northshire 10-19-12

WKH IUHHSUHVV )ULGD\ 2FWREHU 9RO ,VVXH PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 65 GRANVILLE, NY 12832 7KH 1RUWKVKLUH·V *HW 2XW *R 1HZVSDSHU 3267$/ &86720(5 Money Saving Food Values Inside! Alexander McCall Smith, author of the bestselling “No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency” series, will present his newest book “The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds,” at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 28 at the Maple Street School in Manchester. The event is part of the Northshire Bookstore’s “Off the Shelf: Authors in Conversation” partnership with WAMC Northeast Public Radio. In this live stage event, Alexander McCall Smith will be interviewed by Joe Donahue of The Bookshow on WAMC. McCall Smith is the author of the bestselling No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, the Isabel Dalhousie series, the Portuguese Irregular Verbs series, the 44 Scotland Street series, and the Corduroy Mansions series. He is profes- sor emeritus of medical law at the University of Edinburgh and has served with many national international organi- zations concerned with bioeth- ics. He lives in Scotland. Tickets for the event are $28 including the new book, or $5 general admission. To pur- chase, call the bookstore at 802- 362-2200 or visit www.north- On Saturday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m., the bookstore will host Boston Globe film critic Ty Burr as he discusses his new book “Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame.” The book looks at our obsession with movie stars and how fame reflects and masks the person behind it. The event is presented in the book- store free of charge. Alexander McCall Smith in Manchester 3KRWR FRXUWHV\ RI 7DUD 0XUSK\ %HVWVHOOLQJ DXWKRU RI 1R /DGLHV 'HWHFWLYH $JHQF\ ZLOO EH DW WKH 0DSOH 6WUHHHW 6FKRRO LQ 0DQFKHVWHU SUHVHQWLQJ KLV QHZHVW ERRN Brush up on your foreign language skills at Mark Skinner Library in Manchester, as the library teams up with Burr and Burton Academy and Maple Street School to host conversa- tion groups in German, French, and Spanish. The groups meet twice a month from October to May. The meetings are not lessons, but opportunities to practice conversation skills. Those with intermediate or advanced skills might feel most comfortable in the groups. The German group will meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on Oct. 23, Nov. 13 and 27, Dec. 11, Jan. 8 and 22, Feb. 12 and 26, April 9 and 23, and May 14 and 28. French conversationalists will gather on Thursdays at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25, Nov. 15 and 29, Dec. 13 and 27, Jan. 10 and 24, Feb. 14 and 28, March 14 and 28, April 11 and 25, and May 16 and 20. Spanish speakers can prac- tice their skills on Fridays at 3 p.m. The group will meet on Oct. 26, Nov. 16 and 30, Dec. 14 and 28, Jan. 11 and 25, Feb. 15, March 1, 15, and 29, April 5 and 26, and May 17 and 31. BA foreign language teach- ers Barb Miceli, Michelle Emery and Sue Ritchie will keep the meetings lively, along with teacher Lizzy Lindenberg from Maple Street School. The groups are free and open to everyone. For more informa- tion, call the library at 802-362- 2607. Foreign Language Conversation at Mark Skinner Library Starting October 23 of Bennington of Bennington 200 North Street • Bennington, VT 05201 802-681-7458 •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Page 1: northshire 10-19-12







Money SavingFood Values


Alexander McCall Smith, author of the bestselling “No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency” series, will present his newest book “The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds,” at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 28 at the Maple Street School in Manchester.

The event is part of the Northshire Bookstore’s “Off the Shelf: Authors in Conversation” partnership with WAMC Northeast Public Radio. In this live stage event, Alexander McCall Smith will be interviewed by Joe Donahue of

The Bookshow on WAMC.McCall Smith is the author

of the bestselling No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, the Isabel Dalhousie series, the Portuguese Irregular Verbs series, the 44 Scotland Street series, and the Corduroy Mansions series. He is profes-sor emeritus of medical law at the University of Edinburgh and has served with many national international organi-zations concerned with bioeth-ics. He lives in Scotland.

Tickets for the event are $28

including the new book, or $5 general admission. To pur-chase, call the bookstore at 802-362-2200 or visit

On Saturday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m., the bookstore will host Boston Globe film critic Ty Burr as he discusses his new book “Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame.” The book looks at our obsession with movie stars and how fame reflects and masks the person behind it. The event is presented in the book-store free of charge.

Alexander McCall Smith in Manchester



Brush up on your foreign language skills at Mark Skinner Library in Manchester, as the library teams up with Burr and Burton Academy and Maple Street School to host conversa-tion groups in German, French, and Spanish.

The groups meet twice a

month from October to May. The meetings are not lessons, but opportunities to practice conversation skills. Those with intermediate or advanced skills might feel most comfortable in the groups.

The German group will meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on Oct. 23,

Nov. 13 and 27, Dec. 11, Jan. 8 and 22, Feb. 12 and 26, April 9 and 23, and May 14 and 28.

French conversationalists will gather on Thursdays at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25, Nov. 15 and 29, Dec. 13 and 27, Jan. 10 and 24, Feb. 14 and 28, March 14 and 28, April 11 and 25, and May 16 and

20.Spanish speakers can prac-

tice their skills on Fridays at 3 p.m. The group will meet on Oct. 26, Nov. 16 and 30, Dec. 14 and 28, Jan. 11 and 25, Feb. 15, March 1, 15, and 29, April 5 and 26, and May 17 and 31.

BA foreign language teach-

ers Barb Miceli, Michelle Emery and Sue Ritchie will keep the meetings lively, along with teacher Lizzy Lindenberg from Maple Street School.

The groups are free and open to everyone. For more informa-tion, call the library at 802-362-2607.

Foreign Language Conversation at Mark Skinner Library Starting October 23

of Benningtonof Bennington200 North Street • Bennington, VT 05201

802-681-7458 •









Page 2: northshire 10-19-12


It’s a day of spooky fun for everyone! The Bennington Museum invites all area ghosts and goblins to its Halloween Party taking place from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the museum.

Admission is free for the day, with events throughout the museum providing excite-ment for children and adults of all ages. Come in costume and join the fun with guessing games, and a gallery hunt.

There will also be spooky crafts including Black Bat Clips, Creepy spider Bracelets, Festive Halloween Cards, and Easy Tissue Ghosts.

At 3:30 p.m. everyone is welcome to join the costume parade through the museum. Light refreshments will be available.

Bring a friend and join the fun! For more information, call the Bennington Museum at 802-447-1571.

Halloween Party at Bennington Museum

The Bennington Center for the Arts welcomes the dynamic chamber music group MiXt for a concert at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 28.

Formed in 2011, MiXt is a versatile and vibrant group comprised of three award-win-ning soloists including the Israeli-born pianist Ran Dank, violinist Bella Hristova of Bulgaria, and clarinetist José Franch-Ballester of Spain. All were accepted into the presti-gious Young Concert Artists group, a non-profit organization in New York City that is dedi-cated to discovering and launch-ing the careers of exceptional, but unknown, young musicians. To be accepted into the YCA, musicians compete against a standard of excellence, not each other.

MiXt’s inaugural season will feature the premiere of a new work written by the 2012-14 YCA Composer-in-Residence David Hertzberg, and will include debuts in New York at Merkin Hall in the Summis Auspiciis Concert, and in Washington, DC at the Kennedy Center.

Tickets for the performance in Bennington are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. To purchase tickets, call The Bennington at 802-442-7158.

International Chamber Group at The Bennington, October 28



Julia Lees, a Danby resident and a senior at the Long Trail School, spent 26 days this sum-mer hiking the entire Long Trail to raise money for the Interfaith Council’s Kids’ Summer Lunch Program.

While her project began with a need to fulfill a community service project for her International Baccalaureate Diploma and hiking the Long Trail had been a goal since childhood, the mission soon became personal.

“During the school, children who may not have food avail-able at home are through school

meal plans,” Lees said. “However, in the summer, these programs are no longer run-ning, and a bunch of kids in the area go hungry. For $10 a week per child, the program really can do a lot.”

Lees appealed to area busi-nesses and friends to pledge per mile or to donate a flat sum. Due to her relatively short window of time, mapping was critical, as she had to cover eight and a half miles per day to complete the 270-mile trail.

“I had some really amazing experiences,” said Lees. Her biggest challenge was getting

over Mt. Mansfield. “It was real-ly windy, and there were some terrifying moments moving up ladders when we were really high up,” she commented.

Lees said she was able to $700 for the lunch program from her hike. She expressed gratitude to all the donors and to her par-ents, friends and faculty who helped her executive the trip.

“I learned important things about endurance, self-sufficien-cy, and sticking to a goal,” said Lees. “What an unforgettable summer!”


Bennington Area Habitat for Humanity is searching for fami-lies who want to explore the path to homeownership.

Families who are interested in determining if a Habitat home might be a realistic option for them should contact Habitat immediately by calling 802-367-1000 for more information. Deadline for filing an applica-tion is Nov. 30.

Completed applications will be reviewed immediately, and strong candidates will be asked to complete the pre-screening process, which involves a home visit. At the final stage of the selection process, equally quali-fied candidates will be given preference based on the date

their completed application was received.

In December or January, Habitat will select two families for its next two homes, which will be built on Jennifer Lane in Manchester.

The mission of Habitat for Humanity is to eliminate sub-standard housing for lower income families throughout the world. Habitat families are required to contribute many volunteer hours to help build their homes, and must meet many specific requirements. They then buy their homes from Habitat through a long-term mortgage at an affordable price.

Habitat Seeking Applicants













Page 3: northshire 10-19-12



The Dorset Players have announced that auditions for their holiday show, “The Children’s Holiday Hallapalooza: A Variety Show,” will be held at 6 p.m. on Oct. 23 and 24 at the Dorset Playhouse on Cheney Road in Dorset. Children ages six to 18 are wel-come to attend.

The show will feature song and dance as well as acting. This is an opportunity for local children to have their moment in the spotlight. Children may bring their own prepared audi-tion material, or may audition with the material that will be provided. No material will be provided prior to auditions.

The Children’s Holiday Hallapalooza will be directed by Sherry Kratzer and produced by Tracy Hughes. Performance dates for the show are Nov. 30 and Dec.7 at 7:30 p.m., and Dec. 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 2 p.m. For more information, call 802-753-7030.

The Dorset Players Children’s Auditions to be Held

With more than 300 wrecks in its dark, cold waters, Lake Champlain has witnessed feats of heroism and terrible trage-dies. Adam Kane of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum will discuss some of the lake’s most harrowing shipwreck sto-ries in an audiovisual tour at 4

p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21 at Equinox Village in Manchester.

This free Vermont Humanities Council program is co-hosted by Equinox Village and the Mark Skinner Library. For more information, call the library at 802-362-2607.

Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain

Green Drinks Manchester invites everyone to join them at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25 at the Barrows House on Route 30 in Dorset.

Enjoy drinks and conversa-tion on topics including sus-tainable agriculture, climate change, local consumption, alternative energies and more with environmental enthusi-asts.

Linger a little longer, and enjoy “Tapas on the Terrace” from 9 until 11 p.m.

Green Drinks is an informal group of community members who wish to engage in environ-mental issues broadly. For more information on the Green Drinks movement worldwide, visit Green Drinks Manchester VT can be found on Facebook.

Green Drinks Manchester

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning, in part-nership with Burr and Burton Academy and Northshire Performing Arts, will present a high definition broadcast of “The Last of the Haussmans” from the National Theatre in London at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 in the Riley Center for the Arts at Burr and Burton in Manchester.

Stephen Beresford’s “The Last of the Haussmans” exam-ines the fate of the revolution-ary generation of the 1960s. It is a funny, touching, and at times savage portrait of a family full

of longing that is losing its grip.The show is part of the

Saturday Series, which brings great performances from around the world every other Saturday evening to Manchester. All performances are stunning-ly presented on a large screen using the latest high-definition technology.

Tickets are $18 for adults and $9 for students and seniors. They can be purchased online at For more information, call BBA’s Media and Performing Arts Department at 802-549-8118.

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning Event, Saturday October 20th

Northshire Hockey Association announces that it is still registering players at all levels for the upcoming season.

NHA is offering free hockey instruction for boys and girls ages six and under at Riley Rink during the upcoming 2012-2013 hockey seasons. The free pro-gram starts Oct. 27 and runs for approximately 15 weeks. Practices will take place once a week at 10:15 a.m. on Saturdays. NHA’s only requirement for participation is that each pro-

spective player be an indepen-dent skater.

NHA has limited numbers of equipment rental packages available for $30. Packages include all equipment needed by new players except for a hockey stick and skates. For more information about this opportunity, email Karen Grabher at [email protected]. More information about Northshire Hockey Association can be found at

Free Hockey Instruction at Riley Rink

The Arlington Memorial High School French Club will host a fundraising dinner at Jonathon’s Table in Arlington on Monday, Nov. 5, with dinner reservation times at 5:30 or 7:30 p.m.

Guests can choose from entrees including Prime Rib au Jus, Lemon Walnut Chicken, Roast Pork or Fresh Scrod. Cost of the dinner is $25 per person, which includes the entrée, home-baked bread, salad, baked potato or rice, butternut squash, coffee and dessert choice of apple pie or Kahlua brownie.

Reservations must be made by Wednesday, Oct. 31 by con-tacting French Club Advisor Kathy Corey at [email protected] or by calling 375-2589 ext. 116.

French Club Dinner

Parents are invited to bring their infants and toddlers to a new playgroup being held at the Head Start Cottage in North Bennington. The cottage is across from Park McCullough House.

Children will enjoy age-appropriate activities including story time, art and movement, outdoor play, walks, and snack, Parents can take part in discus-sions with special guest pre-senters.

The group will take place every Thursday through Dec. 20 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. It is spon-sored by Building Bright Futures Direct Service Grant and Bennington County Head Start.

For more information, call Beth Wallace at 375-4152 or email [email protected].

New Head Start Playgroup in North Bennington





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Page 4: northshire 10-19-12


MANCHESTER Registrations are being accepted for a Mixed Media Painting with Collage Art Class that will be offered from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25, and Nov. 1, 8 and 15, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Cost: $50; free Equinox Village residents. Information/registration: Kylee at 802-362-4061.

MANCHESTER An exhibition of oil paintings by Gabi Moore will run through Monday, Nov. 12, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Information: 802-362-4061, or

MANCHESTER The Northshire Hockey Assn. is accepting regis-trations for free hockey instruction for boys and girls age 6 and younger that will begin at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27, and run for about 15 weeks at Riley Rink in Manchester. Registration: Email Karen Grabher at [email protected]. Information:

MANCHESTER The First Congregational Church of Manchester will hold its Fall Rummage Sale from 4 to 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday the 20th ($1 bag sale starting 12:30 p.m.). Offered will be household items, books, jewelry, artwork, winter clothing, and more. Information: 802-362-2709.

ARLINGTON The Chapel on the Green in Arlington invites every-one to its annual Turkey Dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19. Cost: $12 adults; $6 ages 6 to 12; free 5 and younger. Tickets will be sold at the door. Information/to volunteer to bake: Helen Whitman at 375-2775, or John Thompson at 375-6455.

SALEM A Haunted House will be open from 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19 and 20, 26 and 27, and Sunday, Oct. 28, at the Courthouse Community Center, 58 Broadway in Salem. Cost: $10 adults; $5 age 13 and younger and volunteer fire and EMS workers; $25 families (moth-er/dad or caregiver and children). Handicap accessible and refresh-ments will be available. Information:

MANCHESTER Amor Towles will present his acclaimed debut novel, “Rules of Civility,” at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19, at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. Information: 802-362-2200, or

ARLINGTON The Women’s Auxiliary will host a Basket Party at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Everyone will be wel-come. Information: 802-375-6157.

EAST ARLINGTON A Chicken Barbecue will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, on the green across from the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road (rain site, church’s Bailey Hall). Cost: $12 adults; $6 age 12 and younger; free 4 and younger. Information/tickets: 802-375-2548. Tickets also will be sold

at the door.

EAST ARLINGTON The East Arlington Federated Church invites everyone to a Harvest Season Chicken Barbecue from 4 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20. Cost: $12 adults, $6 age 12 and younger, free preschoolers, at the door. Information/reservations: 802-375-2548, or 801-375-6934.

MANCHESTER “The Last of the Haussmans,” a high-definition broadcast performance from the National Theatre in London, will be presented at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, in the Riley Center for the Arts at Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester. This play was described as “entertaining, sad and outrageous” by the Observer in London. Cost: $18 adults; $9 students and senior citizens. Tickets: Information: 802-549-8118.

MANCHESTER Ty Burr, film critic for The Boston Globe, will answer questions about his anecdotal his-tory of stardom, “Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame,” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. Information: 802-362-2200, or

MANCHESTER A Pitch Tournament will be held on Sunday, Oct. 21, at the VFW, 280 Depot Street in Manchester (across from Price Chopper). Registration will begin at noon, the game at 1 p.m., and everyone will be welcome. Information: 802-362-9840, or

MANCHESTER The Mark Skinner Library will host Lake Champlain Maritime Museum archaeologist Adam Kane with a slides/draw-ings/video program on “Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain” at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Everyone will be wel-come. Information: Cindy Waters at 802-362-2607.

EAST ARLINGTON Ghost Stories will be the topic for a story time at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21, in Bailey Hall at the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road. You are asked to bring a finger food to share. Information: 802-375-2548.

MANCHESTER An all-you-can-eat Spaghetti Dinner will be served from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21, at Riley Rink in Manchester. Come help local players celebrate the start of the hockey season. Cost: $7 adults, $5 age 14 and younger, with proceeds benefiting the nonprofit Northshire Hockey Assn. Also, enjoy the popular chuck-a-puck at this event. Information: Karen Grabher at 366-8218, or email [email protected].

DORSET The Dorset Players will hold Auditions for “Children’s Holiday Hallapalooza: A Variety Show” at 6 pm. on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 23 and 24, at the Dorset Playhouse on Cheney Road. Children ages 6 to 18 are encouraged to attend and bring their own audition material or material will be provided. This

show will be staged on Nov. 30 and in early December. Information: 802-753-7030.

MANCHESTER Film expert Harvey Flaxman will screen the 1964 Cold War classic, “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,” starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23, at the Mark Skinner Library, 48 West Road in Manchester. A discussion will fol-low the screening and refresh-ments will be served at this free event. Information: 802-362-2607, or

MANCHESTER The Mark Skinner Library at 48 West Road in Manchester will offer Conversation Groups in German, French and Spanish beginning on Oct. 23 (7 p.m.), Oct. 25 (7 p.m.), and Oct. 26 (3 p.m.) respectively. Practice your foreign language speaking skills and participants with intermediate or advanced skills may feel most comfortable in these groups. Information: Cindy Waters at 802-362-2607.

MANCHESTER The Garden Club of Manchester will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the Mettowee Mill Nursery in Dorset. The Mettowee staff will present a program on Holiday Decorating, with tips and inspirational ideas for interior and exterior decorations. Cost: $5 non-members. MANCHESTER Rich Marantz will present a program on “Walking Safely in the Winter: Preventing Falls for Seniors” from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at Equinox Village, 49 Maple Street in Manchester. Cost: Free for Equinox residents; $10 all others. Registration is requested with Kylee at 802-362-4061.

EAST ARLINGTON A program on “Range of Care Options for Seniors” will be presented from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24, in Bailey Hall at the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road. This is the final of four free programs that are free and open to all. Information: 802-375-2548, or email [email protected].

MANCHESTER The Green Drinks Manchester group will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25, at the Barrows House, 3156 Route 30 in Manchester. Enjoy drinks and conversation on topics includ-ing sustainable agriculture, climate change, and alternative energies. Information:

ARLINGTON Steak Night will be held at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26, at American Legion Post 69 in Arlington. Cost: $12. Everyone will be welcome. Information: 802-375-6157.

SALEM Free Lego Nights will be offered from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26 and Nov. 30, at the Salem Courthouse Community Center. Children of all ages will enjoy the challenge of “building anything they can imagine.” Reservations are requested at 518-854-7053.

Out & AboutBy Jim Carrigan

FRI 10/19

SAT 10/20

SUN 10/21

TUE 10/23

WED 10/24

THU 10/25

FRI 10/26


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Page 5: northshire 10-19-12


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C OAT M E N S S I Z E 4 8 , 100% wool (Stafford) dark grey, never worn, handsome, $40. 802-265-8650

COFFEE END TABLE and two end tables, maple set, good condition, $50. 518- 686-7105

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CRAFTSMAN 6.25 HP self propelled, walk behind lawn mower. Runs great, $60. 518-854-3307

C R A F T S M A N S N O W BLADE 48” fits most small tractor mowers, $85. 518- 686-5412

CRIB SET spor ts theme, bedskirt, comforter, diaper stacker, valance rug, bump- ers, $30. 518-632-5706

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CROSCILL BORDEAUX PATTERN bathroom set 10 pieces, exc cond, $99. 518- 581-1473

C R O S C I L L B O R D E A X PATTERN 84” drapes, 2 as- cot valences, lamp shade, exc cond, $75. 518-581-1473

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ENTERTAINMENT CEN- TER DARK cherry color, 56X18.5X56. Drawer on bot- tom, $75. 518-695-3950

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Page 6: northshire 10-19-12


GE WASHING MACHINE l i ke new, was a spa re . Model# WJSE4150BLWN, $95 OBO. 518-854-3642.

GIRLS SKI PANTS girl con- nection, XL 14/16 tags on, blue, $8. 518-686-2591

G R A C O B A B Y H I G H - CHAIR whi te, blue seat back, $40. 518-499-0169

G R E A T C O N D I T I O N WHIRLPOOL dr yer, you pick up. Runs great, $99. 802-417-1289

HUFFY BIKE 26” male Ma- jove gulch 15 speed, $10. 518-686-5412

HUFFY BIKE 26” female majove gulch, 15 speed, $10. 518-686-5412

KEG COOLER w/ air tank spout, nice shape, $99. 518- 955-6466 after 5pm.

KEROSENE HEATER like new, $50. 518-692-7668

KO DA K E A S Y S H A R E 5300 all in one, works great, $40. 802-265-8232

LARGE COMPUTER DESK and office chair. Exc cond, $99. 518-642-1681 after 5pm.

L A R G E M I R R O R F O R dresser mahogany color, $20. 518-695-3950

LIGHTHOUSE FIGURINES box of different ones, also wall sign. Whole box, $25. 518-695-3950

L OV E S E AT N AT U R A L TONE wicker, like new, $45. 518-692-8262

MAGAZINE COLLECTION EARLY copies “Vermont L i fe” some rare 1948 to 1979, $85. 518-642-3351

MAHOGANY DRESSER 44X20X35. Three drawer, exc cond, 1940s style. Good condition, $85. 802-287-9992

M I C R O WAV E A M A N A T O U C H M AT E p o w e r , 1500w, fair condition, $5. 802-265-4289

MIRROR FULL LENGTH for dressing, posing, convenient for c loser, door or wal l , 21X60”, $40. 518-854-3238

NOAHS ARK CRIB se t , bedskirt, sheet, comforter, bumpers, diaper stacker, val- ances, $35. 518-632-5706

OLD GLENS FALLS bottle lasaway & mansfield w/ flip- top lid, $15. 518-747-3558

OLDER 10” SAW belt driven works, al l steel pedestal frame, very heavy, $45. 518- 747-3558

OLDER CANTE HOOK for rolling logs, very good con- dition, $35. 518-747-3558

O V E R S I Z E D R U S T I C CHAIR pull out single bed, incl 2 decorative pillows. Exc cond, $99. 802-645-9326

P90X SYSTEM never used, $99 OBO. 518-653-8071

PADDINGTON 2 SETS 10 books, hilarious and more hi- larious adventures, $13. 518- 686-2591

PANASONIC 13” TV with radio, VCR, white, nice for little girls room, $10. 518- 642-2042

PEAVY 4 STRING Bass USA made w/ hard shel l case, $99. 518-642-3077

POLE LAMP brown, nice condition, wooden w/ built in rounded stole, $20. 518-638- 8179

QUASAR COLOR TV 13”, $15. 518-499-0169

QUILTING BOOKS many hard cover, excellent condi- t ion, approximately 40 of them, $50. 518-854-9702

RETRO KITCHEN SET 4 chairs, 1 yr old, red, $99. 518-695-3165

SEALY CRIB MATTRESS also fits toddler bed frame, $10. 518-642-2042

S E V E R A L S E T O F o l d wooden shutters, $40. 802- 265-3796

SHALLOW WELL PUMPS motors work, pumps may need work. $99. 802-867- 0359

SIX PANEL PINE door, solid 36X80” n ice shape, $90 OBO. 518-955-6466 after 5pm.

SNELL FG6 ROAD bike hel- met w/ visor, $25. 518-653- 8071

SNOW TIRES (2) winter- force, 225/60R16, like new, $95. 518-282-9317

STEP 2 TODDLER wagon. Seats 2 toddlers, vg cond, $25. 802-265-3796

STIHL FS 45 string trimmer, runs well, $75. 518-854-3307

TASCAM 464 PORTA-STU- DIO 12 track music record- ed, exc cond, $75. 518-642- 3077

THREE CUSHION SOFA like new, $99. 802-265-4289

TRANS COOLER FITS all vehicles, $10. 518-686-5412

TRUCK MIRRORS PAIR west coast mirrors. Excellent shape, $15. 518-793-7398

TWIN BED complete, $25. 518-692-7668

TWO 185/60R15 tires, stud- ded snow, used two months, $90. 518-854-3959

UPHOLSTERY MATERIAL paid $40/ yard, now 8 yards for $25. 518-642-2042

VERY NICE COND wooden front room table w/ drawer. Big beautiful rounded logs on bottom, $80. 518-638-8179

V I N TAG E R E O S N OW- BLOWER has not been run in years, $50. 518-686-7105

W E I G H T B E N C H A N D weights, made by weider, $30. 518-632-5706

WINNIE THE POOH classic crib set. Comforter, pillow, bumper pad, 3 matching win- dow val, $10. 518-642-2042

WOMENS CLOTHING & SHOES new & nearly new, XL-1X, shoes 8-8 1/2, tops, bottoms, $70. 518-753-4701

WO O D E N C O M P U T E R DESK 2X4’, side drawer, $35. 518-642-3936

W O O D S T OV E G L A S S FRONT airtight, ideal for cot- tage, camp, trailer, great o/n heater, $99. 518-642-3351

#FQRVKQPA BABY IS OUR DREAM Neil & Naomi are longing to adopt a child into our warm, fun, secure and loving home. 1-800-982-3678 Expenses paid.


A L T H O U G H M A N - CHESTER NEWSPA- PERS tries earnestly to check all Classified Ad- vertising submitted for le- gitimacy and accuracy, we cannot be responsible for ads that may be mis- leading.


OWN YOUR LIFE! Home-based easy income system that anyone can do. No Sell- ing. Once in a lifetime op- por tunity. Call 1-978-238- 8716 for free cd.

&C[ECTGNO GRANVILLE Licensed day care now has openings. PT/FT. Day or evening. Call Maureen 518-642-1064

#PVKSWGUBULLDOG ANTIQUES For- merly Whitehall Flea Market.Will be closing for the sea- son. See you in March! 518- 307-6049

EARLY 20TH CNTRY ma- hogany secretary/dsk. Hutch top w/ glass drs. Ball& claw feet, $265. 518-695-3977

#RRNKCPEGUFRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC CERAMIC top, 4 brnr stove w/ slf cln oven. Bisque 30” vg cond, $150. 802-325-2151









Page 7: northshire 10-19-12



16’ FIBERGLASS CANOE Stillwater by White, lightly used, seats need re-canning, inc ludes 5 padd les and heavy duty canoe caddy, $350. 518-744-8733

BROTHER FAX MACHINE comes with an extra un- opened/ unused toner and drum. TN350& DR350. Exc cond, no longer needed, $150. 518-642-1234

COAL FOR SALE Anthra- cite. Rice, Pea, Nut, Stove and Smithing. 518-424-5663 or cell 518-642-9819

HOT SPRINGS 4 PERSON Hot tub, used very little, EC, $1200/obo. 518-695-6982 or 518-810-4806.

KEROSENE HEATER cof- fee tables, drafting table, arc welder, misc doors, and more. 518-692-8550

MUZZLE LOADER Tradi- tions Pursuit LT .50 cal stnls inline, $200. 518-642-0785

NEW QUEEN MATTRESS Sets still in plastic $150, can deliver. 518-290-0298.

'FWECVKQPAVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAINING Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement As- sistance. Call National Avia- tion Academy Today! FAA A p p r o v e d . C L A S S E S STARTING SOON! 1-800- 292-3228 or NAA.ed

(WTPKVWTGLIKE NEW BEAUTIFUL pine hutch. 4 glass doors on top w/ 4 drawers on bottom, $250. 802-265-4247

)CTCIG�5CNGUEAGLE BRIDGE HUGE SALE 10/20-10/21, 9-4. Ea- gle Br idge Rd, furniture- tools-jewelry-household, hol- iday items- snowmobile hel- mets-Rossignol youth ski set-LOTS MORE!

NORTH GRANVILLE 10393 State Rt 40, Fri, Sat & Sun, 8-?. Crafts, furniture, Christ- mas Decorations and more.

)WPU���#OOQWANTED WINCHESTER MODEL 670A, condi t ion does not matter. Call 802- 394-7763

*GCNVJ�/GFKECNJAZZY POWER CHAIR Good condition, asking $500. 518-692-7668 or 518-573- 8115


U S E D B E AU T Y S H O P equipment for sale. 3 Hy- draulic chairs& driers, booth and 2 sinks. 802-468-5155


TROY BUILT LAWN trctr, used 3X, l ike new, 17HP. $450. Cap 2003 Ford Ranger ext cab, fleet sds, orig $800, sacr $400. 3 snowblowers, $150-$350. 518-642-3776

WASHINGTON COUNTY SURPLUS Online auction at Com- puters, printers, overhead lighting, furniture, household appliances, drafting tables and more . Use C lass i c Search by Seller Name. Free bidder registration.

WOODSTOVE air tight, very good condition, $275. 802- 645-0708

YOUTH ROPING SADDLE 13” seat, $1500. 518-260- 0692


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET/FLUTE/ VIO- LIN/TRUMPET/ Trombone/Amplifier/ Fender Guitar, $69 each. Cello/Upright Bass/ Saxophone/ French Horn/ Drums, $185 ea. Tuba/Bari- tone Horn/Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-377- 7907

6QQNU12” DELTA PLANER in- c ludes new package o f blades & manual, good con- dition, $175. 802-645-0708

9CPVGF�6Q�$W[U.S. & FOREIGN COINS & paper money! No amount too small! Call Richard 518-642- 8156 or 518-683-1954

&QIU�%CVU�2GVUFREE TO GOOD homes only, black& white neutered male cat, and white neutered male cat. 518-638-8905

(CTO�#PKOCNUBABY PIGS 8 weeks old, $50 each. 518-695-6982 or 518-810-4806

*C[���)TCKPFREE MULCH HAY square baled hay over 100 bales take what you want. You take it away. 518-677-8837/ 904-806-4362

*QTUGUSTRAIN FAMILY HORSE FARM 50 horses, we take trade-ins, 3-week exchange guarantee. Supplying horses t o t h e E a s t C o a s t . www.strainfamilyhorsefarm. com, 860-653-3275. Check us out on Facebook.

(KTGYQQFAFFORDABLE FIREWOOD By Gould’s. Dry & seasoned hardwood, boiler wood also avai lable. HEAP vendor. 518-499-0307/518-857-0279

ALL CUT SPLIT & DELIV- ERED Hardwood firewood. Seasoned& Green wood now available, any length. 802- 316-6076 or 518-642-1558

LOG LENGTH By the truck load. Hardwood $600. 518- 677-8921/518-681-0227.

LOG LENGTH 2-3-4 cord loads $250, $350 and $450 . 7+ co rd $750 . Green C/S $165; Dry C/S $200. 518-638-6338.

TOTAL WOOD HEAT. Safe, clean, efficient and comfort- able outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler. Bee- crofts 518-753-4402

WOOD HEATING Gasifica- tion boilers and heat storage. Automatic pel let boi lers. Call Northland Energy

518-854-78254061 Rt 22,Salem, NY

WOOD LOTS WANTED Top prices paid in cash, Call Central Timber at 518-708-4337 or evenings 518-638-6338






Whaleback Vineyard

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Page 8: northshire 10-19-12




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(PSOR\PHQWCOOK POSITION Birdseye Diner, F/T pos. Exp pre- ferred. Castleton, VT. Con- tact Robert 802-468-2213.

FULLER BRUSH DISTRIB- UTORS NEEDED. Start a home based business. Need people who can use extra money. Service your own area. No Investment. Call: 207-363-6012

P O S I T I V E E N E R G Y i s seeking an experienced car- penter, also proficient in the electrical & plumbing trades. Pay commensurate w/ ex- perience. Call Joe 518-955- 0402


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Page 9: northshire 10-19-12





List your auction here and

be sure to have it seen all over the area!

Call 1-800-354-4232 ask for Heather!

(QT�5CNGLAKE CHAMPLAIN 200’ lakefront, VT, views of Adk& Grn Mtns. Cozy Comfy camp $144,000. 518-677-8818


SHASTA TRAVEL TRAIL- ER (2) axel, great camp/stor- age, 32X12’ $1250. OBO, Whi tehal l , NY. 802-558- 1797.

#RCTVOGPVUCASTLETON 2BR duplex apt., $625/mth + uti l . No pets, no smoking. 1st, last & sec dep. Appl & ref req’d. 802-468-5691


Take a TourWeds 12:30pm!

Off Bay St, Queensbury!518-832-1701.

GRANVILLE village 2 bdrm. apt., laundry on site, pets considered. $625, heat incl. 1st, last and security. Refer- ences required, Year lease. Call 518-642-3454

GRANVILLE 1bdrm, 2bdrm & 3bdrm apartments for rent. 518-642-2981 or 518-844- 4489

GRANVILLE- Mettowee Val- ley Apts - Taking apps 2bdrm $518 rent; utilities average $81. Includes appliances, site laundry, trash removal. No smoking. Pet? Must meet eligibility requirements. For application 518-584-4543. NYS TDD Relay Service 1- 800-421-1220. Handicap Ac- cessible Equal Housing Op- portunity.

HOOSICK FALLS Spa - cious, renovated, centrally located, 2/1, upstairs apt., W/D. No pets, non-smoker. Check web http: / / rental- homes.homestead.comOnly $750/mth +utils. 518- 659-6012

HUBBARDTON cozy coun- try apartment, small upstairs, elec, snow, trash removal, non-smoker. Pets possible, $425/mo 1st & sec. 802-273- 2499

LAKE ST. CATHERINE, V T N e w, s p a c i o u s , 1bdrm, whl chair access, w/limited access to lake. Partial furn. Util incl., ex- cept , phone & cable. $800/mth. First, sec, ref. Avail now. 802-665-7371

POULTNEY 1bdr m, up- stairs, $595 includes heat & hot water, no pets, lease, de- posit, ref. 802-324-7102.

SALEM 1bdrm inc ludes heat, $465/mth. Bolden Re- alty 518-854-7493

WHITEHALL 1bdrm, 1st flr, incl. heat & hot water.$450, Lg 2bdrm, heat, washer/dry- er, no pets, $625. 1st mth+ sec & ref. 206-222-5925

W H I T E H A L L s p a c i o u s 2bdrm w/new floors, DR, pantry, yard, plenty of park- ing, no pets, sec/references req. Ideal location. $650/mth +utilities. 518-499-2826

WHITEHALL Country main floor, large 1 bdrm, washer/ dryer hook up. Heat includ- ed, $650. 518-499-2879

%QOOGTEKCNWHITEHALL restaurant for rent on the Champlain Canal. $400 monthly plus utilities, Call 518-499-2435

*QOGUHEBRON 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba, w/d. 2 car garage, $750+ util. No pets/ smoking, 1st& sec. 518-955-5569


2 BDRM 2 BA on private lot. $800/mo, 1 mo, last& security req. 3 mi West of FH,VT. Whitehall school dist . 802-265-3766 or 518-265-3146

CLEMONS, NY Rent/ Rent to own. Single wide, 2bdrms, country spot, $450/mth +sec. No pets. 518-499-0950

GRANVILLE 2bdrm mobile home, big yard, 17 Beach Way. $650 + security. 518- 642-1540 or 518-932-7543.


Route 4-AFair Haven, VT802-265-3330

I N S I D E S TO R AG E Fo r Boats, Cars, RV’s. Garden- works, 1055 Cty Rte 30,Salem NY,518-854-3250.


W A R M W E AT H E R I S YEAR ROUND In Aruba. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available: Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, & Oct. 14, 2011. Sleeps 8. $2500. Call Carol at 978-371-2442 or email: [email protected]



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1997 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GTP 2dr, V6 super- charge, 145K, $2450. 518- 222-9446

1999 VOLKSWAGON PAS- SAT Red, no rust, good in- terior, new stereo system, 195K, asking $2800. 518- 879-5287

2000 SAAB 9-3 Convertible, Good cond, new engine, new turbo, new ball joints, $4000. 518-955-8878

2001 BLACK DODGE Da- kota, 100,000 miles, good condition, $3500/obo. 518- 854-3841 or 518-791-8788

2001 MERCURY COUGAR 118K, 5-speed, 4 cyl. Runs good. $2500. 518-854-3625

2 0 0 1 TOYOTA C A M RY 206,000 miles, runs great, $2300. 802-683-4057

2003 SUBARU FORESTER AWD, auto, 94K, 1 owner, well maintained, $5200. 802- 824-6199

2004 TOYOTA SCION XB 4 door, 110,000 miles, good condition, $7000/obo. 518- 642-3230

2008 AUDI Q4 previous pur- chased maintenance pack- age transferred with car. 43K, still under warranty, ful- ly loaded, sunroof, $16,500/ obo. 802-235-2765

NICE CONDITION! 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Lare- do, A/T, V-6, 120K, Clean! $4900/OBO 518-499-1538


Page 10: northshire 10-19-12


#WVQ�9CPVGFCASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not, Sell your Car or Truck TO- DAY. Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-800-871-0654

$QCVUBOAT MOTOR TRAILER 40HP, runs good, $1200. 802-293-5210

GRUMMAN 15’ split seat, w/ shorelander trailer, 8HP Nis- san, $1800. 802-273-2053

%CORGTU�6TCKNGTU2003 16X9 CARGOPRO motorcycle trailer. Aluminum, holds 2 bikes. Single axle. $5,750. 518-753-6048


1998 GMC BUCKET truck, Mobark 12” chipper, $26,000 or will trade for mini excava- tor. 518-361-4049

HEAVY EQUIPMENT RE- PAIR onsite or in shop, $50/hr. Trucks, backhoes, exca- vators, dozers, frame repair, brakes,torching & welding. All types of equipment. Day 518-708-4337 or evenings 518-638-6338


1981 OLDSMOBILE 98 2 door, 41K miles, many new parts, runs well, $850. 802- 265-3129 after 3pm.

1985 RAM CHARGER 4X4 little surface rust, orig en- gine, brand new tires & rims, Runs great. $5500. 518-747- 4565

1 9 8 8 B U I C K R E AT TA Looks & runs great, new tires, brakes, & tuneup, nev- er run in the winter, asking $2490/obo. 802-273-2647

1990 MERCURY GRAND PRIX Southern car, flawless, 85,447 miles, $1995. 802- 325-3081

(CTO�'SWKROGPV1948 FORD 8N TRACTOR $1500. 518-677-5292

HORSE TRAILER 1994 Featherlite horse trailer, 12ft long. In great cond, $3450. 518-854-9994

(QWT�9JGGN�&TKXG1991 JEEP GRANDWAG- O N I E R ( r e s t o r a b l e collectible) last year it was made, $900. 518-854-9228

1998 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer Edition, 5.0L, V8, fully loaded, 4WD, no rust, runs great. 110K miles. $4,500. 518-677-5544

2000 CHEVROLET SILVE- RADO 2500, 8’, ext cab, V8, cruise, 61K, EB, EC, one owner, $8000. 518-677-2467

2000 FORD F350 6 speed, standard, 100K, plow, sand- er, 5th wheel hook-up, dump body, $15,000/obo. 518-854- 7737

2000 FORD F150 XLT, 5.4 Auto, short bed, king cab, 124K, nice cond, $5000. 802-342-0992 weekends.

2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER limited, immaculate. 71,000 m i , da r k g reen , ask ing $10,500. 518-747-9022

2001 CHEVY SILVERADO P/U ext cab, 4X4, 5.3 V8, 105k miles, runs exc. $4500. 802-325-2089

2001 CHEVY TRACKER 4 d r, 5 s p d , 4 c y l , 1 2 7 K , 28MPG, tow alloys, inspect- ed, $2495. 518-686-7076

2004 CHEVROLET SILVE- RADO 1500 4WD, 4.8L, 65K miles, great shape, good tires, asking $8600. 802-265- 8645 ext 23.

2005 FORD F250 SD 5.4 Auto, 57K. Reg cab, great condition. $11,200 802-468- 3170

/QVQTE[ENGU08 SUZUKI C50 Boulevard, 805cc, 5300 miles, Black/ gray, windshield, saddle bags, very good condition, $4500. Manchester. 802- 366-8188

1990 HD FXRS 1300cc, new tires, $7000. 802-325-3127

2003 MOTOGUZZI CALI- FORNIA EV 1100 with Voy- ager tr ike conversion kit, many extras, $9500/obo. Trades cons. 802-265-3403

2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON Ultra Classic, $12,000. 802- 770-2292

4GETGCVKQPCNSHORELINE BOAT TRAIL- E R t a n d e m w h l s , h y d brakes, easy loader w/ 4 new tires w/ spare for 21’ boat. $1200. 802-468-5136


2 POLARIS SNOWMO- BILES 1998 & 1999. Nice sleds! $3,000/obo. 518-791- 9741

����'HNDOE�5RDG��*UDQYLOOH��1<���������0RQGD\�)ULGD\������6DWXUGD\�����(518) 642-3063 or 642-3036



BRASS • COPPER • ALUMINUM • BATTERIES • STEEL21�6,7(�6&5$3�0(7$/�',60$17/,1*��5(029$/



Page 11: northshire 10-19-12


2005 KAWASAKI BAYOU Adul t r idden, low mi les, $1500. 518-260-7196

2005 YAMAHA VENTURE snowmobi le , low mi les, 600cc, 2 up. $4500. 802-235- 1068 after 5 pm

2010 FRONTRUNNER 800 S side-by-side U.T.V., w/top, windshield & winch. $7,300. 802-645-1925

CONDOR-250CC 5 speed, yellow. Almost new- Demo. 30 mi les, not a scratch, $1850. 802-438-2910


(4) COOPER SNOW TIRES 225/60/R16, $300. 802-265- 2110

TRUCK CAP fits older short- box Fords. Good shape, fi- berglass, $250. 802-375- 9441


01 CHEVY ASTROVAN AWD, runs good, solid body, brakes need work, $1750. 802-287-9801

1987 DODGE RAM 1 ton truck, great condition, stan- dard 4spd floor shift, big V8 engine w/63,000 or iginal m i l es . Jus t need room. $5000. OBO 518-638-9000

1990 E350 UHAUL custo- mized box truck. 7.3 diesel auto, new tires and inspec- tion, $2500 802-273-2837

1992 FORD RANGER Me- chanic special , runs, in- spected, roll bar with lights, $2000/obo. 802-235-1391

1998 FORD 150 CUSTOM VAN w/wheel chair lift, 66K, many new par ts, can be seen at 6 Pine Lane, Cam- bridge, NY. 518-677-3084

87 F350 DUMP TRUCK 90,000 miles, too many new parts to list, very little rust, box great condition, $2500. 802-683-4163

John C. Stewart & Son, Inc.Route 103 Cuttingsville, VT 05738

Sales: 802-492-3312 • Service: 802-492-3332

Celebrating 97 years as your Family Owned Ford Store. Come join the family!


Special of the Week

2007 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4X4 - 4 Dr.3.0L-V6, Automatic, Power Windows & Locks,

Cruise/tilt, Air, Moonroof, Audiophile 6 DiscCD and more. Finished in Tungsten Gray.




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MVP Health Plan, Inc., is a not-for-profit Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. A sales person will be present with infor-mation and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings, call 1-888-280-6205 or TTY: 1-800-662-1220.Plan performance Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next. Paid Actor Portrayal.Y0051_1616 Accepted (09/14/2012)

4.5 Stars Rated by Medicare

Call 1-888-280-6205TTY: 1-800-662-1220Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm Eastern Time


MVP’s Medicare Customer Care Center: 1-800-665-7924, 8 am – 8 pm, 7 days a week

Date Place Time10/23 Bennington Public Library 10:30 am

Join us for a meeting or contact us today to learn more!


UNDERSTAND.Discover MVP’s Medicare Advantage Plans

Available in Addison, Bennington, Chittenden and Rutland counties.