noiseless fast transport-further development-december2013 update

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  • 8/13/2019 Noiseless Fast Transport-Further Development-December2013 Update


    Noiseless Fast Transport- Further Development

    December 13 2013by Scott Bergquist

    This is a partial update! More to come in five days.

    Both the track and the slide system, the ski upon hich both the passenger carriages and the poerunits slide, have gone through more versions since "une #. This picture shos my version of "une,$%#&, still utili'ing eighth(inch angle iron )steel, of course*.

    + have moved on to a third raildesign. +nstead of the solid steelcomponents, elded together, +am moving to a rail that isconstructed by nesting sheet

    metal shapes to create the rail.The second picture )belo*shos the sheet metalcomponents, ith no internalfiller of high(strength epoyfilling the voids, as ill be donein the operational rail.


    Shon on the net page is adiagram of the -ee track ithits hori'ontal bar component, assho at Maker aire. /hile thecarriage load )blue arro* rests

    on the hori'ontal bar, additionalforce is applied to the -eepart of the track )as needed* bykeepers at the points shon)by the light blue arros* tokeep the carriage secured to thetrack. Those keepers alsotraveled on stainless(steelribbons )red* mounted on the

  • 8/13/2019 Noiseless Fast Transport-Further Development-December2013 Update


    bottom of the -ee.

    Maker aire 0ail -ersion # )superseded*

    )red lines denote stainless(steel, green shapes denote 12M/ polyethylene*

    Then + adopted this configuration )belo* using a second angle, set at 34(degrees, cradled ithin theto(inch angle.

    -ersion $ ) "une $%#&, superseded*

    +n this version $ configuration, a lot of 12M/ polyethylene ribbon is used, foot by foot on thetrack, instead of stainless(steel. Stainless(steel )red* is used for the ski upon hich the carriage slidesupon the inverted -ee of 12M/ layered on the steel &53&53 angle. Stainless(steel is also used onthe side(keepers, pressing against left and right ribbons of 12M/ affied to the $(inch -ee.

    /ith rail -ersion & + have completely dropped the use of stainless(steel. -ersion & rail features the12M/ polyethylene ribbons of -ersion $ )bright green*. The loer pair are moved closer to thebottom of the -ee, as the vertical cross section supporting the -ee is more narro.

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    The surface sliding upon the 12M/ is porcelain enamel, replacing the stainless steel. 6orcelainenamel is the very hard hite glass surface one finds on stove tops, bathtubs, and ashing machines.+t has a very lo coefficient of friction, inherent lubricating qualities, and orks flalessly ith12M/ polyethylene. +n the draing belo, the porcelain enamel sliding surfaces are represented by

    heavy yello lines.

    -ersion & ) adopted September $%#&*

    + finally dropped the loer 7eeper mechanism in favor of the rotating drive heels )direction ofrotation denoted by red arros* do double duty as both drive force mechanism, and interference toprevent the unit from lifting from the track or leaning side to side. The heels pinch in against the -ee(

    rail, and traction5friction is a matter of pinching rather than gravity and eight, as it is in automobilesand locomotives.

    -ersion 3 ) adopted 8ovember $%#&*

    9ark blue is soft urethane Banana green is 12M/ polyethylene.

    /hat you see is a

  • 8/13/2019 Noiseless Fast Transport-Further Development-December2013 Update


    : rail made of nested sheet metal profiles )shon belo* presents several advantages. irst, the

    traction5braking surface at either side of the rail )marked as T5B belo* is increased $%%;. Second,the eight of the rail is reduced, load factor increased, and feer uprights )or pylons* are required, asthe distance beteen thepylons is reduced. Third,the support directlybeneath the rail isenhanced and simplified,compared to the roundsection intersecting anangular piece )and therequired elding*.ourth, the necessity ofsite elding anything inorder to construct thetrack, is eliminated. So,the elding skill,equipment, and eld testrequirements areeliminated.

    The Carriage Slide Si! o" Coated Steel

    +n the original configuration, the fleibility of the 12M/ ski alloed for track curves and elevationchanges. +n -ersion $, the stainless(steel ski needs to accommodate curves and descending andascending track as ell. +nstead of a monolithic ski, + propose making the ski a series ofinterconnected, overlapping fish scales hich ould fle according to any curves in the track.6ictures of this series of interconnected pieces are shon belo

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    The individual pieces ill be held together ith a solid spinal cord running hori'ontally head to tail.

    +ndividual components that make up the ski )ithout the solid fill beteen the to vertical plates*

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