november 19, 2019, regular city council meeting · 2019. 11. 19. · november 19, 2019, regular...

y CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FLORIDA NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTION CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the regular session of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to order on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 6: 00 P. M. in the City Council Chambers, 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. A. In the absence of Father Jim Shevlin of the Church of Our Saviour, the invocation was offered by Mayor Watford. B. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Watford. II. ATTENDANCE City Clerk Gamiotea called the roll. Mayor Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Council Members Wes Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel, and Bobby Keefe were present. CITY STAFF: City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca, City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins, Fire Chief Herb Smith, Police Chief Bob Peterson, Public Works Director David Allen, and Finance Director India Riedel were present. City Attorney John Cook was absent with consent. III. AGENDA AND PUBLIC COMMENTS A. There were no requests for the addition, deferral, or withdrawal of agenda items. B. There were no Agenda Item Forms or Comment Cards submitted for public participation for any issues not on the agenda. IV. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS A. Mayor Watford and Chief Smith recognized and presented Mr. Gabe Littrell with a Civilian Certificate of Recognition, Meritorious Conduct Pin, and memorabilia with the Fire Department insignia for his quick thinking and unrelenting efforts that saved the life of his elderly neighbor. The certificate read " Certificate of Recognition, Gabe Littrell is awarded this certificate in recognition of Meritorious Award ( Good Samaritan)." B. Mayor Watford proclaimed the week of November 20 through 27, 2019, as " Farm City Week." He presented the document to Mr. Mickey Bandi and Miss Lexi Bandi representing Florida Farm Bureau, which was read into the record as follows- " Whereas, Florida farmers and ranchers help feed the world by producing a bounty of nutritious foods. To do this, they rely upon essential partnerships with urban and suburban communities to supply, sell and deliver finished products to consumers across Florida and around the globe; and Whereas, rural and urban communities working together have built our nation' s rich agricultural resources so that they contribute to the health and well- being of our country and the strength of our economy; and Whereas, during National Farm City Week, we recognize the importance of this cooperative network. Agriculture employs more than 2 million workers, including farmers and ranchers, shippers, processors, marketers, retailers, inspectors and others who contribute an annual impact of $ 127 billion to Florida' s economy; and Whereas, Farm City Week activities celebrate the mutually beneficial relationships that support the quality of life we all enjoy. This week, as we gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, we count these relationships among our many blessings. Now, Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proclaim November 20 through 27, 2019, as ` Farm City Week', and I do further call upon all citizens to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of all those who, working together, produce and supply our community, our nation, and the world with an abundance of agricultural products." Mr. Bandi thanked the Council and invited everyone to the Annual Farm City Luncheon hosted by Farm Bureau and the local 4- H Clubs, at the KOA Campground on November 21, 2019, starting at 11: 30 A. M. Tickets can be purchased at the local Farm Bureau office or at the door for $ 10. 00. November 19, 2019 Regular Meeting Page 1 of 5

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Page 1: NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING · 2019. 11. 19. · NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 ... Jr., Council Members Wes Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel,






Mayor Watford called the regular session of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to orderon Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 6: 00 P. M. in the City Council Chambers, 55 Southeast 3rdAvenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida.

A. In the absence of Father Jim Shevlin of the Church of Our Saviour, the invocation was

offered by Mayor Watford. B. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Watford.


City Clerk Gamiotea called the roll. Mayor Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Council Members Wes

Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel, and Bobby Keefe were present.

CITY STAFF: City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca, City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, Deputy CityClerk Bobbie Jenkins, Fire Chief Herb Smith, Police Chief Bob Peterson, Public Works Director

David Allen, and Finance Director India Riedel were present. City Attorney John Cook wasabsent with consent.


A. There were no requests for the addition, deferral, or withdrawal of agenda items. B. There were no Agenda Item Forms or Comment Cards submitted for public participation

for any issues not on the agenda.


A. Mayor Watford and Chief Smith recognized and presented Mr. Gabe Littrell with a Civilian

Certificate of Recognition, Meritorious Conduct Pin, and memorabilia with the Fire

Department insignia for his quick thinking and unrelenting efforts that saved the life of his

elderly neighbor. The certificate read " Certificate of Recognition, Gabe Littrell is

awarded this certificate in recognition of Meritorious Award ( Good Samaritan)."

B. Mayor Watford proclaimed the week of November 20 through 27, 2019, as " Farm CityWeek." He presented the document to Mr. Mickey Bandi and Miss Lexi Bandirepresenting Florida Farm Bureau, which was read into the record as follows- " Whereas,

Florida farmers and ranchers help feed the world by producing a bounty ofnutritious foods. To do this, they rely upon essential partnerships with urban andsuburban communities to supply, sell and deliver finished products to consumersacross Florida and around the globe; and Whereas, rural and urban communities

working together have built our nation' s rich agricultural resources so that theycontribute to the health and well- being of our country and the strength of oureconomy; and Whereas, during National Farm City Week, we recognize the

importance of this cooperative network. Agriculture employs more than 2 million

workers, including farmers and ranchers, shippers, processors, marketers,

retailers, inspectors and others who contribute an annual impact of $127 billion to

Florida' s economy; and Whereas, Farm City Week activities celebrate the mutuallybeneficial relationships that support the quality of life we all enjoy. This week, aswe gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, we count theserelationships among our many blessings. Now, Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proclaim November 20 through 27, 2019, as ` Farm City Week', and I do further call upon all citizens to acknowledge and celebrate the

achievements of all those who, working together, produce and supply our

community, our nation, and the world with an abundance of agricultural products." Mr. Bandi thanked the Council and invited everyone to the Annual Farm City Luncheonhosted by Farm Bureau and the local 4- H Clubs, at the KOA Campground on November21, 2019, starting at 11: 30 A.M. Tickets can be purchased at the local Farm Bureau officeor at the door for $ 10. 00.

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Page 2: NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING · 2019. 11. 19. · NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 ... Jr., Council Members Wes Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel,


C. Mayor Watford proclaimed November 30, 2019, as " Small Business Saturday." He

presented the document to Chamber of Commerce members Mrs. Paulette Wise

Chamber Executive Director), Ms. Mariah Parriott, Mrs. Jenny Pung, Mrs. Melisa Jahner, Mrs. Bianca Keefe, Ms. Raye Deusinger, and Mr. Mickey Bandi, which was read into therecord as follows: " Whereas, Small Business Saturday was founded in 2010 byAmerican Express and officially co-sponsored by the Small Business

Administration since 2015. Small Business Saturday has become an important partof how many small businesses launch their busiest shopping season; and

Whereas, the City of Okeechobee believes that small businesses are the backboneof our economy and the glue that holds communities together. According to theUnited States Small Business Administration, as of 2018, there are currently 30. 2million small businesses in the United States. They represent more than 99 percentof American companies, create two- thirds of the net new jobs, and generate half of

gross domestic product; and Whereas, small businesses employ over 55 percentof the employees in the private sector in the United States; and 89 percent of

consumers in the United States believe it' s important to support the local, small

businesses they value in their community; and they agree that locally owned, independent businesses contribute positively through paying taxes and providingjobs; and Whereas, advocacy groups and public and private organizations acrossthe country have endorsed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small BusinessSaturday. Now, Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., by virtue of the authorityvested in me as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proclaimNovember 30, 2019, as Small Business Saturday and urge all residents of ourcommunity to join with us in this observance as we celebrate the accomplishmentsof small business owners and their employees and encourage the continued

development of new small businesses on this Saturday and throughout the year." Director Wise made an enthusiastic presentation imploring attendance and participationat this event.


Motion by Council Member Keefe to approve the consent agenda items A and B [ approvethe November 5, 2019, minutes; approve the October 2019 Warrant Register in theamounts: General Fund $ 614, 940. 73, Public Facilities Improvement Fund $ 16, 347. 76,

Capital Improvement Projects Fund $ 13, 360. 74]; seconded by Council Member Abney. Mayor Watford, Council Members Abney, Clark, Jarriel, and Keefe voted: Aye. Nays: none. Motion Carried.


A. Ms. Megan Smith, President of the Okeechobee County Economic DevelopmentCorporation ( OCEDC), provided a handout summarizing the progress since April2019. Their purpose is to enhance and cause quality economic growth in

Okeechobee' s economy. The information included the top objectives of OCEDCfor 2019, which were to locate a site for a 300 to 500 acre industrial complex, research and determine a funding source for the industrial complex, implement abusiness retention and expansion program, populate the GIS planning portion ofthe OCEDC website, and develop and implement a Strategic Plan. She continuedexplaining the City is within the State designated " Opportunity Zone." The OCEDCwas awarded a $ 10, 000. 00 Enterprise Florida Grant that was expended to paymemberships fees to the International and Florida Economic Development

Councils, to attend two training courses offered by the International EconomicDevelopment Council, and to advertise in the Expansion Solutions Magazine. The

OCEDC is utilizing multiple platforms to market Okeechobee County; Ms. Smithparticipates with the Career Source Heartland, the Florida Heartland EconomicRegion of Opportunity, Enterprise Florida, Florida Economic Development

Corporation, Okeechobee Community Coalition, and the Chamber of Commerceof Okeechobee County. Projects to date: existing industry expansion, the openingof Bautech USA manufacturing company in the County Industrial Park, two

agribusiness companies, a heavy manufacturing company, service industry, thedevelopment of Big Cedar Lodge ( tourism project), and the opening of a Kubotadealership service and retail company.

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Page 3: NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING · 2019. 11. 19. · NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 ... Jr., Council Members Wes Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel,


A. Mayor Watford thanked Ms. Smith for the update and her hard work for the

community. Ms. Smith added her appreciation for the City' s monetary contributionto the OCEDC.

B. Motion by Council Member Jarriel to approve the Florida Department of EnvironmentalProtection Agreement No. LPQ0007, Okeechobee Taylor Creek Southwest 4th StreetStormwater Conveyance, in the amount of $ 300, 000.00 as presented in Exhibit 1;

seconded by Council Member Clark.

Administrator MontesDeOca explained the City will design, permit, and construct a waterquality baffle box with a drainage outfall to replace a direct drainage connection to TaylorCreek, inlets, curbing, roadway, piping, and manatee grate along Southwest 4th Streetending at the boat ramp. The Agreement term begins upon execution and expires June30, 2022.

Mayor Watford, Council Members Abney, Clark, Jarriel, and Keefe voted: Aye.

Nays: none. Motion Carried.

C. Mayor Watford provided an update on the Broadband ( high speed internet service

through fiber optics) Initiative for Okeechobee County by explaining as requested by Mr. Joe Charles of OK Corral, he with County Commissioner Burroughs, Administrator

MontesDeOca, and County Administrator Chartier met to discuss the matter. Mr. Charleswas accompanied by representatives from ITS Fiber and Precision Contracting Services, and voiced his concern with inefficient broadband service throughout Okeechobee.

Representatives with ITS Fiber provided information on the infrastructure for broadband

service in Martin and other Counties due to a public/ private partnership with them, whichincludes providing broadband to their governmental agency facilities. The installation offiber optics is expensive and would require an investment from the City and County. Itwas also discussed to include Indian River State College and Okeechobee CountySchools. Mayor Watford added CenturyLink already provides the service in some areas. Due to proprietary reasons, the locations of this infrastructure have not been disclosed. The Administrator has been in contact with the local representative for CenturyLink to

obtain the information so that services are not duplicated. Precision Contracting Services, along with ITS Fiber, will be presenting information to the Board of County Commissionersat their November 26, 2019, meeting. Mayor Watford encouraged the Council to attendor watch the livestream video, as this is an issue that is moving quickly; the moreinformation the Council has will help them make informed decisions on this matter thatwill be forthcoming. No official action was requested.

Additionally, on another topic, Mayor Watford noted that County Staff will bepresenting information during this meeting regarding the Fire Service, at

approximately 1: 30 P. M.

D. Mayor Watford provided an update on the 2020 Census explaining he was appointed tothe Census Community Council, along with City Clerk Gamiotea and Chief Peterson, which is being led by the Okeechobee County Librarian Krista King. The initial meetingwith representatives from the Census Bureau was held at the County Library onNovember 5, 2019. He stressed the importance of being counted for the 2020 Census, as the count could add a Congressional seat for Florida. The Federal Government relies

on Census counts to award many programs and grants. The City relies on the counts forour portion of revenue sharing from the State. The Census Community Council will be

working with local churches to help reach portions of the populations that may otherwise

not be counted. Cards will be sent to every address via USPS mail with instructions onhow to be counted online. Local 4- H groups will be volunteering at the County Library to

help individuals submit their information who do not have computers or internet.

E. Motion by Council Member Keefe to approve the Fiscal Year End 2018- 19 BudgetAdjustments as presented in Exhibit 2 with corrected pages 21 and 22 distributed at the

meeting; seconded by Council Member Jarriel.

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E. Administrator MontesDeOca provided a summarized version of the budget amendments.

General fund revenues were up by over 9. 3 percent, which includes ad valorem comingin $ 53, 456. 00 higher than budgeted. Sales tax one -cent revenue was lower than

budgeted; however the half -cent sales tax revenue came in as targeted. Building permits

and planning/ zoning applications/ petitions revenue increased by over $ 100, 000. 00

compared to the budgeted amount. The City also had $ 203, 000. 00 in earned interest.

The revenue categories of electric utility tax and fines and forfeitures increased

significantly. The overall General Fund expenditures reported 8. 8 percent lower than theamended budget. None of the budget reserves of $ 845, 215. 00 were utilized for the

operations expenditures of the General Fund, making this the second year that theproposed budgeted reserves were not needed to balance the General Fund Budget.

Capital Improvement Projects Fund dollars were expended, some with a higher than

anticipated cost and others coming in lower than expected. Overall these funds wereexpended less than budgeted. Department Heads were commended for the great job theycontinue to do with keeping costs to a minimum.

Fund and Line Item Description

General Fund Revenues

Beginning BalanceAd valorem, other fees, intergovernmental, charges

for services, fines and other sources

Transfer -In from Public Facilities Improvement Fund

Transfer - In from Capital Improvement Projects Fund

Total General Fund Revenues:

General Fund Expenditures

511 Legislative

512 Executive

2512 City Clerk513 Financial Services

514 Legal Council

519 General Services

521 Law Enforcement

522 Fire Protection

541 Public Works

Total General Fund Expenditures:

General Fund Ending Balance:

Public Facilities Improvement Fund Revenues

Beginning BalanceTotal Public Facilities Improvement Fund Revenues:

Total Public Facilities Improvement Fund Expenditures

Transfer - Out to General Fund

Public Facilities Improvement Fund Ending Balance:

Other Grants Fund Revenues

Beginning BalanceStormwater Drainage Grant Revenue

Total Other Grants Fund Expenditures:

Transfer -Out to Capital Improvement Projects Fund

Other Grants Fund Ending Balance:

Capital Improvement Projects Fund Revenues

Beginning BalanceTotal Capital Improvement Projects Fund Revenues:

Transfer -In from Other Grants

Total Capital Improvement Projects Fund Expenditures

Transfer - Out to General Fund

Capital Improvement Projects Fund Ending Balance:

Appropriations Grant Fund Revenues

Beginning BalanceTotal Appropriations Grant Fund Revenues:

Total Appropriations Grant Fund Expenditures:

Appropriations Grant Fund Ending Balance:

Amended Budget

4, 315, 500. 00

5, 625, 699. 00

350, 000. 00

845, 215. 00

6, 820, 914. 00

210, 591. 00

222, 240. 00

239, 384. 00

331, 341. 00

116, 260. 00

384, 484. 00

2, 553, 469. 00

1, 715, 754. 00

1, 302, 570. 00

7, 076, 093. 00

4, 060, 321. 00

Amended Budget

535, 905. 00

904, 782. 00

681, 337. 00

350, 000. 00

409, 350. 00

Amended Budget

37, 490. 00

183, 630. 00

50, 000. 00

171, 120. 00

0. 00

Amended Budget

4, 344, 644. 00

226, 500. 00

171, 120. 00

661, 846. 00

845, 215. 00

3, 235, 203. 00

Amended Budget

1, 000. 00

209, 000. 00

210, 000. 00

0. 00

Law Enforcement Special Fund Revenues Amended Budget

Beginning Balance 3, 220. 00

Total Law Enforcement Special Fund Revenues: 500. 00

Total Law Enforcement Special Fund Expenditures: 3, 500. 00

Law Enforcement Special Fund Ending Balance: 220. 00

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Final Adjusted Budget

4, 600, 400. 00

6, 149, 410. 00

350, 000. 00

0. 00

6, 499, 410. 00

165, 720. 00

210, 475. 00

225, 183. 00

289, 395. 00

79, 370. 00

383, 170. 00

2, 374, 070. 00

1, 577, 970. 00

1, 150, 350. 00

6, 455, 703. 00

4, 644, 107. 00

Final Adjusted Budget

950, 300. 00

741, 700. 00

293, 000. 00

350, 000. 00

1, 049, 000. 00

Final Adjusted Budget

75, 100. 00

183, 630. 00

0. 00

171, 120. 00

87, 610. 00

Final Adjusted Budget

4, 800, 600. 00

232, 900. 00

171, 120. 00

533, 700. 00

0. 00

4, 670, 920. 00

Final Adjusted Budget

1, 000. 00

0. 00

1, 000. 00

0. 00

Final Adjusted Budget

1, 200. 00

3, 700. 00

800. 00

4, 100. 00


Page 5: NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING · 2019. 11. 19. · NOVEMBER 19, 2019, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 ... Jr., Council Members Wes Abney, Monica Clark, Bob Jarriel,


E. Mayor Watford, Council Members Abney, Clark, Jarriel, and Keefe voted: Aye. Nays: none. Motion Carried.


Council Member Jarriel recommended everyone attend the Farm City Luncheon.

Council Member Keefe thanked Staff for another great monthly status report.

Council Member Clark invited everyone to attend the 90th anniversary wrap- up party being heldat Glades A/C on November 21, 2019, from 5: 00 P. M. to 6: 30 P. M.

VIII. There being no further items on the agenda, Mayor Watford adjourned the meeting at 7: 22 P. M. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2019, at 6: 00 P. M.



Lane Gamiotea, CMC, City Clerk

Dowling R. afford, Jr., Mayor

Please take notice and be advised that when a person decides to appeal any decision made bythe City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/ she may need toensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimonyand evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. City Clerk media are for the sole purposeof backup for official records of the Clerk.

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