notes for paper 2 section c upsr

UNDERSTANDING HOW VERBS ARE USED IN PAPER 2 SECTION C? Memahami bagaimana katakerja digunakan di dalam Kertas 2, Bahagian C PARAGRAPH 1 INTRODUCTION (Pendahuluan) PARAGRAPH 2 PARAGRAPH 3 PARAGRAPH 4 PARAGRAPH 5 CLOSURE (Penutup)

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A suggested method to help students answer UPSR Paper 2 Section C English


Page 1: Notes for Paper 2 Section C UPSR

UNDERSTANDING HOW VERBS ARE USED IN PAPER 2 SECTION C?Memahami bagaimana katakerja digunakan di dalam Kertas 2, Bahagian C



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was / were1. He was happy.2. They were in Kuala Lumpur.3. It was hot.


ACTION VERBS1. noticed, saw, found, gave2. had gone, had eaten3. was gardening

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1. siblings - Amin has three siblings2. grandfather's orchard - They went to their grandfather's orchard.3. durian - There were many durians.4. rambutan - There were many rambutans.5. laden -6. pick up - They picked up the fruits.7. ground - The fruits were on the ground.8. basket - They put the fruits into the basket.9. pole - Amin used a pole. 10. pluck - He plucked the fruits.11. tied - Amin tied a knife to the pole.12. before - Before afternoon, they rested.13. home - In the evening, they wanted to go home.14. try - Amin and his siblings tried the durians.15. sweet - The durians were sweet.16. juicy - They were juicy.17. creamy - They were creamy.18. enjoyed - They enjoyed themselves.

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Amin has three siblings. They went to their grandfather's orchard. There were many durians. There were many rambutans. They picked up the fruits. The fruits were on the ground. They put the fruits into the basket. Amin used a pole. He plucked the fruits. Amin tied a knife to the pole.

Before afternoon, they rested. In the evening, they wanted to go home. Amin and his siblings tried the durians. The durians were sweet.They were juicy. They were creamy. They enjoyed themselves.





(3) tried (2) picked (1) went

(3) enjoyed (2) plucked

(2) tied

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During the school holidays, Amin and his siblings went to their grandfather'sorchard.

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IDIOMS of FEELINGShappy (gembira)

on cloud nine A person who is on cloud nine is very happy because something wonderful has happened.When the headmaster announced result, he was on cloud nine.

fulls of the joys of spring

If you are full of the joys of spring, you are happy, enthusiastic and full of energy.Alina was full of the joys of spring because she had won the first prize.

sad (sedih)down in the dumps

Someone who is down in the dumps is depressed or feeling gloomy.Alex was down in the dumps when he failed his exam.

your heart sinks If your heart sinks, you feel very unhappy and despondent.Her heart sank when she saw the amount of work waiting for her.

excited / excitement (teruja)bounce off the walls

Someone who is very excited about something, or full of nervous energy, is said to be bouncing off the walls.Danny can't wait to start his new job. He is bouncing off the walls.

edge of one's seat

Someone who is on the edge of their seat is very interested in something and finds it both extremely exciting and nerve-wracking.Look at Bob! He's on the edge of his seat watching that rugby match!

nervous (gementar)cat on hot bricks A person who is like a cat on hot bricks is very nervous or restless.

The week before the results were published, she was like a cat on hot bricks.

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1. walk: move on one's feet.We walked to town.

2. limp: walk unevenly because one leg is hurt.That man is hurt, he's limping.

3. hobble: walk with difficulty.The old man hobbled along the street with the aid of his stick.

4. stagger: walk unsteadily as if about to fall.He was so drunk that he staggered all the way home.

5. stumble: stagger.She stumbled upstairs and into bed.

6. lurch: stagger.The drunken man was lurching along the street.

7. tiptoe: walk on the tips of one's toes.She tiptoed to the bed so as not to wake the baby.

8. stroll: walk for pleasure.They strolled around the park.

9. amble: walk at a slow, leisurely pace.They ambled along for miles.

10. saunter: stroll.They sauntered around the park.

11. wander: move without a fixed purpose or destination.They enjoy wandering through the countryside.

12. roam: wander.They roamed through the streets for hours.

13. ramble: walk for pleasure with no particular destination.He likes rambling around in the country.

14. mooch: wander, walk slowly without any purpose.John mooched about the shops.

15. meander: walk in a slow, relaxed way instead of taking the most direct way possible. (Rivers also meander).As I was sitting in the park, I watched as couples seemed to meander around happily.

16. stride: walk with long steps.She strode across the fields.

17. strut: walk in a proud way, with the chest out and trying to look important.He strutted past us, ignoring our greeting.

18. swagger: walk proudly, strut.After winning the first prize, the player swaggered about proudly.

19. stalk: walk in a proud or angry way, with long steps.The teacher turned and stalked out of the classroom.

20. sashay: walk in a confident way, moving the body from side to side, especially so that people look at you.The models sashayed down the aisle showing their clothes.

21. trudge: walk slowly and with effort because one is tired.We were very tired after trudging through the deep snow for two hours.

22. shuffle: walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting one's feet off the ground.His legs were aching so much that he shuffled to bed.

23. stump: walk heavily and stiffly.They stumped up the hill.

24. plod: walk with heavy steps or with difficulty.Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.

25. pace: walk with regular steps.He paced up and down the platform, waiting for the train.

26. march: walk with regular steps of equal length.Demonstrators marched through the streets of the city.

27. parade: walk or march together to celebrate or protest.Demonstrators paraded through the streets of the city.

28. crawl: move slowly with the body close to the ground or on hands and knees.A baby crawls before he can walk.

29. toddle: walk with short unsteady steps.

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Her two-year-old son toddled into the room.

30. edge: move gradually with small movements.Paul decided to edge away from the crowd.

31. creep: move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground.The cat crept silently towards the bird.

32. sneak: go quietly and secretly in order to avoid being seen or heard.The boy sneaked in without paying.

33. pad: walk softly and quietly.The child padded barefoot down the stairs.

34. prowl: walk slowly and quietly because you are involved in a criminal activity or because you are looking for something.Street gangs usually prowl this alley.

35. slide: move smoothly over a surface.I was sliding on the ice.

36. slip: slide accidentally.She slipped on the ice and broke her leg.

37. dash: move quickly and suddenly, rush.I must dash or I'll miss the train.

38. dart: move quickly and suddenly in the specified direction.She darted away when I came in.

39. scamper: run quickly and playfully.The children were scampering up the steps.

40. sprint: run very quickly for a short distance.The kids sprinted down the stairs.

41. jog: run slowly and steadily, as a way of exercising.She goes jogging everyday.

42. trip over: catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall.He tripped over the step and fell.

43. scuttle: move quickly with short steps, because you are afraid or do not want to be noticed.

The mouse scuttled off when we entered the room.

44. scurry: move quickly with short steps, because you are in a hurry.He was late so he had to scurry off to work.

45. skip: move forward with quick steps and jumps.The child skipped with joy towards his father.

46. lope: run with long steps.The man loped off after the ball.

47. lollop: run with long awkward steps.The dog came lolloping down the path.

48. tear: run or move quickly in a dangerous or careless way.When the storm started, they tore back into the house.

49. rush: hurry, move quickly because you need to get somewhere soon.She was late so she decided to rush off down the hall.

50. hop: move by jumping on one foot.The man hopped down the road after hurting his foot.

51. trip: walk with short quick steps, usually as young girls do.The little girl tripped happily up the road.

52. lunge: make a sudden movement towards somebody or something.The boxer lunged forward and grabbed his opponent by the arm.

53. scramble: climb up or down, or over something quickly and with difficulty.They had to scramble up to the top of the hill to see the view.

54. hike: take a long walk in the mountains or countryside, as an adventure.The group hiked up to the top of the hill.

55. trek: hike; make a long, difficult journey on foot.For ten days she trekked across the mountains of China.

56. paddle (GB), wade (US): walk for pleasure without shoes or socks in

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water that is not very deep.The children were paddling in the lake.

57. waddle: walk with short steps, moving the body from one side to another, used especially to talk about birds or people with fat bodies.The fat man waddled off to the restaurant for lunch.

58. prance: walk with high steps or large movements, in a confident way.She pranced around her room, pretending to be an actress.


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A. Competition/Contest

1. Taking part in Board Games Competition - Chess / Checkers / Scrabble

2. Taking part in Colouring Contest3. Taking part in Fancy Dress Contest4. Taking part in Fishing Competition5. Taking part in Football Tournament6. Taking part in Kite Flying Contest7. Taking part in Poem Recital Competition8. Taking part in Public Speaking

Competition9. Taking part in Singing Competition10. Taking part in Story Telling Competition

D. School Activities1. Anti-Drug Campaign2. Attending Computer Classes3. Attending Tuition Class4. Blood Donation Campaign5. Buying food at the canteen6. Camping Activity7. Canteen Day8. Cleanliness Campaign9. Health Campaign10. Recycling Campaign11. Sports12. Spring Cleaning13. Teachers’ Day

E. Experiences

1. Being robbed by a burglar2. Bidding farewell to someone at a bus

station / taxi station / railway station / airport

3. Buying presents for someone4. Eating at a restaurant with

family/friends5. Enjoying swimming in a swimming pool6. Feeling sick and going to the clinic /

hospital7. Gardening – Planting Flowers8. Going shopping9. Going to a market10. Going to see a dentist11. Going to the funfare12. Jogging at the playground 13. Jungle-trekking14. Lost in the jungle / shopping complex15. Moving to a new house

16. Picnic17. Spending time at a fruit orchard18. Spending time at a playground19. Spending time at the backyard with

friends20. Staying in a tree house21. Taking a walk with a pet in the park22. Visiting a sick friend / relative /

neighbour23. Visiting botanical garden24. Visiting famous resorts25. Visiting famous tourist destinations26. Visiting grandparents / relatives /

friends27. Visiting historical places28. Visiting the zoo29. Watching a circus30. Watching a movie at a cinema31. Watching a procession – “ The Chingay

Procession “32. Watching a procession – “ The

Thaipusam Parade “33. Watching a procession -“ The National

Parade”34. Watching turtles laying eggs35. Welcoming someone home at a bus

station / taxi stand / railway station / airport

36. Witnessing an accident

G. Good Deeds

1. A group of scouts carrying out cleaning activities at one’s home

2. Helping a blind man to cross the road3. Helping a car driver fixing a

punctured/flat tyre4. Helping a car driver whose car tyres

stuck in the mud5. Helping family to clean the house6. Helping father to wash the car7. Helping mother buying things at the

market8. Helping mother in the kitchen9. Helping mother to prepare a dish10. Helping mother to wash and dry the

clothes11. Helping someone to catch a thief12. Helping someone who is trapped in a

heavy downpour13. Helping someone whose house is on fire

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14. Honesty – Returning a wallet/purse found while walking home / in a taxi or bus

15. In a bus - giving seat to someone16. Leading someone to a destination17. Saving an animal’s life18. Saving money19. Saving one’s life – Drowning20. Taking a hurt pet for treatment21. Taking care of a sick person at home –

mother/father etc

H. Morale-based Stories

1. Bad habit - Stealing fruits2. Bully3. Carelessness – Breaking a vase4. Dishonesty - Copying a friend’s work

during examination5. Disobedient – Swimming without

permission6. Hardworking – Washing one’s own

property – bicycle / motorcycle etc7. Indisciplined – Playful in the class8. Indisciplined - Waking up late9. Insincere - Telling lies to teachers /

parents10. Laziness - Lazy to do school work

I. Process

1. Making a book mark2. Making a kite3. Making a paper bowl4. Making a scrap book5. Making a stick puppet6. Making an omelette7. Preparing a dish8. Preparing a simple pancake9. Preparing pickle