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Post on 15-Jan-2016




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NOVEMBER. NEWSLETTER. BROTHERHOOD Breakfast & Work Day Sat., Nov. 7 at 8:00 a.m. FIRST LADIES (Baptist Women) Mon., Nov. 9 at 6:00p.m. YOUNG AT HEART Tues., Nov 3 at 11:00a.m. (Meat & drinks provided) (Bring side dish or dessert) FINANCIAL PEACE (Dave Ramsey) Every Thursday - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Sunday, Nov. 22Deacon in Charge

Rick CowartDeacons Serving:

Neil Arnold, John Stone, Rick Cowart, Larry Turner

Dinner5:15 p.m.

Class Time5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

BROTHERHOODBROTHERHOODBreakfast & Work DayBreakfast & Work DaySat., Nov. 7 at 8:00 a.m.

FIRST LADIESFIRST LADIES(Baptist Women)(Baptist Women)

Mon., Nov. 9 at 6:00p.m.

YOUNG AT HEARTYOUNG AT HEARTTues., Nov 3 at 11:00a.m.(Meat & drinks provided)

(Bring side dish or dessert)

FINANCIAL PEACEFINANCIAL PEACE(Dave Ramsey)(Dave Ramsey)Every Thursday6:00 – 8:00p.m.


2nd Mon. at 6:00 p.m.2nd Thurs. at 9:00 a.m.

MOVIE NIGHT MOVIE NIGHT Sat., November 21st Sat., November 21st

6:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.


Nov. 22ndNov. 22nd

5th SUNDAY SINGING6:00 p.m.

Youth and children’s groups

Wedding Bailey Long and Luke Barker

NAEC Orange RoomNovember 1st 2:00 p.m.

There will be a table set up in the church foyer for gifts.


A memorial gift was given tothe Church Building Fund in

loving memory ofHala Ferguson given by

Doyle and Charlene Collins,David and Becky Cox,

Ava Lou Garrett, and Clarence and Ava Jo Bowling. In loving memory of Grandpa Pierce and Blake Autry

given by Lillie Pierce

Linda SimersHazel Fulfer

Leota MaguffeeAnn Lane

Judy ClaytonElva Lau

Earl PrestonMargarette JarrellAWANA’s & Youth

Lost SoulsOur Country

All Service Men & Women

Maggie JoSeptember 28th

6lbs. 14oz. Parents:

Brad and Lindsey WisemanGreat Grandparents:

Hayden and Louise Wiseman

Joseph and LaTisha Frazier,

Michael Jones, Caiden Owens,

Slayton and Nancy Newman, Jamie and

Stacee Pleasant, Tanner Gallion, Kirkland

McCallisterWhen my grandson Billy and I entered our

vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in.

Noticing them before I did, Billywhispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the

mosquitoes are coming after uswith flashlights."


11/01 Jamie Foster (895-5080) 11/15 Ken Rich (895-2668)11/04 Jamie Foster (895-5080) 11/18 Ken Rich (895-2668)11/08 Josh Smithee (371-2301) 11/22 Hunter Hardin (895-4441)11/11 Joah Smithee (371-2301) 11/25 Hunter Hardin (895-4441) 11/29Tom Romine (870-750-0217)

Jamie Foster(chairman)895-5080

Dowl Godwin(assistant)895-3340

11/01: Sun. AM – Perry & Angel Griggs Infants - Lynn & Marvin Maguffee Sun. PM - Charles & Tammy Owens

11/04: Wed. PM - Slayton & Nancy Newman 11/08: Sun. AM – Daniel & Heather Busch Infants - Judy Clayton & Aggie Lindvall Sun. PM - Jaime & Rachel Foster

11/11: Wed. PM - James & Rita Newman

11/15: Sun. AM - Byron & Shauna Price Infants - Laurie Bassham & Cecilia Taylor Sun. PM - Ceira Owens & Kathy Smith

11/18: Wed. PM - Lisa Loomis & Joann Ellis

11/22: Sun. AM - Florence Jones & Marilyn Thomas Infants - Linda Long & Laura Williams Sun. PM - Tammy Kinder & Cari Long

11/25: Wed. PM - Neva DeSpain & Sandy Massey

11/29: Sun. AM - Mark & Holly Pate Infants - Betty Shrable & Juanita Newman Sun. PM - Whitney Scribner & Kelly Miller

11/01 Rick Cowart (895-4128) Neil Arnold (895-4865)

11/08 Larry Turner (895-3450) Bob Coleman (895-3896)

11/15 Glenn Lane (895-3258) John Stone (895-2424)

11/22 Barton Teague (670-2724) Gary Hoover (895-2009)

11/29 Lawrence Newman (895-2395) Rick Cowart (895-4128)

01 – Sue Hutson01 – Glenn Lane04 – Eula Godwin06 – Joan Cochran11 – Jerry Butler12 – Clarence Bowling13 – Gary Hoover16 – Norma Wudarcki17 – Barbara Painter24 – Charles Tucker25 – Paul Wilson

Please report to the nursery 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

Tammy Owens – Director 371-0587





First LadiesBrotherhoodBus Ministry

Phone MinistryYouth Ministry

Church LaundrySenior Adult MinistryVacation Bible School

Branches Drama Ministry

If you are interested in any of theseareas, please call the office (895-2330).

Beginning in November, we will no longer mail out newsletters. The newsletter will be on our church website at www.fbcsalem.comIf you don’t have internet, wewill have copies available to pick up on the tables in the foyer.

*Exception: Out-of-State Members

REMEMBERNovember 22nd

11:00 AM



and Dinner

All offerings and gifts given on this

day will go toward

Debt Reduction



As we enter our second month of the “Gift Revolution,” we have seen God’s hand touch the lives of many people throughout the world. However, we can never rest on the accomplishments of the past; we must continually reach forward to the things ahead. I am so pleased with each of you that have given gifts (love, money, paid bills, notes, etc…), but there is so much more we can give. Remember, the giving of gifts inspires others to do likewise and our Lord has informed us to live sacrificially. But of all the gifts we can give, the greatest is the one we can receive.

I asked a young man recently, “If you could ask God for anything, what would it be?” Without hesitation he said, “I would ask for peace.” With tears in his eyes he spoke of financial problems he was experiencing and how difficult it was to clothe, feed, and shelter his family. As I continued to speak with this young man I discovered that no one in his family was a Christian and he didn’t know anything about God. All he knew was restlessness and anxiety of the uncertain future. He had no idea of how to resolve that inner emptiness and turmoil. Like so many people he went from day to day without much purpose or meaning in his life.

I hear this same observation over and over in our society. The description may not be exactly the same but the lack of peace is. Some use the words, “I am so lonely.” Others say, “If only my husband would love me more, I’d be happy.” Or, “If my job paid more, I would be happy.” But every theme is the same, “There is something wrong. I am not happy. I have no peace. What’s wrong with me?”

We are told by our society what is wrong with us. “If you were only thinner…prettier…drove a sports car…lived in a more upscale home…had a better income…” The list goes on and on. But none of the “answers” produced by society can permanently or satisfactorily provide what we desperately crave.



The young man had it right. Most of us feel we need something more, and the word that best describes it is peace. But you will never experience this tranquility in life until your relationship with the Lord is right. The God who controls all things and who is present in your life, whether you acknowledge Him or not, is a God of peace. He designed this world with a plan in mind, and it includes you! God created you for a relationship with Him and that relationship is characterized by love. Him loving us and we in turn loving Him. What people sense as “loneliness or purposelessness” is, actually, a type of “signal or indicator” that God has built into man. It is God’s programmed message that we need Him. Through this, God tells us, “Without Me, you will never feel complete. I am the only One who can satisfy your deepest longings. I will be the source of your peace.” Tragedy or personal loss can bring to the surface these deep needs and show us we need help, comfort, and guidance. It is in these times God reveals how we can know Him in a personal way and have the peace we desperately seek. But how do we have that peace? Glad you asked. Jesus came into our world to live and die as one of us. He was both God and man at the same time, an amazing truth. As a sinless man, Jesus was killed because the religious leaders of His day felt threatened by His claims to be the Savior of the world. His death wasn’t the end. Three days later, He became alive by the power of God. He triumphed over the reality we must all face -death. Jesus promised His followers that His presence would remain with them, and that He would give them peace (Matthew 28:20; John 20:19). Then Jesus Christ returned to heaven to be with His Father (Mark 16:19). God wants all of us to ask for His mercy, confess our sins, and trust Him for our salvation—that’s the essence of His plan for you and me. It is also the fundamental requirement for us to experience His wonderful, continuous gift of peace. When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and allow Him control of our lives, He bridges the gap between God and man. With Christ, we have forgiveness and assurance of Jesus’ presence in our lives. What a promise! What a gift! Now, that is revolutionary. Keep giving “The Gift” and His Revolution will continue! Love and Grace to you.

Bro. John


BY ONE Gen.1: 1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In Gen .2:7 “God formed

man,” v8” The Lord God planted a garden,” v15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden…” v17” but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat…” v21 God cause a deep sleep to fall on Adam, took a rib, formed a woman named Eve. Adam & Eve believed one lie, ate of the tree. By one sin man destroyed a part of God’s original plan.

By one family, Noah listened to God, built an ark as God commanded him, to start over again. George Washington: Became our first President. One of his major accomplishments was the

ratification of the First 10 amendments to the constitution-known as the Bill of Rights. Abraham Lincoln: Failed in many things before becoming President. One of many accomplishments was: The Emancipation Proclamation, (Freeing of all slaves held in areas controlled by the confederacy). Adolph Hitler: Ruler of Germany from 1933-1945: Leader of the National Socialist Party. A Nazi Party member. In 3 yrs. from 1942-1945, the Axis power had occupied most of Europe, committed numerous atrocities during the war, killing 17 million civilians; an estimated 6 million Jews in a genocide known as the “Holocaust.”

Gandhi: A gentle man from India who wanted to raise consciousness without raising his voice.Mother Theresa: At 12 yrs. old she knew new she belonged to God and spend a lifelong mission of unselfish love for all. “God doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try.”

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” Billy Graham: According to his staff, as of 1993 more than 2.5 million people stepped forward to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. As of 2008, Graham’s lifetime audience topped 2.2 Billion. In 1944, Graham took over a radio program about to be cancelled for lack of funds, Graham having no radio experiences, or funds; and with only the help of the church it was opened. Even today it’s called “Songs in the Night.” The rest is history, One Man, One Church. Martin Luther King Jr: 1955- Montgomery bus boycott, 1963- Million-man march on Washington, “I have a Dream.” 1964- youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. 1968- Died at 39 yrs. for his beliefs. Ben Laden: Muslin, believes that the restoration of Shari law will set things right in the Muslim world. Ben Laden sees the need for a violent Jihad to right what he believes is injustices against Muslims. It’s very clear from history what one person can do if they have the desire and are committed to his or her cause.

A little girl in Alabama wanted to go to the same school everybody else went to. This started school integration. East Germany, a man wanted to break free from bondage. (The Berlin Wall down). Gal 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” God doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try.

“One man stood in front of a dozer opposing the destruction of the Amazon forest (The Rain Forest saved). Do you sometimes feel like one raindrop in the mighty ocean? Or one snowflake on mountains majestic? It takes but one tree to start a forest. One smile begins a friendship. One touch can show you care. One small deed can change a life. One word must start each prayer, and one life can make the difference. And that one is YOU! Last, but certainly not least: JESUS: By one man; changed the world. He is loved, hated, reverenced, reviled, praised, honored, rejected, betrayed, suffered and died, but like no other, rose again from the grave. By one we have all hope and eternal life. There are many documented deeds where ONE person or group has accomplished great things. LET NO ONE STOP YOU FROM YOUR DREAMS and God’s will for your life. 1Cor.9: 24 “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” (Gift Revolution) YOU CAN!

Outreach Director


OUT OF TOUCH We see contests for all sorts of things: Publisher’s Clearing House, and radio sweepstakes are but a

couple that we see on a regular basis. But, what about winning $50,000 for having the fastest moving thumbs over a cell phone keyboard. Kate Moore did just that. She entered the L.G National Texting Competition in New York City. In the end, Moore beat out 250,000 other contestants, and was named the US champion.

Texting is just one way that our teens keep up with social networking. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,

and blogging are other ways for our teens to stay up to date with the latest scoop. I am now a fan of Facebook and texting, but I have to say at first, I was a little hesitant. If some of you parents are like me, I didn’t know quite how to deal with the social network explosion. The closest thing I knew about social networking was the old Alltel cell phones that came in a bag and weighted 10 lbs. Here’s the question, “Is all this networking a good thing?”

Like most things, it can be used for good; however it also can be used for bad. Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What is your treasure? What is important to you? What is it that you value the most? Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, “For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.” We display what is important to us, what is in our heart through our text messages, e-mails, blogs, twitter, and online photo albums. Like a painter’s canvas, we paint a picture of our life upon every computer or cell phone screen for the world to see.

Here’s the problem. Is the picture that you’re painting really you? It’s so easy in the digital world to create an image you want everyone to see. The problem is the image you created isn’t really you. It’s only the image you want everyone to see. There was a name given to people who masquerade who they really are –Hypocrites. Jesus said in Matthew 23:27-28, “Hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and every impurity. 28 In the same way, on the outside you seem righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” Wow, those were the words of Jesus. Those are still the words of Jesus today. God demands honesty from us, because God is the Father of truth and Satan is the father of lies.

Ask yourself this question, “Am I an honest person? Am I totally honest with myself and others? Am I painting a picture of Jesus to the world or something different?”

The scary thought about cyberspace is once you click send, enter, or update - it’s there. We often think that when we delete something it’s gone forever, but that’s not the case in the digital world. There is a permanent copy somewhere. In Matthew 12:36, Jesus warned us, “I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak.”

Have you ever sent a text message or a twitter message and the reply was “I’m sorry but you sent this message to the wrong person.” How awful would it be to send a bad message about someone and you accidentally send it to them. A real sticky situation you could get yourself in would be if you sent a message gossiping about someone to one of your friends, and it turns out the person you’re gossiping about is right beside your friend and reads the text.

The carelessness of our words, whether spoken or written, will not go unseen or heard. The Psalmist understood this and ended the Psalms with, “Let everything that breathes praise the LORD. Hallelujah!” Are your words and thoughts offerings to God?

The good ground of the social networking world is sharing things in common with others, and building relationships. I do have to say that true face-to-face relationships can’t be replaced by a screen full of words. You can’t replace the pleasantness of talking with someone that is wearing fabulous cologne or perfume. You can’t hear a person’s tone or see their facial expressions to really tune into their feelings. God has given us five senses, and we use those senses everyday in building relationships.

Jesus’ early ministry was centered on relationships. Our salvation begins with a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission and ministry are to be relational to the world. We need to remind ourselves that we are called to be the salt and the light of the world. This means our own individual world and our online world.

Bro. Jeff