norwood green news · 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs finely grated zest and juice of 2...

NORWOOD GREEN NEWS Newsletter of the Norwood Green Residents’ Association & The Norwood Green Village Hall Charitable Trust Est. Sept 1986 Edition No: 128 June 2018

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Page 1: NORWOOD GREEN NEWS · 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 200gm ground almonds 2 teaspoons sifted baking powder About 9 amaretti biscuits

NORWOOD GREEN NEWS Newsletter of the Norwood Green Residents’

Association & The Norwood Green Village Hall Charitable Trust

Est. Sept 1986 Edition No: 128 June 2018

Page 2: NORWOOD GREEN NEWS · 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 200gm ground almonds 2 teaspoons sifted baking powder About 9 amaretti biscuits


Hello to you all, We have had a very busy time of it since our last newsletter, lots of issues have been raised; with some notable successes. For many years there has been surface water issues around Norwood Green. The most problematic was the water outside the Old White Beare, for many years the standing water had been a hazard; especially in Winter and with the freezing temperatures. After many attempts badgering the local council and Yorkshire Water, the problem was finally solved. Two other similar issues have been resolved, we are still waiting for a conclusion to the same problem on Common Land between Rishwood and Thorn Garth. The committee will continue to pursue this matter until we reach a satisfactory conclusion. A more recent issue of fly tipping on the old Cranbrook Mill site has also been taken care of. A constant stream of fly tippers have been unloading rubbish on this site. Working alongside the council and the Environmental Departments, an enforcement notice was placed on the site owner to clear the site and make it safe from further encroachment. I am pleased to say this work has, at the time of writing, been almost completed. A huge thank you to everyone concerned in this ‘Victory’, I must single out Wendy for her unwavering efforts in contacting the site owner to follow through on his responsibilities. Another huge thank you to the guys (You know who are), who caught a person tipping. They, not only called the relevant authorities but stopped the tipper from leaving. It is my understanding this person will be duly prosecuted. In addition, many letters were removed from the site, the names and addresses will also be investigated as to their potential role in the dumping. It is a massive result and just shows what can be done when we come together as a Village. Front cover: Hawthorn blossom, buttercups and honeysuckle in Mayfield


Page 3: NORWOOD GREEN NEWS · 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 200gm ground almonds 2 teaspoons sifted baking powder About 9 amaretti biscuits

The road resurfacing work which took place last year has proved to be a bit of a disaster. We have had many conversations with the council on this issue. They fully accept the work, carried out by a contractor, was substandard and unacceptable. They have agreed that the whole area will be re-surfaced. This work will take place once we have prolonged weather conditions which suit the works. (Please see notice on page 7, just received.) Speeding and anti-social traffic which we have in the Village is the one issue which I receive the most complaints about. The local Police did attend in April, a few cars were stopped for travelling in excess of the 20mph limit. Whilst we welcome these efforts, they are unfortunately flawed. They are only in place for a few hours and as legislation dictates, the officers have to be clearly identified which gives traffic the opportunity to change their driving habits for a short time to avoid detection. Furthermore, drivers display the locations of these ‘Traps’ on social media. Obviously this also gives drivers the opportunity to act accordingly. In the last day or so painted 2Omph Roundels have been painted in the 20mph speed area. Whilst we welcome these, it has been pointed out the council that the Roundels will have to be repainted once the resurfacing work is completed. It is hoped the Council will provide Mobile Activated Signs for a period in the Village. These will automatically display to drivers if they are exceeding the speed limit; this gives them the opportunity to decrease their speed. Once they are in place, it is understood they will be in situ for 6 months. Over this period the situation can be monitored with the hope that drivers who flagrantly disregard the speed limits do reduce in quantity. Should these signs prove successful the Village can decide if they wish to purchase permanent signs. Such signs are in excess of £3000 each, funding for these would have to looked into as they will not be provided by the council. Further traffic calming measures have been suggested, such as speed bumps etc; these will not be contemplated by the local council as there have not been enough incidents to warrant them! Cont’d page 5...


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Cont’d from page 3…

Norwood Terrace is another issue which has been raised and is proving problematic. The track at Norwood Terrace is in a terrible state as are the Common ‘Green’ Areas. After much discussion between the council and the Residents Association stones were placed by the council to protect the integrity of the Greens as a temporary measure whilst we tried to solve the track issue. These have subsequently been removed again by the council, following discussion with some of the residents. The council along with the Association has a duty to protect the Village Greens, as defined in the By Laws. Currently the Greens at Norwood Terrace are being abused by local traffic and occasional parking on them. In the coming weeks we hope to arrange a special meeting, for which we will invite all Residents of Norwood Terrace and those Residents on Rookes Lane with access to the track. We will also have the relevant Council officials in attendance. It is hoped we can then map a plan to secure a track which is more in keeping with the level of traffic required to suit the households, whilst protecting the Village Greens. Finally, on projects we are looking into, a potential way of raising funds purely for the use in the Village has been brought to our attention. It can be best described as a mini council area similar to the Parish Council scenario. The investigation is at an embryonic stage, the basic information leads us to believe that we can set our own housing boundary, those within the boundary pay a set amount in addition to Council tax based on their banding. The total amount of these funds would be purely for amenities within the Village. Obviously, a full investigation will take place, all the information will be supplied to every household, with a full democratic vote to determine its viability. There are numerous requests to make changes in the Village, whether it be aesthetic, safety or security issues. All these requirements cost money, Cont’d... Facing page: This recent spell of lovely weather seems to have been perfect for the village trees which have been magnificent this year

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Unfortunately these council funds appear to be less and less. Any changes we make would be alongside council services. Current council services would continue as they currently do. Any expenditure would be for those areas where the council just can’t provide the services. Further details will be supplied once we have done more delving. Just to clarify, this only something we are looking at. Absolutely nothing would happen without EVERY resident being consulted. As usual I must remind you that Residents meetings take place every second of each month, they take place in the Village Hall at 7:30pm. We have recently seen some new faces but would love to see more of you. We have over 300 properties in the Village, it would be great to have more people get on board with ideas to improve the Village. We would ask all residents, to pass any issues they have through the Association, if you wish to contact the Council directly it would be helpful to be copied in on any correspondence. The more we know the more we can act for ‘everyone in the Village’. Please e-mail [email protected]

I would just like to remind you that the Village Greens and the Bus Turning Circle are NOT parking zones, please refrain from parking on the Village Greens and along the Turning Circle and ensure any guests you have do not park on them. The sun has made a welcome appearance in recent weeks, long may it continue. Have a wonderful summer.

All the very best, Jonathan Dent


Please see the following notice forwarded to us by Councillor David Kirton, advising of the dates over which road works will be taking place. As stated it may well be completed in a shorter time but the notice covers a longer period to allow for flexibility.


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8 Cobbett Hall

Of course, as many people know, this building was for a long time the United Reformed Church, and here is a little history about it from a past magazine of June 1989. With apologies for the quality of the text but this is as it first appeared.

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Original article written by Brenda Coston in Dec 1987


Page 10: NORWOOD GREEN NEWS · 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 200gm ground almonds 2 teaspoons sifted baking powder About 9 amaretti biscuits


Lemon Amaretti Cake This is a light and tasty cake which looks really special. Lovely for a summer garden party or just fancy up your BBQ. When cooked the amaretti biscuits in the middle turn soft and delicious. The amaretti puff deliciously within the cake as it cooks, turning gorgeously chewy and almondy.

200 gm unsalted butter 200 gm golden caster sugar 3 medium eggs Finely grated zest and juice of 2 lemons 200gm ground almonds 2 teaspoons sifted baking powder About 9 amaretti biscuits To serve- Icing sugar Crème fraiche Extra amaretti or ratafia biscuits

Use a 20 cm loose –bottomed tin and have the oven on

190C/170C fan/375F gas. Place all ingredients except the biscuits in a bowl and mix till

smooth and creamy. Spread 2 or 3 tbsps of the mixture evenly in the base of the tin.

Arrange a circle of 8 amaretti a couple of cms in from the edge, and one in the middle. Spoon the rest of the mixture over the top and smooth.

Bake for 30-35 mins and test with a skewer. Run a knife round the edge, remove the collar and leave to cool.

Just before serving dust with icing sugar. Serve with a dollop of the crème fraiche and extra biscuits.

It keeps well for a few days in an airtight tin.


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Classes and Meetings in the Village Hall

Monday 9.30 to 10.30 Pilates with Wendy

2.00 to 3.30 Coffee afternoon

7.30 to 9.30 Third Monday every month Art Circle

7.30 to 8.30pm all other Mondays- gentle keep fit

Tuesday 7.30 every second Tuesday of the month -

Residents Association Meeting

Wednesday 9.30 to 11.00 Yoga with Vivienne

12.30 to 1.30 Cleaner duties

5.15 to 6.15 Pilates with Mark

6.30 to 7.30 Ballet for beginners –adults

7.30 to 8.30 Ballet , advanced

Thursday 7.30 to 9pm Table Tennis

Friday ————-

Occasional classes run at discretion of teacher, Mark:

Please check with Mark or number below

Last Sunday every month: 11.30 to 1.00 pm Pilates

Last Saturday each month:9.30 to 12.30 Yoga and Pilates

To enquire about any class please phone hall

reservations and enquiries:

number : 07938 975258


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Sponsorship for this Edition Mike and Ruth Crawford Keith and Margaret Marshall Stephen and Margaret Priestley Ian and Margaret Kenyon Charles and Judy Brook Graham and Angela Moulson Jonathan and Liz Carroll Martin and Susan Vesely Stephen and Jane Oakes Peter and Gillian Haigh Colin and Carole Dent Brian and Marlene Holmes Tony and Helen Dent Jonathan and Rebecca Dent David and Judy Sugden Adrian and Jane Brook Paul and Val Lingard

Hall Reservations and enquiries: Contact number : 07938 975258

Business Adverts in the Newsletter: £20 per issue subject to space

Contact: The editors: John and Linda Webster 3 Mayfield, HX3 8QT 01274 602830

or email [email protected]

Notices only These may be displayed on the Residents Association Village

Notice Board for free, enquiries to: Contact: Christine Ferneyhough 01274 678106

Chairman of the Residents’ Association: Jonathan Dent

Hon. Secretary: Norma Collins Hon Treasurer: David Sugden

Chairman of NGVH Charitable Trust: Carole Dent 01274 602282

Village Website:

The Newsletter is also published on the website:

Past editions are still available to see