non - air pistol shooting · new shooting system, it does not matter if is laser or infrared. non -...

Introduction This is one of the most important topics to be presented and discussed: first to the UIPM Executive Board, and after with the necessary adjustments (if any) to the 2009 UIPM Congress. Preliminary information: All the T.C. members are absolutely in favor on the future application of the new shooting System, it does not matter if is laser or infrared. Non - Air Pistol Shooting Our main goals are: To find an alternative non air pistol/ target/indicator System which: 1. Is safe for athletes and spectators 2. Functions in all weather conditions, including strong rain, and strong sunshine light 3. Is cheaper 4. Supports the UIPM/National Federation’s 2009 investments on electronic targets and indicators.

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  • Introduction

    This is one of the most important topics to be presented and discussed: first

    to the UIPM Executive Board, and after with the necessary adjustments (if

    any) to the 2009 UIPM Congress.

    Preliminary information:

    All the T.C. members are absolutely in favor on the future application of the

    new shooting System, it does not matter if is laser or infrared.

    Non - Air Pistol Shooting

    Our main goals are:

    To find an alternative non air pistol/ target/indicator System which:

    1. Is safe for athletes and spectators

    2. Functions in all weather conditions, including strong rain, and strong sunshine light

    3. Is cheaper

    4. Supports the UIPM/National Federation’s 2009 investments on electronic targets and


  • Only With the single laser pistol It will be


    a) to organize training and shooting/combined

    competitions everywhere, no more

    restriction on the use of the pistol outside

    of the official shooting range.

    b) Open to all the ages (also under 10 years)

    the Combined and shooting event

    c) For a fantastic environments results, no

    more pellet lead but light

    d) To avoid problems wit the transportation of


    e) The new laser /infrared pistol system must be as similar as possible to the

    present shooting system: (Trigger, loading system, calibre, weight, dimension of the

    pistol, noise).

    Fundamental aspects:

    The pistol must be only laser pistol

    pellet and laser pistol cannot be use simultaneously:


  • The Objectives of the Test

    In order to follow a fair and open procedure all interested companies, at the moment

    (Anschutz; Irosa; Simpower; Apeom; Hora) were invited to the London Executive Board

    meeting to present their systems:

    After this first presentation the Executive Board decide to start to test Apeom and

    Simpower system.

    Following this decision we organized a complete test of systems in Prague (28/29/30


    Present at the test were:

    Gyula Bretz, and Mauro Tirinnanzi - representing UIPM

    Mr. Chamrad, and two Apeom Technicians representing Apeom

    Mr. Seb Floure - representing Simpower

    1) Find the right shooting laser system for the 2010

    Youth Olympic Games

    2) Evaluate the complete laser system: target/light

    and pistol for applications to all the modern pentathlon

    competition (including youth competition)

  • Test conditions:

    1 To have 6 shooting line available for the tests,

    1 Six shooting line were prepared in Prague.

    2 To have identical set of tests using: laser Container that means normal pellet pistol with laser

    container and dedicated Laser Pistol.

    2 only test with laser container was organized - no test with dedicated Laser Pistol was done,

    3 All the tests must be done different times in 3 different weather conditions:

    Normal weather conditions, Rain Conditions, strong light condition

    3 we tested the normal weather condition (18/23 Celsius degrees) and rain condition, the

    strong light condition was simulated with two strong halogen lamps

    zeroing targetCompetition target

  • The set of tests and the results

    Test A

    Using a special tripods device we shoot 1.000 shoots

    on the valid zone target and 1.000 shoots on the no

    valid zone target

    Evaluations how many impacts the targets received

    Results: All the 1.000 impact on the target have been

    correctly registered

  • Test A

    Results: All the 1.000 impact

    on the target have been

    correctly registered also

    in Raining Condition (intensity

    of raining 83,8 liter/m2/hour

    and 121,5 liter/m2/hours)

  • B Test

    Using a special tripod device shoot series of 100

    shoots on the 7 zone borderline and evaluate how

    many shots will be calculated inside and how many


    Results: The test results were not valid some time red

    light and some time green light was registered

    The problem was particularity evident with strong light

    condition (halogen lamp more than 2.000 lux)

    The Apeom expert said that the problem could be

    solved, first clarifying the specific UIPM shooting rules:

    how many % of light must be hit the valid zone to have

    a valid shoot. Just to remember: (with old shooting

    system was necessary to be tangent to the border to

    have the high result , with electronic target the shoot

    was considered valid only if 100% of the pellet impact

    was on the valid zone.

    Propose: I propose to continue on this system,

    Apeom informed that they could solve the problem,

    changing the Gauss curve distribution of the light (light

    more concentrate to avoid the problem)

    Necessary to repeat the test

  • C Test Evaluate the crossfire shoot, different cases

    Results: Test was O.K. was clearly demonstrated that it is not possible to have crossfire shooting using competition modality

    Competition modality means that single target is able to read only one pistol, each pistol have a I.D. a personal code)

    Useful to know; Procedure to activate the Competition Modality.

    Before the competition start is necessary to associate each pistol to the specific competition target. Is a simple operation, but required a

    manual action, is necessary to shot on the target from a distance of 10 centimeters, and push a reset target button on the back of the target

    Correlate problem, In case of malfunction of the pistol, it is necessary to reset the target with the reserve pistol code,

    Same problem in case of target malfunction, it is necessary to reset the reserve target with the I.D athlete pistol code.

    In both cases of malfunctions it means to stop the competition to reset the targets

    Apeom Expert said that they study and will be able solve the problem

    To test again:

    One more correlate problem, In case of two athletes have the same laser I.D. and they shoot on the nearest shooting lines this can create


  • D Test

    Evaluate if targets are affected from other laser

    sources or different light sources example:

    photoflash, remote control other laser devices

    Results, NO problems

  • E Test

    Test the laser light impact in case of wet Target, rain


    Results, both zones were tested without problems

  • F Test

    Test the system with different outside temperature (from near zero degree to + 40


    Results: The test was not possible, but we need this kind of test.

    Take care that strong light condition are normal condition on our competition season,

    this year we compete in: Cairo/Mexico/ Palm Spring/ Rome,

    in Cairo last year the targets and light indicator temperature reached 68 Celsius degrees

  • First Competition

    Name Pellet Laser Pellet Laser Pellet Laser

    Jaklibcek 17 19 29 16 34 15

    Cerna 24 15 24 32 26 12

    Polivka 24 13 22 19 28 15

    Second Competition

    Name Pellet Laser Pellet Laser Pellet Laser

    Jaklibcek 23 18 35 15 27 20

    Cerna 18 16 23 19 17 19

    Polivka 27 17 34 19 17 10

    Third competition

    Name Pellet Laser Pellet Laser Pellet Laser

    Dvorak 19 21 22 37 34 36

    Dianova 18 25 21 22 19 15

    Svoboda 18 16 18 33 22 20

    Forth Competition

    Name Pellet Laser Pellet Laser Pellet Laser

    Dvorak 35 48 26 20 32 48

    Dianova 19 18 23 18 17 25

    G Test, organize a series of parallel shooting competitions using normal pellets and a

    laser container,

    Register the single impact, the single shooting time, and the total shooting time of each


    The competition consisted on 5 targets down 30” stop for 3 times (as a normal combined


    The competition was repeated twice with pellet and laser:

    Those the results, shooting time is in completed seconds

  • First consideration

    The laser systems is faster, athletes save the

    time on loading the pellet.

    One athlete, Polivka one of the top in the

    world hit the five targets in 10 seconds.

    Correlate problem

    Actually we have a very good balance

    between the shooting and

    the running time, with the Laser system for

    sure we must study a different

    competition formula

  • Briefing with athletes and coaches,

    At the end of the competition tests we have had a short briefing with all the 6 Czech athletes and their Coaches

    (attend to the test and collaborate with us: Mr. Kucera, National Czech Coach, Mr. Adam Jiri, National Czech

    Coach, Mr. Jiri Hirdlicka, Mr Kuf Czech Federation General Secretary

    Their comments, and remarks on the tests.

    1. The comments was generally positive

    2. They wished to have a dedicated pentathlon laser pistol.

    3. Unanimous comment was to have a shooting system very closed to the current shooting System.

  • H Test

    Only for the pellet/laser pistol, evaluate the different

    aim line with air pistol shooting and laser shooting and

    the time to change zeroing.

    Results The zeroing was not simple, and required time at

    the beginning is necessary a tripod and one expert person

    Apeom Technician said that with the right knowledge and

    normal experiences the zeroing will be not a problem.

  • Other Information:

    I asked to Apeom/Simpower the time to

    produce 300 target light indicators,

    Answer: 3 months

    The cost of the target/ light

    indicator system on the basis

    of 300 pieces

    Answer 845-Euro Model A

    The cost of the laser


    Answer 275 Euro

    The cost of the dedicated laser pistol

    Answer; Neither company

    is producing Laser pistols,

    but they can

    contact different


  • First Conclusion:

    Start to use Laser Pistol from 1.1. 2010 (some people will ask )

    For me not possible, no realistic

    We are not completely ready with the target system and absolutely not ready with the laser


    In few months all the nations and organisers could have new target system.

    All the athletes must buy a new pistol… very expensive, only for few, and impossible to buy

    because not on the market

    Start to use the laser pistol from 1.1 2011, maybe possible if we will have minimum these

    4 Conditions:

    1 Solve the target/indicator system and continue on to test the entire system

    2 Give to all the pistol manufactures the technical specifications required to produce two kinds

    of laser pistols: a professional adult one, and one for the youth, in such a way we can

    have, different models, different prices, an open market able to reduce prices.

    3 Organize during the 2010 season a minimum of 3-test competitions, using the complete

    system inviting the top athletes (36 lines must be tested in the same time)

    4 Help with strong and special economic support all the Nations/Confederations to buy targets

    system and pistols

  • Transitory period, Youth

    Olympic Games

    For the Youth Olympic Games

    that will take place in August

    2010 we can use:

    1 The Apeom/Simpower targets,

    for that period the system could be


    2 Normal pellet pistol with the

    laser container (each athletes can

    use his own pistol, without great


    3 Only in case some

    manufacturers was able to

    produce before the Youth Games

    a perfect laser pistol we can

    decide to use this/these laser


  • 1 Pistol Caliber's: pellet pistol was 4.5 mm Laser standard is 5 mm, but the Gauss curve must be as

    much concentrate as possible, is necessary to test the calibre before and after each Competition.

    2 Single shoot pistol: Only single shot pistol must be used, a simple system to reload the Pistol after

    each shoot must be present.

    3 Trigger system: a trigger system complying wit current rules to be used.

    4 Pistol dimension: Pistol dimension must be studied in particularly the distance between the Aim

    and the sight, (actually we have 420 X 200 X 50)

    5 Weight: Must be fixed also a minimum weight, actually we have only maximum weight that is 1.500


    6 Sighting and zeroing: vertical and horizontal zeroing must be possible by the Pistol aim device,

    not like now trough the laser container

    7 Grip; Grip requirements must be confirmed or changed

    8 Noise a lot of athletes and coaches required some shooting noise after each shoot, (noise or


    9 Battery: if possible split the battery allocation from the laser beam system, and finds a System to

    inform before the battery is unable to work

    10 Shooting Finger: shooting must be performed with index finger, this is not banal but

    necessary to avoid strange shooting solution

    After different discussion with UIPM Technical

    Committee Members, Coaches and athletes here below

    The main specification for the future Modern pentathlon laser pistol:

  • For the best to our modern pentathlon


    Mauro Tirinnanzi

    UIPM Sport Director