notes rl - momentum 11th nov 2015


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Meeting of the Corbyn Campaign:

After Corbyn Victory: let’s build on the “Momentum”

Tyneside Irish Centre 11th November 2015

Approximately 100 in attendance.

Facilitators: iane !ones "Ne#castle Central C$%&

'd (hitby "Ne#castle 'ast C$%&

)pea*er: +en )ellers "City o, -rham C$%&

Ta*in notes: /achel +roadbent "Ne#castle 'ast C$%&


)in-p sheets #ere circ-lated to the meetin to collect details ,or ,-t-re comm-nication.

/ed-ced price merchandise #as advertised ,or sale.

Regional Deolution

alcolm +rain ave a short speech abo-t his tho-hts on devol-tion. verall he #as

concerned #ith3 Tory3s bearin i,ts3 . 4e tho-ht that the overnment proposals #o-ld res-lt in theconcentration o, po#er to a small ro-p o, individ-als and central ,i-re "the ayor& #ho co-ld be

easily press-red. 4e expressed concerned abo-t democratic acco-ntability. 4e also tho-ht that

part o, the aim #as to narro# the ap bet#een the )o-th 'ast and the North 'ast chanin the

nat-re o, the c-lt-re in the North 'ast #hich #o-ldn3t be desirable.

ichael $loyd mentioned abo-t settin -p a ro-p in connection #ith these devol-tion


Red labour ! Momentum Relationship

+en )ellers "City o, -rham C$%& spo*e abo-t the relationship bet#een /ed $abo-r and

oment-m. 4e said that the description o, oment-m is tric*y b-t it involves harnessin the

po#er o, positive campainin b-ildin a social media movement and rassroots net#or*in. It

#o-ld attract a rane o, people those interested in trans,ormin the $abo-r %arty and those

interested in campainin and be di,,erent across the co-ntry. n 6-estionin ,rom the a-dience he

in,ormed the meetin that there are ,o-r or ,ive people involved in oranisin oment-m nationally

so has limited capacity ,or centrally oranisin. It is reliant on people sel,oranisin. oment-m

does not have a constit-tion yet.

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n /ed $abo-r +en said it is speci,ically oriented to#ards the $abo-r %arty b-t is #or*in

closely #ith oment-m in the North 'ast.

+en in,ormed the meetin that the steerin ro-p ,or oment-m is made -p %s and three

others "incl-din +en&. This #as to et the pro7ect o,, the ro-nd b-t in ,-t-re the steerin ro-p

#o-ld be democratically elected.


'd (hitby #ent thro-h the aenda. The plan ,or the meetin #as to split into ro-ps based

on topics disc-ss iss-es and p-t ,or#ard actions. The second part o, the meetin #o-ld then

involve splittin into ro-ps based on location to create introd-ctions and plan locally.

'd then mentioned the ethical code ,or oment-m and read o-t the item #hich stated that

participants in the oment-m campain m-st aree to the aim o, the labo-r party #innin the next

eneral election.

iete* %ado#ic8 "Ne#castle 'ast C$%& raised a point abo-t exp-lsions ,rom the $abo-r %arty

and #hat #e #ere oin to do abo-t it.

+en )ellers stated that /ed $abo-r #as opposed to the exp-lsions as a eneral principle

-nless there is malicio-s intent. /ed $abo-r have made representations via t#itter and Faceboo* to

state their position on recent exp-lsions. 9enerally ho#ever it is ,or local ro-ps to decide.

'd (hitby stated that a model resol-tion #o-ld be #ritten by /ed $abo-r and circ-lated.

Comment ,rom the a-dience that socialist activists #ere bein tareted and p-red ,rom the

$abo-r %arty.


The initial list o, themes ,or the brea* o-t ro-ps:

Trident de,ence

(or*ers -nion rihts



Free ed-cation

(el,are bene,its

Taxation #ealth income


irant rihts re,-ee rihts

/ail nationalisation transport

Climate chane environment evol-tion

Additional themes s-ested and areed on:

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/ecalibration "$abo-r %arty str-ct-res& ; to 7oin #ith democracy

$ocal overnment

isability and mental health

It #as areed that a-sterity ran thro-h all the themes.

ne person vol-nteered ,or each ro-p and then people athered in their chosen theme.

Reporting bac# actions on the themes

'ach ro-p #ere as*ed to anno-nce t#o actions


)-pport the N4) bill ; reverse privatisation and ,ramentation o, services

)-pport 7-nior doctors

isability and mental health:

9et in,ormation o-t to the p-blic via local radio ne#spapers #ritin to % etc

<-estionnaire la-nch


-tline in,ormation ,or ho# to et deleates to con,erence develop oment-m

#i*i ho# to #or* #ithin yo-r party access to list o, members

)-pport $abo-r %arty leadership need constit-tional chanes ,rom bottom -p

oment-m ro-p co-ld dra,t model resol-tions that can ,eed into branches

Climate chane:

!oin climate chane march on the 2=th Nov

!oin r-ride bay protest

$ocal overnment:

Ne# deal ,or local overnment control over transport


Involve yo-n people

$obby ,or resol-tions #ithin the $abo-r party machine overnment and in '-rope

9et involved #ith #or*in ro-ps and p-blic transport -ser ro-p and expand into

#al*in cyclin and etro -sers

Free ed-cation:

N>) ballot ,or st-dent stri*e aainst reen paper

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Con,irm per,ormance action at Ne#castle >niversity tie campains toether #ith

s-pport ,rom oment-m. Teach -nions to o on stri*e 25th November


/e-lar social media o-tp-t level -p acco-ntability national and reional blos

contrib-te to local print #or* #ith ed-cation team

/e,-ees rihts:

)-pport c-rrent campains ; )top the (ar )tand -p to /acism local charities etc

%ractical solidarity et involved #ith protests and st-dent ro-ps


Fiht aainst landlord exploitation in the b-y to let mar*et s-pport rent controls

%romote that properties empty ,or more than six months #o-ld be ,or,eit by

landlords and iven over to social ho-sin


Campain aainst trident in preexistin str-ct-res ,or the $ondon )top the (ar

protest b-ses #ill be oin ,rom Ne#castle

evelop continency plan to reinvest into economy so c-rrent employees do not

lose o-t i, Trident is not rene#ed


9et rid o, sanctions introd-ce citi8ens income

C-r ho-sin bene,it and introd-ce rent controls

9et rid o, +edroom Tax


)tr-ct-rally chane ho# people earn money

In the short term tac*le tax evasion move a#ay ,rom taxin lo# and middle income

earners and tax corporation more heavily

Trade -nions:

%romote solidarity bet#een -nions. )end messae o, s-pport do#n to postal

#or*ers c-rrently on stri*e

Campain ,or $abo-r Co-ncils not to -se the anti-nion la#s

Copies o, the lists prod-ced by each ro-p are available -pon re6-est.

Mid$session brea#

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Constituency groups

%eople #ere then as*ed to brea* o-t in to constit-ency "or ro-ps o, local constit-ency&

ro-ps. $ively disc-ssion lasted ,or abo-t ?0 min-tes.


Tal* )ocialism ; !amie riscoll "Ne#castle North C$%& stated that it is a political disc-ssion

ro-p #hich teaches a deeper -nderstandin o, political ideas. Next session is on T-esday 2@th 

November at pm at the Irish Centre. )-b7ect is %ostcapitalism. There #ill be a short video recorded

,or -s ,rom %a-l ason. )ession is participatory and desined so people are con,ident to ma*e

ar-ments on complex s-b7ects.

Also a readin ro-p #ill be set -p in connection #ith Tal* )ocialism based on the text

'conomics: The >ser3s 9-ide by 4a!oon Chan. ichael $loyd #ill be chie, ans#erer o, di,,ic-lt


%ther 'orthcoming (ents and Appeals

Proposed Regional Deolution Agreement  ; Friday 2th November 10am 12noon

/ed 4ills -rham 41 @+' to disc-ss mo-ntin a campain to re7ect the areement.

Contact 9eo,, (al*er eo,,reya#al*  

'amily Parade and Climate March 1.?0pm 2=th November

 meet o-tside the Ne#castle City $ibrary %rincess )6-are. archin to Civic C entre,amilyparadeandclimatemarchp12D1

)orthern Public *erices Alliance and People’s Assembly $ Autumn *tatement Protest

"uesday +,th )oember

Assemble 5pm %rincess )6-are next to Ne#castle City $ibrary "N'1 D>/&

Rally pm Ceremonial (ay at Ne#castle Civic Centre "N' D<4&

Naomi Elein Film “"his Changes (erything” )-nday 22nd November ?pm Tyneside Cinema*#hatson,ilmsvie#thischaneseverythin 

Appeal to s-pport !ohn +-ress in the >nison 9eneral )ecretary election

Meeting closed