north florida chapter...toney sleiman residence tuesday, january 15 at karen tutwiler’s residence...

North Florida Chapter Safari Club International October/November 2012 Annual Christmas Party Friday, December 14 at the Toney Sleiman Residence Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence Proof Copy

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Page 1: North Florida Chapter...Toney Sleiman Residence Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence roof Copy NORTh FlORIDA ChAPTeR SAFARI Club INTeRNATIONAl OCTObeR/NOvembeR ‘12

North Florida ChapterSafari Club International

October/November 2012

Annual Christmas PartyFriday, December 14 at the Toney Sleiman Residence

Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence

Proof Copy

Page 2: North Florida Chapter...Toney Sleiman Residence Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence roof Copy NORTh FlORIDA ChAPTeR SAFARI Club INTeRNATIONAl OCTObeR/NOvembeR ‘12


Proof Copy

PReSIDeNT Tom Powell 353-3181 [email protected] PReSIDeNT-eleCT Shawn Pringle 626-8960 [email protected] PReSIDeNT Ron Stafford 662-5769 [email protected] Janet Pringle 766-1347 [email protected] Derrell Griner 764-2324 [email protected]

Common Springbok taken just before sundown on third day of the hunt from Griner’s trip to the Free State South Africa in

August, 2012. See page 5 for makhulu Safari story by betty Griner.

Officers & Directors 2012-2013

DIReCTORSCarol blodgett Sables 886-9595 [email protected] boyd SensorySafari 743-3033 [email protected] W. boyer MeetingLocations 398-6057 [email protected] bracewell Fundraiser 629-2779 [email protected] Cranford SensorySafari 779-3722 [email protected] Davis Fundraiser 273-4814 [email protected] Gillette Fundraiser 751-4942 [email protected] Griner Fundraiser 764-2324 [email protected] higman Fundraiser 352-373-1178 [email protected] higman SensorySafari 352-373-1178 [email protected] loosier Fundraiser 612-4138 [email protected] mcGehee SensorySafari 619-0018 [email protected] mann Fundraiser 410-3109 [email protected]. J. Pionessa ShootingSports 727-7112 [email protected] Pionessa Photographer 727-7112 [email protected] Ray Pringle Fundraiser 766-1347 [email protected] Sanders SportsmenAgainstHunger 221-1373 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Stinnett Fundraiser 221-5060 [email protected] vane NewsletterEditor 220-4009 [email protected] vane GovernmentAction 220-4009 [email protected] Workman Fundraiser 268-9673 [email protected]

PAST PReSIDeNTS: Ray Pringle (2) 766-1347 Warren A. Tyre (3) 398-5100Cliff mcGehee (3) 998-9339 Rene Dostie 880-6441George bowser 645-9050 Charles R. bassett b. 1932/d. 2005 David Alan Deberry 757-8424 Scott miller 396-9371Terry vane 353-8285 mitch montgomery 821-7171bill Pullen 281/252-8083 Fred Kitchensbob Olson 630-7389 Tyrie W. boyer (2) 398-1194Sharon Temple 260-3303 mag black 310-550-1980Steve O’hara 346-3166 m. Gordon vines, Jr. 389-6687Doug Speed 904-280-5265 murray black b. 1930/d. 2004 Craig m. larimer b.1953/ d. 2009 Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 396-7979D. l. Seals 285-8602

hONORARY DIReCTORS: ernest F. Dorsey 706/945-4006 Willie b. Dyal b. 1921/d. 2009 Tyrie A. boyer 358-3030

PAGe 1

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President’s Report ~ October/November 2012 MerryChristmasandwarmandfriendlygreetingstoallmembersoftheNorthFloridaChapterofSCIandtheirfamiliesfortheChristmasHolidaySeason!Ihopeyouareallgettingoutsideandenjoyingthefineweatherandgoinghunting.IaminKansasasthisissuegoestopresshuntingwhitetails. TherutwassupposedtobeNovember20buthereinearlyDecemberwecanstillseebuckschasingdoes,workingscrapesandmakingrubs.Themildweatheristurningcoldandwindywithafrontcomingthrough.IthasnotrainedsinceJulysothedustisverybad.Everythingisdustyanditislikesugarsanddrivingthroughsomeofthefieldsandroads.Youcanseevehiclescomingformilesawayfromthedustcloudstheyaresendingintothesky. Fieldsthatshouldbegreenwithhealthycropsofwheataresandydeserts.Itisgoodwecanpouroutcornandhuntoverthat,asthenormalfoodsourcesarethintonone.Everythingisbrownandtheweatherhasbeensohotmostofthepondsaredryaswell.Whatfewwheatfieldshavesproutedaredeermagnets.Isaw4bucksand20doesonalargewheatfieldthisafternoon.Thebuckswerechasingdoesandworkinglickingsticksonthetreebranches,greatforvideobutnotbigenoughtoshoot.LargeV’sofupto50geeseeachareflyingoverheadwhilecoyoteshowltheireeriecallsfromthebrushandlargesteepravineslateintheafternoons.But,backtotherealworld…,youmustcallinyourreservationsbyTuesday,December11fortheChristmasPartyattheSleiman’sresidenceonFriday,December14.GreatholidayfoodwillbeprovidedbyCountryCaterersandToneySleimanwillagaindonatedeliciousshrimp.Don’tforgettobringcashorcheckssoyoucanbuyChristmasraffletickets.Theprizesthisyeararefantastic:Choiceof$1000.00cashora.45Kimbersemi-autopistol;fortheladiesan18”stringof10mmfreshwaterpearls;plusotherprizes.“WOW”!Fundraisertableswillalsobeforsaleforthosewhowanttoqualifyfortheearlybirdtablesponsordrawing.OurhatsareofftoA.J.PionessaandTomSandersforunderwritingthefundraiserticketprintingcosts.Lookfortheiradsonthebackofyourtickets.WearealsoverypleasedthatTireKingdom,Inc.willonceagainbeoureventsponsorforthefundraiser,March2,2013.IwanttothankandrecognizeJohnandDorothyGilletteforhostingtheOysterRoastonaperfectautumneveninginOctober.ThanksalsotoourmemberswhodonatedfoodfortheGreaterJAXUSOfooddriveattheSelvaMarinaCountryClubmembermeetinginNovember,whereweweretreatedtoaprogrambyacclaimedwildlifeandconservationexpertDougSpeed.OurnextmembershipmeetingwillbeJanuary15atKarenTutwiler’shomeontheSouthsidenearSanMarco.RumorhasittheremaybesomeoystersonthegrilltogowiththeothergourmetfoodofferingsfromTommyPerrymanatCountryCaterers.WearepleasedthatwewillhaveCaptainDonDingman,starofthe“HookTheFuture”televisionseriesspeakingatourJanuarymeeting.Donhasbeenguidingadultsformanyyearsalongwiththegreatcharityworkhedoeswithchildren,teachingthemhowtofishandmaketheirwayintheworld.Hewillhavesomegreatstoriesandlifelessonstosharewithus.Karenhasarrangedpermissionforustoparkinthevacantlotnextdoorandhersonwillhaveanelectricgolfcarttohelpherdourgrouptothefeedingarea.

PAGe 2

President’s Message Continued on Page 14

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Page 3

North Florida Chapter Safari Club International

11225 Old Kings Road Jacksonville, FL 32219 Phone: (904) 398-0059 Janet Pringle, Secretary Email: [email protected]

September 18 membership meeting - morocco Shrine upper levelOctober 2 board of Directors meetingOctober 9 Sables board meetingOctober 16 membership meeting - Oyster Roast, Gillette ResidenceNovember 6 board of Directors meetingNovember 20 membership meeting - Selva marina Country Club December 6 board of Directors meetingDecember 11 Sables Christmas Party @ Dorothy Gillette’s ResidenceDecember 14 membership Christmas Party - Toney & bonnie Sleiman ResidenceJanuary 8 board of Directors meetingJanuary 15 membership meeting - Karen Tutwiler ResidenceJanuary 23-26 Annual SCI Convention, RenoFebruary 9 Family Fun Shoot - Jacksonville Gun C lubFebruary 21 Sportsmen Against hungermarch 2 Annual Fundraiser - morocco Shrine AuditoriumApril 20 Sables Tea with a Twist

Not on our Email List?


President’s Report 2

Madhulu Safari 4

Veteran’s Parade 5

South Dakota 6

September -Gillette Residence 7 & 8

November Selva Marina Country Club 9 & 10

Pursuing Northern Giants 11

Able Sables 12

GAC Notes 13

Sportsmen Against Hunger 14

Send your email address to Janet at

[email protected]

visit North Florida Chapter’s new

Website at:

Membership Application available online

Click on “Membership”

Attention hunters! Please remove your sunglasses when you pose with your game. We want to see who you are!


meeting Information

Drink Charges at meetings

are as follows:

Chapter Catered events: $6 charge

for call brand $3 for beer / $4 for wine.

No charge for soda and water.

events at Facilities with Cash bar: Cost is Set by

the venue.

PAGe 3

Proud Sponsor of the North Florida Chapter

of Safari Club International

Page 5: North Florida Chapter...Toney Sleiman Residence Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence roof Copy NORTh FlORIDA ChAPTeR SAFARI Club INTeRNATIONAl OCTObeR/NOvembeR ‘12


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makhulu SafaribyBettyGriner

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Page 5PAGe 5

Safari Club members who participated in this years veteran’s Day Parade included: l to R, WWII veteran A.J. Pionessa, Georgianne, Terry vane with

grandson, Tavish vane Frazier, Patricia and WWII veteran John Anker

Veteran’s Day ParadeNovember 12, 2012

PRESIDENT Tom Powell 353-3181 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Shawn Pringle 626-8960 [email protected] PRESIDENT Paul Workman 268-9673 [email protected] Janet Pringle 766-1347 [email protected] Derrell Griner 764-2324 [email protected]

DIRECTORS:Carol Blodgett Sables 886-9595 [email protected] Boyd Sensory Safari 743-3033 [email protected] W. Boyer Meeting Locations 398-6057 [email protected] Bracewell Fundraiser 629-2779 [email protected] Cranford Sensory Safari 779-3722 [email protected] Davis Fundraiser 273-4814 [email protected] Gillette Fundraiser 751-4942 [email protected] Griner Fundraiser 764-2324 [email protected] Higman Fundraiser 352-373-1178 [email protected] Higman Sensory Safari 352-373-1178 [email protected] Loosier Fundraiser 612-4138 [email protected] McGehee Sensory Safari 619-0018 [email protected] David Mann Fundraiser 410-3109 [email protected]. J. Pionessa Shooting Sports 727-7112 [email protected] Pionessa Photographer 727-7112 [email protected] Ray Pringle Fundraiser 766-1347 [email protected] Sanders Sportsmen Against Hunger 221-1373 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Stinnett Fundraiser 221-5060 [email protected] Vane Newsletter Editor 220-4009 [email protected] Vane Government Action 220-4009 [email protected]

PAST PRESIDENTS: Ray Pringle (2) 766-1347 Warren A. Tyre (3) 398-5100Cliff McGehee (3) 998-9339 Rene Dostie 880-6441George Bowser 645-9050 Charles R. Bassett b. 1932/d. 2005 David Alan DeBerry 757-8424 Scott Miller 396-9371Terry Vane 353-8285 Mitch Montgomery 821-7171Bill Pullen 281/252-8083 Fred KitchensBob Olson 630-7389 Tyrie W. Boyer (2) 398-1194Sharon Temple 260-3303 Mag Black 310-550-1980Steve O’Hara 346-3166 M. Gordon Vines, Jr. 389-6687Doug Speed 904-280-5265 Murray Black b. 1930/d. 2004 Craig M. Larimer b.1953/ d. 2009 Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 396-7979D. L. Seals 285-8602

HONORARY DIRECTORS: Ernest F. Dorsey 706/945-4006 Willie B. Dyal b. 1921/d. 2009 Tyrie A. Boyer 358-3030


Front Cover Photo: Derrell & David Griner with an Eland taken about 100 miles north of Windhoek, Namibia. This bull was taken after driving to the top of a mountain. We had been glassing the dry river bed below and spotted him with several other Eland. My PH said that the only way to get to them was to walk down the hill and up the side of another hill. After crawling about 100 yards on my hands and knees in a dry river bed, I got to a lone tree where I took the 100 yd. shot. The rest is history!

Officers & Directors 2012-2013

June/July ‘12 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International

Government Action Committee Update Continued

The Fast and Furious Cover-up Claims Another BATFE Resignation. William Hoover, second in command at BAT-FE, resigned on July 31, 2012, the same day Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a report identifying Hoover and four other BATFE officials as those responsible for the Fast and Furious scandal. All five had been previously reassigned within the BATFE and the Justice Department by Attorney General Eric Holder after the scandal broke. Two further reports are scheduled which will detail the “devastating failure of supervision and leadership” and “the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the Attorney General himself.”

The Religion of Climate Change (formerly named Global Warming) Takes Another Hit. Climate Change skeptic Anthony Watt and others have concluded in a new study that data compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. The group studied a five-year period using new temperature collec-tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the quality of the location in terms of monitoring long-term spa-tially representative surface temperature trends.” The group concluded temperature trends reported by NOAA had been doubled as a result of erroneous upward adjustments of well-sited stations by NOAA. Half of the global warming trend reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, due to erroneous but deliberate adjustments by the NOAA.

US House Votes to Permit Importation of Legally Taken Polar Bears. The House voted 262-155 in April to allow importation of the bears legally taken in Canada before the polar bear was listed as endangered in 2008. Polar bear re-mains cannot be imported any longer since they have been listed as endangered. The bill will get nowhere in the Senate, however, until the Democrat Party is no longer in control of the chamber.

Firearms Industry Thrives Under Obama. The eco-nomic impact of the firearms industry went from 19 billion in 2008 to $31 billion in 2011, thanks to The Big Zero, with help from his friends in Congress. Background checks set records in 2010 and 2011. Proving that a rising tide lifts all boats, taxes paid by the industry rose by 66% and jobs increased by 30% during the first three years of the Obamanation, probably the only private industry showing real growth as a direct result of Obama policies.

Quote of the Month"We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the Earth. Our government has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. ... Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it." -- Ronald Reagan


Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.a.BlacksTone BuildinG, suiTe 620233 easT Bay sTreeT

JacksonVille, Fl 32202

(904) 353-8285FaX (904) 354-2739

[email protected]

Three Typed Lines: $10.00 Business Card:$35.00¼ Page: $50.00 ½ Page: $75.00 Full Page: $125.00

Contact Patricia Vane at 220-4009 or [email protected]

for more information or to place an ad.

NFC/SCI Newsletter Advertising RatesPhotography for all Occasions by Georgianne Pionessa

Phone: 727-7112

Cell: 655-7471 Fax: 805-0870

PRESIDENT Tom Powell 353-3181 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Shawn Pringle 626-8960 [email protected] PRESIDENT Paul Workman 268-9673 [email protected] Janet Pringle 766-1347 [email protected] Derrell Griner 764-2324 [email protected]

DIRECTORS:Carol Blodgett Sables 886-9595 [email protected] Boyd Sensory Safari 743-3033 [email protected] W. Boyer Meeting Locations 398-6057 [email protected] Bracewell Fundraiser 629-2779 [email protected] Cranford Sensory Safari 779-3722 [email protected] Davis Fundraiser 273-4814 [email protected] Gillette Fundraiser 751-4942 [email protected] Griner Fundraiser 764-2324 [email protected] Higman Fundraiser 352-373-1178 [email protected] Higman Sensory Safari 352-373-1178 [email protected] Loosier Fundraiser 612-4138 [email protected] McGehee Sensory Safari 619-0018 [email protected] David Mann Fundraiser 410-3109 [email protected]. J. Pionessa Shooting Sports 727-7112 [email protected] Pionessa Photographer 727-7112 [email protected] Ray Pringle Fundraiser 766-1347 [email protected] Sanders Sportsmen Against Hunger 221-1373 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Stinnett Fundraiser 221-5060 [email protected] Vane Newsletter Editor 220-4009 [email protected] Vane Government Action 220-4009 [email protected]

PAST PRESIDENTS: Ray Pringle (2) 766-1347 Warren A. Tyre (3) 398-5100Cliff McGehee (3) 998-9339 Rene Dostie 880-6441George Bowser 645-9050 Charles R. Bassett b. 1932/d. 2005 David Alan DeBerry 757-8424 Scott Miller 396-9371Terry Vane 353-8285 Mitch Montgomery 821-7171Bill Pullen 281/252-8083 Fred KitchensBob Olson 630-7389 Tyrie W. Boyer (2) 398-1194Sharon Temple 260-3303 Mag Black 310-550-1980Steve O’Hara 346-3166 M. Gordon Vines, Jr. 389-6687Doug Speed 904-280-5265 Murray Black b. 1930/d. 2004 Craig M. Larimer b.1953/ d. 2009 Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 396-7979D. L. Seals 285-8602

HONORARY DIRECTORS: Ernest F. Dorsey 706/945-4006 Willie B. Dyal b. 1921/d. 2009 Tyrie A. Boyer 358-3030


Front Cover Photo: Derrell & David Griner with an Eland taken about 100 miles north of Windhoek, Namibia. This bull was taken after driving to the top of a mountain. We had been glassing the dry river bed below and spotted him with several other Eland. My PH said that the only way to get to them was to walk down the hill and up the side of another hill. After crawling about 100 yards on my hands and knees in a dry river bed, I got to a lone tree where I took the 100 yd. shot. The rest is history!

Officers & Directors 2012-2013

June/July ‘12 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International

Government Action Committee Update Continued

The Fast and Furious Cover-up Claims Another BATFE Resignation. William Hoover, second in command at BAT-FE, resigned on July 31, 2012, the same day Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a report identifying Hoover and four other BATFE officials as those responsible for the Fast and Furious scandal. All five had been previously reassigned within the BATFE and the Justice Department by Attorney General Eric Holder after the scandal broke. Two further reports are scheduled which will detail the “devastating failure of supervision and leadership” and “the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the Attorney General himself.”

The Religion of Climate Change (formerly named Global Warming) Takes Another Hit. Climate Change skeptic Anthony Watt and others have concluded in a new study that data compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. The group studied a five-year period using new temperature collec-tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the quality of the location in terms of monitoring long-term spa-tially representative surface temperature trends.” The group concluded temperature trends reported by NOAA had been doubled as a result of erroneous upward adjustments of well-sited stations by NOAA. Half of the global warming trend reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, due to erroneous but deliberate adjustments by the NOAA.

US House Votes to Permit Importation of Legally Taken Polar Bears. The House voted 262-155 in April to allow importation of the bears legally taken in Canada before the polar bear was listed as endangered in 2008. Polar bear re-mains cannot be imported any longer since they have been listed as endangered. The bill will get nowhere in the Senate, however, until the Democrat Party is no longer in control of the chamber.

Firearms Industry Thrives Under Obama. The eco-nomic impact of the firearms industry went from 19 billion in 2008 to $31 billion in 2011, thanks to The Big Zero, with help from his friends in Congress. Background checks set records in 2010 and 2011. Proving that a rising tide lifts all boats, taxes paid by the industry rose by 66% and jobs increased by 30% during the first three years of the Obamanation, probably the only private industry showing real growth as a direct result of Obama policies.

Quote of the Month"We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the Earth. Our government has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. ... Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it." -- Ronald Reagan


Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.a.BlacksTone BuildinG, suiTe 620233 easT Bay sTreeT

JacksonVille, Fl 32202

(904) 353-8285FaX (904) 354-2739

[email protected]

Three Typed Lines: $10.00 Business Card:$35.00¼ Page: $50.00 ½ Page: $75.00 Full Page: $125.00

Contact Patricia Vane at 220-4009 or [email protected]

for more information or to place an ad.

NFC/SCI Newsletter Advertising RatesPhotography for all Occasions by Georgianne Pionessa

Phone: 727-7112

Cell: 655-7471 Fax: 805-0870

PRESIDENT Tom Powell 353-3181 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Shawn Pringle 626-8960 [email protected] PRESIDENT Paul Workman 268-9673 [email protected] Janet Pringle 766-1347 [email protected] Derrell Griner 764-2324 [email protected]

DIRECTORS:Carol Blodgett Sables 886-9595 [email protected] Boyd Sensory Safari 743-3033 [email protected] W. Boyer Meeting Locations 398-6057 [email protected] Bracewell Fundraiser 629-2779 [email protected] Cranford Sensory Safari 779-3722 [email protected] Davis Fundraiser 273-4814 [email protected] Gillette Fundraiser 751-4942 [email protected] Griner Fundraiser 764-2324 [email protected] Higman Fundraiser 352-373-1178 [email protected] Higman Sensory Safari 352-373-1178 [email protected] Loosier Fundraiser 612-4138 [email protected] McGehee Sensory Safari 619-0018 [email protected] David Mann Fundraiser 410-3109 [email protected]. J. Pionessa Shooting Sports 727-7112 [email protected] Pionessa Photographer 727-7112 [email protected] Ray Pringle Fundraiser 766-1347 [email protected] Sanders Sportsmen Against Hunger 221-1373 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Speed Membership 280-5265 [email protected] Stinnett Fundraiser 221-5060 [email protected] Vane Newsletter Editor 220-4009 [email protected] Vane Government Action 220-4009 [email protected]

PAST PRESIDENTS: Ray Pringle (2) 766-1347 Warren A. Tyre (3) 398-5100Cliff McGehee (3) 998-9339 Rene Dostie 880-6441George Bowser 645-9050 Charles R. Bassett b. 1932/d. 2005 David Alan DeBerry 757-8424 Scott Miller 396-9371Terry Vane 353-8285 Mitch Montgomery 821-7171Bill Pullen 281/252-8083 Fred KitchensBob Olson 630-7389 Tyrie W. Boyer (2) 398-1194Sharon Temple 260-3303 Mag Black 310-550-1980Steve O’Hara 346-3166 M. Gordon Vines, Jr. 389-6687Doug Speed 904-280-5265 Murray Black b. 1930/d. 2004 Craig M. Larimer b.1953/ d. 2009 Tillman Cavert, Jr./Founder 396-7979D. L. Seals 285-8602

HONORARY DIRECTORS: Ernest F. Dorsey 706/945-4006 Willie B. Dyal b. 1921/d. 2009 Tyrie A. Boyer 358-3030


Front Cover Photo: Derrell & David Griner with an Eland taken about 100 miles north of Windhoek, Namibia. This bull was taken after driving to the top of a mountain. We had been glassing the dry river bed below and spotted him with several other Eland. My PH said that the only way to get to them was to walk down the hill and up the side of another hill. After crawling about 100 yards on my hands and knees in a dry river bed, I got to a lone tree where I took the 100 yd. shot. The rest is history!

Officers & Directors 2012-2013

June/July ‘12 North Florida Chapter Safari Club International

Government Action Committee Update Continued

The Fast and Furious Cover-up Claims Another BATFE Resignation. William Hoover, second in command at BAT-FE, resigned on July 31, 2012, the same day Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a report identifying Hoover and four other BATFE officials as those responsible for the Fast and Furious scandal. All five had been previously reassigned within the BATFE and the Justice Department by Attorney General Eric Holder after the scandal broke. Two further reports are scheduled which will detail the “devastating failure of supervision and leadership” and “the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the Attorney General himself.”

The Religion of Climate Change (formerly named Global Warming) Takes Another Hit. Climate Change skeptic Anthony Watt and others have concluded in a new study that data compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seriously inaccurate. The group studied a five-year period using new temperature collec-tion standards which “more accurately characterizes the quality of the location in terms of monitoring long-term spa-tially representative surface temperature trends.” The group concluded temperature trends reported by NOAA had been doubled as a result of erroneous upward adjustments of well-sited stations by NOAA. Half of the global warming trend reported from 1979-2008 was artificial, due to erroneous but deliberate adjustments by the NOAA.

US House Votes to Permit Importation of Legally Taken Polar Bears. The House voted 262-155 in April to allow importation of the bears legally taken in Canada before the polar bear was listed as endangered in 2008. Polar bear re-mains cannot be imported any longer since they have been listed as endangered. The bill will get nowhere in the Senate, however, until the Democrat Party is no longer in control of the chamber.

Firearms Industry Thrives Under Obama. The eco-nomic impact of the firearms industry went from 19 billion in 2008 to $31 billion in 2011, thanks to The Big Zero, with help from his friends in Congress. Background checks set records in 2010 and 2011. Proving that a rising tide lifts all boats, taxes paid by the industry rose by 66% and jobs increased by 30% during the first three years of the Obamanation, probably the only private industry showing real growth as a direct result of Obama policies.

Quote of the Month"We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the Earth. Our government has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. ... Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it." -- Ronald Reagan


Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.a.BlacksTone BuildinG, suiTe 620233 easT Bay sTreeT

JacksonVille, Fl 32202

(904) 353-8285FaX (904) 354-2739

[email protected]

Three Typed Lines: $10.00 Business Card:$35.00¼ Page: $50.00 ½ Page: $75.00 Full Page: $125.00

Contact Patricia Vane at 220-4009 or [email protected]

for more information or to place an ad.

NFC/SCI Newsletter Advertising RatesPhotography for all Occasions by Georgianne Pionessa

Phone: 727-7112

Cell: 655-7471 Fax: 805-0870

(904) 280-7563 - Cell: (904) 813-3094 email: [email protected]


Proof Copy

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PAGe 6

South Dakota Huntby Georgianne Pionessa

WeleftforSouthDakotaonOct4.Theweatherwasbeautifulandclearbutcold,downinthe20’sand30’satnight.ThelodgewasveryniceandthefoodwasexcellentandislocatednearChamberlaininsouthcentralSD.Oneofourmostexcitingmomentswaslookingoutourkitchenwindowandseeingabigcougartrackingsomedeer.Usingbinocularswecouldseehewascollared.Wehuntedonthe5th,6thand7th.Allhuntersgottheirlimiteveryday.A.J.havingdevelopedabadlegonour trip couldn’t walk the fields so he shot from the truck. (Can’tkeepagoodmandown!)Idrovehimalongandwhenwestopped

he would step out andshoot! Night time wasfilled with laughter andthe camaraderie of themen playing poker. Weall had fun!What makesatripfun?Itisbeingwithgoodfolks!

A.J. PionessaPheasant Hunting

in South Dakota

Steve SalaunPheasant Hunting in South Dakota

Left to Right: , Richard Benoit, Jeff Boyd, Steve SalaunPheasant Hunting in South Dakota

“Conservation is one of the many passions of hunters worldwide and an integral element of both Safari Club International and Safari Club International Foundation.”

Page 8: North Florida Chapter...Toney Sleiman Residence Tuesday, January 15 at Karen Tutwiler’s Residence roof Copy NORTh FlORIDA ChAPTeR SAFARI Club INTeRNATIONAl OCTObeR/NOvembeR ‘12


PAGe 7

October Membership Meeting

Betty Griner

checking us all in

L to R: Terry Vane, Rich Benoit & A.J. Pionessa, masters of the oyster knife

Oyster Roast hosts with the most! Dorothy & John Gillette

L to R: Richard Benoit, Gary Thigpen, Steve Salaun

Z. & Christina Mincek

Proof CopyPeggy Powell, Fitzhugh Powell, Sally Denny, Charles Denny

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Gillette Residence October 16, 2012

Twilight at Gillette’s

L to R: Doug Speed, Tom & Sylvia Sanders, Robert Bracewell relaxing on the veranda Gordon Vines, Bess Abare, Wesley Wallace

Above: Peggy & Fitzhugh Powell, Jeff & Beth Boyd

Carol Blodgett, Clara McGehee, Patricia & Terry Vane

Bob McNally & Guests

Above: Olwen & Peter Busch,

David Griner and his sister, Kim


Sheryl & Woody Potter, daughter and son in law with

D & Shirley Seals Proof Copy

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November Membership Meeting

Doug Speed entertains with an interesting and informative quiz on the benefits of controlled hunting

on wild life populations and human interaction

Kelly Brown & Cathy CurtisChips & Becky Harmon

Relaxing during social time, members discuss Thanksgiving plans

Phi & Keneta Stinnett

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Selva Marina Country Club November 20, 2012

Doug & Shuri SpeedJeff & Beth Boyd

Ron & Rose Stafford

James & Carol Higman

Above: Bud & T.L. Larsen

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Pursuing Northern Giantsby John Gillette

Pursuing Northern Giants continued on page 15

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May Your Days beMerry and Bright!

Wishing you a joyful, blessed and

wondrous Christmas from your Sables Board

SablesFoundationofNortheastFloridaisacceptingapplicationstotheAmericanWildernessLeadershipSchool(AWLS)Theschooloffers6teachersessionsand1studentsession. LocatedinthebeautifulBridger-TetonNationalForestnearJacksonHole,WY,AWLSprovides


PAGe 12

Able Sables

Sables Mission:To further the understanding of ouroutdoor heritage, including the positiverole of hunting, through the creation andsupportofwildlifeconservationeducationprograms that are consistent with theeducational mission and purposes of SCIandSCIF.

SAbleS bOARD OF DIReCTORS2012-2013

President CarolBlodgettVicePresident PatriciaVane2ndVicePresident DorothyGilletteInternetCommunications&SablesNationalRep. JanetPringleTreasurer ShuriSpeedMembership BethBoydRecordingSecretary DauneDavisCorrespondingSecretary SylviaSandersSableEventsSign-up/Calling ClaraMcGeheeHistorian CarolHigman

SAbleS CAleNDAR: December11th





Hunt Stories Needed!

Please limit articles to 1,000 words or 2 pages. The NFC reserves the right to edit submitted articles.

Send your stories & pictures to: Patricia vane

[email protected]

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PAGe 13

We may be about to lose the Second Amendment. ItwasRomney’selectiontolose,helostitandhedeservedtoloseit.Theproblemishewillnothavetopaythepriceforthatloss,buttherestofuswill.Onedayaftertheelection,TheBigZeroreaffirmedhissupportoftheproposedUNTreatyonSmallArmsControl.WhileitisnotlikelytoberatifiedbytheU.S.Senateascurrentlyconfigured,thatreaffirmationsignalsthattheAmericanpeoplehavejustre-electedthemostradicalanti-SecondAmendmentPresidentinhistory.He is now afforded the“flexibility” of which he spoke totheRussianAmbassador,havingwonre-election.RomneywasnotevenabletogarnerasmanyvotesasMcCaindidinhis losingcampaignagainstObama in2008. Electionshave consequences. U.S. Supreme Court Justices ScaliaandKennedyareboth76yearsold.Ifeitherofthemretiresor dies, or if anything happens to Chief Justice Roberts,JusticeThomas or Justice Alito, the balance of the Courtwill be dramatically changed by the Obama appointedreplacementandtheSecondAmendmentwillbewrittenout of the Constitution. These are the five that voted inD.C. vs. Heller that the Second Amendment protects theindividualrighttokeepandbeararms. Theotherfour indissentstatedthereisnosuchright.Aswingofonevoteandtheresultwouldhavebeenverydifferent.Weshouldall pray for the continued good health and longevity ofthe five who supported the true meaning of the SecondAmendmentasprotectinganunalienablerightthatcomesnotfromgovernmentbutisendowedbyourCreator.ThisisindeedaperiloustimeforourRepublic.MayGodhelpustokeepit.

Anti-Gunners emboldened by election Results. Columnist Jason Whitlock, Sportscaster Bob Costas andothers are leading the charge in raising the cry againstprivate gun ownership. Recent tragedies have createdanopportunity toonceagainblamethegunrather thanthemurdererandtheso-calledguncultureratherthanapopularculturethatdebaseshumanlifeandseekstocastChristianityfrompublicdiscourse. TheNRAisnowcalledthe“new KKK”. We can be assured these hysterical rantsandscurrilousaccusationswillcontinueandbecomemoreintensifiedastheflamesarefannedbyTheUsurperintheWhite House. We can also expect more attacks on ourhuntingtraditions fromtheObamaadministrationunderthe Environmental Protection Act and the EndangeredSpeciesAct.

Government Action Committee updateby Terry Vane

Obama Policies a big boon to Gun Sales. The onlyprivateindustrythatcanbesaidtohavebenefitedfromtheindirectstimulusprovidedbytheObamaeraisthefirearmsindustry.Salesofblacktools,accessories,ammo,reloadingequipment and related components, along with survivalequipment,havesurgeddramaticallysincetheelectiononanationwidebasis.Donotneglecttoacquireyourown.

Quote of the month“The major issue of this campaign is the direct political,personal and moral responsibility of Democratic PartyleadershipintheWhiteHouseandintheCongressforthisunprecedented calamity which has befallen us. I will notstand by and watch this great country destroying itselfundermediocreleadershipthatdriftsfromonecrisistothenext,erodingournationalwillandpurpose.Backin1976,Mr.Cartersaid,‘Trustme,’andalotofpeopledid.Andnowmanyofthosepeopleareoutofwork. ...‘Trustmegovernment’asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on oneman, that we trust him to do what’s best for us.Well, myview of government places trust not in one person oroneparty,butinthosevaluesthattranscendpersonsandparties.”--RonaldReaganatthe1980RepublicanNationalConvention.

Itwasaprivilegetomarch intheVeteran’sDayParadewithtwoSCImembersandWWIIveterans,JohnAnker,whofoughtinTheBattleofBulgeandMarine,AJPionessa,whofoughtintheSouthPacificTheatre.SemperFi

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PAGe 14

NFC SCI Hunters - Volunteer to Serve!PLEASE DONATE ALL MEAT


Call Tom Sanders at (904)553-3593 or (904)645-0026

Sportsmen Against HungerSalvation Army FeedFebruary 21, 2013

5:30 p.m.

Annual Salvation Army

Game FeedFebruary 21, 2013 - 5:30 p.m.Hunters it’s time to empty your freezers and make room for the fall harvest! What better

way than to donate to our annual Salvation Army game feed!

Thanks to Jim Duggan for the donation of quail!


Sportsmen Against Hunger

President’s Message Continued on from page 2

Bythetimemembersarereadingthenewsletter,ourannualfundraiserwillbelittlemorethan2monthsaway!!Weneed100%participationanddonationsimmediatelyfollowingtheNewYear...ifnotsooner!I’mcountingoneachofyoutosupportyourclub!TicketsareavailablenowsopleaseseeorcallGeorgiannePionessa,ourownQueenofticketsales!Don’twaittobecalled!Volunteernow!IamlookingforwardtoseeingallofyouattheannualNFCChristmasParty.Remembertobringanunwrappedtoyvaluedat$20foraboyorgirluptoage12.Ifyoubringatoyforeachattendeetherewillbenochargefordinner.Ifyoudonothaveatoytodonatepleasebringacheckfor$20sothatwecanbuytoysfortheMayportU.S.O.ThetoyswillbedeliveredtotheMayportUSOthedayafterthepartyfordistributiontothechildrenofneedyservicefamilies.ThankstothePringlesformakingthetoydeliveryonceagain.KeeptunedtothenewsletterandifyouseeapictureofmewithalargewhitetailitmeansIscoredononeinKansas.Goodhuntingtoallourmembers.HappyNewYearandmayGodblessyouall!!!!!Tom PowellNFCSCIPresident

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PAGe 15


Terence G. Vane, Jr., P.a.BlacksTone BuildinG, suiTe 620233 easT Bay sTreeT

JacksonVille, Fl 32202

(904) 353-8285FaX (904) 354-2739

[email protected]

The AJ Pionessa SCI Newsletter booster Fund

Platinum $100 • Gold $50 • Silver $25

Thanks to the First Contributors:AJ&GeorgiannePionessa-$200







Pursuing Northern Giants continued from page 11

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We salute and thank

Curry Thomas for their long

time loyal and generous support

of the North Florida Chapter of SCI

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PAGe 17


NO JOb TOO bIG OR TOO SmAll -- your trophy is our top priorityTrophyroomdesignandnaturaldioramastocomplementyourtreasuredtrophies




Tony recently has taken over maintenance of the Sensory Safari trophies to keep them in top condition for everyone to enjoy.


Call for references. Check out our website at and find us on Facebook

Taxidermy Studio

Tony and Leslie Breedlove3188 Southeast County Road 21-B

Melrose, Florida 32666 352-475-3159

Welcome New Members!Jim Newman

Wesley Wallace


Safari Club International_________________________

New MemberNorth Florida Chapter

Thomas lessoKaren Tutwiler

Three Typed Lines: $10.00 • Business Card:$35.00¼ Page: $50.00 • ½ Page: $75.00

Full Page: $125.00

Contact Patricia Vane at 220-4009 or [email protected]

for more information or to place an ad.

NFC/SCI Newsletter Advertising Rates

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“The genuine sportsman is, by all odds, the most important factor in keeping the larger and more valuable creatures from total extinction.”

Theodore roosevelT

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left to Right - Steve Salaun, Richard benoit, A.J. Pionessa, Jeff boydKneeling - Andy may, Garrett bordson

left to Right - Andy may, Steve Salaun, Richard benoit, Jeff boyd, Georgianne Pionessa, A.J. Pionessa

Pheasant hunting in South Dakota

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