noise sources in the electric field antenna on the esa...

UPTEC-F13034 Examensarbete 30 hp September 2013 Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite Elias Odelstad

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Page 1: Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA … sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite


Examensarbete 30 hpSeptember 2013

Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite

Elias Odelstad

Page 2: Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA … sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite

Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress: Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon: 018 – 471 30 03 Telefax: 018 – 471 30 00 Hemsida:


Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESAJUICE satellite

Elias Odelstad

The noise in the Langmuir Probe and Plasma Wave Instrument (LP-PWI) on boardESA:s future Jupiter satellite JUICE (Jupiter ICy Moons Explorer) was investigated.Thermal Johnson-Nyquist noise and shot noise, caused by fluctuations in theprobe-plasma currents, were combined with the quasi-thermal noise (QTN) due tothermal fluctuations in the electric field in the plasma, using a small signal equivalentcircuit model. The contributions and effects of each of the considered noise sourceswere examined and compared for a number of representative space plasmaconditions, including the cold dense plasma of Ganymede's ionosphere and the hottenuous plasma out in the Jovian magnetosphere.

The results showed that in the cold dense plasma of Ganymede's ionosphere, theantenna was long compared to the Debye length and the quasi-thermal noise had aclearly pronounced peak and a steep high-frequency cut-off. For an antenna biased to1 V with respect to the plasma, the shot noise due to the ambient plasma was thedominant source of noise. For a an antenna at the floating potential the photoelectronshot noise coalesced with the shot and Nyquist noises of the ambient plasma to formalmost a single curve.

In the hot tenuous plasma out in Jupiter's magnetosphere, the antenna was shortcompared to the Debye length and the QTN spectrum was much flatter, with little orno peak at the plasma frequency and a very weak high-frequency cut-off. For anantenna biased to 1 V, the shot noise due to photoelectron emission dominated atCallisto's orbital position whereas at Ganymede's and Europa's orbital positions theNyquist and shot noises of the ambient plasma particles were the dominant noisecomponents. For an antenna at the floating potential, the shot and Nyquist noises ofthe ambient plasma also dominated the output noise, except at Europa's orbitalposition, where the quasi-thermal noise was the largest noise component forfrequencies at and above the plasma frequency.

The numerical calculations were performed using MATLAB. The code was madeavailable in a Git repository at

ISSN: 1401-5757, UPTEC F13 034Examinator: Tomas NybergÄmnesgranskare: Mats AndréHandledare: Andris Vaivads

Page 3: Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA … sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite


Huvudmalet med det har projektet var att ta fram upp-skattningar av brusnivaerna i de prober som ska anvandasfor att mata elektriska falt i det omgivande rymdplas-mat pa ESA:s framtida rymdmission till Jupiter, JUICE.JUICE star for Jupiter ICy moons Explorer och harsom mal att undersoka Jupiters magnetosfar och de isigamanarna Ganymedes, Europa och Callisto. Instrumenteti fraga bestar av fyra sfariska Langmuir-prober, varderamed en diameter pa 10 cm, monterade pa var sin 3 mlang bom ut fran rymdfarkosten. For enkelhets skull be-traktades har endast tva prober och de antogs sitta mittemot varandra sa att de bildade en 6 m lang, rak dubbel-sfarisk dipolantenn. Formler for bruset i en sadan antennfinns redan i litteraturen, men de ar harledda under an-tagande att antennen ar elektriskt oladdad och att den arfritt genomtranglig for partiklar, sa att den inte paverkaregenskaperna hos det omgivande plasmat.

Proberna som studeras i detta arbete ar integenomtrangliga for partiklar. Nar de befinner sig i ettplasma kommer de att traffas av partiklar i plasmat (elek-troner och joner) som da absorberas och bidrar till attladda upp dem. Om proberna ar solbelysta kan de dessu-tom skicka ifran sig elektroner till foljd av fotoemission.Nar proberna anvands for att mata elektriska falt i plas-mat brukar man koppla dem till en statisk stromkalla saatt en likstrom flyter mellan proberna och plasmat. Ut-byte av laddade partiklar mellan proberna och plasmat,samt det elektrostatiska falt som probernas laddning ska-par, innebar att de formler som finns i litteraturen intelangre galler. En ny, utvidgad modell behovdes darforfor att beskriva antennens samverkan med plasmat och deelektriska falt som finns dar.

For att modellera effekterna av probernas laddningoch strommen mellan proberna och plasmat infordesen effektiv resistans mellan proberna i den befintligaantennmodellen. Denna resistans beraknades genomatt linjarisera det allmanna samband mellan strom ochspanning som rader for en laddad, ogenomtranglig elektro-statisk prob i ett plasma. Saledes erholls en utvidgad mod-ell av antennen for sma variationer i strom och spanningrunt den jamviktspunkt som ges av det allmanna elektro-statiska strom-spanningssambandet.

En genomtranglig, oladdad antenn samverkar bara meddet omgivande plasmat via det elektriska faltet. Det brussom uppstar i en sadan antenn kan harledas fran fluk-tuationer i det elektriska faltet till foljd av de slumpvisatermiska rorelserna hos de laddade partiklarna i plas-mat. Denna typ av brus kallas ”kvasi-termiskt brus” (eng.quasi-thermal noise, QTN). Nar det gar en strom mellanproberna och plasmat tillkommer ytterligare bruskallor:

”skottbrus” (eng. shot noise) och ”Nyquist-brus” (avenkallat termiskt brus eller ”Johnson-brus”). Skottbrus upp-kommer till foljd av att strommen ar kvantiserad, dvs. isjalva verket bestar av laddade partiklar som traffar elleremitteras fran antennen vid slumpvisa ogonblick. Dettager upphov till fluktuationer i strommen som visar sig somen form av brus i antennen. Nyquist-brus uppstar till foljdav de slumpmassiga termiska rorelserna hos de laddadepartiklarna i elektriskt ledande material. Saledes ar det inagon mening analogt med det kvasi-termiska bruset, menNyquist-bruset beror pa de termiska rorelserna hos de par-tiklar som bar strommen till och fran proberna medan detkvasi-termiska bruset orsakas av partikelrorelser langre uti plasmat som formedlas till antennen via det elektriskafaltet.

Bruset pa antennen till foljd av de olika bruskallornaovan beraknades numeriskt utifran uppskattningar avrymdplasmats egenskaper (tathet, temperatur, etc.) inagra av de miljoer som JUICE ska besoka. Dessa skatt-ningar baserades pa resultat fran simuleringar och tidi-gare matningar som finns presenterade i litteraturen. Derymdmiljoer som studerades var det kalla och tata plas-mat i Ganymedes jonosfar och det betydligt varmareoch tunnare plasmat ute i Jupiters magnetosfar. Brusetberaknades bade for en antenn kopplad till en stromkallaoch forspand till 1 V relativt plasmat samt for en antennsom var frikopplad fran stromkallan och foljaktligen lad-dades upp till den potential dar alla stromkomponenternatog ut varandra, den s k flytpotentialen.

I Ganymedes jonosfar dominerades bruset i denforspanda antennen av skottbruset fran de plasmapartik-lar som traffade proberna. For en frikopplad antenn blevskottbrus och Nyquist-brus nastan exakt lika stora och devar bada nastan en storleksordning mindre an det totalabruset i den forspanda antennen. I Jupiters magnetosfardominerades bruset i antennen i allmanhet av skott- ochNyquist-brus fran de infallande plasmapartiklarna. Detenda undantaget fran detta var for en forspand antenn vidCallisto’s omloppsbana, langst ut i Jupiters magnetosfar,dar plasmat var som allra varmast och tunnast. I dettafall dominerade istallet skottbruset fran de elektroner somlamnade antennen via fotoemission. Det kvasi-termiskabruset uppvisade en tydlig resonanstopp som ibland blevstor nog att dominera over de andra bruskomponenternai plasman som var tillrackligt kalla och tata, men da barai ett smalt frekvensband kring resonansfrekvensen. I demiljoer dar plasmat var varmast och tunnast uppvisadeskott- och Nyquist-brusen fran bade inkommande plasma-partiklar och fotoelektroner tydliga brytpunkter vid lagafrekvenser, men det ar mojligt att detta ar en artefakt tillfoljd av brister i antennmodellen.


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1 Introduction 61.1 The JUICE mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.2 The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3 The Langmuir Probe and Plasma Wave Instrument (LP-PWI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.4 Noise sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Theory 92.1 Probe sheaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.2 Probe currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.1 Photoelectron current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.3 Total probe currents and electric field measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.4 Thermal noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.5 Shot noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.6 Quasi-thermal noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.6.1 Heuristic explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.6.2 Stringent derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Prospective space plasma environments 253.1 General considerations and the Jovian magnetosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.2 Ganymede’s ionosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Results and Discussion 284.1 Small signal integrated noise model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284.2 QTN general properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294.3 QTN antenna properties for specific environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304.4 Probe currents and effective resistances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.5 Output of the small-signal integrated noise model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.6 Errors and shortcomings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5 Summary and outlook 42


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I time-average of current I, page 15

χj normalized potential for particle species j, page 10

εL longitudinal dielectric permittivity of the plasma,page 23

λD Debye length, page 10

λDmfor a non-Maxwellian plasma, the Debye length ofa Maxwellian plasma of equal density and effectivetemperature, page 24

F (k) antenna geometry factor, page 23

Ishot combined shot noise of the ambient plasma andphotoelectron currents, page 28

Ie probe-plasma current due to impacts of ambientelectrons, page 11

Ii probe-plasma current due to impacts of ambientions, page 11

Iph probe-plasma current due to photoelectron emis-sion, page 11

Rs resistance due to impacts of ambient plasma par-ticles (ions and electrons), page 28

Rs resistance due to photoelectron emission, page 28

SI one-sided power spectral density of a current sig-nal, page 15

SV one-sided power spectral density of a voltage sig-nal, page 15

Vph amplitude spectral density of the open circuitNyquist noise voltage due to photoelectron emis-sion, page 28

VQTN amplitude spectral density of the open circuitquasi-thermal noise voltage, page 28

Vs amplitude spectral density of the open circuitNyquist noise voltage due to impacts of ambientplasma particles (ions and electrons), page 28

vth thermal velocity, page 16

ZA impedance of QTN antenna model by the inducedEMF method, page 20

EMF Electromotive Force, page 18

JUICE Jupiter ICy moons Explorer, page 6

LP-PWI Langmuir Probe and Plasma Wave Instrument,page 6

OML Orbital Motion Limited, page 10

QTN quasi-thermal noise, page 16

RPWI Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation, page 6


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Chapter 1


1.1 The JUICE mission

JUICE is an acronym for Jupiter ICy moons Explorerand as the name suggests, the main goal of the missionis to study the icy Galilean1 moons of Jupiter: Europa,Ganymede and Callisto (the forth of the Galilean moons,Io, will not be visited). The Jovian system has been vis-ited by spacecraft numerous times, beginning in the 1970:swith the Pioneer and Voyager missions. More recently,the Galileo orbital mission (1995-2003) became the first,and so far only spacecraft to go into orbit around Jupiter.Among its findings were evidence for subsurface oceansat Europa, Callisto and Ganymede (Khurana et al., 1998;Kivelson et al., 2002), placing these worlds in the lime-light of researchers looking for potential habitats for lifein the solar system. This prospect also has implicationsfor the search for life elsewhere in the universe, since icymoons of this type are expected to be much more commonthan Earth-like planets satisfying the very special condi-tions required for surface oceans to exist. Characterizingthe Galilean moons as potential habitats and exploringthe Jupiter system as an archetype for gas giants are thekey science goals of the JUICE mission.

Another signature finding of Galileo was that Ganymedehas its own internally generated magnetic field, located in-side the magnetosphere of Jupiter (Gurnett et al., 1996).No other satellite in the solar system possesses this fea-ture and its interaction with Jupiter’s co-rotating mag-netospheric plasma provides great opportunities to studyvarious exotic space plasma phenomena. Most of thematter in the universe exists in the form of plasma andthe space plasma environments of the Jovian system con-stitute a natural laboratory where our understanding ofplasma physics can be tested and improved.

JUICE is scheduled for launch by an ARIANE 5 rocketfrom French Guiana in June, 2022. During the first coupleof years, it will make several flybys of the inner planets togain speed before embarking on its journey to the Jupitersystem, where it will arrive in January of 2030. This marksthe beginning of the science phase of the expedition, thatwill last until the end of the nominal mission in June, 2033.During this period, JUICE will make numerous flybys ofEuropa, Ganymede and Callisto. Towards the end of themission, it will go into orbit around Ganymede, whereit will remain in various orbital configurations for severalmonths before it is set to crash on the surface. An overview

1Galilean refers to the fact that they were discovered by GalileoGalilei, in the early 17th century.

of the mission is shown in Figure 1.1, where the distanceof JUICE from the Sun is plotted versus time.

1.2 The Radio and Plasma WaveInvestigation (RPWI)

JUICE is set to carry a total of 11 scientific instruments,including cameras, spectrometers, a magnetometer and anice penetrating radar. Each of the instruments is designedand manufactured by a consortium of space research insti-tutes and institutions around the world. The instrumentof interest here is the Radio and Plasma Wave Investiga-tion (RPWI) , an overview of which is shown in Figure1.2. It consists of Langmuir probes, magnetic field sensorsand radio antennas. The main science goals addressedby RPWI is to study the cold plasma in the ionospheresof the Galilean moons and the electro-magnetic coupling,momentum and energy transfer in the space environmentsencountered by JUICE. It is the noise of the LangmuirProbe and Plasma Wave Instrument (LP-PWI), shown inthe upper left corner of Figure 1.2, that is the subject ofthis work.

1.3 The Langmuir Probe andPlasma Wave Instrument (LP-PWI)

The Langmuir Probe and Plasma Wave Instrument (LP-PWI) is developed and designed at the Swedish Instituteof Space Physics in Uppsala, Sweden, where also this workwas carried out. It consists of four spherical Langmuirprobes, each with a diameter of 10 cm and mounted on3 m long booms attached to the spacecraft. The mainfunctionality of a Langmuir probe is to gauge the density,temperature and drift velocity of the ambient plasma bymeasuring the current between the probe and the plasma.A conductor in a plasma will collect a current due to theimpact of plasma particles on its surface. The impact ratedepends on the density and velocities of the plasma par-ticles, as well as on the charge on the probe (see Section2.2). If the probe is sunlit, as is often the case in spaceplasmas, photoelectron emission can also make a substan-tial contribution to the current (see Section 2.2.1). Thetypical measurement mode of a Langmuir probe is to con-nect it to a voltage generator and artificially bias it with


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Figure 1.1: Mission overview: JUICE distance from the Sun.

respect to the plasma. By sweeping the bias voltage overa range including both negative and positive potentialsand simultaneously measuring the probe-plasma current,it is possible to determine the voltage-current relationshipof the probe. By fitting it to theoretical models, plasmaproperties such as density, temperature and drift velocitycan be obtained.

Another way of using a Langmuir probe is to bias itwith a constant current and measure the probe potentialwith respect to some reference equipotential, typically thespacecraft chassis. This provides a way of determiningthe electric field in the plasma, however it requires thatthe spacecraft be a good equipotential. If this is not thecase, there is a risk that spacecraft charging can corruptthe measurements. To avoid this problem, it is advanta-geous to instead use two probes and measure the potentialdifference between them. The JUICE LP-PWI will actu-ally employ four probes, the exact geometric configurationof which is yet to be decided. This allows for many morecomplex measurement modes, but the present treatmentis limited to the case of two probes, constituting a 6 mlong straight double-sphere dipole.

1.4 Noise sources

The precision of the electric field measurements in theplasma is very sensitive to noise in the probes. Therefore,it is crucial to study all the possible noise sources andtheir levels to be able to predict the quality of the mea-surements that can be obtained during the mission. Sincethe noise depends in part on the nature and configurationof the probes, the results can be important in affectingdecisions on the Langmuir probe design and operations.

In this work, three sources of noise are considered forthe electric field measurements with the Langmuir probes:thermal (Johnson-Nyquist noise), shot noise and quasi-thermal noise. The first two are associated with the cur-

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Figure 3-1 Top level block diagram of the RPWI system

The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) is a versatile instrument for in situ investigations of the highly dynamic and in many respects very different space plasma environments that will be encountered by the JUICE spacecraft around Jupiter’s icy moons and in Jupiter’s magnetosphere. To this end, RPWI makes use of several different sensors and receivers. Altogether, the instrument uses 12 sensors and 4 receivers. The sensors are Langmuir probes, magnetic field sensors, and radio antennas. The radio antennas provide remote sensing capabilities to the RPWI, including the possibility to perform polarimetry and direction finding of coherent (non-thermal) radio emissions; for instance, the Jovian decametric radiation, which can be studied in great detail and with unprecedented sensitivity. The receivers cover a wide range of frequencies, from DC up to 45 MHz.

Figure 1.2: Overview of the Radio and Plasma Wave Inves-tigation (RPWI). The Langmuir probes studied in this workare shown in the upper left corner, marked LP-PWI. (Adaptedfrom Bergman (2012).)

rents flowing between the probes and the plasma. Broadlyspeaking, the Johnson-Nyquist noise is due to the ran-dom thermal velocity fluctuations of the particles and shotnoise is due to the fact that charge and current is carriedby discrete particles rather than a continuous fluid-likesubstance. Consider as an example a current carried by asingle species of charged particles, given by

I = n · q · v (1.1)

where n is the density of charged particles, q is the particlecharge and v is the particle velocity. Taking the differentialof Equation (2.55) gives

dI = nq · dv + qv · dn. (1.2)

Variations in the current arise due to both fluctuations inparticle velocities and density. The component caused byvelocity fluctuations (the first term on the right of Equa-tion (1.2)) corresponds to the thermal (Johnson-Nyquist)noise, whereas the component that depends on densityfluctuations (the second term on the right of Equation(1.2)) corresponds to the shot noise. Equations (1.1) and(1.2) by no means constitute a formal, quantitative de-scription of these noise sources. More rigorous treatmentsare presented in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. The third noisesource, the quasi-thermal noise, is a consequence of theresponse of the double-probe to fluctuations in the electricfield in the plasma caused by the random thermal motionsof the plasma particles. Hence, the underlying physicalprocess is the same as for the Johnson-Nyquist noise, butthe way in which this noise is sensed by the probe is funda-mentally different. Also, the plasma volume contributingto this type of noise is typically quite large, on the orderof a Debye length or more, whereas only particles hitting


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the probes will contribute to the current and thus to theJohnson-Nyquist noise. A more thorough description ofthis kind of noise is presented in Section 2.6.

The noise sources mentioned so far are just a few of themany disturbances that may effect measurements. Other

examples are pre-amplifier noise, quantization noise, influ-ence of the photoelectron cloud around the spacecraft andmany more. However, these are beyond the scope of thisthesis.


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Chapter 2


In this chapter, the physical principles of the electricfield probes and their operation are presented. Also, the-oretical analyses and derivations of the considered noisesources, i.e. Nyquist noise, shot noise and quasi-thermalnoise (QTN), are performed.

2.1 Probe sheaths

The interaction between the electric field probes and thesurrounding plasma is greatly affected by the effects ofsheath formation and Debye shielding. In this section,these phenomena are derived for the kind of sphericalprobes considered in this work.

Consider a spherical conductor of radius a immersedin a non-drifting, unmagnetized plasma and charged to apotential φ0. The potential outside the conductor obeysPoisson’s equation:

ε0∇2φ = −ρ (2.1)

where ρ is the charge density and ε0 is the dielectric per-mittivity of vacuum. For singly charged ions, ρ can beexpressed in terms of the ion density ni and the electrondensity ne as

ρ = e(ni − ne) (2.2)

where e denotes the elementary charge. Since the ion massis so much greater than the electron mass, it is temptingto assume that the ions are stationary and that only theelectrons move in response to the field. Then

ni = n0 (2.3)

where n0 is the density of each particle species in the un-perturbed plasma (which is assumed to be neutral). Theelectrons on the other hand are so mobile that they canoften be considered massless and isothermal (i. e. withinfinite heat conductivity). If, in addition, the sphere isconsidered to be either small (a → 0) or transparent toparticles (grid-like), so that the electron velocity distribu-tion is an isotropic Maxwellian1, the electron density willobey the Boltzmann relation (Chen, 1984)

ne = n0exp



1An opaque sphere of finite radius will block the influx of particlesfrom the direction of the sphere into any region near to its surface,giving rise to an anisotropic velocity distribution.

where kB and Te are Boltzmann’s constant and the elec-tron temperature, respectively. For small potentials

φ0 kBTee


Equation (2.4) can be approximated by its first orderMaclaurin series



≈ n0

(1 +



Inserting equations (2.3) and (2.6) into Equation (2.2)gives

ρ = − n0e2

kBTeφ (2.7)

and Poisson’s Equation (Equation (2.1)) becomes

∇2φ =n0e


ε0kBTeφ. (2.8)

In spherical coordinates, the Laplacian on the left handside of Equation (2.8) takes the form

∇2φ =1



(r2 ∂φ




r2 sin θ


(sin θ





r2 sin2 θ



(2.9)Since the present configuration is spherically symmetric,the two last terms in Equation (2.9) vanish and Equation(2.8) can be expressed as





(r2 dφ




ε0kBTeφ (2.10)

Making the substitution

φ =ψ

r, (2.11)

the left-hand side of Equation (2.10) can be written





[r2 d









dr− ψ






dr− dψ






dr2. (2.12)

Equation (2.10) then simplify to




ε0kBTeψ (2.13)


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with general solution

ψ = A exp



+B exp





(2.14)Far away from the conductor, the plasma will be undis-turbed and the potential will approach the plasma poten-tial φp. Since the plasma is assumed to be neutral in itsunperturbed state, there is no electric field and the plasmapotential is a constant that can be set to zero for reference.Requiring that ψ/r go to zero at large r, A in Equation(2.14) must vanish. Converting back to φ gives

φ =B





. (2.15)

To determine B, the boundary condition φ(a) = φ0 isapplied, giving

B = aφ0exp





φ = φ0



(a− r)λD


where the electron Debye length λD is given by

λD =


. (2.18)

The potential in the plasma decreases exponentiallywith distance from the conductor as the electrons moveto cancel out the field. This phenomenon is called De-bye shielding. The shielding is not perfect, but rather acharged sheath is formed around the conductor as a resultof the balance between thermal and electric motions. Theelectron density inside this sheath can be calculated byinserting Equation (2.17) for the potential into the Boltz-mann relation given in Equation (2.4). The result is plot-ted along with the potential φ in Figure 2.1 as a functionof the distance from the conductor for negative and pos-itive bias potentials φ0. A negative bias potential willrepel electrons so that a sheath with net positive charge isformed (Figure 2.1(a)) whereas a positive bias will attractelectrons, giving rise to a negative sheath (Figure 2.1(b)).

The assumptions of stationary ions and small potentialsin equations (2.3) and (2.5) are necessary to make Equa-tion (2.8) linear. The non-linear case allowing for movingions and large bias potentials is treated in Chen (1984) fora plane sheath. Qualitatively, the ions behaves similar tothe electrons with the bias potential reversed. However,due to their large inertia, most of the shielding is done byelectrons and the effect of ions can often be neglected.

2.2 Probe currents

When an electrical conductor is immersed in a plasma,the thermal motions of charged particles in the plasmawill cause some of them to impact on the conductor sur-face. These impacts give rise to a current, to the probein the case of positively charged ions and from the probein the case of electrons. The magnitudes of these currentsdepend on the density and velocity of the respective parti-cle species near the probe. Quantitively, the current froma probe due to a single particle species is given by theproduct of the particle charge q and the particle flux tothe probe Φ

I = −qΦ = q



f(r,v)v · n︸︷︷︸vn

ds d3v (2.19)

where n is the normal to the probe surface and the distri-bution function f(r,v) gives the number of particles perunit volume with velocities between v and v + dv at po-sition r in the plasma. S is the probe surface and vn isthe component of the particle velocity normal to it. Theintegration is over negative vn only, since particles withpositive normal velocity will move away from the probeand not impact on its surface.

In Equation (2.19), the distribution function f(r,v) isclearly proportional to the total particle density n at theprobe surface. Hence, the sheath formation described inSection 2.1 and illustrated in Figure 2.1 will cause thecurrent to depend heavily on the probe potential φ0. Cal-culating probe currents from sheath theory is very compli-cated, therefore it is common to consider only the limitingcases of large sheaths, λD a, and small sheaths, λ a,where a is the radius of a spherical probe2. For long Debyelengths, the screening effect of the sheath can be neglectedand the charges are treated as independent particles mov-ing under the influence of a central potential. This regimeis referred to as Orbital Motion Limited (OML) . For smallDebye lengths, any particle entering the sheath is assumedto reach the probe. This regime is called Sheath Limited(SL). In the tenuous plasmas typically found in space, theDebye length is usually large and OML can be applied.

A very clear and accessible derivation of the currentsfrom a spherical probe in the OML approximation is per-formed by Engwall (2006)3. Defining the probe bias po-tential with respect to the plasma UB = φ0 − φp and thenormalized potential (for particle species j)

χj =qjUBkBTj


the result can be written

Ij = Ij0 (1− χj) χj < 0 (2.21)

Ij = Ij0 exp −χj χj ≥ 0 (2.22)

where the thermal current Ij0 is given by

2OML theory is well developed also for cylindrical probes.3Engwall actually looks at the current to a probe, but this just

gives a sign change.


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(a) Negative bias φ0 < 0.





(b) Positive bias φ0 > 0.

Figure 2.1: Electrostatic potential φ and electron concentration ne as a function of distance from the conductor surface (r− a).

Ij0 = −4πa2njqj


. (2.23)

Ij0 is the current that would flow from an unbiased probe,that is when UB = 0 (or, equivalently, φ0 = φp). Inequations (2.20) - (2.23), qj , Tj , nj and mj are the charge,temperature, concentration and mass of particle species j,respectively.

So far, only non-drifting plasmas have been considered.However, in space there is often a relative drift velocityvD between the spacecraft and the plasma. The OMLformulas with drift velocity is also derived by Engwall fora spherical probe. In Høymork (2000) they are expressedin a slightly more convenient form in terms of the errorfunction

erf(x) =2√π

ˆ x



dt (2.24)


Ij =Ij02


(S +


2S− χj


)erf(S) + exp



for χj < 0 and

Ij =Ij04S


(S2 +


2− χj

)(erf(S +√χj)−

erf(√χj − S

))+(S −√χj


−(S +√χj)2

+(S +√χj)

exp−(√χj − S


for χj ≥ 0, where

S =vD√2kBTjmj

. (2.27)

Equations (2.20) - (2.27) describe the probe current dueto an arbitrary particle species j and can be applied toboth electron and ions to find the total current I = Ie+ Ii. As suggested in Section 2.1, the current due to the ions isoften negligible compared to that of the electrons, since theelectrons are much more mobile and have higher thermalvelocities. Only when the drift velocity is very large canthe ion current become appreciable.

2.2.1 Photoelectron current

In space, UV light from the Sun hitting the probe causeselectrons to be emitted from its surface. If the probe ispositively biased with respect to the plasma, these pho-toelectrons feel an attractive force and some of them fallback to the probe surface. Only photoelectrons with highenough energy escape the potential well of the probe andleave the sheath, forming the photoelectron current Iph .The photoelectron current is consequently strongly depen-dent on the probe potential. For negatively biased probes,all photoelectrons escape and the photoelectron currentsaturates to the total flux of photoelectrons emitted fromthe probe surface Φs multiplied by the electron charge −e

I0ph = −Φs · e. (2.28)

The relationship between photoelectron current andprobe potential is derived analytically by Grard (1973).For a spherical probe in the OML approximation, the for-mula for point source flux can be used

Iph = I0ph (1− χph) exp χph (2.29)


χph = − eUBkBTph

. (2.30)

The photoelectron saturation current I0ph and temperature

Tph depend on the material of the probe and the intensityand spectral characteristics of the incident light. I0

ph is also


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proportional to the sunward projected area of the probe.These quantities usually have to be determined empiricallyand Grard does so for a number of materials based on lab-oratory experiments and solar spectrum data collected inspace. Remarkably, it is found that for most materialsthe energy distribution of the photoelectrons is approxi-mately Maxwellian with a mean kinetic energy kBTph/eon the order of 1.5 eV.

2.3 Total probe currents and elec-tric field measurements

For a sunlit probe in a space plasma, the total current fromthe probe to the plasma is the sum of the currents due toimpacts of ambient electrons and ions (c.f. Section 2.2),and the photoelectron current (c.f. Section 2.2.1). Thissituation is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The ion current istypically negligible and the probe-plasma current is domi-nated by the photoelectron current at negative probe po-tentials and the plasma electron current at positive probepotentials. One way of using the probe is to connect itto a voltage source and then sweep the probe potentialfrom negative to positive values, while measuring the to-tal probe current. The resulting current-voltage charac-teristics, or IU-curve (dashed black curve in Figure 2.2),can then be numerically fitted to the theoretical formu-las to obtain the electron density and temperature in theplasma. When used for sweeps in this way, the probe issaid to be operated in Langmuir probe mode.

A sunlit probe can also be used to measure ambient elec-tric fields. In this case, the probe is connected to a currentsource and the probe-plasma current is fixed at a specificvalue called the bias current Ibias. The corresponding biaspotential Ubias is then given by the current-voltage char-acteristics of the probe in the plasma under consideration.Together, Ibias and Ubias define the operating point forelectric field measurements. An ambient electric field canbe detected and measured from the change in potentialthat it induces on the probe. Clearly though, a referenceis needed to which the change in probe potential can becompared. This is most often provided by another identi-cal probe, mounted at a suitable distance away from thefirst probe and biased to the same operating point, seeFigure 2.3. The electric field component projected on theprobe separation axis can then be obtained from the po-tential difference between the probes, divided by the dis-tance between them (Høymork, 2000):

E =δU2 − δU1

d≈ E · d. (2.31)

The bias current is typically set with the aim of placingthe operating point near the steepest part on the totalprobe IU-curve, where the impedance is largest, see Figure2.2. This is done to ensure the stability of the operatingpoint since variations in the probe-plasma current due todensity fluctuations in the plasma can otherwise cause theoperating point to fluctuate. A certain safety margin isneeded so that any ambient electric fields do not shift theoperating point so much that it passes the ”knee” of the







operating point

(Ubias, Ibias)

Figure 2.2: Total probe currents and biased operating point.


Ubias + δU1 Ubias + δU2



Figure 2.3: Schematic diagram of the double-probe configura-tion for electric field measurements.

photoelectron current and ends up in the unstable domainof low impedance.

2.4 Thermal noise

In any electrical system at finite (non-zero) temperature,the charge carriers undergo thermal motion. These mo-tions are random both in magnitude (speed) and direction.They are also isotropic, which means that the average ve-locity is zero since motions in different directions tend tocancel out over time. However, even though the expec-tation value is zero, the variance is not. At any giventime, there may be a net current flow due to the randomthermal motions of the charge carriers. These statisticalfluctuations around the average value give rise to a non-zero root mean square (RMS) current and resulting RMSvoltage over the terminals of the system. Such signals are


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called thermal noise, or Johnson noise after its originaldiscoverer.

The thermal currents and voltages will dissipate powerin any external circuitry connected to the system termi-nals. In thermal equilibrium, this energy flux must bebalanced by an equal amount of energy flowing into thesystem from the exterior. This gives a convenient way ofderiving an expression for the thermal noise voltage basedon the spectral energy distribution in a resonant electro-magnetic system.

Electromagnetic energy is carried by photons, each witha distinct frequency f and energy

E = hf (2.32)

where h = 6.626 · 10−34 [J·s] is Planck’s constant. In anyfinite electromagnetic system the possible photon frequen-cies form a discrete set corresponding to the resonancefrequencies of the system. These are typically called themodes or states of a system. The photon population ineach mode is a random variable whose average (or expec-tation value) in thermal equilibrium is given by the Bose-Einstein factor

< n >=1

ehf/kBT − 1(2.33)

where kB = 1.381 · 10−23 [J/K] is Boltzmann’s constantand T is the temperature of the system. Equations (2.32)and (2.33) give the average energy per mode

< ε >=< n > hf =hf

ehf/kBT − 1. (2.34)

An example of a one-dimensional resonant electromag-netic system is a transmission line that is short-circuitedat both ends, see Figure 2.4. The thermal energy of sucha system is carried by photons traveling back and forthalong the line at the speed of light, c. Resonance occurswhen the length L of the transmission line is equal to aninteger number of half wavelengths

L = mλ

2, m = 1, 2, 3, . . . (2.35)

where the wavelength λ is given by

λ =c

f. (2.36)

From equations (2.35) and (2.36) the resonance frequen-cies can be calculated:

L = mc

2f⇔ fm = m


2L. (2.37)

The number of modes with frequencies smaller than orequal to a given frequency f is then equal to the valueof m for the largest of the resonance frequencies belowf . Solving for m in Equation (2.37) gives the number ofmodes below f

N(f) = mmax =2L


. (2.38)

Since the resonance frequencies form a discrete set, Equa-tion (2.38) for N(f) describes a discrete function. In a



Figure 2.4: A transmission line of length L and characteristicimpedance Z0 that is short circuited at both ends acts as aone-dimensional electromagnetic resonator.

macroscopic system, the thermal energy is typically muchlarger than the energy difference between two adjacentquantum states ∆E = h∆f . Hence, fmmax

may be re-placed by f in Equation (2.38) to a good approximation.N(f) has now been ”smeared out” to a continuous func-tion of f that can be differentiated to find the density ofstates





Differentiating with respect to L yields the density ofstates per unit length




c. (2.40)

The (average) energy density per unit length on thetransmission line is the product of the density of statesand the average energy per mode. Equations (2.34) and(2.40) give






ehf/kBT − 1(2.41)

Observing that the energy of a macroscopic system is muchlarger than the energy quanta of the photons


kBT<< 1 (2.42)

the exponential term in the denominator of Equation(2.41) is expanded in a first order Taylor series aroundzero

ehf/kBT = 1 +hf

kBT+ . . . . (2.43)

Substituting Equation (2.43) in Equation (2.41) yields




ckBT ⇔ dU =


cdf (2.44)

where dU is the infinitesimal energy density of photonsin the infinitesimal frequency range df . From symmetry,the same amount of energy travels to the left as to theright along the line. The energy flow in either directionpassed any point on the line during a time interval dt istherefore equal to one half of Equation (2.44) multipliedby the distance traveled by the photons c · dt

dε = c · dU =1



cc · dt = kBTdfdt. (2.45)

The average power flow dPn in the frequency band df dueto thermal noise is then


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dPn =dε

dt= kBTdf (2.46)

The result obtained in Equation (2.46) is independent ofthe length L of the transmission line. Consequently, it canbe expected to hold for a line of any length, including forL → ∞, as in Figure 2.5(a). For infinite length, there isno boundary where reflections can occur, so this is equiva-lent to the line being terminated by a matched load, as inFigure 2.5(b). In the absence of reflections, the half of theenergy traveling in the direction towards the load will notreturn back but will be dissipated in the load. To main-tain the power flow in the other direction, as calculatedin Equation (2.46) for a system in thermal equilibrium, apower equal to dPn must be supplied by the load in eachfrequency band df . Thus, even a component that is nor-mally considered to be passive, such as a resistor, will actas a power source, driven by thermal energy. For the caseof a purely resistive load with terminal impedance Z = R,Thevenin’s theorem gives a circuit equivalent consistingof an ideal voltage source Vn in series with a noiseless re-sistance R, see Figure 2.6(a). Under matched conditions,the load will see a transmission line impedance Z(L) = R,so the voltage source Vn will drive current through a totalresistance of 2R, resulting in a total time-average powersupplied by the ideal source

PVn =< V 2

n >

2R. (2.47)

Half this power will be dissipated in the internal resistanceR and half will be supplied to the transmission line withterminal impedance R. Equating one half of Equation(2.47) with Equation (2.46) gives



< V 2n >

2R= kBTdf ⇔ < V 2

n >= 4kBTRdf.

(2.48)Hence, the power spectral density of the thermal noise volt-age in a resistor is


df< V 2

n >= 4kBTR . (2.49)

For a finite bandwidth ∆f , the root mean square of thethermal noise voltage is found by taking the square rootof Equation (2.48)

V rmsn =√

4kBTR∆f . (2.50)

This is Nyquist’s formula, also called Johnson noise.For a complex load impedance Z, Thevenin’s theorem

gives a circuit equivalent consisting of an ideal voltagesource Vn in series with a noiseless impedance Z, seeFigure 2.6(b). Under matching, the transmission lineimpedance at the load terminals is Z(L) = Z∗, where∗ denotes the complex conjugate. The total time-averagepower supplied by the ideal source is then

PVn =< Re VnI∗ >=< V 2n > Re


Z + Z∗


< V 2n >

2 · ReZ(2.51)


(a) Infinitely long transmission line.


R Z0

(b) Transmission line terminatedby a matched resistor.

Figure 2.5: An infinite transmission line is equivalent to a lineterminated by a matched resistor, in the sense that no reflec-tions occur at the end.

With half the power dissipated internally in the loadimpedance Z, the power balance Equation reduces toEquation (2.48) with R replaced by ReZ. The powerspectral density of the thermal noise voltage is


df< V 2

n >= 4kBT · ReZ . (2.52)

Since the impedance of a network is generally a functionof frequency, Nyquist’s formula becomes

< V 2n >= 4kBT


ReZdf . (2.53)

The derivation of equations (2.50) and (2.53) may seema bit abstract, since there is no reference made to therandom motion of charge carriers in the loads that pre-sumably give rise to the thermal noise. However, with theabstraction comes great generality:

For any electrical system in thermal equilib-rium that can be represented by an equivalentimpedance, the thermal noise voltage measuredover that impedance is given by Nyquist’s for-mula, Equation (2.53).

This holds irrespectively of the internal make-up of thesystem.

2.5 Shot noise

Electrical current is typically modeled as a continuum,even though it is actually carried by charged particles.This underlying quantization of the current gives rise toa form of noise called shot noise, owing to the fact thatthe number of particles passing a point during a certaintime interval is not a deterministic function of the lengthof the interval, but rather a discrete stochastic process(in continuous time). The total charge that has passedby the point of measurement increases incrementally withthe particle charge q every time a particle arrives. Thiscan be expressed as

Q(t) = q∑j

Θ(t− tj) (2.54)


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(a) Thevenin equivalent of noisy resistor.





(b) Thevenin equivalent of noisy impedance.

Figure 2.6: Noisy circuit elements can be represented by theirThevenin equivalents.

where Θ(t) is the Heaviside step function and tj is thearrival time of particle j. The current is defined as thetime derivative of this charge and thus consists of a set ofpulses at the arrival times of the individual particles

I(t) =dQ

dt= q


δ(t− tj) (2.55)

where δ(t) is Dirac’s delta function. If I(t) is ergodic, it’sautocorrelation function is given by

RI(τ) = limT→∞



ˆ +T/2

−T/2I(t)I(t+ τ)dt

= q2∑k





ˆ +T/2

−T/2δ(t− tk)δ(t− tk′ + τ)dt

= q2 limT→∞





δ(tk − tk′ + τ) (2.56)

where Equation (2.55) was used together with the trans-lation property of the delta function. The double sum inEquation (2.56) can be separated into two parts dependingon whether k and k′ are equal:

RI(τ) = q2 limT→∞




δ(τ) +∑k

∑k′ 6=k

δ(tk − tk′ + τ)


The first sum in Equation (2.57) is equal to δ(τ) multipliedby the total number of particles N(T ) that arrive in theconsidered time-interval (−T/2,+T/2]. Since the time-average of the current is given by

I ≡ limT→∞



ˆ +T/2

−T/2I(t)dt = lim

T→∞qN(T )

T, (2.58)

the first term in Equation (2.57) is just equal to qI.The second term in Equation (2.57) can be evaluated

using the law of large numbers, i. e. that the average ofa large number of realizations of a stochastic process willapproach the expectation value of the process:





∑k′ 6=k

δ(tk − tk′ + τ)

= limT→∞

ˆ +T/2


ˆ +T/2

−T/2δ(t− t′ + τ) · p(t, t′)dtdt′, (2.59)

where p(t, t′) is the two-dimensional probability density ofthe arrival times t and t′ for two different particles in thecurrent flow. If the particles are assumed to arrive accord-ing to a stationary Poisson process, the arrival times of thedifferent particles are independent and p(t, t′) = p(t)p(t′),where p(t) is the one-dimensional probability density. ThePoisson process is a purely random process, in the sensethat the various arrival times of the particles are uniformlydistributed over the time-interval (Davenport and Root,1987). Thus, p(t) = 1/T and Equation (2.59) reduces to



T 2

ˆ +T/2


ˆ +T/2

−T/2δ(t− t′ + τ)dtdt′. = lim


T 2= 0

(2.60)Hence, the auto-correlation function of the current is givenby

RI(τ) = qIδ(τ). (2.61)

The power spectral density of a stochastic signal is de-fined as the Fourier transform of the auto-correlation func-tion. In most applications, only positive frequencies areconsidered and negative-frequency components are addedto the corresponding positive frequency components. Fora signal with a symmetric spectrum, this amount to a mul-tiplication by 2 and the one-sided power spectral densityis given by

SI(ω) = 2 · FRI(τ). (2.62)

With RI(τ) given by Equation (2.61), this gives (Radeand Westergren, 1998)

SI(ω) = 2qI (2.63)

which is Schottky’s formula for shot noise.If complex signals are allowed, the auto-correlation func-

tion RI(τ) is defined as

RI(τ) = limT→∞



ˆ +T/2

−T/2I(t)I∗(t+ τ)dt (2.64)

where ∗ denotes the complex conjugate. Ohm’s law V =ZI can then be used to express the noise power in termsof the voltage power spectral density :

SV (ω) = ZZ∗ · SI(ω) = 2qI|Z|2. (2.65)

2.6 Quasi-thermal noise

When an antenna is immersed in a plasma, the thermalmotion of the charged particles making up the plasmawill induce random voltage fluctuations on the antenna.


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These fluctuations are typically denoted quasi-thermalnoise (QTN) . A useful qualitative and intuitive pictureof this phenomena can be obtained from the simplifiedheuristic order of magnitude derivation outlined in Meyer-Vernet (1983) and Meyer-Vernet and Perche (1989).

2.6.1 Heuristic explanation

Consider a spherical dipole consisting of two conductingspheres of radius a separated by a distance L a, seeFigure 2.7. As a first approximation, the collective behav-ior of the plasma is neglected so that the particles movealong infinite straight lines at a speed equal to the ther-mal velocity vth = (2kBT/m)1/2. An electron that passesone of the spheres on a trajectory with impact parameterp will induce a voltage pulse on the sphere of amplitude∆Ve = 1/4πε0p. The low-frequency components of theelectric field generated by the electron will be shieldedout over a distance on the order of the Debye length λD,since for frequencies below the electron plasma frequencyωp the electrons will have ample time to form a sheath.Thus, the duration of the induced voltage pulse τ will beroughly equal to the time it takes for the electron to passthrough a spherical region of radius λD centered on theconductor, τ ≈ 2λD/vth. Approximating the pulse by arectangular function of magnitude ∆Ve and width τ (sym-metric about t = 0), its Fourier transform will be (Radeand Westergren, 1998)

Ve(ω) = ∆V2 sin(ωτ/2)

ω. (2.66)

At relevant temperatures, electrons typically have verylarge thermal velocities, owing to their small mass. Forfrequencies below the plasma frequency it is therefore rea-sonable to assume ωτ 1, so that the sine function inEquation (2.66) can be approximated by its argument:

Ve(ω) = ∆V2ωτ/2

ω= τ∆V. (2.67)

A plasma clearly consists of more than one electron so thetotal potential induced on the antenna will be the sum ofthe contributions from all passing electrons. The numberof particles passing on trajectories with impact parameterless than or equal to p is

Ne = 4πp2 ·(nvth2√π


where the factor in parenthesis in Equation (2.68) is the in-ward radial particle flux, assuming Maxwellian electrons(see for example Engwall (2006)). Since the event rateincreases quadratically with p, most of the electrons en-tering the Debye sphere will do so on trajectories withimpact parameters close to the Debye length. Using λDas an estimate of the impact parameter for all electronsin the Debye sphere, an approximate expression for theone-sided voltage spectral density (c. f. Equation (2.62))on one sphere is given by





Figure 2.7: An electron with thermal velocity vth passing byone of the antenna spheres on a trajectory with impact param-eter p will induce a voltage pulse on the sphere of magnitude1/4πε0p.

V 2ω = Ne · 2V 2

e (ω) = 24πλ2










2π3/2ε0. (2.69)

The voltage across the antenna terminal is given by the thepotential difference between the spheres. When the Debyelength is shorter than the length of the antenna (λD L)the potential fluctuations on the two spheres are uncorre-lated and the spectral density of the potential difference isjust the sum of the individual spectral densities, or twicethat given in Equation (2.69):

V 2Tω =




π3/2ε0= 10−16

√T . (2.70)

In the opposite limit (L λD) the electric field is notcompletely shielded out over the length of the antennaand the spheres will see partly correlated signals. As afirst approximation, the potential difference between thespheres is assumed to be proportional to the relative an-tenna length L/λD. Thus, the voltage spectral density isgiven by

V 2Tω =









· 10−16√T . (2.71)

For frequency components above the plasma frequencyωp, the electrons will not have time to form a stable Debyesheath. Instead, they will oscillate back and forth abouttheir equilibrium positions in the potential field of the dis-turbance, giving rise to longitudinal electron plasma waveswith dispersion relation (Chen, 1984)

ω2 = ω2p +



th (2.72)

where k = 2π/λ is the wave number and ωp =(ne2/ε0m)1/2 is the plasma frequency. In this case, thecharacteristic distance beyond which the electric field dis-turbances are shielded out by the electron motions is notthe Debye length as was the case for low frequencies. In-stead, it is the damping of the waves due to the plasmatemporal dispersion (Landau damping) that determines


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range of the electric field fluctuations. This damping de-pends strongly on the wavelength; it increases as the wave-length gets shorter. When ω ωp, the second term on theright in Equation (2.72) will dominate and the wavelengthcan be solved for:

ω2 ≈ 3


th =3





· v2th ⇒ λ2 ≈ 6π2 v


ω2. (2.73)

For an approximate order-of-magnitude estimate, itshould be reasonable to neglect the 6π2 factor in Equation(2.73) and assume a shielding distance of vth/ω. Substi-tuting this for λD in Equation (2.69) then gives

V 2Tω =






For large frequencies vth/ω will be smaller than the lengthL of the antenna, so the signals on the two spheres willbe uncorrelated and the spectral density of the terminalvoltage will be twice that of Equation (2.74). Evaluatingthe physical constants as in Equation (2.70) then gives

V 2Tω = 2 · 10−16




for frequencies ω ωp.For fluctuations at frequencies approaching the plasma

frequency from above, ω → ω+p , the dispersion relation of

Equation (2.72) gives wave numbers k that tend to zero.This corresponds to very long wavelengths, indicating thatat these frequencies the antenna will be reached by electricfield fluctuations emanating from a very large plasma vol-ume. This suggests the presence of a peak in the voltagespectral density at or near the plasma frequency. This isnot true for frequencies approaching the plasma frequencyfrom below, ω → ω−p , since then k will be imaginary andthe problem is reduced to the electrostatic case where thedisturbances are damped over a distance on the order ofthe Debye length. At the exact plasma frequency, ω = ωp,k will be zero and the fluctuations will give rise to electro-static plasma oscillations. Since these do not propagate,the antenna will only see a limited plasma volume. It cantherefore be concluded that the peak will actually appearfor frequencies slightly above the plasma frequency andnot at the plasma frequency itself.

2.6.2 Stringent derivation

Plasma fluctuations

In a more stringent derivation, such as the one outlined inFejer and Kan (1969), the thermal motions of the particlesin the plasma are separated into two parts, an impressedcurrent density Jr that represents the random motions ofthe individual particles in the single-particle approxima-tion, i.e. when particle interactions are neglected, and aninduced current density Jc that accounts for particle mo-tions in response to the fields produced by all the otherparticles. In other words, the fluctuating plasma is repre-sented by a fluctuation-free plasma through which thereflows an impressed current density Jr.

Impressed currents are considered to be applied by someexternal mechanism and do not depend on the electro-magnetic fields in the region of interest. However, theseimpressed sources will give rise to electric and magneticfields, which may in turn induce charges and currents inthe surrounding media. Thus, the total currents are thesum of the impressed and induced currents and togetherthey will produce total electric and magnetic fields thatsolve Maxwell’s equations self-consistently:

∇ · E =ρ


∇ ·B = 0 (2.77)

∇× E = −µ0



∇×H = Jr + Jc + ε0


). (2.79)

H in Equations (2.78) and (2.79) is given by the consti-tutive relationship B = µ0H. Introducing the space-timeFourier components of the fields and sources of the form

A = A0 exp i(k · r − ωt) , (2.80)

Maxwell’s curl equations can be written as

ik × E = iωµ0H (2.81)

ik × H = Jr + Jc − iωε0E. (2.82)

Taking the curl of Equation (2.81) gives

− k × (k × E) = iωµ0(ik × H)

= iωµ0(Jr + Jc) +ω2

c2E (2.83)

where Equation (2.82) was used in the last step.In order to find Jc, the plasma is assumed collision-

less and non-magnetized so that the velocity distributionfunction fs(v) is given by the Vlasov Equation as (Chen,1984)


+ v ·∇fs +qsms

E · ∂f∂v

= 0 (2.84)

for particle species s. fs(v) can be expressed as the sum ofthe zeroth order distribution function f0s(v) for a uniformequilibrium plasma with zero fields, E0 = B0 = 0, anda first order perturbation f1s(r,v, t). Both the time andspace derivatives of the zeroth order term vanish, so theVlasov Equation can be written


∂t+ v ·∇f1s +


E1 ·(∂f0s



)= 0 (2.85)

where E1 is the perturbed electric field. If the perturba-tions are small, the second term in parenthesis in Equation(2.85) can be neglected since it will be quadratic in per-turbed quantities. A space-time Fourier transform of thelinearized Equation (2.85) then gives


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− iωf1s + ik · vf1s +qsmsE · ∂f0s

∂v= 0 (2.86)

where the subscript on E was dropped since the zerothorder field is zero. Solving for f1s and identifying ∂f0s/∂vas ∇vf0s(v) yields

f1s = −i qsms

E ·∇vf0s(v)

ω − k · v . (2.87)

Multiplying Equation (2.87) by the particle density ns,charge qs and speed v, integrating over all velocities andsumming over all particle species gives

Jc = −∑s




ˆ(E ·∇vf0s(v))v

ω − k · v dv. (2.88)

If the zeroth order distribution function is isotropic, itsargument v can be replaced by the speed v.

Substituting Equation (2.88) for Jc in Equation (2.83)and evaluating the vector triple product using the formulaa× (b× c) = (a · c)b− (a · b)c, one obtains

(k ·E)k−k2E+ω2





ˆ(E ·∇vf0s(v))v

ω − k · v dv

= −iωµ0Jr (2.89)

where ωps = (nsq2s/ε0ms)

1/2 is the plasma frequency of

constituent s. The electric field E can be factored out if itis recognized that terms of the form (a ·c)b can be writtenas (a⊗b)·c, where ⊗ denotes the dyadic product (or tensorproduct). By convention, both sides of Equation (2.89) aremultiplied by c2/w2 and then expressed as


iε0ωJr = Λ · E (2.90)

where Λ is the effective conductivity tensor by which therandom source current density is related to the fluctuatingelectric field in the plasma. It is given by

Λ =c2

ω2k ⊗ k +

(1− k2c2






ˆ ∇vf0s(v)⊗ vω − k · v dv (2.91)

where I denotes the rank two identity tensor.

The tensor relation applied to Equation (2.89) to factorout E can also be applied to Equation (2.88) with thesame purpose, giving

Jc =





ˆ ∇vf0s(v)⊗ vω − k · v dv

]· E ≡ σ · E


where σ is the conductivity tensor relating the inducedcurrent density to the electric field4. Comparing the fac-tors before the integrals in equations (2.91) and (2.92)yields











which shows that the last term in Equation (2.91) is justiσ/ε0ω. It is conventional to use the dielectric tensor εrather than σ to account for the effect of the inducedcurrents in the plasma. The dielectric tensor is given bythe constitutive relationship for the electric displacementD:

D = ε(k, ω) · E. (2.94)

In the present context, D is defined so as to include theeffects of the induced current density Jc:


∂t≡ Jc + ε0


∂t, (2.95)

which is equivalent to

− iωD = (σ − iωε0I) · E. (2.96)

Taking the time-derivative of Equation (2.94) yields

− iωD =∂

∂tε · E = −iωε · E. (2.97)

From Equations (2.96) and (2.97) the dielectric tensor canbe solved for, giving

ε =i

ε0ωσ + I. (2.98)

Thus, Equation (2.91) can be expressed as

Λ =c2

ω2k ⊗ k − k2c2

ω2I + ε (2.99)

which is the form most often encountered in the literature(e. g. Meyer-Vernet and Perche (1989)).

Antenna physics

Antenna impedance from the induced EMFmethod. Consider an antenna of some general shape,made up of two regions of perfectly electrically conductingmaterial (PEC) and connected to a voltage generator asshown in Figure 2.8(a). According to Shelkunoff’s equiva-lence principle (Balanis, 2005), any bounded volume con-taining matter and source currents J , M5 that produceelectric and magnetic fields E and H outside the volumecan be equivalently represented by replacing the matterand sources in the volume by a perfect electric conductorand impressed surface currents MS and JS , see figures2.9(a) and 2.9(b). It can be shown that an impressed cur-rent density on the surface of a perfect electric conductordoes not radiate, since the induced currents will produce

4It is important to note the difference between Λ and σ here: Λis the conductivity as seen by the impressed currents and σ is theconductivity as seen by the induced currents.

5J is the electric current density and M is the magnetic currentdensity.


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(a) Antenna consisting oftwo PEC regions connectedto a voltage generator.



MS C ′


(b) The voltage source is replaced bya PEC region surrounded by an in-finitesimal magnetic surface current,according to Shelkunoff’s equivalenceprinciple.


Free spaceNull field


(c) The antenna is replacedby free space surrounded bya surface current JA.

Figure 2.8: Application of field equivalence principles to a general PEC antenna.

Sources and matter



S(a) Bounded volume ofsources and matter, radi-ating into the surroundingspace.

Zero fieldPEC



SMS = E × n

JS = 0

(b) Shelkunoff equivalent of the sourceand matter distribution.

Zero fieldFree space



SMS = E × n

JS = n×H

(c) Love equivalent of the source and mat-ter distribution.

Figure 2.9: Field equivalence principles.

fields that exactly cancel those of the impressed currents.Therefore, JS can be set to zero in Figure 2.9(b).

Applying the Shelkunoff equivalence principle to thevoltage source in Figure 2.8(a), the antenna terminal volt-age can be replaced by PEC surrounded by a thin filamentof magnetic current MS , see Figure 2.8(b). To examinehow this magnetic current density is related to the ter-minal voltage VT , Maxwell’s Equation for the curl of theelectric field is invoked:

∇×E = −µ0∂H

∂t+M . (2.100)

Taking the surface integral over some surface S′ withboundary C ′ gives

˛C′E · ds = −µ0



dt· ds+

¨S′MS · ds (2.101)

where Stoke’s theorem was used in the integral on theleft-hand side. Let C ′ be a closed curve that encloses themagnetic current filament MS as shown in Figure 2.8(b)and that is small enough that the magnetic flux throughthe loop of the curve can be neglected. Then the first in-tegral on the right-hand side of Equation (2.101) vanishes.The electric field is zero in the interior of a perfect con-ductor, so the contribution of the integration path C ′ thatis inside the PEC to the integral on the left of Equation(2.101) will be zero. The integral then reduces to the neg-ative of the potential difference VT between the antennaarms. In cylindrical coordinates centered on the antennaterminal the infinitesimal magnetic current filament canbe expressed as

MS = −MSδ(r − a)δ(z)θ (2.102)

where a is the radius of the cylindrical PEC region at theterminal and z is directed along the antenna (upwards inFigure 2.8(b)). Integrating this over the surface S′ justgives MS since θ is anti-parallel to ds on S′. Hence,

MS = −VT . (2.103)

According to Love’s equivalence principle (Balanis,2005), any bounded volume containing matter and sourcesJ , M that produce electric and magnetic fields E and H


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outside the volume can be equivalently represented by re-placing the matter and sources in the volume by free spaceand impressed surface currents MS and JS , see Figure2.9(c). Applying this theorem to the antenna model inFigure 2.8(b), the PEC can be replaced by free space plusa surface current JA flowing on the antenna boundary sur-face. Apart from MS there will not be any magnetic sur-face currents since the tangential component of the electricfield vanishes on a PEC surface.

According to the reciprocity theorem (Balanis, 2005),two sets of sources Ja, Ma and Jb, M b, each producingin a linear isotropic medium the fields Ea, Ha and Eb,Hb, respectively, when applied individually, are related by


(Ea · Jb −Ha ·M b) dV =


(Eb · Ja −Hb ·Ma) dV.

(2.104)where the volume of integration V is all space. Lettingsources Ja and Ma be the impressed currents of the an-tenna model in Figure 2.9(c), the reaction of the antennato the electric field produced by some other current sourceJb can be calculated from Equation (2.104) if the electricfield Eb produced by Jb in the absence of the antenna isknown. Assuming that the source currents b are entirelyelectric (i. e. M b = 0), the second term on the left-handside of Equation (2.104) vanishes. To evaluate the corre-sponding term on the right-hand side Ma is substitutedby the expression for MS given by equations (2.102) and(2.103):


Hb ·MadV = −VT˚


Hb · θδ(r−a)δ(z)rdrdθdz

= −VTˆ 2π


Hb · θadθ︸ ︷︷ ︸dr


where again cylindrical coordinates centered on the an-tenna terminal was used. The final integration in Equa-tion (2.105) is around the antenna terminal. ApplyingStoke’s theorem and Faraday’s law (and assuming that ais small enough that the electric flux through the loop canbe neglected) gives


Hb ·MadV = −VT¨ST

∇×Hb · ds

= −VT¨ST

Jb · ds = −VT Ib (2.106)

where ST is the cross-section of the antenna terminal andIb is the total current passing through the feed region inthe absence of the antenna.

The first term on the left-hand side of Equation (2.104)does not vanish in the general case, since Ea is typicallynon-zero outside of the antenna volume. However, theabove results hold for any current distribution and asso-ciated fields Jb, Eb. In particular, then, it also holdsfor currents Jb = JA and fields Eb = EA, i. e. theimpressed electric surface current and resulting fields ofthe antenna. Since the antenna electric fields Ea vanish

on the boundary surface of the antenna volume and Javanishes everywhere else, this choice of currents and fieldseliminates the first term on the left-hand side of Equation(2.104). Furthermore, since Ib is the total current pass-ing through the feed region due to the current distributionJb, setting Jb equal to Ja gives Ib = IT , where IT is thecurrent through the antenna terminal. Equation (2.104)now reduces to

VT = − 1



(EA · JA) dV. (2.107)

Dividing through by IT , the antenna impedance ZA =VT /IT is obtained as

ZA = − 1



(EA · JA) dV. (2.108)

It is important to note here that the fields EA are not thesame as Ea, since the latter is generated by both JA andMS whereas the former is only generated by the electriccurrents JA. EA does not vanish on the boundary surfaceof the antenna volume and the integral in Equation (2.108)is therefore not trivially zero, even though the currentsJA are only non-zero on the boundary surface. In fact,Equation (2.108) reduces to a surface integral

ZA = − 1



(EA · JA) dS (2.109)

where S is the antenna boundary surface. Equations(2.108) and (2.109) are generalized versions of the so calledinduced EMF method.

Open circuit voltage from the reciprocity theorem.Let the sources and fields Jb, Eb in Equation (2.104) bethe sources and fields Jr, Er of the fluctuating plasma.Then the surface integral of Equation (2.106) vanishes ifthe cross-section of the antenna feed region is made smallenough6. Since Jr is omnipresent in the plasma, the firstterm on the left-hand side of Equation (2.104) no longervanishes and the following relationship is obtained be-tween the currents and fields in the fluctuating plasma (inthe absence of the antenna) and the electric currents andfields of the antenna in transmitting mode (in the absenceof the plasma):


(Ea · Jr)dV =


(Er · JA)dV. (2.110)

In order to find the open circuit voltage of the antenna,it is sufficient to find the short circuit current since thesequantities are related via Thevenin’s theorem. Therefore,consider the antenna short circuited at the terminal andsubmersed in a thermally fluctuating plasma. The pres-ence of the antenna will greatly affect the currents andfields in the plasma, in part because of induced currentson the antenna surface in response to the incident electricfield and in part because of the anisotropy that arises in

6The feed region is not the physical voltage generator of Figure(2.8(a)), but rather the PEC-element of its Shelkunoff equivalent,which can of course be made arbitrarily small in our idealized fieldmodel.


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the plasma due to the fact that particle trajectories areblocked by the antenna. The reciprocity theorem requiresan isotropic medium, thus the second effect is neglectedby assuming that the antenna is grid-like, i. e. the elec-tric field vanishes inside but the antenna is freely inter-penetrable by particles (somewhat like a Faraday cage).

The antenna currents that arise in response to the exter-nal field will reradiate into the surrounding plasma, givingrise to induced currents in addition to those caused by theoriginal impressed current density Jr. These new currentswill generate fields that act back on the antenna, chang-ing its current distribution, which will in turn change thefields in the plasma and so on. The actual short circuitcurrent distribution on the antenna will be such that it,together with the currents that it induces in the plasma,creates fields that exactly cancel those of the thermal cur-rent density Jr inside the antenna. Just as was done forJc in Section 2.6.2, the induced currents in the plasmacan be ’hidden away’ in the constitutive relationship ofthe medium. When applying the reciprocity theorem, thecurrents Jsc on the short circuited antenna can thereforebe considered as single-handedly giving rise to the fieldsthat cancel the fields of the impressed thermal currentseverywhere inside the antenna.

Now let the sources Jb in Equation (2.104) be the sumof the currents Jr in the thermally fluctuating plasma andthe short circuit current on the antenna Jsc. The fieldsEb are then the total fields of these two current distri-butions which, as mentioned above, vanishes everywhereinside the antenna. The same boundary conditions alsorequire that the tangential component of these fields van-ish on the antenna surface. Therefore the first term onthe right-hand side of Equation (2.104) vanishes. SinceM b is still assumed to be zero, the second term on theleft-hand side also vanishes. The corresponding term onthe right-hand side is evaluated as in Equation (2.106).As previously discussed, the contribution of Jr to the sur-face integral is zero for a small enough feed region. Thus,Ib equals Isc, the total short circuit current though theantenna terminal. Equation (2.104) then reduces to

VT Isc =


Ea · (Jr + Jsc)︸ ︷︷ ︸Jb




Ea · JrdV +


Ea · JscdV. (2.111)

The last term in Equation (2.111) vanishes since the tan-gential component of Ea is zero on the antenna boundarysurface. Equation (2.110) can then be used to express theshort circuit current in terms of the current distributionon the antenna in transmitting mode and the fluctuatingelectric field in the plasma:

Isc =1



(Er · JA)dV. (2.112)

According to Thevenin’s theorem, multiplying both sidesof Equation (2.112) by the antenna impedance Z = VT /ITgives the open circuit voltage

Voc =1



(Er · JA)dV. (2.113)

Antenna current distribution

Consider a double-sphere dipole antenna such as the oneshown in Figure 2.7. The current distribution on the an-tenna can be calculated from the charge distribution us-ing the continuity equation. Following the procedure out-lined in Meyer-Vernet (1979) and Meyer-Vernet (1983),the charge is assumed to be uniformly distributed overthe spherical surfaces, with opposite polarity on the twospheres, see Figure 2.10. If the antenna is oriented alongthe z-axis so that the spheres are located at ±zL/2, thiscan be expressed as

ρ(r) =Q


(∣∣∣∣r − L


∣∣∣∣− a)− δ(∣∣∣∣r +L


∣∣∣∣− a)](2.114)

whereQ is the amplitude7 of the charge on each sphere. Tofind the Fourier transform of Equation (2.114) it is easiestto first consider a single sphere located at the origin. Then

ρ1(k) =Q



δ(|r| − a) exp−ik · rd3r. (2.115)

It is advantageous use spherical coordinates r, θ, φ in theintegration since that gives |r| = r. The scalar product k·ris then equal to kr cosβkr, where βkr is the angle betweenk and r. For k along the z-axis, βkr is just equal to theelevation angle θ and since ρ1(k) is spherically symmetric,this result can be used for all k. Thus, Equation (2.115)reduces to

ρ1(k) =Q


ˆ ∞0

ˆ π


ˆ 2π


δ(r−a) exp−irk cos θr2 sin θdrdθdφ



ˆ π


exp−ika cos θ sin θdθ. (2.116)

The integral in Equation (2.116) can be found easily bystudying the derivative of exp−ika cos θ:


dθexp−ika cos θ = −ika exp−ika cos θ · (− sin θ)

⇒ exp−ika cos θ sin θ =1



dθexp−ika cos θ.


Substituting Equation (2.117) for the integrand in Equa-tion (2.116) gives

ρ1(k) =Q


[exp−ika cos θ




(expika − exp−ika

)= Q


ka. (2.118)

7The charge distribution is assumed to vary harmonically in timeso that ρ(r, t) = ρ(r) exp−iω0t and ρ(k, ω) = ρ(k)δ(ω − ω0) (andsimilarly for the current).


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+Qe−iωt −Qe−iωt

Figure 2.10: Presumed charge distribution on the antenna.

The total charge distribution on the antenna is given by

ρ(r) = ρ1

(r − L


)− ρ1

(r +




so by the translational property of the Fourier transform(Rade and Westergren, 1998)

ρ(k) =


−ik · L


− exp

ik · L



= −2iQ sin




ka. (2.120)

The continuity Equation provides a relationship be-tween the charge and current distributions on the antenna:

∂ρ(r, t)

∂t+ ∇ · J(r, t) = 0. (2.121)

In terms of the Fourier components of ρ and J it reducesto

ik · J = iωρ. (2.122)

Assuming that all the current flows in the positive or nega-tive z-direction, J = J z, k ·J = kzJ and Equation (2.122)gives

J(k) =ωρ

kzz = −2iωQ





kaz (2.123)

The factor Q in Equation (2.123) representing the max-imum total charge on the spheres acts as a scaling factorfor the current distribution. However, in both equations(2.108) and (2.113) the antenna currents are divided bythe terminal current IT . Therefore the real quantity of in-terest is the normalized current distribution J/|IT |. Thiscan be related to the charge amplitude Q by noting that,since the charge on the spheres changes sign once everyhalf period, the total charge passing though the antennaterminal during this time interval is equal to 2Q:

2Q =

ˆ π/ω


IT dt. (2.124)

Expressing the terminal current IT = I0 exp−iωt, Equa-tion (2.124) yields

2Q =

ˆ π/ω


I0 exp−iωtdt = I0

[− 1




(exp−iπ︸ ︷︷ ︸


− exp0︸ ︷︷ ︸1

)= −2iI0


from which I0 is obtained as

I0 = iωQ. (2.126)

The normalized current distribution on the antenna is thengiven by

J(k)/|I0| =ωρ

kz= − 2i





kaz (2.127)

which is the expression given by Meyer-Vernet and Perche(1989).

Antenna impedance

The impedance of the antenna is given by Equation(2.108):

ZA = − 1



(EA · JA) dV. (2.108)

Since the integration is over all space, Parseval’s theoremcan be applied,

ZA = − 1

I2T (2π)3


EA(k) · JA(−k)d3k. (2.128)

where the minus sign in the argument of the current ex-pression comes from the complex conjugation in Parseval’stheorem.

The next step is to find the electric field EA that isproduced in the plasma by the antenna current JA. Forthat purpose, Equation (2.90) can be used. This was de-rived with the random thermal currents Jr in mind, butno reference was made with regards to the actual make upof these currents so it clearly holds for any impressed cur-rent distribution in the plasma that is ”gentle” enough forthe linearization of the Vlasov Equation to still be valid.Thus, under the assumption of linearity, the impedanceof the antenna can be expressed in terms if the effectiveconductivity Λ of the plasma as

ZA =i



JA(k) ·Λ−1 · JA(k)d3k (2.129)

where the symmetry in ±k of the current distribution inEquation (2.123) was used.

The relationship between EA and JA can be greatlysimplified in the electrostatic approximation, which is validfor frequencies on the order of the plasma frequency whereω kc. Then ∇×EA vanishes and the electric field canbe expressed as the gradient of a scalar potential:

EA = −ikV. (2.130)

Furthermore, H vanishes and Equation (2.82) for the an-tenna current and fields becomes

JA = iωε0EA − Jc. (2.131)

Replacing Jc by σ ·EA according to Equation (2.92) gives


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JA = iωε0

(I +



)· EA = iωε0ε · EA (2.132)

where the expression for ε in Equation (2.98) was used.Inserting the expression for EA given by Equation (2.130)into Equation (2.132), one obtains

JA = ωε0ε · kV. (2.133)

Taking the scalar product of both sides of Equation (2.133)with k and solving for V yields

k · JA = ωε0k · ε · kV ⇒ V =k · JA

ωε0k · ε · k(2.134)

which can be inserted back into Equation (2.130) to give

EA =−iωε0

k(k · JA)

k · ε · k . (2.135)

With this expression for EA, Equation (2.128) reduces to

ZA =i



|k · JA|2k · ε · k dk3 (2.136)

For the case of an isotropic plasma, the dielectric tensorcan be separated into a longitudinal and a transverse part(Sitenko, 1982):

ε =k ⊗ kk2

εL +

(I − k ⊗ k


)εT . (2.137)

Recalling the identity (a⊗b)·c = (a·c)b, the denominatorof Equation (2.136) then reduces to

k · ε · k = k2εL (2.138)

and the antenna impedance can be expressed as

ZA =i



|k · JA|2k2εL

d3k. (2.139)

The integration in Equation (2.139) is most easily per-formed in spherical coordinates k, θ, φ. The assumptionof an isotropic plasma carries over to the dielectric per-mittivity, i. e. εL(k, ω) = εL(k, ω), allowing for εL to betaken out of the directional integration:

ZA =i


ˆ ∞0



ˆ 2π


ˆ π


|k · JA|2 sin θdθdφdk

(2.140)Normalizing the antenna current as in Equation (2.127)and defining the antenna geometry factor

F (k) ≡ 1


ˆ 2π


ˆ π


|k · JA|2 sin θdθdφ (2.141)


ZA =4i


ˆ ∞0

F (k)

εLdk. (2.142)

Finally, the normalized current expression given by Equa-tion (2.127) is inserted into Equation (2.141) to evaluateF (k) for a double-sphere dipole antenna:

F (k) =1


ˆ 2π


ˆ π


4 sin2




(ka)2sin θdθdφ.

(2.143)Performing the integration with respect to φ and recog-nizing that kz = k cos θ yields

F (k) =1




ˆ π



(kL cos θ


)sin θdθ. (2.144)

The integral in Equation (2.144) can be evaluated usingthe identity


(kL cos θ



1− cos(kL cos θ)


and the fact that


[sin(kL cos θ)

]= −kL cos(kL cos θ) sin θ. (2.146)

The aforementioned integral then reduces to

ˆ π



(kL cos θ


)sin θdθ =



ˆ π


(sin θ +




dθsin(kL cos θ)

)dθ =



[− cos θ +

sin(kL cos θ)



= 1− sin(kL)


and inserting this back into Equation (2.144) gives

F (k) =1


(1− sin(kL)



(ka)2. (2.148)

The impedance of a double-sphere dipole antenna of lengthL is thus given by Equation (2.142) with F (k) accordingto Equation (2.148).

Open circuit voltage spectral density

The open circuit voltage of a grid-like dipole antenna ina plasma is given by Equation (2.113). Since the elec-tric field fluctuations Er in the plasma are stochastic innature, so is the open circuit voltage Voc of the antenna.Thus, the quantity of interest is the voltage spectral den-sity, SV (ω) = 2FRV (τ), where RV (τ) is the autocorre-lation function of the open circuit voltage:

RV (τ) = limT→∞



ˆ T/2

−T/2Voc(t)Voc(t+ τ)dt. (2.149)

Substituting Equation (2.113) for Voc in Equation (2.149),taking the Fourier transform and applying Parseval’s theo-rem gives (Meyer-Vernet, 1979; Meyer-Vernet and Perche,1989)


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SV (ω) =2



J i(k) · Eij(k, ω) · J j(k)dk (2.150)

where Eij is the space-time Fourier transform of the au-tocorrelation tensor of the electric field fluctuations in theplasma:

Eij =

ˆ ∞−∞


< Ei(r, t)Ej(r + r′, t+ τ) >

· expi(ωt− k · r)d3r′dτ. (2.151)

The indexes i and j follow the conventional Einstein nota-tion. Equation (2.150) is the general expression for quasi-thermal noise. In the special case where all particle speciesobey Maxwellian velocity distributions at the same tem-perature, i.e. in thermal equilibrium, Equation (2.150)reduces to (Meyer-Vernet and Perche, 1989)

SV (ω) = 4kBTReZ (2.152)

with the antenna impedance Z given by Equation (2.129).Hence, in thermal equilibrium, the quasi-thermal noise re-duces to the Nyquist theorem. In the electrostatic ap-proximation, it is then be possible to compute the voltagespectral density of the quasi-thermal noise from Equa-tion (2.152), with the impedance from Equation (2.142)and F (k) from Equation (2.148). If ion motions are ne-glected and only one Maxwellian population of electronsare present, the longitudinal dielectric permittivity of theplasma is given by (Meyer-Vernet and Perche, 1989)

εL(k, ω) = 1 +[1− Φ(z) + i

√πz exp−z2



(2.153)where the plasma dispersion function Φ(z) is given by

Φ(z) = 2z exp−z2ˆ z


expx2dx (2.154)


z =ω

kvth. (2.155)

As it turns out, the formulas above for quasi-termal noiseat thermal equilibrium are quite problematic to handlenumerically. In fact, if the electron velocities are assumedto obey a so called ”kappa”-distribution, the numericalcalculations become much more tractable. A ”kappa”-distribution is very similar to a Maxwellian at low veloci-ties, but it has a power law tail for high velocities, ratherthan the exponential decrease of the Maxwellian. Thus,the main difference is that the ”kappa”-distribution hasmore high-energy electrons. It is shown by Chateau andMeyer-Vernet (1991) that high-energy electrons determinethe noise near the plasma frequency, but at other frequen-cies, their contribution is expected to be small since they

are much less numerous than their low-energy counter-parts. Therefore, the main difference in the noise spec-trum between Maxwellian and ”kappa”-distibuted plas-mas should be in the fine-structure of the peak. In thiswork, the choice to work with a ”kappa”-distributionrather than a Maxwellian was entirely based on numericalconsiderations and should not in any way be interpreted asa conjecture about the physical properties of the plasmasto be encountered during the JUICE mission. A ”kappa”-distribution is defined by Chateau and Meyer-Vernet as

fκ(v) =A

(1 + v2/κv20)κ+1

. (2.156)

In Equation (2.156), A is a normalization constant andv0 is a parameter of the distribution. The temperatureof a collection of particles is typically defined based on aMaxwellian velocity distribution (Chen, 1984). In the caseof ”kappa”-distributions, the term effective temperature,Teff, is typically used and is given as

Teff ≡m < v2 >





2κ− 3. (2.157)

Thus, v0 is in some sense analogous to the thermal velocityvth of a Maxwellian distribution. The expression for quasi-thermal noise in a ”kappa”-distributed plasma is given by(Chateau and Meyer-Vernet, 1991)

SV (ω) =2κ+3



(2κ− 3)!!√κ



ˆ ∞





2κ− 1

)(1 + z2)κ|εL|2



z =ω√κkv0

, (2.159)

r = ω/ωp and u = L/λD. The Debye length in a ”kappa”-distributed plasma is not given by Equation (2.18) as fora Maxwellian plasma, but instead it is calculated as

λD =v0



2κ− 1. (2.160)

In some cases, it is more convenient to use the Debyelength of a Maxwellian plasma of the same density and ef-fective temperature as the non-Maxwellian plasma underconsideration. This is then denoted λDm for clarity andgiven by Equation (2.18) with the effective temperature ofEquation (2.157) substituted for the electron temperatureTe. The longitudinal dielectric permittivity is given by

εL = 1 +z2


(2κ− 1 +


(2κ− 3)!!iz


(κ+ p)!



(2i)κ+1+p(z + i)κ+1−p

). (2.161)


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Chapter 3

Prospective space plasma environments

All of the noise sources considered in this work dependin some way on the parameters (density, temperature, etc.)of the space plasma that the spacecraft is immersed in. Inthis chapter, estimates of these parameters are presentedfor the environments that JUICE will encounter, basedon published results from previous measurements and theoverall instrument performance requirements of RPWI.

3.1 General considerations andthe Jovian magnetosphere

The space plasma conditions that will be encountered dur-ing the JUICE mission are generally not well known. Af-ter all, if they were, there would not be much need fora mission of this kind to begin with. The overall instru-ment performance with regards to the ambient environ-ment is summarized in Table 3.1, taken from RPWI Exec-utive Summary (Issue 1, October 2012). The parametersof most interest in this work are the electron density andtemperature, the ion drift speed and the spacecraft po-tential, these have all been highlighted in Table 3.1. Thevalues in Table 3.1 should be considered in the context ofthe expected space plasma environments, some of whichare presented in Table 3.2 where, again, the quantities ofmost relevance to the present work have been highlighted.

In Table 3.2, it is seen that the hottest plasma is ex-pected to be found in the outer parts of the magneto-sphere, at the orbital positions of Ganymede and Callisto.There, the electron temperature is on the order of 100eV or more. At Europa’s orbital position, the tempera-ture is much lower, about 40 eV. On the other hand thedensity is much larger, 50 cm−3 compared to 4 and 0.2cm−3 respectively at Ganymede and Callisto. Thus, thereseems to be a clear negative correlation between densityand temperature in the Jovian magnetosphere.

The magnetospheric plasma around Jupiter approxi-mately co-rotates with the planet. For geometric reasons,the largest co-rotational velocities are found in the outermagnetosphere, at the orbital radii of Ganymede and Cal-listo. The co-rotation is not perfect, in fact the plasmalags the planet rotation more and more the further outfrom Jupiter one gets. Furthermore, the Galilean moonsorbit Jupiter in the same direction as the plasma flow.Their keplerian speeds are slightly less than the magne-tospheric drift velocity so the plasma tends to catch up

Overall Instrument Performance Measured Quantity Range Error/Sensitivity

Electron density (Ne, δn/n) Ion density (Ni) Electron temperature (Te) Ion drift speed (Vdi) Ion temperature (Ti) upper constraints Spacecraft potential (Usc) Integrated solar EUV flux

10-4 – 105 cm-3, DC-1.6 MHz 1–105 cm-3, <1 Hz 0.01 – 100 eV, <1 Hz 0.1–200 km/s, <1 Hz 0.02 – 20 eV, <1 Hz ±100 V, <1 Hz

<5% (>0.01 cm-3) <20% <15% <20% Constrained by <mVdi2/2e <10% <0.05 Gphotons/cm2/s

Magnetic field vector, δB(f) 0.1 Hz – 20 kHz 80 kHz – 45 MHz

4 fT/√Hz (at 4 kHz) 0.3 fT/√Hz (at 1 MHz)

Electric field vector, δE(f) δE or δn phase speed from interferometry

DC – 45 MHz Wave vector (δk) Polarization <1000 km/s

DC: <1 mV/m near icy moons 1 nV/m/√Hz (at 1 MHz) 10 nV/m/√Hz (at 10 MHz) ~1° (at 10 MHz) ~10% (at 10 MHz) <10%

Table 3.1: Overall performance of the JUICE RPWI. (Adaptedfrom RPWI Executive Summary (2012))

to and overtake the moons from behind. The relative co-rotational velocities are shown in Table 3.2, these can beused as an estimate of the plasma drift speed with respectto the spacecraft.

The highest densities and lowest temperatures are notexpected out in the Jovian magnetosphere, but rather inthe vicinity of the icy moons. Of these, Ganymede standsout since it has its own internally generated magnetic field.It is also the only of the icy Galilean moons from whichthere are in situ measurements of the plasma conditions.For these reasons, and the fact that Ganymede will be or-bited by JUICE for an extended period of time, Ganymedewill be singled out for further investigation in the next sec-tion.

3.2 Ganymede’s ionosphere

Ganymede orbits Jupiter at a distance of approximately1.07·106 km, or about 15 Jupiter radii (RJ), making it thethird of the four Galilean moons counting outward fromJupiter. It has a radius RG of 2634 km and is thereby thelargest moon in the solar system. Measurements made bythe Galileo spacecraft show that Ganymede has its owninternally generated magnetic field that is strong enoughto deflect the plasma flow of Jupiter’s magnetosphere atlow altitudes (up to about 5RG), resulting in a small lo-calized magnetosphere around Ganymede (Gurnett et al.,1996; Kivelson et al., 1996).

In situ measurements of the electron density in the vicin-ity of Ganymede were carried out by the Plasma Wave in-strument on Galileo during two flybys in June and Septem-ber of 1996 (denoted G1 and G2, respectively). The re-sults were presented by Gurnett et al. (1996) and Eviatar


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A few key properties, of importance for the plasma environment near the Galilean moons of Jupiter

Body Io Europa Ganymede Callisto

Radius (km) 1815 1565 2640 2420Distance from Jupiter (Rj) 5.9 9.4 15.0 26.4Orbital period (days) 1.8 3.6 7.2 16.7Relative co-rotation velocity (km/s) 45–57 84 127 228Ne, Jovian magnetosphere (cm!3) 4000 50 4 0.2Co-rotational dynamic pressure (nPa) 400 12 2 0.4Average Ionospheric Te (eV) 4 43 130 130Average Ionospheric Ti (eV) 43 52 60 86Ionospheric thermal pressure (nPa) 30 0.8 0.1 0.01Jovian magnetic field (nT) 1800 450 100 10Intrinsic B field (eq. surface, nT) 1300? Small 700 SmallAlfven velocity (km/s) 130 300 250 300Acoustic velocity (km/s) 19 26 37 40Magnetosonic velocity (km/s) 133 310 250 300

Table 3.2: Overview of the plasma environments expected near the Galilean moons. (Adapted from Wahlund et al. (2005).)

et al. (2001). Electron densities as a function of altitudeabove Ganymede are shown in Figure 3.1. Gurnett et al.base their result solely on the G1 measurements, givingestimates for the surface density and scale height of 100cm−3 and 1000 km, respectively. Eviatar et al. also in-clude measurements from the G2 flyby in their estimate,giving a surface density of 400 cm−3 and a scale height of600 km. Lines corresponding to these estimates are shownin Figure 3.1 for comparison.

Assuming quasi-neutrality, the total ion density mustbe equal to the electron density (for singly charged ions).Eviatar et al. predict that the ionosphere will be domi-nated by molecular oxygen ions, O+

2 , in the polar region(latitudes greater than 45), and atomic oxygen ions, O+,in the equatorial region.

The electron temperature is not known at Ganymede soany predictions will be based on more or less sophisticatedguess-work. Marconi (2007) takes it to be 20 eV in hismodel of Ganymede’s atmosphere. This value comes fromestimates of the temperature in Jupiter’s magnetosphereat Europa’s orbital position, presented by Bagenal (1994)and used by Shematovich et al. (2005) in their model ofEuropa’s atmosphere. However, it seems unlikely that thetemperature would be independent of altitude and uniformacross the entire moon. Furthermore, it can be questionedwhether the temperature in the Jovian magnetosphere atEuropa’s orbital distance is in any way indicative of thetemperature in the ionosphere of Ganymede.

Edberg et al. (2010) present electron temperature anddensity measurements of Titan’s cold ionospheric plasmafrom the Langmuir probe instrument on Cassini from atotal of 52 flybys, see Figure 3.2. These data show a clearcorrelation between electron density and temperature, ex-pressed quantitatively by Edberg et al. as

log(ne) = −2.0 · log(Te) + 0.6. (3.1)

where ne and Te are the electron density and tempera-ture in cm−3 and eV, respectively. This model providesan attractive alternative to the value used by Marconi forpredicting the temperature of electrons in the ionosphericplasma of Ganymede, considering the similarities betweenGanymede and Titan; they are of similar sizes and both or-bit inside the co-rotating magnetospheres of their respec-

328 A. Eviatar et al. / Planetary and Space Science 49 (2001) 327–336

Fig. 1. Horizontal projection of the G1 and G2 encounters of Galileowith Ganymede.

Fig. 2. Vertical projection of the G1 and G2 encounters of Galileo withGanymede.

discuss the published Galileo Ultraviolet Science (UVS)and PLS data.We also quote data and inferences from the energetic

particle detector (EPD), radio occultation studies, groundbased observations and HST !ndings. The implications ofthe combined data sets will be shown to be consistent withour model. The horizontal and vertical projections of theencounter trajectories are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.

2.1. PWS data

Fig. 3 shows the electron density obtained from PWSmeasurements of the upper hybrid resonance frequency dur-ing the G1 and G2 "ybys. For a discussion of the technique

Fig. 3. Electron density pro!les on Ganymede 2 obtained by means ofthe PWS instrument on Galileo.

Fig. 4. The ratio of density to magnetic !eld magnitude as measured bythe MAG and PWS instruments on Galileo.

involved, see Gurnett et al. (1996). The densities are de-rived from the density-dependent upper hybrid resonanceand are accurate to the level of the channel separation, i.e.about 6%. The G1 inbound and outbound curves and theG2 outbound share a more or less common slope over mostof the range and the steepening of the slope shown by G2inbound is based on too little data to be considered real.The common slope of the !rst mentioned triad correspondsto a scale height of 600 km and a surface density of about400 cm!3. We shall conclude below that very near the sur-face, the scale height may be expected to be considerablysmaller, and the surface density correspondingly greater, butnonetheless, our predicted density will be well below theupper limit of 4 ! 103 cm!3 obtained by Kliore (1998) inthe radio occultation observation. This density should be ap-proximately equal to the density of O+2 , since atomic oxygenis a minor constituent of the bound ionosphere, as we showin Section 4.2.In Fig. 4, we plot the ratio of density n to magnetic !eld

magnitude B as measured by the magnetometer and PWSinstruments on Galileo as a function of radial distance along



Figure 3.1: Electron densities measured by the Plasma Waveinstrument on Galileo during the G1 and G2 flybys. Lines cor-responding to surface density and scale height estimates givenby Gurnett et al. (1996) and Eviatar et al. (2001) are shownin red and blue, respectively. (Adapted from Eviatar et al.(2001).)

tive parent planets. Solving Equation (3.1) for Te gives

Te =100.3

√ne≈ 2√

ne. (3.2)

Throughout this work, the scale height and surface den-sity of Eviatar et al. are used together with Equation(3.2) to estimate the electron density and temperature inGanymede’s ionosphere.


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Figure 3. (a) Electron density plotted as a function of electron temperature and color!coded by altitude with data from allincluded flybys. (b–e) The same data as in panel a but subdivided into ram or wake side of Titan and night side or day side,as indicated at the top of each panel. The least!squares fit only includes data from below 2 RT and the expression of thecurve is given in each panel together with the coefficient of determination (R2) and the number of datapoints (N).


4 of 5

Figure 3.2: Electron temperature and density measurementsfrom the Langmuir probe onboard the Cassini spacecraft inthe ionosphere of Titan. (Adapted from Edberg et al. (2010).)


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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

A key point of this project work has been to come upwith a way to combine the effects of the different noisesources presented in Sections 2.4 - 2.6 (i.e. Nyquist noise,shot noise and quasi-thermal noise). In this chapter, asmall signal integrated noise model that is used to achievethis is presented. Also, the general properties of the quasi-thermal noise and the associated antenna model (voltagespectral density and impedance) are calculated numeri-cally for a broad range of plasma parameters correspond-ing to the instrument performance requirements in Table3.1. This is followed by calculations of the QTN antennaimpedance for a few specific space plasma environmentsthat JUICE will encounter. The current-voltage charac-teristics of the probes in these environments are then cal-culated and used to obtain the small-signal effective re-sistances between the probes. Finally, the QTN antennaimpedance and probe-to-probe resistances are used in thesmall signal integrated noise model to calculate the con-tributions of all the considered noise sources to the totalantenna noise in these environments. The chapter is con-cluded with a short discussion on the errors and shortcom-ings of the method and the results calculated from it.

4.1 Small signal integrated noisemodel

The formulas in Section 2.6 for the quasi-thermal noiseare only valid for a grid-like antenna that is transpar-ent to the plasma particles. This simplifying assumptionwas necessary since the application of the reciprocity theo-rem (Equation (2.104)) required an isotropic medium. Toassure isotropy, it is also necessary to assume that theantenna is uncharged, since any charge on the antennawould produce an electric field, thereby introducing ananisotropy in the surrounding plasma. This phenomenonwas described in Section 2.1. In practice, neither of theseassumptions are valid. In fact, a real antenna will causeanisotropy both by the geometric blocking of particle tra-jectories and by the electric field produced by the chargeof these particles as they are collected by the antenna.Hence, there is a need to somehow adjust or augment thenoise model to account for the effects of these phenomena.That is the goal of the present section.

The collection of particles by a probe constitutes anelectric current between the probe and the plasma. Thisprocess was described in Section 2.2. The current dependson the probe potential and thus gives rise to an effective re-

sistance. The magnitude of this resistance can be obtainedby linearizing the formulas of Section 2.2 at the bias po-tential of the probe. The obtained value then representsthe response of the probe current to small fluctuations ofprobe potential and vice versa.

The emission of photoelectrons by a probe also producesa current, as described in Section 2.2.1. This current toodepends on the probe potential and an effective resistancecan be calculated by linearizing the formulas in Section2.2.1. The individual current components due to ambientplasma particles and photoelectrons, respectively, add to-gether to form the total current between the probe andthe plasma. Since they are driven by the same potential,there effective resistances are added in parallel to form thetotal probe resistance.

In open circuit, a grid-like antenna with no particle ex-change with the ambient plasma will respond to an exter-nal electric field applied between its arms by producing thesame potential difference across its terminal. When parti-cle exchange is allowed, the slightly elevated potential onone arm with respect to the other will cause an imbalancein the probe-plasma currents of the arms, with one armexperiencing a minor increase in current and the other anequal1 decrease. Effectively then, the potential differencebetween the arms drives a small current from one probeto the other, via the plasma. In terms of output charac-teristics, this is equivalent to adding a resistor in parallelacross the terminal impedance of the antenna. Therefore,the resistive coupling of the antenna to the plasma due toparticle exchange is modeled by representing the antennacurrents as resistors in parallel with the impedance of thegrid-like antenna (Equation (2.142)). It is important tonote that these resistances are not the linearized effectiveresistances between a probe and the plasma mentionedpreviously in this section, but rather they are the effectiveresistances between the two probes that constitute the an-tenna arms. As such, they are in fact equal to the serialconnection of the probe-plasma resistances of the individ-ual probes, or twice the value of a single probe resistance.

In addition to the quasi-thermal noise, variations in theprobe currents due to the random thermal velocity compo-nents of the current-carrying particles also produce fluc-tuations in the output voltage of the antenna. In otherwords, the effective resistors representing the currents be-tween the probe and the plasma are dissipative elements

1The equality in magnitude of the current fluctuations on the twoarms follows from the linearization of the current-voltage curve.


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and produce Nyquist noise, as described in Section 2.4.Hence, they must be represented by Thevenin circuit el-ements with open circuit voltages given by the Nyquistformula (Equation (2.49)).

Finally, the discrete nature of the charge making up theprobe currents must be taken into account, since it willgive rise to random fluctuations in the density of the par-ticles and therefore also in the observed current. This isthe so called shot noise, described in Section 2.5. The gen-eral effect of this type of noise is to add a current source inparallel to the noisy circuit elements, proportional to thetotal current according to Schottky’s formula (Equation(2.63)).

Putting it all together, the equivalent circuit of the inte-grated noise model, combining all of the effects describedabove, is shown in Figure 4.1. Vqtn and ZA are the am-plitude spectral density of the quasi-thermal noise in opencircuit voltage and impedance of the QTN antenna model,respectively. Vs and Rs represent the amplitude spectraldensity of the Nyquist noise in open circuit and effec-tive inter-probe resistance of the ambient plasma particles(ions and electrons). Vph and Rph are the correspondingquantities for the photoelectron current. Ishot is the com-bined shot noise of the ambient plasma and photoelectroncurrents. These are assumed to be uncorrelated so Ishot isgiven by adding their powers together

Ishot =√|Ishot,s|2 + |Ishot,ph|2. (4.1)

In fact, a similar procedure is done to combine the ionand electron contributions of the ambient plasma current,but in most cases the ion contribution is entirely negligible(see Section 4.5).

4.2 QTN general properties

In this section, it is examined how the properties of thequasi-thermal noise and the associated antenna model(VQTN and ZA in Figure 4.1) vary under different plasmaconditions. The treatment is limited to electron densityand temperature dependence since ion motions, magneticfields and other environmental parameters that might in-fluence the noise are not included in the quasi-thermalnoise model used in this work. As previously discussed(c.f. Section 4.1), particle impacts and emission are notincluded in this model and the antenna is assumed to beunbiased (uncharged).

The QTN open circuit voltage spectral density V 2qtn is

calculated from Equation (2.158), with λD and εL givenby Equations (2.160 and (2.161), respectively. v0 is givenby Equation (2.157), where Teff is replaced by the esti-mated electron temperature for each considered plasma.The impedance ZA of the QTN antenna model is calcu-lated from Equation (2.142) with F (k) given by Equation(2.148) and εL by Equation (2.161). All results shownhere and in subsequent sections are calculated for ”kappa”-distributed plasmas with κ = 4.

Figures 4.2(a) and 4.2(b) show the variation of thequasi-thermal noise with electron density, at a constanttemperature of the electrons of 1 eV. The sample densities









Figure 4.1: Circuit diagram of the small signal integrated noisemodel.

are selected to cover the full span given by the overall in-strument performance requirements of Table 3.1 in Section3.1. The corresponding curves are separated into two fig-ures, 4.2(a) and 4.2(b), based on wether the effective lengthof the antenna, L/λDm

, is short (< 1) or long (> 1). Inthe case of a short antenna, the quasi-thermal noise curveis relatively flat with only a small peak at the plasmafrequency and almost no discernible high-frequency cut-off, at least in the near-plasma frequency spectrum con-sidered here. As the density increases, the quasi-thermalnoise level increases and both the peak and high-frequencycut-off become more pronounced. For further increases indensity, the Debye length becomes shorter than the an-tenna length and the antenna can be considered effectivelylong. In this regime, the peak is large and the cut-off isclearly present and independent of the density. The low-frequency part of the spectrum now exhibits a decreasewith increasing density, in contrast to what was observedin the short antenna regime.

Figures 4.2(c) and 4.2(d) show the resistance (ReZA)of the QTN antenna model at the aforementioned sampledensities. Qualitatively, the general shape of the curve isthe same as the corresponding noise curves, with little orno peak and weak cut-off for short antennas and strongpeak and cut-off for long antennas.

Figures 4.2(e) and 4.2(f) show the the capacitance(1/ωImZA) of the QTN antenna model. For short an-tennas, the main features are that there is a gradual low-ering and flattening of the curve with increasing density,and that there is a clear decrease in capacitance with fre-quency. For long antennas, a peak starts to develop at theplasma frequency. As the density increases, the peak be-comes taller while the capacitance increase at low frequen-cies is gradually suppressed. At a density of 103 cm−3,corresponding to an effective antenna length of approxi-mately 25 Debye lengths, the peak is fully developed andthe high and low-frequency parts of the curve are almostcompletely flat. For even higher densities, the location ofthe peak in the spectrum is shifted towards lower frequen-cies, as seen in Figure 4.4(a) on page 35. The capacitanceactually becomes negative at frequencies between the peakand the plasma frequency, corresponding to an inductiveantenna.

The results shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.4(a) wereall calculated and plotted using the MATLAB scripteo.qtn_plot_n_e.m, which was made available at


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Figures 4.3(a) and 4.3(b) show the quasi-thermal noiselevels in a tenuous (1 cm−3) and a dense (1000 cm−3)plasma, respectively, for temperature samples representa-tive of the temperature span indicated by Table 3.1. In thetenuous plasma at the lowest temperatures, the antennais long with respect to the Debye length, giving rise to atall peak and strong high frequency cut-off. As the tem-perature increases, the antenna becomes effectively shortand the spectrum is flattened as in Figure 4.2(a). In thedense plasma, the antenna is typically long compared tothe Debye length and its behavior is similar to that inFigure 4.2(b).

Figures 4.3(c) and 4.3(d) show the resistance of the an-tenna at different temperatures in the tenuous and denseplasma, respectively. Again, the behavior of the antennaat each temperature is qualitatively similar to that of anantenna of similar effective length in figures 4.2(c) and4.2(d). This same fact can also be observed in figures4.3(e) and 4.3(f), which show the capacitance of the an-tenna in the tenuous and dense plasma, respectively, andare very similar in appearance to figures 4.2(e) and 4.2(f).Finally, the capacitance of the longest antennas are shownin Figure 4.4(b), where the resemblance to Figure 4.4(a)is duly noted.

The results shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4(b) wereall calculated and plotted using the MATLAB scripteo.qtn_plot_T_e.m, which was made available at

4.3 QTN antenna properties forspecific environments

In this section, the electrical properties (impedance) of theQTN antenna model are calculated from Equation (2.142)with F (k) given by Equation (2.148) and εL by Equation(2.161). The plasma parameters used in these calculationshave been selected with the aim of being representative ofa few of the specific environments that JUICE will en-counter.

The first environment to be studied is the cold denseplasma in Ganymede’s ionosphere, at an altitude of 200km above the surface. The electron density is estimatedto about 300 cm−3, based on the empirical results by Evi-atar et al. (c.f. Section 3.2). The density-temperaturerelationship of Edberg et al. (2010) then gives an electrontemperature on the order of 0.1 eV. Figure 4.5(a) showsthe impedance of the QTN antenna model as a functionof frequency. The considered frequency range has beenextended downwards to about 10−2fp, in contrast to Sec-tion 4.2, to show somewhat more of the low-frequency be-havior. In this environment, the antenna is long with re-spect to the Debye length and the peak and high-frequencycut-off are clearly visible in the resistance curve in Fig-ure 4.5(a). The capacitance also shows a clear peak atthe plasma frequency and there is no increase for low fre-quencies, as was observed for short antennas in Section4.2. However, the antenna is not so long that the peak isshifted towards lower frequencies and it does not becomeinductive in any part of the spectrum (c.f. Figure 4.4).

The magnitude of the reactance is also shown in Figure4.5(a) and it is observed that it is larger than the resis-tive part by several orders of magnitude across the entirespectrum, except at or very near the plasma frequency.

The second environment to be studied is found inGanymede’s ionosphere, at an altitude of 500 km. Thisis intended to show the variation in the noise with moder-ate changes in the plasma parameters within the confinesof the conditions near the moon. The plasma parametersare again estimated based on the density estimate of Evi-atar et al. (2001) and the density-temperature relationshipof Edberg et al. (2010), giving a density of 150 cm−3 anda temperature of 0.2 eV. The QTN antenna impedanceis shown in Figure 4.5(b) and mainly differs from that inFigure 4.5(a) by a capacitance increase at the lowest fre-quencies, which were not present there.

The third environment to be studied is the hot tenu-ous plasma in Jupiter’s magnetosphere, at a distance fromJupiter corresponding to Callisto’s orbital position (26.4Jupiter radii). The density and temperature are 0.2 cm−3

and 130 eV, respectively, see Table 3.2 in Section 3.1. TheQTN antenna impedance is shown in Figure 4.5(c). Inthis environment, the antenna is very short with respectto the Debye length and there is no peak at or near theplasma frequency in either the resistance or capacitanceof the antenna. In fact, the resistance is many orders ofmagnitude lower than in Figure 4.5(a) and shows a cleardecrease at the high and low-frequency ends of the spec-trum. The capacitance is very low except at frequenciesbelow one tenth of the plasma frequency, where it starts toincrease drastically with decreasing frequency. The reac-tance is 3-6 orders of magnitude larger than the resistanceacross the entire spectrum.

The fourth environment under consideration is also inJupiter’s magnetosphere, at at distance corresponding toEuropa’s orbital position (9.4 Jupiter radii). This is an in-teresting environment since it combines a relatively highdensity of 50 cm−3 with a still rather elevated tempera-ture of 40 eV (see Table 3.2). The impedance of the QTNantenna model is shown in Figure 4.5(d). The antennais still short compared to the Debye length and no peakis observed at the plasma frequency, but there is clearlya high-frequency cut-off, both for the resistance and thereactance. The capacitance is generally low but increasesrapidly with decreasing frequency below about 0.1fp, sim-ilarly to what was observed in Figure 4.5(c).

The fifth environment to be considered is at Ganymede’sorbital position in the Jovian magnetosphere (at a distanceof 15 Jupiter radii). This is located between the previ-ous two magnetospheric settings, in terms of distance toJupiter. Table 3.2 gives an electron density of 4 cm−3 anda temperature of 130 eV. The QTN antenna impedanceis shown in Figure 4.5(e) and looks very much like thecorresponding curves in Figure 4.5(c), except that the re-sistance is increased by about an order of magnitude andthe reactance now exhibits somewhat of a cut-off at thehigh-frequency end of the spectrum.

The results shown in Figure 4.5 were all calculated andplotted using the MATLAB script eo.noise.m, which wasmade available at


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4.4 Probe currents and effectiveresistances

In this section, the current-voltage characteristics of theprobes are shown for the five space plasma environmentsunder consideration, computed from the formulas intro-duced in Section 2.2 (specifically, Equations (2.26) and(2.29)). The drift velocity is neglected here but a thermal,singly charged ion component with a mass of 16 atomicmass units (u) is included in the calculations. In obtainingthese results, a photoelectron saturation current densityof 7.26 nA was assumed, corresponding to measurementsfrom the Cassini spacecraft scaled by probe area and dis-tance to the Sun (Wahlund et al., 2009).

The current-voltage curve corresponding to the plasmaconditions at 200 km altitude in Ganymede’s ionosphereis shown in Figure 4.6(a). The current component due toambient electrons dominates for positive probe potentials.At negative potentials, the electron current decreases ex-ponentially and the photoelectron current takes over asthe dominant current component. The ion contribution isentirely negligible. At a probe potential of -0.221 V, thedifferent current components exactly cancel. This is thefloating potential, i.e. the potential of a probe that is notexchanging a net current with the ambient plasma andcorresponds to the equilibrium state that an unconnectedprobe would attain in the plasma.

The current-voltage characteristics at an altitude of 500km above Ganymede are shown in Figure 4.6(b), wherethe electron current is seen to be dominant and the float-ing potential is -0.385 V. The probe-to-probe resistancesare shown in Figure 4.7(b) and are very similar to thecorresponding curves in Figure 4.7(a).

As described in Section 4.1, the resistance between theprobes is twice the resistance between each probe andthe plasma. The probe-plasma resistance is just the in-verse of the slope of the current-voltage characteristics.The probe-to-probe resistances owing to ambient plasmaparticles (electrons and ions) and photoelectrons, respec-tively, are shown in Figure 4.7(a). The photoelectron re-sistance is much larger than the resistance due to ambientplasma particles, especially for negative potentials whereit becomes infinite and the photoelectron Nyquist noiseis completely disconnected from the circuit. The ambientplasma resistance is constant at positive potentials, wherethe current-voltage curve is linear, and increases by abouttwo orders of magnitude at negative probe potentials.

The current-voltage characteristics in the space plasmaat Callisto’s orbital position in Jupiter’s magnetosphereare shown in Figure 4.6(c). The electron current domi-nates at positive frequencies and the photoelectron currentdominates at negative frequencies. The electron currentis about two orders of magnitude smaller than in the pre-vious environment, but the ion current is still negligible.The floating potential in this case is positive, 3.874 V. Thecorresponding resistances are shown in Figure 4.7(c). Thephotoelectron resistance is only finite for small positive

probe voltages, otherwise it is infinite since the photoelec-tron current curve in Figure 4.6(c) is flat. The resistancedue to ambient plasma particles is several orders of mag-nitude larger than in Figure 4.7(a) and well exceeds thatof the photoelectrons in most of the voltage interval wherethe latter is finite.

The current-voltage characteristics at Europa’s orbitalposition are computed as in the previous cases and isshown in Figure 4.6(d). The electron current is very largein this regime and the floating potential is -199.401 V.The inter-probe resistances in this environment are shownin Figure 4.7(d). Similarly to what was observed in Fig-ure 4.7(c), the photoelectron resistance is only finite fora narrow band of small positive frequencies. In this casethough, it is still larger than the ambient plasma resistanceacross this band.

The current-voltage characteristics for plasma parame-ters corresponding to those found at Ganymede’s orbitalposition are shown in Figure 4.6(e). The floating poten-tial is -206.421 V and the electron component dominatesthe current, even though it has decreased by an orderof magnitude from the last environment (Figure 4.6(d)).The probe-to-probe resistances are shown in Figure 4.7(e).This Figure is qualitatively very similar to Figure 4.7(c),in that the photoelectron resistance is only finite over asmall interval of probe potentials just above the plasmapotential and, in this interval, it is typically an order ofmagnitude less than the resistance due to ambient plasmaparticles.

The results shown in Figures 4.6 and 4.7 were all calcu-lated and plotted using the MATLAB script eo.noise.m.

4.5 Output of the small-signal in-tegrated noise model

In this section, the output voltage spectral densities ofthe considered noise sources are computed based on thesmall signal integrated circuit model (c.f. Figure 4.1) withelements computed in the previous two sections.

Figure 4.8(a) shows the output voltage spectral densityof the small signal integrated noise model at a bias po-tential of 1 V. Each curve represents the output of onespecific noise source, with the other sources set to zero inthe circuit diagram. The total voltage spectral density ob-served at the antenna terminals is then the superpositionof all of the individual contributions. The shot noise sourceIshot in Figure 4.1 is here separated into the two compo-nents Ishot,s and Ishot,ph due to ambient plasma particlesand photoelectrons, respectively. The dominating noisecomponent is clearly the shot noise due to the ambientplasma currents (ions and electrons). The quasi-thermalnoise shows a large peak and it is only at this peak thatit becomes comparable to the ambient plasma shot noise.It is interesting to note that the shot noise, and the othernoise components too, for that matter, has a clear localminimum at the plasma frequency. Apart from that, thereis a general trend towards decreasing noise power with in-creasing frequency. Also, the contribution from the pho-toelectrons is substantially inferior to that of the ambient


Page 32: Noise sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA … sources in the electric field antenna on the ESA JUICE satellite

plasma particles.In Figure 4.9(a), the output noise voltage is shown for

an antenna at the floating potential. The non-QTN noisecurves now coalesce into almost a single curve, at a levelwell below the ambient plasma shot noise of Figure 4.8(a)and the QTN peak becomes the dominant feature near theplasma frequency.

The noise output voltage spectral density for a float-ing antenna is shown in Figure 4.9(b). The photoelectronNyquist noise is gone and the remaining current-relatednoises coalesce at almost the same level as in Figure 4.9(a).The QTN is still about an order of magnitude larger thanat 200 km (Figure 4.9(a)).

In Figure 4.8(c), the output voltage spectral densityof the small signal integrated noise model is shown fora bias potential of 1 V. The quasi-thermal noise resem-bles that of Figure 4.2(a) for a short antenna, with onlya very small peak at the plasma frequency and a ratherweak high-frequency cut-off. For frequencies on the or-der of the plasma frequency it is entirely drowned out bythe current-related noise sources, dominated by the pho-toelectron shot noise. The Nyquist and shot noises of theambient plasma are almost exactly the same in this envi-ronment. All the current-related noise sources are subjectto a very steep low-frequency cut-off at about 0.3fp andfor lower frequencies than that, the low-frequency plateauof the quasi-thermal noise dominates.

Figure 4.9(c) shows the output noise voltage spectraldensity of the antenna at the floating potential. The pho-toelectron shot noise vanishes, since the floating potentialis rather positive in this environment, and the photoelec-tron Nyquist noise is somewhat reduced with respect tothe 1 V bias case. Also, the ambient plasma noises areincreased slightly.

Figure 4.8(d) shows the output voltage spectral densityof the noise. It is seen that the quasi-thermal noise now

has a more well-developed peak and a steep cut-off. Thedominating noise sources are the Nyquist and shot noiseof the ambient plasma particles, again it is observed thatthese are very similar. All the different noise componentsare subject to a steep cut-off near the plasma frequency.

Figure 4.9(d) shows the output voltage spectral den-sity for an antenna at the floating potential. The pho-toelectron Nyquist noise is gone, but the correspondingshot noise is unchanged. The Nyquist and shot noises ofthe ambient plasma have diminished by about an order ofmagnitude and the quasi-thermal noise is now dominantnear the plasma frequency, with the peak clearly visibleover the other noise sources.

Figure 4.8(e) shows the noise output voltage spectraldensity. The antenna is short with respect to the Debyelength and QTN peak and associated high-frequency cut-off are rather weak. The noise is dominated by the Nyquistand shot noise components of the ambient plasma, whichyet again are almost identical. All current-related noisecomponents have steep cut-offs both at high and low fre-quencies.

Figure 4.9(e) shows the noise output voltage spec-tral density at the floating potential. The photoelectronNyquist noise is gone and the remaining noise componentscoalesce at a level about one order of magnitude less thanthe dominant noise components at 1 V (Figure 4.8(e)).The noise output voltage spectral density is shown in Fig-ure 4.8(b) for a bias potential of 1 V. Again, the similarityto the corresponding Figure at 200 km (Figure 4.8(a)) isstriking, the only difference being that the peak is morepronounced and all the noise curves are slightly shiftedupwards (the ambient plasma noise components by about2 ·10−12 V2/Hz and the photoelectron noises and QTN byalmost an order of magnitude).

The results shown in Figures 4.8 and 4.9 were all calcu-lated and plotted using the MATLAB script eo.noise.m.


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10−1 100 10110−19






Normalized frequency f /fp





10!4 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.008)10!3 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.03)10!2 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.08)10!1 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.3)100 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.8)

(a) Open circuit voltage spectral density of short antennas(L/λDm ≤ 1).

10−1 100 10110−24







Normalized frequency f /fp





101 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 2.6)102 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 8.1)103 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 25.5)104 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 80.7)105 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 255.2)

(b) Open circuit voltage spectral density of long antennas(L/λDm > 1).

10−1 100 101100





Normalized frequency f /fp




10!4 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.008)10!3 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.03)10!2 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.08)10!1 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.3)100 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 0.8)

(c) Resistance of short antennas (L/λDm ≤ 1).

10−1 100 101




Normalized frequency f /fp




101 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 2.6)102 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 8.1)103 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 25.5)104 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 80.7)105 cm!3 (L/!Dm = 255.2)

(d) Resistance of long antennas (L/λDm > 1).

10−1 100 101100







Normalized frequency f /fp



10!4 eV (L/!Dm = 0.008)10!3 eV (L/!Dm = 0.03)10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 0.08)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 0.3)100 eV (L/!Dm = 0.8)

(e) Capacitance of short antennas (L/λDm ≤ 1).

10−1 100 1012









Normalized frequency f /fp



101 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)102 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)103 eV (L/!Dm = 25.5)

(f) Capacitance of long antennas (L/λDm > 1).

Figure 4.2: Quasi-thermal noise characteristics of a 6 m double-sphere dipole antenna for different plasma densities at 1 eV.


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10−1 100 10110−21









Normalized frequency f /fp





10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)100 eV (L/!Dm = 0.8)101 eV (L/!Dm = 0.3)102 eV (L/!Dm = 0.1)

(a) Open circuit voltage spectral density at 1 cm−3.

10−1 100 10110−24







Normalized frequency f /fp





10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 255.2)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 80.7)100 eV (L/!Dm = 25.5)101 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)102 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)

(b) Open circuit voltage spectral density at 1000 cm−3.

10−1 100 101100







Normalized frequency f /fp




10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)100 eV (L/!Dm = 0.8)101 eV (L/!Dm = 0.3)102 eV (L/!Dm = 0.1)

(c) Resistance at 1 cm−3.

10−1 100 101100








Normalized frequency f /fp




10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 255.2)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 80.7)100 eV (L/!Dm = 25.5)101 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)102 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)

(d) Resistance at 1000 cm−3.

10−1 100 1010







Normalized frequency f /fp



10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)100 eV (L/!Dm = 0.8)101 eV (L/!Dm = 0.3)102 eV (L/!Dm = 0.1)

(e) Capacitance at 1 cm−3.

10−1 100 1012









Normalized frequency f /fp



100 eV (L/!Dm = 25.5)101 eV (L/!Dm = 8.1)102 eV (L/!Dm = 2.6)

(f) Capacitance at 1000 cm−3.

Figure 4.3: Quasi-thermal noise characteristics of a 6 m double-sphere dipole antenna for different electron temperatures in atenuous (1 cm−3) and dense (1000 cm−3), respectively.


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10−1 100 101−1000






Normalized frequency f /fp



104 eV (L/!Dm = 80.7)104 .5 eV (L/!Dm = 143.5)105 eV (L/!Dm = 255.2)

(a) Capacitance at 1 eV.

10−1 100 101−1000






Normalized frequency f /fp



10!2 eV (L/!Dm = 255.2)10!1 eV (L/!Dm = 80.7)

(b) Capacitance at 1000 cm−3.

Figure 4.4: Capacitance of very long antennas (L/λDm 1).


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n e =300 cm−3

T e = 0.1 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 44.2













Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.56·105 Hz)



Antenna re s istance (ReZ )Reactance (magnitude , |ImZ |)Antenna capac itance

(a) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 200 km altitude.

















n e =150 cm−3

T e = 0.2 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 22.1
















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.10·105 Hz)



Antenna re s istance (ReZ )Reactance (magnitude , |ImZ |)Antenna capac itance

(b) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 500 km altitude.














2x 10



n e =0.2 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= 3.874 VL/λD m

= 0.0317
















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 4.02·103 Hz)




Antenna re s istance (ReZ )Reactance (magnitude , |ImZ |)Antenna capac itance

(c) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Callisto’s orbital position.











n e =50 cm−3

T e = 40 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 0.902
















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 6.35·104 Hz)




Antenna re s istance (ReZ )Reactance (magnitude , |ImZ |)Antenna capac itance

(d) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Europa’s orbital position.














2x 10




n e =4 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 0.142
















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.80·104 Hz)




Antenna re s istance (ReZ )Reactance (magnitude , |ImZ |)Antenna capac itance

(e) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Ganymede’s orbital position.

Figure 4.5: Electrical properties (impedance) of the QTN antenna model for five specific environments that JUICE will en-counter.


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−0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5−0.5









4x 10


Probe voltage (V)




n e =300 cm−3

T e = 0.1eVVfloat= -0.221 V

I on currentElec tron currentPhotoe lec tron currentTotal probe current

(a) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 200 km altitude.

−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−0.5







3x 10


Probe voltage (V)



n e =150 cm−3

T e = 0.2eVVfloat= -0.385 V

I on currentElec tron currentPhotoe lec tron currentTotal probe current

(b) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 500 km altitude.

−150 −100 −50 0 50









x 10−9

Probe voltage (V)






n e =0.2 cm−3

T e = 130eVVfloat= 3.874 V

I on currentElec tron currentPhotoe lec tron currentTotal probe current

(c) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Callisto’s orbital position.

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100







10x 10


Probe voltage (V)






n e =50 cm−3

T e = 40eVVfloat= -119.401 V

I on currentElec tron currentPhotoe lec tron currentTotal probe current

(d) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Europa’s orbital position.

−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100










7x 10


Probe voltage (V)






n e =4 cm−3

T e = 130eVVfloat= -206.521 V

I on currentElec tron currentPhotoe lec tron currentTotal probe current

(e) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Ganymede’s orbital position.

Figure 4.6: Current-voltage characteristics of the probes for five specific environments that JUICE will encounter.


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−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






Probe voltage (V)



n e =300 cm−3

T e = 0.1eVVfloat= -0.221 V

Ambient plasmaPhotoe lec trons

(a) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 200 km altitude.

−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






Probe voltage (V)



n e =150 cm−3

T e = 0.2eVVfloat= -0.385 V

Ambient plasmaPhotoe lec trons

(b) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 500 km altitude.

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100



Probe voltage (V)



n e =0.2 cm−3

T e = 130eVVfloat= 3.874 V

Ambient plasmaPhotoe lec trons

(c) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Callisto’s orbital position.

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100




Probe voltage (V)



n e =50 cm−3

T e = 40eVVfloat= -119.401 V

Ambient plasmaPhotoe lec trons

(d) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Europa’s orbital position.

−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100



Probe voltage (V)



n e =4 cm−3

T e = 130eVVfloat= -206.521 V

Ambient plasmaPhotoe lec trons

(e) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Ganymede’s orbital position.

Figure 4.7: The probe-to-probe resistances for five specific environments that JUICE will encounter.


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Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.56·105 Hz)



n e =300 cm−3

T e = 0.1 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 44.2

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(a) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 200 km altitude.















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.10·105 Hz)



n e =150 cm−3

T e = 0.2 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 22.1

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(b) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 500 km altitude.







Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 4.02·103 Hz)





n e =0.2 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 0.0317

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(c) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Callisto’s orbital position.









Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 6.35·104 Hz)





n e =50 cm−3

T e = 40 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 0.902

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(d) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Europa’s orbital position.








Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.80·104 Hz)





n e =4 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= 1 VL/λD m

= 0.142

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(e) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Ganymede’s orbital position.

Figure 4.8: Output voltage spectral density of the small signal integrated noise model at a bias potential of 1 V, for five specificenvironments that JUICE will encounter.


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Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.56·105 Hz)



n e =300 cm−3

T e = 0.1 eVV b i a s= -0.221 VL/λD m

= 44.2

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(a) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 200 km altitude.















Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.10·105 Hz)



n e =150 cm−3

T e = 0.2 eVV b i a s= -0.385 VL/λD m

= 22.1

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(b) Ganymede’s ionosphere, 500 km altitude.







Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 4.02·103 Hz)





n e =0.2 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= 3.874 VL/λD m

= 0.0317

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(c) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Callisto’s orbital position.









Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 6.35·104 Hz)





n e =50 cm−3

T e = 40 eVV b i a s= -119.401 VL/λD m

= 0.902

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(d) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Europa’s orbital position.








Normalized frequency f /fp (fp = 1.80·104 Hz)





n e =4 cm−3

T e = 130 eVV b i a s= -206.521 VL/λD m

= 0.142

Quasi-the rmal noiseAmbient plasma Nyquist noiseAmbient plasma shot noisePhotoe lec tron Nyquist noisePhotoe lec tron shot noise

(e) Jupiter’s magnetosphere, Ganymede’s orbital position.

Figure 4.9: Output voltage spectral density of the small signal integrated noise model for an antenna at a the floating potential,for five specific environments that JUICE will encounter.


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4.6 Errors and shortcomings

The small signal circuit model used in this work (see Sec-tion 4.1) was devised in order to accommodate the non-linear probe currents of Section 2.2 within the frameworkof the QTN theory, presented in Section 2.6. It is notclear whether this is the right way to do it, the literatureon quasi-thermal noise seems surprisingly devoid of suchconsiderations. An attempt to consider the effect of parti-cle impacts (shot noise) on a non-transparent antenna wasdone in Meyer-Vernet (1983), but it only treated the caseof antennas near the plasma dc potential and the plasmawas still assumed isotropic. A generalization of the theoryfor a grid-like antenna in an anisotropic plasma was donein Meyer-Vernet (1979), but in this treatment particle im-pacts and the plasma inhomogeneity due to probe sheaths(c.f Section 2.1) were neglected. Also, thermal equilib-rium was assumed, which is a rather dubious assumptionfor many space plasmas.

It is worth noting that the Nyquist noise of the probe-plasma currents does not seem to be even mentioned inany of the relevant papers, even though it plays a crucialrole in the model presented here. Whether this indicatesan error of judgement on the part of the authors of thosepapers or the author of this work is a question that remainsto be answered.

Another feature of the present noise model that deservesto be put into doubt is the way in which the shot noise iscomputed. The Schottky formula (Equation (2.63)) is typ-ically used for diodes and is only valid when the charges arerestricted to move in one direction only and the impacts ofdifferent particles are uncorrelated. Also, the use of deltapulses to model the current contribution of an impact-ing particle may not be appropriate, since the particlesreasonably should induce currents on the antenna duringtheir incoming or outgoing trajectories. This is especiallytrue in the case of photoelectron emission, where the bulkcurrent used in Equation (2.63) is computed from the ex-pression by Grard (1973), which only takes into accountthe photoelectrons that have enough energy to escape thepotential well of the probe. However, the actual photo-emission from the probe surface is not expected to dependmuch on the probe potential, so even when the photo-electron current is low, there should be a sizable flux ofemitted electrons that return to the probe. Clearly, thiswill also give rise to current fluctuations that should man-ifest as shot noise, but this is not included in the presentwork. This noise can most likely not be modeled as uncor-related and a more sophisticated treatment, perhaps usinga different pulse shape (c.f. Davenport and Root (1987)),would be needed.

The antenna model consisting of a 6 m long straightdouble-sphere dipole may not be representative of the ac-tual probe configuration on JUICE. At this time, the finaldesign decisions with regards to this issue has not yet been

made. What is known is that there will be four probes,each mounted on a boom that is three meters long. Inthis work, it has been assumed that these can be viewedas two independent dipoles, but this may not be an accu-rate model. Furthermore, for reasons of electromagneticcompatibility between the different instruments on board,it is not likely that the probe booms in each dipole pair willbe at 180 degree angles to each other. The current distri-bution on the antenna was derived under the assumptionof homogenous charge distribution on the two spheres andneglecting any charge on the booms (see Section 2.6.2),thus the booms are not actually part of the antenna andthe angle between them only affects the antenna proper-ties in terms of its length. Therefore, any change in boomgeometry from the present straight dipole model could beadjusted for by simply changing the length of the antennain the calculations.

The current distribution on the antenna is also a poten-tial source of error. The assumption of uniform surfacecharge on the probes may be reasonable for an antennathat is effectively long, but when the antenna is short withrespect to the Debye length, the plasma will not shield outthe electric field between the probes and the mutual cou-pling between them will most likely destroy the symmetry.Thus, all the results presented here for plasma conditionsin which the antenna is effectively short must be subjectto an extra dose of skepticism.

Finally, it must be must mentioned that the formulasfor the quasi-thermal noise used in this work (c.f. Sec-tion 2.6.2) only take into account the thermal motionof the electrons, while ion motions are neglected. It istempting to predict that the contribution of the ions willonly become significant at frequencies on the order of theion plasma frequency, which for hydrogen ions (H+) isabout a factor of 43 smaller than the electron plasma fre-quency. For the heavier (∼ 16 − 32 u) water group ionsthat are likely to dominate in the Jovian system, the ionplasma frequency will be even lower. However, the discus-sion about the effect of ion motions in Meyer-Vernet andPerche (1989) makes it clear that the frequency at whichion motions come into play only depends on their thermalvelocity and thus the temperature, and not the density,of the plasma. Since the plasma frequency of any parti-cle species on the other hand depends only on the densityand not the temperature, it is clear that there is no simplegeneral connection between the plasma frequency and thefrequency at which ion motions become important. In-stead, it is important to note that in hot tenuous plasmas,such as the ones expected out in Jupiter’s magnetosphere,ion motions will most likely be very important across theentire frequency spectrum, since the temperature is highand the plasma frequency is small. In cold dense plas-mas, such as those expected in Ganymede’s ionosphere,neglecting ion motions is probably valid.


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Chapter 5

Summary and outlook

The main goal of this project has been to compute es-timates of the noise spectral density in the electric fieldprobes on ESA’s future Jupiter mission, JUICE. Theinstrument under consideration (the LP-PWI) consistsof four spherical Langmuir probes, 10 cm in diameter,mounted on 3 m booms attached to the spacecraft. Forsimplicity, only two probes were considered, assumed to bein the form of a 6 m long, straight double-sphere dipole.Expressions for the noise on such an antenna due to elec-tric field fluctuations in the plasma (quasi-thermal noise,QTN) are already well established in the literature (c.f.Section 2.6 and references therein). However, these ex-pressions are derived from the reciprocity theorem for elec-tromagnetic fields and only hold for antennas that are un-biased and transparent to particles (grid-like). When usedfor electric field measurements, the probes are typically bi-ased to a small positive potential by connecting them toa static current source. In this case, the QTN antennamodel is no longer valid in its conventional form. In thepresent work, the QTN antenna model was interpreted asa small-signal model for fluctuations about the operatingpoint set by the probe bias current. It was then aug-mented by adding in parallel to it a resistance originatingfrom the linearization of the electrostatic current-voltagecharacteristics of the probes (c.f. Section 4.1). This re-sistance was assumed to come with its own Nyquist noise(c.f. Section 2.4), which contributed to the total noiseon the antenna. The shot noise (c.f Section 2.5) due tothe currents between the probes and the plasma was alsoconsidered.

Numerical calculations of the output noise on the an-tenna were performed using plasma parameters believedto be representative of the space plasma environmentsthat JUICE will encounter. Two different environmentsin Ganymede’s cold and dense ionosphere were considered,at altitudes of 200 and 500 km, respectively. The plasmadensity used in those calculations were based on Galileomeasurements (Eviatar et al., 2001) and the temperaturewas estimated based on a general density-temperature re-lationship found on Titan (Edberg et al., 2010), c.f Sec-tion 3.2. Three environments out in Jupiter’s hot andtenuous magnetosphere were considered, corresponding tothe orbital positions of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.For those calculations, estimates of the plasma parameterswere obtained from Wahlund et al. (2005) (c.f. Section3.1). For each environment, calculations were performedfor an antenna at 1 V bias potential and at the floatingpotential.

In the cold dense plasma of Ganymede’s ionosphere, theantenna is long compared to the Debye length and thequasi-thermal noise has a clearly pronounced peak and asteep high-frequency cut-off. In the hot tenuous plasmaof Jupiter’s magnetosphere, the antenna is short with re-spect to the Debye length and the QTN spectrum is muchflatter, with little or no peak at the plasma frequency andvery weak high-frequency cut-off (c.f. Figures 4.2 and 4.3).

The two examined environments in Ganymede’s iono-sphere present very similar noise curves. In both cases,shot noise due to ambient plasma particles dominate thenoise spectrum when the antenna is biased to 1 V. For thecoldest densest environment at 200 km altitude, the shotnoise even dominates at the plasma frequency, whereasat 500 km, where the plasma is somewhat warmer andnot quite as dense, the QTN peak shines through at theplasma frequency (c.f. Figures 4.8(a) and 4.8(b)). Thefloating potentials are slightly negative in both these envi-ronments and the photoelectron Nyquist noise vanishes forfloating antennas. The photoelectron shot noise coalesceswith the shot and Nyquist noises of the ambient electronsat a level almost an order of magnitude lower than theambient plasma shot noise on the biased antenna and theQTN peak dominates at the plasma frequency (c.f. 4.9(a)and 4.9(b)).

Out in Jupiter’s magnetosphere, the situation is some-what less generalizable since the noise curves presented bythe three examined environments there differ quite sub-stantially from each other in many respects. For exam-ple, in the hottest and most tenuous of the environmentsstudied, corresponding to Callisto’s orbital position, theshot noise due to photoelectrons dominates on a biasedantenna for frequencies on the order of the plasma fre-quency. However, in the other two environments, this partof the spectrum of a biased antenna is dominated by theshot and Nyquist noises due the ambient plasma (c.f. Fig-ures 4.8(c), 4.8(d) and 4.8(e)). At Callisto’s orbital posi-tion, the floating potential is positive, so the Nyquist noisedue to photoelectrons does not vanish, whereas the othertwo environments have very negative floating potentials,in excess of -100 V, and the photoelectron Nyquist noisevanishes as in Ganymede’s ionosphere. For a floating an-tenna at the orbital positions of Ganymede and Callisto,the Nyquist and shot noises of the ambient plasma domi-nates at frequencies on the order of the plasma frequency,whereas at Europa’s orbital position, the quasi-thermalnoise actually becomes the largest noise component from


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slightly below the plasma frequency to almost 10fp (c.f.Figures 4.9(c), 4.9(d) and 4.9(e)).

The environments at the orbital positions of Ganymedeand Callisto present steep low-frequency cut-offs for fre-quencies below about 0.5-0.1fp, this feature is not ob-served in the noise at Europa’s orbital position, at leastnot in the frequency domain considered here. This cut-off is caused by the sharp rise in capacitance of the QTNantenna model at low frequencies, but it is possible thatthis is an artifact due to the fact that ion motions havebeen neglected in the quasi-thermal noise calculations ofthis work.

Broadly speaking, the results obtained in this work forplasma parameters corresponding to the hot and tenuousplasma in the Jovian magnetosphere are associated withmuch more model uncertainty than those for the cold anddense plasma in Ganymede’s ionosphere. This is becausethe neglect of ion motions, as well as the assumption ofuniform charge distribution on the probes that was usedin deriving the antenna current distribution (c.f. Section2.6.2), is much more likely to be valid in a cold and denseplasma than in a hot and tenuous one (c.f. Section 4.6).For future considerations, these issues would need to beaddressed in order to provide better estimates of the noisein the Jovian magnetosphere.

Furthermore, the very concept of representing the ef-fects of probe currents and bias by adding an effectiveresistance in parallel to the QTN antenna model needs fur-ther investigation (c.f. Section 4.6). In the end, it might be

necessary to treat the full non-linear and anisotropic case,solving the system of equations consisting of the non-linearVlasov Equation and Maxwell’s equations in a non-linearanisotropic medium. This would probably have to be donenumerically. It might also be possible to use particle or hy-brid simulations or, preferably, to analyze empirical data,if available.

The question of whether or not the effective resistanceof the linearized probe current-voltage characteristics issubject to Nyquist noise is another point of interest forfuture work (c.f Section 4.6). Again, a comparison withempirical data would probably be best, but such data maynot be available. Perhaps a more thorough literature studymight bring some clarity to the issue.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my super-visor Andris Vaivads for letting me do this project at theSwedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala and for allthe help and guidance he has given me along the way. Iwould also like to extend my sincerest gratitude to AndersEriksson and Lennart Ahlen for their enthusiastic partici-pance in the discussions about the small signal integratednoise model used in this work. Finally, I would also liketo thank Jan-Erik Wahlund for helping me with the esti-mates of the plasma parameters in the space environmentsthat JUICE will encounter.


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