november hoggit

November 2014 Volume 11 Issue 11 7460

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Page 1: November hoggit

November 2014 Volume 11 Issue 11


Page 2: November hoggit


The summer riding season is allbut over so we can put our feetup, relax and muse over a greatsummer of ride outs, rallies andfun in the sun, right? Wrong, itseems! My diary is already fillingup with events stretching wellinto the new year, such as Cider,

SofER, not to mention the winter events such as the Christmasdinner at The Spread Eagle, skittles, Reading Toy Run,Valentine’s day, etc. Phew, I’m exhausted already, just thinkingabout it.

Before we get to that, however, the AGM will take place on the9th December and this year sees the retirement of our Director,Cy who has devoted four years to the role and who’s contributionto the Chapter has been immense. Anyone who has any doubtas to the amount of time, effort and anxiety that goes in to leadinga chapter need only speak to a past director. It can not beunderstated what a responsible job it is and anyone who takeson the role will soon appreciate the magnitude of the task.

But as one door closes, so another opens, as they say and it iswith great pleasure that I can announce the new Oxford UKChapter Director for 2015 will be Andy Spindlow. Andy is wellknown to pretty much all the Chapter members and has been atireless servant of the Chapter in his role as Activities Officer forseveral years, organising, leading and attending almost everyactivity there is, both within the Chapter and without, and in hisrole as Assistant Director, supporting Cy. Congratulations Andyand we all, I’m sure, wish you all the success in your newchallenge.

The winds of change seldom blow light and it is also time for thisold hack to hang up his keyboard and pass the baton to anotherbudding Hemingway. After two years as Editor, I will be retiringat the end of the year and hopefully someone else will take upthe role. If I was going to sell this role, I would say that in the lasttwo years of being Editor, I have had the greatest amount of funcreating the Hoggit each month, I’ve gotten to meet and knowmany good, nice people with interesting stories to tell and I’vebecome part of the fabric of the Chapter, seen it at its best andits worst. Through all that it has given me a great deal of pleasureand just a little pain, a fair trade. I would encourage that personout there thinking “I would love to give that a go…” to comeforward, get your name on the ballot sheet for the AGM and getstuck in. I’m certainly glad I did it.

I will certainly not abandon the Chapter and will to serve asAndy’s assistant for 2015. I will also be on hand to offer a smoothtransition to the new Editor and ensure the Hoggit continues asa quality publication, a standard set by my predecessors.

This month is November and today is the 11th which means itis Armistice Day, a day when we remember and pay homage tothe fallen and although it is a day of remembrance, looking back,I always feel uplifted and optimistic about the future afterwards.


Snitches of quality to provide the Editorwith evidence of fineable behaviour.

Anonymity guaranteed.

You’ve been fined!

Have you signed up for First Bikeon Scene training yet? If not,

contact Ian Ward, Safety Officer.Contact on back page.

We have a few notable former servicemen within our own ranksand also those who have relatives, ancestors or friends whohave served so it is a time for all of us to reflect and be gratefulof the sacrifice made these men and women. We can ride ourHarleys in freedom because of them. The Ride to the Wall isone small way in which we can show a debt of gratitude and Ibelieve that this year the Chapter again rose to the occasion andGeoffers, our Head Road Captain, Cy and Andy and all thosewho gave their services as road crew should be applauded.


� Charmaine Till for not going to Hoggin’the Bridge, and then asking Andy tocollect her t-shirt and pin!

� Barry Dickerson for going on a breakfastrun to Southampton H-D on 4 wheels!

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Director’s Cut2015 is within our sights and with thatcomes committee re election.Only 1 member is actually stepping outof the circle but some side-stepping islikely.

So below are the required postsspecifically but as always ALL posts areup for grabs. Do you think you can dobetter things for your chapter? Then getyourself nominated or nominate yourselffor any committee role find a seconder

& your nomination goes forward for voting by chapter membersdo it now!

EditorSafety officerPhotographerActivities officerMembership Officer

You will find also a reminder of the H.O.G. requirements forbecoming a chapter member elsewhere in this issue pleaseread. Some will be affected- the requirements are the samefor Oxford as for any other chapter. The costs are set by eachchapter but capped by H.O.G.

By now you should have learned that from 2015 your Directorwill be Andy Spindlow . He has been a committee member for9 years , Activities Officer, Road Captain & Asst.Director . Heis well known in the world of HD and beyond as you will learn.

Assistant Director will be Ian Davis AKA Editor who has donea great job with our chapter magazine The Hoggit. He's veryenthusiastic about all things Harley & I'm sure both Ian & Andywill make a good partnership. Many chapters do not get amagazine every month, some don't even have a magazine atall, our obligation is to provide 4 communications, emails, textmessage, printed form, all count! We have more than onemethod. It's up to YOU to do some homework too-it's there ifyou look and listen.

The planned pre AGM meal at the Spread Eagle Pub will nodoubt be a pleasant experience the pub has been used manymany times by local members,committee inc. disappointmenthas yet to be experienced ,the cost £16.95 the time 6 pmplaces are now limited and last minute bookings can't be addedso please act now or miss out.

So this is my penultimate contribution to our magazine asDirector, we would like to hear your stories of this year’sadventures, rides, etc. Send your article/photos etc. [email protected] try to make a contribution, it'syour chapter not someone else's you only get out what youput in if that's 0 you could do better surely.

Ode to the Tax Disc

It’s been a pain since 1921Now from today it has goneNever again will it be seenIn the bottom corner of you window screenNo more stressed out men and women across the nationSearching for their Insurance DocumentationNever again will we seeA house turned upside down in search of an MOTAnd how many times have you had to lookFor the useless ubiquitous car log bookIt’s gone forever and it won’t be missedGoodbye to the Cars Tax DiscAnd it’s a great thing I must saySaving millions for the poor DVLANow those over worked Swansea soulsCan redirect what’s saved to fill the potholesAnd saving forests of trees and lots of stressFor the car tax is now paperlessCos how many times on the first day of the monthHave you had to catch an over priced busStood in the queue waiting in lineBecause you failed to do your tax on timeAnd now are far too frightened to take the riskOf driving without a current tax discBecause now we are in the precarious positionWhere the police have number plate recognitionUnlike my dad who used a beer matGone are the days you’d get away with thatLike most things now you can do it on lineIt’ll save you the hassle and it’ll save you the timeOf standing in an endless post office queueBecause most of them have been closed down tooAnd I’ve torn it in half so many timesTrying to detached it along the perforated linesSo good bye and good riddance you will not be missed

~Cy Grieve

Mike Gary

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Well, I hope you all had a good time at your Halloween Party and enjoyed an explosive evening at the store with our fireworks.

STAFF (EX. STAFF) NEWSAdam & Kym got married in July and both decided to work nearer to home – Adam working for KIA in Swindon and Kym followinga career in medicine with a job at a Doctors Surgery in Marlborough. Kym has recently announced that she is expecting their firstchild together due in June.We thought we’d found a replacement for Kym, but that hasn’t worked out so as we go to press we are looking for a ClothingSales Assistant. Adam’s replacement Zoltan has hit the ground running as in a previous life he worked for a Harley-Davidsondealer in Hungary, his English is improving daily, it’s much better than my Hungarian! Jonny did a great job covering while wefound Zoltan. He’s now back in the showroom and looking forward to taking all your deposits on whatever you fancy as your newride for 2015. Don’t be shy.

Mike wanted more weekends with his better half and has taken a job working Monday to Friday at the University, so in the fullnessof time we will find a worthy replacement.

BUILDING NEWSWe had a recent visit from a chap from the Highways agency with a view to making recommendations for future refurbishmentplans. His only concern was the entrance out onto the main road (the left hand side as you look from the showroom). We haveagreed that if it would have a positive effect to the planning then we could operate with the single entrance from Fox Lane. Progressis being made, albeit slowly. Updates will be announced as they happen. Computer generated drawings of the proposed newlook are on the bar in store.

CHAPTER DIRECTOR NEWSWe would like to officially announce Andy Spindlow as our new Chapter Director and our new Assistant Chapter Director will beIan Davis. We have also taken the decision to install a 2 year Directorship in the hope of continued support and stability withinour Chapter. Please join me in congratulating and supporting both Andy and Ian!

At the AGM at December’s Chapter night allChapter committee members effectively step

down, with the following exceptions:

Director & Assistant Director.

Any member who wishes to take up a rolemust be proposed by a Chapter member, sign

the proposal form and have it sent to theSecretary at least seven days prior to the

AGM ( Tuesday 2nd December) Forms can bedownloaded from the website or requested

from the Secretary. In the case of more thanone applicant per role, a members’ vote

takes place. Only full & associate memberscan vote. Guests may not propose or vote.

“Vacant” roles are subject to the same rulesas roles where the incumbent wishes to be

re-elected. It is a pre-requisite that allcommittee members are members of H.O.G.

Director & Assistant Director for 2015 havebeen appointed by the dealership.


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October’s Saturday Breakfast Club washeld at the H Cafe and just seven attended,which was a bit light, but then there werea few of us at H-D HQ on a Media course,so we missed out. The feedback I got wasgood, so we may do this venue again.

Thanks to those who made the effort, I lookforward to seeing more of you at theNovember Breakfast Club meeting at thelater time of 10.00am.

The Crown Inn at Broad Hinton specializes inbiker breakfasts and is a really nice ride outthrough some picturesque villages and great

roads. From Oxford, the A420 to J15 , throughWroughton is quite good, From Newbury, head

to Marlborough and then via Avebury.

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Who: Oxford Chapter HOG Rifle Shoot (roughly 1/2 day or about 3 hours or so)

What: ‘Live’ Rifle Shoot - with .22 calibre non-scoped target rifles onto paper targets at 25 yards, shootingprone only (i.e. lying down on a mat on the carpeted floor)

Where: the Chinnor Rifle and Pistol Club (indoor all-weather range); Benton Drive, Chinnor, Oxon. Postcode: OX39 4DP

When: Saturday 15 Nov (If more than 10 are interested, we can try for another session on Saturday Nov 29.

How: Groups of 10 per ½-day session (half will shoot while half receive outfitting, i.e. rifle selection, andbasic training); anyone with long hair is recommended to tie it back.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - ESSENTIAL TO PARTAKE:- 1- Participants must sign a guestbook which also confirms that they are NOT knowingly a prohibitedperson under Section 21 of the Firearms Act (See below *)- 2- Any extra purchased ammo must be shot on the day; no one will be allowed to leave the club with anylive ammunition.

Cost: £15 per shooter

What is included:- Safety talk and 1:1 tuition on the firing point, if needed or identified by the Range Officer- Q&A session before shooting- Day Guest Membership (for insurance purposes)- Range Fee- A block of 25 rounds of live .22cal ammo- Personally shot targets to keep (officially scored if desired)- Use of club equipment (target rifle, earmuffs, mat, jacket, sling or other rifle support)- Each shooting ‘detail’ (or ‘session’) will be about ½ hour long to shoot 13 rounds (shots/bullets)- Hot tea/coffee and Danish pastry on arrival- One group of 5 will shoot, while the other five will receive coaching or fitting out with equipment- The Red Lion pub is within a 5-minute walking distance

On site amenities:- All-weather, indoor, heated, 25-yard firing range with five shooting lanes; one unisex toilet; plenty of off-street level asphalt car/bike private parking; coffee/tea making facilities.

If enough HOG members are interested, CRPC may also give a demonstration of CRPC club membersshooting other firearms, i.e. Cowboy-style .38cal under-lever rifle and/or black powder .44cal 1800s-stylerevolver. CRPC club website:

* Section 21 of the Firearms Act (excerpt):- A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment, detention or corrective training for a term of three years or more, ispermanently prohibited from having any firearms or ammunition in their possession. This means for life and includes allfirearms, even air weapons.A person sentenced to imprisonment, detention or corrective training for a period of over three months but less than three yearsis prohibited from possessing firearms and ammunition for five years from date of release.

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when danger comes there shall be a force which no enemycould despise".

It obviously did the trick, because in the more than 100 yearsof the Olympic Games, British shooters have won more than100 medals, using air and live-round ammo, and with pistols,rifles and shotguns. In other words, we’re ****** good at it!

The HOG plan at the moment is to hear a brief intro by CRPCfolks at the Nov 11 HOG club meeting to more fully explainand to hopefully have a bit of a ‘show and tell’ also of theequipment to be used. The law says that only rifle club fullmembers can shoot calibres greater than .22, so we arerestricted to .22.

Nine HOG members already signed up on the October clubnight for the Nov 15 shooting date. CRPC can cope with 10trial shooters per morning session. But if more HOG memberswant to have a go, CRPC will also try to make Sat Nov 29available to Oxford HOG also.

For £15, HOG members have the chance to shoot 25 roundsduring a roughly 3-hour session, divided into shorter timeperiods. Instruction will be given, and there will be a coach orinstructor by your side on the firing range for 1:1 help. Morerounds can be shot if time allows on the day. Extra ammo canbe purchased at £8, £5, or £4 per 50 depending on typepurchased.

Since many Oxford H.O.G. members enjoyed clay pigeonshooting with shotguns this year, we now have the chanceto try target rifle shooting. Did you know that shooting a .22calibre prone target rifle is far easier than a shotgun to beginwith?

A number of HOG members asked me if they could try rifleshooting at the Chinnor Rifle and Pistol Club where I am amember. Its men and women members range from 8 to over80. CRPC is an indoor target club licensed by the HomeOffice, is regularly inspected by the police and military, isaffiliated with the National Rifle Association and is run byvolunteers.

The first HOG shoot is on Sat Nov 15 from 10am, lastingabout 3 hours, and possibly also Nov 29 if more Oxford HOGmembers in groups of 10 per day want the chance to tryrifles. CRPC can take 10 trial shooters per session, since ithas five lanes on the range. We will shoot in two alternatinggroups of five.

It is not a quick-fire competition; slow is the new fast. Thereis some loose talk of a ‘gentlemen’s wager’ for best scoreon the day, but there could be other informal competitionsfor, say, tightest group of shots, best lady’s score, etc. Thiswill be interesting as all the rifles will have ‘open’ or ‘ironsights’ - a peep hole at the rear and a ring at the front/muzzle(not scopes with cross-hairs).

Rifles vary tremendously in size and power, but one of theeasiest ways to ‘have a go’ is with a local rifle club. Shootinga .22 calibre target rifle from a prone (lying down) positionis not nearly as physically challenging as shooting claypigeons holding up a heavy shotgun.

For a start you don’t have to hold up the weight of the rifle.You will be lying on your stomach on a mat on a carpetedfloor in a heated indoor firing range. The front of the rifle willbe supported by a ‘rest’.

Some HOG members have asked about recoil, or theamount of punch on your shoulder after each shot. Youcould shoot a .22cal target rifle all day with a T-shirt on withno bruises. The modern definition of ‘small bore’ is generallyaccepted to be any bullet less than 0.223-inch in diameter.A .22cal bullet measures 0.22-inch in diameter, smaller thanmost pencils. But don’t be deceived; it still has a range ofmore than a mile.

Did you know there are thousands of local small-bore rifleclubs in the UK set up since 1903 after the Brits got whoopedduring the Second Boer War in 1899? * Due to our poorshooting, the UK Parliament encouraged local communitiesto establish ‘Miniature (small-bore) Rifle Clubs’. This wasessentially to train up members of the public, youngstersand any amateur shooters, to become good shots withinexpensive rifles and ammunition, before those skills wereneeded in another war.

The Marquis of Salisbury, then the PM, made a speechstressing the need to create civilian rifle clubs throughoutthe land so that "without stirring from their homes the peopleof this country shall be able to practice rifle shooting so that

Al Shriver


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Date & Time Event Organiser

November 11th @ 7.30 pm Chapter night/ Cy Grieve

November 15th @ 10am Saturday Breakfast Club at TheCrown Inn, Broad Hinton, Wilts Just turn up

November 15th Shooting at Chinnor Rifle & PistolClub Al Shriver

November 19th Wednesday Club Paul Farmer

November 29th @ 12.30 LoH Lunch & Christmas Fayre Tamara Davis

December 6th Skittles night at Cowley ConservativeClub Andy Spindlow

December 7th Reading Christmas Toy Run Andy Spindlow

December 9th @ 7.30 pm Chapter night & AGM/Dinner atSpreadeagle at 6.oo pm Cy Grieve

December 17th Wednesday Cub Paul Farmer8

Well here we are again and its already November, I cant believe where the time goes!What a busy October we had, starting with Ride To The Wall. A very moving occasion as always.The Military Wives sang but sadly no fly past this year as there was too much low cloud. Thiscleared however giving us a sunny ride home.On Sunday 12th Oct it was Brightonia,seven of us rode down in good weather and managed toleave just before the rain set in.On the 16th Oct it was the open night at the Dealership it was well attended and we all had agreat night seeing the launch of the new 2015 bikesOn the 18th three of us attended a HOG training day at the Harley Headquarters, very informativeit was too.On the 19th oct it was Hoggin the Bridge. We met up with a few Thames Valley Chapter members

and stopped off at Leigh Delamere and seemed to attract a few more various bikes about 30 in all felt a bit like thePied Piper!We had a great day at Chepstow, the weather was incredible for the time of year.On the 25th Oct it was the LOH lunch at The Pelican Froxfield. This turned out to be very popular with about 32 peopleturning up which was great! We had 2 guests from Chester, Charles and Diane who had come down for the LOHtraining day on the Sunday. Must say I was very impressed she had only just picked up her new bike ( a Glide) the daybefore and was a much bigger bike than she was used to and she rode all the way from Chester, so they came alongtoo.On 31st Oct we had our Halloween Party, it was a great night everyone arriving in some very impressive costumes, itwas quite difficult recognising some people! DJ Rob was at his best as per usual all great fun. I would like to just saya very big thank you to Ian and Tamara for all the hard work they put in organising it and all the little extras that madeit so good!Dec 6th we are having a Skittles night at the Conservative Club in Cowley.Dec 9th it is the AGM and we will be going to the Spread Eagle first for a xmas meal, if you haven’t already booked letus know asapNext year.

A date for your diary 14th Feb 2015 we are having a 60's night Valentines Ball at the Four Pillars Hotel.

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Next LoH lunch will be at the Fownes Hotel,Worcester right in the heart of the City’s

Victorian Christmas Fayre.

Fownes Hotel, City Walls Road, Worcester.

WR 1 2AP

October has come and gone and I feel it has been one of mybusiest months as LoH officer despite being on holiday forthe first 2 weeks of the month. Our lunch which was held atthe Pelican Inn in Froxfield, was booked for 10 became 20the evening before and turned into a bumper 32 membersattending on the day. It was a memorable lunch not justbecause of the numbers, which was great so thank you to allthose who came, but also because the venue was terrific.We were made to feel really welcome despite the unexpectedrise in numbers which did not appear to faze them at all andthe food was excellent and well served in good time. I wasmoved to contribute a write up on Trip Advisor on theexcellence of this pub.

This was followed with an excellent LoH training day at HarleyDavidson Head office in Oxford. This was a day to shareexperiences and ideas with each other and find out how the“other half lived”. Thanks to Marjorie Rae for organising this.

Following this Ian and I were plunged into a week ofpreparation for the planned Halloween Party which was heldat Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Hall in Wootton.A very big thank you to my dear husband for all his hard work(I have to say that), to Rosemarie and Andrew, Charmaineand Neville and their lovely lad Alistair and Cy for all theirhard work decorating the hall, laying the tables and preparingthe food. I am not sure how we would have managed withoutthem. And to our very special DJ Rob Paston whose musicalways takes something ordinary and turns it into somethingspecial. This of course became quite magical when the realheroes’ of the evening began to arrive, you the guests,dressed in an awesome array of costumes, which left us allbreathless with admiration. Many, many thanks to all thosewho came and made this an evening to remember, see younext Halloween.

So what’s next? On the 29 November 2014 we are going tothe Victorian Christmas Fayre in Worcester. We have lunchtables booked for 12.30pm at the Fownes Hotel, City WallsRd, Worcester WR1 2AP Phone: 01905 613151. This is alovely Christmas Street Fayre and does have a wonderfulatmosphere. Can you please let me know in good time if youwould like to come. I look forward to seeing a great crowdfor our last LoH outing of the year.



The T-Shirts with Oxford Chapter rockers printed on the back(see below) have arrived and are now for sale. We have sold outof 3XL, but all other sizes are available. £27.00 each.

Remember I still have caps with “Oxford UK Chapter” on themfor sale at £17.00

We also have some new bar towels for £9.50 each and New logosmall Chapter flags at £25.00 each.

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Oxford Chapter Halloween PartyBloody


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New for 2015

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Who says the art


is dead?

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C CIRCUS MAXIMUS18th - 20th September 2015at the Llangollen Pavilion

nestling in the glorious Clw-ydian range and Dee ValleyArea of Outstanding Natural

Beauty.Fantastic Venue close to

town centre with hotels &guest houses


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We have now confirmed all four of the checkpoints for 2015.Following this year's event, it was agreed we needed something

substantial at the finish point for 2015. We have secured a venue thatwill provide free camping, secure bike park, a hog roast, bar and live

music till late. We are also expecting the air ambulance to fly in so youcan see where your money is going. If you want to do a complete loopyou can camp up on the Friday and take all day to do what would then

be approximately 140 miles.Alternatively you start at your nearest checkpoint, do as many as you

want and head for the finish point at your own pace.Checkpoint details will start going out shortly to those who have already


This year Paul Farmer, StevePrice, Bounce and I

completed the “County” fromstart to finish. It was a superbday’s riding and something

that we should support moregiven that the Air Ambulance

is such a good cause tosupport. Next year the event

will be bigger and moreinteresting and I will certainlybe taking part. Any takers?


Page 18: November hoggit

Joining the H.O.G. Oxford UK Chapter: A polite reminder of membership requirements

Members of the chapter agree to abide by the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters and must sign the annual membershipapplication form which contains the membership Release, Chapter Operating Policy and Code of Conduct.

Oxford UK Chapter membership runs from January to December. The cost for new members joining after September is reducedbut for the months remaining in the year you will still be entitled to all Chapter member benefits.

All Chapter members must have a current and active H.O.G. membership. With the purchase of a new Harley-Davidson, youshould automatically receive one year’s free H.O.G.® membership. If you buy a used Harley-Davidson through the Originalsprogram, ask your Dealer for your H.O.G.® membership . Once you have your H.O.G.® membership number you will be able tojoin any H.O.G.® Chapter. (Please be aware that if at any time your H.O.G.® membership expires you also cease to be a memberof the chapter. All costs for joining are limited by H.O.G. But set by the chapter .

Here are some of the Chapter benefits you could enjoy:

Oxford UK Chapter Membership Card

A varied programme of ride-outs and social events.

Discounts on parts, motorcycling clothing and accessories at our sponsoring dealership: Oxford Harley-Davidson.

Access to Chapter social events.

Access to the members section of the Oxford UK Chapter Website.

A Chapter newsletter in printed form or via email.

Access to the Chapter's on-line photo gallery and downloading facility.

Opportunities to assist with Chapter operations and management as a Chapter officer.

A regular monthly Chapter night meeting for members and guests.

Summer BBQ .

Advanced tickets for our joint venture The South of England Rally (SOfER), the largest H.O.G. rally in the southern UK.

All riders, non-riders and pillion passengers who are members of H.O.G. are welcome to join Oxford UK Chapter. Associatemembership of H.O.G. still counts but you need to be sponsored by a full H.O.G. Member . You will then be issued with your ownH.O.G number

Multiple H.O.G. Chapter Memberships.

Any Member may join as many H.O.G. Chapters as they wish . However membership of a H.O.G. Chapter other than Oxford UKChapter may impact the member’s eligibility of becoming a Chapter Officer. If the Member is also a a Primary or Secondary Officerof The Chapter then they must not operate as a Primary or Secondary Officer of another H.O.G. Chapter, unless the PrimaryOfficers of both or all Chapters concerned agree to the arrangement.

If you ride your own Harley Davidson motorcycle you must have your own H.O.G no. to be an active member of any chapter .

Guests of Oxford UK Chapter.

Guest Policy: Guests not accompanied by a fully paid up Member of the Chapter may attend Open meetings or events and mayattend Closed meetings or events for a maximum of 3 times total , becoming a full member will then be expected .

Guests have no voting rights at the AGM or where necessary voting takes place ,they must be accompanied by a fully paid upmember of Oxford Chapter at the AGM.

At all other meetings, events or ride outs Guests MUST be accompanied by a fully paid up member of H.O.G. and The Chapter.If a Guest is a pillion on any ride out they must sign an event release form before the ride out leaves. All regular guests must signa release form and where the applicable annual fee has been paid a guest card will be issued.

Chapter MembershipWhat is it?


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Committee Meetings.

Committee Meetings will be held throughout the year to discuss and plan the day to day running of The Chapter. The CommitteeMeetings will be held monthly. Committee Meetings will be attended by either:

i. The Chapter Director and The Chapter Primary Officers only.

ii. The Chapter Director with The Chapter Primary and Secondary Officers.

iii. The Chapter Director with The Chapter Primary and Secondary Officers plus anyone from The Membership providing they arefully paid up members of H.O.G. and The Chapter.

Chapter members, other than Primary and Secondary Officers of The Chapter may only attend Committee Meetings as an observer.

At every Committee Meeting detailed minutes must be taken by the Chapter Secretary or an appointed representative of theSecretary. Minutes of Committee Meetings will be made available to Members upon request and published online in the MembersOnly area of The Chapter website.

Chapter Accounts. The Treasurer of The Chapter will make accounts available prior to the AGM where a full set will be availablefor every Member of The Chapter present. A full set of accounts will be made available online in the members only section of thewebsite.

In a nutshell…If you are not a current member or associate member of H.O.G., You

are not a member of the Chapter.

Guests may only attend three closed events before they are required tobecome a Chapter member.

A message from our Secretary/Membership Secretary:We currently have 120 members

Please, if anyone changes their contact details, address, e-mailaddress, etc let me know on [email protected]

Decem Annos Ministerii

Remember, you may be entitled to an award for 10 year’s unbrokenservice to the Chapter. The criteria are:

�A member or guest of a member who has been with the Chaptersince 2004 or before.

�Must be continuous serviceIf you believe this is you, please let a member of the committee know. If

we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you do not qualify.19

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Cyril Grieve


Ian Davis




Paul Farmer













Geoff Kirby

Head RoadCaptain



Ian Ward

Safety Officer

Oxford UK Chapter Committee2014

Keep in touch with Chapter news and events at: & the Chapter Hotline 07876 663327

Culham Publication Services 01235 464 904

DirectorAssistant DirectorSecretaryTreasurerWebmasterEditorPhotographerMembership SecretaryLadies of Harley OfficerHead Road CaptainDealer RepresentativeSafety OfficerActivities OfficerMerchandise Officer

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected]