nonrandom sampling


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Page 1: Nonrandom sampling

Systematic Convenience Purposive

Population Genaralizability

Ecological Genearalizability

Page 2: Nonrandom sampling

Every nth individual in the population list is selected.

eg: the principal of a school has 1000 students, she wants to know how students feel about the new menu at cafeteria, so the principal:-

1. get a list of the student’s name (in alphabetical order).

2. she select every 10th student until she has a sample of 100 students to be interviewed.

Page 3: Nonrandom sampling

PERIODICITY-a marked bias sample caused by the arrangement pattern of individual on the list accidentally coincides with the sampling interval.

eg: grouped by gpa(grade point average),

high/low interval: only good/poor graded get chosen.

Therefore, researchers should carefully examine the list and avoid bias.

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A convenience sample is a group of individuals who conveniently available.

samples:1. first 50 people who walk in.2. interview people at downtown.3. two front rows students.

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Bias- 1. not downtown = not interviewed 2. unwilling = not interviewed 3. willing = strong opinion 4. interview time = at work

In general, convenience sample cannot be considered representative of any population and should be avoided.

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Based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research,researcher use personal judgement to select a sample.

eg:SUITABLE SAMPLE a. 2 good students,2 average & 2 weak b. sample from Retired Workers Association eg: sample know the target A. people in charge of school B. people with experience

THUS, the only challenge with purposive sampling is the researcher’s previous knowledge must be thorough.

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Sample should be as large as a researcher can obtain with a reasonable expenditure of time and energy.

Ideals; 100 samples for DESCRIPTIVE STUDY 50 samples for CORRELATION STUDY 30 samples in each group for EXPERIMENTAL


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External Validity = the result of a study can be generalised from sample to population.

Ecological generalizability = result of a study can be generalised to other settings.

Population generalizability = result of study can be generalised to the intended population

-representativeness: relevant characteristicsOverlooked “method”-random student=random

teacher=random result.

Lost subject effect representativeness, researcher who lost 10 % sample are advised to acknowledge this limitation.

Page 9: Nonrandom sampling

1. researcher should describe the sample thoroughly; reader judge the result validity.

2. Replication; repeat the study on different group or situation. If result is the same; generalise it.