north temple mount - mount of olives stargate

Earth-Keeper In This Issue of The Earth-Keeper Chronicles: January 3, 2014 New Channel from Archangel Metatron Attributes of the Dead Sea - A Living Energy The Ark of the Covenant The Holylands Pilgrimage in Year Two of the New Paradigm 0 Interview with James Tyberonn - Edgar Cayce Radio : 9 am Jan 5th, 2014 0 Note : The Temple Mount Vortexial Portal Stargate in the below channel references the area containing the Temple Mount, Mount Zion, Mount Mariah, Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives & Mount Zion. This is one of the most important religious sites in the world. It is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been used as a religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Paganism (Roman). Jewish tradition holds that Temple Mount it is the site where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac to prove his faith. King Solomon, according to the Bible, built the First Temple of the Jews on this mountaintop circa 1000 B.C. It is the site of incredible miracles and power. Said to be the 'Centre of the Earth', and location in which the Presence of God is manifest. The location is the holiest site in Judaism and is the place Jews turn towards during prayer. Due to its extreme sanctity, many Jews believe the Mount itself, to be the location of the Light of God as the original location of the Holy of Holies. It is believed that the aspect of the Divine Presence of God is (still) manifest on the Temple Mount. It was from the Holy of Holies that the High Priest communicated directly with God, and that the

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North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate


Page 1: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate


In This Issue of The Earth-Keeper Chronicles:

January 3, 2014

New Channel from Archangel Metatron

Attributes of the Dead Sea - A Living Energy

The Ark of the Covenant

The Holylands Pilgrimage in Year Two of the New Paradigm


Interview with James Tyberonn - Edgar Cayce Radio : 9 am Jan 5th, 2014


Note : The Temple Mount Vortexial Portal Stargate in the below channel references the area containing the Temple Mount, Mount Zion, Mount Mariah, Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives & Mount Zion. This is one of the most important religious sites in the world. It is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been used as a religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Paganism (Roman). Jewish tradition holds that Temple Mount it is the site where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac to prove his faith. King Solomon, according to the Bible, built the First Temple of the Jews on this mountaintop circa 1000 B.C. It is the site of incredible miracles and power. Said to be the 'Centre of the Earth', and location in which the Presence of God is manifest. The location is the holiest site in Judaism and is the place Jews turn towards during prayer. Due to its extreme sanctity, many Jews believe the Mount itself, to be the location of the Light of God as the original location of the Holy of Holies. It is believed that the aspect of the Divine Presence of God is (still) manifest on the Temple Mount. It was from the Holy of Holies that the High Priest communicated directly with God, and that the

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Ark of the Covenant was kept. Among Sunni Muslims, the Mount is widely considered the third holiest site in Islam. Revered as the Noble Sanctuary (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) and the location of the Prophet Mohammed's Ascent to Heaven.

New Metatron Channel

The Holylands, Dead Sea & Ark of the Covenant

Archangel Metatron via James Tyuberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you this moment in a vector of unconditional love. The imagery and thought of 'Holy Land' evokes a spiritual if not magical visual for many on the earth, especially contemporaries of the three monotheistic systems that were spawned there. Even those who do not consider themselves as followers of any of the three faiths of Abraham recognize the 'Holy Lands' as an eclectic repository of revered cosmological myths and enduring historical events that have undeniably marked the providence and arguably the evolving destiny of humankind. It is indeed a special place on the earth and has always been recognized as such as far back as early Atlantean times. The Cristos energy has always been on the earth since the time of the Firmament. This source of divinity has manifested in the duality phase of earth as part of the evolution from devolution. The Holylands of Israel do indeed contain portal nodes and sacred sites of the Cristos, of Divine manifestation on the earthplane. We also wish to clarify that there have been many more embodiments of the Cristos energy on the Earthplane than just the ones that are recognized in your

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present times and contemporary religious belief systems.. Even during the eras of earth you consider as backward phases and times of the 'caveman', there were divine embodiments that assisted humanities rise from density, albeit each related the messages in terms that were understandable to the masses whether tribal or clustered. In areas devoid of written languages, the messages and cosmology truths evolved into myths orally passed down. In some cases it was believed that divine truths interpreted into archetypical symbolism should not, could not be put into written word. The Cristos drama that unfolded in what is termed the Holylands of Canaan was fitted to the level of humanity's consciousness in that era. But its original Truth was lost somewhat and significant portions have been highly distorted in its remaining written interpretations. Yet the symbols and vibrations of the original Star-Gate at the Temple Mount complex are still intact. You see these are in simple terms hologramic inserts and exist in simultaneous time and nontime. The Christ energy is still present and can indeed be experienced in these location. In a very real since, Jesus still walks these paths ! Defining the Land What made the Holy Land so indelibly pivotal in human history? What differentiates this land that allowed it to be the dawning of spiritual heritage and a wellspring of miracles from which the monotheistic principles of three great religions first flowed ? The query is complex and the answer is quite compelling. The 'Holy Lands' is a unique blend of powerful frequencial resonance , telluric energies, leylines, mega vortexes and stellar grid alignments. The land is in the expanded energy of the 30 degree latitude (as are the Giza Pyramids) , which is a major power stream. The 'resonate frequency ' amalgam is then composed of and influenced by:

The intersection of major global leylines

The 30 degree latitude

The mineralogy

Stellar Stargate & Mega Vortexial Portal

The crystalline vortexial field of the 'Dead Sea'

Whole Light Reception & Coherency

The Ark of the Covenant

In your consideration of power places and sacred sites that exist on the planet, you should understand that all of the above influence what you term as power-nodes. While you do consider the mineralogy and vector (latitude and longitude) and grid placement, you do not as yet fully recognize the differing qualities of light that can occur in specific vectors. . We tell you that light reception also greatly influences & embellishes the attributes of certain locations in the Holylands. The light that occurs in certain nodes of the 'Holylands' is quite unique. It is whole light and carries attributes of coherency. Question to Archangel Metatron: You mention the Ark of the Covenant as a factor in the energy of the Holylands. Can you explain this in more detail? Archangel Metatron Response: The device termed the Ark of the Covenant is a source of unimaginable energy. There is more than one version of this extraordinary power source. The one that was placed in

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the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple was a smaller version of the one that has been present for millions of years below the stargate complex of Temple Mount. The extraordinary units are of Sirian-Pleiadean construct, and briefly put, are energy transducers and generators that both create and stabilize dimensional interface between what may be termed the field of physical matter and of the higher realms of the 'Angelic field' which in more scientific terms is the vast field of antimatter in the harmonic cycle. The create 'wormholes' (to use your vernacular) in layers of dimensions and 'step down' & format frequencies that allow for the coordination of multidimensionality of the intra connected levels and vector-planes of the Omni Earth to the Cosmos. Question to Archangel Metatron: Can you speak of the Dead Sea specifically about its attributes as a healing centre and of its sacred & metaphysical aspects? Archangel Metatron Response: Indeed! The Dead Sea is one of the most potent mega-vortexial energy nodes' on the planet. It is an extraordinary & unique conscious liquid crystal with a self- aware 'Spirit of Place'. The name given in current times is truly a misnomer for it is teeming with vital life force. It is truly a rebirthing centre, and correlates with Lake Titicaca in that aspect. It has been recognized as such since ancient times for its cleansing, healing and rejuvenation attributes, and was indeed a site of pilgrimage & purification ceremony for Egyptians, Atlanteans and ancient Greeks. The frequency field generated by the Dead Sea is filled with beneficial anionic charges released in the sunlight from the saline minerals in the evaporation process. This field not only creates a sense of well-being, but also enlivens health and opens the pineal. The ancients knew this. That is why the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans were drawn to the area. The waters and atmosphere around the Dead Sea (which could more aptly be called the Living Crystal Sea) contain a field of vital energy so potent that they literally rejuvenate the body physical and bring balance to the emotional and mental fields. Accordingly the chakras are aligned and perfectly rebalanced, and the result unequivocally fortifies the human Aura. Because of its extremely low elevation, the sunlight that bathes the Dead Sea is particularly potent, yet benevolent, as the harmful rays are filtered by the plasma that floats atop the salt lake . The health benefits of soaking in this water are far greater than you currently recognize. There is a frequency here that benefits the body, mind and spirit, and it enables 'whole light', full spectrum light to occur in theta coherency. This also greatly embellishes the waters and field above the waters. The light is such that it is a nutrient to both the body and aura, and energy source of vitality that can truly extend longevity and produce mental clarity. It absolutely removes any untoward auric attachment, it seals and vitalized the human etheric field. The 'Living Crystal Sea' is the perfect place to 'vision' , to ceremonial cleanse and purify the body & mind before making the pilgrimage to Temple Mount for receiving infinity codes. The Living Crystal Sea is the wind beneath the wings of the holy sites of the Holylands. It undergirds, supports and enables the transduction of intense energy and thus stabilizes the mega- vortexial complexes of Israel and Jordan. Its field reaches into Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It softens the energy of the hi frequency portals and thus allows the perfection of balance required of primary Star-Gates vortexial portal complexes. The Essenes chose to colonize around its energy fields for this reason. The Salt of the Earth The Living Sea contains in excess of tenfold more salt concentrate than the ocean (salinity varies

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slightly according to water temperature, depth of testing and proximity to shore). The warm shallow waters along the salt laden beaches show the highest content of salt percentage and in the edges are supersaturated. Simply stated, the Dead Sea waters are a 'battery' infused with solar energy, electromagnetic currents and mineralogical crystalline frequencies. When water is fully saturated with salt it becomes an energy capacitor with remarkable attributes. The Living Sea is one of the very rare major bodies of water that contains shore-line pools of saturated salt water. Because of its geographical location the waters of the Living Sea are consistently quite warm. This higher temperature facilitates greater solution of the minerals and salts, and of course allows for faster absorption into the human body. What is not fully recognized is that the saline waters become not only a non-Newtonian liquid colloidal battery, but a liquid crystal...literally teeming with energy. The location of the waters are in the rift of two major tectonic plates and thus are constantly charged with an unimaginable energy from the earth. The Temple Mount Star-Gate The Temple Mount Vortexial Portal is within the energy field of the Dead Sea, yet on its own encompasses a massive Star-Gate. The area is in the expanded energy of the 30 degree latitude (as are the Giza Pyramids), which is a major power stream. The energy of this unique site is, like Delphi and Rapa Nui, an umbilical of codes, a 'naval' of celestial energies feeding your planet. It is up-shifting and many are called to re-anchor the codes in the new paradigm. When one enters into the stargate of the Temple Mount vortexial portal, one enters a very unique much embellished field of multidimensionality that is both sequentially timeless and a 'Time-Gate'. Within this energy all of your planetary sojourns can not only be accessed, but united in synergy. It is an infinity point, a nonlinear space-time vector, meaning that entering into it has no chronological measure. The symbiotic unification that occurs within is instantaneous. Thus within its succinct infinity resonance , whether you are present for one minute or several days, you are capable of downloading the frequency codes contained within its field. As such your energy is recorded within and you are able to be present etherically at any time of such intent . The energy of this unique site is, like Delphi and Rapa Nui, an umbilical of codes, a 'naval' of celestial energies feeding your planet. It is up-shifting and many are called to re-anchor the codes in the new paradigm. That ultimately destructive conflict called Armageddon, cannot, will not occur in the new paradigm, and your energy must & will combine to insure this. A new era is awakening and the energy of this area is shifting. Many of you are part of this Harmonic co creation. Judaism's Western Wall , Islam's Dome of the Rock, and Christianity's Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Garden of Gethsemane are juxtaposed and intersect in this venerated area of Temple Mount that is one of the most vetted celestial portals on the planet. Yet in seeming paradox this religious vortex is surrounded by earthbound conflict and struggle. And although today Christians, Jews, and Muslims struggle for their rightful place in this magnificent landscape of deserts and seas, of blood red mountains and utterly astonishing holy sites, we tell you that in due time peace will come. It is less ironic than tragic that this site of the Wise Solomon is as the disputed baby cut in half. But we assure you this will be resolved in the advancing paradigm of the expansive New Earth. Peace will evolve from means and places that are unexpected. Original Source & Expanding Truth

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By visiting the extraordinarily special places in the holylands that still carry the Original Source Energy, you enter a pure-truth 'Source-Resonance' that enables you to release many inaccurate teachings & fears accumulated from 'past-life' programs that have become as deeply hidden, subtly embedded obstacles in simultaneous expressions of life sojourns. A spiritual/mental alignment takes place that enables a beneficial, indeed requisite 'rebooting'. A very real re-calibration occurs that offers greater clarity and thus eliminates the 'viruses' of untruths. The' Divinity' drama is a living energy; an infinite timeless energy coalesced in a hologramic insert into the multi-dimensional reality of the Star-Gate of Temple Mount. It is an offering, and can be received by those of sufficient light-quotient capable of raising their vibrations within its field. In visiting the Holy Lands in the energy of the amplified dimensional access of the 'New Earth' you will stand in the same sites, where only the frequencies of time & space separates you from other versions of yourselves standing in the same energy vector....side by side with the original ever expanding Cristos energy. You will also plant the seeds of the harmony requisite for the New Earth, and the Ascension of Humanity....and that is essential. I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. And so it is...

The above channel is copyrighted © James Tyberonn All Rights Reserved

The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper

publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long

as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receivor and include

this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed

written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization contact Bobby at [email protected]

Earth-Keeper Video - Graham, Hancock on the Ark of the Covenant & Solomon's Temple

Graham Hancock : The Ark of the

Covenant Earth-Keeper 2013

Page 7: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

The Holy Lands & Jordan Pilgrimage

Dates: April 30 - May 8, 2014 Join Earth-Keeper on the Ultimate Pilgrimage to the Sacred Lands

'Where Jesus Walked - Where the Essenes Taught ! '

This is the ultimate Pilgrimage, the one you have waited for !

Our journey is carefully planned astrologically. We begin on the powerful New Moon & Solar Eclipse

and this energy is further embellished by the potent ' Eta Aquarids' Meteor Shower for 5 days, sourced from

Halley's comet ! Presenting a New Energy Coding in an extraordinary time for inner discovery &

recreation, among the most potent mega portals on the planet.

An Amazing Nine Days to Israel & Jordan, Visiting the Major Holy Sites.

Pilgrimage Abundance Exchange $3750

(Nine Incredible Days Including Jerusalem, Nazareth,Dead Sea, Temple Mount, Jordan (Petra) Mt Tabor.. in luxury accommodation.

January 7 is the Last Day for the Amazing Discount Offer

Very Special Early Entry Rate - $3099

Register Here- Click Underlined RED Link Below

Register NOW to Obtain this exceptionally low rate . It will expire on Jan 7, 2014 and will not be extended at this

discounted level. Questions ? Email Bobby at [email protected] or call 936 447-9119 . This amazing

discounted offering is extraordinary & unmatched.

$1099 Deposit Holds Your Place and Guarantees Lower Rate if Registered by Jan 7, 2014

Register Above (Red Link) with $1099 nonrefundable deposit to guarantee your place at the exceptional time limited rate

See what others say about Earth-Keeper Pilgrimages:

U Tube Video - Click Arrow on Screen Below

Page 8: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

Earth-Keeper Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands


Our Holylands Pilgrimage & spiritual journey is very carefully planned astrologically. We begin on the powerful New Moon & Solar Eclipse

and this energy is further embellished by the potent ' Eta Aquarids' Meteor Shower for 5 days, sourced from Halley's comet ! Presenting a New Energy Coding in an extraordinary time for inner discovery & re-creation, among the most potent mega

portals on the planet. This is the trip of a lifetime. Feel the call?

A Mountain of Salt

The Sodom mountains extend for 7 miles along the edge of the Dead Sea. The are pure 'Halite', a mountain range

of pure crystalline salt. The range also has salt caves, that were used by Egyptians for healing respiratory illness,

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and were believed to heal the body and actually extend the longevity of the human body-caverns of rejuvenation.

The Dead Sea : A Liquid of Crystal

Without exception, every civilization on Earth has developed mystical ideas about the magical properties of salt -

namely that it emits a purification and enhances psychic energy and binds it into its own structure. Many

advanced civilizations of the past believed that salt possessed spiritual values. The early Greek, Egyptian ,Celtic

and Druid societies revered salt springs & attached a mystical significance to the mineral by offering it to their

gods and deities. Purification rituals were performed in salt lakes and springs. Considered as a source of tangible

magic given by Mother Earth, salt was used as a substance both to repel evil and protect against negativity. Even

today many still throw a pinch of salt over their shoulder to ward off bad luck. Owing to its natural antiseptic and

preservative qualities, salt evolved to be emblematic of protection, durability, longevity, health permanence and


This Druidic - Pagan understanding of salt - as powerful preservative, as covenant, as inviolable bond - was taken

up and expanded upon in early Christianity. In the scriptures a 'covenant of salt' denoted a permanent nexus that

could never be broken - the origin of the word 'salvation'. It was also employed as a symbol for incorruptibility,

purity and solidarity, pulling together many of the attributes that the Christian message wished to endorse. The

Latin phrase 'salarium argentum', 'salt money', referred to part of the payment made to the soldiers, which has

been carried down the ages into the English word 'salary', such was the value placed by the ancients on salt.

In the Americas , many indigenous cultures considered salt a living essence with a 'spirit'. In southwest America,

the Pueblo worship the Salt Grandmother as a great healer. Other native tribes held sacred rites & ceremonies at

specific times to gather salt. Accordingly areas of salt deposits were considered sacred ground. Hopi legend states

that the Warrior Twins demarked areas of salt as pure gifts of spirit that could only be harvested by respected


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The salt in the Dead Sea forms small towers of crystalline sodium chloride, potassium chloride and calcium chloride salts. The

concentration of salts in these more shallow waters reaches levels close to concentration maximum, thus becoming a antibacterial solution. Soaking in these waters

purifies the skin and also creates a very beneficial effect in detoxification of major organs and cleansing the lungs, improving circulation. Ancients believed the purification of

the Dead Sea Waters allowed for one to live much longer and much more healthier. The Essenes also used the Dead Sea Waters & Salts for spiritual purification ceremony and


The 'Dead Sea' is a Liquid Generator of Rejuvenating Life Force

The 'Dead Sea' is actually teeming with life-force. It is an utterly astonishing liquid crystal,

chock full of saline crystals that circulate an extraordinary electro-crystalline energy field

that opens the pineal and rejuvenates the body and calms the mind and balances emotions.

These waters carry a 'chi' current fed by the solar and telluric energies and amplified by the

complex salt crystals. Note in the foto below the formations of halite salt crystal towers.

These are indeed crystalline and carry a conscious awareness as do the waters themselves.

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The Dead Sea borders Jordan to the east, and Israel to the west, and is actually very close to Egypt.

It's a hyper-saline lake that is truly one of Earth's most unique places. The Dead Sea is one of the

most healing places on the planet and is lined with Health Spa resorts and Spa Hotels. The name is

truly misleading, for although the extraordinarily high content of salt and minerals prevent fish

&plants from living in the waters, the minerals themselves are teeming with crystalline life, full of

living 'life-force' energies that are capable of healing the body. the ancients believed that bathing in

the mineral rich - salty waters cured any ailment. The waters of the Dead Sea are very much alive !

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Salt crystals form all around the beaches. People cover themselves in the rich clay for detoxing.

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The area has some of the finest world class spa resorts on both the Israeli and Jordanian shores. It is

an incredible place to recharge the body, mind and soul. The Essenes considered the waters sacred.

The waters shift from turquoise, teal & green, fed from the sacred blue green waters of the hallowed

Jordan River. The surface & shores of the Dead Sea are 1400' below sea level, making it the worlds lowest

elevation on land. The Dead sea is 1244 feet deep , making it absolutely the deepest hypersaline body

of water on the planet. It contains 10 to 11 times more salt concentrate than the ocean (salinity

varies slightly according to water temperature, depth of testing and proximity to shore. The warm

shallow waters along the salt laden beaches show the highest content of salt percentage. Simply

stated, the Dead Sea waters are a ''battery' infused with solar energy, electromagnetic currents and

mineralogical crystalline frequencies.

The Dead Sea's unusually high salt concentration means that people can easily float in the Dead Sea

due to natural buoyancy. Because of the high salt content, the weight of the water is much heavier,

meaning it can displace far more weight. Anyone can float back and read a newspaper or book whilst

float-reclining on the water .... and with little effort .... without even getting the book wet !

You may rejuvenate & heal the body in the mineral rich clay-mud or in the complex crystal salts at

the Dead Sea. We will spend 2 magical days in this exquisite place of healing. The quality of the

saltine air balances the chakras and opens the pineal, enabling spiritual clarity and emotional

release. The Essenes & ancient Egyptians came to the Dead Sea for ritual purification ceremonies

before fasting & visioning.

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The Garden of Gethsemane: Many Pilgrims in both ancient and modern times reported having mystical

experiences, spontaneous healings and illuminating visions of both Mother Mary and Jesus while

meditating in the Garden of Gethsemane. A visit to the Church of All Nations, which is located next to

the Garden of Gethsemane provides a brilliantly detailed and amazingly colored pictured murals of the

early events of the special garden. According to the traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church it is

taught that the Garden of Gethsemane is the location where the Virgin Mary was buried and ascended

into heaven after her dormition on Mount Zion. A visit to the Garden of Gethsemane is best combined

with an easily accomplished stroll up the Mount of Olives where, once at the top, you will be rewarded

with a tranquility of serene solitude. Here you may find the deepest meditation of your life, one filled

with vision, release and spiritual euphoria. The hallowed and venerated 'Garden of Gethsemane' is truly

one of the most powerful and sacred locations on the planet. The Olive Trees create an energy that is

uniquely embellished by the amazing site, which includes the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion. The

acroamatic Essenes were mystics with a strong belief in the consciousness of all living things, and they

believed as did the Esoteric Druids, the Greek Pythagorean Delphics & Egyptian Shamanic priests,

that Olives Trees were not only highly conscious life forms, but capable of communicating wisdom to

magi, hermetics, mystics and sages through sirens of eclectic song audible to the esoterically advanced.

Plan to spend some quiet time will not want to leave !

Our Pilgrimage includes Petra

PETRA : The giant red mountains and vast mausoleums of a departed race have nothing in common with modern civilization, and ask nothing of it except to be appreciated at their true value - as one of the greatest wonders ever wrought by Nature and Man. Although much has been written about Petra, nothing really prepares you for this amazing place. It has to be seen to be believed.

Petra, the world wonder, and UNESCO World UN Heritage Site is without a doubt Jordan's most valuable treasure and an utterly breathtaking treasure. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the ancient Nabataeans, although some speculate the site was holy place century's even millennia prior.

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Evidence suggests that settlements had begun in and around Petra in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt (155 BCE). It is

listed in Egyptian texts and the Amara letters as Pel.

According to Arab tradition, Petra is the spot where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water came forth

miraculously , and where Moses' brother, Aaron, is buried at Mount HOR , known today as Mount Aaron.

A mountaintop shrine of Moses' sister Miriam was still shown to pilgrims at the time of Jerome in the 4th century.

On the authority of Josephus the4 Essene (Eusebius and Jerome ) assert that Rekem was the native name of Petra

and was appears in the Dead Sea Scrolls as a prominent Edom site most closely describing Petra and associated

with Mount Seir as being a site of both ancient Egyptians and Essene Hermetics. Entrance to the city is through

the Siq, a narrow gorge, over 1km in length, which is flanked on either side by soaring, 80m high cliffs. Just

walking through the Siq is an experience in itself. The colors and formations of the rocks are dazzling. As you

reach the end of the Siq you will catch your first glimpse of Al-Khazneh.

This is an awe-inspiring experience. A massive façade, 30m wide and 43m high, carved out of the sheer, dusky

pink rock-face of quartzite and rose sandstone... dwarfing everything around it. It was carved at least 2000 years

ago as the Temple Site & memorial Alter of an important Nabataean king and represents the engineering genius of

these ancient people. Petra is one of our featured location on our Pilgrimage.

An Amazing Nine Days to Israel & Jordan, Visiting the Major Holy Sites.

Pilgrimage Abundance Exchange $3750

(Nine Incredible Days Including Jerusalem, Nazareth,Dead Sea, Temple Mount, Jordan Petra) Mt Tabor. in lux accommodation.

Page 16: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

Last 4 Days for Amazing Discount - $3099 Limited Time Special Discount Expires Jan 7, 2014

$1111 Deposit Holds Your Place and Guarantees above Discounted Rate of $2999 Register with $1111 nonrefundable deposit to guarantee your place at the exceptional time

limited rate. Remaining balance after deposit is due before Jan 15, 2014

Register Here- Click Blue Link Below

Questions ? Email Bobby at : [email protected] or Call 936 447-9119 .

An extraordinary offer for early registration at an extremely discounted rate is extended by request. This represents a savings

of over $650 from our rate. Act soon it is valid only through 7 Jan 2014. It is exceptionally offered to allow you to enter at a low deposit and with an overall greatly reduced rate for the trip. Our gathering is in 5 Star and 4-Star Plus Luxury hotels with superb comfort & amenities. We work very hard to deal direct with all agents, and are required to pay up front for the lower rates. We assure you that you will not find a lower price available for any comparable 9 day trip in Israel & Jordan with this upscale quality of hotels and amenities. Other comparable packages are at least $1500 - $2000 more expensive than our rates. And this current offer makes the package even better - but you must act soon to capture this reduced offer package.

Our tour package pilgrimages are spiritually oriented, nurturing and loving.

You will not find a more nurturing and open hearted group to experience these astonishing locations..."Where Jesus Walked"

Our Holylands Pilgrimage will sell out. Register now to secure your place in this incredible voyage. Were you a

part of the Time of Christ, of the Avatar Essenes and the Magi ? You may be receiving the call to be a part of this

amazing journey to some of the most powerful points on the planet. If you are a code carrier of the 'New Earth'

this journey is a must to add to your energy. This journey is the capstone and completes any other sacred site

visits you may have made. Our discount is ending very very soon. Feel the Call ?

You will not find a better time, lower price or more nurturing group for this experience, the completion of

Mastery is at hand.

The Temple Mount

Page 17: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

The Temple Mount is one of the most important religious sites in the world. It is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been used as a

religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and

Paganism (Roman). Jewish tradition holds that Temple Mount it is the site where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where

Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac to prove his faith. King Solomon, according to the Bible, built the First Temple of the Jews on this

mountaintop circa 1000 B.C. It is the site of incredible miracles and power. Said to be the 'Centre of the Earth', and location in which the

Presence of God is manifest. The location is the holiest site in Judaism and is the place Jews turn towards during prayer. Due to its extreme

sanctity, many Jews believe the Mount itself, to be the location of the Light of God as the original location of the Holy of Holies. It is believed

that the aspect of the Divine Presence of God is (still) manifest on the Temple Mount. It was from the Holy of Holies that the High Priest

communicated directly with God, and that the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Among Sunni Muslims, the Mount is widely considered the third

holiest site in Islam. Revered as the Noble Sanctuary (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) and the location of the Prophet Mohammed's Ascent to Heaven.

Temple Mount is one of the focal sites of our Pilgrimage, and is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Mega-Portals

on the planet!

Page 18: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

The Arizona Star-Gate Gathering

May 23-26, 2014

Registration Options & Links for the Arizona Star-Gate Event

Page 19: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

$555 - Full 4-Day Attendance Full Attendance Ticket with Cancellation option

$399 - Amazing Early Angel Discounted Entry

The Arizona Event of the Year - An Epic Gathering

$399 - Special Limited Time Exceptional Discounted Offer- 4 day Attendance

To Register Click Below on Red Link

The discounted rate changes on Jan 7th to a higher rate. The time-limited special discounted rate is for the full event, with all amenities ( Review Event FAQ Online), Special Discounted ticket is noncancel, nontransfer.

U Tube Video AZ Star-Gate 2014 :Click Arrow on Screeon

Earth-Keeper 2014 Arizona Star-Gate

Confirmed Speakers:

Grandmother Bwaun Equa, John Van Auken, Dr Robert Schock, George Noory,

Richard C Haogland,

Linda Robinson, Cathy Komionos & Host James Tyberonn & Anne Meiklejohn -Tipton

Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Dr John Ryan, Dr Jeri Castronova, Adrienne Goff, Kirby Seid

Tom Danheiser, Michael Firewalker, Elaine Fidyk, Dr Cheri St Arnauld

Mona Delfino. Dr Joseph McNamara, Dr Raman Gokal & Assisting Host - Ken Landis

Registered Onsite Healers & Staff: Adrienne Goff, Laurence Martin, Dr John Ryan, Bruce Durward, CJ Walker,

Angie Carter, Angela'Debbie' Saklatvala, Ken Landis, Nia Kallhof, Jacqui Bushell,

Jane Elworthy, Elaine Fidyk, Arielle Shepherd, Grandmother Bwaun Equa, Eddie LeBlanc &

Carol Miller,

Nick Kosonic, Mona Delfino, Kirby Seid, Sara Florida-Blank, Dr Greg Ladd,

Joanne Parks (Max), Lama Cris Jacinto, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Sage Emory, Michele

Nocerino (Sha-Na-Ra)

Music - Realm Ryder

Page 20: North Temple Mount - Mount of Olives Stargate

Gongs & Chimes by Journey

And More Value Added: The Only 2 ET Origin Ancient Crystal Skulls of the Original 13

( The Crystal Library Record-Keepers of the Law of One ! )

MAX - The 13th Crystal Paradigm w/ JoAnn Parks

Sha Na Ra - the 12th Crystal Paradigm w/ Michele Nocerino

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