november 2013 uccsa newsletter

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November 2013 UCCSA Newsletter


  • November 2013 Newsletter

    Topics Editor's note

    UCCSA Has a Plan for Ministry and Mission

    From the Desk of the President

    Rev Mosweu Simane reflects on the WCC 10th Assembly

    Marking the MilestonesThe UCCSA Vision Plan and MissionProgramme 2005 -2013

    We Thank God For You!

    16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women andchildren

    Christmas Messages& Reflections

    Bulawyo Region celebrates 10 Years

    Liturgy, Theology and Disability Reshaping theConversation and Ethos

    Events to Remember and Pray For

    Vacancy Full Time Minister

    Lectionary Readings for December 2013

    Pray With Us

    EDITORS NOTE:If you're reading this, I want to say thank you. Thank you for reading, for sharing your stories and your writtencontributions to the Newsletters. To write and have the Newsletters read is the whole reason we stay in communicationwith you. This is the final Newsletter for 2013. The monthly publication of the UCCSA Newsletters during 2013 has beenone of the key tasks of the Communications & Justice Advocacy Officer- a post which in January 2014 will complete oneyear! And we look forward to you joining us again in 2014.

    It has been a great pleasure to write for and publish the UCCSA Newsletters throughout 2013. You reading and sharingthe Newsletter has also been an important part of my personal journey as a missionary. Ive written and shared somereflections on my missionary journey so far at Thank you once again for reading. I encourage you to prayfor and keep in touch with UCCSA.Have a truly Christ-filled Christmas and a very happy New Year 2014! Warm regards! Ayana McCalman Communications & Justice Advocacy Officer UCCSA

    Ayana McCalman

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  • UCCSA Has a Plan for Ministry and MissionUCCSA is committed to the Mission of God in the 21st century. The church has been discerning and seeking to live out Gods call to ministry andmission through the various initiatives of the Vision Plan and the Mission Programme. In this article we share an interview with Mrs Florince Norris,Treasurer of the UCCSA about the plans for resourcing the ministry and mission work of the UCCSA.

    Mrs Florince Norris, Treasurer of the UCCSA

    AM: What is your role as Treasurer of the UCCSA?

    FN: My role as Treasurer means that I have the primary responsibility of overseeing themanagement and reporting of the denominations finances. As Treasurer I have many importantduties specific to my role, including providing advice on fundraising, financial policies, investingand maintaining the UCCSA bank accounts and other financial transactions.

    I am also responsible for preparation of the budget and reports to the Investment and FinanceCommittee. I also liaise with the Auditor. I currently serve as a Board member of the CongInvestments company, which is one of the initiatives of the business wing of the UCCSA. Theposition requires financial expertise as well as dedication, time and patience.

    AM: How do finances impact the ministry and mission work of UCCSA?

    FN: Every denomination is missional by definition. Being missional is a church that is being obedient to the Missio Dei, in which God sends the church tofulfil his mission in the world. Without financial resources we are unable as the UCCSA to do missional outreach, church planting, assisting growingcongregations who require funding for the calling of ministers and to meet our operating costs. Im reminded of the Bible study done by Rev RupertHambira at the 2009 Assembly in Botswana. He reminded us of what a wise person had once said: The good news is that we have all the resourceswe need for the church to carry out its mission projects. The bad news is, however that the money is still in our pockets, or sitting in our bank accounts.

    AM: What is the current financial situation of the UCCSA?

    FN: In 2012 I did an analysis on the finances of the denomination for the period 2006 to 2012. In 2008 we recorded our highest earnings of R 1 084263 from investment revenue. We have always reinvested and spent this revenue for the mission work of the UCCSA, in line with the various strategiesof the church's mission programmes. However, with the economic downturn this revenue gain was drastically reduced and depleted with no surplusesfrom our income. In 2012 we saw income increase. This was due to the money we received from the arrears for assessments due being paid bySynods. Additionally, we received Mission Support funding from the Council for World Mission (CWM) for the 2013 mission programmes. It is not alwayssmooth sailing and at times very stormy where we have difficulty reaching our monthly commitments. Because of this we have had to manage ourBudget as UCCSA more prudently and to spend cautiously.

    AM: What are the plans for resourcing the ministry and mission work of the UCCSA?

    FN:The UCCSA has a plan for ministry and mission. The Ministry and Mission Fund is that plan. The Ministry and Mission Fund is the outcome of theagreements we made at the Church Indaba in February, 2012, which is based on the ideas we generated at the Maputo Assembly in 2011. Some of themain plans include the establishment of a company- which is Cong Investments- to manage the assets of the church for the purpose of creating incomegenerating businesses.

    This we hope in turn will give us the financial resources to pay every Minister a just salary and provide much needed financial resources to expand ourministry and mission work. The other plans include the development of the My UCCSA Plan funeral cover scheme. We have been working on andsharing the progress of these plans through the Officers Road shows and Executive meetings we have ha throughout the year. We need urgentfinancial vigilance, trust, truth, transparency and hope. This is of supreme importance! Without trust, no relationship or organization can work. To enabletrust there needs to be truth-telling. To facilitate truth-telling, there needs to be a system of transparency and a willingness to listen. In order to producethe results we need our ministers and members to exercise stewardship faithfully, wisely and industriously as we are encouraged to do in Matthew25:14-30. Such stewardship includes giving to the ministry and mission of the UCCSA and doing so with freedom, abundant generosity and love.

    AM: How do we encourage members of UCCSA to commit and covenant for mission and ministry in the UCCSA in 2014 and beyond?

    FN:It is vital that the UCCSA members reflect upon the vision of a Mission and Ministry fund. To do so is to take our context seriously as well as tofollow the example of the Scriptures. Scripture is clear: Where there is no vision the people perish. Do we have a shared vision as to how our faith inJesus is meant to shape our relationship with money both as individuals and as a community?

    What is the Christ-like picture of the future that we seek to create? Perhaps this is where our mission and ministry fund discussions need to begin. Weneed to begin with a shared vision of what should be and what will be according to the promised future of God. I believe there is still a vision for theappointed time! As individual and as a community, will we be patient to wait for the vision? Will we proclaim it clearly for all to be able to read? This isthe privileged task that our discussion around Ministry and Mission Fund invites us to enter into.

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    From the Desk of the President

    Rev Phillip Strydom, President of UCCSA

    2014 Church Planning: The Things To Consider

    Dear fellow Congregationalists, I write to you as you are in the process of your 2014 church planning. It isextremely important that we think about what we should be doing now to plan for 2014. Let me remindyou of an old saying If you fail to plan you plan to fail. I am sharing with you on this topic because (a)it is important to me that as UCCSA we stay focused on the things that will help us achieve our objectives;(b) ensure there are resources to our disposal to support our church strategies.

    Planning will help us to incorporate denominational issues and Assembly resolutions at all levels ofchurch-life. It is my intention to engage with our ministers and local churches, as well as denominational,Regional and Synodical Officers on their goals for the year and how they implement UCCSAprogrammes. As I mention the things you need to consider at this time, I know that many of you are fullyaware of it and have done it, but there are many who need to be challenged to do proper planning.

    You will have to think about:

    Church Strategy. All of us find ourselves in challenging situations. The economy and the changing environment should make us revisit thestrategy and direction for our churches. Spend time doing a SWOT analysis and do not hesitate to talk about the strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats (SWOT); consider diligently how your church can build on its strengths and address its weaknesses. How else can ourchurches grow and develop members but by strategy and planning.

    2014 Church Goals. Church goals help to provide direction and the steps to achieving strategy. These goals need to be managed through aperformance management process.

  • Church Budget. You must spend time to go through a formal church budgeting process that designates funds to support strategy and mission.We should plan to invest in those things that further the mission of the church. Churches also have capital equipment needs.

    Church Volunteer Workers. I am now for over thirty years involved in Community Based Organizations where I have seen the real value ofmanaging volunteers. They are the engine of the church and so we need them. We also have to look after them if we want to improve operationalefficiencies. Our human resource is the most important resource we have. In order to put plans in place to improve the volunteer experience weneed to develop a volunteer strategy and make an effort at this time to solicit feedback from volunteers. My plea is that you spend time andresources to support their efforts!

    Church Employees. It is that time of the year to write church employee goals for next year and your updated church job descriptions shouldreflect those goals. In most instances in the UCCSA, the minister would be the only employee. Church employees facilitate the church experienceand have special needs. We should talk to our employees and the purpose for that is to keep them focused and committed. A burnt out employeeis a liability to the person and to the mission of the church.

    Church Members. It is also a time to bring into focus the church members and their needs; their needs can be incorporated into strategy. Let usparticularly look at the demographics of our local churches and organizations within the local churches.

    Prepare for an Emergency.There are basic things that need to be in place in the event of an emergency. Review and update your emergencypreparedness plan to ensure your church is ready for the unexpected.

    You can find resources to learn more about the basics of church management at Smart Church Management.

    Rev Mosweu Simane reflects on the WCC 10th Assembly

    Rev Mosweu Simane, President-Elect, UCCSAattending the CWM Member Churches Dinner at theWCC 10th Assembly

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) concluded the 10th Assembly held in Busan, Korea during October31 to November 8, 2013. The Assembly was held under the theme God of life, lead us to justice andpeace.The WCC Assembly brought together more than 3000 people from the 345 WCC memberchurches worldwide, other church bodies and observers.

    Participants at the WCC 10th Assembly included about 575 representatives of ecumenicalbodies/partners, about 1000 international participants, and over 1000 Korean Host Committee members,staff and volunteers. There was a significant Youth participation at the Assembly with some 700 youngChristians aged 30 and under participating in a variety of ways, including as delegates representing WCCmember churches, as co-opted WCC staff serving as young communications professionals and over 150Youth Stewards who helped to make the Assembly a success. Rev Mosweu Simane, President- Elect ofthe UCCSA and General Secretary of the Botswana Council of Churches represented the UCCSA as adelegate to the WCC 10th Assembly.

    He also served on the Public Issues Committee at the WCC 10th Assembly. Reflecting on the WCC 10thAssembly, Rev Simane says the various program activities have been relevant to the theme and there isa clear message that calls the Church to commit to the cause of Justice, Peace and Human Dignity. Headded The most fascinating session for me was the one on Mission, on Monday 4 November 2013.

    It was titled "Mission in today's changing landscape". It was a theological and practical reflection on the issue of Mission; the paradigms of mission andevangelism work in the world today, which is a capitalistic driven world, a world of Information Technology, a world where religion has become acommodity-consumer religion; a world where the world's resources are in the hands of a few while the rest perish in abject poverty. Rev Simaneexpressed hope that the WCC Member Churches in Southern Africa including the UCCSA would seek ways to improve their representation at the nextWCC Assembly.

    He says the WCC Assembly is one of the most important global forums that create space to network, learn from others, expose our people to globalecumenical work, empower and position our people to be future leaders of these global bodies.

    The WCC 10th Assembly concluded on a historic note with the election of Dr Agnes Abuom of Nairobi, from the Anglican Church of Kenya, as the firstwoman and African Moderator of the Central Committee- the highest WCC governing body.

    Visit the Official website of the WCC 10th Assembly. High resolution photos available via

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  • Marking the MilestonesThe UCCSA Vision Plan and Mission Programme 2005 -2013


    MilestonesOur Journey so far

    2005 Started discernment and visioning process

    Produced and distributed for study Bible Study resource book Wrestling the Spirit (2005)

    2006 Vision Workshop held at Kuruman Moffat Mission

    Produced and distributed Vision Plan In Christ there is a Future (September 2006) setting out the commitments, objectives and strategies ofthe plan.

    2007 Establishment of the Leadership Academy

    Publication of the booklet Tell me the old, old, story -A mission plan for the Local Church structured around the 5 marks of mission.

    General Secretary Rev Dr M. P. Dibeela recommends and the March 2007 Executive approves the establishment of UCCSA CongregationalJustice & Peace Award and the Community Empowerment Award.

    34th Oudtshoorn Assembly, 2007 and celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the UCCSA.

    Production, distribution and sale of the 40th Anniversary UCCSA booklet (September, 2007)

    2009 Adoption of new Constitution at the 35th Assembly August 2009

    Inaugural Joseph Wing Lecture delivered at the 33rd Molepolole Assembly 2009 by Dr Rogate Mshana titled The Current Economic Crisis, itscauses impact and possible alternatives.

    Introduction of UCCSA Day as the first Sunday after October 3 to celebrate our heritage and mark the inaugural assembly that birth the UCCSAon October 3, 1967

  • Introduction of a Youth Development Programme 2009/2010

    Started evaluation of the Vision Plan

    2010 Mission Conference in August 2010 to discern next phase of mission journey and the Vision Plan.

    Introduction of annual Justice Week during September 30 to October 6 to honour UCCSA's covenant as a church committed to justice; to standin prayer and solidarity for justice with communities within and beyond UCCSA

    2011 36th Maputo Assembly 2011 adopts a resolution to act on the decision of the 1971 Assembly to create a central fund to provide equal salary andstipiends to Ministers; and generates ideas for financial sustainability for ministry and mission work of the UCCSA.

    First Congregational Justice & Peace award presented during 36th Assembly to Rev Sandra Gourdet for her for the tireless work insupporting the churches in Southern Africa in their work against HIV and AIDS, hunger, landlessness and marginalization.

    First Community Empowerment Award presented during 36th Assembly to Lephoi Centre for Visually Inpaired Children in Francistown,Botswana. The Lephoi Centre has cared for more than one thousand children since it began its operations in 1986.

    Started Mission Programme as second phase of the Vision Plan under the theme "Christ is Calling Us: Participating in Suffering andStruggle"

    Launch of Kuruman House of Ministerial Formation (KHMF) at the historic site of the Kuruman Moffat Mission to provide qualitative training forministry within the UCCSA.

    2012 Central office facilitates Church Indaba on Restructuring and Resourcing the Mission of God in February 2012.

    2013Launch of the My UCCSA Plan, Comprehensive Family Funeral Cover at Founders Memorial Congregational Church, Newclare in January 2013

    Appointment of missionary as Communications & Justice Advocacy Officer

    Incorporation of Cong Investments as a UCCSA managed private company in February 2013

    Celebration of the 37th Mahikeng Assembly and farewell to the UCCSA 5th General Secretary Rev Dr Moiseraele Prince Dibeela

    Election and appointment of new General Secretary Rev Alistair Arends.

    Induction of Officers Group: President Rev Phillip Strydom; President Elect Rev Mosweu Simane; Treasurer, Mrs Florince Norris andMembers: Ms. Madeline Aiken, Rev Dojiwe Masuku and Mrs Kgmotso Nxumalo.

    And then GOD answered:

    Write this. Write what you see.Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run.

    This vision-message is a witness pointing to whats coming.It aches for the comingit can hardly wait! And it doesnt lie.

    If it seems slow in coming, wait. Its on its way.It will come right on time.

    Habakkuk 2: 2-3 (The Message)

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    It has been another amazing year, filled with blessings, work, friendship and Gods abundant grace inJesus Christ. We thank God for the Church Workers, Missionaries and Mission Partners of theUCCSA for your generous gifts of talent, ideas and money resources. Your contribution to the UCCSAmakes it possible for us to share in Gods mission of hope in the world.

    Since its inception in 1967 UCCSA has been committed to justice and mission. This year we havecontinued our commitment to mission and justice through the initiatives of the Mission Programme andthe training and ordination of persons to the ministry of the gospel. Our achievements of success andcapacity to meet the challenges of this year are possible because of your work, thoughtful prayers andsupport. In 2014 we will continue the work for mission and justice across Southern Africa through ourLocal Churches, Regions and Synods in Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Thank you

  • With you we can serve the people of God in Word and in deed:CHURCHES:

    Churches of Christ in Malawi Malawi

    Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar- Madagascar

    Disciples of Christ USA

    Guyana Congregational Union Guyana

    United Church of Christ- USA United Church of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands Jamaica/Cayman Islands

    United Church of Zambia Zambia

    United Free Church of Scotland Scotland

    United Reform Church UK

    Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa South Africa


    Botswana Council of Churches Council for World Mission (CWM)

    Global Ministries South African Council of Churches (SACC)

    World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)

    World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)

    World Council of Churches (WCC)

    And the many other mission partners and individuals who support the work of the UCCSA

    Thank you good and faithful servants! We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers 1 Thessalonians 2:2

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    16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and children

    The United Nations (UN) reports that up to 70 percent of women experience violence in theirlifetime. The UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is marked eachyear on November 25. November 25 also marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism campaign.

    The 16 Days of Activism is an international campaign that takes places annually between 25November and 10 December. Each year the campaign has provided a rallying point across theworld for governments, NGO's, organisations and individuals to commit to a world free of violenceagainst women and girls.

    Rev Dr Cheryl Dibeela a UCCSA Minister and gender activist reflects on the significance of thecampaign. Several strides have been made and instruments put in place by various stakeholders toassist in the process of bringing about gender parity in the Southern African region, and in particularto reduce gender-based violence."

    She adds: "Inspite of these strides, some of our deep-rooted faith and cultural beliefs havecontinued to be at the heart of gender inequalities. Given the situation of gender disparity and theviolence caused by these disparities in Southern Africa, the need for dialogue on Culture andFaith in Southern Africa becomes all the more poignant.Faith based engagement is a definite gapthat needs to be filled in the discussion on gender based violence. This makes it necessary for usas a Church to take this conversation seriously if we are to be truly committed to being a justiceChurch.

  • The period of the 16 Days of Activism also includes the commemoration of World AIDS Day onDecember 1 and Human Rights Day on December 10.

    How are you involved in the 16 Days of Activism campaign? Share the stories of yourwork for gender justice, human rights and a world free of HIV-AIDS.

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    Christmas Messages& Rreflection

    President Strydom

    A Time of Joyous Celebration

    Christmas is a time of joyous celebration. That is why our parents always tried to make it a specialoccasion for us. But let us examine what the joy is all about and why the celebration?

    We must remember in the days of Jesus birth there were people who had no joy and nothing tocelebrate; like the shepherds who were despised and really outcasts in Israel. It is to them that an angelappeared and said, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.(Luke 2: 10). These humble shepherds now had the confidence to go and look for the Christ child. Theyhad joy and something to celebrate not what man could give them but for a gift from God.

    As the UCCSA we have joy and plenty to celebrate because also unto us A child is born, to us a son isgiven, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, MightyGod, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6). Let us not allow the enemy to steal our joy androb us from celebrating Christmas.

    Rev Phillip Strydom, President, UCCSA

    The Perfect Gift The perfect gift is mostly that gift you have always wanted.It is that Gift that you just excited about. You want everybody to know about it. The one gift that makes you so happy that you wont even know how to say thank you!Sometimes only tears can express your joy when there are no words to describe the feeling inside.It is that gift that communicates how much you are loved.For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him will not perish buthave everlasting life. Christmas is a celebration of the perfect gift.Let us share this perfect gift bring some love and joy share Jesus! Receive the perfect gift- you are loved!

    Ms Boitshoko Dudu Molatlhegi (pictured at right)Youth Convenor Elect, UCCSA

    Close Editor

    Youth Convenor Dudu

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  • NEWS BRIEFSBulawyo Region celebrates 10 Years

    Fellowship and lunch with the eldery at Njube

    Compiled and submitted by Miss Bongiwe Ngwenya

    The UCCSA Bulawayo Region of the Zimbabwe Synod celebrated its tenth year anniversary onSaturday, 5th October 2013 at the Queens Sports Club in Bulawayo under the theme The Lordhas taken us this far.

    The Region began the week long celebrations by honouring the International Day of the Elderlyon 1st October, 2013 with its members who were over 70 at Njube UCCSA Church where theyhad fellowship and lunch. The celebrations continued with a donation of 150 blankets to MpiloHospital and donations to other centres including- the Entembeni Old Peoples Home,Ekuphumuleni Old Peoples Home, St Francis Childrens Home and House of Isaiah ChildrensHome..

    The Region pledged to further adopt and assist these institutions in a bid to create a lifelong relationship and assist the underprivileged. The ChurchsRegional Secretary Reverend Mlayo Sikhosana said the donations were a way of giving back to the community. It is a call from God to reach out to theneedy people in the society, he said. As a church, we took it into account that we live in a wider society that has different needs, so we thought ofcelebrating our anniversary with the less privileged members of society. The main celebrations also included a march from the City Hall to QueensSports Club and concluded with a service at the UCCSA Njube National Church.

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    Liturgy, Theology and Disability Reshaping the Conversation and Ethos

    Over one billion people, or approximately 15 per cent of the worlds population, live with some form of disability! The Council for World Mission during24-29 November, 2013 organised a preliminary seminar on disability in Lusaka, Zambia. The seminar focused on the theme Liturgy, Theology andDisability Reshaping the Conversation and Ethos to create an intentional forum for a thorough discussion of the member churches engagement andinclusion of people with disabilities within the whole life and witness of the church. The seminar was attended by by delegates of the CWM MemberChurches within the Africa Region, including the UCCSA. The UCCSA was represented at the seminar by delegate Mrs Walter Ndlovu, who is visuallyimpaired, and resource persons Rev Mathius Moyo and Mr Wellington Sibanda. The seminar is part of the plan for a global workshop organised byCWM on the place of people of who are differently abled to be held in 2014.

    The United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2013 will be marked on December 3 under the theme Break Barriers, open doors:for an inclusive society for all. DO use people first language to respect that people with disabilities arent defined by their disability; they are peoplefirst, disability second. DO remember the appropiate terminology for persons with disabilities includes: People with physical disabilities/People whohave visual impairments/People who have hearing impairments. DO NOT use inappropriate terminology such as Abnormal person/Deaf or Deafmute/Deformed/Invalid/Special person.

    Council for World Mission website

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    Events to Remember and Pray ForFriends we thank you for attending as well as remembering in your prayers the various meetings and activities for 2013 of the Denomination, Synods,Regions as well as the activities in your Local Churches . We ask that you continue to commit the events and plans for 2014 to God in prayer for theirsuccess. (Proverbs 16:3).

    DOWNLOAD A PDF copy of the UCCSA Calendar of Events 2014

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    Vacancy Full Time Minister

    Claremont Congregational Church

    Claremont Congregational Church, 222 Main Road, Claremont, Cape Town

    Applications for the vacancy of a Full time minister are invited for the position at the ClaremontCongregational Church Capetown. All applications together with detailed curriculum vitae, a personalstatement of faith together with at least two references and contact details should be posted or emailedto:

    Private & Confidential The Church SecretaryMr John Liddell222 Main Road, Claremont, 7800

    A profile of the church is available from the church secretary and all applications will be treated as private and confidential. You can download a copy ofthe complete Advertisement for Vacancy HERE. For more information please do not hesitate to contact the church secretary: Mr John Liddell at Mobile:082 935 0370; Church: 021 671 7045; or Email: [email protected].

    Closing date for applications: Friday 13 December 2013

    Lectionary Readings for December 2013

    How much did you read and study your Bible more this year? Throughout the year in theprevious newsletters we encouraged you to search the scriptures daily. Daily devotionals, Biblereading and even a daily dose of laughter can enrich your spiritual practices and nourish yoursoul. You can find the upcoming Sunday lectionary readings for December HERE.

    WCC General Secretary, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit

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  • NOTICE: The UCCSA Central Office at Brixton Johannesburg closes on December 10, 2013 and willreopen on January 8, 2014. Do have peaceful and Christ-filled holidays! And best wishes for a greatstart to 2014. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Pray With UsGive Us Grace

    Give us grace, O God, to dare to do the deed which we well know cries to be done. Let us not hesitate because of ease, or the words ofmens mouths, or our own lives. Mighty causes are calling usthe freeing of women, the training of children, the putting down of hate andmurder and povertyall these and more. But they call with voices that mean work and sacrifices and death. Mercifully grant us, O God, thespirit of Esther, that we say: I will go unto the King and if I perish, I perish.

    W.E.B DuBois (African American Educator, Scholar and Civil Rights Activist)

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    Media ContactsRev Dr. M. Dibeela The General SecretaryEmail: [email protected]

    Rev Alistair Arends Mission Secretary Email: [email protected]

    Miss Ayana McCalmanCommunications & Justice Advocacy OfficerEmail: [email protected]

    Tel: +27 11 837 9997 Fax: +27 11 837 2570 Email: [email protected]:

    P.O. Box 96014 Brixton Gauteng South Africa 2019

    November 2013 NewsletterEDITORS NOTE:UCCSA Has a Plan for Ministry and MissionFrom the Desk of the PresidentRev Mosweu Simane reflects on the WCC 10th AssemblyMarking the MilestonesThe UCCSA Vision Plan and Mission Programme 2005 -2013

    Milestones Our Journey so far16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and childrenChristmas Messages& Rreflection

    NEWS BRIEFSBulawyo Region celebrates 10 YearsLiturgy, Theology and Disability Reshaping the Conversation and EthosEvents to Remember and Pray ForVacancy Full Time MinisterLectionary Readings for December 2013NOTICE: The UCCSA Central Office at Brixton Johannesburg closes on December 10, 2013 and will reopen on January 8, 2014. Do have peaceful and Christ-filled holidays! And best wishes for a great start to 2014. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Pray With Us