norse mythology

Norse Mythology

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Norse MythologyNorse Mythology

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Prehistoric ScandinaviaPrehistoric


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Ice AgeIce Age

The last ice age lasted from 110,000-10,000 BCE

During that time, few (if any) people lived in the northern reaches of Europe

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Mesolithic ScandinaviaMesolithic

ScandinaviaThe first inhabitants of northern Europe were reindeer hunters.

By 7000 BCE, hunters had reached the northern forests of modern-day Sweden and Norway.

These were traditional hunters and gatherers--following the herds and the salmon migrations across the northern regions.

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Around 5000 BCE, these early Scandinavians started to develop farming and animal husbandry.

This is about the same time that similar cultures were developing in Britain, France, and other parts of Europe.

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Indo-European Invasion

Indo-European Invasion

Around 4000-3000 BCE, these early and relatively peaceful tribes were wiped out by Indo-European invaders

These invaders were related to the cultures that developed both Indian and Greek/Roman cultures.

The invaders who arrived in Scandinavia arrived first in Germany (just south); hence, there’s a direct link between Germanic and Norse tribes (and the cosmologies of the two groups)

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Battle Axe CultureBattle Axe Culture

This new culture was individualistic and patriarchal.

They herded cattle and built ships used for transport and fishing.

Their symbol was a battle axe. For this reason, this is known as the Battle-Axe Culture.

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Nordic Bronze AgeNordic Bronze Age

The period from 3200-1,500 BCE is known as the Bronze Age

The development of bronze led to more shipbuilding and more trade.

Interestingly, the climate during this time was very mild--allowing for dense farming and even the cultivation of grapes in the northern areas.

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Nordic ReligionNordic Religion

The early developments of Norse religion and mythology formed at this time.

Thor, Odin, and Tyr

Twin gods (duality is important)

Mother goddess

Sacrifices (animals, weapons, jewelry, and human beings)

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Iron is stronger than bronze and more durable

Its arrival in Europe signaled the beginning of the rapid advancement of many civilizations (Greece and Rome among them).

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Iron Age and Expansion

Iron Age and Expansion

The Iron Age stretches from 500 BCE to 500 CE.

In Scandinavia, iron’s strength and versatility meant that more and stronger weapons could be developed.

This, plus a big climate shift (Iron Age Cold Epoch) that resulted in increasingly colder weather in the north, led to the first expansion of Norse peoples into modern-day Germany and France.

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This migration led to some important developments for the Nordic people:

Trading with Germanic and British tribes and (later) Romans

Languages became similar (so much so that modern Scandinavian languages share close ties with German and English)

Myths were exchanged--close connection between Norse and Germanic myths.

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The Viking Age(800-1100 CE)The Viking Age(800-1100 CE)

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• The Viking Age officially began on June 8, 793 when Vikings from Denmark invaded and destroyed the Christian monastery on the small island of Lindisfarne (eastern coast of northern England)

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Why Did They Attack Monks?

Why Did They Attack Monks?

The Viking age coincided with the “Medieval Warm Period” when temperatures in the north were mild.

So Vikings didn’t invade England or other places to get away from the cold.

Rather, this was a response to the Saxon Wars, campaigns of Christians against the pagan Norse led by Charlemagne.

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Viking CultureViking Culture

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason they fought.

Viking culture placed an emphasis on both trade and honor (especially honor in combat)

War was one way to establish both honor and trade (since defeating an enemy meant that some of your own people could live there).

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Viking ExpansionViking ExpansionReally, though, the Vikings should be best known not for killing but for ship building and for exploring.

Viking ships were fast, powerful, and flexible. They could navigate rivers as well as oceans.

They could handle very long distances.

The long distances led to the ability to explore places that no one in Europe had ever ventured--like Iceland, Greenland and North America (which they reached about 500 years before Columbus).

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Norse GodsNorse Gods

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Oceans and GodsOceans and Gods

The Vikings viewed the world through the ocean that surrounded their homelands.

Their cosmology centers around oceans and extremes of temperatures.

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Nine WorldsNine Worlds

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Key Norse GodsKey Norse Gods

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Christianization of the Vikings

Christianization of the Vikings

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Christian PagansChristian PagansThe Viking converted to Christianity far later than most of the other groups in Europe.

It took place between the 8th and 12th centuries--and it didn’t happen without a few fights.

Much of the Viking world was slow to abandon the old gods--and some places (like the northernmost parts of Sweden and Finland) remained pagan until the 18th century.

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Political DecisionsPolitical Decisions

For most, becoming Christian was a political decision--allowing for cooperation and increased trade with the rich Christian regions of France and England.

Official Christian adoption did not end the worship of the old gods.

The worship of Odin continued in secret for a very long time.

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In fact, there are several neopagan groups that actively worship the old gods today.

The Asatru religion, for example, is widely practiced in Iceland.

Other religions include Heathenism and Odinism.

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Snorri Sturluson and the Eddas

Snorri Sturluson and the Eddas

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Icelandic historian, poet, and politician

Probably didn’t write the whole Prose Eddas but collected together a lot of different items that had been written at different times.

His major contribution was to place the Norse gods into an historical framework that links the origins of Nordic/Germanic culture with Greece and Rome.

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Prose EddasProse Eddas

Best surviving record of Norse mythology.

Contains four parts:





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The Influence of Norse Myths

The Influence of Norse Myths

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Days of the WeekDays of the Week

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Exchanging gifts

Yule log



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