noid magazine

What is the first thing you see ? If you see a face its likely you have paranoid thoughts ISSUE 1 Rorshack Inkblot Number 11 s h e w a s a a f r a i d t o s t o p r e a d in g

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noid Magazine Issue 1


Page 1: noid Magazine

What is the first

thing you see?

If you see a face its likely you have paranoid thoughts


Rorshack Inkblot

Number 11

she was a afraid to stop reading

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upThe expectation of unattainable beauty has a far-reaching impact on Women’s economic well-being.


he burden of unattainable beauty has far-reaching implications for women’s economic well-being. Not only are women in the United States spending much of their money on cosmetic products – a total of $7 billion spent per year on cosmet-ics but they are now taking increasingly drastic measures to alter their appearances through surgical means. Money spent on cosmetic surgery and non-surgical aesthetic procedures is increasing drasti-

T cally among all women, including younger women and women of color. And the economic implications reach further, even into the workplace, where research shows that women who don’t adhere to particular standards of beauty are impacted profes-sionally and financially.


research shows that

women who don’t

adhere to particular

standards of beauty are

impacted professionally

and financially.


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You Cant Even Trust Family Anymore

Favorite Granddaughter

he significance of family heirlooms is that the pieces hold a special place in your entire family’s history and don’t necessarily belong to just one person in the family. However, one person may have been chosen to be the caretaker or guardian of a particular item. Due to the many emotional connections fam-ily members may have to heirlooms, ownership can be a delicate topic and some family members may feel a right to certain items.


This is something Winefred Fogerty knows all too well. Her family heirlooms, some of which date back to 1906. Among the stolen jewelry was a watch, pendant and two brooches.“While the jewelry has significant monetary value, its sentimental value is priceless,” said po-lice in a statement

The elderly woman suspects her grand-daughter stole the objects while she was visiting her over the summer. She said she could always tell that this granddaughter in question had paid uncommon amount of attention to these objects. However, it is un-known whether or not charges will be filed.

cont. page 11

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Turned Thief

I dont think our relationship will ever go to back to how it was



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ScapegoatLife As

The Office

ometimes I find myself being blamed for an error or lack of judgment that actually occurred on someone else’s part. For example, I asked someone at

work about using a certain location for a display, was given the go-ahead, then chastised for using that location.

When the only way I can defend myself involves pointing the finger at someone else, I’m in a real quandary. I am rarely prepared to defend myself if it means making someone else look bad. I handle the problem by saying nothing. I simply don’t know what to say.

There is usually ample opportunity for the person responsible to come forward, but I find that hardly ever happens. How can I handle this type of problem without taking the low road of attacking others? What is the moral or ethical thing to do?

The principle you are applying here is the playground and schoolyard rule which says one shouldn’t snitch to a parent or

teacher. It is not an ethical rule so much as a rule children employ in

play. A much more basic rule applies. That is the rule which says, in simple justice, each of us deserves to be known for the person we are.

Your lack of explanations makes you look guilty. Coming forward and explain-ing why you acted as you did should not be a moral or ethical problem for you. It is simply a matter of fact. If you acted because Sheila told you to do it that way, or the employee handbook says to do it that way, or you have always done it that way and no one told you otherwise, you are simply reporting a fact.


cont pg 22

pg 10

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Insanely Paravnoid



Too Trusting

This man could attack me any second. His hand is clearly in an aggressive position and i feel unsafe with him around me. Not only no i not take a seat next to this man, but i walk a couple cars back just to be safe.

Although this person seems weird I am not afraid hes going to do anything to me. However, just to be safe i dont sit next to him. I decide its best to give him his space.

What an interesting fellow! I take a seat down next to this peculiar man and ask him why he’s covering his face in such a way. When I get no reply I decide to use his shoulder as a pillow because I am tired.

I make sure i still have all my belongings and walk to the other side of the train car. I dont mind having to stand as long as i am able to keep my distance from this creep.



How You stack

up How paranoid do you feel about this everyday situation?




e F







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Confirming YourSuspicions Seemingly risky situations, but how threatening

are they actually. Can you tell?


Taking in a stray dog you find in your neighborhood

This is a wrenching scenario for all who care about animals. Once you’ve seen the dog (or cat or even rabbit), you may feel it’s too late to drive away from him or her. After all, what if your own pet were standing there? So, before you pull over, use our guidelines for providing safe and effec-tive help. Consider the safety of the animal. A strange, frightened, and possibly sick or injured animal can behave unpredictably. A sudden move on your part, even opening your car door, can spook her and cause her to bolt—possibly right onto the highway. If the animal looks or acts threatening, or, if for any reason, you feel uneasy about the situation, stay in your car

Voulenteering at a a magic show

Voulenteering at a magic show is great fun for all, except when everything goes wrong. Magician Gleason rode a motorcycle onto the stage that he then rode into a large open sided cage. Two large chains were connected to either side of the cage and began to lift the cage, the motorcycle a Gleason into the air above the stage. Obstensibly, one or all of them were to disappear but as the cage reached a height of about 10 feet above the stage, one of the chains broke loose and the cage and occupants listed heavily to one side.The bottom or one side of the cage fell to the floor and made an awful bang.

Not slowing down at a yellow light

Unfortunately, the result of poor judgment can cause serious car accidents. Knowing what factors to consider when faced with a yellow light can make all the difference. Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 257.612 states in part, “Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection or at a limit line when marked, but if the stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the inter-section.” In other words, unless stopping may cause harm or initiate a Michigan car accident, Michigan drivers must stop when the light turns yellow.

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Sentence : 10 years


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ACCUSED I thought people only made counterfit fiftys and hundreds, I guess I was wrong.

Man gets jail time for unknowingly accepting counterfeit money

nnocent until proven guilty… those words apply all crimes in the United States. A situation in which you may unknowingly pass counterfeit money is no excep-

tion. The fact that one or more counterfeit bills passes from your hands to that of another person does not mean that you have committed a crime. What it means is that someone has committed a crime at some point and more than likely, there will be an investigation into the matter.

The investigation may simply involve a few questions posed by a manager at the business where the problem is discovered, or it could involve authorities being called to the scene. If it appears that you may have knowledge that you were handling fake currency, you may be charged and arrested. Then, your case will go to trial, where the prosecutor will have the burden of proving your guilt.



If it appears that you may have knowledge that you werehandling fake currency, you may be charged and arrested.



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# !8

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t’s often said that men cheat for sex, while women cheat for love. In general, men can more easily compartmental-ize between sex and emotion, while women typically need to experience an emotional connection to a person before feeling sexual desire. A woman who cheats is often a

woman who doesn’t want to work it out. She’s already invested time trying to work it out, and she’s done. It’s too late.

This is a horror scenario Walter White knows all to well. His nightmare started about a month ago, hell tells us in our interview. “I began to notice that my wife had been spending a lot of time on Facebook, which was completely unlike her. She’s one of those people that would rather go out and do things and be active.

She’s in great shape and men have always been attracted to her. I figured it was just a phase and kind of brushed it off. It didn’t take long before I began to notice that whenever I walked past her when she was on the computer, she would click out of the window right away and act kind of suspicious. After this happened several times I decided to install a keylogger on the computer (my friend is a computer guy )



she would click out of the window right away and act kind of suspicious



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“He just was an angry person,

and I was the personality that

was most opposite his. Lets just

say we didnt mesh well. “

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Next time this happens to you, take a look around the office. Don’t make it too obvious, but the boss will have to be paying at least some attention to the other 10 attorneys blabber-ing the conference call. Here’s why you need to do this: if you don’t see any pictures of family members and friends on the walls or on the large wooden windowsills, you bet-ter run like hell.It takes a special person

to completely shut his family out of his life while consumed by a noble profes-

sion like the law. The fam-ily is useless, anyway. They can’t litigate your cases for you, they can’t pay the firm’s overhead, and they won’t get you on the cover of the Legal Intelligencer unless the divorce is partic-ularly nasty. In sum, they’re

as useless as the pair of black socks with the giant hole at the big toe that you still keep wearing because you’ve

id you ever walk into a partner’s office and take a good look around the room while you were waiting for him to get off

the boring 45 minute conference call that was supposed to take five minutes? You know, the one where he says to you at least 12 times, “Stay right here, I’ll be off the phone in a minute.” And a minute turns into ten and ten minutes turns into twenty and suddenly you realize the Chinese take-out in your office is now bitter cold and your soda has a melted ice content of at least 75%.



If you see a face its likely you have paranoid thoughts

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If you see a mouth its a sign you

aresexually frustrated

For those who check their trunk before getting in their car


magazine beyond reaonable doubt

Rorshack Inkblot Number 8 Whats the first thing you see?

If you see a mouth

its a sign you

are sexually frustrated


magazine beyond reasonable doubt

Rorshack Inkblot

Number 8What is the first

thing you see?