nosebleed and poisoning


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A nosebleed can be scary to get--or see-- but try to stay calm. Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are. Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home.

Nosebleed is a result of a fracture through a rugby union impact. Epistaxis (or a nosebleed in layman’s term) is the relatively common occurrence of hemorrhage from the nose, usually noticed when the blood drains out through the nostrils.


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Nosebleed, as mentioned before, is a nasal hemorrhage occurring as the result of local injury or disturbance. Most nosebleeds are not serious and occur when one of the small veins of the septum (the partition between the nostrils) ruptures. These will usually stop without treatment or when pressure is applied to the nose.

A NOSEBLEED MAY ALSO OCCUR IN ASSOCIATION WITH: scurvy heart failure hypertension arteriosclerosis leukemia hemophilia


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But then, usually what happens is that it is caused more often by these…

Nose picking Direct impact or broken nose Vigorous nose blowing In children, a foreign body lodged in the nose Allergic rhinitis Repeated sneezing Upper respiratory infection Barotrauma Chemical irritants Drugs (such as anticoagulants or anti-inflammatories) Facial and nasal surgery

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The incidence of nosebleeds is higher during the colder winter months when upper respiratory infections are more frequent, and the temperature and humidity fluctuate more dramatically. In addition, changes from a bitter cold outside environment to a warm, dry, heated home results in drying and changes in the nose which will make it more susceptible to bleeding. Nosebleeds also occur in hot dry climates with low humidity, or when there is a change in the seasons.


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Nosebleeds are common due to the location of the nose on the face, and the large amount of blood vessels in the nose.

The most common cause of nosebleeds is drying of the nasal membranes and this can be prevented with proper lubrication of the nasal passages and not picking nose.

Most nosebleeds can be stopped at home.

Consult a doctor for a nosebleed if bleeding cannot be stopped, there is a large amount of blood lost, or you feel weak or faint.

A doctor may use nasal packs to stop nosebleeds when conservative measures fail.

Do not take aspirin or other blood thinning products when you get a nosebleed (if they are doctor-prescribed, consult your doctor before stopping any medication).

Nosebleed at a glance

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Most people who develop nose bleeding can handle the problem without the need of a physician if they follow the recommendations listed:

The first aid treatment

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Pinch all the soft parts of the nose together between your thumb and index finger.

Press firmly toward the face - compressing the pinched parts of the nose against the bones of the face.

Lean forward slightly with the head tilted forward. Leaning back or tilting the head back allows the blood to run back into your sinuses and throat and can cause gagging or inhaling the blood.

Hold the nose for at least five minutes. Repeat as necessary until the nose has stopped bleeding.

Sit quietly, keeping the head higher than the level of the heart. Do not lay flat or put your head between your legs.

Apply ice (wrapped in a towel) to nose and cheeks.

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Go home and rest with head elevated at 30 to 45 degrees.

Do not blow your nose or put anything into it. If you have to sneeze, open your mouth so that the air will escape out the mouth and not through the nose.

Do not strain during bowel movements. Use a stool softener (for example, Colace).

Do not strain or bend down to lift anything heavy.

Try to keep your head higher than the level of your heart.

Do not smoke.

THE Prevention

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Stay on a soft, cool diet. No hot liquids for at least 24 hours.

Do not take any medications that will thin the blood [aspirin, ibuprofen, clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix) or warfarin (Coumadin)]. If these have been prescribed by your physician, you need to contact them regarding stopping these medications.

Your doctor may recommend some form of lubricating ointment for the inside of the nose (see below).

If re-bleeding occurs, try to clear the nose of clots by sniffing in forcefully. You can temporarily use a nasal decongestant spray, such as Afrin or Neo-Synephrine. These types of sprays constrict blood vessels. (NOTE: If used for many days at a time, these can cause addiction and do not use if you have high blood pressure.)

Repeat the steps above on how to stop the common nose bleed. If bleeding persists, call the doctor and/or visit to the emergency room.

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The most common cause of a nose bleeds is drying of the nasal membranes. If you are prone to recurrent nosebleeds, it is often helpful to try lubricating the nose with an ointment of some type. This can be applied gently with a Q-tip or your fingertip up inside the nose, especially on the middle portion (the septum). Many patients use A & D ointment, Mentholatum, Polysporin/Neosporin ointment, or Vaseline. Saline mist nasal spray is often helpful (Ocean Spray).

Just to stay safe…

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If bleeding cannot be stopped or keeps occurring.

If bleeding is rapid, or if blood loss is large.

If you feel weak or faint, presumably from blood loss.

If the nosebleed persists or is recurrent, see your doctor, who may then recommend stopping the bleeding with a heating instrument or chemical swab (cautery of the blood vessel that is causing the trouble) or application of a topical medicine called thrombin that promotes local clotting of blood. Blood tests may be ordered to check for bleeding disorders. If bleeding is still persistent, the doctor may place nasal packs, which compress the vessels and stop the bleeding. In rare situations, you may be admitted to the hospital or require surgical treatment or a procedure where material is used to plug up the bleeding vessels in the nose (angiographic embolization).


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Poison is anything that kills or injures through its chemical actions. Most poisons are swallowed (ingested). The word poison comes from the Latin word - potare - meaning to drink. But poisons can also enter the body in other ways:

By breathing Through the skin By IV injection From exposure to radiation Venom from a snake bite


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Poisons include highly toxic chemicals not meant for human ingestion or contact, such as cyanide, paint thinners, or household cleaning products. Many poisons, however, are substances meant for humans to eat, including foods and medicines.

FOODS: Some mushrooms are poisonous Drinking water contaminated by agricultural or

industrial chemicals

Food that has not been properly prepared or handled


Drugs that are helpful in therapeutic doses may be deadly when taken in excess. Examples include:


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1. Cosmetics and personal care products

2. Cleaning substances

3. Pain medicine/fever reducers

4. Coins and thermometers

5. Plants

6. Diaper Care, Acne Preparations, Antiseptics

7. Cough and cold preparations

8. Pesticides

9. Vitamins

10. Gastrointestinal preparations


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