nondeterministic finite automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · fundamental set operations let a and...

Chapter 1, Part 2 Nondeterministic Finite Automata CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 1

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Page 1: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Chapter 1, Part 2

Nondeterministic Finite Automata

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 1

Page 2: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Fundamental set operations

Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union andintersection, we consider the following set operations:

• Concatenation of A and B, A ◦ B, is {xy | x ∈ A andy ∈ B},

• Star of A, A∗, is {x1x2 · · ·xk | k ≥ 0 and x1, . . . , xk ∈ A}.

• Complement of A, A, is Σ∗−A, i.e., {w | w ∈ Σ∗∧w 6∈ A}.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 2

Page 3: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Fundamental set operations

Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union andintersection, we consider the following set operations:

• Concatenation of A and B, A ◦ B, is {xy | x ∈ A andy ∈ B},

• Star of A, A∗, is {x1x2 · · ·xk | k ≥ 0 and x1, . . . , xk ∈ A}.

• Complement of A, A, is Σ∗−A, i.e., {w | w ∈ Σ∗∧w 6∈ A}.

We will prove that the regular languages are closed under

union, intersection, concatenation, star, and complement;,

i.e., that if A and B are regular, then A ∪ B, A ∩ B, A ◦ B, A∗,

and A are each regular.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 3

Page 4: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Finite Automata

The nondeterministic finite automaton is a variant of finiteautomaton with two characteristics:

• ǫ-transition: state transition can be made without readinga symbol;

• nondeterminism: zero or more than one possible valuemay exist for state transition.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 4

Page 5: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

An Example Nondeterministic Finite Automaton

An NFA that accepts all strings over {0, 1} that contain a 1 either

at the third position from the end or at the second position from

the end.


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




• There are two edges labeled 1 coming out of q1.

• There are no edges coming out of q4.

• The edge from q2 is labeled with ǫ, in addition to 0 and 1.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 5

Page 6: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

What the Diagram Says

• If the node you are in has an outgoing edge labeled ǫ, youmay choose to follow it.

• After receiving a symbol,• if the node you are in has multiple outgoing edges labeledwith the symbol, you nondeterministically choose one ofthem and cross it;

• if there are no choices, stop there.


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 6

Page 7: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Finite Automata, Formally

A nondeterministic finite automaton is a 5-tuple N =

(Q,Σ, δ, q0, F ), where δ is a mapping of Q×Σǫ to 2Q (alternatively,

written P(Q)), and Σǫ = Σ ∪ {ǫ}.

For each p ∈ Q and each a ∈ Σǫ, δ(s, a) = R means:

“upon reading an a the automaton N may transition from

state s to any state in R.”

For ǫ in particular, δ(s, ǫ) = R means:

“without reading the symbol the automaton N may

transition from state s to any state in R.”

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 7

Page 8: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Acceptance by Nondeterministic Finite Automata

N accepts a word w = w1 · · ·wn, w1, . . . , wn ∈ Σ if: there exist(p0, . . . , pm), p0, . . . , pm ∈ Q and y1, . . . , ym ∈ Σǫ such that

• w = y1 · · · ym,

• p0 = q0,

• pm ∈ F , and

• for every i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, pi ∈ δ(pi−1, wi).

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 8

Page 9: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Transition Function for the Previous Example


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




state symbol

0 1 ǫ

q1 {q1} {q1, q2} ∅

q2 {q3} {q3} { q3 }

q3 {q4} {q4} ∅

q4 ∅ ∅ ∅

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 9

Page 10: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Transition Function for the Previous Example


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




state symbol

0 1 ǫ

q1 {q1} {q1, q2} ∅

q2 {q3} {q3} { q3 }

q3 {q4} {q4} ∅

q4 ∅ ∅ ∅

This NFA accepts y = 11 with respect to state sequence

(q1, q2, q3, q4) and decomposition y = 1ǫ1.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 10

Page 11: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

Nondeterministic computation can be thought of as a self-

reproducing agent traveling in the state space.

1. At the start of computation the agent is in the initial state.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 11

Page 12: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

Nondeterministic computation can be thought of as a self-

reproducing agent traveling in the state space.

1. At the start of computation the agent is in the initial state.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 12

Page 13: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

2. Both before and after receiving an input symbol, the agentfollows each ǫ-labeled outgoing edge by producing its ownclone and sending it along the edge. Thus, the originalremains in the current location.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 13

Page 14: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

2. Both before and after receiving an input symbol, the agentfollows each ǫ-labeled outgoing edge by producing its ownclone and sending it along the edge. Thus, the originalremains in the current location.

I'll go to p2.

I'll stay


I'll go to p5.

I'll go to p7.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 14

Page 15: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

3. On receiving an input symbol, say a,(a) If there is only one a-labeled outgoing edge, the agent

follows the edge.

(b) If there is no a-labeled outgoing edge, the agentevaporates.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 15

Page 16: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

3. On receiving an input symbol, say a,(a) If there is only one a-labeled outgoing edge, the agent

follows the edge.

(b) If there is no a-labeled outgoing edge, the agentevaporates.

I am


CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 16

Page 17: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

3. On receiving an input symbol, say a,(c) If there are k ≥ 2 a-labeled outgoing edges, the agent

produces k − 1 clones, make them cross k − 1 of theedges, and cross the remaining one by himself.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 17

Page 18: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

3. On receiving an input symbol, say a,(c) If there are k ≥ 2 a-labeled outgoing edges, the agent

produces k − 1 clones, make them cross k − 1 of theedges, and cross the remaining one by himself.

I'll go to p2.

I'll go to


I'll go to p5.

I'll go to p7.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 18

Page 19: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

4. When two agents collide in a state, they merge themselvesinto one.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 19

Page 20: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Nondeterministic Choices

4. When two agents collide in a state, they merge themselvesinto one.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 20

Page 21: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Why Use NFA?

For some languages construction is much easier.

Below is a DFA that accepts the same language by remembering

the last three symbols.



















1 1


CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 21

Page 22: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following




















1 1




1 0,1,ε 0,1q1





CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 22

Page 23: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 1

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b, c} that end with

one of ab, bc, and ca.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 23

Page 24: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 1

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b, c} that end with

one of ab, bc, and ca.


p1 p2

p3 p4

p5 p6








CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 24

Page 25: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

A DFA Version of the Same Language


p1 p2

p3 p4

p5 p6






















CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 25

Page 26: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 2

An NFA for the language of all strings over {0, 1} that end with

one of 0110, 010, and 00.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 26

Page 27: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 2

An NFA for the language of all strings over {0, 1} that end with

one of 0110, 010, and 00.


1,e 1,e 0q1






CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 27

Page 28: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 3

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b, c} for which one

of (the number of occurrences of a), (the number of occurrences

of b), and (the number of occurrences of c) is a multiple of 3.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 28

Page 29: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 3

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b, c} for which one

of (the number of occurrences of a), (the number of occurrences

of b), and (the number of occurrences of c) is a multiple of 3.

a a

b,c b,c


b b

c,a c,a


c c

a,b a,b





CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 29

Page 30: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 4

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b} that contain


CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 30

Page 31: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Example 4

An NFA for the language of all strings over {a, b} that contain








CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 31

Page 32: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

The FA Model Versus NFA Model

The NFA simplifies computational design, but the use of

nondeterministic selections and ǫ-transitions makes it look very

different from FA.

Is that really so?

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 32

Page 33: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

The FA Model Versus NFA Model

The NFA simplifies computational design, but the use of

nondeterministic selections and ǫ-transitions makes it look very

different from FA.

Is that really so?

No, the FA model is equivalent to the NFA model. That is,

every language accepted by an DFA is accepted by an NFA, vice


Obviously, we have:

Theorem. Every FA is already an NFA.

We will show:

Theorem. Every NFA can be converted to an equivalent FA.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 33

Page 34: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following


The principle is that just before the first symbol is received

and after each symbol is read, there will be at most one

agent in any state.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 34

Page 35: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following


The principle is that just before the first symbol is received

and after each symbol is read, there will be at most one

agent in any state.

We will thus consider the “set of all states an agent can be


CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 35

Page 36: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Proof (cont’d)

Let N = (Q,Σ, δ, q0, F ) be an NFA.

We will construct a DFA M = (S,Σ, γ, s0, G).

• The state set S is P(Q).

• The initial state s0 is the set consisting of q0 and all the statesreachable from q0 by following only ǫ transitions.

• The final state set G is {A ∈ S | A ∩ F 6= ∅}; i.e., the set ofall subsets of Q containing an element of F .

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 36

Page 37: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Transition Function

The transition function γ is defined as follows:

For each A ∈ S and for each b ∈ Σ, γ(A, b) =⋃

p∈A δ(p, ǫ∗bǫ∗),the collection of all states r that can be reached from a state p inA by following

• any number of ǫ-arrows,

• a b-arrow, and then

• any number of ǫ-arrows.

For all w over Σ, w is accepted by N if and only if the new DFA

transitions from s0 to a state in G on input w.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 37

Page 38: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following


An NFA that recognizes the language consisting of all strings over

{0, 1} that contain a 1 at either the third to last position or the

second to last position.


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 38

Page 39: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Conversion to DFA

The state set consists of: ∅, {q1}, {q2}, {q3}, {q4},

{q1, q2}, {q1, q3}, {q1, q4}, {q2, q3}, {q2, q4}, {q3, q4},

{q1, q2, q3}, {q1, q2, q4}, {q1, q3, q4}, {q2, q3, q4},

{q1, q2, q3, q4}.

F consists of: {q4}, {q1, q4}, {q2, q4}, {q3, q4},

{q1, q2, q4}, {q1, q3, q4}, {q2, q3, q4}, {q1, q2, q3, q4}.

The initial state is {q1}.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 39

Page 40: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following


State 0 1

{q1} {q1} {q1, q2, q3}

{q1, q2, q3} {q1, q3, q4} {q1, q2, q3, q4}

{q1, q3, q4} {q1, q4} {q1, q2, q3, q4}

{q1, q4} {q1} {q1, q2, q3}

{q1, q2, q3, q4} {q1, q3, q4} {q1, q2, q3, q4}

The other states are unreachable from the initial state.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 40

Page 41: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following













CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 41

Page 42: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

A Greedy Conversion Algorithm

Step 1 For each state p ∈ Q and for each symbol a ∈ Σ, computethe set R(p, a) of all states that can be reached from state p by:(a) any number of ǫ transitions,

(b) one transition labeled by a, and then

(c) any number of ǫ transitions.

Step 2 Initialize the state collection S as {p0}, where p0 is theset of all states that can be reached from q0 by following anynumber of ǫ transitions.

Step 3 While S contains a state with no outgoing edges, selectan arbitrary member, say r, of S, and do the following:

• For each symbol a, compute the state ra as ∪q∈rR(q, a),add ra to S if ra is not already in it, and then draw an arcfrom r to ra.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 42

Page 43: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Algorithm Execution Example

Use the previous NFA.


1 0,1,ε 0,1q1




CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 43

Page 44: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Step 1

state 0 1

q1 q1 q1, q2, q3

q2 q3, q4 q3, q4

q3 q4 q4

q4 ∅ ∅

Step 2

Initially S = {{q1}}.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 44

Page 45: Nondeterministic Finite Automataogihara/csc527/new01-2.pdf · Fundamental set operations Let A and B be two languages. In addition to union and intersection, we consider the following

Step 3

{q1} on 0 changes the state to {q1}

{q1} on 1 changes the state to {q1, q2, q3}. New!

{q1, q2, q3} on 0 changes the state to {q1, q3, q4}. New!

{q1, q2, q3} on 1 changes the state to {q1, q2, q3, q4}. New!

{q1, q3, q4} on 0 changes the state to {q1, q4}. New!

{q1, q2, q3} on 1 changes the state to {q1, q2, q3, q4}.

{q1, q2, q3, q4} on 0 changes the state to {q1, q3, q4}.

{q1, q2, q3, q4} on 1 changes the state to {q1, q2, q3, q4}.

{q1, q4} on 0 changes the state to {q13}.

{q1, q4} on 1 changes the state to {q1, q2, q3}.

CSC527, Chapter 1, Part 2 c© 2012 Mitsunori Ogihara 45