
HARRISON LINE NEWSLETTER No. 35 EDITORIAL When I returned to London l-ast year and rejoined the ranks of the two million or so people who swarm in and out of the 'big smoke' every working day, stern faced and silent, I was reminded by one fellow sufferer that the forlorn habit of speechless commuting is only broken on four occasions; fog, snow, railway union disputes and war. In the last four months I have experienced each of these pheno- mena but can advise that commuters only resort to conversation in the first three instances. In the case of war (technical or otherwise) the silence remains, (although it is heavier than usual) but fewer people doze off and more people read more newspapers. In March the Falklands issue held a harmless Gilbert & Sullivan like status in most of our minds. In April, Argentina had occupied the Islands and South Georgia with 10,000 men and mobilised her entire war machine while Britain had deployed some 20 warships, 100 aircraft, 6,000 marines and sold- iers and nearly 50 merchant ships. In early May, as I write, the dream-like quality of earlier weeks has been shattered- replaced by the sombre facts of reality. The losses of H.M.S. SHEFFIELD and the GENERAL BELGRANO are uppermost in our thoughts as the death toll mounts - perhaps to several hundred. Strenuous efforts continue to be made to find a diplomatic solution. The media bombard us with minutiae, for ever in search of a 'new angle' and their political and military strategists solve the immense problems for us at least once a day. The debate goes on in every British home about sovereignty, stable democracies, military autocracies, human rights and seabed mineral rights. Meanwhile our Government has the unenviable task of having to balance the lives of our fighting forces and the future of 10,000 British citizens iii Argentina against that of 1800 islanders and the prevention of reward for territorial aggression. Let us hope that the right formula can be found to prevent further suffering or escalation sooner rather than later. It is reported that the destruction of H.M.S. SHEFFIELD has prompted the Ministry of Defence to seriously rethink its future policy. Included in that rethink must surely be the size and future of the British merchant fleet. About half of the 50 or so merchant vessels chartered or requisitioned by the M.O.D. are tankers, chemical and water carriers. The others range from passenger and large roll-on/ roll-off containerships to ferries, trawlers and tugs . .The importance on the Merchant Navy in times of crisis was never more evident in recent years. Whereas the G.C.B.S.'s proposals for investment allowances fell on deaf ears again at budget time this year, perhaps now this rebuttle will be reconsidered and an incentive created to order new ships to fly the 'Red Duster'. In this the continued shrinkage of the British merchant fleet could be halted, enabling the maintenance or increase of our industry's contribution to the balance of payments, the employment of seafarers and our ability to fulfil our role as the Nation's fourth arm of defence. It is generally accepted that a swell of patriotism aided the Government in achieving the best local election results of any Government in its mid-term since the second world war. Both Labour and partic- ularly the S.D.P. suffered setbacks although the Liberals had a net gain in seats. The S.D.P. is now one year old (Mr. Roy Jenkins was elected Member of Parliament for Hillhead on the anniversary) and they are soon to choose a leader for the Party. Elections elsewhere in the world have produced a new right wing President in El Salvador and the return of John Compton as Prime Minister of St. Lucia. A military junta has replaced the recently elected Guatemalan President and a coup has also taken place in Bangladesh. The Falklands crisis may have pushed Poland off the front page for a short while but events there on Mayday have shown that General Jaruzelski is hardly keeping the lid on a bubbling cauldron and that Solidarity is far · from fmished. The Whitbread Round the World Race is now over. As anticipated the Dutch yacht "Flyer" was not only first across the line but won on handicap also, breaking records all the way. The first British yacht home was "United Friendly" (ex Great Britain II), with Chay Blyth, which arrived at Portsmouth some 23 days behind "Flyer". 1

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Harrison News Letter No35


Page 1: No35



When I returned to London l-ast year and rejoined the ranks of the two million or so people who swarm in and out of the 'big smoke' every working day, stern faced and silent, I was reminded by one fellow sufferer that the forlorn habit of speechless commuting is only broken on four occasions; fog, snow, railway union disputes and war. In the last four months I have experienced each of these pheno­mena but can advise that commuters only resort to conversation in the first three instances. In the case of war (technical or otherwise) the silence remains, (although it is heavier than usual) but fewer people doze off and more people read more newspapers.

In March the Falklands issue held a harmless Gilbert & Sullivan like status in most of our minds. In April, Argentina had occupied the Islands and South Georgia with 10,000 men and mobilised her entire war machine while Britain had deployed some 20 warships, 100 aircraft, 6,000 marines and sold­iers and nearly 50 merchant ships. In early May, as I write, the dream-like quality of earlier weeks has been shattered- replaced by the sombre facts of reality. The losses of H.M.S. SHEFFIELD and the GENERAL BELGRANO are uppermost in our thoughts as the death toll mounts - perhaps to several hundred. Strenuous efforts continue to be made to find a diplomatic solution.

The media bombard us with minutiae, for ever in search of a 'new angle' and their political and military strategists solve the immense problems for us at least once a day. The debate goes on in every British home about sovereignty, stable democracies, military autocracies, human rights and seabed mineral rights. Meanwhile our Government has the unenviable task of having to balance the lives of our fighting forces and the future of 10,000 British citizens iii Argentina against that of 1800 islanders and the prevention of reward for territorial aggression. Let us hope that the right formula can be found to prevent further suffering or escalation sooner rather than later.

It is reported that the destruction of H.M.S. SHEFFIELD has prompted the Ministry of Defence to seriously rethink its future policy. Included in that rethink must surely be the size and future of the British merchant fleet. About half of the 50 or so merchant vessels chartered or requisitioned by the M.O.D. are tankers, chemical and water carriers. The others range from passenger and large roll-on/ roll-off containerships to ferries, trawlers and tugs . .The importance on the Merchant Navy in times of crisis was never more evident in recent years.

Whereas the G.C.B.S.'s proposals for investment allowances fell on deaf ears again at budget time this year, perhaps now this rebuttle will be reconsidered and an incentive created to order new ships to fly the 'Red Duster'. In this ~ay the continued shrinkage of the British merchant fleet could be halted, enabling the maintenance or increase of our industry's contribution to the balance of payments, the employment of seafarers and our ability to fulfil our role as the Nation's fourth arm of defence.

It is generally accepted that a swell of patriotism aided the Government in achieving the best local election results of any Government in its mid-term since the second world war. Both Labour and partic­ularly the S.D.P. suffered setbacks although the Liberals had a net gain in seats. The S.D.P. is now one year old (Mr. Roy Jenkins was elected Member of Parliament for Hillhead on the anniversary) and they are soon to choose a leader for the Party.

Elections elsewhere in the world have produced a new right wing President in El Salvador and the return of John Compton as Prime Minister of St. Lucia. A military junta has replaced the recently elected Guatemalan President and a coup has also taken place in Bangladesh. The Falklands crisis may have pushed Poland off the front page for a short while but events there on Mayday have shown that General Jaruzelski is hardly keeping the lid on a bubbling cauldron and that Solidarity is far · from fmished.

The Whitbread Round the World Race is now over. As anticipated the Dutch yacht "Flyer" was not only first across the line but won on handicap also, breaking records all the way. The first British yacht home was "United Friendly" (ex Great Britain II), with Chay Blyth, which arrived at Portsmouth some 23 days behind "Flyer".


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Editorial (Contd.)

The less said about the unofficial visit of an "England" cricket team to South Africa the better, I think. In my view, giving large and secret sums of money to a dozen or so cricketers is not the best way of ending sporting boycotts. The resultant action taken against the players is going to make life difficult for England's selectors- not least in finding a Captain.

On a more encouraging note, Britain's sportsmen have retained the world's ice dance champion­ships with a brilliant performance by Torvill and Dean that delighted all of us who were lu,gky enough to see it on television. We also enjoyed watching Steve Davis score the first ever "147" recorded on film although it was rather unfortunate that last year's world champion should then he knocked out of this year's snooker championship in the first round.

Lest I offend any of my colleagues in the North West by the omission, I suppose I should also record that Liverpool have won both the League Cup and Championship yet again!!

Mention of Liverpool does return me to matters parochial however. The Chairman's annual report for 1981 has now been circulated and you are therefore aware of the general state of affairs in the various trading divisions so I need not dwell upon them. Since the report was distributed there have been one or two subsequent developments.

At the end of March the Charente Steam-Ship Company concluded negotiations with Blairdale Shipping Ltd. whereby we have taken two geared bulk carriers on long term charter. They are the LANTAU TRADER (built 1978, 28,873 deadweight tons; launched as GRAIGLWYD) and the LAMMA FOREST (1977, 29,566 tons; launched as CLARKSPEY). The LANTAU TRADER operates in the Atlantic Bulker Consortium with 11 other vessels including our 3 "W's" and the LAMMA FOREST within the Scanscot Consortium which is managed by Brostroms.

As a result of these charters it has been possible to arrange that Charente supplies the senior officer personnel (Master, Chief Officer, Chief and Second Engineers) to both these vessels. The Company will also be responsible for the commercial operation, though not the technical management, of these ships. In taking them on at this time there is confidence that they will make a profitable contribution over the coming years, as well as providing some much needed additional employment.

Most of you are probably aware that the BENEFACTOR was sold in the middle of April, in Cape Town. In recent months it has become increasingly difficult to find profitable employment for our last general purpose vessel so the decision was reluctantly taken to dispose of her.

Having now completed my first year as editor of this newsletter it seems an appropriate time to pause and take stock. There has been little change in the general format and apart from the addition of a few more pictures, the content of articles and contributions is similar to that compiled by my predecessor. Indeed, the basic 'raison d'etre' for the newsletter remains unaltered: it was introduced, as a bulletin, nearly nine years ago as one of several means intended to narrow the communications gap between ship and shore at a time when the traditional liner operations of the Company were being diversified to include world wide trading with bulk carriers.

It remains a bulletin but has also developed partly into an in-house journal or magazine. It is not supposed to be an exercise in propaganda, either within the Company or to our public at large. The circulation, although expanded somewhat, is limited particularly to those serving in the Harrison fleet but also to the shore staff at home and overseas, senior retired sea and shore personnel, a few of our long standing agents and one or two 'old friends'.

If this were a commercial publication, its success or otherwise would be easy to gauge by the amount of advertising revenue received and copies sold. Since it is an in-house circular, success can only be measured by the percentage of those who read and enjoy it (compared with those who take a quick glance and cast it aside) and the effect it generates in helping to foster the "family" atmosphere that has long been the backbone of the Firm's success. But this is where I have a problem -no feedback.


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Editorial (Contd.)

Until now I have assumed, perhaps presumptuously, that the content of this newsletter is just what you, the reader, require and enjoy. Of course, many matters concerning the Company's affairs and the way they affect individuals are best dealt with in other ways but I think it is time that you be asked what you think of the content of these pages and what additions, exclusions or alterations you would like to see. If you have any views please pass them on to me, either verbally, or written (anonymous if you prefer). I am anxious to ensure that the two way communication develops (without necessarily becoming controversial) so that hopefully 'our' newsletter will encourage the elimination of the 'them and us' syndrome. I have a recurring nightmare that, on my retirement, in about 110 editorials time, I am told that all was in vain because nothing I had produced was of interest to the readership at large. Please let me have your ideas and suggestions therefore, if only to provide a little peace of mind!

* * *


OBITUARY Name Position Died J .J. Corfield Retired Forman Stevedore 1.3.1982 W. Foster Retired Clerk 14.3.1982 J.R. Fitzpatrick Retired Catering Officer 18.2.1982 L.O. Richards Retired Chief Engineer 19.3.1982 E. Whitehouse Retired Master 5.3.1982


E.D. Pooley Admins. Asst.London SLIC 30.5.1982

EXAMINATION RESULTS We congratulate the following on passing their examinations:-

D.Selvan P.N. Humphreys J. Murray A. Kiwanuka-Musoke P.S. Dickens

Masters Certificate Class 2 Deck Class 2 Deck Class 2 Deck Class 3 Deck


R.P. Rees A.R. Gargan P.A. Keelan M.R. Lewis J.F. McCormick

*· * *

lOth May 1982

Age Joined Company 83 1937 90 1947 65 1933 82 1920 83 1918

65 1972

Part 'A' 1st Class Motor Part 'A' 1st Class Motor Part 'A' 1st Class Motor 2nd Class Motor T.E.C.

The official closing date for entries will have passed with the distribution of this edition of the newsletter, (although any last minute entries will be considered, of course). Frankly, the limited response is somewhat disappointing, particularly since the offer of a cash prize was expected to provide the necessary incentive. Nevertheless, several entries have been received and will be considered by a panel of judges during the next few days. If all goes according to plan the winner will be announced in the next newsletter and that edition should, therefore, have a new look about it!

* * *


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Persmmel (Contd.)


Apparently only a small percentage of the Company's employees are aware that up on the top floor of Mersey Chambers, opposite the statistics department, there is situated a museum containing all manner of records, plans, drawings, photographs, models and memorabilia about Harrisons from the Firm's earliest days right up to the present time.

In due course an article about the museum will appear in the Newsletter but in the meantime visitors are most welcome. For security reasons the door is normally kept locked but the key may be borrowed from either Miss Hilda Dixon or the Commissionaire.

* * * HOBBY KITS etc.

The Marine Society now incorporates Seafarers' Libraries (formerly the Seafarers' Education Service), the College of the Sea, Ship Adoption and the London School of Nautical Cookery. The Society's quarterly magazine "THE SEAFARER" is despatched to all ships on a regular basis and copies of the latest edition are included in each ship's library whenever a change takes place.

Harrison's Seafarers' attention is drawn to that interesting publication and particularly to the services offering books, hobby kits, cassettes, etc. for sale. The Society maintains a large stock of these items and sells them at very reasonable prices.

* * * Six months ago an article appeared in this Newsletter about the "Flying

Angel" in this its ]25th year. In that article mention was made of a new correspondence service being organised by the Missions to Seamen in an effort to cope with modem day requirements. This follow-up article, prepared by the staff at the Mission's head office, provides us with some more information about that service.


The Missions to Seamen has been around 126 years this year and during that time has established a tradition of practical, common-sense Christian service to the seafaring community.

In the early days the chaplains used launches to visit seafarers on their ships. Later on, as times and shipping changed, clubs were built ashore and were well used by seafarers. With ships in port for weeks at a time chaplains also had plenty of opportunities to meet seafarers on board. However, for the last ten years The Missions to Seamen's concern has been growing as quick turn-rounds have put many seafarers beyond the reach of chaplains. These days a seafarer may barely have time to call home, buy a postcard or get a haircut when he's in port. Anyone with something on his mind is really in trouble: once the time to sit and relax and chat disappears, so does the time for any anxieties to come to the surface and be talked out.

Mission chaplains say that in the past seafarers have sought them out, not necessarily to discuss a problem, often just to chat, but with today's quick turn-rounds this is happening less. They are worried that seafarers who want to talk, simply are not getting the opportunity anymore.

The Mission's response has been to appoint a chaplain to whom seafarers can write if they want to discuss something with a chaplain but do not have the time in port. The Rev. Glyn Jones is anxious to get across to seafarers that he does not mind what they want to talk about.

"It may be a question of faith, a personal problem, or just something a man wants to get off his chest," he says. "It could be a question to do with the meaning of the universe or something as down­to-earth as a lack of understanding with colleagues - for example, trouble with someone on watch that a seafarer cannot get on with."

Mr. Jones, is, in fact, ready to discuss anything, no matter how simple or how difficult. "If a 4

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Personnel (Contd.)

Correspondence Service -

question is really very complex I can only say I'll do my best. But what I can guarantee is that every letter which reaches me will be answered."

He certainly has no literary qualifications for the job of writing to seafarers, he says, but he does know something about them having spent the last ten years among seafarers, first as port chaplain at Swansea and later at Tilbury.

Before becoming a Missions to Seamen chaplain Mr. Jones worked in various parishes and before his ordination he was in industry and also did two years in the British Army, serving in Korea and Hong Kong.

He can be reached at: The Missions to Seamen, St. Michael Paternoster Royal College Hill, London EC4 R 2RL.

* * *

The following "layman's guide" to the divisions and figures on your monthly pay slip is included at the request of one or two of the sea-going personnel.


The monthly payslip can be either the bearer of good or bad tidings, dependent upon what the recipient is doing when received: on duty, leave or retention. The top left-hand box on the top line of the payslip shows whether or not the recipient is receiving tax reduction for time spent out of the UK. The figure in brackets indicates the amount upon which the tax calculation is based. The N.I. and Tax Code Blocks are self-explanatory. The Contract Category refers to the category on which National Insurance payments are based. For all our Officers this is 2D, except for Cadets where it is 2A. The Basic Pay box indicates the base rate for calculations during that month. Any change in rate, that is to say from Container to Retention Rate, or vice versa is adjusted in the Extra Payment box. The Nights/O.Time box is where payment for nights on board is indicated. The Bulker box is now obsolete. The Leave box shows payments for any leave liquidated. The "Other" box is used for any minor adjustments. The total pre-tax adjustment is the sum of the extra payments outlined above, which sum is added to the basic pay to arrive at the gross pay. If the recipient has been in receipt of Sickness . Benefit this is deducted and does not show in the Gross pay as Sickness Benefit is not taxed. It is then added back in the box immediately underneath "Post Tax Adjustment". More later, however, on Post Tax Adjustments.

We come now to Deductions. Boxes 1 to 6 are not presently used but could be used, for example, if additional types of statutory deductions were to be levied. Voluntary Pension is the box where payments to the Additional Voluntary Pension Scheme are deducted. Details can be obtained from the Wages Department in Mersey Chambers. The Superannuation, Tax and State Pension boxes are self­explanatory. The Total Deductions equal the sum of all statutory deductions during the month in question.

The Post Tax Adjustment is where any Sickness Benefit previously deducted in the Sickness Benefit Deduction box is added back into the equation. This is the point where Wives' Air Fares are deducted and any other amounts owed to the Company are recovered. The Nett Pay is the Gross Pay minus total deductions, plus or minus any Post Tax Adjustment.

The fmalline in the payslip summarises the total deductions to date during the current tax year.

With your April payslip you should receive a complete print-out which lists ships and two dates together with total days between the two dates.


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Personnel (Contd.)

Payslips and other bits and pieces -This is your statement of time out of the United Kingdom and should be carefully checked as

errors can be made, even in the "Holiest of Holies"!! You should note, however, that these dates are only the days actually spent out of the United Kingdom and do not necessarily relate in any way to the date of joining or leaving the vessel. A copy of this information is submitted to Cardiff Marine, together with a calculation to show leave earned for the period out of the UK.

Form P.60 is also despatched in April. This form is really self-explanatory except for two points. Firstly, in the box "Total for Year", the figure shown is the Gross Pay (less superannuation contributions) including interim tax reduction for time out of the UK; that is to say the gross pay on which you have been taxed. Secondly you will see an additional entry on this form -True Gross Pay- this is the actual gross pay less superannuation contributions and is the figure to be entered on the tax return which you submit to HM Inspector of Taxes.

* * * * *


Now that Spring is upon us and many people's minds have turned to tending their gardens, one keen horticulturalist, Gary Watson, (our chief cashier in Mersey Chambers), has supplied us with a few definitions from "The Completely Unillustrated Encyclopaedia of Gardening" with which many of us must find affinity.

Annual: A plant that thrives year after year through self seeding. Broad Bean: Special food grown for blackflies. Bulb: Potential flower planted in Autumn never to be seen again. Drought: Weather experienced immediately after planting. Harden off: Kill by frost Mother Earth: Deep mud. Rockery: What the builders left behind. Self Sufficiency: A method of growing vast supplies of vegetables, not normally

eaten. Soft fruit: Bird sanctuary. Weed: Principle U.K. crop

* * *


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Since Charente have now taken two handy-sized geared bulk carriers on long term charter, the responsibility for the control of the bulkers (which now number seven) has been divided between John Arkell and Michael Seaford.

The "WANDERER", "WARRIOR", and "WAYFARER" continue to be controlled by John Arkell, with the addition of the "LANTAU TRADER" which also operates in the Atlantic Bulker Consortium.

The "SPECIALIST" and "STRATEGIST", along with the "AUTHOR" are controlled by Michael Seaford, together with the "LAMMA FOREST". The latter vessel operates in the Scanscot Bulker Consortium.

The Atlantic Bulkers Consortium is made up of twelve geared bulk carriers with deadweights varying from 25,500 - 30,220 tons involving six shipowners, and employment is obtained by Denholm Coates & Co. Ltd., who are the Consortium Brokers and Managers, with each Owner or Disponent Owner being responsible for the operation of his vessels within the framework of the Consortium Rules and under the direction of the "Pool Manager", who is the senior Director of Denholm Coates & Co. Ltd., as well as being a Director of Denholm Ship Management Ltd. of Glasgow. All incomes are pooled and divided equally between the vessels after deduction of voyage and running costs.

The Scanscot Consortium was founded in 1967 by Scandinavian and Scottish shipowners, who built sophisticated open hatch bulk carriers with an eye to the lumber, pulp and paper trades. There are presently twelve vessels in the Consortium with nine owners. The vessels have varying capabilities, i.e. some can double up as container vessels and most are strengthened to Ice Class lA for trading in the far north during winter periods. Because of the great variety in the entered tonnage, a formula was devised in an endeavour to distribute the income in a more equitable manner, having regard to the investment involved in the different types of vessel, coupled with their respective earning power.

This Consortium differs from the Atlantic Bulkers Consortium in another respect: Brostroms in Gothenburg, as well as acting as Brokers and Pool Managers, also operate the vessels on behalf of the shipowners. Thus direct communications between shipowner and vessel are rare for commercial matters.

The tramp market in the Dry Bulk Carrier sector for every tonnage size remains very depressed and over-tonnaged for all the reasons stated previously.

The "S" Class vessels continue to operate at a loss, with daily time-charter rates in the Far East being in the U.S.$4,000-$5,500 per day bracket, although at the moment the Atlantic is showing rates in the U.S.$7,000-$7,500 per day region. However, this is felt to be only a temporary upswing with the traditionally quiet summer months approaching.

The "W's" and the "L's" are trading just above the break-even point, which equates to a daily time­charter rate of about U.S.$5 ,500 per day. However, in order to secure these rates we often have to fix the vessels to places off the beaten track.

The "SPECIALIST", after being cancelled by her charterers (unreasonably in our view), remained at anchor off S.W. Pass for some two weeks before we were able to fix her to TRADAX on a voyage charter basis for a cargo of yellow corn from Reserve to Chiba, Kawasaki and Kashima.

On completion of discharge in Kashima on 27th April, the vessel ballasted unfixed to the "Harrison Buoy" at the mid-course position in the Pacific for turning to Australia or West Coast U.S.A. She was turned towards the U.S.A. and subsequently fixed to TRADAX for a repeat voyage and is presently due off S.W. Pass on 30th May.


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Trade Reports (Contd.)

Bulk Carriers -

The "STRATEGIST" is still on time-charter to Japan Line, having spent some 40 days at Sydney (mainly at anchor) due to the congestion brought about by industrial disputes. Whilst on the subject of disputes, last year Australia recorded 3,000 industrial stoppages, involving 1.2 million workers and 4.2 million working days lost, costing at least A$220.5 millions!

The "STRATEGIST" is now due Le Havre 23rd May, having made a very slow passage via Capetown for bunkers and Freetown for a crew change.

It is to be hoped that we can take advantage of the present upswing in the Atlantic Freight Rates once the vessel completes in Le Havre about 28th May.

The "WANDERER" sailed from Gresik on 16th February, to Port Kembla to load coal for Visakhapatnam and Haldia, having spent some five weeks at anchor off Port Kembla waiting for the load berth.

The vessel is now en route to Singapore where she is due on 15th May, to bunker and change crew, as well as effecting repairs to No.3 hold resulting from contact damage on entering the locks at Haldia. Thereafter the vessel will ballast to Port Kembla to load another coal cargo for India.

The "WARRIOR" completed her New Zealand time-charter in Bluff on 1st April, whereupon she ballasted to Port Kembla to load coal for India. The vessel sailed from Port Kembla on the lOth May, after the now accepted stay at anchorage due to various strikes. She proceeds to Singapore after discharge in India.

The 'WAYFARER' loaded barley in Lattakia, but due to there being insufficient draught at the berth, additional cargo was taken at the anchorage in order that the vessel could achieve a satisfactory seagoing condition. Unfortunately this cargo was in bags and on arrival at Bandar Abbas was found to be heavily infested. After a month of waiting at anchor, the Iranians eventually decided they could and would fumigate the cargo, but not before we had offered to arrange at their expense for the vessel to proceed to Sharjah or Dubai for fumigation in order to expedite matters.

She eventually sailed from Bandar Abbas on lOth April, and after much deliberation was ordered towards South Africa. The area seemed devoid of any business that made any sort of sense, so as a result of a further outbreak of infestation in the empty holds it was decided to put the vessel into Durban for further fumigation. Whilst proceeding mto Durban one of the alternators failed and as a consequence we examined the other alternators, which were also found to be in need of attention. After some 16 days in Durban whilst repairs were effected, the vessel eventually sailed on 13th May, to take up a time-charter with Southern Shipping of Johannesburg to load in Richards Bay, Maputo and Port Elizabeth to Port Keelang, Manila, Moji, Nagoya and Tokyo Bay with steel products and zircon sands.

The "LAMMA FOREST" is on time-charter to SOVFRACHT, the Russian Chartering organisation, to load grain from Sydney to Nakhodka. Unfortunately the vessel failed grain inspection on arrival at the anchorage. This is an alarming development in that the Australians are now surveying vessels prior to berthing when there is congestion, rather than waiting until the vessel is alongside as in previous cases. There is also an added twist in this tale, in that she was put back to the outer anchorage, off-hire, without the crew being allowed to do any further cleaning. Eventually the vessel was abl'e to proceed to a layby berth for cleaning by shore labour. (Will those concerned please note the foregoing when destined for Australian waters to load grain).

The "LANTAU TRADER" recently completed a voyage from Foss to Drepanon (in Greece) with a cargo of furnace slag. The vessel then proceeded to Yuzhnyy to load bulk urea for Singapore, where she is due about 29th May. On completion of this time-charter to Pacific Carriers she will ballast to Christmas. Island to take up a time-charter with the New Zealand Phosphate Co.; thereafter she will probably ballast to Port Kembla to load coal for India.


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Trade Reports (Contd.)

BEACON by T.H. Dickens

The BEACON Service struggles on against odds that continue to mount in the form of increasing voyage times, inadequacies in African ports and fierce opposition in the trade.

The basic problem still lies with our inability to maintain a schedule based on a reasonable voyage time. This is caused in the main by the ports in East Africa being ill-equipped and lacking the necessary expertise to turn around a container vessel with the minimum of delay. In addition, the call at Mauritius has been particularly unremunerative whilst adding a week to the voyage time. To partly remedy the situation, we have just formed an alliance with the French Lines C.G.M. and N.C.H.P., who are part of a recently established consortium named CAPRICORNE, which also includes the German Lines D.O.A.L. and Hapag Lloyd.

The CAPRICORNE Lines are involved in the CIMACOREM Conference which serves the Indian Ocean Islands of Reunion, Mauritius and Madagascar and we have arranged to take space in their vessels on a slot charter basis, every two weeks from Felixstowe commencing with a C.G.M. sailing on May 25th. The last BEACON vessel to call direct at Mauritius will be the BARRISTER towards the end of June.

With this arrangement we will be able to offer shippers a direct service with a reduced transit time to Port Louis. The BEACON Service to East African ports will also improve and the reduced voyage time will undoubtedly diminish the current losses.

Turning our attention to the inadequacies of individual ports, the spotlight can be trained on Mombasa on this occasion, where at the outset of the BEACON Service we had high hopes that, here at least, the port operation would be satisfactory. However, this has proved not to be so; BEACON vessels have spent far longer in port than we would like and the L.C.L. operation leaves a lot to be desired.

There is hope for the future, however, in that a British integrated aid/loan transport package, including Felixstowe Port Management proposals, have now been fully accepted by the Kenyan Govern­ment and the Kenya Port Authority will be implementing the proposals forthwith. Unfortunately in the short term (about eighteen months), the port will suffer and so will the Lines as a result of work being undertaken which includes removing certain sheds currently used for packing and un­packing containers. Inevitably L.C.L. operations will be badly affected and this in turn will not endear us to shippers and receivers for the duration. Of course, this situation would improve dramatically if inland facilities were available at Nairobi; in this respect BEACON has been hindered by Kenyan Government Legislation but this problem has recently been overcome and all that remains is for the Nairobi (Embakasi) depot to be completed!

A third Ahrenkiel vessel has been fixed and like the BARRISTER and VICTORIA BAY the charter will be for two years. Ellermans will be the operating Line and the vessel has been renamed CITY OF LIVERPOOL. She will be introduced into the Beacon Service at the end of June or beginning of July. All three vessels are new buildings and have a 1150 TEU capacity.

The SHARK BAY, on charter from C.M.B., has not been operating satisfactorily and will be removed from the BEACON Service in August which is the earliest opportunity. The LOOSDRECHT will complete her period of charter and be redelivered to owners at the end of June to be replaced by CITY OF LIVERPOOL. A fourth vessel will be employed to make up the fleet following the departure of the SHARK BAY.

All the East African countries and Mauritus are experiencing fmancial problems, (Tanzania and Zambia are reported to be nearing bankruptcy), with the result that there are severe import restrictions particularly on luxury goods. In Uganda, where there is potential, political and economic difficulties continue. Obviously this unfortunate state of affairs does not assist profitable trading.

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Trade Reports (Contd.)

CAROL by S.H. Gifford-Mead

May has brought the introduction of the new dry-docking season with all five vessels presently serving in the CAROL fleet due to be dry-docked in rotation between the middle of this month and the middle of August. Hopefully this will be achieved with slight variations to the schedule and the sailing frequency, rather than the introduction of additional chartered tonnage. Of our vessels, the ASTRONOMER is scheduled for dry-dock in June and the ADVISER in July.

The introduction of Felixstowe to our schedule is now well established and although it is too early to judge the port's performance completely, it has been difficult on some occasions to get a prompt berth for working because of the busy schedule of the terminal used.

Many of those more closely involved with the CAROL service will know that, for the past two years, we have had a CAROL consultant based in Trinidad to assist operations, and to expedite the eventual re-introduction of the mainline vessels. Mr. R. Babooram has now been appointed to take over this position for a few months in Trinidad, and he leaves for Port of Spain at the beginning of May.

I would also like to use this opportunity to extend best wishes to Trevor Platt, who left the company at the end of April and who, during his time with the Company, amongst many other things, has been closely involved with CAROL's advance planning in the early days, and subsequent operations at Seaforth. I am sure others will join me in wishing him every success in his new enterprise.

* * *

FELIXSTOWE, 2nd February 1982. P. Bennett, Managing Director of Walton Container Terminal, presents a plaque to Captain R. Simmons, Master of the "ADVISER" on the occasion of the first scheduled CAROL call at Felix stowe.

ABOVE: (Left to Right) R. Mallett, Anderson Gardiner (Shipping) Ltd. -Harrison's CAROL agents in Felix stowe; G. Nicolas, Ops. Manager at C. C 0; Captain Simmons; J. Jonckheer, C. C. 0. General Manager; P. Durell, Walton Planning Manager; Mr. Bennett; P. Gardiner, Anderson Gardiner; Captain B. Jones, relieving Master; N.J. Hollebone, Harrison's London Office; H Wedekznd, Hapag-Lloyd Agencies.


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BELOW: m. v. "ADVISER" under the gantries at Walton Container Terminal on her maiden call.


In spite of its considerable wealth from oil and valuable mineral deposits, Venezuela is also feeling the pinch from the continued world recession. The Government is having to introduce restrictive economic measures to combat the serious effect the depressed state of the world oil market is having on their economy.

It nearly always follows, that whenever a country starts introducing economic cut-backs, imports inevitably fall, and the current situation in Venezuela is proving to be no exception.

The freight carried by our more recent sailings has declined quite noticeably, and while these conditions last, we have decided, in conjunction with CA VN, to reduce our sailings from fortnightly to three-weekly.

Hopefully, this will lead to an increased volume of cargo being offered for each sailing, thus making the voyage more rewarding. However, it should also be mentioned that cargo is expected to increase later in the year, and we hope that the increase will be sufficient to warrant a return to the original fortnightly schedule.

Our trade to Colombia has hardly changed from that reported in the last edition of the Newsletter. The tonnage of cargo being offered continues to be at a disappointing level.

Ports in both these countries are now free of congestion and this is almost entirely due to the fall in traffic currently moving in the trades.


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Trade Reports (Contd.)

Venezuela and Colombia-

Plans to introduce the Euro-Caribe (CAROL Phase II) container service are at last moving towards a point of final completion, and the service will start in December 1982.

The new container service will operate on a fortnightly frequency with a round voyage duration of 42 days, together with a fortnightly breakbulk service for Westbound voyages only.

For the container service, the Euro-Caribe Lines will charter three self-sustaining, multi-purpose vessels, each vessel with a capacity for 500 TEUs. We shall be responsible for operating one of the container vessels, the operation of the other two, being divided between our three Partners, Hapag-Lloyd, Nedlloyd and CGM.

In so far as the breakbulk vessels are concerned, they will continue to be operated by Hapag­Lloyd and CGM/Nedlloyd, with the Hapag-Lloyd vessel serving Liverpool on a monthly basis to load our conventional cargo.

The container vessels will call at Hamburg (Bremerhaven), Amsterdam, Le Havre, Greenock (alternate vessels), La Guaira (alternate vessels ex Greenock), Puerto Cabello (alternate vessels), Cartagena, Puerto Limon, Hamburg.

The breakbulk vessels will cover the same main Continental ports, including Antwerp and Liverpool, proceeding to all principal Venezuelan and Colombian ports, and finally Puerto Limon.

For the time being, we shall continue to restrict our marketing activities to the United Kingdom for Venezuela and Colombia, with the other Lines being restricted to the Continental traffic. All four Lines will be free to operate in all sections of the trade to Costa Rica.

* * *

MEXICO - SAGUMEX by J .B. Dawson

It was mentioned in the last Newsletter that this trade is beset with many problems. Since that was written a further problem has arisen in that the Mexican Peso was drastically devalued in February, and this has meant a further substantial decline in our carryings.

This decline has not been restricted to cargo from the U.K. only; our Continental colleagues have reported similar alarming trends as well.

There have been disappointing reports about the progress of dredging at Tampico, which has put the reinstatement of Tampico and Coatzacoalcos into the service back to July, or perhaps even August.

In the meantime, Vera Cruz remains the only port being served by SAGUMEX. Whilst the container operations are reasonably satisfactory in terms of vessels being despatched more or less on time, there still remains the problem of serious congestion on the terminal, and the cost of handling and stripping containers is also exhorbitent.

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THE CARIBBEAN - A view from within -by D.S. Barbour

Despite the outward similarities of all tropical islands, those in the Caribbean are remarkable for their diversity, not only socially and historically but more especially in terms of their present economic and political circumstances. The experience of a colonial past is one of the few things left in common between the political paths taken by Puerto Rico, Barbados, Cuba or Haiti. However in terms of economics, all the islands for the most part rely on foreign currency earnings from comm­odity and agricultural exports and tourism to fmance the imports of oil, materials and manufactured goods necessary to maintain development and satisfy the increasing aspirations of their increasing populations: the differences lie in the methods and the success of the various governments in attempt­ing this balancing act, an act made ever harder by world economic conditions.

Against this background one can see on a small scale, and therefore with some clarity, most of the major issues currently being played out in the world arena, and most especially those between north and south (developed countries versus the Third World) and between east and west (Moscow Marxism versus Washington capitalism). The Caribbean area is one of great strategic importance both to super­powers and to aspiring regional powers, and this has recently spurred the U.S.A., Mexico, Venezuela and Canada to propose a 'Carib bean Basin Initiative', a long term aid package of economic assistance designed also to ensure political stability. Reactions and assessments vary, but the Initiative at least suggests that the Americans have at last realised that some enlightened contribution is necessary to keep their "backyard" peaceful while at the same time allowing the Caribbean some genuine independ­ence, as in most islands this is a local political necessity. 'Political stability' of course in this context means not only stability but also the absence of far left tendencies, and although the Caribbean appears at present a fairly peaceful place, stability has recently been or is currently under threat in Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, St. Lucia and Dominica while over all looms the threat (or, according to one's point of view, the inspiration) of Cuba, the example of the revolution in Grenada and the nightmare of Central America.

Despite its importance, the global perspective is often lost in the maelstrom of local concerns but I shall now try to add a few specific comments on individual countries, taken in the order in which they feature in our current sailing schedules.

Puerto Rico: As a country associated with the U.S.A., Puerto Rico has its own peculiar problems. The most

industrialized Caribbean island where many American companies operate because of tax advantages, cheap labour and marketing benefits, Puerto Rico still faces major obstacles of overpopulation, unem­ployment and poverty, and its struggles to rectify this have been hard hit by recent U.S. Federal cuts and the cold hand of 'Reaganomics' and the American recession. Nevertheless, there are said to be more millionaires in San Juan than in any American mainland city and Puerto Ricans do not have far to look to see the economic advantages of their present relationship with the U.S. In fact, whether or not to press for full statehood was one of the issues in the recent closely fought Puerto Rican elections in which Governor Romero Barcello and his administration were returned for another four years.

Barbados: Familiar to many as 'Little England', Barbados is often hailed as an example of what diligence

and discipline can achieve for a small island of limited resources. Good government over the years has given Barbadians an exceptionally high standard of living but any economy based on sugar and tourism must be a little precarious. The last few months have illustrated this clearly, as the Barbados Labour Party government of Tom Adams after securing its re-election last year has imposed austerity budgets to enable Barbados to survive its current recession. Earnings from both sugar and tourism were reduced this year, reflecting the world market and the American recession, and various social trends including the high level of wage settlements must be given a warning for the future. Nevertheless, Barbados will surely remain, at least by the standards of the region, both stable and prosperous.

Trinidad & Tobago: The Trinidad & Tobago of today was shaped by oil and Dr. Williams. The Doctor has gone and

the oil bonanza may be over but the legacy will be around for generations. It includes political stability and the total supremacy of one party, the Peoples National Movement, and also a determina-tion to develop a local industrial base on a vibrant mixed economy and to set up local industry downstream of the oil and gas piplines to provide a measure of genuine national independence. The success of this


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Territorial Report (Contd.)

Trinidad & Tobago-worthy determination has been mixed, for while there has been a fonnidable economic boom and peoples' living standards and purchasing power have risen tremendously there have also been some heavy prices to pay many of which are yet to be fully realised. Thus local agriculture is collapsing in the face of oil financed imports, the future viability of the gas-fired heavy industry at Point Lisas is open to doubt and the shortcomings of the local infrastructure have justly earned an international reputation. In addition, one can see many of the social tensions nonnally associated with the rapid arrival of oil wealth.

Duly elected in November under the telling slogan of "Fete over, back to work", the PNM under George Chambers is attempting to tackle these problems. Oil reserves are dwindling, while extraction costs rise and the world market falls. The natural gas reserves are more than plentiful, but production is still far short of even local requirements. Efforts are being made to enforce social discipline, to increase productivity and to control inflation. All in all, the next few years will be very telling, but the country is still well placed to retain its position as the leading economic power in the region.

Curacao & Aruba: The major two of the six islands comprising the Netherlands Antilles, these islands are politically

and economically linked to Holland, which explains their high level of development. Originally Dutch colonies, the islands remain part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, governed by their own parliaments. Both have been trading centres throughout their history, catering for everyone from oil tycoons to Colombian smugglers. They are also important oil refining centres for crude from both Venezuela and the Persian Gulf: refineries are run by Shell in Curacao and by Esso in Aruba. Tourism is the third main source of revenue, and in this as in other areas, Aruba has recently been catching up with its bigger neighbour. The six islands retain great independence of spirit, so much so that there is considerable resentment on the part of Aruba at the predominance of Curacao. This is shown in the support enjoyed by the Aruban popular leader, Mr. Croes. If he gets his way, then Aruba may soon find itself alone to sink or swim, and its prospects cannot be considered rosy.

Dominican Republic: Despite its great natural wealth, this is a country in crisis with an economy battered by high

imports and falling revenues from its major commodity exports such as sugar, bauxite, gold, coffee and tobacco. A new President and government is to be elected in mid-May for a four year term and the elections are expected to be closely fought between the new candidate of the ruling centre left party and the right wing under the aging Balaguer, several times President and former strong man under the dictator Trujillo. Weak government under President Guzman has certainly contributed to the crisis especially as it was politically unacceptable for his party to seek monetary assistance from bodies such as the I.M.F. Thus Washington watches the Dominicans with concern, while they glance nervously at Haiti and Cuba. A great deal depends on the elections and the performance of the new government, but there is no doubt that recovery or decline are both possible and 1982 sees the country at a cross­roads.

Haiti: The poorest country in the Western hemisphere, Haiti is getting poorer and the slight improvements

of the early days of 'Baby Doc', President Jean Claude Duvalier, are now forgotten. The country has no dollars and things are now tight even for the small but wealthy middle class. Bauxite has been worked out, agricultural exports are down, aid from several donor countries has been withdrawn due to local corruption while the iron grip of the Duvaliers may have been slightly weakened by domestic and international scandals and the adverse publicity from the 'boat people' and the various 'invasions' by exiles. At the same time the land's ecology has been devastated by erosion resulting from charcoal burning, which is the only source of employment, heat and cooking for many of the rural poor. Clearly Haiti, with its huge problems and huge population represents a potential threat to all its neighbours. There are certain signs, prompted doubtless by American pressure, of the admin­istration attempting some organisation in order to qualify for I.M.F. assistance, but the future is very uncertain and it is hard to find cause for optimism.

Jamaica: After a year of violence and eight years of socialism under Michael Manley, Jamaicans in 1980

elected a more right wing government under Edward Seaga and have started the long haul back to economic prosperity supported by heavy financial assistance from the capitalist world. The change


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Jamaica-in atmosphere has been astonishing but the strict fmancial controls imposed by I.M.F. terms have meant that existing debts are still being paid off and money has not yet reached the streets. World conditions and in particular the sluggish bauxite market have not helped, but it is felt that the U.S backing given to Jamaica has been so public and is so important that the Americans cannot afford to let the recovery flounder. Jamirica's essential problem remains that of educating and developing the mass of its population, despite the best efforts of the Manley regime, but of course such programmes require money and at least there are now signs of revival in the tourist trade and a continuing aware­ness of the importance of agricultural production -other than that of marijuana! It is pleasant to be able to feel some optimism about such a beautiful and friendly island, especially since there are so few Caribbean countries right now where things are actually getting better.

* * *

S.S. GOVERNOR loading sugar at Port of Spain, Trinidad in 1939.

This photograph was discovered in a West Indies Circular dated March 23rd 1939 and describes Port of Spain's New Quay thus:- "The deep water harbour which was started in 1935 will be completed this year at a total cost of practically one million pounds. In the photograph the Harrison Line steamer, GO VERNOR, is seen "christening" the 3,000 feet long quay on February 16th by berthing alongside to load 7,000 tons of Trinidad sugar, which have now safely arrived in the United Kingdom. The depth alongSide the quay is 30 feet at dead low water, and five steel ware­houses, each 405 feet long, have been built on it."

On admiring the picture, a noted Harrison expert in West Indian customs commented that it most ably and artistically captures the air of relaxation for which Port of Spain has long been famous!

It is interesting to note that there was 30 feet of water alongside 43 years ago. On page 2 of his 1981 Annual Report the Chairman has made mention of the draft limitations (26 feet) at Port of Spain today, which physically prevents the CAROL ships from making d1i·ect calls at Trinidad.

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The appearance of the article about Harrison v:essels that have been sold in recent years in Newsletter 33 resulted in a number of letters being written by people who had further information about these ships. As a follow-up therefore it is thought that a summary giving the latest information known would be of interest to readers.

All Harrison vessels built before 1954 have now been scrapped. The end of most of them is recorded in A.G. Collingwood's article about the Harrison Line that appeared in the May 1977 edition of "Sea Breezes". Since then however, seven more vessels have gone to the breaker's yard:-

ARBITRATOR (built 1951 - 8032 tons) at Karachi in May 1977 as theY ANTI. CROFTER (1951 -8377 tons) at San Estaban de Pravia, Spain in June 1977 as the SAN GEORGIO II. GOVERNOR (1952- 8202 tons) at Santander in June 1979 as the DIAMONDO. DIPLOMAT (1953 - 8202 tons) at Kaohsiung in May 1980 as the ANTONIOS. DEFENDER (1955- 8165 tons) in Colombia in October 1977 as the EUROMARINER. ADMINISTRATOR (1958- 8638 tons) at Chittagong in Sept. 1979 as the ORIENTAL SEA (ex TYNE) AUTHOR (1958- 8627 tons) at Karachi in November 1978 as the HUMBER.

The oldest vessel still afloat, therefore, is the ex-BARRISTER of 1954 (8366 tons), although she has been laid up at Piraeus since February 1977. She was sold by Harrisons to Liberian owners in 1974 and became the GEORGE but in July, 1976 was purchased by her present Cypriot owners who, (at obvious great expense), changed theE to a Y and call her GEORGY!

The STEEL TRADER (SCHOLAR/SAMARIA) remains in the Shatt-al-Arab, detained as a result of the continuing war between Iran and Iraq.

More recently another vessel has met with what must now be considered an untimely end. The MIGHTY PEARL (SEA PEARL/CUSTODIAN) is considered a total loss -wrecked on soft coral, 500 yards South East of Inagua Island (the Southern most island in the Bahama chain), on February 2nd. The recent misfortunates of the CUSTODIAN are recorded thus by Lloyd's List:-

"Halifax, J an.11. Main engine damage J an.1: Vesse1loaded part cargo at Montreal and Baie Verte before proceeding to Saint John, N.B. to complete loading for Caribbean ports. Vessel departed Baie Verte 0930, Jan 1 but at 2330 hrs. smoke was detected at main thrust bearing. Main engine was stopped and, after cleaning filters, passage to Saint John was resumed at slow speed. Temperatures at thrust bearing apparently remained normal while engine operated at slow speed and vessel arrived at Saint John on Jan.5. On opening up thrust after arrival severe damage was found to have been sustained. All ahead and astern thrust pads are completely burnt out and the ahead thrust collar is heavily scored and torn due metal-to-metal contact between pads and collar. In addition, No.8 main bearing, which located at aft end of thrust block, is wiped. Initial attempts to turn the engine failed due to seizure, caused by a jammed thrust pad, and damage was sustained by the turning gear seating. Permanent repairs, which now in hand at Saint John, consist of: Remetalling and machining of all thrust pads, remetalling of No.8 main bearing, part renewal of turning gear seat, in situ machining of ahead thrust collars and opening and inspection of selected engine bearings in order to establish extent of damage.

Jan.20. Main engine damage Jan. I. Ascertained that port aft generator partly flooded when salt­water cooling line failed on J an.l. Armature coil resistance readings are zero and all attempts to improve them have failed. Consider necessary remove generator ashore for armature rewinding but this deferred until future convenient opportunity.

Jan.27. Repairs completed, sailed (from Saint John, N.B.) 0200 Jan.27. Feb.2, Nassau.- Following received from local director of maritime affairs- M.V. MIGHTY

PEARL, stated en route (from Montreal) for Kingston, Ja., with wood pulp, asbestos, food and provisions, aground 500 yards south east of Inagua in lat.20 59N, long 73 07W. Crew on board, no danger. Vessel taking in water, 12 ft. in engine-room and sitting on soft coral bottom. Help refused locally.

Feb.5.- Still aground at Inagua. Understood that owners have awarded contract for salvage oper­ations to Wijsmuller BV, Ymuiden. M tug FAIRPLAY IX is proceeding and is expected to be on scene this afternoon.

Feb.8 - Understood salvors' tug has arrived at location in Inagua. Representatives of Wijsmuller passed through Nassau to Inagua Feb. 6. Owners and salvors signed Lloyd's form.


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Where are they now? (Contd.)

Feb.l7 - Not moved. Salvors found hole in shaft tunnel and hoping to patch and pump sufficient­ly to tow vessel to calmer water on west Inagua near M(l.tthew Town. Weather hampering work. No attempt to remove cargo yet; no facilities. It is believed that salvors are hoping to make vessel seaworthy for tow to Kingston.

Feb.25 -Salvors report: All compartments now under control. Forward tank under air pressure. Engine-room dry but continuing to pump approximately 30 tons per hour. Ship trimmed down by stern. Towline connected and will start attempt to move on tonight's high tide. Wind north-east force 5 (fresh breeze). No pollution.

Mar. 11 - Salvors report difficulties continue, mainly getting equipment on board. Hoping further attempt to refloat weekend (Mar.l3/14) or early next week.

Mar.25 -Met salvors in Nassau Mar.24. Now seems all hope of refloating vessel has been abandoned, damage to hull bottom too severe. Mr. Halfweeg, of Wijsmuller, has personally inspected cargo. As regards asbestos, main part in good order, especially between decks which not been under water, and plastic bags appear to be holding. Salvors presently investigating possibility of getting suitable barge to go alongside as better weather predicted. Salvors would have to use MIGHTY PEARL lifting gear, which needs some repairs, and if successful in transferring to barge would proceed to Kingston (Ja.).

April 2nd - visited by P & I representative from United States, surveyor for Italian hull under­writers and Salvage Association surveyor, also for hull. Hull and machinery appears total loss. Water present in No. 2 port deep tank, No.3 lower hold, i.e. below 'tween deck, No.4 base of hold 3 ft. lower 5%, No. 5 all lower hold up to base of turbo-chargers. Engines virtually submerged, with 1,000 tons water in engine-room. Duct keel, shaft tunnel and escape and aftpeak all flooded. Vessel aground in three places, aft No. 1 hold through No. 2 to fore end No. 3 hold full width, starboard side centre bulkhead Nos.3 and 4 lOft by lOft. and starboard side diagonal engineroom across to aft peak. One hundred and fifty tons heavy oil still on board. Vessel's gear poor state, repairs necessary for it to be used for any cargo offloading. Salvors still checking availability suitable barges, costs, etc."

So now there are nineteen ex-Harrison vessels believed to be still trading. At 28 years old the JOURNALIST still plods on as the ELISSAR although her movements have not been reported since _ ~he left Suez on July 6th last year. With the existing worldwide depression it may be that she and indeed 3ome of the other older ships are laid up awaiting a cargo, a buyer or a scrap dealer, although the records do not show this.

The BENEFACTOR was sold, in Cape Town, on the 16th April to the Seltaka Shipping Company of Panama. Her owners have renamed her SOUTHERN LADY.

Captain E.J. Maxwell is presently on leave having completed a spell in the BENARMIN/ AUTHOR. During these charter voyages to the Ben Line and the United Arab Shipping Company, he spotted two ex-Harrison vessels and has passed on the following information.

One rainy night last December the BEN ARMIN was approaching the narrowest part of the Malacca Straits from the western end on her way to Singapore. There were several ships up ahead proceeding in the same direction, all of which were gradually overtaken except one which persistently stayed ahead. Captain Maxwell had to slow down to allow this ship to pass through the narrows ahead of the BENARMIN and as the first light of dawn gradually lit the scene the silhouette of this vessel became recognisable as that of the INVENTOR, now called the PENTA WORLD. Outwardly she was in need of a coat of paint (her colour scheme remains very "Harrisonic", with the exception of the funnel) but obviously there was nothing wrong down below since she was thumping along at eighteen knots.

During her next voyage the AUTHOR had just sailed from Mina Qaboos in the Gulf of Oman on March 6th when the FORUM CRAFTSMAN was espied at anchor outside the port looking very 'tatty. She too was still in Harrison colours with the exception of the funnel and had what appeared to be a full load of pipes on board (she had been loading in Canada in late January). The poor state of her external condition was confirmed at the end of April when Captain T. Wilson aboard the SPECIALIST advised that he had seen her at anchor off Kawasaki "receiving a much needed chipping and painting job". Incidentally, whereas the word CRAFTSMAN on the bow is neatly painted on the original welded lettering, FORUM has apparently been added in front by an inebriated amateur!!

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BARRISTER 1954 8120 9/74 GEORGE LIBERI.A -II 7/76 GEORGY :::::YPRUS Laid up Piraeus 1977


PLAINSMAN 1959 d630 6/79 EVLALIA GREECE Piraeus 4. 3. 82. ADVENTURER 1960 8410 10/78 ELEFTHERIA GREECE Luanda 24. 12. 81. CUSTODIAN 1961 8701 8/79 SEA PEARL CYPRUS i -

II 11/81 MIGHTY PEARL CYPRUS Aground Inagua 2.. 2. 82. EXPLORER 1961 6950 12/78 LINK TRUST LIBERIA -

II 6/81 BARU SPIRIT GREECE Piraeus 25. 3. 82. TACTICIAN 1961 8701 7/79 SEA LUCK CYPRUS -

II 10/80 KERO PERU Panama W'bound 14. 4. 82. DALES MAN 1961 6950 1/79 ADRIAN OS GREECE -

II ? IOANNIS GREECE Rauen 31. 3. 82. ...... 00 DISCOVERER 1963 5583 7/77 JIN CHANG CHINA Kobe 16. 4. 82.

INVENTOR 1963 8813 3/81 PENTA WORLD SINGAPORE Singapore Roads 10. 3. 82. STATESMAN 1964 5582 7/77 JIAN CHANG CHINA Kudamatsu 13. 4. 82. PHILOSOPHER 1964 5582 7/77 YONG CHANG CHINA Chiba 2. 4. 82. NATURALIST 1965 5580 8/77 YI CHANG CHINA Singapore Roads 16. 4. 82. NOVELIST 1965 5580 10/77 WU CHANG CHINA Kobe 14. 4. 82. TRADER 1966 5788 3/80 BANGPRA-IN SINGAPORE Bangkok 15. 4. 82. LINGUIST 1966 5788 4/80 BANGPLEE SINGAPORE -

II ? UNISOL PERU Valparaiso 18. 4. 82. MAGICIAN 1968 8454 5/81 CHERRY CRYSTAL SINGAPORE Kuwait 15. 4. 82. HISTORIAN 1968 8454 5/81 CHERRY ORIENT SINGAPORE Istanbul E'Bound 28. 3. 82. MERCHANT 1964 7606 7/79 SISAL TRADER GREECE Bahrain 29.3. 82. SCHOLAR 1965 7606 7!79 STEEL TRADER GREECE Trapped Shatt-al-Arab 26. 8. 80. BENEFACTOR 1970 11299 4/82 SOUTHERN LADY PANAMA Cape Town 3. 4. 82. CRAFTSMAN 1971 10219 11/81 FORUM CRAFTSMAN GREECE Kawasaki 26. 4. 82.



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Last of the general purpose vessels! m v. BENEFACTOR, 11299 tons; Launched in 1970 for Lyras Bros. as the ION, she was purchased new by Charente in 1971 and sold in April, 1982 to Panamanian owners who have renamed her SOUTHERN LADY.

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Tweddles has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Charente Steam-Ship Company for twelve years now but few people know much about the company or its activities. This article attempts to put that matter to rights and provides some insight into the firms's history.


T .A. Mitchell

To say that you work for Tweddles is tantamount to placing yourself in the "Mastermind" chair; "Who did you say?", "How do you spell that?", "What do they do?", "How long have they been connected with Harrisons?" Well, none of us can go back to the beginning, but Mr. Norman MacBryde, who retired from our staff some ten years ago, has been a great help in delving down memory lane and my thanks go to him for his help in compiling this article.

We know that the firm was founded in 1835 for in 1935 Mr. Tweddle arranged a centenary outing for all staff members to Llandudno! (The present staff eagerly await news of the present Owner's plans for 1985). It seems that from that early date Mr. Thomas Tweddle first offered his services as a Customs and Consular agent to Liverpool Shipowners and Brokers.

The service, we believe, consisted of collecting Bills of Lading and preparing a Ships' manifest in Spanish from them. Mr. Tweddle then had the various documents legalised at the appropriate Consulate of the country for which the cargo was destined. We do not possess any early documents to show which Lines used the service, but Harrisons were trading with Spanish speaking countries from the middle of the last ce:1tury, so presumably, a close working relationship started then. Apparently there was sufficient requirement for Mr. Tweddle's services to earn a good living.

In the 1880s the rival firm of Delahunt merged with Mr. Tweddle and the style of the firm was altered to reflect both names. Mr. Delahunt was honorary Consul for Colombia at that time but he retired around 1920 and the Firm's name reverted to Thomas Tweddle and Company despite the fact that Mr. William (Willie) Tweddle was now the owner and had taken his brother Albert into partnership. Albert had previously spent some time as a purser with Alfred Holt and had been apprenticed as a clerk to the Harrison Line but when Mr. Willie died in a motoring accident in Wales in about 1932, Mr. Albert, as the last male in the Tweddle family line took over as sole owner.

Mr. MacBryde can recall visiting the Tweddle home in Birkdale at this time and remembers being met at the 1oor by a maid who would be dressed in blue if it were morning or in black with white apron and cap if it were afternoon or evening. Mr. Albert Tweddle was a small rotund person with a florid complexion who called everyone "Laddie".


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Thomas Tweddle & Co. Ltd. (Contd.)

He was a bachelor and could therefore please himself as to what he did in his spare time. Apart from the occasional visit to the office he seemed to spend most of his days during the months of November to July travelling to and from the Isle of Man on the ferry! The office boy's job then was to meet him at the Pier Head at 10.30 with a copy of the Journal of Commerce, three beef sandwiches and two cheese biscuits which had been collected en route from Andersons in Exchange Street. "I'll pay you on Friday, Laddie', was the usual reply to the request for three shillings payment each day. To the office lad, aged 19, earning two pounds and fifteen shillings a week, Friday was therefore a very important day!

The other bachelor in the office was Mr. Eddie (Nick) Nicholas. His lot was to meet Mr. Tweddle off the Isle of Man boat and journey with him to Heswall for a quiet pint before being sent home. No doubt he had to wait until the end of the week for his beer money too!

In the 1930s the office was situated in South John Street on the third floor; that is until Mr. Hitler decided to resite it in the basement one night. The big metal safe apparently caused more damage than the bomb but all documents were safely recovered from within and taken to the P.S.N.C. building in the Gorree, (now the Customs House). After the war the Firm moved to Coopers Buildings in Church Street and was situated right above Coopers coffee blending and roasting machine. The delightful smell was best enjoyed from the sloping desk by the window where one prepared the manifests for legalisation in longhand with pen and nib and hectograph ink. The originals were transferred to a gelatine (later clay trays) and copies taken from them to produce the final product.

We worked long hours and most Saturdays, sometimes until ten o'clock at night, translating Bills of Lading for the "Venezuelan" or "Brazil" sailings. The manifests accompanied the ships in those days and if they were to sail on a Monday, seven hundred or more Bills had to be processed over the weekend. Sometimes we had to take a tug out to the vessel which had sailed but was waiting for the documents off New Brighton.

Mr. Albert Tweddle died at the end of 1959 and his sister, Mrs. D. Glazebrook became the proprietor unti11970 when she decided to leave and the remaining staff approached Harrisons. This led to the existing arrangement whereby Tweddles became a daughter company of the Charente Steam-Ship Co. and moved into Mersey Chambers in 1978 from the Corn Exchange where they had been situated for the previous twenty years.

Although Tweddles were operating a freight forwarding department by this time the Company was still a small family business and enjoyed all the advantages of such an organisation, like loyalty, dedica­tion and longevity of service. Most of these assets still exist.

From the early days of preparing manifests for shipping Lines such as P.S.N.C .. Booth, Lamport and Holt and Harrisons, there developed requests to prepare consular invoices for Central and South America from existing forwarding agents.

Then we were asked to become involved in forwarding itself so that today Tweddles offers a complete forwarding service worldwide together with warehousing, insurance and haulage for export and our recently introduced import section is beginning to grow.

In the present poor economic climate many clients of forwarding agents are looking to their own shipping departments to cope with the duties traditionally handled by companies like Tweddles. They eventually discover that the flexibility of our organisation and the experience gained over many decades are not easily or effectively replaced however. As these manufacturers realise the advantages of using the expert they will revert to using our services when maybe we will again be able to have maids answer the door and take day trips to Llandudno.

* * *


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Ken Hardman recently "applied for redundancy" after 30 years at sea, mainly with Harrisons as an A.B. A prolific writer, he was won many prizes for his ston·es. Here are some of Ken's memories of his days with T & J.


Ken Hardman

In the early 1940's, when I took my first faltering steps up a ship's gangway, it was considered a bit snide to be a Company's man. There was an abundance of ships, and the world was our oyster. So it wasn't until 1951 that I agreed to do two consecutive trips with Harrisons; I was a ripe old twenty-four and getting a little tired of long trips. Thus is stability born.

My contemporaries thought me slightly addled, of course. "With Harrisons?" they would say, with expressions of incredulity. For it must be admitted that at that moment in time Thos. & Jas. didn't have a very enviable reputation. The tired old maxim of 'two of fat and one of lean' was in it's prime. When you saw some particularly thin lad down at the Pool, you would laughingly ask if he'd just done six months with Harrisons.

All that was not without justification; I remember having porridge and half a kipper - not a whole one, but half- for breakfast. I suspect, indeed I know, that other Companies weren't much better at the time. A good job that food has never been very high on my agenda.

Anyway, the Pool used to empty like an upturned bucket when the gaunt figure of Captain McBride appeared behind the counter, like the Grim Reaper. He was Harrisons Poolliasion man, about six foot four, with .a menacing air designed to strike terror into the hearts of coal-burning firemen.

That, incidentally, was how I got my very first Harrison boat, a one-off job in 1945, during my years in the wilderness. It was at the old Pool in the Sailor's Home. When I had finished spinning around after the general exodus, a sepulchural voice said, "What's your rating, laddie?" Thus I became J.O.S. on the old coal-burning CUSTODIAN; an eight-month Canada-Cape-East Africa trip; Capt. Weatherall in command.

After that joyous experience, I damn near left the sea, never mind Harrisons. There were more men down below than there were on deck on coal-burners, and the firemen's favourite recreation seemed to be knocking seven bells out of the sailors.

We were tied up at Port Said, homeward bound, on King Farouk's birthday. All the locals had a compulsory holiday, s.s. CUSTODIAN, 5881 tons at Durban in 1946. She served Harrisons from 1928 to and the trimmers, full 1950 and was 5crapped in 1959 as the SIVA RANJITA.

of genuine home-brewed Egyptian scotch, decided we should have a day off, too.

We had just finished dressing ship overall -no mean feat on that one - and I was chipping the coaming off number three hatch, between the bridge and the galley. Three coal-smeared Yorkies lurched past me, bound for the bridge.


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Of Sailing Ships, and Sealing Wax (Contd.)

"What yer doin' workin', yer little sod?" one of them snarled. "We're up to see t' Skipper."

I saw them stride through the Old Man's weather-door, then back out again at almost the same pace.

"Go ahead, shoot me, ye bastard!" one of them shouted.

Then I saw the barrel of an enormous revolver poking through the doorway. There was no day off.

In passing, I must mention the one I got after the CUSTODIAN. It was a tramp called the WALTER SCOTT, belonging to the Chine Shipping Co., apparently owned by a Chinee with literary aspirations- he had two more called the CHARLES DICKENS and the THACKERAY. He mustn't have been able to handle Thackeray's Christian names - William Makepeace.

It was an eleven month twenty-seven day trip -which always sticks in my mind because we missed the Income Tax relief by four days, which didn't exactly please us.

Harrisons paled into insignificance compared with that one. Never know when you're well off, do you?

We were loading grain at Geelong, Australia, at the same time as the square-rigged sailing ship PAMIR, which was still trading then. I had to go aboard her for a look-see, of course; as I gazed up, stupefied by the mass of rigging, a Baltic-type voice said, "You like ship, huh? You sailor?" He was a huge man with beard and cheese-cutter. Yes - I nodded I was sailor - "I'm on that one", I gestured across the harbour to where Wally Scott mouldered quietly at the quayside.

"Huh!" he snorted, "that not ship. Want job on real ship? I am Mate".

"No thanks - " I edged my way toward the gangway, thinking about Shanghai stories and belaying pins.

I often wonder what would have happened if I'd taken a job on her; apparently most of her original crowd had skinned out in the then-promised land of Australia- as had some of Wally's crowd, for that matter. One thing is for sure: I would have got home quicker. The two ships left Geelong on the same day; Pamir took ninety-two days to Hamburg -Wally took one hundred and ten days to London, stopping everywhere as assorted bits fell off the engine.

s.s. GEOLOGIST, 6155 tons. Built in 1944 she was sunk in collision off Trinidad on July 13th 1955, with the loss of 19lives. The other J'essel, SUN PRINCESS, was found to be at fault.

Another one-off was on the GEOLOGIST in 1949. I don't remember much about that one- which is perhaps as well. You don't like to think about a ship lying murdered at the bottom of some God­forsaken Pass.

The FORESTER was the first of the long list of consecutive trips with Tom & Jerry. She was new at the time, with real electric winches; made a

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Of Sailing Ships and Sealing Wax (Contd.)

change from having your plums lightly broiled by blasts of steam - especially if you were wearing


I don't want to turn this into a dreary list of ships, but I must have gone through practically all of the fleet. Strangely, I have fond remembrances of the Sam-boats; the COLONIAL especially, even though she did have steam winches of a damn near uncontrollable American breed. I remember a frantic Chief Steward flinging himself bodily onto a pallet-board of stores because I couldn't stop the bloody winch. We only lost a bag of cabbages.

Now we'll advance to s.s. FORESTER, 8203 tons, 1952 to 1970; she was scrapped in 1973 as MALDIVE the emergence of the AMBASSADOR at Sakaide.

ADVENTURER- the Big A, affectionately known as the Ball-buster. This was because everything aboard her seemed to be slightly larger than life; Harrisons first Stulcken ship, so things had to be super-safe -that is, twice as big. The blocks for the 150ton gear were a wonder to behold; you needed one of Pickfords to get them down the deck.

We flew to Hamburg early 1960 to bring her back to Sunderland after she had been fitted with the Stulcken gear. It was a startling first view of the ship, with the then-heaviest single-lift jumbo in the world straddling her amidships like a gigantic Praying Mantis. My first thought was, how the hell are we going to paint that?

On the Maiden voyage there were twelve on deck, plus two Bosuns: an ordinary one and a 'Heavy­lift' Bosun, who doubled as Lamptrirnmer. There were also two Mates: Watchkeeping and Heavy-lift, so we had plenty of supervision.

Four main 'drivers' were chosen, inevitably nicknamed the Four Just Men, which was a popular T.V. series at the time. The controls were so ridiculously simple that three-year-olds could have driven them if they had been able to see over the top of the cab screen.

Yet we four were sent for during our leave to take lifts in home ports- apart from Liverpool, where the Shore-gang did it.

It was great; train to, say, London, with a briefcase-size bag containing dungarees and shirt -taxi to the docks, change, nip up Stulcken posts, bang, bang, lift aboard, down again, change, collect pay plus generous no-quibble expenses, taxi to station, train home. I could have stood a lot of that.

After that the Stulcken ships became commonplace: TACTICIAN, HISTORIAN, CUSTODIAN­the latter one looking very different from it's predecessor. I had a strange desire to get the boys and nip across to fill in the four or five firemen.

An incident on the HISTORIAN stands out. We were hove-to in the South Atlantic after a spell of bad weather. The Old Man, R.P. Jones, was on the fo'csle head inspecting some cracks at the base of the bulwark knees, and I was up the foremast, baling out the navigation light. I was sealing it up again with some kind of putty because one of the butterfly nuts had broken off, when the Old Man shouted, "You've got company, Ken!" I looked up to stare at a range of three feet into the cold,


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Of Sailing Ships and Sealing Wax (Contd.)

merciless eyes of a Wandering Albatross, motionless on it's six-foot wings. The tip of one of them was so close that I could see the fleas jumping on it. Apart from nearly falling off the mast, I'll never forget those eyes; there was knowledge of a million square miles of empty, restless ocean somewhere down those two black tunnels. There can't be many who have stared an Albatross in the eyes on equal terms!

Another step on to the CRAFTSMAN; this time, twin Stulckens, each one lifting more than the ADVENTUR­ER's now-puny 180 tons, but with far less hassle. One man at flrst the Mate, but more

m v. CUSTODIAN, 8701 tons. Built in 1961, she was sold in 1979, re-named SEA PEARL and then MIGHTY PEARL last November. She ran aground off Inagua Island on Feb. 2nd and is considered a total loss.

recently anyone who was around- could lift a theoretical 500 tons by manipulating a six-inch stick set in a portable box.

The CRAFTSMAN seems to have figured largely in my life; I was on her on four separate occasions. I have written about my aborted trip on her in other magazines, so I won't bore you with it again. She was also my last Harrison ship; or should I say, my last ship, period. An epic eight-month voyage (shades of the old CUSTODIAN!) during which we completely circumnavigated South America, Straits of Magellan and all, after previously taking in a good chunk of Canada. An eventful trip to say the least.

I had a crack at the Container ships in the meantime, but I wasn't cut out for the Gantry-driving bit. I used to come out of the cab like a bag of rags at the end of an hour. A sad technological footnote for one of the Four Just Men.

At the moment I'm enjoying finding out what it's like not to live out of a suitcase. Dunno how long that willlast,though; probably just about as long as the money does.

I haven't many regrets; except perhaps that I didn't join the PAMIR. I might have been another Joseph Conrad by now! !

* * *


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Roy H. Rowe

On the 4th September, 1925 the "SPEAKER" was ready for sea. She looked very trim lying alongside her berth in the West India Dock - her newly painted funnel and ships sides standing out conspicuously against the drab background of the wharf and sheds. Her hatches had been battened down, her derricks lowered and secured and the Blue Peter was flying lazily at the fore. Steam was on deck, the steering gear, whistle and telegraph had been tested, the passengers were accounted for and even Mr. Litten, the River Pilot, and his assistant helmsman were on board. Captain Hocking, the Marine Superintendent had been in long conference with Captain Short but even he had gone ashore by now. In fact everything was ready for sea, except we had no crew- there was a seamen's strike in effect.

However, there was an air of quiet expectancy on board; we did not know quite what was going to happen but we were certain that something was afoot and, sure enough, after a while there was a commotion on the wharf and a large closed van pulled up, from which emerged a strange crowd of men carrying all kinds of baggage, kit bags and packages. They immediately came up the gangway, made straight for the forecastle, deposited their gear, and as if instructed like a pack of boy scouts, went straight to their stations. Once there, stand-by was rung on the ship's telegraph, the order was given to single up fore and aft and very shortly the ship was on its way down the dock towards the lock and was soon on her way down the River Thames heading towards Gravesend. (It was said of Mr. Litten, the River Pilot that he personally knew every drop of water in the River Thames and knowing the man as I did, I can quite believe it). Arriving off Gravesend we exchanged the River for the Channel Pilot and fairly soon we were on our way along the Kentish Coast towards the North Foreland when I was given a short respite from my duties on the bridge.

S.S. SPEAKER; 4,264 gross tons- built for Scrutton, Son and Co. in 1913 as the "SA VAN" she was acquired by f!arrisons in 1920. In 1926 she was sold to France and became the "NICOLE SCHIAFFINO. "Italians bought her m1937 and renamed her "GIOVANNI GALLI" and in 1939 she had her name changed again to "SANTO PAULO". After a career of 32 years and five different names she was finally scuttled in Venice on March 20th 1945.


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Shopkeepers at Sea (Contd.)

On taking over the watch again I noted with interest that the channel steamer from Folkestone had already left the harbour and was headed across the channel towards her destination in France. I remembered thinking at the time that I would undoubtedly have to alter course for her eventually, but in the meantime I decided to take a survey of the balance of the horizon. It was a beautiful night and as my gaze came to the stern of the vessel I noted with horror a long arc formed by our wake, indicating that our ship was swinging fast. When challenging the man at the wheel I asked him what on earth he thought he was doing and he replied "Cor blimey Mister, I thought this bleedin' thing steered like a bloody motor car."

This response prompted me to enquire further, and in answer to the question -"Have you been to sea before", he replied - "Oh no Sir, I am a greengrocer's assistant!!!"

* * *



Readers of this Newsletter will recall that Harrisons are involved in West Indies cricket a3 co­sponsors of the one day limited over competition. The cricket season in the Caribbean runs from February to April and the big attractiOn for 1982 was to have been a tour by New Zealand, an event of great interest to local supporters who could hardly wait to see their team gain revenge for the surprising defeat suffered by the West Indies in that acrimonious and ill-disciplined series two years ago. Unfortunately the politicians and the media then stepped in and the New Zealanders' visit was cancelled because of the South African rugby tour. Last minute efforts failed to arrange a tour by newly recognized Sri Lanka, and so we were left to console ourselves with the thought that at least the local regional cricket- and thereby our sponsorship- would receive maximum support and publicity.

One novelty when the season got under way was that the Leeward & Windward Islands, current holders of the Shell Shield, were to be competing for the first time in that competition as separate teams, as indeed they have always done in the one day matches. This of course meant an increase in the number of matches to be played and as a result it was decided to stage the Shell four-day and the GGHL one-day games on successive days so as to save on travelling and hotel expenses. This in turn meant that the previous format for our competition was altered from the original idea where the top team out of two groups of three qualified for a final, to one of a straight league between all six sides with the first two qualifying for a final play-off.

Trinidad & Tobago were the Cup holders in 1981, but their season got off to a disappointing start when they were roundly beaten in Bridgetown, the site of their remarkable triumph in the final of the previous year. Without their former captain, Deryck Murray, now 'retired' as manager of the team, the Trinidadians were no match for the very powerful Thea Cuffy, they compiled a lacklustre 141, donating in the process some very respectable figures to some very innocuous bowlers. 50 overs were more than enough for the likes of Bacchus and Timur Mohammed to score the runs.

Meantime the Windward Islands, beaten in Dominica by the Leewards on their first outing, were succumbing by 5 wickets to Barbados and the batting power of Gordon and Alvin Greenidge. A crucial match was when Barbados then travelled to the tiny island of Nevis to tackle the Leewards, who had by then added Jamaica to their list of scalps. A fine team performance from the home side saw the big names of Barbados being humbled by 6 wickets - I can well imagine the celebrations around the tiny ground.

At the start of the season, Jamaican hopes had been high, but when they travelled to Trinidad in the middle of March, they had beaten Guyana but lost to the Leewards. They were to play the first regional match ever to be held at Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre, the beautifully kept ground of the Texaco Sports Club set amidst the tanks and towers of the huge refinery. This was a thrilling match


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Sports (Contd.)

Geddes Grant Harrison Line Cup 1982-

played at a fast pace. Despite the loss of an early wicket, Richard Gabriel and Larry Gomes scored steadily for Trinidad against a Jamaican attack weakened by the absence of Michael Holding. When Gomes was eventually out for 81, Thea Cuffy strode to the wicket and proceeded to crack the bowlers all over the ground and out of it. After the 50 overs, Gabriel was on 110 and Cuffy a remark­able 83 not out, scored off only 44 balls. Both Gabriel and Cuffy are experienced players, although neither has ever quite made the Test team. Gabriel has all the talent but tends to lose his head, while Cuffy is too much of a hit-or-miss front foot player, although when on form he is in the class of Collis King as a striker of the ball. The Jamaican reply to all this was based on Lawrence Rowe, the master craftsman, all elegance and timing as he spread his shots to every corner of the field, but their hopes faded when he was dazzlingly caught by Rajah and the Jamaicans finally succumbed some 87 runs short of the target. A match like this deservedly attracted considerable publicity from the press, radio and television, and Richard Gabriel was selected as man-of-the-match, his effort being the only century in this year's competition.

The Jamaicans' next match was in Barbados, where a damp wicket and aggressive bowling scuttled them out for only 68, the lowest total in the history of the Cup and no obstacle for the home team's batsman. Arriving in the afternoon I missed most of the play but was just in time to make the man-of-the-match presentation to Franklyn Stephenson, the latest Barbados fast bowling sensation, who in only his second representative match captured 5 for 26 in only 5 overs. Stephenson, who had first attracted attention by heroic deeds in Tasmania against the West Indies on their last tour, played his first match for Barbados in the Shell Shield against the Leewards in Antigua, where he was sent in as night watchman and the next day proceeded to score a whirlwind 165 - some night watchman!

In the meantime the Windwards began to play well, beating Trinidad by 6 wickets in Grenada, thanks to good performances from Lockart Sebastien ( 4 for 31 and 72 runs), Norbert Philip and Wilf Slack, the Essex and Middlesex players. They then disposed of Jamaica by 4 runs in a thrilling match played at Amos Vale, St. Vincent, for which the entire island was allowed a Public Holiday. At the same time in Guyana the rain was falling and the matches against the Wind wards, the Lee wards and Barbados were all cancelled or abandoned. The same fate befell Trinidad's match with the Leewards, who thus found themselves edging out Barbados for top place in the league.

The final was duly played on the 15th April in Antigua with the Leewards being awarded the home advantage, and immediately the Barbados team were at 4 for 3, after an early hat-trick by man-of­the-match Eldine Baptiste. Four more wickets from off-spinner Derek Parry restricted the visitors to a meagre total of 94 runs, which posed few problems for the Leewards, despite the absence of the injured Vivian Richards, and they duly became the winners of the 1982 Geddes Grant Harrison Line Cup.

And what of the Shell Shield? Here in the four day matches, Barbados were to underline their astonishing cricketing strength by winning the title for the 1Oth time in 16 years. The Windwards in their inaugural season finished only 5 points behind in second place, despite losing their final match in Guyana to the weather. Faoud Bacchus topped the batting averages but Richards, Matthis, Gabriel and Herbert Chang (of Jamaica) scored the most runs. Similarly King and Garner topped the bowling, although Ranjie Nanan confirmed his status as a Test class offspinner by totalling 32 wickets. 17 years old Robert Haynes of Jamaica took an amazing 20 wickets in his first two games, while Bernard Julien recaptured memories of his great days with 9 for 97 on an overcast day at the Queens Park Oval against Guyana. Players to watch for in future West Indies teams might include Logie, Stephenson and Dujon.

The future of international cricket remains in the balance as it has unfortunately become a political football. Regional cricket in the West Indies needs Test cricket as a stimulus, but at the same time a season with no Test matches may in some ways have been good for the game, and especially for the younger players. It remains a game which attracts enormous local interest, no least because of the current West Indian supremacy, and it would seem to me that barring politicalpitfalls and local money problems this interest will continue for many years to come.

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Sports (Contd.)


The Firm's annual Tennis Tournament will be staged at the Bebington Oval at the end of June. Will anyone interested in taking part (men's and ladies' singles and/or mixed doubles) please contact Chris Makinson or Janet Wharton in Mersey Chambers by the middle of June.

* * *

DARTS by Chris Makinson

The fmal stages of the Third Annual Harrison Line Darts Tournament took place at the Schooner Inn, Sefton House on Thursday, 29th April 1982.

The Winner of the Men's competition was Tom Ward (Tweddles) who beat Tom Worthington (Freight Department) 4-2 in a thrilling final, fittingly played out by two of the Mainstays of our League team. Mr. Ward had earlier defeated Tom Hayes (Stats) 3-1 in the Semi-Final whilst Mr. Worthington came from 0-2 to beat Jon Croft (Freight Dept.) 3-2.

Tom Ward had earlier won the mixed doubles final with Denise Smout - (Conference) beating Linda Douglas (Accounts) and Tom Hayes (Stats) 4-0 and Denise played her part fully finishing three of the four games, denying Linda and Tom a hat trick they having won this competition in the two previous years.

The Ladies' competition was won, as last year, by Jan Wharton (Conference) who beat Jayne Parsons (Accounts) 3-2, Jan coming back from 1-2 to take the game to the very last double.

Trophies were presented by Mr. R.J. Pemberton.

Men's Singles Winner T.Ward Runner-Up T. Worthington Losing Semi-Finalists J. Croft & T. Hayes

Ladies' Singles Winner J. Wharton Runner-Up J. Partons Losing Semi-Finalists A. Johnstone & R. Wright

Mixed Doubles Winners D. Smout & T. Ward Runners-Up L. Douglas & T. Hayes

Losing Semi-Finalists J. Parsons & G. Poole, R. Wright & D; Hoare.

Highest Score Medal: T. Ward (160)

* * *


The Shipping Staffs League Season has come to a close and unfortunately we were unable to peg back Albion Shipping who won the League by just two points from ourselves with the remainder trailing. However, compared to our lowly position last season we have made an incredible amount of improvement which should not be overlooked and with a little bit more luck we could have been involved in a play-off for the Championship.


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Sports (Contd.)

L.S.S.A. League-

At the time of going to press there is a doubt about next season's league taking place, but we hope that the present problems will be overcome and that next year will be our Year.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the players who have given me such support this past season.

* * *

The following poem was received just too late for inclusion in the last Newsletter and now that the "BENEFACTOR" has been sold, the details are slightly out of date. Nevertheless, the sentiment remains the same. The author of this poem describes himself only as "the Beni's Poet Laureate".


Two S's three A's Three W's too Plus the "old" Beni The numbers are few

Twenty-nine ships When I first joined the line The twenty have gone Which leave us with nine

Automation is here It's push-button life But try telling that To the redundant man's wife

The wastage is great In men and machines And I dread to consider The out of work Teens

Tory or Labour They're both just the same It's a world-wide recession Who knows who to blame?

But there's hope in the future We're building new ships Will retention be over By their maiden trips?

So let's hope for more charters At favourable rates And future employment For all our ship-mates!

* * * * *


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-... "ADVISER"

R.B. Simmons Master D. Hignett Chief Petty Officer W.W. Gibson Chief Officer B. Moran Seaman Grade I J.C. Harris 2nd Officer A.G. Brown " " J.A. Strathearn 3rd " G. Wiggins " " J.E.D. Gascoigne Chief Engineer S. McCartpy " " K.E. Duffy 2nd " G. Tiesteel " " G.T. Cadman 3rd " B. Prendergass " " J. Carpenter 3rd " W. McGinty " " J. Moore 4th " R. Aspinall 1st Electrician

W. Holmes Petty Officer Motorman S. Lowey Motorman Grade I A.W.C. Cooper Deck Cadet J. Warburton " " P.R. Fleetwood " "

J.C. Newsome Engr. " J. McGeogh Chief Cook A.T. Walsh Catering Officer S. Curran Cook Assistant C.R. Brown Radio Officer K. Ledsham 2nd Steward

R. Taylor Carpenter M. McGiveron Steward J. McLellan " P. Keats "

"ASTRONOMER" D. Skillander Master C. MacCallum Seaman Grade I R.J. Dobson Chief Officer D. Meaney " " W. Nute Chief Officer 0. Owen " " J.A. Cook 2nd " R. Hunter " " C.B. Gibbs 3rd " W. Newman " " M.D. McLaren Chief Engineer J. Roberts " " J.W. Watson 2nd " N. Andrews " " T. Rothwell 3rd " A.J. Seafield 3rd "

A. Howard P.O. Motorman

P.E. Paterson 4th " L. Smith Motorman Grade I H. Thomas " " M.J. O'Reilly 1 st Electrician

D.R. Clavering Deck Cadet E. McCormick Chief Cook J.C. Kaighin " " J. Jones Cook Assistant K.J. Graham Engr. " R. Farrington 2nd Steward N. Pritchard " " A. Kourelias Steward J.J. Van Pelt Catering Officer S. Neilo " M.N. Pitcher Radio Officer J. Carney " R. Stading Carpenter J. McGuinness Chief Petty Officer


R.J. Smith Master C.T. Thornton Seaman Grade I K. Dornan Chief Officer. T. Samber " " M.H. Farmer 2nd Officer M. Smythe " " B. Walker 3rd " T. Connell " " B.D. Hart Chief Engineer J. Lewis " " J.R. Barker 2nd " P. Eaton " " H.C. Mcintosh 3rd " A.J. Soens 3rd "

F. Byrne Petty Officer Motorman D. Jones " "

J. Robertson 4th " P.Burrows 1st Electrician

D. Boyd Motorman Grade I

M.J. McDonough Deck Cadet R.A. Smith Chief Cook P. Gilmour " " M.J. Robinson " "

D.P. Pisani Engr. " H. Davies 2nd Steward I.E.J. Robinson " " P. Keegan Steward

R. Stocks " G.E. Whitehead Catering Officer C. Adderley " D.C. Smith Radio Officer

F. Goulding Chief Petty Officer


R.H. Jones Master R.P. Rees 3rd Engineer G.S. Laird Chief Officer R.Burrows 1st Electrician P.G. Masters 2nd " E.R. Norman 2nd " D.J. Nevin 2nd Engineer I.A.H. Weir Deck Cadet

Page 31: No35

K. Long

S. Marlowe

T. Wilson P.D. Holloway D.K. Selvan A.J. Sharpe Wm. Duff D.M. Dawber G.J. Martin L. Hall G. Ratcliffe S.N. Bailey M. German M. Lowther D. Dewar B. Copland

J. Lamb P.King M. Peltier G. King

A.F. Perry M.E. Stoddart M.B. Manyama I.M. Drummond W. Brown S. Brunton J.F. Owens

N. Johnson J.S. Blakeley A.M. Powell B.L. Jones A. MacDonald T.E. Bulley P. Bums M.G. Whittaker

R. Bell K.A. McGeorge P.N. Humphreys K.C. Pearce A. Humphry M.S.E. Fox W.R. Griffiths


G.J. Jones


J.C. Sinclair

"SPECIALIST" Master D. Sayers Chief Officer M. Pierre 2nd " E. Green 3rd " C. Tannis Chief Engineer V. Romain 2nd " D. Cooper 3rd " J.D. Barron 4th " 5th "

C.D. Gomez

I st Electrician A. Dupray C. John

Deck Cadet E. Bernard Engr. " Catering Officer T.Beddoe Catering Officer A. Celestine

E. Stanley (from next relief early June) J. Llanos Radio Officer

Carpenter S. Moonesar

Chief Petty Officer W. Jack

Seaman Grade I

Master Chief Officer 2nd Officer 3rd " Chief Engineer 2nd " 3rd ,,

Master Chief Officer 2nd " 3rd " Chief Engineer 2nd " 2rd " 4th "

Master Chief Officer 2nd " 3rd " Chief Engineer 2nd " 3rd "

"STRATEGIST" J. Riley C. Hughes R.R. Beck M.S. O'Donnell G.G. Davenport J. Blundell J .C. Percival

"WANDERER" T. Carroll R.F. Allmark C. Williams A.R. Eastham N. Thomas M.D.A. Walsh

"WARRIOR" A.P. Dultram S.P. Catherall M.R. Thomas D.M. Wade A.N. Murray D.F. Jenkins S.J. Kirkwood

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer

Seaman Grade I " " " " " " " " Seaman Grade II " " Petty Officer Motorman Motorman Grade I " " " " 2nd Steward Chief Cook Cook Assistant Steward " Jun. Cat. Rating

4th Engineer 5th " 1st Electrician Deck Cadet Engr. " Catering Officer Radio Officer.

5th Engineer 6th " I st Electrician Deck Cadet Catering Officer Radio Officer

4th Engineer 5th Engineer 6th Engineer 1st Electrician Deck Cadet Catering Officer Radio Officer

Page 32: No35




F. Martin Master D.P. Penny 4th Engineer D. Newton Chief Officer C. Ruffell 5th Engineer W.J. Butcher 2nd Officer B. Marsh 6th Engineer R.D. Hunt 3rd " C.M. Cayford 1st Electrician S.T.P. Matthews Chief Engineer R.S. Posnett Deck Cadet G.L. Thomas 2nd " D.G. Ashley Catering Officer P.G. Hyland 3rd " G.K. Allison Radio Officer


D.W. Brennan (Beacon) Chief Officer J. Mealor (Amphion) Chief Officer


H.S. Bladon Master R. Cameron Chief Engineer B.W. Jones " G. Craig " " G. Lovell " M.C. Harris

, "

J. Maddison Master L. Hedley " " D.M. Owen " J .E. Jenkinson

, ,

J.M. Procter " W.J.M. Joseph , "

C.D. Riley , J. Lee " "

R. Shipley " E. Rook " " F.L. Steele " G.I. Smith " " R. Taylor " N.L. Thompson " " H. Traynor " D.A. Williams " " R.H. Williams " C.G. Barber 2nd Engineer G. Batchelor Chief Officer R.R. Baxter " " F.G. Bisset " " E.H. Bent " " R.A.C. Bourne " " G.W. Ellis " " J.H. Brierley " " G.K. Hughes " " R.I. Cape " " P.A. Keelan " " A.T. Joyce "

,. J .H. Maskell " " K. Lancester . " " A.R. McLaggan " " G.N. Moss " " A.J. Thompson " " B.S. Raper " " D. Wood " " G.A. Walter " " L. Beattie 3rd Engineer B.H. Birch 2nd Officer J. Carr " " B.C. D' Almada " " G.R. Davies " " D. Ellison " " J .M. Harrison " " N.A. Jardine " " J.M. Holt " " D.G. Jones

, " M. Kavanagh , "

A.K. Musoke " " P.V. Kelly ,

" P .B. Mimmack

, " A. Litwiwenko , ,

G. O'Malley " " R. Milne " ,

A.J. Patterson " " J.D. Murray " " W.G.S. Williams " " R.W. Wilson " " C.G. Atkinson 3rd " A. Ashman 4th Engineer

P.M. Basham " " R. Betteridge " "

P. Bodey " " J.A. Chadwick , ,

M. Bowkley , " K. Fields

, ,

D.I. Caig " , K.M. Fisher

, ,

P.S. Dickens , " A.R. Gargan

, ,

T.K. Foster " , A. Granger

, ,

J.B. Gething , " R.G. Jones

, ,

T.R. Greig , " A.K. Konasik

, ,

R. Jackson " " D.P. Lyons " " R. T. Lamming " " B. Miller " " S.J. Lowe " " D. Rigby " " J. Murray " " I.M. Thorburn " " G.K. Park " " P.S. Waterfall " " G.A. Stewart " " R.E. Whitaker " " P.R. Walton " " B. Whittaker " " J.L. Amsbury Chief Engineer A.H. Wilson " " R.D. Bishop " " H.W. Blackhurst 5th Engineer

D.B. Brassey " " R. Hilton " " D.W. Leslie

, "

Page 33: No35

I , ~

Officers on Leave (Contd.)

R. Maher P. Mault D.R. Moody T.A. Pinder I.A. Ainscough B.S. Coppack D. Edwards C.R. Gibson H. Ibbott D.H. Knight J.M. Martin M.G. Pakes F. Speed N.W. Thompson T.L. Allen K.H. Burch G. Fisher S. Green T.H. Higginson C.C. Hallas L.H. Hughes

5th Engineer K.B. Kenyon " " J.F. McCormick "

, D.C. McDonald

" " A. Noon 6th Engineer P. Taylor " " N.K. Anders " " G.M. Holdich " " E.W.C. Lloyd " " C.B. Monaghan " " J.M. Spurin " " S.D. Mellors " " J.B. Copland " " N. Coppell " " R.N. Drew 1st Electrician J. Duffy " " " " " "

" A.D. Eady " P. England " J. Hampson " W.R. Piper " G. Robinson " H. Russell

T. Smith


SAGUMEX OFFICE, HOUSTON I. Mathison Chief Officer


1'st Electrician " " ,

" " " " " Deck Cadet " " " " " " " " Engr. Cadet Catering Officer " " " " " " " " "

, " " "


" " "


" "


E.J. Maxwell Master I.J. Lowry Deck Cadet J.A. Northam Chief Officer S. Purslow " " W.J. Simms " " C.S. Shelton " " A. Atkin 2nd Officer A.J. Shepherd " " J.P.A. Billing " " A.E. Bates Engr. " B.A. McCleery " " J.A. Brittles " " N.G. Rebeiro " " M. Cox " " P.G. Wood " " M.K. Derrick " " P.A. Ellis 3rd " J. Fish " " A.J, Pugh "

, D.F. Furmston " " M.J. Christian 2nd Engineer B.D. Graham " " B. Punch " " G.C. Hughes " " C. Barnes 3rd Engineer R. Johnson

, "

M. Entwistle ,

" H.G. Jones " " A.P. Hannah

, , K.A. Jones , ,

M.R. Lewis 4th Engineer I.D. Latham ,

" F.J. Gardiner 6th Engineer M. Mciver " " S.N. Jeffrey

, , R.S. Postlethwaite " " T.S. Parke 1st Electrician J.D. Pye

, "

P.M. Bennett Deck Cadet J.R. Rees " " S.R. Brown " " A. Ruxton "


W.J. Coppack , , A.R. Thompson " "

M.W. Harrison ,

" H.G. Williams " " R.M. Hudson

, "

A.F. Jones , ,

* * * * *

Page 34: No35


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0470 ~DVISER (2014)



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7748 lNCOTRANS PhDHISE [6b4l



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CHRISTIHA ISAB~L (466) V!CTu~!A BAY (1661 LOOS~~ECHT (4671 BAkfUSl'I;;R (4f>8l

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