nonverbal communication and effective listening

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D.A.R.E. Review Verbal Communication Did anyone practice confident communication skills this week? 2


Nonverbal Communication and Effective Listening D.A.R.E. Review Verbal Communication
Did anyone practice confident communication skills this week? 2 When we communicate, howwe say something is as important as whatwe say. What is Nonverbal communication?
Examples? 4 We can tell how others feel based on their nonverbal communication, their behavior, etc. Then we can decide how to be effective when we communicate with them. 5 Last week we talked about confident communication
Last week we talked about confident communication. We also learned it is often a two-way conversation. It involves both speaking and listening. 6 What do you notice about someone who is not listening?
Examples: 7 We can see that its really important that you use you nonverbal skills to show that you are a good listener when communicating with people. 8 Effective Listening: Showing the other person through verbal and nonverbal communication that you are paying attention. Empathy: putting ourselves in other peoples shoes and understanding what they are feeling. D.A.R.E. Activity Page 21 DDMM 11 Bullying Bullying: an aggressive or unwanted behavior used again and again to isolate, harm, or control another person. Repeated Intentional, harmful, hurtful Victim unable to stop it D.A.R.E. Question Forms of Bullying Examples? 14 Forms of Bullying Verbal Social Physical Verbal Social Physical
Name calling, teasing Social Leaving someone out, gossip Physical Pushing, shoving Verbal Name calling, teasing Social Leaving someone out, gossip Physical Pushing, shoving Cyber bullying Texting,, social networks Public or private? Most bullying almost always occurs in front of other people. Most people that witness this behavior want to do something, but dont. What is the name of this person? 16 Bystander: Someone who witnesses bullying who has the opportunity to help. 3 types of bystanders Hurtful Bystander: Encourages bully Laughing with bully
cheering bully on Joins in the bullying Passive Bystander: Watches Does Nothing Bully thinks it is ok Helpful Bystander: Verbally defends victim Quickly reports
Helps victim walk away Offers emotional support Why do they not help? Fear that others would make fun of them
Think someone else will step in and help Afraid it could make the situation worse Do not know what to do Might lose friends 21 Tattling or Telling? Some people are afraid to report bullying because they do not want to tattle on others, but there is a difference between tattling and telling.what is the difference? 22 Tattling: Tattling: Telling:
When you want to get someone in trouble for harmless behavior. When you want to get someone in trouble for harmless behavior. Providing information to a trusted adult to help someone or keep them safe. Telling: Telling=Reporting What are some of the ways to report bullying? 24 Reporting: When you need help from a trusted adult to keep someone safe from being bullied. D.A.R.E. Activity Page 24 Safe & Responsible Ways to Report Bullying
26 5 Ws when reporting: WHO was being bullied?
WHAT happened that made you think this was bullying? WHEN did this happen? WHERE did this happen? WHY do you think one is bullying the other? 5 Ws: WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY D.A.R.E. Activity Page 25-26 DDMM 29 D.A.R.E. Glossary Page 38 8 terms 30 D.A.R.E. Journal Page 34 Nonverbal communication is
In the next week, I will demonstrate that I am listening by The 5 Ws of safely reporting are If I see someone being bullied, I will remember to 31 My D.A.R.E. Report Page 23 32 D.A.R.E. Report Page 23 Rough Draft Due Week of Dec 7th
Final Draft due by Week of Dec 14th 33 My D.A.R.E. Report Intro Paragraph 2-3 supporting paragraphs
Summary Paragraph What is needed? Grammar Spelling Topic DDMM 34 My D.A.R.E. Report Safe & Responsible Choices DDMM
Alcohol & tobacco facts Risks & Consequences Peer Pressure Handling Stress Confident Communication Nonverbal Communication Listening Ways to report bullying 35 My D.A.R.E. Report Next week Being a Good Citizen
Helping others and getting help Rx Abuse 36 My D.A.R.E. Report Contents: What you have learned
How you have used DDMM How you plan to make safe & responsible choices. 37