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  • North Presbyterian Church Second Sunday in Lent March 4, 2012—8:30 & 10:45 a.m.


    Prelude Prelude on “Leoni” Hopson Greeting, Welcome, and Opportunities for Discipleship

    Welcome to our guests and visitors! As a church of hospitality we invite you, if you feel comfortable, to introduce yourself at this time. We are glad you are here! We hope you will fill out the welcome pad (found in the pew holder) to help us get acquainted. We also invite you to join us in Westminster Hall for coffee hour following worship.

    (Everyone—please silence your cell phones.) Call to Worship In the presence of God whose amazing love surrounds us, we give thanks for the love and grace of God.

    In the presence of Christ whose teaching, healing, serving and dying revealed the amazing grace of God, we give thanks for the love and grace of God. In the presence of the Spirit who stirs within us and among us to make God’s love and grace real to us, we give thanks for the love and grace of God. We humbly receive God’s love and grace, and seek to return to God our love and our lives. Together let us worship God.


    *Hymn 488 The God of Abraham Praise Leoni (During the singing of the hymn, please pass prayer requests to center aisle.)

  • *Call to Confession Seek Ye First (Matthew 6:33 & 7:7)

    *Prayer of Confession God of amazing grace, you offer us love and mercy beyond our imaginations. We cannot love the way you do. Our grace is momentary, when yours is constant. We seek fairness, when you offer boundless love. Our ways are not your ways, O God. We confess our limitations, our imperfect love, our constrained mercy. Forgive us, and help us to reflect, even dimly, the love and mercy and grace you so generously shower upon us. In the name of Christ, your love incarnate, we pray. Amen. *Silent Confession (A time for personal confession of sin.)

    *Kyrie Eleison

    *Assurance of Forgiveness Hear the good news! God loves us. God forgives us.

  • *Response Gloria Patri et Filio by Jacques Berthier Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

    Passing of the Peace (Having received Christ’s peace, let us share it by turning to our neighbors and greeting them, saying “May the peace of Christ be with you!”)


    Children’s Time (10:45) Sheridan Skura (Following Children’s Time, children ages 4 - 8th grade will be dismissed to Sunday school.)

    Prayer for Illumination

    Scripture Reading Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 (8:30) p. 12 (10:45) p. 13 Mark 8:31-38 (8:30) p. 41 (10:45) p. 44

    The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

    Sermon “Walking a New Path” The Rev. William T. Hennessy


    *Affirmation of Faith We believe that God is present in the darkness before dawn; in the waiting and uncertainty where fear and courage join hands, conflict and caring link arms, and the sun rises over barbed wire. We believe in a “with-us” God who sits down in our midst to share our humanity. We affirm a faith that takes us beyond the safe place: into action, into vulnerability and into the streets. We commit ourselves to work for change and put ourselves on the line; to bear responsibility, take risks, live powerfully and face humiliation; to stand with those on the edge; to choose life and

  • be used by the Spirit for God’s new community of hope. Amen. (used with permission from the Iona Abbey Worship Book)

    *Hymn 2130 The Summons (8:30—see insert)

    Prayers of the People Offering Offertory: (8:30) Voluntary Zeuner (10:45) Anthem: Exultate Deo (Rejoice in God) Scarlatti

    *Doxology (Hymn 591) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

    Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer The Lord be with you. And also with you.

    Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

    Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

    Who teaches us to pray, saying: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


    *Hymn 419 How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord Repton



  • *Postlude Psalm 18 Marcello

    *Those who are able, please stand.

  • Prayers For One Another

    “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer

    and supplication. To that end keep alert and

    always persevere in supplications for all the

    saints. Pray also for me...” So Paul instructed

    the Christians at Ephesus, and so we pray for

    one another:

    North Church families who are affected in any

    way by war or disaster and for the men and

    women serving in the military; Presbytery

    Stewardship & Budget Committee and

    Crittenden Presbyterian Church; and from our

    Mission Yearbook for Presbyteries of Ohio and

    West Virginia.

    As many of you know, HIPAA regulations prohibit

    the sharing of confirmation about your

    hospitalization and medical care with your church

    family. Please let us know when you or your family

    are hospitalized or ill so that Pastor Hennessy can

    effectively provide spiritual care for you.

    Printed Copies of Sermons

    Sunday morning sermons are available for you on

    the table in the south entryway and at the

    “Sermons” portion of our Website at

    First Aid Kits & AED Locations

    First Aid Kits are located in the Sunday school

    office, kitchen, church office and in the First Aid

    cabinet along with the AED (Mission area, near

    north entrance).

    Listening Devices

    Hearing assist devices may be picked up

    from the table in the narthex. Or speak to an

    usher for assistance.

    Reading the Bible Daily

    A copy of the full year listing of daily Bible

    readings may be found in the south entrance.

    You may also find them at


    Church Calendar Sunday, March 4 One Great Hour of Sharing

    8:30 am Worship/Chapel

    9:30 Child Care (Infants-Age 3)/S257

    Children’s & Youth Choir

    Senior High Sunday School/S251

    Saving Jesus DVD series/ Lib

    Chocolate for Lent study/WH

    Inquirer Class/RC

    10:45 Worship/Sanc

    11:45 Coffee Hour/WH

    1:00 pm Deacon Training/Lib

    6:00 Confirmation/S251

    Monday, March 5

    7 pm Session/Chapel

    7:30 Young Adults/Martin Home

    Tuesday, March 6

    9:00 am Staff meeting/DR

    4:30 pm Worship Committee/Choir Room

    Wednesday, March 7

    6 pm Lenten Soup Supper/WH

    6:45 Our Stories of Good News/Chapel

    Thursday, March 8

    4 pm Resource Committee/RC

    6:30 Handbells/S151


  • 7:45 Adult Choir/Choir Room

    Saturday, March 10

    8:00 am Men’s Breakfast/WH

    Sunday, March 11 Daylight Saving Time

    8:30 am Worship/Chapel

    9:30 Child Care (Infants-Age 3)/S257

    Children’s & Youth Choir

    Senior High Sunday School/S251

    Saving Jesus DVD series/ Lib

    Chocolate for Lent study/WH

    Inquirer Class/RC

    10:45 Worship/Sanc

    11:45 Coffee Hour/WH

    12 pm Club 456/N. Basement

    1:00- Deacon Training/Lib

    6:00 Confirmation/S251

    Monday, March 12

    11 am Pastoral Care Committee/Lib

    1 pm Staff Meeting/Lib

    6:30 Property Committee/RC; Mission/DR

    7:30 Young Adults/Martin Home

    Tuesday, March 13

    9:30 am Ruth/Mary Circle/Pres. Vlg.

    2:30 pm Martha Circle/Lib

    7:00 Deacons/DR; Membership/S251

    Wednesday, March 14

    7:30 pm Sarah Circle

    Thursday, March 15 North Star deadline

    6:30 pm Handbells/S151

    7:45 Choir/Choir room

    Friday, March 16

    7:00-9:00 pm All-church retreat/WH

    Saturday, March 17

    9 am-2pm All-church retreat/WH

    3 pm Youth to Bethel Presbyterian

    Sunday, March 18 (No 8:30 service)

    9:30 Child Care (Infants-Age 3)/S257

    Children’s & Youth Choir

    Saving Jesus DVD series/ Lib

    Chocolate for Lent study/WH

    Inquirer Class/RC

    10:45 Family Worship-Comm/Sanc

    Dr. McFayden preaching

    11:45 Coffee Hour/WH

    1:00 pm Deacon Training/Lib

    6:00 Confirmation/S251

    Reflection & Discussion for Adults: Saving Jesus Sundays through April 1 9:30-10:30 a.m./Library This DVD-based series is a conversation around the relevance of Jesus for today and is an invitation to be on a journey. Christianity has 2000 years of tradition with a wide spectrum of believers, a large community across time. It is like a six-mile-wide trail, not a narrow path.

    March 4: Jesus’ Ministry of Compassion March 11: Who Killed Jesus? March 18: The Atonement

  • March 25: The Resurrection of Jesus April 1: Why is Jesus Worth Saving

    Coordinator: Mary Mohlke

    Chocolate for Lent Sundays through April 1 9:30-10:30 a.m./Westminster Hall Chocolate for Lent is a unique study, delving into the delicious depths of humanity. Written by Hilary Brand, it will feature segments of the Academy Award-nominated film Chocolat, conversations centered around our life in Christ and, of course, chocolate. Garidith Khayat will coordinate this study.

    Soul Feast is a collection of places to gaze, wonder-pray and reflect on how God has touched your

    life. Paintings of 14 stations of the cross are in the narthex. Labyrinth-like crosses, which you walk with your eyes, are

    in the chapel. Jesus' words of help and inspiration

    accompany each cross.

    Allow your spirit to guide you through the centers

    Open yourself to new wisdom on your journey

    Move from center to center when you are ready

    Help children by asking them what they see

    On the cover: Scripture Pictures by Mary Mohlke

    descendants of Abraham and Sarah, Jesus

    followers, Sarah and baby, hearts live

    forever, the law, faith of Abraham,

    rebuking Peter, followers of Jesus, God

    ruling over nations

  • Invite a friend this Lent-Easter Weekdays until 3 pm Sundays until 1pm Call the office 632-1330 for additional appointments

    Our Stories of Good News

    Lenten Soup Suppers March 7, 21, 28

    6:00 pm/Westminster Hall

    Enjoy homemade soup by Ed Eisenlord plus fresh fruit,

    bread, dessert, and a special dish for children

    $5 per adult

    6:45 - 7:30 pm/Chapel

    Prayer and Songs from Iona

    Discover the movement of God in our lives

    March 7 - Karen Roesser Jeff Weaver

    March 21 - Sylvia Bigler Jeff Faunce

    March 28 - Lynda Roemer Colin Drury

    Register by signing up in Westminster Hall

    or calling the church at 632-1330.

    Registration required for child care.

    TTeeaacchheerrss NNeeeeddeedd!! Our Sunday school program has just a few more months left before breaking for summer,

    but we still need your help for our last two sessions. The Kids Ministry Team has full

    descriptions of all the teacher roles and the curriculum. Please see below for a list of open


    Session 5 (March 25, April 1, 15, 22 & 29) 1 Bible Story Teacher for the South Basement program (ages 4 through 3rd grade).

    Session 6 (May 13 & 20 and June 3 & 10) 2 Small Group Teachers for the North Basement program

  • Do You Wish to Join the Church?

    Our spring Inquirers Classes will be held on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Resource Center. The dates are March 4, 11, 18 and 25. New members will join North Presbyterian Church during the 10:45 a.m. service on Sunday, April 1. If you want to know more about North Church and/or becoming a member, please contact Mitch Roemer at 688-6464, call the church office at 632-1330, or make a note on the welcome pad in the pew.

    Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve our families, and contact Peter Martin or a

    member of the Kids Ministry Team if interested.

    Deadline/Details for the Mission Project and Spring Retreat!

    Junior and Senior Highers, the deadline to register for both the Spring Retreat and

    Mission Project is Sunday, March 18. Want to know more? You can find all the

    details in next month’s North Star and on our church website at and Or just talk to Peter Martin.

    Please sign up soon; you don’t want to miss these incredible opportunities for

    fellowship and mission!

    Men’s Group Saturday, March 10: It’s a celebration! To help celebrate the men’s group’s 4th anniversary, Rev. Dr. Tom Yorty will be discussing the meaning of community as an “endangered species in today’s world.” The title of his presentation is “Making Connections – the Live-or-Die Mission of the Church.” His view is that without an emphasis upon “community,” the church cannot survive. Men are asked to bring a jar of peanut butter, which will be delivered to the UPC Food Pantry. Sign up on March 4. Come and help celebrate our founding.

  • Please note: There will be no 8:30 a.m. worship service

    on Sunday, March 18. The Rev. Dr. McFayden will be

    preaching during the 10:45 service, concluding the

    all-church retreat.

    Did you sign up for the all-church retreat yet? “Reflecting on Our Past, Looking to the Future” March 16 and 17

    with the Rev. Dr. Kenneth McFayden will help us explore where

    God wants to take North Church. Be sure to sign up. It’s free, and

    childcare is provided. Call the church office or e-mail

    [email protected]. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to

    grow together.

  • Friends of Night People "I would like to thank Peter Martin, Brad, Meredith, and Evan Sparks, Kerri Bigler, Paul and Nathan Hahn, Matt Hennessy, Julia and Valentina Bibko, Chad and Madison Kahler, and Neil Arnold for serving at Friends of Night People on Tuesday, February 28. We served 200 people, and sorted and gave out many pieces of clothing. I really appreciate the support from

    the Youth Group. The Urban Diner on Paderewski St. has been benefiting from NPC volunteers each month since last April. THANK YOU one and all.”

    Sincerely, Jane Arnold

    The Fish Banks are here! The Fish Banks are here!

    Get ready to fill yours. A “Giving Calendar” is available to anyone who

    needs suggestions on money amounts that will help to fill your fish bank. The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering begins today and will be collected

    on Palm Sunday, April 1st.

  • Mission Statement

    Brought together by our shared faith in

    Jesus Christ,

    Called by God to live as faithful disciples,

    Blessed by our diverse gifts and experiences,

    We commit ourselves to:

    Worship together,

    Teach and learn from one another,

    Nurture each other with care and love, and

    Reach out in ministry and mission to the world.

    (adopted by the Session June 5, 2006)

    North Presbyterian Church

    300 North Forest Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221, (716) 632-1330,

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Preacher: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Coordinator: Olivia Ebsary

    Liturgist: Duncan Hemink Ushers: (8:30) Carol & Bob Meyers

    Organist: Marlene Harrington (10:45) Barbara & Bill Hill; Susan & Dennis Hohl

    Bulletin Cover: Mary Mohlke Greeters: Pudge Pullen; Linda Rinaldo

    Building Lock-up: Bill Ervin Counters: Linda Gowans; Heather Randall

    Accolyte: Kaitlyn Khayat

    Visitors —You are important to us. Please

    feel free to come to the chancel area after

    the service to get information or ask

    questions about our church. Approach

    anyone wearing a yellow ribbon. Fill out a

    visitor card and put it in the offering plate

    if you wish to be contacted.

    The flowers today are

    given in loving memory

    of Erin Kathleen Bigler, by

    the Bigler family.

    Ministers: The Congregation

    Pastor/Head of Staff: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Director of Sacred Dance: Olivia Ebsary

    Director of Youth, Children & Family Ministry: Peter Martin Sexton: Marc Kiesling

    Stephen Ministry Leader: Carlene DeRoo Bookkeeper: Judy Blackchief

    Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Leavell Artist-in-Residence: Mary Mohlke

    Director of Music & Organist: Marlene Harrington Childcare Supervisor: Regina Koteras

    Director of Music, Children & Youth: Marty Shafer

    file:///C:/Users/NPC/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Word/www.northchurchwilliamsville.orgmailto:[email protected]