november 4, 2018 thirty-first sunday in ordinary time page...

Page 1 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 -

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Page 1 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

847-966-8145 -

Page 2 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Dear Parishioners, The Feasts of All Saints and All Souls help us to look to the exemplary people of faith who have helped us un-derstand what Christian spirituality means and how to apply it to our daily lives. The great intellects, the peo-ple of deep mystical prayer, and the ones who brought people together in community despite hatred and bigot-ry witness the spiritual non-negotiables. The spiritual non-negotiables – the importance of community worship, the imperatives surrounding social ac-tion, and the centrality of our belief that God became one of us to set us free to serve, were made manifest by this cloud of witnesses, human beings like ourselves. The canonized saints and even our respected deceased relatives help us answer the question that haunts us all, “What is spirituality?” In the lives of the people we admire, we see how we are to channel that inner restlessness, those deep desires that gnaw at us all, into a healthy spirituality. The great men and women of our faith push us to move beyond a private faith concerned with only our family and close friends to one that challenges us to put our faith into action by helping those in need and building solidarity and peace among all. Christ calls us to justice beyond private charity. Christ’s merciful love enables us to seek an increasing engagement with the broader society in order to bring Him into the world. Private charity responds to the homeless and the wounded, which is good and noble, but it does not try to get at the reasons that created the homeless, the wounded, and very sadly at times, death. Social justice asks us to go up stream to find out the systems and structures which perpetuate these injustices. Perhaps in the distant past good people focused on their own simple lives, but today we know more about these atrocities with our 24-hour news cycle. Today, we can travel and understand with clarity the political, economic, and social systems that are unfair and wounding to many across the globe. Today we know and see for ourselves, sometimes on live TV, the starving skeletal bodies of innocent refugee men, women, and chil-dren, the bullet riddled so called “dissident,” or even the gruesome beheading and dismemberment of a cap-tured journalist. Yes, today, we know more. Because we know more, because we can see with our own eyes, we are to awaken to the call to social justice. This profound awareness forces us to be people of truth and transformative energy. As people of truth, we look to shape our worldview and more importantly our daily choices in line with the Gospel message. Money, power, personal and political gain are not the ultimate factors in making our deci-sions -- rather, we put our energy into making the world a little better for those who have no voice. Father Ronald Rolheiser reminds us, “In the world's schema of things, survival of the fittest is the rule. In God's schema of things, survival of the weakest is the rule. God always stands on the side of the weak and it is there, among the weak, that we find God.” Please reflect on the candidates running for elected office. Please pray over your choices and then vote with the mind and heart of Jesus. Father Mike Meany

Page 3 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Drodzy parafianie, Święta Wszystkich Świętych i Dzień Zaduszny pomagają nam patrzeć na przykładowych ludzi wiary, którzy pomogli nam zrozumieć, co oznacza chrześcijańska duchowość i jak zastosować ją w naszym codziennym życiu. Wielkie intelekty, ludzie głębokiej mistycznej modlitwy i ci, którzy jednoczyli ludzi we wspólnocie, pomimo nienawiści i bigoterii, są świadkami duchowej niezniszczalności. Duchowa niezbywalność - znaczenie kultu we wspólnocie, imperatywy otaczające działania społeczne i centralne przekonanie, że Bóg stał się jednym z nas, aby dać nam wolność służenia, zostały objawione przez ten obłok świadków, ludzi takich jak my . Kanonizowani święci, a nawet nasi drodzy zmarli krewni pomagają nam odpowiedzieć na pytanie, które prześladuje nas wszystkich: "Czym jest duchowość?" W życiu ludzi, których podziwiamy, widzimy, jak mamy kierować tym wewnętrznym niepokojem, tymi głębokimi pragnieniami, które nurtują naszą zdrową duchowość. Wielcy mężczyźni i kobiety naszej wiary pchają nas do wyjścia poza prywatną sferę wiary, która dotyczy tylko naszej rodziny i bliskich przyjaciół, która wzywa nas do wcielenia w życie naszej wiary, pomagając potrzebującym oraz budując solidarność i pokój wśród wszystkich. Chrystus wzywa nas do sprawiedliwości poza prywatną miłością. Miłosierna miłość Chrystusa pozwala nam poszukiwać coraz większego zaangażowania w szersze społeczeństwo, aby ponownie ukazać Go na światu. Prywatne akcje charytatywne pomagaja bezdomnym i potrzebującym, co jest dobre i szlachetne, ale nie starają się znaleźć przyczyn, które stworzyły bezdomnych, potrzebujących, a czasami bardzo smutnych czy bliskich śmierci ludzi. Sprawiedliwość społeczna prosi nas, abyśmy podążali w górę, aby ukazać systemy i struktury, które utrwalają te niesprawiedliwości. Być może w odległej przeszłości dobrzy ludzie skupili się na własnym prostym życiu, ale dziś wiemy więcej o tych okrucieństwach w naszym 24-godzinnym cyklu informacyjnym. Dziś możemy podróżować i zrozumieć z jasnością systemy polityczne, gospodarcze i społeczne, które są niesprawiedliwe i rania wiele osób na całym świecie. Dziś wiemy i widzimy, czesto w telewizji na żywo, głodujących niewinnych uchodźców, mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci, tak zwanych "dysydentów", a nawet makabryczne ścięcie i rozczłonkowanie schwytanego dziennikarza. Tak, dzisiaj wiemy więcej. Ponieważ wiemy więcej i widzimy na własne oczy powinnismy przebudzić się do wezwania sprawiedliwości społecznej. Ta głęboka świadomość zmusza nas do bycia ludźmi prawdy i transformującej energii. Jako ludzie prawdy, chcemy kształtować nasz światopogląd i, co ważniejsze, nasze codzienne wybory zgodne z przesłaniem Ewangelii. Pieniądz, władza, osobiste i polityczne korzyści nie są najważniejszymi czynnikami w podejmowaniu decyzji - raczej wkładajmy naszą energię w uczynienie świata trochę lepszym dla tych, którzy nie mają głosu. Ojciec Ronald Rolheiser przypomina nam: "W światowym schemacie rzeczy, przetrwanie najsilniejszych jest regułą. W Bożym schemacie rzeczy przetrwanie najsłabszych jest regułą. Bóg zawsze stoi po stronie słabych i zawsze pośród słabych, znajdujemy Boga. " Proszę zastanowić się nad kandydatami kandydującymi na wybrany urząd. Proszę, módlcie się o swoje własne wybory, a następnie głosujcie umysłem i sercem Jezusa. Ks. Mike Meany

Page 4 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Monday, November 5 - Weekday 6:30 - Joseph Kusuman 8:30 - Francisca Amatong, Mike Puacz, Zofia, Tomasz & Wladyslaw Boczar Deceased Vergara Family Members, Stanislawa Placek, Maria Wiechec Tuesday, November 6 - Weekday 6:30 - Special Intention 8:30 - John P. Cierny, Sr. (Bday Remembrance) Deceased Dinglasan Family Members Wednesday, November 7 - Weekday 6:30 - Robert Boller, Claire Lee, Ronald Weindorfer 8:30 - All Parishioners 7:00- Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Władysława&Piotr Serafin, Oleksiuk Family, Demianczuk Family, Wincenty Bundz (19th d/a) Maria & Andrzej Kubicz, Ola, Regina & Marjan Zapf, Julianna & Adam Zoladz, Jozef & Wladyslawa Pienkowski, Stanislaw & Wanda Mocarski, Paul Janeczek (Bday Blessings) Thursday, November 8 - Weekday 6:30 - in Thanksgiving 8:30 - Frank Wirkus, Vivar, Cruz, Santiago & Carpio Families Friday, November 9 - Dedication of Lateran Basilica 6:30 - Special Intention 8:30 - Al DeLorenzo, Bernard Warchol Seanemmanuel Atienza (Bday Blessings) Saturday, November 10 - St. Leo the Great 7:30 - Catherine Zaide, Antonio Pinol, Bartlomiej Wiechec, Zygmunt Placek 5:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Catherine Kosina, Frank Rosienski, Frank Sergot, Edwin Zalesny, Pat McDonagh, Kenneth Bastien, Elliott Satinover, Walter, Stanislaw, Stefania & Wladyslaw Przybysz, In Thanksgiving 6:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski Stanley Biedak, Henryk Domanski, Piotr & Leokadia Matysek, Zofia & Czeslaw Garbarz, Deceased Mem.of Plizga & Bernat Families, Zbigniew Jabłoński, Zbigniew Barnat, Genowefa &Tadeusz Weigrycht, Danuta Stec, Wladyslawa Bielanycz & All deceased Family Members

Edward & Bronisława Augustin, Maria Cwiertniewicz, Ryszard Cwiertniewicz, Nina &Antoni Dunaj, Deceased Bielanycz Family Members, Agnieszka & Wladyslaw Balewscy Deceased Balewscy Family Members, Genowefa, Wojciecj, Wladyslaw, Stefan, Benedykt, Adam, Eugenia & Helena Litera, Rozalia & Stanislaw Dabros, Maria &Jozef Pawlina, Helena & Jan Kurpisz, Katarzyna & Jan & Leon Pawlina, Stanley Borowy & Family (Health Blessings) Sunday, November 11 - Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection - Fall Clean up 7:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Catherine Kosina, Michael Gilles 9:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek- Scout Mass Gilberto Mercado, Arthur Kapchinski, Cynthia Vaughn, Elzbieta Poplawska, Leo Bongcawil, Aurea Bullecer, Stefani, John, & Zdzislaw Gonder, Irena & Edward Mordel Marianna Borkowska 10:45 - Celebrant - Visiting Priest Walter & Mary Bialka, Irene Korzenski, Evelyn Gale, Mauro Ganzon Jr. & Family ( Health & Blessings), David Mikolajczyk ( Bday Blessings) 12:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski Andrzej Mucha, Daniel Szacilowski, Eugenia, Apolonia & Jozef Dopart, Maria Cynar, Barbara Rozanska, Anna & Stanislaw Gibas, Janina Glinska, Michalina & Ludwik (1st d/a), Kazimiera & Jan Stochmal, Jozef Gibas, Michal Pszonka, Maria & Jan Molinski, Alicja Lipinski, Marian Lalik, Golemo & Jarosz Family, Krajewski & Pienkowski Deceased Fly Members, Bronislawa & Wladyslaw Swiecicki &Family, Helena & Anna Radziszewska, Waldemar Sitko & All Deceased Family Members, For Family & Conversion of Hearth Aleksandra Duda (13th Bday Blessings) 6:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski All Parishioners

Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of November 5-11

Page 5 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018


Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each week. Suggested donation is $50. Please con-

tact the parish office to select a date.

Altar Bread and Wine For the week of November 4, 2018

Offered for

Jeannette Rauscher

(3rd. Death Anniversary)

Donated by Teresa Byrne


Luke Hanusiek Michael Szaradowski

Madeline Albano (2) Mary Hickey (4) K. Kozeny (1) Devin Pittges (2) Wanda Romanas (1) Connie Sparkowski (1) Patricia Severin (1) Anna Wlodkowska (4) Diane Zumpano (1)

We Pray for Our Ill Members

Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance

St. John Brebeuf Parish accepts family members names, branch of service, and photo. Please bring them to the par-ish office, Attention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Ma-rines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard. Please remember in prayer the following who are cur-rently serving in the Armed Forces Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler

May they return safely to their families. If your loved one's name appears on this list and his/her rank is not included, please contact the parish of-fice so the information can be added. Thank you.

Names will appear on this list for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared. If there is no call to the office after the fourth week, the name will be placed on the parish website. The list is under “Quick Links,” click on “We Pray For.” at Thank you.

We Welcome the Children Baptized in


Adam Jan Blacharski son of Jan & Danuta Blacharski

Maja Sztuka

daughter of Mariusz and Paulina Sztuka

Timothy Michael Majka son of Piotr & Katarzyna Majka

Maxymilian Marian Satala

son of Marian & Monika Satala

Julian Leszczynski son of Jacob & Bernadetta Leszczynski

Julia Nicolette Rajca

daughter of Paul; & Anett Waz

Logan Arion Coloma son of Lester & Maria Coloma

Blake Sawyer Natareno Xiong

son of Darl & Shoua Natareno

Page 6 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

11:00 AM - 15:00 PM W programie: Msza Swięta; Konferencje biblijne; Modlitwy; Możliwość zapisania się do APOSTOLSTWA NIEUSTAJACEGO RóZANCA 8 Wrzesień - sala C przy kuchni 6 Październik - sala C 3 Listopad – Flanagal Hall w

szkole 5 Styczeń - sala C 2 Luty – Flanagan Hall w szkole

2 Marzec – sala C 6 Kwiecień – Flanagal Hall w

szkole 4 Maj – Flanagal Hall w szkole 8 Czerwiec- sala C

Devotions in the Church Rosary

Monday through Friday After 8:30 AM Mass

After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Every First Wednesday of the Month Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Inc. Benediction )

First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus

After 8:30 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

First Saturday Devotions

To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and

After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group

Monday 7:00 PM

Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM

Hour of Divine Mercy

Friday 3:00 PM Includes Stations of the Cross) Pray for priests every Thursday



Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-30ab, 30e, 31-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]

Saturday: November 10, 2018

5:00 pm Alyna & Maggie Prucnal Arabella Gomez 6:30 pm Eva Wanat Anna Sawicka Maxymilian Regulski Sunday: November 11, 2018 7:30 am Ekira, Tavares and Elylah Edwards 9:00 am Adam Cudzich, Bryce Gozar, Cameron Garret 10:45 am Nathaniel Sison, Jagoda Samborska, Bryce Gozar 12:30 pm Daniel Kurc, Maxymilian Regulski Adrian Anszczak 6:00 pm Antonio and Tomas Acosta


Become an Altar Server and enjoy a mixture of fun, fellowship and faith! Experience Christ’s Sacrifice up close. We are now taking registra-tions for an awesome Altar Serving Program. For more information, please contact; Sue Schoenfeldt 847.583.0113

Page 7 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

“Wrapped in God’s Love Blanket Collection”

The Parish Pastoral Council thanks all who do-nated a blanket for the Parish Project. As of Sunday, October 28, 152 blankets were returned and blessed during the weekend Masses. Six blankets were returned to the Parish office. If you forgot to drop off your blanket, please bring them to the office. Not only will those that re-ceive the blankets be "Wrapped in God's Love, but also those who so generously donated them.

Thank you for warming the hearts and

bodies of those in need!

Thank you

for your participation!



Once again, Uncle Pete’s Ministry wishes to thank all those who supported the Respect Life Baby Shower. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our parish. May the Lord continue to bless you for your thoughtfulness and compassion. Thank you for your generosity!

GLADD Ministry A big thanks to all who supported our Tootsie Roll Sales, and to all the volunteers that helped us make this a successful Toot-sie Roll Drive. Thank you for helping us help those with special needs. God Bless you all for your Generosity! Lois Kozeny,

Page 8 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Pi sburgh Grieves, We Grieve with our Brothers and Sisters in Faith. Pittsburg w żalobie, łaczymy sie w smutku I żalu z naszymi Bracmi I Siostrami w wierze.

Tree Of Life Synagogue Anti-Semitic Shooting We mourn the death of the 11 people who were mem-bers of the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, PA, last Saturday, October 27. The victims, ages ranged from 54 to 97 years old -- brothers, an elderly couple, people with family and friends -- Richard Gottfried, 65, Rose Malinger, 97, Joyce Fienberg, 75, Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, Cecil and David Rosenthal, 59 and 54, Bernice and Syl-van Simon, 84 and 86, Daniel Stein, 71, Melvin Wax, 88, Irving Younger, 69. People very much like us, believers in God and commu-nity, dedicated to living in right relationship with every-one. Please pray for their families, pray for the Jewish com-munity around the globe and all those touched by this tragedy. Pray for the first responders, the doctors, psy-chologists, family and friends, neighbors, and co-workers who are filled with sadness and confusion. Remember, Jesus was a Jew, as were Mary and Joseph and all Jesus' first followers. We call ourselves Judeo-Christian. Jesus was killed by individuals motivated by political, cultural, and religious beliefs who felt threat-ed and had a bias against him and not by the Jewish reli-gion per-se or its people as a whole. While in the past, the church contributed to this hatred by saying the “Jews killed Jesus,” since Vatican II this is no longer the case and what I stated is official church teaching. Hate has no place in our conversations and practices. Anti-Semitic sentiments and racial prejudice against African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, refugees, immi-grants, or any kind of discrimination is just plain evil. We all know better, there is no excuse. When a person keeps quiet or when someone makes a so called “joke” or “comment,” that person is part of the problem. When someone makes state-ments that are incendiary and they are encouraged by others as if the behavior doesn't matter, the peo-ple who could have denounced the statement are guilty, too. It's not a matter of political correctness; it is about obeying the command to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

When you say nothing as hatred comes forth from a person's lips, you allow the spark of hatred to ignite. When an individual plays on the fears of others and leads them along the path of falsehood, that individual has to share in the culpability when the flame of ha-tred spreads. It's plain wrong, let's not fool ourselves. Hate is hate, lying and manipulation is evil and pro-motes evil. Do we need a safety plan and some common sense security? Yes, but let’s be clear. The right ideology, or more guns, in the end will not eradicate these prob-lems. We need hope, personal integrity, charity, and prayer. Plenty of prayer. Please pray for our country. Father Mike Meany ————————————————————— Synagoga Drzewa Zycia Antysemicki Atak . Opłakujemy śmierć 11 osób, które były członkami Synagogi Drzewa Życia, w Pittsburghu, w ostatnią sobotę, 27 października. Wiek pokrzywdzonych wahał się od 54 do 97 lat - bracia, starsza para, ludzie z rodziną i przyjaciółmi - Richard Gottfried, 65 lat, Rose Malinger, 97, Joyce Fienberg, 75, Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, Cecil i David Rosenthal, 59 i 54, Bernice i Sylvan Simon, 84 i 86, Daniel Stein, 71, Melvin Wax, 88, Irving Younger, 69. Ludzie bardzo do nas podobni, wierzący w Boga i wspólnotę, oddani życiu we właściwej relacji ze wszystkimi. Proszę, módlcie się za ich rodziny, módlcie się za społeczność żydowską na całym świecie i wszystkich tych, którzy zostali dotknięci tą tragedią. Módlcie się za pierwszych reagujących lekarzy, psychologów, rodziny i przyjaciół, sąsiadów i współpracowników, którzy są wypełnieni smutkiem i zamieszaniem

Page 9 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Pamiętajcie, że Jezus był Żydem, podobnie jak Maryja i Józef i wszyscy pierwsi naśladowcy Jezusa. Nazywamy siebie Judeo-Christian. Jezus został zabity przez osoby motywowane przez polityczne, kulturowe i religijne wierzenia, które były zagrożone i miały stronniczość przeciwko niemu, a nie przez religię żydowską lub jej ludzi jako całość. Podczas gdy w przeszłości kościół przyczynił się do tej nienawiści, mówiąc: "Żydzi zabili Jezusa", od II Soboru Watykańskiego to już nie ma miejsca i to, co oświadczyłem, jest oficjalnym nauczaniem kościoła Nienawiść nie ma miejsca w naszych rozmowach i praktykach. Uczucia antysemickie i uprzedzenia rasowe wobec Afroamerykanów, Azjatów, Latynosów, uchodźców, imigrantów lub jakiejkolwiek dyskryminacji są po prostu złe. Wszyscy wiemy, że dla takich zachowań nie ma usprawiedliwienia. Kiedy dana osoba nie reaguje, kiedy niektórzy nazywają to "żartem" lub "komentarzem", ta osoba staje się częścią problemu. Kiedy ktoś czyni prowokujące oświadczenia zachęcany przez innych, tak jakby to zachowanie nie miało znaczenia, również jest winny. To nie jest kwestia poprawności politycznej; chodzi o posłuszeństwo przykazaniu "kochaj bliźniego swego jak siebie samego". Kiedy nie protestujesz, jak nienawiść wyłania się z ust drugiej osoby, pozwalasz zapalić iskrę nienawiści. Kiedy jednostka bawi się lękiem innych prowadząc ich na ścieżke fałszu, ta osoba ponosi winę, gdy rozprzestrzenia się płomień nienawiści. To jest złe, nie oszukujmy się. Nienawiść jest nienawiścią,kłamstwo jest kłamstwem i manipulacja jest złem i promuje zło. Czy potrzebujemy planu bezpieczeństwa i zdrowego rozsądku? Tak, ale bądźmy czyści. Właściwa ideologia lub więcej broni nie wyeliminuje tych problemów. Potrzebujemy nadziei, osobistej uczciwości, miłości i modlitwy. Dużo modlitwy. Proszę, módlcie się za nasz kraj. Ksiadz Mike Meany

Statement of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, on

the Tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh

October 28, 2018 We reach out through our grief and shock to our Jew-ish brothers and sisters and with them offer our pray-ers to the Almighty, the God of Abraham. We pray for healing of those caught in this madness as they gathered in their sanctuary to honor the Sab-bath and rejoice at the naming of an infant. Let us also condemn in the strongest terms this anti-Semitic act of depravity and the rhetoric, heartless-ness and apathy that have allowed hatred to flourish in our society. Make no mistake. Words incubate evil and allow it space to be accepted. Words that give voice to fear-mongering that causes people to arm themselves against anyone who is “other.” And it will take more than words to stop this predict-able maelstrom of hostility and violence that threat-ens to change our nation. Faced with the horror at the Tree of Life Synagogue our resolve should be to take action. Let us come to-gether in prayer and remembrance, but also in com-mon cause to find ways to stand against anti-Semitism and all similar hatred. This is a war waged against decency and only by working together, recognizing each other’s God-given rights, will society grow in peace and justice. As Abraham Lincoln said in speaking of the need for national healing, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.” We affirm the hope found in the words of the mourners’ Kaddish, “He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.”

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Early childhood ages 2 and 3 Story Time, Gym Time, Crafts & Songs

Thursdays; 8:30—9:30 am

Contact St John Brebeuf School 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-3266 -

Page 11 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

Date: Sunday, December 9, 2018 - Check-In at Morton Grove Train Station (8501 Lehigh Ave. -Morton Grove)

Round-Trip from the Morton Grove Train Station to the Fox Lake Train Station Time: Trip #1 Check-In @ 10:50am – (departure time 11:05am, return time 1:46pm)

Time: Trip #2 Check-In @ 2:50pm – (departure time 3:05pm, return time 5:46pm)

All Aboard!


STORY TIME TRAIN Travel along with the Holy Name Men’s Club as we venture on a memorable Metra train ride. Enjoy the ride as a sto-ryteller reads “The Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg. Santa will join us at the Fox Lake Train Station for juice, cookies, caroling, and a special gift for those “who believe” as we travel back to the Morton Grove Train Station. All children and youth must be accompanied by an adult. Boarding passes will be mailed out by December 4th. Register early, space is limited! Registration deadline is 12/02/2018. Return registration form to the parish office. Email ques-tions to John Jekot at [email protected] or call 847-651-7624

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Concert to be Held Sunday, November 18

Please be our guest at this upcoming concert, just in me for Thanksgiving!

Mendelssohn’s wonderfully melodic HYMN OF PRAISE/LOBGESANG Op. 52 will be performed by the Niles Metropol-itan Chorus and the Musica Lumina Orchestra at 3:00 PM on SUNDAY, November 18 in the great acous cs of St. John Brebeuf Church. The full orchestra, 50 voice chorus, outstanding soloists Katherine Werbiansky, soprano, Me-gan Cook, soprano, and Nicholas Pulikowski, tenor, under the direc on of Marek Rachelski will mesmerize you with the beauty of this work.

Tickets are complimentary. Bring the en re family (although due to the quiet nature of some of this choral music it is not recommended for children under the age of 4). Audiences adored the last presenta on on this LIVE AT SJB Concert Series, Return to France: Debussy and His World which was offered by the Musica Lumina Orchestra.

Come and experience the remarkable quality of these presenta ons. Handel’s Messiah follows: 7:00 PM Tuesday, De-cember 11.

Hope to see you 3PM on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18

Chicago Philharmonic presents a free Concert for Peace Koncert dla pokoju

November 11 2018, 1:30pm | 11 listopada, godz. 1:30pm St. Hyacinth Basilica | Bazylika św. Jacka 3636 W Wolfram Street, Chicago

Legendary Polish composer Wojciech Kilar’s work has been enjoyed by popular audiences – he composed scores for over 130 films, including The Pianist and Bram Stoker’s Dracula – but symphonic music was his first love. Join us at the magnificent St. Hyacinth Basilica for Kilar’s Mass for Peace, performed in 2001 at the Vatican for Pope John Paul II.

Chicago Philharmonic with members of Paderewski Symphony Orchestra Chorus

Marek Moś, conductor Natalia Rubiś, soprano Katarzyna Sądej, mezzo-soprano Jesse Donner, tenor Kurt Link, bass Andrzej Białko, organ

Legendary Polish composer Wojciech Kilar’s Mass for Peace in a liturgical setting.

Msza za pokój legendarnego polskiego kompozytora Wojciecha Kilara z Filharmonią Chicagowską pod batutą Marek Moś, artystami gościnnymi i członkami Paderewskiego Chóru Symfonicznego

Kilar Missa Pro Pace (Mass for Peace)

(Poniżej informacje w języku polskim)

Attendance is free but tickets are required. Bilety za darmo

Page 13 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

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November 4-Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us: “You shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you can show your love for our Lord and your love of your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened. Have you considered joining the Society of St. Vin-cent de Paul? Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vin-cent de Paul so that together we can help the suffer-ing and poor. All information will be strictly confidential. St. John Brebeuf Parish Office Telephone: (847) 966-8145

4 listopada - Trzydziesta Pierwsza Niedziela Zwykła: W dzisiejszej Ewangelii Jezus mówi nam: "Będziesz miłował Pana, Boga swego całym swoim

sercem, całą duszą, całym swoim umysłem i całą swoją siłą ... i pokochasz bliźniego jak siebie samego ". Przez twój dar dla Bractwa Św. Wincentego a Paulo możesz okazać swoją miłość do naszego Pana i swoją miłość do bliźniego, który jest głodny, bez nadziei, samotny i przestraszony.

Czy zastanawiales sie nad przynaleznoscia do Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul? Jesli znasz rodzine, ktora potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwon do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem mozemy pomoc cierpiacym i potrzebujacym.

Wszystkie informacje beda scisle poufne. Biuro Parafijalne

Sw. Jana Brebeufa (847) 966-8145

It’s That Time Again – Only 50 Days to Go Until Christmas That is right, there are only 50 days until Christmas. And that means that the women and men of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be at the doors of the Church the weekends of November 17-18 and November 24-25 with the St. John Brebeuf Chr istmas Gift-Sharing Program gift

suggestion forms. Many families from the past years know that “Santa’s Workshop” is at St John Brebeuf and not at the North Pole.

ALL GIFTS ARE TO BE RETURNED TO THE CHURCH THE WEEKENDS OF DECEMBER 1-2 AND DECEMBER 8-9. If you have any questions regarding the Chr istmas Gift-Sharing Program, please ask a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society or call the Parish Office.

The Society wishes to say Thank You for the past 46 years that our parish has participated in this great project. For many individuals your Christmas present is the only one they receive – so, please NEW items only.

The Catholic Women's Club will be hosting their annual Christmas Dinner on Friday, December 14th. More information to follow in the coming weeks. December


Page 15 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

MINISTERS OF CARE NEEDED! Our Ministry of Care group is looking for more people to join them in helping those homebound be able to receive the Holy Eucha-rist. We are blessed to have 14 ministers of care and can certainly use more.. This a very rewarding ministry. The visits take about 12 to 15 minutes, and consist of saying a short prayer and distributing Com-munion to our parishioners that request it. Fr. Przemek will be offering training sessions (about 3) to enable you to become a Minister of Care. Please consider! More details to follow soon. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 847-966-8145, or fill out the following application, drop in collection basket or bring to the Parish Office Thank you! Ann Zalak, Coordinator

SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word is a worship experience geared especially for children ages 6 -10. It is a special opportunity for children to understand and appreciate Scripture at Sunday Mass. Basically, after the opening prayer (Collect) at the 10:45 a.m. English Mass and 12:30 p.m. Polish Mass, the chil-dren are invited to come forward with two adult Catechists and go to the Music Room in Church to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word. Children’s Liturgy of the Word offers an experience for children to hear Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding of God's word. The children return to the main parish assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We warmly invite all children in the parish to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. All parents, please encourage your children to join when a clergy invite them to come forward to hear the Good News. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word ministry will continue until June of 2019. We welcome all of our children ages 6 - 10 to partic-ipate in their own Liturgy of the Word! If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Maciek Karaban at 847-966-3269. Thank you!!!

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Requests for Mass Inten ons Please submit all Mass Inten ons to the parish office two weeks in advance of your request so they can be printed in the bulle n. (Unless there is an early deadline for bulle n, this will be shortened) Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We appreciate your coopera on.

Intencje mszalne Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje mszalne do biura par-afialnego 14 dni przed żądanymterminem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy termin biuletynu, czas ten zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św.


On Friday, October 26, the SJB Knights of Columbus Coun-cil #4338 donated coats to the Niles Food Pantry. The coats were purchased through a special “Coats for Kids,” using the proceeds from the K.O.C. many events throughout the past year.

The coats will be given to children in need from the Niles Community. Thank you to all the SJB parishioners and friends who generously supported the knights of Columbus activities — your participation made this possible!.

Please Note:

"The Knights of Columbus will hold their next business meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 PM in the Parish Ministry Center. Visit for our more information."

Tony Arague (left) of the Niles Food Pantry received the “Coats for Kids” donation from Knights of Columbus Council #4338 S.K. Michael Curtis, (center), PGK and S.K. Ray Demski (right).

Human Dignity and Solidarity The Archdiocese of Chicago's Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity forms and accompanies the people of the Archdiocese of Chicago as they respond to the Gospel call, to recognize the dignity of all life and be in solidarity with our sisters and brothers on the margins. By doing this, we transform the lives of others through service as Christ's missionary disciples. All life is sacred from conception until natural death. The person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society — in economics and politics, in law and policy — directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. We believe people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable. In the next weeks, we will provide more information about the important activities relating to human dignity and solidarity. Please visit the home page of our website for information and links:

Page 17 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2018

November 4th: Lifeteen Mass 6:00pm, followed by YM Life Night 7:00pm November 11th: Holy Name Men’s Club Bingo November 18th: Concer t in church 3pm. See page 13 for more details. November 22nd Thanksgiving Day– Parish Office closed. December 2nd: Breakfast with Santa, sponsored by SJB School P/SA. Details coming soon

December 9th: Polar Express Story Time Train. (registration deadline is 12/2/18, see pg. 12 for more details. December 14th: Catholic Women’s Club Annual Chr ist-mas Dinner. December 11th—Handel’s Messiah, 7pm in Church Please note that Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on Mon, Tues., and Wed. from 7:30-10 pm. Golden Agers meet every Tuesday for Bingo 8:00am -1:00pm in PMC C. The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so please check to confirm events.

Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB

BINGO KITCHEN HELP WANTED! The Holy Name Men’s Club sponsors SJB monthly Bingo on Sunday afternoon. It is a very successful fundraiser for our parish. We are looking for parish groups to host a monthly kitchen for this on-going parish fundraiser. If your group is interested in participating (scouts, youth, school, seniors, etc.), the choice of the menu is up to you. This would be a good opportunity for your group to sell items that you are using for your fund-raising (candy, cookies, Christmas etc.). Please contact HNMC president, Dennis O’ Donavan 847-744-2927.

Did you know...? The Archdiocese of Chicago's Code of Conduct is a resource filled with information about what is or is not appropriate behavior around children and vulnerable adults. It is much more than just something to sign quick-ly every few years and forget about. All employees and volunteers are encouraged to keep this document and to read it regularly. The Code of Conduct, along with all VIRTUS forms and instructions for employee and volunteer compliance, can be found at Please contact the parish office if you have questions. Thank you for all that you do to make our parish a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults.

A Few Words About Wills….. A well-prepared Will is a statement of faith, hope and love. St. John Brebeuf Parish would consider it a privilege to be mentioned in your Will. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 847-966-3266

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St. John Brebeuf Church Staff

Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany

Associates: Rev. Piotr Samborski

Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin

Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall

Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired,

Andy Beierwaltes

Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban

Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:

Marek Rachelski

Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair

Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz

School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney

Director Youth Ministry:

Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist

Bulletin Editor: Maria R. Garcia

Fr. Thomas May Ministry Center

Parish Office

8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

Mon.-Thurs.: 9am –8pm, Fri.: 9am-7pm

Sat..9am –6:30pm , Sun.: 9am - 1pm


E-mail: [email protected]

School: (847) 966-3266

8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714


Religious Education: (847) 966-3269

Youth Office: (847) 966-9815


Last Sunday of each month during

10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service

(Polish): First Weekend of each month:

at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &

Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM

Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.

Matrimony: Four months notice is minimal.

Eucharistic Adoration:

In Parish Ministry Center Chapel

Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm Friday 7am-7pm

Saturday 7am-6:30pm -Sunday 7am-1:30pm

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,

12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM

Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM

Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)

Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM

First Friday: 7:00 PM Mass (Polish)

See Bulletin for Holy Days

Reconciliation - Saturday

11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)

First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)

November 4, 2018

“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through prayer, sacraments, life-

long formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

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CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 28, 2018 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 18 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS