non the cross & the flame · sunday, november 16th father now be given; the son and him who...

THE CROSS & THE FLAME P.O. Box 127, Viroqua, WI 54665 November 2014 Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Dear Friends, While driving to the Liberty Pole church one Sunday morning, and admiring the surrounding beauty, my heart was filled with thankfulness. We have had such a beautiful fall—the contrasts of golds, reds, yellows and greens have been outstanding! The master artist, God, has done it once again. In his greatness, he enjoys creating beauty and color; thank you God. Each morning, look for what God is doing and creating and be thankful. There are many Scriptures, quotes, and hymns on thanksgiving and thankfulness: Psalm 107:1 states, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever”. Psalm 100:4 states, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise”. Psalm 92:1 states, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord”. I Thessalonians 5:18 states, “In everything give thanks”. “O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” William Shakespeare. “Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness”. James R. Miller. “I don’t think the Lord wants any pompous proclamation of thanks on one Thursday in November as much as He wants a little humble service from us every day in the year”. Burton Hillis. “Life without thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.” John Henry Jowett. “As we offer our small rejoicing for the love that surrounds our days, all the wonderful works of thy goodness shall open before our gaze; through the gates of our narrow thanksgiving we shall enter thy courts with praise. Annie Johnson Flint Hymn #102 States, “Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices; who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today. O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us; and keep us stil lin grace, and guide us when perplexed; and fee us from all ills, in this world and the next. All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven adore; for thus it was, is now and shall be evermore.” As we enter the month of November, may we all be more thankful to the Lord, in all the small things and large things and everything in between. Thank you God for work, shelter, food, rest and recreation. Thank you God for family, friends, pets and for enemies so that I may pray for their salvation. Thank you God for your favor, love and direction. Thank you..... Blessings, Pastor Jean Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Mission Statement The Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches exist for the purpose of carrying out Christ’s Great Commission by enabling all who come to personally know the joy of God’s love and forgiveness and to lovingly share this joy in the fellowship of the church and in reaching people throughout the world.

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Page 1: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings

Viroqua and Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Post Office Box 127 Viroqua, WI 54665 PHONE: 608-637-3551 (Office/Lisa) 608-638-7627/Office/Pastor Jean) FAX: 608-638-3651 E-mail: [email protected] Website: [email protected]

SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Liberty Pole United Methodist Church– 9:00 A.M.

Viroqua United Methodist Church– 10:30 A.M.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Liberty Pole UMC– 9:15 A.M.

Viroqua UMC– Adults-9:00 A.M., Children-10:45 A.M.

Address Label

Return Service Requested

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage


Viroqua, Wisconsin


Permit Number 11



Saturday, November 1st

Coulee UMW Day of Enrichment 9-3 PM

Sunday, November 2nd

All Saints /Secret Friend Sunday

Sunday, November 9th

Choir Sings 10:30 AM @ V

Veteran’s Day Honored with Cake @ LP & V

Tuesday, November 11th

Veterans Day

Sunday, November 16th

Choir Sings 10:30 AM

United Fellowship potluck & board games Noon

Bell Choir Concert 2:00 PM

Charge Conference 6:00 PM @ LP

Sunday, November 23rd

Choir Sings 10:30 AM @ V

Community Thanksgiving Service 7:00 PM @ Good Shepherd

Thursday, November 27th

Thanksgiving Community Dinner 11:00 -1:00 PM

@ St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Sunday, November 30th

Advent I, “Hanging of the Greens”


P.O. Box 127, Viroqua, WI 54665 November 2014

Viroqua &

Liberty Pole

United Methodist Churches

Dear Friends,

While driving to the Liberty Pole church one Sunday morning, and admiring the surrounding

beauty, my heart was filled with thankfulness. We have had such a beautiful fall—the contrasts

of golds, reds, yellows and greens have been outstanding! The master artist, God, has done it

once again. In his greatness, he enjoys creating beauty and color; thank you God. Each morning,

look for what God is doing and creating and be thankful. There are many Scriptures, quotes,

and hymns on thanksgiving and thankfulness: Psalm 107:1 states, “O give thanks unto the Lord,

for he is good, for his mercy endures forever”. Psalm 100:4 states, “Enter into his gates with

thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise”. Psalm 92:1 states, “It is a good thing to give thanks

unto the Lord”. I Thessalonians 5:18 states, “In everything give thanks”.

“O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” William Shakespeare. “Thanksgiving is nothing if not

a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness”. James R. Miller. “I don’t think the Lord

wants any pompous proclamation of thanks on one Thursday in November as much as He wants a little humble service from

us every day in the year”. Burton Hillis. “Life without thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.” John Henry

Jowett. “As we offer our small rejoicing for the love that surrounds our days, all the wonderful works of thy goodness shall

open before our gaze; through the gates of our narrow thanksgiving we shall enter thy courts with praise. Annie Johnson Flint

Hymn #102 States, “Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom

this world rejoices; who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.

O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us; and keep us

stil lin grace, and guide us when perplexed; and fee us from all ills, in this world and the next. All praise and thanks to God the

Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven

adore; for thus it was, is now and shall be evermore.”

As we enter the month of November, may we all be more thankful to the Lord, in all the small things and large things and

everything in between. Thank you God for work, shelter, food, rest and recreation. Thank you God for family, friends, pets

and for enemies so that I may pray for their salvation. Thank you God for your favor, love and direction. Thank you.....

Blessings, Pastor Jean

Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Mission Statement

The Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches exist for the purpose of carrying out Christ’s Great Commission by

enabling all who come to personally know the joy of God’s love and forgiveness and to lovingly share this joy in the

fellowship of the church and in reaching people throughout the world.

Page 2: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings



History Committee Update ............................... ............ pg. 3

LP Administrative Board Minutes ..................... ............ pg. 3

Calling All 3

Special Community Events................................. ............ pg. 4

Special Thanks ..................................................... ............ pg. 4

Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversaries, Deaths .... 5

Christian Education Meeting Minutes ............... ............ pg. 6

November Scriptures ......................................... ............ pg. 7

Bible 7

Confirmation Update 8

Charge Conference 8

Bring Forth a Harvest of 9

Care & Nurture Committee Meeting Minutes 9

A Tribute to our 10

Trustees Committee 11

Bible Trivia 11

The Cross & The Flame is published monthly by the Viroqua and Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches for our congregation and friends. We welcome you

with open hearts, open arms and open doors.


221 S. Center Ave.

Viroqua, WI 54665

Phone: 608-637-3551

Fax: 608-638-6351

Email: [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 p.m. on Monday & Wednesday

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday

9:00 a.m. - noon on Thursday & Friday

LIBERTY POLE UMC S 6759 St. Hwy. 27

Viroqua, WI 54665

Phone: 608-675-3630

STAFF Jean Waldron, Pastor

Parsonage Phone: 608-637-7614

Pastor’s Direct Line: 608-638-7627

Email: [email protected]

Lisa Marsh, Secretary Office Phone: 608-637-3551

Email: [email protected]

Liberty Pole UMC Service Assistants


November 2nd & 9th— Deanna & Tom Lohr

November 16th, 23rd & 30th—John & Rita Burkhardt


November 2nd - Cyndy Hubbard November 9th & 16th - Bryce Funk

Viroqua UMC Service Assistants


November 2nd - Cavan Fang/John Eumurian

November 9th - Ardith Olson/Gloria Freilinger

November 16th - Trygve/Irma Overbo

November 23rd - Jerry Schroeder/Janet Welch

November 30th - Dale/Jolene Gudgeon


November 2nd - Annabel McGarry

November 9th - David Peterson

November 16th - Dan Casper

November 23rd—Minie Hirschfield

November 30th - Betty Ross


Sonja Bjerkos

John Wesley Quote - Thanksgiving

REF: Wesley

“Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer; it is almost essentially connected

with it. One who always prays is ever giving praise, whether in ease or pain, both for

prosperity and for the greatest adversity. “


Trustees Committee Meeting

October 14, 2014

In attendance: Orvis Primmer, Gregory Cheever, Peter Gilman, Pastor Jean

- Strang Plumbing repaired the faucet and drain leak in the Viroqua basement custodian’s


- Arrow Elevator Company inspected and approved the Viroqua elevator operation.

- Custodian Jim Porter’s vacation (November 3-10) approved.

- Workman’s Compensation premium for 2015 is $1346, with a rebate check of $157.

- 2015 Budget is $23,790.

Bible Trivia Answers

1 Sixth (Exodus 9:8)

2. Corinth (Acts 18:1-5)

3. Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:18)

4. His groanings (roarings) (Job 3:24)

5. Apples (Proverbs 25:11)

6. Jesus and the disciples celebrating Passover (Matthew 26:30)

7. Ashkelon (Judges 14:19)

Page 3: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings


With Special Thanks to Our Men and Women in the Armed Forces

On Veterans Day and Every Day

The following members of our church family faithfully served their country as

members of the Armed Forces:

James Cocchiola (LP)

Nancy Cocchiola (LP)

John Eumurian (V)

Harry Fox (V)

Eldon Gardner (LP)

Orvin Gardner (LP)

Veryel Gerdl (V)

Chase Hornby (LP)

Cyndy Hubbard (LP)

William Marohl (LP)

Sandra Marohl (LP)

Larry McGarry (LP)

Leon Mellem (V)

Fred Nelson (V)

Ellsworth Olson (V)

David Peterson (V)

Robert Peterson (V)

Rick Schneiderman (V)

Gerald Schroeder (V)

Robert Starr (V)

Michael Stephen (LP)

With love and gratitude we

thank you for your service.


Please take time to enjoy the confirmation pictures that are hanging in the hall!

The History Committee needs your help to fill in the missing pictures for the fol-

lowing years: 1942, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51-55, 57-62, 64, 68 70, 73, 75, 82, 87, and

93. We also need the YEARS BEFORE 1941 including 1902 through 1941.

Thank you! Hester Nelson

Calling All Singers



All members are asked to lend their voices and join the choir for the annual Caroling of the

Choirs on December 7th , at 7:00 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Viroqua. For addi-

tional information please contact Choir Director, Irene Fortney at 637-2521.

LP Administrative Board Minutes


Present: Bill and Sandy Marohl, Barb Robson, Mike Stephen, Pastor Jean, Gary Thompson, Steve & Tamie


Meeting was called to order with the 2015 Budget for Charge Conference being the focus of the meeting.

Bill reviewed the year to date financial report and Pastor Jean gave a financial report from Viroqua. After dis-

cussion the Financial Budget for 2015 was approved. Forms for Charge Conference were also reviewed and

signed. Charge Conference will be Sunday, November 16th at 6:00 PM at Liberty Pole. Cake and coffee will

be served. The Board also reviewed our four year Ministry Plan.

Old Business: Bill made a motion and Barb seconded that the Liberty Pole Church would not donate to the

Malaria Campaign. We will concentrate on our current projects. Anyone who would like to make an individ-

ual contribution to this cause should indicate a donation on their offering envelope.

Bill showed a sample of the wooden crosses that will be given to visitors to our church. The sample was

appreciated by all.

New Business: Mike brought up a suggestion to have coffee time after church. We will try this in the

coming months. He also shared that he will be purchasing a cake in honor of our Veterans. Veterans will be

honored on Sunday, November 9th.

Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Tamie Thompson.

Page 4: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings

Special Community Events


Saturday, November 1st

Fall Into Music—live bluegrass and chili supper, 3-6 PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church with

jamming to follow. Donations to the Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Association are appreciated.

Empty Bowls Soup Supper– 4 - 7 PM at Viroqua High School Cafeteria, all proceeds go to

fight world hunger and poverty.

Tuesday, November 4th

Ham Supper, Bake Sale & Silent Auction 3:30 - 7:00 PM at the Stoddard Legion, Adults $9,

Children 12 & under $3. Sponsored by Stoddard United Methodist Church

Saturday, November 8th

Door of Hope Open House 1:00—4:00 PM at the new location 304 N. Washington, Viroqua

Wednesday, November 12th

Soup Supper 4:30-7:30 PM at Peace United Methodist Church, corner of Church & Union

streets, Richland Center

Thursday, November 27th

Free Thanksgiving Community Dinner 11:00 - 1PM at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Delivery

to the homebound is available by calling 637-3976 by noon on Wednesday 11/26.

No carry outs please.

Special Thanks

We wish to thank Betty Ross for brightening the entrance landing with her wonderful seasonal

decorations which she has faithfully been creating for over 30 years. When you see Betty, be

sure to tell her how much you appreciate the current lovely harvest tableau.


Care and Nurture Committee Meeting Minutes October 14, 2014

The Committee met at 10:00 am and the following members were present: Pastor Jean,

David Peterson, John Eumurian, Gloria Freilinger, Mary Fox, Joanne Hornby, and Mike Stephen.

Pastor opened with the meeting with a devotion.

Thank you to Mary and Mike for sending out many cards.

More people seem to be enjoying Sunday morning Coffee Time at Viroqua since it was moved clos-

er to the church entrance.

The founder of Sheltered Reality Drumming, Steve Schlosser, will participate in the drumming prac-

tice on October 24th at 4:30.

Rehearsal for the Sunday School Christmas program will begin soon.

Pastor Jean reported that the Confirmation student trip to Camp Lake Lucerne was worthwhile

and a good time was had by all.

Bibles will be given to the Roger Beck and Tim O’Connor families who have lost homes from fires.

In observance of Veterans Day, November 9th, both churches will have a cake for coffee time.

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 am. The Committee will meet again on November 18th at 10:00


Respectfully submitted, Gloria Freilinger

Hard to believe but Thanksgiving is less than a month away! As we anticipate our turkey dinners, the

Viroqua and Liberty Pole UMC invite everyone to get an early start on offering thanks by sharing God’s

blessings of food with people who may not have enough. During the first four Sundays of November,

please bring canned goods, household supplies and other non-perishable donations for the food pantry

when you come to worship.

Monetary donations are also welcome. Please make the checks out to the church, put them in a clearly

labeled envelope and drop them in the offering plate. If you wish to donate but cannot bring your items

to church, please call Cavan at 637-7697 or Cyndy at 637-7595 and a volunteer will pick up your dona-


In these tough economic times the work of the food pantries has become more important than many of

us can remember. Most clients of the food pantries live in or near Viroqua. Feeding the hungry is one

Important way we that we can show God’s love in a hurting world.

Bring Forth A Harvest of Thanks

Page 5: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings


Confirmation Update

Hi everyone, the confirmation class is going well. Those in attendance have passed all their memorizing,

which included: The Apostle’s Creed, the Our Father, the Gloria, the doxology, Psalm 23, the New Testament

books and a familiarity with the Old Testament books. You can be very proud of them.

The confirmation retreat at Lake Lucerne Camp held October 10-12th was just great. God blessed us with

beautiful weather and a special opportunity to stay at the new Youth Lodge. Their favorite experiences at the

retreat included: the horses, the octagon game, hiking, playing volleyball, and the FOOD! Where was God for

them at the retreat? Answers included: during the lesson time, walking the Labyrinth (spiritual maze), playing

the sports games, and the camp fire.

I loved watching all of them have fun and interact with each other during all the outings. A special thank

you to my two chaperones, Mr. Layne Hanson and Mrs. Deb Deaver, I couldn’t have held this retreat without

your help. A special thank you to the Christian Education department at Viroqua for funding this retreat. It is

my prayer that all the youth as well as the adults will want to return to camp some time in the near future.

Talk to me or Joanne Hornby about signing up for camp.

Sincerely, Pastor Jean

2014 Annual Charge Conference For both Churches

When: November 16th

Where: Liberty Pole UMC

Time: 6 PM

Come one, come all to your church’s annual Charge Conference. Receive a free packet that includes the

Mission Statement Our Tasks

Review of Local Church’s Life & Ministry Four Year Vision

Clergy Continuing Education Report Report of the Trustees

Membership Audit for Charge Conference Report of the Annual Audit

Fund Balance Report Report of the Finance Committee

Church Schedule Leadership Committee Report


November 1st - Isabella Thompson

Melissa Vikemyr

November 2nd - Trygve Overbo

November 9th - Robert Starr

November 11th - Brent Deaver

November 12th - Veryel Gerdl

November 13th - Isabella Peroceschi

Brandon Ulberg

November 16th - Aaron Weis

November 17th - Naomi Fanta

November 19th—Neil Funk

Annabel McGarry

November 22nd - Benjamin Hanson

November 24th - Emily Nedland

Donna Walker

November 25th - Thomas Haakenson

Signe Mikkelson

November 27th - Abagail Diehl

Keegan Funk

November 28th - Jessica Bjerkos

Chandlor Volden

November 29th - Hailey Thompson

November 30th - Pat Matz


Happy Anniversary

November 12th - Peter & Shirley Gilman

November 14th - Marc & Donna Polsean

November 14th - Brandon & Lisa Ulberg

November 24th - David & Holly Slack



Viroqua UMC

October 19th - Elsa Jade Janzen

James Hudson, Jr.


Bud Whitney


Page 6: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings


Christian Education Committee Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2014

Present: Kathy Hanson, Shelly Brenneman, Janette Hanson, Joel Gordon


Sunday School: There are two classes this year, which are meeting

during worship again. We had a family gathering on September 8th to ideas

about Sunday School, and we had a good discussion. We are still asking for

help with teaching. Attendance is down so far this fall, so Kathy will send a

postcard of make a phone call to let the families know that we miss them on

Sundays. More discussion will continue about the format of the classes.

Youth/Confirmation: The confirmation class, Pastor Jean, and two chap-

erones are going to a retreat at Lake Lucerne the weekend of October 10th.

Kathy made a motion to pay for the students’ and chaperones’ fees as long as

they agree to help with the youth fundraisers. Joel seconded the motion. The

motion passed.

Old Business:

Vacation Bible School: VBS was a great success again this year. Thank you to

all who put in a lot of time and hard work to make it happen. About 30 children

were registered during the week. A wrap-up meeting was held to discuss

changes/ideas for next year.

New Business:

Budgets: Changes were made to the 2015 budget and approved by con-

sensus. Janette will submit the changes to the finance committee.

Christmas Program: Plans were started for the Christmas program that

will be on Sunday, December 14th during the worship service.

Other Business: On Sunday, October 26th Dr. Taylor Collins will be shar-

ing his ministry with Red Bird Mission so Sunday School classes will remain

with the congregation.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 4th, 1:30 pm


November Scriptures

Nov. 2, All Saints Sunday

With Holy Communion

Psalm 116, rsp. 1, UMH 837

Jeremiah 31:1-6

Colossians 1: 1-28

John 6:35-51

“The Broken Chain - Draw Them Back With

Loving Kindness

Nov. 9, Veteran’s Day Sunday

Psalm 36:5-10 UMH 771

Joel 2:23-32

2 Timothy 4:1-8

Matthew 23:1-12

“And They’ll Know We Are Christians

By Our Love”

Nov. 16, 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Psalm 51:1-17, rsp. 2 UMH 785

Proverbs 2:1-22

I Timothy 6:3-19

Luke 17:11-19

“Is It Unnatural to Give Thanks?”

Nov. 23, Christ the King Sunday

Psalm 100 UMH 821

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

Ephesians 1:15-23

Luke 23:33-43

“The Inescapable Cross”

Nov. 30, Advent I

“Hanging of the Greens”

Bible Trivia

1. - One of the ten plagues of Egypt was the plague of boils, but which number was it?

2. - After being left behind in Berea, in which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?

3. - Who told his wife not to worry that she was barren and said, “am not I better to thee than ten sons”?

4. - What does Job say is “poured out like water”?

5. - A word “fifty spoken” is like what of gold set in pictures of silver?

6. - On which occasion in the Bible does it specifically say that believers sung a hymn?

7. - To which city did Samson go down to and kill thirty men?

Page 7: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings


Confirmation Update

Hi everyone, the confirmation class is going well. Those in attendance have passed all their memorizing,

which included: The Apostle’s Creed, the Our Father, the Gloria, the doxology, Psalm 23, the New Testament

books and a familiarity with the Old Testament books. You can be very proud of them.

The confirmation retreat at Lake Lucerne Camp held October 10-12th was just great. God blessed us with

beautiful weather and a special opportunity to stay at the new Youth Lodge. Their favorite experiences at the

retreat included: the horses, the octagon game, hiking, playing volleyball, and the FOOD! Where was God for

them at the retreat? Answers included: during the lesson time, walking the Labyrinth (spiritual maze), playing

the sports games, and the camp fire.

I loved watching all of them have fun and interact with each other during all the outings. A special thank

you to my two chaperones, Mr. Layne Hanson and Mrs. Deb Deaver, I couldn’t have held this retreat without

your help. A special thank you to the Christian Education department at Viroqua for funding this retreat. It is

my prayer that all the youth as well as the adults will want to return to camp some time in the near future.

Talk to me or Joanne Hornby about signing up for camp.

Sincerely, Pastor Jean

2014 Annual Charge Conference For both Churches

When: November 16th

Where: Liberty Pole UMC

Time: 6 PM

Come one, come all to your church’s annual Charge Conference. Receive a free packet that includes the

Mission Statement Our Tasks

Review of Local Church’s Life & Ministry Four Year Vision

Clergy Continuing Education Report Report of the Trustees

Membership Audit for Charge Conference Report of the Annual Audit

Fund Balance Report Report of the Finance Committee

Church Schedule Leadership Committee Report


November 1st - Isabella Thompson

Melissa Vikemyr

November 2nd - Trygve Overbo

November 9th - Robert Starr

November 11th - Brent Deaver

November 12th - Veryel Gerdl

November 13th - Isabella Peroceschi

Brandon Ulberg

November 16th - Aaron Weis

November 17th - Naomi Fanta

November 19th—Neil Funk

Annabel McGarry

November 22nd - Benjamin Hanson

November 24th - Emily Nedland

Donna Walker

November 25th - Thomas Haakenson

Signe Mikkelson

November 27th - Abagail Diehl

Keegan Funk

November 28th - Jessica Bjerkos

Chandlor Volden

November 29th - Hailey Thompson

November 30th - Pat Matz


Happy Anniversary

November 12th - Peter & Shirley Gilman

November 14th - Marc & Donna Polsean

November 14th - Brandon & Lisa Ulberg

November 24th - David & Holly Slack



Viroqua UMC

October 19th - Elsa Jade Janzen

James Hudson, Jr.


Bud Whitney


Page 8: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings

Special Community Events


Saturday, November 1st

Fall Into Music—live bluegrass and chili supper, 3-6 PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church with

jamming to follow. Donations to the Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Association are appreciated.

Empty Bowls Soup Supper– 4 - 7 PM at Viroqua High School Cafeteria, all proceeds go to

fight world hunger and poverty.

Tuesday, November 4th

Ham Supper, Bake Sale & Silent Auction 3:30 - 7:00 PM at the Stoddard Legion, Adults $9,

Children 12 & under $3. Sponsored by Stoddard United Methodist Church

Saturday, November 8th

Door of Hope Open House 1:00—4:00 PM at the new location 304 N. Washington, Viroqua

Wednesday, November 12th

Soup Supper 4:30-7:30 PM at Peace United Methodist Church, corner of Church & Union

streets, Richland Center

Thursday, November 27th

Free Thanksgiving Community Dinner 11:00 - 1PM at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Delivery

to the homebound is available by calling 637-3976 by noon on Wednesday 11/26.

No carry outs please.

Special Thanks

We wish to thank Betty Ross for brightening the entrance landing with her wonderful seasonal

decorations which she has faithfully been creating for over 30 years. When you see Betty, be

sure to tell her how much you appreciate the current lovely harvest tableau.


Care and Nurture Committee Meeting Minutes October 14, 2014

The Committee met at 10:00 am and the following members were present: Pastor Jean,

David Peterson, John Eumurian, Gloria Freilinger, Mary Fox, Joanne Hornby, and Mike Stephen.

Pastor opened with the meeting with a devotion.

Thank you to Mary and Mike for sending out many cards.

More people seem to be enjoying Sunday morning Coffee Time at Viroqua since it was moved clos-

er to the church entrance.

The founder of Sheltered Reality Drumming, Steve Schlosser, will participate in the drumming prac-

tice on October 24th at 4:30.

Rehearsal for the Sunday School Christmas program will begin soon.

Pastor Jean reported that the Confirmation student trip to Camp Lake Lucerne was worthwhile

and a good time was had by all.

Bibles will be given to the Roger Beck and Tim O’Connor families who have lost homes from fires.

In observance of Veterans Day, November 9th, both churches will have a cake for coffee time.

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 am. The Committee will meet again on November 18th at 10:00


Respectfully submitted, Gloria Freilinger

Hard to believe but Thanksgiving is less than a month away! As we anticipate our turkey dinners, the

Viroqua and Liberty Pole UMC invite everyone to get an early start on offering thanks by sharing God’s

blessings of food with people who may not have enough. During the first four Sundays of November,

please bring canned goods, household supplies and other non-perishable donations for the food pantry

when you come to worship.

Monetary donations are also welcome. Please make the checks out to the church, put them in a clearly

labeled envelope and drop them in the offering plate. If you wish to donate but cannot bring your items

to church, please call Cavan at 637-7697 or Cyndy at 637-7595 and a volunteer will pick up your dona-


In these tough economic times the work of the food pantries has become more important than many of

us can remember. Most clients of the food pantries live in or near Viroqua. Feeding the hungry is one

Important way we that we can show God’s love in a hurting world.

Bring Forth A Harvest of Thanks

Page 9: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings


With Special Thanks to Our Men and Women in the Armed Forces

On Veterans Day and Every Day

The following members of our church family faithfully served their country as

members of the Armed Forces:

James Cocchiola (LP)

Nancy Cocchiola (LP)

John Eumurian (V)

Harry Fox (V)

Eldon Gardner (LP)

Orvin Gardner (LP)

Veryel Gerdl (V)

Chase Hornby (LP)

Cyndy Hubbard (LP)

William Marohl (LP)

Sandra Marohl (LP)

Larry McGarry (LP)

Leon Mellem (V)

Fred Nelson (V)

Ellsworth Olson (V)

David Peterson (V)

Robert Peterson (V)

Rick Schneiderman (V)

Gerald Schroeder (V)

Robert Starr (V)

Michael Stephen (LP)

With love and gratitude we

thank you for your service.


Please take time to enjoy the confirmation pictures that are hanging in the hall!

The History Committee needs your help to fill in the missing pictures for the fol-

lowing years: 1942, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51-55, 57-62, 64, 68 70, 73, 75, 82, 87, and

93. We also need the YEARS BEFORE 1941 including 1902 through 1941.

Thank you! Hester Nelson

Calling All Singers



All members are asked to lend their voices and join the choir for the annual Caroling of the

Choirs on December 7th , at 7:00 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Viroqua. For addi-

tional information please contact Choir Director, Irene Fortney at 637-2521.

LP Administrative Board Minutes


Present: Bill and Sandy Marohl, Barb Robson, Mike Stephen, Pastor Jean, Gary Thompson, Steve & Tamie


Meeting was called to order with the 2015 Budget for Charge Conference being the focus of the meeting.

Bill reviewed the year to date financial report and Pastor Jean gave a financial report from Viroqua. After dis-

cussion the Financial Budget for 2015 was approved. Forms for Charge Conference were also reviewed and

signed. Charge Conference will be Sunday, November 16th at 6:00 PM at Liberty Pole. Cake and coffee will

be served. The Board also reviewed our four year Ministry Plan.

Old Business: Bill made a motion and Barb seconded that the Liberty Pole Church would not donate to the

Malaria Campaign. We will concentrate on our current projects. Anyone who would like to make an individ-

ual contribution to this cause should indicate a donation on their offering envelope.

Bill showed a sample of the wooden crosses that will be given to visitors to our church. The sample was

appreciated by all.

New Business: Mike brought up a suggestion to have coffee time after church. We will try this in the

coming months. He also shared that he will be purchasing a cake in honor of our Veterans. Veterans will be

honored on Sunday, November 9th.

Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Tamie Thompson.

Page 10: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings



History Committee Update ............................... ............ pg. 3

LP Administrative Board Minutes ..................... ............ pg. 3

Calling All 3

Special Community Events................................. ............ pg. 4

Special Thanks ..................................................... ............ pg. 4

Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversaries, Deaths .... 5

Christian Education Meeting Minutes ............... ............ pg. 6

November Scriptures ......................................... ............ pg. 7

Bible 7

Confirmation Update 8

Charge Conference 8

Bring Forth a Harvest of 9

Care & Nurture Committee Meeting Minutes 9

A Tribute to our 10

Trustees Committee 11

Bible Trivia 11

The Cross & The Flame is published monthly by the Viroqua and Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches for our congregation and friends. We welcome you

with open hearts, open arms and open doors.


221 S. Center Ave.

Viroqua, WI 54665

Phone: 608-637-3551

Fax: 608-638-6351

Email: [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 p.m. on Monday & Wednesday

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday

9:00 a.m. - noon on Thursday & Friday

LIBERTY POLE UMC S 6759 St. Hwy. 27

Viroqua, WI 54665

Phone: 608-675-3630

STAFF Jean Waldron, Pastor

Parsonage Phone: 608-637-7614

Pastor’s Direct Line: 608-638-7627

Email: [email protected]

Lisa Marsh, Secretary Office Phone: 608-637-3551

Email: [email protected]

Liberty Pole UMC Service Assistants


November 2nd & 9th— Deanna & Tom Lohr

November 16th, 23rd & 30th—John & Rita Burkhardt


November 2nd - Cyndy Hubbard November 9th & 16th - Bryce Funk

Viroqua UMC Service Assistants


November 2nd - Cavan Fang/John Eumurian

November 9th - Ardith Olson/Gloria Freilinger

November 16th - Trygve/Irma Overbo

November 23rd - Jerry Schroeder/Janet Welch

November 30th - Dale/Jolene Gudgeon


November 2nd - Annabel McGarry

November 9th - David Peterson

November 16th - Dan Casper

November 23rd—Minie Hirschfield

November 30th - Betty Ross


Sonja Bjerkos

John Wesley Quote - Thanksgiving

REF: Wesley

“Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer; it is almost essentially connected

with it. One who always prays is ever giving praise, whether in ease or pain, both for

prosperity and for the greatest adversity. “


Trustees Committee Meeting

October 14, 2014

In attendance: Orvis Primmer, Gregory Cheever, Peter Gilman, Pastor Jean

- Strang Plumbing repaired the faucet and drain leak in the Viroqua basement custodian’s


- Arrow Elevator Company inspected and approved the Viroqua elevator operation.

- Custodian Jim Porter’s vacation (November 3-10) approved.

- Workman’s Compensation premium for 2015 is $1346, with a rebate check of $157.

- 2015 Budget is $23,790.

Bible Trivia Answers

1 Sixth (Exodus 9:8)

2. Corinth (Acts 18:1-5)

3. Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:18)

4. His groanings (roarings) (Job 3:24)

5. Apples (Proverbs 25:11)

6. Jesus and the disciples celebrating Passover (Matthew 26:30)

7. Ashkelon (Judges 14:19)

Page 11: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings
Page 12: Non THE CROSS & THE FLAME · Sunday, November 16th Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven Choir Sings

Viroqua and Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Post Office Box 127 Viroqua, WI 54665 PHONE: 608-637-3551 (Office/Lisa) 608-638-7627/Office/Pastor Jean) FAX: 608-638-3651 E-mail: [email protected] Website: [email protected]

SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Liberty Pole United Methodist Church– 9:00 A.M.

Viroqua United Methodist Church– 10:30 A.M.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Liberty Pole UMC– 9:15 A.M.

Viroqua UMC– Adults-9:00 A.M., Children-10:45 A.M.

Address Label

Return Service Requested

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage


Viroqua, Wisconsin


Permit Number 11



Saturday, November 1st

Coulee UMW Day of Enrichment 9-3 PM

Sunday, November 2nd

All Saints /Secret Friend Sunday

Sunday, November 9th

Choir Sings 10:30 AM @ V

Veteran’s Day Honored with Cake @ LP & V

Tuesday, November 11th

Veterans Day

Sunday, November 16th

Choir Sings 10:30 AM

United Fellowship potluck & board games Noon

Bell Choir Concert 2:00 PM

Charge Conference 6:00 PM @ LP

Sunday, November 23rd

Choir Sings 10:30 AM @ V

Community Thanksgiving Service 7:00 PM @ Good Shepherd

Thursday, November 27th

Thanksgiving Community Dinner 11:00 -1:00 PM

@ St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Sunday, November 30th

Advent I, “Hanging of the Greens”


P.O. Box 127, Viroqua, WI 54665 November 2014

Viroqua &

Liberty Pole

United Methodist Churches

Dear Friends,

While driving to the Liberty Pole church one Sunday morning, and admiring the surrounding

beauty, my heart was filled with thankfulness. We have had such a beautiful fall—the contrasts

of golds, reds, yellows and greens have been outstanding! The master artist, God, has done it

once again. In his greatness, he enjoys creating beauty and color; thank you God. Each morning,

look for what God is doing and creating and be thankful. There are many Scriptures, quotes,

and hymns on thanksgiving and thankfulness: Psalm 107:1 states, “O give thanks unto the Lord,

for he is good, for his mercy endures forever”. Psalm 100:4 states, “Enter into his gates with

thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise”. Psalm 92:1 states, “It is a good thing to give thanks

unto the Lord”. I Thessalonians 5:18 states, “In everything give thanks”.

“O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” William Shakespeare. “Thanksgiving is nothing if not

a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness”. James R. Miller. “I don’t think the Lord

wants any pompous proclamation of thanks on one Thursday in November as much as He wants a little humble service from

us every day in the year”. Burton Hillis. “Life without thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.” John Henry

Jowett. “As we offer our small rejoicing for the love that surrounds our days, all the wonderful works of thy goodness shall

open before our gaze; through the gates of our narrow thanksgiving we shall enter thy courts with praise. Annie Johnson Flint

Hymn #102 States, “Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom

this world rejoices; who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.

O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us; and keep us

stil lin grace, and guide us when perplexed; and fee us from all ills, in this world and the next. All praise and thanks to God the

Father now be given; the Son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal God, whom earth and heaven

adore; for thus it was, is now and shall be evermore.”

As we enter the month of November, may we all be more thankful to the Lord, in all the small things and large things and

everything in between. Thank you God for work, shelter, food, rest and recreation. Thank you God for family, friends, pets

and for enemies so that I may pray for their salvation. Thank you God for your favor, love and direction. Thank you.....

Blessings, Pastor Jean

Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches Mission Statement

The Viroqua & Liberty Pole United Methodist Churches exist for the purpose of carrying out Christ’s Great Commission by

enabling all who come to personally know the joy of God’s love and forgiveness and to lovingly share this joy in the

fellowship of the church and in reaching people throughout the world.