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Parish Magazine November 2018 40p

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Page 1: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate

Parish Magazine

November 2018 40p

Page 2: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Page 3: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Page 4: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Page 5: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


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Regular Prayer Groups

Parish Registers




Joshua Phillips and Tammy Plappert



2nd Alan George Stafford 79

3rd Vera Victoria Clark 93

9th Jean Barbara Farrell 84

19th Margaret Lucille Guarnieri 86

Daily 09.00-09.30am

Morning Prayer Yew Tree Room

2nd Weds. 10.45-11.45am

MU Prayer Group Parish Centre

Page 7: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


History Corner …


Last month’s we focussed primarily on the arrival of new residents from around the country and the sort of employment they adopted in Rayleigh, in the last decade of the century, prompted by the opening of the railway from London to Southend via Rayleigh in 1889, there were frequent departures from Rayleigh of young people leaving school. Interestingly, Rayleigh school log not only record the numbers leaving, but also how many were going to work in London. On occasions the boys accompanied their departing parents, on most occasions the record states that another boy “has left the town, without reference to the family. By 1893 the exodus of young people from Rayleigh was growing and the school log book shows: 3rd March 1893: “No less than eight boys have left school this quarter, most of them removed from Rayleigh”. 16th May 1893: “Two boys from standards 1 and 2 left the town”. 22 Dec. 1893: “Four boys have left the town during the past fortnight”. On the other hand, the population shifts in Rayleigh meant that there were also newcomers to the town, though not always to the school teacher’s liking. As an example, on 2nd April 1894 a school log book entry reads, “Five admissions this week, four big boys from London, very backward……...”. However, the total picture shows that, despite an overall increase in the town’s population, there appear to be more young people leaving than immigrating and on 11th January 1895, among five school-leaving boys, “four left the town and the other with bad health”. The following week (18th January): “Another boy has left the town”. On 24th May: “Two boys have left the town”. On 31st May: “Another boy has left the town”. The teacher was clearly concerned about the regular departure of young people who were finding London an attractive place for employment, but the process continued with the school numbers continuing to diminish and on 5th March 1897 he writes: “No less than eight boys have left this year, their parents having moved out of the town. To balance this there have been only two admissions – the school is smaller than it has been for years. Av. 60.4”. So there were fluctuations in the comings and goings in Rayleigh at this time, an interesting period that preceded a rapid growth in population in the following century. Noel Beer. November 2018.

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The Parish Magazine Team Ellen Morris

Hello, I’m one of the new Editors for the Parish Magazine! I first became a Christian when I attended Soul Survivor – if you’ve never been before, Soul Survivor is a festival for teens and young adults to worship with other young members of the Christian faith. My parents describe themselves as ‘non-practising Christians’ and only go to church at Easter or Christmas, so I really didn’t know much about church life at all. Luckily, my God parents, Nicola and Steve Davey, asked if I would like to go to Legacy at Holy Trinity – if I hadn’t gone to that my life would be very different now! It was Legacy that encouraged me to go to Soul Survivor – and it’s where I

met my now-fiancé too! I decided to get baptised when I went to university. I was baptised in a free church, and when I returned from my university (the University of East Anglia in Norwich) in 2015 I came back to Holy Trinity. I now live in Westcliff-on-Sea but I still attend the 10.30am Sunday service at Holy Trinity, and sometimes I’m a Welcomer for that service. Do come over to say ‘hi’ if I haven’t met you already – it would be lovely to meet you. And I look forward to editing your Parish Magazine for the foreseeable future! Sarah Hall

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am one of the new editors for the Church Magazine. Alongside Ellen we are looking forward to bring new and exciting news to the magazine. I am part of the Messy Church team at St Michael’s. My journey back in to the faith started with the Alpha Course nearly 3 years ago, and would fully recommend it. I was confirmed the following year and since then I have never looked back. I enjoy reading, exercising and running especially early mornings.

Page 15: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Flower Rota:

Day Co-ordinator Arrangement


Frances Medcraft, in memory of her mum (anniversary 1st Nov) Betty Herbert, Ann Fox


Jackie Wellman

Janice Fuller in memory of mother in law, Ivy Fuller (anniversary 15th Nov) Sue Squire in memory of Derek Cherry Abbitt in memory of Bryan

18st Betty Philips in memory of family Swann Family in memory of Nan (Ellen Staight) Maree Gaskin, in memory of her son

25st Sylvia Briggs in memory of Rodney Janet Todman Andrew McGavin in memory of his wife and daughter (anniversary 29th Nov)

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Page 17: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Help for people affected by leprosy was unheard of at the time and Wellesley and Alice (his wife) took it upon themselves to raise awareness of the disease and its devastating consequences. They began a speaking ministry, telling people about the needs of the leprosy patients they had met.

The ‘Mission to Lepers’ was born in 1874 and, in response to the talks given by the Baileys, people began giving money and praying for the work. By the late 1870s the Mission was raising £900 a year and caring for 100 leprosy-affected people in North India.

For many, many years, Margaret Toogood was our parish representative for TLM, only retiring recently at the end of 2016. She encouraged us to give to TLM and we have become generous givers to their work. Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate in the order of £3000 annually, made up of all sorts of amounts – no amount is too small. The total donations to TLM from all sources in the UK last year was £7.8million and with government grants this exceeded £9million. But we mustn’t stop – the work has to go on. Thank you all for your support.

David Medcraft

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4th Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.00am Holy Communion (CW) 10.30am Holy Communion (CW) 11th 10:15am Remembrance Service 18th 2 before Advent 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.00am Holy Communion (CW) 10.30am Morning Worship 25th King/ Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Next before 9.00am Morning Worship Advent 10.30am Morning Worship

Services in

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DAILY SERVICES Morning Prayer daily at 9.00am until 9.30am in The Yew Tree Room. All are welcome – join us when you can. Enter through the Parish Centre. WEDNESDAYS 10am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity. 1st & last Wednesdays are CW, others are BCP. VISITING SERVICES: ROSEDALE COURT: 3.00pm - 3rd Tuesday GT WHEATLEY: 2.00pm - 4th Wednesday SWEYNE COURT: 3.00pm - 4th Wednesday

Please check the weekly notice sheet for updates on services and Parish-wide information. 4th Trinity 11:00am SundayOne 11th 11:00am Remembrance 18th 2nd before 11:00am Morning Worship Advent 25th King/Sunday 11:00 am Holy Communion (CW) next Before Advent

Rayleigh Parish Churches

St Michael’s

Page 21: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Rayleigh-in-Bloom and Anglia-in-Bloom

It is with great pleasure that I am able to tell you that Holy Trinity churchyard and grounds came first in Rayleigh-in-Bloom, and that we achieved the fabulous Gold Award in Anglia-in-Bloom. Thank you to everyone who helped with the gardens and grounds. A special thank you goes to Alan Appleby, who cut the edges of the grass so beautifully, and to Beverley Buckland who was helped by Messy Church in creating a display of God’s creatures; this was really admired by the judges. Thank you also to Martin Wragg, who planted the Cubs garden, and to Janet Buckley who planted the Rainbows garden. There are many others who have helped along the way – you know who you are, and thank you so much. . I really enjoy maintaining the churchyard and flowerbeds and I have been doing it for quite some time now. But this year has been a particular struggle for me. The very hot weather and long dry periods made it difficult to keep the flowerbeds looking nice and a few plants were lost. It was difficult working in such hot weather and so everything took longer to do. If you like the gardens to look nice and would like to help I would love to hear from you. The work is not heavy work because Matt and Dennis Buckley do the heavy work required. We really will need more of you to help this coming year. Perhaps we could form a gardening team where each person has their own part of the churchyard to maintain and plant. I look forward to hearing from all you gardeners who are willing to help.

Doris Norwood

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Harvest – Riches and Poverty (Luke 12 & 1 Kings 17) By Frank Snow I am rich, I have plans, he said, Harvest's good, more barns, lots of food, No more strife, enjoy life! You're a fool, God said, There's a harvest ahead For which you've no plans. Tonight you will die And to others will fall all your lands. I am poor, sir, she said, I have plans For just one last meal that we'll share. Just enough for us both, son and me. The famine is hard and you're from afar. How can I respond to your plea? Trust God, put him first, was the prophet's reply And all our needs will be met, just you see. So for days not a few, there was always anew fresh grain and more oil For widow, her son, Elijah, all three. We are rich, we have plans, More planes, faster trains, More cars, dirty air, who cares? Prosperity's our promise to you. So we voted for him, made him MP, with few thoughts for the 'harvest' in store for our world. We're poor, said the migrant At the door of our land. Your harvest is good – ours suffers drought and flood. May we share your prosperity now? A harvest of thanks you will find. And blessings of God and the world there will be, And God's kingdom here for us all to see. There are riches and want of a different kind; become 'rich towards God' Jesus says; And Mary sings It's the rich who God sends empty away. We hear God's voice: 'The harvest's your choice.'

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We hope that at a future date we can bring you a little more about the history of these families, perhaps at the Annual Meeting of The Friends. Or it may be that you yourselves have some family records? Please let us know if you have. We have been showing the extra names on paper, below the memorial. But it is important that we afford these brave men the same permanence as the others, in other words that a plaque engraved with the new names should be added to our existing memorial. Clearly the new plaque should be well-made, worthy of its purpose, and in-keeping with the existing plaque, so we took advice from the diocesan advisor on brasses who directed us to a skilled brass engraver. The lettering on the existing plaque would have been hand-engraved in a style of the time, and then infilled with black pigment. If you look carefully, you will see that no two letters are quite the same. We have tried to match the style as closely as possible. The new plaque will be placed directly underneath the existing and we hope that it will be in place in time to be dedicated at our coming 11th November Remembrance Sunday service.

Ann Jolly, Gordon Simmonds

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Baptism On Sunday 7th October Tracy Marlow had the pleasure in Baptising Luke, Becca and their children. Luke did the Alpha Course last year and had been baptised as a child but wanted to reaffirm his promise to God and to do this when his partner Becca and his 3 children were being baptised. Becca has been attending the Alpha Course which is being held at St Michaels on a Tuesday lunchtime and felt this was the time that she would like to show her faith and be baptised. Afterwards, St Michael’s held a ‘bring and share’ lunch and everyone was able to join in the celebration for Luke, Becca and Family. There will be another Alpha Course starting the end of January at Holy Trinity, if you are interested please contact the Parish Office.

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Page 28: November 2018 40p -… · Without parishes such as ours, the work of TLM would be extremely stunted. We donate


Rayleigh House of Prayer Rayleigh House of Prayer As we remember this month the sacrifices made in two world wars, I am reminded that in World War 2 we prayed together as a nation for deliverance on more than one occasion. The miracle of Dunkirk (May-June 1940) was the first such occasion, when the sea suddenly calmed, allowing even the smallest of civilian boats to cross the Channel to help evacuate our stranded troops from the beaches. Winston Churchill later said: “How thankful we are that God had this company of intercessors, whose lives were on the altar day after day as they stood in the gap for the deliverance of Britain.” Then several months later (8 September 1940), the King called for a National Day of Prayer during the Battle of Britain. The RAF was incurring unsustainable losses and the future looked bleak, yet one week later the Luftwaffe stopped the bombardment and the invasion of England was postponed until further notice. I believe it’s time once again for the people to ‘stand in the gap’ in prayer, to intercede for our loved ones, churches, communities, leaders, and for the United Kingdom. There appears to be so much division in our land, so much anger, violence, complacency, I could go on… We each need to pray as a disciple of Jesus Christ, with our heart and soul, for the deliverance of this nation and to stand united in prayer. Heavenly Father, awaken us from our slumber, stir our hearts with a genuine love for Your Word and give us hearts to pray for the lost, our communities and nation. We pray that in this hour the churches and community will be shaken by the power of the bold, faith-filled prayers of those who earnestly seek Your face. O Lord hear our prayers and the cry of our hearts, for we know that when the Church prays, the world changes. Lord, we hold fast to Your Word which says, “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” We thank you that “The Word of God is living, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit.” How marvellous are Your works, Lord, the heavens declare their glory, bless the Lord O my soul. Lead us in your everlasting ways, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

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I would like to invite you to join our new Rayleigh House of Prayer initiative. You can pray at home or join us at Holy Trinity Church on Thursdays at 2.30 pm – all are welcome.

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Seafarers Mission Tilbury I have been going to and from the seafarer’s mission 3 or 4 times a year for around 10 years. I went the first few times with Les Jarvis, now it’s usually June Walton. June collects together all the knitted items that everyone, very kindly knits for the Seafarers. As soon as we arrived, we were always warmly greeted by those there and Les and I would often stop for a cup of tea. The Chaplin would interpret for me when I tried conversing with a few of the Seafarers. One man had been away from his wife for 6 months, at Tilbury he was able to talk to her via the computer. She was really lovely, she thought I was funny, (hmmm know idea why) she was also very heavily pregnant. Her husband was worried about her. However the seafarer’s mission in the Philippines were arranging help for his wife. Have you ever thought about those that have to transport food all around the world, how long they are away from their families, which can often be months at a time. The dangers they face every day. They can’t take much on board the ship with them, so they often run out of the basic things. Can you help with my shopping list please? Flannels Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Deodorant There is a Carol service at the Tilbury Seafarers Mission on the 17th of November at 11am. If you wish to go you will be very welcome, they would love to see you. I am hoping to go, and still have a few seats empty in my car. Please contact me on: 07841 756098 or 01268 786705.


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Puppet Partners In the Cloister Hall

Thursday November 29 15 minute performances at

5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm

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Cards e.t.c.

10.30 & end 12.30pm. St. Michael’s

It is still on the third Thursday of the month and £3 subscription each morning

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Psalm 85 8:13

(8) I will listen to what God the Lord says;

he promise peace to his people, his faithful servants –

but let them not turn to folly.

(9) Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,

that his glory may dwell in our Land

(10) Love and faithfulness meet together;

righteousness and peace kiss each other.

(11) Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,

and righteousness looks down from heaven.

(12) The Lord will indeed give what is good,

and our land will yield its harvest.

(13) Righteousness goes before him

and prepares the way for his steps