novel plans made for casey party jewish people to€¦ · after the card playing refresh-1

THE fcAROBST r\in CIBCULATIOPI IS AN IMWI'KNIWNT NKWSI'AI'KR 1MUMSHKIMN TMK INTKHKMT OK W<M»n»IHIHJK TOWNSJUI' \ |;NTY-FOUHTIl YEAH The Olde»t Newapappr In Woodbrli!p» Township WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 ' Ptibliahod Kwry md»jr TIIUKK ( KNTS FER COPY MERCHANTS PLEDGE SUPPORT FOR UNITED TOWNSHIP AT BANQUET HELD WEDNESDAY Woodbridge Township Merchants' Association installs el- ated Officers. Andrew Desmond gives stirring ad- dress asking marchants to forget imaginary boundary lines witktn the Township. _ Mayor also addresses group. OVER US ATTEND over 115 merchants from all over the Townsnip ,i.nit .id a banquet and installation of officers of the ,\ uodliiitlge Township Merchants' association held Wed ,.l,iy nitfht ait the Klub Kalita, Avenel. Peter Vogel, i t i: mjr |ir«»ki(»nt introduced C, A. Bernam, of Woodbridge, , ud as temporary chairman andInstalled "the following i fie era: I'resident, Maxwell lxigan; first prwldent, Harry Lager; sec Iselin Launches NRA Consumers' Campaign \ ... | ISKUN. Isfilln'H NRA d m . I Hiiniftri' Campaign is well under; way, wltli paid runvatiserft jeliiKI selected from the ranks of the ^community's unemployed and com pen&ited by ihe newly-organized Iseltn Business Men's ABBodation. The drive wag launched at Mon day night's meeting at which time permanent, officer* wire elected a:; (•Mews; Conrad Fl$|»ner, presi- dent; Morris Wltovsky, vice prts. ident; Kenneth Van Felt, secret ary; John Kochek, treasurer; Parker Nielsen, attorney; Henry Schlemp, sergeant at arms; H. Stuart MorrlBon, director of pub- Bootted for Governor mill vice president, Walter Nelson nn-tary, Mrs. Dennfo K;JJI; i tt-nHiirer, Harry Bernstein. The retiring officers were: Pres- ident. I'eter Vogel; vice president, Louis Toke: secretary, MTB. Louis ('dim, treasurer Lawrence K, Cam- ln iicceptlng the office of pres. tilent Mr. Logan declared that he ill in This dinner here tonight IB his- toric. It Is the first time that men and women have banded together in the Interest of the business of ot Woodbridge Township, not in the interest of Woodbridge or Fords, or Keasbey, or Sfewaren— but in the Interest of Woodbridge Township. "A merchants' association nothing new. We ar e behind the by the merchants In electing i.mi president and asked for the cooperation of the entire mem- bership for "only In unity lu there strength." The speakers of the overling \wie M,i.yor William A. Kyan, Mrs. A. Nelson, head of the NRA < iimpult;n In Woodbrldftp Town* Miilp, Andrew D, Desmond, Aug- ust F. Grelner, Adrian De Young. Conrad Flessner, Jack BOOH, Mr Sweet secretary of the Chamber nt Commerce of Linden, Pr. W. ;'. HarrtitL, S- BerkowlU- Mayor Hyan extended bin )iearl':>«l congratulations lo the numbers ot the <i(W)CUtiuii and offered tbe fullest cooyeratlon of ihe Township Committee. "I know of uo better place lo live In tluin the Township of Wooulnid^e.' 1 declared the Mayor 'Aa lone *« you cooperate with ihe Township I know that this. iuunWrt)}u!li|r will advance aud ln>-1 ln nn»»* <;\ll tW h*« been I .elilnjt l»t ,, y ID 'n.iw Tl thtl llttk bit of te ^ * j'Vtratrini. WHtf-£oopemftuft we will be aljie to acfomiillsh won- ders." IIIXIINS MtA Mrs. A NelHon. hi ad or NK.A v,ark in the Township disrusseii i < cuiiipaimi bi\i\'A conducted In i ie Ti/wnshlp- She tuld of the -uurk being done In Iselln and of me work of the Women's coin- ileveral sections ealld by local names with Imaginary boundary Continued on page two A. HasBey trustees. and Elmer J. Veesey, JEWISH PEOPLE TO OBSERVE YEAR 5694 M. E. MEN'S CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS Th<» Mi-n's Club or the Methn. 1st Eplaropul ohurcli will hold hnlr mobilization mePtlnKW>:U- ™iay evening, Heplnmbr 20. Af <>r a. dinner, a l)UKliit>ns Services to be held at Adath Israel Synagogue Septem ber 21 and 22. i State Sni«t«r Arthur A Qnlnn, of Neiwaren, who was draftiiMt w< oeui<tidatf for (iovcr. nor »t labor convention. lions Want More State Police On Super-Highway To start campaign against increasing number of fa- tal accidents on suggestion made by Anthony A. A«uila. A Csmiufcn to risiu tiit- in (reask&K number of fatal uutomo- 'Jlle aoeidtmts on thf .sai«'ilUKti *^ sUrU«» Rosh Hashonali, or the festival ot the New Year will be celebrat- ed by the Jewish people of the ftMMMlhtl^^' Thursday and Fri- day, September 21 and 22. The holiday will signify the beginning of the year ai>94 according to the. Jewsh calftndar. Theusual servi- ces will be held at Adath Israel Synagogue, on School utreet, In Woodbridge. On Saturday, September 30, the Jewish people will o'jBerve the Day of Atonement or Yom Kipper which Is u fast day. Buffalo Session Praises Pastor of White Church A letter, from the Covenant an a meetint; or church ur u tt fl a |,, i was received lil rV4iiinlavT\ii/^'( Monday 9mt*K Cabin. The mat- ^ ^ - *—••->- >-,y former A. :hv Wdtton or the 1'res Church, congratulating In LABOR GROUP DRAFT QUINN FOR GOVERNOR Folks In the Township wor gratified tn hear that Arthur A Quinn of fiewaren, who was re. cently named Comptroller of th Port of New Y$rt, wua drafted, t run for governor in a motion in troduced at the/annual convention ot the SWte Federation of Labor In Atlantic city tuesday night. Mr. Quinn 4*-retlri»g as presi- dent of tbe Stated Federation after terving in that *apaclty for 2t) years. The Seirfaren man hold9 a high place ainotig themembers of the St .te Federation of Labor and ibis wan proved when his name the presidency after lie had an- nounced that lie would not seek was put in nomination again for the office again. He declined the nomination pleading A\JDIT PUBLISHED TODAY IN LEADER SHOWS TOWNSHIP IN GOOD FINANCIAL CONDITION tvlll be held at which time the of. j [leers 'wilt '.ie eected and a pro.(Letter submitted by Township TreajHiret makes it ap' parent that there is no foundation in rumor* againtt Townthip management. —Taxes oufttandinc at of Aug- ust 31 totals $1,799,313,49. Township continue* to meet obligations. ;ram for th year will be adopted, i Aimmi! tin- many Important j hiuKH to be planned for Is the minstrel show and dance to be' lield November 24 Ht the Cratls. • iiien'n Chih- t NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY REMARKABLE SHOWING ___ An' iiudtt of current division of assets and liabilities .. M .«I«.L to be one of of the Township of Woodbridge and statemflite showing What lie most oiHsianiilnR c.rd par- es so far this year will he npon- itoi'ed by Middlesex Council Knights of Columbus, 3h IMduy evening? September 2fl, at the Columbian Club on M«.tn Btrect. Chris Wititnf and Owen Duni- gan are co-chairman of the affair and they are planning several nov- ;he Treasurer's current cash roceipt8 and di«btt»ement» as well *is outstanding general and light taxes are published in today's issue of the LEADER. THW-WKUI, %hl£b, luuy be Tound on nase 10, shows a true plctiire of the financial condition of the Township- <v -*""~ ln presenting the audit and statements for publication. Town, ship Treasurer Michael J. Trainer <>1 features. NUny valuable prizes aent the following letter to the will be awarded for high scores in! oditor ot t V LEADER 1 . all the usual games- In addition I <• To the Editor, there will '.is non-players prheB! Woodbrldpe Leader, »ml an attractive door prize. I Woodbridge, N. J., After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, and dancing "Enclosed find copy consisting will b held. uc n. atatginpnt of assets and Ha- T7T& rffrTrtM* "IM VIfltaft for CLAMBAKE TO BE HELD BY THIRD WARD DEMOCRATS business since his appointment as Everything Is In readiness I'or the clam bake to lie held under the auspices of the Third Ward Democratic Club next Sunday at tlie Maple Tree l'urm, lUliwuy ..venue, Avenel, rain or shine. ....The affair will .start at ten o'clock In the me ihe bake will lie served under the peiBOu*! supervision of tlie ei\ Mr. Davis The athletic events will"Li handball, baseball, horse siioe pitching, quoits ;*nd m^ of (Hundreds of prominent DrmotTuih i are expected to attend. Auions the speakers of the day will be Uio nrst aix months of the ye. I!i3',f, statement of the treasurer's current tnali ruceipta and disburse menla, IVH well as a statement of outstiuullne general and lti;bt tax. ea ;.s of June 1(0. 1SS3. These Arrest Three In Hold-up ot Avenel Violinist Saturday Prisoners Admit Robbing o le or Violin Which Burned in Furnace. "Mr Hanwtn, of tbe l.ions i lull," slie continued, ''will name fix menheads of ltt<tustriun to ..n as a compliance board. Tbvy win gee to It that all complaiiltH ^re sent to the proper authorities in Washington. However, cooper- niton Is needed to the utmost Without cooperation the NRA v/ork will fall. Make* Inspiring Andrew D. Dearaond, Wood- rt(1 pe attorney and a member of !n>- ansoci'titlon, made a very In- spiring speech In whlrh IIP mnd*' :i vlr>a or : n united Woodbrldg.' who has enustantly w:ix<?d war, as him Hpeedurb In the Township. It was pointed by Mr. Aqui- lu ,nd tit tier members of fhp Clitli ihui the partic- ular 'tieU'ti ill the super-hlnhwaJ A.liUh runs through the Township ul W(<oilbrl«li;u seenis lo he tak- iiiK toll of n gre t many lives- I; vvaa i.-lt thai the majority of ac- maiiy of them fatal ones, ' pastor of the local church. I The complete letter is us lows". i "To the Congregation or the F rst Presbyterian Church Woodbridgfi, N- J. "WP, the congregation of Cove- nant Presbyterian Church ot But falo, New York, wish to congra : UiUte you u|ion securing Rev. past or WIT* rausi'd by out of state car H ; «• H- I^vanny to be the wliU'li v'ui-v exceedingly the speed j 0 ' meut lu culling lUla and 'You have shown After a Kii^lhy discussion the in joriiy ot the Lions stauJ that since the super-highway Is a siuve highway the state police should patrol it more frequently nnd mak,e a drive on spaeders. The secretary was instructed lo watt o Col- Si'hwankopf ol the Stt* police, and ask for more police protection on the sup^r- highway- The woretary was also infrtruct- cd in write to Police Commission- er Robert L. Sattler and r.etiueit lr:idl'- llsht on "No concerted effort has ev<'«' l.een made to overcome the dlfflcul M»i.«riv it,s hen-." Woodbridge Township "treet and the super-highway llu^ In this municlpalty we have continued until two 12 town, or hamlets exiting only morning Instead of in the nt&Ktnatlo. nan be th« off ke«n Juds- brilll .lit young nil ulster, and you are In- deed fortunate In having himac- ( cept the. call- There may bo many ministers available at the present time *jut a nun with Mr. i Devanny's sterlkig character and | admirable personality Is most! rure at any time. ^ \ "In Covenant Ciiurch Mr. De- ; vanity Ukrough nlu« years has iirovjd himself a poacher of great •flectlvenesa- Hd bus aroused earn Mt ihinklws and. 10 make hia BWmons contribute constructively to a chrUtians scheme of life, a ii tr«, •< . a .• ct-itoH Aanemblvinan John Rnffprty. rxjSt 3i°^n ^ l nt u j r •^•Ar^vr that his aetie*1* not seeking ot- l de " 1 o f l h e TA Wiira , Dtmo - ^il«K?nT*«t«ni' or S a fl -',cratic CluJ) ajul th* cpmMKUje w- l^d laborHP promlwd continued ! .Hunted, by » » * 8 "<"*&* *"- IIBU i»u jrently to make the afT ir a suc- cess. F"red l^oersch is chairman of Ihe committee and I'. J- Ponaln is treasurer- Tit-ket • m:iy !>•' *'•?- nred from any member of the or- ganization. COMMITTEE "ISTRODUCES NEW ORDINANCE TO REGULATE HUCKSTERS AND PEDDLERS fol-1 support ' Mr- Quinn has served In the as- sembly and senate, resignin-i as I state senator from MiildU»«f\ ! County to accept the ar-poliMmeni in the customs- service. mo3t deirrable of , UUM »^ backed by Woodbridge Townsh.p Merchants Association—Will eliminate unfair competition—Hear- ing Sept€mber 25—State to lend financial aid for de- pendent children in Township. REPORTS HEARD Crows the congregation It took a i- Ttuiii y >UIIK man 27 y« find out that IOU^I-S didn't lay cgjfs And is Bets of Ets and Bets surd. Well, if the shoe fits its generally worn and if you Wt.likcil BtU sue us And the little boy of ihe c. U. P. throw-away found out that tP"own men don t liU* toplay.childish games Evidently the gunman ('.') I rum Wmabeth failed to materialize and the little Imy wiuUeda great, big policeman for protection or som-ihing or other-tchltch! -tefel You recognize wUh gratitude aud Warm affection ttietr personal ob"ll- gatluu to him. , "Tlie Eldera and Congregation, In accepting bin fwilgnatlon $0*6 expression to th«lr high personal regard tor biiu and to their ap- pr«catlow of the great worth of bia excellent service to Covenant Church. It 1B with deepest regret An ordinance to regiilate hucksters, pr-rtril-rs PTVI "an- vassers throughout the Township was introduced at t« meeting of Ahe Township Committee h«ld Monday alter- The matter of the ordinance first came up at a sujr- fertion made by the Woodbric£e_ Town^p_Mcrchant s After a fow days ot Investi tion the police yeBlerduy thre<> moil, two from Wuod'jrilljj*' and one formerly, of Woodbrttlgu, now of 3*yreviile, 'and ch .t'ged luH'din^ i up t;*?ttrg< cripple, of Avenel. anil stealing his violin ami cimh, late Saturday night. The men arrested by Detectlvi Sergeant (ieors- 1 E Kuutny nnd Tr.Lfflc 3erg«anl Bun raisiiuis, were: George i'Tnn, 21, of Hamfuid avenue. Wuodbi ids;i ; Ills brmluir, ] Thomas, 23 same address, ami i Hi'or^e Johnson, 23, formerly ol Albert i.treet, Wood!)rld^e ;..ud now of Washtng'ton road, S;iyre. vil'ie Township. After the men wero urrestet! and Ideuttnetl by Lenky they ad- mitted to the Hold up. They s*ald tlu.t after the hold ui> they be- came worriuil and burned tbe vio. .tin. which was valued at f 100, in the furnace- The violin wus L.CII- ky's only niBun» of l.vniihoud. At the tiuie of the hold.up tins gang had stopped on Ihe corner of Rah way avenue and M lu st., uud offered Die cripple, who was Christian homelltics. At the same noon Tn e matter of the ordinance time he has managed to become | ^.^ an intimate that a host of association. The ordinance dlBtlnguishea be- tween a peddler, transient merch- adt yeddler, solicitor and new • T i l t PUCJJOi|0 Of tbfj or. is to pivvqnt unfair corii- petltion and dishonest biiBlt»*as practices. H. Stuart Morrison, in behalf of the Iselln Merchants' association stated that his organliatlon was heartilj In favor of the ordinance. and,jaoat heartfelt wrrow that iw ] coniJnitteeman rellnauiBu OUFPWWT^I ^rinfv ¥¥«J recommend him, and give hfm • , n nanCe would be strong endorsement for his per-' Township attorney Henry Harry Gems M* of Uu; jjr- hfttidled"aa* C , character, his well eBtabllBh-. Lavin explained that It would be ed scholarship, an'd his efficiency taken care of' in the Recorder's as a preacher. i court t^e same as any other oora- "Clarence H. Baker, for tiie i jfiBlpt-"* ' SettHtow and the CongrPWrtl**-" i St*bj . 3 . ! Mayor William A. Ryan reeetv- PLAN SI'AUHBTTI 8UPPBK ed a communication.notifying him reported on thtj bad condition on Avenel street nt-ar the PeuuHyl- vunla ISailroad prosslny;. He ex- that Uitj uuunty had n:;- ta>» p*ving from curb to curb bui that the railroad h...d failed to , the same improve- ment at the crossing no that uulomobilisis coming down the street are apt to hit the Tuilioad tracks. Townnhtp Clerk B. J. Dun- t p igan w^ instructed to write a let. g ^ ter to tfcftf»B$t*j<WiU*.. rtJijuesiing them to exutiiG payement at the crosslnu, A complaint agalnat the il tram he recordi by the municipal aud. Itor and on the statement of delin- quent taxes I have extended the balances to August 31st, as repor. •-•J to me by the tfcx collector. "Since June 30th, the outstand. ng township bonds have been re- duced by $37,000-00. Th«re baa been paid to,the county treasurer for state and county UIM, the sum of $5,800.00 for 1932. "There has been paid to the Hoard of Education' for the flacal ^ l%jj the, auuxot $23,600.00 cal year 1933 the «um ot $lli).. i.iiU In cash and bonds- 'Arrangements have been made to deliver an additional $40,01)0,. t)i) In Hindu to the Board of Edu- cation on account of the 1932 Hchoui appropriations- "As ot noon, September 13th, there n-mains outstanding of the i:r:>z batjy bonds, first Issue, * i, - ij o u 11—these bonds not bav. lny bf«u presented lor payments. U! the isuue of $176,000 baby bund*, dated July lBth, being tax it'VuinieB of 1933 ol the total tliHie has been placed In iu>n approximately |83.uOO.« us oi' Sf(.ifinber 13th, noon, there h;iH been redeemed $39,82500. "i'lease Hubmlt proof of tlie copy for cheoklug at your earlleai convenience to the tad Unit the siiitenifiii'i may t>e publj||Bed In your paver ot September Wtu, In •rix point type Veiry truly yours, Township Treasurer. The above fetter referring to the an Jit published In today's is. HUB of the LEADER very clearly indicates the remarita.'ile showing on the part of the Township offl- cialg In handling the affairs of the Township unilibr the handicaps ex. istin^ at the pietient time. To appreciate the situation it is advisable to study carefully the Htutement showing the outstand. ing t -xea for the different years, totalling $1,799,313.49 as of Aug- ust 31st of this year, j WUh that study completed, study carefully the- receipts, and disbursements. With ao many stories prevalent about the management ot Wood, bridge affairs it must be apparent that they have no foundation lu tact. No money has been borrowed by the Township since January 1, 19dU and all municipal obligations have been met from the receipt of tax monies. It can be readily seen waiting for a bus, a rld^ home. Instead of yolng to Avenel they i ttut with close cooperation on the drove up Upper Q[-e<Mi street, took i part of the taxpayers In reducing tlie violin and a dollar in cash the taxes which are due and ow. which Lenky h .d just earned playing at a party, and put h.m out of th« car. Mrs., Wtnjiiu .R.qiu|£, Jr , of - Jli2 Eleanof v Plate, Woodbridge is the winner of the electrjc clock radio ^waj'^ed by the Woodbridge rj^l- Icatesstin. Mra. Romrg may get fhc prize by calling at the DeHcutesn. en and sklng fur the proprietor, Mr. C. A, Bernam- * The 1'OSTPONKI) moonlight excursion Liu- liu ivc Zybysko and Holuban iu a match the ac the OUHM' night _ And we hear that the office man of the O. E. uutlly paid 1 his boss to stop riding ,, JU A vvVll lot you into a aecret. It appears that a Woodbridge i»iin who has a business in Iselin, was given hia. walking ij*p<*v» l>y.i-iui W 1 '^ juri bPS^H se ^ e ' s a tightvjad •LD.B •"t»ry goes that he used to call f6f her, driv* <«wj){B» fn>i»i her home and thetvpark. .....Who Is.W£jF?j* l00 J!, »IIK nhiek behinti *h«%**ai tte f*\^ Beer W d «"- » I'is name Fred,? _ .... And Chaclie is still waiting _«*" 'hat courtesy card, Bucky And did Mary,fmr> Dor «'.V» get a ride Thuwday night And a certain ftel "lite wanted it recorded that a delegation from pi*** actually endorsed wmething - t -And Jufl 8 e w\, we hear is about to go to Ireland on ^*™^.;r™" l'»w we wish we coald go to the Emerald bit» with you, Who'ww the local man who ^ k , that ^;? ie °; the theatre wtdi room?Wa» you dare Sharlie? Mury of II. n'irfJi'hall [Guardians. A resolution authorU- ^^ of tbe . wards from the state was penaed. from thetheatre wwh room HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Edf L. HSmtroaii, twmefly »t Perth Amboy Called For and Delwred Cor. Rabway Avenue Green S t m t Woodbrtdgo, M. J. The UraniM Middlesex Concrete company was granted ninety days In which to remove an ad- dition to the plant which was con structed in violation of the Zoning ordljianoe. A letter was iwwiuu TTVW* *•• in which they the fact <K «!• viotatioB. Th» irtitr r«a4 in **rt' "Whichever action Is ooatempla- ted: by your boards we wish to say here ttet tbe lnvestnients have matfJPln this plant will entirely lost unless w* are given ample time in whleh to wek an- other suitable locatton for same." Bead OompUUat Joseph p | ditlons of the 'two railroad spurs, we ather. at West ave&ue, Sewaren, in frouii ot the Slwll (Jll plant brounht j irp by CwBflStttewuwi William I'. Campbell., Mr. Campbell stated that from time to time the Sbell Oil bag patched up the eouditlou but than no iiftnnuntmt Improve- ment has been made. A motion was made and paused to the ef pi ..ii. Sal- vador Ootin«!l, KnWit of Colum. I bus has been postponed until to. con-1 morrow night on account of th« Ing the municipal officials «.i I continue tp make payments ami further reduce municipal o b l i - gations to bond holders, leucht•.•;, policemen and other nlunidpul employees. On August 31 last, the Ouu standing tax«« due tho Towns 1: of Woodbridge was *1.799,31'3 4J. TMB amotrat flc*s not Includu tb«< S54.i40.66 light taxes also Uu,- the Township Binee tha wlimiiuu tlon of thelight districts. A study of the ftatoniente shows that the outstanding Tow^sbl<> bonds have ^««n reduced by $37.. UflO sioce June 30, :nd ofthe placed in circulation durlK ib<' last lBflue, |39,S2& worth WJIVre. deemed as of Settember 13. to take the matter up Central Railroad of New Jersey Mayor Ryau laid, that he would take the subject up with ih.> Shell Oil officials . The Board of Education ro- 'quested $60,000 in bondB for RcbopL purposes. Tbe request was complied with and the bonds or- i-UBtodlan or fechool hinan tiw,t m 0-idlHiWCB \v drawn XM Spentjig an* eiotrtng T h i COUNTY KNIGHTS ANTIOPATE CROWD AT CHARITY DANCE The third uniuiul charity ball of New Jersey Chapter No. 4 i Columbus Duy, October 12, at tli« Hotel' Vine* on Ilia Lincoln High- way Metuehen. Each (year the chapter, which of barber shops in the Township in accordant with a code adopted by the barlwr'n awMilatioii. The | barbers, Jroni Iselin, who are not associated with the organization, are opposing the move. The re- quest was referred to the admin- is composed of aieiii'.n'.t'^ of councils In MlddUwix county, HponsQis ithe charity ball, in or- der W> obtain funds Lo lake civre thi'ir ^tensive charity [irogram «rlnldf miniH|u : .Wttfe. „.. cooperating it IN exueetetf tWHoia in New Jertey are ex- pected to in ike the ball u Invitations have been extends! lo many of the state's leading |>ubllc figuree* and men prominent in the. KuigliU of Columbus work In New Jersey, the greater num- ber of them having .Iready signi- fied their Intention of attending Is Chairinin oT* tne* general toiii- cbftiity event yvlll mark, tbe ot the social season iu the L Oill" ComtMed an page two county for more 4han 2.000 who will attend- v TOlaboratB <t«coratlnns and \n- tere»ting «nt*rtalnm«nt And .the presence of one at ihe ant*t dfti>«e Is-' represPiiltiT all «ontr,lbutlous for llic aft*itr hav« been received, the maney iwill be spoortiood tbe eiKBt oounelH for the n u in their districts to extend tbe "twin- Ing hand 1 ' to tbe unemployed and poverty striAen

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Page 1: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc




\ | ;NTY-FOUHTIl YEAH The Olde»t Newapappr In Woodbrli!p» Township WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 ' Ptibliahod Kwry md»jr TIIUKK ( KNTS FER COPY


Woodbridge Township Merchants' Association installs el-ated Officers. — Andrew Desmond gives stirring ad-dress asking marchants to forget imaginary boundarylines witktn the Township. _ Mayor also addressesgroup.


over 115 merchants from all over the Townsnip, i . n i t .id a banquet and installation of officers of the,\ uodliiitlge Township Merchants' association held Wed

,.l,iy nitfht ait the Klub Kalita, Avenel. Peter Vogel, i ti: mjr |ir«»ki(»nt introduced C, A. Bernam, of Woodbridge,, ud as temporary chairman and Installed "the followingi fie era:I'resident, Maxwell lxigan; first

prwldent, Harry Lager; sec

Iselin Launches NRAConsumers' Campaign \

... |ISKUN. Isfilln'H NRA d m . I

Hiiniftri' Campaign is well under;way, wltli paid runvatiserft jeliiK Iselected from the ranks of the^community's unemployed and compen&ited by ihe newly-organizedIseltn Business Men's ABBodation.

The drive wag launched at Monday night's meeting at which timepermanent, officer* wire elected a:;(•Mews; Conrad Fl$|»ner, presi-dent; Morris Wltovsky, vice prts.ident; Kenneth Van Felt, secretary; John Kochek, treasurer;Parker Nielsen, attorney; HenrySchlemp, sergeant at arms; H.Stuart MorrlBon, director of pub-

Bootted for Governor

mill vice president, Walter Nelsonnn-tary, Mrs. Dennfo K ; J J I ;

i tt-nHiirer, Harry Bernstein.The retiring officers were: Pres-

ident. I'eter Vogel; vice president,Louis Toke: secretary, MTB. Louis('dim, treasurer Lawrence K, Cam-

ln iicceptlng the office of pres.tilent Mr. Logan declared that he

ill in

This dinner here tonight IB his-toric. It Is the first time that menand women have banded togetherin the Interest of the business ofot Woodbridge Township, not inthe interest of Woodbridge orFords, or Keasbey, or Sfewaren—but in the Interest of WoodbridgeTownship.

"A merchants' associationnothing new. We are behind the

by the merchants In electingi.mi president and asked for thecooperation of the entire mem-bership for "only In unity luthere strength."

The speakers of the overling\wie M,i.yor William A. Kyan,Mrs. A. Nelson, head of the NRA< iimpult;n In Woodbrldftp Town*Miilp, Andrew D, Desmond, Aug-ust F. Grelner, Adrian De Young.Conrad Flessner, Jack BOOH, MrSweet secretary of the Chambernt Commerce of Linden, Pr. W.;'. HarrtitL, S- BerkowlU-

Mayor Hyan extended bin)iearl':>«l congratulations lo thenumbers ot the <i(W)CUtiuii andoffered tbe fullest cooyeratlon ofihe Township Committee.

"I know of uo better place lolive In tluin the Township ofWooulnid^e.'1 declared the Mayor'Aa lone *« you cooperate with

ihe Township I know that this.iuunWrt)}u!li|r will advance aud ln>-1ln

nn»»* <;\ll t W h*« been I .elilnjt l»t,,y ID 'n.iw Tl thtl llttk bit of t e

^ * j'Vtratrini. WHtf-£oopemftuft wewill be aljie to acfomiillsh won-ders."

IIIXIINS MtAMrs. A NelHon. hi ad or NK.A

v,ark in the Township disrusseiii < cuiiipaimi bi\i\'A conducted Ini ie Ti/wnshlp- She tuld of the-uurk being done In Iselln and ofme work of the Women's coin-

ileveral sections ealld by localnames with Imaginary boundary

Continued on page two

A. HasBeytrustees.

and Elmer J. Veesey,



Th<» Mi-n's Club or the Methn.1st Eplaropul ohurcli will holdhnlr mobilization mePtlnK W>:U-™iay evening, Heplnmbr 20. Af<>r a. dinner, a l)UKliit>ns

Services to be held at AdathIsrael Synagogue September 21 and 22.

i State Sni«t«r Arthur AQnlnn, of Neiwaren, who wasdraftiiMt w< oeui<tidatf for (iovcr.nor »t labor convention.

lions Want MoreState Police On

Super-HighwayTo start campaign against

increasing number of fa-tal accidents on suggestionmade by Anthony A.A«uila.A Csmiufcn to risiu tiit- in

(reask&K number of fatal uutomo-'Jlle aoeidtmts on thf .sai«'ilUKti* ^ sUrU«»

Rosh Hashonali, or the festivalot the New Year will be celebrat-ed by the Jewish people of theftMMMlhtl^^' Thursday and Fri-day, September 21 and 22. Theholiday will signify the beginningof the year ai>94 according to the.Jewsh calftndar. The usual servi-ces will be held at Adath IsraelSynagogue, on School utreet, InWoodbridge.

On Saturday, September 30, theJewish people will o'jBerve theDay of Atonement or Yom Kipperwhich Is u fast day.

Buffalo SessionPraises Pastorof White Church

A letter, from the Covenantan a meetint; or c h u r c h u r uttfla|,,i w a s receivedlil rV4iiinlavT\ii/^'(Monday

9mt*K Cabin. The mat- ^ ^- *—••->- >-,y former


:hv Wdtton or the 1'resChurch, congratulating



Folks In the Township worgratified tn hear that Arthur AQuinn of fiewaren, who was re.cently named Comptroller of thPort of New Y$rt, wua drafted, trun for governor in a motion introduced at the/annual conventionot the SWte Federation of LaborIn Atlantic city tuesday night.

Mr. Quinn 4*-retlri»g as presi-dent of tbe Stated Federation afterterving in that *apaclty for 2t)years. The Seirfaren man hold9 ahigh place ainotig the members ofthe St .te Federation of Labor andibis wan proved when his namethe presidency after lie had an-nounced that lie would not seekwas put in nomination again forthe office again. He declined thenomination pleading


GOOD FINANCIAL CONDITIONtvlll be held at which time the of. j[leers 'wilt '.ie eected and a pro.(Letter submitted by Township TreajHiret makes it ap'

parent that there is no foundation in rumor* againttTownthip management. —Taxes oufttandinc at of Aug-ust 31 totals $1,799,313,49. — Township continue* tomeet obligations.

;ram for th year will be adopted, iAimmi! tin- many Important j

hiuKH to be planned for Is theminstrel show and dance to be'lield November 24 Ht the Cratls. •iiien'n Chih- t



_ _ _ An' iiudtt of current division of assets and liabilities..M.«I«.L to be one of of the Township of Woodbridge and statemflite showingWhat

lie most oiHsianiilnR c.rd par-es so far this year will he npon-itoi'ed by Middlesex CouncilKnights of Columbus, 3h IMduyevening? September 2fl, at theColumbian Club on M«.tn Btrect.

Chris Wititnf and Owen Duni-gan are co-chairman of the affairand they are planning several nov-

;he Treasurer's current cash roceipt8 and di«btt»ement» aswell *is outstanding general and light taxes are publishedin today's issue of the LEADER.

THW-WKUI, %hl£b, luuy be Toundon nase 10, shows a true plctiireof the financial condition of theTownship- <v-*""~

ln presenting the audit andstatements for publication. Town,ship Treasurer Michael J. Trainer

<>1 features. NUny valuable prizes a e n t the following letter to thewill be awarded for high scores in! oditor ot t V LEADER1.all the usual games- In addition I <• To the Editor,there will '.is non-players prheB! Woodbrldpe Leader,»ml an attractive door prize. I Woodbridge, N. J.,

After the card playing refresh-1 Sir:ment-j will b^ served, and dancing "Enclosed find copy consistingwill b held. uc n. atatginpnt of assets and Ha-

T7T& rffrTrtM* "IM V Ifltaft forCLAMBAKE TO BE


business since his appointment as

Everything Is In readiness I'orthe clam bake to lie held underthe auspices of the Third WardDemocratic Club next Sunday attlie Maple Tree l'urm, lUliwuy..venue, Avenel, rain or shine.....The affair will .startat ten o'clock In the meihe bake will lie served under thepeiBOu*! supervision of tlieei\ Mr. Davis

The athletic events will"Lihandball, baseball, horse siioepitching, quoits ;*nd m^ of

(Hundreds of prominent DrmotTuihi are expected to attend. Auionsthe speakers of the day will be

Uio nrst aix months of the ye.I!i3',f, statement of the treasurer'scurrent tnali ruceipta and disbursemenla, IVH well as a statement ofoutstiuullne general and lti;bt tax.ea ;.s of June 1(0. 1SS3. These

Arrest Three InHold-up ot AvenelViolinist SaturdayPrisoners Admit Robbing o

le or Violin WhichBurned in Furnace.

"Mr Hanwtn, of tbe l.ionsi lull," slie continued, ' 'will namefix men heads of ltt<tustriun to..n as a compliance board. Tbvywin gee to It that all complaiiltH^re sent to the proper authoritiesin Washington. However, cooper-niton Is needed to the utmostWithout cooperation the NRAv/ork will fall.

Make* InspiringAndrew D. Dearaond, Wood-

• rt(1 pe attorney and a member of!n>- ansoci'titlon, made a very In-spiring speech In whlrh IIP mnd*':i vlr>a or : n united Woodbrldg.'

who has enustantly w:ix<?d war,as him Hpeedurb In the Township.

It was pointed by Mr. Aqui-lu ,nd tit tier members offhp Clitli ihui the partic-ular 'tieU'ti ill the super-hlnhwaJA.liUh runs through the Townshipul W(<oilbrl«li;u seenis lo he tak-iiiK toll of n gre t many lives- I;vvaa i.-lt thai the majority of ac-

maiiy of them fatal ones,

' pastor of the local church.I The complete letter is uslows".

i "To the Congregation or theF rst Presbyterian ChurchWoodbridgfi, N- J." W P , the congregation of Cove-

nant Presbyterian Church ot Butfalo, New York, wish to congra:

UiUte you u|ion securing Rev.past orWIT* rausi'd by out of state carH; «• H- I^vanny to be the

wliU'li v'ui-v exceedingly the speed j 0 '

meut lu culling lUlaand

'You have shownAfter a Kii^lhy discussion the

in joriiy ot the Lions s tauJ thatsince the super-highway Is a siuvehighway the state police shouldpatrol it more frequently nndmak,e a drive on spaeders. Thesecretary was instructed lo watto Col- Si'hwankopf ol the St t*

police, and ask for more policeprotection on the sup^r- highway-

The woretary was also infrtruct-cd in write to Police Commission-er Robert L. Sattler and r.etiueit

lr:idl'- llsht on"No concerted effort has ev<'«'l.een made to overcome the dlfflcul M»i.«rivit,s hen-." Woodbridge Township "treet and the super-highwayl l u ^ In this municlpalty we have continued until two12 town, or hamlets exiting only morning Instead ofin the nt&Ktnatlo.



ke«n Juds-brilll .lit

young nil ulster, and you are In-deed fortunate In having him ac- (cept the. call- There may bomany ministers available at thepresent time *jut a nun with Mr. iDevanny's sterlkig character and |admirable personality Is most!rure at any time. ^ \

"In Covenant Ciiurch Mr. De-;vanity Ukrough nlu« years hasiirovjd himself a poacher of great•flectlvenesa- Hd bus aroused earnMt ihinklws and. 10 make hiaBWmons contribute constructivelyto a chrUtians scheme of life, a

• ii tr«, •< . a .• ct-itoH Aanemblvinan John Rnffprty.

rxjSt 3i°^n lnt u jr •^•Ar^vr

that his aetie*1* not seeking ot- ld e"1 o f l h e ™TA W i i r a , D t m o -^ i l « K ? n T * « t « n i ' orSafl-',cratic CluJ) ajul th* cpmMKUje w -l^d laborHP promlwd continued ! .Hunted, by » » *8 "<"*&* * " -IIBU i»u • jrently to make the afT ir a suc-

cess. F"red l^oersch is chairman ofIhe committee and I'. J- Ponalnis treasurer- Tit-ket • m:iy !>•' *'•?-nred from any member of the or-ganization.


fol-1 support 'Mr- Quinn has served In the as-

sembly and senate, resignin-i asI state senator from MiildU»«f\! County to accept the ar-poliMmeniin the customs- service.

mo3t deirrable of

, U U M » ^ backed by Woodbridge Townsh.p MerchantsAssociation—Will eliminate unfair competition—Hear-ing Sept€mber 25—State to lend financial aid for de-pendent children in Township.


Crowsthe congregation

It took a i- Ttuiii y >UIIK man 27 y« find out thatIOU^I-S didn't lay cgjfs And is Bets of Ets and Betssurd. Well, if the shoe fits its generally worn and if youW t . l i k c i l BtU sue us And the little boy ofihe c . U. P. throw-away found out that tP"own men don tliU* to play.childish games Evidently the gunman('.') I rum Wmabeth failed to materialize and the littleImy wiuUeda great, big policeman for protection orsom-ihing or o the r - t ch l t ch ! -tefel You

recognize wUh gratitude audWarm affection ttietr personal ob"ll-gatluu to him. ,

"Tlie Eldera and Congregation,In accepting bin fwilgnatlon $0*6expression to th«lr high personalregard tor biiu and to their ap-pr«catlow of the great worth ofbia excellent service to CovenantChurch. It 1B with deepest regret

An ordinance to regiilate hucksters, pr-rtril-rs PTVI "an-vassers throughout the Township was introduced at t«meeting of Ahe Township Committee h«ld Monday alter-

T h e matter of the ordinance first came up at a sujr-fertion made by the Woodbric£e_ Town^p_Mcrchant s

After a fow days ot Investition the police yeBlerduythre<> moil, two from Wuod'jrilljj*'and one formerly, of Woodbrttlgu,now of 3*yreviile, 'and ch .t'ged

luH'din^ i up t;*?ttrg<cripple, of Avenel. anil

stealing his violin ami cimh, lateSaturday night.

The men arrested by DetectlviSergeant (ieors-1 E Kuutny nndTr.Lfflc 3erg«anl Bun raisiiuis,were:

George i'Tnn, 21, of Hamfuidavenue. Wuodbi ids;i ; Ills brmluir,

] Thomas, 23 same address, amii Hi'or^e Johnson, 23, formerly olAlbert i.treet, Wood!)rld^e ;..udnow of Washtng'ton road, S;iyre.vil'ie Township.

After the men wero urrestet!and Ideuttnetl by Lenky they ad-mitted to the Hold up. They s*aldtlu.t after the hold ui> they be-came worriuil and burned tbe vio..tin. which was valued at f 100, inthe furnace- The violin wus L.CII-ky's only niBun» of l.vniihoud.

At the tiuie of the hold.up tinsgang had stopped on Ihe cornerof Rah way avenue and M lu st.,uud offered Die cripple, who was

Christian homelltics. At the same n o o n T n e matter of the ordinancetime he has managed to become | ^.^an intimatethat a host of association.

The ordinance dlBtlnguishea be-tween a peddler, transient merch-adt yeddler, solicitor and new

• T i l t PUCJJOi|0 Of tbfj o r .is to pivvqnt unfair corii-

petltion and dishonest biiBlt»*aspractices.

H. Stuart Morrison, in behalf ofthe Iselln Merchants' associationstated that his organliatlon washeartilj In favor of the ordinance.and,jaoat heartfelt wrrow that iw ] coniJnitteeman

rellnauiBu O U F P W W T ^ I rinfv ¥¥«Jrecommend him, and give hfm • ,n n a n C e would bestrong endorsement for his per-' Township attorney Henry

Harry GemsM* of Uu; jjr-hfttidled"aa*

C, character, his well eBtabllBh-. Lavin explained that It would beed scholarship, an'd his efficiency taken care of' in the Recorder'sas a preacher. i court t^e same as any other oora-

"Clarence H. Baker, for tiie i jfiBlpt-"* 'SettHtow and the CongrPWrtl**-" i St*bj .3 . ! Mayor William A. Ryan reeetv-PLAN SI'AUHBTTI 8UPPBK ed a communication.notifying him

reported on thtj bad condition onAvenel street nt-ar the PeuuHyl-vunla ISailroad prosslny;. He ex-

that Uitj uuunty had n:;-ta>» p*ving from curb to

curb bui that the railroad h...dfailed to , the same improve-ment at the crossing no thatuulomobilisis coming down thestreet are apt to hit the Tuilioadtracks. Townnhtp Clerk B. J. Dun-t pigan w ^ instructed to write a let.g ^ter to tfcftf»B$t*j<WiU*..rtJijuesiing them to exutiiGpayement at the crosslnu,

A complaint agalnat theil

tramhe recordi by the municipal aud.

Itor and on the statement of delin-quent taxes I have extended thebalances to August 31st, as repor.•-•J to me by the tfcx collector.

"Since June 30th, the township bonds have been re-

duced by $37,000-00. Th«re baabeen paid to,the county treasurerfor state and county U I M , thesum of $5,800.00 for 1932.

"There has been paid to theHoard of Education' for the flacal

^ l% jj the, auuxot $23,600.00

cal year 1933 the «um ot $lli) . .i.iiU In cash and bonds-'Arrangements have been made

to deliver an additional $40,01)0,.t)i) In Hindu to the Board of Edu-cation on account of the 1932Hchoui appropriations-

"As ot noon, September 13th,there n-mains outstanding of thei:r:>z batjy bonds, first Issue,* i, - ij o u 11—these bonds not bav.lny bf«u presented lor payments.

U! the isuue of $176,000 babybund*, dated July lBth, being taxit'VuinieB of 1933 ol the totaltliHie has been placed Iniu>n approximately |83.uOO.«us oi' Sf(.ifinber 13th, noon, thereh;iH been redeemed $39,82500.

"i'lease Hubmlt proof of tliecopy for cheoklug at your earlleaiconvenience to the tad Unit thesiiitenifiii'i may t>e publj||Bed Inyour paver ot September Wtu, In•rix point type

Veiry truly yours,

Township Treasurer.The above fetter referring to

the an Jit published In today's is.HUB of the LEADER very clearlyindicates the remarita.'ile showingon the part of the Township offl-cialg In handling the affairs of theTownship unilibr the handicaps ex.istin^ at the pietient time. •

To appreciate the situation itis advisable to study carefully theHtutement showing the t -xea for the different years,totalling $1,799,313.49 as of Aug-ust 31st of this year, j WUh thatstudy completed, study carefullythe- receipts, and disbursements.

With ao many stories prevalentabout the management ot Wood,bridge affairs it must be apparentthat they have no foundation lutact.

No money has been borrowedby the Township since January 1,19dU and all municipal obligationshave been met from the receipt oftax monies. It can be readily seenwaiting for a bus, a rld^ home.

Instead of yolng to Avenel they i ttut with close cooperation on thedrove up Upper Q[-e<Mi street, took i part of the taxpayers In reducingtlie violin and a dollar in cash the taxes which are due and ow.which Lenky h .d just earnedplaying at a party, and put h.mout of th« car.

Mrs., Wtnjiiu .R.qiu|£, Jr , of -Jli2Eleanofv Plate, Woodbridge is thewinner of the electrjc clock radio^waj'^ed by the Woodbridge rj^l-Icatesstin. Mra. Romrg may get fhcprize by calling at the DeHcutesn.en and • sklng fur the proprietor,Mr. C. A, Bernam- *


moonlight excursion


liuivc Zybysko and Holuban iu a match the


theOUHM' night _And we hear that the office man of the O. E.uutlly paid1 his boss to stop riding ,, JU AvvVll lot you into a aecret. It appears that a Woodbridgei»iin who has a business in Iselin, was given hia. walkingij*p<*v» l>y.i-iui W1'^ juri bPS^Hse ^e ' s a tightvjad •LD.B

•"t»ry goes that he used to call f6f her, driv* <«wj){B»fn>i»i her home and thetvpark. .....Who Is.W£jF?j* l00J!,»IIK nhiek behinti *h« %** a i t t e f*\^ Beer W d « " - »I'is name Fred,? _....And Chaclie is still waiting _«*"'hat courtesy card, Bucky And did Mary,fmr> Dor«'.V» get a ride Thuwday night And a certain ftel"lite wanted it recorded that a delegation frompi*** actually endorsed wmething - t-And J u f l 8 e

w\, we hear is about to go to Ireland on ^*™^.;r™"l'»w we wish we coald go to the Emerald bit» with you,

Who'ww the local man who ^ k , t h a t ^ ; ? i e ° ;the theatre wtdi room?Wa» you dare Sharlie?

Mury of


n'irfJi'hall [Guardians. A resolution authorU-

^ ^ of tbe. wards from the state was penaed.

from the theatre wwh room


Edf L. HSmtroaii, twmefly »tPerth Amboy

Called For and Delwred

Cor. Rabway AvenueGreen S t m t

Woodbrtdgo, M. J.


Middlesex Concretecompany was granted ninety

days In which to remove an ad-dition to the plant which was constructed in violation of the Zoningordljianoe. •

A letter was iwwiuu TTVW* *••in which they

the fact <K «!•viotatioB. Th» irtitr r«a4 in **rt'

"Whichever action Is ooatempla-ted: by your boards we wish tosay here t te t tbe lnvestnientshave matfJPln this plant willentirely lost unless w* are givenample time in whleh to wek an-other suitable locatton for same."

Bead OompUUatJoseph

p |ditlons of the 'two railroad spurs, West ave&ue, Sewaren, in frouiiot the Slwll (Jll plant brounht jirp by CwBflStttewuwi William I'.Campbell., Mr. Campbell statedthat from time to time the SbellOil bag patched up the eouditloubut than no iiftnnuntmt Improve-ment has been made. A motionwas made and paused to the ef

pi ..ii.

Sal-vador Ootin«!l, KnWit of Colum.

I bus has been postponed until to.con-1 morrow night on account of th«

Ing the municipal officials «.i Icontinue tp make payments amifurther reduce municipal o b l i -gations to bond holders, leucht•.•;,policemen and other nlunidpulemployees.

On August 31 last, the Ouustanding tax«« due tho Towns 1:of Woodbridge was *1.799,31'3 4J.TMB amotrat flc*s not Includu tb«<S54.i40.66 light taxes also Uu,-the Township Binee tha wlimiiuutlon of the light districts.

A study of the ftatoniente showsthat the outstanding Tow^sbl<>bonds have ^««n reduced by $37..UflO sioce June 30, :nd of the

placed in circulation durlK ib<'last lBflue, |39,S2& worth WJIV re.deemed as of Settember 13.

to take the matter upCentral Railroad of New JerseyMayor Ryau laid, that he wouldtake the subject up with ih.>Shell Oil officials .

The Board of Education ro-'quested $60,000 in bondB forRcbopL purposes. Tbe request wascomplied with and the bonds or-

i-UBtodlan or fechool hinan

tiw,t m 0-idlHiWCB \v drawnXM Spentjig an* eiotrtng

T h i


The third uniuiul charity ball ofNew Jersey Chapter No. 4

iColumbus Duy, October 12, at tli«Hotel' Vine* on Ilia Lincoln High-way Metuehen.

Each (year the chapter, which

of barber shops in the Townshipin accordant with a code adoptedby the barlwr'n awMilatioii. The |barbers, Jroni Iselin, who are notassociated with the organization,are opposing the move. The re-quest was referred to the admin-

is composed of aieiii'.n'.t' ofcouncils In MlddUwix county,HponsQis ithe charity ball, in or-der W> obtain funds Lo lake civre

thi'ir ^tensive charity [irogram«rlnldf miniH|u:

.Wttfe. „..cooperating it IN exueetetf tWHoia

in New Jertey are ex-pected to in ike the ball u

Invitations have been extends!lo many of the state's leading|>ubllc figuree* and men prominentin the. KuigliU of Columbus workIn New Jersey, the greater num-ber of them having .Iready signi-fied their Intention of attending

Is Chairinin oT* tne* general toiii-

cbftiity event yvlll mark, tbeot the social season iu the

L Oill" ComtMed an page two

county for more 4han 2.000 whowill attend- v

TOlaboratB <t«coratlnns and \n-tere»ting «nt*rtalnm«nt And .thepresence of one at ihe ant*t dfti>«e

Is-' represPiiltiT

all «ontr,lbutlous for llicaft*itr hav« been received, the

maney iwill be spoortioodtbe eiKBt oounelH for the n u intheir districts to extend tbe "twin-Ing hand1' to tbe unemployed andpoverty striAen

Page 2: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc



chains Kroup Roei hark t- •B. C- In early Bom*. T',-j »•:•• *landed tOKetljer ior th" r*-n *al., . n d p u r p o ^ In <h- >*ar1,00 we have the fir,, w « ••(the guild, and in tfi* ?K.r WJO

on<- . _ . . . . . -

ownKhi l . , f i n - i . I * " '

fn rrT,mpanle<J by

. - , ,aby Boy" andHome in Ne*

" i n " e h



"The only thins that brokethe guild* finally wan weakn<*Rtrom within. But while they la»t-<:d th<-> built up many lltlnef In-ciudint i IK- Merchant Law which

even mentioned by UlackHtone


Vranu; Mr" and Mr, A. L « « return, toMr* William To'jorowsky, Mr ,ng the p»«

n Mr.. Steve 2Um«ou, Adrian »rr«t. were madeU, Young. Uouta Tom Alrt L a - l w m i t o t r | s e M , r

illiliilKoseabiuin, »- .*>• M*11-

TOlml. TTIC OUlBiailvitiF, =, . . . , .torn may b€ a severe diarrhea, iIOM ot appetite and vomiting \

2. The catarrh rortns showingtymptomn on the eyes, nose and 'lung*. There la a purulent dl«.|.charge from the eyes and noseand often « cough- I

; 3. "me nervou* Torm Is due to | 4

an irritation of the brain and (

few, uneaslneM and twlchlng ofmuscles. r

mannerIJU'ln Addrew**

Townshli) Attorney Henry Ht. <Jf,avin wae also a speaker of the

enlnic He said in part"I ilsu-ri'-d with A ^reat deal

V- Cohen Mr. and.,.._„. Nelson.

...,,» Etne! Tier, George Lucas,August K Greiner, I'anl dnkota,

X.OAIOW, Mr and Mr«-i'erna,

c o r n e r of Kahway ^ . . - ^ ^ . g ^ ' — " ^ r t . t r t ,„ .

If th* owner I s ! " * . r t t r t j» s . mnoculatinHomfind th* owner


fv<n m j yCoDtlnulnti big add rent Mr D««-

T hl year* aBo the merchant in :

• H,re in Woodtorldge Towiwhli, . W J W o o d b r i d e e w a sw, have more factlltie. than any | J ^ w n " ^ p J . T h e r e were bus :otlier city In the iiate of New Jer-j • • i n d l v i d u a i s taking,,->,. We have four railroad*, 1*0 > - ^ . ) i | i ) | n e f l g Q U l o f tOtt-n

waterfrontfl and the three most aswclation should

George Moro*. Hugo8 n d M r s . Montecaivo Mrs A l «

: Dochak and Mr- and Mr.,. Lat-

u n z l o .

C o m m i ttee Introduces

the owner u i w u-..^. .-found steps'will b* taVen by; vlou8 article »y u>nw.u.-....~Ttown»hip to tear the bolld jdOR for dliteraper by the I.aldlnw.

tnr«own »» H l« WMafe i Dunkin method. j

_, - • . ^ ^ . # v _ ThU Utter WU1 Bring[ECAREOF M To F.t FoiV. and

PETS Neuritis Sufferers

0 Only beautiful tone i> th» •pre»fnt reminder of radio n>, j o n -»ll semblance of mfchj:is fully cloaked in c«bint>s ,,•dignity tnd beauty. A moit P|, ,>ing bookcase will now brinK

cvrrytning «!»«•• « • «*»• •».not rven • knob or dial H I , , ! .,ecn when the bookcaie ii cl; ;Others m»y prtf" * e n>"Phyfe tible or the French 1,mode superb artiitry of the . 'inet m»ker. All coouin r»di..sexceptional quality and toot ucraled within.

highway, the Lincolnand the shore road.

htBh J [ ^ tflvldendB b) the! | a n k w>i c a n f l n ( J t r a C ( . s of o n lv

iiv t Continued from 1 age

mentally bufll a Cliini^e wail a-round ourselves. Woodl»rldK-Township is tin- tlilrit lartt^tcommunity in flu* county.W<* have over 25.000 people Inthe Township, filit instf-ad of nayIng \Voodl)rl<lt;(. Township, wt- say :KordB, or Isclin, nr Sevaten orwhatever the wfdlon may '.)«There IB mnr< ;irestlg^ attaohwlto a Township of 25,(K)0 than aemail section of 4,000 or v>- Wehav^ a sreat future her<; but firstViis must band toptttipr in harm-ony. Thfl talk, of a Chamber ofCommerce In the Township isfcood, but we muHt organize firstand show that we have TownshljiIntJ-rest. We niuat be like a poodband each playing a <Jtferent lu-ftrument but keeping pt-rfecttlrin- In playing tlm same tunoWe nuiHt remftmher that it is-

wealth of oi|i comiuunii) laynr-nt." ;

acted ;LS tiia-ster of(.•«reinonl("* during the evening.

•The- banquet roramittee was as: .Mr. La^er, Mrs Di-nnisMrs- Martha Zettlemoyer,Ii^rnam,*Samuel f',nr»ky

and Alex KaimarThose jiresent were: Mayor and

Mrs- William A. Ityan, Mrs. A.Nelson, Mr. and Mr*. - Hkrry .Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Lo-(,an, MIHS Ruth Wolk, Miss IreneFox, Lawrence F. Campion, GrantO. Cottft Mr and Mrs 1'red Bald-win, Mr. ftweet, Mrs .Martha Zet-tleraoy«r, John Plntok, JuliusShabsal, Mr. and Mrs. frank Len-ches-

E. L, Herger, August I' flrcinerJatk Boos, Louis Topsth<-r, Krn-

] re-organization i-utimilttee ofFords National Bank to purchasislock in the bank tfffc same as any

| other depositor At tht.' presenti timer th« Townshiii has the follow.I ins on deposit <U the institution:I Township General Account,U158.57; L-lght District No. 7

?4M.2H.I An investigation will Ijt- madei of the ;>la<)tin^ at Keasbey clayj i l ls , according to a communica-| tion received from the State De-• iiartmtut of Labor.! Tliree applications fur b, er per

nilts were received ami referred tothe administration committee:

•The> wire from Kranl: La I'arr!of Sewuren, John Ilaumgarten

of Avenel and Kdward Stalil. oFords


BY Dll. I. W. CAYDO3Hof 479 Rahway Ave., Woodbridge


Distemjur describes an .tcutediseaae peculiar to the canine raci-and caused by a specific infectionThe disease Is caused by a fill-rable virus which finds its way

"I>«'ar Sim: I '.vaff HO crippled, jwith neurltl? all down left sidi' of Inr. h.-ad and arm and both kurw;MI swollen that I could hardly gftl<•,[• iinJ down. At times my fe.-t Iiiaiiifti so badly 1 ttioupht my 'fins would break oft. I tried '*-•. 'jr>tiling. The doctor told me |1 would be .no better while 1 lived 'ht-rt- but I stopped in a (irug stor,-in Urooklyn, N. Y., one day fiMNm ember and the man in charui.-inlel me to take Krusrheii lor ",w"eks steady and I would get r>-lit-f which 1 did. N>ve* f^lt ne.l .rand al«KiK with it have liwt wviciit.I weiKhfil -tO then. Now I weighI .VI and while I'm over 5<> yrn-<iM I feel :iO. t took It for one \thhiK—got two—m> now lw\e « 'othertt here taking It" Mrs. A \ . <Carr, Ft Tilden, N. Y. ;

•|['« the little daily dose lhat jdoes It" so take a half teaspoon-fut of Kruschen In a glass of hotwater every morning before brc-akfast- Get Kruschtn at Pnblh Dni|jStore, MMn str«H, Wmtdbridfre,or any druKgist- in the world -ajar lastK 4 weeks and costs but atrifle.


"turn.sbed with tithet 10-tuh* Or h-balance superheterodyne chams»,,uk Case Model with 6mbt

\ C.-D. C. cha««» $^10-tubt A. C Model. $00


•'»?:, !t

.__ Lea4UfD t i [ BUr*


J ^*

French Commode with 6-wA. C - D . C. chawu10-rubt A. C. Model, «OO.

*55 50

Duncan Phyfe Table with 6-tubeA. C—D. C cha»»w10-rub«A.CMod«i$00.

Comt m—ifi and btar tbtm t<

LEPPER'S FURNITURE HOUSENext to Majestic Theatre'

•28:! MADISON AVE., Phone 4-2318 PERTH AMI








USED CARSAn investment policy for every pocket book the finest selection of used cars ever offered for sale.







• • ' • • • • ' : * ) ] •••,. < > * ' • '> •

• c»

This gay blade of an older day knew what

qualities to look for in a beet. He found them,

as you can today, in Feigcnspan P. O. N.







Wood. 8r(W54

1933 Chevrolet Business Coupe1932 Ford 4-cyl. DeLuxe Spt. Coupe1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe fiWheel Coach1931 Chevrolet Coach1930 Nash Series "400" Sedan1931 Nash Sedan1930 Plymouth Sedan1929 Chevrolet Coupe


This Policy insures satisfaction

Jefferson M o t o r s , ^ .160466 New Brunswick Av. Perth Amb»y

OPEN EVENINGSPhones P.A. 4-0015-16


Aathoriitd Chevrolet and Oldtmobde Dmler*wrTYTYTTTTTTTYYYTTTTTYTTXTTTXXXXXXX3

Page 3: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc




, M i

instil.iil by the Woiuati'fl Club,Woniibriiln", Will bn lit'ld. iK'xt

i-ihifniliiy S<!i>temBi>r 'Hi, fromM. lo !t P. M. tit. the

rrnttHiun'M Club- Tin: atVair will'„, in rli.i.ri5« of Uie Oanlnn Cor,.U , , , I , T win-'* is as tolluWs:

iwi-; *»IM.

uuiiiito, Mis.J0IU1tors-

Mrs. a

W.. , S ! t l . l |

Kunkin. Mrs-j . H. fiUKwt'.t, Mm-

r Mrs- Lelund Hey-

(.]• Show M primarily

»inii l)s .l (iiiiillty oftlit> Bhow la m>i

allID Wnmatt'R Chit) membors,wlio art1. tntt*rent(>(l in gardens andflowers nro invlit'd to cumiietu.

•Rules:, 1. There will \tt ho charge forentries.

2. Qpen to Woottbrldne Town-alilp residential iy.

S- All exhibits must have beengrown by exhibitor.

4. The exhibitors ar.» requiredto furnish ttoetr own receptacle*mid the club will not be respon-sible fur beiiliiiK* or loss.

5. Where only tints exhibit 1Bmutlu In any out! clas8,*-no awardwill \n: made unk-ai the judgesd«;cldu it meritorious.

6. ' Only Otie entry can he mad*»111 any one class.

(Continued on pane 10)

WoodbridgeMr. and Mrs. O«ri;e A- Dln-

liniw wild BOH, Hubert, 01 drove..venue, apent tfl« weekend atNormandy Heath. MIBB Uiitn l>os-u-n of Sewuren.minus the stay-


MII. Uicluird SWflSultuh imd MIB8 floyhle Voelker,of Moort'tttown were guesUH ot lit InsMary 1C. Neary, of (irovi! street,over llio weekend-

Mr and Mrs. A- J. Lonn *»dfamily huve relumed, to theirhome on Green street utter upend-Inn tli summer at Island Heights.

, Kd.ward Leeaon, of Grehas returned home after

en street'

AVENELThe Associated Theatre Guild

of ntndeii plans a Monster MixedMlnBtrel at No. 1 School, Woodavenue, Linden, on Hepip.m'jer 30.The cast In composed of Lindenresidents, and also a number o!

eolile from Avenel. 1'rom-'"rnPMMHMW&iaUHRlMl

Mrs. William Gerry, and thetr sonKugene Gerry, John Deegan, andslaters tins MtjaesiNormaand MarJorle Doneg&n, of Park avenue,and MIBB Hfidwtg Bererauller. TheDirector, Walter Hlclnbothem,

many surprises In

FORDSMr, and Mrs, K. T. Greene, Ivn returned from a motor trip

to Norfolk, Vii., where they have ]en upending gome time. I

The first meeting of the seasonot the Second Ward Woman's re-publican club will be held Sept-ember 21 at Thompsons Hall-

Activities for tbp tall seasonare underway for the Fords Dem-ocratic club. A recent meetingwas held at the ciub rooms onCorrlele street. In the absehce ofthe president, Mrs. Sol Bar'jarot-ta, Edward Seller presided. Manynew members were admitted. Re-freshments were served. A com-plete program of activities will heannounced at the next regularmeeting.

acted UH boHt »inn uiul c . r . and «&ld he wouldknowtienrne Yuhant' was the usher jitiem If he saw lliem again.

Following the wt-itdlnn ten- , The victim l» a cripple havliinmony a reception was held at the I iO9i one of hl« legs in a rallroailhome of the proom's parents tn | acldent wveral yeara ago- ThePordBi | money the thieves took he had

made at a christening party hvhad attended that evening. HIHviolin was hl« only means ot earn-ing a living.



• Atl ewc«tlv« wurton gt the j m e j ] l

Parent-Teachors association was!,held at the home of Mrs . E. T-Greene on Fords avenue, Tues-

AccepUng a lift from throeyoung "samarltans". proved verycostly tor Cteorge l-enky of AvenelatrMt, Avaiel. late Saturday even-Ing when be was relWved of «hundred dotlar violin and a dol-lar In cash.

Lenky, acordlng to a reportm»de by Patrolman John Govelltiwhp Investigated the case, saidthat he m waiting for a ous atthe corner of Rataway avenue andMain street around 11:30 P. M.when a car stopped and the three

In It offered to take himHe'got \n"lh'e"caf, and ln»

ttt«ad of taking him home they


Alice La Relne Shop, S. F'eiichubaum, dairy; Martin Bluleckl, me-tal dealer; Brown's Service Sta-tion; A. Topallan. WedgewoodiGrocery, C, Kenny, trucking: Ver-ionlca KowalRkl. grocery; Ross Carletta. Ideal STIO* R^p. «hop; J. A.Dale, Lone Pine Farm; Molnar'aInn; Charles Meyers, road stand;Mlltner's Service Station: Antho-ny Lello, fruit business; Laynnr'a8ervlce Station; Henry Oesterheld,oil and supply store; Alex Kalmarbutcher and grocer; Frank Camll-leri. «hoe repair, Alex- Dojcsak,Coliegetowfi store; IBwlem

day at which time plans for theseason's activities were discussed.The first refiuUr meeting will beheld on October 19 at School No-14-

A card party will be conductedby Mra. E. T- Greenetor the ben-efit of the P. T. A- on September20 at the hflVne of Mr»- C A-Larson. Card playing will begin

mentg will b<3serveo

drove him to Upper Green street,wh«re they took his violin andmoney from him and then put himout of the car.

He gave the police a good des-cription of the occupants of the


F0RD&—Miw Grace Yuhass,'fJV' daughter of Mrs. Vera Yuhasa, ot

. . . . ,. l u w iCarteret , became the bride ofminstrel, among which Is the r e"! Stephen PetercBak, son of Mr andvlval of a well known IUUBICU.1 : M r o M l n V i n p l petercuak, of" 122comedy number from the 1870's.Avenu residents who have seen

Mrs. Michaelfiornaby street, Fords. Saturdayafternoon at five o'clock- The

tin, summer a* a counsellor at a | the foregoing named In several; c e r e m O n y Was performed by Revt-amp in MassachnsetlH. ' il) laVH i n l ^ e l r l o w n . a r e welcome i rj i,. chany at St- Elizabeth Hun-

.to No- 1 School in Linden, on I', KaTlan Catholic church, Carteret.j ll S }d fMr- and Mrs. Charles M. Hagau, j September 30. Dance music will

I'ittaourgh have returned toij,,, provided during and afterMtheir home after vlBniiiB with Mr.

ami Mrs. A. M. Hasiin. of Groveuvenun


s ) , o w i,y Dot

nMiss Vilma Szabo was ma}d of

lionor and Miss Helen VetroBky. otOrchestra- New York wan bridesmaid- John

Repairing; Peter Tobak, groceriesand meats; Stephen Gyenes, but-cher and grocer: John Yurasevltchtrucking-

The leader R^gul ir



119 Irving Straet lUhway, N. J

TEL. RAHWAY 7-1800

SuppoM the unexpectedaappenat . .Will your fam-ily be protected by a MVing* account? . . . Here ittheir protection t . . . Startan account!

Detective Serneant and(leorgi- K- Keating, ofplace and son. Kdward. attended |the automobile races at Syracuse 'fair Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs S- IVmbitsky undclitldren, Ols&, Zenon and Irene,of Grove avenue, have returnedafter vacationing in the Iierkshtresin Massachusetts for two weeks.


IJ. !•'. Wrulsht, who is very well j

known in Railway and vicinity,announces that h« in planning toopen a WomaVs apparel t.hop «n15 Cherry «tn*t, Rahwuy-

The shop, which will feature Idresses and tjowns that come from :thu world's most famoutt uiorilHles, |will open on Saturday, Septeml>t'rj

"1 Can't A«ord It"The reason that some people gi*e fornot buying some necessary form of in-surance-"I can't afford it"-ia the veryreason why they need it. Do you knowwhat forms of insurance you reallyneed? We'll b« glad to tell you. Noobligation.

J. P. Gerity Insurance Co.Main Street, Woodbridge


H Thursday Night*

§1 September 18, 21

"M Uvtt Monkey Jock

jjj ' Imported from

HI AuHtlilHa mounted

Hi taut






8:30 P.M.



UNDEN, NEW JERSEYa r- i n , ( o n I A

At Edgar Rd. & Park Ave.Rain or Shine

Races Nightly QEXCEPT SUNDAY ' ^ ^



Admission - - 25

After 20 Years of FAITHFUL SERVICE

A* Greenhouse, Ine*Announces

Fall Opening SaleAt a New And More Convenient Location!


Tomorrow Saturday, September 16

TO BETTER SERVE our thousands of customers, many of whom have been steady patrons for 20 years,we have moved to LARGER QUARTERS in a more accessible part of the city.

For this great OPENING SALE we've priced ourentire stock at SENSATIONALLY LOW levels, toprove again that real styles and authentic valuesmay ba had at GREENHOUSE'S!

All the latest models are here. . . ready to put onor tailored to your .individual requirements. AndAnd don't fail to visit our new cloth coat departmentfilled with chic Fall models fur trimmed and un-trimmed at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES!

Four Good Reasons (orBuying a NEW COAT


BADGERThe lei collar,melon sb&peft1

sle«ves, and a•wf»p around

silhouette . . .nothing shortof perfect!



When w* PUMAMI A Cloth CoatDepartment, we scoured the mar-ket to find Fall's lov*lie*t •tyW»tad the chotatet w e » W *nd lurtrimmings. We succeeded! . . andpresent the First GREENHOUSECollection of Cloth Coats at pricesthat represent extraordinary va-lue . . Buy now . . buy here . . !

FUR PRICESRISING BUY NOW!EVERY day—every hour, fur?*!««*&«!& %#m • TO| •• This Webrtiawyw valuMi* which mn^ nev-er occur again. So if you ATewise, you will curtainly take thisopportunity to buy the fur coatyou've always wanted. . . As youmay never be able to get themagain at these prices!


We have SPECIAL PRICES onrepairing and remodelling, too Sotake advantage of this offer now.t-xpttt "worktawMhip 4m* onthe p«<6(nt«*»' ««4 « v«*t¥kmi MM*vice that will make that old coatLOOK LIKE NEW. Our 20YEARS' EXPERIENCE is yourassurance of tb e best. ;

Page 4: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc


The Woodbridge Leaderrf-Ever if Friday

At i n l Main Street Woodbndj^e, N. J

Clin Mail


* M»»i Edltw^Hltor


»ub»-Tlptton tVSO a Tc»r. P»T«l3)« in W t u i o t

P l m Woodbndfe 8-1416R«publlc*U'<n f»f nrwii »»d ediurtalnutter Ir, t h « column* U p*rjuH-<«"* ^r"Tt**J <r*dJt it glv«n to TbW'rt«H>ridi?« Leader. Correapon

niao» '« lupM* erf iateratlUctted, hut no «non)r»iju» kttere will be

» . * . . . M « . « « * >-* «. n»nL ?nl s«u«i»d._ h * L j K . ^ l S L K ^ i 5 r ^ j r ^ j A ^ 1 ^first reading ai Townrfiip mating

The climax came last Wednesday night

of 1933. British prices were steadier thanthose in either this country or France. This

. h e n over 10« merchant*, not only frorn* marks a drastic change from w n * U « » HIwhen o e r n . yWoodbridf* proper, jut Fords, luelin andAvenel were present at a banquet of the

d h

marks a drastic g1931 and 1932. when British price fluctua-

l i l t

Duchess County. New York, on a recentvisit to Hvde Park, is more important thansuch Btweches usually are. Mr. Roosevelt head and w«a tab" S t K ^ . n ^ J U m w a * simply OneoftMemoH.. Hoaptuj.

ated by John Brutngtoa. 49, ofVeteran*Monday

Home, Augntu. M<evening. Urmainrton

wife, Lula. was Injured about th.head and wan taken to the Hah

said that his program was simply sustained an Inlury lo her kt;<lion* were often extremely violent. ! neighborHness, and is baaed on the suppow-,

a^at.on and pWpd the,, coop .,0,, ' V S * « «•"£»*• * - * « • « • \ ! £ » ftS"*™ " ^ ••"" " " — S * " " " " " "association to make citizen awake nithts. Hi* problem u . When i has no rightand loyalty to thed

tever hurts ones neig SODALITY TO MKHTexist, that the communia) in- The first .mmtng of therun

! Woodbridge Township a better place inwhich to live.

We noticed too that the scoffers haddisappeared from the sidelines. To themwe say just exactly wh'at th-e LEADER white-collar class, will have to wait somesaid to them a year ago. "It can be done.'

will income increase in proportion to risesin the price level 7 The answer to that isstill a question mark. Bulk of Americanwage-eamere, particularly those in the

time yet before business conditions warrantany substantial advances in their earnings.

ACCIDENTS ON THE SUPERHIGHWAY The present recovery drive, as is natural,A S has little to do with those who are in the

income at all.At ft »*etin« of the Uons Clrfi of Wood- lower-brackets or haye no* * 4 1 ^ 1 ' ^h^H MIL • JV*^H ^M^mfm^Wm^mM^m1' v • * a ^ * * . . « m^ V ^ ^ vta% fk i n


;• nieht the member* took the \ Major effort is given to manufacturing M W.rtiiiK a campaign against ac-] lobs and that cannot long be done, until

y; there is stabilization of commodity costs onsection which runs through our Town-j & higher level. Costof-living has advanced

i . . 5 e c u o n * " c n r fc j materially in the past months; most mark-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 |B Accidents on "Death Vallty", as the su-j ed advances are still in the future. Septern-cotton,

are foodstuffs and other art.cles-pa*sedn e | p fmance farm relief action—went into


per highway is beginning to ^ k n o w n , a i e i w r i . ^ MW uxes on coiTHE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE i increasing alarmingly and fatalities *™ i foodstuffs and other article.. . - - ^ TOWNSHIP. - i u m g addedto the roll call of Death.

What are the causes of tnesf acciffents?] *"***•, t j " . , "•>. . ,-u • u . A i It is faulty to speak of a government re-^ a h « rt t S r ^ I i c e blotter will show I «™r, P™K™ at this time. It's a Roose-

After a thorough study of the Town- \ship's statement of assets and liabilities in'the current division for the first six monthsof 19:?:; and the statement of tWe treasurer'*'that an coums. iiureceipts and disbursements, as well as a tal accident. »wJ caused by outof state, > ^«tatPm,.nK the outstanding general and cars.tvidently.not accustomed to very good ( nart AemimtttA tn

as of June 30, 1933, we have roads in their o p i a t e s , the drivers seem.statementslight tax

Moley, play adesigned to help the Administration,

Never has the Cabinet been socome to the conclusion that theTownship to have an urge^o\use the broad expanse j s u b m e r g e d . fhe Congress is rarely heard of.of Woodbridge is in good shape and""not of the super-highway as a race track. L'n-' " ^ f y "t^VokeVmaniror'presentpoli-

to the dog8" as someagitators would fortunately, the drivers forget that jwnen 1 c i e g Jg t h e p , . e s i d e n t hirnseif. As a result,you believe. In fact, and this state- they make the speedometer go round Death

merit can be easily verified, the Township priding in the mechanic's seat. So we find

a number of nearby cities-in this vicinity. ; tye attributed**to speeamff. \ . " ,A study of the audit shows that the Town- Take another glance at the police blotter.

ship has not borrowed any money in 1933 We find that the majority of accidents hap-j

massAll members are

to be present.

pressed also the belief that the new u " ' i a ! i y ..venins »t eight oviwh ft,program is winning, said that it will be his ( he Oh«rch. After the meetinc :,permanent policy. ;*"<;•»' hou ' ' w l" b« h« ld ln ll"

He isn't through worrying yet, howver. .whoor of ^constitutionality of his two most important, ^ ^ commUnion n aNext difficulty is liable to be a test of the | a l thf. wvenpieces of legislation—The National indus-trial Recovery Act, under which codes arebeing signed and the NRA drive i« oper-ating, and the farm relief bin. Thnt phaseis being talked about in wise circles now—"Is it constitutional ?" Speculation as to theattitude to the Supreme Court justices hasbeen rife. Opinion is that four justices willkeep to the letter of the constitution. Theunknown element, X, is Chief JusticeHughes, who might vote either way.

In case Mr. Roosevelt's legislation is.thrown put by a five-to-four decision, hestill has an ace m the holeTHe eoutd callCongress, have the number of members ofthe court exteded from nine to eleven, andappoint two justices who agree with hispolitical philosophy, thus giving himself »iix-to-five grip on the court. This has beenconsidered before and presidents have al-most always appointed justices whose ideasagreed with theirs so far as governmentalprincipals is concerned.

I has given orders that the maintraffic lanes of the highway are

ship has not borrowed any money jbut has paid off obligations. It has been pen very late at night or in the early hoursmeeting all its interest and is reducing its of the morning. Now, look at the super-

hl ll l h b h i h t ight The first thing that

'any suspicious person be pioke* u?(land jroughl to headquarters!! where their stories will tx;

Lutterj ^ ^ ^ u r 2 | t w o hold-up;to; men obtained J27 from a driver!

THE CUTTER FAMILYWoodbridge was long been the home of the

notes monthly All employees have been highway at night. The first thing that | Family. Richard Cutter came from New Englandpaid up to June 30 and fire district tares ' strikes you is that there are absolutely no Woodbridge in 17"9, in company with John Pike. ^have been met so that the firemen in Dis- road lights. The only lighting is from the built what is believed to have been the first mill >" the.;- ^ a t P d bv l h etrict No. 1, have been paid up to August 1. numerous road stands, but when gradually Township, locating It on \Vooaunuge creek at what was | s a m e m e n for ln f,ach c a g e (ne

Since June 30 the outstanding Township they close down for the night there is later the Cutter and Prall dock. Richard Cutter was a „>„ w o r e capg and ansiWered thebonds have been reduced by $37,000. The'nothing left but complete darkness, broken son of William and Rebecca (Rolfe) Cutter, grandson of'same description,sum of $5,800 has been turned over to the! now and then by a speeding machine Add meJJ ^ ^ , 2 ^ , ! U S T S w ^ n T e°™ Sicounty treasurer for 1933 taxes. The Board; fog to the darkness and Speeding machines R i c h a r d cutter, |»i lie iHird gen-i Patrolman John Manton inres-l^ u expected that arrests will beof Education lias received $23,600 in cash I and the result is accidents, especially the eration, and founder of ifc* Wood-|iigated and the driver told him|made shortly.and bonds for fiscal year 1932 and > truck-car crashes which are becoming so bridge branch, married and bad that two men signalled tonim to •»$119,507.50 in cash and bonds 1933. Ar-jfrequent. .. : ^ " d ^ ^ . ^ h i ^ D "?c*Irt CuT- n ° P Afrer t h e y bOATieA t h e *w\ T W 0 H U R T .vangements have been made to turn over i The LEADER has, from time to ^ w h o marned°Aui:*5^. i:««. manded^uf* moL^The "hold-up' O n e w o m a n was KerioUst>* ln"an additional $40,000 in bonds over to thejvocated better lighting conditions on the They were the partnu <.<: E*a«>n mea w e r e described as being j u r e d a n d a i l0 ther ""ghtiy hurtBoard for 1932 appropriations. I SUper-highway for thi8 paper has felt, for a William Cutter, wto Bkmoc Man | poorly dreased. They are about; when a car driven by L«o O']>ary

Of the last issue of baby bonds, $83,000[long time, that if the highway were prop- " " T f*DX K*1** C ^ TH ° L l l t ' n r e feet e l p h l l n c h e s ln h e i 8 b t 8ge 23< of 3MJ^ avenue> New

l • - " . • ' . . -.. m*th tcnoriiinn Fn»mMi nininti —> v-0(n according to the dfscrip- Brunswick crashed into a car\If alight which was making a left turn on

Chief of Police James A- Walsh the super-highway and was oper-been re-lions would be averted. The LhADLR a- of a large ftmii/ iLciudiog a. «on.•

Virrees with the-inemb«*«-e#4h^L»na-CUib.S»iAain.Cutter iho_cvn*d s»r-[

h l d l h h i h *f ^ l ^ ? ^ " ^ S ^ t i w '?last Wednesday,deemed.

All this has been done without any out- that the state police should patrol the high- j£ ' w o o a o r i l .side help if one takes into consideration way more thoroughly, and/stage a war a- i parMtTor™* son .Hampton <i>.that there is no bank here, that tax coJ- (gainst speeders; but, the LEADER also be-! The first H*»VU>E cuiter grewlectipfts are poor and that there are not^ieves, that the accident blot on the Town- "P at the Woodtrtdse Homesteadmany-industries from which to draw rev-'ship of Woodbridge will not be erased ur i - , " °![l5i**d



enue. In passing, it might be well to note til better lighting conditions exist on the po^aTnigb1'grade ofthat one of the oldest intdustries in the super-Tiighway. ' f.i»Township has not paid any taxes since the1

second half of 1931 and the amount theyowe the Township alone would pay theschool teachers quite a bit of their salary.The audit shows that there is $1,799,313.49outstanding taxes due the Township as

Send the WholeChild to Softool/

One third of all thechildren of school ago

tion before school starts.


for your child's eyeexamination!





TEL. KAHWAY 7—2200


An exceedingly worthwhifeintroduced at the meeting of the TownCommittee Monday afternoon We re-

|un his farm, which U used, as oreilor jKtttery, ornamental tile, terrajcotta, electric and sanfctary ware,'also fire brick, and is used in car-

ordinaneei o r u n d u m ' M r C u t l e r suppliedthest clays io fire brick manufac-turers all over the country- As

August 31, 1933. There is also" $54,140.66 «hjP Committee Monday afternoon We re-ii.riTt +QV«o AUO ,«v,inv, ««„, u j n L +„ fua fer to the ordinance, which if adopted, willlight taxes due which now belong to the Jlight taxes due which now belong to the . , . „ .

S K S l " the "ehl dWriCU h!vC b e e n j ^ « r S Ud r e on which

One-of ihoitems of tmM».l<i7li>M\l±'S?J^^l ,™TtT\as due the schools under liabilities by theaccountants is a bit misleading. This a-mount, the appropriation made by the

in the Town

his ton Josiah C and William Henry grew to manhood, they werradmitted to the flrm of HamptoiT o w n

V / * iCutter.f P r!f

t e j r f ^ h e W ? ? d " WilUim H«Dry Cutter continued! b n d K e r ° f

w n s h l P M e r c h a u t s a s s o c i a t i o n hiB father s b a , i n « e »nd d e i pI ts a t t o r n e y h a v e b e e n W o r k i n g dil l - «» further over go acres of clay

> * * beds until th fi di

p p p n by theschool board, is not due yet. The entireamount is not due until June 30, 1934 and

gtently for the past eight or nine months.The purpose of the ordinance iB to pre-

vent unfair competition and dishonest bus-iness practices. The ordinance, if it be-

is distribpted over the entire year. The ' comes a law, will make it unLawiul for anysame is true regarding the amount due the! peddler, transient merchant-peddler, orcounty which is $269,795.15*. Only about] solicitor to,sell or dispose of any goods,Jl/HIOOO i d i J d t i # h d i i t h t b t i ior merchandise without obtaining a

license . * .. . . .An applicant for a license will naturally

. by the Chief of Police, as


is due in Jur\e and the balance iin December,

From the aboVe it ijaeadily seen that»-Township. i% n«t u« muah in tn« w*d J W . . ^ ^ - , ^ ^ ^ ^ - , , , . „ .-.,,„--

some would have you believe. If the To^n-| to his TnoraiJ character^ln tfils manner, 1tship keeps paying off its obligation* there % hoped, thaVthe "fly by nights'' and fak-is no doubt that it will get back on its feet. <*» will be eliminated. Then too, the so-The Township, with the rest of th)e country called merchants who engages in merchan-will no doubt feel the good effects «f the dising business with the intention of closingrecovery movement in the very near fu-'out the business in short time leaving .thetart.'. ' purchases of his articles/^holding the bag'*

jtf the articles purchased proved of iriferiorquality, will also find that the Township is

! riot the place for him.Just a year ago, the( WOODBRIDGE Too long have the merchants of the

LEADER and a small gr$up of Woodbridge Township displayed the patience of Job.merchants got together and discussed the T n e r e h a s b e e n t o ° much unfair competi-advisability of starting a merchants' a sso- l t i o n f r < ) m o u t e i d e concerns whQ*end theirdfltion. It was felt that, some Rort, of w j r a n . I representatives from, door to door peddlingized group was necessary to protect t h e l t n e l r w a r e s > teking the bread and butterbusiness interest-of the community A t ; a w u y * r o m - t n e m e r c h a n t who does his ut-firat we found a number of scoffers in our - ^ he.!P h i a municipality, -^midst. We N-iler'e told that it just couldn't1 T h e o r d l « a n c e comes up for flnal hear-be done, thfti nam«p»tt» *u©h wgaauationii1 l n g o n September 25 and it is believed thathad been attempted in the Township and f* W t t t p a s f f w l l l l"u i- aT I7 opposition,all h ^ , failed after a few months. In fact'some merchants said we would last iexact-ly six months, if not less.

/ However sure of our ground we decidedto go ahead. The LEADER came out withi*wi pag» story

ld ba-m««tHtgM i i

y g «tHtgbe held at'the Memorial Mirnicipal

"fioers were elected and achine put into existence.

And. while the softens stood at thelines waiting for a chance to aay, ."Iyou so", the workers went ahead to acplish things. A, shop jn Woodbridge c



Happening, that Affect the Dinner PaiU,Dividend Checks and Tax Bills of EveryIndividual. National and International

t only^untryworking ma-. that M experiencing the trend toward re-

Covery, During the second quarter oflf t^ th k d

y g quarter ofthere was a marked upturn in com-

i ... ^ v f th )d

JBWJfftKft8Stt^y t , o t n #ie theatre parties and a geHo-gethejr cardparty were held, not as profit making ven-

wording to a survey made by the Councilon Foreign .Relations. Mqst importantadvances have been made in UOB country,Tn France—the sole major nation left onthe gold standard—and in Great Britain

tures but to acquaint the people of the'whose managed currency policy lias beenTownship with tU organization The high-.#ie controlling factor i th i Oth

q p aaged currency policy lias beenTownship with tU organization. The high-.#ie controlling factor in the rise Otherlight rf the season was the sponsoring of .countries to'show advancement include:

^fl| t l t ddl d) Ag p g untes toshow advanc«n ^fl||iance to regulate peddlers and) Australia, Canada, Austria,

include:m, Ger-

beds until the firm was exceeding-ly well known In th^ clay andfirebrick industry throughout theUnited States. H« was deeply in-terested in the welfare of the communiiy. ID politics he was an in-dependent, and in religious faitha Presbyterian nerving the Wood-bridge church as a trustee-

He warritd Sarah R. Darron,•daughter of Samuel and

Barron, olof

children, Hampton (2) and

Thfc present Hampton Cutterwa&. .jduca-ted In. prime .schoolii,ttUndiog the ingree PreparatorySchool, »f Klizabeth, graduatingin the class of 1890 andPackard Commercial School,New York City, graduating in theyear 1891. He Immediatelygaged in business T»ith his father.whom ta« succeeded In thetelng now the eoie owner, and hcontinues to operate th« Originalclay mines on an extensive acale,using the latent Improved meth-ods. He i» director In the AlpineCemetery Association, served onthe Board of Education for .si\years and served on the Board ofthft Rarrnn IJhjary aaaoclailunand the board of trustees of thePresbyterian church.

Armed BanditsHold-up Bus OnRoute 25 Here

P*l*enger. ~~ S*con« DU«h l d <lurq|g month.

fhe second "bun hold-up withintwo weeks occured at 1J:2O Huu-day morning wheti two armed ban-dits held up a N#wark-New Bruna-'wick biiB of the Public Bervice onthe 'juper-hlghwajr uear HoorFarm road.

The basalt* relieved the driver,Joh.n of S7 George road,New Brunswick, of J16 40 andfrom Miss Rose Rwyno'lda, of288 Academy street. Jersey City,the only passenger ou tae bus,they took a ring valued at ' 920,two dollars in etu i and somevaluable uap«rs. '

I(sotte story goes)

slept ftr twenty years......a savings account

meant nothing to himiui it DOtS io those

tlonaittanlcKAHWAY, N. J.


Page 5: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc



IN GRUDGE TILT ~'" " ' ' D"i Pftv" Rusznak leads Legion by pitching two-hit ball—' ' ' . / . . i ._!.„ - _ - t —A..n<l A,,t\*i fnr Wood-

efty Ru»znak leads Legion by p tMike Mesko take* care of moundbridge A. A.

ing twodutie* for Wood-

LEGION SETTLES GAME IN FIRST<v\w mythical championship of Woodbridgq .proper was

w01 , bv the Woodbrirjge American Legion when they de-L l the WoodbridRe's "fighting Irish'1 otherwise

At Local Bowl

the Woodbrirjge American Legion when t y, L l the WoodbridRe's "fighting Irish'1 otherwise'0Wn as the Woodbridge A. A. at the Grove strfeet dia-

S d afternoon The final score was 7-1known as w e W O O U U I I U K S n. n. «t *^ « . « . - -

m o m l Sunday afternoon. The final score was 7-1.• •lefty1' R<"«snak i>'tR"ed l w « "

M t linn" «ame for the Doufibhoys.Mlh,. McHko. who attended to tht>,,,mlml duties for the Urownles,,.,,.,1, (1 ituMiiaJi of a shlitout in..ho HfVi'iitli stanza when ho BIUK-

Tiiirtt-i'ii hits were chalked upii"iiiii!U Mi-sko. "Jiulgu' Oerek,io1Vy hitting outtieider tor tht,j(.nion, ltd the attack with fourlilis one uf 'thorn a double. In ad-nltlon \w IwUUdJUl two ot the Leg|,,li runs. IK-'liWey l»auus«a *-..Cw.),Uft out of rive trips and ulaosont In a couple of runB-

•I'hroo errors on tfie part of theA. A. proved very costly to theoutiU iflcrtko witt) his single andCumpion were the only two play-TB in th« Brownie contingent that

live RuMiiak's

Monkey JockeysTo Appear Twicea Week at Linden

Australian monkeys to perform Monday and Thursdays at Union KennelClub greyhound races.

Th« phenomenal and s«nsntion-(Ul success ol the monkey grey-hound races at the Linden trackhag enabled Manager Kdrjle Rob-erts to pull off u master strokeand from .now an th« monkey

Johnny Hannon Cops Fans'Choice Daih after HardStruggle.

Ilob Sail, of Paterson, wa« thewinner in the (IIteen mile finalat the Woodbridge speedway Sun-day afternoon, defeating a largefield- of gasoline jockeys in 14:minutes, lig and 3-fc-»*towia. Therace Htarted with Johnny Oerber,who turned the be t qualifyingtime in the time trials, at poleposition. Sam Palmer a newcomerto the Woodbridge track but acrack driver was second, Sail wasthird followed by McKenile, Huunon, Insinger, Tabor, Zlegenthaler,Wes Johnson and Shorty Drexler-

Although Hwiuon started in[Man la a, «^rt time hehimself up to the lead

holding that position until awheel dropped off hU "buggy" inthe back stretch and he was forc-



Johftny Berber's pet pig's nanvban been changed to Fannie. YouHee they discovered it WBB a sheInstead of a he.

Remefiiber Wild Bill Cummlngs.He ran away with the races atSyracuse last Saturday.

And once again the Barrons,come tp the forefront. FVir the1033 Football edition ol theWoodbridge High School has ex

Final score 4-0.cided mythical title ofTowiuhip.The Fords FjeM Club shut out

the Wood bridge Amorlcan Legiontn a game to decide the mythicalehamtlonthlp ,of WoodbridgeTownship, held at Perth AmboyCity Stadium Sunday night- Thefinal score was 4-0.

Mike SUuar't, the Fords pitcherstruck out eltaven batters. The

Game de- Coach Kirkletki hat nine Vanity veteran*. — Teai well Practice fame may be h«ld to

Woodbrldge High Schoolceedlngly bright prospect* before

" '

fifth iworked

Coach Frank KlrkVeskl hasnine veterans- He has a good

second wkrders drew first bloodIn the Initial stanza when Hre-howslk smashed a double downthe third base line, stole third

high fly by Hysonon a

oach Kirkletki hat nine Vanity veteran*. Team ping up well. — Practice fame may be h«ld tomorrow.


Football practice has started in earnest .for the 1938edition of the Woodbridge High School football Squad. OnMonday sigtial practice was held. On f uesday blockingdrills, tackling and punting were stressed. Scrimmage washeld Wednesday and was to have been continued yester-day, but rain spoiled Coach Frank Kirkleski's plans.

K ""* jT!» U h 0 «* h freshman™^le

, J » K £ m h ""I* jT!»Uh0«*h « f r e s h m a n . ^ttTJSSt uTZ v«r P V.A" »w»»taii of being a Rood footballtne backfleld this year. Is Kltk- , KlrklertPs ptans «t i>re*-le.kl'i best bbcklng back. Frank \» { t f o r m , r e r t m a n t<fRmJost who made the alls ate team I B B d w h o n t n ^ d h

Itlti uiwii l u u i , , _ .

ed out of the race. During. thefeature Chick Tabor Joined the"fence busters'' but escaped unin-jured. The event ended with Sailcoming in first, Sam JPalmer, sec-ond and Johnny Oerber, third.

Johnny" Hannon however bro-iht home the bacOn in the Fans'lolce Special Dash of five mlloe.

had the'pale tasit}pn Io)lowed

nine veterans- He has a gooa|» r u n

backfleld, two very husky tackles, brougnt in i , ^cording to me coaci..

and bljr ploughth

Jost, who made the allatate team l^JiVhon theylast year, and who calls signals - — iIs shaping up well, Jost tips thescales at 170.

White, according to the coach,.—i— »_j

good enoughthey wUl beand bljr plough th«y wUl

switched to the vantty- Over 40[boys are practicing daily at Pariah

H l lboys ar pHouse Hall.

ehave put In

d bhave put In a good hayesterday, but old man rain

| d It ll Hoiwever the boysled the

JUIIW1-UB.J, ....... ~.« —... . m a k e it 4-0 fored it all. However the boyaare all tlgent.set for the South River game | „ 'which will open the Beason on i awe>!". ""M """"•; —"September 30, two weeks away. n e " w " n t w o 8 a f e U e »- DametschKirk h sure that the > Barron a n d B<*»»r w « e t b e o n l y V8*1™

will do things to the , m e n t 0 8 0 l T e Btuwt'B pltchfng.

ouse Hall.\ t »«»ent, KtrkVeskl Is endeav-ing to arrangePa 1"?r1W!tte31'jr1nne

\ t »«»ent, KtrkVeskl Is endeaoring to arrangePa 1"?r1W!tte31'jr1nne(or tomorr'ow to help groom hi*boys for the South River game,which although the first game of

i the most Important

T " Doughboys seWefl ttown to Jockeys will perform ^ i c e each

River outfit.

sley came noniv «"e •• •— -- —Ihe Fords con-' Nat Cacclola, brother ot Captain lwnicn aunuuRu iu« ...... „

Cacelola of the 1930 team, a.nd the season Is the mott Important.Toth are at the guard positions, Coach BUI Denny of Souh Rlv«rwhile Kurutift, Balog and Huttman|has announced that he has a fast-are ln the backfteld. ler team than ever although he

Karnas, catcher of the baseball |lost Shlnn, te all state tackle, byteam hag been working out and graduation-

Vy H.nnon and Gferber. The le*dbetween Sail and » , changedfive times with Hanson

IL powerful hitting spree. At thedid ol the franw they had col-li>cU'd H three run le.Jl over tli«lrrivals*. Another [>j;lon runnercrossed the home plate In tho sec-ond al11' '« t'lfc s ' x t h another spivebrought jn a pair of tallies.

In the seventh lnnlns the Legionb t th Woodbrldfce

day evenliitja^—until the summermeeting ot the I'tilon Kennel Clubcloses.

madeA. A

it 7-0 but theauecocdpd In u run-

ner home to prevent their oppo-havins the honor of a shul-

t put Linden.

out.The scores:

Linden.Since coming Kaat, the monkeys

have shown fifteen times eight atMlneolu and seven at Linden—

d f ne

Hem'k, f 1just, lbDumetBC'li, 2 bZ,llai, asDunham, libUelaney, It .-.Uodnar, c

jylesMck, rf -•KiiaisiiBk, p-'^

1 t 7 )

a l l




The antics of the importedAustralian monkeys in the s«l-

have sont a genuine thrill

Fords F. Cab

•gathering a B<HH1 ^ » ^

T d . the d^tance'Tn Rmr minute40; and 4-5 seconds .

d,,H have sont a genuine thrl.l j Johnny Gerber won t h e j .?

eight speedy greyhounds groundthe compact quarter mile track

TO FIGHT FOR TITLEAT NEWARK MONDAYNewark, the metropolis of New!

Strenk, lb __; ..._ 4|Nesley, cf SMesko, If 3

jMilchlck. if 3Myers, c 3 0 2Stuart, p 2 0

Totals ^ , 27

WoodbrWIfce American


0i 7


ab...2second and Sam

took the secuiiu ">=".•• « - n - i « »,„.,,the distance tn four min-1, J e r s ( .y fistLana, Is prepared t » , J o a t | l b 3

utw 52 and 3B seondH- Harr l81Ptage it-s biggest middleweight Mitroka. cf 3Insinger of Philadelphia was B ^ ; , n a t c h a l n c e the days when Mickey Dametsch, 2b •»ond and Harry Zegenthaler » i i « , . i i , a r ' u , . hatillnt his way to 7il«l RH -•>Dayton O-, third.before a total attendance of near - l D a v t o n u'. l l l u u >

ly 150.000 people and the custom-1 The smallest man on the track,ers show no luck ot Interest' Shorty Drexler was the winner ofwhen they are udded to the pro- | t n e l n l r d b e a t ' H e CTOtS*f t h e

• • ->._._ . ,„„!„, . line ln 4:56 -.1 after working histhey are added t pa* proved in their final ap from fourth position. Ta-

YYULRCl noo nuLw.r, . ,

world-wide fame, when it presents . jjelaney If iTeddy Yarosz, the Monaco Dagger Dunham, 3b "Z"Z Z~Z. 3Thrower, and Vince Dundee, out- kukaaiul, it 1

g claimant for the title, at j } 0 ( j n a r c 2J "" M"lwW ovon- Barton,'p I I Z Z I I I I 2


A. A


ufl^i. r^t^n^d on$2.00 option tickets


won by Doc McKenzl,ton. Pa, Ken Fowler rode bsecond and Milt Marion of St. Al-b»n», L- I. WOT third..The time forh ip:5:1

b»n», L- I. WOT third..the distance was ip:5:1-

u 0I U0 0u 10 10 0a 00 0

l>ald out on the first greyhoundpast the judges box which produc-ed the wildest excitement amongst

holders of the winningethe luckytickets.

U. Gerity.'ssMullena abJs- Keating;, cfJk. Keatiag, rf _ 4Campion, c .4M«sko, p _... IIJ. (iorlty, lb ItDunn, lib 3Jordan, if „.:!

Totala 31 1Runs batted in—Dunham (2 | .

LMoney(2). Jost, Oerek (2). Mes-|rouieQ me n i . p n . r . .ko. Two-base hit Uelaney. Tim* 10 0 Sunday night at McHoseUhw hit—Gerek. Stolvn baaea — grounds In five innlngB.Ihiiitiaui (ierek (2) JoBt, Zllal. 2 | Tbe Firemen gave up at the endliases on balls—off Rusznak, 1;, of the fifth stau,za and decided tooff Mesko, 1. Struck ou t—-By call it a ulght.ItiiHznak, 6; by M«sko, 5- Hit by The scores:pitcher—By Mesko (Jost). Double ...Mohr'a Coal and Ic*>play—Dunn to Mullens. Lift om ab r hbuses --Legion 1; A. A.,4. Umpires "Lattal, ct 4 1 flP. Damestch. A. Mlnkleffr '.Swltzer, If , 3 1 (1


Simon, as ...Pollock, pBllka, cVild, fbRader, 2 b


HOIJELAWN.--»BlaBting out tenhits in an abbreviated game,Mohr'a Coal and Ice baseball teamrouted the Hopelawn Fireman, 12

gram an proveu m men nmu » r u lpearance at Mtneola last Saturday ™f «» n ^ ^ r ^ ^ . ^ ing. T h e W V e i r Mcand on.e •»before a- crowd- of 120 000 and ta'f J h»»^consolation wa, | scheduled, tor ten rounds and Ills'heir last .howIng at Linden on D o c M c K ^ o t M d ) n g . estimated by Matchmaker Babe|

Monday when 9UU0 people attend- „'_ „„„ „ „ „ , „ rnrtfl h o m e Cultnan that close to 20,000 per-1 -

The iHkythe winning T LIntltin continue to be strong

1 piagnat to draw crowds when theli 1 nioniteys are not on the program

high an $56.00 having been


...3j v u u c -~ ••

Pfelffer. 3b ».Mohr, rf • ^_ __

Totals. 28 12-Hopelawn Firemen

- • a-b x

Kunick, If - 2 IF. Kam'skl as * »T Sabo, lbA. Kamski 3b —^J. Sabo, 2b -u 1Oregowitz, c *-,.- 1Hedlgar, cf \

r[ 1


Sail within 66 points of popular Johnny Hannon.—IraHall 100 points behind Sail. — Keen rivalry betweenleaders.

PLAN MYSTERY DERBYJohnny Hannon, the Conshohocken darevil will

have to be up and doing from now on if he hopes toJJ1 gather the lurels of victory in the race for the metropol-o'.itan championship this year. A short time ago Johnny1 had a comfortable lead in the race ot the metropolitan0 championship but that has shriveled up to next to noth-

ing now;-esumuieu JJ ...» Bob Sall> in particular, has cut in on the lead until to-cuitnan that close to 2o,ooo per-1 ; — : I day following his victory in the last Woodbridge featuresons win wend their-way into c ewrmatad by Cuban' be ia^thin 66 poiittB of Hannon, And close behind is Irat r b i ^ r n u S a S " T K ' * ^ ™ i l i o T e X i o S Ball, who might have been closer had he been a morestate in five" years I Monday ev«»in«.with mara.. than. regular competitor at Woodbridge this year. As it is he

Yarosa, wnner otahe first bat-1'1 0 0 0 0 already ln tne coffers- 1 iar third abeut 1D0 points behind Sail.

DTamland' Park on

Totals ...26 0 2

-,1 State in uve yenio.0 ' Yarow, wnner o t t h e first bat- » 1 0 0 0 0 a l r e a a y l n w w c "" v l ° - | is u i u u ou«« k . . „ r _1 tie conducted In PiUsburg, con- In hostile ierrltory and fearing ' N e x t S u n d a y ' g m e e t ttt the n l n M l „,„„„ ," rj'I fidently predicts that he will that the decision may go against Woodbrldge Speedway Is the one Xriv«-r«nrt with« H™PU mil Dundee this time, and him if the bout Bhould go the llm- l n w n l c n Hanndn will have to put ; " * „ * " , . „ „ ;


tiefidently predicts that he will that , h e decision may go ag Woodbrldge SpUway Is the

3 knock out Dundee this time, and him if the bout should go the Urn- l n w h l c n H a < n J n w i U h a v e t 0 put0 Vlnce, maintaining that he was It and be close, YaroBarwlll be down a heavy toot if he is to ! ! I ! „ „ » !2 "robbed" of the first decision, striving early for a knockout. His maintain hla lead. The runners-up "h* Uade|.8

j botdly declares that \\ will be ha known desire to wade Into Dun: are in the races with him and the , l t .g another renresentativfl fieldg h will do the kayolng if any Is dee and the latters' willingness to irishman cannot afford to lake Which will fac« Starter "Doc"

ot even one like hewhodone.

w l l l undoubtedly enter «,,ou,d make t U t a u ^ — o n . l o s t ^ n d a y w h e n j blew a




j There,the

l 0

. I d .

n r ythere is a

0 orltes are decidedly reluctant to-0 wards leaning to either.0 For the past ten day saateady0 advance haa been in evidence at

f l l t headquarters

.Asliland, Ore.—ltay Spencer, lo-

cal stockman, proudly exhibits a Ut-ter of 20 piglets which belong to onelets which belong

save one of the letterbl to find a din

there .frommilepre-

axe getting

0 advance ima u n u MI «..-^0 th downtown Hglit headquarter*, «>w- • » s a T e , o n e <•« "« >^w

_ located at Market and Washington thrived. «nd were able to find a din-

S Hannon john Zone w,ho wants to do thin forIowa Farmer has cut a wide pathin the Woodbridge races Blnce he

h d camped out on thein the Woodbridge races Blncecame here and camped out on the


* ^ — — locatedTotals .: 14 0 2 streets opposite L. B

=>r and n e r 8|)<lt'

Great MysteryDerby

^ - 1 0 LAPS —Anothor Curley luitovktion

The First Race of Its Kind







2 streets opposite L. Bamberger and n " »!'"'•


there are those 'who predict thatbefore long new records will be

d f th arious standard disbefore long new records will bemade for the various standard dis-t of the races



g Instructions

theuesiaee IDIB sei ot rucus, wuiuu

brings in the beat there is in the1 land, -Promoter Jack Curley win1 Introduce another new feature.The flucceM of the Fans' ChoiceSpecial has caused the promoterto dig up new events, one differ-ent from the other, for evreySunday.

This time he baa arrangeda nice, which he has designatedag the "Mystery Derby". It's amystery indeed, tor not even drl-VMB or o.fUcl&la4 know any,of theconditions ot the Abhteit, • *^l»eonly thing that is known of It lathat It will be United to 1 Wnilleflj but Just what the otl.;rknown ttfitll three nrlnutm li*lt>»t»post time, or just as the drlveiipqualifications are wlll not M>are sent {a the 11a | to do theirpar In. thii Luteit limoynH^n of b,w ,Curley mind. ;

"The Great Mystery Der'jy*', a s .Track manager Harry VuiiHivenmtta ifVIH dyne tor h*a MCCOWNV

ffiri solutldtflf the race turnK otilaB Interesting, excltlug and thrill-Ing as was that three-cornered"FaiiH Choice Daah", which waswon by Hannon last Sunday,wheel length in front of Hob S•who was a length .in front ofJohnny Oerber.

The entries have been pouringln fast for the coming Sunday's;meet and from them wlll comethe drivers who wtjl take part ln

'tnty*B aiW^flf^ ttttf*?' Deslttoo"~muBW, Ball, Gerbfr nndClark, Shorty Drexler has weighedIn with hlB entry and no has»»DooMacKepiile, who seems to h livefound himself now and racing ui>to the standard of which he la CUM-uble- Vernon Orenduff, baft re-covered foiii hip Injuries he In-curred at Rhlnebeck a week agoand will be In rfvlth that fastr^wb tri drtv here and so will Dw h o . HftUUilfi Lo

it the likeable Ulfte Johnnv _ „.e-vnaon. wh» has b*4 his *b*w dfhard luok this year- _

As usual, « » tfrfi trta»f>jj»l]start at l ' P . % # » is •«*«"to (et th« rues <WWM.4« «Ntor tQ)«t Ufor a* «?ty 4l»»w.

Page 6: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc




HOPEKAWN. Tfio ttoKirc Company tinned lw»forp !hi'Amhoy pout-offTc^ nine Sundayaffprnoon at thp Hopc»«rwn f'xrk 'Held. The final »cor« was 10-7;Mrnon and Hettlter iild thflrhp«t for Itle* flrcinpn with IwnrKith In four trip*. Dtxon and Sn

led the way at the v>late-


Between ENBBOKiK' K l l l . ^ l S ' !AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ..( HI- mllela, a New Jerwy corp»rmi"ii. >>-<upiulnsnt, and FREDERKK « TlluMAH, el ul . defendant* Vi. (•"*. I rthe u l « of murtganed premise I it. '1A-Jgust 7. 1933.Hy virtue of the almn> <•:.(•( * m

to me directed »nd ilehvttfd. I <*-'l

WEDNESDAY, l i l t : JTili DAY 'irSEPTEMBER. A. U., N W R 1 K D

HUNDRED THIUTY Tlll.KKat two orlix-k Htundaid Tirw iti ili»afternoon ot the said 'li*y »t th.' . li*r-Iftii Office In the City nt N*» Brmin-wick. N. J.

All the following .trnrl or pun-'-l ofUnd and premise ln-reiniifter pnrtnulBrly described, sltuMi-, lylnK an'* •'*-ini In the T'iwiwhl|i nf W-xibriilK*.In the County of MliMle,"-*. and Slateof New Jersey: niirt more fully dencrilj-e«i on a certain map entitled Map ofproperty belonging to Rmllu Associates.IDC.. 4'tuated In loelln, WtiixltjriiiKPTownship, Widnie** Cmmty. New Jer-sey, March, 1923. ma<le by Larson unitFui , Civil Engineer*, 175 Hmlth street.Perth Amboy. New J erwy. wtilijimap has been herftnfoi-e filed In theOffice of the Clerk of Middlesex Countyand which lots aii> known and designat-ed on said map a* Lots Twelve (L2)Thirteen 113) and Fourteen HI). BI<K>I<437-E with the buildings (iml itnprove-mentfl thereon erected.

The approximate amount of the de-cree to 1>« HAtlsfled by said sale In themim of three thousand iint hundredand ulnHy one dullnrn and ninety-two

S3,191.'J2> t..ireltier with the


OF SETTLKMKNT OFAll periOtts concerned may lako

nntlce, that the Subscriber, Exe-etiior etc., of Paul Kalnka, deceas-ed, Intends to eihibtt bin final ac-count to the Orphan's Conn forthe County of Middlesex, on Fri-day, th« J9th day or September,1933, at 10 A. M., Daylight Sav-lnp Time, In the Term of Septem-ber, 1933, for settlement and al-lowance; the game being first aud-ited and stated by the Surrogate.

Dited. August Ifith, 1933.LEON JEQLINSK1,



BUIL.DINU AND LOAN AWHJUA-', T1ON, Cumplalnint, and r.UISKl'l'h\ GUILIANO, et ills,. Defendants. Ft.i Fa for the Bale of nufrtgHKi'd prcm-: Iws, dated July » . 1933.• By vlrtire of the above slated writ,to me directed and delivered, I willexpose to sale at public 'vendm. on


HUNDRKT) THIRTY THREEat two o'clock Standard Time In theafternoon ol Ihe said day at the Sher-iffs Office In the City of New Bnn.Hwick. N. J.

All the following trad or parrel olland and premises hereliiaiter piirtlru-larly described, nltiiaie, lying and he-i«a in th* nr.r.inrh nf ^niiih Plainfleld

and State

Mgaln parnllel with Plalnftelcl »»enu-100 feet to » point: thence runnln,mirthtrestflrly «lnng the easterly l l [hof iwlmore mrenue;, 60 f««t to the pom.and place of BEGINNING.

Kail lots being known ns andnumber* Eleven (11) and Twelve ifcp ffilMtk ' B" w> shown and laidnn n map entitled Section TwoPlainflftld Terrdce, Situated at SoPlalnflfrld. Middlesex County, ;\Jersey. Surveyed May. Ifll7, by F ADimham-Clarln Company. C. F... ,,|plsinfleld. N .!,, and which map h;,.Iwen (lied In the office of the Clerk ,•<the County of Middlesex.

TOOEI'HEH with all the right, tit••-and merest of the parties n[ the i.isipArt In and to the land lying in fromof the same to the center line of Deimore avenue, subject tn Ihe servitudeof Ihe publli' therein for \im as a pnh

sra is, t

11,0 i,1V(. Mi.nkt'.v Jockeys ;il the (ireyhauml rates at the I'nion Kenno! Club track;uv so popular that tht'.v will appear two nights a week—Mondays and Thursdays^

<ir tin-Tin-

()ffic<- ( I d i

Together with ail and singular therights, privileges, hereditaments andappurtenances ther.eunto belonging uiIn wiywls* ivpcrtalnlng. .^

•• »•»•<. U t A N Ur-'XET.Sheriff.

gIMON L. FISCH, S(jlic(tor.J21.84 , ft-9rn-l,8.15.22

ab,\nd<'r^on. II) 3Vance, c 4Diron, If ' 4Brown SB 4Fanek, V ...._•... 4Chizrnadia. Sb ...'...'Z!tPlofkowskl. rf. _....4Hwlkler. 2b ..." 4

T l l

1 2n ia 3


3 22 31 2

Sitb'»," ss -Korhek, Sl>Hettizer. lbNikovttF. IfMojeski. p ...Novak, cSatarlo. 3b ...

._.. 4. 4





0 southerly line of Woodbridge Avenue,„ fifty (50) feet to the point or place„ of Beginning." Known and designated as Lot No.1 1 169 on the map of land at Sewaren0 | Park New Jersey.a I Being the same premises conveyed

! to Joseph Elnhom by warranty deed0 i of Joseph Lukacs and Kati«, his wife.

- '• dated June 22. 1928. and recorded inI the Clerk's Office of the County of

Middlesex, In Book 849 of Deeds, cm

; IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY -Between AGNES SIN HORN. Com-plainant and JOSEPH EINHORN,Defendant Ft. Fa. for the sale of

I MIDDLESEX COBNTV OKFHANS'i ~ OOUKTi In the Matter of ^ On FetiUon t; the Estate o, Bob- | * - y « -

ert C, thompson, { ORDER TO, deceaaed. J SHOW CAUSK.I Eliiabetb Fichter, administratrix ot, U»e estate of Robert C. Thompson, de-|• ceased, n»ving exhibited under oath a,, true account of the personal estate andI debts of said intestate, whereby It ap-: pears that the personal estate of tire

said Robert C. Thompson, deceased, IsInsufficient to pay his debts and re-qUfiSttnj! the aid of the court in thepremises.

It is thereupon on this 28th day ofJuly, 1933, ORDERED that all personsinterested in the lands, tenements,hereditaments and real estate of theMid Robert C. Thompson, deceased, ap-pear before this court at the CourtHouse In the City of New Brunswickon the Thirteenth (13th) day of Octo-Iber, 1933, at 10 A. M.. to show causewhy sit much of the said lands, tene-ments, hereditaments and real estate ot,the said Robert (.'. Thompson, deceas-ed, nhcmld not be sold as will be sufTir- ji«nt to pay his debU. !

It is further odered that this order behe Woodbridge Leader,

feet southeasterly of the intersection of (13.788.18), together with thesaid .easterly line of Delnwre avenue this sale.and the southerly line of Flalnfteld Together with all and singular th,.avenue, as shown and laid out on n rltjits. privileges, nertdiUtnenu amicertain map hereinafter more partlcu- sjjiurtenaiices thereunto belonging oihrly described; thence running north If anywise appertaining.

md parallel wltil Plalnfieldi AL*AN rl, flILT.

Seaster'y "and"1"parallel* with McDOHOUOH and McDONOUOH,.Deimore avenue, SO feet to a point; flolldtomtienc* running southwesterly and 134.44

DINE-DANCE-Enjoy Yourself!!



TO: Ezrlel Horowlti anil LenaHorowitz, hie 'wlfe:-lly virtuii of au order ot tilt

Court ol Ctuncery t>i Nuw Jerne>niudf on the 2^rcl duy ot Augutil,A. 1J. iy;ili, in a tatine wh«ruln HieCitlunlft Ittmdinu: Id. Loan ASBOCla-tion, u iody ctirporate ol tht Stateul New Jer.scy, Itt complainant, andWHU-in A. Uuvis t t ux, t l all i\rn

you are required toand ttubwer thb bill ot salil

rijiii|ilai[iiiiit on or before llui 24thday o£ Dctober, next, or Die saidbill will be taken ixs..(jainat you.

The Hald bill h tiled toii c m u u i morlgaBfc made by Wil-liam A. Unvla and Anna .M IMvia,

and recorded iu tht- MiudlesexCounty ,Clerk'B Office on Suyleitt-li«r ZBiJA2K In book 67/B ol inorl-

' a4 10 mMop-lawn Fi»e Co. (7)

ah r h. cf 5 1 v l

Larson, pf 4 2 2

premisn dated August 17, 133a.1

By virtue ^1 the above stated writto me directed and delivered, I wilt ex- on a map of land known as Sewarenpose to sale at public vendue on Park New Jersey Said lots being 100

1 WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH HAY | «*< <* t h e n o r t h a n d w U ti

h a " d 1 0 °OF OCTOBER, NINETEEN feet °n the east and weat, bounded us

HUNDRED THIRTY-THREE follows:t two o'clock Standard Time in the! On the North by Robert Street; on

Texas Univenily NowHas "Sleeping Course*'

Austin. TCXHS.—For students whoare "tired mid rundown" at theUniversity <>f TPXBS there Is thecourse labeled "8leeplng P. T."they enn tako the "I*. T." stand-Ing for "physical training."

The cUiHsrooui Is fitted with cotson which pupils lie for 30 minuteseach class period.

"The course Is simply a periodof rest and recuperation for stu-dents urinhlp to take strenunus ex-ercise," H. N, Kkduhl, the Instruc-tor, said.

ALSO ALL that certain . ,eated in the Township of Woodbridge,; six weeks at least once fn

u » v known «fttjL >4AflcrUHM> "* V°u i Judct . . .

<>• » • Nu- '«• No' ^ » d N°' ^ • ' a ^ . ^ O N ^ O L L Y ,Surrogate.


Surrogate,fit- 8m. 11, 18. 25, 9m. 1. 8.

WLere to Spend a Pleasant Evening

afternoon of the said day, at the Sher-On the North by Rober ;

the Eaat by Sewaren. Avenue; on theS t h b L t N 122 d n theiffs Office In the City of New Bruns-

wick, N. J.ALL that certain land and premises] .

located in th« Township of Woodbridge, VCounty of Middlesex and State of NewyJersey, known and described as fol-

BEGINNING at a point on the South-

South by Lot No. 122, and on theWest by Lot No. 120.

Being the same premises conveyed towarranty deed of


from the point of Interaction of said \\V*

"rded In the Clerk'i Office in theCounty of Middlesex, In Book 832 of

rhundred and

_ Street,running thence southerly and parallelwith aald Bridge Street, one hundred

< and fifty (160) feet to a point; thencerunning westerly parallel with Wood-

. bridge Avenue fifty (GO) feet to a point'. thence running northerly and parallel; with Bridge Street, one hundred andI fifty 1150) feet to the aaid southerlyi line ol Woodbridge Avenue; thence

running easterly and along the aaid

($747.77), together with the costs ofthis sale.

Together wlh all and singular thetights, privileges, hereditaments andappurtenances thereunto belonging orIn' anywlst appertaining.

ALAN H. ELY,Sheriff.


$39.4S 4t-9m-8,15,22.i»t

gages on p^gea &&4 ttx!,property known and designated a.jl o o 39. 40 and 41 in block 1 ona certain map entitled, "ltevibeu1

map o£ Colonla Hills, Colonla,New Jersey, property of tlie Corp-oration ot Colonla, October, l U i t ,Ku.nk.lin; M&rah, Surveyor, whichaald map wan duly filed in the of-fice of the Clerk of MiddlesexCounty on the 15th day of. Ja.iu-ary, lttlT, as map number 8^S,which said premises are situatedIn the Township of WoodbrldKe,County of Middlesex and State otNew Jersey.

And you, Kzriel Horowlu, aremade a defendant because you arethe owner ot record of Bald prem-ises by virtue ot certain deed ofconveyance made by said WilliamA. Davis and Anna M- Davlb, binwife, to you, Ezrlel Horowitz, dat-ed September 2, 1&S2, and record-ed in book 103.5 of deeds forMiddlesex County at pages 692 etc-which deed conveys the afore men-tioned premises.

And you, Lena Horowlls^ aremade a defendant becaus«fyou arethe w^fe of the B»i<t Kzrlel .Horo-witz and UB aucll have an inthoateright of dower in said premisesWhich may be a lien on the nf»Wmortgaged praralBes.

Dated; August 30, 103a.Henry St. C. Lavln, Solicitor.HG Main Street,Wj»odbrldge,»ijew Jersey.

* 4t-Sept-l, 8,l5i 22.

' l o U can make jour lire dollar* go farther with Kell)'Springurld F»ligu?-|iroof»! Never bffore lu*e such dependable tire*been built—they deliver grrnter safety and trouble-free mileage.

Visit m lod«y—we're here to wrve you. Our buiinew is built on•wUtfied cuatomen. We know that only complete uli>f«tion will bring• customer bark,—our builnew depend! upun it

We're uxioui to aliow vou what real ihrifl it—Kelly-Springfield* vrillwve you mouey!

KELLY-SPRINGFIELD DISPATCH TIRES4.40-21 ...$4.45 i 4,50-21 $5.1:55 . 5.00-19 $6.105.00-20 $6,25 j 4.75-19. .$5.65 i 5.25-21 $7.35

JERSEY TIRE COMPANY147 S r o Brunswick Avc. IVl. 4-1T7.VU.7 I'KUTH AMI1OY, N. 4.





Authorizedl)uco & Re finishing

Auto Laundry



Perth Amboy, N. J.

Tel. P. A. 4r2300

White House Lunch & Beer GardenFRAND AI^DRESCH, Prop.

Light lunches served — Tables for Ladies351 WEST AVENUE SEWAREN, N. J.

Tel. WOOD. 8-2099






DINNERS SERVED DAILYHeruler's — Anheuaer Busch & Pabst Blue Ribbon


M O L N A R ' SMrs. M. Molnar, Prop.

Krueger's Special

BOTTLE AND DRAVGHT BEERCorner WUlian and New St. Tel. Wood. 8-0736


Plume 8 2161 WOODBKIlKiK

Friday, Saturday andSunday, Sept. 15,16,17




Ladies'Slimmer :Dresses & Men SuitsDry cleaned, pretsed


Although we hav« joined the N.R.A. and we are con-forming to the code to the letter, we are still maintain-ing our LOW PRICES. The quality of ou* mer#nari.di»e will still be of the highest grade.

OUR SPECIAL DINNERChoice of Soup — Creamed Chicken on Toa«tBread — Butter — Pie and Coffee

Fruits of SavingsTime is something we take for granted.

Yet few of us have the time to do what

wo really want—travel, study, do cre-

tttiyji. wpii. gave w m e a r i k . W

will be invt'sting in your future i

pendentv and your own Um«.


Member Federal fteaurve Syatein

Italian Spaghetti DinnerIce Cream Sodas


SANDWICHES15 varieties.... 5c Fidelio and Golden

Brew, per bottle 10c


Opposite Fir»t National BankPERTH ANUQ-Y, H. J.

Tel. Perth AmboyJ

Page 7: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc


Night Work In PictureslfThe guy's Horn- Ilavrynion.1," was the drat frank eom-

mont on Wivrr"ti Williiim, Warner Bros slur, when he ro-I'uaod to do night workdurinK the filming of his latest]<"irst National Picture, "Goodby Again" which opens at\\w Majestic Theatre on Saturday.

It's one of the eastyst charges in the world to aim atWarren, because he does look as much like Burrymore asHarrymore does himself.

Away back In Hie oirty days ofstage me«r. a critic, Al- temperament as wellWoolcott, nald of him, No one In Hollywood. 1R fnrtli

"Hi> liar, a ftarrymore accent In removed from temponment nndhis gpooch and a ttnrrymor* tono all that the word Implies tlianIn hi* voice, and he loi>ka Ih.i Wurr<>n William,vory Imagp of tne young John He happeiiH to tip an nctnr whoDrew who played Petruchlo." takes his art an n IHIBIPPH-!, HP

Hut Warren's rp-fusal to work hopes to practice It for manynlphta on hi« most rwpnt picture yoara to come And BO IIP trips toWHHII'I a« mlRht easily havo ap- Rtve It todiy the Hamo umo\mt ofpeared, n touch of the Fiariymor,' thought and appllratlfin Hint lu-

"Turn Back Tk« Clock" Ih Unusuiil Picture,


Continucuo rerfomiame 2 to 11 P. M. Perth Amboy |

Today—La»t Time*

"Professional Sweetheart"TOMORROW-

IT MAY BE A SCREAM TO YOU—but it was no UvUKhiviK matter to him when his blon-

de past nuiKht up with him and insistedr k m ~ ^ t h a l ''• n!M>Ppn i l l i ove t ' a s a i n — w h ' ' e i a

swcothoaH and her husband looked on!


t gayctt cutoa could •••Hwtlywoo


A Fittt National" Xcturt





Lee Tracy Is i>tarred In "Turn 'Hack the Clock," one of the most 1nniimial pictures ot the »Bi»on—'which will be shown starting to-morrow at the Strand Theatre.

The i>Tot concerns the "doublellfp" of a man -who Is allowed the'.mneflt of matured experience durInn a necond try at existence.

SqMAbble MM) Make VpTracy's role Is that of a BIUHII

town fi'lloa who might have mar.lied a rich ulrl In his home town,but who tiHtead m.trrled the girlhe loved and went to New Yorkto run a cigar Btore. Here theystruggle to make a meagre living,quibbling over ntcklee and thenkissing and making up In theirtiny room.

The difficult role of the wifeKU'.idued by marital worries Inportrayed by Mae Clarke.


Mopes to it ten or twentyH

"Nft one can worti nil day at.cliK, unit- expwl to woi-K tin.1

same night at acting, without aproper amount of time for prep,aratlon tor the next day's workand still be able to give tils bestolforta.'1

crttlcUni came from other.sources. It became laughable, alsoan Warren became better known.He began u»s Btage career be.cause his father wanted him tobecome a newspaper man. Warrenhimself wanted to be u marine

Ss^hWkSftvS.sf0,111'8*^ on

the stage. *• •--"• tk»e***#Nothing, aurely. could b& far.

ther removed from temperamentthan the orflce ot a marine ngin.eer.


The Inteultalile Lou Van andhis outstanding stage show willappear ;it the Rahway theatre to .morrow night- Van, master of ce.remould extraordinary,-will pres.ent somethlUR entrely new Invaudevlll*.

An Monday evening, Setitember26, th« management of the Huh.way theatre will present a reul•wedding on the stage. The finalBelectlon of. the bride and groomhaB nof; been made ai^ yet butwill be announced In next week'sI.RADKIt The couple will lie therecipients of many useful andbeautiful wedding gifts.


'**<UBJ£RTY HOTELI. (ireen, manager of the Lib.

orty Hotel, announces j. floorshow, to he held under the per-sonal supervision of Sammy Nate,RKO star, tomorrow Bight. Sim.liar Htage shows will bfa heldevery Saturday night from now on-

Tomorrow night, Murray Pearland his Merry Melodlan orchestrawill pl..y for the stage show and'dancing. Johnny Lawson, of lanile Bebch and a bevy ot excep-tionally beautiful girls will be the

Amongurday will be Judge JosephGreen berg oC Hudaou County,former of the homse ofassembly; Traftlc CourtMorris Harrison, of Jersey Cityami Attorney General Klchler ofJersey City-

Many Popular Starsin

Several popular players headthe cast of "I Have Lived" thelatest 'Which will 'J* shown for theBrat time locally al the StrandTheatre, Wedneaday

Alan Dlnehart, seen recentlywith Llonell Barrymore In '.Sweep-ings," will be seen in the leadingmale role of "I Have Lived,'1 tlu-part of a dramatist and producer,who seems destined to live tliedramas fee creates. Anita' Tage,one of' the- BCreen'B most strikingblondes, V i l l be seen In the leadtnK

<nr Tunis Over, Four Injured

Vow Carteret men wer« «efi.ously injured Saturday morning,whn a car driven by Andrew Klah23, of Laffert street, Carteret,north on Cllft road between Se.warn and Port Reading, Btruck atree and turned over. Klsti, whohad no ilrtrer'a^ltcensev -was Injured as were Ms passengers,Joseph Garbrlsh, 23, of Rooseveltavenue Andrew Kovao*, 20, of fi2John street all of Carteret andAbe Schaffer, 33, ,no home, a sail,or. They were all taken to thePerth Amboy fleneral Hospital.


Palace Beer Garden"New J*rMy Moit

fearfful Ballroom"

189 Main St. PHONE RAH. 7 1527 Rahway, N. J.

FeteKeUer's Palace OrchestraEvery Friday and Saturday Nitfht




WEEK-END SPECIALS!Friday and Saturday Nights, September 15 and 16

Chicken Chow Mein and Noodles 20cItalian Spaghetti *nd Meat Balls 20c

STEAK SANDWICH 20c—Saturday Night Only






PETE MILANOand his China Garden Orchestra



Strand Rebate Tickets AcceptedAt Majestic


How-At. TBO&Wastes tke

ClotketSo Clean

Six stream* of water keep theclothe* in motion, separatingties, gMvemtat Iwnciiag ortangling. Twelve stream* playdirectly on the clothes, loosen-ing the dirt, then forcing it out.

The Thor Electric Washer holds agood «ze(J wash, but it does not take

mjftUfclygOjn. The swinging wringerhy rubber *rotler* wKlclr' art softEnough for butWhe and• f**t««*r* w>•ink in wli«n tht clothes tre wtu»«out. Why not telephone us and havethe Thor demonstrated in your ownhome?

Pikes from


lfpayment ften*









Saturday.Eve. Sept* 16,19 3 3JOHN LAWSONFEATURING


MURRAY PEARLin his first South Jersey ap-

pearanceAND HIS




direct from Miami Beach r—with an array of Broadwaynitfhi d u b stars and entw-tainmenfc de luxe under tjiedirMotion of :

SAWfMnr rrATEIt; K. O. W*y Boy

For your enjoyment we have arrangediw anew prementation to be staged and changed every week!

, t, . ^ _ . A Ik:-.^.- * * ' • +

^ ^ m a m m m m m — ^ t ^ i M — n , | | M UhJummiiKTh M i

No Cover ChargeAt Any Time oomroltta*

Page 8: NOVEL PLANS MADE FOR CASEY PARTY JEWISH PEOPLE TO€¦ · After the card playing refresh-1 Sir: ment-j will b^ served, d dancin g "Enclose find copy consistin will b held. uc


PAGtTEN .. _ _ .. ....... . -

• * *• - ^ • - :

I". vi^tsjto*MISSION - 'iT#p*. » » •; '• '' i

., \ • ..''" , . i f , \ r*kWKtn*.}%*l S,*,.-A <c u m n t C««h JI.B7&.OTsp*rl(il HlnfclnR Fundj, an<l Bonrit Ownul 17,111.**!">••« I r o m C a l t o r t n r - , . . . . ^ . . . • . . . . . .T.M>« l l r w i V i b l l . . . } . « ' .Krinublx* T O M l l B f l H H » , . , . . , . , v , i . . r i . . , , , ,t . r o n u K ' M e l j t t * ' T t i t * 1 * f l ? r * l v a ) > t t . . . . . . l i b . 2 8

• . • / •

T m Title M»n« , . . . . ,'y ... i.ll,'..,,i.iKht tHiirlil ' ! • » • , n»«l'j>r*nrnll> {uf-ltitevani at Flf* I)l»trlr4j urnI iiwt>!l«rt»<l J"lre

• . pmuiot..MSK,„.K« *>•«;;•«

VaymtMk rtr^flSVItL. M B»rl>«i<» Ol.rri. I. „ **.., MII.M

i w . i i . . : . . . . - . . . . ; . , .,.,'Ml'.'.'. ITIMMI

J E l J ,.w *M.M7.»I

u*»>ij» o i»««ri? isaaKT.•rMv"AuiHnbnH '.y/.y.'.'.y.y.'.'.'.'.,!•! "'«"•»

TOTAL, I.IIMMHNol*: i*} Fynrt^d In Serial Bfjmln BUhwquent to Juna

I.IABILITIE8Tm Hrventiff BondiiTai Till* l.l«n Bond! TM,1#M»liur to Hrlioola—Itll 111.JM.H

1911 : 411.111.70

(••)l>ue SH»|P nml County T»xn Hit IK,4tO>4

1»S8 JII.T95.lf.

Anpropriatlon RcMrvni and Accounta Payablt—1*12 !0,!l».7lAnproprlatlona Inpnirnrtfi—l»!l 3J7,lii.(JDue Trunt Dlvlnlon S»,««?.t6Tux OvnrpaynitAta and .SuapeuM •. 211.14Hiirplut K»VMIU* 4,111.11

TOTALNotrr ("I fU9.10i.St of tlili liability hao bfin llp.ul(lati>il nubar<|U«nt to Jun*


Hiiiy Efitrios ^Expected Atd A t ^iI—Jir~-lll__^ul^j.u_^J**.—.*»_-— _

r I MICKEY and his MA D m . for CAr«*-n«n Depl. Starti. Kxhiblt» will De ctice.vtu

h g:;it) any l l A, AI. only

arid exnlblturi are nut ailuwou to

pass into sliitw room at Uil» Unit!,

exhibits will be received at «n

trance to »bow room.

». Kxhlbitors «re not allowed

In dhow room while Judges ar^

making awards.

9. Show will be oytm from 2

to « P. M.

10. Exhibits may be called for j

a t clow of show. . i




Jialunoe— January ], 1933RffelvtMl frutn Cal\n-tar:

C«nh :.

frrnn Flr<* District*llerliuna Hftalnfil , .T u j

^lHcrtlanpuui Revenues\I im nlliiTi»i>ua Rpvi-nur-i Not AntlclpttedAi'ruunt)! Rccelvatite—MltcellmeouiAccnunu Rsrolvablf—Departmental R«v»nuenTa> Hevcnuc Bond! m...'.4'...«prcial aitik *

i u w

SS0.B10.U, . . , > 1«6.82-192» and Prior Y*arit'



sinking Fumi ConimiaplotSrhonl flomlH Received thru Tax. Collection*

Hold us Sinking Fund Coin missionKepaynirnti fruin (iurb&ge DlHtrlouSurplim Uevtnus

>$ 'Wiii.pwTO^

AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Com-plalnsnl, and MICHAEL SAWCZAK,et. »1»., D«t«ndant«, Ft. Fa. ' will* a»le DI mortKBCed premlne8 dat-

ed August 23, 1BM._ ^ „ .By virtue of the «e*v« it»ted writ to

me directed and delivered, I will ex-poM to wle at public vendue on


at two o'clock Standard Time Inthe afternoon of th e said day at theSheriff* Odlcfl in the City ot NewBrunswick, N. J.

All the following tract or parcel cCland and premises hereinafter particu-larly described, situate, lying and be-tng In tht Borough el South PlalnJletdIn the County of Middle**, and Stateof New Jersey,

Being known ipd designated as

and by Lot Numbers S9, 40, 41 and 42on Block "A" as shown and laid outon a certain map entitled Map of Sec-tion Three, Tlalnfleld Terrace, ' locatedIn South Plalnneld, N. J.. made by F.A. Dunh&m-Clarln Co., C. E., of Plain-field, N. J., In May, 1917 and filed Inthe office of the Clerk of the Countyof Middlesex. July, 1917, at New Brunswick, N. J.

Being the same premises conveyed tothe said Michael Sawczak and EstelleSawraak, his wife by deed from MarySawxlk, widow, dated April 21st. 1931.and recorded In the Middlesex County" ' " " In Boolf 1008 of Deeds on







19J2 Budget Appropriation it?serv«a1»S2 Emergency Appropriation ReaervcaTux Revenue rinnilnTi(» Title Men Bond* :Inicreit Deficiency Bond*


-State and County Tfi*eBPnirlal Hiuklng FundAicounli 1'uyiibluAticountn H^oehalile™MlncellaneouB . .Treaaurer'n f'roti'nteil CheckaI'aynient lo Klrp DlAtrlctH by TreawurerAilvani'di In ilarlmgp DlslrlctnTax OrrrpnymeiitH J{<»funilc«l7nx lli>ml»«lon.fAilvaiHTH fur Klre Dlslrli-ln lo pay Water Chargesl.nan to Capital Dlvlaton

2,167.4198 801 9827, 111. to30.soe.oo



3H.03« »0


454 UJi4,9«i.ee11,316.00

She gets all her footwear, both plainand fancy at CHRISTENSEN'S. Theirstock is complete and they charge

_ REASONABLE prices.Up-to-minute style* in Women* Footwear

Widths A to C — £ « t *2.45 and upNew "Polly Preston" Shoe« for Fall, ~

all the latest styles at $4.00 and $5.00 per pairGirls School Dresses, choice selection

of styles, si/e 10 to 14, at $1-00Fall Hats for men, all the leading

style.., priced at $1»8 to $5.00Girls' Jersey Raincoats, blue and tan

stze6tol8, at $295

Being on the south side ofUeTiriofltavenue 20 east of Kenneth avenue InSouth Plalnfleld, N. J.

The approximate amount of the de-

TOTAI. KXI'IONDITl'KKS 6!9,63S.SII «'t T«niiHhi|i Hiiniln nPiillrnljli. to above Dlaburspmfnl» Pl.itS.b'l




liMI* rill I ' t t l

Hrlur I J I s l iIKI71913





Light Ulatrki Tain•: 191T


.Unu»r) 1.19.13BalanceD41.04l i i .bliMID


June SO,




Augll.t 31,Baltinrc







i i7,a;». in;

494,613 42


12 SS18.9124.3d41.16tl»434.Si!UK. 241II0.7I!1DS.3177S 27"M.St111.41,u;(.si4KG.S37S1.1S310.38

1,877, S24.C5

IJ i tU.ti24. IS41.16

I.799,813 49

I I I7.07



I, (03. HO3.4U7.H



' tn.tt769.S&722.46



16,010 Si

12.8*13.9224. ID41.1699.9431.26




>13.87S til


'For Better Entertainment






"Lily Turner"


i»s\l IMtts, in "Sii<-«k Kfisily"


i The PenguinPool Murder"

with Mu> Oliver


TOM KKKNK Inof the W


SEPT. 20, 21

Joan Crawfordin "RAIN"



• • - , • EVENING iJISaiONS AJ1 -


w.A.i.g PrinciplesA. C. tiectricityAnalytical CftemUtryApplied AlgeoraApplied PsychologyBusines* Law

Cclieg© AlgebraCoat AccountingCredit and CollectiomaElectronic TubesEngineering DrawingEngineering Element*French LanguageGeneral ChemistryGeneral CompositionGoneral EconomicsGeneral MathematicsMachine DesignMarketing Method*Mechanical DrawingModern HistoryPublic S

FRESHMAN CREDIT SUBJECTSI'or collfK*; prepared high school graduates—both men and

woiueu~-who eannut eoter coll«K« Hits year; currtcuUini In.

r.luduy college freshman Hublects from UI depart'ilieniK'uf the

tUilversity; one.h If or more of freshman yf:ir may jc com,

pitted tn I!):i3-:i4; subjecta completed ar« credited at Kut

gern or tntna*M¥«4 to luaUti^tiQii of itudent's choice-


BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION(MkiiftSTi'iyi-nl Aocuuutuo)' Cuiniutrcu)


"REGlSTHATlONSept. 26 to Oct 7 - 1000 A. M- to 8:'JU 1J. M.

University KxteiiBlou Division, 77 H..uiUtun Street

INFORMATIONCatulogueB are available in Woodbrldge at Woodbrldge Hardware

t'o'.v Cflrttret, Cwifnrt Wt*«ij»«)w-l>1«»d*r*te«U iUuifwMy.; Utt.U.w»y,


.fitlMKa^fr^j-National Bank, Y. M. C. A-: Pert| Amlfoy.Chaiubtr of

call lu peraop at RutgWa ViliVerBlty txteriston Wrlilon, 77 HtuntL

ton street, New Brunswick, N. J t telepbone New Brunswick i960-

This Announcement is M«de Through the CourfaMy of



MA.N STREElTe"P h 0"«^W"y 7 - 2 2 6 °


crec to be satisfied l>y suiid snli> i.s tin1 Woodjr i i igc . Dr. Horoucliak iasum of Two Thousand Seven Ihimircil <<iii-<.'Uillst oil illfuilt.s and cllllit-nnil Fourteen Dollars nnd Eighty-six reu's (llscaaes-Cents (08,714.86), togpther with the cost

" Together with all niul Blng»l«r the Mfdloal school , c lass Of '27, Jimrights, prl»ileges, hcrditftments nnd up- has s tudied In Viennu, Dudapesipurtensnees thereimto belonging or In a n t l HosidtalB In N e w York City

from Albnu>

anywlso appertaining.

"For the past year and a half she

$26.88 41 9m.lB,22,29;10m-6 w t t ( ) N e w y o r k s t a t e ' a

~ ! Child's Hygiene of the

Sister of Local Man j m e n t of Health. At the

Openi Doctor's Office time she la associated wltli St

! Marys Hospital for Chihlr.ii i

Dr. Anne Horoschak, sister of; New York City and the Nf

Alex Horoschak, will open her of York Nursery ami Chlldivn s ho

firp this week at 138 Main str'd '



"The best costs less instead of more"

MacThrift says, speaking of thii s+ort —

They've found out by experience

The safest way to cut expense

Is dealing wS< .• - irantae.

Means satM> L-^omfif



vory Soap 2 Irg. cakes 17c Wory Flakes 21C

Ivory Soap, 3 med. cakes 16c

Kellogg's Corn FlakesHersh's Best

Spaghetti, Macaroni and

Noodle* 3 pkgs, 25cJELL-0 AH varitioa

pack it



P«es- ooo?

«<* to

* « & * •


* %frj\ .+i,^i



I i..

PRICES?No mort than you'll wyfor other\tlre»—and I wthan you paid for tno«tGoodyean la«t Fall.

fj S\ \V,™

I DpO4H> fAWT iV



liret on your car just

a* easy at making an

ordinary tire change,

M W revflalioB in rid-

ing ease on these big,

buoyant,, super -soft

tires. Xhft final style

touch, J H>, for any








5.00-1 J)






Frank VanSyclde1S2 JEFFERSON ST., PHONE P. A. 4-0591, PERTH AMBOY

Claire Garage493 Rahway Ay«. Phone 84483