november 2012 newsletter

Volume 13, Issue 11 Ministry as Confluence

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Newsletter outlining the events of the church life at Morningstar United Methodist Church


Volume 13, Issue 11

Ministry as Confluence


Contents 3 Pastor’s Letter

4 Points of Entry

5 More Ways to Connect

6 Calendar of Events

7 Helper and Volunteer Schedule

8 Contact Information

Morningstar UMC seeks to share the light and love of Jesus Christ to all we encounter. Morningstar will be a community where each person is offered opportunities and challenged to grow in his/her relationship with God throughout his/her life. As we grow in our love of God, we will increase our growth of healthy relationships by encouraging people of all ages through accountability, study, prayer, fellowship, and service. The more our congregation grows in these primary relationships (with God and our neighbors), we will see ourselves reaching out into the local community, region and world through acts of service – sharing the light of Jesus Christ in hands-on, meaningful ways, and inviting others to experience God’s love for themselves.


Confluence: it’s a term not used much every day, but a term that is important for the life of the church. Confluence is a coming together of people or things; it’s also known as the joining of rivers. For instance, think about the number of rivers that flow into the mighty Mississippi. There are multiple entry points into that river, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, which eventually joins the Atlantic Ocean. The church has multiple points of entry, too. People enter the body of Christ in different ways. Many come to worship; some come to a small group or Bible study; some come to a fellowship event, retreat, or meal; others come because a sale catches their eye. People also come for different reasons – a life change (birth, marriage, death, illness); a change in job or a move to a new community; but most often, people come to a church’s ministry because they are invited.

Several decades ago, people came to church as part of the social structure of their community. The church was the source of activity in the community. You didn’t even have to invite people; you opened the doors, and people came. Today, though, one only has to pull out their calendar to know that the social structure and source of activity has changed. The church and its ministries are a choice among many. Studies of the church tell us that the most common reason people come to a church is because someone invited them. Think about the last time you invited someone to church. Do you know when it was, who it was, or how it happened? Studies also tell us that people have to be invited multiple times before they will consider coming. Many people are not in the habit of inviting others to come and participate in the life of the church. The church grows when people invite frequently, their FRAN’s (friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors). We have many ministries that happen here at MUMC, and a multitude of entry points. Think about your FRAN’s, and where they might be willing to join in – then invite, invite, invite! I will see you in worship! Grace and peace, Pastor Jay


How can you create a place for people to enter into the ministries of Morningstar UMC? Below are some of the Points of Entry that exist in our church for people to become involved. Worship on Sundays at 10:15am or Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Preschool classes on Sundays during worship and on Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Elementary classes on Sundays at 9:00am and on Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Music and Arts Camp for a week during the summer for elementary students

Youth classes on Sundays at 9:00am and on Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Youth events (lock-ins, skiing, mission trips, camp) throughout the year

Youth music (bells and choir) on Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Adult classes on Sunday morning at 9:00am and Wednesday night at 7:00pm

Ladies’ Bible study on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm or Fridays at 10:00am

Men’s group on Monday evenings at 7:30pm (at Gill Street Sports Bar & Grill)

Young adult Bible study on Thursday nights at 9:00pm

Chancel Choir on Thursdays at 6:00pm

Adult Handbells on Thursdays at 7:00pm

Praise Band on Saturdays (usually the last Saturday of the month) at 10:00am;

Sundays following worship

Joining a team to serve at Home Sweet Home once a month


Here are a couple of other points of entry the month of November: Wednesday, November 7 during the adult Christian Formation class. Come and learn how

to share the word of God with The Gideons International. Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 pm Fellowship meal and hanging of the greens following worship on Sunday,

November 25 (11:30 am)

Check your November and December calendars for other ways that you can invite your “FRAN’s” (See pg. 3 for definition) to participate in this body of Christ!

The Men’s Group is participating in a study called “102 Fascinating Bible Studies.” If you would like to participate or would just like more information, contact Wayne Giermann at [email protected]. The topics being discussed and their accompanying dates are listed below. November 5 Amen November 12 Angels November 19 Anger or Wrath November 26 The Man of Sin December 03 Baptism December 10 Beatitudes December 17 Bible, the Scriptures December 24 (No Meeting) December 31 (No Meetings)


November 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


6:00 Chancel Choir

6:30 Handbell Choir

9:00 Online Bible Study


10:00 Ladies’ Bible Study



9:00 Christian Formation

10:10 Prayer Time 10:15 Worship 11:30 Praise Band



7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Men’s



1:00 Sit-N-Knit 6:30 Ladies’

Bible Study


5:30 Meal 6:30 Worship 7:00 Christian



9:00 Online Bible Study


10:00 Ladies’ Bible Study



9:00 Christian Formation

10:10 Prayer Time 10:15 Worship 11:30 Praise Band

Rehearsal 2:30 Church

Conference 3:30 Home Sweet

Home Meal (Team #3)


7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Men’s



1:00 Sit-N-Knit 6:30 Ladies’

Bible Study


5:30 Meal 6:30 Worship 7:00 Christian

Formation 7:00 Youth

Handbells and Choir


6:00 Chancel Choir

7:00 Handbell Choir

9:00 Online Bible Study


10:00 Ladies’ Bible Study



9:00 Christian Formation

10:10 Prayer Time 10:15 Worship

(Wally Carlson Preaching)

11:30 Praise Band Rehearsal

1:00 Lay Leadership

2:00 SPRC/Trustees

5:00 Thanksgiving Dinner


(Office Closed) 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Men’s



(Office Closed) 1:00 Sit-N-Knit 6:30 Ladies’

Bible Study


(No School) (Office Closed)


(No School) (Office Closed)


(No School) (Office Closed)

10:00 Ladies’

Bible Study


10:00 Praise Band Rehearsal


9:00 Christian Formation

10:10 Prayer Time 10:15 Worship 11:30 Praise Band

Rehearsal 11:30 Hanging of the

Greens & Fellowship Meal


7:00 Boy Scouts 7:30 Men’s



1:00 Sit-N-Knit 6:30 Ladies’

Bible Study


5:30 Meal 6:30 Worship 7:00 Christian

Formation 7:00 Youth

Handbells and Choir


6:00 Chancel Choir

7:00 Handbell Choir

9:00 Online Bible Study


10:00 Ladies’ Bible Study


November 04 November 11 November 18 November 25

Offertory Music Adult Handbells Adult Choir Youth Choir Adult Choir

Liturgist Wayne Giermann Rachel Immke Jim Snow Dave Venter

Children’s Message

Andy Goveia John Weter Adam Drake Stephanie Soon

Acolyte Jordan Kao Ellen Wang Lillian Wang Hannah Schneider

Media Technicians

Mark Immke Joe Kao Dean Westpfahl John Weter


Bill Sheets (H) Jim Snow

Michelle Giermann Sue Fetters

Sharee Wright (H) Dave Wright

Marisa Zamudio Mary Ann Altine

Mark Immke (H) Regan Jimison

Joe Kao Kim Kao

Mike Schneider (H)

Tanner Todd Dean Westpfahl

Tom Howe

Greeters Andy Goveia Mary Ann Altine Larry & Betty

Haag Kandi Schneider

Coffee Host Dave & Pam

Venter Teri Peterson Regan Jimison Eva DeVore

Offering Counters

Mary Ann Altine Betty Bickerstaff Ruthann Sheets Kim Kao

Newcomer Callers

Georgia Griffith Bill Sheets Ruthann Sheets Bill Sheets

Church Cleaning

Lori Immke Teri Peterson Dave & Pam

Venter John Weter

Church Conference 2012

The annual church conference is on Sunday, November 11 at 2:30pm. West Olive Faith will be hosting the meeting. All who attend have both voice and vote.

Operation Christmas Child information is available on the table near the main office in the church. If you would like to participate, please pick up a flyer and have your donation returned to the church by November 11. Contact Bard Engel for more information at [email protected].


Morningstar United Methodist Church

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am -3:00pm

Office Telephone: (309) 452-6255


Worship with us on Sundays at 10:15 am

Contact Information

Rev. Jay Regennitter, Pastor [email protected]

Pastor Stephanie Soon, Deacon & Pianist [email protected]

Andrew Stange, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Adam Drake & Megan Peterson, Nursery Ministry Staff [email protected]