noor & noora: a magazine for everyone

Noor & Noora: A Magazine for Everyone UOBRC Research Seminar Balamand May 09, 2004 By Reine Youssef, Ph.D. University of Balamand Faculty of Health Sciences

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Noor & Noora: A Magazine for Everyone. By Reine Youssef, Ph.D. University of Balamand Faculty of Health Sciences. UOBRC Research Seminar Balamand May 09, 2004. Background. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Noor & Noora: A Magazine for Everyone

UOBRC Research SeminarBalamand

May 09, 2004

By Reine Youssef, Ph.D.

University of BalamandFaculty of Health Sciences

Page 2: Noor & Noora:  A Magazine for Everyone


• The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education & Child Nutrition Program (FFE) is administered by the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service

• Key objectives of the FFE program: Promote food security Promote child development Improve literacy Improve primary education

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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How FFE works

• Projects within recipient countries are conducted by non-profit charitable organizations, cooperatives and international organizations

• In Lebanon, the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is executing the project in 180 public schools during the scholastic year 2003/ 04

• Mid-morning meals are distributed to students on a daily basis

• The programme also includes an important educational component

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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FFE: Previous Experience at UoB

• The programme is not new to UoB, as this is the third scholastic year that UoB prepares and implements the educational component of it

• During 2001/ 02, the programme was implemented in 92 public schools and consisted of two components: mid-morning snacks (nutritional) & a booklet related to environmental & health topics (educational)

• During 2002/ 03, cuts on budget reduced school number to 54. The programme included the usual snacks in addition to an agendaReine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Educational Component of FFE:

Noor & Noora Magazine• Noor & Noora magazine was prepared within the

context of the School Feeding and Education Program (SFEP 03-04) implemented by the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in partnership with the University of Balamand – Faculty of Health Sciences (UoB-FHS) and the Ministry of Education (MoEd)

• It was distributed to ~ 22.000 students at public schools enrolled in the programme all over Lebanon (North, South, Nabatiyeh, Beirut, & Mount Lebanon)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora:The team

• The magazine was prepared in collaboration with:

A team at FHS A team at MoEd A experts’ pannel of university

professors, a school teacher, a theater producer, and a children’s bookshop owner

An external support team of two school teachers

A team of illustrators A team of graphic designers An Arabic language expert

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Objectives of Magazine• The magazine targets children between ages eight

and twelve • It aims at: Promoting reading among children Developing interpersonal-social skills Developing higher thinking skills Increasing awareness in environment related

topics Increasing awareness in health related topics Increasing awareness related to civics related

issues Providing children with an alternative during

leisure time And more…

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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How is the magazine How is the magazine structuredstructured??

• The magazine is made up of 24 pages, in addition to a 4- page-parents’ booklet and a cut-out game• The magazine is divided into 12 parts, which cover

topics ranging from children’s rights and community work to municipal elections , passing by solid waste management and non-traditional career paths• The magazine is structured around themes

• Each theme is treated using a different pedagogical method (Comic strip, hand craft, puzzle, etc.)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Part 1:“It is My Right”Part 1:“It is My Right”

Concentrates on the rights of the child, specifically the right to schooling, a clean environment, peace, and expression of feelings and opinion

The magazine addresses the issue of the child’s rights in an narrative manner. Characters tell the reader about their personal experience regarding each of the above mentioned rights

NOOR & NOORA: NOOR & NOORA: Contents (1)Contents (1)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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NOOR & NOORA: Contents (2)NOOR & NOORA: Contents (2)

Part 2:Part 2:

““What do You Think Caused the Death of the What do You Think Caused the Death of the Birds of Kfarmit?”Birds of Kfarmit?”

• Is a detective game, which uncovers the complexity of environmental issues, such as the use of pesticides, and management of industrial and hazardous wastes

• The setting of the game is a town called Kfarmit, where birds are dying. The head of municipality has called for an urgent meeting to solve this enigma

• The child is supposed to help out the inhabitants find out what caused the death of the birds

• In order to do so, the child should solve riddles and puzzles related to the text

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Part 3:Part 3:““Give your friend the bird a Give your friend the bird a househouse!!””

•Recycling through craftwork

•Promoting recycled objects

•Protecting birds

•Using resources sustainably

•Saving money

•And more…

Noor & Noora: Contents (3)Noor & Noora: Contents (3)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (4)Noor & Noora: Contents (4)

Part 4:“Loubna doesn’t want to go to Part 4:“Loubna doesn’t want to go to school”school”

• Adapted from Lamblin’s Samira ne veut pas aller à l’école (Nathan edition)

• A comic strip through which children discover the importance of schooling

• While addressing a serious issue, this comic strip allows the reader a laughter and some “mischievous” adventures with Hamish

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (5)Noor & Noora: Contents (5)

Part 5: “When I Graduate from School”Part 5: “When I Graduate from School”• Again importance of schooling is stressed• Career paths• Careers chosen are not “traditional”• Vocational training/ university education:

both are important• Follow your passion• Join the dots to discover what tools the

characters use in their careerReine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (6)Noor & Noora: Contents (6)

Part 6: “What Did You Get? Let’s Play!”Part 6: “What Did You Get? Let’s Play!”• Environmental concepts and issues

tackled through an origami/ craftwork traditional children game.

• Translated from the children’s website of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (7)Noor & Noora: Contents (7)

Part 7:Part 7:“Let’s Eat!”“Let’s Eat!”

• The issue of healthy nutrition tackled through a song

• The song is taken from a theater play that was especially prepared for the programme as part of the educational component

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (8)Noor & Noora: Contents (8)

Part 8: “Doody the Part 8: “Doody the Earthworm”Earthworm”

• Doody, the main character in this short comic strip, teaches children to recycle organic material through composting

• The story is meant to generate a wider effect among the audience (which is not just kids)

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (9)Noor & Noora: Contents (9)

Part 9: “From the News of the Part 9: “From the News of the Environment & Health Club at Kfarmit Environment & Health Club at Kfarmit School”School”

• Aims at promoting environmental school clubs

• This part is written in form of minutes of the School club

• Introduces many concepts among which cooperation and community projects

• The kids are responsible for carrying out a recycling project in collaboration with the municipality of Kfarmit, parents, inhabitants, etc.

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents Noor & Noora: Contents (10)(10)

• This part is about the making of the magazine

• Hamish is a character that probably many marginalized kids at school would identify with

• The page intends at making children laugh

• Children’s (and human) rights are once more tackled indirectly

Part 10:“On the Margin”Part 10:“On the Margin”

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Contents (11)Part 11: The Pyramid of Happiness• The pyramid of happiness is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and constitutes an attempt to integrate all concepts covered in the magazine

•In fact, to construct their individual pyramid of happiness, children have to refer to the different parts of the magazine

•Concepts of physical & mental health, relationships with the self and with others, citizens’ rights & duties, and self-realization through arts are covered in this game Reine Youssef, Ph.D.

UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Noor & Noora: Parents’ Guide

• Education is not unidirectional• Parents’ guide addresses safety issues at and around the home, such as fire and poisonning prevention• It also stresses parents’ participation in school life

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

Noor & Noora: Impact Assessment

• Focus group study is being conducted at the moment among a sample of students to assess impact

• Results will be published

Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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Reine Youssef, Ph.D.UOBRC Research SeminarJune 09, 2004

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