november 4-7, 2009 - university of...

Crossings and interroga-ons of geographical borders have been at the forefront of much Spanish, La-n American and U. S. La-no cinema. Moreover, the historical project of transna-onal Hispanic cinemas o@en appears to have been constructed by directors and producers "imagining" audiences beyond their own immediate poli-cal borders. Theories, films, directors, genres, and actors have traveled – and con-nue to do so – across languages and countries. Spa-ality has always played a crucial role in the poli-cs of representa-on, while geographies have been central in produc-on and circula-on. The mul-ple facets of the Hispanic community on screen have been marked by its geographical imaginaries. November 4-7, 2009

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Wednesday, November 4th

9:00-10:30 AMDelta Room: Heterotopic Spaces

Thomas Deveny (McDaniel College): "Geographic Imaginaries and Heterotopias in Gustavo Loza's Al otro lado."

Barbara Zecchi (University of Massachussetts, Amherst): "Desde nosOtras a Otras: Las inmigrantes en el imaginario fílmico femenino."

Bécquer Medak-Seguín (Whitman College): "Can the Child Speak?: (Re)Presentations of Escapism in El laberinto del fauno (2006) and El orfanato (2007)."

Spencer Herrera New Mexico State University): "The Creation of Chicano Identity in The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada."

Creole Queen Room: Urban Cartographies

Santiago Fouz-Hernandez (Durham University, UK): "Chuecatown: Marking the Queer Territory in Madrid."

Ana Vivancos (University of Illinois) " Anti-branding the City: Homelessness, Public Spaces and Gentrification in José Luis Guerin’s En construcción."

Ana Martin Morán (Universidad Rey Juam Carlos): "Nuevos imaginarios, viejas fronteras: las periferías en el cine español contemporáneo."

Malcom Compitello (The University of Arizona): "Fernando León de Aranoa’s Cartographic Imaginary."

Natchez Room: The Televisual Frontier

Miguel Fernández Labayen (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona): "Fronteras genéricas e identitarias en los programas culturales de TVE en

Cataluña, 1989-1992”

Josetxo Cerdán (Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona): "Comunidades imaginadas/fronteras en

movimiento: el caso de televisión española en Cataluña."

Concepción Cascajosa Virino (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)": Narciso Ibáñez Serrador: Creación e identidad en un pionero."

Valeria Garrote (Rutgers University:) "After Geography: Musicales del cine a la TV."

10:45-11:15 AM

Delta Room: Global and Local Spaces I

Álvaro Baquero-Pecino (Georgetown University): "Configuraciones del espacio globalizado en Rosario Tijeras."

Gabriela Alemán (Universidad San Francisco, Quito): “Un NO-lugar: Prometeo Deportado”

Roberto Ponce-Cordero (University of Pittsburgh): "The ‘Making of ’ a Cinematic Movement: On the New Ecuadorian ‘Cinema of Migration."

Barry Jordan (De Montfort University, UK): “Trans/post National: National Trends in Contemporary Spanish Cinema”

Creole Queen Room: Sexualities and Space

Stephanie Saunders (University of Kentucky): "‘My Nephew is My Brother?’ Demystifying the Home in El chacotero sentimental."

Julián Daniel Gutiérrez-Albilla: (Newcastle University): "Returning to and from the Maternal Rural Space: Heterosociality, the Matrixial and Nostalgic Utopia in Almodovar’s Volver."

Mónica Filimon (Rutgers University): "Victims and Perpetrators: Space and Family in Manuel Mur Oti’s Condenados."

Anastasia Valecce (Emory University): "MieloDrama."

Natchez Room: Voyages, Imagined Lives, and Transnational Identities




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009 Conference Program


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009 Jorge González del Pozo (The University of

Michigan-Dearborn): "Nuevas miradas a la inmigración: 14 kilómetros o el viaje nunca ocurrió."

Mauricio Espinoza (Ohio State University): "Encuentro y desencuentro: El viaje a la ‘tierra madre’ en los filmes costarricenses El barco prometido y El camino."

Sarah Paruolo (SUNY Stony Brook): "Hollywood’s Good Neighbor: Desi Arnaz."

2:00-3:15 PM

Delta Room: Global and Local Spaces II

Michael Talbott (New York University): "A Global Language for World Cinema: The Twin Aesthetics of North-South Coproduction.”

Luisela Alvaray, (De Paul University): "Are we Global Yet?: The New Challenges to Define Latin American Cinema."

Yvonne Gavela (University of Miami): "Entre el viaje imaginado y el espacio real en el cine de Daniel Calparsoro."

Clara Garavelli (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): "De-localizing Daily Life through the Lens of Jorge Gaggero."

Creole Queen Room: Landscapes of Memory, Myth, Modernity and Politics

Ann Davies (Newcastle University): "Transnational Landscapes of Memory: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth and The Devil’s Backbone."

Elena Cueto Asín (Bowdoin College): "El otro árbol de Guérnica (1969) en la descontextualización geográfico-política del mito."

Patrick Blaine (University of Washington): "Recovering Submerged Politics in Chilean Cinema."

Natchez Room: Transnational Others

Ilene Goldman (Independent Scholar): "Springall’s My Mexican Shiva (Morirse está en hebreo), Lichtmann’s Judios en espacio, and Agosín’s El brindis."

Dionne Blasingame (Kennesaw State University): "Identity, Transnational Blackness, and Cinematography in the Afro-Mexican Journey."

Dolores Alcaide Ramírez (University of Washington, Tacoma): “Ruth Behar’s Adios Kerida (Goodbye My Dear Love) and Rosie Pérez’s Yo soy boriqua pa’ que tú lo sepas: Women Rewriting the Self and Nation”

Macarena Urzúa Opazo (Rutgers University, Williams College): "Cartografías disidentes: Chile, el punk de la nostalgia. Del movimiento juvenil Lautaro al Santiago punk."

3:30-5:00 PM

Delta Room:

Creole Queen Room: Reel/Real Border Crossings

Catherine L Benamou (University of California, Irvine): "With a Pistol in Her Hand: Changing Geographies of Gender and Violence in Borderlands Cinema"

Lynn Healy (Ohio State University): "Phantasmagoric Border Crossings: Agency and Abjection in Jose Mojica Marins’ A meia-noite levarei sua alma."

Álvaro Fernández (Queens College, CUNY): "La historia española desde el país de la hadas: El laberinto del fauno y la construcción de otro país: El pasado."

Natchez Room: Indigenous Practices

Claudia Ferman (University of Richmond): "Cine y practica de comunicación indígena: Nuevas gramáticas de creación."

Rosana Blanco-Cano (Trinity University): “Nuevas ciudadadanías culturales desde la mirada transnacional de Yolanda Cruz”

Cynthia Steele (University of Washington): "Going Native: Performing Lacandon Identity in Contemporary Mayan Video from Chiapas."


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009 5:30-6:30 PM

Riverbend I and II: Plenary Presentation

Alberto Elena (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid): "Asuntos de familia: política y poética de las coproducciones".

6:30-9:00 PM Reception

Thursday: November 5th

9:00-10:30 AM

Delta Room: Production Studies

Tamara Falicov (University of Kentucky): "Hubert Bals and International Film Festival Funds: Its Impact on Latin America Film Production."

Samuel Cruz (Ohio State University): "Politics and Geography: Boundaries of Visibility in Brazilian Cinema."

Mariana Lacunza (Ohio State University): "Cine digital boliviano: Revolución falsa o verdadera?"

Fernanda Zullo-Ruiz (Hanover College): "The ‘Cine Argentino’ Brand: The Politics of a Geographical-Cultural Trademark."

Creole Queen Room: Cartographic Diasporas

Aurora Alcaide Ramírez (Universidad de Murcia): ‘Fronteras interiores y exteriores. Cartografía fílmica de la diáspora dentro, desde y hacia España: Poniente (2002), El tren de la memoria (2005) y 14 kilómetros”

Beatriz Leal Riesco (Universidad de Salamanca): "La otra orilla del estrecho: Melilla, paradigma de ciudad-frontera."

Susan Wiebe Drake (Murray State University): "La misma luna: A Fractured Fairytale of Immigration."

Ana Ros Matturro (University of Michigan): "Las partidas que heredamos: Inmigración y exilio en el cine argentino del siglo XX."

Natchez Room: Spatial Innovations and Transgressions in Early Spanish Cinema

Leigh Mercer (University of Washington): “Beyond Mar i muntanya: City Space in Early Documentaries of Barcelona”

David George (Bates College):“Seeing Spain through Doña Elvira’s Eyes: Blasco’s Sangre y arena as Travel Film”

Luis Guadaño (Weber State University):“The Border is not where it Seems: Entertainment Venues, Spatial Relations and the Rise of Cinema in Early 20th Century Madrid”

Eva Woods Peiró (Vassar College):“Law and Assimilation: The Space of the Gypsy”

10:45-12:15 PM

Delta Room: The Foreign in the National

Ángel Miquel (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos): "Vámonos con Pancho Villa! Personajes extranjeros sumados a la revolución en tres películas de los años treinta."

David Wilt (University of Maryland and George Washington University): "De Tal Palo, Tal Astilla: Journeys to and from the Mother Country."

Caryn Conelly (Northern Kentucky University): "México Lindo, México Exótico: Others and Outsiders in el Cine de Oro."

Luis Edgardo Coronado Guel (University of Arizona): "Salon México: Urban and Cosmopolitan Representation of Mexican National Identity."

Creole Queen Room: Central/Marginal: Geographies and Affect

Laura Senio Blair (Southwestern University): "Driving Class Conflict: Taxis and Taxistas in Contemporary Chilean Cinema."

Héctor Fernández L’ Hoeste (Georgia State University): "Nation and State: Public vs. Private in Rodrigo Pla’s La zona.”


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009 Laura Podalsky (Ohio State University): "The

Politics of Feeling and Contemporary Latin/o American Cinema: The Landscape of Melodrama and Affective Communities."

Natchez Room: Cinematic Geographies, Transnational/Global Exchange and Circulation

Carla Marcantonio (George Mason University): "Melodrama on the Road: Ripstein’s Profundo carmesi (1996) and González-Iñárritu’s Babel (2006)."

Luis Duno-Gottberg (Rice University): "Phobic Imagination and Cinema in the Chavez Era: From Secuestro express (2005) to Azotes de barrio (2007)."

Jonathan Risner (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill): "‘This City is Killing me’: Buenos Aires and the Dynamics of Circulation in Daniel de la Vega’s Chronicle of a Raven (2004) and Death Knows Your Name (2007)."

Juana Suárez (University of Kentucky): "Yo soy otro (2008): Sujeto escindido, no-lugar y violencia globalizada."

2:00-3:15 PM

Delta Room: Travelers and Border Crossers

Vicki Ruetalo (University of Alberta): "Painting the Pampas with Light: John Alton in Argentina."

Roberto Ortíz (Independent Scholar): "I’m All Truth: The Deceitful Charm of Hispanic Movie Stars."

Alejandra Espasande (University of California, Los Angeles): "From Quintanar to Hollywood: The Life and Times of Romualdo Tirado (1880-1963)."

Valentina Velázquez-Zvierkova(University of California, Davis): "Cruzando fronteras (de celuloide): Representaciones del personaje extranjero en México y Argentina”

Creole Queen Room: Politics of Place: The Sertão

Lucy Blaney (University of Arizona): "‘It’s the Smell of the World Rotting’: Female Bodies,

Incomplete Modernity and the Sertão in Baixio das Bestas."

Carla do Nascimento (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro): "Deuses e diabos em terras de Furtado."

Leslie L Marsh (Georgia State University): "Relativity and the Ontology of Globalization in Casa de areia."

Isis Sadek (University of South Carolina): "A Retomada do Sertão: Telling Stories of Love and Migration in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema."

Natchez Room: New Cinemas: Precursors, Influences and Legacies

Luis Ulloa and James Drown (Independent Scholars): "Intercultural Influences- The New Latin American Cinema and Godard."

Currie K. Thompson (Gettysburg College): "Exposing the Cover-Up: ‘Creative Geography’ in La casa del ángel."

Steven Marsh (University of Illinois, Chicago): "World Cinema, the National Question and Nomadic Filmmaking: Discord in the Cinema of Pere Portabella."

Moira Fradinger (Yale University): “ Birri, Ríos, Geyzer: Desplazamientos en busca de una audiencia”

3:30-5:00 PM

Delta Room: Geographies of Reygadas

Sandra Navarro (Emory University): "Landscapes of Modernity: Journeying Through Japón."

Sheldon Penn (University of Leicester): "Cinematic Space as Realisation of Time in Carlos Reygadas’ Stellet Licht (2007)."

María B Clark (Carson-Newman College): "Geography of the Heart: Feminine Domains of Influence in Luz silenciosa (2007) by Carlos Reygadas."


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009 Jennifer Boles (University of Indiana,

Bloomington): “‘We are all Marcos:’ Realism and Beyond in Carlos Reygadas’ Japan and Battle in Heaven.”

Creole Queen Room: El cine mexicano "se impone;" aventuras del cine mexicano en el extranjero

Maricruz Castro Ricalde (Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey): "Una vida de película: El doble papel interpretado por las rumberas."

Inmaculada Álvarez (Worcester Polytechnic Institute): "Las coproducciones entre México y España o el primer cine hispano transnacional."

Mónica Szurmuk (Instituto Mora, Mexico City): "La competencia entre el cine argentino y el mexicano durante la década de 1940."

Robert McKee Irwin (University of California, Davis): "Charros en la selva y Vedro Nebo en tierras lejanas: Una re-evaluación de la industria cultural mexicana desde Venezuela y Yugoslavia."

Natchez Room: Travelling in/near Silence

Valeria Camporesi (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): "Broken Lives and Adjustable Texts."

Hugo Ríos (Rutgers University): "Traveling Silence: The Circulation of International Silent Film in Spain."

Sandra García-Myers (University of Southern California): "Out of the Shadows: Shedding New Light on Latina Representation in Hollywood’s Spanish Language Films of the 1930’s."

Friday, November 6th

9:00-10:30 AM

Delta Room: Documentary Cartographies

Susan Martin-Márquez (Rutgers University): "Cartographies of Gender and Sexuality in Lejos de los árboles."

María Elena De las Carreras (University of California, Los Angeles): "La memoria fracturada: Los años setenta y el documental político en la Argentina."

Irene Depetris Chauvin (Cornell University): "Superficies de la globalización: Copacabana de Martin Rejtman y la redefinición de las fronteras en el documental etnográfico."

Creole Queen Room: In and of the Island: Cuba

Patricia Catoira (Montana State University): "Capitalist Cyclones and Socialist Ruins in Cuba’s Entre ciclones."

James Buckwalter-Arias (Hanover College): "The Ruins of Havana, as Seen from New Orleans."

Nicholas Balaisis (York University): "Between Cosmopolitanism and the Primitive: Imagining Revolutionary Nationhood through the Cuban Mobile Cinema Campaign."

María Luisa Ortega (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): "Geografías de la revolución: Políticas de representación del centro y las periferias en los documentales de Sara Gómez y Nicolás Guillen Landrian."

Natchez Room: Brazilian Cinema in Transit

Ramayana Lira (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina): "Violent Transfusions- Strategies Against Immunity in Estorvo and O cheiro do ralo."

Alessandra Brandão (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina): "Re-Imagining Migration: (Im)Mobility and the Sertão."

Antonio João Teixeira (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa): "Identity and Difference: Trespassing Borders in Two Contemporary Brazilian Films."

Mississipi Room: Literary Imaginations

Enrique Cortez (Georgetown University): "Love in the Time of Cholera: La adaptación como descontextualización e imperativo realista mágico."


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009 Agustín Cuadrado (Texas State University, San

Marcos): "Picaresca y extrarradio: Barrio, de Fernando León de Aranoa."

Patricia Keller (Cornell University): "Letters from the City: Writing Boundaries in Nueve Cartas a Berta."

10:45-12:15 PM

Delta Room: Musical Imaginaries

Kathleen M. Vernon (SUNY Stony Brook): "All About World Music: Almodóvar’s Global Musical Imaginary."

Marvin D’Lugo (Clark University): "Of Brothels and Boleros: The Sounds of Peripheral Modernity in Mexican Cinema."

Gerard Dapena (Independent Scholar): "Rumbas, Tangos and Boleros: Performing and Crossing Musical Borders in Una cubana en España."

Sergio de la Mora (University of California, Davis): "Comedia ranchera and the Sounds of Mexico.”

Creole Queen Room: Comings and Goings

David McLaughlin (Ohio State University): "No Hay Nada + que Viva Cuba? Towards an Understanding of Staying or Going in Contemporary Cuban Cinema."

Cynthia Duncan (University of Washington, Tacoma): "Home Across the Water: Negotiating the Space of the Cuban Diaspora in Miel para Oshún and Cercanía."

Evelyn Silva (Ohio State University): "Prostitutos caribeños: Migración y turismo sexual en la producción cinematográfica española contemporánea."

Elisa Costa Villaverde (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria): "Human Geography in Contemporary Spanish Cinema."

Natchez Room: On the Margins: Other Practices

Misha MacLaird (Independent Scholar): "Producing Authenticity: Casting and Camera

Movement in Recent Latin American Social Realism"

Isolina Ballesteros (Baruch College, CUNY): "Migration, Terrorism and Fictional Documentary: Chicos normales/Ordinary Boys (2008) by Daniel Hernández."

Jennifer Boles (Indiana University, Bloomington): "Concrete Realities: Superochero Cinema and the City, 1970-1974."

Antonio Gómez (Tulane University): "Documental ‘de autor’ y la ficción del multiculturalismo argentino: Copacabana de Martín Rejtman"

12:30 - 2:00 PM

Riverbend I and II: Luncheon and Presentation

Paul Julian Smith (University of Cambridge): "Los estudios cinematográficos y televisivos: localismo y transnacionalidad."

2:00-3:15 PM

Delta Room: On the Road

Juan Poblete (University of California, Santa Cruz): "Film as a Cultural Trip: Subordinated Memory and Liberatory Spectatorship in Fernando Embcke’s Duck Season (2004)."

Dean Allbritton (Stony Brook University): "Manscapes: Topographies of Masculinity and Memory in Marc Recha’s Dies d’agost."

Carolina Rocha (Southern Illinois University): "Men on the Move: Historias mínimas and Lugares comunes."

Catherine Simpson (University of Richmond): "Post-Franco, Post-landismo: Alfredo Landa's Political Odyssey in Juan Antonio Bardem's El puente."

Creole Queen Room: Community Media and Political Practice


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009 Freya Schiwy (University of California, Riverside):

"Community Media and the Political."

Alexandra Halkin (International Coordinator Chiapas Media Project): "Community Media in Southern Mexico."

Ana Rosa Duarte and Byrt Wommack Weber (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán and Yoochel Kaaj/ Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán and Yoochel Kaaj) "Re-imaginando Diáspora: Dos décadas de video Maya en la península de Yucatán."

Natchez Room: Acting and National Landscapes

Carmen Ciller Tenreiro (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid): "Cecilia Roth: Mujer, Exilio y Estrellato Fílmico en España Durante la Transición Democrática."

Seraina Rohrer (University of Zurich): "Crossing Borders: Migration in the Films of ‘ La India María.’"

Marina Díaz López (Instituto Cervantes/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): "Arturo de Cordova: Un actor transnacional en el cine español."

Julie Jones (University of New Orleans): "Mapping Identity: Luis Bunuel’s Exploration of Self in Four Characters Played by Fernando Rey."

3:30-5:00 PM

Delta Room: Without Borders

Dolores Tierney (Sussex University): "Directors without Borders: Alfonso Cuarón and Alejandro González Iñárritu."

Christina Sisk (University of Houston) "Contemporary Mexican Cinema: From Hollywood to the Underbelly."

Natalia Ruiz (Michigan State Univerity): "Demonios y fetiches: Sin dejar huella en los espacios globales mexicanos."

Parvati Nair (Queen’s Mary, University of London): "Reconfiguring the Rural: Fettered

Geographies, Unsettled Histories and the Abyss of Alienation in Recent Socially Engaged Cinema from Spain."

Creole Queen Room: Legacies of Colony and Empire

María Elena Soliño (University of Houston): "Projecting Dreams of Empire: Franco-Era Attempts at a Cultural Reconquista."

Lisa Amor Petrov (Dominican University): "Teaching Transculturated Space and Colonial Modalities through Cinema."

Noelia Sáenz (University of Southern California): "Re-framing Empire: Latin American Cinema and the Hispanic Imaginary."

Natchez Room: Geographies of Violence and Nature

Paula Halperin (University of Maryland): "The Other Side of the Cartão Postal: The Cinematic Depiction of Violence and Marginality in Rio de Janeiro, 1970-1980."

Lauren E. Shaw (Elmira College): "Ecocriticism and the Politics of Image."

Sebastián Velásquez Escobar (Rutgers University): "Confesión a Laura: La violencia colombiana en clave de amor."