LYSTIC,(I) I.OWII ill t.lle Kerala distrid.,uallwd Sa&t1agl'llllla 12); AIHUl-

B!J ]{/'sltinatll 'l'rimbal.- 1'1,1 011 q, M,A" 1,L.lJ. dagiri's Lile of Sallkara Uailles Cliidalll"arapnra \3) ; Ma­dhev puts lill'ward ){alati (I) ; alld I:tstly, YlIjl\esvai Slla8-

I lIlight well plead tIle lIlultitlll!inous clIgagelllt'lIls uf n tri, iu Ilis Aryavidya Sudltakara, tl,lls us Sauklll'a firsthus,Y prufessiollal awl literary li!'o, as anl:xcu,se fin' !1,Ot CUIlI- saw the ligJ.t at Kalpi .:il,plYlllg wit~, t~lC retllll',st. to brlCtly no~lC~ 111 tl,lC 1 II EOSO- 'l'akillg 110 noticl, oftJ.c purtents alit! WOIIIII,,'8 saitl tAl J.avePIIIS'J' the 1~lcJ(ll'lIts of Sallk:l1'lwJ.araya s t1IIlStl'lOIIS ,carcl'r, oeeurn,d in tlw llltiinal alld vugetahlt' killgduuls at Ilis birthBut [ alll, ,?rst a~,d last, lL H lllt!U,' lind lily sympatlill's HI~d -such liS the fl'lltel'lIizillg together of beasts ordiuarily J.os­h,llll1 ble euopel'lltlOu an! pledged Ill. atl va n(:~ to,oVl'ry legl- ! tile to each, till' UIIt~ollllnOU pl'! Incidity of tJ.e stn'lI1ns,tllnl~tc attempt to clucl~l:tte tlte ,"!stury, 01 IlHha or better· tile prdl'rllatural slwdl!illg of t'ragl'lIl1l'tc Ily tn'us alii! plaut.s,t!w llltullcet\ll~1 ol'}.lhysteal cOlldltlU~1 o,f Illy coulIl.rymclI, 11M of the joy ot' tilt, UpallisllHds 01' tJ.e glad Pll,lIUS of thel' rOIl~ the earltest tll,ne tIre study 01 pllllo~opllY, alld lIIeta- whole Clolestial host, we lind 0111' 1ll'l'Odisplaying a llIostphyslt:s has been pnzed aUt! eu~ol~mgc~! III thiS cOII~ltry, \\'01 II lerfu1 pl'ecot:it.y, 111 Ilis lil'st )'l,ar lie ae!Jllired thea1H!llIg!1 aLove all other nallteS, 111 Its J.lstory are wntten Sallskrit alpllllbd alld Ilis own lallg'uag-e; at tWll,leamedthose, 01 .uUI' people who ~llIve allllCl! to ~l\Jlp meu to c1e,Hr- to rcad ; at tllrl'e, st.udied till' KavYlls and I'nrHllas-llntll'r tJ.IU~lIlg UPOI~ tllC ~u,l(Jects e,uI h1'1lcel!111 those categor~es, uuderst.ood IlIauy portiolls of tlWlI1 hy intllitioll (lj), Allau­\~~lCt!te,l b~ tlll'l1' wl'ltlngs, discolll:ses 01', ~!xll1~lple, ,'lite dllgiri, less circlllllstlilltial, IIlCrcly stHtes tlta! Sallkara he­hie willch fonlls Illy presellt tlLeme IS the hie of olle of tile callie ClJlIVel'Sllllt witll Pmkrit Mag:ltlha Hlld Sanskrit IHIl-gl'ca~l~st 1Il~1I who have :~l~p~al'ed ,ill Indil~. 'Vhdl,lCl' we gilages even in IIl1i8IlCO, illfilllcy, ,-consldel' Ius lI,Il~llm! ahlhtH!S, IllS Illlselhsh devotwn to Haviug" studied the Itihasa, til\' PUI'ilHa;;, the ~lahll­

tJ~e calise of l'ehglOl,l, 01' the , l1Itillel~cc IIC has, c~ertel! upon hlHlrat, tllu Snll'i, a III I the Sltastra.s, Sa II kara, i II. I, il'1IllS ,collntl'YIlI~U, tl,uS ~plulIlltd ascetl~ stands .ta('~lr~111'III('ep~, '~('I:cltfh yew', rctlll'llUd fl'OIlI liis Pl'l'(~l'ptO\' to Iii'! oWII hOllIC,, So t'Ucitalltlllg, III lacl, a,w :t11 III~ SUl'l'OUIH!l1IgS, Ihat 11. l\Iadhav nlll'l'ates that. t.hl' 1II0ther or Ili:-l Ilul'O heiug, Olle~s 110 wonder that the ,IU\ulll'<~tlOn, 01 an :lstulllsll~d Jlc~lple ,day, overpowered hy tILe dehility rcsultiug from the alls­tllw,uld have e,llhemcnzed lum Illto an l1IClIl'llatlou of the tl'rities she had jll'aetised hdi,re his birth to pl'upitiate])~lty, ,<,>111' 19l1uLle hlllllllll J~at.lll'u, SC~IIlS ev\'r so COli- the gods alld make tlll'llI g'l'Hllt her player fi,1' a SOli, a;; wellSClOliS of Its 011'11 weak lies;,! and 1I11pcrfectlOlI, as to he prone as hy till: torrid IIl'at of thl: snll, lilintt'd ; wl ... rellpon :-\all-

-- --- ------.~-- kara, tilldiuo'-f her ill tIte ~'VOOH, Hut oul.y hl'oll~.dlt. lie)" hack• AukllSlL -is a g-oa,1 fvr ,lririllt clcphallts with, m)(1 ill fV"llI it l'usoll,LJcs OJ

tlou ElI~Jblo luttor ""," to cOllsciollsness hilt dr"w the rivI~1' Ill', as wl'll, II cir-t ~'Tqr~"; :;f'l <t rf~rf !t7~r~iif(~: 'l<rfo " ",'( II ellillstallcc which of cUllrse sJlread his lilllle as a tlillullla-

llr(~{f'f~<rffHW(ff~(r~'fur:~r:JIUllll: tlll'gisl. far alld wide: Till: killg of Kerala vainly ofl'er-Co illg hilll presl'lIts of gold Rlld c1epllllllts, throllgh lLis own\frif;;jq~Q'r;s-'fi~~'R<:j' ffi~<r(ll rf~q "l~q~I~~'limi "l- IIliuistur, t:lI.llle hilllstdf tu pay rl'Vl,l'()nCe, alld di"elosinge-l{'~~~17~if iiff~{'o,fl!;!~~~'fi~eljllj(~Co,:r~~ff oG;1 l1r~~iij~ f!'fi~- Ilis longillg fiJI' a liUII like hilJlselt: was ulllde Ilappy hy tl,cOfIQ ~rf ifr~:~H"o I {f'llifr f;J~~~~ ~qre-;flrr~ iij6lf~l1rt7i sage, wlto f'II/Uhf O/C I,illfl }J/'il'afcfy the rites to be per­(~il~ iij~~~f'{n~~ii11111~'1~~f~\\fI:r~ ~ct ~~ f>llllT ~~i lfT- funlled ill MIICIt t'llSUS, I IIll1st nut lose tlll,oppurtllllity

, _, _ ,_ - t,o puiul., ill passillg, to thu two litillo"s illll'li(~t! ill Ulili11~"f~ f!~~qr'l i'f~rf ifr~llilo I 'S.:~ 'f.;grfFtilj":{rJ:H~ (~fC2rFft c{'_• -v I( biogl'llphical scrap, viz" 1.11111.0) it wmi bdievl"! that theOffcrf6'lt'f lJrB~ I 310irf i/~"f~~c~ri:r: (B~>]r~o I birth of progeuy may be hroUght IIbollt hy the recitation

lfT~l]'fr~fO<fmrfrlfl~lj~r~llrl7: of IlIalltralllS aut! the perlillll111llCe of eerclIwlliaL rites, allli(I) At tlto ,'oqucsl of C,,1. Olooll J I",,·c l'ot'lItHlc,l tho f"lI"wiul( 1'1I1'Cl' to lou

"~IIJIi,hu,' with OIlLlul'ials colluctwll,y Illc f", n I'nl'CI'l'Ca,1 to thu :;I"';ullt,'1·llurarl' (0",1 Sciclltilic Societ)" ill 1811. J JIIl.1 illtclI.\,,,1 to I'clI'l';l.:! Iho lifcof Silllkllrllchara)'a, with sVllle 1..1,\ilion. a",1 n!tcratioll>', hul as I'rc>cnt\lrctisiHt: cugag.::rU?utd ll~ Hot leavo nlO sIImdcut Jci~tl~o for. slIch nl~ cffor~,

ha\'o tl~u,,~lot It a,h'lsl\~lu to COIISCllt t~) Ill)', ol'lg II III I hsgay bV1IJ1£ ut!·IilCll hy Col, Olcott ncconhng to his own dldcl'chon,- -IL '1', 'I"

Page 16: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

72 T II E T II EO SOP II 1ST. [Dl'CCIIlher, 187!l.

(I) tlillt Ille ~('('rd i~ IIl'\'('r )llIhlicly lallglll, hllt )lrinddy Padnl:lpndn. Tllis excil\'c! envy in the hn'llst,g of the otllercon\'l.yed 1'1'''111 ad!'pt, I" di~ciph'. I silldl 1101 dwell "1'011 pllpils, to c!is)ll'1 wldch SlIlIkllm, ollce stnlldillg 011 nilethese 'fadl'l 11111 ll'ave tlll'llI 10 be dispos,'d of liS Ihey will shore of 1111' rin'r which 110\\'l,(1 hy Ilis rl'sidclll'\', call1·(1 tohy ollr II'~W fri('lIds, th\' '1'1 leosopllisl,s, for Wlllllll the III)'S- 1'mlllla)llldll to c01l\e uver to Ilim ;Iiredlr fl"Om the oppusiteti'cal ~id(' of lIature olrers Illo~t l'lItic('IIH'lIls, hank. Thn lallpr ol)(')'ed, and dalllltle8~Jy walh,d over UII

Aholll Illis SlllllC lilile t.Il(~ gn'llf, ~ag() Agastyn. the snrlal'l' of Ihl' waters, which Sl'nt up II lotus lit cachIlilll wit.ll IItllt'r SIIg"'S, 1'1'1I1'11e~ied 1.11 Ilis II10t1H:r thaI. lit' step Ill' tllllk. II was on tllis occasion 111l1! t.Iw WIllie l'nd­would die ai, t,htl :Igl' Ill' tllirly-t,wlI: 1"l'l'lillg thll! this 11Imp:ula wa.'i givt'll him by Sallkarn, as 1m warmly cIIlIJrI\­wt.rld i~ 1111 a )l1I~s,'illg ~how, tll,is h"y of I'igll!. Yl'lIrs dder-\cl'tlllilll ill ""l'ogllil,iun of his cntllllsin,'Ilie dt·\,olion.milled III ('llIhn\('e Ihl' lik of It h,~ly S:lIll1ytlsi, hllt his "'hilt· It'l\chillg Ilis )lupils the youthflll Il'ucher di(1 notmother ohj('(·kd. Iler 1I\1I11H'r1y pride d"lIhlll's,,, era\'illg ll; fail of advt'r~lril's aJlltJlIg the leaI1H.'(llIIl'n wilt) held tenetsson 10 IlI'r ~1I11 Willi shollld illherit Ili~ oWII grelltll\'s,'I of SOli I (Iifli.'n'nl to his own, hilt he 1IIwa'ysl'~11Ileolt"vidm·. He (In'w,nliel Illillel. TJ.e lad's dl'lt'rlllillat.i"l1 wa~ 1I0t \I) he sJ.akell, says ~Iadllll\', frlllll tile nrsellal of a "list Yl'llie lenrllinJ{,II(,WI'\'\'I', IIl1d Ille 11111I,('l"IIal emlsell!.. W/l.S ohiailll'd, as th(· tJ.e wellpolls witll which t.o cOlllbat pow('rfnl a~sailllllts.

bio~l'llplll'l's kll IlS I,y tlt(, workillg' of II prodi~y121. HlIt.hillg We am I,l'enl\'d 10 llie tlescril'tiull of nil eiglit da\'s' llehatein till' l'in'l',olll' day, Ili~ fllot. wns ('all;.:llt hy an alligat.ol'. hetweell Ililll~df an(1 Yya.'In, who appenrt'11 Illlller tlie guiselie wailt'd so I"ud t.hnlltis IIII,tJ.el' I'llll 1.0 tilt' spot, nlltl ht'ill~ of nil ngt'e1 Bralllllill hilt whose i, wns illtuitively re­t"lt1 llta! t11l~ alli~alor w"ulel 1I0t. II':I\'\' ~o It is J.old IIl1ti I eogll i7.l'd II'ast hy Pmllllll paelll. The hi"grn tells usslil' IUIlI ag-I'l'l'd to Ill'r SIlIl'S, hl'c"lIIillg all IIsl'l't.ic, ti.~lt eOl'ITl'd tltat tll(~ spiril, ill liis a.'\S11111\'d guise of t.IH' livillg Brnllluill,illto givillg IlI'r eOIlS(·lIl.. S:l1Iknnwlmraya I.hl'n·ul'0ll ('lillie I'J'OPOllllelt·tI /I. tlt"lIsaliel ol~il'etiolls to ~nllk/l.rl\'s great RIIll­0111, 111'1111' I'iv\'r, alld ('oltlidill,~ Iil'l' I,,, I,hn I'an! of )'("ati\'l'~ shya 011 1,11n Bralllllll Sutras, wliich W(,1'1l all tl'ill1l1phalltlyalld fril'lIt1:<, 111111 tl'lIillg Ilt'r he w"ultl (~011H' hack to her allswen'e1, allel ill tlie (:lId, g:n-e,tlie lattl'r all ('xtclIsioll ofwI \I' Ill' \'\'1' silt' sltoulel 1I('I'e1 Itis preselw\', Ill' Wl'lIt away allll sixlL'ell Yl'H1'll of life o\'el' HlIII allo\'e tlie s('t tel'lIl cf sixt~1I

took III' tlte l'arl'er for wilieh lie 1111«1 so str"lIg a lIatmal that he was I.~ lia\'e lin·d, allli after ~)ieltlillJ.? hilll Illldc!­hellt.. ' take n n·flll:llloll of all tlie otlier 1'11I10s0l'lilc systems Jll

As if drnwlI I,)' Solllt' ilTesist.ihle IIll1gllt'lic nttrnetioll "ogue, hl('s.'\(~e1 Ililll nllIl tllell e1isnppenreel.lowards /I. I'l'rillill spill, Sallknrn Irnvdlt·e1 I;,r sl'\'\,ml days, Afl\'r 1,llis, Sallknl'a set Ollt f;,r Prayi\g'a ill senrch ofthrollgh I'o ... 'sl.s, OVl'1' hills, hy toWIIS, nlltl II1'1'0SS rin!l's, yd Bhatt.. I\Illllaril:t. wli01l1 Ill' wished to ask to wrile vartiknsall till' wliile IlII('OIl~ciollS of all, 111111 olllivilllls II) Ihl' 1111'11 oil his Bhnshya, hili f;Hlllel thnt he wns IIptm the point oflllld hellsls tlllil weill I,,)' hilll 011 Ilis WilY, Ill' arrived at t.lw sdf-cl'l'lll:Il.i"lI ill disgllsl with the worltl. Yaillly clltn'a­eavl) ill a Ilill "II t.lle J,;llIk~ (If IIII' N"rJ,lIdda, wl .... rl' (:0- lillg' hilll 10 1'I'('''lIsider his detel1l1illalillll, H/lllkam lIevpl'­"illtl Ylili had fixed his IIl'rmit.agl'. Aftl'l' the IIslla1 pn'- theless wa.'i I'l'nlliUed t.o l'xl'laill his C(lI;1 II 11m I.nrics, wllich]imillal'i(·s Iht' ~age 1II'('t·llI(·d tIll' bd a~ upllpil :111(1 t.;IIIg'IIt. KlIlIHlrila pl'lli.~('d III1~tililillgly: alld Uft,l'l' till' hadIlilll thl' nndlllla lillI, "I' th(' /;'111' g'I'l'/lI s(·liI,l·lIl~t's.-KIlIIW- 1I('("lIl1plislll!d his ad III' l'il·lf-illlmolatillll, pron'('ded 011 tokdf"'~ i" Brallllla; Tltis ~(lld is BI'lIIIIIHL: Th"l1 art that; Mahislllllat.i, th.· city wlH'n" as KIIllwrila IHIlI illli.l1'Jlled hilll,11111 I alII BI'lI III 1I11 (:ll. It is relakd hy Madlla\' th:ll, illl- he "'"111.1 nlld Mallllalla Misra \\'110 wOllld IIlldcl'ulke the11\(,tlialely after ht' had elltered 11\,"" t.ltis disl'iplesllip, work ~allkara IUIlI reI (lH'st.e,I, hilll to IlPlf(lnll. ArrivL'i1 fit~allk/lra perfonlled,-(lI\(' day, wh"11 Ilis g"rll was illlllll'l'- the plncl', IIIl was direetetl to the sngl"!1 how.!' hy parrot.'lsed ill (·olllt·lI'1,]at.ioll, or, liS we sh(lllid s:lY dlwl'lfll((,- mimclliollsly elldllwed with h11llHlll SpPl·e11 11111" ahle t~,

II.\' pn,digy III' '1l1ellillg a fllriolls t('I1II"'sl of raill :\('1'''111- discllss IIIIISt.I',·(·ol\(lite '1"l'stil1ll8 (If phil(lsophy; Ill' f;'lIlld)':llIied I,y 11\\'1'111 IIIIllIdt,1' alld Jig-liI,lIillg, hy pl'l'IIOlllll'illg Ihe h"IISl' hilI. fi'"l1d it. dosed, so II III I, to IIhtuill elltrallcel'el't1lill IlIy~l,i\' verses. llellrillg, l1J,oll n'l.lI1'lIillg t.o l'ollS- he had tIl l'lIi~1' Ililllsdf 11]1 illt.o the ail' :111.1 Illighl., a ,fclI}! /',r;

('i""~I\('SS "I' ('xterlllll tllillgs, what Ilis illilst.rioll~ pllpil /""chillll, ill ~Ialldalla's ludl. All nllillllll.(·d /lIllI, at lil'st,IllId dlllle U(lvilld Natha \\'as O\'\'lj")'l'tI, as t.llis vel')' evelll, e\'ell acrill\OlIi(llls discussioll l'IISII('d IlI'twt't'll the IlOst :11111JUIlI ht'('11 rorl'lold III hill1 I,y \'yasa oIl. a ~Icriliee his 11I1t'xpcded :llld 1Il1we1<-ollll' gllesl., thl' 1.\\'11 lillally .Ie­('cll'll1/1l\'d. 10111-( 1)('1'01'1', hy the ~ag-t! All'i. Bestowillg cidillg 1,0 IlIlIkl~ t.he wife Ill' Mulltlltlla Misra IlIlIpil'e het\\'cellllis hl'lI\'dil'l,i"ll Ill l(lli Nallkll1'a, lit· hadl! Ililll gil to Hilly tlwlIl. IIl1t sh\', havill,~ IItllel' matters 10/lltl'IItI to, gave ('achHt'llart's alld l'I'eei\'1' there till' hle~sillg or tile Deily. I a garlalld, st.iplliatilll-( that he sllUlIlII he dl'ellll'tI \'atu{llishe(1

'(ill t\oJ' :.:1"ti"\Il' "'''lk. 1 whose garlatlll witherl"l. I willllot atll'llIpt ill such time'l1l1'1I 1'1I!t· .., allll I,,'~ill to ><:I\'t' 1Il11llkillll' ('I. : :11)(] spllt'e a.'1 I IIOW C0ll1111:1I1I1, to l'Yell t'pilolllise this wOIllIt'r-

TilliS atllllollisltl'd, :-:"Ilkam 1'I'f)I'\'I,,!t'd 10 J:ellml'S WhNl',; 1'111 (~l'll;Il.l" hllt.. refer the rl'llll~'r !o Matlh"v (VIII. .:l.J.) for1111('1' a n'sidl'llI'l' li,r sollll' tilill', hI' is !'lIid III han' )'('l'l'in·d part1l'lIl:11's, :11 ItlIIlg I.hat 1111')' will ncldy I'l'pa)' stlldy, Sallkarahis Jir~t I'"pil. SlIllllllllalla-t,he slIlllt! wllo anl'r\l'''I'1I~ 1)(·- W.OII, alld ill.willilillg, ~I1H.ll'l' the t,enllS I~flhll tI~.lJ:1tl'. c1aill1edCIIIIII' "t·ldIl':It.<,tlIiS Ilis gn'lIt,'~t liwol'il.t) 1I11dt'1' the t,il,I(~ of IllS alll.lIg'ol!lst. ,a." a ,lIsl''1''(' alld rl'q~II""" hllll 1.0 ahalldoll1'1It1111111'adn, I t'ollfi'ss III II dOllht, of' t.11I' 1It't'lIrae)' of' this thedo.I~It'St.1C life and bt_:COIIII'IIII.lIscet,IC., Ill'e'~lIsellted,allllIlatt', 1II01lgh J 'lllok til(' .'in·ll1l1slallt'1' 1'1'0111 Madllav's book, tI\(' wife-wIllI .was nil IIIl'arllatlOlI (If Saras\'al~, as we arcfor it ,llIt·s St'l'lIl illll",s.~i"le 1.11111 I-lallk"rll sllollld ha\'l' 1".- tol~I-'II,art,t'tI 101' the (,I.hel' .\\'"rld. Bllt ~)l'iol'e shl' hndgUll III gt'! 1'"l'ils al. sll,·11 a \'1.'1'.)' !l'lIdl'l' IIgl' a.~, IIpllll Ma- q11l.te tI('l'llrl",tI sht~ Wa~ I'revadetl ,111'011 hy S:tllkam to tarrydhav'~ 0\\'11 MIIO\\"illg, Ill' II 11I1-1t IUI\'\' 1'1';ll'llt'd at the tillH'. wlttle 110 slllJlIld hol~l dt~l~ate With Ill'r also. Tltell COIl1­

1I0Wt~~'I'I:, "I) 1,lli~ m\ it IIW)', I'wlllHlI'"da \\:IIS dill)' l'lIrolllld 1IH',IIC~'I~ tl~(., Sl'('(:"" t11S,C,"~SI(:II, hilt ,I,II(~. I'I':~(!Y :tll,swel's (~fliS a dls('lple at hl'IHlI'I'S, alld tltere III0St 01 tlte "then; also, tlu 10111111 to .tli ll"est.lolls )'lIt to 111111 '.olll''' Sara.'\vatl,juill(·tI Ililll. I as ~lle lI~a)' hllw he calle", 1I11td she slmck IIIto a pat~1 to

III his t\\'elfth y"al' ~allk"ra rl'llIlI\'t'.\ 10 B:ulari, Oil the I\\'IJld~ Sallkara \\:as It I.ot:d strallg'el', S!", lIJ>l.·cd Jilin It

]J;llIks of till' (lallgel", wlll're he t'ollll'0sl'd his maskrpiece" IJI~c.~flOn oa ."t(' Rew",'/" o( 101'('. ,Ill' wa,'I,.ol COllrse,. llllahicthe CollIllI('lItary 1111 th\' BralJllla Sliti'll..... Here also, 11l~' to nllSWel' II, at Ollce, heillg' a S:Illlll)'asl alld a ccltbate allwrlll,u til') COIIIII;l'lItnry OIl the lTpl\llisllllds, 1111 the B1uIg'a- his litl~; so lit' (',raved I~, rosl'i~c uf,OIIC 11111111.11, \~'hich hei,!~Yadgit:l. Oil tile lJri~illlllll,tiil'a1l1'yli (so (·nll(.d hy Mlldhll\'), grallted. 110 Itdt l\lalusllllll\tl. ll1c !lC'llId wdl be tol(11I1HlId Oil 1.1.0 Sallat.slljatiya, I'l'~ides III.1H·1' works. 1Ie thell Illy next papel',tallg'ld, Itis' g-reHt cOIIIIIl\'1I1:1ry 10 Iii" 11I\III1'roIlS I'II!,il!'l, hiltal W:l'y~ I't 'sel'\' i1Ig' Lis gn':llt'sl, !,('Wl'I'S or i IIstl'lIdioll fiJI' I II ~!,i \'t' of t.Ilt~ " arl Ii \.1':ll'y 8('1~!,lici8111" of \'IH' Inl'go mlt-

(1) ~1",l1",,' \'. uO, --- -- -- jority of t,llt, IIH'.!i.'al pl'ldi'!'Isioll, tllO 1I10S\' IIl1t,isfiletory re­(-]) ~1",II"I" ", 8i, No"o .. f ~llIoI"al"~ ,lel"i1s "1'0 I.. he (..11,,01 ill A,,",,- ~Illt,,, nr" daily ohtailled ill tho Iiospil,als hy t.he l'xtl'l'Ilal

",.~iri, \\1,,'1" II'l' ""1'0 bllt til .. lilies 011 II,;; Kllloj.,cl "llt\~CI"cr, ), Ii, a!,!,li(~at.ioll "I' 1IH' SYIJlpt,oIlIS of t.Ilf~ lI10st clIl'iulIS nIL-rt) '110., t\ri;;it",b nrc I1~r;:f n~~ II ~~q,(mitt~ II iH"lqm " ture devlll"p IInder their illtlllellce, and gi \·c risc to inter-

~~it~~If~q II csting discll~~if)lls in medieal circles,

(l) ~1",lI,n,' '-, 53·Gl.

Page 17: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

Deco111bel', 1t)7!),] '1' H E 1; Ii E () SOP 11 [ ST. '1:1

----['l'l'Ilulllatetl for tI,e 'fuWSOI'1II8T,] Iping an old I;I~'\II to pieces witil his sword. I was exces-THE PHANTOM DOG.- i sively shocked at sllch a display of IIseless ferocity, and

• • I hurried forward to stop him. IJut, belol'O I had reachedAll clIlihenitc $iorylJ!J II HI/ulan officer. 'I him, the (luor of the hut flew opell, and n. woman, with a

During the last war in Turkey, a small but very mixed cry which made 1IIy bloo(l n11l cold, rushed out of it, andcompany were assembled, on a Christmas eve, in tho I flung hersolf upou the corpso of the 0lt1 man. At thisapartments occupied by Colonel V... in one of the best sight Nedewitchcf sprang backward as if he had beenhowls of Bucharest, Among others, there were present the shothimself,and trembled violently. I looked atthe womancorrespondents of the Kew- Yilt!.: lIel'tlld, London Times, and could hardly suppress a cry of snrprise. Heavens,the Golas, nlld the lJetjeuui Vjedol/losl'i; Colonel N, ; II what a gorgeous beauty was there 1 With her lovely face,captaill; aIHI the President of the Society of the Red-Cross, pale as death itself, uplifted toward us, her maglllficentthe well known P-f, The ollly lady was the wife of black eyes, full of Hnmeless terror allt1 mortal hatred wereCulonel V... , 0111' host, who WitS busy at the laqje roulld Iphosphorescent, f!;uuing like two burning coals as shetable IU'ound which we were all seated, pouring out tea. fixed them upon liS. Ne(lewitclu.:f stard at her like one

We hau all become very merry and congenial, All felt I fascinated. and it was with all eHurt that, coming out ofin tllC best of humours, and each vied with the other in ! his stupor, lie mechanically gave the ortlers to beat thetellin~ interesting stories, Alone poor Mac-Gahan. and m]1pd in order to put un end to usdess bloodshed. I didLyttoll, the correspondents, rospeetively, of tho American not seo Nel1ewitchcf fOI' sovernl days after that accitlent;and English papers. did not see1l1 to shure in the general ami only leamel1 accidentally from his orderly that the

,hilarity; a circumstance which attracwd attention to them. same young womnn, two (lays later, had corne to his tent," What's the matter with yuu, Lytton 1" asked Colonel V. Ilad tll\'own horself at Ilis feet, HUtl poming hoI' whole soul"Nothing," answere(1 the currespondent, !houghtfil1ly. into Iler talc, had confe:;*~(l an nn1cnt love for Lim. She

" I was thinking about home, and trying to see what they clec1ared that. aceonling- to the CircU::lsian custom, hiswere doing now." . courtwe had ma(le Iler II is slave, a1l(1 that she wanted to

"One may speculate with perfect security"-remarked i he hi: wife ......His el1\'ious fricnds ha(lmltbl much moreMac-Gahan, " and say that the whole family is now Ilsse1l1- I(letnils which would be useless here. Hemcmbering wellbled around the fire-place, drinking cider, speaking about her look of hatred, I t1i,1 not at first belic\'e, but Illld tofar-away friends in India, or tHlking of ghosts .. :' J'ieltl at last to the evitlencl'.

" YuU dont mean to say that in Englaud they believe· " After the s1111111 ission of tIle rebellious clotH, tho com·till now in ghosts 1" enquired Mme. V. mam1er-in-chief l'ncampelllls at the foot of the mountain

"Tho majority do not," replied Lytton" but there arc n ill its ncitrhLonrhood, so that we f'hOl1ld cOlllmand the gorea!good Illllny who do, aIHl a multitude who claim 10 have Shemalla"'highway. \Yo had to callip there tlnite a consi­seen ghosts themselves. There arc also such as have 110t <lernble lengtll of tillH', alltl ha\'ing uothil1g else to <In wethemselves seen yet who believe all the same... " could easily occupy our days witll picnics, rillcs, antI 1111nt-

We were all struck with C'uptain L's uneasy look and' illf'. One nftcrllooll, calliug m)" <log, I touk a gun andpallor, as he ahruptly left the table, W;l1t out for a stroll ill the wild vineyards. I hod no in-

"YUIl may say what you like and laugh at such notions," , tentiou to hunt, bnt silnp1y to take a walk aud watch thehe remarked. "As for myself, I cannot deny the exist- splendid SUllset frolll the the tnp of Ali-Dag. My pathence of' ghosts,'-I\.S you call them. I, myselt; WI\.S but a I· rlln t.hrough the UlOSt lovdy scullery, alullg a thick dou­few months ago, !In eye-witncss to a casu which will never 1)le alloy of mimosa,;, w11ilc accal'ia, ntlll olher trees, en­be obliterated thml my memury. This upset all my pre- I twille,l with vine,;. hHng thickly with bunches of grnpc:o!,violls theories .. :' I n\lll chestnut trees with thcir Inrge crowns of leaves intcr-

Yielding to our curiosity, though very unwillingly, tIl(' i Illincrletl with fruit. 'fIle whole \I\Olllltain slope WII.S cuver­bravo Captain tulll that which he wrote down himself for I cd \~ith bloonlillg hushes all<l Howers, which grow in richme l\, few days aftcr, and which I now pnblish with his: profusion nIH1 spreall themselves like a cOl·pel.consent, . "The air was bn1ll\Y, llea\'y with sccnt.'!, all<letill, except·

Iillg the il\cessnnt huzzillg of the bees; not n. breath of wind

"Dl\rin~ the war in th~ Caucasus, I was. serving in one ~listurhed one single~eaf, anll lH~turo itself seemed !I~ulllb:l"of the regnuellt!l sent agamst the mountameers, At that m~. Nut a hnmllu s!l'p. lI"t e\ ('n the soulltl of 0. f.L,r-Il\~ aytime. a yOl1ng officer, from the Imperial guartl. uamed I vOI?e ; so that I wa." 11111111)' 'Jverpowe~ed hy II halluC1l1ntiollNetlewitcltef, wa." t.ransfened into Olll'. regiment. The I~vll1ch made me (Ircal11 I was walkmg upon It llesertedyouug man was remarkably handsome, With tlte figure of a IslalHl...: .Hercules, and would have !loon became a general fiLvourite! ': Havmg gone aoout twu or thr~o null'S by a narrow pathwere it not for his shyness anel extraordinary misunthropy, I wl!lCh wound up .tn tlw ,mounta1l1 tOI~, I ~~lIkrec~ a smallSulky and unsocial in disposition. his only alfeetion seemed !tl~lcket dl'own~d In sun.1Igh!, awl 11Ilrnmg 1Ike a Jewel setto be' centred on an enormous hlack dog with a white star I w',th g,)Ic.I, mblCS and dla~1l0lHk UI1I1cr a gruup ofta~1 tree,supon its forehead, wllich he calle(1 Oaro. Once O\ll" regi- I IY1l1g' lazJ1y on a patclt 01 gr~el! 1II0SS, I ~aw Ncd~wltch~f iment had to movo U'1ainst an ClOtH (Circussian villllge) that I11,10 hl~ck.eyed bcaut.y was :"Itlillg- I!car 111111, l'laylllg \~'thw!\.s in ~1l1l revolt. the Circassinlls rlcfended their posi-. hIS hall', allll. a~l~epllt the teet of.hls.m~"tc~·, was the falth­tions With ,1esperate bravery, but as we had on our side' ful d~g, Unwilling t,) 111'cnk th,ClI' ~ef'J-I/:fetc, I passed u.n­th.e advantage of twice their numbers wo disposed of them I pCl'c~,vcd I~y th~n~ ant! Le~a!1 ch~1I IJII'g hlJ.:hel· up. Willievery easily. The soldiers driven to bliwl frenzy by the. Cl'ossll1g wlth_,(.1111lcl~l(.y a thIck vllley;l1:d, 1 sl\(ldCl~ly CllI!lestubbom defenco uf the enemy, killed everyone they met, I npon th ...,c LII·caslllans,. who, percelvlllg IIll', rapidly t~IS­giving quarter neither to old men nor children. Nede-: appeared, tllOugh not quwkly ('nongh to pre~'ent 1I1y l;ee1l1gwitchef comnHLlldc,1 a company and was in front of every-I that tlICY were m'IIlel1 to the tCdh; Snl'l'"slIlg tht'III, tobehody. Ncar a ,~l/7d!J (a mud hut) I happened to meet hi1l1 1'11II1.1I\'ays fl'Om 1110 (,OIIl[IIl'I'.cd 1I01l1s, r passed lin wlthol.'tfilce to face-and I felt thunderstruck I His handsome, I paYlllg thenl lundl allentlllll, (~hal'll\l,tl hy tlte s\,leudlClmagnificent face was all distorted by an expression of bru- I evening I wan~lerl',1 ahout ~ill ni~ht, allIl wtul"lle( llOnlOtal cruelty, IJis eyes were bloodshot and wandering like vcry late and tJn~d 11111. l':lSSIl1~ throngll !I,w camp (owllnlsthose of maniac ill a fit of fury, He wa!'! literally chop- Illy lell!" [ at 1I11l~1l PlH'c;l,lvod tllal Sllilldlllllg' IIIlUSlta! had

~.___ happcned. A.·llIcd hllrsl'llI(,11 llt·I'J1Igillg til tI.e Upnl'ral's• Tid, narrnlivo hu just Leon \lU1Jlilhou in the ,l(tUtltg<'.r oj o.l,lIa, 11&0 escort rapidly hnlshpt! h)' 1I1C. The divisilln IUljutHnt wa.."!

Diu hnu lorft\'e oflieon,ho vOlleLe. tor it on,1 who lOU an e)"e·",ilno.. at two fllriuusly galloppillg ill nlY direcl.illll. Ncar olle of theof tho 01'i,o,108 of litO .Irnn/fo OCCllrronco, is 100 well known in Iho socioly , , 1 I' I I I Icircle. "f 'J'illi. nllli 0,10"" for liS tu rOll'",",l Ihis no l\ coek and 101111 story, "fJiCCl'S 1t'litS II enHVt of pc,,\, tJ wit I lllltPI'IIS an( tllre lesA",llIIu""O\'ur \\'0 ha\'o Iho nomo. of all Lho p,\flicll'l\nlll in the tl'Rl;'lcol finalo II/ assemhll,d. alld tlw ('rclling br(·t'ze WIIS hril1~illg theWI."lc,ol' ol~ nn incrc,lnlulI' I'nblic Ill") Ihink, Cal'lain L. "t IcneL-a Li;:hl)' hum of animated voices, Cnrious to k1I0W What had.....I>ooiod ofheer-gllvo Iho .Iory at U", I,nroot .. a f"et, nn,t wo print it on,ceount ot its VI11110 ""ll contrjlmtion .tho litemturo ot rs)"ehololl'Y. (Fd.) happcned, alltl SlIl'lwHlllting my fatiglle 1 Wl'nt 8tmight

Page 18: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

'J' II (.: 'I' H l~ 0 SOP] [ r ST.


lJy Palldlll'(W[j GO))((Z, G.a.M.e., P.7'.8.J1Illia, Wllel'c Natlll'c ltas been so bouuteous, lIay, lavish

in her gins. lias al ways proseu tell tlte greatest illdlicemCIlt.sto tile zealous stllllellt of Iter forl:cs. It was hl'rc that litefirst progellitors of thc huntan race were \IIaturell ph),sicnllyHIIII llItel1ed,ually. ] lore t.lte illtellect of the humaH raceW1l.<; first 1I11rt.ured IIlIder tlte influelJ(~" of picturesque lIa­tural scellery, HI1I1 fed on tlte sight of the Illultifariousproductions of orgauic natlll'e; and hNl', in tile first ,lawnof eOllseiollS exist"lIce, it. began J't'vercutially to ap­prcltellll till: ftlet vi' a Divil.l'ower, ~U1d aClluin:d power&

to the croVl·d. I hall hanlly approached it when I saw begin pacing up and down with an air of perfect innocence.that it was N cdewitdwf's tent" nllll a, horrid prm;onti- The soldiers hegan circulating the most stupid storiesment, whil'h SOOIl became:t fcarful reality, got hold of me about that dog. They affinn that it IS no living dog, butat oncc. the phantom of 'Caro' a Newfoundland that had belonged

"The first ohject I Imw was a mass of hacked aml bleeding to r\n officer of thcir regiment, who WItS treachorously kil­flesh, lying all the iron hedstcad. It was No(lewitchd; he lell by some Circassians nlnny years ago, during the I~'lthad been literally choppcd to pieces with yatagans and Caucasian war with Shamyl:daggers. At tIle foot of tho bed Uam, also bleeding, was "The last words of I.he Ma:ior brought back to my memorystretched, lookillg at, his master's remains with such a the pictures of the long forgotten past, ami at the slimehuman expressioll of pily, despair, allll affection m ilIgle~l, timc an uneasy feeling that I could not well define. I couMthat it brought a gush of hot tears to my eyes. Thpll It not pronounce a word, and remained silent.was that I lcaTlied the following: soon after sunset, Caro " , You heard, I suppose,' said the Colonel addressing thefuriously barking', ran ililn t.he camp and al.tmcted geneml Mojor,' that the comnHl.nder-in-chicf lIas just issued anattclltiotl. It was illlnll'diatdy remarked, that his Illuzzle order to shoot the first sentry found asleep on his post,was bleetling. Tile intelligent dog getting hol,l of the as nn example for others ?'soldiers' coats, sepnH'11 to invite thcm to follow him; which " 'Yes-but I confess to a great desire to first try my handwas immelliately unclerst.ootl, and a party of them sent at shooting the phantom-dog,-or, wltoevc1' 1'cpl'esenls it..with him tip the nlOllllt,\in. Caro ran all the time be- I lUll determined to expose the trick;' exclaimed the irns­fore the Illen, showing them the way, till he brollght them cible :M:~ior, who was l\ last to a group of trees where they found Nedewitchefs " 'Well, there is n good opportunity for you,'-put inmanglecl body. A pool of blood was' fOUillI at quito a dis- the adjutant-' I am just going to make my rounds Emutauce from the murdered man, for which 110 one could examine the posts. 'Vould you like to come' with me 7account" till pieces of coarse clothing disclosed the fact PNhaps we will discover something:that Caro had had his hattie also with one of the munlerers, " All remlily assented. Not wishing to part from goodand had come Ollt hest in the fight; the latter accoullting company, and being besides devoured with curiosity, I saidalso for his bleeding mllzzlc. The black-eycll beauty had I would go. Major Tn carefully loaued his revolver,disappeared-she was revengell. On the following day and-we started. It was a glorious night. A silvery vel­Ncdewitehef was hnried wit.h military honors, and little by vet moonlight fantastically iIluminatell the heights oflittle the sad evcnt was forgotten. Alndgin, towering high ahove us, and of Kizil-Tapa. An

" Several of the officers tried to have Caro; hut he unruffied stillness filled the air. In hoth hostile cnmps allwou1ll live with none: It I' had got. very 1l111ch attached to was quiet. Here amI there the faint t,inkle of a 'lJolynl.;rr, (athe soldiers, who all 1101.011 IIpon hi Ill. Severnl mon ths after kiwI of prillli tive guitar), 11IId, nearer, the moumful cadencethat I lcamed that the poor animal got killed in his turn of 11 soldier's voice intoning- a popular air, hardly brokeby a mounted Circassiun, who blew his brains out allll,- the dead Rt.illncss of the night; and as we turned an angle.disappeared. The soldiers buried t.he dog, amI many there in the mountain path sounds amI song abruptly ceased.were among the\ll who slled tears, but no one laughed ~t " We passcll through a lonely gorge anrl began mount­their emol,ion. After SllHlIlYl's surrender, I left the regl- ing n steep incline. ,,-e now distinctly saw the chainment and returned to St. Petersbll1'g. of sentries on the pieket lil1l'. We kept to the bush, in

"Eighteen years rolll·d away. TIle present wnr was thl! shadow, to escape ohsl,,·vat.ion; aIHI, in fact., we al"­declared, and I, as an old Callcnsian officer well ncqul\.inted proached unobserved. Presently, it hecame too evident thatwith t.he scat of war, WaS o)"(lerell 011 to Armenia. I ar- a sentinel, seated upon a knoll, was asleep. "re had comerived there in August anI I was sent to join my olll fC'gi- within a hllndred paces of him, when suddenly, from be­ment. The Turks were ill a minority alltl evidently feel· hilld a hush. darted a huge hlack Ilog, with a white Btaring afraid, remnillcll idle. 'Vo also had to he illactive on its foreheall. 0, horror! If 1('G.~ flte 01l'0 of Ncde­and quietly awaiting for further dO\'e1opments, encampell at. wilcltef; I positively recognized it. The llog rushed up toKizil-Tal':I. in front of the Ala,dgin heights 011 which the thl! sleepill).( sentry nml tug).(ed vi,.llelltly at his leg. ITurks h:lll, cntwnl'hetl themselves, There was 110 very was fiJllowillg the senIle with intense cll1lccntrntiom of at·rigourous rliscirlillc observell as yet, in t.he camp. Vcry IClItion ulIll a shudllcring heart... when at my very caroften Mahometluns of the cavalry were sent to occupy po- them t'Hllle the crack of a pistlll-shol. .. 1 started at the un­sitions on advanced posts alld pickets; allll :"leepillg scn- eXIll'ct.ed cxplosion ... MajorT-hrul fired at the dog; attries on lluty were oftell reJlorted to the chiefs. On the t.hl' same instant the culprit. soldier dropped to the grounll'Ill.fortunate tlay of Augusl,t:lth \~l~ ll)~t !{j~il-Tapa. in a heap. Wc all spml~g towards him. The M,,:ior wasthiS unsuccessful battle ngour III dlsclplllle reached Its I the first to alight from IllS horse; hut he had hardly beguncl!max; the ~l;(Illt trifling negle~t was often pl~lI~shed It(~ lit:t the body, ",'hell a he:u"i,-rcndi'lg shri(,~k burst fromWith death. 1hll~ pa8spd some t.~lIIe. Aft,~r. a \\Illle I hiS lIps, alld he fdl slm~cll~ss upon the corr?se. .heard people t~\lklllg of the mystC'nous appantl?n of a dog! "The tntth becHlIte llIstuntly known; a father had killednamed Caro who wa." adlll"l'd hy all the old soldIers. Once Ihis own son. The hoy hall just joinell the rerrinll'nt as aas I weill. to ScI' otlr C'01011t'1 on business, I ht·anl all oflicer volullteer, HIIlI had ],l'('n sel;1 out on picket tftlty. Owillglllentiolling Caro, whell l\I:00r T" addressing an artillery 'to a terrible mischallcc lie had met his death by the handmun sternly remarked: ; of his OWII father.

" 'It must he some t rick of the slIllliers· .. , I "After this tn\O'olly, Oal'O was seen no more."" "Vhat doell all thilllllClIn ?' I asketl the l\fnjor, extreme- , 0

ly interestetl." , Is it. possiblc that you should not. have heartl the foolish

story told about a llog Caro 7' he asked me, full of sur­prise. And upon receiving my assurallCO that I had not,cxplainell as follows: I

" 'Before om disastrous loss of Kizil-Tapa, the sohliershad been allowed many ullpardonable liberties. Very of­ten the officers on duty had seen t.he scntries and patrolsasleep. But notwithstanding all their endeavours, it hadhitherto proYcd i\llpossible to catch :m)' of 1.111'\11 ; Imnlly didall officcl' on du t.y appea,r goi ng the J'ounds, than an e\lormousblack dog, with a white star on its forehead, mysteriouslyappeared, no one knew whence, ran toward allY carelesssentry, nnd pullcll him hy his coat HlIlllegs to awnken Lim.Of course all ~OQn as lIw man was fairly wllmed he would

Page 19: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

December, 187f!.] TIlE THEOBOPJItBT.

of expressioll, la1lguage taking fOl'II1, aIHI ~onllll, awl SlIIllptioll of :1 l'iI.Tifl'fli, or cOI'rllptiolJs of tIll' IIIan , 01' vitalgrace, all,1 a variety of ol'igi lIul ddlectiollH allll cOlJj IIgatiolJs, fill'ee I'esid iIIg iII the h II lila II frail II', to wII ich the Aryan11.1111 growing after the lapsu of ullrecordcll ages illto those physicians gave the cOllventionlllnallles of pitttl (hile), I'/;tamajestic, yet melodious fOl"lllS of thought which lJOnnd its (air), awl /.,(/ pl111 (plill'glll); to which "Oll\l~ a,lll tllC blood,first offspring into a COllllllllllity of diville sympatllY I\wl a fourth vikritee or transforJIwll f~II'ce, TIle IllUtlern readercrcll.tellll. glorious Ilnd hllrlllonious whole. is therefore at OIlce illclillcd to nojf'ct tIll: th(:ory as well as

III India, therefore, history fillll:,; thoso primitive grand the descriptions of diseases hast'd 011 that theory, as ahsurdcOlleeptions of lIatnre, her forms, aIHI Illl-pervlltling forces, Ilwl witllOut cxperimclJtal proof. Bnt these d.:scriptionswhich her higllest t~Jnn of creatioll, the typical mall illus- need not dder any student of IIwdicine fr"m t~)lIowillg' t,hotmtes ill himslJf, To his 1'U1Ilote SIJeCl'SSOr, thu IIllltlerll experie1lcu of tlll'se writers 011 tllf! lllll\"e pmetical pads ofEuropeall, is mscrved the 1II\'re remouldillg of tIll' vast I'X- the Slll~jl~d; viz., their kllowll'dge of t11'~ prl'pl·rt.i'ls of snb-

I)criellce of tIle hOllry ages illto 11 ncw strnctlll'e of IIrtificial , stances I1Sl!tl as j'(~lIwdil's, awl of '~/II·('i((l I'j",,,I'.~ attribntedaws alltl tlelluctions lin' tIle prol!nctioll (If uew weans of I by them to cert'liu drllgs, which Itave uot Ilitltl'rt,) been

earthly comfort, iu what we 1I0W call t'ouventionally, Ntt- kuown or f"nwl.1tll'I11, or PhYllicIII Science, This plll\se III' tit!! subject IIiIS n~Cl'lltly attractl'd slime

\VitllOut derogatiug from the honor justly dne to mo- aUI'utiou IlllllJUg thl! lllellieal gmdllnt.l's ill Bl'lIgal, alltl!lorn discoverers of the laws of matter aud motion, or 11U- since the t.illle of Drs, \Vise alld AillSlil', wlw tirst madetlurvaluiug' their delluctious, or universal gl!ueralisatious IIlOst cwditahle ath'uII,ts at ill\'esligatillg tlw uatllrc allliin the ditferent hl1\nches of Jmtural or physical seil'uce, 01' value of iutligcllons drng's USI·d ill lIative IlmetiCI!, Drs, Ka­their unmerolls and trustworthy observatious, cOlltlllctetl uaya Lal DeVil, aud Mollitlcl'll SIll'rl'l{ "I' Madras, IlCl'om­in the spirit of truth, /10 reutlel' of thosu vel1l'mhle tomes plishell tllC 11lOst lahorions awl scielltilic l'lsk of identifyingof inspired ~I'YlUl tl'~c~lillg, which revel,ll to us the, pro- tilelll, :lIul ~,I' retlll~'illg' the 1~IIIlII'rolls s)'U'IU)'l.IIS fO,r th?fOllnd 10J'c of old IwlIas sages, whether IU graullIlllr, scwnce sallle lIIat.el'lals, wltlch the \,al'lol1S lallguages of IlltlIa af­or philwlllphy, cnn filii to lIppreeiate thc origillal discoveries lurd, tIl order awl prel~isioll, We Ilave rel'l'lItly !JIlllll pre­of our fordiltlwrs, 0/' pl'llperly valne the lTlllle hilt systema- sell tell with a v"ritaltlll epitollle III' tlw whole muge oftized ohservations of their unllidell sense". ' Inelian Muteria Meelica hy a Ben~ali llledil'al sci II lla I', Dr,

In canllot be lleniell that in their writillg's aw fou 111 I O"e1aya Cllllllllra Dalla, ill It ~Illldl)' \'0111111(: in which thesuch shrewel gUllel'lllisations, and such tloseri ptions nf snelt reader call Ii lid a careI'II IIy classi ti ..d a rnll 19"'IIWII t of lIIed i­llIatter-of-ti\Ct phenollltHm, as every SOIll II I intellect must cal suLstanel's, aCl'llrdillg to till' tl,ree I'rilwipal soun'es ofI\ppreciate, and dlCrish as tlte first finisllCd works nf intel- tl,eir !,rOlludion, viz., till' IIlilll'ral, vl'gclabl,', anel animallect nnd imagination, A/Ill, if we ~ive n moment's thought killgeloms; with tlteir Sanscrit lIallleS, tlll'ir Bengali orto tllOse vast ext.ensiolls of power which 0111' senseS have re- I lindi e'llli\'lllullts, 1111.) tlteir 111,"].,rn EII;,;'lisll 01' elllT,'ntceivell ill tltese latter days fl'iJlII slIch wonderl'ul l:ontrivances L:ltin apl"dlatiolls. I':adl slibstalwe is pn~cl:ded by a dl~s­

11-'1 the ~cnius of a Newton, Davoisier, Da\'y, Faraday, or criptioll uf the part IIs,·d ill I'radin', alld 11l'l'lllllpallied hy'fynllall has devisell, We llIust fcol hut slIlall a III1 1IIIIIlble Iloted t~Jnllllla~ ttll' its :lIhninist.ratillll; lIlTl"'ding to tllOwhon cflllfrontl~d with the uvidences of thought and resel1rclt Systllllllltic aITilllgelll'~IIt. of ella!; ra-daua, t Ilu II10st sysfl'lII­which have heen hequeathell to posterity lly sagl's a/lll atie tlH~ral'elltist of old, WIIOSI~ V"I'SI'S :II'(~ l'it,l~d inl\utltority.B'eel'S like AtreYI\ allli Agnevusha, 01', latcl' on, by Clmraka The labours of tltl'se physicians are .Iest'rvillg of onl' gra-IUlII Dltallwantnri, tituel,~, allllliave opened to tlw nati\'l~ I'raditifllier of me-

The writings of these revered lIIen Illwe eflllle 1.11 WI, e1i(~illc in lilelia a wide 11..],101' n'sc'an,11 1I'11l'1'l'ill to l'ultivatethrollgll till! c1lallgt!s /Lnd vil:issitlllies of ages, tltl'(llIglt st.l'Ilg'- 1111 eXlll'l'it'III:I~ of tit!! adi\'e 11l'111"'rti,'s of nat.ive relllcdies,gles for the retentioll of independence nnd POWt~J', tlll'ouglt 01' tlll'ir pllysif,logic,tl action, in gTillluated as \\'l,1I Jl'i 110­inkllectnal mists allli chilling frosts, cOllsiderahly detached, 1I1l1l0l'athic d"ses, 011 tlte diRt'rl'lIt fU1I1'1 iOlls of till' hUlIlanor mutilated and intel'polate,l for wallt of mOl'e gelluine bOtly,gllides, Their KtlHly, wa.s gnuillally negll'detl for WIlUt of Tltese aUlhors IlIIve sllpplit'd n rl'lial,11' illdex to tltelHlclHlI'agelllent fmlll sll.:cessive dynastil!s of CI'Ue! or sell- U10st ordinary IIwdil'al virtllL's, IIII! it is It'ft to the futuresUllll'lllcrs. Thus the spirit of their teachings came to he illvestigator t,) separate their al'fin' I'ri1\l'ipll'S, proximatemisapplied in practice, and tllei., theories misullderstootl in 01' relllotl', alld furllislt to tIll' I'ractisillg I'hysil'illll readyprinciple, The soul'ees of lIew currents of thought were alltl tl'llstwllrtlly 11I1'a1lS to l'lIlIlItpracl l'llIrbid nctioll, 01'

dried up, alld observation wa.'l negledetl, to the detriment lIIeet SIICIt indicati"lIs for n,li," liS lIIay hn walT:lIIU,d hyof seionee as well as art, The lliaglloses of disease 1,eemnc his kllowll'dge of tll(~ SIII'(l"sec! lIr pl'IIl'ed adiolls on thein time 1\ matter of guess-work alit1 IIl1certaillty, 111111 its healtllY Illullan S)'stl'llI,treatmcnt empirical, Imp-hazanl, nlHI dllllgerous, Tlw modl'l'Il praetitilllll:r is t"lI JIIUell ill.J'llcd with It

III this dearth of tho prof~)ssOl'sof scil'llee, howl~ver, tlte lIIillllt.llllcqllailltalll'ewitlt tllll stl'fwtlln: lIfllt,~ 1IIIII1all orgallsnomenclnture of diseases with tlieir dasses arl'l\lIgell llC- alld witll a stercotypl·,l kllowlt·dge l,r tlll'ir fUlldions illconling' to the seat, origill, or nature, was translllited IIl~111tll (as contl'aslt'd with Itis idl!lls 01 tltl: sigllitil'allee orthrough succcssive genel'l\tiolls of cnfeehlell awl depressed SYlIll'tolllS pmd nellil hy I'rllx iIlia te lIr n 'Illot t: causes of tl is­intellects, and pmctitiollers of the art were coulJlClled t.o ease), to hu IIduated hya pUl'I' dl'sil'l' Ill' illtllll'lICillg' thoseply it on the hOl'l'owed alltl illdil'eet tl~stilllony of kgL~llllary dlttugns for a rdul'II to IlI'altll 11y 11I1'a1lS tlte most ready,accounts of supposed. and often fallciful, virtues of dl'll~rg III' tlte 1II0st activc aud certaill lIf the d,'sin',1 plli.'ct. IIIand their combinations, Such ullworthy followers of Sush- the tn'atlll(mt of disellse tlte pl't'\',lilillg d"glllas 011 the pa­rutn alld Chal'illm beillg lIecessl\l:ily llwal'l'etl ill illtellect tltology of any part.icular lIrgall illthH'lIl'e Iliul .'1" IIIUell that,Ilnd warped in ohservillg powers, wUl'e compelled to live ill Ilis dl~sirl! to sel'l'l sl'il'lltifie "I' keep III' his replltatiolllargely Oil the cl'ullulity of their patiellts, or, hy IIctillg in liS a 1l11ln (If sciencI', lie ofteu l'lillgs too sl'rlll'ulll\l~ty to thea mensure on their imaginations awl prejl\llices ; altemate- teaching of scho..l. lh· is 1'(Il1se'I"I'lltly I"s.o; illl))fitiently seeking ttl kindle hope or excite fear of loss of health to clll'e hy tlle silllpll'st 01' wlmt lit all 1'\"l'lItS wOllld sel'111llnd dellt,lI ; they iu thl~il' 1.111'11 tl'l1stillg to tIle II1000ey of t.o he CfHllllloll-plaeo 1'l'll11'dies, Bllt we b,'lin\'C 1\ tilile willehllnce, 01' til the fancie,l contrivances of an cl'l'ing illlllgi- come, wIlen such Iligll-e1nss l'n:jl1diet's will gi\'e pla(~l' to auation, UI(I\'e Jllattl'r-of-fnet ,'x)ll'riCUCI~, Hlld tlle pntetice of ra-

Tllis state of mellical scicnce still pl'evails IInlOllg the tional lIIedicinc will depewl ou \'t'llll'dics 01' lllellSl1reS sng­Hindus, 1I11happily to a large extent, and wcre it not for gl,sted "qllally by 1II0derll patllolllgy, witl. its 1111illg' Gale­the establishmellt of a. few sl'hools for Illedical illStl'llCtillll uieal doetl'illt" SHUlllt!I' 1'((/lIJII, lollill'I' l:tli·etH8, Itllli hyin llldia, where the study of physical science is obligatol'y, the llodl'illl' of IlallllellHlllll, popUlarly l'allell HOIllU'o­wonM be likely tu coutinue for some tillle to COI1IC, 1'1ltl1Y, tlle lIi/lluj(l lIi/llilifJ/11i ('lInl/li",', provided ollly that

There is, at present, no )lrospeet of res\lscit~\ting the t.hc dl'lIg )l1'0I'0sell is prllv,~d by '~XIWl'i"llt'e to he ('xal'tlyshuly of tllCse works, except as II mcans of healtl.y intel- hommopatllil' of tllll S)'lllptlJlliS ot' dist'asf',lectul\l rcc1'('atioll, as tIll' wl\Olll' sYStflll1 is bl\s~·d (III lln i1S- \y~ 1~'1'1 tltat WL' 111'1' jllst Ill'gillllin~' j'l tr:t\'I'I'~C t11(' tnw

Page 20: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

70 THE THEOSOPHIST, [DecembC'r, 1R7!).

• 0\11' wclcome conl.dhutor i" n Hnjput IIl1d imbucd, apparently, with thatchh'all'Ou~ "1'<101' which ever chnrnctcdzed that wnrd"r mco, Whilo (liselnim.ill).( f",' our JOIll'II'll or Society, nil"o of n"Rumingo the lendcr"hip, orncpiring I·() anything- moro thnll n very humhle pntt in lhe g-rcnt work oflwlian national rcfortlJ, wc nC\'crthcle"" ntlirtll the "inocdty of onl' 1ll0ti\'C',nf\<l publi,h without cmcndnl,ion 0111' Bl'Othcr'R \'onh, in the hope a,ul hcliofthnt hi~ 110"10 l'ntrioti!!U1 will awaken ret'pollflh'c cc\\OC~ h\\ ()'\'er \.bo huv\.For tho rcg-cncl'ation of Jlidia, IIlust be clTectoll hy thc etfOl'ts of her ow IIchildren -,Eo, T'!f:t)ll,

;~.t.~S ~i ;i(~~[', fl~ltI if we cllltiv~'te experience ill a tmc ImOl~~-;-l~~~;~r~hs, so nl1~ch l11J1ike t,hoRC f:r~~ll~~;~~cTlt-(Iay~f\}lll'lt, then with freflh advanecs 1Il O\1l' knuwh~tlge of the the tymlllilcal, opprcsfllve, flelfislt, amI (lehallclwd-thc1U­composition of org"flllic prodllet.s, and a surer acqnnintallce selves imlllortals though mortnl heings, where !Ire tlley?with the physiology or vC'gdablu seerdions, we mny be Heroes like LakhlJutna, Bhislllu, DrOlHl, Kania. alJd A1:iulJa,nblo to alight on tltn specific aetions of these pro(lllct" as whofle very names were thy honour, whither are they gone?influencing ilHlivi(lual anl1 isolated forceR of allinUil lif(~, \Vhen will again arise Rages like .Jnm'ilm or Balmikee,Aud flllch i'osults will tl'ntl to l·le:ln'r illdicnt.iollR for con- Veda-Byasa or Manu, PatAnjali 01' Oolltnma.-snints, whORetrollin<T morbid aet.ions, in the blooll or in the tissueR, to a works awl deeds have made them immortal, like thoderrree'"commellsuratu with the dilferclJt lH:lllifcstatiom: of Phmnix of old 1 The irresistible scythe of Time hfl!'lth~t vital fo)'('(! which feetls the orgaml 111\11 sustains their mowed them down, withn.l thy gloricR amI power tOll.healthy action. The Ilflteful Crescent first forccd in itfl way and dill all but

\Ve 110 not yet. know hnw, out, of many other 1'1'0- complete thy ruin ......(Incts of Olll" Ro-called Europe:w l\lnt.r·ria l\fedicn, the dif'- But" Providence proteds the fallen:" the Cross atfenmt classes of' \'l~g'l'f,:tblc bitters ami astringents act, awl length took up the Moslem's pace, alHl relleclIled (Heavenwe are yet in tho dark as til the )'(1:11 :-;ig'ninc:lIlco of' the willing) the llisahled nllll captive Queen. So MOTHEH,ltctions (;1' what arc calle,l Ilel'vim~ sLilll1d:tnts alHI tonics, despair not 1 The breath that once inspire(] thy latent01', if yon will, what, al'e known as Ilcl'vinc ilf'daf.ives anll spiritR slmll soon revive. A gren,t ai.l is come to thee:dopressnllts. weeping' 1"0 long' in the wil(lerness, thy sighs shall nnw he

Leavillg out (If Illilld ot!lt'r spl~l.·i('s (II' dnJg'x still c)"(·di- lll'anl-TIll' TIII'XIROPIlIST Rhall !Pad thy Rons :dong.If'(1 with alterntivl1 prtll'(,l,til~s, all,l ",hii'll influOllro tJ)() Sucll heing the importallce of the worthy .Jolll"1lal nntlvarious 01' tho 1'l'imary I'l'nt,res of the s)'liIpnthctic system' its great originators,· the Tlu'o8111ihicrrl Soddy, thereof' nerves, we havo yet. 1.0 I('arll ill wllat l'l'1ntion to tho 'I HI·isefl this" Strange Revery" which I have made thev,a~'ioIlR (IYllarn.ieal fiH"~~o:, of the, hllmall Lndy the.r'e nl'ti- he:Hling of thiR articll~. It ~8 a revery, ilHlccd, bll~ Il'eithcrficlnl dasseR of n~llIl'dll's stand. unaccollntablo nor lllconslllerntc-rather the Issue of

'Ve shall lIot, at this stag'e uf 0111' thelnC', tire the realler's ardent ddibl'ratiun,-to wit, a craving of the contriblltorpat-ionce with a cow,idl'mtion oJ' wlla! is assllllwJ on hy- to have himself enlisted as a Fellow of thiR great botly.potheses drawlI frolll Pl'l'VillllS expl'riclIl'e, as they call hest He seekx thereby 110 name or fame, hefore the public. Aho studiol1 with the help of many exedlellt workR on the I man of It l'llilanthropic till'll of 1I1iwl, but in cirCllmstallcessllhjeet. \Vc havl' nll'ndy to ask th(· indlllgt'nce of all at-; of life little favollmble to t,he (1wl, he (!<'sireR hilt to gratifytelltive pel'IIsa1 of what we will 1'l'lldel' fl'lllll the original his desire to see himself moving within the" UniversalRallskrit of the daSRificatinll and properties of sllbstnnees Brotherhood of HlIllIanit"." He is not one (If those "dnrk­described bv the Aryan 1,11\'sil'ians, wil.1t tile eXII!allntion l:mtel'll visllO'es" that seeks 1.0 shell licrht: hilt 111,on his ownJ 0-' .J 0 - ~

of their ndiolls wlli(~h model'll physiology Sllggf·stH. path, allll callRe all arollnd an IInivel'sal gloom; bnt one,\Vn I'hnll j'lI' tllo pl"'sent oilly sl'!cd. the lilore e'jl'iolls whose sonl gcnerntes ill him an lll1iver,<;al love. He iR

alHl the more rdiabln liI'illteh o{ tlleir I'f'~earelws, viz" thc really of olle llIilJ(l with the TheoRophiflts on q11elooLiollR ofvegelable Matel'ia l\ledil~:l. allll (ltovoL(' flllr flit 11)'(' papers to theology alHl ~eet:tl'ianislll-or more properly. he is a­a COIlRillemtioll of tlw s1lhied or till' Rl~lIsibll' prolH'rtiL's allll Hind/!, Bmltmin ohcyillg the Lillel'alism of the VedaR.~pparel1t Ill'eS ot' Al'V:l1I ll;eclicinal Rllhst:lIlI'(~S. TllUiI, he cOllsi(!ers hill1Relf ill 110 way 1II1fit" and is willing

. to follow the preRcribe(l r111es of the Society. Favored bysllch cOllcllliliOlIS, :lnd flll'ther, l'lIlhol(1cncll hy t.he express

.A ~'I'H,AN(:I<; nEVlj~HY. st.atement in the last nlllllber or the Journal that" The]/, K. P. B. SOl'iety's members repn~sent the Ilwst vn.ried lIaf,iollalit~es

.I allli races, nnd were horn aIHl edlleatetl III the 1Il0Rt dlS-The qllery nat.mally sllggc':,;fs itsl·lf to :lllY olle now (,b-: similar creeds fllHl socin! rOllllitionR ;" aIHl also, that" a cer­

sC'.rving .f,I~is" ]loor shadow" oft,.hl' Ary.alJ l:lIJd,-Ts ~hl' Sun "I' tain 1111.. 11111('1' have flcarcely yet acqllil.·ed any.defin.ite heli(~f,(~t I nella 8 f/l(~I'.'1 s('t Ilcver to nst' ag~111 ?--~ q1ll'Rtl~'1I t!I!\t, h11t are in a st.ate of expectancy;" tIle writer strengthenseomprohellds ~l~ abs.tmet all 1I~~' I!hlloso\,lilcal, x("ll'nhtic, I himself with the hope of'sllccess, and wishes the readers infind even. political 1IIh·('('stx. a~h'dlllg thl! c01l11~ry. And Igl'lll'l"a.\ to watch tho progress of nm1irfl with eye.'! of gene­yet, how lI!va.hIllLI!t' SOl'\:el' lJI ~t.s lJature t,he POlIJt 1)(', all Irosity and hope,nIlS\~l'I' to It IS nil hill. lllll~ossddu. 1~0l'e, llowl'~'el" that Every man of Aryan (leflcent sl,ouhl feel pride awl re­ ~~lpporter of 1111111:11I1ty, ".('\"\'1' forsnkes \\'llll~) .tltere joice with the fllllest heart over t.he establishment of snchIS still hIe, an,d llJakt's ('\'('ry lovlllg Iienrt. t.lIl·n sllfhell.'ntly ! a lIHlIIth-l'iece, and nphold to the IItmost limit of his ea­crednlous. to In.ncy at. t~w lm;~ a RIH'I,d,.r I'L'Covel'.)'. l:lnnc:-I padt.y tltis only medium of cOlllm1l1tieation for him withtlte pl'Opnoty j01' a natIve llllldu Laklllg' COllllsl'l Wltlt IlIIn- nil Uw contemporary advallced nation.'! of both the ,Eastself: .,. Ia1HI the \Vest. Does not this signalize a most renJ:l.rkahlo

Shnll, thcn, 0111" glol'loUH Ar/!fu'rti'la lIe. al\\':Ij'S d:u:k? epoch in the I'Ovival of the Aryan people? To all who nreNo, she cannot ;-slw that yd takes 1'l'Hle III haVIng not hlind, it. most aSRlIl'ellly lloes. No hesitation, therefore,]?een the carl!cst. fjllartl'r of civiliza,t.ion (!n the globe, the can there hc, on the part'of any sensible HiIHln to resigntirflt. hot.bell o! RCIlHlces, ,the ol~kst rl'pl~sltUI''y of arts, n.nd hinlself into the hands of tho great" Repnblic of C!ousei­the most nncICnt scnt,ot 1('arnl1lg' :md Ill1l'~'OV()nwnts; the cllce," to enjoy God's free Light in compnny with thosel:tn,l whence snch as Rolon, Pytltagorn<;, AI'lstotlu, Ammo- who have made that phrase their peclliiar watchword.nills Sa:ccas. and I'toll'llIy, drew theil' minds.. 'Vlll.'l"O was JC!Jporc, ,NOL'eJJloer itll.thnt wllle-faIJ1L·(l Uel'llhiJc tlJUII, or that tllnc-Iiollollred =======mi8tl'csS when tltOll, Q,11l'cn of all Fairy Lalllls, wast alrenlly Next Iflonth we will give :11l accollnt of thc splendidshining with riches, grnlJdell1', alii1 rdillemcnt,? Art not demonstration on t.he 20th nIt.. to commemorate the oJ'0n­tholl the original archetype, from which the elder Egypt ing of the Theosophical Society's Library. It was a me.copied lwr pecnliar priesteraft? \Vas not thy wenlth, as it lIlorable event in to this day, the envy nnd amhitioll of the narillses, the _AlexalHlers, 'the AntOl{ii nlHI l\laximii, ns of those who pre- P{C((,QI'. ?lOI'ile nothing on the face of Posto{ Oa,rd8, butceded them e\'en in parlier days? 'Vhat., t.hon, Ims made 0111' W!dI'('s8.thee this day niggn,nl nil :Uld worn Ollt., to wail, darklingnnder tlemolit,iol1fl nlHl dl~l'redltti()ns? Ah, .MoTlum 1thosedays of thine nro paRt, thoRe thy glories lost, nIHI eventhose brave sons of thine that erownml thy heallty andf'ormc(] thy greatest pride, nre gone-gone for evcl': Rllchmighty princes as HnuHL Clhmidra, Y(ldhistir, Asoka, allllBikm-Maditya, kind, 1)('nevolellt" gl'lIcrolls nn,] ll1agnani-

Page 21: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

DcccmbN', 1879.] THE THEOSOPHIST. 77 1

...----;----;; .-~_ 0--.-

AN OLD nOOK A~D A NEW ONE. honest ~ciellli~I:l, wlto cOllfc;'8 theil' iguorllllce,III1.1 OIiC wltoTho lIincteellth celltlll'y is tlto cOIIIIlI'y of sll'lIggle Rllll strifl', proclllillls Ihllt, he IIlIS soll"ell c\'ery ridille of lifo, 1I11L1 tltllt lIaltH'a

pUI' excellence; of I'digiolls, polilical, SOCilll, 1II1l1 philol-ophielll IIlIS lli;;clo~ell to llilll IICI' JII~t lIly:-lcry, tho puLlie will I1lrolycou/tict. Tho Liologists could 1II1l1 wOIII.1 uot relllllin 8ilcllt Ite;.i III It'. As 0110 of IIl1cckd's erilics n'lIlllrk;;, II strcct «(llack,willlt'SSCS of this lIlelllorllhlo crbi;;. CIIlII fl'olll 1Il,'ad to foot ill wilh l,illpUIIIICl'1l lIIellicillO, will oftclI ,.(>l'urc n fill' 1Il01'C Iil,cl1llthe 1'II110poly of eXllct scicllces; hlll'llcllell ill bllllies IIgllillSt ig- IIl1d 1I1111ll'rOliS lluL1iclice than 1I11 hone~t 1I11.! 1'lIUI ious physieillll.1I0rll1lCO, superstitioll nlld Ihbehooll, thllY l'USIIC,1 to tl'eil' plllees AIIIIII'opo!/fll,1f hils plulIg".1 lIIorc lIIillol~ ililo II profouull 11111­ill tlao 1'lInk~ of tho Iightel's lIud ~:s t1IO::O ltul"ilig I\ullaorily terillli::1Il tllllil 1I11'y ol],el' book of widell wo h'l\'o kllowled:;e.begllil the wOl'k of delllolitioll, EI'ell tlte grellt Huxley WII': at oue limo iuclillcol (sl'e "DlIl'will

B,!t who dcsll:Ors ought to rel,uilll : 1\11.1 e~'{/d Ecil'uc? <101'51111'.1 1II1I'ckl'l," POJI. Sciellce J11()II~J,'.I/,1;11' l\lan-l1 1!j7r~), 1II0I'll1I0tblllg of tlte kltHl, lit ICIIS! so fa I' liS lite fjuesllOli of lite highest 11111111 WI\S IICCdNI, 10 "lIpport IllIe('kcl S \'WW~, 1111.1 Illtlllltis I,ouk,IIl.)·ehologieal I\spimtiolls of Itlllllllllity is cOllcerlled, Stl'II11gC wld,,1t Ill' call1·,1 ;, 1\ lIlile,-lollo ill,lil'alillg lite )ll'ogrcss of thoto "lIy, yl't IIC\'CI'tltele5s 1\1\ illcolllro\'('I'rilole filet, lite Illlly IlIIs theory of c\'olulioll," 1\ "!'l'1I1 liI'c Look, 1'1111 of )lowel' 111111lillll'lI 11)1011 tlte IllIily IIl1glllClitillg IUlily of Sl'irillllllbls, to swel'l' gellius, lIt,d Lllscd 111'011 II fillllldllri'J11 or l'IIWlil'III, ol'i~illl.1 work,IIwny Iltu 1I11111gleJ dcl,ris of 'ltu wnl'lill'I', nlld relJlliitl frolll 1110 to wltidl f,!w living IlIl'lI ('lUI olli.'I' II plll'lllh'I." WI,cll,el' IhowillS of the pllSt !'ollll'lhing IIIOI'C tnllgil.ll', 1II0m 1I1111~"lIilaLle fnthcr of /'I'oloplllslJI ('onlilllll'S 10 Ihillk H' to this dll)', istltl\lI lhc drcIIlIly doclrillcs of thcolog)'. FI'OIll tllC lit'sl, S"iri- n IIInUl'I' (If lillie ('OIl:'C' (11('11('1', tl,ollgh 11'0 douLI il. Tltotllnli"lIl 1t:1!! fortinc.1 illl PO:iliolls I.y OCIIIIII' llellloll"Ir:!lioIlS, I pul,li,', lit Ic/"t, wns spcedil)' .li,n!Juscll I,y tlte cOIIII,ille.1 c!tortsslowly hilt slIl'ely rel'llll:ill;; fnuciflll I'YI'Ollw5is 1\11.1 l.lill.1 faitlt iof II,e gn'nll':t lIIillds of EII!'l'pc.Willi n .cdell of pltellomelill wltich, whclI gellllillo ill\'itu Ih~ III Illis (/lIl1ons work of Ilacek,'I'", 1101 olily is 1111111 refllsell 1\

l'I'Iu:ialtesls of lite IIIOSt cXIlClill~ expel'illlonllllislS, !SOld, Iliit 1111 IIl1ccslor is f<J1'e('11 IIPOII Ili'lI, ill tile shape of tlloIt is Olill of Ihe lIIost elll'ious fl-IIII1I'CS of tlte .Iny, to sce sci-I fOI'lIll.'5s, gelalilloll,; BIlIII!/bills lIf1l'Clidi"',-r1lc protoplm.u,ie

CIICO iu 1ll'l'llonhlo ,',lIe of tho "ggrl'SHlI' /11111 IIliackl"1. Aml; l'Oot of Ulllll-whieh lh\'l'lt ill Ihc :-lilue lit 1110 bOltulJl of lho srll~

il ill II sight, indeed, to follow Ibo sll'lI,ly lld\'lIl1eo of tho COllllllUS I" l'cforo lbo olde::t of Ibe fus~ilifl'rolls I'ud,s \\'1'1'0 dcpo>iletl,"of" iufidelity" Ilglliu5t tho 8troug-.lI()ld~ of Iho Church, l-illlill. ' HII\'illg Irllllsfol'lIlell llill1sc~I", ill g-ood tilllo illto II seric: of iu­Illuoously witla the pu:Jliug 11II"k of IIIl1lcrillli"lIl lowlll'ds its 111::1 : tl'rc~lillg 1I11i1l1l1ls-sollle cousistillg of bnt olle howl'!, lllld oflll'I'jjiutl'l'IIc1ll11eulli Ly Ille 8pirilllllli5tS. Botla llw fllllllllluellllllllllC- . of II tiil,:;le 110"0 (,l/o//or/,illflp'), 1111 1~\'01\'l!11 out of Profes,;ol'Iriuos of th,'ology, I\ull tlao cold ul'glll iOlls of scicuce, 1111\'0 of IlIlIeckel 'Ii fiLtlllIlldcss i IIgellu ily, our g,'ul'lIlogil'lIl lillo is ICll 1I PIlIlll IJl~eu Illlccessfully """II iIcil hy 1l'1I1'l1l~11 lIud ~kilflll wl'ilcr", ito, IIml .Iops IIIJ1'lIpily I\t tlae MJltlless Uillil :Ami, il l'IIU hll!'llly bc l!ellic.l, tllllt Ihero lire "troll:; iulliellliou:i; "'e 11I1\'e lIolhiug whaIC\'l'1' lIg'lIiust tlao pll)'himl "ide of theof wll\'crillg 011 the pllrt of LOlh thc llllllCkl,.l pllrtie:" will, 1111, theory of l-\'ollliiou, Ihe gelleral thcory I.e whid. \\'0 Ihoroughlyevilll'lIt llispo"itioll to capitullllC. Tile ., Spl'lIker's COlllllleutm')'," Illcrept oUI'se\\'('s ; ucilher lIgniust Jlllcckd's \\'OI'lU:', Ihhe::, 11111111­followcd hy lhe new rdilioll of tllll re\'i,;cd I:il,ll', gil-illg up liS; 111111", UOI', 'illlllly, Iho tllilll'ss 1I1111/l'opoid-1I11 of \\'hicll ho ill­it llcsplliringly ,lacs, the I,illierlo trellsllre,l :\lol'lIic lIIil'llclcs, IIl1lll trollures to fill uJl llac Idallls II(~tw,~clI IIpO IIl1d lIIau-lIS 0111'the rccI'ut lldllitiolls to tl,e p"rly of' lioll Spiritualists of 11101'0 I lOl'efathcl's, No luorc ,10 Wll object '0 his iO\'l'lIlillg Illunes fOI'tlallU of IlIlO grellt 1111111 of t'CiL'UCl', 111'0 illlpl'l':;,;i\'u filets, Cailou l llae-III 1I11t! I!Olll'lillg' Ilal'lIl willa his 011'11, "-Iollt we ol.ject III illFUI'rul', of \VOSllllilli~lol' AlJ),l'y,llcsll'O)'ri 11111 old-l'lIsltiolle,1 Le-I t1I(J 111101' III1COIII!CI'lI 01' lloe ,Jell/\ pr(ll'cs~OI' ns 10 lloe 0110"1' sidolief ill Iloll clel'llity of hell, 111111 lilt! \'1'1('1'1111 1II1l1ll'nl'llcil pl,ilo- I of tloe tl'cory of C\'OlllliuII : 10 lloe l'\'olllliOIl or spia'it, silclltly~~P,I~I'I" DI'. l'~ichlo of Gerlllll',I):, ,1Y~lJg, nil IIIlt e~lIfess(':; lois. ~e-I dc\'elopillg,llllllllsSI'I'lillg il:iclf 11101'0 nlld 1II0re' witll ereI')' IIcwlylief III tllu pllll050phy of Spll'ltullhslII! Aln;;, JOI' tloo Plollls- , perfccled IUI'III,lI.ICli of Biolugy ; tili~ Golintlo whom thcy 111lt pill forth liS tllcil" Wlollt \\'ll IIgnili ol,jcel. to is IImt the illgl'lIl1ollS c\'oluliollistdUlIlipioll was slaill by 1\ siuglo IIIcdilllll, IIl1d the SpCllI' which Inot olily P1II'P(\"e1y IIcgleds. ),lIt ill sovcrlll pllll'I'S IIdunlly SlIcel'Ssecmcd liS Lig IIl1d slt'OIlg .. liS 1\ wClIror's bCIIIII," IIlIS piCI'ccd, 1\1 the ilIon of n spirilllal C\'ollilion, pl'ogr(',sillg bRllll in IUIIIIItheil' OWII &idcs ! wilh the play,icnl, IhOllgl1 1111 lIligl.t l'II\'e dUll,' il liS seienlilicl\l-

.. Tho 1Il0st recellt lle\'c\0plllent of tid .... douLle cOllllict ill II Iy liS ho di.1 tlw re:t IInd-moro 1lO'H'slly, I Ie 11'0111.1 Ilwrehywork which comos just ill lime to pnllilllu the e\'il etlcelll of hllvo missed, perll:tp:', the IIl1tilllely praises of Ilw protoplllslIlicI'lIIothel' 0110 wllieh pl'ececll,!d it. \Vol'cfcl'to the ";\leclllllli~1I1of lIuxll'y, hill Wtlll t~I' I,is AIIIJ,ro/lOgell,1J the 111I'III:s of tho pllhlic.MUll," by MI', Sel"grllllt Cox, followiug tho "Dill AIIllll'Opogcllie" l'l'r S", 1100 Ilwol'Y 01' e\'ollilioil is 1I0t 11011', t;)I' every COSlllo­of 1'1'ofell,,0I' lIncekel. TllollltiOl' hlld SOWII willd nlld I"cllpnd 1;0IlJ-e\'OIl (11ll .Tcwbh (:el/l~si... , /01' lli'll wlao IIllllel'~tnllds il­tho whirlwilld ; 11111111 furiolls IlllITienllIJ it WilS Ill. 0110 time, Tho hilS il. A",I ,lIt/1I1l 11'110 I"OpIIlC(,8 SI"!':inll'I'l'lIlillll wilh pl'rioJi­puhlic hlullJeglill to look lip to tl,e ,JClIll prol'c~sOI'lIS 10 II 1I0W I clIl rOl'olllliolls 01' Prala,'1as. /;,lIo\\'cd, IlInllY 111I1I1::ulldliof yel\l'sllll\'iolll' 1'1'0111 tho "durk supel':litiolls" ol'lhll fill'efllthol's, Helle- I\go, tltO clillill of Il'nlisforlllutioll frolll tho IOW1'st UllilllUI 10 tlootioll hlill cOllle. Betweoll the llyilll-; illfllllilJilily oflhc Chlll'ches, ltighcbt-IIII1I1, (,\'CII 1Il0re cOlllprl'hell,i\'dy if Icss ~cielltiliclllly

the 1I0t OI'CI'-sntisfactol'y reslllts of Sl'it'itlllllislIl, lllld, 1'01' tho (ill Ihe IIIOdcl'l1 liell:iO of Ihe word) thall lIace\;cl. IIlltl thoa\'cl'llgc lIIasses, fil..I' too deop lUltl I'hilo8ophil:al researc:lles of; Ilalt~l' held 11101'1) to tho ~!'it'it of tl", 1I111llel'II llisco\"(~ries of Lio­IIl'l'bert SpelleCl', Baitl, a'lIl tho gl'ellt lights of exact Scicnce logy alld physiology tllllll to theil' dead-Il",It~I' 11111\ his 011'11 theo­tho pulJlic WIiS hhillllillg IIlIll perpll'lCc,1. 011 tho oue 11111111, it rics, he 11'011"1 havc le.l, perhaps, a IICW hcgirn of sciellce ;;epll­IlIId n stl'Ollg, 111111 C\'CI' gl'owillg dcsire 10 follow II 1'1'0;;1'03'; thnt: rntillg ilself \'iolelltly 1'1'0111 tho told 1II11teriali'llI of thc II~C•• NoWCllt IlIlud ill hUlld wilh seil'lICC ; !Jilt, 1I0lwid,,,lalldillg illl laIc I ono-llot evclI Ihe slnUlldlest a!,o~rl" of l'o:,ili\'j'lII-will dOilyCOlllluusls, t:ciCIICO fiu"s IlIibSill:; liuks lit e\'cry ~lcl" ,h'I'al'y I'hllt IIIC IIlllrO we :,tuJy tlae l,rgalli,-lIIs of tile IIlIill\al world, 1lI1l1Llllllks ill illl kuowledge, • CIIllSIIIS' 011 whoso hrillK ils volaries nssurl' OIIl'sl''''es lllllt tho lIrgall of all pSJchical IlIlllliliJsllltiou illshuJdel', Icarillg to CI'OS", Ou tho olllcl' I,alld, tho llLslII'dly 1111- the lIel'\'(\II11 8Js!L'lII, the 1II0l'e wc filld Iho Itel'e8:,ily of plUligill~

jllst ritliculo ClISt IIPOII Ihll heliel'l'I's ill !,hl'1I0IllCIIIl, llchl back ,Ieepel' ililo Iho lIIetlil'h)'"i<~lIl worlll o( l''')'c:llOlogy, I.e)'olld thothu gellcl'lll pllillie fl'OIll pel'solllli ill\'estiglliioll. 'l'1'L10, the IJOulldary lille hilhl'rlO IIlal'I'l'd (01' us I,y tI,e II\llteriali:ts. 'fheChurch (JI'rllthCl' lhc" l'choulmclI'li philostlphy," lIIi5cllllciI Chris- lillo of "('I1II1I'Clllioll L(,tweell tllo two 1Il0des of lit'e o( the \'l'gc­tillllily, 1I11 Huxloy hilS it, WIlS dnily Onl'I'ill~ to comprolllisc, 1\1111 ' tnhlo 1lI111 nnilllHl worlds is yl't le"ra ill/-oYllilll fOl' e\'cry natu."ilh Lilt II tilight cllort of diplulIIlley tlllo,"ight I'elllllill willaill rali;;1. Alld 110 11I01'e willllllY 0110 !'rllte:,t agllill"t tlw seiollti.tlte lold, whilo ,1isLolievillg cven ill II IlI'l'~ollal devil, without ticlIlly csltllJlishl'll trllislll tllllt illtelligl'lIl!tJ IIlallitbts iI"elf illriskillg to" slllell of 'hll tllggol." db'cel I'rlll'ortillil with 11.0 cerellrul dm'l'1ul'lIlcIII, ill Ihe COhse-

But tflU spoll WIIS bl'okoll 1\11.1 tho jll'l'tiligll (Iuite gOllo. FUI' ellti\'e series of Ihe allilllal worl.1. Followillg lhell, llac dc\'elop­faith thel'o ill 110 lIIiddlu groulld. It lIIust Le eithol' cOlllpletely IIIcnt of Ihis SYSI<'1I1 nlollc,-frolll thl'llOlo'lIalie Illotions pro­1,lillll, 01' it will sce too lIIuclo. Like wulel', it ce:15CS to Lo pure I dllccd hy the 8illlplo prOCl;SS of what is l'nlled Ihe lejlt',t' acliullns !'(lOU Illl the slIlallest foreign iugl'cdicltt is illiroduccell. ' of the I\scillillil lIIolln~k, for iu::tullce, the inMillclirc \IIutions of

Tlae puLlie is n Lig chil.1 ; cuullill~ yet trllbtill~, lliflidcnt 11111\ Ilhe l,ce, III' Iu Ihc lligl'l'st or,lcr of IIllllUIIUdillllS 111111 elldiug,yct crcllllloll9. Is it ClIU:'1l 101' wOllllol' Iheu, that while it I'esi- tiunlly, wilh ulllu-if WI! ill\'l\l'ial,ly Jiud 1111 1I111'I'okell rnlio oftilted hotwecu Ihe coullicl,illl; pl\l'lies, II 1111111 liko lIaf,ekt:l, \'lIiu stuilly ill(!I'(,II~Cl ill eel'obl'lLl de\'c10JluI0I1t, hClice-a eOITespollll.111111 PI'I"SUIlI ptuolIS, 1101.11' it h:llllillillg Ids gl'ellt IClll'lli 11;.(, e\'cl' ill;; ilIel'CllSO of 1'1'11:011 ill); pOWl'r:" lit' i II1e11 igl'1I1~1,,-1I1C "cduc­I'elllly to dogulltlizo upOU Jll'lIhlellls fill' Ihu ~ollltiou of' wldeh tiell \'I"COlllell it...c~istiule tbllt thel'l) IIlUS' bll II ~l'iritulIl liS wellhllmlluity IIlIS thirstcd 1'01' 111;<'-", lIud wbich 110 Il'IIe I'hilosoplai- lI~ a Jll,)'sielll ClI'ollltillll.cllimind will dlll'o presullle to IIUSWl'I' eOIll:llIsi\'(~ly-secured This ill tlae A, B, C. Ill' JlI'.l':,iolo~}', AII'\ al't' wc to he tollllit oue time lhe gl'cl\lest IIt1Clltioll fOl' his AII/lu'OI'9gCII!I ? Be- thllt t1'C1'1l is 110 ./i,rIJ,c/ llu\'('lopll'('III, IIlI flllllm C\'olulion forIweell 1I1CII lil\C Bnlfolll' ~tOWlll't, Dubois Hayiliolld, nnd otlll'I'! mllll? ThlLt II ...rl' is a l'ro~l'l'd Oil l'llrlh fur the eaterl'illl\l' to

Page 22: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

TITE THEOSOPHIST. [Do('C'mbC'l'. 1k7fl,_ .. _c_'_."·"· ,'---=~'·'·'''T- ---.-.-'~--.------,-..-_. -~=~-c-------=-=----c-1

heeome n hllttel'lly, fOl' tlln 11I,lpole 10 dl'\'elop 11110 1\ IlIghl'l'1 herlcps IICW IIVI'III1l'S-OS Ihe 1'1'f;II~t of suel,l /I kllowledgo whe,lIfOI'm, 11I1l1 fur everyuirdto Iivo IIftel' it hilS l'i,l itsclf of it~,~hell, 1I'I'?\'ell-IIrc opelle.1 10 us hY,thls oule PIOIICCI': nll,llIllllcl'IIISwhilo for 1111111, who hilS cvollliell from tho lowo~t t') tho III~host l'ktlfnl f 1'1'111 1I\l'lIt, tlant hO(lo wI lid. WIIS Lhghtcll 101' IIIC 1II0molltJ>oint of ph)'sicul mill 1I10lltlll t1o\'elopmellt 011 this l'lIrlh, nil: hy the brlltnl hn,lIll of l'ositivi511~, is n·killdlc.1 ,ill lito n'/ltlcr:sfurthcI' cOII!'CioIl5, sclllicllt.•11'\'e!0111l1ellt is to ho /l1:I'C8Ic.1 hy tlIC Ihl'C/lst, 111111 deoth 15 mndo to I(I~~ 115 terr~rs, ,So cOllfid~lIt !Sl1i~s(Jllllioll of his mllleri:d ol'gnllilmtioll? '1'11111, JlIsl ns ,110 Illls I the nullllll' thllt IIPOII ,tho folutlOlI of tillS l'lIlgmn-;-wlllch ISI'l'flchc,1 the cllllllillntilll,t P(:illl, nll.1 lho ,,"od,lof M)!tl hegllls \111- 0110 h~lt 10 thosc wh~ wtlll1ol. fee-~ll'pClIll lIlo 1II0st 1Il1(1?rlnlltfol.Jill<r h[,foro his milld : JlIst. flS tho llSSlIl'lIlIeO of 1I110tlt('I' III III 'I"esllolls 10 1lIlIlIlIlIdy, such liS ,li80Ilse, 0111 /lg'" ehroulll nlllln LeU;I' lifo 1JL'''ills tlnwllillg 11(1011 hilll : hi" 1111'11101')", renSOIl, lIel'\'UnK slIfli'\'illgF', \IIf1I1'y of' wlti"It 111'0 1I0W cOII,idcl'cti 11'1 Lc­fl'I'IiIlJ!, elllls"i~lslle:',:, illt.elligell'!'·, nlHl nil lIis IJi~lIest IIsp,il'll- )'~lId hlllllnil Itelp, tJ~nt 110 tllillk~ tltnt n porf('~t IIcrl",lIilltOIlCOtiolls nl'(1 to .1"scl't him ill UIW b"ief mOlllelll, III It I go Ollt 11110 With ps),chology Will be of lIl/It lItmo~t help III t1'eollllg c\'elletcl'lIol .11II,klless? Wern it SU, kuo\\'ledge, Feiellce, life, /111.1 1110 mosl ohHiulltc diFCnfCl!, 110 poiutcdly remiuds his rcntlel'plllllllllro ilself, \\'0\1111 hc tit .. 1Il0st idiolic of fllrc<,I:? If wo thllt,/lI'C told Ihllt snch a n'H'lIrell docs 1I0t pcrtllin to tIll' r:l'ovincc " It IH'eulllllcnrcel.r cr~.libl('. ll11t it is lit.~l'lIlIy trlle thflt theof positive scienccs, thnt 110 CXllet /IntI IICCIII'II1o llcdnctl... lI" II~'C most lenrlletll'h."lIicinl\ C:Ulllot telliHI by what process nny one me­to bo II1l1do Ollt of' purcly II1ctllplt}'sie/l1 pl'elllisscF, th<'11 WIl will 'I tlieillc he 1\lll11illilllel'lI perf01'11111 itll curell! He call lIay ouly thateluplil'e, wIlY shoul.1 then .h't1l1dious, Oil hJl.lotllctil'nl tle.lnc- eXI'~r~e!IC(l Ilnlll<hn~m certnin .'f1cdJi nil o~teu fOlllltl to foHow Ihl\tiolls frolll purely illllWilllll'y IllItn, /IS ill 1110 ('IIS0 of Hnl'ckl'l's exhlbltlOlI of c.'r! III II .lrllgll. ,Bllt he 1'~l'tallJly tlOl'1I 1I0,t kllo~v 1'0111

lJo 111',1.', s II IItl tuill,'ss'" IIl1lll1'Opoid be /lel~l'ptl'd liS sciolllilic those tll'lI,lTR I'r?lllc,e those ,:'h',:~, I~ III stmu,~c,[\1lll .1IHtreSl'\II~ to.1 ) I I " I' I I' t 1 ~ 1 1\11' 01.81'1'\'1' whnt IrrnllOlIlllll1'eJn,hc,'" l<tlll !,re,'atl III aH Inutll'l'R con-

1l'lIths, nil uo Fllelt IIIIS':lllg III'; IllS en\\' )'I" lee II 01111', J IIcde.1 wit.11 th,. 1'1"'lIiolog)' of II1Hl)' IIl1d millll, alitI t1H'ir lllllhm\11101'(\ Ihllll it IllIs Leell pl'lI\'('t! llint I,ho ullvel'tcl'I'lItl',1 ~)IOIIl'I',.'ho l'elatillllfllJiI' IIl1el i;ltluC'ncefl, 1"'1'11 nlllOIl~ I'Cl'SOllfl ot.lll"rwise \\'1'11grollt! plln'1I1 of lite 10vl'IV a/lll'll/oJ.'Il.~, 01' thllt phrlosophlelll illformclllllu! who decmthelllSeh'l'1I l'dllclltetl, It i8 stilllllorc strnllgeI'cclllS('-thc n~'II'Jbill,', I'vel' l'xi~It:,1 ? that 1101. tho ICMt prejmliCt'd lIor the lelL~t illSlnletl'e\ in t.hese

But now, pI'ncc'to the n,Ill'~ of our dil'cl't nll('estOl'! Tho'! I suhjects nre to Lo foulI,d il~ tho 1'1'0fcs8il~1l whos~ ,hIlS!,IIl;!l.'1 it is to\'I'ucl'llhlo I'I'Ofe550r Virc!llIf, hnckcd I,y un nnny of illfuriufl'(1 ' ket'p t.he 1I1II1II\n lIJaCbllle 11\ 50\11111 wOl'klllg COIlll!tlon,IIntlll'wistR, pn"sing like tIle powel'fulltlw))/$il/, 1110 willll of thc Sl~rgcont Cox lieI'd scnre!'ly hOpo to count thc pmclil'ingdesel'l, 0\'1'1' thc 1,Iaills of hJpoth~liclll Fpcc~dlllionR, Ileslro)'ed physieilllls IInlllllg Ilis I\llmil'OIR, I1is Insl. 1'l'lI1l1l'k is mOl',) np­/III 0111' Ill'S I. hopcs fOl' II dO:'!'I' IWII~lIIl1,ll.nUe(~ With 0111' ,1101.10 I'C- pli'~1I1,le 10 Chill('~(J lI1edir~ill(', whnso I'l'nclitionl'l'R 111'0 poid hyIlIli\'(!1l of Ihe slimy 007.(', Ili'gllllllllg With I/I/'It!}IJl",~, wholll Iheil' pntielll" oilly 1:0 10llg liS they III'e8en'o Iheir hClilth, /11111hc .11'/lgge,1 Ollt of his sl'e-JIIIIII-to sllOw 110 WIIS 1I0t Ihol'e--II11J lul\'c thoil' pay Ftoppc,l nt Ihe til'st s)'ll1ptom of .1isc'lIso ill theil­Berlin fll\'lInl. (,,'incet! 110 1ll0l'lJ I'cspect fOl' thc Simiac Ca'f!,.r- pnlr'olls-Ihnn in Europe. It SCI'II1S I'llther till. 'lhusiness,"Muut', (011\' tnil-Lle~5cJ 11111'1'''101') "hom II(' hnrled Lnc,k IIlto of tho ElIl'ol'enn .Ioctor to k(,l'(1 Iho 1III\I1nll mnehille ill lin If)/­

1I01l-heill~, lIe wellt fllrlilcl' /Iud cn~,h.ell ~lIt of eXI~tellce SOl/lit! cOl\(lition," lIu\Ilnn ~'Ifli'rillg i" fOl' ,EIIl'opelln phpi­('vl'n tho Lellutiful tnHle:,s npe-lhc nlll':lII~ Illlk! So l'troll~ cilln;;, ns Iho tOl'mcnts ofpul'glltor)' the pricst-n porellllinll'Olll'COW/IR the I'elll'tioll of thollgltt liS to lho menls of Hllcek ..I's work, of incomc,thnt it well Ili,gh knol'kcd ofl' Itis Il'gs cven I,IIll illlll)(~ellt , tho,~glt Bllt lito nlll1101' slIggest!! thnl. " tho C:lURC of tid;; igllOl'/lilOO oflil'~t cnURe 01 AlItltl'OpogC)/!I-llto grcnt (hnrll'll DII\'WIII, hllll- tlte laws of lifl', of l\[clltlll 1'1t)'slology IIl1d of l'Rychology" isself, '" '" : tltnt "they /II'I' 1I0t stlldicd ns wo 8111dy tlto ~tl'lIctnro wlticlt Ihnt

But thc IIl1sclllCf IS dOliI', nllll It l'el]ulI'c~ 1I11~llly )'owl'l'flll Lifu moves nI\(l Ihat Intl'1li~cllcl' dirccts," I [I' n,ks wltl'thel')"l'stol'1l1il'I'R to brillg till' ex·ntllllil'.,s of JIaeckd I>nck to /I Itelil'f it. hns "ncvl'r o('c\II'I'c.l to Iho !'lip.icillu mill tlte Ment/ll Philo­ill Ihe humnn I'ou\. Sergenlll Cox's" Tllc I\leclu\IIislII of Mnll: so)'her tlll\t po""ibly ill Iho I/lws of life, ill Ihe phy"iolo:!y ofAll Answel' '1'0 Tho (llle~lion: 'Vhnt Alii I ?" 1I0W in its lIIill,l, in IIIl' 1'l'llIliolll'hip of tltP. l'on~cious Self IIn,1 lito 1.od)',tlli ... l l'ditioll, will 1'1'\II:aill ns one of Iho 1II0st powerflll nllsw..r" morc even Iltnn in the Flnil'flll'e ilself, nrc to 1>0 fOlllld tho CIIII"!);;~o tl~1' 1'01l,I-de~tl'oyill~ sopltistry of J[nce!.e1 1II1t1 hi!! like, 11 of mnllY of 1I11~ mfllllllil's 10 wllil'h tltnt l'tl'nclllrc iii Rlll~ie!'l,IS (plllo I'eh'pslllllg to IIl1d tltnt a work npoll slIeh nn IInwelcome Thcrefol'e, lhnt ill lite in\'eRli~ntion of tlt(,SO InwA thc secl'otsulljed-lo I,he men of R(~i"I,lee-1l book ",hidl Ircnts of P"Y- ill to sOllgltt of Ihe 0pl'rnlioll of I'l'mediol', I'/Ilhl'" limn in tltcchology 111111 Its phellomellll, IS so ('ngel'l)' weleollled I>y Iho I'lln- moleollllll' SII'IICIIlI'O ",hel'll fOl' COld,lIl'ic!! tho Dodors hn\'o Lccne/ltc·d plll>lie, I !I,I rev,iL',will~ it, 1\ LOlldon w('e!dy ,:cr)' tnll! l'xelllsi"el)' hlllll,illg 1'01' IItCIII wilh so littlo 1'IICCI'!!S ?"1'l'lI1llrk!! thllt, 'lho S':H'lllIsls 1111\'0 IU\ll n 1'11)'11111 lillie of It DI', "rnl, A, 1l111l11ll{'11l1, of N"w York. thc (jIllions pl'ofl'''1'ol'lalely : till')' hn\'o bcen 11\,10 10 rni"o a ('lout! of ,lolIl>ts nbollt of .liscn-I'II of lhc mint! nll.1 nOI'\'OIl~ I'Vl'tell1. I'Xpl'l'illlenle.1 forthe 1II0"t !'t'dolls l(u~s~iCllls.of life : lJl~t '!Ie!} Ilfll~e II0t brcn I/~le )'CIII'6 wilh tho celebratel1 " pf!rkins' trn~tol's," 1I1l'tlli .lise"" whnEOto solt'e Oll~ o,f,l,c dijJlCIIltlf's tlu'!} ralscd, In~o tIll' IIl'enll ",llIch lilme /It OliO lillie lIenrly cnmo to ~r1cf, throllgh Iho cnnllillgthey ooclIl'le.1 few \lien dlll'l.'d, t? (,~Iter lIn,tI Wllhsl/lllll lhcm" so fmul1 of 1\11 ElIgli;;h 5poculllhH", This mall, who \\'nll mnkill~ nthnt tho h~n5tful cry lho ~elcnlls,ts rnl~ell }llIlI, gOlle IIpecilllty of Ihe metallic trent melli, ",ns deteelc.1 in imilntillgfill' nlld willi", tllllt Ihe 01,1 !1II11111nllOlls of bl'lll.f In Inlll1orlr~llly I.IIB eXpCIISi"IO ~oltl, I:ih'el', ('oppel" nll,1 lIidl'1 l'illg~, wilh ringswe\'(\ mylhR, ',II, ,cOl' \~'I':d;mlllll(',1 people, III, Sor~:ellllt ~ox, of woo,l pnililcd 01' gilJed. Bill, tho resu.Jts \\,el'o 1101. chlln!!ed ;IIOWO~'~I" ~hc tlm~,1 hclll'~'I'I'1l 111I\'0 10Ullti chllmplOlI 111,10 to fight PlltiCllls wm'o 1'lIrel1! Now tld~ iR II clem' cllse of ps)'cholo~ielllthe ~cwnl"!s With theil' OWII ,WeOP?IIS : lIulo 10. IHII'~nc tho. nlltl 1Ill'~lUeric power. A 11.1 Ih. ITllmmolld himsclf clllls itthCOI'lI'S I'lIl~ell Ly .thl'lII 10 theil' ultllllale coneillAlOlIs : /lhle to I .j "oll,illg more ,!Ifill lite l,ol/'cr of aile mimI ol'cr allollter,"u.llmlll'k tho prt't('nlJous IIrrognnce o~ mCII who \\'oultl de!'tro)' I Tllis 11011',1 IIIlIterinlist is Ihrollghly cOllvinco,1 Ihnl if 0110 penonRllnply hec/lllse the}" cnllllot IIppreclUtc : 111('11 who wonltl pull su<rgesls nil idl'/I to /lnolhcl' who hns complcle fnilh in tlllltdOWII, hut cnllllol bllild uJl IIlIy.'hiug to tllko tllc pll1eo of tile pe~son's powel', Ihc 0110 /lclc,1 UpOIl will I'xpel'ienco nil tho Fell­\~I'l'('~ct! st,"lIelllre," But wo WIll uow let tho fill tlam' fpenk solions tlto opel'/llOl' IIIny SIII!W'f;t, to him, JIe lUIS lIludo II 1111111_101' hllmclf : LCI' of I'xpl'l'ill1l'nts nllil 0\'('11 pllhlisholl Pl'cslllllnhly IIO/II'net! pnpel's

II Th,e Scil'utists lwgnll l.y ,Icnial of the, f~dR /I IIII phellomelln, upon Iho Illlhject. AIII1 yet I\II'FlIlcri1'll1, Spirillllllislll, 111111 occnlt1101. l.y 1IIIIPl'oof of them :.1>)' l\I'~',lIl1ent UlU"Ol'1 that they C(//~1I0t ~e ps\'oholo<rie/ll pltcnomenll ill gelleml, upon tllo ill\'(~sligntioll ofand U!l'refol'e are /lOt. 'I hat h.hng, the n~:tt slep \\"/1.'1 to dlReredlt wideh ~~I'gl'nllt Cox lays lhc gl'l'lItcst stress, II/I\'c no hilterl'l'the wltlle8IsC1I, The}' were 1I0t houest; If hOliest they were \lot , I N Y k I I 'competellt: if competent hy gelleml iutelligence anl1 experience, iu ell('my 01' lIIore /lctl\'O ,OppOllellt, tllnt ~ Ie ,ow 01'· cc e In!)',the pllrticlllllr iIlSt-·UlceS they were the victims of illllsioll or t1elll- 'Vc I.'O(',I,Ollly l'(cIIlI IllS i10glllllllc nil I111110 III tho I'IISC ?f )(15SIlion, That is the fresent IK.sition of the COlIll'O\'OI'sy. Tbe III1!ler- Mollio l'III1Chol', of Brookly", II rl'spcctllblc )'lHlIIg gil'l who,tinn i8Rtill repentel here, withl'nt.ireconfidellcc, that tho ~lechnui!lm Rccol',ling 10 the stntemclllof DI', Chnrles E. \\",~t, h/lsli'l'I'.1?f Ml\n is directed :,'ud deterlllilled b), 8o~ne iutel1i

1fYe llt force withiu I wilhout RIlY f"o,1 for 0\"1'1' nillo y(,IlI'~, This eXll'llol'llillnl'y gill

Iwlf : thnt the eXlstellce of that f?rce IS prove.\ .y the. ract~ n~1I1 nevel' I'lcl'ps-hl'r fl'('(IUl'lIt tI'/lIlC('S beillg tlte ollly rcst !iho ob­phenomella ~ttelldallt upon th~ ,lIIotlOns of t!lOt \IIe~holllqm III Its t/lills: sho l' ""lIleil I"tlelll liS IhOlJlTh they \\'01'0 OpCII ; t1c~.normnl nll(111s nbnormal COllllltlO1I8 ; that tl1l9 force IS L)' the 811111e 'I' f ' I 1 I .., I II' I Ii I I'evitlellce I)('O\'c<1 to bc till' proullct of 80m"'/illfj other than the 1110- cl'~h(',~' IStllllt nCllils: t 101l~ I eomp I'll' y • ,111', pCI' ~CI.r ,IIB-lecular mechallism of the boily; thot tit is Jlolllcflu'lIfj is nn ellt.ily C)'llIlIlIlItell lOol?lIl's : 1I11l1 tllllllly, tltough hel'ngllt 11111111.'5 I'Igldlydistiu"t from thnt 1JI0!eclIIllI' strllcture, capnble of aetioll bl')'OIl,1 (II'/IWII III' 1Iehlllll Ilcl' hCllll, I,y n pOnnnlll'lIt pllrllly"ls, mllkC8and l\~rt from, it; that ~hiR SOlllftAing is what is cal~~ll SOUl" nlltI clluroidel'Y UpOIl Cllu,-nll, lIu.l lu'o,llIcl'~ ill wnx, witllollt Iln\'ingthat tlli4 1'0111 h,-es after It hns parted frolll the hotly, t/lkell 1\ I('l'soll ill Iho ort, lUl,1 wilh IIclthei' a kllowll'go ofholnuy

This sllhject, Ihnl, mnll IIf.s II soul-whi('h so IIInllY IlICII of 1101' e\'1'1I 1II01leis to copy, floweI'll of 0 1II01't IlInl'\'elloll:,ly ul\turnl~cieuc(', I'!'pecinlly plty"icillllll 111\11 physiologi~tR .h·lIy-is tre/l- nppc/lrnllce. III the cn~o of this ph('lIolllclIlIl p/llicnt, 'here nrefed ill Iho \\'ork 1I11.lcl' lIolicc with thc IIlmoRt nhilily, NlIlJl- IlllmLcI's of thoroughly rclinlJlo 1\1\11 well ClllIClIlcd wituesee~ 10

Page 23: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

,Dcecmbc'r, um,.] T JlET IlEO S () 1l I[ 1ST • 7!l

te~li(y for Illc genuiueue~K of the pheuomelln. Thn joiul lel>li- I'espou~ihle fOI' cvcry clllllmily lIuJ illexpliclIhle C\'nllt, cxcept bymouy of ~cveralrespccillblc clergymcl1, of Professol' ,rcst, of n few of Ihe Ilbm'c-unmc,1 l'iol1~ ~oul8, LClIst of 1I11 by tIle 1IIelll\lJ', H, llnrkhurst, the nsll'ol1omcl', mill of !iuch pllpicinns ns ])1'. of scicl1ce, 'fhc Chrbtial1 II 'Viii of Go.J " ill complillY with lhoSI'Cil', Onlli:,lolI, Kis,lIIll 111111 MitchclI, ill 011 rceonl. Willi 1111 ;\IlIhomclllllI Kismel IlI'C hlllllle.J oyel' 10 tile elllotiollnl l\Ielhu.tlli:; l'XlllllillCII nlHl pro\'c,I, Dr, IInmlllOlIlI, 1I0lwilllSlllllllill~ llis ,list ~II.J 1]1ll il'l'cpl'c::siblc 1\10011111.

1l('l'~onllJ l'xpel'icllce of the II powel' of millll o\'el'lIIllllel'," hllll Helice, Ihc ellu~e of Ihc figlll'cs-if figures Ihere nre-comes1I0t II JOI 10 give tllo rcpOI'lel' ill CXpllllllltioll of thc l"lellomolloll, willI ill Iho enl('gol'y 01 sci':ulilic rescorch, Ollly, ill 'Jtis elise,bUI tbu \\"onls II hllmbug !.. ,n clem' elise of ,1l'ceplioll L.. Simply t1IC IllltCI' must bc lakell ill illl IJI"oll.Jest H'me, tllat \\"hiell cm­IIIC~ .Jl·ceptioll of II II)'Steriea' girl, Sir" .. , II But hilS ~he .Jccei yc.J bl'llces w ilbill the orca of l1allll"lll sciellces p8)'choI0;;)', 111111 C\'CII1111 lhc~c clergylllcn 1IIHI phy~iciOlI8, :nlll fOl' )'ClIl'~? II in'luirc,! l\lcllIl'h)'~ic~. ConF('(I'lcIIII)', if tl,is ~Iory of 1110 mlll'\'cllolIllthe I'('porlel', boul.lel' hholllJ pro\'c ~olllCllliug mOl'C tllllll 1\ lIel\"~pal'cI' IICIIX,

" Uh, tllal's 1I0tllillg, Clergymen llI'O Ihc l\l0~1 gulliblo mell originaling with 1111 idle repOl'lel', I\"C will I,"\'C, PCrllI'II~, ~OIlIUill IIIl' worl.l, 1I1ll1 IlhY'sicillllS who hll\"o not 1Il1lllc n 8tll,ly of 11' "r 1 ICOllllIH'lds to ° CI', 0 IIIl1y I lell, ~ln'lIg1 lell OUI' lIl'g'nlllclI!:iIICI"\'OUS di5ea~cs III'C "1'1 to 100 il1lpo~ell 11\'011 by thcEC girl~" ... by givillg 1\ few ~l'lIlellCCS frolll a clll'ioll;l Illnllu~cl'ipt bclollg-('l'Io? A'. y, SI/II, of No\" 2~lb, 1878), , ing 10 II Fellow of Ibc '1'bco~ophielll Socicly ill GeJ"Jllll II)', 1\

I \' °1~I~ll~l: whc}ll~r cI~ell ISc{g~nlllt ~ox ,"<I I,blof

f'OOk, ~1~II~h Icm'IIcII 1I1)'~lie, who Icllll liS tllllt IIle IIIIClIlIl('lIt is alrelllly 011Ie HI I('~II ellt 0 lie hYC 10 ~glca L~~IOly 0 .reat 111,11111 ils WilY 10 Illdia, It is 1\ sort of Ilinr)', wriltclI ill thoso III)'S-

nUll ~lIglll 10 be 1\ comp~lelll wIIIIC~S, will 1II1Ik,o, lIuy morc 11ll·1 tical c1l11l"l1clel'S, IudI' ciphers, IlIIlf Idphllbel, ndopled by tbo\,resslOlI II pOll slIch 1\ 111 II III 118 Ibllt of tho pl,'ySlcllllI II II 1I11!10IIl! Ho;;icl'ucillll"<l duri IIg Ihe pl'c\'ious 1\\'0 el'lIlurie,;, IIl1d tllU keytlul~1 1\ ~,"I1 of snow UpOIl the roc~. ,AIIlI slncc tll.e 1IIultitude 10 which, is 1I0W pm,,,e"5I'd by ollly II \'l'I'y fcw mplics. lIsslItll'l'S Il:oclf 10 ~c le,1 by 811('h 5~101J.;1:l. liS ho" 1,1115 nble book aUlhor i:i tho filll1')US IIIII I 1IIysieriou;I COUIII ,10 SI, Gl'nllllill;m~IY IIll\'C, I~ Wlllt 1I.1I011.'CI· ge~lel'allOlI hl'fol'e rt~CCI\'llIg Ihnt l1l~ed lIe, who befol'c IIl1d Ilurilw Ibc l·'relleh HC\'O)Ulioll puzzlcII all"of /I I'l'rcc III I1011 wlill h It lII~I"II~, A~)(I Jet, 110 ,l1l1l~l~ll' lI'el~t~lIg llllOO~t ICITificd c\'rry e~pillli of Ellropl', /III" :,ollle rrowlledOil !,~)'clllliogy IIml C\"l:~' budt lip Wit It 1.'1111'0 :'CICIIIIf.e III:ecl:'101I IIl.'l\lb i /llId of wholll :,udl II IIUlIlbcI' of \\'l·inl !>torios nrc told,01' force Ofal'~Ulllclllltlll I'roofll of the CXIStCIICC ofa ~OUllll 101111, All COllllllCllt 1I0W woulJ 1.0 111'l'lIlollll'l' TIle I.'lro su""c-tioll

I ' '~." I" I' I' "II ' , ,. ".,.,"/1111 lIs 11111111 l'dlltl?1I III lIn ~lCC III II ISill 0 1111111, . 0 COli- of tltero I'cill~ allJlllillg more 1l1)':'lc1'ioIlS tllllll a I.lill.J "fr(,lIk"c1udl's 11.10 \;ork with tllo followlIIg rClIIlIrk~.: " , of naluru ill lId,; 11II1'liclIllIr till", is cllkullllt·.1 to nd,;o II SCOI'II-

"~CIl'1I11:118111ny KII"I'I',nt I'I'i)'cholo!;y IIl!l~I'llIg\"It;lOlllll'Y:-;(;ll'IIl'lJ, J'ullllllgh fl'OIll OYl'l')' lJlIlll'I('I', willt tlte ('XCl'l'tiOIl, 1)(·1·1t1l1'8 ofLa?c'l 1I1"'!1 lIIere all.m~lIpIIUII,IIIII! I1cIIIII~g wilit llll\~ whose vCl'Y sOllle Spirilulllisls-1I11l1 llllil' IIl1lural IIllil'~, tlte Thcosollhbls.CX1:itellcc III problclIIallcal. ] .lIt 1(,; subJlJct lIIallel' I" a:-; real as - •thllt wilh which ti,e!! Ileal. E"clI were it lIut w, Ihe ilIOn) illl- OUl' ~PllCO is ';CIIIII, 80 we will Il1l1ke mOIll 1'01' ollolllc1', II IIIIl~rtalll it wOllhl I,c 1I111t 1I1c l;tll.I~ ?f it ~hulIhl ,be 1l\lIllll~", (.'11' mOI'o ('XiI aOl'l1i II 111')' :'Ior)'. ('IHlone.llo)' 110 le~s II per5011ll1-;0~1"I1. h 1I11 hOlle,,1 ClHll'II\'OIIl' to allCHtmll If tI',e fOllllllallOlI "I~ W hIC,h tI'lIl1 l\!lII':,lu" :'II IIc-1\IIIIIOII, l'X -l'rc~i ,Iell t of tile Hql\ll1lic of Frllllcr,It I~ (·r~clc.l he so1l11l1 "I' IJHllelc,",s---lhat If, afk!' ,llIc 111,· ..,,1.1- 111)(1 cl'cdil('d-lI~ ill n,)j .. iollll "Ill)' I.olIllIl--I.y :OOIllU hUlldrcd"1111011. It he foull" 10 IJC fall'l(', Ihe "'odd Illlly cellse frollt II Valli ." ,"', , " ..h,II<,r; Illlt lltal, if it ),e I,ru\'cd a Irulh, 1111111 1II11y 11lI\'c the )'lcK- I 1I,II1ltoll;l of HOIIIIIII ClllllOlles.. '~ e lid 1111 I, It tl."~ IIIOI'C \~·I.lIl11glyI!t'II 1I~>l1I111IleO Ih"t,lI:i a filet 111111 lI"t 1II0n:ly liS a faitl" he ha:i i :'III,Cl', 1111<1 lilly ~II~I~ :,Io,ry Ol','gll lilt c,1 wllh Cllhl'l' tllc ,I !lco!>o-11 Soul 111111 iuht'ritll 1111 ltlllll"rlnlity," I pllI~t:> III' Ille Sl'lI"Itllllli:ots, II w"l1l<1 hll\'p, I.eI'll ~11'l1l;.:lltwllY

,,' 'I II I I I II 1 I I .' tl ' I' 1.,j<licul(',1 1I11d ~ct d01l'11 liS a I~O('k.llllll-11II11 lid,II', Hilt eil'clIlUoC WI:, I II 511C I ('lIrIlC, IIU 10l'S COlllp I' I'~ sUCCI':'ll III ICII" I 'I If' I I' I k' I

II tr b' I k I 'I L I' I t f T I I slallces II leI' C"tcs-WII I I Ie L III III Il"~; II 01 Il', 10WCI'('r t ·el'll(:1IlLI(J 'u l',orl:> Ibo trll~I:"I'1 '1IIc· "fl,'lIll

tll,1 y..... tll~.11 U ,Ig I 0 1"lI11- al Ill.'al't, willllllrc lllll~h (II),(I'·C Ilis IJrclIlI,) III 11 slol')' of HII,el'-

ut we IU\'C U II 0 lOpe 01' Ie.'\. _'\.I I crlltlll')'. ,~ , 'ulllul"lIl .. IIIll"l1cles" wOl"ked loy Ihc :\lllllollllll 1111,1 IIl.'I· SlIlIIt~,

(II' by 1;1111111 IIl1d his i1111'~' Fill' :ouch II IIdl'lIe!cs" tho Chlll'eh1\OCTUHNAL TIIOUGIITS hol<ls II 11I11"lIt, The Ihel tllcitly (·ollec,ll·,I. if lIut 1I1\\"I1)':i ~cl'I'clIy

),clicn:d. I,y :'Uell II Il"ellll'1I1llJu~ (If Chrblialls 101' lilly ulle toO~ l\EWSI'AI'EIt CLII'I'ISGS, Ili:'crellil IIIC I'owel' of Iho .Jcvil, C\'CII ill Ihi" lIge of fl"ee Ihoughl,

\\'c J,c';.:ill willi II 81rnllge 1>101')' frulII the <:uilles\'illo Ea!Jle- Illl1kell.I',i1~1 1'1I!lked lit (Jl:~C "ifh ~I,c de~pi:,c" h!/iclel.(, Ollly~III AUll'ricll1I jOlll'lllol :- tho f'PII:IIlIldldS IIl1d, 1 hl'Ut"I'III~I~ 11I1\:c Illaoic 1III'Imcln'8

,. SOIIlO timc Ilgo Dr, Stt'pheusoll WII!! 11I'('''pcclillg Ihe \"1\,,1.' 1'1111'111.10 III Illl' ~')'l:S (:~ t,hu 1'1~1I1'f)'I'I:IS of 1"'IIH'Il, II IIII oIeH'l"vchomblclI<1e nnd dilliritic blate fOl'llllltioll Lclwcoll Gaillt'/lyillo 1111<1 I 10 Lc I'allcd .. IUlIlllles lor I.CIICVlIlg 111 phl'1I01l11'11I' produccd loyJetlcrmlll, alHl fUlIIll1 IlllillHlIlar ruck 011 Iho lilll,1 IIf ~II'. Fnlllk 11111'- I 7/(11I/rall·IIUH·". EV('II l'l"oll'oflillts I'I"U wlIllled ngaill~t pooh­ri"oll, which he CIIIIMi,lorll IIl1e uf the 1I1Ost illlcl'eslillg ,,1111 ill('x-' I,oo!lill/.( lhe stor)' we here IJll0te; lUI 1IIl'y lOll, nl"o 110Ulltl b)'lllicaI.le \,roduetiou8, of the lawtl of chel1li~'al allillil)', Tlte hOIl!ller Illcit· Cal\'illisfic 111111 olh('I' d";':III11S to I...lic,"e ill rhc pOWCl' ofof hOI"ll. JII;l\llu wellillll Ileady, a tOil, II! 1'~IICk, all~1 ..r)'fitn1I1:elI i'alull-'u power accol'llcll thc EIll'IIIY of 1\lull I.y Ihe c\'rl' ill~c"l1­tllrollgh It III Sealll!lllll()lIt()IlC-c~~hth of 1111 lIIeh t111(;~ of while Iublc-" Will of Go","Il1Iarlr. ur8 thu figu ..el! 17lJI, J IIl:Y arc IIlJOllt {"Ill' lllChcl! IUllgaIIII phu·t·,1 at c'llIlIl IlilllallCI'K fl'OlII l'aeh "Iher, H il'l COllllllolI A S....\IlTI,ISli STOll": ~1AI:~IJ.\L Mcl\L\llos's S'l'IL\Nll"

ill all 1'IIIIullie rOl'k 10 Sl'll ''''allll'l uf '1'IIIItr. Il'llvcrHe tllO grallile, AD\"~:"Tl!lIl: IS AI.f:IIW~,--i!l lhe :,t'II>lIfiollld lille ;,:i\"l'1I 10 Ihogllei>ltl, horllblelllle IlIld olhcr el:lhll('" of I'lll"kl'l ill va ..iollll dircetiollll, le1l1'1' "I' II tOlTespolllh~lIt, II)' lise ('I/ilwlie Mirrur 01' Bulrilllo..efr('1II lJllc·l'igllth of 1111 illdl to 1\ f,)Ot or Illorc, whit'h ""lI\ctiIllCll 1 ~, ,.. I \r 1'" II' II

I f (SE-\ll. la, 1:)1 ~l), III e"I')'llIg II I..ulll IIC .. Cit·· or / or I •l'n,"8 ('nt'h I,ther, IlIIt lIe\'C!' willi t110 reglllal"ily lUll 1oo)'IIIIIICII)' 0

tllis, It 1111" uol l>coll OI,C IholUllUlll n;lIl1l1illCe tho Arah ill\'('III"d \\'c prillt Ihe IIltlTlIri\'c ill filII :0111' lllllllcr"I~, f..olll I 10 10, allll Wl' - till,l IIl're ill purfect f01'l1l ., Sil'" (hlc dll)' wl,ellialkillg witll II well·Jdlllwl' 11,;111 ill LOlldoll. Illl'the ,;alllll lig-IIreM, Uilldc h)· Iho law" of 1'1..,lIai ..,,1 uflillily oil Ihc "1l1,jl'd of :::1,il'illlldi~1I1 ('u II '" 01'. It..t·l'lTillg 10 tI", Jalt~ EIII/"'I'OI'ohle:it ......kH, whid, fOl"lllt,d tllO crllsl "f tltu ('lIdh COlllltll'llll lIIil- l'npolooll'lI helicf ill II.., grl'at .t..rllhi"llof lit" II"y. III)' fl'il'IHl I,. 111110HUll!! of )'our>! Lefor" there Wlilln \'I'gelohlu ('I' ulliuwlill cxilliellcc," Ihlll I,c WIlK t,nCe nt II grllllll diul"'" ill !'ill'is,lIt II hi.-h lIIall)' 1I01,I1,II'1'l

It IIl11y bc n 11I('I\IIillt'le:'s f..ruk of 1I11tU"l', 1II1l1 it IIIl1y I,e thc \I'e .." I'!"':iC I: I, lollll Il,e foll~JI\"illg ill('idellt : ..t("III ...·tl. ,A Illellll!"I'ofllsof..ellk of II ~l'II:'Hliolla"~I,llIot ove1' ~CI'lIlllllollS ..epo.. I.... : eilhcl' '!J~II!I,cl·~al C'IIII ..t t\\I'"'lI.lelll~ogal,out ~lr't'IJ'III,II'''llclI cl'Xtl'lt,',ltlltllftlltu•• ••.• HI cne:4; IO'V lil III 11M 111'l'bl'II('e n a i e "'.i1h l'allSCl 0 ua rUin18 p~s:'ILll" 1111.1 II grcllt C!IIIIIOII I:' cerllll."ly It'llllln'd, I,('furo, \\'(' II", tl,'or til Iho ('eilillg witlt lloe EIII\,CI"tol' ~..alc" u\,on it, al"ll,y 110ncdlt tIIcla all cXlrnol'dlllllry J"I'CO 01 IICWS, Hilt wlalll IS II yi",ihle /",WI'!'; alHl ullot'I' ... illlillll' lal...... "\rl'I'1I tl, .. gt'IIt.I"lIIall 111,,1freak of 1I111111'0? Tlae l~tlcCl of 1\ 1I1"UI'IlI l'IIU:'C; not CYCII II : tilli"I"", 1II11I'~haI1l\;,e~lllllOlI.wlo" was pn'''':III, ..aid, 'Tltat 1'l·lIlil'.I"., I'rl'lIk" ellll Illlppell ollacrwi:"l'. AII,I )"l'l., whell tlai" "1I115C i" ! Ille of 1l1l1·XI... ·..i...JI("C "f,II,illl',' wllidl w:'~ a" f"ll"w",; . It. waK I\'hell Ic\'idclI t who ('\'el' I'I'CSIIIIICll logo nllY dl"'IH!I' i1110 ill> ol'i "i 11111 iOIl? was a ... 11 "-lIlh,"t'r III Alglt'l'l'l t llllt t lou aflall' J 11111 al ,olll to s\,l'I,k I ,f I"ukNol tlac seienlisls; lurtlll~~cgOllcl'lIl1)' ICII\'c IIll! prior CIIII~'S 10 fllko I'llIcc. Tho 1I1l'1I of Illy "0111111111,,1 wel'clllOstlylllLliI'",s, allll w~ 111111 ~eclI

I' I ·1 S . , I I I CI ,. IIIIICIo trnlll,lt'll loy 1101' larg.. 11111111.1'1' "f "l'lIlluI all" l"r~I"1I01l1l .I1~al'-ca.rc 0 I I(,!II~C \'cs. ()JIIC ~lIper:llllOlI~ SOli S 11111 t IC II"I:'t11l1l8 IlCarilllt"t'1'l wloid, llml tal,;"III,lat"c :11""111:: tl,elll, a1101 we 'Ililll takell greatmight 1I,111'1I"!le llao 1I1)':'len,olls IIgllres 10 "'Oll1tJ occl~lt 111111 \.'\'('11 jmins to tillll out tla .. "aUSt',', 10111 wel"<'ulIlll."· 10 do s". 1 h:"lulI"I'I'.11 most IIIlclhgelll \.'IIII:'C, SOlllC 11111)' II ('OllllccllOlI IJ('I\\"'('II /l11l0,1 llonl tloc Illell \\'1'1',· girclI t" llonl .....diee of 111"'1'011111111')' 1111" tllutloclIllllI,lllae FI'cllela n.'vollllioll ; ()1101'1',~ willa llao fillgl'I' of <;od wUI""hil'ofHlrallg"goolM.. 1I1IIl,..d, I Iiii 01 IIIJ,,(,lf"""lIll1allyl""lIIl1rklll>luII iJlI'c1 t; who lraccd t hCIII fill' SOIllC 1111 iii II 1011 1111 ,Ie 1'('11';011, to 5('ek fl'all! \'1' I"fll 1'1 '11',1 I.y tlo"I',::',",,1 it \\'a" llo"I..,fu..1' II" gn·al SU!·I'I"i.... ,10 IIIUto peucll'lllu whicla wUllld he a "acrill""'. Bllt 1I0W, lill1es 111101 WIoCII all ,,1.1 SI'I'gell 11,1 , who 1",,1 Ileanllll~ cXI''''I''~s Illy 11I1l'1I111111"',11Il'1I lire clolillgell, The Rlroll".Laekcd" l'OII\'('lIil'lIt IIHlid-of~I;1I- f..nd ('"~ tim 11I)""lcl'IO,"" eUI,"o 10 111 .. 111111. III l,t 111,,"1 Ilia II IICI": Kugge,,-

• ,. . ,," ,,;, " ,lcllllaalIIWII:igl'lIl'l'allyl,chen"ll,y Ih,·"ojolll·l... tloal IlCCrlllllleOl'l'0-work 1'1I~lc,1 '\\ all 01 G(~d 111101' I rO\,ldeIlC(', 111'011 willch 1'.\1 could 1,.11 1I1/))'e al,ollt 1111'1)) tltall all)' Olll! dllC iflae dlOIooC, Thistl!c~c 1I11,"IL~I~ 1111,.1 U~IP.OIISCIlJI1S bluspllellll'I':i (I'~g:nd,c,! liS Y~ry c".'\"))"al 1111111 lIoticl'l1 a>l'\ 111:111 wllo ,li,1 hiM ,1111.'" ""d"dly, bllt hlltlII1UUll Clm"tIllIlS) ptlo all Ihe gllrbage llllll c\' tis 01 1I1ll'crlect lilt cor 11111 hilll; tu Kay to allY VIII', all,1 alll'a)·:i \\"I'lIl aholll alulle. IIcIllltUl'C-htls II (illlo of red. Tlte AII-Pl'rfeet i:; 110 1II0l'C held \I'll:! from llae illtel"iol" of Afrit'a, lilli, l;lIUUI, willa JUllg, dear-cut fCiI-

Page 24: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

TilE THEUSOPHIST. [Dccelllbcr,lS7!I.

t lI\'l'S of n'llIl1l' StCIll eX\,I'('~~iOIl, lIlIll, tlie 1I1Cl1;!. l'l'lllol'kahle l')'<'~ I Ulllike 111!1 MorsJIIII, wc II/I\"c 80lllctldng to soy. The Spirilu­ever Le],I,II1, 11111"<'11. it WitS 1101, '~Xln1(ln"IIH1'\' llillt Ill' 1;], 011 hi 1,1' slIlll olists wo1l11l /ll1l'1lncc 1\ H'I')" ('/lsy 111111 wclI known thcory to "Ill'­

to have 't],c I'vill')'c,' for if 1111)' (1111' e,'cr 1'0s8'c81'l'11 tlint power it \\"/IS count" for ii, IIIU1111c Thcosophists-though, )1cl'hllp8, sJiglltly],c. 1 1 modifyillg ii, wOlild rollow filiI. nlllllll~lI, they wOIIIJ IIlIYC Iho

'DellI 011 lilHlillg Ollt ti,,, llIpll'l'i,'i', I '-l'llt ful' Ihe c0l'J,ora, ollll lollhim Illat I 111\t1111l11cl'sloHlll],atlll' (;011111 tellllll' l,l'Ollt t11C11I olill that gl'E'lIt body of HOIIIIIIl CIIII,olicl; I1goill~t thc1l1. Theil' thcory, or,lie 1I111!.t ,10 it. At tirst he "l,pcol'c,1 1'0Ilfll~l"1. :11111 heg:lIl to IlIlIlIcl' 10 811a1l wc say, "illfoJlibll' dogml\" ?-ii', if thc 810l'y he Irue, tIl/Ithilllself, fillllll," Hnyillg ),e kllew 1I0tllillg ohmt tholllaltl'I'; hut., "'),1'11 till' ArnL COl'1'0 I'll1 llllll fold lIig 80111 to the Flllllcl' of Evil. BUI,I, puUillg Oil Ill)' ~t"l'1Ie"t look, tl,I,1 l,il1l tllat I klll'w),o cOllllll1lllk,' though PI'I'~IIlIlIl"ly all powel'flll '(11' mL:ehirf, old Nick {oullIlllll explnllntioll,1I1111 tllnt, lillieI'll hI' dill.-", r \\ollid 1'1l\'1' Idllll'ullblll'd, lIig lI111teh ill II,e Il'ndCII 1'11111'111, 01' mcdal of 1110 Virgin; 1I11.1,l,c Ill'cw hilllRclf III', all,l, gil'illg IIII' 1\ IOllg :'11.1 1"'lIclmtillg look, "aid gua;oIJing Id" teelll J'Ull to lal,o 10 Ids hcels l,efol'c tile pl'C5ClleeIllat beiliU 1"lIIishe'l wOllltllllakc 110 diflel'l'lIee 10 lIilll, bllt Ihat, if I /' I' f I (l f'll '" 11 I" 'I I' lot II' I1lIl1gC 0 I Ie (111'1'11 ° 1'11\'('11. C, 0110 I I(~OI'.V is liS goodWas!'o IIlIxiou" 10 know tI,e IIl)AI'ril''', I 1II11"t go 11'11 I 11111 I' 0111' 10 nCt'rlllill plon'at lIIidlligllt. ,,111'11 till' IJlO('1I WII" ill thc t)'i,,1 '1"1Il 11'1', if I1S lilly oIlier ",111'11 WI' eomc 10 1I~'p(,l1lc"ef, Bill IllclI,-the ill­I had cO\ll'age 1'lIol1"h to 110 !'o "illll'lIttcllillgnlly OIlC of IJly o1>j"l'! "I' Ihld.., migl .. a,.,\;-",II,)' 1101 gin' II fligllt cxtrn flro!ch to tllat.trip, nlld tlllll. U,ell"'J,e "011101 lihow Ille tI,e "IHIM'S of tile Jcatll" 11II,1 di\'illc pOWCI', III III riel Ilulllllldly lit. (1IICO l1uc1 for C"CI' of tllnt.IlislIp\lt'III'alll'I',. ;,olllel'wi~0.1I0 1I'0llhi tell 1Ill' 1I0tllillg, 1'llui~h ),illlaH el(,l'r,nllllifehh"~I.'lII\;el', w),o, "as a 10arillfT lioll wldkcth nbolllI 1,IIig It.. \\'ilh"ut IIl'eell!"g 10 "",I'L,fuliillghis ~ll'l1l1gc n'IJllesl.] ,liH- 8cckillg wholll Ill' 1Il1I)' I1C\'(III1'''? "'cnk is Ilu:llnnity nlHl fill:11I1:;:;t'11 JI,III1. ulld, I'llllllerlllg Oil ]IIS prnJ!o:;a!, I wllikl'd tOWIII'Ih tho (crill" (hc 81eps 01" 1111111! "'J,y 1I0t al 0111' clip ~lIve it frolll11:1'81'. I he plaec tile ('ol"pol'lll I",d 11Il'IIII0IlI',1 WlIH a dlllllp of hnlf II I tl '"' I" II I '1 II 'I' ' 'f' II,lllzt'll tn'e~, lIilualed ohol1t 11'1'1'1"'1""1"1('11< of a llIile Illlt.sille of 0111" Ie EI.Il1I;CS 0 11'1 eYI ; ,IC morc ~o liS 1IIIIllll1lly, I 1~IClIplI) eIillc.. 011 the cdg" of the dl'scrt. At lil"!'t. I wa:; illdillcd h. IIlillk Ihat I of rC~lsIlllg flleJ, u powcr, IS w('uk IJ,rough 110 (null of lis OWII,it was 1\ plot, lu roh 01' 1Il1ll"dl'I' 1110, allli 1Il)' illll'lIbc \I'll" 10 Ihillk 110 hilt lIgoill he(':IlIHJ it w 1'1l'II~c(1 kinl1 l'ro\'illellce? 8I1rt'l)', ifIIIOI"C of it; lIeel)fllill,;:I)', J 101.1 Ihc otlit:l'rs al IhL' IJI'~:;Ii, lind Yaril'lIH II ~il11l'l() knd('11 1II11111ct IIIIS ~lIeJ, 11.1' Yirll111 of putting toWI~S t~1C IIdl'iec 1 recl'il'od, KO.IIIU to go 1I1l1! 111 11111' 1I0t. , J(OWl"'I'I", 011 I' lIi,gllt IIII' I1c\'il, 1.011' 1I1111:h IIl,OI.'(, ollght ,Ihe. hl.(,o'C,'1 V.irgill,1IcI'.tlllllklllg tJ,l' I1111 tt 1'1' 01"1'1', I 1'1,,,..11,,<1 IH,t I" 1'I'I"'al arl'lll,l In go at lilly Fl'lf 10 110. E.-p('('inlly, riJlI'(' 01" Ilite !lho IIII~ tll1;e\l 10 vi~itingrail' j ~o, artcl' hayillg Illli"'ly 1'\lIll1iIlC,1 tll,e "I,",t 10 SCI' if tlll'I"I' Wl'l'll in )1l'nOIl /11111 f() oftI'll the filll1{)US "1'0110 III J.oUI',les.allY 1·lt-fall:; 01" c1,allcl's for 1I1l1hllSh, alltl tIlHh".~ t I'I! grou11l1 ,111001 h I l' I II 1 If I I I' I'"' II I . k ' L11",1 soli,1 nlldllo I'halll'C f"r l'I'I'I'O:lI'h ill lilly di",,'Clioll wilholll dis- . >u, Il'II-, n'Ol II 1,,~"g ~I, ,~.'ow COli I I IC WI~ '€u o,:;cn-cowr)', 11"1':<011'1'.1 logo, 111111. ~ellllilig fol'the I'orporal. t,,1<1 I,illlllly iH- ' 1~lIeed 10 ,CIClllld I'l.'rd,tloll ( "111111('1' l'olllll the ~llIlIe1" dlrl'ettelltioll of :lecl,,,UIIg hi" I'rol''''-:''' A~ he tllI'lIl''' IIwa.", I lIol,iccd Iii" 1 1115 11'1'1111,11111-: fll'l'f, ",1.1'11 OIlI'C .Ihat. Idllgllol1l "whcro fheil'",p'" gll'III11 ",ilh "lIlIo"t 1;"II,lli.-h ,1~'ligllt" which "':IS 1I0t ~akll!aled I" worlll dil'!11 1101, lI11d 1I1e Iil'c is IIC\'C\' ljuCllrhcd II is 1II1llcxel\reaf;",ul'c 1I1l', ,UII III~ :l1'I,olll~"d IIlglll" J :<I'lIrit',1 Ollt. wllh ,111111, :IIIlI

II,'Y thc HOIlJi,11 Imp(,l'illl Hllj of ))rll,,'ell ? IllIpIIssalJlu I'ha8111,

1I0tIIlIlH"'"S""111 hyl'ltlll"I'IIIII" wcn'lIclied 111l~"I'0t; 1"'l"l'l~I~lImll~ll'l" !lhllrp 1.01'1111 ora dih-IIIIIH1! ~O lOll" III' it bl'lIl's ilsllame, Chri~­"mllll'lIly I:IHllIgell,1II111fl'lJllI Ihl"SIII"III~IIII,lIti 1":I~II"t:<er\'llelJeOI'lIlf( I tinllily elllil/ot gd rid olth!' ,leYil witholll ~o I -a' J-"fthe :«,1,111'1", 111'I':llIIC stem :11,,1 IIl1lhontat,,-e, Il,elll,e onlel"cd IIW I 'It' ' '.. ' 0 , ~ COlitorelll<wcc\'L"IJthillglllet"lIicrl"oIIlIIlYI'C1"'''II; IItthislfl,It,;';lll"cl),1I1 1111 lII,g 111110,,1, dn'llIlfll!, 1I1!IIJlII)i1~ble sUlcl.dc. S01lle )'l'll~'S ngohc Imd II 1,1111110 n,b lilt', hilI" ,,,. I IInll gOlletoo f"I' 10 willlllra"', I'"" thc I'IOIIS alld 1101)' (1111),111", I'lIthcI' 'cilIum de nnu!J('1I cx­)'lIl'lIj,thillkill" itll,ight he ollly IIj,"d,I,fhili 1'I'rl'"rlllllll("e 10 rl"l'lil'e I III'c""!.'11 his l'pillil'lI "1'011 1111' Hd~icel. "To 111'111011811'01<,," 110tld'l,1 aCl'onlillgly touk of)' III)' SWill'll, II III1Ill." 1'IIr~l'lII,,1 wat..!, fn'1I1 "")',,, 0 tIm !'xi"ll"l/ec or fo:lIlJ1ll, is to Ic-c"tllbli"h olle of tllCIll)' pocht~, IIlldllllllg Illel'~ 1'1,' a ("Olln,lIiellt 1II'III11,h, thillkillg t!Ii" .til1ldall/clIllIl ""rl1/111,1 of till' Chlll"('h, 1r1deh U'l"rc as (l ba­would,be I'llollgh ;1'111',1". I~I"'I~I{'II thlltl 1II11~t,I'I'lIlCJn, ~n,ryl\lIl1g SiSfo7' ('hrislillllily, :lIId wilhollt whiell it. wOlild 1)0 but IIlIletl\lhl'ol"nll~I")lIJd),ell~ "lilli, I 11'l'1I It",k,on cn'r)'lhlflg I'X(;I'I'('II:III1C.. ," A IIII tlw" IT C'llholi" Chnd' " AfT~ '1,:'11 ~_Ill)' 1II1,lel'l'lotlllll£" :\Ild Hwlall \I':I~ golle, At tillS he ''1'1'1':11'1',1 I'll'a~c,l, I '] I .' . c, • .'" C It I , .,.,~1I01 Irs, OIlL1I1H!811'ipl'l',1 hilll~df elltir"'.", 11"'11, '\mll'illl: a l'irde 1II01lllll hilll:<l'lf I H:"I1X III I ~;-:"lltllll IS " the ~Ioll'l l'Jllol" of I'lIllh...... Hilt fOl'oil the 1,;'''''111111, I,e ('ollllllalllll'oI 1111' Ihal, whatcI'I'I' ,1,(11)'1 hll1'pl'lI, I i 111111, tIle ~a'-Iollr, 1I1c Cnll~lhl'll, thc Hl'l!r:(,lIll'J", wOldl1 be \'Iot.~hOllltllllJt "1'111111"1' witloill it I Ihe 1I10~t ndiclllolls of w)'erlllllll(,l"Il ril''', 111111 Ille CJ"o~s 1111 in8111t

'He tlll'lI /llIiol),e \\'111'; l,n,)'"l'c,J 1111.1 w,_.lIlo1 Illak .. C'Yel'ytlrillg C11'1II' to goo,l ::c'IIIl·... (,Macl/l's (I 1'1'(Jli'Jl/c,~ de,. ])cmo71'~-J1' ]0,)t,Q 1111' )'rol'id,'01 I 5I1i,II"llhill~' 1111.1 did 1I0thillg, Th"lI, lIak,',1 III< h" 'l'llljC "'C' II! II I I t I . I fl'

I, I I' 'f" 1 I 0, ~('e III, IC Ill'X .11111 1I1O~, Ilgll'lI IIlO"" 0 IIC III-WlIs, :;tnll' Illy "II I IlJ gm,'", ,,~ 1"'1-:"11 a ~erll'l<" 1III'III1In""III<. 11111 , r'lI'bl ('I 'I ' II I " "Slllllllillg 111' Htl'lIigl,t ill fl,,,"t or 1111',111,,1 lookillg 1"1' ill the 1')"', Ill' :" I C - 11111'1 ""II I JC,!o J:l:I~ll1le II )'cnrl)' \'lltC ~,f Ihnllks-n"'"lluCllly},I'ClllllC rigj,\ :11101 11K 1i'''hICIII)' di"''1'I'"al'l',1 like II lIash. ~ c ])el/Ill-Io, III(' ~)I'''JI, J 1115 hll)'PY thOllght IS 110t C(I)'Y,Ulllil thl'lI till' 1110"11 'nt~ "I,illi,,,, 1,ri"htlj' arolllld, alld hi" fIJ1'1II ,,1,,001 1'lgoIlll'd, 111111 IllS J [olllle,',~ i.- "'c!COIIIC 10 it.Ollt dcnr-('lIt agaim;t tl,c ~ky, 'i.lIt ~\,.. I m},I",oI IllY I'~'I'S lol""k, it Tho 1II0re ''0, liS it scellls tllllt /Igllill, f()1" fOIl1C illsCl"lIlllLlc nlll1sllll,lclll)' 1>eO'lIll1e '!lII-k 11110111 ~Iai',of tlllllllll'1" R"lIIl1ll'oI,lIrk .. whidl it I· IlI'oYidclIlialn'llsc,1I5 1J~flel' kllowl1 ill hellyclI II,all (,olllpl"chfl,"lcI,1hCl'illlle 1.'11'111' IIg:lIl1, allllllH ~~ ',1111 so II COhllll11 of ~1I\l!ke an'se fl'Ol1l UpOIl rarlll, 1101, ol1ly tile DedI. bllt C"CII 8illll'lc 1I101"11IIs III"llwhere thc "'all IUIII litolJd. I Ills :!ntllllllllr 1,,'~oh,,'01 Iiself, ~ll'lIllgl' 1IIIo,,'n I to I II 1 I f I I· '., I I' 1'1" 'I ' I I' .1 10 10 ICCISO 1III';I1I'f~. 1111ho folloWIIWhol'll-10 Sill·, 11110 I Ie 111,111 1111101' I, ,"I, h.., "pl'I'al'e' 1,I'lIII~hgllre, ; 'Is 1'111'1', If'" 0

\l'hie)l 1",r"l'l' \\'11>1 :<11'1'11, had 1I0W 1"~eOll\e fielldi"h :1I1~1 telTihle, 111,,1 .JlIIg (l'Ick, plllJl'd IlIlely III. l),e IIbovo IlIcnfioll!',llIIil'llclc "'ork-his P)'l'S lIa"hed tirc, A~ J looked, l,i~ gl'w Inil IHtixl'llIIII' 111111111)' 1I1~ grOtlo.or LOlll'lle~, we fin,llhc "Pr()lccll'c~s" \Il1crl)' inclIpnhlllIlllir hl'SlIn 10 I'ilil'. A>; his lo"k .... lIt;lIl1l'll I heard 'I'Il'III1IS 11/1 of ngoll)', of protcctlng 0"1'11 Iler~clf. "'0 co!')' Illis ~I\II 11111' of hU1n1l1l in­nllil hi:; I'xl'l'e""iOIl :<lIdlll'lIl)' ,'IIIIII,~illg to one pf tl'ITOI', he "ried, poil,t- flllll)' nlw f\'(llll 0\11' piolls ('onll'lIIpornry- The Catholic ~1fin'o,. :illg to III" hreast,' \"olll'III'l' lied,' A~ he "ai,1 tl,is t111"'C WII" 1I11,h' J) "of light,' wil.h a 101111 r"l'0rt,. nlld he hlld 11~lIill di')'I"HI'cII, an" 1111' , - J,s!o:eItATlO;O; .I'~' ~,o13HnE",- ~\ ""I'.>' 811'l1uge slory comcs to 118 fl'Olil11':11; i'II'III' IIlooldight 111'0111111. ' As IllJ Inlll 1,,,illll',1 I" IIIr ]11'1'1151., I 11'l"lIlIcc-n ~lol'y .I 11111'11 It to I'l'l'dit" I,nt OUI" IIl1thority i" trustworlh)'.ill\'olt'lIll1ril)' 1'111. III" 111111.1 III' alld f,,1t. It littll' 1.'lIdl'lI 1;11',1111 of the All who Im"e h""11 I" tho lIlin","I"",, /lhrine at LOIII't1I'SlIIlIst haveYil'gill \Il1dl'I' III)' ,-Ioil:l, wlli"h 1 \,;,,1 'illitc rol,;.!"t.tOIl whl'lI )'('llIo,'jllg b~l'II,.~tI'IICk, h" 11.1' IIll1nh~1' (,f Il'oi'l~i .." thl,\t 111'1' th" ofl"erillgs of.l'ioll"III)' dotl,e". Alrllost tlll1 ..d('1' "lllll'k witll Ihe 11']",1" ""Pile, :<l'l'illg 11'111-:11111 ').01 tl',lll Ihe 'lu~ck l"el'lIl'1'lIlg: IIl1l'llclcl:I ha\'o I'ollcclelllll Ihl!no 1111111 ,'i"jJ,lc Illlli fl'nrill~ thl'lI 1111 atl.;wk, I I"lIshl,,1 to the l.n'" Ipllll'e, J IH're IS 1\ tt:"I'I!llIg IIpl'l'0l'l'la"'IIC;;'~ ill the d""olion thatwhcre IllY things 11'1'1'1', I' ~"iz,'d III)' "word. 1111,1 WII" alitolli~hl,d 10 n~lIkcil Ihe,gratl'fllll'r1grllll "tI"'I' at Ihe shrine tlll'IIWlllcllt"es of hi"tilld it "o'h"t that J ('ollld h:lI'<lI" hold if.. ClIllill).! :t101l11 the 1111111'" dl"ease wlllch thc IIIl'I'''y of IH'a"~11 ha"e rell,llJl'ed u""lcSB. All tloe1I11111l', I 1'1111 '1l1iddr nl"ollllli tI;" 1'1111111' of 1.1"""" :11111 lookell ill \':Jill walls lIt ],Ollldl'S ~n're IlIlIIg With cl'litehe", 1111,1 woollcnlegs, IIlIdin eycl')" lli",~d,i,," fl;r lliltl, Th,~ 1110011 WII,>I I.lli~n ~hildll~ lJl'iglll.l\', /"(JOdl'1/, ~lI'1II,iI, t" whICh ,lieroll~ W';I'," lI11adlc,l wHh o1ate>! 1I11l1 IHlllles/11111 allY 11ark tig11l'e rllllilill': 01' Iyillg o1own ("011101 l'lIf<ih' '1m "'_';'11 1;11 Illltllent.r,elll.,llIg t.I,,~ 11I1I'lIcl~'8, ,J llese t1'Opllil'8, it "!'l'e:\I'", excitedtl:e light 1i:1I1l!. Sl'i%ill~ II';)" ..):,1111'" I hll"til." I'"IIo"i 1111_'111011 /111.1 tI',e, J~lahgl~lt.y o~ Ih~ ~,lIlht'hlJ\'?r>l. It WII!',1I hord thillg to Reolfat thu1':111118 fllst liS I 1'011111 to t1,,~ ),ol'l'a('ks, Al 1)IICe I call1'o1ollt Ihe glll1nl 11111 ,IcieR " tf,!IIIIII], "srl~h~ IestllIlOIl)" of theIr trllih befol'l' the t'J'el! of111111, 1I1011lltillg 1III"'df. ga,-c onll'r" io Sl'ollr Ihl' """I1IIT ill 1'\'('1',)' the \\'01'101, J 1"'l'efol'e It WIII:I n'lio,ln',l that the l!'litirIlOIl)' mll"t hedin'dillll. 111101 III-ii,g en'ry Oil" fOIIl"l 10111", nllt it. WI'S ~dl in ,-:lill, d,·~troj"~'l. III Ihc, '~"I)(I of the ,llIght 1I0llle 1I1iserl'I\IIIH pClletratl'l1 tof"r after 1"'III"M f<I'arddll"'Jl(' Irm'l'li ('011101 I,e f'"lIId of lilly 0111'. 111,,1 IIII' sllllll,e: II", "'!lglllll" tn'l'hl"" were l'ollectcd ilia hellp 111111 set inall I ha,l fol' Ill\' Ilail7.~ wnli Il'al t],e 1111'11, slIrl'l'ise,III\.'IIIY lil;d,lell flallll's, / h"y Wi,I''' l:l'dllCI',1 to /I/lhc~, A belllltiflli 1'08" tree thntlIpl'l'arllllec 111,,1 ,,{mll,!.:c order,", "it II III " s1lpl'0"e(1 1IIIIt I IIII,i 111'1'01111' 8pl":lllg f1'lJIII n. ")dt III !!,e, l'I1t'ks \1'11:< dcstroycllby the fire, allll thl1tCIII1'0I'lIIily jll,~I\IIe, -1 sllid 1I0tllil',g, llOwo\'('I', 111101 tho IwXt (111)" fal'cofthclltlll,woflhc ~'I!'glll ,"'1111 se,~rehe,l 11II,d blllckelled l,y th"after 1'1,11-1'1111 the cOl'Jllmli \\'a:< 1"'I'"r!etl al,sl'III, 1 111111 fl'al'(;11 'illie!- SIIIOkl', It wO~I"1 be ,lrihelllt 111 nlllll"lol',)' to tilldll I'al'llilel for thiRIy mao1e fol' him for smllc lilll", hilt be has IIcnr tllmed 111' frolll ,~nl;IIIJ'(I!,)" 1II1l\ Ih.-grnceflll o\ltrnge hy these" IIPOSIlI'Il of rcaSQII IIl1dthat IlaJ' 10 this.' Silelll~e n'iglll'l1 for '01111' lilllc at lI'lIt tllhlc, hbcrl,y,'"ariou" 11igllitiCI\ 111'.,dll wen, 1'iL'l'IIlchl'tl 11II,1 '"Iizzil'lll I'XIJl'l'8:<iollll Thc II II pOI' II!'s of rCll~OIl ond liLerty" orc criminllls nnd olll,lltlIJo;"lIIllCll. Fillnlly tl~e silellcc \I'll," h:'l:kell 1'y t I", '11I1'~lillll, '1,1 I'W to IJC IlIIn i"hl'd-lls incclllI iurics. lJu t, Ihe IlIlIjl'51.)' (:f Ihe I~l\vdo yOIl nel'ollllt ful' It" 1\la..",hal I' J hc 1\111'1i\,"1 '1 llletly ~lIIJ1('d, olleo Yillllical,'d oll"ht till'\' 1101 liS "I'llo-llns of' I'''OQ "t 1

1 ' 1 'I \' t f " '\ \ I I ./) , I t I ""''; " 'c u .011 0 IIIl'lll Sill I , 'Oil t,nC1'0~1I1 01' II. J IIC yolll' \~'a I' I saiL ~IIU, IeI' /llIowcd 10 l'e.-"ecl.l'lIl1" JIll" II lew r lIe~li 11 t II " • 1" ;.g'~lltlel11nll. '..-\h, I'eplled Ihe MHl'slml, 'thllt II'! \l'hat I 1'01l'1c1"l' tl", A f . I )'" I, 0 so ICII Jill oCH •1II0st I'PllI/ll'kahlc tllill". The lIl'xl day whell I weill bal'k 10 till' S. OJ' illS !lIlCC: lOW IS It IJllIt 'Olll' hlcsscd LlIll,r of

,~ • I I oul'llc~" ~o 1II'011l1lt at I I' ,,' I II f 1place I llo1 (111)' fOllull Ill)' \1'1\1.1'11 nll,1 the n:llll1illllel' of 111)'1 dllgR, "lit' :" , . )I'OIIlClIIg lIurnc cs 0 t Ie 1ll0i't,thc cOl'p0l'llr~ thillgl:l Wl'l'll n!ljo Iher.., lIud tho ",hl,lc 1,llIce sel'llIcli n~tollllt!lI1g charnclcl', pllS"1 \'('I)· 8l1fTel'c,1 slich 1II1 appnllill fT pcrsollaluudietllrbed.'" E. D. ollll'llge? Thai WIIS just tI,e 1II0lOent to ~ho\V hcl' ~~Ycr, con.

Page 25: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

'1' 11 E '1' H E u S U l' JLJ ST._~_~__ ~._ ~===.=-c



fouud Ihe "ill/hlels," nud ,'illdicate hel' "llIimclcs." A bell{'I' F)'om A, L. R(/WIIOIl, LLD., M,D" (New-York) .. Circu-opportullity was IICV{'I' 10,1. A':!> it i", tho cl'illlillals seOl'eh :JI1I1 luI' (Pamphlct) of the National Liberal Lcague,"blackeu thc (nec of rile sluluc uu.l-gct nWIlY uu:,cordJCJ, e"eu PI'OIII tlte Alit/WI' :-00 Revolutioll at Baroda" i and" Theby thc firc of (Ihe Clltholic) III.'I\\·C II. Helllly, it WIIS \'ery ill- Fol'ccs (If the Nali\'l~ States of lllllia, cUlIsidered ill reJa.Iliscrcct ir~,OUI' COIlIoIIlP0I'lIl'y tu publLh this sl~'ry! I'cdl/lps thc~c lioll to the Dcfellce of the Illdian EIIIJliw," by Dillslmh"nposllcli werc the 11J~cil~ll·'s 01 IItC ZUIIIl\'e Jacob, Ardcsllil' 'I'alcyarkllllll, ES'I'whoso fumo as a IIculel' IS 1I0t IIdcl'IOI' tu IIIaI of lilli' LUlly of }' 1J I tiT' 1. sl t J,' " A vLourdcs llIlll Ihc lIlil'llculOIlS wulcl'. 01', il IIIlly be, 1 I I rom « vail ,'(IV 'lIwye .. I WS J'(:(', nll'l':- r reeknowu J, H. Newlou, the cclebrllicil Amerieull 1:I;!~~:ICII:'~~ I 'l'rallslatilll,l, uf Plltwnnlltalli I'lIl1cll<~ng,. III' Putwnnlhani"hcnlcl'" whow IUl'ge I'eccplion roollls 'II" HlwllyS lallllg Hlld 110 Allllanack, [Note: A sccullll c~ol'.Y ot tIllS valuable wurkless Ihol: Iho walls Ill' Ille "I'ollu wilh ";I'l~,laiCli" of his n:cslllel'ic Illls been fill'wal'llell 10 tllC UOVCI'II1I1Cllt of tile United ~t<ltcspOWCI', "with CI'IIIc1IOS, ,~oOlle;1 lcgs, nnd woodell ......nrm"" (?) of America by CuI. (11e(.H.]

,-no! not with woo<lclI ,,"m6, fol' tltis illll'lics IH'c"iolls Illllpllla- . PI'OIll Mw,tin lI rood, Esq., Bomllay :-" QII:\rterlyHetul'lIstion of lIulIlI'ul III'III~. AIllI nltllost 1Il1wil:nl us arc Illu Iacalilw· of Ihc Dl!J1artlllelll of Fillallce allcl COIIllIII'rcc,"POW~I'S or 011\' rcsl'eelCl\ fl'i c\Ill 1)1'. Ne~I'IO", \1'0 dOllbt \\'laclhe~ I' It'nllll. D,'. i'll/lltH "(IIIV GOJllIl, (},G,M.(~, :-" Tour alollghe ItnsHcl'c1aimcd the gift of cllllowirlg blllUau IICillgs wilh lIte Uaugcsaucl JII III 1111" hyLicllt.U"I.FlllTclIt,(Folio-llllIlll­tho cXIl'l\ol'llinary Jlcculial'ity of II crn)'-thlt-i.e. of Iaa"illg u: SlIIIICly illllstrated); .. El'l'c HOII .. ,"; ., Edell alHl JIeavell," by

ncw nrn.1 lu gl:ow Ollt, o~ 1111 11l:~I'I"~II~,d "11I1I~p, ,us ~Cl:I~I~ I,~, 11~l'e I ~l. L. Chu~',lcswl)rth ; ':Kusa ~atakaya,a Bl1lhl!,ist~~: Le9~1I1lbeen ll~c ~llSC ,II },Olllllcs,-nccolliino 10 Ilu',,(Ullwllc MIIIUI. ,Irllill tllc SllIlllllesc III Alagl)'lIvlll1na MullOtalla, hy 1110-

RUI It IS lIot nlollc lhe.wollllrulls "~I:ot\O, 1IIll,t l'I'U,'~d, 1'0~\,. ; lIIas SIl'c\c, C.C,S,;" Last tllIYs ill Englalld of HHlllIllOh1111erlc~s he,fore Ihe Ileslrucll\'c cll'lIlcnl. Ihe Ilghllllll~ (u/ God t). Huv;" " Low 011 the SiIlIJlIL' Bodies of CIII'lllistry."~ltowcd Ibdf 110 1II0ru II I'c:,peclel' of Ihc 11011:0 of God lllld llOly }' - 1l b I" I N Il D ff (' I It) "S T ' Itiltrinl's Ihllll t1Jo~o fircholl:' lito" II lo"tlcs of I'l'll:on 111111 liher- • 1'~1l~, II 1/; lei (//' II I II, ,a. e~l.u :- , rt ~I'IS lila

I "'1'1 b (' I" I I' I I t I I I SlInlllta -a ("'lIluII'lIlm'\, IIpOU tIll' dllll'rullt plmses of Aryally. IC 1111111 el' {I C 1111'1' les, ('lllIlp-lIIec IIlg I'll:', UJl)l'lllle es I I" 1 I' . I' I' I I' I \r') ,

1I1ll1111111r':!> dc~IJ()Jed, dllrillg' Ihe~e Insl two y{'lIrs, I,y hllrricallc I'll 1~\ll\IS II' wi, l' I~cl'y "POII t II' C'J't!L'1 :1' t IU alS Iualvas,Dlld lightning, in Eurupe llllll Alllerica, iSll)l)lulling. AlIllllow:- ,}' t(o,lI~ 1i(I'01l 1Ill:'!('I/If,l1'll Na1lh /?Ilt,t, (c.l~lcI\ltla) :-k" ]f~lllAlra-

. tlya ~ll'allt IlIva a, ICIJIg' a I eS('\'IpiIOIl 0 I IC WOI' S II u-"The falllons sallet~1ar[o~ ~rlliiollua de VlIllluda, Hi!.lIalel.111I lite ,\'al. dCllt Iudill thcir dllll~ lIutl a bril'l' COIllIIICUtlll'y thercl1IIOII.

Icy of till' 11111111' lI11lll0 III ::i"'ltzerlallll, WllS sll'lIek Ii)' llghllllllg Oil ::::1111-' _

dlly,A\lg\l~I~-J,whiist thepric~t wall~ayillg)ltlllllat the allar, ::;ix P/'Olll })I'. J, Getdo/t Da C"II/III (BOllllllly), M,Re.S.peol'lowel'elill'I!ckdownbythcfalal t1l1id,~Jllellf Wlllllll,aliltle gid & !'.M, EIIg'., L.H.C,I', Edill: l\\I'III!ter of tho C"llIllIittecwho wall k~IC."hllg IICIII' her plll'CI,IH, Willi klll"ll ~:II the spul, IIl1d the "I' l\laIJa"1'1I1l'lIt "I' I III~ BOIIIIIll)' Bratll'h "I' the Huyalolh,,1'll lire lIIJl\l'cd ],eyollli h0l'e of recover)" 1:)o\'''I1IIIICI'IIOII:; whu ,. f', ., ~ '. " 'l l' ,werll lIelll' tho duol' hatl the soles of lheil' sllueH torll oil," (('<lI/wlie AsIatIC SUI'lety, &1', 1\'1;. :-" Ml'llIolr Oil the loot I He IC otjJirrQr, Sept, latl,,) Cl,yl,m;" .. History of (~halll alld Ibsseill,"

I) I I,' '1'1 l'llle . I k'll I 1'1 k I" h fo'l'Oln Mi8,~, lIl, J, H, llalile :-" 01JSCtl\'ll Text:; 111llstra-enr, 11'11. 10 I "11"1 c< '" II I! . lice IIJI' III l'rll)'d', " ' "IOU:'! flRvo Lt.'ell n t'ery wicked chihl,-l'erlllll's the ~lHllghler of lell ; ," MoIII'I,I,lIIl1'd all4,ll\fullllllllll~'IIaI1lSIII ; "The Apocl')'-nil" IIpostle of I'CIISOII,"-lll III 1111 lhc resl 'I ~illucrH." Tl'ul)' t"llIt! LlOsl'els;, "QlwslIOIIS, to wh~',,1t l~'.ISWt'I~ lll:e Hesp,ect-,illscl'ulaLlo UI'C thy WII)':' 0 killll Providclleo! Nul uudel'- lully ask I,d Irolll till' (lrtll"dox; " 1he It.lIghsh Ltle of

, , ).. H'I'I l' Ik ~ " L' t) I I'" " 'Tl8lnlldillg, wc IIll\'c Lilt 10 sublllil. l\[on'o\'cr, 10 fully ~lIlisfy 0111' ':~SllS i, I,e' 0 :'~I"lgS, II '''I~" 11'1'11 1.11 I,a .;. ,Iedoubt:" lIlI,l 11'n1lC[uilizc 0111' u1ll'e"lful Ll'lIill~, wc hllvc 1'111 to I\.orall, h)' ('l'orge Salc; " fill, I, "1I11lIPI'llot Clll'IStlllUlty,ben,' ill mimi tllllt which lhe gooll 111111 pious ,Jemit Jladres of 01' Discolll'ses lIpoll tIll' "rigin of 11,l' Christiall Hcligioll,"Sl. XlIvicl"sColleg{', 1I0mIJlI)'-kIlO\\'lI tllrollghout Christelldolll I,y thc He\', .)IlIlICS ( ·l'llllhl'l)"k.ns the, lllOlil nCII,Ie of logicilills-knch us : II II Illc! )', thai iI is bill ill P,'OIlI 1"'11 aclttw,( .1 J/f/lIIUee J'll j'ekll , H'~IJ' :-"History ufthe wlekl~lllogic of Ill~U Ihat,:! 1l1~11 2 IIcce":lIl'1ly mll!;c .J ; <?~l!, Ille Sect of the l\Iallllrajlllls."101' wllUllI.ever)'thllll; IS pU:'~IIJII', IS lI~t :'0 ClI'clImscnLel1 : II II J.'i'Ollt I/CI' lJtli'oJlcli,~ .. I.ld/ltll I'ull ray (Hullgal'y):-I'lell::cs HIIII 1~.cIIllllIlllllll that I,y 1I1111l'ade :? x:! :dlUllhl,l'ec01llc ~ "EI';(iilllllg'ell dl!s l'wig"!11 ~liilll!rll,ills."5, whr, crclI bll' buue Ncwloll wOllhl lu"'c lu /l1l11l1' wllh till' j,'i'um Vi'. U, 1Vyl,I, M,D. (I1·dil~.) (1.011.\011) :_" HlI1ith'sIICW IUI'IIIIIIII. I I" 1L" "I \' I I I' I "1'1 \\' IIll'UIL'iHllt fal'IIlHcea; alit ," l'g'l-bt) C\""OIJ 'l'r.r;" Ie or t

DYllal1lical allll hJllllatl!l'ial, or Ilw Natllre of l'cl'cpptioll."

BUOKS ANI> I)AMPIILET~ HECEl\'EI>. Fl'om P'"lrlit Btil,i.ii I'itlwl ("C;I'tISI,flj':-"Allillsa))llHl'-

Tlw Theosophicul Soci,cly, \~'it.11 lilally i \II,a l\ak~,sl< ~l,r Ihc ))ocll'illel'lIj"iliillg the NOII-Dostl'lICtiulIIhallks to tIle t101lUl'li the tollowlIJ" llllllatlOlis 01 books awl! 01 A 1111 11,11 LIlL. .

'0 IF, /) ..,' I b lJl '" . J" ,. , '1') p ..pamphlcts to the Library: 1'00i! .. "'10,' (/11/:, II I lit 1lI",', \ I ,'lltl/'(/lit :-', IC a ...\I1c

} ' II 11 ' tt C' }' lJ G' ..' ("' 'I tl l'rabhlls, W\'Ittell Illr tlll~ (othl.'wl) HOlllbay (,azctt{'el', hyI'OIn ,tire II/'/WC, ,1111" ' ,"', "OIll)JHIiIOIII/ . IC (" I 'II 1> I 'I ..

() 1"

I I I' I' , '( II f' I ~IJ' '. '/' \.I'IS llialla I rag IIllIa( IJI.n t:1' 0 t Ie III IHIl ',IIIJ II I'l!, 'I' IIW II t. II! IIIVl'l'Slly 1/ }' tt L tl c 1'1' tl u· II {,'l'lllllll.

I, 1 I' II ,'I ~' "\' . I'.~. f I'mlt ,e.i·u /(//'-" > la wal' la ,-,111' lit L III)11111 lilY, 'e IlWO tIC,~OClCt.YII jlltl')IIaJ'lCS, ...II'"I.:e.:- II' !''' -

.. Al'chll'ological Notcs 1111 A\II:icl,t, SClllptlll'eS Oil ItltC'ks ill 1111,1 I. t' I t' 'I'] ~ • "I' II ',' .. t'K 1 I· .. "1 ) N l' k ' 1 I' f 1'00n lie .. /I (/11" :-" II' ..,I'COIlIIL 0 . II~ lI1atH eSl.<1101l

IlIlHlIlU, III Ill; ~Illig I lites 1111 t II! Hila '1: SYIII I" III ,. ~I . (. II Nell'" 11' ). 1 I' I't ~l I 1'1I I, " .. . . I I, \\' ". I'~' " .. , .. I>,"" II ,) 11'1 IIIVal'1 11111 II I, III 1111 I, ,)' 11111 I l' 0 1111111

111111, III COllllC{.tl'llI Wltl t Ie IlI'SlIJlII ,)1\,1, I'Kllp- \,. I 1 II' I "'I'L', I' U (" II I . t II I IS 11111 a 11111 ca, ' .....,IIUIlS II sumc ,,,tlllle ,arvIIIgs, co eetci III a 0111' II'OIlg' I I' ~ J' u r 1: (Il I ) N' II t

tltc Duah, fl'lllll Cawllp')J'c to Maillpuri." '1'1 'j'Olnll )1: , . UI1HI"", .~q., Ulltl, ,alY -I; \II.e pamJlI c SOil

" " > . ,,~. , Ie" L' Igloll alll t ,lIstUIIlS" I Ie l'rSlllWI awl othcl'FtOlll tl~e .A.lIt/lor:- ~ SU\IItar.y Il'I,lIler, 1)01 1Ig' 1111 l~lc- I 11'lIIIiolls," liS descri bed by (:CI'IIIIl II a II tlllll'S,

mcntnry '1 reattse lIlI l'ractlclIlI ryg-cl\le, 1"1' t,!1C usc 111'1 1I.11al1 IHcllools lind OClleml Public, hy MlllraJ', l\I,A., Prellll:IHlIIlI· ,

• "',, T.\llI.L l)\o' CU~TE~T 'Hoyehawl StUdcllt, I'l'csHlcnt 01 tIle Arya Sail HlJ , Labore, ::i." l'ag-c. rAge.

. }:1'011~ l\. N.• S//I'l~rt; ]o,d'1. :-" JU,Ul'lIal of Ille Indian ASSlI-1 Clll!"luHl,TloclIllll,IChl'i"lI11a", Jlill,'11\ II!CilllllUolll COl1l IIIn· .l'wtlOlI. • No\\' J:> IIIIIn \l'llh Ihe Deall u>;

, , ., ' . '1'100 Popu!t\l' I,(cil OfI'5UlIl-lllll" Tioe \'ell.l,llacOrigiuallll lIi!;-l'tom tlte .L!lltlt'J/· .'-' I.e HCnUll\'CIIII ]) lsl~, tl'lld ndlUn vil'lll Gil lul'y l'f Hl'ligil'll w

libre de I'Allemand." Par ES."llic, Paris, l.iL'lItClIUllt CllllllJc1, ~I \ 11- SOlllllliug1l in thc Ueeau ofP,.O/lL t/le .AUt/WI' :-" Courti.w thc Mllsc," beillo' a l'ullec- to.IIY ,'.: f>2 "AI')'il1l Lileratll~c: ill

t' f' he"N°" '\' I 0 Alll'lellIO/lIIllUIIII nl'ull l'"y- l:lallkaraehlll'aya, 1IIII080pIoel'Ion 0 poems, y owasJI UWI'OSJI CSIlVU ii, e1aie BOlHell G:3 UIIII My"tie il

From tlw Aut/WI' :-"l'hl'ongll Asiatic '1'mkcy," 1Il1l'I'atil'e lllliiall Jnggling .• : ~'! '1;100 l'hal!tolll ))og ,' !3of II Joul'lley from Bombay 10 the BOliJlhurtls i by tlrattall f\. CIo:I\,~CI' 0,11 .Jullll:3~II I~,~ \o.ll.~t Illdiall !llalcl'll\ Meillc,\. ~~('cary E!Ul editor of tl C '1" if1 l' lloe Society s BlIlI"tlll GG A Sll'llllgc l~e\'el'y ,G• , •...•.,. I Illlell 0 III /1(. , '1'100 Al\tol.iogTil l'lay of lIayil- AUlll,1 Book alliin New <.lne i7Fi'MIl tllll AUtlI01':-" A lectllrc (Ill thc II\0d('\'Il Bllddhis- lIuIIII Sal'a~lI'ali Sll'ami GG Nocturnal Thollghts if)

til' RCi'lI·llrdll'i';." dl'li\'I'I'l~d at thu n(~l'hllIlIPOI'C Lihl'llr)' So- Bnok Notice" I'llcid)'; .. Aitilmsik HIlIIllSY:O, UI' llii'ltl,ril'lll MystNil's,'" I'arls j ---~. -- -_. "-: ---. - -, -.:-- _. ,«n --l---l'-I-dII I III b 13 b I> D ~ 11 L 1'III,t,A ,It 110" 1".("$1",,/ /',.".' Ly 11. Cnr.ctJI &; Lu" a'H puL I. l~

, alII "~' u 'I ,:1111 a~ l.Jl'll (vl'r ,I II II ")l'l'). I.~· llou 'l'l;lu."I,l;k,d ::ivddr, ,Il l'\v l'!:,l, l;i~::auul );,llk J:vu,l, llvllluur.

Page 26: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing

The Pl'oprietors of the THEOSOPHIST acknowledge with thanks, thefollowing addi tional subscriptions, all paid in advance.

Hml BAY (Tow:-.-.)

11011. i\lm:'llji (:OkllldA~, C.t'i.I.:-ii I' 1\I1I1lg:lllllL~ Nat lIoolthn v, K t. C. r.:.1.1'1'01'. ~llk"II'l'1l1l Arillll. •Hli.. llllll:idlll' Wij;I\l\"\, Blil'"ji Kllllilklll·.W:'';llllc\' 1'lin,lnl1\ng, E~'I'

l'rul: T. B, Kirldllllll.I lnriehllnd SlldiL~llhji, E,'1'N:ir:iYIlII ;\Ia'IIII'L'lc\' l'nl'lll:'lII11lld, 10:"1':\lall'lIlIc,1 Ali H,,~aJ, E,,(.•J:lII:'nlllll Wii-lIl)e\ji, E"'I.r\illilJIIIl I 'ill III II r;n 'g, E,,(.•JIIII1ShClji N. Petil, E,.'1'Dudol' l'lindlil'/lng (~olllii.

1'{1I1I1J;a (;nnl'~II, E,'1" L,C.1':.H:io ~ah·~lJ Bhi1ll1,1I:1i Kil'(llir:illl.Dilllin:ilh 1:nglllllll\11I I\I,ote, E~'1'

Nuwru;(ji Fnldllullji, E,.'1'./lIl1imlllll GI'(I:il, E~'1'Uudor AIIIHirillll 1':·11111111'111 .....t:okll"lii~ KllhilndilS !':'II'l'kh~ Esq.Kia"hilll'lih Trilldmk Telllllg E,,'1. ;\I.A"

I.L.1:.Sllllil,h i\. Vi,dl \\'III1;il h Dhlll'lIl1dllllr, E-I!.Kl'~IIll\' KII,.1I:'11.11 Aclnir)'n, I·:~'1.

Hilo ~ilhl'h N:'miyun Vi,.l1ll11 B:iplli.Nnn'I),lIn Kri"hnn LlIllll, E:"I'•liwlInji lIel'lji Ih·lIIlyllwnt!y. )0;"1'1'lIeru7.;.11II ;\1. ;\lcllla, E:;'I.N. llynilnji .Jijii,huy, E,'1'I'rAgji 'I'hitl,nl',.i l\llIl,ii, )<;"'1'U;iduhn 1'lilllln!':Ulg. 1';",[, Vmjdli", E"I'A Vilholm 1':i,l;;nullknr, E"I.Hlio Hnhll,I\II' (;ul'"ll'no IIl1ri Dc~lIl11l1kh.

Frilll1ji SlllIpl11;ii, E,.,j., U.t;,M.C.'l'lIe Tillll'>' 01' India.NII:'1I1'wnllji nynimji, E-'I.A. II. Bnltlwill, E-'I'Mnlhun'I,l;i, Lowji, E"I.Hlio B:illli,lul' l'IUUlI i\lur..ji.•J. lIcdell', E:'II.KHI':'IIIII1:i, Yalnhhd:i-, E>,(.Colonel A. PlleJp::=.Knl'onlll1:','\ LlIklllllilh;,-, E-'I'Lllkllllli.\:is Khilllji. E.-'1'Bl,ili ./i\'lIl1ji, b'l'Nlin:il>ho,r Bh"w:illi.-JlIlllknl', 1'::11.MOl"ololl Villlll'lI, E~'I'

N:imihllo)' II1IridHR, E'II.Cur.-;cfji Peslouji KlillU" E~IJ'liup:il,i,,) Nlirll)":III, E>'1'l'n'lIlc11l111l1 I:OydIHlld, E>II.HI'lmji Bllllgwilll, E,.,/.Nur ~Inlaollletl Ah,luI Hnllillilul, 10:"'1.IIn1'11IH!'ji CI1\'"clji KooriewlIllI, E-'I.~nkl,nnilll 1':illiJllll, E"I'~urgcoll 1'. ,J. ))alll:lllin.DocI01'.I. (:"1'5011 Dn Cunlili.Kl'i"lllll~n:lll~ C~O~~lIdlllllh Kotillil'e, ]0;"1'•JcIt:lllgll· h.a\'Il"J1 ,1<:'ltangil' UcnllYlllo-

lie)', E"I'W. Gill"'I'I, E",!.K. H. 1\lillln, E;"J.C. C.•Jnlll"lIcIJi, ]0;>'1'AlIllllt Gnllcsh Kotlli,.:, E",!.D(1clol" F. \\'. Doolittle.Sltaplll;ji .liwf\ji, E;'I(.I":U'llo?"ji :\Tel"\\'il.llji BIIII:iji, E~I(.DIIl"IaHh MlinockJeo l'l'lil, EM!.Nasuwiillji D. Bhii,lul'jcc )0'-'1H~I"tll~lIji Cowa",ji l'al~l, b:l~ .B:~lkl'lslllHl V" N. Kil'tiklll', E811.HilO llnhlllllll' :--hllnknr l':IIlllnmllg l'antlil.

nO~InAY (1'nF.RIIIE'iCl· illcluding)SIND, HA,JPUTANA.

MmJiJlil Uallga,III.-, E>,(., L.?I. & i".JD~lIIl1l1ilh tiatla"hhji, btl'

,i Ilnri,!;i. Vililltitlli., E,,'1'I I1is Ilighlle," .Tll~\'I",illltji,

I HUllI:horilil CI,lIotiilal, E~ll.

Cllillf.:11l101I r\.lr:iyull 1111111, E~'1', B,A.,LL.ll.

Hao Sal...l, Nar~yhil 1'lllllllil,Duclor BIIl'llcilallllra Kri"llIlllllhllh\'t1eklll·.Kri>III1:"ji Luktillll:nll, E.q.W. 11. W"lIillgr'I', E'"'I.Vi,;111111 r\1l1'~lIill;':-. E~el'

H:io :-;.ihel. Kti,Il1I1Ui Nlini\'llll Khcr•!\i1kullt Villllpk Cllhnln',- E~q.~:iniulilii i\lllgllllhlllii KllrllllleltulIll, E:'I(.Klilill n{d,:"oIl1l' Fnilllji Nn~nrwnllji ~k't1II1I1.

Dilllilli"h All1litn\lI\ DIII\'i, E~lh M.A.,LL.B.

Kri~1I11l1 H:io, E~fl'

B. DII t I, E.-fl.i\lntlOlI"r Lid. Eo'['Hlio ll:ill:id II I' .ll1l11i ...11I1I Sllklllinlll1 Gl,d"il.Dnll'lhlllii Ilhllglll.lliii. ES'I. 0

IlnlJII C. I:. K ri,:hlln Hno.Acllllll:itlliiil G.•1hll\,CI'CC', E",,!.Dill,,11lI1i Arde:,lIil' 'l'nlprnl'khulI, E.'I.

I HitO lllill:iollll' i\,I,·\· • Guviutl Hili 11111('.i II"d i\1"ltlide\' l'all,lil, E~'I'IK. ]{CW"II-III,"t1, 1-;,.'1,I I!?et~l~ J~11I11'I1H~ji G:t1~c"lI .

II.:w Unlillflllr Ul1Ie,lmlll Hllueltlwl'IllI:'.Till'ilhl" Day:'tnim, E>II', 1\I.A.BlIlwullt TrillllJl\k, ]0;"'1'Dodol' Vi~ltl'lil11 H.illlji GllOlIa\·.\'~lhlll.\\:li-Illll·\· GOOl'jlll', EStl:Hall BaIl/ifillI' Bholillliith ~lir{ll,lllli.

.JII1I1.III'10l1l5 l'rCl1IclllIlIIl N:illil\'lIli, E~'1'

I1an A 1111111, l'm'ullehl'l', E~'1'

SI':,II"gil'i Vitll:t1, 1'>'1., 1::1I1l1,II"ji Will. E·'I., G0l':il ll"ri, E:,q.

I,1::i'".8:'IIII'It i\,lllhJpllltalll RllP;·lllll.

Ilunclllllld (,opal, Esq.1\:111111 fo'.i1II'1. Frlllllji CIII·:,clji. B:\llIidlll' Nan(YIlI1 G:lI1csll ~litlJt.'.Cnl'tllill Kil'kwoo, B:ill:idlll' Villlin,ln:ifJ .JIIIIIII'IIIIII Kil'-

lallc. •(;nlle:'11 ./iwnji KE-Iklll' F~llI'lIIHlil (:irdl;llrlill ))111:(\\:: .'~':illlnil ~llihiidl:V KolIlI~ikar, E:'I).h.ltan,krao .Jnnnl'tlUII, h~ll.

KIII'III Bul~ia'!'1\' Kblll'i'Clj,i Hu"lolllji.1\,1. Blto~qllll ~lIl1llknl' Huo, E~'I'

Ihnghllllal h Halllchnll,Jrn, E~t!.

~JlIjl)." 1,1."III'Y !{of'ke.S.I~CI·I:"J I D.:1l11lItJII'~, II It II I',U I'll II, ESI).

I' 11111) u.k V J~bllll 1\11111', I~.'q.Uno Balt:i,llIl' H:i,~i Villllll 1'111 ICkll I'.

i Nowro;o;ji Fnlmji AnlcEir, E;:(I.

IPandit .""I,ulIlI,1 "i8huullil 1':11111('11.Kltan Illilltldnl' NOWI'o;(ji DorAltji Kltllll-

11:\lc\\Iill:l. '.Doctor Iluumllllll'llo Hllo:,le'·.Shrillll11l1 Villll)'llknio Gnll~:,h nlills H:io

~fik,l, I\ihl'.Aba Visllull 1'1IrrLUil:, E~ll'

HAo ~t'lheb Dhogillil!'nill\':lIlILlllltllis.'''1lI111l11 'rntin, Esq.KIHl~l Ballllllu.,: Dllrnsllll\\' DOflllJIIO)".;\Iallrldul .JUgJI\'llllllu8, Esq.I~lIli ('utili Bnlltl)"ol'lIIlh)'II)'n, E:lIJ.S~khlll'lllll I>It011 11 ,1('\' Guptc, 1':"'1'DI\'1I11 BnllllulII' Hn~ll\lIIalh Hno.A. ti. Anllslrf)lJr', E,r(.1, I't \r . • °1 •nnt I 1'Il,InlIl\l I C.lll1tnlllll.

~IADnAS (1'1CF.SII1ENcr),'J' G T. allnpal)'. YCI', Es,!.K. S. HllIna Rau, ES'I', B.A..lIHU. Cltilla PnrllshullllUlII"YII Estl.U. UhlljulIg HII'), E.'I' .'

S. 81111,11'1111\ J)'er, 1'>1).G. NIII'lI:,illlhulu Nllitiu, E",(.lImll Hlln!-:lInll)'aknlu Nn)'lIt1ec, E,.'1.Nli,lklll'l1i l\lulIgC>iIIl'1I0, J..;"q,A. CIIl'1l1lpllbwnrin, I~SI!., B.L.~. '1'IInlul05wlimy Moouliur, E:'II'A. Pllllllarilmk"llIlliu, ESII'll. K. NIIl'II)'llllinll, Esq.lJlIlIl Nllrllsing Hiio, E~'1'

,J. Frelleh, Esq."n)'lIl'lIl)' NlIlllilUl ]\1001")', E.'.ll'

, H. i\l. \'l'nknto HRII, E511'C. S. H:imll S\\'lil1\Y lyeI', E:;'I.SlIl'gcolI 1\1. Eo Hl'purtcr.P. N. Dni\'lInaiglln, E'II.

, ,J. V. S"I,lm Hllu, E~'1'

M. !\i" liYIIII Bllntji, ES'I'S. 1'. NIII'lI"ill1l1l11 Nlli,lll, E,,!.W. Hhrihh'a, H:'lg:1\'achill'i, 1'::,,(.Surgeo" D. P. Wnrliker:;.


Dr. U. i\I. LciIIlCI·.PriUCiPIlI, UriClltnl Collcfrc. LIIIIlI\'c.I,' . 1 U Cr1,1'I111~II':Jl, O\'~I'III1lCllt ollcge, LlIltore.nlll It· ll:'ll1ltrao Blaojllplltrn.

Llilia Lakhl'at. Hlii.(:o\'lIl'IllInll DiIS~, E.II.

ILallll l\!IIIlUIIlII' Dc\'.1'. DUIII CI 1111 III , E~'l"

Lallll .Jimll nli"s.1"'('111 Sillgh Ahlll\\'lIlill, E"'l'1,111111 Hnlla Halli.Llliia Knnll Nnill.Lalla Hnltllll Cllnll'l.Lalla :\lllllgni SlIill.IALIIII DlI)'a HIIIII.

Lnllll Bellnl'i Lilli.Lnlln ~ilglll' Mall.BllIIllillath, E"I.Hillin HIIIII, E"I.c; I'l'CI~C CIHlIII1:tl, Ball!!I]"l', ESI!.Lalla Ki~hill Challl!.1'II\1l1it Pollio Hillll.Br.l ;\Iokllllll, E"I.Khll,.hi H:il11, E.I(.Lallr, Ghil-i H'-llll.Lalln DlIll'lIt HilI.Lnlla Amoluk Hall1.


I niaj:ih l'nunotllllhuslioll De\'ll Ha),n.l\Ililll'ir~i Ka III II I Kl'i:;llllll Bliididul'.Bubu O. C. Dull.Bubll Ik\'clIl1ra CllIlllllm Ghos(.'.1'111 I Iii t I'rnlllutlll Du~ Mitra.:\llIllIlrn ~un'IIt11'll KrislllUl llall:llllll·.lIul>u Fallcl'11I11'll ;\lollllll 130:;11.

"Iisil i\lillllic 11111111',ButJII 1\ri~1I1111 Chlilldl'll.Balm A"illns eh:ulll1'll Ilullcljec.IIi,; IIighlll'.,:; Thaku\' J:WlI MolUlII SillltaBabu I~l\llc\' Xlith Dull. 0

Doe[OI' Ham Dns SCII.lliio ni~~:ilhl\' DIIIIl'ulsillgh PCI'lllIJ~illgla.

, lIauu h 11"1'11 Rllm Swallli.IIi:! Ilighllc~s Hllj" Bftl'll,]ll Knllln.It L. 1\1. \\'illlulI, E~I!. C.E.1111111/ Hnjclldrn Nnlh Dlltl.II.. I· II igllllc,;~ :\Inllll Hnllcc SlIl'IlllIlIOyCC,

MClllbl'\'of tho IlIll'cl'iul Onlc\' of theCrowlI t,f JIlliia.

Liellf.-Col. W. GO\'l1oll,'l:lIakol'c GllIIC~h Singh, Es,(.Chlll"1"i! HIIll'h Cosnholl, Esq.II. Hi\'clt Carnlll', E!'f1., 1l.C.S.D. W, '1'11)'101' E:'lJ. .Ross Scott Esq.UislJiguuc:s Hawn VU\,UIlI.

Page 27: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing
Page 28: No.3. - · a monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing