north face 2012

North Face 2012 SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 With the recent precipitation expect very icy conditions! JULY 26, 2012 The upper portion of the north face (2nd ledge and above) is mostly free of snow; however, sections of meltwater or verglas can be found on sections of the route. The shallow black chimney above the Italian Cracks linking the 2nd and 3rd ledges remains wet and gritty. The initial corner of the Pendulum Pitch has sections of wet rock; however the ledge to the pendulum section is dry. The 4th ledge has minor sections of wet rock. The Traverse into the V is dry. Photo of the North Face from the Crooked Thumb - 7/21/12 JULY 13, 2012 Upper portion of the North Face.

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North Face 2012


Page 1: North Face 2012

North Face 2012


With the recent precipitation expect very icy conditions!

JULY 26, 2012

The upper portion of the north face (2nd ledge and above) is mostly free of snow;

however, sections of meltwater or verglas can be found on sections of the route.

The shallow black chimney above the Italian Cracks linking the 2nd and 3rd ledges

remains wet and gritty.  The initial corner of the Pendulum Pitch has sections of

wet rock; however the ledge to the pendulum section is dry.  The 4th ledge has

minor sections of wet rock.  The Traverse into the V is dry.

Photo of the North Face from the Crooked Thumb - 7/21/12

JULY 13, 2012

Upper portion of the North Face.

Page 2: North Face 2012

JULY 12, 2012

The North Face route is in summer condition.  Crevasses are opening up on the

glacier.  The bergshrund can be skirted to the left.  There is significant snow on

the 1st and 2nd ledges.  There is a lot of meltwater in some areas like the initial

approach pitches, Guano Chimney, 1st and 2nd Ledges, at the finish of the

Pendulum Pitch, on the ramp between the Pendulum and traverse into the V

pitches, and elsewhere.  Photos below taken on 7/12/12.

Teton Glacier

Page 5: North Face 2012

Climbing the last slabs up to the 2nd Ledge.

JUNE 30, 2012

The 1st and 2nd Ledges still hold considerable snow, and the guano chimney area

appears wet.  The bergshrund crossing looks good right now, but this may change

rapidly as things melt out.  Much of the rock higher on the route is dry.  Photos

from 6/30:

Page 6: North Face 2012

JUNE 22, 2012

Aerial photo taken of the upper North Face, Second Ledge and Upper North Ridge

JUNE 14, 2012

Snow, verglas, and running water on the North Face

Photo taken 6/14/12