november 2013 messenger

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  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    The Messenger

    Points of Interest

    x New Bible Study

    x Christmas Cards

    x Giving Tree

    x Mommy & Me

    x Poinsettias

    x Stewardship

    Pastors Message 1

    Financials 2

    The ROC/Worship 3

    Christian Doctrine 4

    Spanish Outreach 5

    Pastoral Acts 6

    Ladies Aid 7

    Scholarship Fund 8

    Memorials 9

    November 2013

    Most of us know how to complain.We know how to gripe and speak upwhen things are not going our way orwhen we are experiencing problemsand troubles. What do you do whenthings are going well? Do you just as-sume thats the way it should be andthats what I deserve? Or do you pauseand thank the Lord God for his amaz-ing blessings to you?

    Every day you and I have reasons topause and thank the Lord for his amaz-ing blessings to each of us personally.The Lord has given us life. He pro-vides us with food, clothing and shel-ter. He has taken care of our greatestproblem our problem of being imper-fect and unholy. That failure to be per-fect and holy results in guilt andshame. There is nothing that we can doto take care of this no matter how hard

    we try. The great news is that God hastaken care of it for us. God sent hisonly Son Jesus Christ to handle ourproblems of sin and guilt. Jesus lived asinless life for us and God credits Je-sus perfection to us. Jesus endured thehell we deserve and God credits hispunishment as our punishment. In loveand mercy God has declared us notguilty. We are set free from sinschains. We have been released fromsins eternal punishment. We are for-

    given and we can live without fear anduncertainty. Then to top it all off, ourgracious and kind God has given us thefaith to believe and trust his promises.He continues to strengthen that faith aswe read His Word and make use of hisSacraments. What a reason to say,



    You and I know who we are childrenof God. We know why we are here toserve our Lord and to help others. Weknow where we are going to livewith the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.Our whole life is one of giving thanksto our Heavenly Father and our SaviorJesus Christ.

    How do you say thank you? We say

    it with our voices. We tell God as wespeak to him. We tell the Lord as wesing our praises to him. We show ourthankfulness in the offerings that wegive to him. We demonstrate our ap-preciation in the works of service thatwe do for others.

    As 2013 draws to a close, we thank theLord for the generosity of his people atSt. Marks in the free will offeringsthat they have and continue to bring to

    spread this good news of what Jesushas done. We thank the Lord that wehave not had to borrow a single centthis year to pay for the operations ofour congregation. We pray that theLord would continue to open the heartsof all of our members to give cheerful-ly and freely so that we do not have toborrow funds to operate as this yearends and in the New Year that lies be-fore us.

    How do you say thank you? Ourentire life is one of giving thanks inhow we live, in how we serve and helpothers and in how we give to the Lorda portion of what he entrusts to ourcare to manage for him. Have a blessedThanksgiving as you live a life

    of thankfulness.

    - Pastor Werner

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger



    The members of St. Marks Church contributed a total $172,539.34 in September including bequests.

    $92,994.23 was received for the general operating fund in September and the operating needs were $104,878.30 leaving a shortfall of

    $11,884.07. With the carryover balance from 2012 and the contributions to the debt reduction fund, no borrowing has been needed thisyear.

    $62,291.37 was received for the month of September toward our goals for missions, Lakeside, Property Maintenance, Debt reduction, His-panic Outreach, and the ROC, The needs for our goals were $31,280.30. Contributions toward the goals were $31,011.07 above t he needs.

    $17,253.74 was received toward Future Generations in September to pay for the school expansion and renovation. Needs were $18,560.00.Contributions were $1,306.26 below needs.

    Weekly contribution needs, for operation, is $27,200.00. $7,218.53 is needed weekly toward goals for Missions, Lakeside, PropertyMaintenance, Debt Reduction, Hispanic Outreach and the ROC.

    Submitted by, Larry Schuett, Treas.

    Financials - St. Marks Mission Statement Page 2

    St. Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Our Mission

    To serve all people in Gods world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of Holy Scripture.

    Our Objectives

    1. To proclaim Law and Gospel

    2. To strengthen believers through the means of grace

    3. To equip believers in sharing the Gospel of Jesus with others

    4. To provide a Christian Day School

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Pebbles from the ROC - Worship Schedule Page 3

    Pebbles From the ROC...

    Please mark your calendars! A ROC 10TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE will be held on Sunday, De-cember 8th from 12-3 P.M. All are invited. Along with great fellowship and food, we plan to show some vide-

    os of teen (past and present) interviews showing what they think of THE ROC. Another goal forour10th Anniversary is for all of us to completely pay off ($13,000 remaining) the building and remodeling.Thank you so much for your constant support and gifts. THE ROC has been a wonderful mission for Christ,reaching out to thousands of teens, most of whom did not hear the Good News of free grace through our Sav-

    ior, Christ Jesus.

    A Few More ROC Historical Facts:

    2003, June Pastor Timothy Mueller, serving at that time as pastor of Immanuel in Medford, WI accepts the

    Call to be the director and pastor of the ROC

    2003, August City Site Planning Review Committee accepts the ROC site plan for 321 S. Water Street

    (formerly A-Z Mill office building)

    2003, September 8 Despite some opposition by neighbors, the City Planning Commission unanimously

    votes to give the ROC use of the 321 S. Water St. building

    2003, September 28th, 2:00 P.M. Pastor/Director Muellers installation in the Luther Prep chapel - 250 at-


    2003, December 3 - The ROC Opened

    2004, January 24 The Grand Opening of the Watertown Recreation & Outreach Center (ROC) for Youth

    Services This Month...

    Special services for the End Times Season the entire month

    October 30, November 2, 3 - Reformation:Revelation 14:6,7,13The Eternal Gospel is Proclaimed

    November 6, 9, 10 - Autumn: Mission Festival: Mark 16:15 - Live the Great Commissions

    Pastor Pieter Reid preaches regarding Muslim outreach.

    November 13, 16, 17 - Last Judgment:Revelation 20:10-15On Judgment Day, the Books Will Be Opened

    November 20, 23, 24 - Memorial:Revelation 22:12-19Washed for the Tree of Life

    Wednesday, November 27 - 7:00 PM *** Thursday, November 28 - 7:30 & 9:00 AMThanksgiving: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Christian Doctrine - Giving Tree -Messenger Page 4

    Christian Doctrine: Gods Attributes

    everywhere. Angels are wiserthan we, but God knows allthings. We and angels, too, are

    eternal into the future. But Godwas also always in the past.

    The Lords unique characteris-tics are wonderful for his people.God knows our every need, andsatisfies it. God is everywhere tobenefit us. And he has all powerto do so. The same characteris-tics, though, are terribly badnews for non-Christians. God isever present, aware of all their

    sins, and able forever to punishthem.

    God also has attributes he gra-

    ciously shares with us.

    What is God like? Thats an im-portant question for any of hiscreatures!and especially for us

    who love him. The answer istwofold.

    First of all, there are attributes ofGod which are unique to him:

    God is eternal, omniscient, om-nipresent, & omnipotent (allknowing, present everywhere,and almighty, in that order). Forproof, see Psalm 139.

    Gods unique attributes set him

    above humans, angels and de-mons (and Satan) alike. Angelsare stronger than we are, but Godis all powerful. Angels are fasterthan humans, but God is present

    To include an article or notice in The Messenger, drop off your informationat the church office or e-mail to: [email protected]

    The MessengerDeadline is the 15th of the month.

    Information received AFTER that date is NOT guaranteed inclusion.


    Articles, notices, etc., are only printed once - unless otherwise requested, andallarticles are subject

    to modification by the editor. Special requests will be taken into consideration, however please un-

    derstand that for various reasons and space, your request may not be honored.

    He is: The Lord, the Lord, thecompassionate and graciousGod, slow to anger, abounding in

    love and faithfulness, maintain-ing love to thousands, and for-giving wickedness, rebellion andsin. Yet he does not leave theguilty unpunished. (Exodus34:6-7)

    God graciously shares thosecharacteristics with us. AsGods chosen people, holy anddearly loved, clothe yourselveswith compassion, kindness, hu-

    mility, gentleness and patienceForgive as the Lord forgave you.And over all these virtues put onlove (Colossians 3:12-14)

    The Christmas Giving Tree forms can be found in the Narthex, Church Of-fice, and/or School Office. Please feel free to pick one up if your child/renare in need of a gift this year. Forms are to be returned to the Church Officeno later than FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. Please contact Jayne Raetherat 261-0175 or Yvonne Habermann at 261-5844 if you have any questions.

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    The Work of Our Pastors & Others: Baptisms at Saint Marks?

    Spanish Outreach - Good News Lutheran Church Thank You - Christmas Cards Page 5

    Spanish Outreach...

    This past month our Spanish Language outreach went hightech (well, sort of). Pastor Walther began regular text mes-sages in bulk to those in our Mexican church. (Pastor Dalehas communicated more personally by text message foryears now.)

    Attendance, which was good over the past year, has tickedup in the Mexican congregation. Things also continue to gowell in the one-eighth of St. Marks School which dwells inMexican homes.

    Interest in the school currently has Pastor Walther instruct-ing families late in the afternoon on Mondays, Tuesdays,and Thursdays.

    October had our Spanish Language congregation studyingthe First Table of the Ten Commandments. November willbring us to some of the early chapters of Actsand then toThanksgiving. 6:30 PM, Sunday, November 24th will serveas setting for a special service of songs, sermon, and pray-ersfollowed by a Thanksgiving meal.

    Dont forget: Its your support your prayers and yourofferings through which Christ accomplishes the amaz-

    ing work above. Thanks!!!

    Members of St. Marks Lutheran Church,

    We thank you so much for your gift ofover $2000 to Good News Lutheran in Mt.

    Horeb. We have designated these funds tooffset the cost of our roadside sign (seeabove). Several thousand people see thissign every day and several worship guestshave come simply by seeing the sign!

    Thanks again. May the Lord bless yourgenerosity many times over to you.

    Enjoy the picture from our first service.We are averaging 30 people in worshipeach week, with new guests almost every

    single Sunday!

    Pastor Nathan Strutz

    P.S. We will soon begin calling a pastor toserve, thanks to a synod grant!

    Christmas cards?! Already? Last yearssupply sold out quickly! Additional stockwas ordered and is on hand!

    St. Marks Ladies Aid is selling Christmascards again. The cost is $5.00 per box.They can be purchased at the Church Of-fice during regular hours or on Sundaymornings in the Parish Center hallwayfrom the Scrip volunteer.

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Page 6Pastoral Acts/Membership Updates - Contacts

    Baptisms... Birth Baptism ParentsKendyll Rose Acevedo 12-18-12 10-4-13 Morgan AcevedoKyler Jon Gaines 9-1-13 10-5-13 Robert & Jamie (Haseleu) Gaines

    Camden Nathan Scharrer 8-29-13 8-30-13 Nathan & Lindsey (Strohm) ScharrerAffirmation 10-6-12Jaxson Isaiah URen 9-10-13 10-12-13 Chad & Jolene (Manke) URenJaxon Jeffrey Fisher 7-21-13 10-12-13 Jim FisherConnor Michael Ebert 4-23-13 10-26-13 Gavin EbertCody Hawk Stiemke 8-25-02 10-27-13 Heather Yohn

    Funeral Date of Death Funeral

    David Kassube 9-25-13 9-30-13


    Confirmation: Amber Borchardt - Melissa Behm - Justin Buchanon-Moretti - Heather Fortmann - DawnOlson - Darren Sontag - Cody Olson - Alicia Yager - Elijah Yager - Nathan & Crystal Loring - RachelHanson

    Transfers In: Derek Schultz & 2 children - Blain & Angie Parsons & 2 children - Rick & Julie Schmoldt -Amanda Saeger - Amanda Webb & child

    Profession of Faith: Brent Kurtz - Derrick Borchardt - Robert Rupnow

    Transfers Out: Deb Rothe - Aaron Jensen - Rodney, Tanya, & Eric Bahr

    Released : Andrea Jansen - Jessica Butler

    Removed: Bryan Quinn - Devin Quinn - Justin Quinn - Tarah McDannald - Troy Rettschlag

    Admin., Outreach/Discipleship - Pastor James Werner (262-8506) [email protected] & Youth - Pastor Michael Jensen (262-8505) [email protected]

    Hispanic Outreach & Elders -Pastor Karl Walther (262-8504) [email protected]

    Spanish Deacon - Dale Hella (285-6261)

    Church Administrative Assistant - Linda Stark (262-8500) [email protected]

    Church Accountant - Barb Bartz (262-8500 Ext. 224) [email protected]

    Church/School Maint. Mgr. - A.J. Ritschke (262-8501 Ext. 304) [email protected]

    Christian Counselor - Ron Paynter (920-723-4283)

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Page 7Ladies Aid - Mommy and Me Group - Meals-on-Wheels

    Ladies Aid

    This organization meets in the Parish Centeron the first Thursday of the month, for lunchat 1 PM, followed by a program and busi-ness meeting. Join us on Thursday, Novem-

    ber 7th, for a presentation by Ixonia Fire Chief, Matthew Pe-trie. St. Marks Kindergarteners and first graders will be join-ing the ladies.

    Some of the activities and interests of the Ladies Aid...Serves Funeral Luncheons &

    Annual Pre-Marriage Seminar Dinner

    Prepares & Serves Breakfast &/or Lunch forVisiting Choirs & Instrumentalists

    Invites Guest Speakers

    Enjoys Entertainment

    Learning through Pastoral Topics

    Supports the Capital Fund Campaign

    Sends Christmas Cards to Shut-ins & Military

    Prepares & Donates Lunch to theWatertown Free Clinic Volunteers

    Donates to Church Projects

    Theres a spot for you!

    1st Thursday of the Month:

    September through May

    St. Marks Mommy and Me Group

    2nd Tuesday of the monthNew & starting soon

    November 129:00 -10:30 AM

    Parish Center: Room B1

    Some months they might meet at anoutdoor location, but will notifyparticipants at least a month in ad-vance if meeting elsewhere.

    Contact: Deborah [email protected]

    (920) 206-1711

    ...or visit our Facebook pageSt. Mark's Mommy & Me Playgroup


    St. Marks delivered meals the week of October 7-11.

    Thank you to our volunteers: Suzanne Herzog, Marie Dobbratz, Chris & Carol Demetropoulos, HaroldPeckham, Don Kuester, Brian Ganser, Mark & Carol Meyer, Jerry & Debbie Peters, Gloria Anderson,Larry & Barb Feder, Joanne Hemker, Dorothy Dantuma, Joe & Gloria Jilek, Helen Zellmer, Dick &Sandy Kren, Bud & Ardis Nickels, & Larry & Mary Braunschweig.

    This was our first time for picking up the meals at Perkins Restaurant. It was interesting, but weworked through it. Many thanks to all of our volunteers!

    - Yvonne Habermann

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Scholarship Fund Committee Info - Offerings - Thrivent Workshop Page 8

    Rev. Galen Riediger


    W2797 Buol Rd

    West Salem, WI 54669

    (608) 786-1250 ext 113


    (608) 786-4750 (Home)

    [email protected]

    Mr. Charles Zahn

    TreasurerP.O. Box 83

    McGregor, IA 52517

    (563) 873-2328

    [email protected]

    35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their syna-gogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every diseaseand sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, be-

    cause they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his har-vest field."(Matt 9:35-38)

    The Western WI District Scholarship Committee has the privilege andhonor of helping these future workers as they study and prepare for work inGods harvest!

    On average, weve given around $10,000 in grants each year. We nowhave just over $12,000, thanks to the many gifts weve been receiving fromcongregations and individuals. We have 136 students from 7 different

    schools asking for our help. Thats 53 more than last year! A gift betweennow and November 9 (thats when we will meet to distribute our grants)would be greatly appreciated! Your gift can be sent to our treasurer, Mr.Zahn. His address is in the left column. Then, keep us in your prayers, thatwe may use your generous gifts to Gods glory and the good of his Church.

    On behalf of the students: THANK YOU!

    Western Wisconsin District

    Ministerial Scholarship Fund Committee

    Your Offerings Make a Difference...

    I was once visiting a young person who was in jail. He had attended Lakeside and he told me, Pastor, whenI transferred to Lakeside they taught me that God has a purpose for you in whatever situation you may find

    yourself in. He then went on to relate to me how his first cell mate knew nothing about the Bible or JesusChrist and he was able to tell him the truth of Gods love and forgiveness. Because he spent most of the nighttalking to this person, he was put in the hole. There he met a man who had read the Bible through four ormore times and he had all kinds of questions and this person said to me, Pastor, I was able to explain manythings to him and answer his questions. Even though he did not like where he was, he realized that God hada purpose for him and everything was working out for his good.

    Your support of primary and secondary Christian education does make a difference!

    Social Security Workshop...As a benefit to members of St. Marks, Thrivent Financial will be presenting a complimentary work-

    shop on filing for social security retirement benefits. Covered topics will include when to apply, tax-ation of benefits, and the different filing strategies available to maximize your benefits. This work-shop is targeted for people age 55 and up who are not yet receiving retirement benefits.

    It will be held in the St. Marks Parish Center on Wednesday November 20th, at 7:00 pm.To reserve a spot, call the local Thrivent office at 261-4661.

    Social Security

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    Memorials/Gifts - Text Messages - New Sunday Bible Study Page 9

    Memorials for St. Marks Church, School, Missions, School BuildingFund, the ROC, St. Marks Scholarship Fund, etc. These memorials havebeen given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of the following:

    Armin ChristianEarl & Sue Zubke, Ron & Mil-lie Bohn, David & Carol May,Delbert & Dolores Maass, Steve& Sarah Nickels, Rose Borck,Shelly Crandall, Debbie Ziegel,Carol Crandall, Eric & CarolSchloesser, Mrs. Walter Stark,Keith & Rhonda Christian

    Sharon Hamann

    Ron & Joyce Zwieg

    David KassubeRay & Erla Nickels, Norm &Sharon Melcher, Larry &Yvonne Schuett

    Lorraine KuckkanSuzanne Herzog

    William & Margret Roos,

    Anita Radloff, Lorraine

    OBrien, Alice Fiele, Evelyn

    Patnode, & Palmer Roos

    Dorothy Dantuma

    Gifts Given in Celebration...

    Prof. James Thrams gave a giftto the church in celebration ofhis 85th birthday on September24th.

    Wayne & Nancy Lohr gave agift to the Good Samaritan Fundin celebration of their 58th wed-ding anniversary on October15th.

    We apologize for any namesmissing or misspelled.

    Text Messages...

    We now text message membersChristian encouragement a coupletimes a week.

    Would you like to receive thosetext messages? If so, please send

    cell phone numbers paired with

    their carriers (US Cellular, Veri-zon, Sprint Amazon, AT&T, T-Mobile, et cetera) to...

    [email protected]

    Thanks for any help youre willingto give us! St. Marks Elders


    New Sunday Bible Study

    In November and the first two Sundays in December the Sunday morning Bible study will use the new

    outreach video produced by our Synod, Come Follow Me. Members of the St. Marks Board of Out-

    reach will conduct the study and discussion. Members will consider what does it mean to be a disci-

    ple and follower of Jesus. The video examines the life of the Apostle Peter. Classes are held every Sun-

    day at 9 and 10:30 a.m. in room B-2 of the Parish Center. All are welcome and invited to attend.

    Monday, November 11

    To our Veterans...

    Thank you for your service!

    Leona Schuett

    Wayne & Nancy Lohr, Jim &Karen Huhn, Merla Stark, Merle


    Jeanne Thurow

    Jeff & Beth Leis & family, Mar-garet Bauman, Orvilla Duddeck,Luellis Meyer, Evelyn Schmoldt,Phyllis & Gale Preinfalk, Stan &Michelle Schmidt & Laura &Andrew, John & Bonnie Thurow

  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Messenger


    2013 Christmas FlowersOrder Early this year

    If you would like to help beautify our church for Christmas,

    please fill out and return this insert to the church office.

    All orders are to be pre-paid and sent to the church

    office by Monday, Nov. 25th


    Poinsettias_______ Red $18_______ White $18

    In Honor of: ________________________________________________________


    In Memory of: ______________________________________________________


    Given by: _____________________________________________________


    Phone Number: ____________________________________

    Please make checks payable toSt. Marks Decorating Committee.

    If you have any questions, please call Becky at 261-8552.

    Flowers may be picked up Christmas Day after the last communion service.If you cannot come atthat time, please make arrangements by calling the church office (262-8500). Otherwise, your

    plants will be used as decorations throughout the Christmas season.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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