· note— in the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides...

NOTE—In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given In the left hand column and > the successive tides of the day In the order of occurrence as to time. Th« second time* column fives the second ' tide of the day. the third time column the third tide and the last or right .hand column gives th» last tide of the day, except when there are but three tides, as sometimes occurs. , The heights arlven are In addition to the soundings on the United States Coast Survey charts, *: except when a ; minus eign (— ) precedes . the height, and then the number sriven is subtracted from the depth given', by:the charts. The plane. o! refcre&ca la the mean of the lower low waters. Sun rises. 6:63 Sun sets. 6:15 Mfton rises............... .......0:00 a. m. ARRIVED. Sunday, SeDtember 18. Stmr Progreso, Monroe, 82 hours from Oyster Harbor. Strnr Tlllamook, Hughes. 14 hours from Al- bion. Stmr Sunol, Green, 32 hours from Hardy Creok, via Needle Rock 28 hours, bound to San Pedro, with schr Falcon in tow. . Stmr Navarro, Jensen, 20 hours from Usal. Stmr Empire, Jessen, ' 68 hours from Coo* Bay. Stmr Gipsy, Leland, 25 hours from Moss Landinr. , ' ¦ Stmr Eureka. Jessen. 22 hours from Eureka. Br ship Loudon Hill, Cruickshanks, 204 days from Grlmsby, via South Shields 1G3 days. ¦ Schr Louise J- Kenney. Iversen, 47 days from Point Hope, via Cape Nome 28 days. Schr Mary C, Campbell, 8 hours from Bo- deira. Schr Queen, Nelson, 8 days from Grays Har- bor. Schr Volant, Ericsson. ' 7 days from Gray* Harbor. . . _ Schr Falcon, Oelland, 28 hours from Needle Ro;k, DUt Into clear. ¦'• Schr Abbie, Peterson, 7*4 days from Grays Harbor. V--"' . ' ¦ Schr Corinthian, Korth,' i 20 hours from Bow- eas Landing. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. NOTE The high and low; waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharr) about twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide is the same at both places. * * United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au- thority of the Superintendent. Sun, Moon and Tide. TO SAIL. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. lfi— 5 p. m. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of the same date last season, and rainfall in the last twenty- four hours: Last This Last Stations— 24 hours, season, season. Eure!tn Trace 0.17 1.16 Red Bluff Trace 0.23 0.02 Sacramento 0.00 O.(« ; 0.0.J San Francisco 0.00 0.48- Trace Fresno 0.00 0.14 0.00 Independence 0.00 . 0.76 0.17 San Luis Obispo 0.00 Trace 0.00 Lob Angeles 0.00 Trace 0.01 San Diego O.OO Trace 0.07 San Francisco data: Maximum temperature. 66; minimum, 56; mean, 61. WEATHEIt CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. v The pressure has risen rapidly over the Pa- cific slope and fallen over the Rocky Mountain region. The depression central in Arizona this morning has moved northeastward and now overlies Eastern Nevada and Utah. An area of hlch pressure is central off the Northern Cali- fornia coast. The temperature has fallen over the plateau region and remained nearly stationary In other districts. Generally cloudy and threatening weather prevails over Oregon, Idaho and Northern Ne- vada; elsewhere west of the Rocky Mountains clear weather prevails. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours" ending midnight, September 17: Northern California Pair; warmer Monday light - northwest wind. Southern California—Fair Monday light west wind. , ¦¦ Nevada Partly cloudy, with showers in northeast portion Monday. •„,:;'¦ Utah—Showers: cooler Monday. Arizona— Fair Monday. San Francisco and vicinity— Fair; warmer Monday; light northwest wind. G. H. WILLSON. Local Forecast Official. Weather Report. Life's Tragedies. "Into each life some rain must fall. But the wise man doesn't sit down and fret, And it's only the fool who la. after all. Unable to squeeze in out of the wet. Chicago Times-Herald. GRAND HOTEL. H C Rackliff, Ferndale O P Nauert. Alvarado C King, Chicago P Balzaro & w. Guada- lupe H W Butler, Dawson A J Newman & w, Cal Mrs W P Hurlbut. Lewiston M B Spauldlng & w, Buffalo H Casey. Socta < A F Eaton, San Jose A C Eaton. S Jose W P Barley. S Rosa S Newell, Stockton L T Spadal, S Jose R W White, USA T J Bryant, USA J H Griggs, USA E C Christ. USA XV G Woods, Sacto C E Ackerman, Sacto T G Edwards, Cal M H Miller. Elko J J Henderson. Nome P H Molse, S L Obispo H A Schultz, Portrvill C Oilman, Vallejo J W Davy. San Jose G K Glaser, Denver C C Durgln, Boston J XV Keyes, Ind T Nelson, Dawson C H Redman, Oregon J L Depaull, Kern F S Bogg-s. Stockton C F Carter, Waterbry P carter, N Y G H Cassldy & w, Cal C Altman, NT C A Sawyer, Boston MMJohnson, Colo Hpg C J Bignall, Sacto M E McGrath. Denver W H Hubbard. Kelsey J W McCoy. Chgo J H Williams & w, Cal J H Dorr. Pelsarte Miss Dorr. Delsarte \V Ward & fam. Illnols J H Batctoer, Sacto J J Thorem. Portland C Buncey. S Hafael J S< Taylor, Napa I H Tuttle, Watsonvlll J D Gllllland, Chso M Cody. L Medanos W LBirch, Los Ang A Rummelsburg, Cal W Downie & w, LAng Mrs T Bennett, L Ang C R McKeon, L Ang F W Kauffman, Cal P Moore, Dawson C Beaulleu. Dawson PALACE HOTEL F Weiss, Louisville I Dr M L Moore, L Ang R Avery. Los Ans W Walte, Cal Miss A Hlhn. S Cruz H C Burmeister. Stnfd! J C Mulr. Stanford H t> Hasklll. Oakland O Peck, Cal Dr Connelly, Oakland Dr II L Pace, Tulare A M McKinney. N Y K J Dunham, Cal , A E Wells. N Y E L Conger & w. Cal J Bisby & w, Cal S W Bray. St Louts R Oberwlmmer. Hono- lulu C I Crow. Los Ang WW whipple, Oregon Mrs C Zeltler. Denver JF White, Ogden J Underwood. Chffo G w Meeeath. Omaha Mies McCabe. Cal M G Nelll. England E D Hargraves, Eng- land L D Levy, .N Y C W Whitney, Ohio Dr W HMurphy, Cal T M Hocr>er, N Y ' E XV Sherry Jr. N T Mrs E W Sherry Jr, N Y S Clementson. Boston Mrs S Clementson, Bos C R Payne & w,,Pa O J Smith, Reno C Dunphy. Cal Mra E H Chllds. L Ang Miss C Chllds. L Ang Mrs II Childs, L Ang Miss M Tierney, L An W H Workman, L An O Graram, Wyoming NEW WESTERN HOTEL F Thurston, Fresno ¦ W Flagg, Berkeley R Tailor. Crockett E llacrans, Tulare J Taylor, Prescott J M Rogers. Mercer J A Donnelly, Sacto A G Vincent. Sacto C M Monahan, Clna J M Colchester. Mo Z E Buckner, S Rosa N G Bergholt, Petalu W Chinn, Ind K Johnson, Aurora E nraren. Petaluma. C Knos & w. ChlcaRO C Harrison & sn, Mo L U Fox, Arkansas M P Hammon & w, Sonora G M Ross. Boston HOTEL ARRIVALS. The German transport Samoa will frc ready to sail for China on Saturday at noon. She is to take. 800 horses to Taku for the German Government. The battleship Wisconsin will have her trial trip on the bay to-day. Reinsurance on the American ship Wa- chusett has advanced to 65 per cent. The vessel is now out 126 days from Newcas- tle, Aus. for Kahulul and fears are en- tertained for her safety. W. E. Miphell. her managing owner, has no such fears, however, and is taking a chance in the re- Insurance business himself. : The Puget Sound steamer Walla "Walla will not reach port until this afternoon. A case of smallpox was developed between here and Victoria. B. C and the vessel was quarantined there. She was released last week and it was expected that she would reach here yesterday. She could not make up the lost time, however. Chief Engineer J. S. Richards, late of the Mineola, will go out as chief of the Oceanic Company's Australia next "Wednesday. Chief Kngineer Keller of the Zealandia, who made one trip on the Aus- tralia, goes back to his own vessel. "Water/ Front Notes. The schooner Louise J. Kenney got in from Bering Sea last night. She left Point Hope forty-seven days ago, and at that time the whalers were just preparing to enter the ice. The Indians who went home on the schooner were delighted to get back into the frozen North, but all ex- pressed a wish to make another trip to San Francisco "some other time." All hands on the whaling fleet were well. The Kenney brings home 1400 pounds of bone as the result of her trading cruise. On the way, down stops were made at_ Cape York and Cape Nome, but no news or interest that has not been published was gathered. Arrives From Point Hope. It is only ten days since the United States transport Thomas came into port, but in that time new hawse pipes weigh- ing five tons each have been put in. The work was 'done under the supervision of William Donald,, assistant Marine Super- intendent of the Union Iron 1 Works, and it is owing to his executive ability that the work was done in such a short time and in such an able manner. The Thomas is now carrying patent bald anchors and to accommodate them the big hawse pipes were required. There will now be no such a thing as catting an anchor on the Thomas, as the shank will follow the chain in through the hawse pipe and that will end the job. Quick Work on the Thomas. All the shags and sea fowl that used to congregate oh Shag and Arch rocks have disappeared since the work of destruction began, and seafaring men are now won- dering what new abode they have found. In another week or so Arch Rock will be no more. The preparations for the de- struction of this "menace to navigation" have already begun. The staging from which the rock will be bored in all di- rections has already been erected, and probably to-day or to-morroy the work of drilling will begin. The people who travel to and from Sau- sallto in the ferry-boats, object to the removal of Arch Rock. They sav it is one of the most artistic spots in the bay, and, owing to the history attached to it, the Government should preserve it and place a beacon light there. A number of sailing vessels came to grief on the rock and two of the pilot boats ran it down in a fog and were' lost. Three men in a boat tried years ago to pull through tr? arch, but the swell that comes in through the Golden Gate caught the boat and crushed it against the crown of the arch. Still the rock is picturesque and one of the landmarks of the bay. and every pas- senger who comes and goes on the faau- salito and Tiburon ferries is sorry to se^j the preparations that are being made for blowing it up. , ? The contractors are losing no time. It was only week that Shag Rock No. 2 was blown up. and now the work of get- ting ready to destroy Arch Rock is well under way. Far more gelatine will be used on this occasion than in either of the former successful attempts and Arch Rock is expected to provide one of the finest sights ever seen in the Bay of San Francisco when it is blown up. All the Sea Fowl That Made Their Habitation on the Big Stona" Pinnacle Itesert Their Old Perch. Preparations to Blow Up # Arch Rock Are Being Made. FROM SEA AND SHORE Sunday, Senternber It Stmr Brunswick, Andresen. . Stmr Coos Day, Nopander, San Pedro. Stmr Whitesboro, Olsen, . Stmr Del Norte, Allen, Portland, etc. Stmr Sunol. Green. San Pedro. Ship St. David. Pearson. Puset Sound. Schr Jennie Griffin, Low, Point Reyes. Schr Glen. Wilson. . TELEGRAPHIC. POINT LOBOS. Sept. 16—10 p. m.—Weather hazy, wind northwest, velocity 12 miles. DOMESTJC PORTS. PORT TOWNSEND— Passed in Sept 16— Schr John. A. Campbell, for ; schr Endeavor, for Port Gamble. PORT LVDLOW—Arrived Sept IS—Bktn Ben- icia. from Port Townsend. SEATTLE— Arrived Sept 16— Stmr Humboldt. from Skaguay; stmr Willamette, from Port Valdes. , PORT GAMBLE—Arrived Sept 16—Schr En- deavor, from Port. Townsend. PORT TOWXSEXD- Passed up Sept 16—Strnr Matteawan. hence Sept 13. for Tacoma; schr R. W. Bartlett. from St. Michael. Reported in Straits— Br stmr Condor, from Callao. SAN DIEGO-^rrlved Sept 16— Ger stmr Her- odot, frcm Hamburj. / ASTORIA— Sailed Sept IS—Stmr Fulton, for San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMERS. QUEENSTOWN— Arrived Sept 16— Stmr Iver- nia from Boston, for Liverpool, and proceed. ed. Sailed— Stmr Umbrla. from Liverpool, for New York. SOUTHAMPTON—Sailed Sept 1«—Steamer Deutschland. from Hamburg, for New York. MOV I LLE— Sailed Sept 16—Stmr Furnessia. from Glasgow, for New York. Arrived—Stmr City of Rome, for Glasgow, and proceeded. GIBRALTAR— Passed Sept 16— Stmr Victoria, from Genoa and Naples, for New York. NEW YORK— Arrived Sept 16—Stmr Staaten- dam, frcm Rotterdam; stmr Cymric, from Liv- erpool; stmr Archimede, from Naples and Gi- braltar. Sailed— Stmr Neutria, for Naples; stmr California, for Glasgow. BAILED. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1900. Steamer Movements. TO ARRIVE. Shipping Intelligence. 9 D Time Time TJme Time » Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. ->;: Li,w u v,' l w h w 17 ... 0:32 0.2 7:36 4.4 12:30 8.2 6:20 ~&~l 18 ... 1:23 0.2 .8:26 4.7 1:30 2.9 7:29 5.1 ¦9... 2:16 0.3 9:06 4.9 2:32 2.5 8:29 5.1 !0 ... . 2:57 0.4 9:44 6.2 3:20 2.1 9:23 5.1 !1 ... 8:33 0.7 10:19 5.3 4:00 >.7 10:12 5.1 !2 ... 4:10 1.0 10:48 5.3 4:39 1.4 10:59 '5.0 3 ... 4:40 1.3 11:16 5.4 5:13| 1.1 U:41 .4.8 Steamer. I Destination. I Sails. Pier. Eureka .... Humboldt [Sep. 17. 10 am Pier 13 Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.. Sep. 17. 2 pm Pier 2 Newport ... New York Sep. IS. 12 m PMSS Walla W... Victoria Sep. 18. 11am Pier 9 Corona .,.. San Dippo..... Sep. 18. 11 am Pier 11 Australia .. Honolulu Sep. 19. 2 pm Pier 7 Pomona ...Humboldt Sep. 20. 2 pm Pier 9 Empire .... Cooa Bay Sep. 20, 12 m Pier 13 Arcata Coos Bay Pep. 20, 12 m Pier 13 State Cal.. Portland Sep. 20, 11 am Pier 24 Bonlta .... Newport Sep. 20, 9 am Pier 11 W. Kruger Tlllamook Sep. 20 Pier 2 laqua Humboldt Sop. 21, 5 pm Pier' 2 North Fork Humboldt..... Sep. 21, 9am Pier 2 N. Mam China AJapanlSep. 22. 1 pm PMSS Santa KosalSan Di«>Ko ISep. 22, 11 amlPler 11 O. Dollar.. |Grays Harbor'Sep. 22 f Umatllla ..IVictoria.. |Sep. 23. 11 am|PIer 9 Steamer. I From. ¦ Due. Victoria v Oyster Harbor Sep. 17 Titania Nanalmo Sep. 17 Staj* of Cal.... Portland ,. Sep. 17 Corona San Diego Sep. 17 Mlneola ....iNnnalmo Sep. 17 Walla Walla... |Victoria Sep. 17 North ForK IHumboldt Sep. 1* Washtenaw ...,|Tacoma Sep. IS Bonita Newport Sep. IS Pomona Humbnldt Sep. 18 Arcata Coos Bay Sep. 19 Colon New York Sep. K Umatilla Victoria Sep. 13 Robt. Adamson Nanaimo... Seo. 19 Coquille River. Grays Harbor Sep. 19 Polnt^Arena Point Arena Sep. 20 Crescent City.. Crescent City Sep. 20 Santa Rosa .... San Diego Sep. 2') St. Paul .... Care Nome Ifcep. 20 W. II. Kruger. Tillamook .Sep. 20 Herodot Hamburg Sep. 20 Moana Australia ISep. 21 Matteawan .... Tacoma IScp. 21 Columbia Portland |Sep. 22 City RJo de Jan China and Japan ISep. 22 Orace Dollar.. -|San Pedro [Sep. 22 Cons Bay IX<«xvnort :.!Pep. 22 ! /VlcMVOY «Jfc CO.. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS, I i 1239 Market St., between Sth and 9th. I Telephone South 247. | tifcNHV ,f. (JALLAGMItl- Ci.).. (Successor to Flannaean & Gallagher). DANIEL P. DONOVAN. Mgr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND.EMBALMERS. 20 Fifth Rt., opposite Lincoln School. Telephone South 80. W 0. R. & N, nn, DIPPATCH FAST STE.\MERS TO POH,TT-AKTD From Spear-street "Wharf at 11 A. M. CADC $12 First Class !nc!u-ilng Berth f»P.y. jfl Second Class Meals. STATE OF CALIFORNIA sails / Sept. 20. 30 COLUMBIA sails Sept. 15. 23, Oct. 5 Short line to Walla Walla. Spokane. Butte, Helena and all points In the Northwest. Through tickets to all colnts East. E. C. WARD, General Asent. 630 Market st. GOODALL, PERKINS * CO.. Superintendents. TOYO KISEN KAISHA. STEAMERS "WILL LEAVE WHARF, COR- ner First and Brannan street, at 1p. no., for YOKOHAMA and HONfiKOXd, calling at Kobe (Hlojro). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkong with steamers for In- dia etc. No cargo received on board on day or sailing-. SS. NIPPON MARTJ Saturday. September 22. 1300 SS AMERICA MARU..Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1900 SS'. HONGKONCl MARIT....Tues., Nov. 13. 1900 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage apply at romrany's office. 421 Market street, corner of First. W. H. AVERY. General Ajrent. AMERICAN LINE. JTEVTO'HX B0CT7*lTr7ro5 I.OHD'W. PAR1_ Stopplnsr at Cherbourg, westbound. From New York Every Wednesday, 10 a. in. St. Paul Sept. '^St. Paul Oct. 17 St. Louts Oct. S St Lnuls , Oct. 54 New York Oct. 10! New York Oct. 31 RED STAR LINE. New York and Antwern. ' From New York Every Wednesday. 12 noon. Noordland Sept. 2S Wester-land ....Oct. 17 Frlesland Oct. 3 Kensington Oct. 24 Southwark Oct. 10 Noordland Oct. 31 INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO.. 30 Montsomery Street. C0KPA3>UE GENPRiLS TRANSATLANTIQUE. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. **>** PailinK every Thurst'.ny. in«t»ad of .«?"?' 7t*^5V» Saturday, from I. 1S99. at -*»*•*« «* 10 a m., from Pier 42. North River, foot of Morton street. LA LORRAINE. Sept. 20; LA CHAMPAGNE. Sept. 27: LATOURAINE. Oct. 4- L/AQUITAINE. Oct. 11. First class to Havre, JS2 50 and upward. Second class to Havre. S.*.5 and upward: 5 per cent reduction on round trip. GENERAL. AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES and CANADA. 33 Broadway (Hudson building. New York. J. F. FUGAZI & CO.. Pacific Coast Agents. S Montgomery avenue. San "rancisco. - OCEANIC S.S. CO.-HONOLULU,APIA AUCKI.A>'I> A>'D SYDNEY. S S. AUSTRALIA (Honolulu only) Wednesday. Sept. 19, 2 p. m. S. S. MOANA (via 1 Honolulu) to New Zea- land and Australia Wed.. Oct. 3,8 p. e J. D. SPRECKELS & BROS. CO.. Arts.. 643 Market St Pier 7. Foot Pacific St. Freight Office. 327 Market St ~BAY AND RIVER STEAMERS. FOR U. S. RAYY YARD AND YALLEJG. Steamer "Monticello.** MON., Tues.. Wed., Thurs. and Sat. at 9:4S a. m.. 3:15, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night); Fri- days. 1 p. m. and 8:30: Sundays. 10:30 a. m.. S p. m. Landing and office. Mission-street Dock. Pier No. 2. Telephone Main 1508. FARE EOc. theTweekly call SI per Year. RAILROAD TRAVEL. NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Sausallto Ferry. Commencing April 22 1300. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL VA1__ET AND SAN RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS— 7:00. »3:30, 9:30. 11:00 a. m.; 12:«, »1:43, 3:15. 4:15. *5:15. 6:15, 6:40 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS—For Mill Valley and Saa Rafael, on Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, at 9:00 and 11:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— 7:00, »8:00. *9:00, •10:00. 11:00, 11:30 a. nn; 12:45. *l:20. 2:30, # 3:45. 5:C0. «:00, T:20 p. m. 11:00 a. rn. does not run to -an Rafaal Sun- days. Trains marked (•) run to San Quentin. FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 5:35. »«:30, 7:50, 8:iO. 'lOilo a. m.: 12:30. 1:15. J:15. •S.-SO. 4:30. 5:30 p. m. * EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at *6:45 and 10:20 p. m. SUNDAYS— 6:13, •8:00. *i:h0. *U:00 a. m.; »13:00 m.: 1:00, 2:15 4:30. »5:45. 6M5, 7:30. 10:20 P. m. Trains marked (•) start from San Quentin. FROM MILLVALLET TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 5:63, 8:45, 8:00. 8:55. 10:30 a. m.: 12:35. 1:45. 2:45, 3:30. 4:50, 5:20 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:10 and 10:20 p. m. RUNI>J_TS— «:35. 8:03. 10:05. 11:10 a. m.: 1_:15, 1:20 2:30. 3:45, 4:55. 6-13. 7:05. 10:30 p. m. THROUGH TRAINS. 7:C0 a. m. week days— Cazadero and way sta- tions. 3:15 p. m. Saturdays— Cazadero and way. sta- tions. 8:00 a. m. .Sundays— Cazadero and way sta- tions. 12:4"> p. m. Sundays— Point Reres and way sta- tions. MOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY. Leave San Francisco via Sausallto Ferry: WEEK DAYS 9:30 a, m., 1:45 and 5:15 p. m. SUNDAYS..-.8. 9, 10. 11 a..m., 1:30 and 2;30 p. m. Fare San Francisco to Summit and return, $1 40. NEW TAVERN OF TAMALPAIS NOW OPEN. TICKET OFFICES .621 MARKET ST.. SAUSALITO FERRX- J MCSICAL. INSTIXUMEXTS. ! IlYP.ON' iiAUZY BARGAIN LIStT"' ~ ! StfvSart, ptjuare $25 French upright C5 Ha'.l^tt _: Pavls 100 | Stfiijva}-. fairly rood 1~; I Maiestic. nearly new 2-JO ! ChlckeriaCi largo sise zy) lUChXBOaA, larfro Fit«» 230 '•••fK-r. rxlijrjct t;ran4 27S r.yron l!f.:ty. nrarly r.»w 37i I r-ihrn«!r. t:!chtly u.?*<l 475 ! Call a.TA wo ih« l::tc?t barssln* in rlatios i i :i UM I'Eoiii- Ocast. No troui-:<» to show ¦ f-oods. AHALLETT& DAVIS, nwwond ca?e....$r.n CO ! Covsros t: t ; ort, rosecrood <-as<» IIOOJ Arion, rogewoftl case 15 01' lialir-t A- Pav'.s I I.IIIIIIIIII IIl3"i M ! \Vrt..T. nnen con-iitltn 175 00! SfiaJSMT & Eons 175 in) Kir.?<bury, oak l»^0 j used a few nir-nths 2ii 00 I K.--f>- paqTB-Bte, cbeet i;:ur:e and c-voirthing ¦ :n thf I_u^ic line Chlokcrlnp. Vcse. Ft^rline ogrnry. l'.ENJ. CURTAZ &. SON. 1S-15-2) st. ANXOfXCrM_NT-W> have conso! ei the i F«n Francisco Music Company. 12", Gutter St.. I with our O'Farrcll-tt. bnetness. ar.J now fhow rr-.ort cor>ds In all lines than ar.y cth*r house do tl,»> ceast. Six floora of rr.usic and mui-iral poode: r-lancs in *nd!«j variety ar.d pricr« ranprn: from J73 to t'r'JO. Imperial Bnarb««Jo_ Mu«lc Koxcs, Ouitars. Violins. M_a_oUns. ftrlnps. Tr.K.:n ! .vxs. S5;e»t Music, Ptc; t-nrrraous rlnck; lnweft rrics: cash or ir.£»-nts. DEXJ. CfP.TAZ & EON. 1«. is nr.J :c OTnrrel! et.: Chtckerinsr agencv. A RELIABLE ];iano can b- bousrht only from a rpiiaVie house. Th» ZEXO MAUV.MS ML'- PIC CO. <s Fuch a bouie. Tr.cir- aSdrcss Is 7CS Market st. DOX'T fail to see the beautiful Dicker & Son j . baby jrrancs just roceived at UAUVAIS*. 76» j Mcr»;<t Et. They are the bt-st ever hho*n In the clU". I NO matter vhat yc-u want In the line of ma- j ?'.cal poods, you can always do best at UAL"- j VA1S-. ?C9 Market st. j ALL purchaser* of pianos at SHERMAN, j OL.AY & CO.'S have the trlv*.:epe of ex- I rh&r.ging fcr a BTEOCWAT ar.y ti:n» within j three years and full purchase price allowed: the best :-.%',- of every .:.:•¦ to sp'ect from: beautiful r.ev.- uprights cash. ?fi per incnth ; Feme pood rlanop :>r !". J4 ar.d 15 per m BHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. BTEECWAT DEALERS, Kearr.y ar.d Sutler sts.. Fan Francisco: corner Broadway and Thir- teenth fts.. Oakland. AT a diBcour.t. to nrtlWt«b oar new lrjcation. j we will give !0 x*r cent off on p!ancs; torn* j second-hand bargains; 3 Heine upriphts. t™~: | 2 Eteir.ways. tX»: 1 Chlckerin*. 1165: 1 Ma- i ton & lisir'.in. I3S0. and 20 other bargains ; apents for Haliett &Pa vis and 6 other maken. | I1H1NE PIANO CO.. ZO Gtary ft., near Oty cf Paris. JLBSOZATrnLY the oi'irft anJ larif«>Ft hou»e km of Cfcicaco is KOHLEP. & CHAfES. 26 t s and 30 O'Farre'.l et.; pianos, orpans and all other musical Instruments of all (trades end prices: terms easy; prices lowest: «very- thitiK possible done iu please and satisfy the <~uEtomer. BOME special barpain* this week in hiKh-srrads r'.an^: Harfiman, Pteinway, Petrine Bros., Chare Bros.. «>:•-. DEV.XVG. Flood bulldinir. A NTCE uprlRht plaio. ur»4 a Fhr-rt time; must be clfi Immediately; cwner leaving- city. Roots 21, ITood fcuildlnsr. VIOLIN ftrlngs: never best in the world: maklriB .-ind r»T>alriri«c of a'l kinds of musical Instruments. Carl C. Anderson. 417 Geary st. FOR sale— Eletant Tralr.ut. cabinet crand up- r*.rht. chAar. nr wi'.I rrr;. 2<I K^arny st FLAUGHTEK saie of ttpric_tt pianos for stor- age; t£0 up. Wilson's Morasc, 171^ Markf-t ?=t. ft-PEDAIi Btetnwar: perfect r.rd'r. ti75. KECKrE'S. &3C Market yt.. 1^-t. Sth and Cth. CFXTLKMAX leavins city tvi'.l sar-rifl'-e ele- pant u;ripht prand jiano. ?d OoMcn Gate av. I?E Jr. the «wlm: r<>r;t a new j-iano fr,r $3 pfr raon-h. SCOTT-CVRTAZ CO.. K1 Hayes »t. THE WILEY B. ALLEX CO.. 314 Post St.. M Harflman, Conover and nth^r pianos. BARGAIN— Good riano cheap; Installment $8 P.T month. BCH-tlTZ. 16 M<-Al!!5tpr Bt. ¦". O BAIXS__3. <12 Sacramf-nti ft., asrent for Frar<-i« Bacon m4 Halip't & Davis pianos. RTPEIUOR violin?, zithers, old and new. H. jfOXS— , »nak«r. rrpalrer. 2 Latham place. J:Kr>i:CTI<~»x fulc: new r.ianoy; tZ payments; onriccs am> stores to i.i;t. EMMa FPP.tXKE!.? buIUlnr, PC7 Market Offtoea. Upht and sunny. $15 to' $20 per month; licht heat, janitor and u?e of tel. included. FMALL store; I rooms; good for ta'lor. shoe- maker, harl/^r: cheap. ?Z\ California St. TO rent—Modem ttore: well liRhted; 2Jxi<0; rent Tv-asi-nal Je. 2£S Hayes ft. ¦ J'ALMIMIU. KUE, NTnr.G^AUD has r^Tnoved to 700 Post; hours 1 to Z ?•»*>.. and Sunday by appointment. PERSOAAL,. I. ;:;>r:itEn. the i^pular hairdresser: up-to- cate latest fads in hair styles ile only. PRIVATE detective work; rcaponahle rates; 10 years' t_r*ric:jee. J. B. RAY, 'JZ1 Jessie st. Lr-DEP-ER'S Quintonica Hair Tonic 25c bcx: Foanio i5harr.jx)o Be package. LEDEUER sells EJ Perfecto Veda Roajre, DOc: It benut'fles the face; flret quality hair rolls Et a bargain. 123 Stockton et- TilE HUDSON RIVEK CO.. ~ BOPKE EROS. Mattresses and pillows made to order, recov- «-r»?d and renovated ; honest work guaranteed; prices defy competition; fineupholstery : phone fcSOS; factory. SIS and 320 Eleventh Et. ; first- claes cleaning and dyeing. lZi O'Farrell, near Powell. Ban Francisco. DR. D. MA.CLEAX moved his oTflce to Donohoo W building, rooms S7 and 88. phone Folsom 16C1; residence, 19C2 Page, ihone Fell 7S55. JTLJANISiL Bcier.tiac H^alinjr. B19 Golden Gate ave. ELECTRIC lights In every rocm— "Winchester Hctei. 44 Third rt.. near Market: 700 rooms: toe to II 50 per n!«rht; fl M to 16 per week; free 'bue and baptrace to and from the ferry. 6UITS to ord°r en mrtaJIments: $15 upward; SI a week. LEON LEMOfl. 1117 Market St.. b»tw«"n and Eighth. PILES SOC permanent cures In San Francisco, who can be seen; no operation: no pain: par- ticulars s'r.t. Art. Physician, box IS.'O, Call. MRS. DE VOLL. halrdresstr. removed froni <Z&* to C37 EU-i Ft. abeve L^avenworth. SUITS to order on easy payment*. Art Tailor- ing Co.. VAk Mkt . under St. Nicholas Hotel. IJAIK quickly curled or Tiaved by utins: Tal- eotf« curllrx fluid: 25e a bottle; <5ruK(?iFts. Vv'AN'TED— Old-fa£hioncd silver, braes, copr^r warp; curios, all descriptions. C2u Dupont st. ALFREDUKS n«TPtian Ilpnra restoros Kray hair to Its natural cclor: II. at a'l druggists. CAST-OFF clothinp. old trold and Filver bought; seni yr-fXtX. COLEMA.VS. 1% Kearny i-t. rUVSICIASS A>U SLUCEOXS. DR. C. C. O'DOXNELL—Office and rwlflenc*. lTSIH Market ft., between Sixth and Seventh. REAL, ESTATE CITY FOIl SALE. A. j_. SPECK & CO., CCnjarkeTft. '""" ' Real Estate and investment Aper.ts Full Charge Taken of Property. flOO.COO El!!s-*t. corner: £3x137 :?; iowntown- «plen_i_ buiidir.?; ptya better than bonds. J!l,000— Two comcrp; It*ixl_Ofeet; close to Van Ness ave. end McAllister st. $40.000 Corner: modern; paye g r>er ? rent net; Jot tOrAZT:r.. mfS\M9— Corner; ?0 fe»t front; vicinity Jone« end 'Jtary rts.; choicest corner In tMs tflt-'trkt. $_?.CO0 75 feet front on PIxth Ft.; 4 stores and 8 fiats: rente (2400 per year. flS.EV*— Ke:;ts IHi:new improvements; E;ll» »t. $1O.P<"*-Eddy-Ft. flats; rcr.ts i:-5; 2 CrcKttaeci. IS.f'H'— Rents $70; new Qatl near Van Ncfs ave. $4. COO I r.lce flats; rents $46; let SfxlLa feet.' '4 CHOICE VNIMPROVKn BAP-GAINS. $35.f<»— 2T:5slS7:« feet: water front; % front- agts; Stockton st. and North Point; -this Is an ideal manafacturin>f *1«-. j3<» i 000 li7:Cacl2S f>et; northwest corner Go__—I ar.d Clay fir. : magnificent residence tlte; fine marine view. |:0.000— Southeast Markrt and Church ste.- Clxl r ,S feet; J car lines; want offer; I:,.f : Sell. A. M. FPECK & CO.. 6C7 Market Et. THE greatest bargain in Ulchraond; nothing to fjual It: two of the choicest &nd best lo- cated lots; 25x120 each; feijred In; all street work done ard ready for t>c:ll:r.^; tax^s pa!<I _p to n<"rt year; only $630 each; Eleventh ave., near Clement et. ; read the real estate advertisements and you will see these are . th* cheapest lots In San Francisco. For por- ucvlars call on TT. J. GITNN, KO California St., between Montgomery and . Kearny. KAI:;; chance Hous«'a_id lot 25x75; near th« new Fostofficei. Apply at 270 Clementina St.; do Egpnts. TUB choicest buildlnjr lots In Klchmond: on lllh ave.. near element st.: only ICXt each: I ee-y terms. XV. J. CU.VX. £30 California el. -• n.',W(>—CORNEU lot. 100x120; new baildlnir. grocery and har. sleek and fixtures; on end cf car line: clearing S3O0 mo. Box S716. Call. TOR tale A 4-roomed cottajre, to be removed. 2U5 Harrison Et., bet 2lth and 21st. CM CASH; lot 23xS0; at head of Twenty-sec- ond st. and Ocean road. Call at 101H 6th at. AUCTION SALES EM IL COHJV, AUCTIONEER. -Will sell TO-DAY 'MONDAT). Sept. 17. at 11 o'clock a. m.. at V}2i\~ Larkin St.. the ele- gant oalc furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains, bedding, etc.. also dining-room and kitchen furniture of. 10 room?. E-MlLuCOHN. Auctioneer. fcs AUCTION SALE £;> TUESDAY. Sept. 1?. at 11 o'clock, at 1621 MAK- KET ST., of «•"> Head of Broken and Unbroken Horses, suitable for a!l purposes. This stock must and willbe sold. S. WATKINS. Auctioneer. 5_^ fc>> fc-> AUCTION SALE by Electric Llehi TUESDAY EVENING. September 13. 10W>. at 7:30. 10O Head Splendid Horses. Stock now on ex- hibition. OCCIDENTAL HOUSE EXCHANGE. 721 Howard street. - BAILBOAD TBAVEL. SOI IIIDKV IMVlt'lC «'O.llI*.»>iV. (rAcinc s**r«.M.> Trains le«*«- nml ««•«¦ dur In nrrlta nt MAM ntAMi'i*e«». (MainLine, Foot olMarket Street) UATl FSOM SxrTEM-ZR 13. 1210. 1I1UT1 •7:00i Benida. Suisuu. Elmira. Vac-Tille, Rurose; ami .<Ucr_u>eut<> *7it3r *T:Uli» Shasta Express Datis. William* (for Baztlett Springs), Willows, KeU lilufl, forUaud. "TsJWr •7:3ttA Maitinez. ¦SauK-mon.V&llejo. 5apa. f»linti % i.u.iSplits Rosa *0:15p ¦S:OOa Ditvis, Woodland. KniifhU L»ndiag. MurjsTilie. »>r<>»i'l«. . •Tsiar •M:Ol>» Atlantic Kipresn— Oz>len and E»at 'I3:l5p •«:«»\ >"ii3r, Tricy, Lathrcp, Stockton "J:I3a •»i:»l.( Mali Juan. Lit. rtuur-, .Stocktnu, lone. Haeramrutu. PlscerTlUe. M»r»s»ill^. Chicu. Kml liliifl *-l>l»r •ft:-#* Oakd-lr, Chineao. bouora. Carteia... *«:l-1r ••»:«<»» HiyvrinU. HUM »n«l Waj Sutlons. *l li 15* *"J:O<»* Log Anceles Eipreu Martinez. Tracy, Latliroii. rttoekton. Mereed Fresno «h<1 Loe Angw!ff» *7:t3p •!>:3»A V»u-1... MaiUnsz »uil VV*j Hratlou* '."kilrir *IU:VU* Tba OverUiil Limited—Ogdeu, Den. »er, O*u«ha. Chicago '•:4-1r •IIiOOa NUes, 8toektou, Hacramento, Men- dot*. Freamv U-nfoid. Visalla, Fortertills -itlSr. •1!:OOa LiTenaoro. Banger. Gtwh-n June- tiou, Bakerstield. Los Angeles •I 2:«>»M Uajwirils,Mies and Waj itatloas. *3>4.f p tl:»l»p 11-liraina-lll Hirer Hte»m«n t3:0»A *-:OUp II fj vrarJ.5. Nilt-a and Way at_tluaa. *3: •¦¦»p •l:U»r Uiriinrz. Kaa Uatuoii. Vallajo, Kapa, «:*litu.K». Santa Rosa ¦•il9* *4i««r Beuicla. Wiaters, Macramento, XVoixliand. Kuivhta Lauding. M«ry**illr. <h» 1 »llt«». »l«)l4»» M:»»r Nile* Man.loneaiul Stockton *7tl»p •.>:O0pT_e Owl Uruited—Tracy. Fresno. CUkerstlel i. .Sanguii fur dauta liar- bara, Los AuzelvS *1O:I3* •5:O«p Stockton *W<4Sa *3:OVfSew Orleanr Expresa— lukerarieltl. Hania Barliaia. 1 .tm Ang-sles. Dem- ing. £1 Pmo, New Orleans sud Kast »7:ll4 •6:OOp Haywarda. Nile«auil bait Jose *7sl»* f«iO»r Vallej.. M3:tar 'ti:O»i- Orient-l Mail— Ogrten. Chejeona. Omaha, Chicago ?lSz^Sf •0:O«p Oritsctal Mail-Ogden, Denver. Oinaiia. Chieaeo. # 4il5p •7:OO* NUes, Tracy, Lathrop. Stockton.... *l3ttSp •7:OUr Oregon ana C»Ii(orula -xprnaa.Hao- fl-— aai MarjriTille. lte.Mln«. I'lirtiainl, Vnv,rx Hoiimi anil ]C«*t *9l43A JSiO5p Vallfjo, l'ort Cuita and Way Sta- tions •.. ;lt:»»i> COA.HTI IMVIslO* UhrfSW «a»ne). ( Knot of Market Stre«t.> J7:ISa Santa Cruz Excursion for Hant* Cr-s ami Principal Way SUtior.s t9>03p *9iI3a Nenarlc.Oiiliuriine.Mau.loae.Krltun. BnulJerCrcek.S-utaOriixauU Way 8U«<m« •w>a«»p tail Op Newark, Ceuterville. 8an .Inse. New Almaileo, Felloe, !!• u'l-i Creek, ftanta rim *ud 1'rlucli'al Way » Srntiom •ia> > n«» 1 1 1 :* r Newark. Man Jose. Lo« Gatos i »!••»•» * aJiiapGIenwoott Felton. Manta Cpia tS:5»» CREEK ROUTE FERRY. from Si S fRiilClSCO— Fwl «r S_-Mt (Sim ») •7:15 9:00 11:OO*.H. 11:33 •2:33 J3:33 •1:5" tS:C3 *S:33r.«. fromOUUIID—! iittiwnj.— 'HM 8.00 10:00a.m. tl2:03 'MS t3:53 ; 3:S3 M:S3 •Z.ZZf.a. COAST DIIIMKKI iBroa.! »¦»<•). (Thlra .nd TownseiMl SH.) 16:10a Ocean Viow. rfouiti .-*»n Kraueixctt.. ((>::;i»k f7:0»A Ban Join ami Way V.uti-.n« (New AI.»a«|.-.» We.>ii<wdaj»o.il7) ?l:_Op t7:_Oa S;in>l:ty Kzcorsion f r Han Jose. S-nt- Cruz. Pacific Grove and fTineipal Way HUtious {9:33p •IIiwva Han Jorv. Tttm I'Iikmi, Nanta Cruz. Tacilic <iro<». 1'ami Itnlilet. Nun l.uia m.iaim, tttnt Lompoc ai»l Vrl»ci|>-i W.i sutimi **.im r •l»:io« 8an Jose nn,! Way ntationa "•»__>» •II::IOa >* \VaySU*.|on» *3i3»P tililBr San ... Keilwooii. Mcnlo Pwk. I'alc . % u>. hant- Clara. .San .line. Trea Finos. Santa »,r.tx. Salioaa. Uoiikiiiii u»l l'aeiltc rirovs 11O : k t3:n»p Man Joia and Way Stations *~i3t>p M:1.1p San Jnsean.l Principal Way Station! •l):l.i.« fSiOOp 3an Jons. Los Gates ftud Principal Way Stations t»:«a, •5:J»r SanJosa ami Principal War Statioua t^::«"»» •«::i»pSan Jose ami WayMtatlons «»:<><»» Hl:45f San Jpgeaml Way 8Uti»na **:Sl>r A for Morn iii i P for A f tenioon. 'Daily. t Sunday axeepUd. J .Suuday only. 6 Saturday only. Sat ariar and Sunday. ; . e Monday o_Ir> CALIFORNIA NORTflWESTEEN RY. CO. SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Tiburon F«srry. Foot of .Market St. SAN FRANCISCO TO SAX R-OTA-U-. ¦WEEK DATS— 7:M. l:C0, 11:00 a. m.; ll:S5. 3:30. 6:10, <:30 p. m. Thnrsdaya— Extra trip at 11:30 t>. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at*l:6d anil 11:30 d. m. 6UNDATS— 8:0O. 9:S0. IlsOO a. n_; 1:10. S:»0, 6:00. (:Z0 p. m. 6A.V RAFAEt. TO SAM FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS-MO. 7:50. »:*>. 11:10 a. m.: 11HS. 1:40. 5:13 p. m. Saturday*— Extra, trips at 1:56 and t:35 D. m. - BXTXDATS— 8:10, t:«0. 11:19 a. m.; »:*>. l:*0. 6:05. (:25 p. ra. Between San Francisco and Bc-tittiea Park , same acheJula as aboTa. ' Leav* I In Effect. I ArrVr» J San Francisco. [Apr. 13. 1909.1 San rrandscow ' Week I Bun- J 1 Bun- I Weak ! Days, f days. I Destination.! days. | Daya. 7:30 am 8:00 »m No-rato. 19:40 am »:«O ant 8:30 pm » :30 am Petaluma. 6:86 pm 19:35 am 1:13 pm »:00pm Santa Roaa. 7:38 pm 1:20 pta Fulton. I T:SO am Windsor. It:3S is He— ldsburr. Lytton. Geyservina. t:SO pm 8:00 am Cloverdala. T:C pm 1:3) pm T:80 am! I HopUnd I !lO:2S*m S:M pm| 8:00 tm| and LTU-h. I 7ra pm| «:«> pm 7:30 am 10:23 am 8:00 am Ouarneville. 7:35 pm t:30pm t l:»pn> T:30_ra 8:00 am Bonoma S:1S am S:40as» and 8:13 ptn S:CO pm Olen Ellen. i:<a pm t:» 7:30 ami 8:00 ami 110:40 amJIOiJS to »:S0 pm 5:00 pm| Seb_«tcpol. I 7:43 pm| S:!0 pm itaxes connect at Santa Rosa for Mark "West Springs and Whit* Sulphur Springs; at Fulton ! for Altruria: at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at Geyserrlll* for Skacrs Sprinxs: at Cloverdal* for th« r?*jrsers: at Hodand for Duncan Springs. Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle, Carls- bad Springs, Soda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at Ckiah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Pprlnrs. Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. V/ltter £prln*». t-'Dper 4.ak», Pomo, Potter Valley. 1 John Day's, Riverside, LleTley"s. Buekne'.Vs. Sanhedrin Heights, nullvlll". Orr's Hot Fprinrs. Mendocino City, Fort Bragsr, West- port Usal. Wllllts, Laytonville. Cummins. BelVs Springs. Harris. Olsen's. Dyer. Scot:* and Eureka. Saturday to Monday rouo- trio tickets at reduced rates. On Sunday round trtp tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket offices. «S0 Market St.. Chronicle bids. H. C. WHITING. R. X. RTAN. ; General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. I Santa Fe Trains— Daily Leave Market-street Ferry Depot. ' Lve. San Francisco. 9:C0 a m 4:10 p ml S:00 p m > Arr. Stocktca 12:30 p m 7:15 p m 11:05 p m 1 " Merced 2:42 pm——— 1:13 am " Fresno 4:20 p m J:03 a m " Viralla 8:00 p m 4:50 a m " Tulare S:23 p m 5:1>> a m M Hanford 5:33 pm 7:06 a m •• Bakersfleld ... 8:50 p m 7:30 a m " Denver 10:00 am 1 Kansas City... 5:15 p in ** Chicago T:40 a m 9 a. m. train Is the Overland Express. Corre- sponding train arrives at ( p. m. dally. 4:10 p. m. rs Stockton Local. Corresponding train arrives 11:05 a. m. daily. 8:00 p. m. is Fresno and Bakersfleld Express, with Sleeping Cars for both cities. Correspond- Ing train arrives at 8 a. m. dally. OFFICES— «41 Market st. and In Ferry D«pot. Fan Francisco: 1113 Broadway. Oakland. jT Dr.JGibbon'S Dispensary, In **S »SL InIS** lor the treatment ol Private ?iJj[_;\ !¦%>* Diweufiea. Uwt Manhood Debilityor - fe__S&KS» rfiseas* rearing °" bndyaod mine ami wJw^ri<i»£J Pi»f»asea. The doctorenreswheu _SS __ara olber * ta11 - Try aim Charge? low IT*K_lS»_&__3 1'ure<j;o»r»nlre.1. CaJlorwrlta. Or. J, _ - . «nlBBU3i> livx. i937»Saa Franc-K* RRAL ESTATE CITY FOR SALES. MODERN houses built :lowest prices -.plans and ; estimates furnished. Campbell, 1147 Mission. MISSION cottage; 6 rooms and bath; largo lot; tern-.s to suit buyer. Owner 413 Koarny bL ULIAL ESTATE COCNTRY For Snle 1 f.rcs—RANCH. SO acres, for sale; 6-room house 1 en place; fenced in: plenty water: few fruit I end shade treer; G5 acres grood to farm, the r'st jrcod pasture; I',4 miles from Byron ! Springs; 3 miles from Byron: must be fold i on nrrour.t of mortgage. Write to P. O. box .24. Byron. Cal. j &.CCCRATB personal knowledge pneh of tft> j :»,0 ranches on my SALE and EXCHANGE list. More than all other ajjents In this city. ! N. D. SICKELS. the land agent. 6 Geary St. CITY jroperty and farms exchanged or sold; ; Mstf free. MAIIION GRIFFIN. 719 Market I ::t.. ronin 1. . lttzAL estate: to exchasge; i FOR eTchanse A highly Improved ranch in Lake Counfy. ccnslbtlna: of 240 acres of rich I valley land, all improved and perfectly level; all fenred an<1 crossfencod; 2-story residence 1 of 11 rooms, barn and numerous outbuildings; fa-nily orchard in bearing: well, windmill and tank: cash valuation. $i'XK); willexchange for residence in Oakland <jr Alameda of equal value. C. F. MOORE; WS Market st., r. C. COOD business property in country town. J'/W; t-xchanpe for flats in San Francisco and pay difference. A j.artly improved rnneh. $2600; cx- chani:<> for a siccl: of merchandise. Good ranches to exchange forresidence. SCHWE1N- HATtP & CO,. M7 Markrt St.. bet. Tth ft 6th. ; almdTuWrtTsementI j; . ALAMI5DA R.BAJL ESTATE. 1 BARGAINS in Unproved and unimproved Ala- j meda real estate in all parts of Alameda on (¦set terms. Alameda Land Company, 1500 1 Pmk ?t.. Alamda; 20 Post s;.. Pan Francisco. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. A pretty residence on a. larse corner lot lOOx 113 feet, street Improved on both sides; situ- ! jited in the Hittecass Tract, or.e of the ! f choicest locations In Berkeley ; house strictly ! _p tn date. Call at once. property must L be sold. O. O. MAY& CO.. 21C3 Center St., Berkeley, Cal. »;r,00_PRETTY cottase; & rooms and bath; terms easy. «;6nO Good 7-room house and bath, facing touth; near cars; $26C0. J33OO— S-room house and bath; new and mod- ern; terms easy. $5000-»Modern house of 8 rooms, etc.; large I lot; close to university. O. G. MAT & CO.. 2123 Center St.. Berkeley. Cal. ! j:rf,O— NEW 6-room hoase, with all modern Im- provements; corner lot fronting Telegraph ' ave.: on'y 10 minutes" of university grounds. Apply tolIABOK & McLENATHEN. adjoin- ing P. O.. Kerkeley station. ! BERKELEY BUYERS^ We have for tale fine large lots near the unl- ! \ersity for S20 per front foot: pet one while they ! last: also a good building: lot. $300. BURR & ; KOLMFS. 46a Tenth St., XDakland. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. I OFFICE— 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. GOOD houses. Get list from GEO. W. AUS- ; TIN& CO.. lOOR Proadway. Oakland. ¦ : O1KL.WD FII'.MTURE FOB SALE. ; ,IANintroduction to you from EL Schellhaas. the I furniture doaler. 11th and Franklin, Oakland. ROOMS KOtt. HOUSEKEEPING. I CHESTMJtT^^" cor. Dupont-FlnT~furniEned j rooms for housekeeping:; cheap. j CLAY. 24T1. near Fillmore 2 large unfurnished I rooms; tipper flat; yard; water; rear; rent $7. I CLEMENTINA, "27—Largo room and kitchen, I Rirnished for housekeeping, for man and wife. FIFTH. 253 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 I fl4;2 furn. hkrg:.. J10; Finale bed rms., $4, *3. ] j GOLDEN GATE. 612—3 sunny rooms furnished i I for housekeeping; gas stove, running water. GROVE, 6S2 S sunny rooms for houaelieep- twr. ra. : HARRISON, 731—Two rooms furnished fcr housekeeping; large yard; rent $12. HYDE. 40S Sunny front parlor suite, 3. rooms complete for housekeeping. LADY has 2 gunny rooms suitable for light I housekeeping that she would like to share j with another lady: rent $4 each; references i exchanged. 671 Fulton Ft. ¦ i MINNA,:s—Sunny furnished single and house- I keeping rooms, 75c and fl per week. ' OAK. US Funny room; large closet: furnished for housekeeping:: J6. Call after 4 o'clock. ' OCTAVIA, 14',3, cor. Gear}-—Sunny bay window; gas burners; cocking; large closets; running water. i! OTAKKELL. 123A—Nicely furnished ;sunny ! rooms, with privilege of light housekeeping. J PIERCE, 349, near Oak-3 or 4 furnished i rooms; reasonable; sunny; stove and gas. » j POLK. 522 Vnfurnisheil housekeeping rooms; ; also single rooms; rent cheap. 1 POLK, 717—Two furnished housekeeping rooms, complete, with bath $10. ' POPT. r.27 Parlor floor or upper floor, unfur- nished; front roo/n. furnished; very reason- able. TWENTY-THIRD. 3T25. near Dolores-Two : Eunny bay-window rms.: nice. neat, complete. ' VALENCIA, S.24H.— 3 rurnisheri raomi, complete 1 for housekeeping; fink; porch; ga?. 1 CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore st. ' A BBAKCH office for Call advertisements and [ FUbfcriptions has been established at 1006 V'rf- kmia st. t ROOMS TO LET Kami and Infant. A^Bm5NSVvToTTlouseTT4S Sm"li^Rooms"l5c to $1 per night; {1 25 to $5 r*r week, and light housekeeping; er>en all night. ¦ A QUIET and respectable home for light house- keeping; suites $16 up; bath; telephor*-. St. [ James, % McAllister and Lacuna ets. BCHNETT. 142S Market (old No. 13G4)—Fur- nifhed rms.. suites, single: aleo unfurnished. BUSH. E20 (The Elk)— Changed hand9, newly renovated, nicely furn. sunny rms., $1 50 to $7 ; week; 25c to $1 SO night. MR3. P. RANFT. CAI'P, 20 3 larpe. sur.ny. unfurnished rooms to a quiet family, without children. CAT!'. 107. near Sixteenth— Sunny furnished ¦ I front b«clroom. X ¦ ; CLIFFORD. S«4 Kill*, cor. JIason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. - ELLIS. CCS, corner Larkln—Sunny front room; double folding bed; Wf-lsbach lights. , FUP.NIBUKD rooms to let at Park House. 2723 : _tla— tofl Et. GEARY, K6—Elegant sunny front parlor, piano, , light hskpg.; sulti-g; other pleas, rms.; phone., . ! GOLDEN GATK ave.. 727— Finely furnished ! Croat room; ca*; bath; gentleman; private; ! rearnn—ble. 1 j GOLDEN GATE AVE.. Eft— Sunny furnished ! rooms, |6 to $10. ' - j GRAND SOTTTHKRX, routheast corner Seventh ¦ and Mletion rts. Sunny rooms, en suite or 1 Fingle; ladies' parlcr; reading-room; elevator. HOWAIID, *,2&— Rooms from $1 week up to $5; 2io to {1 n1«fht; also housekeeping rooms. HOWARD. 83»-SlnRle room In a private family. HOWARD. 9S3. cor. 6th—Orlando House— New i management : furnished rms.; suites or single. HUNT, 8, off Third—Furnished room to let, with or without board. ifTDE. 407B Furnished room; private family. LARKIN, 13S, near City Hall—Neatly furnished room; suitable for 2; reasonable. LAS PALMAS. 1S20 Market St.—Suite of 2 or 3 rms.; private; bath; Bin. rms.; board optional. MA^ON, 1301—Nicely furnished rooms to let; eingle and en suite. MINNA, 605. n»"ar Seventh— Large sunny fur- niehed front room to let, tS a month. MINNA,CC7, corner Eighth—Newly furniehed bay-window room, $1 per week; transient. MISSION'. ?54. near Third— Sunny rooms for gentlemen, $6 per month; private house. JflNETEENTH. SIIS, r,r. Valencia-Nice sunny rocm; sus and bath: rent $7. O'FARRELL, 20 Runny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; electric lights; day, wk., mo. O'KARRELL,1E01— Two nicely furnished rooms; sun all day: ¥10 and K. PINE, 1237—Large sunny rooms, newly fur- nished complete, Jn itrictly private family. ROSEDALE House, 319 end S21 Ellis st.— Rooms, night 2Sc to fl, week $1 23 to {4; open night. ICTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend funeral services to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10:30 o'clock, at the family residence, School street, between Per- alta and Boston avenues, Upper Frultvale. In- terment Mountain View Cemetery. '- MAHONET—In this city. September - 16. 1900. Catherine, wife of Edward I. Mahoney. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 602 Second street, corner of Brannan. thence to the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Geary street, between Goueh and Octavia, where 'services will be held, commencing- at 2:30 o'clock. In- terment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. HICKOX— In Oakland, September 15, 1900. John Henry, beloved husband of Carrie F. Hickox. a native of Ohio, aged .80 years 6 months and 27 days. KILPECK— In Famoso. Cal., September 15, 1000. Rose Ann Kilpeck. mother of Bart Kil- peck and Mrs. J. F. Campbell, grandmother of Mrs. A. A. Janes, Mrs. A. J. Webster and Ada. Campbell, and great-grandmother of Harold .Janes, a native of Ireland, aged 76 years 3 months and 7 days. !T_*"Remains at Gray's undertaking parlors, 641 Sacramento street. Funeral services at Holy Cross Church, Eddy street, this day (Monday, at 3 o'clock. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. LORETZ— In Frultvale. September 15, 1900, Louis Henry, beloved eon of Louis and Emma Loretz. and brother of Frank, Walter. - Frie- da, Marie and Henry Loretas, a native of Frultvale, aged 4 years 8 months and 18 days. C^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at S:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 905 Buchanan street, thence to Sacred Hfart Church, where a solemn requiem mass willbe celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencinc at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by special electric oar from corner Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. HAAS In this city. September 16. 1900, Mar- garet, dearly beloved and only child of John and Jennie Haas, a native of San FranciECO, aged 15 years 2 months and 8 days. (Butte, Iowa, papers please copy.) EJTuneral from Trinity Church, corner of Bueh and Gough streets, to-morrow (Tues- day), at 11 o'clock. GRIFFIN—In this city. September IS, 1900, Jo- hanna, beloved mother of Mary A., Margie. Nellie and Samuel Griffin and the late The- rtfla Timlin, a native of Glanmlre, Ireland, a ted E9 years. HAYES—Inthis city, September 15, 1900. Cath- erinu Hajes, beloved wife of John Hayes, and mother of Timothy. Thomas F. and the late John Hayes Jr., Mrs. L. C. Rich, Mrs. V. Tojetti, Mrs. F. Errico and Mrs. Bernard Rucben, a native of County Cork, Ireland, ased 73 years and 6 mouths. (Spokane and New York papers please copy.) CT'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday) at 9:45 o'clock, from the parlors of A. W. Martin & Co., undertakers. IIS Geary street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery by carriage. GILLESPIB-In this city. September 16. 1500. Sarah Beutner. relict of the late C. V. Gil- lespie. aged 84 years. ADAMS—In this city, September 16, iOOO. Bertham Adams, a native of Carson City. New. aged 21 years and 28 days. FEELY—In this city, September 14, 1900, John II. Feely. beloved husband of Bridget Feely, and father of John F. and James V. Feely, Mrs. J. P. Coughlln of Grass Valley. Mrs. W. A. Cross of Vallejo and Rose. Frank, Lucy and Annie Feely. a. native of Scotland, aged 76 years. DIED. Adams. Bertham Mahoney, Edward I. Feely. John M. O'Grady, Joseph Gillespie. Sarah B. Relnstein,- Oscar Griffin, Johanna fcaxsehmeler, Joseph Hayes, Catherine Sehween, August A. Haas, Margaret Walker, Mary Hickox. John H. Warnock, Margaret Kilpeck, Rose Ann Walthour, John K. Loretz, Louis H. MARRIED. CORDES— XEILSOX—In this city, September IS, 1900, at the home of Dr. C. J. E. Haterius, 132S Mission street, Joachim Cordes and Mar- Eraret Nellson. OESTERMANN—Inthis city, September 3, 1500, to the wife L. Oestermann. a daughter. SIEGGL In Los Angeles, Cal., September 15, 1900, to the wife of Myer Siegel. a son. WEICHHART— In Alameda, September 18, 1300, to the wife of Henry A. Welchhart. a daughter. « BORN. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. PROPOSALS Invited—Bids for providing and installing a pewage pumping plant for the Folsom rrison, practically conforming to spec- ifications now on file with the State Board of Prison Directors and State Board of Exam- iners will be received by said respective boards at the office"of the Board of Exam- iners In the State Capitol. Sacramento. Cal.. until 2 o'clock p. m. of October 6. 1900. at which time they willpublicly opened. The ritrht to reject any or all bids is reserved. Copies of specifications may be obtained from the clerk of the board at Folsom prison. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi- fied check for J2000 drawn on some bank of eood Etandinc to the order of R. M. Fitzger- ald, president State Board of Prison Direc- tors, which check shall be forfeited to the Ftate if the bid which accompanies such check is accepted and the party making the fcid refuses to enter into a contract and exe- cute a sood and sufficient bond, payable to the State of California. In an amount to be fixed by the State Board of Prison Directors, fcr the "faithful performance of the contract awarded. By order of the State Board of Prison Directors. T5RAINARD F. SMITH. CWk of th» Board. I'UOPOSALS. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary DIVIDEND NOTICE—Dividend No. S3 (twenty- ¦ five cents per share) of the Hutehinson Sugar Plantation Company, will be payable at the office of the company, S27 Market St., on and after Thursday. September 20. 1900. Transfer books will cloee on Thursday. September 13. 1900. at 3 o'clock p. m. DIVIDEND NOTICES. TO LEASE. TO let Fine rooms suitable for light manufac- turing purposes. Apply st 511 Sar.some st. KKW tyuewritors. $S down. >5 month payments. REVALK. 4' 1 3 California st. STORAGE AXD WAREHOUSES^ WILSON BROS., storage and moving; covered vnns. Tt-nth and Market; phene South 782. PACIFIC Stoiage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2330 Flllmore Ft. : phono Jackson 2S1. TYPEWIIITERS AND SUPPLIES. GRE^T^ARG~AiN r S~fN^"TYFEWmTE"RS^ ; e sell better machines for lesa money than any hou?e In the city; rentals, $3. The Typewriter KxohanKe. 5"6 California, telephone Mftin 266. ALWAYS bargains in typewriters; any make. Write for prices to L. & M. ALEXAN- DER, 110 Montgomery st. The company reserves the rljrht to change steamers, sailing: dates and hours of sailing without previous notice. . TICKFT O^KICE 4 Ne'w Montgomery street (Palace Hotel). GOODALL. PERKTNS * CO.. Gen. Agents. 10 Market St.. San Francisco. For Ensenada, Mafrdalena Bay. San JOM d a l Cabo, Mazatlan. Altata, La Paz. Santa Rosalia and Guaymas (Mexico)— 10 a. m.. 7th of each month. For further Information obtain company's folders. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Har- fcrd (San Lui3 Obifoo). Santa Barbara. Port Los Aneeles and RerJondo <Lo«» Ansreles) 11 p.. m.. September 14. IS. 22. 28. 30, Oct. 4. and every fourth day thereafter. For Santa Cruz. Monterey. San Simeon. Cayu- rps. Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo). GavJota. Santa Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme. San Pedro. East San Pedro (Lr.s Anjreles) and Newport 9 a. m.. September IS, 16. 20. 34. 2S, Oct. 2. ai*1 every fourth day thereafter. For Eureka. Humboldt Bay—2 p. m.. Sep- tember 15. 20. "5. 30. Oct. 5, and every fifth day thereafter. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. Steamers leave Broadway gs^ wharf, San Francisco: lSJSf^^ For Alaskan Ports 11 a. VSp^PifeW m " September 13. 18. n, 2S. iK- h5v^53_< Oct " 3" hlnsre tn company's rv^EsQvVa steamers at Seattl". tJp^St Ji'*i For Victoria. Vancouver E_»]_*W^5lMl (Ft- C.t. Port Town?end, Se- I "»*>B*3£*?U attle. Tacoma. Everett. Ana- cortes and New Whatcom (Wash.). 11 a. m.. September 13. 1?. 23. 2S. Oct. 3. and every fifth day thereafter. Change at Seattle to this com- pany's steamers for Alaska and G. N. R'y: at Seattle or Tacoma to N. P. R'y; at Vancouver to C. P. R'y. BOtTOHT, sold, rented, repaired, needles and shuttle?; reduced rates. 145 6th; phone Mint 43. ALL kinds boturht, sold and repairing guaran- teed. Charle3 Plambeck. 1915 Mission, nr. 15th. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. ALL kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re- pairing lowest rates; open even. 205 4th st. BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO., 41. f > Montgomery St.. rooms 9-10: lei. 558<>. ROOMS papered from $2 50: whitened. $1 up; painting done. Hartman Paint Co., 313 Third. SPECIAL NOTICES. O'FARRELL. ?05 (Johneon House)— Large ele- gant sunny rooms, with board, suitable for throe or four In family, including private bath and dressing room; must be seen to be ap- preciated; reasonable; references. BOARD and rooms at 415 First St.. near Har- rf*on. ROOMS AM) BOARD. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements ami Fubscriptlcns has been established at 1036 Valencia st. TAYLOR. «11 Large sunny front room, $15; another, $12; handsome suite, $50; all newly fuir.i^h^d; private. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. SMALL furnished front room. 763 Mission st. SIXTH, 136—Furnished sunny rocms; single or euite3; also rooms for light housekeeping. SHERMAN Apartment House, 23 Eighth St.. near Market—Furnished or unfurnished. ROOMS TO l.KT Fnru. nml Uufnrn. ROYAL HOUS-Ciai Ellis et.— Incandescent light: reading room, smoking room and ladies' parlor; rooms, per night. Zjc to $1 50; week, $2 to $S; month, IS to J20; elevator on office floor: rooms with hot and cold water; baths. (TS^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 11 o'clock, frogi the parents' residence. 33 Guy place, off First street, be- tween Folsom and Harrison. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. IE7Frlends are respectfully invited to at- tend the solemn requiem mass, which will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, to- morrow (Tuesday), at St. Rose's Church, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment private, In Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Remains at the parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 1233 Market street, between Eighth and Ninth. WARNOCK— In this city, September 16, 1900, Margaret E., beloved mother of Michael Henry Warnock and the late William J. War- nock, a native of Grange. County Limerick, Ireland, aged 47. years 7 months and 8 days. WALTHOUR—In this city. September 15. 1900. John F., infant son of Frank J. and Dottle Walthour, and sister of Agnes and Harold WaHhour, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months -and 21 days. private. Holy Cross Cemetery. REINSTEIN— In this city, September 16, 1900, Oscar Reinstein, beloved father of Mrs. M. P. Wolf. Mrs. Charle3 L. Shainwald, Mrs. Milton S. Eisner, Miss Augusta Reinstein and J. B. Reinstein. a native of Germany, aged 74 years 10 months and 2 days. CTXotlce of funeral hereafter. SAXSENMEIER— In this city, September 13, 1900. Joseph, beloved husband of Katie Eax- eenmeier, father of Louise, Katie, Bertha and Carl Saxsenmeler, and' nephew of Andrew Frank of Oakland, a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, aged 49 years 7 montha and IS days. A member of Golden City Lodge No. 63 K of P. : Brewers' Union, and Haywards Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. (T^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 44 Clementina street, between First and Second. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. SCHWEEN— Near Pleasanton, September 15, 1500 August A., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sehw&en. and brother of Mrs. H. P. Mohr. Mrs A. Hageman and Charles. William, John, Walter and Louisa Sehween, a native cf Pleasanton, aged 24 years 7,months and 29 days. C?"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Mondayi. at 1 o'clock, from the family resi- dence. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Pltasanton. ., WALKER—in this city. September 15, 1900, Mary, dearly beloved wife of the late Wil- liam Walker, and mother of Mrs. Frederick Warner, n_eil 65 years. ETThe funeral will take place this day (Monday), at S o'clock, from the residence of the parents, 275 .Lexington avenue. Interment a. native of County Cork, -Ireland, aged 46 years and 1 month. ET'The funeral will take place to-morrow . (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 412 Taylor 6treet. thence to St. Mary's 'Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her bouI, at 10 o'clock. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- tery. O'GRADY—In this city, September 15, 1900, Jo- seph, beloved son of John and Ellen O'Grady, a native of San Francisco, aged 16 days. CCEAN TRAVEL. '

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Page 1: · NOTE— In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given In the left hand column and >the successive tides of the day In the order

NOTE—In the above exposition of the tidesthe early morning tides are given In the lefthand column and > the successive tides of theday In the order of occurrence as to time. Th«second time* column fives the second

'tide of

the day. the third time column the third tideand the last or right .hand column gives th»last tide of the day, except when there are butthree tides, as sometimes occurs. ,The heightsarlven are In addition to the soundings on theUnited States • Coast Survey charts, *:exceptwhen a ;minus eign (—) precedes .the height,and then the number sriven is subtracted fromthe depth given', by:the charts. The plane. o!refcre&ca la the mean of the lower low waters.

Sun rises. 6:63Sun sets. 6:15Mfton rises............... .......0:00 a. m.

ARRIVED.Sunday, SeDtember 18.

Stmr Progreso, Monroe, 82 hours from OysterHarbor.

Strnr Tlllamook, Hughes. 14 hours from Al-bion.

Stmr Sunol, Green, 32 hours from HardyCreok, via Needle Rock 28 hours, bound to SanPedro, with schr Falcon in tow.. Stmr Navarro, Jensen, 20 hours from Usal.

Stmr Empire, Jessen, ' 68 hours from Coo*Bay.

Stmr Gipsy, Leland, 25 hours from MossLandinr. , '


Stmr Eureka. Jessen. 22 hours from Eureka.Br ship Loudon Hill,Cruickshanks, 204 days

from Grlmsby, via South Shields 1G3 days.¦ Schr Louise J- Kenney. Iversen, 47 days fromPoint Hope, via Cape Nome 28 days.

Schr Mary C, Campbell, 8 hours from Bo-deira.

Schr Queen, Nelson, 8 days from Grays Har-bor.

Schr Volant, Ericsson.'7 days from Gray*

Harbor. . . _Schr Falcon, Oelland, 28 hours from Needle

Ro;k, DUt Into clear.¦'• Schr Abbie, Peterson, 7*4 days from GraysHarbor. V--"' .'¦ Schr Corinthian, Korth,'i20 hours from Bow-eas Landing.



The high and low; waters occur atthe city front (Mission-street wharr) abouttwenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point;the height of tide is the same at both places.

*——— —— *United States Coast and Geodetic Survey

Times and Heights of High and LowWaters at Fort Point, entrance to SanFrancisco Bay. Published by official au-thority of the Superintendent.

Sun, Moon and Tide.


SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. lfi—5 p. m.The following are the seasonal rainfalls to

date as compared with those of the same datelast season, and rainfall in the last twenty-four hours:

Last This LastStations— 24 hours, season, season.

Eure!tn Trace 0.17 1.16Red Bluff Trace 0.23 0.02Sacramento 0.00 O.(«; 0.0.JSan Francisco 0.00 0.48- TraceFresno 0.00 0.14 0.00Independence 0.00 . 0.76 0.17San Luis Obispo 0.00 Trace 0.00Lob Angeles 0.00 Trace 0.01San Diego O.OO Trace 0.07

San Francisco data: Maximum temperature.66; minimum, 56; mean, 61.WEATHEIt CONDITIONS AND GENERAL

FORECAST. vThe pressure has risen rapidly over the Pa-cific slope and fallen over the Rocky Mountainregion. The depression central in Arizona thismorning has moved northeastward and nowoverlies Eastern Nevada and Utah. An area ofhlch pressure is central off the Northern Cali-fornia coast.

The temperature has fallen over the plateauregion and remained nearly stationary In otherdistricts.

Generally cloudy and • threatening weatherprevails over Oregon, Idaho and Northern Ne-vada; elsewhere west of the Rocky Mountainsclear weather prevails.

Forecast made at San Francisco for thirtyhours" ending midnight, September 17:

Northern California—Pair; warmer Monday

light-northwest wind.

Southern California—Fair Monday light westwind. • , ¦¦


Partly cloudy, with showers innortheast portion Monday. •„,:;'¦

Utah— Showers: cooler Monday.Arizona— Fair Monday.San Francisco and vicinity—Fair; warmerMonday; light northwest wind.

G. H. WILLSON.Local Forecast Official.

Weather Report.

Life's Tragedies."Into each life some rainmust fall.

But the wise man doesn't sit down andfret,

And it's only the fool who la. after all.Unable to squeeze in out of the wet.—

Chicago Times-Herald.


H C Rackliff, FerndaleO P Nauert. AlvaradoC King, ChicagoP Balzaro & w. Guada-

lupeH W Butler, DawsonA J Newman & w, CalMrs W P Hurlbut.

LewistonM B Spauldlng & w,

BuffaloH Casey. Socta <

A F Eaton, San JoseA C Eaton. S JoseW P Barley. S RosaS Newell, StocktonL T Spadal, S JoseR W White, USAT J Bryant, USAJ H Griggs, USAE C Christ. USAXV G Woods, SactoC E Ackerman, SactoT G Edwards, CalM H Miller. ElkoJ J Henderson. NomeP H Molse, S LObispoH A Schultz, PortrvillC Oilman, VallejoJ W Davy. San JoseG K Glaser, DenverC C Durgln, BostonJ XV Keyes, Ind

T Nelson, DawsonC H Redman, OregonJ L Depaull, KernF S Bogg-s. StocktonC F Carter, WaterbryP carter, N YG H Cassldy & w, CalC Altman, N TC A Sawyer, BostonM MJohnson, Colo HpgC J Bignall, SactoM E McGrath. DenverW H Hubbard. KelseyJ W McCoy. ChgoJ HWilliams & w, CalJ H Dorr. PelsarteMiss Dorr. Delsarte\V Ward & fam. IllnolsJ H Batctoer, SactoJ J Thorem. PortlandC Buncey. S HafaelJ S< Taylor, NapaIH Tuttle, WatsonvlllJ D Gllllland, ChsoM Cody. L MedanosW LBirch, Los AngA Rummelsburg, CalW Downie &w, LAngMrs T Bennett, L AngC R McKeon, L AngF W Kauffman, CalP Moore, DawsonC Beaulleu. Dawson


F Weiss, Louisville IDr MLMoore, LAngR Avery. Los AnsW Walte, CalMiss A Hlhn. S CruzH C Burmeister. Stnfd!J C Mulr. StanfordH t> Hasklll. OaklandO Peck, CalDr Connelly, OaklandDr IILPace, TulareA M McKinney. N YK J Dunham, Cal,A E Wells. N YE L Conger & w. CalJ Bisby & w, CalS W Bray. St LoutsR Oberwlmmer. Hono-

luluCICrow. Los AngW W whipple, OregonMrs C Zeltler. DenverJ F White, OgdenJ Underwood. Chffo

G w Meeeath. OmahaMies McCabe. CalM G Nelll. EnglandE D Hargraves, Eng-

landL D Levy, .N YC W Whitney, OhioDr W HMurphy, CalT M Hocr>er, N Y


E XV Sherry Jr. N TMrs E W Sherry Jr,N Y

S Clementson. BostonMrs S Clementson, BosC R Payne & w,,PaO J Smith, RenoC Dunphy. CalMraE HChllds. LAngMiss C Chllds. L Ang

Mrs IIChilds, L AngMiss M Tierney, L AnW H Workman, L AnO Graram, Wyoming

NEW WESTERN HOTELF Thurston, Fresno ¦

W Flagg, BerkeleyR Tailor. CrockettE llacrans, TulareJ Taylor, PrescottJ M Rogers. MercerJ A Donnelly, SactoA G Vincent. SactoC M Monahan, ClnaJ M Colchester. MoZ E Buckner, S Rosa

N G Bergholt, PetaluW Chinn, IndK Johnson, AuroraE nraren. Petaluma.C Knos & w. ChlcaROC Harrison & sn, MoLU Fox, ArkansasM P Hammon & w,

SonoraG M Ross. Boston


The German transport Samoa will frcready to sail for China on Saturday atnoon. She is to take. 800 horses to Takufor the German Government.

The battleship Wisconsin will have hertrial trip on the bay to-day.

Reinsurance on the American ship Wa-chusett has advanced to 65 per cent. Thevessel is now out 126 days from Newcas-tle, Aus. for Kahulul and fears are en-tertained for her safety. W. E. Miphell.her managing owner, has no such fears,however, and is taking a chance in the re-Insurance business himself. :

The Puget Sound steamer Walla "Wallawill not reach port until this afternoon.Acase of smallpox was developed betweenhere and Victoria. B. C and the vesselwas quarantined there. She was releasedlast week and it was expected that shewould reach here yesterday. She couldnot make up the lost time, however.

Chief Engineer J. S. Richards, late ofthe Mineola, will go out as chief of theOceanic Company's Australia next"Wednesday. Chief Kngineer Keller of theZealandia, who made one tripon the Aus-tralia, goes back to his own vessel.

"Water/ Front Notes.

The schooner Louise J. Kenney got infrom Bering Sea last night. She left PointHope forty-seven days ago, and at thattime the whalers were just preparing toenter the ice. The Indians who went homeon the schooner were delighted to getback into the frozen North, but all ex-pressed a wish to make another trip toSan Francisco "some other time." Allhands on the whaling fleet were well. TheKenney brings home 1400 pounds of boneas the result of her trading cruise. On theway,down stops were made at_ Cape Yorkand Cape Nome, but no news or interestthat has not been published was gathered.

Arrives From Point Hope.

It is only ten days since the UnitedStates transport Thomas came into port,but in that time new hawse pipes weigh-ing five tons each have been put in. Thework was 'done under the supervision ofWilliam Donald,, assistant Marine Super-intendent of the Union Iron1 Works, andit is owing to his executive ability thatthe work was done in such a short timeand in such an able manner. The Thomasis now carrying patent bald anchors andto accommodate them the big hawsepipes were required. There will now beno such a thing as catting an anchor onthe Thomas, as the shank will follow thechain in through the hawse pipe and thatwill end the job.

Quick Work on the Thomas.

Allthe shags and sea fowl that used tocongregate oh Shag and Arch rocks havedisappeared since the work of destructionbegan, and seafaring men are now won-dering what new abode they have found.

In another week or so Arch Rock willbe no more. The preparations for the de-struction of this "menace to navigation"

have already begun. The staging fromwhich the rock will be bored in all di-rections has already been erected, andprobably to-day or to-morroy the work

of drilling will begin.The people who travel to and from Sau-

sallto in the ferry-boats, object to theremoval of Arch Rock. They sav it is

one of the most artistic spots in the bay,and, owing to the history attached to it,

the Government should preserve it andplace a beacon light there. A number ofsailing vessels came to grief on the rockand two of the pilot boats ran it down ina fog and were' lost. Three men in aboat tried years ago to pull through tr?arch, but the swell that comes in throughthe Golden Gate caught the boat andcrushed it against the crown of the arch.Still the rock is picturesque and one ofthe landmarks of the bay. and every pas-senger who comes and goes on the faau-salito and Tiburon ferries is sorry to se^j

the preparations that are being made forblowingit up. ,? The contractors are losing no time. Itwas only week that Shag Rock No. 2was blown up. and now the work of get-ting ready to destroy Arch Rock is wellunder way. Far more gelatine will beused on this occasion than in either ofthe former successful attempts and ArchRock is expected to provide one of thefinest sights ever seen in the Bay of SanFrancisco when it is blown up.

All the Sea Fowl That Made TheirHabitation on the Big Stona"

Pinnacle Itesert TheirOld Perch.

Preparations to Blow Up

#Arch Rock Are Being



AND SHORESunday, Senternber It

Stmr Brunswick, Andresen. .Stmr Coos Day, Nopander, San Pedro.Stmr Whitesboro, Olsen, .Stmr Del Norte, Allen, Portland, etc.Stmr Sunol. Green. San Pedro.Ship St. David. Pearson. Puset Sound.Schr Jennie Griffin, Low, Point Reyes.Schr Glen. Wilson.


POINT LOBOS. Sept. 16—10 p. m.—Weatherhazy, wind northwest, velocity 12 miles.


John. A. Campbell, for ;schr Endeavor, forPort Gamble.

PORT LVDLOW—Arrived Sept IS—Bktn Ben-icia. from Port Townsend.

SEATTLE—Arrived Sept 16—Stmr Humboldt.from Skaguay; stmr Willamette, from PortValdes., PORT GAMBLE—Arrived Sept 16—Schr En-deavor, from Port. Townsend.

PORT TOWXSEXD- Passed up Sept 16—StrnrMatteawan. hence Sept 13. for Tacoma; schrR. W. Bartlett. from St. Michael. Reported inStraits— Br stmr Condor, from Callao.

SAN DIEGO-^rrlved Sept 16—Ger stmr Her-odot, frcm Hamburj. /

ASTORIA—Sailed Sept IS—Stmr Fulton, forSan Francisco.


nia from Boston, for Liverpool, and proceed.ed. Sailed— Stmr Umbrla. from Liverpool, forNew York.

SOUTHAMPTON—Sailed Sept 1«—SteamerDeutschland. from Hamburg, for New York.

MOVILLE—Sailed Sept 16—Stmr Furnessia.from Glasgow, for New York. Arrived—StmrCity of Rome, for Glasgow, and proceeded.

GIBRALTAR—Passed Sept 16—Stmr Victoria,

from Genoa and Naples, for New York.NEW YORK—Arrived Sept 16—Stmr Staaten-

dam, frcm Rotterdam; stmr Cymric, from Liv-erpool; stmr Archimede, from Naples and Gi-braltar. Sailed— Stmr Neutria, for Naples;stmr California, for Glasgow.



Steamer Movements.


Shipping Intelligence.


D Time Time TJme Time» Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.->;: Li,w u v,' lw h w17 ... 0:32 0.2 7:36 4.4 12:30 8.2 6:20 ~&~l18 ... 1:23 0.2 .8:26 4.7 1:30 2.9 7:29 5.1¦9... 2:16 0.3 9:06 4.9 2:32 2.5 8:29 5.1!0 ... . 2:57 0.4 9:44 6.2 3:20 2.1 9:23 5.1!1... 8:33 0.7 10:19 5.3 4:00 >.7 10:12 5.1!2 ... 4:10 1.0 10:48 5.3 4:39 1.4 10:59 '5.03 ... 4:40 1.3 11:16 5.4 5:13| 1.1 U:41 .4.8

Steamer. IDestination. I Sails. Pier.

Eureka .... Humboldt [Sep. 17. 10 am Pier 13Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.. Sep. 17. 2 pm Pier 2Newport ... New York Sep. IS. 12 m PMSSWalla W... Victoria Sep. 18. 11am Pier 9Corona .,.. San Dippo..... Sep. 18. 11 am Pier 11Australia .. Honolulu Sep. 19. 2 pm Pier 7Pomona ...Humboldt Sep. 20. 2 pm Pier 9Empire .... Cooa Bay Sep. 20, 12 m Pier 13Arcata Coos Bay Pep. 20, 12 m Pier 13State Cal.. Portland Sep. 20, 11 am Pier 24Bonlta .... Newport Sep. 20, 9 am Pier 11W. Kruger Tlllamook Sep. 20 Pier 2laqua Humboldt Sop. 21, 5 pm Pier' 2North Fork Humboldt..... Sep. 21, 9am Pier 2N. Mam China AJapanlSep. 22. 1pm PMSSSanta KosalSan Di«>Ko ISep. 22, 11 amlPler 11O. Dollar.. |Grays Harbor'Sep. 22 fUmatllla ..IVictoria.. |Sep. 23. 11 am|PIer 9

Steamer. I From. ¦ Due.Victoria v Oyster Harbor Sep. 17Titania Nanalmo „ Sep. 17Staj* of Cal.... Portland ,. Sep. 17Corona San Diego Sep. 17Mlneola ....iNnnalmo Sep. 17Walla Walla... |Victoria Sep. 17North ForK IHumboldt Sep. 1*Washtenaw ...,|Tacoma Sep. ISBonita Newport Sep. ISPomona Humbnldt Sep. 18Arcata Coos Bay Sep. 19Colon New York Sep. KUmatilla Victoria Sep. 13Robt. Adamson Nanaimo... Seo. 19Coquille River. Grays Harbor Sep. 19Polnt^Arena Point Arena Sep. 20Crescent City.. Crescent City Sep. 20Santa Rosa .... San Diego Sep. 2')St. Paul .... Care Nome Ifcep. 20W. II.Kruger. Tillamook .Sep. 20Herodot Hamburg Sep. 20Moana Australia ISep. 21Matteawan .... Tacoma IScp. 21Columbia Portland |Sep. 22City RJo de Jan China and Japan ISep. 22Orace Dollar..-|San Pedro [Sep. 22Cons Bay IX<«xvnort :.!Pep. 22

! /VlcMVOY «Jfc CO.. IFUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS, Ii 1239 Market St., between Sth and 9th. I

Telephone South 247. |

tifcNHV ,f. (JALLAGMItl- Ci.)..(Successor to Flannaean & Gallagher).


20 FifthRt., opposite Lincoln School.Telephone South 80.


POH,TT-AKTDFrom Spear-street "Wharf at 11 A. M.

CADC $12 First Class !nc!u-ilng Berthf»P.y. jflSecond Class Meals.STATE OF CALIFORNIA sails

/ Sept. 20. 30COLUMBIA sails Sept. 15. 23, Oct. 5

Short line to Walla Walla. Spokane. Butte,Helena and all points In the Northwest.Through tickets to all colnts East.

E. C. WARD, General Asent.630 Market st.




ner First and Brannan street, at 1p. no.,for YOKOHAMAand HONfiKOXd,calling atKobe (Hlojro). Nagasaki and Shanghai, andconnecting at Hongkong with steamers for In-dia etc. No cargo received on board on dayor sailing-.SS. NIPPON MARTJ

Saturday. September 22. 1300SS AMERICAMARU..Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1900SS'. HONGKONCl MARIT....Tues., Nov. 13. 1900

Via Honolulu.Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For

freight and passage apply at romrany's office.421 Market street, corner of First.

W. H. AVERY. General Ajrent.


Stopplnsr at Cherbourg, westbound.From New YorkEvery Wednesday, 10 a. in.

St. Paul Sept. '^St. Paul Oct. 17St. Louts Oct. S St Lnuls , Oct. 54New York Oct. 10! New York Oct. 31

RED STAR LINE.New York and Antwern.

'From New York Every Wednesday. 12 noon.

Noordland Sept. 2S Wester-land ....Oct. 17Frlesland Oct. 3 Kensington Oct. 24Southwark Oct. 10 Noordland Oct. 31




PailinK every Thurst'.ny. in«t»ad of .«?"?' 7t*^5V»Saturday, from I. 1S99. at -*»*•*««*

10 a m., from Pier 42. North River, foot ofMorton street. LA LORRAINE. Sept. 20; LACHAMPAGNE. Sept. 27: LATOURAINE. Oct.4- L/AQUITAINE. Oct. 11. First class toHavre, JS2 50 and upward. Second class toHavre. S.*.5 and upward: 5 per cent reductionon round trip. GENERAL. AGENCY FORUNITED STATES and CANADA. 33 Broadway

(Hudson building. New York. J. F. FUGAZI& CO.. Pacific Coast Agents. S Montgomeryavenue. San "rancisco.



S S. AUSTRALIA (Honolulu only)Wednesday. Sept. 19, 2 p. m.

S. S. MOANA (via1 Honolulu) to New Zea-land and Australia Wed.. Oct. 3,8 p. e

J. D. SPRECKELS &BROS. CO.. Arts.. 643 Market StPier 7. Foot Pacific St. Freight Office. 327 Market St


FOR U. S. RAYY YARD AND YALLEJG.Steamer "Monticello.**

MON., Tues.. Wed., Thurs. and Sat. at 9:4Sa. m.. 3:15, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night); Fri-days. 1 p. m. and 8:30: Sundays. 10:30 a. m.. Sp. m. Landing and office. Mission-street Dock.Pier No. 2. Telephone Main 1508.


theTweekly callSI per Year.



Commencing April 22 1300.FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILLVA1__ET

AND SAN RAFAEL.WEEK DAYS—7:00. »3:30, 9:30. 11:00 a. m.;

12:«, »1:43, 3:15. 4:15. *5:15. 6:15, 6:40 p. m.EXTRA TRIPS—For Mill Valley and Saa

Rafael, on Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdaysand Sundays, at 9:00 and 11:35 p. m.

SUNDAYS—7:00, »8:00. *9:00, •10:00. 11:00, 11:30a. nn; 12:45. *l:20. 2:30, #3:45. 5:C0. «:00, T:20p. m.

11:00 a. rn. does not run to -an Rafaal Sun-days.

Trains marked (•) run to San Quentin.FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO.

WEEK DAYS—5:35. »«:30, 7:50, 8:iO. 'lOilo a.m.: 12:30. 1:15. J:15. •S.-SO. 4:30. 5:30 p. m.

*EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays

and Saturdays at *6:45 and 10:20 p. m.SUNDAYS—6:13, •8:00. *i:h0. *U:00 a. m.; »13:00

m.: 1:00, 2:15 4:30. »5:45. 6M5, 7:30. 10:20P. m.

Trains marked (•) start from San Quentin.FROM MILLVALLET TO SAN FRANCISCO.

WEEK DAYS—5:63, 8:45, 8:00. 8:55. 10:30 a.m.: 12:35. 1:45. 2:45, 3:30. 4:50, 5:20 p. m.

EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdaysand Saturdays at 7:10 and 10:20 p. m.

RUNI>J_TS— «:35. 8:03. 10:05. 11:10 a. m.: 1_:15,1:20 2:30. 3:45, 4:55. 6-13. 7:05. 10:30 p. m.

THROUGH TRAINS.7:C0 a. m. week days— Cazadero and way sta-

tions.3:15 p. m. Saturdays— Cazadero and way.sta-

tions.8:00 a. m. .Sundays— Cazadero and way sta-

tions.12:4"> p. m. Sundays— Point Reres and way sta-


MOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY.Leave San Francisco via Sausallto Ferry:

WEEK DAYS 9:30 a, m., 1:45 and 5:15 p. m.SUNDAYS..-.8. 9,10. 11 a..m., 1:30 and 2;30 p. m.Fare San Francisco to Summit and return, $1 40.NEW TAVERN OF TAMALPAIS NOW OPEN.




StfvSart, ptjuare $25French upright C5Ha'.l^tt _: Pavls 100 |Stfiijva}-. fairly rood 1~; IMaiestic. nearly new 2-JO !ChlckeriaCi largo sise zy) •lUChXBOaA, larfro Fit«»


'•••fK-r. rxlijrjct t;ran4 27S •r.yron l!f.:ty. nrarly r.»w 37i Ir-ihrn«!r. t:!chtly u.?*<l 475 !

Call a.TA wo ih« l::tc?t barssln* in rlatios ii:i UM I'Eoiii- Ocast. No troui-:<» to show ¦


AHALLETT& DAVIS,nwwond ca?e....$r.n CO !Covsros t: t;ort, rosecrood <-as<» IIOOJArion, rogewoftl case 15 01'lialir-t A- Pav'.s I I.IIIIIIIIIIIIl3"iM!\Vrt..T. nnen con-iitltn 175 00!SfiaJSMT & Eons 175 in)Kir.?<bury, oak l»^0 j

used a few nir-nths 2ii 00 IK.--f>- paqTB-Bte, cbeet i;:ur:e and c-voirthing ¦

:n thf I_u^ic line Chlokcrlnp. Vcse. Ft^rlineogrnry. l'.ENJ. CURTAZ &. SON. 1S-15-2)st.

ANXOfXCrM_NT-W> have conso! Ul.itei the iF«n Francisco Music Company. 12", Gutter St.. Iwith our O'Farrcll-tt. bnetness. ar.J nowfhow rr-.ort cor>ds In all lines than ar.y cth*rhouse do tl,»> ceast. Six floora of rr.usic andmui-iral poode: r-lancs in *nd!«j variety ar.dpricr« ranprn: from J73 to t'r'JO. ImperialBnarb««Jo_ Mu«lc Koxcs, Ouitars. Violins.M_a_oUns. ftrlnps. Tr.K.:n!.vxs. S5;e»t Music,Ptc; t-nrrraous rlnck; lnweft rrics: cash orir.£»-nts. DEXJ. CfP.TAZ & EON. 1«.is nr.J :c OTnrrel! et.: Chtckerinsr agencv.

A RELIABLE ];iano can b- bousrht only froma rpiiaVie house. Th» ZEXO MAUV.MS ML'-PIC CO. <s Fuch a bouie. Tr.cir- aSdrcss Is7CS Market st.

DOX'T fail to see the beautiful Dicker & Son j. baby jrrancs just roceived at UAUVAIS*.76» jj» Mcr»;<t Et. They are the bt-st ever hho*nIn •

the clU". INO matter vhat yc-u want In the line of ma- j

?'.cal poods, you can always do best at UAL"- jVA1S-. ?C9 Market st. j

ALL purchaser* of pianos at SHERMAN, jOL.AY & CO.'S have the trlv*.:epe of ex- Irh&r.ging fcr a BTEOCWAT ar.y ti:n» within jthree years and full purchase price allowed:the best :-.%',- of every .:.:•¦to sp'ect from:beautiful r.ev.- uprights I« cash. ?fi per incnth;Feme pood rlanop :>r !". J4 ar.d 15 per CLAY & CO.. BTEECWATDEALERS, Kearr.y ar.d Sutler sts..Fan Francisco: corner Broadway and Thir-teenth fts.. Oakland.

AT a diBcour.t. to nrtlWt«b oar new lrjcation. jwe will give !0 x*r cent off on p!ancs; torn* jsecond-hand bargains; 3 Heine upriphts. t™~: |2 Eteir.ways. tX»: 1 Chlckerin*. 1165: 1 Ma- iton & lisir'.in. I3S0. and 20 other bargains ;apents for Haliett &Pa vis and 6 other maken. |I1H1NE PIANO CO.. ZO Gtary ft., near Otycf Paris.

JLBSOZATrnLY the oi'irft anJ larif«>Ft hou»ekm of Cfcicaco is KOHLEP. & CHAfES. 26t s and 30 O'Farre'.l et.; pianos, orpans andall other musical Instruments of all (trades

end prices: terms easy; prices lowest: «very-thitiK possible done iu please and satisfy the<~uEtomer.• BOME special barpain* this week inhiKh-srradsr'.an^: Harfiman, Pteinway, Petrine Bros.,Chare Bros.. «>:•-. DEV.XVG. Flood bulldinir.

A NTCE uprlRht plaio. ur»4 a Fhr-rt time; mustbe clfi Immediately; cwner leaving- city.

Roots 21, ITood fcuildlnsr.VIOLIN ftrlngs: never best in the world:

maklriB .-ind r»T>alriri«c of a'l kinds of musicalInstruments. Carl C. Anderson. 417 Geary st.

FOR sale—Eletant Tralr.ut. cabinet crand up-r*.rht. chAar. nr wi'.I rrr;. 2<I K^arny st

FLAUGHTEK saie of ttpric_tt pianos for stor-age; t£0 up. Wilson's Morasc, 171^ Markf-t ?=t.

ft-PEDAIi Btetnwar: perfect r.rd'r. ti75.KECKrE'S. &3C Market yt.. 1^-t. Sth and Cth.

CFXTLKMAX leavins city tvi'.l sar-rifl'-e ele-pant u;ripht prand jiano. ?d OoMcn Gate av.

I?E Jr. the «wlm: r<>r;t a new j-iano fr,r $3 pfrraon-h. SCOTT-CVRTAZ CO.. K1 Hayes »t.

THE WILEY B. ALLEX CO.. 314 Post St..M Harflman, Conover and nth^r pianos.

BARGAIN—Good riano cheap; Installment $8P.T month. BCH-tlTZ. 16 M<-Al!!5tpr Bt.

¦". O BAIXS__3. <12 Sacramf-nti ft., asrent forFrar<-i« Bacon m4 Halip't & Davis pianos.

RTPEIUOR violin?, zithers, old and new. H.jfOXS—, »nak«r. rrpalrer. 2 Latham place.

J:Kr>i:CTI<~»x fulc: new r.ianoy; tZ payments;

onriccs am> stores to i.i;t.

EMMa FPP.tXKE!.? buIUlnr, PC7 Market—

Offtoea. Upht and sunny. $15 to' $20 per month;licht heat, janitor and u?e of tel. included.

FMALL store; Irooms; good for ta'lor. shoe-maker, harl/^r: cheap. ?Z\ California St.

TO rent—Modem ttore: well liRhted; 2Jxi<0;rent Tv-asi-nal Je. 2£S Hayes ft.

¦ J'ALMIMIU.KUE, NTnr.G^AUD has r^Tnoved to 700 Post;

hours 1 to Z ?•»*>.. and Sunday by appointment.


I.;:;>r:itEn. the i^pular hairdresser: up-to-cate latest fads in hair styles ile only.

PRIVATE detective work; rcaponahle rates; 10years' t_r*ric:jee. J. B. RAY, 'JZ1 Jessie st.

Lr-DEP-ER'S Quintonica Hair Tonic 25c bcx:Foanio i5harr.jx)o Be package.

LEDEUER sells EJ Perfecto Veda Roajre, DOc:It benut'fles the face; flret quality hair rollsEt a bargain. 123 Stockton et-


BOPKE EROS.Mattresses and pillows made to order, recov-«-r»?d and renovated ;honest work guaranteed;prices defy competition; fineupholstery :phonefcSOS; factory. SIS and 320 Eleventh Et.;first-claes cleaning and dyeing. lZi O'Farrell, nearPowell. Ban Francisco.

DR. D. MA.CLEAXmoved his oTflce to DonohooW building, rooms S7 and 88. phone Folsom 16C1;

residence, 19C2 Page, ihone Fell 7S55.

JTLJANISiLBcier.tiac H^alinjr.

B19 Golden Gate ave.

ELECTRIC lights In every rocm— "WinchesterHctei. 44 Third rt.. near Market: 700 rooms:toe to II50 per n!«rht; flM to 16 per week;free 'bue and baptrace to and from the ferry.

6UITS to ord°r en mrtaJIments: $15 upward;SI a week. LEON LEMOfl. 1117 Market St..b»tw«"n and Eighth.


SOC permanent cures In San Francisco,who can be seen; no operation: no pain: par-ticulars s'r.t. Art. Physician, box IS.'O, Call.

MRS. DE VOLL. halrdresstr. removed froni<Z&* to C37 EU-i Ft. abeve L^avenworth.

SUITS to order on easy payment*. Art Tailor-ing Co.. VAk Mkt. under St. Nicholas Hotel.IJAIK quickly curled or Tiaved by utins: Tal-

eotf« curllrx fluid: 25e a bottle; <5ruK(?iFts.

Vv'AN'TED—Old-fa£hioncd silver, braes, copr^rwarp; curios, all descriptions. C2u Dupont st.

ALFREDUKS n«TPtian Ilpnra restoros Krayhair to Its natural cclor: II. at a'l druggists.

CAST-OFF clothinp. old trold and Filver bought;seni yr-fXtX. COLEMA.VS. 1% Kearny i-t.


DR. C. C. O'DOXNELL—Office and rwlflenc*.lTSIH Market ft., between Sixth and Seventh.


A. j_. SPECK & CO., CCnjarkeTft.'""" '

Real Estate and investment Aper.tsFull Charge Taken of Property.


El!!s-*t. corner: £3x137 :?; iowntown-«plen_i_ buiidir.?; ptya better thanbonds.

J!l,000— Two comcrp; It*ixl_Ofeet; close to VanNess ave. end McAllister st.


Corner: modern; paye g r>er? rent net; Jot tOrAZT:r..

mfS\M9—Corner; ?0 fe»t front; vicinity Jone«end 'Jtary rts.; choicest corner In tMstflt-'trkt.


75 feet front on PIxth Ft.; 4 stores and8 fiats: rente (2400 per year.

flS.EV*—Ke:;ts IHi:new improvements; E;ll» »t.$1O.P<"*-Eddy-Ft. flats; rcr.ts i:-5; 2 CrcKttaeci.IS.f'H'—Rents $70; new Qatl near Van Ncfs ave.$4. COO

—Ir.lce flats; rents $46; let SfxlLa feet.'


$35.f<»— 2T:5slS7:« feet: water front; % front-agts; Stockton st. and North Point;

-this Is an ideal manafacturin>f *1«-.j3<»i000

—li7:Cacl2S f>et; northwest corner Go__—Iar.d Clay fir.:magnificent residencetlte; fine marine view.

|:0.000— Southeast Markrt and Churchste.- Clxlr,S feet; J car lines; want offer;I:,.f:Sell.A. M. FPECK & CO.. 6C7 Market Et.

THE greatest bargain in Ulchraond; nothingto fjual It:two of the choicest &nd best lo-cated lots; 25x120 each; feijred In; all streetwork done ard ready for t>c:ll:r.^; tax^s pa!<I_p to n<"rt year; only $630 each; Eleventhave., near Clement et.;read the real estateadvertisements and you will see these are. th* cheapest lots In San Francisco. For por-ucvlars call on

TT. J. GITNN,KO California St., between Montgomery and. Kearny.


Hous«'a_id lot 25x75; near th«new Fostofficei. Apply at 270 Clementina St.;do Egpnts.

TUB choicest buildlnjr lots In Klchmond: onlllh ave.. near element st.: only ICXt each:

I ee-y terms. XV. J. CU.VX. £30 California el.-•n.',W(>—CORNEU lot. 100x120; new and har. sleek and fixtures; on endcf car line: clearing S3O0 mo. Box S716. Call.

TOR tale—

A 4-roomed cottajre, to be removed.2U5 Harrison Et., bet 2lth and 21st.

CM CASH; lot 23xS0; at head of Twenty-sec-ond st. and Ocean road. Call at 101H 6th at.


-Will sell TO-DAY 'MONDAT). Sept. 17. at11 o'clock a. m.. at V}2i\~ Larkin St.. the ele-gant oalc furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains,bedding, etc.. also dining-room and kitchenfurniture of. 10 room?.

E-MlLuCOHN. Auctioneer.

fcs AUCTION SALE £;>TUESDAY. Sept. 1?. at 11 o'clock, at 1621 MAK-KET ST., of «•"> Head of Broken and UnbrokenHorses, suitable for a!l purposes. This stockmust and willbe sold. S. WATKINS.


5_^ fc>> fc->AUCTION SALE by Electric Llehi TUESDAY

EVENING. September 13. 10W>. at 7:30.10O Head Splendid Horses. Stock now on ex-

hibition. OCCIDENTALHOUSE EXCHANGE.721 Howard street.



SOI IIIDKV IMVlt'lC «'O.llI*.»>iV.(rAcinc s**r«.M.>

Trains le«*«- nml ««•«¦ dur Innrrlta ntMAM ntAMi'i*e«».

(MainLine, Foot olMarket Street)


FSOM SxrTEM-ZR 13. 1210.—


•7:00i Benida. Suisuu. Elmira. Vac-Tille,Rurose; ami .<Ucr_u>eut<> *7it3r

*T:Uli»Shasta Express—

Datis. William* (forBaztlett Springs), Willows, KeUlilufl, forUaud. "TsJWr

•7:3ttA Maitinez. ¦SauK-mon.V&llejo. 5apa.f»linti%i.u.iSplits Rosa *0:15p

¦S:OOa Ditvis, Woodland. KniifhUL»ndiag.MurjsTilie. »>r<>»i'l«. . •Tsiar

•M:Ol>» Atlantic Kipresn— Oz>len and E»at 'I3:l5p•«:«»\ >"ii3r,Tricy,Lathrcp, Stockton "J:I3a•»i:»l.( Mali Juan. Lit.rtuur-, .Stocktnu,

lone. Haeramrutu. PlscerTlUe.M»r»s»ill^. Chicu. Kmlliliifl *-l>l»r

•ft:-#*Oakd-lr,Chineao. bouora. Carteia... *«:l-1r••»:«<»» HiyvrinU. HUM»n«l Waj Sutlons. *lli15**"J:O<»* Log Anceles Eipreu


Tracy, Latliroii. rttoekton. MereedFresno «h<1 Loe Angw!ff» *7:t3p

•!>:3»A V»u-1... MaiUnsz »uil VV*jHratlou* '."kilrir*IU:VU*Tba OverUiilLimited— Ogdeu, Den.

»er, O*u«ha. Chicago '•:4-1r•IIiOOa NUes, 8toektou, Hacramento, Men-

dot*. Freamv U-nfoid. Visalla,Fortertills -itlSr.

•1!:OOa LiTenaoro. Banger. Gtwh-n June-tiou, Bakerstield. Los Angeles

•I2:«>»M Uajwirils,Mies and Waj itatloas. *3>4.f ptl:»l»p11-liraina-lll Hirer Hte»m«n t3:0»A*-:OUpIIfjvrarJ.5. Nilt-a and Way at_tluaa. *3: •¦¦»p•l:U»rUiriinrz. Kaa Uatuoii. Vallajo,

Kapa, «:*litu.K». Santa Rosa ¦•il9**4i««rBeuicla. Wiaters, Macramento,

XVoixliand. Kuivhta Lauding.M«ry**illr.<h»1»llt«». »l«)l4»»

M:»»r Nile* Man.loneaiul Stockton *7tl»p•.>:O0pT_e Owl Uruited—Tracy. Fresno.

CUkerstlel i..Sanguii fur dauta liar-bara, Los AuzelvS *1O:I3*

•5:O«p Stockton *W<4Sa*3:OVfSew Orleanr Expresa— lukerarieltl.

Hania Barliaia. Ang-sles. Dem-ing. £1 Pmo, New Orleans sudKast »7:ll4

•6:OOp Haywarda. Nile«auil bait Jose *7sl»*f«iO»r Vallej.. M3:tar'ti:O»i- Orient-l Mail—Ogrten. Chejeona.

Omaha, Chicago ?lSz^Sf•0:O«p Oritsctal Mail-Ogden, Denver.

Oinaiia. Chieaeo. #4il5p•7:OO* NUes, Tracy, Lathrop. Stockton.... *l3ttSp•7:OUr Oregon ana C»Ii(orula -xprnaa.Hao-

fl-—aai MarjriTille. lte.Mln«.I'lirtiainl, Vnv,rx Hoiimi anil ]C«*t *9l43A

JSiO5p Vallfjo, l'ort Cuita and Way Sta-tions •.. ;lt:»»i>

COA.HTI IMVIslO* UhrfSW «a»ne).(Knot of Market Stre«t.>

J7:ISa Santa Cruz Excursion for Hant*Cr-s ami Principal Way SUtior.s t9>03p

*9iI3a Nenarlc.Oiiliuriine.Mau.loae.Krltun.BnulJerCrcek.S-utaOriixauU Way8U«<m« •w>a«»p

tailOp Newark, Ceuterville. 8an .Inse. NewAlmaileo, Felloe, !!• u'l-i Creek,ftanta rim *ud 1'rlucli'al Way

» Srntiom •ia>>n«»•111:*rNewark. ManJose. Lo« Gatos i»!••»•» *

aJiiapGIenwoott Felton. Manta Cpia tS:5»»

CREEK ROUTE FERRY.from SiS fRiilClSCO— Fwl«r S_-Mt (Sim »)

—•7:15 9:00 11:OO*.H. 11:33 •2:33 J3:33•1:5" tS:C3 *S:33r.«.

fromOUUIID—!iittiwnj.—'HM 8.00 10:00a.m.tl2:03 'MS t3:53

;3:S3 M:S3 •Z.ZZf.a.

COAST DIIIMKKIiBroa.!»¦»<•).(Thlra .nd TownseiMl SH.)

16:10a Ocean Viow. rfouiti .-*»n Kraueixctt.. ((>::;i»k

f7:0»A Ban Join ami Way V.uti-.n« (NewAI.»a«|.-.» We.>ii<wdaj»o.il7) ?l:_Op

t7:_Oa S;in>l:ty Kzcorsion f r Han Jose.S-nt- Cruz. Pacific Grove andfTineipal Way HUtious {9:33p

•IIiwvaHan Jorv. Tttm I'Iikmi, Nanta Cruz.Tacilic <iro<». 1'ami Itnlilet. Nunl.uia m.iaim, tttnt Lompoc ai»lVrl»ci|>-i W.i sutimi **.imr

•l»:io« 8an Jose nn,! Way ntationa "•»__>»

•II::IOa >*\VaySU*.|on» *3i3»PtililBrSan V»... Keilwooii. Mcnlo Pwk.

I'alc .% u>. hant- Clara. .San .line.Trea Finos. Santa »,r.tx. Salioaa.Uoiikiiiiiu»l l'aeiltc rirovs 11O:a« k

t3:n»p ManJoia and Way Stations *~i3t>p

M:1.1p San Jnsean.l Principal Way Station! •l):l.i.«fSiOOp 3an Jons. Los Gates ftud Principal

Way Stations t»:«a,•5:J»r SanJosa ami Principal War Statioua t^::«"»»•«::i»pSan Jose ami WayMtatlons «»:<><»»

Hl:45f San Jpgeaml Way 8Uti»na **:Sl>rA for Morniiii P for A ftenioon.

'Daily. tSunday axeepUd. J .Suuday only.6Saturday only.•Satariar and Sunday. ;. e Monday o_Ir>



Tiburon F«srry. Foot of .Market St.SAN FRANCISCO TO SAX R-OTA-U-.

¦WEEK DATS—7:M. l:C0, 11:00 a. m.; ll:S5.3:30. 6:10, <:30 p. m. Thnrsdaya— Extra tripat 11:30 t>. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at*l:6danil 11:30 d. m.

6UNDATS—8:0O. 9:S0. IlsOO a. n_; 1:10. S:»0,

6:00. (:Z0 p. m.6A.V RAFAEt. TO SAM FRANCISCO.

WEEK DAYS-MO. 7:50. »:*>. 11:10 a. m.: 11HS.1:40. 5:13 p. m. Saturday*— Extra, trips at1:56 and t:35 D. m.-

BXTXDATS—8:10, t:«0. 11:19 a. m.; »:*>. l:*0.6:05. (:25 p. ra.Between San Francisco and Bc-tittiea Park, same acheJula as aboTa.

'Leav* IIn Effect. I ArrVr»

J San Francisco. [Apr. 13. 1909.1 San rrandscow'

Week IBun- J 1 Bun- IWeak! Days, f days. IDestination.! days. | Daya.

7:30 am 8:00 »m No-rato. 19:40 am »:«O ant8:30 pm » :30 am Petaluma. 6:86 pm 19:35 am1:13 pm »:00pm Santa Roaa. 7:38 pm 1:20 pta

Fulton. IT:SO am Windsor. It:3S is


Geyservina.t:SO pm 8:00 am Cloverdala. T:C pm 1:3) pm

T:80 am! IHopUnd I !lO:2S*mS:M pm| 8:00 tm| and LTU-h.I7ra pm| «:«>pm

7:30 am 10:23 am8:00 am Ouarneville. 7:35 pm



T:30_ra 8:00 am Bonoma S:1S am S:40as»and

8:13 ptn S:CO pm Olen Ellen. i:<a pm t:»p«

7:30 ami 8:00 ami 110:40 amJIOiJS to»:S0 pm 5:00 pm| Seb_«tcpol. I7:43 pm| S:!0 pm

itaxes connect at Santa Rosa forMark "WestSprings and Whit* Sulphur Springs; at Fulton

! for Altruria: at Lytton for Lytton Springs; atGeyserrlll* for Skacrs Sprinxs: at Cloverdal*for th« r?*jrsers: at Hodand for DuncanSprings. Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle, Carls-bad Springs, Soda Bay. Lakeport and BartlettSprings; at Ckiah for Vichy Springs, SaratogaPprlnrs. Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. V/ltter£prln*». t-'Dper 4.ak», Pomo, Potter Valley.

1 John Day's, Riverside, LleTley"s. Buekne'.Vs.Sanhedrin Heights, nullvlll". Orr's HotFprinrs. Mendocino City, Fort Bragsr, West-port Usal. Wllllts, Laytonville. Cummins.BelVs Springs. Harris. Olsen's. Dyer. Scot:*and Eureka.

Saturday to Monday rouo- trio tickets atreduced rates.

On Sunday round trtp tickets to all pointsbeyond San Rafael at half rates.

Ticket offices. «S0 Market St.. Chronicle bids.H. C. WHITING. R. X. RTAN.

; General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent.

I Santa FeTrains— Daily

Leave Market-street Ferry Depot.'Lve. San Francisco. 9:C0 a m 4:10 p ml S:00 p m

> Arr. Stocktca 12:30 p m 7:15 p m 11:05 p m1

"Merced 2:42 pm——— 1:13 am"Fresno 4:20 p m J:03 a m"Viralla 8:00 p m 4:50 a m"Tulare S:23 p m 5:1>> a m

M Hanford 5:33 pm 7:06 a m••Bakersfleld ... 8:50 p m 7:30 a m"Denver 10:00 am1

—Kansas City... 5:15 p in**Chicago T:40 a m

9 a. m. train Is the Overland Express. Corre-sponding train arrives at ( p. m. dally.

4:10 p. m. rs Stockton Local. Correspondingtrain arrives 11:05 a. m. daily.

8:00 p. m. is Fresno and Bakersfleld Express,with Sleeping Cars for both cities. Correspond-• Ing train arrives at 8 a. m. dally.

OFFICES— «41 Market st. and In Ferry D«pot.Fan Francisco: 1113 Broadway. Oakland.

jT Dr.JGibbon'S Dispensary,In**S»SL InIS**lor the treatment ol Private?iJj[_;\ !¦%>* Diweufiea. UwtManhood Debilityor-fe__S&KS» rfiseas* rearing°"bndyaod mine amiwJw^ri<i»£J Pi»f»asea. The doctorenreswheu_SS __ara olber*ta11

-Try aim Charge? low

IT*K_lS»_&__3 1'ure<j;o»r»nlre.1. CaJlorwrlta.Or.J,

_-.«nlBBU3i> livx.i937»Saa Franc-K*



FOR SALES.MODERN houses built:lowest prices -.plans and ;

estimates furnished. Campbell, 1147 Mission.

MISSION cottage; 6 rooms and bath; largo lot;tern-.s to suit buyer. Owner 413 Koarny bL



For Snle

1 f.rcs—RANCH. SO acres, for sale; 6-room house1 en place; fenced in: plenty water: few fruitI end shade treer; G5 acres grood to farm, the

r'st jrcod pasture; I',4 miles from Byron! Springs; 3 miles from Byron: must be foldi on nrrour.t of mortgage. Write to P. O. box

.24. Byron. Cal.j &.CCCRATB personal knowledge

—pneh of tft>

j :»,0 ranches on my SALE and EXCHANGElist. More than all other ajjents In this city.

! N. D. SICKELS. the land agent. 6 Geary St.

CITY jroperty and farms exchanged or sold;; Mstf free. MAIIION GRIFFIN. 719 MarketI ::t.. ronin 1. .

lttzAL estate: to exchasge;

iFOR eTchanse—

A highly Improved ranch inLake Counfy. ccnslbtlna: of 240 acres of rich

I valley land, all improved and perfectly level;

all fenred an<1 crossfencod; 2-story residence1 of 11 rooms, barn and numerous outbuildings;

fa-nily orchard in bearing: well, windmill andtank: cash valuation. $i'XK); willexchange forresidence in Oakland <jr Alameda of equalvalue. C. F. MOORE; WS Market st., r. C.

COOD business property in country town. J'/W;t-xchanpe for flats in San Francisco and paydifference. A j.artly improved rnneh. $2600; cx-chani:<> for a siccl: of merchandise. Goodranches to exchange forresidence. SCHWE1N-HATtP & CO,. M7 Markrt St.. bet. Tth ft 6th.

;almdTuWrtTsementIj; .

ALAMI5DA R.BAJL ESTATE.1 BARGAINS in Unproved and unimproved Ala-j meda real estate in all parts of Alameda on

(¦set terms. Alameda Land Company, 15001 Pmk ?t.. Alamda; 20 Post s;.. Pan Francisco.


FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE.A pretty residence on a. larse corner lot lOOx113 feet, street Improved on both sides; situ-

! jited in the Hittecass Tract, or.e of the !f choicest locations In Berkeley ;house strictly! _p tn date. Call at once. a« property mustL be sold. O. O. MAY& CO..

21C3 Center St., Berkeley, Cal.

»;r,00_PRETTY cottase; & rooms and bath;terms easy.


Good 7-room house and bath, facingtouth; near cars; $26C0.

J33OO— S-room house and bath; new and mod-ern; terms easy.

$5000-»Modern house of 8 rooms, etc.; largeI lot; close to university.

O. G. MAT & CO..2123 Center St..

Berkeley. Cal.

! j:rf,O—NEW 6-room hoase, with all modern Im-provements; corner lot fronting Telegraph'ave.: on'y 10 minutes" of university grounds.Apply tolIABOK & McLENATHEN. adjoin-ing P. O.. Kerkeley station.

!BERKELEY BUYERS^We have for tale fine large lots near the unl-

! \ersity for S20 per front foot: pet one while they!last: also a good building: lot. $300. BURR &;KOLMFS. 46a Tenth St., XDakland.



GOOD houses. Get list from GEO. W. AUS-; TIN& CO.. lOOR Proadway. Oakland. ¦


,IANintroduction to you from EL Schellhaas. theI furniture doaler. 11th and Franklin, Oakland.

ROOMS KOtt. HOUSEKEEPING.ICHESTMJtT^^" cor. Dupont-FlnT~furniEnedj rooms for housekeeping:; cheap.j CLAY. 24T1. near Fillmore

—2 large unfurnished

I rooms; tipper flat; yard; water; rear; rent $7.

ICLEMENTINA, "27—Largo room and kitchen,I Rirnished forhousekeeping, for man and wife.•FIFTH. 253

—3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 1

I fl4;2 furn. hkrg:.. J10; Finale bed rms., $4, *3. ]

j GOLDEN GATE. 612—3 sunny rooms furnished iI for housekeeping; gas stove, running water.


S sunny rooms for houaelieep-twr. ra. :

HARRISON, 731—Two rooms furnished fcrhousekeeping; large yard; rent $12.

HYDE. 40S—

Sunny front parlor suite, 3. roomscomplete for housekeeping.

LADY has 2 gunny rooms suitable for light

I housekeeping that she would like to sharej with another lady: rent $4 each; referencesi exchanged. 671 Fulton Ft.


iMINNA,:s—Sunny furnished single and house-I keeping rooms, 75c and fl per week.' OAK. US

—Funny room; large closet: furnished

for housekeeping:: J6. Call after 4 o'clock.'OCTAVIA,14',3, cor. Gear}-—Sunny bay window;

gas burners; cocking; large closets; runningwater.

i!OTAKKELL. 123A—Nicely furnished ;sunny! rooms, with privilege of light housekeeping.• J PIERCE, 349, near Oak-3 or 4 furnishedi rooms; reasonable; sunny; stove and gas.

» j POLK. 522—

Vnfurnisheil housekeeping rooms;; also single rooms; rent cheap.

• 1 POLK, 717—Two furnished housekeeping rooms,complete, with bath $10.'

POPT. r.27—

Parlor floor or upper floor, unfur-nished; front roo/n. furnished; very reason-able.

• TWENTY-THIRD. 3T25. near Dolores-Two: Eunny bay-window rms.: nice. neat, complete.' VALENCIA,S.24H.— 3 rurnisheri raomi, complete1 for housekeeping; fink; porch; ga?.1 CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions

received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore st.'

A BBAKCH office for Call advertisements and[ FUbfcriptions has been established at 1006 V'rf-

kmia st.

t ROOMS TO LET Kami and Infant.• A^Bm5NSVvToTTlouseTT4S Sm"li^Rooms"l5c

to $1 per night; {125 to $5 r*r week, and lighthousekeeping; er>en all night.

¦ A QUIET and respectable home for light house-keeping; suites $16 up; bath; telephor*-. St.

[ James, % McAllister and Lacuna ets.

BCHNETT. 142S Market (old No. 13G4)—Fur-nifhed rms.. suites, single: aleo unfurnished.

BUSH. E20 (The Elk)—Changed hand9, newlyrenovated, nicely furn. sunny rms., $1 50 to $7

; week; 25c to $1SO night. MR3. P. RANFT.• CAI'P, 20

—3 larpe. sur.ny. unfurnished rooms to

a quiet family, without children.

CAT!'. 107. near Sixteenth— Sunny furnished¦ I front b«clroom. X ¦

; CLIFFORD. S«4 Kill*,cor. JIason— Elegantlyfurnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable.-

ELLIS. CCS, corner Larkln—Sunny front room;double folding bed; Wf-lsbach lights.

, FUP.NIBUKD rooms to let at Park House. 2723: _tla—tofl Et.

GEARY, K6—Elegant sunny front parlor, piano,, light hskpg.; sulti-g; other pleas, rms.; phone.,.!GOLDEN GATK ave.. 727— Finely furnished! Croat room; ca*; bath; gentleman; private;! rearnn—ble.

1 j GOLDEN GATE AVE.. Eft—Sunny furnished! rooms, |6 to $10.

' -j GRAND SOTTTHKRX, routheast corner Seventh¦ and Mletion rts.

—Sunny rooms, en suite or

1 Fingle; ladies' parlcr; reading-room; elevator.HOWAIID, *,2&—Rooms from $1 week up to $5;

2io to {1n1«fht; also housekeeping rooms.

HOWARD. 83»-SlnRle room In a private family.

HOWARD. 9S3. cor. 6th—Orlando House— Newi management :furnished rms.; suites or single.

HUNT, 8, off Third—Furnished room to let,with or without board.

ifTDE. 407B—

Furnished room; private family.

LARKIN,13S, near City Hall—Neatly furnishedroom; suitable for 2; reasonable.

LAS PALMAS. 1S20 Market St.—Suite of 2 or 3rms.; private; bath; Bin. rms.; board optional.

MA^ON, 1301—Nicely furnished rooms to let;eingle and en suite.

MINNA, 605. n»"ar Seventh— Large sunny fur-niehed front room to let, tS a month.

MINNA,CC7, corner Eighth—Newly furniehedbay-window room, $1 per week; transient.

MISSION'. ?54. near Third—Sunny rooms forgentlemen, $6 per month; private house.

JflNETEENTH. SIIS, r,r. Valencia-Nice sunnyrocm; sus and bath: rent $7.


Runny furnished rooms andoffices; elevator; electric lights;day, wk., mo.

O'KARRELL,1E01— Two nicely furnished rooms;sun all day: ¥10 and K.

PINE, 1237—Large sunny rooms, newly fur-nished complete, Jn itrictlyprivate family.

ROSEDALE House, 319 end S21 Ellis st.—Rooms,night 2Sc to fl, week $1 23 to {4; open night.

ICTFrlends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend funeral servicesto-morrow (Tuesday), at 10:30 o'clock, at thefamily residence, School street, between Per-alta and Boston avenues, Upper Frultvale. In-terment Mountain View Cemetery. '-

MAHONET—In this city. September-

16.1900. Catherine, wife of Edward I. Mahoney.

CTFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from the residenceof her parents, 602 Second street, cornerof Brannan. thence to the First EnglishEvangelical Lutheran Church, Geary street,between Goueh and Octavia, where 'serviceswillbe held, commencing- at 2:30 o'clock. In-terment Odd Fellows' Cemetery.

HICKOX—InOakland, September 15, 1900. JohnHenry, beloved husband of Carrie F. Hickox.a native of Ohio, aged .80 years 6 months and27 days.

KILPECK—In Famoso. Cal., September 15,1000. Rose Ann Kilpeck. mother of Bart Kil-peck and Mrs. J. F. Campbell, grandmotherof Mrs. A. A. Janes, Mrs. A. J. Webster andAda. Campbell, and great-grandmother ofHarold .Janes, a native of Ireland, aged 76years 3 months and 7 days.

!T_*"Remains at Gray's undertaking parlors,641 Sacramento street. Funeral services atHoly Cross Church, Eddy street, this day(Monday, at 3 o'clock. Interment MountCalvary Cemetery.

LORETZ—In Frultvale. September 15, 1900,Louis Henry, beloved eon of Louis and EmmaLoretz. and brother of Frank, Walter.

-Frie-da, Marie and Henry Loretas, a native ofFrultvale, aged 4 years 8 months and 18 days.

C^Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at S:30 o'clock, from her late resi-dence, 905 Buchanan street, thence to SacredHfart Church, where a solemn requiem masswillbe celebrated for the repose of her soul,commencinc at 9 o'clock. Interment HolyCross Cemetery, by special electric oar fromcorner Eighteenth and Guerrero streets.


In this city. September 16. 1900, Mar-garet, dearly beloved and only child of Johnand Jennie Haas, a native of San FranciECO,aged 15 years 2 months and 8 days. (Butte,Iowa, papers please copy.)

EJTuneral from Trinity Church, corner ofBueh and Gough streets, to-morrow (Tues-day), at 11 o'clock.

GRIFFIN—In this city. September IS, 1900, Jo-hanna, beloved mother of Mary A., Margie.Nellie and Samuel Griffin and the late The-rtfla Timlin, a native of Glanmlre, Ireland,a ted E9 years.

HAYES—Inthis city, September 15, 1900. Cath-erinu Hajes, beloved wife of John Hayes,and mother of Timothy. Thomas F. and thelate John Hayes Jr., Mrs. L. C. Rich, Mrs.V. Tojetti, Mrs. F. Errico and Mrs. BernardRucben, a native of County Cork, Ireland,ased 73 years and 6 mouths. (Spokane andNew York papers please copy.)

CT'Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday) at 9:45 o'clock, from the parlors ofA. W. Martin & Co., undertakers. IIS Gearystreet. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery bycarriage.

GILLESPIB-In this city. September 16. 1500.Sarah Beutner. relict of the late C. V. Gil-lespie. aged 84 years.

ADAMS—In this city, September 16, iOOO.Bertham Adams, a native of Carson City.New. aged 21 years and 28 days.

FEELY—In this city, September 14, 1900, JohnII.Feely. beloved husband of Bridget Feely,and father of John F. and James V. Feely,Mrs. J. P. Coughlln of Grass Valley. Mrs. W.A. Cross of Vallejo and Rose. Frank, Lucyand Annie Feely. a. native of Scotland, aged76 years.

DIED.Adams. Bertham Mahoney, Edward I.Feely. John M. O'Grady, JosephGillespie. Sarah B. Relnstein,- OscarGriffin,Johanna fcaxsehmeler, JosephHayes, Catherine Sehween, August A.Haas, Margaret Walker, MaryHickox. John H. Warnock, MargaretKilpeck, Rose Ann Walthour, John K.Loretz, Louis H.

MARRIED.CORDES— XEILSOX—In this city, September

IS, 1900, at the home of Dr. C. J. E. Haterius,132S Mission street, Joachim Cordes and Mar-Eraret Nellson.

OESTERMANN—Inthis city,September 3,1500,to the wife L. Oestermann. a daughter.


In Los Angeles, Cal., September 15,1900, to the wife of Myer Siegel. a son.

WEICHHART—In Alameda, September 18,1300, to the wife of Henry A. Welchhart. adaughter. «


Birth, marriage and death notices sent bymail willnot be inserted. They must be handedIn at either of the publication offices and beIndorsed with the name and residence of per-sons authorized to have the same published.


PROPOSALS Invited—Bids for providing and

installing a pewage pumping plant for theFolsom rrison, practically conforming to spec-ifications now on file with the State Board ofPrison Directors and State Board of Exam-iners willbe received by said respectiveboards at the office"of the Board of Exam-iners In the State Capitol. Sacramento. Cal..until 2 o'clock p. m. of October 6. 1900. atwhich time they willb« publicly opened. Theritrht to reject any or all bids is reserved.Copies of specifications may be obtained fromthe clerk of the board at Folsom prison.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certi-fied check for J2000 drawn on some bank ofeood Etandinc to the order of R. M. Fitzger-ald, president State Board of Prison Direc-tors, which check shall be forfeited to theFtate if the bid which accompanies suchcheck is accepted and the party making thefcid refuses to enter into a contract and exe-cute a sood and sufficient bond, payable tothe State of California. In an amount to befixed by the State Board of Prison Directors,fcr the "faithful performance of the contractawarded. By order of the State Board ofPrison Directors.

T5RAINARD F. SMITH. CWk of th» Board.


E. H. SHELDON. Secretary

DIVIDEND NOTICE—Dividend No. S3 (twenty-¦ five cents per share) of the Hutehinson SugarPlantation Company, will be payable at theoffice of the company, S27 Market St., on andafter Thursday. September 20. 1900. Transferbooks willcloee on Thursday. September 13.1900. at 3 o'clock p. m.



TO let—

Fine rooms suitable for light manufac-turing purposes. Apply st 511 Sar.some st.

KKW tyuewritors. $S down. >5 month payments.REVALK. 4'13 California st.

STORAGE AXD WAREHOUSES^WILSON BROS., storage and moving; covered

vnns. Tt-nth and Market; phene South 782.

PACIFIC Stoiage and Furniture Moving Com-pany. 2330 Flllmore Ft.:phono Jackson 2S1.


sell better machines for lesa money than anyhou?e In the city;rentals, $3. The TypewriterKxohanKe. 5"6 California, telephone Mftin 266.

ALWAYS bargains in typewriters; any make.Write for prices to L. & M. ALEXAN-DER, 110 Montgomery st.

The company reserves the rljrht to changesteamers, sailing: dates and hours of sailingwithout previous notice. .


4 Ne'w Montgomerystreet (Palace Hotel).


10 Market St.. San Francisco.

For Ensenada, Mafrdalena Bay. San JOM dalCabo, Mazatlan. Altata, La Paz. Santa Rosaliaand Guaymas (Mexico)—10 a. m.. 7th of eachmonth.

For further Information obtain company'sfolders.

For San Diego, stopping only at Port Har-fcrd (San Lui3 Obifoo). Santa Barbara. PortLos Aneeles and RerJondo <Lo«» Ansreles)


p.. m.. September 14. IS. 22. 28. 30, Oct. 4. andevery fourth day thereafter.

For Santa Cruz. Monterey. San Simeon. Cayu-rps. Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo). GavJota.Santa Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme. San Pedro.East San Pedro (Lr.s Anjreles) and Newport


a. m.. September IS, 16. 20. 34. 2S, Oct. 2. ai*1every fourth day thereafter.

For Eureka. Humboldt Bay—2 p. m.. Sep-tember 15. 20. "5. 30. Oct. 5, and every fifthday thereafter.

Pacific Coast Steamship Co.Steamers leave Broadway

gs^ wharf, San Francisco:lSJSf^^ For Alaskan Ports

—11 a.

VSp^PifeW m" September 13. 18. n, 2S.iK- h5v^53_< Oct" 3" hlnsre tn company's

rv^EsQvVa steamers at Seattl".tJp^St Ji'*i For Victoria. VancouverE_»]_*W^5lMl (Ft- C.t. Port Town?end, Se-I "»*>B*3£*?U attle. Tacoma. Everett. Ana-

cortes and New Whatcom(Wash.). 11 a. m.. September

13. 1?. 23. 2S. Oct. 3. and every fifth daythereafter. Change at Seattle to this com-pany's steamers for Alaska and G. N. R'y: atSeattle or Tacoma to N. P. R'y; at Vancouverto C. P. R'y.

BOtTOHT, sold, rented, repaired, needles andshuttle?; reduced rates. 145 6th; phone Mint 43.

ALL kinds boturht, sold and repairing guaran-teed. Charle3 Plambeck. 1915 Mission, nr. 15th.


ALLkinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re-pairing lowest rates; open even. 205 4th st.

BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made;city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.,41.f> Montgomery St.. rooms 9-10: lei. 558<>.

ROOMS papered from $2 50: whitened. $1 up;painting done. Hartman Paint Co., 313 Third.


O'FARRELL. ?05 (Johneon House)— Large ele-gant sunny rooms, with board, suitable forthroe or four In family, including private bathand dressing room; must be seen to be ap-preciated; reasonable; references.

BOARD and rooms at 415 First St.. near Har-rf*on.


A BRANCH office for Call advertisements amiFubscriptlcns has been established at 1036Valencia st.

TAYLOR. «11—

Large sunny front room, $15;another, $12; handsome suite, $50; all newlyfuir.i^h^d; private.

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsreceived at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st.

SMALL furnished front room. 763 Mission st.

SIXTH, 136—Furnished sunny rocms; single oreuite3; also rooms for light housekeeping.

SHERMAN Apartment House, 23 Eighth St..near Market—Furnished or unfurnished.


Fnru. nml Uufnrn.

ROYAL HOUS-Ciai Ellis et.—Incandescentlight: reading room, smoking room and ladies'parlor; rooms, per night. Zjc to $1 50; week, $2to $S; month, IS to J20; elevator on officefloor: rooms with hot and cold water; baths.

(TS^Frlends and acquaintances are respect-

fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 11 o'clock, frogi the parents'residence. 33 Guy place, off First street, be-tween Folsom and Harrison. Interment HolyCross Cemetery.

IE7Frlends are respectfully invited to at-tend the solemn requiem mass, which willbecelebrated for the repose of her soul, to-morrow (Tuesday), at St. Rose's Church,commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment private,In Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers.Remains at the parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 1233Market street, between Eighth and Ninth.

WARNOCK—In this city, September 16, 1900,Margaret E., beloved mother of MichaelHenry Warnock and the late William J. War-•nock, a native of Grange. County Limerick,Ireland, aged 47. years 7 months and 8 days.

WALTHOUR—In this city. September 15. 1900.John F., infant son of Frank J. and DottleWalthour, and sister of Agnes and HaroldWaHhour, a native of San Francisco, aged3 months -and 21 days.

private. Holy Cross Cemetery.REINSTEIN—In this city, September 16, 1900,

Oscar Reinstein, beloved father of Mrs. M.P. Wolf. Mrs. Charle3 L. Shainwald, Mrs.Milton S. Eisner, Miss Augusta Reinsteinand J. B. Reinstein. a native of Germany,aged 74 years 10 months and 2 days.

CTXotlce of funeral hereafter.SAXSENMEIER—In this city, September 13,

1900. Joseph, beloved husband of Katie Eax-eenmeier, father of Louise, Katie, Bertha andCarl Saxsenmeler, and' nephew of AndrewFrank of Oakland, a native of Wurtemberg,Germany, aged 49 years 7 montha and ISdays. A member of Golden City Lodge No.63 K of P.:Brewers' Union, and HaywardsLodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.

(T^Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Monday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi-dence, 44 Clementina street, between Firstand Second. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery.

SCHWEEN— Near Pleasanton, September 15,1500 August A., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs.E. Sehw&en. and brother of Mrs. H. P. Mohr.Mrs A. Hageman and Charles. William,John, Walter and Louisa Sehween, a nativecf Pleasanton, aged 24 years 7,months and29 days.

C?"Frlends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral this day(Mondayi. at 1o'clock, from the family resi-dence. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery,Pltasanton. .,

WALKER—in this city. September 15, 1900,Mary, dearly beloved wife of the late Wil-liam Walker, and mother of Mrs. FrederickWarner, n_eil 65 years.

ETThe funeral will take place this day(Monday), at S o'clock, from the residence ofthe parents, 275 .Lexington avenue. Interment

a. native of County Cork, -Ireland, aged 46years and 1month.

ET'The funeral will take place to-morrow. (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late resi-dence, 412 Taylor 6treet. thence to St. Mary's

'Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass willbe celebrated for the repose of her bouI, at10 o'clock. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme-tery.

O'GRADY—In this city, September 15, 1900, Jo-seph, beloved son of John and Ellen O'Grady,a native of San Francisco, aged 16 days.

