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NOVEMBER 2019 All Saints’ Church Preston on Tees

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Page 1: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -


All Saints’ Church Preston on Tees

Page 2: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

At Prayer Ministry training last month, several testimonies were shared. Whilst we acknowledge that some of our prayers are yet unanswered, we hope these short paragraphs will encourage you. “Two months ago, I was unable to talk or sing. At church a word of knowledge was given about someone who’d lost their voice. At the end, I plucked up the courage to go forward. After being anointed with oil and prayed for I felt better. By the end of the day my voice had returned and I sang praise to God.” SJ “Back in the summer someone asked for prayer for a couple who had had a big falling out; big enough for the police to be involved. We prayed and a couple

of weeks later we were told that some

quite miraculous things happened very soon afterwards, and the domestic trouble was all resolved.” SG “One Sunday at church I had a sympathetic pain at the top left of my back. I encouraged anyone who had pain in that exact spot to receive prayer. Three people came forward! I discovered afterwards that the person who prayed alongside me had also had pain there for years. She found she was healed when she got home.” JL “The morning John preached on Elisha's Three Tests, I had three situations in my life; a bad virus, my mum being hospitalised and an issue with a family member. It was all very testing, so I asked for prayer. Straight away, I felt much lighter and freer. Someone even noticed I looked better.” PR

“Years ago, after praying about a brothel in my neighbourhood, God challenged me to love the women working there - by baking them cakes! Despite my reluctance the sense persisted so, without giving details, I requested prayer for clarity. Within moments the woman praying for me laughed and asked, ‘Does baking mean anything to you?’” MW “A friend of mine had been in bed for

over a week with a nasty tummy bug. I

knelt at her bedside and prayed briefly.

As soon as I said ‘amen’, she leaped out

of bed and dashed to the loo. I thought

my prayer had failed, but following that

final evacuation, she was completely

better!” KL

Testimonies of Prayer Ministry

Page 3: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

“Therefore, say to the people of Israel: ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment. I will claim you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God who has freed you from your oppression in Egypt.” (Exodus 6:6-7) Many years ago, when God’s people, the Israelites, were held as slaves by the Egyptians, the cry of God was “let My people go”. Fast-forward to 2019, and when God sees people in slavery, we truly believe that His cry remains the same – “let My people go”. Many years ago, when the Israelites were in this terrible position, God chose to use a normal man called Moses to play a key role in setting His people free. Moses was a man who made some serious errors in his life. He underestimated his ability to do what

Yet there is hope, because God is calling us to be a justice generation – He is calling His Church to rise up and fight for what is right. What can we do? - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. - Get active. Consider joining a ‘Walk for Freedom’ (A21 Campaign) or ‘Pledge your Birthday’ (Hope for Justice). - Get praying. Never underestimate the power of prayer; let’s commit to praying big prayers for those trapped in slavery today.

Kathryn Belmont

God had called him to do. He felt he had some major limitations – “I am not very good with words”, and despite seeing some serious miracles, He doubted whether God could use him.

Yet despite all of these things, God still chose to use Moses. Fast-forward to 2019 and despite any limitations you may feel you have, God chooses to use you to set His people free. The statistics are bad. There are currently more than 136,000 potential victims of modern slavery in the United Kingdom.

Let My People Go

Page 4: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

Every Church of England church has to have a Parochial Church Council (PCC) by law. Members are elected each year at the annual meeting. The scriptural support for this is in Acts 6 where the apostles say, “Choose from among yourselves seven men of good repute, who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.” Our PCC numbers nineteen men and women, and all meet the criteria above in my view. The look I occasionally get when I ask someone if they would consider standing for PCC is as if I’d asked them to wade through a swimming pool filled with slugs. I wonder sometimes if people who have never experienced a PCC meeting imagine it as long, procedurally tedious, ill-tempered and confrontational, sapping the will to live from all present.

posted on the noticeboard and uploaded to the website. Though we sometimes take a vote to decide what to do, it is only after a discussion that seeks consensus around the mind of Christ. I love the expression in Acts 15, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us...” - that's where we try to get to, so most decisions are unanimous or very close. Pray for the PCC. Who knows, maybe you could find yourself on it next April. John Lambert

In reality of course, it’s nothing like that. PCC is certainly businesslike – because we are attending to the serious business of the kingdom of God. I'd say it's ordered too; there is a pre-circulated agenda and we aim to work through it in about two hours. But overall, the tone is informal, friendly and at times humorous. Most of all, the focus is spiritual. All PCC meetings begin with a reflection from the Bible prepared by a different member each month, leading into open prayer. We often pause an agenda item to give thanks to God, ask him for wisdom or commend into his hands a concern we have just discussed. PCC oversees finances, safeguarding, staffing and the building. It also hears from and gives support to key ministries at All Saints'. Minutes, once agreed, are


Page 5: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

Church planting is like having a baby. So many people have talked about planting a church with this analogy that it becomes just another thing you say. The thing is, it is right. Right now, we are moving into the ‘second trimester’ of the church plant. We have gone from the embryonic idea of planting: vision, finding a place to plant into, finding a leader. And now we are in the bit where the baby begins to resemble a child: physical ideas become concrete as the church gets reordered, limbs begin to grow as people join the team. A church-like ‘shape’ is forming. Just like any pregnancy this is an incredibly energising and joyful time: we begin to see what we are expecting. But it’s also a draining time: the child needs sustenance to properly grow and develop.

It is challenging and difficult, but it comes with real joy.

I am here to give you an update on where the church plant is. It is growing. Relationships are forming, plans are being made about the physical building, the team is forming. It is exciting, God is in this. We need, as church, to now be eating right, sacrificing room for it, and giving the plant everything it needs to thrive. So, church: Pray, Fast and Give.

Paul Arnold

It is such a joy to see the kinds of people who are joining us on this adventure to be Living, Loving and Led Christians in Newtown. But if at any time you feel that somehow this is happening ‘over there’ and you feel disconnected to it, then we are doing something wrong. All Saints’ is the mother to this plant. All of the saints in All Saints’ are part of this adventure. What does that mean? It means, we need you to pray, to fast, to give. Really pray, for what God is asking you individually to do. Really fast; childbirth comes with sacrifice of comfort, so what do we need to give up? What is distracting us from the task at hand? Really give; how can you provide for the church as it takes its first steps? What are we imparting to the team as we get ready to go? What is the DNA you want us to take with us? That is our responsibility as church that will help the plant grow and thrive.

It Takes a Village…

Page 6: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

It is almost twenty years since I first read Mark Greene’s book ‘Thank God it’s Monday’. In it, he noted the Old Testament Hebrew word ‘avodah’ means both ‘work’ and ‘worship’. Biblically expressed, therefore, worship and work are inseparable – there is no sacred secular divide so the whole of life really can be an act of worship! This truth immediately resonated with me, and has remained important ever since. As a veterinary surgeon I daily meet many pet owners, and consultations really are the times when I seek to manifest the fruit of the Spirit that Paul describes (Galatians 5:22f). These can also be the occasions when particular fruit, such as patience, are developed… When animals are gravely ill kindness and gentleness are of

alongside me). They all know I am a Christian, and some at the practice have spoken to me about their doubts, beliefs, and frank unbelief. Such conversations are a precious privilege. Do I always get it right at work? Of course not. Am I always bold in faith? Alas, no. Happily, however, whilst I do love worshipping the Lord Jesus at church, on the first day of the working week I echo Mark Greene’s statement ‘Thank God it’s Monday’ and head out seeking to be a faithful and fruitful disciple of Jesus at work. Scott Linnett

particular importance, and vets receive more cards following the euthanasia of pets than for any other reason – irrespective of how brilliant or life-saving a piece of surgery we may complete at other times! High standards of behaviour and decency are, of course, not the exclusive preserve of men or women of faith. Opportunities for clear articulation of my Christian faith are therefore vital – I have discussed Passover and Easter with a Jewish client, spoken of resurrection hope in Jesus with recently bereaved clients, prayed with (and been prayed for by) clients, offered a perspective on free will and destiny (that was a long appointment…), and encouraged clients to try (or persevere with) church. It is those I work with for whom I pray most (they need prayer to work

Faith in the Workplace

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Standing Committee Mon 4 Nov, 7.30pm - Vicarage Mon 25 Nov, 7.30pm - Vicarage --------------------------------------------

Deanery Synod Mon 4 Nov, 7.15pm - St Michael’s Norton --------------------------------------------

Ministry Development Team Wed 6 Nov, 7.30pm - Vicarage --------------------------------------------

PCC Mon 18 Nov, 7.30pm - Meeting



Pastoral Care Team Thurs 21 Nov, 7.30pm - At Karen Snowden’s --------------------------------------------

REACh Steering Group Date TBC, 7.30pm - Meeting Room

New Wine United Week 2 2-8 Aug 2020, East of England Showground, Peterborough

Children’s Ministry Networking Evening Tues 12 Nov, 5pm - Meeting Room --------------------------------------------


Thurs (term-time), 9.30am - Centre


Play and Praise

Fri (term-time), 10.15am - Centre


Puppet Practice

Tues (term-time), 7pm - Centre

Ablaze Prayer Meeting Sun 3 Nov, 6pm - Meeting Room --------------------------------------------

Morning Prayer

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9am -


Theology for Everyone Wed 13 Nov, 7pm - Stockton Baptist Church

Connect Lunch Club Tue 12 Nov, 11.45am - Centre ---------------------------------------

Drop In Mon, 10am-12pm - Centre ---------------------------------------

Informal Holy Communion

Wed 9.30am - Meeting Room


Life Groups Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs See notice board in Centre


Connect Seated Exercises

Tues 12.45pm (2pm on Lunch

Club day) - Centre


Treasure Seekers

Every month see Karen Snowden

Youth Leadership Life Group Mon 4 Nov, 6-8pm - Meeting Room ---------------------------------------------

Youth Retreat 9-10 Nov - Venue TBC ---------------------------------------------

Doulos Youth Leadership Training Mon 11 Nov, 6-8pm - Meeting Room ---------------------------------------------

Café Church Tues 12 Nov, 7-8.30pm - Yarm Costa ---------------------------------------------

Refresh Youth Service Sun 24 Nov, 6pm - Centre --------------------------------------------- Boys’ Club Mon (term-time), 3.30pm - Youth Room --------------------------------------------- Girls’ Club Tue (term-time), 3pm - Youth Room --------------------------------------------- Youth Life Groups Wed (term-time), 6-8pm - Youth Room ---------------------------------------------

Youth Club Fri (term-time), 7-9pm - Centre ---------------------------------------------

YFC ‘Equip’ Leaders’ Meeting Mon (term-time), 9am - Portrack Baptist





Page 8: NOVEMBER - All Saints' Church · - Get informed. Check out the amazing to learn more. - Get vocal. Speak up, share something on social media, raise awareness. -

3 November

9am Holy Communion Now I Know… 2 Kings 5.1-16, Luke 4.24-30 Service Leader: John Lambert Preacher: Brian Wake

10.30am Morning Worship Now I Know… 2 Kings 5.1-16 Service Leader: John Lambert Preacher: Sola Adeboye

6pm Ablaze Prayer

17 November

9am Choral Holy Communion Where Did I Lose It? 2 Kings 6.1-7, Luke 12.22-31 Service Leader: Andrew Killick Preacher: John Lambert

10.30am Morning Worship Where Did I Lose It? 2 Kings 6.1-7 Service Leader: Kevin Storer Preacher: John Lambert

10 November

9.45am Remembrance Service Those Who Hope in the Lord Isaiah 40.27-31, 2 Corinthians 1.8-11 Service Leader: John Lambert Preacher: Paul Arnold This service will be followed by the laying of wreaths, roll of honour, Last Post and two-minute silence at 11am at the War Memorial in Albert Road.

24 November

9am Holy Communion More Than… 2 Kings 6.8-23, Matthew 10.28-31 Service Leader: Sue Ireland Preacher: John Lambert

10.30am Holy Communion More Than… 2 Kings 6.8-23, Romans 8.35-39 Service Leader: Sandra Griffiths Preacher: John Lambert

6pm Refresh Youth Service Preacher: Tim Wye-Williams


Christmas at All Saints’

Sunday 1 December Messy Church - 3.30pm

Tuesday 10 December Christmas Lunch Club - 11.45am

Saturday 14 December Church Christmas Party - 6.30pm

Sunday 22 December Carol Service - 6pm

Tuesday 24 December Christmas Eve Family Special - 4pm Midnight Holy Communion - 11.30pm

Wednesday 25 December Christmas Day Celebration - 10am