note taking tips for incoming freshmen at uic honors college

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Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Powerpoint of college-level note-taking tips for incoming first-year students at UIC Honors College's Orientation.


Note-Taking Tips and Study Strategies

Orientation: University of Illinois at Chicago Honors College

Gwyn GarrisonIntern, UIC Honors [email protected]

Note-Taking Tips


Note takers can typically only jot down 25 of the 125 words the average college professor speaks in a minute.

Overall Class formats are mostly large lectures, where it is the students responsibility to take detailed notes.*You should be writing for most of the lecture the more notes you have, the better you can recall the lecture*It will be going fast, but dont stress about writing every word down you want to get down the main points. Work to capture major themes, points, keywords, and ideas of the lecture.This will help you recall the lecture, connect the lecture to your reading, and solve related problems when you are studying.It will take the professor longer to get to a point than you might have experienced in high school. Themes can often be discussed over 5-10-15 minutes.


Methods of Note-Taking: Indent Method

While the professor is lecturing, write down topics as bullet-points, then indent each subtopic/key point under headings.Setting off subordinate points.


Indent Method Example

Psychology Class

History of PsychologySigmund Freud Father of psychoanalysis Developed therapeutic techniques such as free associationDiscovered transferenceWilhelm WundtFather of experimental psychologySystem described as StructuralismBreaks consciousness down into essential feelingsGoals of Psychology1. DescribeGather data2. ExplainGenerate theories2. Predict Use theories 4. Influence Generate change


Methods of Note-Taking: Abbreviated Format

Looks somewhat like the Indent Method, but compiles all bulletpoints into chunks of text.


Abbreviated Format Example

Philosophy ClassThales first western philosopher search for first principles of metaphysics reductionist who thought everything was made of water. Plato Greek philosopher pupil of Socrates lived 427-347 B.C. believed in the separation of the mind and sense perceived world in early dialogues believed in anamnesis (we forgot all that we once knew as souls) knowledge is gained through power of reasoning.


Methods of Note-Taking: Professors PowerPoint

The professors PowerPoint is usually very top-line, limited information: really just an outline to help guide the professors discussion.Bullet-points are usually the keys to the important topics.You can use it to take notes if you print it out in advance.


Professors PowerPoint: Example


Math Format Example


Tips for Note-taking in Math classes

Often, students put down their pens when the professor stops writing on the board. Instead, you should keep writing!!: Make sure to write down their explanation. Get down the explanation that goes with what's on the board, like "factor out the y." Write out a reason for each step of the problem as it was done on the board.If your professor moves so fast you can't get both the board material and the explanation, leave large blank spaces in your notes. Then, as soon as possible after class (math students say twenty-four hours is too long to wait to go over math notes), write additional explanations for each step of a problem so you will be able to understand it when you study for exams. Number and list all the steps in each problem or process so you can understand and learn them quickly.


Method of Reviewing Notes after class or reading(or, if youre feeling fancy )


Method to Review Notes: Cornell Method


Cornell Method Example

History Class


Note Taking Exercise

Nathan Wolfe: Whats Left to Explore? do my lecture notes compare with yours?