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NON-LINEAR AND DYNAMIC EXTENSION OF CONSISTENT LAMINATED SHELL ELEMENT AND APPLICATION TO FRP CHIMNEYS by Albert Ernest Mikhail Department of Civil and Environment Engineering Faculty of Engineering Science Submitted in partial fuKdlment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering Science Faculty of Graduate Studies The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario danuary 1999

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Albert Ernest Mikhail

Department of Civil and Environment Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Science

Submitted in partial fuKdlment

of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Engineering Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies

The University of Western Ontario

London, Ontario

danuary 1999

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Laminated composites are increasingly being used in many structural applications

where high resistance to corrosion and chernical attacks and/or high strength to weight

ratio is required. A Consistent Laminated shell element has been recently formulated by

Koziey and used in the linear analysis of laminated shef 1 structures. This element has a

major advantage of being free kom the locking phenornenon associated with

isoparametric shell elements. In this study, the formulation of the Consistent Laminated

shell element is extended to include both large displacement static and dynarnic analysis.

A detailed presentation of the nonlinear stiffriess matrix, unbalanced load vector, and the

consistent mass matrix as well as a simple approach for coding these matrices is included

in this study. Verification of the large displacement formulation reveals the excellent

performance of the element.

A nonlinear materid mode1 for FEW laminates is added to the large displacernent

static formulation of the Consistent Laminated shell element. The model is used to study

the nonlinear static behavior of FW chimneys subjected to both thermal and wind Ioads.

An assessrnent for the level of safety against strength and instability failure, provided by

a simplified design procedure previously developed by Awad, is then conducted using the

nonlinear Consistent Laminated shell element model. The results obtained provide an

indication about the adequacy of this simplified procedwe.

Keywords: Nonlinear, Dynamic, Large displacernents, Composite, Laminated Shell

Element, FRP chimneys, Cracks, Finite element, Themal load, Wind load.

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I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my s u p e ~ s o r Dr. A.A EI Darnatty

for his valuable guidance and encouragement throughout the course of this research and

the preparation of this thesis. But most of all, his energy and dedication to the research

which seemed to renew my interest and drive towards my goal. Without his continuous

support and brotherly advice, this study could not be completed.

The valuable support of Dr. B. I. Vickery and the financial support of the

University of Western Ontario are also sincerely appreciated. Without their support, my

involvement in this study would not have been possible.

Thanks also to my family, especially my parents, who always believed in me.

Their continuous encouragement and support made it possible for me to get to where 1 am


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1.1 Introduction

1.2 Laminated Shell and Plate Theories

1 2 . 1 Mechanics of Laminated Structures

1 -2.2 Classical Laminated Plate Theory

1-2.3 First-Order Laminated Plate Theory

1.2.4 Third-Order Laminated Plate Theory

1.2.5 Layer-Wise Theories

1.3 Shear Locking Phenomenon and Spurious Displacement Modes

1.4 Consistent Thick Shell Element

1.5 Fiber Reinforced Plastic chimneys


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1.6 Objectives and Scope 20



2.1 Introduction 24

2.2 Consistent Laminated Shell Element Formulation 25

2.2.1 Coordinate S ystems and Geometry 25

2.2.2 Displacement Field 27

2.3 Strain-Displacement and Stress-Strain Relationships 32

2.4 Elernent Stiffhess Matrix 36

2.5 Kinematic Constraints 37

2.6 N m c a l example 40



3.1 Introduction 46

3.2 Large Displacement Formulation 47

3 2.1 The Incremental Displacement Field 47

3 -2.2 Expressions for Nonlinear Stiffhess Matrix and

UnbaIanced Load Vector 49

3.2.3 Evaluation of the Initial Strains 55

3.2.4 Solution Technique for the Nonlinear Static Analysis 61


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3.3 Venfication of the large displacement formulation

3 -3.1 Simply Supported Isotropie Plate under Uniform Transverse Load

3 -3.2 Clamped Square Plate under Uniforrn Transverse Load

3 -3.3 : Anti-Symmetrical Cylindncal Panel under Central Point Load

3 -4 Dynamic formulation

3 -4.1 Derivation of The Consistent Mass Matrix

3 -4.2 Free Vibration Analysis Using the Consistent

Laminated SheH Element

3 -4.2.1 The Free Vibration Formulation

3 -4.2.2 Verification of the Free Vibration Formulation

3 -4.3 Nonlinear Time History Analysis

3 -4.3.1 Formulation of the Nonlinear Time History Analysis

3 -4.3 -2 Solution Technique for the Nonlinear Time History Analysis

3 -4.3 -3 Verification of the Dynarnic Large Displacement Formulation

3.5 Conclusion



4.1 Introduction

4.2 Simple design approach by Awad

4.3 Thermal load formulation

4-3.1 Formulation details

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4.3 -2 Verification example

4.4 Material Non-linearity formulation

4.5 Typical Behavior of FRP Chimneys under Wind and Thermal Load

4.5.1 Description of the Analysis

4-52 Discussion of the Results of the Anaiysis Deflection Shapes Near the Base Due to Different

Thermal Loading Conditions Stresses Resulting from Load Case Bhavl Stresses Resulting fiorn Load Case Bhav2

4 5 2 . 4 Stresses Resulting from Load Case Bhav3 Stresses Resulting from Load Case Bhav4 Stresses Resulting fiom Load Case Bhav5 and Bhav6 Stresses Resuiting fiom Load Cases Bhav7 and Bhav8

4.6 Assessment for the Design Procedure Developed by Awad

4.6.1 Assessment for Strength

4.6.2 Assessment for hstability Failure

4.7 Conclusion


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary and Conclusions

5.2.1 Nonlinear Extension of the Consistent Laminated Shell Element

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5.2.2 Nonlinear Analysis of FRP Chirnneys

5.3 Recommendations for Future Research


APPENDIX 1 Interpolation Functions for Consistent Laminated

ShelI Element

APPENDIX II Construction of orthogonal bais

APPENDIX III Derivation of Lamina through Thickness Interpolation

Functions M,,, M,,, M,, and M,, 151

APPENDIX IV Consistent Laminated ShelI Element S train-Disp lacernent

Matrix p'] 155

VITA 157

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1.1 A typical laminated plate


2.1 Consistent Laminated Shell Element Coordinate System and

Nodal Degrees of Freedom 42

2.2 Material Coordinate System of a Typical Laminated Shell 43

2.3 Dimensions and Material Properties for Laminated Fiber Reinfurced

Composite Plates, Koziey (1 993) 44

2.4 NonnaI Stress o, through Thickness of 9 Ply Laminate, Koziey (1 993) 45

2.5 Shear Stress T, through Thickness of 9 Ply Laminate, Koziey ( 1 993) 45


3.1 Typical Clamped Plate (2x2) 8 Elements

3.2 Load-Deflection Curve for an Isotropic Square Plate

3.3 Load-Deflection Curve for a Laminated Clamped Square Plate

3.4 Typical Cylindrical Panel

3.5 Load-Deflection Curve for a Cylindrical Panel

3.6 Load-Deflection Curve for a Cross-Ply (0/90) Cylindncal Panel

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4.1 A typical through Thickness Stress Distribution for an Angle-Ply Laminate

4.2 Fibers Configuration for Adjacent Angle-Ply Iayers

4.3 A Typical Finite Elernent Mesh used in the Analysis

4.4 Coordinate Systems used in the Analysis

4.5 A Section through the Wall Thickness of the Chimney used in the Analysis

4.6 Deflection Shape at the Base of the Chimney for

Di fferent Thermal Load Cases

4.7 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimney for Bhavl

4.8 Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5rn of the Chimney for Bhavl

4.9 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimney for BhavZ

4.10 Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chirnney for Bhav2

4.1 1 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5rn of the Chimney for Bhav3

4.12 Mendional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chirnney for Bhav3

4.13 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimney for Bhav4

4.14 Mendional Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimney for Bhav4

4.15 Deflection Shape at the Base of the Chimney Due to Wind Load

4.16 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimney

for Bhav5 & Bhav6

4.17 Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimney

for Bhav5 & Bhav6


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4.18 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Lee Side Ext. Surface of the

Chimney 134

4.19 Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Lee Side Ext. Surface of the

Chimney 134

4.20 Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Wind Side h t . Surface of the

Chimney 135

4.2 1 Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Wind Side int. Surface

of the Chimney 135

4.22 Typical Design Curve for FRP Chimneys According to Awad (1 998) 136

4.23 Factor of Safety (FSJ for Chimneys Designed for R = 2 136

4.24 Factor of Safety (FS,) for Chimneys Designed for R = 3 137

4.25 Factor of Safety @.SI) for Chimneys Designed for R = 4 137

4.26 Typical Shear Stress (03 Distribution at the Base of a Chimney

under Wind Load 138

4.27 Buckling Modes at the Base of the Chimney for Different L/D Ranges 138

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3.1 Dimensionless Fundamental Frequency Z = o , / p h ' / ~ z of SirnpIy

Supported Cross-Ply Square Plate. 76


4.1 Non-Dimensional Central Denec tion (w *) of a Cross-Ply C ylindrical

Panel under Thermal Load

4.2 Surnmary of the Load Cases used in Behavior Study

4.3 Geometry of Chirnneys used in the Strength Assessment

4.4 Results of the Strength Assessment

4.5 Results ofthe Bucklinghalysis

4.6 Results of the Revised BuckIing Analysis


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Al1 symbols are defhed at their h t appearance. The principal symbols used are listed


Displacement degrees of keedorn.

Rotations degrees of fieedom.

Cubic and Quadratic shape hctions, respectively.

Linear and Cubic through thickness shape functions, respectively.

Through thickness shape functions.

Elasticity matrix in local coordinate system.

2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor.

Linear part of the incremental Green-Lagrangian strain tensor.

Nonlinear part O f the incremental Green-Lagrangian strain tensor.

Initial thermal strain rnatrix of the L" layer in the local

coordinate system.

Elastic rnoduli in the material directions and the in-plane shear

modulus of orthotropic lamina.

Transverse shear moduli.

The sum of the linear and the initial strain stiffness matrices.

The initial stress stiffness rnatrix.

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(F) The unbdanced load vector.

(RI The externd load vector.

h~ The mass density and the thickness of the L" layer, respectively.

[Ms 1 The consistent mass matrix.

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Laminated plastic composites are finding increasing uses in many engineering

fields. The non-structural applications of these composites include appliances,

electronics, medical equipment and sporting goods. They have also been used for a

number of decades in the aerospace industry. In the past two decades, laminated

composites, especially fiber reinforced plastics (FRP), have shown a wide spread of

applications in the construction industry. These include the construction of FRP

chimneys, tanks, bridges and industrial buildings. FRP matenals are also widely used in

the retrofitting and strengthening of existing buildings.

The main advantages of laminated composites can be stated as:

- High corrosion and chemical resistance.

- High strength to weight and stifiess to weight ratios.

- Flexibility in tailoring the mechanical properties to suit the requirements of a certain


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- High fatigue strength.

- Ability to serve in a wide variety of thermal conditions.

This thesis includes two studies related to laminated structures. The first study

involves an extension of the formulation of a previously developed larninated finite

element mode1 to include non-linear static as well as dynarnic analysis. The mode1 is

based on a consistent shell element that was developed by Koziey and Mina (1997), and

then extended to a laminated formulation by Koziey (1993). This finite element mode1

which is referred to as the "Consistent Laminated Shell elernent" bas the advantage of

being free from the Locking phenomenon as well as providing accurate prediction for

stresses as will be discussed later. In the second study, this mode1 is used to investigate

the non-linear behavior of FRP chùnneys under both thermal and wind loads. A Iiterature

review of both studies is provided in this chapter.


In light of the need to analyze laminated plate and shell structures, many

laminated shell elements have been developed in the last three decades. In general, shell

element models can be grouped under two wide categories (Liu and Surana 1993):

Displacement based formulations; and stress, mixed and hybrid formulations. The

Laminated Consistent shell element falls under the displacement based category.

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Therefore, oniy a review of displacement based sheIl elements is provided in this chapter.

This section starts by providing a brief description of the rnechanics of laminated

structures. This is followed by a presentation of various theones used in the finite element

formulations of laminated structures, starting with the classicai laminated plate theory and

advancing up to the recent refined theories of larninated composites.

1-2-1 Mechanics of Larninated Structures

Consider the laminated plate s h o w in Fig, (1.1). The plate consists of a number

of layers having different orthotropic mechanical properties. At any point within the

plate, three normal strains E,, s, and s,, one in-plane shear strain y,, and two transverse

shear strains y, and y, are defined. The corresponding stresses are o,, ofl, a,, aKY, a,

and o,. The first three components represent normal stresses in the -Y, y and s directions,

respectively. Meanwhile, cr, is the in-plane shear stress and both a, and an are the

transverse (inter-laminar) shear stresses. Assuming a plane stress behavior of the plate,

the stress component o, can be neglected.

For fuily bonded layers, the kinematics between two layers at inter-laminar

locations can be described as, (see Jones 1975):

1) Compatibility of displacement components u, v and W.

2) Continuity of normal strains E, and E, as well as the in-plane shear strain y,,.

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3) Discontinuity of transverse shear strains y, and y,.

The last condition allows a continuity of transverse shear stresses cr, and O,

(which is necessary for equilibrium) to be achieved for layers having different shear

modulus (G). A finite element mode1 that duplicates the true physical behavior of

laminated plate and shell structures should have the capability to sat ise the above three


1-2-2 Classical Laminated PIate Theory

This simplified theory falls under the equivalent single layer laminate theories

which is characterized that one continuous funcrion represents the through thickness

displacement field. The formulation is based on the Kirchhoff hypothesis which includes

the following assurnptions:

1. Straight lines perpendicular to the mid-surface remah straight after deformation. This

implies that the transverse displacement is independent of the transverse coordinate

(Through thickness coordinate).

2. Straight lines perpendicular to the mid-surface remain perpendicular aRer

deformation. This implies that the transverse shear strains are equal to zero; Le. E, =

= O.

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3. Straight lines perpendicular to the mid-surface maintain the same length &et-

deformation. This implies that the transverse normal strain is zero; i-e. E, = 0.

These assurnptions reduce the strain components of the strain vector to (E,, y,J.

The previous assurnptions lead to the following displacement field for a typical

sheIl element mode1 based on the CLPT:

where (zc,, v,, w,) are the displacement components at the mid-surface of the shell, in the

x, y and z directions, respectively;

(u, V, W) are the displacement components at any point of the shell in the x, y and z

directions, respectively;

x and y are two Iocal coordinates tangent to the mid-surface, whi1e z is the

coordinate perpendicular to the surface, measured from the mid-surface.

This assumed displacement field reduces the problem to the determination of the

mid-surface displacements of the shell. Once evaluated, the mid-surface displacements

c m be used to calculate the displacements at any point in the shell using Equations (1.1).

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This method is used extensively to analyze thin isotropic plates. However, due to

the fact that transverse shear deformations are neglected, considerable errors cm arise

when this method is used in analyzing laminated composites. The transverse shear moduIi

of some of the modern advanced lamlnated composites tend to be very low compared to

the in-plane axial moduli. As such, transverse shear deformations can be important for

such materials.

1-2-3 First-Order Laminated Plate Theorv

This method is based on the First-Order shear deformation theory (FSDT), which

is aIso known as the Mindlin's theory. Again, this theory falIs under the classification of

equivalent single layer laminate theones. It employs the KirchhoE hypothesis descnbed

in subsection (1-2-2) with the exception that the second assumption "Straight iines

perpendicular to the mid-surface remain perpendicular after deformation" is waived. As

such, the transverse shear strains (y, and y d are included in the formulation.

The displacement field for shell elements formulated based on this theory are

govemed by the fol1owing relations:

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where (u,, v,, w,, u, v and w ) are as defined in the previous section;

and 4,. are the rotations of a vector normal to the surface (transverse normal)

about the y and x axes, respectively.

This displacement field reduces a 3-D shell problern to the determination of the

displacements of the mid-surface of the shell as weli as the rotations of the normal vector.

Five strain cornponents (E,, E ~ , y,., yu, y d are considered for such analysis. n e in-plane

strains (E,, E, . - and y,,) vary linearly through the thickness and the transverse shear strains

(y, and yLJ are constant within the thickness of the laminate. This means that this

formulation predicts transverse shear stresses that are constant through the thickness of

the laminate. However, fiom basic theory of mechanics, one would expect that such

stresses have at Ieast a quadratic variation through the thichess (definitely quadratic for

isotropie stnictures and can have a higher order for Iaminated structures). This error is

compensated for by using a shear correction coefficient (K) that is multiplied by the

calculated transverse shear stresses.

This method provides good results for the global response of a larninated structure

(Deflection, buckling load and natural fiequency). However it fails to predict accuratel y

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the through thickness stresses specially at areas of discontinuity such as the boundaries of

structures. Pipes and P agano (2970) have shown that near the boundaries of larninated

structures, the transverse stresses may increase significantly. This has been referred to as

the "boundary-layer effect". These areas can be the starting points for delarnination in the

structure. Therefore, a mode1 which can accurately predict transverse shear stresses is

needed to detect the delarnination failure. To overcome this problem, finite elements

based on higher order theories were developed. Reddy (1990) and Kapania and Raciti

(1989) provide a review of the different higher order theories used in the analysis of

laminated shell structures.

1-2-4 Third-Order Laminated Plate Theorv

This theory, which was developed by Reddy (1984), is descnbed in this section as

a sample of the higher-order theories. Again, the theory falls under the equivalent single

Iayer laminate category. It expands the displacements as cubic fünction of the through

thickness coordinate. Thus the only assumption included in this formulation is that

"Straight lines perpendicular to the mid-surface maintain the same lena@ afier

deformation". This irnplies that the transverse normal seah is equal to zero, Le. E, = 0.

The displacernent field for the finite element formulations based on the Third-

order Shear Deformation Theory (TSDT) is governed by the following relations:

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where (uo, v,, w,, u, v, w, qix, and z) are as defined in the previous section;

h is the total thickness of the laminate.

This displacement field provides a quadratic distribution of the transverse shear

strains (y, and yJ and a linear distribution of the in-plane strains (E,, and y,!) throua

the thickness of the Iarninate. It also satisfies the conditions that the transverse shear

stresses at the top and bottom surfaces of the larninate are equal to zero. It can be seen

that Equation (1.3) includes the first derivative of the transverse displacement w,. As

such, a finite element formulation using this displacement field requires a Cl-continuity.

Such a requirement complicates the formulation of the element especially if a non-linear

formulation is attempted.

It is clear that this method provides a better representation for the transverse shear

stresses compared to the FSDT method. However it has the disadvantage, like al1 the

equivalent single layer laminate theones, of describing the entire laminate by a single

polynornial. This results in the continuity of the displacements as well as the first and

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higher derivatives of the displacements at the interface between laminas. As such,

continuous transverse shear strains (y, and y& are forced between layers and a

discontinuity of transverse shear stresses (on and C Y ~ would occur at these locations if

the layers have different shear moduli (G). This behavior violates the conditions of

equilibnum as discussed in subsection (1-2-1). For thin laminates the error arïsing from

the discontinuity of transverse shear stresses is usually negligible. However for thick

Iarninates, such an error is significant and c m not be ignored. In general, finite element

formulations based on this theory can not predict delamination of layen. In order to be

able to predict such failure mode, a layer-wise approach was suggested by many authors.

1-2-5 Laver-Wise Theories

It is clear frorn the previous discussion that using one continuous fùnction for the

through thickness displacement fails to duplicate the tnie physical behavior of laminated

composites. In the layer-wise theories, the displacement fields are chosen in such a way

that continuity of displacements and discontinuity of the derivatives of these

displacements are provided between layers. As such, finite elements based on these

theones are not constrained to have continuous transverse shear strains and thus, the finite

element approximation can lead to continuous transverse shear stresses between different


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According to Reddy (1997), the displacement based layer-wise theories can be

divided into the following two categories:

1) The partial layer-wise theories where a layer-wise approximation is only used for the

in-plane displacements (u and v). This formulation provides discrete transverse shear

strains (y, and y d through various Iayers.

2) The full layer-wise theories where a layer-wise approximation is used for al1 three

displacement components. This formulation provides discrete distribution for both the

transverse normal strain (EA and the transverse shear strains (y, and y a through

different layers. It should be noted that, unlike other laminated theories, the full layer-

wise theory includes the transverse normal strain (&a and the transverse normal stress

(c) in its formulation. The mechanics of laminated structures implies that a finite

element approximation should have the fkeedom of predicting discontinuous

transverse normal strains behveen Iayers. This can lead to a continuous distribution of

transverse normal stresses between layers having different properties and therefore

equilibrium can be satisfied. Finite elements based on the full layer-wise theory can

predict such a behavior.

A finite element formulation based on the full layer-wise theory, developed by

Reddy (1987), is presented in this subsection. In this formulation, a typical element is

subdivided into layer-like divisions through the thickness of the laminate. In each of

those subdivisions, the 2-D mesh (in the .Y-y coordinate) of the structure is repeated in the

thickness direction creating a 3-D discretisation. The number of subdivisions can be

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equd, greater or Iess than the number of materid layers existing withui the thickness of

the laminate. However, if the number of subdivisions is Iess than the nurnber of layers,

each subdivision is represented as an equivalent single layer. The formulation of this type

of elements involves two levels of interpolation. A 2-D interpolation set for the

displacernent function (U, VI and W,) is first achieved using nodal degrees of freedorn.

Those interpolation sets c m have various forms depending on the type of the 2-D parent

element. The displacement functions (Ul, V, and WI) are then interpolated through the

thickness using the interpolation funciions (a1 and Y ') which can have a linear, quadratic

or a higher-order variation. Thus the displacement field of the laminate can be written as:

W ( X . y, Z) = C w1 ( x , y ) ~ (z) I=1

where ( U , VI, WI) are the displacement components at the node 1 calculated f?om the

interpolation of the displacements in the x-y plane;

a' are the gIobal interpolation functions for the discretization of the in-plane

displacements (U,, V,) through the thickness coordinate z;

Y ' are the global interpolation functions for the discretization of the transverse

displacement (WI) through the thickness coordinate z;

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N is the number of nodes for the discretization of the in-plane displacements

through the thickness coordinate z;

M is the nunber of nodes for the discretization of the transverse dispiacement

through the thichess coordinate z.

The interpolation Functions a' and Y' are chosen in such a way that they are

continuous through subdivision boundaries. This satisfies the requirement that

displacements are continuous through the thickness of the laminate. On the other hand,

because a separate fùnction is used for each subdivision, the derivatives of the functions

can be discontinuous. This allows the transverse strains to be discontinuous at the

subdivision boundaries and therefore, a possibility of obtaining continuous transverse

stresses between layers having different properties. The use of separate interpolation

Functions for the transverse displacement permits the modeling of inextensibility of the

transverse normals. This c m be achieved by setting M=l and Y'=l.

In terms of the size of the problem, a full layer-wise finite element model is

similar to a 3-D displacement h i t e element modeI. As such, for structures with a large

number of layers, the use of such an element becomes unpractical. However, the full

layer-wise model has the advantage over 3-D formulations of requiring only a 2-D input

data (Le. a 2-D rnesh generation c m model the problem). According to Reddy (l997), this

type of element is computationally more efficient than a conventional 3-D finite element.

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However, layer-wise theones have the disadvantage of suffering from the locking

phenomenon and spurious shear modes when used to mode1 thin structures (Reddy 1997).

In the next section, the locking phenomenon and spurious shear modes problems are

exp lained.



Shell elements (both single layer and larninated) based on the First-Order shear

deformation theory (FSDT) and the layer-wise theones suffered from a phenornenon

known as the Shear Locking phenomenon. This was encountered in the analysis of thin

plate and shell problems (generally when the length to thickness ratio exceeds 100). Very

stiff solutions resulted fkom these analyses with unpredicted distribution of transverse

shear stresses (spurious shear modes). For such thin shell structures, the transverse shear

strains are required to approach zero. The locking phenomenon results fiom the inability

of those elements to accurately mode1 a bending behavior of the shells under a state of

zero transverse shear strains.

A number of studies attempted to provide explanations and solutions for the

Iocking phenomenon. Arnong these solutions are the reduced integration and the selective

integration techniques. The reduced integration technique is based on choosing a lower

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order integration scheme than what iç necessary for the numerical integration of the

stifiess matrix. This results in a singular shear stif iess matrix that yields zero transverse

shear stresses. However this method does not work properly for al1 types of boundary

conditions (eg. for clarnped plates). As for the seiective integration technique, it involves

applying full integration to the bending components of the stiffhess maû-ix and reduced

integration to the transverse shear stress components. Again this method solves only

special cases and its use can not be generaiized for al1 problems. In generai, the previous

methods often produce results that have an excess number of zero eigenvalues, which

produces spunous deformation modes.

Koziey and Mina (1997) have attempted to explain the cause of the locking

phenornenon and the associated spurious shear modes. According to their explmation. the

shear locking is a numericai problem resulting fiom the use of the sarne order of

interpolation for both the transverse displacement (w) and the normal vector rotations ( A

and 4,). In their study, Koziey and Mina (1 997) have proven that such formulation is

inconsistent and create spurious shear modes. They have proposed a solution for the

problern based on employing cubic interpolation functions for the displacements and

quadratic interpolation fùnctions for the rotations. This idea led to the development of the

Consistent Thick Shell element, which was then extended to a larninated formulation

known as the Consistent Larninated Shell element by Koziey (1993). A brief description

of the Consistent Thick Shell element showing the advantages of this element is provided

in the next subsection.

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This shell element, developed by Koziey and Mirza (1997), can be classified

under the category of elements based on high order theories. The formulation of the

element includes only the assurnption of plane stress conditions (Le. 0, = O). The element

has two major advantages:

1) The elernent's formulation is fiee fkom the spurîous shear modes and the associated

locking phenomenon. This feature is very important in analyzing thin plate and shell

prob lems.

2) The element's formulation includes special rotational degrees of fieedom that lead to

cubic variation of the through thickness displacements. As such, quadratic transverse

shear strain and shear stress distributions c m be predicted by the element. This

feature is very useful in anaiyzing thick plate and shell structures consisting of a

single layer.

The elernent's formulation includes 3 displacernent degrees of fieedom (u, v and

w ) directed dong the globai x, y and z axes, and 4 rotational degrees of fieedom (a, ,O, (

and y/). Both a and # are about a local axis y : and P and yare about a local axis xt The

two axes x' and y' are tangent to the mid-surface of the shell as s h o w in Fig. (2.1).

Rotations a and p are rnultiplied by a function varying linearly through the thickness of

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the shell. Meanwhile, q5 and p are rnultiplied by a function that varies cubically through

the sarne thichess. The approximation of the degrees of fieedom within the mid-surface

of the shell was carefuIly chosen to provide cubic variation for the displacement degrees

of freedom and quadratic variation for the rotational degrees of freedom. This approach

leads to a consistent formulation that eliminates the qmrious shear modes and the

associated locking phenornenon as descnbed by Koziey and Mina (1997). As shown in

Fig. (2.1 ), the element has a triangular shape and Uicludes 13 nodes. Ten of these nodes (3

corner nodes, 6 one-third-side nodes and one central) are used to achieve the cubic

interpolations for the displacements (u, v and w) and six nodes (3 corner nodes and 3 mid-

side nodes) are employed to achieve the quadratic for the rotations (a, P, @ and y).

Thus, the displacement field for the Consistent Thick shell element is written as:

where (u, v and w) are the components of the displacement vector at any point within the

shell in the x, y and z directions, respectively;

v,, and N , are cubic and quadratic shape functions, respectively, varying within

the surface of the shell, (see Appendix i).

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] is a matrix vector relating the local coordinates (x' and y? to the global

coordinates (x, y and z), (see Appendùc II).

M, and M2 are the lùiear and cubic through thickness shape fûnctions,

respectively, and are related to the thiclaess of the shell C H ) and the through

thickness coordinate (t) (normal to the surface) as follows:

This element presents an excellent tool in analyzing single layer plate and shell

problems. The element has been modified by Koziey (1993) to the analysis of larninated

shell structures. This Consistent Laminated shell element rnodel, which is extended in

this study to include non-linear static and dynamic behavior, is fully described in the next



The non-linear version of the Consistent Laminated shell element, which is

formulated in Chapter Three of this Thesis, is used to study the non-Iinear behavior of

Fiber Reinforced Plastic (Fm) chimneys. During the past two decades, a nurnber of FRP

chimneys have been constructed in North Arnerica and in various places around the

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world. The spread of FRP as a construction matenal for chimneys is due to the superb

corrosion and acid resistance of such materials.

FRP chimneys are usually constructed Eom a large number of layers. The typical

thickness of a layer varies between 0.8 and 1 .O mm. Due to the ease of construction, the

angle-ply configuration (+ 8) is usuaily used in FRP stacks. For such a configuration. the

fibers of a certain layer are oriented by an angle 0 (with a specific direction), while the

fibers of the two adjacent layers are oriented by an angle -0 (with the sarne direction). A

common composite used in FRP chimneys consists of a Vinyl ester resin reinforced by E-

g las fibers. The fibers content usually varies between 60 - 70% (based on weight).

No national code currently exists for the design of FRP chimneys. However, as

stated by Pritchard (1996), an attempt is being undertaken by the International Cornmittee

on Industrial Chimneys CICIND (1988) to develop a code for such composite structures.

Studies conducted on FRP chimneys are very rare in the literature. Joseph M.

Plecnik et. el. (1984) have reported the design of a 170 fi. (5 1.8 m) high free-standing

FRP c h e y located in Washington, USA.

Recently Awad (1998) has conducted an extensive analyticai investigation for the

response of FRP chimneys to both temperature and wind loads. In his study, Awad

(1998) has shown that cracking of the resin (in the direction perpendicular to the fibers) is

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expected to happen at localized parts in the bottom of ETW chirnneys due to thermal

loads. In the same study, Awad (1998) has developed a simplified computer code to be

used in the design of FRP chimneys subjected to both thermal and wind loads. This

simplified code, described in details in Chapter Four, uses the classical lamination theory

to obtain an equivalent orthotropic material of the chimney FRP section. The computer

code also includes a number of assumptions that need venfication. In the current study.

the non-linear version of the Larninated Consistent shell element is used to v e n e some

aspects of the design approach provided by this simplified computer code.


The objectives of the present study are as follows:

1) Extend the formulation of the Consistent Laminated Shell element to include large

deformation non-linear analysis.

2 ) Extend the formulation of the Consistent Larninated SheIl element to include

dynarnic analysis.

3) Use the Consistent Larninated Shell element to study the behavior of Fiber

Reinforced Plastic (Fm) chimneys under thermal and wind load taking large

deformation and material cracking into consideration.

4) Verie and check the range of applicability of the simplified computer code developed

by Awad (1 998).

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Ln Chapter Two, a detailed description for the Consistent Larninated Shell

element, previously developed by Koziey (1993), is provided. The accuracy of the

element in predicting various stress components in laminated structures is demonstrated.

In Chapter Three, the formulation of the Consistent Laminated Shell element is

extended to include the effect of large deformations. The non-linear formulation is carrïed

out incrementally using the Total Lagrangian approach. Analyses of a number of plate

and shell problems are conducted using the non-linear version of the Consistent

Laminated Shell element and results of the analyses are compared to those available in

the literature. In the same Chapter, the formulation of the Consistent Lamùiated Shell

element is extended to account for dynarnic analysis. Both fiee vibration and non-linear

time history dynamic analyses are included. Again, the formulation is verified by

anaiyzing a nurnber of plate and shell problems and cornparhg the result of the analyses

with those available in the literature.

In Chapter Four, the large displacement formulation of the Consistent Larninated

Shell element is extended to include the matenal non-linearity resulting Eom cracking of

resin in a FRP structure. Thermal load vectors due to temperature variation is also

included in the non-linear model. The behavior of FRP chimneys under thermal and wind

loads is studied using the non-linear Consistent Laminated Shell element model.

Cracking and buckling of FRP chimneys are considered in the analysis. Finally, the non-

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linear finite element mode1 is used to ven@ the simplified design code previously

developed by Awad (1998).

Fuially, in chapter Five, the conclusions drawn Eom this study and the

recommendations for the fùture research are presented.

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Fin 1.1 : A tvpical laminated plate

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F O ~ A T r O N OF THE



The discussion provided in the previous chapter has demonstrated that iso-

pararnetric shell elements based on both the k t order and the Layer-Wise theones suffer

from the locking phenomenon. The use of these elements in analyzing thin plate and shell

problems should be considered with caution. In the same chapter, a consistent sub-

parametric shell elernent, which was developed by Koziey and Mina (1997), is presented.

This element has the major advantage of being fkee fkom the spunous shear modes that

cause the locking phenomenon. This feature is extremely usefirl when the element is used

to analyze thin plate and shelI problems.

The Consistent Thick Shell element has been extended by Koziey (1 993) to a

Iaminated formulation. Similar to its parent element, the Consistent Larninated Shell

element has the advantage of being free fiom the "lockuig phenornena" and the spurious

shear modes. Meanwhile, the element has the capability of predicting strain and stress

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distributions that are consistent with the true physical behavior of laminated shell

structures. Since, one of the objectives of this thesis is to extend the formulation of the

consistent larninated shell element to include large disp lacement static and dparnic

analysis, it was decided that it is suitable to provide the reader with a brief description of

the consistent larninated shell element. For more details the reader is referred to Koziey



2-2-1 Coordinate Systems and Geometrv

Four coordinate systerns are used in the formulation of the Consistent Larninated

Shell Element. These coordinate systems are shown in Fig. (2.1) and are defined as


1) The global Cartesian coordinates as x, y and z.

2) The curvilinear coordinates r, s, t and t,, where r and s are tangent to the mid-surface

and t is perpendicular to the surface and ranges fkom -1 to +l for the bottom and the

top surface of the laminate, respectively (see Fig. 2.1). t, is a local coordinate for each

layer (lamina) and ranges fkom -1 to +1 for the bottom and the top of the lamina,

respectively. t, has the sarne orientation as the coordinate t. (See Fig. 2.1 ).

3) The local Cartesian coordinates x : y' and z ' ; This set of axes is used to define the

local strains and stresses. The local axis z' is always nomal to the surface, while x'

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and y'are located in a plane tangent to the surface. The directions of these axes Vary

fiom one point to anorher on the sheli.

4) The material coordinates (1, 2 and 3) which are shown in Fig. (2.2). Axes 1 and 2 are

located in a plane tangent to the surface. For angle-ply laminated structures, a i s 1 is

directed along the fiber direction while axis 2 is perpendicular to the fiber direction.

Axis 3 is perpendicular to the surface (i.e. coinciding with the z'axis).

The element has 13 nodes (3 corner nodes, 3 mid-side nodes, 6 one-third-side

nodes and one central node) as shown in Fig. 2.1. In the elernent formulation, the

displacement degrees of freedom of the nodes are interpolated cubically, while the

rotational degrees of fieedom are interpolated quadratically within the plane of the

element. The cubic interpolation is achieved using cubic shape Functions rn and the

value of the variables at ten nodes (3 corner nodes, 6 one-third-side nodes and a central

node). Meanwhile, quadratic interpolation is achieved using the quadratic shape hct ions

N, and the value of the variable at six nodes (3 corner nodes and 3 mid-side nodes). The

shape hc t ions w, and N , are given in Appendix 1. The geomew of the element is

interpolated quadratically within the surface of the element and linearly within its

thickness. As such the global coordinates at any point within the element is calculated

using the following equation:

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where N, are the quadratic interpolation functions. (see Appendix 1);

.r,, y,, and r, are the coordinates of the nh node (at the mid surface of the shell, i.e.

at t = 0);

V, is the unit vector perpendicular to the surface rnultiplied by the thickness of

the eIernent at the n* node.

Note that only 6 nodes (the comer and the rnid-side nodes) have an associated

non-zero value for the quadratic shape function N,. This means that only these 6 nodes

are used to interpolate the geornetry.

2-2-2 Disdacement Field

The displacements u, v and w at any point within the consistent laminated shell

element are approximated using the following degrees of fieedom:

1) The global displacements LI,, V, and W, of the laminate mid-surface directed dong

the global x, y and z axes, respectively. These degrees of freedom are interpolated

cubically within the mid-surface of the laminate using the corner, one-third-side and

the center nodes.

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2) Two rotations, cr, and ,& about the local axes y'and x : respectiveIy. These rotational

degrees of freedom provide a Iinear variation of the through thickness displacements

and are interpolated quadratically withîn the mid-surface of the laminate using the

comer and mid-side nodes.

3) For each layer the following extra degrees of tieedom are used: Rotations 4,,?. vny.

A: 7 and displacements d # z , dry?, d@z , dv$. Here the subscript L denotes

the layer number and the superscnpts Top and B designate the top and the bottom of

the layer, respectively. Rotations 4 2 , #n: are about the local y'axis and rotations

Y?, are about the local x'axis. Displacements d # 2 , d@: are dong the local

x ' axis and displacements d , d ryz are dong the local y ' axis. These degrees O l

fieedom are interpolated cubically through the tfiicbess of each layer of the larninate

in order to obtain exact transverse shear stress distribution. Within the plane of the

larninate, these degrees of freedom are approximated quadratically similar to an and

P n -

As shown in Fig. (2.1), not al1 nodes have the same number of degrees of

keedom. Only the comer nodes have al1 types of degrees of fkeedom. Such nodes have

dq!$, dvn: , . . , d )). Assuming that the 13 nodes have the sarne number of degrees

of Ereedom as the corner nodes, the total number of degrees of fieedom per element

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becomes (65+104*NL), where NL is the total number of layers. However, the active

number of degrees of fkeedorn is only (42+48*NL).

Following the description above, the global displacements u, v and w at any point

within the laminate can be wrîtten as:

where En and Nn are the cubic and quadratic shape hctions, respectively, and are

given in Appendix 1.

[en ] is a rnatrix which relates the direction cosines of the local axes .Y ' and y ' to

the global directions x, y and z. It is used in Equation (2.2) to transform the local

displacements resulting fiom the rotational degrees of fieedorn to the global

directions x, y and z. The rnatrix [fn] is calculated fkom the unit vectors Y,, and f&,

directed along the local x 'and y 'axes, respectively, i.e.

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The procedure for evaluating the vectors En , as well as the vector En (which

is normal to both 6, and fZn ) was given by KoPey and Mirza (1997) and is presented in

Appendix II.

The shape function M, approximates the displacement field through the depth of

the shell due to constant rotations a and ,8 and is given by:

where H is the total thickness of the laminate. The through thickness shape funciions

M,,, MJL, M, and Ma, are selected in such a way that when multiplied by the local

'" , $g , y,". d@ and through thickness degrees of keedom (#y, vf"P, d ~ ,

d ) they provide cubic variation for the displacements through the thickness of the

laminate. The functions were given by Koziey (1993) as:

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where hL is the thickness of the L" lamina The non-dimensional coordinate t, ranges

fiom -1 at the bottom to +l at the top of L& lamina as described earlier. It is related to

the coordinate t as follows:

A transformation matrix [d which includes the direction cosines I , between the

local and the global axes system, i.e.

is multiplied by Equation (2.2) to yield the following equation for the local displacements

u : v 'and w ' at any point within the element:

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where the matrix [C,, 1 is given by:

In the above relation, a superscript n means that the direction cosine component is

evaluated at node o. Meanwhile, a direction cosine specified without a superscnpt means

that it is evaiuated at the point of interest (Le. at a general point withh the shell). The

procedure for the evduation of [@J as described by Koney and Mina (1997) is given in

Appendix II.


For small deflections, the local strains (É) are expressed by the following


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Notice that the normal strain component is not considered in Equation (2.1 0)

as the shell element formulation is based on the plane stress assumption (Le. C J ~ , ~ = 0) and

such a strain wiIl not contribute in the total strain energy of the system.

Substituting Equation (2.8) into Equation (2.10) yields:

The strain matrix [B'j is given by Koziey (1993) and is also provided in

Appendix IV as it will be used in the nonlinear formulation presented in the next Chapter.

Using the assumption that stresses normal to the surface (cf;) are negligible, the

constitutive rnatrix [Dl'] in the material coordinates system (1, 2 and 3) is given by Johns

(1975) as:

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where G,? GI3, G, = are the shear moduli in the 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3 material planes.


Constants C, are defined as follows:

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where E, , E?, E, is the elastic moduli in the principle matenal axis;

vu is the Poisson's ratio for transverse strain in the j" direction when stressed in

the ib direction.

For a laminated structure, the fiber orientation typically varies £iom layer to layer.

In order to analyze a lamuiated sheU structure, the fiber orientation for each layer must be

referenced to a certain cornmon axis. In the formulation of the larninated consistent sheil

element, the local axis x 'has been chosen as the reference axis. The fiber orientation with

respect to this local axis x'is defined by an angle @as show in Fig. (2.2).

The elasticity matrix is therefore referred to the local coordinate system using the

fo llowing transformation:

where the transformation matrix [TE ] relates the strains ( E,,,. , E ,.,. , E ,.,. , E,,=. . E,?. ) in . .

the local coordinate system to those in the material coordinate system ( 6 . E, , T , ~ ,

y,, , y?, ), and is given by:

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- cos2 6 sin2 B C O S B S ~ 6 O O

sin' 8 COS' 8 -sinQcos0 O O

-2sinBcosB 2sinBcosB (cos2@-sin'@ O O

O O O cos8 -sin0

O O O s ine COSB -

The element stiffiiess mat& is calculated as:

(2-1 6 )

[k] = ,f[l?'lT [D' ] [B'](IV Y

The above equation is integrated numerically using the Gaussian-Quadrature

scheme. Since the above integral includes functions M,,, M,, Mx and M,, that are

discontinuous kom one layer L to the other (Within a layer L, these Functions are

descnbed by Equation (2.6) and are equal to zero outside this layer) Koziey (1993) has

performed the integration using the coordinates r, s and î, within each layer and then a

surnmation dong al1 the layers was performed. This procedure led to the following


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h, where - H

relates differentials dt and dt, and is calculated fiom Equation (2.7);

[DL] is the elasticity matrix for layer L, and is evaiuated from Equation (2.15);

detl J'[ is the determinant of the Jacobian matnx [ J ' ] which relates the

derivatives with respect to the curvilinear coordinates system to those with respect

to the local coordinate systern, Le.:


As discussed in subsection (1-2), the mechanics of larninated structures

necessitate the following conditions:

1) Transverse shear strains (y, and y 4 must have the fkeedom to be discontinuous

between layers. This discontinuity is essentiai in order for the mode1 to be able to

predict continuous transverse shear stresses between layers having different shear

moduli (G). This feature exists in the Consistent Laminated Shell element due to the

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use of independent rotations at the interface between two adjacent layers. For

example, the rotation ($7 ) at the top of the f i t Iayer is not necessarily equal to the

rotation (4: ) at the botiom of the second layer. In general:

The evaiuation of the transverse shear strains includes derivatives of the fiinctions MIL

and M, with respect to the coordinate t,, which are multiplied by ( and y. Examining

Equations (2.5), it c m be shown that these derivatives have a non-zero value at the

interface between Iayers (at t, = i l ) . Therefore, the use of Equations (2.20) satisfies

the condition of discontinuous shear strains.

At the interface bebveen two layers, displacements have to be continuous. Studying

the displacement field in Equation (2.8), it can be seen that the first 2 tems are

continuous through the thickness of the laminate. Meanwhile, in the third terrn,

and Mx are equal to zero at the laminae interfaces. This means that the discontinuity

in q5 and y does not affect the continuity of the inter-laminar displacements.

Furthemore, the value of Ma at the top of a certain lamina is equal to the value of

M, at the bottom of the lamina located above. Thus, in the consistent laminated shell

element model, a continuity of displacements at the interfaces between larninae can be

satis fied by imposing the fo llowing constraints:

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The above constraints are irnposed in the finite element code and they lead to the

reduction o f the active degrees of fieedom per element fiom 42+48*NL to


3) At the interface between two layers, in-plane strains (sr;: s,.;.' and y,;.) have to be

continuous. in view of Equation (2.8), the evaluation of these strains includes

denvatives of the shape fûnctions N and N with respect to x' and y' which are then

multiplied by the through thickness shape functions (Ml, Mx, Ma,, M, and Ma). M, is

a continuous function while M, and Mx are both equal to zero at the laminas

interface. This means that the discontinuity in 4 and yl does not affect the continuity

of the in-plane strains. Furthemore, the value of Ma at the top of a certain lamina is

equai to the value of Ma at the bottom of the lamina located above. Thus the

continuity of in-plane strains is achieved.

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Ln order to demonstrate the capability of the Consistent Laminated shell element

in predicting accurate stress distributions for laminated structures, the following example

is reproduced fkom Koziey (1993). This example involves the analysis of a simply

supported laminated thick plate subjected to a sinusoidal transverse load. The dimensions

of the plate and the mathematical expression for the sinusoidal load are shown in Fig.

(2.3). A through thickness cross section of the laminated plate is also given in the fi,we

showing that the plate consists of nine cross-ply layers arranged syrnmetrically about the

mid-surface. The span to thiclaiess ratio (LEI) of the plate is equal to 4 as shown in the

figure. For each layer, the material properties in the 1, 2,3 directions are dehed as:

E, = 25 x 106 psi (1 -724 x 10' MPa), E2 = 1 x 106 psi (6.895 x 103 MPa),

G,, = G,, = 0.5 x 106 psi (3.45 x 103 MPa),

- G, 4 . 2 x 106psi (1.38 x 10' MPa), v , ~ = v,, - vZ3 = 0.25

Due to symmetry, Only a quater of the plate is modeled using 3 2 Consistent

Laminated Shell elements (4x4 rnesh). The results were compared by Koziey (1993) to

the elasticity solution given by Pagano and Hatfield (1972). The normal stress (aL. at the

center of the plate and the transverse shear stresses (cd at point A (shown in Fig. 2.3),

are plotted in Figures (2.4) and (2.5), respectively. These two figures show the variation

of the stresses with the thickness of the plate. These stresses were compared by Koziey to

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the closed form elasticity solution indicating an excellent agreement. It is worth noting

how the element predicts continuous shear stresses at the inter-lamina. faces for layers

having different shear moduli.

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Fie. 2.1: Consistent Laminated Shell Elernent Coordinate System and Nodal Deqrees of


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Fie 2.2: Matenal Coordinate Svstem of a Tvpicai Laminated Shell

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L = 10.0 in Sinusoidd transverse load q = 100 sin (d) sin(qdL) psi SimpIy supported

1 in = 25.4 mm 1 psi = 6895 N/m'

0" and 90" denote the fiber onentation with respect to the x ' axis

Fig. 2-3: Dimensions and Material Pro~erties for Larninated Fiber Reinforced

Composite Plates. Koziey (1 993)

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q Koziey ( 1993)

Fig. 2.4: Normal Stress a, throueh niickness of 9 Plv Laminate. Koziev (1 993) -

Z N Elasticity Solution 0.5 * Koziey ( 1 993)

0.4 -

0.3 -

0.2 -

0.0 - Ksi

0.0 7

o.co0 0.100 -0.1 -

-0.2 -

-0.3 -

-0.4 -

-0.5 *

Fie. 2.5: Shear Stress r.., throueh Thickness of 9 Plv Laminate. Koziev (1993) -

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Due to their high flexibility, laminated structures can be subjected to large

defomations. Therefore, a large displacement analysis might be necessary to study those

structures. The excellent performance of the Consistent Laminated sheIl eiement in

performing linear analysis of laminated structures has encouraged the author to extend the

eiement's formulation to include large displacement static and dynamic analysis. This

chapter starts by presenting the large displacement nonlinear static development. The

nonlinear formulation is based on the total Lagrangian approach while the solution is

carried out incrementally using the Newton-Raphson method for iterations. A detailed

presentation of the nonlinear stifiess matnx and the unbalanced load vector is included.

To test the accuracy of the above development a number of larninated plate and shell

structures are modeled using the nonlinear version of the Consistent Laminated shell

element and the results obtained from these analyses are compared with those available in

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the fiterature. This is followed by a presentation for the dynamic formulation of the

element. The consistent mass matrix of the element is denved and incorporated in both

fiee vibration arid the-history nonlinear analyses. Again, the dynamic development is

verified by modeling a nurnber of benchmark problems using the Consistent Laminated

shell elernent and comparing the results of the analyses to those available in the Literature.


In this section, the incremental form of the displacement field of the Consistent

Larninated shell element is fist presented. This is followed by a derivation of the

nonlinear stifhess matrut and the unbalanced load vector. These matrices are presented in

a form that can be easily coded using the components of the linear stifhess rnatnx

(developed by Koziey 1993). Finally, the solution technique used in the nonlinear

analysis is presented.

3-2-1 The Incremental Displacement Field

In tfiis study, an incrernental nonlinear formulation is conducted for the Consistent

Laminated shell element. For such a formulation, the displacement field has to be wntten

in an incremental form rather than a total one as presented in Chapter Two. In the

following nonlinear presentation, the superscript T identifies different confi,wations

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corresponding to different load incrernents and a superscript k associated with a variable

indicates that this variable is evaiuated at the km iteration of the increment. Thus, the

displacement vector u:'~' at the km iteration of a certain configuration T is related to the

displacement vector at the previous iteration (k-1) as:

In view of Equation (2.2), the incremental global displacements Au, Av and Aw

at any point within the laminate can be wrïtten as:

where the shape functions vn and N,, the transformation rnatrix [cl, and the through

thickness interpolation functions M,, M,,, Ma, M,, and M, are as defined in Chapter

Two and are provided in an explicit fonn in Appendices 1, II and III.

Also in view of Equation (2.Q the incremental local displacements at any point

within the laminate can be written as:

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where Au' , Av' and Aw' are the local displacements dong the local x', y' and z' axes,

respectively; and the matrices [C,] and [ûJ are as defined in Chapter Two. In the above

equation, the incremental degrees of eeedorn follow the same definition provided for the

total degrees of fieedom in chapter Two.

It should be noted that, unlike the linear behavior, the large displacement analysis

would involve an update for the matrices [ B j and [C,] to reflect the variation of the

direction cosines Z, with the Ioading. This is done to assure that the local rotations (a, P, (

and y) are taken about axes which are always tangent to the surface.

3-2-2 Expressions for Nonlinear Stinnes Matrix and Unbalanced Load Vector

A detailed description of the total Lagrangian approach used to perfonn the

nonlinear formulation of a general finite element approximation is given by Bathe (1 996).

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Based on the above approach, the equilibrium equation of a nonlinear structure is given

in a tensorial form as:

where Cg, is the constitutive relations of the matenal.

SQ is the znd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. (See Bathe (1996) for a definition).

Aeu is the h e a r part of the incremental Green-Lagangian strain tensor.

A is the nonlinear part of the incremental Green-Lagrangian strain tensor.

The above equation can be expressed in a rnatrix form as:

where [KJ is the surn of the linear and the initial strain stiffhess matrices.

[KJ is the initial stress s t iaess matrix.

(F) is the unbalanced load vector.

{AU) is the incremental degrees of fieedom vector.

In view of the general total Lagrangian approach provided by Bathe (1996) and

using the assumption that the stresses normal to the surface O+. are neglected, the

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nonlinear stifkess matrices and the unbalanced load vector for the Consistent Laminated

shell element, presented in the local axes system (x: y < z 3, are given by:

where M is the total number of degrees of fieedom per element, and is equal to

(6SH 04*NL).

The constitutive matrix [D 1 for laminated structures defined in the .r : y ' and r '

coordinate system is described by Equations (2.12) to (2.15). Matrices [SI and (Se)

include the local stress components and are given by:

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The incremental stress vector {AS) can be calcdated using the constitutive matrix

[D 1 and the incremental strain vector as:

where the incremental strain vector (Ae) is calculated as:

El Damatty et. al. (1997) has presented a systematic approach which can be used

in the nonlinear formulation of a general shell element. The approach is based on relating

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the components of the nonlinear stiffkess matrix and the unbalanced load vector to those

of the linear stiffness matrix. This approach was used by El Darnatty et. al. (1 997) in

deriving the large displacement formulation of the single layer Consistent shell element.

In view of this approach, the components of the [B,] and [B,] matrices can be obtained

using the following:

1) The linear strain matrix [B'],,, , given by Koziey (1 993), is written as the s u m of the

two matrices [BA, ] and [Biz ] :

Expressions of matrices [Bo, ] and [BA2] are given in Appendix IV.

2) The variables h and G included in the expressions of the matrices [Bi,] and [BA2]

represent derivatives of the shape function with respect to the local axes system. and

are given by the following tensonal equations:

In the above equation, n represent the node number; Fn, andrn , represent the

derivatives of the shape fuaction r, with respect to the r and s curvilinear

coordinates, respectively; J,; are the components of the inverse of the Jacobian

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matnx [J'] given by Equation (2.19); M,, and dMqL are the through thickness shape

functions and their derivatives with respect to the curvilinear coordinate t ,

respectively; q takes the values (q = 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 corresponding to different

through thichess shape functions).

3) The matrices [B,] and [B,] can be related to matrices [Bo,] , [Bo?] and the initial

strains in the manner outlined in El Damatty e t al. (1997) as follows:

First row of [Bo,]

Third row of [B,J

Fourth row of [Bo,]

Thirdrowof [Bo,]

Secondrow of [Bo,] [Bsl,x, =

Fifth row of [Be]

1 Fourth row of [Bol ]

cont' d . . . First row of [Bo, ] I 1 cont' d . . . Third row of [Bo? ] 1

/ cont' d . . . Fourth row of [Bo?]

j cont'd ... Third row of [B,,] cont'd ... Second row of [Bol]


1 cont' d . . . Fifth row of [Bo, J I

1 cont'd . .. Fourth row of [Bol ] I 1 cont' d . . . Fi& row of [Bo, ] I I I - c:~G~, C G - C G C:'G;~ - Cn2~,)5 C : ' G ~ ~ - C ~ I G , ~ ~ 11 -


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z<> (row 1 of [Bo, 1 ) + v; (row 3 of [Ba 1) + w:. (row 4 of [Bot])

u',.. (row 3 of [ B o l ] ) + v:. (row 2 of [Bo, 1) + W.;. (row 5 of [B,? 1)

u->,(row 1 of [Bo , ] ) + v+;,.(row 3 of [BO2 1) + w."Jrow 4 of [B,])

+ u>(row 3 of [Bo , ] ) + v:.(row 2 of [ B o l ] ) + w:.(row 5 of [ B E ] )

u'.(row .- 1 of [ B o l ] ) + v'Jrow - 3 of [Bo2 ] ) + w:. (row 4 of [BO2])

+ u'Jrow 4 of [ B o l ] ) + v>(row 5 of [Bo,] )+ w>(row 9 of [ B S ] )

u;.(row .- 3 of [Bo, 1) + vl.(row .- 2 of [Bo,]) + wt.(row - 5 of [ B J ) + U.~~ . (~OW 4 of [ B o l ] ) + vf,..(row 5 of [Bol 1) + w'Jrow 9 of [ B , ] )

+ [Bol L x , + [Bo2 Ln .w

where ri :i , v :i , w :, (i = 1,2 and 3 corresponding to x ' , y 'and z : respectively) are the

derivatives of the local displacements u', v', w ' with respect to the local axes i (local

strains). The matrices [ B o l ] and [Bo?] are presented in appendix IV.

3-2-3 Evaluation of the Initial Strains

The matrix [B,] includes local initial strain terms evaluated at the local

coordinate system (x: y : 2'). In order to evaluate these terms, accurnulated local

displacements ut '('-", v' T"-l) and w"(*-" have to be evaluated at the beginning of kb

iteration of configuration T. These can be obtained fiom the global accumulated

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nt-1) n k - 1 1 w r ( k - [ ) displacements ( u , v , ) and the transformation matrix [q. In evaluating the

accurnulated displacements resulting fiom various iterations, some of the degrees of

fieedom can not be added algebraically. These degrees of keedom are the incremental

, ~ 4 : and ~ r y : ) as well as the rotational degrees of fkeedom ( Acc, , APm A#F , A tyd

degrees of keedorn that include the local through thickness displacements ( ~ d # z ,

ady?, ~dq52 and adv:). This is due to the effect of large displacements, which

makes the direction cosines of the axes, around which the incrernental rotations are taken,

change with different configurations. To overcome this problem, the contribution of the

local rotational and the local displacement degrees of freedom to the global displacements

(IC, V, W) is evduated at each iteration.

The procedure to evaluate the global accumulated displacement at the beginning

of the kh iteration of configuration T, is described by the followùig steps:

- The accumulated effect of the global displacement degrees of keedom

( AU,, A V, , A W, ) c m be obtained by sumrning al1 the incrernental displacements

preceding the k& iterations of the configuration T.

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The contribution of the hcremental rotations ( Aa, and A 4 ) to the total global

diçp lacements T( ' - 1 1 "'-1) w T ( k - l ) ,V , can be Uitroduced using the terms

T( k-1) ayn T( k-1) and m, , respectively. These terms are special rotations about the

global axes, which are multiplied by the shape bc t ions MI, to give the through

thickness displacements in the global x, y, z axes, respectively. These special rotations

are evaluated usùig the followiug equations:

- The contribution of the incremental rotations and displacements ( A4= , A y, , Ad#, and

T ( k - 1 ) Adyn ) aat the top and bottom of each layer, to the total global displacements u ,

n k - 1 ) and w '"-" can be introduced in a similar rnanner using the tems ( #cmT('-" and

T( k-1) ), ( 0 , y - l ) a,d &m dxn '('-" ) and ( &.'-l' and 6i. '-" ), respectively. These terms

when multiplied by the shape functions M,, , M,, , M,, and M,, , give the through

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thickness displacements in the global x, y, z axes, respectively. These special rotations

are evaluated as follows :

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Thus, the total global displacement at the beginning of the kh iterations of the

configuration T is aven by:

Using the transformation matrix [ûJ, the local displacements at the beginning of the same

iteration are given by:

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Using the Jacobian matrix [J'] and Equation (3.36) the derivatives of the totaI locaI

displacements with respect to the local axes are evaluated as:

where u; = u' , ul = v r , U; = w' ,


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The variable h,, and G& are as defined in Equations (3.13) and (3.14), respective1 y.

As mentioned earlier, although a Total Lagrangian formulation is used, it is

necessary to update the geometry of the structure to ensure that the rotations are always

considered around the local axes that are tangent to the surface. Therefore, the matrices

[ûJ and [Cm] are updated after each iteration.

3-24 Solution Technique for the Nonlinear Static Analvsis

The solution technique used in this study is similar to the one presented by El

Damatty et. al. (1997). It starts by the calculation of matrices [B:('-"1, [B,"*-"1,

{ s ~ } and [D 'J. These matrices are then substituted into Equations (3 -5 ) to

(3.7) to evaiuate the components of the s t iEess matrix [K:(~--"] , [K,"'-"] and the

unbalanced load vector {F*('-')} corresponding to the (k-l)h iteration of a certain

configuration T. Gaussian quadrature scheme is used to perform the numerical integration

of the previous equations. Seven integration points are used to integrate in the r-s plane,

while five integration points are used along t, for each layer. Al1 the t ems of the

expressions for [ ~ f ( ~ - " ] and [K;('-''] are evaluated at the integration points except those

having either a subscnpt or a superscnpt n which are evaluated at the nodal points.

Finally, Equation (3.4b) is used to solve for (AU). The solution then proceeds in an

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iterative manner until convergence is reached. The convergence cnteria is based on the

ratio between the Euclidean n o m of the displacement vector occurring at a certain

iteration to the one evaiuated at the 1" iteration of the configuration T.

During each configuration, the external load {R? is kept constant while the

unbalanced load vector (F') and the matrices [K:] and [K:] are updated at each

iteration. This updating procedure is performed as follows :

At each node, the global coordinates ( x , , y, and 2 , ) and the vector VJn, are

updated using the incrernental displacement and rotational degrees of fieedom

calculated from the solution corresponding to the previous iteration (k-2)-

Those updated global coordinates and vectors are then used to update the matices

[8J, [C,] and [V,] defïned in Chapter Two.

Followiig the procedure explained in Section (3-2-3), the initial strains at the

current kh iteration are calculated and used to update the matrix [~f '*-"] given by

Equation (3.16).

Using Equations (3.10) and (3.1 L), the incremental stresses occumng at the

integration points, are calculated. Those stresses are then used to update the

matrices [Sn'-')] and ( s ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' ) } given by Equations (3.8) and (3.9), respectively.

The constitutive matrix [D 1, described by Equations (2.12) to (2.15), is used

together with the updated matrices [B,T"-"1, [s~(~-')] and (s"(~-')} and the

constant matrix TB, 1, to obtain the u~dated stiffiiess matrices TK?~-' ' I and

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[K,"'-"] and the updated load vector {F~"-"} thr0ug.h the application of Equations

(3.5) to (3.7).

6 ) Equation (3.4b) is then used to obtain the incremental displacements for the current


The solution then proceeds in an iterative rnanner until convergence is achieved.

At this equilibrium state, the total displacement {u*) for the current configuration T is

T-Ar given by the summation of the displacement {U ) at the previous configuration (T-AT)

and a11 the iterative solutions { A u condncted in this load step. This solution {uT is

then used to obtain the initial strains and stresses for the first iteration of the next

configuration (T+AT).


3-3-1 S i m ~ l v SUD DO^^^^ Isotro~ic PIate under Uniform Transverse Load

In this example, the Consistent Laminated shell element is used to analyze an

isotropic structure. The problem consists of an isotropic square plate having simply

supported boundary conditions and subjected to a uniforrnly distributed transverse load.

The plate has the following elastic properties: Modulus of Elasticity E = 71 020.0 MPa

and Poison's ratio v = 0.3 16. The dimensions of the plate are s h o w in Fig. 3.1, where

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a = b = 16 in (40.64 cm) and h = 0.5 in (12.7 mm). Due to double symmetry in both

geometry and loading, only one quarter of the plate is rnodeled using 8 (2x2 mesh)

Consistent Laminated shell elements. The central deflection w resulting firom the analysis

is plotted in Fig. (3.2) ushg the dimensionless parameters (qai/Ehi) and (w/h). Here q, a

and h are the load intensity, the length and the thichess of the plate, respectively. A

corresponding load-deflection cuve for the same problem was provided by Ostrowski

(1984) using thirty six non conforming plate bending elements. An excellent agreement

between the two sets of resuIts is indicated by Fig. (3.2).

3-3-2 Clamaed Sauare Plate under Uniform Transverse Load

The large displacement static analysis of a square plate clamped on four sides and

subjected to a uniform transverse load is considered in this example. The plate consists of

four laminas having the fibers orientation (0/90/90/0). For each lamina, the fiber

orientation is measured relative to the local x' axis (coinciding with the global x axis

direction shown in Fig. 3.1). The geometry and material properties of the plate are given

below (see Fig. (3.1 ) for description of notations).

a = b = 12 h(30.48 cm), h = 0.096 in. (2.44 mm)

E, = 1.8282 x 1 O" psi (12605.4 MPa), & = 1.83 15 x 1 O6 psi (12628.2 MPa),

G,, = G,, = G, = 0.3125 x 106 psi (2154.7 MPa),

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v , ~ = v,, = v, = 0.2395

Due to double symmetry in both geornetry and loading, oniy a quarter of the plate

is rnodeled- The vertical deflection resulting korn the large displacement analysis of the

plate, using 8 (2x2 mesh) and 18 (3x3 mesh) Consistent Larninated shell elements, are

plotted against the load in Fig. (3.3). These c w e s when compared to the results of the

andysis pelformed by Putcha and Reddy (1986), using a Rehed mixed finite element,

ùidicate very good agreement especially with the (3x3) mesh.

3-3-3 Anti-Svmmetrical Cvlindrical Panel under Central Point Load

This example considers the large displacernent behavior of a cylindrical angle-ply

panel (45/-45) hinged at the straight edges and kee at the c w e d sides. For each lamina,

the fibers orientation is measured fiom the local x' axis which forms with the local y' axis

a plane tangent to the shell. The local y' axis is parallel to the global y axis show in Fig.

(3.4). The shell is subjected to a central point load P and has the following geometry and

material properties, (see Fig. (3.4) for description of notations):

Panel length b = 0.508 m (20.0 in), thickness h = 0.0124 m (0.496 in)

Shell radius R = 2.54 m (100 in), Shell angle 4 = 0.2 rad.

E, = 3299.3 MPa (4.785 x 1 Os psi), E2 = 1099.8 MPa (1.595 x 1 Os psi),

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GL2 = G13 = 659.85 MPa (0.957 x 10' psi),

G, 4 4 - 2 8 MPa (0.64 x 10' psi), v , ~ = 0.25

The shell is modeled using 32 Consistent Laminated shell elements (4x4). The

vertical defiechon resulting £tom the large displacement anaiysis of the shell is plotted

against the central point load in Fig. (3.5). This curve is compared to the results obtained

by Yeorn and Lee (1989) uskg a (6x6) mesh of nine node shell elements. The

comparison indicates excellent agreement between the two sets of analysis even when a

coarser Consistent Larninated shell element mesh is used in the analysis.


3-41 Derivation of The Consistent Mass Matrix

In order to extend the formulation of the Consistent Larninated shell element to

include dynarnic analysis, the mass matrix of the element has to be forrnulated. This is

achieved using the expression for the v h a l work done by the inertia force. Neglecting

the inertia force resulting fiorn the rotational degrees of fkeedom ( a,, , P, , 4 2 , vmy, #=:

and yn: ), the virtual work quantity (V,) at tirne T is given by:

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where p,(L) and h, are the mass density and the thickness of the L" layer, respectively;

i iT , ijT and wT are the components of the accumulated acceleration of the mid-

surface of the laminate at time T, in the global x, y and z CO-ordinates respectively;

&Au), ~ ( A v ) and &Aw) are the components of the virtual incremental

displacements applied at the mid-surface of the laminate along the globaI x, y and

s CO-ordinates respectively.

Expressions for &(Au), ~ ( A v ) and ~ ( A w ) can be obtained fiom Equation (3.2) by

setting al1 rotational degrees of fieedom to be equal to zero.

Neglecting the rotational inertia, the components of the accumulated acceleration

at any point of the shell are given by:

where Ü:, vmT and wnT are the components of the total acceleration of the n' node at

tirne T which can be obtained by adding algebraically cornponents of the

accelerations resulting fiom al1 the time increments AT.

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Substituting the expressions for &Au), ~ ( A v ) , ~ ( A w ) , ÜT 7 ,d ~r into

Equation (3.40), the inertia forces for a Consistent Laminated shell eIement are given by:

where NEL is the number of elements, M is the total number of degrees of freedom per

element (6S+l O4*NL);

{ Ü T } is a vector which contains the acceleration of the rnid-surface global degrees

of fkeedom, Le.

.- { i iT )Tra"={ü , v, w, O O .. Ü2 v1 O .. ü,) F3 q3 O ..}

[ M , ] , t f s , is the consistent mass matrix & M = (5+8NL).

A simple procedure for coding the components of the mass matrix M! is

provided below:

2 ) Indices i and j are given as follows:

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In the equations above, k,, k2 can take values ranging fiom 1 to 13, while Z, and take

values ranging form 1 to (5+8NL). The numencal value 13 corresponds to the number

of nodes per element while (5+8NL) relates to the number of degrees of freedom per


2) Any combination of (k,, kZ, Z, and 4) corresponds to certain values of i and j which

d e h e a component of the mass matrix MF which is given by the following relations:

where 6(Z, Z, - ) is the kroneker delta fùnction, Le. 6(1,4 ) = 1 for Z, = 4 and 6(1,[, ) = O


fl are the cubic interpolation bctions;

p, (L) is the density of the L" layer;

hL is the thickness of the L" layer.

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3-4-2 Free Vibration Analvsis us in^ the Consistent Laminated Shell Element

3-4-2-1 The Free Vibration Formulation

The linear stifiess rnatrix [K,] of the Consistent Laminated shell element is

incorporated with the consistent mass matrix CMs] into a fiee vibration routine to

determine the natural fiequency (0,) of laminated shell structures and the corresponding

mode shape {q,). These are obtained by solving the following homogeneous equations:

The non-tnvial solution of the above homogeneous equation exists i l the

deteminant of the coefficients vanishes, Le.

Equation (3.47) is solved to obtain the natural fkequencies of a larninated shell

structure and these are back substituted into Equation (3.46) to obtain the corresponding

mode shapes.

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3-4-2-2 Verification of the Free Vibration Formutation

To ver@ the fiee vibration formulation, a simply supported larninated square

plate is modeled using 8 (2x2 mesh) Consistent Laminated shell elements. The plate,

which was previously analyzed by Reddy & Khdeir (1989) using an element based on the

tirst order deformation theory, consists of a variable number of cross-ply layers (0/90/. . .)

with a span to total thickness ratio of 5. The mechanical properties of a layer of the plate

are al1 related to the modulus of elasticity in the cross fibers direction E,, as follows:

Meanwhile, the poisson's ratio of the layer v12 is assurned to be equal to 0.25. Free

vibration analysis is conducted for the plate and the results are presented using the

dimensionless parameter Z which is d e h e d by the following relation:

w, p and h are the natural fiindamental frequency, the mass density and the

thickness of the plate, respectively. Cornparison between Z predicted by the Consistent

Larninated shell element andysis and those aven by Reddy & Khdeir (1989) for various

number of layers are presented in Table (3.1) indicating an excellent agreement.

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3-4-3 Nonlinear Time Histow Analvsis

3-4-3-1 Formulation of the Nonlinear Time Historv AnaIvsis

Neglecting the damping effect, the incremental equation of motion for nonlinear

dynarnic analysis is given by:

Using the Newark ' s method with implicit parameters (6 = 0.5 and a = 0.25) and

following the procedure described by Bathe (1 W 6 ) , the incremental solution (AU)

corresponding to the kU iteration of time step AT is obtained from the following equation:

where the effective stiffhess matnx [K'~('-"] and the vector {A"'-") are given b y :

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Vector { A ~ ' is updated after each iteration using: (u"*-") the total

displacement degrees of Eeedorn of the preceding iteration (k-1) at the current tirne T and

{U '-"' 1 , ( U } , u ] which represent the total nodal displacement, total nodal

velocity and the total acceleration, respectively, evaluated at the equilibrium

configuration corresponding to the previous tirne increment (T - AT). Those are related to

the equilibrium solution corresponding to the preceding t h e increment (T - 2AT) as


3-4-3-2 Solution Techniaue for the Noniinear Time Histow Analvsis

The solution procedure for the non-linear dynamic analysis is camied out similar

to the procedure used in the nonlinear static analysis (see Section 3-2-4) with the

following added steps:

1) The consistent mass matrix is evaluated at the beginning of the analysis.

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2) The vector {A"'-')} and the eEective sti&ess matrix [K'~('-"] are updated, at each

iteration, using Equations (3 -5 1) (3 SO), respectively.

3) The initial velocities and accelerations at each tirne step are evaluated using Equations

(3.52) and (3 S3), respectively.

34-3-3 Verification of the Dvnamic L a r ~ e Displacement Formulation

Cvlindrical SheM Panel Under Interna1 Uniform S t e ~ Pressure

A cross-ply (0/90) cylinder panel, is subjected to an interna1 uniform step pressure

q, = 5000 psi (34.475 m a ) . The cylinder is clamped on ail sides. The fiber orientation is

measured relative to the xf-axis and the directions of the local axes x' and y' foIIow the

description given in Section (3.3.3). The geometry and material properties of the plate are

given below, (see Fig. (3.4) for description of the notations).

b = 20 in (508 mm), thickness h = 1 in (25.4 mm)

R = 20 in (508 mm), 4 = d 2 rad, mass density p = 1 lb. s'lin4 (10.687*106 Kg/m3),

El = 7.5 x 106 psi (51 712.34 MPa), E, = 2 x IO6 psi (1 3789.96 MPa),

GI2 = GZt = G13 = 1.25 x IO6 psi (861 8-72 MPa), v,, = v,, = 0.25.

Due to double symmetry in geometry and loading, only one eighth of the cylinder

is modeled using 8 (2x2 mesh) Consistent Laminated shell elements. A time history large

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displacement dynamic analysis was performed using a time step AT=0.001 sec. The

variation of the central defiection w, resulting fiom the analysis, is plotted against the

time T in Fig. (3.6). This cuve is compared to the results obtained by Reddy &

Chandrashekhara (1985) using the nine node isopararnetric shell elements. The

cornparison indicates excellent agreement, thus v e r i m g the high performance of the

Consistent Laminated shell element in perforxning the nonlinear dynarnic analysis of

larninated shell structures.


The formulation of the Consistent Laminated shell elernent has been extended in

this chapter to include both static and dynamic large displacements analysis. Expressions

for the noniinear stifhess matrix, the unbalanced load vector and the consistent mass

matrix, as well as a simple procedure for coding those matrices are presented in this

chapter. AIthough the nonlinear formulation is based on the total Lagrangian method, it

was necessary to update the geometry to ensure that local degrees of keedorn are taken

about (or dong) local axes always tangent to the mid-surface. The formulation has been

verified by performing large displacement static and dynamic analysis for a number of

plates and shells and comparing the results to those available in the literature. In al1 above

examples, the element has shown a very good performance.

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Table (3.1): Dimençionless Fundamental Frequency Z = o J p h 2 / ~ ; of Simply

Supported Cross-Ply Square Plate.

Layers 1

2 Reddy & JShdeir (1 989)

0.35333 Current Results

0.349 1 1

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Fig. 3 . f : T-mical Clamped Plate (2x2) 8 Elements

Fie. 3.2: Load-Deflection Curve for an Isotro~ic Square Plate

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Present study 2 x 2 - -..---.-.- Present study 3x3

-- Reddy (1986)

0.0 0 .4 0.8 1 .2 1.6 2 .0

Pressure (psi) ( 1 psi=6.895 K P a )

Fig. 3-3: Load-Deflection Curve for a Laminated Clarn~ed Sauare PIate

Fie. 3.4: Tmical Cvhdrical Panel

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Present study 4x4 0 Yeom&Lee(I989)

O - 7 4 6 8 10 1 I

Center deflection -w (mm)

Fie. 3.5: Load-Deflection Curve for a Cylindncal Panel

- Present study -- Reddy & Chandrashekhara ( 1985)

Time, T?t 1 O sec

Fie. 3.6: Load-Deflection Curve for a Cross-PLV (0/90) Cvlindrical Panel

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Industrial chimneys are usually subjected to a highly corrosive environment.

Therefore, corrosion resistant materials such as Fiber Reinforced Plastic matenals (FU)

are very suitable for such a structura1 application. Actually, the construction of chimneys

using FRP diminates the need to use any protective coatings or lining and thus reduces

the cost of the chimneys. Meanwhile, the recent advances in material engineering have

led to the development of FRP matenals that have hi& temperature resistance. Due to

these factors, FRP matenals are increasingly being used in the design and construction of

chimneys. However, the application of this material in the construction of chirnneys is

hindered by the lack of a code that regulates the design of FRP chimneys.

Awad (1998) recently conducted an extensive study where a simple approach for

designing FRP chimneys under both wuid and thermal loads was developed. This design

approach @riefly described later in this chapter) needs to be verified ushg a thorough

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finite element analysis. Furthemore, this approach does not account for Iarge

deformation and possible local buckling. These factors c m be a concern for FRP

structures, which are usually relatively fIexibIe due to the low stifmess of FRP.

This chapter includes an extensive finite element anaiysis for FRP chimneys

conducted using the Consistent Laminated Shell element. In order to conduct a

comprehensive analysis, the large deformation formulation of the element (presented in

Chapter Three) is extended to include the matenal non-hear behavior as well as the

thermal effects. The shell element mode1 is then used to study the typical behavior of

FRP chimneys under wind and thermal loads. Finally the mode1 is used to evaluate and

verZy the simple design procedure developed by Awad (2998).

Before presenting the current study conducted using the Consistent Laminated

Shell element, it is appropriate to provide the reader with a brief description for the

design approach developed by Awad (1998). This is followed with a description for the

thermal and the material non-linear extension of the f i t e element formulation. A number

of analysis are then conducted using the f i t e element mode1 to determine typical

behavior of FRP chimneys under thermal and wind loads. Finally, an extensive

parameûic study is conducted to evaluate the safety against strength and instability failure

for chimneys designed using the approach developed by Awad (1998).

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Awâd (1998) developed a simplified computer code, which can be used to design

FRP chimneys. A purpose of this study is to verim the validity and determine the

limitation of this simplified approach. The simplified procedure is based on the


The Classical Lamination Theory is used to obtain the elastic properties of an

orthotropic materid equivalent to the larninated FRP composite. The property of

interest is the axial modulus of Elasticity (EJ in the longitudinal direction of the

c himney .

The FRP chimney is then treated as a cantilever bearn having the rnodulus of

Elasticity (E,) calculated above.

The wind load response is then evaluated using an approach described by Davenport

(1 993).

Maximum strains obtained frorn the analysis are evaluated and then multiplied by the

tnie modulus of the laminate to obtaul cr,, and q,, which represent the maximum

stresses in the fiber and in the across fiber directions, respectively.

The thermal analysis is conducted using the linear version of the Larninated

Consistent Shell element. The analysis has indicated that localized cracks, in the

direction perpendicular to the fibers, near the base of the chimney are expected to

occur. However it is believed that these cracks are controllable if the inter-laminar

stresses are fairh low com~ared to the allowable inter-laminar strength. Thus- the

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thexmal anaiysis proceeded by assuming that the modulus of Elasticity perpendicular

to the fibers (E-J is negligible. Under this assumption, the maximum stress in the

fibers direction (o,,) was evaluated as a function of the temperature variation.

6) This thermal stress (O,,) was added to the wind stress (CF,,) to obtain the maximum

total stress in the along fibers direction (qd.

7) The along fibers stress (cl,-) and the across fibers stress (q,) are used in the

quadratic faiiure cnteria developed by Tsai et. al. (1 971). In applying this failure

cnteria, a fixed factor of safety equal to 1.6 was adopted in the across fibers direction,

while a variable factor of safety (R) was applied for the along fibers direction. Each

value for the factor of safety (R) will correspond to a certain thickness for the


It is clear that the philosophy behind the design approach suggested by Awad (1998)

is that localized cracks are allowed to happen due to thermal loads. Along fibers

stresses due to thermal loads are evaluated by virtually assuming that the whole

chimney has suffered from cracking. On the other hand, the wind design is controlled

by the first crack, Le. cracking is not allowed to happen due to wind loads.

A purpose of this study is to use the Consistent Larninated Shell element to

conduct an iterative nonlinear analysis that follows the propagation of cracks inside the

chimney (including also the effect of geometric non-linearity). The analysis can be used

to check the actual factor of safety for the along fibers direction stresses (O,-. and also

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the safety of the structure against instability failure, when the simplified approach

developed by Awad (1 998) is used.


4-3-1 Formulation Detaiis

This section includes the layout of the thermal analysis applied to the non-linear

formulation of the Consistent Laminated SheIl element. A temperature change of AT at a

certain layer L in the shell introduces initial strains b:i 1, which are expressed relative to

the material axis system (1, 2 and 3), and are given as:

Where cr, and a, are the thermal expansion coefficients of the Layer L in the material

directions 1 and 2, respectively.

Using the transfomation matrix [TE] given in Equation (2.16) the initial strains

can be calculated in the local axes system (x: y 'and z ') as follows:

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In general, the relation between a stress vector (a) and a strain vector {E] when

initial strains {EA} are included, is given by:

where [D 1 is the constitutive matrix given by Equations (2.12) to (2.1 5) .

In view of Equation (4.3), the inclusion of the initial thermal strains modifies Equation

(3.4a) to be written as:

where S; = [D']{E; } (4-5)

A cornparison between Equation (4.4) and Equation (3.4a) indicates that two extra

terrns are included in Equation (4.4). The fïrçt term J ( - s , ; ) G ( A ~ ) ~ v modifies the vo

initial stress stifiess matrix [ K;'"'' 1, that was previously defined by Equation (3.6), to

be given as:

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The second added term: I ( s v ) G ( A ~ , ) ~ v , given on the right-hand side of the va

equation, leads to the thermal load vector vT} which is given as:

AI1 the components of Equations (4.6) and (4.7) were previously defined in chapter 3.

The incremental equilibrium equation, which accounts for both an extemal forces

(like wind loads) and initial thermal strains, is given as:

[ ~ L f ( ~ - l ) + Q k - I ' 1 (AU} = ( R } + {fi. ) - {F J

where [KJ is the sum of the linear and the initial strain stifhess matrices, aven by

Equation (3.6).

[KSI is the initial stress stifhess matrix, given by Equation (4.6).

{F) is the unbalanced Ioad vector, given by Equation (3-7).

Cf,) is the thermal load vector, given by Equation (4.7).

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(AU) is the incremental degrees of fieedom vector.

(R} is the external load vector.

Equation (4.8) is solved in an iterative mamer using the same procedure outlined

in Section (3.4). The stresses at the end of each iteration are evaluated using Equation


This example is used to veri@ the thermal stress formulation. fhe problem

involves the thermal analysis of a cross-ply (0°/900/00/900) clarnped cy!indrical panel

subjected to a uniform temperature load. The geometry of the panel is shown in Fig.

(3.4). In this figure, the length of the two sides of the panel (a and b in Fig. 3.4) and its

radius R are related by the following ratios: a/b=l, R/b=l. Two values for the thickness H

are considered in this analysis. These values are chosen in such a way that a = l O and

100, respectively. Each layer of the panel has the following material properties:

E, = 181 GPa, & = 10.3 GPa, G,, = G,, = 7.17 GPa,

Gz = 6.21 GPa, vI2 = 0.25, a, = 0.02 x m / d ° C , a, = 22.5 x 104 rn/m/OC

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Due to symnetry in loadùig and geometry, only one quarter of the panel is

modeled using 8 Consistent Laminated Shell elements (2x2 mesh). Linear analysis only is

considered in this problem and the results are compared to those results reported by

Chandrashekhara and Bhimaraddi (1 993) where a shear flexible fini te eiement mode1 was

used to solve the same problem. The displacement at the center of the panel (MI) is

presented using the dirnensionless parameter w* which is defined as: w* = ~w/a,~,b' ;

where T, is the value of the uniforni through thickness temperature change of the panel.

Values of w* obtained in the curent analysis together with those predicted by

Chandrashekhara and Bhimaraddi (1993) are presented in Table (4.1). It can be seen fkom

Table (4.1) that a very good agreement is shown between the two sets of results.


As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the recent study conducted by Awad (1998)

has shown that a moderate and practical temperature variation in a FRP chirnney resulrs

in across fibers thermal stresses exceeding the dtimate strength of the ma&. As such,

cracks are expected to occur in FRP chunneys as a result of the difference between the

curing, the ambient and the operational temperatures of the chimney. These hi& thermal

stresses were found to be independent of the thickness of the chimney and are Iocalized at

the extreme fibers at the bottom of the structure. Ln the same study, Awad (1998) adapted

a conservative approach by assuming a negligible value for the across fibers stiffhess

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along the whole height of the chimney. This approach assumes that cracks happen in a11

layers of the chimney. Along fiben stresses as well as shear stresses evaluated based on

this approach were presented by Awad (1998).

The objective of the current study is to conduct an accurate analysis for FRP

chinineys subjected to both thermal and wind loads and to be able to follow the

progressive development of cracks inside the chimneys. To achieve this objective, a non-

linear material behavior is added to the formulation of the Consistent Laminated Shell

element. The approach is based on the same concept applied in finite element analysis of

cracked reinforced concrete sections (Chen 1982). The non-linear materid formulation is

adopted by applying the following steps:

1) Having evaluated the solution of a certain iteration, the local stresses (in the x : y 'and

z' coordinate system) are evaluated and then transfomed to the material coordinate

system (1,2 and 3) giving the stress components (o,, G,, alz, O,,, G~).

2) The across fibers normal stresses G,, at a certain point belonging to a layer L and

located at a distance z'measured from the mid-surface of the laminate, is divided to

an axial component q and a bending component O,, using the following steps:

a) The across fibers normal stress 0; , at a point located at a distance (-z 'j' relative to

the center of the laminate, is evaluated.

b) The axial stress (GA is evaiuated as follows: ou = f


c) The bending stress (o,,) is then aven as: a, = oz -0,

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A typical through thickness stress distribution for an angle-ply laminate is shown in

Fig. (4.1). Notice that the expected jumps in stresses result frorn the variation of the

modulus of elasticity between one iayer and the adjacent one.

3) Since FRP materials usually have ultirnate axial strengths different Erom their ultimate

bending strengths, the state of cracking of the point has to be checked using the

fo llowing equation:

where a: and D: are the axial and bending ultimate strengths of the material.


Depending on the value of R, two possibilities can arise:

a) R 5 1, no cracks is expected to develop at the considered point.

b) R > 1, across fibers crack is expected to develop at the considered point.

Another feature of FRP materials is that both o: and CT: have different values

depending whether the considered point is in a state of compression or tension. This

feature is accommodated when Equation (4.9) is applied.

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During the fïrst iteration of the initial load increment, no matenal non-linearity is

considered and the displacements, strains and stresses are evaluated based on a hl ly

elastic response of the stnichire. At the end of this iteration (and for ail following

iteration), steps 1 to 3 are applied at al1 integration points to check the material state of

these points (either cracking or behaving elasticaLly). For a cracked integration point, a

constitutive matrix [Dl,, is calculated. This matrix is similar to the one described by

Equations (2.12) and (2.15) with the exception that the elastic modulus E2 and the shear

modulus G, have negligible values (approaching zero). The constitutive rnatrïx [D 'Js6 is

then multiplied by the accumulated total strains to give the accumulated total stresses at

this particular integration point. This yields zero values for both the axial stress

perpendicular to the fibers (02) and the shear stress (o,,) at a cracked integration point.

This integration point is then marked as cracked in al1 subsequent iterations. For

integration points which have not cracked, the constitutive matrix [D liU is calculated

using Equations (2.12) and (2.15). In this approach, no change of geometry is considered

to be associated with cracking. This is illustrated by considenng Fig. (4.2) which shows

cracks happening in one layer having the fibers onented by an angle -8. The two adjacent

layers are dso displayed in Fig. (4.2) showing the fibers oriented by an angle 8. It is

expected that if no inter-laminar shear failure occurs, the two adjacent layers, which have

a high stifiess in a direction perpendicular to the crack, wilI contrd the width of this

crack. As such, inter-laminar shear stresses have to be checked in this approach to be sure

that such a behavior occurs.

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4-54 Descri~tion of the Analvsis

By including the geometric and material non-linearities as well as the effect of

initial thermal strains in the formulation of the Consistent Laminated SheIl elernent, the

h i t e element mode1 is used to study the typical behavior of FRP chimneys subjected to

wind and thermal loads. A FRP chimney having a height L=50 m, a diameter D=3.3 rn

and a total thickness H=30 mm is modeled using the Laminated Consistent Shell elernent.

The chimney is assumed to be fiee at its top and have sirnply supported boundq

conditions at its bottom end-

The fmite element mesh used to analyze the chirnney is shown in Fig. (4.3). A

total nurnber of 512 Larninated Consistent Shell elements are used to mode1 the entire

c b e y ; 32 tnangular elements are used around the circumference and 16 rows of

elements are applied along the height of the chimney. As shown in Fig. (4.3), a very fine

mesh is used at the bottom of the chimney where stress concentrations are anticipated.

This also allows the detection of possible local buckling effect at this region.

In order to follow the discussion of the results of the finite element analysis, the

two sets of local and matenal axes are first described. At a certain point on the shell of the

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chimney, two sets of coordinates are shown in Fig. (4.4) together with the global

coordinates (x, y and 2). Fig. (4.4) includes a vertical and horizontal projection of the

walls of the chimney. From the figure, it can be seen that both the axes x' and y' are

tangent to the surface. The x ' axis is located in a horizontal plane and the y ' axis is parallel

to the global y axis (the vertical axis of the chirnney). Fig. (4.4) also shows the matenal

axes (1 and 2) for one of the angle-ply layers. Note that 8" is the angle between the fiber

direction (axis 1) and the x'axis.

Two different themal Ioad conditions and one wind load condition are considered

in the analyses. For al1 thermal loads, a curing temperature of 50°C is assumed for the

chimne y.

a) Load Condition (L,k -

This load case simulates a non-operating state of the chimney. The arnbient

temperature is assumed to be -30°C. The difference between the ambient and the curing

temperature leads to a constant through thickness distribution of the differential

temperature having a magnitude of -80°C.

h ) k -

This load case sirnulates an operational state of the chimney. The arnbient

(extemal) and the operating (intemal) temperatures are assurned to be equal to -30°C and

70°C, respectively. This leads to a linear profile of the through thickness distribution of

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the differential temperature. The external and the intemal differential temperatures are

equal to -80°C and 20°C, respectively (relative to the curing temperature).

C) Load Condition a,): -

This load case consists of a wind load increased incrementally up to 1.5 times the

design wind load as suggested by the International cornmittee on industrial chimneys

CICIND (1988). According to this code the design wind load distribution -which is used

in the analysis- is described by the following equation:

where P o is the wind load per unit vertically projected area of the chimney; Po is a

variable related to the design wind veiocity and is equal to the wind load on the chimney

at height lm above the ground; and y is the height of the point above ground level. In

this load condition, Po is evaluated based on an assumed wind speed (at height 10m above

the ground) of 30m/s. A profile for a typical wind load distribution along the height of a

chimney is shown in Fig. (4.3).

A combination of load conditions 1 and 3 as well as load conditions 2 and 3 is

also considered in the analyses. Each load condition is conducted twice; the fint analysis

assumes a fülly elastic behavior of the chimney and the second one includes the effect of

cracking (material non-linearity) as described in Section (4-4). The two load

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combinations are evaluated only with material non-linearity included. As such, a total

number of eight load cases are considered and are described in Table (4.2).

The chirnney's laminates consist of vinyl ester resïn reinforced by E-glas fibers.

The lamuiae are stacked in an angle-ply configuration using an angle 0 For fibers

orientation of +/- 55 (8 is the angle between the fibers direction and the .Y' axis as

descnbed above). The fibers content of each lamina is assurned to be 70% (based on

weight). Based on the above material configuration, and using the program Tnlam II (by

Osborne Composite Eng. Ltd. Ver 94), the values of the stifiess and ultimate strength of

each Iamina are given as:

El = 36.85 GPa, &= 11.16 GPa, GI2= G13 = 3-36 GPa,

vlz= 0.30, G,= 4.32 GPa, a, = 7.7 x 10" rn/d°C, a, = 43.4 x IOd m/d°C

O: = 552.775 MPa, O:=' = 442.22 MPa, oz1 = 1105.54 MPa, 0;; = 884.44 MPa,

a:=' = 16-74 MPa, a:' = 89.25 MPa, ce = 33.47 MPa, orb' = 178.45 M a ,

ru = 70.57 MPa

where ou is the ultimate strengths of the material; the superscripts 1 and 2 correspond to

matenal axes 1 and 2, respectively; the subscnpts T and C correspond to Tensile

and compression ultimate sQengths, respectively; the subscripts a and b

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correspond to axial and bending ultimate strengths, respectively and ? is the

ultimate shear strength.

A total number of three layers is used in the analysis. The layers thickness are

provided in Fig. (4.5). Although in practice a larger number of layers is usually used (a

typical thickness of a layer is approximately 1 .O mm). A prelirninary analysis has been

conducted and has shown that using a less number of layers has a slight effect on the

results and is also a conservative approach. It was found that a larger number of layers

Uicrease the displacement slightly (less than 1%). As for the stresses, the effect on normal

stresses was negligible and the shear stresses decreased slightly (in the range of 1-2%).

4-5-2 Discussion of the Results of the Analvses

4-5-2-1 Deflection Shaoes near the Base Due to Different Thermal Loading


The deflection shapes near the base of the chimney, resulting kom the first four

load cases (Bhavl to Bhav4), are presented in Fig. (4.6). Since al1 these load cases

include axisymmetric thermal loads and also due to the axisyrnmetric nature of the

geometry, an axisymrnetric deflection shape results fiom these analyses. Fig. (4.6) shows

radial deflections plotted dong one of the generations of the chimney. From this figure.

the following observations c m be noticed:

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1) The generator of the chimney is subjected to an inward deflection in al1 the load

cases. This is anticipated since the mid-surface temperature change is negative for al1

these cases.

2) Aithough analyses (BhavZ and Bhav4) indicate the occurrence of cracking near the

base of the chimney, this matenal nonlinearity has no significant ef5ect on the

deflected shape. This is demonstrated by the fact that the deflected shape resulting

fkom Bhavl is ahost identical to the one resulting fiom Bhav2. The same

observation can be drawn when comparing Bhav3 and Bhav4.

3) Deflections resulting fiom the first two load cases (Bhavl and Bhav2) are larger than

those resulting fiom the last two load cases (Bhav3 and Bhav4). This is related to the

magnitude of the mid-surface temperature change associated with the load case. This

temperature change is equal to -80°C and -30°C for the fïrst two load cases (Bhavl

and Bhav2) and the 1st IWO load cases (Bhav3 and Bhav4), respectively. Tt seems that

the maximum inward deflection is proportional to the mid-surface temperature


4) At an elevation of approximately 1.25111 above the base of the chimneys, the radial

displacements become almost constant through the height of the chimney; i.e. no

bending effect above this elevation.

5) A localized bending is shown at the bottom of the chimneys associated with a double

curvature deflection to accommodate the restraint imposed at the base of the chimney.

This area is expected to be sensitive to local buckling.

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4-5-2-2 Stresses Resultin~ from Load Case Bhavl

Thermal stresses resulling f?om constant through thickness temperature change

acting on FRP chimneys are itlustrated by studying the results of the load case Bhavl .

Note that this analysis is restricted to elastic behavior ody. The distribution of themal

stresses dong the bottom 5m of the chimney that resuIt fkom the analysis are plotted in

Figures (4.7) and (4.8). Again, this stress distribution is axisymrnetric since both the

geometty and thermal loading of the chimney are axisymmetnc. In both figures, the

stresses are presented at the exterior, the middle and the interior surfaces of the chirnney.

Note that the mid-surface stresses reflect an axial effect, while the difference between the

extenor and the interior stresses represent a bending effect.

Hoop stresses (or;.) and meridional stresses (G,,;.) are presented in Fig. (4.7) and

Fig. (4.8), respectively. The following observations can be drawn fiom those two figures:

1) Both the hoop stresses (or;.) and the meridionai stresses (o,.;,~) diminishes away korn

the base of the chimney. This is expected since thermal stresses develop mainly due

to the restrain to the displacements provided at the base of the chimney.

2) High tende axial hoop stresses (at the mid-surface) are shown at t?ie base of the

chirnney. These stresses result fiom the radial support provided by the base of the

chimney that restraints the shrinkage of the bottom part of the chimney.

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3) The region located between a height of O.35m and lm shows a negative compression

Hoop stresses. This behavior is in agreement with the deflected shape shown in Fig.

(4.6a) which indicates deflections at this region that are less than those away fkom the

base. As such, negative hoop strains and associated negative hoop stresses occur in

this region.

4) By examining the meridional stress distributions for the extrerne surfaces, it c m be

seen a reversed bending moment effect (double curvature) happens at the bottom part

of the chimney. At the very bottom part of the chimney, this bending action causes

tensile and compressive stresses at the intenor and extenor surfaces of the chimney,

respectively. This effect is reversed at the region localized between elevations of O J m

and 1.0m f?om the base. Such a behavior is in agreement with the deflection shape

given in Fig. (4.6a) that shows a double curvature and a point of inflection at

approximately 0.7m fkom the base.

5) Negative meridional axial stresses (at the mid-surface) are shown near the base of the

chunney. It is anticipated that these are associated with the poisson's effect and the

hoop strains.

4-5-2-3 Stresses Resultin~ from Load Case Bhav2

The effect of cracking (material non-linearity) is examined by snidying the results

of the analysis Bhav2 and comparing thern to those obtained fiom Bhavl. As mentioned

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earlier, both Ioad cases are similar with the exception that Bhavl is fully elastic, and

Bhav2 accounts for matenal non-linearity. The nonlinear analysis (BhavZ) indicates that

cracking due to the thermal loads occurs in the bottom 0.4m of the chirnney. These cracks

propagate al1 through the thickness of the chimney wall in the direction perpendicular to

the fibers. These cracks lead to a redistribution of stresses at the very bottom part of the

chimney (at the bottom 0.4m) as shown by comparing Fig. (4.7) to Fig. (4.9) as well as

Fig. (4.8) to Fig. (4.10).

A significant drop in the values of the maximum stresses is noticed once material

non-linearity is included. It should be noted that dthough cracks happened at the bonom

of the chimney, no sign of total failure or instability has been shown in the anaiysis.

4-5-2-4 Stresses Resultinp from Load Case Bhav3

Thermal stresses due to linear through thickness temperature change acting on

FFW chirnneys are illustrated by snidying the results of the load case Bhav3. This anaiysis

is restricted to eiastic behavior and involves temperature changes of -80°C and 20°C at

the extenor and interior surfaces, respectively. Hoop and meridional stresses resulting

from this analysis are plotted in Fig. (4.1 1) and Fig. (4.121, respectively. By plotting the

extenor, the middle and the interior surface stresses in these two figures, the following

observations can be drawn:

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1) Away fkom the base of the chimney, the axial components of both stresses (hoop and

meridional) vanish. Such a behavior is expected since no restraint to axial motion is

provided in this region.

2 ) Away fkom the base of the chimney, a pure bending behavior occurs. This is in

agreement with the behavior of isotropie cylinders subjected to a similar temperature

change (Timoshenko et al. 1959)-

3) Axial tensile hoop stresses are shown at the very bottom of the chimney. Similar to

those observed in Bhavl, these stresses result fkom the restraint of the thennal

shrinkage of the chimney provided by the base support. However, these tensile hoop

stresses are much Iess than those observed for Bhavl. This is related to the smaller

magnitude of the ternperature variation at the mid-surface, in this case relative to

Bhavl. For this anaiysis a mid-surface temperature change of -30°C ( (20°C - 80°C) 2


is applied compared to -80°C for Bhavl.

4) A region bounded by heights 0.35m and 1.Om shows a small value of negative hoop

stresses. This behavior is in agreement with the deformation mode of the chimney

shown in Fig. (4.6~).

5 ) The variation of bending meridional stresses at the base follows the curvature of the

deflection given in Fig (4 .6~) . A smail peak is noticed at approximately an elevation

of O.8m. Through the effect of poisson's ratio, a similar behavior is s h o w for the

hoop bending stresses shown in Fig. (4.1 1).

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4-5-2-5 Stresses Resaltinp - from Load Case Bhav4

The eMect of the materid non-linearity (cracking) on the behavior of FRP

chimneys subjected to iinearly varying through thickness thermal load is studied by

considering the results of the load case Bhav4. The analysis has shown that cracking due

to this load case is very Limited and localized at the external surface near the base of the

chirnney. The reasons that limit cracking of the chimney compared to the constant

through thickness thermal load case (Bhav2) are described as follows:

1) The mid-surface axial stresses resulting fiom the linear temperature distribution

(Bhav3) are much less than those due to the constant temperature distribution

(Bhavl). These stress values are directly proportional to the value of the temperature

change at the mid-surface of the shell. This is also manifested by the smaller

deformations occurring in Bhav3 and Bhav4 compared to those happening in Bhavi

and Bhav2.

2) The varying temperature load case (Bhav3) results in bending stresses that are larger

than those obtained f?om the constant temperature load case (Bhavl). These bending

stresses act through the whole length of the chimney. Since the ultimate capacity of

FRP materials in bending is double its capacity in axial, the bending stresses do not

cause significant cracking of the chimney.

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Stresses resulting fiom the load case Bhav4 are presented in Figures (4.13) and

(4.14). Cornparison between the stresses shown in these figures and those given in

Figures (4.1 1 ) and (4.12) indicate that the linear analysis (Bhav3) and the non-linear

analysis (Bhav4) yield almost the same stresses.

4-5-2-6 Stresses Resulting from Load Cases Bhav5 and Bhav6

These load cases include the wind load described in sub-section (4-5-1) acting on

the chirnney. Load case (Bhav5) is a purely linear analysis, while load case (Bhav6)

involves the effect of matenal non-linearity (cracking). Results of the analysis Bhav6

indicates that no cracking happens as a result of the wind load. As such, the two load

cases yield exactly the same results. The deformation patterns resulting of those analyses

are plotted in Fig. (4.15) along two generators that belong to a plane parallel to the

direction of the wind load. This load is acting paraIlel to the x- axis shown in Fig. (4.4).

One of these generators (wind side) passes through point A shown in Fig. (4.4), while the

other one (lee side) passes through point B shown in the same fi,we.

The deforrnation patterns shown in Fig. (4.15) indicate a small bending effect at

the bottom of the chimney, especially at the lee side generator which is under

compression due to the wind load. Stresses resulting fiom these load cases are plotted in

Fig. (4.16) and Fig. (4.17). The following observations c m be drawn kom these figures:

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1) Away fkorn the base, meridional axial stresses in both the lee and the wind sides are

constant through the thickness causing no overall bending (about the center of the

circular cross section). These axial stresses are compression at the lee side and tension

at the wind side.

2 ) A small meridionai bending effect is shown near the base (see Fig. 4.17) which agrees

wiîh the deformation patterns given in Fig. (4.15).

3) Hoop stresses away fiom the base are aimost negligible. Hoop sbesses develop near

the base as a result of the slight ovdling occumhg in this region. This is manifested

by the slight difference between the lee side and wind deformation in this area

presented in Fig. (4.15).

4-5-2-7 Stresses Resulting from Load Cases Bhav7 and Bhav8

The combined effect of thermal and wind loads is studied in these two load cases.

Load case Bhav7 is a combination of the wind load and the constant through thickness

temperature load. Meanwhile, load case Bhav8 combines the effect of the wind load and

the linearly varying through thickness temperature load. The two analyses inciude the

effect of material cracking. Results obtained Eoom boîh analyses (presented in Figures

4.18 to 4.2 1) indicate the following:

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1) The maximum negative stresses occur at the extenor surface of the lee side of the

chimney. The hoop and mendional stress distributions aiong a generator, belonging to

this surface, are plotted in Fig. (4.18) and Fig. (4.19), respectively.

2) The maximum positive stresses occur at the interior surface of the wind side of the

chimney. The hoop and meridional stress distributions aiong a generator, belonging to

this surface, are plotted in Fig. (4.20) and Fig. (4.21), respectively.

3) The maximum positive stresses exceed the maximum negative stresses. A cornparison

between Figures (4.18), (4. N), (4.20) and (4.2 1) indicate that the absolute maximum

stress occurs near the base of the chimney at approximately an elevation of O.4m from

the base.

4) Stresses obtained frorn the load case Bhav7 exceed those obtained fiom the load case

Bhav8. As such, for stress calculation a constant through thickness temperature

variation, which simulates a non-operating state of the chimney, is the cntical one.

However, when resistance to local buckling is considered, which is discussed at a

following sub-section, linearly variable temperature change rnight be more critical.

In order to understand why the positive stresses at the interior surface of the wind

side exceed the negative ones occurring at the extenor surface of the lee side, stresses

obtained from individual thermal load cases (Bhav2 and Bhav4) are studied together with

the wind load case (Bhav5). Ln general, stresses encountered in the analyses Bhav7 and

Bhav8 result ftom a combination of thee effects:

1) Thermal stresses including both bending and axial components.

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2) Axial stresses due to wind loads.

3) A relatively small bending component of the stresses associated with the wind loads.

At the intenor surface of the wind side, all the above stress cornponents are tensile

and their effects are added to give a maximum value for the stresses. MeanwhiIe, for the

extenor surface of the lee side, the two stress components are compressive while the

third is tensile. This explains the occurrence absolute of ma,uimum stresses at the interior

surface of the wind side of the chimney.


The design procedure developed by Awad (1998) for FRP chirnneys subjected to

both wind and thermal loads has been bnefiy discussed in Section (4-2). The procedure is

simple and c m be easily applied by a design engineer since it uses a beam mode1 to

simulate the behavior of a FRP chimney. The effects of both the constant and the linearly

variable through thickness temperature distributions are considered in this simple

procedure. Meanwhile, the cornputer design tool, developed by Awad (1998), includes a

dynarnic analysis that considers the effects of various components of the wind load. In

general, the along wind component of the wind load can be accurately descnbed by the

equivalent static load described by Equation (4.10).

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According to Awad (1998), it was found that for chimneys that have a relatively

high value for the length to diameter ratio (LJD), the design is govemed by the strength

capacity due to the effect of the along wind load. Meanwhile, chimneys that have iow

values for the ratio (Lm) are govemed by fatigue failure due to the vortex shedding

effect. A typical design curve, developed according to Awad (1998) procedure, is

presented in Fig. (4.22). In this figure, the ascending straight line represents the design

thicknesses governed by strength failure due to dong wind loads. Meanwhile, the

descendhg curve provides the design thicknesses that are controlled by the fatigue

strength due to across wind loads (vortex shedding effect).

As descnbed in Section (4-2), Awad's design procedure was based on the

constraint of not allowing any crack in the resin to happen due to wind loads (a factor of

safety of 1.6 was used in the across fibers direction). Meanwhile, a variable factor of

safety (R) is applied in the along fibers direction.

In addition to the geometry of the chùnney and the mechanical properties of the

laminate, a typical ascending straight line shown in Fig. (4.22) depends slightly on the

assurned value for the factor of safety (R). In fact, this line moves slightly up when (R) is

increased. The reason that the variation with (R) is not very significant is that the design

of the chimney is usually controlled by the condition that no cracking is allowed to

happen due to wind loads. (Le. design is controlled by the across fibers direction).

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Beside al1 the above factors, the location of a typical descending design thickness

curve is greatly af5ected by the value assumed for the damping ratio of the material. This

is related to the fact that this descending curve is govemed by the across wind loads

(vortex shedding) that have a dynamic nature,

The Consistent Laminated shell element mode1 that includes the effect of

geometric non-linearity (large deformations) and cm simulate the propagation of cracks

through a laminated shell stnicture, which was developed in the current study, can be

used to asses the simplified procedure developed by Awad (1998). The procedure used to

assess Awad's design method is summarized in the fotlowing steps:

1) A FRP chimney having a certain length L and a diameter D is designed using the

cornputer code developed by Awad (1998). In the design, the FRP chimney consists

of an angle-ply laminate having Vinyl Ester resin and E-glas fibers. A 70% fibers

content and an angle of inclination 8 = 55" (measured with the horizontal plane) is

used for the angle ply laminate. The design of the chimney includes the effects of

both the wind and the thermal loads. A constant through thickness temperature

variation similar to the one described in the load condition (L,), given in Section

(4-5-1), is used in the design. Only the along wind direction component of the wind

Load is included in the design (Le. vortex shedding is not considered here). The wind

speed used in the design is assumed to be 30m/s at height of 10m and the load factors

of (1.35) and (1.5) are applied to the thermal and whd loads, respectively. A factor of

safety (R) is used for the along fibers direction in the failure critena described in

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Section (4-2). Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, no cracking is allowed in the acrass

fibers direction and a factor of safety of (1.6) is used in this direction. A certain

thickness for the chimney, that satisfies these design requirements, is predicted by the

simplified computer code (Awad 19%).

2) This chimney is modeled using a finite element mesh of Consistent Laminated shell

elements sirnilar to the one shown in Fig. (4.3). The thickness calculated in step (1) is

divided to three layers with the sarne proportionality shown in Fig. (4.5).

3) A non-linear incremental analysis (ïncluding both geometric and material non-

linearities) is conducted for the FRP chimney. The analysis includes the constant

through thiclaess thermal load used in step (1) and an equivalent static along wind

load descnbed by Equation (4.10). In this equation Po is calculated according to the

procedure provided by the International Committee for Indushial Chimneys CICIND

(1 988) and using a wind speed U,, of 30m/s, (similar to the one applied in step (1 )

above). A Load factor of (1.5) for the wind loads is also applied. In the non-linear

analysis, the hrst load increment includes oniy the temperature load. In the

subsequent increments the wind coefficient, used in Equation (4. IO), is incrementally

increased up to a value of 1 . 5 ~ Po. Note that cracks are allowed to happen and

propagate in the chùnney (in the direction perpendicular to the fibers) during the

incremental anaIy sis.

4) The maximum along fibers stresses (0,,3 resulting fiom the non-linear analysis are

evaluated. This is divided to an axial stress (03 and a bending stress (o,) using the

approach described by step (2) in Section (4-4).

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5) A factor of safety (FS,) in the along fibers direction is then evaluated using the

following equation :

a: is the ultimate axial resistance in the along fibers direction and is substituted with

u 1 Ll 1 b ~ a or O,, , given in Section (4-5-l), depending whether oa is tension or

compression. Sirnilarly, o: is the ultimate bending resistance in the along fibers

direction and is substituted with O&' and O:', also given in Subsection (4-5-l),

depending on the sign of a, .

The maximum values for the transverse shear inter-laminar stresses a,,,, and G~,,

are also recorded. A factor of safety (FS,,) for inter-laminai- failure in the (1-3)

direction and a similar factor of safety (ES,) in the (2-3) direction are evaluated

using the following equations:

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where P is the ultimate inter-larninar transverse shear strength of the material, given

previously in Subsection (4-5- 1).

6) FaiIure of the chimney would happen if any of these three situations occurs:

a) The factor of safety (ES,) is less than one; this Lead to strength ffaiure in the along

fibers direction.

b) Any of the transverse shear stresses a,,, and o,, exceed the ultimate inter-

laminar shear strength of the laminate(i.e. either (F-S, , ) or (FS,) are less than

unity) ; this results in delamination failure.

c) A local buckling happening at the base of the chimney and resulting in zero

stifhess of the entire structure; Ùiis results in instability failure.

The analysis has been conducted for a large number of chirnneys covering a

practical range of dimensions. Three different heights (L = 30, 40 and 50m) are

considered in the analysis and for each height five different values for the aspect ratio

(Lm) are considered (10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20). This leads to a total number of 15

chirnneys. Each of the these chimneys is designed according to step (1) by assuming a

factor of safety (R) equal to 2, 3 and 4. Table (4.3) summarizes the properties of the

chimney designs used in this section. Results of these analyses are presented in the next


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4-64 Assessment for Strewth Failure

The factors of safety (F-SI), (F.S13) and (F-S,) resulting from the analyses are

presented in Table (4.4). The variation of the factor of safety (F-S,) with the aspect ratio

(Lm) is plotted in Figures (4.23) to (4.25) for R = 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Studying the

above plots and also the vaiues tabulated in Table (4.4), the following observation can be

no ted:

1) The factors of safety of transverse shear stresses (F-S,,) and (F-S,) are very hi&. The

minimum value of these factors is found to be equd to 24.56. This indicates that

inter-larninar failure is not a concem for FRP chimneys. It shodd be noted that these

analyses have been conducted using three layers for the FRP laminate. In reality, the

number of layers are usually much larger than that. However, the preliminary analysis

ùiat was conducted to assess the effect of the number of Iayers indicates that the inter-

laminar shear stresses are reduced with the increase of the number of layers. As such,

the values provided in Tabte (4.4) represent an upper limit for these stresses. Analyses

indicate that the shear stresses (O,,) and (oz) result mainly fi-om resolving the

transverse shear stress ( ~ 3 . A typical distribution for the shear stress (04 through

the thickness of the laminate resulting fkom one of the analyses is shown in Fig.


2) The values of the factor of safety (ES,) range between 5.77 and 8.33. This indicates

that chimneys, designed according to Awad (1998), with a factor of safety (R) equal

to 2 or higher, are fairly safe against strength failure. These values of the factor of

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safety (FS,) seern to agree with common practice of FRP filament widening design

where a factor of safety of 5 is commonly targeted. Such a high factor of safety is

applied in order to account for some effects such as creep and degradation of strengîh

due to moisture absorption.

3) Although the factors of safety (ES ,) increase with the increase of the factors of safety

(R), used in the initial design, performed according to Awad (1988), this variation is

not signifiant and is not proportional with the increase in CR). The reason behind the

minor effect of (R), is that in Awad's design procedure the thickness of the chimney

is governed mainly by the condition of no crack imposed on the across fibers

directions (stress cd. As such, a variation in (R) does not have a major effect on the

selection of the appropriate thickness.

4) As a general trend, the factor of safety (ES ,) increases with the increase of the height

of the chimney-

The high values of the true factors of safety (ES,) relative to the assurned one (R)

can be interpreted by the following two reasons:

In Awad's procedure, the effect of the thermal stresses was accounted for by

assuming that the whole chimney has suffered fiom cracks. This is a conservative

assumption that overestimates the thermal stresses in the dong fibers direction.

The design procedure adopted by Awad (1998) is govemed by first cracking. This

condition limits the capacity of the laminate and significantIy reduces the stresses

acting in the along fibers direction.

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It is evident that the first cracking condition, which is commonly used in the FRP

industry, does not make use of the high strength capacity of a FRP laminate in the fibers

direction. For FRP chimneys, where wind Ioads cause maidy meridional stresses, this

effect wi11 be more obvious when smaller values of the fibers inclination (8) are used. As

such, for angles of inclination (9 less than 55" (a value of 35" is cornmonIy used), higher

values for the factor of safety (ES,) would be expected.

Although, this study has been conducted using only the dong wind component of

the wind load, simulated as an equivalent static load, the same conclusions are anhcipated

to result fiom a dynamic analysis conducted using vortex shedding loads. However, this

c m not be confirmed until a dynamic analysis (which is beyond the scope of this study) is


4-6-2 Assessrnent for Instabilitv Failure

The previous subsection covered an assessrnent for the two possible strength

failure modes (Fibers failure and delamination). The instability failure mode1 due to

possible local buckling of the FRP shell is discussed in this subsection. The following

steps are performed to evaluate the buckling capacity of FRP chimneys:

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1) FRP chimneys modeled using the Consistent Laminated shell element are subjected to

both themal and wind loads. Thermal loads are applied as the first load hcrement in

the analysis. This is followed by adding incremental values for the wind loads. Both

constant and linearly variable through thickness temperature distribution are

considered separately for each chimney. The variation of the applied wind loads P&/

along the height of the chimney has the same distribution descnbed by Equation

(4.10). The magnitude of the load is incremented by multiplying the variable by an

incremental load factor (F).

2) The value of P(y) is gradually increased (by increasing the factor F) at various load

increments. The stifniess of the structure will correspondingly decrease reaching a

zero value at P=P, (P, = F, x Po). P, corresponds to the limit load of the structure.

Two possibilities can arise here:

a) P,, is smaller than the factored design wind load (Fm c 1.5). According to the limit

state design, this means that the chimney fails by instability due to the combined

effect of the themal and the wind loads.

b) P, is greater than the factored design wind load (Fm > 1.5). This implies that no

instability failure would occur. The factor F, = PJP0 is a measure for the factor of

safety of the structure against instability failure.

This study has been conducted for the chimneys designed using the factor of

safety R=2, which was considered in the previous subsection. These chimneys, which

have the least values for the thickness, are believed to be the most cntical to buckling.

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Results of this buckling study are presented in Table (4.5). The fïrst four columns of the

table includes a description of the geometry of the analyzed chimneys. The last column

indicates the type of thermal load (either constant or linearly variable) which led to a

minimum value for P, Columns five and six provides the values of the critical buckling

loads P, and the critical load factor Fm respectively. The general observation that can be

made from the values provided in this table is that chimneys having aspect ratio (Lm)

less than 15 are very likely to buckle. Al1 of these chimneys (except for the 50m chimney

with L/D=12.5) have a critical buckling load which is less than the factored design wind


In order to study the type of instability failure obtained in the analyses, the

displacement in the x axis direction corresponding to the critical load P, are plotted at the

bottom of two chimneys (see Fig. 4.27). The h s t chimney has a ratio (UD) less than 15

and the second one has a ratio (Lm) larger than 15. A clear sign of local buckling is

shown at the bottom of the first chirnney. This behavior is typical for al1 chimneys having

a ratio (Lm) less than 15. Meanwhile, the local buckling switch direction for the second

chimney. Again, this behavior is typical for chimneys having a ratio (Lm) exceeding 15

which have shown a very hi& lirnit load value (P,). It is anticipated that the failure of

these chimneys is due to this local buckling.

The buckling results obtained in this study depend largely on the magnitude of the

assumed thermal load. For the considered magnitude of thermal loads, it can be

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concluded that chimneys having a (Lm) ratio greater than 15 are safe against buckling.

On the other hand, those having a (Lm) ratio less than 15, are shown to fail by local

buckling. However, according to Awad (1998) the designs of chimneys having (L/D)

ratios less than 15 are usually govemed by fatigue failure due to vortex shedding. This

effect is not accounted for when the thicknesses of the analyzed chimneys have been


Chimneys having a (L/D) ratio equal to 10 have been redesigned by considering

the fatigue failure due to vortex shedding (using Awad's cornputer code) and assurning a

damping ratio of 2% for the FRP materiai. Given the uncertainty in the damping ratio for

FRP materials, a 2% damping is considered a high value to be used by a design Engineer.

Actually, experirnental study conducted by Awad (1998), indicated that the damping of

E-glass Vinyl Ester composites can be as low as 0.7%. Since the thiclmess of the chimney

increases with the decrease of the assumed value of the damping ratio, the thickness

based on 2% damping can be considered as a lower bound for the thickness of the

chimneys. The new thicknesses of the three redesigned chimneys, that have (Lm = IO),

are provided in Table (4.6). Buckling analysis conducted on these three chimneys indicate

that load factors (Fm) exceeding a value of 2.8 is achieved for al1 of them. These results

are indicators that local buckling is not a major concern for chimneys designed according

to the procedure developed by Awad (1998).

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This chapter includes an extension of the formulation of the Consistent Laminated

shell element to include a materid nonlinearity mode1 that accounts for the propagation

of cracks in a larninated FRP structure. Thennal loads due to constant and linearly

varying through thickness temperature changes are also incorporated into the model.

The model is used to study the typical behavior of FRP chimneys to both thermal

and wind load. The following conclusions cm be drawn fkom this study:

Both constant and linearly variable through thickness temperature change lead to hi&

stress concentrations near the base of the chimneys. These stresses are associated with

high bending effects especidly in the meridional direction.

Through thickness cracking in the across fibers direction and near the base of the

chimney is expected to happen due to a constant through thickness temperature

profile. This leads to a redistribution of stresses in this region. Meanwhile, it is found

that cracking is very limited in the case of linearly variable temperature change and

has no significant effect on the Final thermal stress distribution. Ln general, it can be

concluded that a constant through thickness temperature change, simulating a non-

operational state for the chimney, is more criticd for checking the strength failure of

FRP chimneys.

Wind loads result rnainly in axial saesses. A small component of bending stresses

occurs near the base of the chiwiev due to these loads- No cracks are shown to

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happen due to wind loads. A cornparison between maximum stresses obtained from

different analyses indicates that the thermal ioads are equaliy important as the wind

loads as both leads to the same order of magnitude of stresses.

4) Due to the combined effects of wiad and themal loads, the absolute maximum stress

occurs near the base at the interior surface of the wind side of the chimney.

The mode1 is then used to assess the level of safety provided by the design

procedure previously developed by Awad (1998). Nonlinear analysis conducted on a

number of FRP chimneys, designed according to Awad (1998), indicate the following:

Very large factors of safety are achieved against inter-laminar shear failure. As such,

this type of fâilure is not a concem for FRP chimneys.

Factors of safety (ES,) for the along fibers stresses ranging between 5.77 and 8.33 are

predicted by the nonlinear analysis. Accordhg to Awad's procedure, these correspond

to a factor of safety (R) ranging between 2 and 4. The variation of (F-S,), with (R) is

shown to be not significant. The above results indicate that the design procedure

proposed by Awad (1998) is safe when static along wind loads are considered. It is

expected that Awad7s procedure for the design of the dynarnic effect of the across

wind loads (vortex shedding) to be similarly safe. However, this needs to be venfied

before a general conclusion cm be drawn.

FRP chimneys having a height to diameter ratio (Lm) larger than 15 are shown to be

safe against instability failure due to local buckling. Meanwhile, FRP chùnneys

having a height to diameter ratio (L/D) less than 15 are shown to fail due to instability

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initiated by local buckling at the base of the chimneys. These chimneys are designed

according to Awad's procedure to sustain only dong wind loads. The buckling

capacity of these c h e y s is found to be more sensitive to linearly variable through

thickness temperature variations. However, the same chimneys, when designed

according to Awad's procedure to resist fatigue due to vortex shedding, have s h o w

to be safe against buckling. This buckiing study provides an indication that the design

procedure suggested by Awad (1998), including both strength and fatigue resistance,

provides safe design againçt instability failure.

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Table (4.1): Non-Dimensional Central Deflection ( w * ) of a Cross-

Ply Cylindrical Panel under Thermal Load.



10 1 O0

Load case

- - - -

Type of Analysis Lo ad Condit ions

(Mat enal No nlineari t y)

Percentage dinerence

(%) 1

1.5 0.75

ResuIts by Chandrashekhara

(tv* ) 9.9417 1.4100

I 1

1 Bhav6 1 L3 1 No nlinear

Results by present Study

(w*) 9.78876


Bhav 1 Bhav2 B hav3 Bhav4 Shav5

Table (4.2): Summary of the Load Cases used in Behavior Study.

L1 LI L2 L2 L3

Bhav7 Bhav8

Linear Nonlinear

Linear No nlinear

- Linear

L I +L3 L2+L3

No nlinear No nlinear

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Table (4.3): Geometry of Chimneys used in the Strength Assessrnerit.

Table (4.4): Results of the Strength Assessment.

L = 30m

Dia- (ml

Dia. (ml

4 3.2

2.66 2.22


Thickness (mm)


I O 12.5 15

17.5 20

L = 4 0 m

Thic kness (mm)

16 2 1 26 33 38

Design Io ad (Pa)

L = Som

10 12.5 15


Design 10 ad [Pa)

496.5 509.71 523.5 541.7 554.35

15 19

23.5 30

517.3 527.94 541 -4 555.2


Dia. (ml

5 4

3.33 2.86 2.5

3 1 11.5

3 1 10.5 2.4 1 13.5

20 10

12-5 15

17.5 20

494.6 506.03 518-94 536.5

479.03 491.9 505.85 521.3

2.4 2

1.71 1.5

5 4

3.33 2-86

514.88 1 4

2 1-71

Thickness (mm)

2 1 27 34 41 50

14.5 18.5 22.5 27

19.5 25 3 1 38

525.49 536.6

549.29 16.5 20

35 14 18

22.5 28 33

Design Io ad (Pa)

481.27 494.88 510.2 525.4 543-25 ,

3.2 2.66 2.22

1.5 3

2.4 2

1.71 1.5

563-11 513.57 524.16 535.3

548.06 560.73

24 1 O 13 16

19.5 23

2 4

3.2 2.66 2.22


537-8 476.66 490.29 504.33 515.11 532.9

46 18 24 30 36


549.4 492.65 504.08 516.98 532.75 545.66

2.5 5 4

3.33 2-86 2.5

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Fcr = PcrfP,

2.22 1 28 1 18.0 1 3156 1 5.92 1 Constant

Thermal Io ad

3 1 O 10-0 330 2.4 13 12-5 450 2 16 15.0 2500

1.71 19.5 17.5 3050 1.5 23 20.0 3530 4 14 10-0 330

3 -2 18 12.5 449 2-66 22.5 15.0 2463

4 1 24 1 12.5 1 1700 1 3.47 1 Constant

0.64 0.86 4.67 5.57 6.30 0.67 0-89 4.76

2 33 20.0 3825 5 18 10-0 325

3.33 1 30 1 15.0 1 2515 1 4.99 1 Constant

Linear L inear

Constant Cons tant Constant

L inear Linear


2.86 1 36 1 17.5 1 3503 1 6.76 1 Constant

7.00 0.68

Constant Linear

Table (4.5): Results of the Buckling Analysis.

2.5 42.5 20.0 3700

Table (4.6): Results of the Revised ~ u c k l i n ~ Analysis.


Diameter (ml 3 4 5


Thickness t'pril)

33 45 58


@ 10.0 10.0 10-0

Buckting Thermal load Pcr

1450 1450 1600

la ad I

Fcr = P,PO

2.8 1 2.94 3.35

Linear Linear Linear

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Typical stress Diagram

Fin 4- 1: A tvpical throunh Thickness Stress Distribution for an Angle-PLV Laminate

Fig 4.2: Fibers Configuration for Adjacent Angle-Ply Iavers

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Wind Load distribution

Fig 4.3: A Typical Finite Element Mesh used in the halysis

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Fig 4.4: Coordinate Systerns used in an the AnaIvsis

Vertical projection

Horizontai projection

Fig 4.5: A Section through the WalI Thickness of the Chimney used in the AnaIysis

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a) Bhav 1 b) Bbav 2

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O

Radial displacement (mm)

-5 -4 -3 - 7 - 1 O

Radial d isplacenien t (nim )

C ) Bhav 3 c i ) Bhav 4

-5 -4 -3 -2 - 1 O

Radial displacement (mm) Radial displacernent (mm)

Fin 4.6: Deflection Shape at the Base of the Chirnnev for Different Thermal Load Cases

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- - bhav 1 Exterior Surface - - - bhav 1 Intenor Surface

bhav 1 Mid-Surface

O 1 2 3 4 5

Height (m)

Fig 4.7: HOOD Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimnev for Bhav 1

- - bhav I Exterior Surface - - - bhav 1 lnterior Surface

bhav 1 Mid-Surface

Fig 4.8: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimnev for Bhavl

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- - bhav 2 Exterior Surface - - - bhav 2 Interior Surface

Fig 4.9: HOOD Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimnev for Bhav2

bhav 2 Exterior Surface bhav 2 Interior Surface

Height (m)

Fig 4.10: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chirnnev for Bhav2

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- bhav 3 Exterior Surface - - - bhav 3 Interior Surface bhav 3 Mid-Surface

Fie; 4.1 1: Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimnev for Bhav3

- - bhav 3 Exterior Surface - - - bhav 3 Intenor Surface

bhav 3 Mid-Surface

= \ - > -,/ -2.5€+07 ; ' '

O 1 2 3 4 5

Height (m)

Fin 4.12: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chininev for Bhav3

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- - bhav 4 Exterior Surface - - - bhav 4 Interior Surface

Height (m)

Fig 4.13: Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimnev for Bhav4

- - bhav4 Exlerior Surface - - - bhav 4 Interior Surface

Height (m)

Fie 4.14: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5x11 of the Chimnev for Bhav4

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a) Wind side b) Lee side

O 1 - 3 3 4 5

Displacement along x-axis (mm)

O I - 3 4 5 1

Displacement alorig s-asis ( r i i i i i )

Fin 4.15: Deflection S h a ~ e a t the Base of the Chimnev Due to Wind Load

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Fip 4-14: WOOD Stress Distribution at the Bottom Sm of the Chimnev for Bhriv5 Lk Bhal.6


1 5E+07


- - bhav 5 Exterior Surface (Lee side) - - - bhav 5 lnterior Surface (Lee side)

bhav 5 Mid-Surface (Lee side) - - bhav 5 Exterior Surface (Wind side)

, , , bhav 5 lnterior Surface (Wind side) - bhav 5 Mid-Surface (Wind side)

\ \

- - bhav 5 Exterior Surface (Lee side) . - - - bhav 5 Interior Surface (Lee side) \ bhav 5 MidSurface (Lee side) - - bhav 5 Exterior Surface (Wind side) \ , , , bhav 5 Intefior Sutface (Wind side)

Fi2 4.17: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom 5m of the Chimnev for Bhat-5 c9L Bhav6

- bhav 5 Mid-Surface {Wind side)

_-_----------- - - - - - _ _ -

I -1 E+07


-I -

l l l l l l l l l l ' l l i l l l l r l ' t l l l O 1 2 3 4 5

Height (m)

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, , I t ~ , , l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 , 1 ! 1 , 1 1

O 1 2 3 4 5

Height (rn)

Fip: 4.18: Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Lee Side Ext. Surtace of the Chtmnet-

- - B h a ~ 7 !Vinci t I s t . ( [.cc ~IJL ' ) - - - Bhav S \Vinci E\I . (1.t.c iirit.,

Height (m)

Fig 4.19: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Lee Side Ext. Surface of the Clitnincv

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- - Bhav 7 Wind [nt. ( Wirid srdr)

- - - B h a v 8 W i n d t n t . ( W i n d s i J c )

Fie 4-20: Hoop Stress Distribution at the Bottorn o f the Wind Side Int. Surface oK the Chimnev

- : 4 31 - $1 1 - 2 i 3 I

- - Bila\ 7 WÏnd lnt. ii hi - - Bha\ 8 Hïtid I i i i . ( \i'itid

\ :\ ' - - - - - - \ - - - + - - - _

- - - - \ - - \


- \ - - - \ - ---- - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - +_____

- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1

O 1 2 3 4 5

Height (m

Fip 4-21: Meridional Stress Distribution at the Bottom of the Wind Side Int. Surface of thc Chinine\-

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Fig 4.22: Twical Design Curve for FRP Chimnevs Accordine to Alvaci ( 19981

Fig: 4.23: Factor of Safetv (F-SI) for Chimneys Designed for R = 2 -

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Fin 4.24: Factor of Safetv (F.S,) for Chimnevs Designed for R = 3 -

Firr 4.25: Factor of Safetv (FS,) - for Chimnevs Desiened for R = 4

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S hear Stresses qz (Pa)

Fie; 4.26: Typical Shear Stress (O,) Distribution at the Base of a Chimncv undcr \Vinci L o d

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5

Displacement along x-auis (mm)

O 5 1 O 15

Displacement along s-mis (mm)

F ~ P 4.27: Buckling Modes at the Base of the Chimney for Di fferent WD Ranges

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This Thesis includes bvo research studies related to larninated shelt stnictures. The

first study involves the extension of the formulation of the Consistent Lanlinated slit.11

element to include large displacement static and dynamic analysis. The secoiid study is an

application of the developed finite element mode1 involving nonlinear analysis of FRP

chimneys subjected to both thermal and wind loads.

The major conclusion drawn from these iwo studies are presented in the foIlo\ving



5-2-1 Nonlinear Extension of the Consistent Laminated Shell Element

A literature review of the state-of-the-art finite element development related to the

analysis of larninated shell structures is presented in Chapter One. This review reveaIs tl-iat

a need exists to develop finite element models that are cornputationally eficient and can

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also prcdict the physical behavior of laminated shell structures. Tlie Corisisteiil Laiiiiriatcd

shell eleinent, that was previously dcveloped by Koziey (1993) and is prcsciilccl i i i ('Iiaptcr

Two of this Thesis, satisfies these requirements. A major advantage of tliis elenicii~ is bciiig

free from the "locking phenomenon" associated with isoparanietric sheli clements.

Meanwhile, the element has the capability of predicting strain and stress distributiotis that

are consistent with the exact physical behavior of laminated sheI1 structures-

In chapter Three of the thesis, the formdation of the Consistent Laniinated shell

element is extended to account for large displacement static and dynamic analysis. Tlic

large displacement formulation is based on the total Lagrangian approach and the soltitio~i

is carrïed out incrementally using the Newton-Raphson method for iterations. Expressions

for the nonlinear stiffness matrix, the unbalanced load vector and the consistait mass

matrix, as well as a simpIe procedure for coding those matrices are presented. The c s ~ e n d d

formulation has been venfied by performing large displacement static and dynainic analysis

for a number of plate and shell problerns and cornparing the results to tliose availablr in the

Iiterature. In a11 the examples, the element has shown a very good perFornlance.

5-2-2 Nonlinear Analvsis of FRP Chimnevs

In Chapter Four, the large displacement formulation of the Consistent Larninatcd

shell elernent is extended to include thermal loads as well as a material nonlinearity mode1

that duplicates the propagation of cracks inside a FRP laminated structure. The extended

finite element mode1 is then used to study the nonlinear behavior of FRP ci-iirnneys. The

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typical behavior of FRP chimneys under both constant and Iinearly variable tlirotigli

thickness temperature loads as well as under wind loads is exaniined usi~ig tlic liiiiic

element model. The following conclusions are drawn from this part of tlic siudy:

1 ) High stress concentrations near the base o f the chimneys results frotn both the conslant

and the linearly variable temperature loads. A meridional bending e fTcct is cissociarcd

with these stresses.

2) Cracks in the across fibers direction are more observed in FRP chimneys subjected io

constant through thickness temperature change than in the ones subjected to linearly

variable temperature change. For constant temperature loads, these cracks cciusc a

significant redistribution ofstresses near the base of the chimney. For the case of lincar

temperature change, the limited cracks have no significant effect on the stress

distribution. In general, it can be stated that constant temperature change. siniiilatiny a

non-operational state for the chimney, should be considered wlien the strengtli hi lure O f *

the chirnneys is checked.

3) Stresses due to thermal loads are found to be in the same order of niagnitude of those

resulting from wind loads. Both types of loading should be considered wlien the design

of such a composite structure is studied.

The investigation in Chapter Four proceeds by using the nonlinear finite clcitleiit

mode1 to assess the level of safety provided by a sirnplified design procedure for FRP

stacks previously developed by Awad (1998). Nonlinear analyses conducted Tor a nuniber

of F W chirnneys, designed according to Awad' s procedure, indicate the fo 110 w ing :

1) Very large factors of safety are achieved for inter-laminar shear failure. As sucli. tliis

type of failure is not a concern for FRP chimneys.

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The factors of safety (F-S,) for the aiong fibers stresses resulting from the detailcd

nonlinear finite element analysis are larger than those assumed by Awad in lris design

procedure. In a11 the considered cases, the factors of safety ( F S , ) have cscccdcd ri valrit.

of 5. This indicates that the simplified procedure suggested by Awad ( 19W) providcs

reasonable values for the factors of safety against strength failure. It sIiould bc notcd-

that the level of safety provided by Awad's procedure against fütigiic fâilurc duc 10

vortex shedding is not considered in this study. It is anticipated that a conclusion siniiIar

to the one drawn for the strength safety would arise for the fatigue sakty. However, to

confim this point, nonlinear dynarnic analysis has to be performed for FRP cliinineys

subjected to across wind load resulting Eorn the vortex shedding effect.

Based on the assumed level of thermal stresses and the assumed material pi-opcrtics.

FRP chimneys having a height to diarneter ratio (L/D) Iarger than 1 5 are found to be no t

critical to instability failure due to local buckling. Meanwhile. under ttrc sanie

circumstances. FRP chimneys having a height to diameter ratio (L:D) less tlian 15 arc

shown to faiI due to instability initiated by Iocal buckIing at the base of the chiniiieys.

These chimneys are designed according to Awad's procedure to sustain only dong wind

loads. Linearly variable temperature variations are shown to be more critical in

initiating this instability failure than constant ones. The same cliirnneys. whcn d e s i p x i

according to Awad's procedure to resist fatigue due to vortex shedding. liave showr to

be safe against buckling. This buckling study provides an indication tliat the design

procedure suggested by Awad (1998)' including both strength and fatigue resistancc.

provides safe design against instability failure.

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The following studies related to the Consistent Laminated sheli eicment. rire

recommended for future investigations:

i ) Extend the formulations of the Consistent Larninated shell element to include the ei-kct

of the normal stress component oz. .. (normal stress in the direction perpendicular to t k

surface). The inclusion of this stress component will allow delaniination l>iltirc in ttic

direction perpendicular to the surface to be studied.

2) Conduct an experimental verifkation for the material nonlinearity model included in

this study.

This study has laid down the analysis and provided a description for ihc nonlincar

behavior of FEU' chimneys. The developed model can be used to condtict csic~isi\.e

parametric studies in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding for the beliavior and

design of such type of composite structures. In that regard, the lollowing stiidies are


1 ) Study the effect of varying the angle of inclination of the fibers and the fibers content

on the nonlinear behavior of FRP chimneys.

2) Assess the level of safety provided by Awad's procedure when fatigue hilure due to tlic

vortex shedding effect is considered. This can be achieved by conductiiig iioii 1 iiisar

dynamic analyses of FRP chimneys subjected to thermal loads combined npitli \.ortex

shedding dynamic wind loads.

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3) Conduct a comprehensive buckling analysis by varying the assumed tcmperai~irc lad.

the angle of orientation of the fibers and the fibers content. This study \voiiid rcsiili iii

determining the range of applicability of Awad's procedure with respect to instabi l i ty

fai l ure.

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Ouadratic Interpolation Functions:

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The Jacobian matrix can be written as

(II. 1 )

where the vectors R and S are tangent to the surface deked by t = constant. A normal

vector 5 to this surface can be obtained by applying the following cross product:

v = & * S -3 (11.2)

The other two vectors y, and of the orthogonal basis are obtained from the following


V = j * K 3 -7 - (11.3)

v =K, *y3 -1 (11.4)

where is the unit vector dong the global y-mis. It should be mentioned here that in case

that the vector is paraIIel to the global y-axis , the unit vector k along the z axis cm be

used instead o f i in Equation (2.3.

The normalisation of the vecton y,, and & then Ieads to the unit vecton y,, 3

and which c m be used in the transformation matrix as follows:

(II. 5 )

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Let rotation #L Vary quadratically through the thichess of the lamina and be

approximated by:

where Zis the dimensional CO-ordinate in the lamina thickness direction and a, b and c are

unlaiown constants. The displacement d@L due to rotation 4, is calculated as:

Substiniting the expression for q4, into the above equation and integrating gives:

(III .2)

where d is an additional unknown constant. The displacements and rotations at the top

and bottorn of the layer are taken as degrees of fieedom, Le.

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where subscnpts T and B designate the top and bodom of the layer, respectively and h, is

the thickness of the lamina. Substituting the expressions for 4, and d$, into the above

equation gives the degrees of fkeedom in terms of the unknown constants as:

Since there are four equations and four unknowns, the above equation c m be

solved to give the unlaiown constants a, b, c and d in terms of the degrees of freedom as:

(III. 6 )

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The above expressions for the constants are now substituted into equation (III. 1)

and equation (III.3), and the terms having like degrees of Greedorn are grouped. This


The relationship between the dimensional CO-ordinate z and the non-dimensionaI

CO-ordinate t, is given by:

which is used to re-write equation m.7) in terms of t, as:

(III. 9a)

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Equation (III.9b) can afso be written as:

where interpolation functions Mx, Ma, Mx and Ma define the displacement variation

through the thickness of the lamina due to degrees of keedom #,', d hT, #:, d #/,

respec tively .

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J,' represents the components of the inverse of the Iacobian matrix as defined by Koziey

and Mirza (7997).

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- N,, and ??, are the derivatives of the cubic shape function N, with respect to the r and s

resp ectiveiy .

2, are the direction cosines given in Appendix II.

C: are components of the matrix [Cn J given in equation (2.9).

MqL are the through thickness shape fùnction, and dM,, are the denvatives of these

hc t ion with respect to t.

To facilitate the formulation of the matrices [BJ and [B, 1, the matrix [B.] is divided to

the matrices [Bo, ] and [Bo, ] which are as follows: