now the daily news '~ ~,,. · 4·--· ~...

' .... .' '·.' . . . . . ., . ' ' NOW PARKINr PI ,t'. t '.I r •,uqor THE DAILY NEWS I a .... - GET YOUR IJC(S(}f,-., ;' .. .. Charles Hutton & Sons .. Vol. 67. No. 167 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRID/IY, JULY 22, 1960 --. \ ... ____________ _._ ________ (Price. 7 Cents) 4·--· \\ Violence Erupts In S. Rhodesia S.\LlSBl1RY, Southern Rhode- :governing colony. 1ia IReuters 1-\'iolence erupted I Salis IR lhl' cnnitnl or ? our.d this city-5,)() mllcs l•c:m Ceniral .\fric1in a un·: !'" I or m c r iou ma:le up of Southem Rhode·: 1·,.,,:o - ror tl:c >ia nnd the Bl"ilish protectorates· · Thur,d:t)' "' oliidals rr· 1 nf :-=o:·th?m Rhodesia and Nyasa-. l "-1 130 .. 1-!rO('!'i under arn.'sl. 1.nn<l. , Tl1r trouh!c. which a car Sir \l'hilehcnd. Sou\hem. , .1:n t·::1> "hitc women prime minister, told ·,,. nathr>. rr.•ulted [,•,1m a · Pnrliamcnt he is "confident that 1-:. at thr ntTr.•l h;· tmnori'OW 'l•'rida\'1 of their this temporary trouble will be ,. ·, The three llader> of \lie X O\"l'l'." · Pm·ty were ll"hitrllc<HI ;1nnot•nce!l that a, 1 up on charge.< ol of l ·oops hall been SU,J· l"nlawiu! :niz:Jtions .\ct. p'ic!l b.v the fcrlcmtion at his rc·· P·1hc·c o:flcc.<. Jle added that "we hnw, and can ah·c, ,..... and the ,ouml of po!iec fir- p:·opc 1 · protection to all worker;;· l!i'! tt:"ar tould he J,·om whn lo go lo wol'k" ••t:;rb·: l!;ll'ili"C ,\!ric·:u lo'l"llrhit>. lie blomcrt inlimid;;tion for ,.,, o 1:1o:c :'\Dl' officiPb-Deputy the llll'llnut of l'rr.-idcnl )l<>li<•u::a <11Hl wol'i;Cl'< hr·r \\"rdnrsday down l·:nos tn co per cent. He said no 11er ,. ar•c;tc;l. zen! In jobs Tlmrsclay, \l,o hl'l'r IIH> Jlut \'iolrncc incre01,;ed In l;;!.;e f r a I dec· ;·rc township as the morning wm·c rrr<idcnt or the Ccntt·ai .\lrica on. rorty. It i' a liberal. headed 'rem· gas ll":t, fin•d h)· po!lcr lo·: Ga-ficld Todcl. a white and formrr rremicr nf thi, self· up ...•. .•.. .... , .. , ...... _,,,. '. ...... . '··'·. B Udo . n Accuses IllS EXCELLENCY. Tlw of Canada. :'llajiii'·Ct·m·ral Vanier, :111!1 Ilis Hnnom, 'I he I.icutcnant- a I · GovL•:·not· of :"i'rwl"onndlanrl, Th·: Jlonn•n·ahk C:m1piwll at •Jhcr,•.Jn, at u! •cntion whiiL· the llu: al Salute j, plnycd nt Torhay .\irpurt. In tlw Col. Crn"furtl, \l:ul:nne \'anitr. ami .\hs. '1ul·phcrwn. C\1a' \Jcrcrr l'hutn) .... UN llaudouin Thursday night ac- 1 page of and rnt>e by the. eused leaders of the Congo of' mutineers, the flight of white. einc the mutiny in the Congo- I settlers and Iough eounte•··meas· , lese army to try to set Negroes 1 ures by intervening Belgian: •t:ainst whites. · troops. Debates .1 r ... In a broadcast to the nation on · The king \he the strife • torn former Belgian ; Congolese authorities, far from I eolony, the 29 ·year-oid monarch I fighting the mutin)'. "tried to' B.r DA\'IIl ROWf\'THEF. cil wns to con,i<ler on the :1pvro1·<Jt of thP rc.<olntion called for unity "in these hours I turn the Congolese C dt I' St '"! II' It I•.I'O I'C.'oit111·,,ns. 'l"ill.cll I'll r!i"cct tt.(. l''.·. so tragic, h!!arlbreaking and againR\ the Belgians." ann an ress n. r rr .. < ·' Lemon Juice For D' Arcy McGee OTT.\\',".\ 'Cl' - juice nil o\'cr n·.\rc;· :. i c G " !'. The i<!ea doc>ll"l <it wrll with 11. \1'. Russian Planes Bring UN Troops Sugar Supplies And Diplomats LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo-Reuters - Soviet Thursday delivered UN troops, sugar supplies- ani hluc-suited Russian diplomats-to the tension-ridden Crmgo. The Ghanaian troops flying in from Accre expected-and was the sugar. But it was a suqlrise to !Cc a party of So,·ict foreign ministry offi· out of one plane at Leopoldville airport anrl drh·c into town for a conference with Premier Patrice Lumumba. A spokesman said later Lumumba received the delegation brieFly to thuk them fnr the Russian contribution· Til AnllRESS COU!\'CII. . TROOPS POUR 1!11 l·:arliet' in the dal' Lnmumba UnitPd :\ t n 3 he prob- 1 !I"Oops speaking half a doLcn dil· nbly will [Jy In :\ell' York today fercnt languages poured into the and to l!.e United :'iation; Congo. increasing the total Ioree Coundi "Bel· to 4.300. More than 10,000 U:'l gian aggression." troops are ex"])Ccled by the week· lle urged the council to dclcr end. it; scheduled session Thtu'sday: The Sol'iet transport hlancs be· until he addrc»es it. But a ma· landing Ghanaian troops fm· jorily of the Sccurilr Council: the U:>l force Thursday, An ad· late,· to go ahead with . l'ance unit of Swedish and ethel' the meeting. non · African troops landed Lumum\Ja had bcc•l, at Lcopold1·ille airport, expected to to :'ic;v York next The first Russian Ilyushin week after conferring with· turbo . prop plane brought a load 11:\" . Gene:· at Dag: of sugar along with Ghanian sol· HammHrskjold, to ar·: diers. Bl'ilish Cai>l. D. H. Holmes ril"e 1 who commanded a second plane· Lumumha has not calid off load of Ghanaians, said "1\"e his threat to cJli lor Sol"iet had a jolly good flight from n,·med inlcn·cntion if Jlclgian .l.ccra and the Russian stewards troops do nol out of tile were 1·cry nice to All his countrymen knew what U:'o<!TED :-=.Y. <CP1 .\Ion;:i Slim, the Tunhian dele· lhoritics I ht' rc;;ponsihility for He said Belgium's work in the had happened in the Congo Tunisia and Brl· ;:nte. .,nid ;.nd s1)"ing ;:loops ar .. d · d b 11 I gium in the llnitcd :'>;a\ions Sr· · to be in the no ncdcd. Cnn1o has been a mtre y a . 1 "from the thousands of refugees ""'e cennot believe it is entirely 1 who hal'e arrived home." Ctll'ity Council to Conao. r1•ylon and spelled ont wasted." ' Referring to the Belgian mil· draw lhe "speech!)'. While he could understand Ilcl· their resolution on bclwlt of thr Baudouin referred to the mu· itary inter\'enlion the king.askcd,, . T.he !omt t·cso.lul!on .<cl no l1mc ;:ium !rei tur the need to >end ,\sinn-.\f ·ican hloc in the l":-.1 tiny of the Congolese army a his 1 ·oice with emotion 1hmtl.. rhc spccta! sesston ol the II'UOtJs to protect citizens. the ll·nalion ScciH"il\· Council "mol"erntnt M frightful crell>··" 1 1 "was it possible, 1 ask you, not counctl also has hctore H a Rus- the mililm·1· mol"ements t"ould nut 1\"ent into its second ditv or de· PILLAGE ASD RAPE . lo I'IISh !o the rl'scue of our deat· ''.an proposni made jn,tifhi after l;1.<t \\'CCI(> Se· hille on I lie crisb-;(ripped Congo. The Cl'F t l' for l\oot l'."t•st - llcr:·iJge. that is, not who been clrad lhe.,e - raised lhe qne.;tion in the Con:mons Thumlay in dcali,,g 11 i:h the or IJronzc 'tatuc> on Parlimnenl Hill. Refugees Relate -Tales Of Terror Thr mutin>', y,•hich broke out. ones whose lives and very dig-, mght that the B c. an rurilv n•>olntio11 scttiw: lk a c 1 ion was requested Such , . .,, thr bt"inc.'" ot lin day1 after independence was 1 nily are threatened?" 1 chmvaj he completed 111thm lll!c;· up tile t:;.; Ioree. nor alter the a ot threat> lluusc in ihc 12•:th silting rty .. ------ 'days. gn1·crnn:ent ,aid the hv the So1·ict Union to send of the current sr>,iun as the I wrre to he nwde hi" gians ll'c"c not \\'anted. t1:oops into th1• nml a asscmbh· exam in e d puhlit Proposes New \1: .. c·mu;. Sir Claude ('m'l'ril ut I'C';Io1t 11·arning from the Unite:! Stales works ·<ll't>Jrtmcnt estimates, - that it would take whatc\"CI' steps with 1<11"iou, )lp, all L I T B nccc»nrl' \\'ith oilier L1X mrm· mDnnrr or inrlil"iduai qucric· Divorce Plan a; 1 .. a .. l.e. Q .. a an:! £1'imnccs. '#1 1111 l':'>CSUM. PROCEDl'UF. OTHER SI'EAKF.HS tlc"Tid;:e >aid he had Poland fpoke in fa\'or of the C done ,;ome re·1din;: on statues lea 11 UP an llu"ian rc>olution. A•·;;enlina for and nowiJCrc could he find a · · · ' I he Tunisian · t'eylone.'c resolu- .... ,.AWA CP) V · rclcrrnee to us i 11 g "lemon vu l - Senator in- would do away with ! . · w ti••n. Dupuis lL - Quebec I, Ro· procedure unrler which dil'orce, Flohd:m Lrwandol'!ski of Poland juke" to dean patina-a green man Catholic •. proposed Thurs. 1 petitioners must introduce pri·' . . . , , . ' , . . , . . .. .. l'imrgcd that Belainm iwd disrc· !hat forms on old brom.t· d1y that parharntn\ary dil•orcel vat hili in Parliament 8) IIICII.\110 ll\IG:o>:\ULT compnn) Prcnuu Lu;,1"e to the ·d·d 11 S'" .t. l'o·meil' in· -from the statues. "Seems un- 1 e 5 Cnnadlnn Press Shtf ll"l·itc•r ledernllli'OI'indal con'crcucc in e lC .-<11'1) s usual," he commented be lranJferred to the Exchequer 1 I Di1•orce petitions introduced , Ql'EBJ',(, 1 C'P.. ' 'c , .,. . · 1 Ott ' ' ·t ,' 1 , ' It . L by keeping troops in Court of Canada, a move being . in Parliament now are heard in· ' '• · · 1 -; cot . awa nex. ·' 0111 a)· . 15 tC· the Congo. · \l'o•·ks Walker as- pressed in the Commons by the I camera by the Senate divorce palme. the mnn ! rcmter .lean l!r. wtl! consult with .Jus- I D. '1 ' . ·' f \. .'111'ed lt"•m Ill at tl>c cleanin" CCF rt. · · 1 ptl'l<cd to clean up llcc Fulton OI'CI" the I. "a11o "m'1"eo o . I gcn- · PI 1 comm tlee. Those recommended d ' . . . · tina •a·d 1 ·s no 1 ·crnmenl \l"as iob. which invol\"es 'cruhbing But Senator Gustal'e Monette fo ·a! r nt t th Se · an I'C\ amp law enforcement, 1 po,stbthly of RDIP nss.slance : 1 11. . . ·. . h lpl"'_/'1 be 1 1 'R I r 8 e .se 0 . e n •. penal institutions and [ic.uor tom· in his plans lor police ·reorgani- com·mced lilat Beiglllm s actJuns iacqaer off \he bronze and t en .... _ue c • a so a oman 1 ate as pm ate btlls. II 1t passes I · · t · 1 ·k t" were not a""ressivc but desi•ncd darkminn the m e I a 1 with Catholic, told the Senate he is 1 them, they go to the Commons 1008 · 1 oc• ·s more. za mn. to protect ""h"e. ·citizens-" ;s lemon oif is an experiment for against any plan that would I which has its pri\'atc bills com:, : 1 a lhiin a, 0 !RECTOR . ·other count 1 ·,. t would ha\'e ;, which is the guinea Quebec and i miltee study them h elore the' OUo 1 .Cilme Cl. I rhr. Pollee Amadeo echoed Correa's warn : . d1\·orces away from Parhamcnt · 1 lower House i !sell grants ap Aclu.llly, fc11 mr.n arc as well now ts wtl!•out a duector smce . . lh e ur"t" oun pig. He said, however that · pro\•al · · . qualifird fo•· their jobs as lhe resignation· request of Hilaire, 11 e,hs c __ 1 ' ,. 1 ,: · The 1 ·cfe 1 ·cnce was to the sta. . I . . L I I r h" f t B I - ld h I r Cl mus que IS !Ire qiiiC• ' 'II"OUld support a move to have 1 apa me s or IS post o at or· eauregart. o7·year·o eac o b 1 . th !'. · ads.. tuc of ex· parliamentarian the. alone rule on dh•orce i The Senators commented dur·. ncy.gcnc.t·at. tall; of force, accepted. . e Ole e 11 e sprc · , Gee a Father of Confederation, pdthons from the two provinces, : lng Senate debate of a motion matled list Ill lhc \'ell·ct · Our mam f1cid of operatJOn At this point the ad· : who' was assassinated April 17, much as pr?vincial c?urls do in I proposing a number 0r change; . . . . . will be rca!. per !:1'nl journed until tl30 p.m. ADT with IRG3, on the steps or his 01· the olher e1ght provmces. This in Senale dil'oree rules · Our fn·st Job 1s pronncwl PO· of ail our courts busmess Ol'lg!· · speakers stil! to be heard from : tawa rooming 'wuse after de- ---------·-----------: lice reorganization,'' says .\It·.· nates the:·e, iiO per cent of the Jtn!y. the United Kingdom, China lil'cring a Commons speech fa· Effect Lapalme. i business handled b)' the atlor- France, and Ecundor. Confederation. Bill Will Mr. is one of two 1 department relates· cabinet ministers who will ac-1 to Montrc<J!," Lapalme says. ·Provincial Laws --------------------------------------------J UN Calls On To Rescue Hostages Rv 11.\ROI.D mbsion 11 hfn she heard of a rc· C11;adian Press 'ta!f Writer bc!lion nati\"e troops in 1\"ASH!:'iG'J'O:'\ 'CP 1 -"1 11'35 a. the Congo 1rhith was recently little afraid,"' the slim To·' ::ranted independence by Bel· ronto motl1ct· clutching a •.rhimp- glum. She, he1· husband and their ering child in her arms. "But we children packed and made their 1rill ::o back. some day.'' , way out by car, truck and )lcli- . He•· green colton dress rum- ; copier to Brazza1·ilie, in the for- pie;\ and her c,·cs slightly glazed, : met' French Congo colony, where Prissie Rumoht· was one of: two U.S. G!obemaster planes 133 c1·acuccs from the strife-torn awaited them. flown here in two U.S. air·: craft. ' "The nath·es were friendly, Quiet m:counls .of rape and l'i· The1· didn't bother us.' she said ole nrc h,· soidier.;-warm. in 'an inlerl"iew here as praioe for the Congolese people-. stepped from the plane. "But the thankfuinc'" to be home-a rle-, nati1·e troops got out of centro!. to rctum '<!nd serve a tor- 1I wasn't molested." menlcd new A ! r i c a n nation ' Rumohr was silent for formed the pattfi'D or mixed re· ' moment, her lips pursed. There actions in the first large group was a general reluctance on the , of evacuees to reach :\'orth Am· part or ail evacuees to gi,·e de· crica from the Congo. 1tai!s of their plight. Then 1ud· : of the 133 werp Baptist 1 denly she blurted out missionaries and their families.' "They I the troops) beat aome Tile possessions of many con· : of the missionaries. They raped sisted oniv of the clothes thev · two women in our area-a mar· ' were wea(ing, · 1 ried woman and a single woman. , SATIVES FHIENDLY :They almost got at I third : Mol her of three young children 1 woman. But they stopped. She and wife of a Baptist n.issionary, 1 had a two-week·oid baby In her : Rumoht' at her I'Olagc: arms." , __ Fire Still Rages Area In Kamloops OTTAWA lcPI- The gl!vern·ling to mould them into slrongerl Pres.s Takes Up rntnt's proposed Bill of Rights c d i c t s against discrimination 1 'll'ill hBI"e 1 long-term persooslve Professor Maxwell Cohen said I . . Belgians To Leave Congo . KAMLOOPS, B.C. tAPl - A 1 here which covered 10,000-acres Urundl j party of campers in a hurry to during a three . day 'rampage . <Reuters) - Be!gtan paratroop· I get home forgot to take a !a;t through dried ouL timberland. ll!ffeet on provincial laws, tend.! dean of law at Me· I Castro's Attack 1 G i 11 University generally en- 1 THE COUNTRY PARSON dorsed the bill in a four-hour dis·; "The most disturbing· part of beinr a preacher ls that merely talking · about truth 10 •htom causea anything jood to happen." seriation on the law before the 1 --- ------- committee on human! HAVANA IAPl - Pro-govern-. added fuel to the dispute by de·! nghts a n d fundamental free·: ment newspapers Thursday look 1 crceing Cubans must work next , doms. The dilflcultics it might: up Premier Fidel Castro's at· Sunday to have a thrce:day hol- ' raise, he said, are not insupet·· 1 tack against Ruman Catholic OP· iday to celebrate July 26, tl1e able. 1 position assailing the dissidents 1 national holiday marking ' In its anti • discrimination [ as "bad Christians.'' . tro's revolt against Fuigencio · clause, '311 the bill did was de- 1 Rcvo!ttcion, whose fmut page Bnlista regime clare that no indil'idual should· carried a photograph of So1•ict' , expect the holiday to be be denied the protection of the I Premier Khrushchev and head· marked by an outbreak of Ca. law because of his race, origin, i' lines .announcing his promise or 1 : tbolic opposition. One color, religion or sex. aid the Revolution charged is for Catholics to attend mass "I see no l'llnstitutional I "Falanglsts" were responsible thnt day in mourning ,;arb. Othe;·' lem on the surface," he sa1d. · for recent d c mons t r a lions Catholics arc for ail' communism. ' Cubans to remain in their homes INDIRECT Et'FECT - The charges echoed Castro's Ito make it "a day of the dead. 'I "But it seems to me that what direct attack Monday night when Thus far the Catholic opposi- 1 we will be doing by this bill will he de e l a r e d !n a ' tion has been to Communism ra· be affecting provincial law lndir· speech "Let us not forget there 1 ther thao the Castro cct!y, because if you slate as na- ill a part of . the I Cuban clergy rnent. Ilona! law that there should be which Is pro-Franco and Fa lang. "We are not figHting against I no dlscrimlnat19n. you will be af· 1st.'' fFnlangists are Fidl!l," said one Catholic woman feeling such thlnss as the law of of Spain's single legal party). leader. "We arc fighting Com· contract In provinces whit:h have WORK DECREE munism. If the present regime no antl-diacrimination la\f ·in that Castro'• labor minister, Maj. chooses to embrace communism By DAVIIl ROWNTREE Cadlan Press Staff Writer UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP)-The 11-natlon United l'l'atlons Security Council to· day called on Belgium to speed the withdrawal or its rorces from the strife-torn Congo. The \'ole was unanimous. Russia pulled back its reso· lotion demanding that Bel· 'limn withdraw its ·.vithln three days. The action climaxed a two· lay meeting of the Security Council marked by Soviet '.hreats to its own troop• into the Congo, newly-indc [lendent from Belgium. It came a week after the council authorized the dis· patch of a UN military force to the Congo In an effort to save Its new government field. Au11111to Martlnex Sanchez, we will still battle against it.·; · from collapse, : ers. were reported Thursday pre. look Wednesday before they left • The Spius Creek fire was : parmg to attack a Congolese J their campfire in the picturesque brought under control Wednes- 1 army stronghold at Lakondu, Hedley area, 100 miles south of day after cutting a two-mile-wide Eastern Congo, to try to free I here. path 13 miles through cedar, · seven European hostages. The flowing embers they left spruce and pine. The reports came .from Bel· sprouted into a holacaust which 275 FIRES refugees streat?ing into the Thursday night co v ere d 500 . More than 275 fires were burn- 1 a1rpo1'l of tins Beig1an acres, threatened valuable tim· ing in the district in fir, cedar, United Nations trust tcmtory. ber stands, and provided the ma. spruce and pine. Firefightinl One of the refugees, a former jor headache for overworked costs are running at $80,000 a ; of the Congolese firefighters in the !l,()()().square- day. 1 \he were two t?ISSIOn· mile Kamloops forest district. ----------- ai'ICS and ftve former officers of Three water bombers the Congo's Force The dil·ed repeatedly at hot spots in seven were dl'agged ms1de the the fast-spreading blaze Thur•· army camp at Lakondu fo!low- day while 70 men on the ground ing a revolt Sunday by Congo- sweated to contain the flames 1 lese troops against officers. with fire lines. According to one of the ref- service now ugees at least 1 ,500 Congolese , have banned campf1rcs soldiers were involved in the ris· ?ut the and ne•ghbor· ing at. Lakondu which lies some mg Nelson d1stmt and in. 200 miles northwest of here. of the Vancouver wh1ch covers \ne coastal limber areas. Only govern!m!rit camp· sites arc exempt. Attention switched to the Hed· ley blaze !rom the big Spius .. ........ . Weather Clear becoming cloudy. High today 67, TE.\o\PERA TURES Toronto ........ 58 Montreal .. .. .. .. 60 Moncton ........ 62 Halifax ........ Sydney . .... .. 60 St. John's .. .. .. 52 73 J 72 75 88 t army sources in Leo- poldviilc said they had no in!or· mation of preparations· for an at- tack on Lakondu and knew no- thing of the seven refugees. Creek fire 60 miles southwest of ..,•••¥•••••1

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NOW PARKINr '~ ~,,.

PI ,t'. t '.I • r

•,uqor ·~s ~ THE DAILY NEWS ~~ I

~~d a .... -GET YOUR 'l~u~ql~luliiPIIInll IU~o'1 • IJC(S(}f,-., ;'

.. ~ .. Charles Hutton & Sons -~ .. ~·~ Vol. 67. No. 167 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRID/IY, JULY 22, 1960 --. \ ·=··;.:··~=-~::..:....:.:.::...=-._ ... ~=--=~--_:_-____________ _._ _______ _ (Price. 7 Cents)

4·--· ~ \\

Violence Erupts In S. Rhodesia

S.\LlSBl1RY, Southern Rhode- :governing colony. 1ia I Reuters 1-\'iolence erupted I Salis bur~ IR lhl' cnnitnl or !1'~ ? our.d this city-5,)() mllcs l•c:m Ceniral .\fric1in ~·cctcralion, a un·: !'" tro~:!l'e:l I or m c r Bcl~ian iou ma:le up of Southem Rhode·: 1·,.,,:o - ror tl:c ~~cone! stl·ai~lll >ia nnd the Bl"ilish protectorates· ,:,~- · Thur,d:t)' "' oliidals rr·

1 nf :-=o:·th?m Rhodesia and Nyasa-.

l "-1 ~d 130 ~~ .. 1-!rO('!'i under arn.'sl. 1.nn<l. , Tl1r trouh!c. which ~~~~· a car Sir ~:d;ar \l'hilehcnd. Sou\hem.

, .1:n in~ t·::1> "hitc women ~toned Bho~:sia's prime minister, told ·,,. nathr>. rr.•ulted [,•,1m a slrik~ · Pnrliamcnt he is "confident that 1-:. 'i~~··oc, ::n~c1·ru at thr ntTr.•l h;· tmnori'OW 'l•'rida\'1 mornin~ ~f ~hr~~ of their :-=o~tionaibt !c~rl· this temporary trouble will be ,. ·, The three llader> of \lie X a· O\"l'l'." · ~'"11:ol D~mocratic Pm·ty were ll"hitrllc<HI ;1nnot•nce!l that a, 1 ·.~J up on charge.< ol tll'~~:;;n~ bNt~!ion of l ·oops hall been SU,J· 1·,~ l"nlawiu! Or~ :niz:Jtions .\ct. p'ic!l b.v the fcrlcmtion at his rc·· P·1hc·c ~l,o r~idcd pari~ o:flcc.<. quc~1. Jle added that "we hnw,

T;~Ul'!tl~ty. at"~ ~c~rce~. ~tonrd ~dcquntc.' fo1·cp~ and can ah·c, , ..... and the ,ouml of po!iec fir- p:·opc1· protection to all worker;;· l!i'! tt:"ar ~..t.' tould he h~ani J,·om whn wi~h lo go lo wol'k" ••t:;rb·: l!;ll'ili"C ,\!ric·:u lo'l"llrhit>. lie blomcrt inlimid;;tion for ,.,, o 1:1o:c :'\Dl' officiPb-Deputy kr~·ping the llll'llnut of :"c~ro l'rr.-idcnl ~lo•·lon )l<>li<•u::a <11Hl wol'i;Cl'< hr·r \\"rdnrsday down \;~11CI'<l s~~···~t<Jr)· l·:nos :-=kai~- tn co per cent. He said no 11er ,. ~•r ar•c;tc;l. c~nt zen! In th~it' jobs Tlmrsclay,

\l,o ~1"l'C-'trtl hl'l'r IIH> ~lan. Jlut \'iolrncc incre01,;ed In ll~r-l;;!.;e S~mk;1n;:a, f ~de r a I dec· ;·rc township as the morning wm·c rrr<idcnt or the Ccntt·ai .\lrica on. rorty. It i' a liberal. ~rou1t headed 'rem· gas ll":t, fin•d h)· po!lcr lo·: Ga-ficld Todcl. a white nt~n chasin~ :\"c~I'Ocs and brc;;kin~ ~~d formrr rremicr nf thi, self· up ~~lhcring~.

~-.,:...~.~ ...•. i.oi;_,~ .•.. ,;.;;.;,;...~:.:· .... , .. , ...... _,,,. '. ...... . '··'·.

B Udo. n Accuses IllS EXCELLENCY. Tlw Gm:crnur-Gcn~·ral of Canada. :'llajiii'·Ct·m·ral Vanier, :111!1 Ilis Hnnom, 'I he I.icutcnant-a I · GovL•:·not· of :"i'rwl"onndlanrl, Th·: Jlonn•n·ahk C:m1piwll ~I at •Jhcr,•.Jn, stat11lin~ at u! •cntion whiiL· the llu: al Salute j,

hein~ plnycd nt Torhay .\irpurt. In tlw hn~kgrotmd ,,.~:-I'rrmivr ~mHII\\"oocl, Col. Crn"furtl, \l:ul:nne \'anitr. ami .\hs. '1ul·phcrwn. C\1a' \Jcrcrr l'hutn)

BR~E~•~9.~.;"' ~~.~~~~'~ .... UN llaudouin Thursday night ac- 1 page of piila~:e and rnt>e by the. eused leaders of the Congo of' mutineers, the flight of white. einc the mutiny in the Congo- I settlers and Iough eounte•··meas·

, lese army to try to set Negroes 1 ures by intervening Belgian: •t:ainst whites. · troops. Debates

r~ .1 -~ounci

r ... tt-~riSlS In a broadcast to the nation on · The king ~aid \he r~sponsible

the strife • torn former Belgian ; Congolese authorities, far from I

eolony, the 29·year-oid monarch I fighting the mutin)'. "tried to' B.r DA\'IIl ROWf\'THEF. cil wns to con,i<ler \"olin~ on the ur~cd :1pvro1·<Jt of thP rc.<olntion called for unity "in these hours I turn the Congolese C dt I' St '"! II' It I•.I'O I'C.'oit111·,,ns. 'l"ill.cll I'll r!i"cct ~~·~·n.s tt.(. l''.·. ~ll· so tragic, h!!arlbreaking and againR\ the Belgians." ann an ress • n. r rr .. < ·'

Lemon Juice For D' Arcy McGee OTT.\\',".\ 'Cl' - lmJ~i1:e

pourin~ l~mon juice nil o\'cr n·.\rc;· :. i c G " !'. The i<!ea doc>ll"l <it wrll with 11. \1'. llerrid~c.

Russian Planes Bring UN Troops Sugar Supplies And Diplomats

LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo-Reuters - Soviet plane.~ Thursday delivered UN troops, sugar supplies­ani hluc-suited Russian diplomats-to the tension-ridden Crmgo. The Ghanaian troops flying in from Accre "er~ expected-and ~o was the sugar. But it was a suqlrise to !Cc a party of So,·ict foreign ministry offi· cial~ .~tcp out of one plane at Leopoldville airport anrl drh·c into town for a conference with Premier Patrice Lumumba. A Con~olcse spokesman said later Lumumba received the delegation brieFly to thuk them fnr the Russian contribution·

Til AnllRESS COU!\'CII. . TROOPS POUR 1!11 l·:arliet' in the dal' Lnmumba ~lc•lll'hilc. UnitPd :\ ~ t i· n 3

uu~xpcrtedly Mnomi~cd he prob- 1 !I"Oops speaking half a doLcn dil· nbly will [Jy In :\ell' York today fercnt languages poured into the and ~ppea! to l!.e United :'iation; Congo. increasing the total Ioree s~curity Coundi a~ain~t "Bel· to 4.300. More than 10,000 U:'l gian aggression." troops are ex"])Ccled by the week·

lle urged the council to dclcr end. it; scheduled session Thtu'sday: The Sol'iet transport hlancs be· until he addrc»es it. But a ma· ~an landing Ghanaian troops fm· jorily of the Sccurilr Council: the U:>l force Thursday, An ad· a~reed late,· to go ahead with . l'ance unit of Swedish and ethel' the meeting. non · African troops al~o landed

Lumum\Ja ori~innltv had bcc•l, at Lcopold1·ille airport, expected to [[~· to :'ic;v York next The first Russian Ilyushin week after conferring her~ with· turbo . prop plane brought a load 11:\" s~cretarv . Gene:· at Dag: of sugar along with Ghanian sol· HammHrskjold, cxp~cl.c!l to ar·: diers. Bl'ilish Cai>l. D. H. Holmes ril"e ~Ionday. 1 who commanded a second plane·

Lumumha has not calid off load of 6~ Ghanaians, said "1\"e his threat to cJli lor Sol"iet had a jolly good flight from n,·med inlcn·cntion if Jlclgian .l.ccra and the Russian stewards troops do nol ~c\ out of tile Con~o. were 1·cry nice to u~."

cru~l." • All his countrymen knew what U:'o<!TED X·\TIO~S. :-=.Y. <CP1 .\Ion;:i Slim, the Tunhian dele· lhoritics I ht' rc;;ponsihility for He said Belgium's work in the had happened in the Congo Tunisia and C~\'lon :~>ked Brl· ;:nte. .,nid "C:~Im ;.nd pe·~•·e s1)"ing wh~n Rrl~ium ;:loops ar ..

d · d b 11 I gium in the llnitcd :'>;a\ions Sr· · to be dawnin~· in the no ion~cr ncdcd. Cnn1o has been a mtre y a . 1 "from the thousands of refugees ""'e cennot believe it is entirely 1 who hal'e arrived home." Ctll'ity Council ~hursd:J)' to :1·il~: Conao. r1•ylon and Tuni.<i:~ spelled ont ~ wasted." ' Referring to the Belgian mil· draw f~om lhe Co1~go "speech!)'. While he could understand Ilcl· their resolution on bclwlt of thr

Baudouin referred to the mu· itary inter\'enlion the king.askcd,, . T.he !omt t·cso.lul!on .<cl no l1mc ;:ium !rei in~ tur the need to >end hi~ ,\sinn-.\f ·ican hloc in the l":-.1 tiny of the Congolese army a.~ a his 1·oice rin~ing with emotion 1 hmtl.. rhc spccta! sesston ol the II'UOtJs to protect Bel~ian citizens. a~ the ll·nalion ScciH"il\· Council "mol"erntnt M frightful crell>··" 11 "was it possible, 1 ask you, not counctl also has hctore H a Rus- the mililm·1· mol"ements t"ould nut 1\"ent into its second ditv or de· PILLAGE ASD RAPE . lo I'IISh !o the rl'scue of our deat· ''.an proposni made ~I crlncsch~ b~ jn,tifhi after l;1.<t \\'CCI(> Se· hille on I lie crisb-;(ripped Congo.

The Cl'F ~ t l' for l\oot ~nay l'."t•st - ~11". llcr:·iJge. that is, not ~11·. ~.kGce who ila~ been clrad lhe.,e ~2 y~at·, - raised lhe qne.;tion in the Con:mons Thumlay in dcali,,g 11 i:h the r!eanin~ or IJronzc 'tatuc> on Parlimnenl Hill.

Refugees Relate -Tales Of Terror

Thr mutin>', y,•hich broke out. ones whose lives and very dig-, mght that the B c. I~_;. an \1'1.1~~ rurilv l'oun~il n•>olntio11 scttiw: lk a c 1 ion was requested Such , . .,, thr bt"inc.'" ot th~ lin day1 after independence was 1 nily are threatened?" 1 chmvaj he completed 111thm lll!c;· up tile t:;.; Ioree. nor alter the ;;~uin<t a bac~~round ot threat> lluusc in ihc 12•:th silting rty

·-------~-------.. ------ 'days. L'on~o gn1·crnn:ent ,aid the B~i· hv the So1·ict Union to send of the current sr>,iun as the I Spcech~s wrre to he nwde hi" gians ll'c"c not \\'anted. t1:oops into th1• Con~o. nml a asscmbh· exam in e d puhlit Proposes New 1 othr;·_.!lt'!c~iltc.' h~lore \1: .. c·mu;. Sir Claude ('m'l'ril ut I'C';Io1t 11·arning from the Unite:! Stales works ·<ll't>Jrtmcnt estimates, - that it would take whatc\"CI' steps with 1<11"iou, )lp, t·~i,<in~ all

L I T B nccc»nrl' \\'ith oilier L1X mrm· mDnnrr or inrlil"iduai qucric·

Divorce Plan a;1 .. a ~l .. l.e. Q .. a ~~~.~- il~o,;~~c~·~:;.t ,.~~~~'ie.intcnr.n· an:! £1'imnccs. '#1 1111 ~ l':'>CSUM. PROCEDl'UF.

OTHER SI'EAKF.HS ~lr. tlc"Tid;:e >aid he had Poland fpoke in fa\'or of the

C done ,;ome re·1din;: on statues lea 11 UP ~'11;1· an llu"ian rc>olution. A•·;;enlina for and nowiJCrc could he find a · · · ' <~ • I he Tunisian · t'eylone.'c resolu-

....,.AWA CP) V · ~ rclcrrnee to us i 11 g "lemon vu l - Senator in- would do away with th~ pre~en! ! . • · w ti••n. ~t Dupuis lL - Quebec I, Ro· ~ procedure unrler which dil'orce, Flohd:m Lrwandol'!ski of Poland juke" to dean patina-a green man Catholic •. proposed Thurs. 1 petitioners must introduce pri·' . . . , , . ' , . . , . . .. .. l'imrgcd that Belainm iwd disrc· ~ 1'll>l !hat forms on old brom.t· d1y that parharntn\ary dil•orcel vat hili in Parliament 8) IIICII.\110 ll\IG:o>:\ULT compnn) Prcnuu Lu;,1"e to the ·d·d 11 S'" .t. l'o·meil' in· -from the statues. "Seems un-

1 e 5 • Cnnadlnn Press Shtf ll"l·itc•r ledernllli'OI'indal con'crcucc in ·~a• e lC .-<11'1) • s usual," he commented be lranJferred to the Exchequer 1 I Di1•orce petitions introduced , Ql'EBJ',(, 1 C'P.. ' 'c , .,. . ·1 Ott ' ' ·t ,'1 !· , ' It . L ~lrnclions by keeping troops in

Court of Canada, a move being . in Parliament now are heard in· ' '• · · 1 -; cot ~cs -~· . awa nex. ·' 0111 a)· . 15 tC· the Congo. · \l'o•·ks ~!inislcr Walker as-pressed in the Commons by the I camera by the Senate divorce palme. the mnn ! rcmter .lean 1~2\'erl l!r. wtl! consult with .Jus- I D. '1 .· ' . ·' f \. .'111'ed lt"•m Ill at tl>c cleanin" CCF rt. · · 1 L~sn•e h~s ptl'l<cd to clean up llcc ~l!msler Fulton OI'CI" the I. "a11o "m'1"eo o . I gcn- · ~

PI ~- 1 comm tlee. Those recommended d ' . . . · tina •a·d 1 ·s no1·crnmenl \l"as iob. which invol\"es 'cruhbing But Senator Gustal'e Monette fo ·a! r nt t th Se · an I'C\ amp law enforcement, 1 po,stbthly of RDIP nss.slance • : 1 11. ~ . • . ·. . h lpl"'_/'1 be 1 1 'R I r appro~. 8 e .se 0

. e n •. penal institutions and [ic.uor tom· in his plans lor police ·reorgani- com·mced lilat Beiglllm s actJuns iacqaer off \he bronze and t en ...._ue c • a so a oman 1 ate as pm ate btlls. II 1t passes I · · t · 1 ·k t" were not a""ressivc but desi•ncd darkminn the m e I a 1 with

Catholic, told the Senate he is 1 them, they go to the Commons m~ssmn op~t:a 1008 · 1 oc• ·s more. za mn. to protect ""h"e. ·citizens-" ;s "~"" lemon oif is an experiment for against any plan that would I which has its pri\'atc bills com:, :1 ·c~l a hooi;t~h lhiin a, 0!RECTOR IIESIG~S. . ·other count1·,. t would ha\'e rlo~e. ;, which ~lr. ~!cGee is the guinea t~ke Quebec and Newfo~ndland i miltee study them h elore the' OUo

1 .Cilme ~ 1 ' Cl. I rhr. Qu~bec Pron_I~Ciill Pollee Amadeo echoed Correa's warn : . d1\·orces away from Parhamcnt ·1lower House i !sell grants ap Aclu.llly, fc11 mr.n arc as well now ts wtl!•out a duector smce . . lh e ur"t" oun pig.

He said, however that h~ · pro\•al · · . qualifird fo•· their jobs as ~lr. lhe resignation· request of Hilaire, 11~ 1Jt sn~,·~~~ 11

e,hs c __ 1' ~- ,.1,: · The 1·cfe1·cnce was to the sta. . I . . L I I r h" f t B I - ld h I r Cl mus que IS !Ire qiiiC• ' 'II"OUld support a move to have 1 apa me s or IS post o at or· eauregart. o7·year·o eac o b 1 . th !'. · ads.. tuc of ex· parliamentarian ~lc·

the. ~nate alone rule on dh•orce i The Senators commented dur·. ncy.gcnc.t·at. ?hsc~·1·c•·, tall; of th~ force, ~~·as. accepted. . e Ole e 11 e sprc · , Gee a Father of Confederation, pdthons from the two provinces, : lng Senate debate of a motion th~ matled list Ill lhc \'ell·ct · Our mam f1cid of operatJOn At this point the ~c;sion ad· : who' was assassinated April 17, much as pr?vincial c?urls do in I proposing a number 0r change; gi?.~"e. . . . . . will be ~Ton\ rca!. For~y per !:1'nl journed until tl30 p.m. ADT with IRG3, on the steps or his 01· the olher e1ght provmces. This in Senale dil'oree rules · Our fn·st Job 1s pronncwl PO· of ail our courts busmess Ol'lg!· · speakers stil! to be heard from : tawa rooming 'wuse after de----------·-----------: lice reorganization,'' says .\It·.· nates the:·e, iiO per cent of the Jtn!y. the United Kingdom, China lil'cring a Commons speech fa·

Effect Lapalme. i business handled b)' the atlor- France, and Ecundor. orin~ Confederation. Bill Will Mr. Lap~!me is one of th~ two 1 n~y-genera!'s department relates· cabinet ministers who will ac-1 to Montrc<J!," ~lr. Lapalme says.

·Provincial Laws --------------------------------------------J UN Calls On To Rescue Hostages

Rv 11.\ROI.D ~IORIIISO:\' mbsion 11 hfn she heard of a rc· C11;adian Press 'ta!f Writer bc!lion amon~ nati\"e troops in 1\"ASH!:'iG'J'O:'\ 'CP 1-"1 11'35 a. the Congo 1rhith was recently

little afraid,"' ~aid the slim To·' ::ranted independence by Bel· ronto motl1ct· clutching a •.rhimp- glum. She, he1· husband and their ering child in her arms. "But we children packed and made their 1rill ::o back. some day.'' , way out by car, truck and )lcli-

. He•· green colton dress rum- ; copier to Brazza1·ilie, in the for­pie;\ and her c,·cs slightly glazed, : met' French Congo colony, where ~Irs. Prissie Rumoht· was one of: two U.S. G!obemaster planes 133 c1·acuccs from the strife-torn awaited them. Con~o flown here in two U.S. air·: craft. ' "The nath·es were friendly,

Quiet m:counls .of rape and l'i· The1· didn't bother us.' she said ole nrc h,· Con~o soidier.;-warm. in 'an inlerl"iew here as ~he praioe for the Congolese people-. stepped from the plane. "But the thankfuinc'" to be home-a rle-, nati1·e troops got out of centro!. ~ire to rctum '<!nd serve a tor- 1 I wasn't molested." menlcd new A ! r i c a n nation ' ~Irs. Rumohr was silent for • formed the pattfi'D or mixed re· ' moment, her lips pursed. There actions in the first large group was a general reluctance on the

, of evacuees to reach :\'orth Am· part or ail evacuees to gi,·e de· crica from the Congo. 1tai!s of their plight. Then 1ud·

: ~lost of the 133 werp Baptist 1 denly she blurted out

missionaries and their families.' "They I the troops) beat aome Tile possessions of many con· : of the missionaries. They raped sisted oniv of the clothes thev · two women in our area-a mar·

' were wea(ing, · 1 ried woman and a single woman. , SATIVES FHIENDLY :They almost got at I third : Mol her of three young children 1 woman. But they stopped. She and wife of a Baptist n.issionary, 1 had a two-week·oid baby In her

: ~Irs. Rumoht' w~s at her I'Olagc: arms." , __

Fire Still Rages Area In Kamloops

OTTAWA lcPI- The gl!vern·ling to mould them into slrongerl Pres.s Takes Up rntnt's proposed Bill of Rights c d i c t s against discrimination 1

'll'ill hBI"e 1 long-term persooslve Professor Maxwell Cohen said I .

. Belgians To Leave Congo

. KAMLOOPS, B.C. tAPl - A 1 here which covered 10,000-acres USU~iBURA, R~1anda Urundl j party of campers in a hurry to during a three . day 'rampage

. <Reuters) - Be!gtan paratroop· I get home forgot to take a !a;t through dried ouL timberland. ll!ffeet on provincial laws, tend.! Th~~:d:~iing dean of law at Me· I Castro's Attack ---------~- 1 G i 11 University generally en- 1

THE COUNTRY PARSON dorsed the bill in a four-hour dis·;

"The most disturbing· part of beinr a preacher ls that merely talking · about truth 10 •htom causea anything jood to happen."

seriation on the law before the 1 --- ~- -------~ommons committee on human! HAVANA IAPl - Pro-govern-. added fuel to the dispute by de·! nghts a n d fundamental free·: ment newspapers Thursday look 1 crceing Cubans must work next , doms. The dilflcultics it might: up Premier Fidel Castro's at· Sunday to have a thrce:day hol- ' raise, he said, are not insupet·· 1 tack against Ruman Catholic OP· iday to celebrate July 26, tl1e able. 1 position assailing the dissidents 1 national holiday marking C;~s. '

In its anti • discrimination [ as "bad Christians.'' . tro's revolt against Fuigencio · clause, '311 the bill did was de- 1 Rcvo!ttcion, whose fmut page Bnlista regime clare that no indil'idual should· carried a photograph of So1•ict' , ~!any expect the holiday to be be denied the protection of the I Premier Khrushchev and head· marked by an outbreak of Ca. law because of his race, origin, i' lines .announcing his promise or


: tbolic opposition. One propo.~al1 color, religion or sex. aid fo~ the Revolution charged is for Catholics to attend mass

"I see no l'llnstitutional ~rob· I "Falanglsts" were responsible thnt day in mourning ,;arb. Othe;·' lem on the surface," he sa1d. · for recent d c mons t r a lions Catholics arc appealin~ for ail'

a~ainst communism. ' Cubans to remain in their homes INDIRECT Et'FECT - The charges echoed Castro's Ito make it "a day of the dead. 'I

"But it seems to me that what direct attack Monday night when Thus far the Catholic opposi-1 we will be doing by this bill will he de e l a r e d !n a televlsio~ ' tion has been to Communism ra·

be affecting provincial law lndir· speech "Let us not forget there 1 ther thao the Castro govern-~· cct!y, because if you slate as na- ill a part of . the I Cuban clergy rnent. Ilona! law that there should be which Is pro-Franco and Fa lang. "We are not figHting against I no dlscrimlnat19n. you will be af· 1st.'' fFnlangists are m~mbers Fidl!l," said one Catholic woman feeling such thlnss as the law of of Spain's single legal party). leader. "We arc fighting Com· contract In provinces whit:h have WORK DECREE munism. If the present regime no antl-diacrimination la\f ·in that Castro'• labor minister, Maj. chooses to embrace communism


(CP)-The 11-natlon United l'l'atlons Security Council to· day called on Belgium to speed the withdrawal or its rorces from the strife-torn Congo.

The \'ole was unanimous. Russia pulled back its reso· lotion demanding that Bel· 'limn withdraw its troop~ ·.vithln three days.

The action climaxed a two· lay meeting of the Security Council marked by Soviet '.hreats to ~end its own troop• into the Congo, newly-indc [lendent from Belgium.

It came a week after the council authorized the dis· patch of a UN military force to the Congo In an effort to save Its new government

field. Au11111to Martlnex Sanchez, we will still battle against it.·; · from collapse,

: ers. were reported Thursday pre. look Wednesday before they left • The Spius Creek fire was : parmg to attack a Congolese J their campfire in the picturesque brought under control Wednes-1 army stronghold at Lakondu, Hedley area, 100 miles south of day after cutting a two-mile-wide ~ Eastern Congo, to try to free I here. path 13 miles through cedar, · seven European hostages. The flowing embers they left spruce and pine.

The reports came .from Bel· sprouted into a holacaust which 275 FIRES g~an refugees streat?ing into the Thursday night co v ere d 500 . More than 275 fires were burn-

1 a1rpo1'l of tins Beig1an m~naged, acres, threatened valuable tim· ing in the district in fir, cedar, United Nations trust tcmtory. ber stands, and provided the ma. spruce and pine. Firefightinl

One of the refugees, a former jor headache for overworked costs are running at $80,000 a ; of~icer of the Congolese .ar~y, firefighters in the !l,()()().square- day. 1 sa~d \he se~en were two t?ISSIOn· mile Kamloops forest district. -----------

ai'ICS and ftve former officers of Three Avcn~er water bombers the Congo's Force Pub!iq~e. The dil·ed repeatedly at hot spots in seven were dl'agged ms1de the the fast-spreading blaze Thur•· army camp at Lakondu fo!low- day while 70 men on the ground ing a revolt Sunday by Congo- sweated to contain the flames 1

lese troops against thei~ officers. with fire lines.

According to one of the ref- Fo~estry service ?flieiat~ now ugees at least 1 ,500 Congolese , have banned campf1rcs t~rougn. soldiers were involved in the ris· ?ut the Kam~oo~s and ne•ghbor· ing at. Lakondu which lies some mg Nelson d1stmt and in. m~st 200 miles northwest of here. pa~ts of the Vancouver d~stnct

wh1ch covers \ne coastal limber areas. Only govern!m!rit camp· sites arc exempt.

Attention switched to the Hed· ley blaze !rom the big Spius

.. ........ . Weather Clear becoming cloudy.

High today 67,

TE.\o\PERA TURES Toronto ........ 58 Montreal .. .. .. .. 60 Moncton ........ 62 Halifax ........ 5~ Sydney . .... .. 60 St. John's .. .. .. 52

73 J 72

~-75 88 t

IBel~ian army sources in Leo­poldviilc said they had no in!or· mation of preparations· for an at­tack on Lakondu and knew no­thing of the seven refugees. Creek fire 60 miles southwest of ..,•••¥•••••1

·:~:~ "'! .• J "; -_.: . -· :-.... . -··· .. ..;. - . ..

.: . .... ... -~ . -.. ' ..,_, ' . .: .

:: .'- :

. • . ',_-

:' ~··

..... '

·. , .. · .... _ ·.

Second Ah1 Cad~tt Camp Opens At Summerside I .;two hundrc.-d and ftfty cad~ts cadets aud accompanyiu~ per· I Lieutenant Lord. the Protestant Saint .John. Edrnunston, Grand I a~ tw~nty-!our accornpan) ill& \ sotulcl. W /C Rh1•rla outlined Padre; and Fligilt Lieutenant Falls, Fredericton, Bishop's 1 O&!jcers and Cl,·ilian ln.structors thr varieu,; phases cf lrail~in~ Ethier, the Roman Catholic Falls, Gander. Clarenville and 1

tM1·ed o1·er the weekend. l'ia ~r.d in:m:luecd the following 1

Padre. , Lewi:.portc. woulcl be inter· i •ir1 bus, and rail, to attrnd a · Jll'rsons: Group Captain J. E. . mingled so as to get to know 1

11i'O week camp at RC' AF Station i Creeper. DSO, CD, the Corn- Following the welcoming and I one another better over the 1

Sammerside. I manding Officer of RCAF Sta· introduction of the above. the i two week period. At the close j

: tion. Summcrsilic; Camp Senior 1 Cadets werc.- flighted into three 'of camp, the squadron winning .

The camp was official!)' open· Officers, Squadron Leaders, squadrons: Neptune, Argus, and! the most points for sports, ~d when Wing Commander E .. Adam>. Blackb11rn and Langille; 1 Lancaster. The reason for this :conduct nnd barracks orrlerli· \\'. Rhuda, CD. the Air Cadet I Flight Lieutenant Bat·ric, the being, that the cadets from the I ness, will be awarded the covet· "ommancling Officer greeted the ! Station ~lrdical Officer; l'li!!ht ·centres of Amherst. Halifax. ·eel Flyers Pennant.


THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, J.ULY 22, 1960 ---------------------·-. ·--- .... ~. ........ .

W 1.\:, !·.ItS AJ.I.-AS'cmhled here are the Air Cndets who pia ced 1st and 2nd. at the closing Track !\Teet held al J~~.~~~aenl .. 1 HC\F Station. It is rvillrnt thut tlwse boys Rre Justly proud of tlu•ir achievements .

._..,_ __ .-DEP THOSE FEET t:P. Cpl. K. Coupland Dl 510 Squadron, lit. John's, Nfld., displays his agility in tue Junior i1igh ~Lip,

I& Sl!llmf'I'Side Air Cadet Track Meet •

~ WIN8-The twelve Air Cadet Squadrons attending Summer.;lde Air Cadet Camp, wc.-re fli~:hle•l into lill'e~ larl(r ... ._. Neptnne, Argus, and LaneaRter. These 1quadrons t-ornpeted agaln~t one another in sports, general cmulnct and Ill are el lanuu. Here we see three provinces and four four cadet horne squadrons rn•rcst~nted in the coveted awa1 d

el • IIIII! Flyen Pennanl. Wing Commander Rhuda, the Air Cadet Commanding Orricer is seen con!lmlulating F ;s ·...ale el Comer lrooll, Nfld~ (lef), Cpl. F. Bassett of SteUerton, N.S., W0-2 KendaU, St. John's, Nfld, and Cpl. Richardson, ........ JUl.

MEMOIRS FOR TV 1 from world distribution of the I FOUND STONE LONDON <APl-The Amerl· serieft. The first instalment The Rosetta Stone, key to the

.. lroadcutlng Corporation is planned for showing in the · language of ancient Egypt, was 11qan work Monday on a 26· United States on Nov. 27. found by a French officer of

Repairing Pavement

. ........... ~ .. -~-- .. ·-· .. -... ~·~ ........... -':' .. ~···:· ........ , ......... """' ... "'

Tli.'.l,( ;,a.:LT Jt:~IOit 410 YD. ltEL.\Y-1, LAC Soulirs, SIO St. John's; 2 LAC G. Foley, S.JS St. John's; 3, LAC Fraser Truro, Xora Scotia


·Attend vVeciding

B::u. hL.\\IJ ~~Ui1 ilnJ:n·,jj:~: }lCilplc. l'('i· '!\",'-\ 4\ l!:l' II;:!''.·,,~. L.:11il~· and tlw PiC'co faJriJ~·. \'J!-it<'d hrrl' la~t ~[cnda:· for tlH' llarn·:··l'.l·t·o wrddin~: F:·om th:• t'.~ A .. :·.ir. ;.nd .:\lr . ..;. CIH':·. Ol;1•. ~~l'\': \'n;·;·:: .\Jr. lond ~irs. llnll':\1'11 (iriffith. 1\rnllH.:iy: frmn K:·ili·~l'PW . ..;, :\Ir. ;md .\fr." .. Joe l.~·lJtl'\\' ttiH!

cl:~ll":iltrr l~ar;,::l'a: ~r!·. :tl~;l ~Ir.~.

. RL•u,;:'n Pt·t:.irll and dclw.;:ttcr llr!ty: ~lr. a':d ~Irs. Dal'c Til· lry; )Jr. itnrl )ir:<. nert (;r:·r·n· sladr; :\lr. a;'d "!r>. ,\llwrt Jl:Jr· wy; ~!r. and ~Jr;. Don Scott; from St. .John's. 1lr. and ~lr;.

;l'yril Reid; ~ir.;. Andre'\',>: ~Jr. i :mel J!r~ .. Jark Pll~0 and di:u~h· : ter Pcg~y; 1!r. and ~Irs. Hoy Hanory and dau~l·.tcr; .

Ferry Rates Reduction Unlikeiy

::EJ.L tSI .. \C\D ISt;ilft-!n-fn:,:nrd t'it~<('~ lwrc. ha\·p little hope tlwt n·duetion in the hi•!h j('JT_\' r:J!~H,; l'Xi~ting in Clc rrrr~·

>t':"•JCI' lwt·.1·rrn ·Ell Island 11nd J'ur:u.·::tl l'o\'e nla,l' bcromc a n·:lL:~·.

J>r:,•:::tlt•s .<<'lcr!NI br a Ki· waJ;:s ·"PO:J;orcd ~~t:,•mpl to b,·~_. an nl fort marl(' to l':t\'(' thr rat,·s rt•rl•lr<'d who hrid an in· l~: \';1' 1\' \rith thr Pr(lrnirr re· t·r:·t iy, apparently rrcrivcd Ji:tle t•nrlle~ragcmcnt of a re· rluetion. Thr•rr i> a stron~ feel. i.t~ th8t rt•sidcnts of this rom· mun'ly may he further penaliz· cd hy hi.~:trr ferry rates than thc.<e now existing. may hr charged.

Bay News Married At St. M!chael's

Mrs. David Nolan

BELL !SLAC\D ( St~ff) !lay· BELL ISLAND (Staff)-The mond ::\ofiall. and Fr:'ncis Kel· pa>sing was recorded last weei• ly, hoth of Seo:ia Rirlg<•. were of ~Irs. David Nolan. 69-year-old united in marri;~~e at an f'\'en· resident of Scotia Ridge. in~ wedding ceremony at St. She le:n·c-' to mourn, her hus· ~!il'hael's R.l'. Church. on ~lun- band. at Wat.ana. day, July 18th. at 7 p.m. 1 The funeral service wa! at

A reception was held at the the hurch of tbe lmrnaculatc l\i\me of the bride's parents. Conception, with High :\lass of

Requiem. Burial was in the · R.C. Cemetery, Beach Hill.

On Vacation ~ Shipping Brisk

RELL JSLAXD rStalfl-An I estirnatrrl 250 to 300 motorist~. 1 BELL ISLAND ISta!fl-Ore employr~s of Dosco. \\'abana shipping from Scotia Pier ton· ~lines. now on vacation have 'tinues at a brisk pace. left Bell Island to l'isit St. i Four hig freighters were In John's anrl other par:s of th~ port as the week began. Others Pro1·inre during the vacation are scheduled to arrive 4urlng

: the next few days. • .,.lOde televilion version ol Napoleon's engineering corps,

BELL ISLAND(staiO-rhe: Married At crumbled West ~lines pm·ed St (ypri ~ns

;::~: llr Win1ton Churchill's war· ll!ore than 14 million Ameri· in 1799, near the Rosetta River. ;:::;:.'tiJne memoirs. Britain's war· cans are over age 65. ·:-~·"time leader will take no part "Lagan," is ship parlance is

ship cargo which is sunk wilh the definite pintenticm of re· covering it later.

bl the production. The series Ahout 4,500 stars are visible will cost $1,400,000. Sir Win· 1 to the naked eye on a clear

:-_; lton will receive a percentage I night.

::.:~,: :----.... * ..

AUdia Unlwtrstly loundtd In IIU ., lht aim• mtttr of th•u•an_.l ef men tnd wtmtn wtlo h•n ,.,v•d C1ntd1 with dl\hnctlon •n eovtrn"'•nt, b:u''"'" 1nd In ttlt fltld of tduCIIIOft, Ovtrlaok'"' the tidal wattrl ol M•nu IUin, tt '' 11t1.11ft4l

1n a umJUI of unr•••ll•tt "'"'''· ........ ,,. University offers,


llclllltr ol A•ll lte~eltr el Scltnu I.Sc ..... ,.,, lcontrnfcll aattttltr ,.. C:ammtrct a.cbttor of ThtDIOif anMitr •f DivinitY IHMitr •f ,..YIIC IICMitr at ldvutleft ~otor ol A<tt MHttr ·et ICit,.Ct ,._,~, of"Mutlc Muttr In llluutltn


lntlnttrlnt Momt Economics ltcrtt•r•at lcltnct Mvt•c tLietntlllt• ,,•fttiiOnll Ceurstt •rtP•ratory t01

Mtdlclnt LO" Dtnlltlrf Nurslnt

At this residential Unlvers•

lty tkere are five dormi·

• tories for men and two for

women. A wi~e varie.ty

of sckolauhlps, bursari"

and prizes ore available

For additional Information write: The Registrar, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia

highway is at present under rc· • Ci pairs by a Department of High-: BELL lSLA::\D (Staffl-R~v.' ways crew. 'T. E. Smith. Rector of St.

Road Work Cyprian's Anglican Parish. as­sister! hi' Rei'. \\'alter Ham· I ~ond, ~fficiiitrcl at a nuptial i

-- communion marri:1;!e reremony BELL ISLAND (Staff)-The 1 at St. Cyprians 'church, 11.00'

I local roads boards are taking I ~!onday .iuly . 18\h., in which , advantage of the vacation per· ! Larry llan·ey ami The! mil : iod to repair the local bye-roads 'Picco. of Wnbana were umtetl ! in various sections of the Is· in marringc. land.- · Thelma is the dau~hler of

During the past few diiys, :\Jr. and :\Irs. Cl;:r~nce Picco, much work has been accorn· ·Town Squ<1re, Larry is the son I plished. o[ Mr. ancl :l!r~. Jack Harvey,

Main Roar!.

E t H • t 1 Following the nuptial rere·1 n ers ospl a mony, a reception was held at - the Canadian Legion ('luh. Jack .

BELL ISLAND (S!aff)-Ros- Rees acted as toastmaster. ·. \ mond, 13 year old daughter of Rev .. W~ltcr Hammond. cousm 1

Mrs. Harold Fillier. West Mines, of the bride proposed th~ toast 1

entered the Grace Hospital. st.\ to the bride and groom, 1t was 1 John's on Tuesday, July 19th. responded to by the ~room, _who : and is under observation. proposed a toast to the bndes·

maids. This was responded to

C I · by the best man, Roy Harvey. A ongratu at1ons toast to the parents was propOS· ed by Rev. Smith. responded to

BELL ISLAND (Staf[)-~lr .. by'the grooms father. and Mrs. Joe Penney, Wabana, I

1 are rejoicing in th_c birlh of a Poo I Open son, Mrs. Penney 1s the former :

I. Rita Flynn. BELL ISLAND (Sinffl--Jlcll ·

Island kids are once more en· The satellites of Uranus move joyi~g the lacili~ies ,!lf tile .Ki; i

from east to west. or in the op- wants commumty swtrnnun.;, , positc direction from most sa- pool, which re-opened th1s Jar bodies. 1 week.

Hundred~ of children l'isit the A man's brain i~ smaller than pool daily to bathe and swim

that of an eleph~nt, but not in 1 in the s~fety of a supervised [ proportion to total weight. swimming place.

"Baby Bonus" SPECIALS FREE Sunglasses For Dad

every "Baby Bonus" Cheque -~--~--- - ..... ---· --------.:-~ with cashed BOYS' SOX 100% Nyion .......................................... 4gc. pr.

CHILDREN'S SHORT PANTS ... : ...................... ~ ................. 49c. CHILDREN'S SHORT and BLOUSE SETS ............................ ggc. BOYS' TEE SHIRTS with Pattern .................................. : .... ·39~

GIRLS' BLOUSES Assorted Styles .................................... age. BOYS' UNDERWEAR .................................... 3 FOR $1.00

GIRLS' NYLON DRESSES Sizes 1 - 12 ........................................ FROM $2.25 UP



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\ • overnor enera an1er

• IVe ew oun

FIRST TIME SINCE 1942 ' Partly rloudy skies greeted 1 activity as ~ public charact~r. "your human rcsomws and 1 of this continent and of the I

Go\'ernor Genera I Georges 1 he would hate to be opposed by ~:real naturnl advant:~gcs hy sea! widl•r Atlantic Alliance." Vanier and !\ladame Vanier I him." and air were being mobililCd i The (;O\'ernor-Gencral con· I

Je&lerday morning when they 1 Governor-General Vanier said as a bastion of defence against : tinue!l b)' sa)'ing that he woul<l touched down at Torbay Air- I that his last visit to Newfound· the common enemy." He said like to add his own share of part shortly after ten o'clock ,land occurred ln the dark days 1 he was glad to know that in the prnisc for the measures taken on their first official visit to' of 1942 when he came here as present troubled peace that, during recent years for the Newfoundland. I a member of the Joint Board Newfoundlanders ha1·e continu- ·economic development o! New-

On hand to greet the l'isiting I on Defence, United States and ed to make an "indispensable i foundland. "Despite the many dignitaries were His Hon. Lieut. Canada. "At that time," he uid, contribution to the protection 1 difficulties," he said, "impo>ed Go1·ernor Campbell :.lacpherson h~· ~eo~raphy and climate this and :\Irs. Macpherson who in- A d N I i>land lws heen. to use collo· troduc:ed Premier and Mr~. J. ppom• te ati•ona qnial tl'rms, 'pulling ibelf up lt. Smallwnod. Also present at h)' its bootstraps'. Acienl in· I the airport for the arrival was dustries have been modernized lb:ror ~lews of St. John's as nnd new ones introduced. Sym-w~ll •• members pro1'incial 0 . Of C p R S bolic of these forward strides nbinet. I Irector is this magnificent and I would

After insp~cting a guard of ! • • • • I say spectacular Confederation Honour comp~ised of RCAF i 1!(." He said that the penonnell statloned at Torbay At the meeting of the Nation-~ new role with the national or· bUihhng was not only a acsthe· the o~ficial part~· departed for nl Council.of the canadian Pub- ~anization, travds to. Vam·ou·. tic attracti~n hut al~o an aid to the Vi ar ~lemor~al .where Gov- lie Relations Society he lei in ver to attend a ~pcC'ial wrs:rrn · nrlmtmstratmn efftclency. I ~rnor G~neral \ amer layed a lllllontreal recently, Mr. W. T. meet in~ of the C.P.R.S. Xation· · He said that he ann his wife I wreath m ~!emory of those Howell, Superintendent of Com- al Council. wf dl d h 1 t th · nrc \'cry arentful for the wcl-Ne oun .an ers w o os e1r 1 munity Relations, Anglo-New- 1\lr. Howell wa~ the first rome whirh has been given! lh·es durmg the two Great· foundland Development Com· Nell'foundlanrl m<•mhcr of 1he

ld \ • h'J h \" I I hem and that they are delight·~· \II" or 'ars. W 1 e at t e '' ar 1 pan'', Grand Falls, wns appoint- Canadian Puhlir Relations s ... d h d ' rei to be here in Nc\\'foundland.

)lcmorial he met an c atte I ed C.P.R.S. Regional \'ice-pres!- ciety, baring hrcn rtcetcd to "'·ith. members of the Canadian: dent for the Atlantic Provinces. I membership in M,·l.l', 19. ,·,s. · "\\·,, hope that we may he'

1 v:orth)' o( your ft·iendship, : Leg~on -..;10 formed the honour· ~lr. Howell was elected a Na- · A natil·e of Carbo ncar. ~lr. 111ard there. . tiona! Director of the Socict.v at I Howell has hecn with the A.~:.n. >ince it is common knowledge

f d h C 1 hat no more lo)'al friends can '

federation BUJid1ng Tht>1r Ex· the C.P.R.S .. hell! in Ottawa last been its Superintendent ~ince he made an)·whcrc than in

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1960

• rr1ves

• • lSI

Polio Not To Serious

Tl•r polio scare that erup:cd . early in the new year has not . turned out to be quite so bad. In an inten·icw with the Daily .\'ews, Dr .. James ~!eGrath·, said

· that when the polio count start­. ed of! in the earlv weeks of 1 .January this year it was/ anti· . cipatcd that ttwre might 1!Je a considerable number of ·~scs

: this year. · ·

! El'en thou~h the polio total i has now gone over the twenty I mark for 1960 the situation is [ much better than it was at this ! time last year. ·

I The total number of .iases ; up to July this year compares :with those of last year hut the ' difference is that in 195!1· the • epidemic of polio occur~d in : the latter part of Junl!!'/and when it hit it hit hard. Btft' I his year the number o[ cases ha> bern spread out over a p~riod of 5e1·cn months.

Be o~e prece.e ~ng tot .e on- the 12th Annual Com·ention of 1

. Company sinl'e l!l\7. and hart

eell~nts motored partly around Mav. 1953. :\ewfoundland.'' he ·stated. St. John's and were grreted b)', Oddly enou~:h. the rc,·cntl~· I Both ~lartame \'anicr and :\\ :\DDED :\TTI\:\C:TIO:\-Go"nnur Gt•Jll'ral \':mit•r. who arrire<l at a large cheering crowd w~rre appointed C.P.R.S. Regional[ He ha~ Ion~ lwrn al'liH in (;l'IH'r;d Vanier wrre taken on Torhay Airport ~Tstcrd:1y morning, slwkcs hands ll'ith Premier Smnllwnnd

Ht•alth officials hav~ ah·r;l~'' •l•tcd that they do not ~xpert ;m~· ,enous out break of ·polio ''"·'e' in the eastern sedor of :\cll'foundland along the ..\.I'Jion Peninsula but the story for lhr ll'r;l coo.'! may he slightly rl:f· lerPnl. The majority of llw polio !'a;es recorded ~o far :h;' ~rar haH sho\l'cn that thi> i; .•o. as l'orner Brook and outly­in~ areas have been the hardc;t hit .

"er the:r -..·cnt. Busm.ess Flr~s l'ire-presitlent for Wt>stcrn Can- communi!)' affnirs a! (;r;md ·a lour of the Confcdernlion at thl' entrance nf the Confederation Building hut keeps a can·lul c~·c nn a on Water Street permitted thetr ada, Douglas \\', ~mith, is also 1 Falls. holr!in~: ofrit't'.' with the Builrling hy Premier and ~IJ·s. 1 playful \l'll'fouml!and pup that jnst hnppenccl to ht> tht•n· at the ri~ht employees time of! to have 1 ·a nati\'e Xewfoundland~r. Born \lora! branches of the C:111adian ~mallll'ood alon~ with some time. \laclame Ynnit·l· alsn catcht•s a quick !(lance at the dog as h" ruh~ fint hand view of the, Queen's! in St. John's, Mr. Smith is Di·: Red Cross. the Canadi;m C.nwer members of the cahinet. n"ainst th Gon•rnor Ccn('l'al. Seen in the had<~:ronnd i.~ RC\IP Cpl. Personal Repre.sentalll'e in; rector of Public Relations, Cook· I Societ)', and the Canadian X a· ------- ,., Canada. . 1 field, Brown and Company Lim· tional Institute for the Blind. , \'il'lor Lunclrignn and n Bo~· Scout.-(\lax \tercer Photol.

111 dtlh•ennl( tile address of II ited or Vancom·er. lllr. Howell is honoran· rice· FIRES I --- --·-~------ -· • - --- -,.·---------------.

welt'Ome to Go,·ernor General These two Newfoundlanders, prcsidcnt of the Xoritwliffe D J h w F h \'anler, Premier Smallwood: one representing the Atlantic Drama Club: choir director and C't (' . d I n IS er D • paid trfbute to nlJ PftSt record I Region of the C.P.R.S. and the chairman of the Board of one

1 ~aJ1 1 ~\~~~~e~d;~.CCI~'~is ~~a~. r. 0 . etermtnes a~ a aoldl~. After Governor-! other the We~tern Canada Di· Management or St. ~!at thew's at 3.50 p.m. from the East End , Health

Report General Vanier had spoken In 1 vision, will meet in mid-Sep- Presbyterian Church anti hon· Baker)' where a tar pot had c c F reply Premier Smallwood said, I tember when Mr. Howell, IS a orary secretary or the British eau:::ht fire. There wa5 no Nfld. . . ause or "lf t~e Gonrnor-General ever: first step In carrying out his and Foreinn Bible Societv d · JtJZell bb1 it In his mlnlt to come to: -----·--·---_0

______ : • _____ amagc. 1 • •

Nmonndland to lil'e and offer I Gander Lake hlm•el! In a certain kind of . Yestrrday afternoon in ~he Premier·~ offict in Con· The following diseases ha"r

been reported ror the week ending, .Tuly 16th. 1960:

Harbor Work On Schedule W11rk on the St. John's Har- '

ll!lur De\'elopment -..·hieh Is fli"ered In contracts now In existence should be completed by early New Year. This was the word from G. E. Kni~:ht. District Engineer with the Fed­en! Department of Public , Work! here in Newfoundland.

Mr. Kni~ht told the Dally Newa :resterda~· that work on the Harbour De\·elopment is ''pretty well up to date." He aaid that about 40~;. of the fill hal been placed. the frame of the De~ola remo\·ed and al­nady there are about three or four ~et~ of cribwork installed. Added to thi~ work approxi­mat•l:r 50"r of the beams and ~lumns hne been pre cast and will be ready for installing

fedt'Jation Building, Dr. Juhn W. t'Jsher, Exrcutil·e Direr· tor of the Canadian Tourist Association. was presented with the Newfoundland CIJat of Arms hy Premier J. R. Small· wood.

L'on!errinl( an honorary Newloundlar.d citizenship on Dr. Fisher, Mr. Smallwood said, "You know we're going to niake you ft Newfoundlander."

in lhe presence of ~lr. 0. L. Vardy, Touri~t Director for :"\ewfoundland, and Mr. Isaac ~!ercer, Q.C., the Prem­ier pre>ented Dr. Fisher with the Coat of Arms because of his contribution to the development of the tourist industry.

Speaking of Dr. Fisher's background, the Premirr said that he was one of the greatest radio broadcasters Canarla has yet produced. He's also a lawyer, writer and lerturer, and on all his tours he has always hoosted the Newtoundland Prol'ince. Dr. Fisher, he said, is a famous speaker, ann no matter where he speaks, e\·en if it's in Wy~ming, he always dragged in Newfoundland.

Forest Fire Influenza: Corner Brook 121 . Triton. G.B. Cll, St. John's t51. Gallants, St. George's (4) .

The A.:\ .D. Co. reports that E t . . · h B a fore>t fire started on Tues· Gastro n rths:. Blr~ Y ay,

1 day afternoon on the togging , Lew1sporte ( epJdcmlc), St. ! operation carried out for the • Thomas 0 ), Pouch CO\'e, St. ! Company by "lr. Charles Fudge : .J~hn's E., (1). Bell Isla~d (1 ), ! on 15 ~tile Brook on the south 1 0 Donnell s, St. Marys ( ll.

side of Gander Lake opposite 1 Cha~herlatns, C.B. (1 ), !t.

• Gander. The fire was caused I Johns ( ~ l: . Corner Br~ok I~ l · . hi' a chain saw whirh backfired. 1 StomatJIIs. St. Johns ( 1 ),

Efforts to ehcl'k the fire from. Rell Island (1). getting away were unsuccessful · . and the fire spread rapidlY on : Erysep1las: St. John's (1 ).

1\tcsda,· and continued to burn 1

Whoopin.g ~ough: Cornel today. ·~lost of the pulpwood. Rrook (eptdemtc), Isle. Mortc, cut to date hr this contractor. Burgeo and La Po1le (epldemlc). has hccn bur~t and some fire ; fighting equipment was also de- 1 Accidents


stroyeli but to dale no log~in~ 1 ••

1 camps hale been lost. By noun · Tl1ree two-c~r collt~tons o;~•erf

L. \\'ednesdal' the fire was o\·cr. reported to ~1ty pohce yestrr · 4 miles I~ng and a half mile · day.. In two cases there 11'3!

wide. Ahout 300 men and a ~ons1derable damage to tllf - ---·-·----------~ ~1·here he worked for a lit11e ~ood supply of fire fighting cars im·olved in mishaps or

Dr. t'ishrr plans to do some tuna fishing with ~lr. 0. Varrly on Saturday. He Jea1·es on Sunday for Halifax.

.1-----·-01,er a year with The E1·ening equipment are on the scene and ' Cornwall A\·enue and New Co\'f Telegram. the fire will he brought under Road.

The board of directors named control as soon as weather con- ' --------1 Harold Horwood

•h;~;~~ are about 70 families 1 I'REMIER JOSEPH R. SU\LL\\'OOD is intwdurrd to \ludmnc \'anit•r and 3(1 tennants to be relocated by His Honor Campbell \lat•phcrsun, Lit·utcnant-Con•nwr uf :\cwfomul-

~ d M • by the CLC and i\f'L to o1·er- eli lions permit. LO:\DO:\ ( AP)-Sir Jacol

I Name anagmg sec polit'y of the new papcr The Compnnr wishes to em- Epstein, the American·bOn: is: Laurence Dobbin, W. J. phasile to all woodsmen the sl'ulptor, left an estate .yahttc

trom the path of the planned land, while GO\·emor (;('lll'rnl \'unicr d1ats,1with !\frs. Smallwood, shortlv i : Gillies. E. E. Thoms, l'. \\'. i importante o[ ouscrring the · at S\56,723, probate of his will Editor Qf NeW ; Strong and Ed. Finn. Jr. The l'ompany rule that only l'hain di~elosed Tuesday. It '!\'ill be

ronstruction on the ~outh~ide. after the arri\'nl o£ lft•r ~lujcsty's n•prt•scntatin~ in Canmln at Turha\' Air· So far approximatet:v soo;;. of port yestenla~· momin!(.-(!\fux :\lcn·cr l'hoto). ·

~~~e~:~~~~~~s n~~o ~~~~~ t:~~: I P~iice Blotter E t T d ··---·--·· . -- Labor Paper Mr. JCnight said that there I xpor ra e Committee Harold Horwood of St. ,John's

ltill nmain1 to be called for Seven arrests were marie hy tender at\'en or eight cnntracts 1


citv police late ''esterdav and Qf' APEC B • M • I wa~ named today managin~ edi- 1 ' ' ' j eg·lnS eetlngs tor of the new weekly IICWS· i and these will be called prob- . over ni~ht. Six men were ar- . I paper, The E:;~miner. which 1 ably during the winter with lhl' restrd Cor drunkrnncss ~nil 1 k wtll br~m re~ular publication actua •·or to hP~in, in the. onr fo~ brin,~= drunk and rli~· . lniliHI .. "'""1 in;: of the M'E< · 1 )l"".'l:t~ .. lui~· 25, 1; 1th oprnmg in Septemher under jomt ,,pon· spr~n1. ThP~~ cnnt\art~ rleRI orrlrrl~. llC ,\lP arrested 11111 ~.xporl fr~de < "'"llllllr•· ll'ltlt 'r:"•nn pl~nnrrl for 2:15 p.m. i ,<orship of the Canadian Labour. matnly 'll'lth th~ hmldmll of mrn ~or ~trahn~ a ;ar ll·om mrmbrrs anrl arilt~or.' fr""' thr t 'ndrr the ~;cnrral rhairman- 1 Con~ress and the Newfound- : wareboU!~s. Pl\'mg anrl SPri'IC· Arlrlatde ~lotor.1. 1hr mrn four Allantir· Prn:·incr' 11ill hr .·hip of .lark H. lla~·lock. prcsi-. land Fcdrralion of Labour. i Jnl the area. 1 wrrr capturer! m Bay Bulls. I hcl<! at thr Halifax Y.\1 !'A r!rnl. an~l n111 na~in~ rliredor. At· I A sample i~sur, puhlishrd


MEMBERS of th,. Camadinn Legion are presented to Governor Genernl Georges Vanier when the Governor General arrived at the War Memorinl to lay a wreath in memory o( N cwfouncllnntl's war dend, Be in!( presented to Gonmor General Vanier is w. R. Dawc, veteran of the Great World

Wars.-(Mu Mercer Photo),

J;:nl•t• 1radrr> Ltrl .. thr agenda dmi.n~ the ~Fl. ronvrution. • will include 1hr mappin~ nut of .lui)' 11-14. r~ccirrd thr OK nf 1

a pt•o;:t·am rlr,i;:nert to interest 1hc rlrlr~atrs on l\l'o separate 1

t'r.~iunal prortm·cr.l in export 1·otes. .Some of the lar~er : 111arkrts Rnrl opportunities; . unions in the provinre hal'c ' ll'ays and means of dr1cloping . already offered to subscribe on i export. markets for Atlantic hchalf of their entire memher· ' l'ro1inccs pr.ortucts; and con· ship, and further order of this : sideration of a proposal made sort are expected before publi· I by the Department of Trade cation date. and Commerce in Ottawa to Members of the editorial staff participate in the overall pro- · named today, in addition to gram. j Horwood, were Ed Finn, Jr.,

Eslabli>hrd by the Atlantic n>>ociate editor, and M. Me· Pro\'incrs Economic Council : Larcn, news editor. Finn was followin:: a joint meeting of 1 formerly mana::in~ editor of the APEC ?llana~:cment Com· 1 the Corner Brook Western Star, miller, the deputy ministers of • and is now public relations of, trade, representatives of the ! ficrr for the Canadian Labour Canadian Manufacturers' A>so- Congress in Ncwfoundlanrt. Hor­ciation, and other associations, wood was formerly associate edi­t he committee is charged with tor of The Evening Telegram, I the responsibility of examining

1 and is now public relations of·

proposals and tlesigning speci- I ficer for the Newfoundland Fed­fie plans to stimulate an in~; eration of Labour. McLaren was J

crease in the movcmrnt and ' reporter and correspondent for 1

sale of Atlantic Provinces goods various English newspapers he- · in markets outside the region. fore coming to Newfoundland, i

The committee, with full representation from the four provinces, and including mem- trade. hers familiar with export mar- The decisions and recommen- , kets, transportation, tariffs and

1 dations of the committee should ·

the techniques of export trade, , determine to a large degree the will strive to assure the orderly /1 character and trend of trade de· development of the' region's velopments in the region. )

i paper is to be aimed at general i saws iu good opt•ral ing <·ondi-: di\·iderl equally betwel'n hll readership. with a pro·lahour Ilion may he usl'd on loggmg I w1dow ~ud three children. SIJ editorial slant. oprratwns. Ja"ub dJtd last Auguat 10. ·




Special 49c

MISSES SLEEVELESS Blouses White broadcloth with contrast trim.

F'IT 7 - 10







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THE DAILY NEWS lllewfoundland's Only Morning Paper

H:.-\RLY SUBSC'J\IPT10N 1\A l'Lll

Canada Si2.UU per a!ltlolm

Uuitro Kingdnm and all loreign CIHmnir~ SH 00 per ann•Jm AuthuriZl'£i a~ set'und clnss mai' Post Ott;cc Departml!nt, OthtwL

The DAD..Y NEWS Is a mllnllD! paper established in 1894, and pub­lished at the News Building 355-SSP Ouckworth St.-eet, St. Jcbn·s. NeW· foundlacd, by Roblt11011 lc Compaav Limit,.d.


The Canadian Pren ..a excluslveh 'ntitled to the use for republication ot all news despatches in this paper credited to It or to the ,\s!nclated t)res5 or Reuters and also the loeal n"ws published therein.

A !I Pres.• !rvirt'And teatttre articlea in tlus paper are cupyri~ht~ and their rrproduc:tiun il pr(\hibited.

• Ml!ll'lber Audit Rurea"

of C!rculation.

FH[})AY. JtTLY 22, 1960

Canadian Employment ~lor(' peoplr .m· \\·orkin!.! in

C.Uiada thall t'H'l' lwforr hut morr people art' tUtl'mplon•tl thnn was thr t·a~t· a 'l'ar a~o in ~pit!' ,,f th,• lad that mam llllll'l' jnhs hn·amr a' ailahl<' ill st•,tsoual in· dn '' rit'' t•arh ill I 11111 ·.

Th<' ('\planatio.n nf thb appnr· c111 ;liJ•Jmah is simple euou~h. Thr "''rkin~ l\lrn' is \!rmrinc, at a fa~ter mit' than lit'\\' jobs.

Thi., i., unt an rt.tll\lla~in•! sit· n.<tioll in tlw first war of :1 <ll't·atlr 0l prrdidt'tl honm allli nolm~l~·· e1;crpt th<' Srnale. thn~•·c;h liS rnmmittrt' on t•mplonllcnt. ap­prars to hr doine; mut·h ahont it.

Cauada \\Till ahrad lw leatl~ R11tl hound~ durinc. the first l••n , rar~ altt•r thr war. Popnlatiou in !hat prrind rosr h' . mm:r tl!a11 thrt'r millinn with nntmgrahon makin!! n major eontrihution.

Hut the world has since become rnnre comprtiti\·r and nrw johs in industrY 11rr not keepin~ pace with tht> d~·mand of an inereasing ",,rkin!! force.

Somt' sl'l' a solution in more t.niff protection hut that would ,, l'lll to he a suicidal polk,. for a cPnntn· that is so highlv depend· <·tJt on l'xport~.

.\nnthrr solution is proposed in a Financial Post commentary on

the slump iu the steel industry. "It will take " savs the Post, "fine en~lneering,' clo:~er cost control nml great sums of cal'ltal to keep compt>tltive." It adds that the cure 1\ho depends on Ottawa making np its mind about the place of n11wufacturlng and manufacturing cmplovti1ent in the Canadian schem~ of thin~s."

But no adegnate solution can he found until there has been a complete analysi~ of th£' nature and location of unemployment. This is a job that govemment should have undertaken long ago. Pcrl1aps the Senate will 511cc~ed .in pin-pointin~ the problem m 1ts prsent investi~ation.

But there is nted not onlv for a disseetion of the character of ttn· employment hut also for a natim.1al effort in which ~overnment, m· dustr\', labour and all other ~roups can · usefullv contribute, would get together. to seek a progressiv~ solution to the pro hlems that no\\ confront the countrv. ·

The one thin~ that Canada seems to lack more than anvthi•1g else is the inspired leadership in all major fields of national activ­itv that will j!;ive a new dynamic to the dominion's progress.


Missiles And Submarines \\ · ith t ht' slttl·rssf 11l firill!!: of States is doing toda" in this

two Pnlari~ missile.: from a snh- special sphere is rrohably ~e­mrr~"rrl nuclear suhmariur, the iu~ rapidly imitatee by Russ1a. t · nit;d Stairs has mo\·ec\ another lust 1\S America can rin~ the ''"P forward to thr at·hit•,·rmrnt of So\'iet l'nion with submariues it' t;!nal nl !witt~ ahlr to rin~ the armed with deadlv weapons, so <;m 1f't 1 ·ninn with the instrnnwnts will R11ssia he able eventuallv to nf in~tant rt"taliation. prrsrnt the same kind of threat

\mazing pronl ol thr capacities to the fret> world. But the develop­.,f nHrl~ar-po\\'rrerl snhmarines ment of the missile-firin~ subma· h ... ~ hrt>n providrd in the· past rinc is nevertheless a new mmtra· • Par. particHlarly in thr vo\'a~es lizin~ factor. That Is a matter of 11ndN thf' :\relic ic!'firld. These great consequence for 1\ggression ~hips ran rrmain al sea fm· manv \vlll hardlv be started bv ilie Com­months. Thr\· ~:an slav snhmer~ed munists \vhen the" know that re­for ,·en· lon~ periodS. As a con- taliation must follow in a n1attcr srqucnl't' tlw\' lu\Vc hccome a vital of minutes. rlement in the defence of the free lust the same, the rapid de­world. Each submarine can' carrv ve opment of these new weapons lR missilrs whieh now have a ou~ht to speed the day when all rancre of 1.200 miles althou~h the nations will agree that the only aintis to extend this to 2,500 miles. sensible solution to the problem This. when attained, will mean of prese;ving peace is the concen· that there will hardly he an im- tration of all such means of de­r·:lftant target in the Soviet Union stn~ction into the care· ~f an inter­• ,·hich will not be vulnerable. national agency. There IS no other

Of course, what the United way.

Hospital ~hangeover The mo~t significant thing

'bout the proposed transfer of two floors of the West Coast sana­torium to the use of Western \lemorial Hospital is it~ addi· tiona! proof of the wry great de­cline in the requirement of sana­torium accommodation for victims of tuberculosis. A similar situation has occurred in St. John's where the. ori~inal tuberculosis hospital has been made available for th~ use of the Hospital for Mental and ~ervous Diseases.

It was not · too many years ago that there were Ion~ waiting lists for admission to the various sana­toria. Chanp;e has come rapidly, the result of an intensive case­finding campaign combined with the use of new drugs and other therapeutic methods. And while it may be far too soon to think in terms of elimination of tuberml­losii as a serious scourge of tht~ Ney..foundland people, we have ~ a very long way on the rotd to· t1ltimate victory. . !fhe fact that iwo floors of the

Corner Brook sanltorium mav now be converted into additional· space for the use of the Western Mem­orial Hospital Is an important ad· vance towards mcctln!l; the almost despcl'alc nct'tl nf ~eneral hospital heds. The new space will almost double tlw pl'csent capacitv of \\'estern ~kmorial, adding more than a humlred bed~. 11li~ should go far towat'ds mcetin~ the he~ \'\1 pressure on general hospital space in the area !erved by the ho~pital at Comer Brook.

at!oltt, 0 S'RDI Mia, Ia tQ Jttltal a11d Itt aay ban ellttr iMe Ia 1M daS'I tf tQ ro•&a , , • llul botr , ... , &a&t for 1U tbtl tllll.ll W tJ1II Inial ..... 111tt !~at.-lttltllaao ttl lltt.

• • • Oo4 II 110\ aiahllt Joy aftd pi .. IUft.

"In thy presence 11 tulfteu &f job". the :Bible alya. It Ia sinful Pl .. auree. flOialll\· .. ttrlaiJ, .. Jlllt ...,.. ap1Ut.

Minority Political Parties In The United States (U.S. Elettiona, IIMIO)

Throughout ~e history of the United Stites, the voten have clearly shown their preference for two major political partie• ln!tead or a multlple·party ,v. tem.

However, many minority. partie~ have ~hallenJed the major organizations from Ume to time and al\ract~d 1·oters in their attempls to illn sr~cific ~oats

These minor parties pro\'idt• the oppor· tunity for small groups to dramatize !dell not y~t rudy for adoption by the nation.

:Minority partiu. representing some parllcular group, prin~lple or inte1·est, usually recognize lhat they do not ha1·e sufficient strength to elect a Presidcnl Their main purpose h to arous~ so much interest In their ideM lhat the major partie~ wilt adopt 1nuch of their program to altract Independent voters -1 11roup that plays a vital part in helplna to tletcrmlne tile outcome or election!.

f'or ~xample, moat or the Socialist ))arty propoula of the early 1000's ll'P

now lncorporatl!d In both the Democratic and Republican party statement~ of principles and policies under different names. At nne time the Prohibitionists had their propoul adopted as an amend· ment to the U.S. constitution.

One of the mAin som·ces of strength ot the twn major partll!ll is their abil· ity to pull discordant element' to· &ether. Therefore when I'Olers break awa)' from th!! mnJor groups to s~t up a third pam·. pnlltlelans of the mnjt.r partlca prefer to offer ~omproml~es to draw back 11.~ mMy third·part~· voters u po~slble. They reject the disarunt· led thlrd·parly I'Oler~ only when such voters firmly espous~ Ideas detrimental l«> the countr)·. The profebslonat poti· !Irian also re.lecL~ unstabl@ rrprescnta· th·e& who wnuld fri~hten other, blager. blocks nf \'OlPfS away.

The main forces that holds each nl the major parti~s together I~ the dr· sire of their leaden In win the next tltction. SometimM rtbellious l~ad· era have walked oul of the major par· lies to start a third party because they think the old party is loo conserl'a· til· e .

In 1912 Theodore Roosctll, who had


Editor Dally News, Dear ~Hr,-August will be the Jr,Oth

anniversary of the foundinJ: ·of the colon~· at Cupids by John Guy, of Bristol, England, the earliest known formally o·~anlzed attempt at settling in I\'ew­fuundland. As is generally agreed, it is extremely unlikely that this was the first settling here, as it seem~ un­deniable, in the circumstances of the length of time elapsed after the 1497 discovery and of the contemporary fishery methods. that indiridual settlers And famili~~ had tong before estah· lished them~c11·es at such frcqncntl'd place.~ as St. .John's.

The first nominal rensu~ of :\cw· £oundland was takl'n in 1675 br Sir John Berry, £iring the names of inhabitants, numbers or wii'PS, children. 5errant~ or ~harcmcn. boats. and so on.

From a rop)·. full or partial. o{ the rensus, the late :llr. Shortis compiled a lethlr!'. which 1ras reprinted in the D.\ILY :o;E\\'S on 15 and 17 Januar)·. 19M, Rtating that the only resident listed At Cupids was "Stephen Atkins. the keePer of Mr. Buler's castle.''

Mr. Shorlis then goes on to sa;·. "Who waa Mr. Butler·.• In all probabilit;·. hf! belonged to the next aettlement, Port de Grave." He says this, evidently because there was a Thomas Butler listed at Port de Grave-who may be taken as the ance1tor of the Port de Grave But· ler, with residences in both Cupids and cestral fishing room and properly situ­ated In the most convenient part of the harbour.

In makinl this comment, it had per­haps escaped Mr. Shortis' notice that there has long been continuously settled at that part of CupidR called Burnt Head an old llock of the Butler family -and I am of the opinion that they are deacendants of the 1675 castle owner there, whoever he was. It is quite po11ible that he was Thomu But· ler, with rtllden~e! In Cupids and Port Port de Grave and theft fl8hlnl in that latter mu~h better flshinl' &iluntlon.

About 1944, I bought from a Mr. Butler. at Burnt Head, a pair of lmn dogirons, that had come down in the fAmily from ·an unknown early period. Thty are smaller and neater than any of the ten or fifteen sel1 of dogirons I hll't seen in Newfoundland, and I have eome to re;ard them as froll\ a parlor rather than a kitchen. As dogirons wt!re made In patterns that continued virtu· ally unchan/led for «eneratlons, I myself eannot say, from their lty!e, when they ml&ht have been made, but it Jg pro· flO•ed to a&nd a photoaraph t>f them to an authority in Enaland to see if any· thina definite ean be Inferred as to

•••• 'l'htl'fl t1l1ta • IIIIPJ, II\ fairlr old balldwrlttna, of the 1875 oenaua In the Publle lte®tda Oftlee, London, and the

· Memorial Unlver.lty Arehlvea Depart­ment now h11 a mlerofllm of it. It Is aet ollly had the Xen!led)' 1\omlnatiob •appentd to the orlainal may now be 1111known

Yo uri trulr, N, C. CREW!:.

It, JIIIIJI'I, iO JUIYt 11160.


Dear Slr,-Jn vlewlnl th• mt>at lm· fl&rtUit T.V. &how of laal w6ek, tht Dtaletralit HltloRll' Cbftvulioa at 1M

served AS a Republican PreHiflenl from 1901 until 190~, formed the Progressive or "Bull Moose" party in protest against the Republican clwice of President Wil­liam Howard Taft for a second Presi· dential term. The Democratic nominee In 1912 was Woodrow Wilson.

In the triangular race nl that year. Wilson waa elected. Roosevelt ran obout one million votes behind him and Taft came in third. The Progressive Party missed from national power al· most immediately because it was large· ty built aruun dthc rlynamic person· ality of Theodore Roosevelt.

Another splinter from the Republi­can part occurt·~d in 1924 when the tldcr Robert )1. LaFollette campai~ned for President at the head of a third party ticket. tn 194R the Demoerutic party ga1·~ off two splinter parties. The Progres~ivcs leil by Henry A. Wallace. who was U.S. Vlcc·President from 1941 to 1945. criticized the llrmocralic party as too conservalil'e and the Dixi~crats r Stales' RightB J criticized it as too radical.

None of the offshoots succ~rdrd in de· stro)·ing the old party and taking ita place although the defection of the "Bull Mooserg" In 1912 led to defeat or the Republican~ and gave the elec· tion to Woodrow Wilson.

The first organized minority paJ'lY on the American political srcne was tht Anli·~lasons thnt spran:: up around 1830. It faded 811'11)' soon after the national election of l 832 when Andn•11· Jackson was returned to th~ Presi· denc)'. Silll'C lhrn the minority par· toies th~t have aupear~d on lhr na· tiona! horiwn hare ranged hctw~en

••xtremrs of right and !ell. The myriad of causes anrl prinriJll<'.~

for which these minority groups have stood arc often reflecterl in their nan1rs such a~ Libel'\)', Frer·Soil. l;recnhack. prohibition. Union, Socialist. Populist. Communis!, Labor and Farm~r·Labor

parties. Outstanding among lhr third parties

was the populist or People's party !hat was organize!! for the 1892 clcctJon as a result of rural di>cunlent with the major parties were attracted to the Populist> who flourished Cor a decade before fading from the political hori· zon.

The Editor Angeles. I eould not help hut feel that only the Kcnncti)' nomination hecn rig~ed. as t•harged b)' ~lr. Truman. hut that the whole election is in a sense rigged.

Consider. for imtancc. ~lr. Kt•nnedy's assertion, ba~ed on an episode in Eng. !ish history that Richard \ I\ixon) is not fit to follow in Dwight D. Eisenhower's footstep~. We are to assume that 1\lr. Kennedy is fit to fill the~e footprints. At this point, there was no rritil'i~m of Mr. Eisenhower·~ conduct of ll.S. for· ei~n 8f(airM. and of lhr nation's hu,i· ne~s. but only of i•lr. l\ixon's abilit)' to follow thrmt~h. ~liud ynu. I hare nothin~ aJ:ainst Mr. Kennedy. a mn~t prr~onahte youn~ man. However. mo~t of thc~r ~p~~ches Arr "~host.written". an extcn· ~ion of party poliry. probably writtrn weeks ago. and would have h~en snh· ~tnnllalty lh~ same. had :11r .. 1nhn~on or ~lr. Symln~ton hrcn ~elertrd. Call II JH'O\'inrial rhaurinism if you will. hut J find thfl T.\'. prrformanee of our own !oral younJZ poltt\tiaM. ~tr .. lamrs ~lr·

GrAth and Mr .. lame~ l;r~rne more ~m­rerr and appulinl!.

The only ~pontanrnu~ ~t·enr in the who!@ performance At l.o~ Angelc~ oil

friday ni~ht wa.~ thl' apprnratwc. jusl before the speech of 1\tr. Steven~on, of A b~V)' of young ladle~ in rlrum·majoretle alrul, carrying nomething with the Star~ and Stripes draped over it. What this was 1upposed to s)·mhollze, I cnnnol gueMs. Perhaps It was intended to he a modern Greek chorus in an American \raged)·.

"A time may come when people wilt regard the contrivances and machinery of the American constitution as the political equivalents of the implements and conlri\'ances of Neolithic man·•. wrote H. G. Wells in the Outline of Hiator>·. section entitled Primiti\'C Fea­tures of the American Constitution. In one glaring and imporant aspect, the constitution is already an anachonism. The President has the power to declare war, with the consent of the Senate. Obl'iously, this duty has been usurped by the ballistic missile early warning system, which will make the drcision to fire or not to fire. Homo Sapiens has al­ready been superseded hy Homo Elec· tronicum. Have they de\'iscd a giant electronic aspirin to soothe th~ elec­tronic brain? "What is man thRt Thou art mindful of him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the digital com­put~r."

And further commenting on t11e con­stitution, 1\tr. WeHR wrote, "And those fAthers of America thought that they had but to leave the press free, and everyone would live In the light. They did not realiEe that a free press could develop a sort of con~titutlonal venality, due to Its relations with adverllsers, and that large newspaper proprietors could become buccaneers of opinion and insen$ate wreckers of good be11lnnings. And finally, th~ makers or Afnerlca had· no knowledge of the complexities of vote manipulation . • • the crude and rigid methods they adopted lert their political system the certain prey of the great party machines that have rob­bed American ·democracy of half of Its lffltdom and moat of its political soul."

To an an1ulshed world, it sMms that if the Democratic Party must quote lUllh at the end of the spr.ech, it might have used a message of hope such as Isaiah 2:4, They shall beat•their sword~ itl~lfluJbaharea, and their apean into


What Others Are Saying C\RS FOR C\!li.\lll,\!liS

\'ancou1·~r S1111

Cannrla's autn-makin;:: l'nmmunitir~

<'on he tllll\lllC!Hied for realism-to a point. One lhing not proposed in a brict In 1he federal ~overnmrn1. prepared by \\"indsor anti endor~ed h,r o,hawa, Oak· Yille. St. Catilarin~s and Trafalgar Town· ship. i~ t:u·irf pl'olel'lion .

Too many industries. fadng the t)·p~

of comprtitiH trouble 1he Canadian automobile industJ')' does 1oday. prompt· 1)' scream lor 1ariffs.

Tariffs look likr thr rasy ,olution. In far! they arr not. ll)' incrensin~ priers lhc)· simply rcdul·e the lo1al ~alps nf 1hr product inYolved. Anti the)' bring re­taliation a~amst Canadian rxports.

What I he hrlcf does pmpns~ is to increase in tlw Canadian content nf the e;;rs madt• in this eountry hy :\merit-an >Uhsidiam•s. II would do this hy cutting lht• numht•r of componen1,, rspeciall)· .ioh-making components like automatic trnn;mis~inn. which arr now illlllortrd from till' l'nit~d Stute~.

But is that a solution'.' 'l'h~se cnmtlltll· eJJis ar~ imported prcsumahlr hecaus~

it is ch~apcr than making them in Can· ada. And prirc is one of li1e main factor~ which gave 3:l prrrent of \he Canadian rar maritet to trans·Allantic imports last year.

sn;An \\'ITHOl'T !'PI('E \'aJJt•ou\·er Sun

Onr of thr g1·~at ar~umrnt; ad,·an,·rrl 111 fa1or nf TV for Canada i; that il will help to unif,r our nation and rrcate a common cutturr. Snppn~r it ~UlT~erl~ too wrll~ Thi~ horrid lhou~ht i.' hrou~ht up h)·

rrndin~ an opinion from Alln11 If. H11h. hrll. ~~.-ociatrd profr~~nr of sprrch ~I

:"irw York l'nirrrsit)'. 11~ prrdicl.s thnt within four j!~nrratinn' pra,.ti<'ally all l'l'~innal American ~prcch diffrrrnrrs will t·anish.

nrook])·n·~ "rl" for nil anrl "lt11tly toid" sln•et for )'Oil know whnt: lhr llill. billy's "ln)'ders'' and "Kyah-rrd.•" for polatoe~ and rard~;; these will ali dis;Jp­p~arnnd he replaced hy the IIIHii~tin­gui~hed flatnr~s of the ~Iiddle WPst or. even 5omethlng worse.

TV. says Prof. Hubbell, i' responsible in large part. Not the Western or other dialect entertainment. But the big sell of commercial. The sn~ary accents. the oil)' voice.with·a··it-all gradu· ales from the speech arts schools.

Its happening in England. too. The stilted and lifeles.; RHC mice

hasn't yet iron0d out all dialect ie:rt dif­fer~nces but Yorkshire isn't as strong as it onre was nor is Cockney so nn· mislaimble.

Cunada isn't so di>tinl!uished by dia­lects as the U.S. and Britain. But still. there arc regional flaYors apparent to an apprcdati1·c ear.

Will they all run to oil anri sugar. too?

Will there come a rlay whrn thrrr·~

hut one speech from lhc Rio (;rancle to llersrhcl Island·:


If th~ official count confirm~ thr un. offil'iat laily. new Dcmorralic Inroads will hu\'e been made in lhe Midwest~rn plains through.caplurr of a U.S. Senate seal In North Dakota.

The evident victory of I: ·n. Quelllin Burdick by lesR than a thousand votM can give the Republlcam no comfort In -----------·----- .. ·----·-----

pruning hooks; Nation shall make war upon nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

And the New r'rontler and the New Pioneer were glowingly described by Mr. Kennedy; is part ot this to be the "death rAy?" now being studied by the Pentagon, to be perfected In 10 years, (See the DAILY NI'::WS, July 18th, page 2). The net lmpreaslon can be best ex· pressed In Shakespeare's words, "Llfe'1 but a walklnll shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the slbge. and then il heard no more."

Sincerely your~.

.r uly 19. 1960, Mount Pearl.


rilher thr short or th~ long ran~P. The time is not loo distant when GOP candi. datrs in the Dakotas could rounl 01\

winnin~ up to 65 per cent of the total rote. In 1958 Burdick him~elf cracked through to berome ti1e first Democrat in history riPctrrl to the F. S. !-louse from :'\orth Dakota. What he ha~ don!' this lime adds anoth~r clement in what seeJru to be a growing :.lidw~stern pattern.

In recent years Democrats hav11 taken the gm·rrnor.hip~ in ~uch states as South Dakota. ;'olabraska. Kansa$ and Iowa­places once viewed as GOP strongholds. Thry hare widened their small beach· head in these stales' Congrcsswnal dele· J;ations.

Burdick's new~st triumph makes th~se results seem no arrident, but rather the ingrrrlirnts in a trend. That trend It making thr ~Jirlwrst and PlainR statCJ a two-party ;u·ea. The old Republican monopoly is gone.

In the short range tr.e :\orth Dakota outi'Ome. lwwei·L·r narrow 11 ma)' be,

looks like farm discontent. H the read· ing is right. it could indicate trouble Cor the Republicans in the more explos­in• serlions of the farm belt west of the lli~~bsippi and north of the Indiana· Illinoi> line.

Tlwsr. ?.on~~ arc especially sen~ltive to unfa\·orohle prire conditions anrl are ho.>lile to lhr poliri.-s of Agriculturr Src· rrtary Ezra Taft Benson. Th~y roulri in· ftict sub~tantiai dAmage on r.oP pre~i·

dent i~ I cha ncl's.


In all ~rrat rn•nls anrl mo~rmrntJ

thrre arr planned. antirip~trd lnrl nalural rc~uil~ that arc lhr main rCCerls and \'ahiPS.

But often thrre arc accompanying nr rl'siduai effects that could not hB''e heen foreseen. Tho>e berome of im· mense importance in new relationships and activities.

This is conspicuously illuslratcd in the history of the State of Israel, now little more than 10 years old. Its estab· li;hment was not without acute opposi­tion and controversy, e\'en among Jews, wlto were not ali Zionists.

A surprising and ven· effective aspect of the new slate has been the emergence of a marked, new, betterment of relation! between Jews and Christians. It i1 the fact that it has come from the pre· dominantly Jewish state that makes the influence bob remarkable and sig­nificant.

Palestine is not the only homeland of the Bible. Its homeland was really all the ancient world. It reached from Egypt to Babylon, and it later took In Prrsi;;, and all of Greece and Rome.

But for both Jpws and Christians PaleEline was the most essential portion. the homeland of Hebrew pioneers and prophets for both .Jews and Christians. and for Chrl~tians the homeland o£ Our Lord.

1'he result 11 lhat times and 11l1ces have a common Interest. Old Testament and New Teslament tnelttenls occurred in lhc Marne plnce, so that when signs had to be placed at important AlteR it was necessary to print them for both Jews and Christians.

These places have created a common interest. One of the unanticipated re&ults Is the encouragement and warmth with which hrael Is welcoming Christian tourists. who are 110ing to Pale.stlne in cver·lncreasing numbers. Among recent visitors have bePn Bllly Graham and Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Roman Catholic visitors to I1rael seem to be In the majority, and they have been parUcularly well received. Co· operation in building proJects· I• found in Naureth, and common aupport of extenslv~ archeol"RICll explorations. This would seem to be bearing out the proph!!sy of the scholar who said:

"We have dug up Homer; we shall yet dig up the Bible.''-William E. Gil­roJ, D.D.

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THE D.All Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FR)DAY, Jll Y 22, 1960 -r---------,; I ' Capitol 1Search For Has "Great Faith" I ,I B d. ! TOMORRow ! o 1es In

I, OTTAWA <CPl - Tbt RCMP ''THt:\' C.\~lt: '1'0 niRDUt\'' \\'llil continued Thursday an air-and·


Our Premier li.\R~· t:O(l"i'.U i water search of Great Bear Lake

• • 1 in the Northwest Territories for RITA n,n·wolt'fll [ the bodies of Marie Kroeaer of

~lontrcal and Joan Goodfellow Gf One of the year's most im· i Plnster Rock, N.B.

portant pictures, stl!rring Gury 1 · Cooper. Rita Ha~·worih, Van I Rut while an RCMP apokes· Hellin and Tub Hunter, the Wil· ; man said there is every rea~on liam Goetl production of "They : to presume the geographers were Came to Cortlura" opens tomor- ! drowned, mines department .of· row at the capitol Theatre. In ! ficials were more optimistic. ~inemaScope and .J.:astmnn i "They were veteran ~eograph· 'tolor . .'h~ new l'olum\;,a dt:nma ers.'' one ol!icia! said. Both were IS. set m the tun~ ~1rf1Jrc \\ orld ' in their 30s and had bEen doing \\ ar I, when a l .s. t•spctltllon- , sumnwr field work with the de· a~· . force ha.l ~"·cpt, into : partment's geographical branch ::'tlrx1co m pursmt o[ I ancho ·for s~ 1wal years. \'11la and his mt•n. !

Cooper pla~·s •• l'.S. Arrn~· of- 1 Thch· overturned canoe was fkcr who. ht·r;nt~e lw hclirl'es · found \\'cclnesday on th(! shore of htm~~lf a rowan!, is obsessed Good Hope Bny. Their life jackets with the twrd to lt•arn what ' were in the water two miles makes a man or woman bmw. I nwa)'. He him~rlf had escaped court· ~ The\' hnd been reported miss· martial for rnwanltt't' only bt•· ing niter scheduled air contacts ra~Ut hts f;~tht•r hatl hrt•n .a ,lulv 2 and 12 round no sign of famous ~rneral. llellt'.n'tl nf h1s, !if~· nt their camp. combat t·ommand. l nopt•r m further punishmt•nt is ~iw'n thl' a>~l~lllnrnt of st•il'rting, and c b p bl rrin~in)! to till' n•ar hasr at l'or-! u an ro em dm a. fivr po:en:ial l'on-j' ~:·rssional ~!<·d<JI of Honor win· ST. LOUIS <i\Pl - The St. r: .. r; W1th Ins fi1<• ht•rot·s. Louis police deportment had ,.,,.per mn,t abt> <'>r11rt to · its own Cuban problem Thurs. l ordura thl' ltll·•·ly jtiss Hay- • dar. n fiery nalil'e of Havana '"'rth. "h'' !1;1> hl'~n atTU>t'd 11! · who gal'r her name as Clarice tr~a•t•n. Th•• d,•,p••ratt• tr~k i\nnj~li. She won't put on any 1-.llt'' th~ n·al tLi!lll\' nf nil l'lothing. ;, ' 1'" Thl' 2i-yt•nr-old dancer was

lht· ;:;If• .,f "Tiw; Li!nc to arrested in the nude Wednes. l •'!'llur;l" an· ·'ill't'rilt)· t·;~>t. ;t('· d:ty ni~hl in the latest or a c1>r,lm~ 111 au •·nthfallt•d l!ollr- series or rnids on a night clnb "'"'rl. \lr ,."•'!'PI'. 11hn ll'on ,;n on the DeBalh•iere' strip. Ar.~~rm) .\w;;rd fnr Ills Jl!'r· Ut•tcclires said ~he kicked at f,•:·:J'a:I!P ''' tht• hnoir "Ser· them. tried to rip their cloth· "' ~nt Yt1rk." r••J>nrt•·di; ap1wars in~. and refused to dress. They hrrt• in -ll;~rp <'<•ntra;t as the look her along to the pollee r•o1nr who rlonhts hlnlsi'IL )lis> stntion just ~~~ she was. She 11.11\\Wth is >ail\ to pro1 idf' a was still naked Thur,;day

r 'd •( '·:·. .J~

; ,; ,;, ,, <i~i~ GEORGE JOSEPH JOHNSON, 22-venr-nld Amcricnn, realizes his ambition ns Premier Jo;eph R. Smnllwnocl greets him in his office. He hitch-hiked 5,000 miles

from California to St. John's, Nflcl., to meet the man in whom he has "great fnith,"-(Photo by Camera Shop)

r':u;wtrr stud• Lll· n•mol'l'd morning. f .. ,,,, lH·r t~>;lal· "~l;nnonr'' roles. · --·-·--- A blond, restles& young man I firm. The money will see him \ ,,., !lrll:n ., ><'t'll as the st·r·· auspidnu~ ~crern bow and Dick


. paced. ~he ~all . outs}de the throu~h Unil·~rsity . '"· ,,: w:th ~n , ... ,. nn lhta anrl York as a soldier who suffers Prem1er I off1ce Ill tonfcder- Later he was the proud ; T:<l• Hunter a~ 'uw )'olln1: ol· th~ toss of an ear. ation Building yesterday after- I pose~sor of a letter from ~lr.: !1.-rr "lw n"rk~ Hnth•r pr··~sure. "Thry en me to Cordura" '!"IS noon as he. waited to hnve an 1 Smallwood, which reads: ,.,,. r•·maminc ~tar> an· cquall~· written by Ivan Moffat and Rob· Interview With the one man in 1 Tltl! 11 to say that 1 was f11~r. ,,.,,h lli!'h:u·rl \'nntr ns lhr rrt l!ossen from Glendon whom he has great faith ... 1 vl~lt~d In my office today by ~nfJ or~ I who h .. lp> lll'flin in Swarlhhoul's besl-selllng novel. Pre~ier Smallwood. 1 thp young American George h•· 'kultlu:~··r.l. nt'\ITomct'jllosst•n directed the Goetz- H1s name is George Joseph, .lo!Cph John!ou or California . ::'thch:u·l l';,IIJn nwklng nn Baroda production. Johnson of California and he! WBA once an euthu!lastlc Walk------- · · ---- -- · .. ltas hitch hiked liOOO miles to 1 er, I am all the more interested

aee Mr. Smallwood, beginning i in hi! career. • • \,"I : '·<"i


TH~~!!~N~~!~~-DICK YOBI

_.,ROBERTROSSEN . -- --· ,. ..,~ ~ .._ .. _ .,.....,..,. _..,_. • ....... ..., - MUI..,.,. _, Jicilat• CIN!MASCOPE • EASTMAN COLOR










hi1 journey on January 20th of 1 He was also given a letter by 1

1 this ~ear. ~o dale he has worn ·lhP Honourable John Diefen· 1

I out Stx purs of shoes. I baker. but tonk a dislike to thP 1 . It hos taken him four to fir~ 1 1'rime :llinislcr and tore thr i , weekR to make hi~ wa~· across ! lrtlrr to shreds. · .Xewfoundland, and he ha~ got-, The wit·y, rrstles~ young man

: ten to know somcthmg ol our i paced continually a~ he talked. people. lie celebrated his 22nd :He said he plun~ to 5pend

! birthday at the home of a Mrs. I nnollwr month in Newfound­: Hyde In Ste_PhenvlTie C'rossing. I land, and was in fact leaving , who made htm a birthday cake· for Conception Bay at six I with all tbe trimmings. He's o'clock. He also plans to hitch met man7 of the fishermen in hike to Grand Bank to con­the little settlements along the tinue a political argumPnt way,, and has spent four da~·s , started in Springdale with loggmg with Mr. Luke Thomas ~lagistralc ~latthews. who is be-at Hall's Bay, South Brook. ling transferred there.

Mr. Johnson is a Medical He was also collecting names student and a part time repor- of an)' well known personalities ter and the stories of his 'h~ ran across. and vest erda'' travels will be FOld to a New I afternoon added o·r. Jolt~ York firm and a California :Fisher's name to hi~ list.

Transferred To Torbay


The fir~l Air radct camp at ~ummersid~. P.E.l., clo~ed on Saturda)', .July 16lh, and twll hundred and Ci(ty CAdet~ from the four Atlantic Provinces r~· turned to their hom~ arter two weeks at the RCM' Station.

The summer ~amp session ended with 1 ceremonial parade F'rlday mornin~. and a final sports meet in the afternoon.

Included In the reviewing party for the parade was Mr. J. A. Meehan o! St. John'R, who

. !, re1p1resented the Nfld. Provln·

~ a Committee of the Air Ca­det Association.

t .~


Flight Lieutenant Robert K. Shapter. 25, of St. John's. has recently been appoint~d Medi· cal Officer at RCAF Station Torbay.

Flight Lieutenant Shapter is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Shapter, Torbay Road, St. John'•·

He attended St. Bonav~n­ture's College and Memorial Univenlty in Newfoundland and anduated as an M.D. from Dalhou11e UnlveraUy ln 19118.

Fllaht Lieutenant Shapter Joined the Air Force in 11156 and upon graduation from Dal· housle University was posted as Medical Ofllcer to RCAF Station Goo•• Bay.

Bargain LOS ANGELES (APJ - "I woUldn't be eau&ht dead In It," 111ld Gloria Anll Birch, 1~, explaln!nc wby she didn't aeek the famnv car es cam· munlty property In her di· vorce from atudent Richard Birch, also 19.

Her lawyer explained why "Birch gat a good barllaln

on the car. It's a 1949 Buick hellt'le."

Mra. Blrcb, waived all com­munity proptrty in her di· vorct, Jrtnted Wednesday.

Flight Sergeant R. Howell oC Carbonear waR the Parad·e Com-mander for the occasion, and very sklll!ully manouvered thl cadets through the ceremony. Aho present for the parade were I group o! NewfOundland laymen, ln~luding twelve mem· bera from Air Cadet Sponsor­Ing Committees.

In the sports meet the win­ning squadrons were the ~10 St. John's which came firat with 31 points. the 508 St. John's, second with 29 poinh, and the Iilii St. John'A squadron, third with 31 point~. Th~ 77 Truro Squadron came fourth with 18 pointa.

During the two week camp, the cadets had been flighted In­to three groups: Argus, Lan­ea•ter and Neptune. Th~•e groups were eo designed, in order to intermthale the ra· dets. Tltey ~ompeted with one another In basketball, •otthall, volleyball, track and .field and ure of barraekl. The wlnnlna troup, Neptune, ~balltad up 88 polntl and won the Hlgh·Flyer Pennant. Four squadrons, 101 Moncton, 374 Stellarton, 510 St. John'• and 011 Corner Brook were represented in thl• group.

The cadei.B were congrtitulat, ed .on their success and on the success or this first camp. The cadets themselves were lm· pressed with the training they had received at camp, and with the fine reception given thelrt by RCAF Station, Summerside.

The Rosetta Stone, key to the

Paramount TO-DAY

I her of Hollvwoud'; fines! films. and Wald and dozens of others filled hv some of Amcricn Among th~m ~rc "The Search.'' who should know, predict for filW>t and most cxctlmg char-

. "The Big Lift." "A Pl.:cc in the her one of the brightest care~rs acter actors .• Joy C. Flippen, Sun," "From Here to Eternity". in [limdom. 1 James Westerfield. Frank Over·

, and 'The Young LionH." · Broadway actress Jo Van ton, ~lulcolm Attabury. and AI· I Lee Remick was so good in Flert has ~cored trlumphA in' hct'l Salmi are probably un·


! her first movie that Jerry Wait!' Shakespeare's "\\'inter's Tale" known names. But their t~lent i did not hesitate to co-sl<~r her; and "Kin~ Leur:'' she was sup· is unmistakable. · ·in ~er second film with such: erb in the Kazan dircctNI pro·' A sUperb ens!. a taunt ana:: ! famoU8 film figures as Pnnl1 duc:ion of Tcnne,;sre \\'ilbm:; powerful s cr i p t, exciting;:

"Wild Ri1·er.'' Elia Knzan'. Newman, .Joanne Woodwnrd, diffitnlt "C::mino Rral." llcr .. ~r:1phic photography and till!-: exposive CincmaScoJle, De Luxe Anthony t'raneiosa and Orson pictures include ··rn C1·y To·: ~stnte rlirrctlon of Katnn are all Color production [or Twentieth: Welles. Shortly alter this film 1mnrrow," "Ros<' Tattoo". nnd W!•ldctl to~dher In an emotional Century. fox of the clash be.' ("The Lo1~g, Hoi Summcr"l. 'Ka~m,.s "t:nst of Etlrn." for .torrent. the "Wild River."

I tween the proud people of ~Irs~ Remtck had the key role whtch she won an nc~dcmy -------Tennessee and a federal aoent of the assault victim in "An- award for Best Supportmg Ac Sre you in rhurrh on Sun ...

I ordered to clear them f;om atomy of a )lunler." co-slatTing tress. · duy and please be real carefilf their ancestral homes to make, with .Jimmy Stewart. Kazan' Key rolrs in ''\\'ild llil'or'' arc: this weekend. way for the mighty TV A project . ______ ... .. -- -- -·- · · -- - - -- · ---opens tomorrow at the Para- I,... ___ _. mount Thentre. I

Slurring beautiful Lee Rm· ick. o~ a RCillie t•ountry girl. and : Montgomery Clift as the gov. : ornment agent aftslgned In move Jo V~n Fieri, who i~ cast Rft l'tli8s Remick's grandmother and the last holdout in the path of the dam, the Paul Osborne script, taken from a best sell­ing nl!vel h)' famed writer, William Brndlord Hulc, eom· hines action and romance with I a true story taken from one of the harshest cultural clashes in America's recent history.



The flim was made entirely on location in Cleveland, Ten­nessee. That is producer.direc­lor Kazan's way of working . , , filming the story where il hap­pened. He made a movie about stevedores and filmed it right on the New Jersey docks. The film was "On the Waterfront," awarded the Oscar for the best Picture of its year. ~{arion , Brnndo, Eva lllarie Saint, and ! director Kazan also received Os­cars for this film.

<8>. TO



A. E. HICKMAN CO "Wild River" star :'l!ontgom.

cry Clift has never won an o~cnr, but he has received more 1

1 nominations Cor Be~! Actor of II BLACKMARSH ROAD lh~ Year than just about an.v


:male ~tar in Holywood. He has/ ~ppeared in an amazin~ num- . - -- ·~ ~ .. ·: ·. ·,:' . f· ·. ,· -·.. . ... ·-.: .. · - . ~




(!) Bedford's loading platform is

only 25" high ••• make• It eaay for

you to load large heavy objecta quick·

ly and without ltraln.

@ Bedford's special dip-bath body treatment gives maximum protection

aqalnat ruat and corrosion for long·

lutinq operation in any climate.

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ing radiua of 17 feet. Recirculating

Ball-Type Steering requires less

manual eHort as the turn increases.

@Bedford's husky over-square

engine denlops high torque at low

engine !peeds ••• reduces wear, pro­

'fidet peak perlonnance.

@ Bedford's integral body ecm­!truction and laminated 'IP'OOd lea assure long life even on long ptlllilh­lng, slop-start delivery wtiee.

@Bedford's extra wide, one piece

windshield with narrow side pmara

provides control tower vision .•• cat1

driver fatigue, increases safety.

AND THE BEDFORD ''90" IS THE LOWEST PRICED VAN Ill ITS etAS$! No ''Fancy Dan" features here, only the down-to-earth, practica!, money-making advantages that any delivery operator wants. Coil· sider, also, that the price of the Bedford "90" is the lowest in ita class and you don't have to think too hard to understand why Bedford is consistently breaking its own sales records. It will pay you to look over this one or the longer Bedford "102" ••• at your Bedford dealer'!. THI &ltiTISH VAN •UILT AND •ACKID &Y OIINIItAL MOTOR8

------------- See your local Bedford dealer -------------:8:;;:·l61l::::a.

The TERRA NOV A MOTORS Ltd. "La11an," is ship parlance is , language ol anci~nt Egypt, was / I hlp cargo Which Is sunk with

1· found· by a French officer of 1

the d~ftnlte pintenUon of re- Nopoleon's engineering corp1, . e11vertna lt later. In 1199, near the Rot~etta ltiver. I RE,AR NFLD. HOT&L PHONE 5131 ST. JOHN'S, NFLD.

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U you would like. durin& the summer months to pub· Usll all)' Wedding, Party, Eaaagemenll or any social adhily .... e would be glad If JM 11'1111ld phone, drop us a Uae or Itt In touch with 111 In anyway that Is convenient le JOU.

WIDDISG .The marriage took place on

Friday June 3rd., at Currie llarrackl, Catholic chapel in Calgary Alberta, of Helen Theresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ctarles Bennett, 57 Hoyles Ave~ to Douglas James Nixon. of the Canadian Army, son of the late Ernest and Dorah

I REPRESENTING C.L.B. Cadet MaJor Bert Spracklin,

C/0 of the Church Lads Brig-! ade Royal Canadian Cadet , Corps, entrained at St. John's I on June 30th for Banff, AI· bcrta, wllere he will represent the LB Cadets this &ummer. Cadet Spracklin was awarded the Strathcona Trust Award, as an outstanding Cadet, at the recent annual inspection.

RETURNED HOME 1\lrs. J. Butler, Pennywell

Road, recently returned from an extensive visit to the United States. Accompanying her were her two grand chlldren, Cynthia and Carl Kaiser from Sans Point, Port Washington t.o spend their summer vacation.

Nixon, of St. John's. A recep· ARRIVING HOME ti?n 11'15 held at 2612 31st. S., Const. R. c. G. Ward, or V.. Calgary, f.lberta: where ROIP stationed at Hamilton ~: and ~rs. N1xon Will be re-

1 ont.. will arrive by TCA on

11~mg until ~ctober when they Saturday to spend a brief vaca· 11111 ~ leanng to spend two lion with his parents, Mr. and yean In Germany. ~Irs. c. P. ward of 103 Eliz·

abeth A1•e, St. John's. Mr. and VISITING BROTHER~ , ~lr~. W~rd plan to return to

!ll_1ss :\lary. GofC. RN .. accom·, Ontario with their son for a :pan1ed her SISter Mrs. B11l Pow·

1 months vacation.

er. left b'' TC A for Toronto · Voedne~da;· 11n \'isit to their liN HOSPITAL brothers Clarence J. and W: I ~lr. .John Pollock. retired · ~~ond. Goff. Thry wtll he rr· 1 Superintendent. Marine En· ma1n1ni In Toronto about two . gincers, c.N.R., admitted to the ... ~kl. General Hospital ten days ago

underwent a major operation MOT() II TRIP

1 ~londay. and is progressing

:\lut~r Roy Symond~. accom· , fa\'ourably. He expect~ tOo be in panttd by ht~ aunt. ~Irs. D .• 1. :hospital for another two weeks. 1 Wabb and her son Jay lelt by 1 __

T C.,,, on Tuesday past for Syd- ' ARRIVE IS CITY II~;. from "''here the~· "Aill motor 1 Mrs Llo\'al Reid accompanied to Garden City. Sew York. b" Mr. and Mrs.' Linton Reid The W~lsh'~ ha1'c been visiting and ~Irs. Ralph Miller, arri\'cd , lin. 't\ abh s parents, ~lr. and in the city today and are sta~··l' l!rs. Tasker Cook, Logy Bay ing at the Newfoundland Hotel. :Rd. and Ray u making his first Yisit to the United States. His friends 11'illh him a pleasant 'ftcatio11.

-----. ----- Sew-Very-Easy


.... ; ,.,,.,.,.·._, .•• .-v


Between Us



A wife writes "Some years ! ago I discovered that my hus· I band was having an affair with I one of the stenographers in his 1

office-a girl at least ten years , 1

younger. than my husband. i "He didn't want me to get a

divorce and promised that if I; would 'forgive and forget' I could



trust him to end the ~ffair im· ! mediately. This I know he did. : The girl is married now and no 1

longer working at the office-so :

Choose Sun Lotion With Great Care

I ever.rthing should be all right. · I "Onlv it isn't our marriage' This ••·ise ~irl coHrs her hair from the sun with 1 little I just isn't the same, and I am be- straw cap. gives her skin protcctiun with a nl"W translucent

I ginning to wonder if it ever "ill gelee which gently tints the skin as it promotes tanning . be. I felt so sale and secure be-

l fore this happened-now I don't.' BY ALICIA HART you go to bn)'. If your skin IS And my husband often seems Choosing a suntan cream that's delicate or scnsitil·e, you m a Y restless and unhappy. Do you rioht for I'Oll is as personal a want the type which totaUy

I think our marriage will ever be m;ller as choo~ing the correct blocks the sun's rays but still

1 the same as it once was" lipstick shade. But in one sense allows you to loll on the beach.

I Pral>ably not. But thai is no it's a lot more important. One of the newest creams,

reason to think it isn't worth sav- The wron~ lipstick is a matter made by a lar~e beauty house, I ing. · Time will ease the tension easilv corrected. A quick swipe is a copper-colored. translucent i and embarrassment. Time will of a· cleansing tissue will take gelee I jelly. which is said to 1

help you bot~ forg~t p~st un- care of it. But a suntan cream gentlv tint the skin, promoting a : happmess. T1mes will bnng you hasttly -and thoughtessly chosen deep· and rapid tan . : closer together. can cause skin trouble. It is also said to be water­! But you've got to help lime a· The best way to !(o about choos- repellent and thus designed for t little. too. Never, under any cir· ing a reliable suntan cream is to long-lasting, maximum protec-

1 cum stances, remind yoJ husband · pick one made by a wellknown lion. It contains, the maker

1 by a look or a word of the mat- beauty house. You'll find that says an ingredient to moisturizo

1 ter you both need to forget. some creams me made to block the skin and thus help to prevent I Don't allow yourself to dll'e,J I he tanning process while others: dehydration from sun and salt 1 on it in your own mind. And speed it up. Ask questions when spray. I don't fret because the marriage ·---·---,1 you hare put back together after

it came close to being broken be- uASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean yong repair sometimes shows

Corpus Christi Church. Kil·i an elbow length veil of nylon i flowers. that it has been mended. 1------------------'-----1 bride, was the scene of a very , nullc. with a crown of pcnrls : The mother o! the groom Be thankful that it is mended, For Frid•y, July 22 \.,II pretty wedding on June 27th, 1 and sequin>. Sl1e carried a 1•·hitc wore a pale blue dress, lace and, without looking back, make i when Margaret Milliccmt. daugh- i prayer hook with rihhon stream· over taffeta with white acccs- · each day as happy and pleasant ter or Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Per· ! crs trimmed with rrcl roses. sorics and .cnrsagc. as you possibly can. chard, 588 Southside Road 1 Her matron of honour was 1 The dulles of bc:;t man was You will re~ain some of your West. became the hridc of Pal· I ~Irs. Philtp Km;clla. who wore : performed hy Donald Constan· old ~ecurity if you will always rick Joseph, son of Mr. and : aqua with matl'hin~ head pircc.i' tine. The ushers were John Cal- remember ·that \\'hen it came to: lllrs. Edward Hanlon, of St. The bri•lesmaids were ~li»cs . lahan and Ge.rald Murphy. 1

11 showdown your husband cho~e John's. ~Iaureen Hanlon and Patricia · you, rather than the nother

The double ring ceremony Prrcharcl. w:to II'Ot'e lemon anrl . The beautiful Ave ~larie \\'M woman .. That must mean thlt, VICEROY FILTER


was performed by Rei'. Father' hlt•c with matchin~ head pieces. sun~ hy ~\iss Kathleen Hayes .. you were more important to him. ! Fennessey. I .'\11 three carried bouquets of as were nther hymns during the than she was. I The bride entered the t·hurch ' as>orted floll'rrs. J\uptial ~lass. -------

Present-For You and Y OUrl ••• Litten cortlully if romeooe 1olk1 over on ideo with you that could further your U·

rttr; it' a lo YG\Jf odYOnto,c. This v.·ill requirt coneentntil>ft and 'll'ilt pow cr, which rodiotiona hie« vou with now. :F:ot C"n• servativcl)' tt lunchtime .a thot )'Oil ,.ill not feel •lrtpy and li•!lus durin& tfternoon,


VICEROY t:}lt .. 'Jip

c ..... ,.,. ••

In the


" th·e full flavour

of a blend

• the

smoothness of a filter

• at the regular price



It'~ SEW.EASY In play fash· 1 ion's game ol "partners" with ,

1 these smart s~paratcs. :'>lix and I

1 switch 'em for sun and sporls all I

I summer. Send now! I Printed Pallcrn 4.l.i9 Misses' I : ,Sim 10. 12, 14. 16, 18, 20. Size 1

. 16 top p, yards 35·inch 1horts 1

1 I 1'< yards; skirt 4 yards.

Printed directions on eech pat· tern part. EMler, accurate.

Send FIFTY CENTS Hn coins (stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern. Please print plain· ly SIZE, NAME, .ADDRESS, STYLE NUMfER.

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS. Pattern Dept 10 FRONT ST., '1\'EST, TORONTO, ONT.

on the arm of her luther. Her 1 The little flower girl was DOCTOR'S WIDOW wedding gown, floor length. I Linda Hanlon. who wore lemon: ~li;;s Farrell pla)·cd the organ . was or brocaded satin, trimmed with matching head piece and

1 The reception was held at IS ANGEL OF HOPE

with rhinestones on her head, I carried a basket of assorted i Park-Le. I IN fAR EAST

Pve-Benson \1\1 eddinn .



BY JERRY BENNETT ; When 47·year·old 11!ary Louise 1

Streicher decided to go hack to I school three years a~o she un· knowingly began research for a' new and unusual career - chtef i nurse aboard a floating medical i school.

Mrs. Streicher, a forncr Chi· I cago nurse and teacher, will be· in charge of 22 nurses who along 1

with 4i doctors and lab tech· ! · nicians, sail fo1 South East Mia i next September aboard the medi· · cal ship SS HOPE. For a yl!ar,

' the1· will teach modern medica! techn iqucs to doctors and nurses in Indonesia and Viet :-.lam.

THE GOODWILL m i ss i on, ' known as Project HOPE. is be­ing sponsored by the People-to-

, People Program and financed by 1

. contributions from industry, labor I i unions and individuals. HOPZ 1


stands for "Health Opportun· , itv for People Everywhere." 1

· 'Following her husband's death , in 1956, Mrs. Slreieh~r decided · to take graduate work in nursing education at Chicago s DePaul University. She enrolled the next year and picked nursing schools in the Far East as the subjed for her thesis.

"At that time," she explained, "some friends of mine were plan· ning a voyage to thr Far East on a freighter and asked me to go along. It was an excell~nt \\'HI' lo combine business with

1 ple~sure so I accepted the in· I vitation.'' I ron FOliR ~10\'THS. :\Irs .. · Sll·eiche1' !':ol a fir•t·hand I o ok: . at hosril al~ and medical a n d i nnrsin;: schools throughout Asia. i

: She was particularly impressed 1 with the Indonesians' efforts to : improve their country's health standards despite a severe short-age of medical personnel. There is only one doctor for each 71,000 persons.

"I knew right away that I wanted to return and help them," :-.t;·sm Streicher :;ays. :

1 "As soon as I got back home I I I started to hunt for organizat.


ions that would give me a job . doing medical wm·k in Indonesia. 1

Cochrane Street U n i t e d a pearl tiara. The organ music being played I believed I had an adequate Church was the scene of a very The maid of honour, Ill iss I by Miss Elizabeth Mouland. understanding of what needed to I pretty wedding on Tuesday, Barbara Ann Benson, sister of The bride and groom motor- be done."· 1

. June 28th. when Carole Joyce. the bride and bridesmaid Ruby' cd t~ Curling for their honey- SHE FINALLY 1 and e d the. 1 eldest dau.~:hter of Mr. and Mrs.· Forristall, cousin of the bride moon and ha\'e now returned Project HOPE joh In April of

.Put ... Gregor Mendel, Am· Future · •. Tomorrow's ·~ trion scientisl tnd Roman Cath. Jtauts will 11eed nsore thaa iRitl olic priest, wu born on July 22, nerveo: They'll nte4 lnlnilll il t822 .. The Mendelian law of at lea•t 27 highly ucb!l!cal ~ · heredtly s Ia t e s thai separate . . • : characters are inherited inde· )tcts rang1ng from elassteat pbya. pendently of one another. ics to nuclear techno}oif,

The Ot!!y Under Your Sign ARIES (Born Mmh lllo Ap•;t If) If• IT\'.,. t • 1 .,11~11t I~ \.,.,flo.,., ,.hrrr )lltt'tr )!:'''"" th.l.n lht Sf'trd :you'u: lf:O\ tii!JII:,

TAURUS (Ap,;l 20 to Moy 20) f;M,-! lur\jO!ulrnt !ll;'l\' rl'mt '•n•n f"C·

!lfrtrnrt, hut '~I rru~nc~~: may con·~ r•nm fl"'Jf Jlt~jl'II'"Tif,

rDEMINI IM•y 211o Juno 21) Itt C.'llllt•tlf ••PI~hhi .. ,, • l"'lt ll'll•~ ,.,a pr"' tnt ·r~ttl r .... ltnll'.

CANCER (J,nol21o July ll) I •• , '"'r ••n·itt• •:•: .,.,. ti:, CC''''rau "'' .,..1-:.-'rl yna Ht<'f r'ru ol tn'l'tlf'lnal

LEO (J,Iy 1l lo A,q.ll} l'r·•-{·~· • •• .,,.,.f!.,ti ·~ ftr""ri•l m1ttr·u, \n:• .I u•" 11 ,.,~nrrllql.,

VIRGO (A•Jq.llle l•ol.ll) :·h, r•rr •• '" thr , .. ,n. ""' '"'J II!IJ ht r'nt' llrJC 1111t\"'r tnr ••rr n(t .. -.


LIBRA !Sept. ll to Ocl. 12} • y,,,,·,t llr't ar-! tr"l !tnd a lont r.u­b·,..~d minrt 11nrl~ 1he umt hat,

SCORPIO IOct.ll to Nov. 21} .\ Aadt "( iJ•.-i£•11~nt ... it! vn·r ~ "ott· l~r tf.ln a fla~h ~~ intuitif'loft t~ay.

SAGITTAPIUS (Nov.ll lo Dtc. tiJ 1f \"u o:-an't 1.\~ .. t~r- ~lll"IS and fT'ff'I'WS, d-:~':'1'1 f"f'~Ct th~ \o"'U'JIIt'll .mot H·~ttett.

CAPRICORfl I 0". 2! lo J.,. 10) Yt.••'r" ""' •rt .. ~r~ in 1 t•Jtcrf, ooetest tn be c..,,,r· .. ,.,., '" a ,,,-,." tl'n'le •

AOUAPIUI IJ.,.ll lo Jtl.. It) Thu•i• rr,.•:• ·'"'"' .at •n•tl't rut, W ~ ,.n''l !U•t ha1 e tn arl!•ttt tl'l rt ted.,.

'!ICES (Jtb. 10 •• ~ •••• ZOI L•t t-nr"'"""" ,.•,,. •al.t r!, "~~·· W tM t1mt "'"'"If· 'I l-Ie •rntlrlfl-t ,.,, 'b·•rn !Olf,

B Ceean

fDr S•furday, July l3

Present-For Yo~ and Yours ••• Ma~c the mo.t o! benefic a•~l! by ollendina to tedious tub, u they will so alone at a iOOd pace. Configura· lions denote financial rew1trd as 1 rnul~ ol your wholehearted effort and ingenuity. Don't pout i! your pleo.ure is intcmtpled by business-it's to your advart­Uge.

Pas+ ... t•o-hom hmes Cardi· Future ••• On the aver&je, nal G1bboftl, Amcric1n prel~te -..·ogt! will go up about three or rJulv 23, 183~) v.·u notable for lour per cent thts year. Contraets prai~inR the hle<•in@s of Ameri. •lreody- •igncd in mony iDdus­cal\ democncy lor ths churth. triO! ha~e 'et the pattern.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (lor• Morch 21 to A,r~ If) LIIRA ISopt.ll to Oct. 22) Fitur• out hG"' ent yetu admire •• Li11~n to ath icc about <pri)J•crlr, ,..,.. auctu:t, lhrn fl'llo..- Ill~ cxanlrlt. .onal mattt>n, ~tr:,, but dtcidt ,.ourself.

TAURUS (April20 to Moy 20) SCORPIO IO<I. 2l fo Nov. !I) Thh i~ the time to Mlrin layin1 roulldt• Cl'lnrlitiOft& :arounrl homf' mn bt htetk. tinu hw future bm•i,.Pu, Clnr ot1t lht crn<'ltiMal dtbria.

OCI Jq,<,l'l, Firloi [nt~rrri~J.. Tne. . Fred Benson, Oxen Pond Rd., were dre.~scci in identical ~:owns to Hickman's Harbour where 1 1959, • Since then she has been 1

was united in holy matrimony or mauve tulle with white pic- the groom has taken up hts 'flyin~ throughout the United - · ...... · to Frank W., son o! Mr. ·and lure hats and otncr accesories. work in the service of the 1 Stales Interviewing more than I They will be paid 200 dollars a after graduation," she explains

:Mrs. Hayward Pye, Curling, The double ring ceremony was church. 1,000 women for the ship's 22 month.· Uniforms. food and liv· "Sinre physicians' wive:

SEE SENORITA-IS year old British atarlet Marie Devereaux turns away !rom the

long enough to glve us a She's on location In Greada. SpaiD.

The Bride entered the church performed by Rev. L. A. D. The reception was held at the nursing positions. ing quarters aboard ship will weren't supposed to work fo1 on the ann of her father who Curtis, with Mr. Frank Haw- home of the bride's parents. The So far only 18 nurses h a v e be supplied free of charge. salaries, I went into voiuntec1 gave her in marriage. She was kins as best man and Eric Vin· many gifts received were a passed her rigid requirements. MRS. STREICHER is regard- nursing." charmingly attired In a waltz cent as usher. token of the esteem in which Most of the women are between 1 ed as an expert in her Cield but Mrs. Streicher held jobs m length gown of while Valencia the young couple are hcld.


12s and 38 years old. Each has a· ;he admits to having one of the ·this capacity at Chicago's Grant lace and tulle and carried a During the signing of the ~Their many friends join in college bachelor's degree, teach. 1 shortest professional nursing ca- 1 Hospital, Blind Foundation and bouquet of eanations, mums and r~gister Mr .. David. Cook sang (wishing tbem Godspeed in ing experience and one particular; reers in history. 1 the University of Illinois Medical tulle veil waa held in plm by "Blest be the tie that Binds", their new life. aursing speciality. "1 married my teacher the day School.

-- . .. - ~ ·;. ~

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•• -~

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lliE I.>AILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NhD., FRIDAY, JULY 22, 196b I

------- -------·----- -------- --------

--... ~·-. ---· [hurch of


I have to Uve with myself, and so BY REV. DR, FRED SASS It is hard to work for God

derson Johnson. I want to be flt for myself to - I To rise and take His part, For& Amherst know: The closing verse of Psalm

1 Upon the battlefield of life I

Organist Mrs. A. Morgan. I want to be able as days go by 126 pictures the farmer going , And not somelines lose heart. ,

Myself Precious Seed Mormon Elder's Exortation


2.30 p.m .. Sunday School; 7 Always to look myself strlght !n forth and weeping, bearing prec-1 Jesus, too, was precious be-p.m., Minister. he eye lous seed, it was precious be. into the lon~liness and the dark-' The de,•il has not escaped

Groves Road I don't want to stand, with the cause of what It had cost. In a! into the lonliness and the d~rk- ' modern attempts to explain away 2.30 p.m .. The Minister. setting sun land where the soil was poor· ness of death and die. Had He old beliefs. ~lormonism, how-

THE NEWFOUNDLAND Blackhead Road And h11te myself for the thinss 1 and agriculture Implements pri-l not done so, we wou!ct have been, ever. has found it easy to answer


l I '.

CATHEDRAL 2.30 p.m, Sunday .School. I've ·done. mitlve, there was not much seed \living in a world with no gospel. the bal!ling qt;estion about the (Si~tb Sunday aller Trinity) Come and Worship with us. I want to go out with my he a d to spare for growing-there was His wiilingness to endure all this ' existence and nature of the devil. : 8 and 9 a.m., Holy Commun - erect; little enough for food. This speaks to us when we are laced i The b c in g s in I he "spirit: .

ion: 11 a.m., ~latins. Preacher, Presbyterian I want to deserve all men's re- !Dade the sowing of seed prec-1 ~lth loneliness and suftering and i world':·whence humanity comes· , ; R 'd c· J Ab 1 4 15 spect; 1ous. It represented real denial Jt may be death. "Think it not , are alike m th~t they possess the ' 1 ~~· ... ratam:, Itt h' ' p.:n., Hol~· Baptism and Church- ST. ANDREW'S While here in the struggle for cos somet mg to set apar strange concerning the fiery right of free agency: they are un- .._ ... • · 11 ~ c.! Women; 6.30 p.m., E\·cn "The Kirk" fame and pelf th

1at seed. 1\hlany a hungry ttrhial, which is to try you, as like it that they do not choose, TilE I:\:\ Eft FOHTRESS

sun~. Preacher, Rei·' d. c. D I want to be like myself. g ance must ave been given to ough some stran~e thing hap- nor hm·e they chosen, alike. Hzync$. .Minister: Rev. Charles I. G. 1 don't want to look at myself it. It. was precious too. because pened unto you. But rejoice, in-· Consequently. the inhabitants of· Tile modern soul fears nolllin~

i Stobie, M.A. Organist and Cboir and know 1 somehmes it represented a sec- asmur.h as we are pnrtnkers of, the spil'it world, as in our world. · ·

l\'~~;:1, ~~~J!.!~:Tuesda\,', Fri-~ Ma1s1tera-m:'rlr.,Rioorbent'rntgMSaecrLveicode~ That-I'm bluster and blu£1 and ,


oTnhd and even ha dthird sowing. CHh"ist's sufferings: Ilia!, when, with the same beginnings nnd -~~~~~~~~~ ~~-~l~J~it"po~\1i~~i~t~t"\;~,~ I · ·• " •· empty show. e poor man a many enem- i.~ glory shall be revealed >,'e opportunities, dif!erin the degree " .. c!ay and Saturday 7.30 a.m: y 1 it d to worship · ld much the primacy ol comfort

'•· d d ' ou are nv e I never can fool myself; and so, 1es, wi beasts and robbers often, may be glad also with exceeding ot' stage of their del'elopment. '' r nes ar 7.4~ a.m.; Thurs. · "'t'lh us d 1 . h d Th t . , p 1 . h f h . . daminatc; our thinking. F:a.<e,

I, " · whatever happens I want to be, es roymg I e see . en, oo,, Joy. I e er 4 v. 12-13. ', There ts t ere ore in I e spmt dal' !130 am ST AIDAN'S • 1 • release from work, cutting corn-.' · · · • self-respecting and conscience· I there were the f~equent bligh~s The seed. the Psalmist had in world as on earth a gradation Holy Communion: ~londay, Top111! Road 1t Commen• and droughts-thts meant sttll\1 mind was also precious becat:se among individuals in knowledge ers. escape from responsibility

(St Jam•<\ Tuesd•1· Frld•y lth A e free I h f layt·nd down on tile J·ob, ar.d · " • "·' " Wtl nnu • d · furt er sacri ice. The Hehrew of whill it would produce, H~ :, anrl power from the lowest to tile " and Saturda•· 8 am· \''ednes 'li 1 t Th R Wilfr d E gar A Guest i H th t 1 rth . h maki11,d the fa>t buck" hm·c be-. · ·• '' • ,, n s er: e ev. e · vers on, " e a goeth o " m1~ t sow seed nwl tears time , hi;:hest, from the le~>t adrnnted da1· 7 15 am Thursda•· 10 " · ff 0 · t M All · · h · h 'd r come an iilmo,l uncnn,cious part · · · · ·• ' ; ... oncr1e . rgam~. r. &· 'cames Wll tt I e 1 ea o re-: nbout, hut thcr~ would he a, to the God who reprc<ents all I m 1 • D d 1 F 1 t F' d' · or the p<ychulogy o[ the modern . . talr rys a e, au - In I ng pealed gomgs forth. The p 0 or' great reward. "He that !(oeth knowlege, power. and good.

E\·en~ons: Dailr at S.JO p.m. I 11 a.m., Divine Worship, Sub- peasant had to lace frequent I forth and werpeth, hearing pree- Tbo>e who lag hehind in the per>on. That is wh;· there ha> except Fra'da1· ~ 30 p m j k been such an unwillin~nc><s to

• 1· · • ject: Should Christians see - , disappointments, and defeats., inus seerl shnll doubtless come march towards progre->ion a1·c H good 't ould be 1f we' 1 con:"ider the n<'xt gl'nerntio11 i Persecution; 11.30 a.m., Sunday ow I W • • , This ali make the seed precious. agAin with rejoicing, bringin::: his not neecssarilv cl"il. Thcr .1re

CII.\PEL OF THE EPIPHAXY ',School classes for primary and could learn to be rigorous 1n 1 It makes more things than: shea,·es with him.·· The rerv c:1ieft1• enemies Jo Jhcm<eli·p, a.' "\\'h;· should we he minrlful or (st b 'I h R d f d 1 · posleril1.·'! Wlwt h;>s Jlf'.'le:it\· raw erry ·'us oa I 1 Kindergarten. judgement o ourselves, an seed precious. The Bible is, "come again" has in it the id~a lhc.v ioiler a ion~ the highwa,_· o!

8 d 9 30 H I ,. e1-or dor.e lor u;·•" The fear ol 1.m .. an · a.m., o Y 1 "Worship the Lord in the gentle In our judgment of our precious to us because of wnat 1 of repeated visits Jo the hat'l'e;;t eternil\.· though the,.· rlo hinder Co · f mw-pop11ialin( th~ world i' a mmumon, beauty or holiness." neighbors In remedying de· it bas cost. It has come to us by 1 ield to gather in the shraves. the purpo<cs o! the Lord who codorlnl>lc ,1ic:- llilh which lo

- fects. kindness works best with no easy way. Men and women' This was the promi.'e that our· >rck.- thr ultimate .-alrntion of ST THOMAS' d' d d I proi"cl II: tnd11 i1ltwl from con-• ST. DAVID'S others, sternness with ourselves. have suffered and. 1e in or er 1 Lord caught uo in the parahle of all His children.

(Siith Sunday 1fter Trinity) 1 1 h d ht h th , lh h ~idering :m)·:hing else c:,crt>l his Ellubeth Ave. 1t Portu11 It ls easy to make allowance t at we to ay m1g ave e 1 e sower. w en He deserihecl 1 . indiric:u;,l exi,lenl'e. Hector, Rei'. S. J. Davies, cove Rold, for our faults but dangerous open Book. So it is true of the' the seed tlwt fell in the good The incqualil)· or ~rat alliin h h 1 B ' Curat R D G ' d d · t 1 I d am"n~ til"'~ who <lwr.ll in t he .\nd ret, fln l e otl;er an<. ...... e, el·. • enge, Minister: Rev. Jamea A. Gold· hard to make allowances f

0 r Inspire Wor . It 1s. rue o :rroun as "bringing forth fruit. " - . ·

0 · t " p s D I clon·,o. ,11 nf ..... n:rits is c1~m·h· ~ct ncthn:~ i..; more c-2rtrtin than pain. r~:an1~ .... rs. eter . awson, smith. ot'-r's feults but wisA ''If th Jesus the Incarnate \\ord. He. some a hunrlrcdfo1d, some six\ I'· · · ATCL LTCL .L.. •n: "' y · f tl t' R k r \1 I It i~ par;ldoxie~l that o:u· ~l'ncr-' : Cuoir Director, 11 a.m., Divine Worship, offend th-, c'ut It off," ·15 a \\'Ord Is precious because of wha. t He: fold, some thirtyfold.'' 1!atthe·.~ or 1 ''' "'' •00 - 0 • · Jra lam 1 ~I I R "'h't k 'I A ~ \ If And tl:•; Lord said unlu me at ion which seeks t le most ra'r. • ~- an · " I a ·er, ., · Preacher, The Rev. Dr. Fred for our •ins f th i f cost. I was a great sacr tee_ on , 13 1'. H. A~ain and again the h P · h ''\' k •t· 0 Rod " or e s ns o d J t 1 • • h The'. e two facts do cxtst, that is the one which has t e mo'l arts ' or er, ~ tss ra · Sass, Minister of St. Andrew's others " · ., God's part to sen esus mo. prflmlse rmgs t rough the Bible. ·'

S Th Father forgive them H d t H' ' , h h t•11er" 01-e two .spt'rits, one bein~ mental ten~ ions. It i~ not only ·u~·. · · Presbyterian Church, Niagara· M 1 h ' · this world. " t spare no IS 1 'T oug the l'ision I~ IT)'. wait ' - •> 8 l.m.. Holy Communion, on-the-Lake. Ont. This aervlce at ie Badcock own Son", (Romans 832 At' for it. it is bound to come." more intelligent tlwn the other I rue that p>yclloannly.sts did not

Ctlebrant, Dean S. A. R. \\'ood,· B thl h th l "TI rl b l I' there s:lall be another more in· exist in pl'l'l'ious generations: it will be broadcast over StltioJJ e e em ere was a rea sac- 1 lc roa . m~y e on~. ne lelli!:!rnt than they: 1 am the i' al'a true that the;· would hm·e

11 1.m.. Morning Prayer, VOCM. Growing Qld rlflce. God was gil'ing His 1 oathway ahead ma)· be blurrerJ l.or·cl thel' God. 1 am more in- starred in those days. As 1 he PreaC'her. Rev. E. C. W. Rusted, You Ire cordially lnvlted to only Beloved Son. The precious- .

1 by the flow of hiller tears. . entrance door of comfortable liv-

OBE. Principal o( All Saints hi lth - ness of this gift was deepened burdens may grow tired and the telligent than they all-' wors P w us, h 1 f d h . 1 in~ became enlarged, cur door.

Srhool. Jesse !ton, North , In t e central Pace o yout when Jesus went on lo ie at i earl sick. l1•1t His gr:~ce :, Now the Lord had shown unto , slery b~came crowded with the Borneo; 4 p.m .. Holy Baptism j' Salvation .lrmy heart there Is a wireless station; Calvary. Paul puts it thus,"And sufficient." The dav will break me Abraham. tile imelligerccs mental mi~fils or our cit·iliznlion. and Churchin~s: 6.30 p.m., 1 . so long as it receives messages being found in fashion as a man,' and th~ shadows flee nw;1y. Lot t!lai wc:·e organized before the· Like lhe gla~s buildir~s of mod-E,·rning Prayer, Prearher. Rev of beauty, hope, grandeur, cour- be humbled himself, anti be-' us not be wean· in wrll doing: l':orld was; ar.d among nll these ern architecture, we huilt them S. J. Da1·ies. Broadcast CJON. 'l TEMPLE CORPS ege and power from the earth, came obedient unto death, e\'en for in dtle seas'on we sh?ll rea11. there were many of the noble in order that we mi~ht haYe

~lonrla1· St James A and '1. 1 Sprlngdlle Street from men and from the Infinite, the death of the cross. When we' if we faint not." d 1 . 1, rl • • • • • • ·' 1 an ~rea ones: more li~ht m our o .tees, an


Sheen Writes

, fall under them. but not one drop erer falls on them. Those who hm·e God as their protection ha1·e an inner lower that is ncrer depressed by ad1·ersity nor infl~ted by pride in memenls of success and prosperity.

Fellow creatures, the psyc­hol~y of self-help. and a friendly drink sen·e in a moment of sun~hine. but in the midst o~ con­fltcl and anguish. we cannot lean on t:·eatures; we find that· like sharp sticks, they pierce our hanrls. The bow that is drawn bc.\'ond it~ compaSE, breaks asc•nder. In the Garden of .Gelh· snmene of the individual soul it will also be found true that ·lh~se on whom we depend, fall a~leep dmin~ our agony. The~· cannot "willeh our hour" or ~tru~~le.

But when om· faith is in Christ Who took the wor>t tha~ this world has to ofler and conquered il hy ri>in~ from the dcarl. then Ire hare the assur~nce that enl can never he trulv \ iclorious a~nin. Other rcligi~n; do well for the bright days v:hen we go lo the bank with our deposits. But when the sl;y is dark o1t high noon, it takes a religion which began with defeat to gh·e us strength and courage. This is the inner fortress of the happy soul, wherein e1·en pain can be­come consecrated, and wh e r e one can take the tangled skeins of a ~eemin~lv wreckerl and ruin­ed life ~md i·em·e out of t he m the tapestry of saintliness a n d holiness. -10 a.m.. Holy Communion


. Brigadier B. F. and Mra. so long are you young. When use the Bible we are using seed· Let us be lavish in sowing the And God saw the~e ~<ouls that then immediatelv ru>h to corer (Chapell. llallett. the wires are all down and Ill! that Is precious Even as ~hrist, Word of God and in wilnes,in~. I he;- were good, and he s 1 0 0 d up the glass .with heaYy curtain'

ST. MARY THE VIRGIN i Sunday July 17th: central place of your heart Is Himself is precious because of rememb•rin~ as Pr.ul remind' in the midst of them Hnd he to keer out the bright light. We. Rome is the site of the 1960 (Sixth Sunda)' a(ter Trinity)


Sunday July 24th.: covered with the snows o£ pes- what it and He cost. Ius that he who soweth sparingly. said, the~e 1 will make my wanted luxury and ea,e, and now Olympic Games. R a.m .. HoJ~· communion: 11 11 a.m., Holiness M~eting con- slmlsm and the Ice of cynicism,


. The seed that the peasant went1 sh~ll reap also sparing!). Again rulers: for he sloorl among those are 50 ashamed of it that we • I m .. ~12tins; 4 p.m .. Holy Bap. 'I dueled by Brigadier and Mrs. (with classes for all); 11 a.m., fmeortrhelto Ls·oc\\a'us"'e'aosl p~ehcaitu~tt hn:~ in 1. Cd>orinthi.~~s \ , .. 6 P au- that were spirils, ann he sa\\' ha,·e to hide it The orchil grows from the hsm and Churcbin~ of Women; G. Wheeler; 2.30 p.m., Company Morning Worship· No Tralnln~ Yl""t ld t e 'n remm s us, I ,ye . ~lh ~ot_ seen., that they were good; and he Jo:wrv now and then there is world's smallest seed. 5.30 p.m .. El·ensong. :\lcetlng, classes and activities Union until Sptember· 7 15 cos\f I wou t~os ut"c I as:h g nor e~r hearc. nett ler a\ e en· said unto me: Abraham. I h o u an Ag~ of Troubles, whether it

for all. especially the tlnles; 'J p m Evening Worship: 8.30 watc ut nes~ o~ . : tar o d h'e te:ed mto .the heal'! of man, the art one of them: thou wast be that of war or famine or IT. MICHAEL AND ALL p.m., Great Public Service with p'm'' Youth Fellowship ' ' pefl a

1dsan ~s t e ~113 b 0 1uar IS, thmgs whtch Go~ P!;epared chosen before thou wast horn. ' cnlnmity. Our tragedy is not so

ANGELS Brigadier Wheeler who is w' e'd' ne•diY' · ebbe agamFs wth1 eads ~t Ia! n .dt i pfor 11h~mt tbha_t 10' e. Htmh. The! 'Pearl ol Great Price, Abrnham. ·much that we have tensions. St Cl A • • ro rs or e see 1 se 1 sa mts rm~s m t e wore . . · d d d · Ire Ye. 1 Spiritual Special for the Prov- 7 45 p m Mid-week srrvice 1 · . d . t th 1 nll' ,. .. ~ h . anxJCites. unhnppmess an rea

(fifth Sunda)' after Trlnit)') · d 1 Ill E I' t · · ·• mean gomg own m o e o ·I doubtless he m~Jns not I e 310-22-23, f . .1 .1 .• rather that we 'ilfnce an 1 ra~e ng va~llge 11 fer Bible study and Prayer. ness and coldness of the soil le~st >h~row of dount nhnut it.. 0

1 ~tsst ~s:et f~~tr~ss into which 8 1.~ .• Hoi~· Communion; 11 or the Sa vahon Arm)' WI con- A warm l'nvitation is extend- d th . 1 . g "I' . I 'Jhf I ,,.h h th proJnis- Another class of beir.g,, using lal e no mn r .

I m Sun" Eu•h•rl'•t· 630 pm • tth ,. • db I lh an ele <ytn. te ts m n o " t r·nd ftl"" · .. ~ • " • · · · · <1liC e mee m~ an r nr. e eel to all F 1 tl . d rl'ed !her 1 .. f[ .. ', .•. - 10 . ,1,, 1 t 1 . free a~ency improperly, are we can go o 1 re ~-· E\·ensong and Sermon, Preacher, message from the 'Word of · or un ess le see 1 e ~' · · e.~' '· -·• .e . 1" of more serious concern. .\ he· ·The man without faith has th R v G H Ea 1 \!A L'f,: Th 'II b b 'dht could be no harvest. It was prec hold_ fast the1·rforr ou~· rrnfr>Sl~lll. nowhere to retreat: he has no ~l!nd!_, .• · s;: Ja·m~.·~rt~'. 'cire~t·. 1 c: ere \II_ e. Tl., }e/wvah'• ious therefore because of wha Sowm~ in tho mr,:·l>lng. 'owm~ mg may chQose wisely and well, . th t

c mustc and smgmg w1_t~ B~nd tJ it cost. No less precious in the. se"'l' ot: kindne%. · lhroughout ages of existence. un- mner defenses a ~ce1 f e to~:~~. w~:~~;,d.~~ly Communion. a'ld Songs~ters. parllclpahng, Witnesses same way is the Bible and Jest•s • Sawin" in. t:lc noontide and tllc t!l great progress has been walls are beste,,e . n a~. h:i

personal wttncssmg and an old Even in our day it is no eas) dewv el'e: · ncllicved. and then he may turn: because I here. ts so mu~ t 1 ; 30 a.m .. Holy Communion. I lime prayer battle f_or souls will thing to take one's stand by the I \\'ait;n-; fiJr the hm'I'C>t, and the ar:oinst trut!l and acllve_ly re-- ?"d _mud . a~r umula!ed ~n I \i:.,~

}'rlda~·: St ~lan· Mar,dal~ne. ·conclude _th_ e semees at the KINGDOM HALL, Word of God. 11 often means , 1- 1 · ,, icct ti1at W1Hch made hts n>e nlockod me.s of hts mm< . !130 am H~l" Commun' n 1 49 M 1 A lllle 0 re~nm, · 1 ' rl · f re1rc·ltlll" 111 • · · ·· . 10 ; Temple. Vtsttors to the C ty are orr s venue. lonliness and suffering scoffing': We ~h~IJ come ~eioi:·in~. bring p03siblc and become opposec to .IC 0<pmr~ .· rc!m · ' . ~ .

1 j

7.30 p.m .. E\'en~ong and Inter- im·ited; all are welcome to Sunday, July 24: 1 d d .'. · 'I in'' in the slie'll'es lllosc with whom he was former- to the hell 1\lthm. He ma: •'tl~c cession. 1 come and share the fellowship 7 p.m .. Pub lice Address by C. an erlSIOn. ______ _ _!' · ' · · lr as<ocialed Thi, is not an un- un a trmporm·y wall. but at I e

:of the meetings at The Temple F. Barney: "What Is God's c 0 111 m on cxpericnece amnn~ bl"st of a ~in•n. or 3 sleepless ----------- ~on Springdale Street. Way to Snlvation?": 8 p.m., I Have A Friend i, New Manl}ger human IJeings: it occurs al>o in ,,;~ht. or " drenrl o[ cancer. ~\'~ll Vnil:ed rt~h I - Bible Study, "The Power of rU • the spi>·it world Such ;] chnnge, I hat-like th~ walls of .Je··lcho-

CJTADEL CORPS Kindness" (Luke 8.3~, 36). -- or aposl;1cy, re~ulting [l'om sin come tumhhng down. A

WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS Adem'• Avenue Tuesday, July 26: I have a friend A friend who is I For c of E 'negligence . o[ ctul)'. ambition.' How different is the soul that

GOWER STREET :Major and Mrs. A. Pritchett, 8.30 p.m., Public Addre~s by true I • • ! gre~d. scl!l>hne", Jealousy, 1m· h"s built for itself a >anctu81 ;· ~linister: Rei'. H. \\'. Braine ..


Corps Officers. C. F. Barney: "Dedication, the A friend I can tell every sorrow I , purit;•. or any or the m_any acts within. where his ,trength is God. Will Knock at Your Door Assistant ~linistcr: Rei'. w. E. 11 a.m., Holiness Meeting; Way to Life''. too. Qrmthange that dcfrnt pr!Jgrcs~. such per- regardless of what may happ~r. with Gifts and Greetings Stanford. Dir~ctor of Chr;stian 11.45 a.m., Directory Meeting; Thursday, July 28: I have a friend who slands by t' .


, sons become er.emws of truth. on the out~ide. \\'hen 0 11 r , Education: :•lr. A. E. Hesel- :2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 6.30 7.30 p.m .. Bible Speaking and my side, oppone~ts to pro~ress. NOady ~~ Blcsserl Lord went inlo the Gnr- . fro~ Friendly Business wood. Orl!anist and Choir Di- i p.m., Prayer :'tleeting; 7 p.m, Reading Clas.~; 8.30 p.m., Min· A friend to whom all things -- l use enl to dcf?al good. The l <len of Gcth,amene, His prayer, Netghbours and Your rector: ~lr. D. Osmond. Supply 1 El'angclistic Service. istry Development CIa sa. confide. . ; become persomfted e:·ll. . was not that His Will, but "the ' Civic and Social Groups ~lr. \\'. E. Stanford. I You and your friends ue Theme: "Assembling Still More I have a friend-cne beyond com The Execultre of the Church

1 The story or Luctfer 1s the Father's \\'iii be done." The • f·

11 a.m.. Di\'ine Worship cordially Invited to come and AJ The Day Nears" (Heb. pare of. En!!land Orphanage has ap- ' most terrible ~xample of such men;ure of the faith we hal·e in . On the occasaon 0 • Preachrr, Re1·. \\', E. Stanford worship with us.. 10:24, 25). Oh, World a loyal friend is rar·J pomted i\lr. Clayton Lamg as : apostacy. Luctfer, . son of the th~ Inner Presence of Dil'inity in The Birth of a Baby, Sul>ject. "The Great Remaind- _ Nears" (Heb 10:25). I have a friend who passes the General Manager. of the Or- , morning, through d1hge~t. search. th~ ,oul, is the mea>ure o[ our, New Comer to the City, er Broadcast Radio Station DUCKWORTH STRI!IT We extend 1 warm invitltion test, phanage. Mr. Lamg ~as had , for truth and the use o, 1t, h~d light in darkness and ~trength in l'BC: 11 a.m .• Sunday School in CORPS to all. I have a friend-! am truly twenty years connection w11h become one ol the lo~em_ost m moments ol trial. Those who the :o.lemorila Building: 7 p.m., Major and Mrs. w. Watts, blessed. the orphanage and for th~ past the assembly of those. mnted to hm·e been to the top of the Alps I PHONE 94865 - 90943

ond 3582. Di\'ine Worship. Preacher, Rev.1

Corps Of!icers. Church Of Jesus xFrance Angermayer ten years has been Ass:stant undertake the expenences of : witness that thev hare seen rain \\'. S. Stonford. Subjeet-"A 11 a.m, Holiness Service; Manager. The Executive is of ear t b. But, in that G r -- ---- · -----·---------human tragedy and divine love".!' 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 the opinion that this appoint- Council, his personal ambtt.wn I John Mark." . p.m., Salvation Meetlnl. ChriS' t Of Latter• Prayer ment is both merited and will and love or power overcame h1m.l

WESLEY 1 _ further the value of the work He pilled his own plan and will I :Minister: Rev. V. A. Smith, MUNDY POND CORPS D s • l _ of the institution. In 1959 a I against the purposes o! God. ,

BA. BD. )linister of Visitation: Major and Mrs. E. Necho, ay am 8 Prayer will make a man cease complete survey of the Or-1

He stove to gain the birthl'ight i Re\'. F. G. Weir. Organist: Mr Corps Officers. from sin, or sin will entice a phanage was made by a repre- of his Elder Brother, Jesus. ~he~ E1·an Whiteway, ATC~J. Supply 11 a.m., Holiness Service; (MORMON) man to cease from prayer. sentative of the Social Service Christ. When his proposlhon !

Organist. ·'liss Gcorcie :'tlills. 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 Vlctorll Hill, Gower ltrllt Bunyan Council of the Anglican Church was rejected, he fo~~ook all tha~ I 11 a.m., and 7 p.m., The Salvation Meeting, 8.45 a.m., Priesthood Meet· or Canada (Toronto) and the , he had gained, wou not repen1 i Minister. _ 1 S following is an extract of the 1 Qf his sin, defied truth. and 0

ng; 10 a.m., unday School; Thought For Th report submitted: "Clayton : necessity lost his place among I, ~IOU NT PEARL CORPS 11 a.m., Sacrament Meetlng, e 1 11 f G d He \ •as no COCHRANE STREET (Glendale) Laing is making an unique con- 1 the fo owe~s o o . 1 1

He\'. L. A. D Curtis, B.A., 11 a.m., Holiness service: Christian Science Day tribution to the life of the. in· !longer Luctf~r, ~~are~ of tr~th, 1

, B.D., :\linlster,· Dr. Davld ~ 2 30 p m Sunday· School· 7 p m stitution. Not only is he ef!ec· 1 who walked m hg t, ut s_aka· ~; Pe-ters, L.T.C.L., Organist and S~lvatlo~ Meeting, ' · '' We keep the faith by our testi tive in his office but his tech- teacher of untruth, who slm e .. Choir Director: :\I iss Edlth Come and WorshiP- you mony to the power or God In our nieal skill is an asset and his in darkness. He became the Bolton, Deacone~s and Dlree 111 b J (Corner Rennie'• Mill Raid lives. long an intimate connection enemy of God and of oil who tur of Christian Education. ~lty ~o~:s.come at any or the •nd Empire Avenue) with the institution has de· try to walk according to t h c

11 a.m .. Worship. Rev. Dr. H Sundly: PHRASE ORIGINATION veloped a special type of re- Lord's ~oinmand~ents. 0 n e-l\1. Dawe: 7 p.m., Evening Wor- 11 a.m., Sunday Service, Sub- loinong the 1nclenll, the rose sponsibi!ity which cannot be third of the spmts present m a hip. Our special guest preach Pentecostal ject of Lesson Sermon: Truth; was 1 symbol of aeereey, 1nd bought with money. Clayton that vast assembly su~ported tr will be the Rev. nr. Fred 11 a.m., S11nday School for when a host bung 1 rose over Laing plays a role in the life Satan and became enemt~s ol Sass, :\(inister of the Niagara· pupils up td the lge of 20 years. hll table his gueata understood of the boys which is wholesome the ~ruth that,. they _had formerly I on • the • Lake, Presbytei'Rn ELIM TABERNACLI Wednllday: that everything aid was in and helpful to them." chemhed .. ~tlh htm ~hese re-ch h N. 0 ta 1 8 p.m., Meet1n1. -nfldenAe, Hence Aame the bellious sptnts lost thm fellow-

urc ' taRara, n r o. 147 Cuty Strllt S1turd1y: w " " sh'tp \\'t'th the \'aliant sons of I ST. JAMES phr1ae "IUb ros1," meaning "un

(Now Wonhippln•·lt Macpber- Wm. Oliver, Paator. 3-4.30 p.m., Free Readinll der the rose." God. What is more, they lost son Acad~my) 10.05 a.m., Old, Old Story- Room. E .. - N J OY the privilege of obtainin_g bodies !

VOCM• 11 a m Morning Wor of flesh and bones, wtth o u t : Minlsltr: Rev. D. L. Brown ' · ·• • T I B.A., Organist: . Miss Sandra' ship; 2.45 p.m., Sunday School; rinJity Lutheran The many friends of the Rev which they cannot gain f u 11 .

7 P m Evlngeliltlc Dr. Fred Saa will be glad to power over the forces of the un- I

HALIFAX s36.oo one-way Tourist

H•·nes-, Choir Director·. Dr·. C. · ·• • L lVI NG ' W k 1 ht l 11 d bear that he Ia apendlng a holi iverse. In the face' ol that de- · W. Cho. d 1

1c n g serv ceatincance e Church day In St. John's at the present feat, and that curse, they have -11. a.m., 'lornlng Worship. ur ng camp mee gs at . I d I I " M 11 t me, an wll be preach ng 1t sought from Adam to the present Servi.Ae will be conducted con· lnue • + • c d w h' Sl David's Presbyterian Church . ·'. · l'tme lo corrupt mankind ond de-dueled by 1\lr. J. Downey While orne an ora tp. (M-•1.... • p w c A Lt d 1 -• ...,. a. • • • nnes · Sun ay, Ju y 24th 11 11 a.m. ser feat the Lord's purposes.

the lllnlster 1nd his family are Fir&t Bap~;., Marcblnt Ro1d and Buten vice. This aetviee will be broad 9n \'lcllion. ..,,. Bill) c1st over VOCM. Dr. Sass wil Frt'endsh'tp


(Barters Hill entr1nce) also give the aermon at the ST. PAUL'S PASTORAL · .. !r Chureh Rev. Wm. Kurachlnskl, Pastor. evening service at 'I o'clock 1t Frirndship a peculiar boon of

-. CHARGE (8bth Sund1y after Trinity) Cochrane Street United Church s w I M heaven, BL Paul'a, Bllckler Ave. 1 9,30 a.m., Sunday School; 11 Dr. S1ss returns to his own Th bl · d d 1' ht d

... ID'·t Ro Till Th I I e no e mm e tg a n • "' er: Y er. 104 Pertutlel Ceve It~ 1.m., e Serv ce. Lt. Fred congreg1tion 1t St. Andrew's pride, Oraanbt, Mr. H. R. Burton. Bev. r. c. J'elltrly, B.A. Gtlltlfl U.l. Naval Station, Ar- Presbyterian Church, Niagara 8 A_ r E. _•v To men and angels onl)' given,

11 1.m., Minister; 2.30 p.m., Sund1y le"ICHI 1entlt-Guest Preacher. on the Lake, at the beginning 'tJIIIIr II J' To a! the Jowzr world denied. Sundl7 School; 'J p.m., Mr. An· 11.41 a.m.. Sunday leh®l You are invited te worlhiJJ of August. Samuel Johnson

I til


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'· · .. · . · ... ,

... ··. -·. -,': ,~·:

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_,.-_ : ):· · .... ..

.... . .. _

. '

..... ~' . . .. · .~ ~ .. : ·~· .. ,.

·-· .......


• To makr this Youth Parade

as interesting a~ possible we need YOUTH to hdp. We need outside reports. We need little news items from our out or town Youth. We need lots nf gossip, wonder-whnts and guess· who's to interest other youths. This is indeed too much work for one person to handle alone, so, come-on and gil'e me some

We're Go'na Rock, Ro,k, Rock,

fHE DAILY NEWS, ~T. JOliN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY", J~~·.y 22, 1960

Till Tomorrow Night

~c' r ~· s·,·::m tllanc. Don't swim after tlark. \\'ail until one hour after

mctll'i h:.•t'orc swimn,:ng. ': Don't .<land \'P in a :-m:;i bool. i Oon"l chan;:e places in a :mall : boat. , S·:,'im in a supc~·\·:.~c~ ~wint· 1 min~ area. ~ 1 Superri.'C children at all

times when n~ar the 11 at cr. H your ho;,l ovcrll!rr:s. don't

swim to the shore. JlA!'\:, 0::-1. Ah1·a~ s he COl!TtCOUS \'."hen

nc;or \Ill' water. fJon't puotl people into lh"­

i w~l~r. ,·our playfulness ma:: lt·ost a llfr. I ---------

1 Yesteryear's Tops ' i The nation's top ttmes on re· I cortls a~ rrJJorted in The

Ritlboard By BILL WESTCOTT 11"( luh ::~ml and just ~~ I prnmisrd. hcrf' wr ~re h~ck

''"''' o~::.::n with anotlwr t•clitinn nf Youth l'~rade lor cur l••uth•ul ri'.Hil'l'~· It's :;ood to ht• hack agHin ;tftcr an .thr~ot·r ,,( two 1\C'!'ks (liKillion) whiL-h I thoroughly rn·. l"'rd. I h,11r illl r\t·c•llt•ttl H'porl on my holiday and am: :l.od tr n·po'rt that rn·r~·thing, including the weather, was

help. ! Mail all lellers. news items,

etc .. to, Bll.L WESTCOTT. The DAILY NEWS

See you In church on Sun­day and please be real careful thi8 weekend.

.._ __ "''. . . .. ROC.I\ 'N' HOLL-On ~lnn<laY ni)!ht. July I Sth. n joint rock 'n' rnl! dance was hdd at. the St. ~~ichacl's Sch~::l :\mlitorium in hnncnn· nf the lnuulrt•cb nf mol-of -town stml t•JilS :tltt•tulm~ Snnnncr School m St .. Johns. Pho~o sho s indir;~tiun

0[ tht• !(oo<l tinu· which was had hy nil. Jt•rr~· llolitik\ CaYalicrs Orche,tra suppltr<l the.' mustc.

A Visit To The C. l. B. Junior Camp

' .JL'LY 9. 195:i 1. enchained Melody. 2. Cherry Pink and Apple

Blu"om While 3. Rock Around the Clork. 4. Learnin' the Blues. 5. Blossom Fell. 6. Some! hin;;'s Gotta Girt.

''"t rl~loth. \p11 · th.ot 111• ha1·r ht'l:nn pnhlishin~ Youth Parade

H ~.oin lr• n1r rcln·sh your mPmory on a frw things rei at- The Rosetta Stone, key to the

7. Ballad of Davy Crockett. 8. Honey Babe.

I) "1 c: to nur eoluonn. language or ancient Egypt, was

F1r>t. th1s weeki~· t•olumn will · ------· found by 1 French officer of ,.,..., _ ............ -............................ ..

'"'' •••• -·~oROOfO•••'" "'''"''''~.-"''"'"''-'••''':"··--·".~~Ur'":"'""7', .:----..... -.· ... -., - .. :•••::· ... -,-~ ,,,,.,.~·-.--.-· .. -1 . . - . '•! !l. Dance With Me. Hrnry.

10. Heart.

br pusli>hctl Cl'rf)' Frida)' in Nopolcon's engineering corps, the future 1 no more Saturday want to know, what you would I in 1799, ncar the Rosetta Ril'er. Nrer> unt1l Srptt•mbcrl. we· like to see published on this ! "1ll nnrr a>k ~·our ~upport. This i P~J:e and any eomme.nts or crili· "Lagan," is ship parlance is· ,-..,tumn ., for \'Ot' the YOL'TII mm holh construcli\'C and de· i ship car~o whkh is sunk with i Ar.<l of• up 1n ~·nu to supply the, ~truclil'e will be welcome at any the definite pintenlion of re· [ rr~ '· r~r Lc_t us know what you 11m e. I co1·ering it !~t:_r._ I

Here You Are 0 ld Chap ·

:\ VISIT TO C.L.B. CA~IP :\ )(l'mt}l ol C.L.B. hoys pose with their Governor nml Comm;mrl:mt

durint: his Yisit to the Junior Camp on \Ionday afternoon, July Left tu ril:ht: L.C. Wayne \oseworlhy. 8~11 Islm.lll; L.C. lblph :"_ell, _Bell band: L.C. Gurdon Downton,. St. John's: L.C. John Fowlt-r, I· ox_ 1 rap:

Jl'L Y 8. 19~0 1. Third ~Ian Theme. 2. Bewitched. 3. l \\'anna Be l.o•. rd. 4. ;ty Foolish Heart. 5. Hoop-Dec-Doo. 6. ~luna Lba . 7. Sentimental ~lr.

' 8. Old Piann Roll Rhtr,. 9. I Don't Care If the Sun

Don't Slune . 1 10. Count Erery Star.

Why Don't You Laugh

Why don't you latdt. <lc:tr ho)s. \\'hen trottbk; com~

Instead of sitli!lg 'round SO sottl' :lnd ,:!lum~

You t•annot han' all play . J\nd sunshine e1·cry da~·:

' \\'hen trouble' come I say. why don't you lau~h?

Wh~· don't you lau~h. dear girls'! ·t,l'i11 ercr help tQ

soothe The aches and pain:;. ::\o road

in Efe is >mooth: Tll~re·s many an unseen

hump. And many a hidden ~t•unp

rrrr which you'll ha\'e to jump. Why don't you lau~lt"~

\\'hy don't rou la\!~11'' Don't lcf )'our spirits wilt:

Don't >it and rry because tht milk you gplit:

H )'Oil would mend it noll' Pray let me tell you how:

.Just milk another cow: \\'hJ don't you lau~h:

. \\'h~· tlott'l you l~11~h. and makt 1

us all lau~h. ton. 1 And keep us mortals from 1 getting blue'!

...... _______ ... . ... -·.. ______ ....... - -----.. ------ A laugh will alll'ays win:

I..C. Wm. T. Dawt•, Fox Trap: :md Air ~Iarshal Sir Auhrc~ B. h!lwooc! (lkt"cll, I\. C. B .. J).S.C., Governor and Cmmnmlllant of the Church Lads

Lift•guards anrl swimmers at Bowring P~rk s11·immin!-( pool practice lilt-hun~· throwin~- The life sal'ing ~uardmanship at the Park s11·innning pool is trrrific this yrar. (\lax \lercer Photo) .... ------ -·--- Safety On The I

• I the haunted room in the old, If you can'.t laug~.ju>t :;r~~-

c I t C L B Here b · k h •II of which are in Come on lets all ,totn w: ''hY __ close proximity. will not dis· 011 ~ou. a-~~----- .. -Omp e es . , . I nc ouse, • d 't . 1 "I •

1 'J'Rl:-i!TY -A part of the

11. turb their slumbers.

Remarkable Sa mmv. Davis Highway "RACK THE AT'f.\CK"

The Wonders Fo:r The T h·lrd T·lme . B isd~~::ersb';~:n who will he

• A is for a safe automobile

ti IR 1

:-iorthcrn Battalion of the ·picked a~ ~Iaine's honorary 'uourse Church Lads Brigade 60 111 all.. )lt\INE Gt:EST millionth 1·isitor Saturday. H( o( all ranks, 50 from Grand PORTLAND, Me. - liP - is the first Canadian so honor-

0 T At T Falls ~nd 10 rrum Eaotport ar· Eric Lei~hton.- a 39-year-uld 'cd in the annual promotional • I • or. :rived here by train on Monday gtatistician for' the Canadian contest although Canadl~ll'

I 18th. They immediately went .International Paper Company ma~e up the largest block of into camp. The tents had al- • of Trois Riviercs, __ -~u_e_:'_~ .. )~~~~:_~acali~~~rs._

• always in tunc I

CAN HE MAKE 1\lartin. Tony Curtis, Peter Law- C is for chicken a r.amc we'll, ready been set up. and the , --.. ·.;;-;;·;;,-;;;-;;-~··.;;;·-;;;;;-;;.· ,;,;;.;;;;.;;;;.;,;;;.;;;;;;;;;....-..;,..;,..;,_-. ___ _

grounds prepared by an advance i squad wlmh came a day or ford, Joey Bishop and others. ne1·er play 1

But beyond the comfort of the K is for keeping temper from i clan, he's often been terribly I running away. I

E · rebuffed and insulted in thea- I

T H MAG I C WoRK 11 tres, restaurants, shops and on I T is fm· !ires a spot that should : the street. I he checked

"You know," he told The Tele· H is for head-lights-let's make '

By R0:-1 EVANS beinJ: perhaps the world's real· , gram. "just when you think . them correct i . Sammy's done it again. For est living entertainer is a ~hort you have it beat, something E IS for ey~s that arc always · .·


A is Cor alertness - keep this ' the second time within seven one-eyed Jewish Negro with ~ ha~pens. . , on the road. months. Samm)' Da\'is Jr .. brash face that looks like it stopped . ~~e)' JUst won I let you ly announced plans to marry a shovel. , hve.. . 1 hlondc white girl. Inside the night clubs, this S~1ll, 1t seems •. Sammy k~eps

Immediately he was up to 5" 5", 130-pound wonder, who hopmg. the mag1c that ~·pes hi~ ears in trouble. earns more than $1,ooo,OOO a away. h1s col~r on. stage will al-

ln London. where he called year, can bring roaring crowds so ehck outs1de. Ftrs~, two years 1 press conference to tell the to their feet, not caring whether ago, h~ started ~atmg blonde world or his intentions to mar- he'8 black, green or blue. star K1m Nova~ m Hollywood. ry sl'elte Swedish movie actress outside he's just a little man The romance dtd not la~t long :Mai Britt. Sammy was the vic· with skin the wrong color. And an.~ recently Sa_mmy sa1d:

:lim or 1 sickening vicious at- he knows it The only cr1me there was :·tack by a gang or Fascist bully- "This," he. has said, "is the that because of small-minded · 'ho)·s who followed him through thing that's always just around people ~e could n~~er be seen

the streets hurling insults over the corner" 111 pubhc together. a loudspeaker. He's the. darling of that ex- Then, last November in ~!on!·

code : \ ..... ••· .. · · · T is for traming in dril'ing 1

' 0: · skill •

T is for traffit• accidents that '·• happen still ; '

A is for alcohol drivers should : . not drink · ' .. ·· ·

C is for control-don't act be- 1• ·

. fore yo~• .think 1 • · K 1s for k1llmg bad dri1·ing 1

won't pay Let's BACK THE ATTACK I

and start it today.

•. Last week they set the wed· elusive, high-living Hollywood real, Sammy announced h1s en· -~4\ng for October. circle known as "the clan" - gagement to blonde Toronto IC you ha1•e a cold, don't ''isit · · For Sammy Davis, besides formed by Frank Sinatra, Dean dancer Jo~n Stuart. Sammy a friend in hospital. A person _______ _:.. _ __:___:_:_:.:..:.=:..:.:..::..::=..:::::::,::.:.:...::: was ~he f1rst to a~knowled~e in a weekened co nd ilion may :

the disapproval of ~ilss Stuart 5 I have less resistance to any or I parents and, he sa1d, he knew I the group or respiratory ail­there were some . pa~ts of the ments. Don't sit on his bed or U. S. (such as llbaml) whe~c jar him. These are little things he could. n?t even d~re hol~ hls but to anyone wh•l is confined whit~ Wife s hand 111 pubhc. to bed, it can be disturbing

-. Big Ten Sh,ll, he was dcterm1n~d • · · Hospital visits can be a great

for 11ve months. ~ast Apr1l S~m- pleasure to the patient but dif· my. broke the, enoagcmen.t With· . Cicult for the nurse if you stay out any pubbc cxpla~nbon. too long, overstay your visit

Your Top

(1) ALLEY OOP .................. Dante

New he ~ays he Will marry or present the patie t ·u and fhc Ever ... eens the beaubful, golden-haired d' h t ~ WI


,. Miss Britt (who stands 4" tall· goo leS t a are forbidden.

two prcl'iously. Their camping site is in the

lower extremity of the town between the Court House and . the Garland Road and in close


11roximity to the old historic . • Lester · Garland house probably • 200 1·cars old. The spot is well · rhos~n. clear ol motor traffic 1

and the consequent road dust, 1 and a large acreage of common • land on which to play and exer·

1 cisc and salt water beaches a ·hundred feet or so away.

Officers in charge o! the · Camp arc:

· Camp Commandant. Capt. S. : W. Lemoine; 2-lC-Capt. R. P. 1

: Hillier; Camp Chaplain, Rei'. V. I Cluett; Adjutant, Lieut. W. .T. i Pond; Quartermaster, Lieut. •

: \Vm. Collins; P.It.O .. Capt. R. ! i J Hillier; Training Officer. Of- I : ficer Cadet H. Cross; Camp Sgt.· 1 ~lajor. Sgt. :llajor L. ~loss; '

1 Camp Cook, Sgt. H. Willis. 1

, Also in Camp is Major G. F. ~ ·Lemoine Officer Commanding . Central Battalion.·. ,

On Sunday the Company will I

have attended Divine Service at Paul's Church, Holy Communion at 8 ~latins at 11 and a Drum ! Head service at 3. and Sir · Aubrey Ellwood, Commandant and Governor of the CLB will have visited the Camp on .Tues­day 26th.

The Brigade are camping here for two weeks. During that

i time a Sports Day is planned. Miss Margaret Williams an 1 and also. a Garden Party and

Occupational Therapist at the . dance. ·

er than he in her stocking of maniac or something. Well, feet). I'm not.

(2) E\1ERYBODY'S sm.IEBODY'S . FOOL .............. . . .. . .. . ......... Connie Fmncis

(3) Bl!:CAUSE .THEY'HE YOUNG ......... Dwane Eddy (4) ~IULE SKINNEH BLUES .................. Husty Draper (5) Cr\TIIY'S CLO\VN · • 1 .......................... Everly Brothers (6l PAPER ROSES .. . ............................... -Anita Bryant (7) ONLY THE LONELY . . .........•.... Rov Orbinson ~8) TIHT'S ALL YOU .. GOTH DO ...... Brenda Lee

Miss Britt told reporters: "I'm an ordinary guy. I'm "I just love him. He fascin· like every other guy. Being on

ate me. I don't know what to the stage isn't the be-all and say. end-all of life.

And Sammy, a warm, Joyal, "Sometimes the performance sensitive and brave man, who ends and you start being a hu­apparently believes the magic man being. You have to go may yet work, says: some place and if you haven't






e MISSES' Sizes 8~ ~ - 3 ........................ $2.98 e BOYS' Sizes 8 1 ~ - 3 ............................ $2.98 e LADlE&' Sizes 4 - 9 ............................ $3.95 e MEN'S Sizes 6 - 11. Reg. price up to $9.95

NOW $3.95.

(9) ~URN lNG BHIDGES ..... ·... . .. ...... .. . .... jack St'Oit · (10) I ".I SORRY . . ... Brenda Lee

(Supplied through the courtesy of VOCM) "A lot or people have the a home and a wife, that can be

impression that I'm some kind real lonely. I know it."

Hospital for Mental and Ner-1 Trinity is happ)' to have the 1

vous Diseases, recently com- 1 C.L.K in their midst and ex· pleted a course in O.T. at the 1

1 tends to them a warm welcome,

Ontario Hospital, Kingston, , and hopes that the weather Ontario. She was also awarded 'gods will beam their smiling the prize for General Efficicn-~ rays upon them, and that 1he cy, a trait which she display- nightly hooting of the owls, and played throughout the entire flying bats in the old Garland course. (.Max Mercer Photo) garden and the eerie sounds of !._ _____________________ •

~:- ·. -~-~ . : :.~ .f .. • .. . :- .t ~ ' . .... ~ • • o. I . ' '-,. . . . . ~--; _;t .. ·-.'

'. ~! ~ -..~,.;. . . ., -. · ..... ·. -·~ . ·- "' ...........

... --.. _. '""'t"' ~. . ... ~.

- .\. : . ~-:

. ·. i

. _c:' .. : ~·-;

,I .. ·. ;.

·. . .... ·~ . . '

~ .. ' ' . ~I -· . . . . -:-- ., . . : I . -->-·~ - · .. ·;





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. . '·

.1~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TH~~~ NEWS, 8. JOHN~. NFLD., FRIDAY, JU~ 22, 1%0 .. <

:One Hitter By Roberts; rPhillies Blank Giants

Take Wins; Big Games Today

5.'..'1 FRA.~CISCO <API - Vet· . i hold on first place in the Na· wan Robin Roberts blanked San 1 tiona! League, erupting for six Two Semi -Final ~Aa.tches · Are Set rrancisco on one infield sing!~ : runs in the sixth inning Thurs. 'ftursday as Philadelphia Phil· 1 day and scoring a 9·4 vit1ory. »• ~t the Giants 3·0. The loss was the Braves' first in

A paid crowd of 1,561, smallest eight games. . i . ever ill Candlestick Park, plus The Braves seemed well on ~-f,at ,oungsters, watched the 32· their way to win with starter }IIHid Roberta sllll\ the door Carl Willey coasting along on a a the Giant bid for a fourth one-hitter with a 3·0 lead until . · lllrailht victory. Roberts fanned the sixth. eilht Giants. i Then the Cardinals worked

. He walkfd Dilly one In a near By THE CANADIAN PRESS I Willey nnd two successors for JW(ect pitching performance- American League I three hits and [our walks, and 1111 'ailltb victory of the campalrn N y k W L Pel. GBL, the Braves' infield contributed .Pinat nine setbacks ' ew or 4B ~7 .SII!i -


' two errors and Willey himself a It marked the 35th 'shutout lor Chicago 49 • ·570 1 bnlk while 12 Redbirds came to

'l.oberta who broke in with the' Clel'eland 46 37 .5'i4 2'1 bat. Pf1i1a 111 1948. It was his second: B~lhmore 48 42 ·533 4 I Cardinal ~la11er Larry Jack·

.· .r t!lliO, the first a S·O triumph 1 \\ashington 41 42 .4;'4 7:; son won his 12th l'ictory or the Mtr Cincinnati July 5. I Detroit 41 42 .4.14 7 • season against eight losses, al·

'!'tit Phil~ collectffi 10 hits off 1 ~oston . 3.1 5! ·~3 1~, though he was lifted during a tour san Francisco hurlers. I Kansas \1t~ 3t 3- ·313 1• •/ minor Brn\'es' rally in the

R11bert5 pit$ed hitless hall un. !'lnhnnal. Lcnguc , eighth. Lindy ~lcDaniel, who np· til two were out in the fifth. Then \I 1• P_ct. GBL: peared in all three gan:es o[ the '·li- .~lou slammed II bount·er l'itlsbur~h .;2 3o .. >98 - 'series [inished. Loser was Wil· Ll\'1: BE:'\CH-~Iemhrrs or the :\lknto\\'11, l'a .. Ea,lC\'11 •~ ,.. ~II'Iwaukce 4~ :r;; .583 11• ley, 'n'ow 4·4. - '! L"'''"'ll"' l'"'!l S11x· cv"'n toward third .• Joe ~!organ ~tepped • , ,.. , ,, , hrou?;ht cameras for n )ll'l'· ~;lmt• bloc:!.;, tlabbtd t~ hard hit hall Los An;:eles ~ 40 ·529 6 I LOS ANGELES IAPl - Ha 'swimsuit fashion show nl :t\lax Hr~s Stadium Ka\' \loltr on lhr lir$t hop hut fell to the Sl. Louis 43 41 .55129 76,. :Smith hit t~\·o ho~lcrs for lhe. orcts the full treatment us the model llfance; ll\,' till' dn~-JI'OUnd and it was scored as a San Fran 41 · 2 .1> second straight mght Thursd.w, "' t aill&le. Cincinnati 40 46 .465 11'2 as Pittsburgh dropped Los An· . ou •

Philadelphia jumped on Gi:ml Phila 35 5~ ·402 17 . gelcs 4-1 behind the fi\'e · hit -·---- ·--·----------- ... -· Jtarter .lack Sanford in the third Chira~o 32 52 ·3111 181': pitching of Vernon Law .. A cro:vd 1

:~~~~~~ :~~1o ~:~~r t~hee~o~:: ~IILW.~UKEE-i.~r)=st.'Lois I ~~e!~~93 t~~~ch~att~~~~r~:~g~~~ I Bally H a I y G· 0· mf .,·enin~ hi~ record at 8·8. Cardinals blasted ~liiwaukee's, lead to 1 "2 games after blowing · ~ cr.-:CJ:\:'>/ATI ( AP 1 - Chira!(o. bid for at least ·a temporary two straight here.

Cub~ ~ot another fine pitching -------· ptrformanrt- Thursday as Bob I T G d T 8 The annual Field Day will br .par>on,. \\'. E. l'!'!<•l's and )Irs. Andtrson held c inc in nali to Da ey 00 00 0 e held on Saturday, July 2Jrd,: A. Sh!•;!. l!f\"en hits while hi~ mates , followed by a danrc in the 1 H. \1'. >I. >lnorhou.,, .. D. ~1. pounded Bob Purkey and Bob. t · CI'C~ling. The events and com· • Clouston and 'lr< .. I. I'm<' ~'' f:rim for an R·l nctor)'. Traded To Th..fllo Van -~ees : prlltors arc as follows. 'II. Fl'dCr. .r. An<i!'l''llll and


Jh f:E<mGJ-: :\E:\L l·:xdu;h e Tn The 11ailv :\r·ws

BHIDCEW:\TEI\. :\'.S.-1 \l' ~ot ·twn hi!( matches thi\ aftcrnann. Doug House nnd I play in th~ :O.Icn's Doubles scmi-fin:~ls. and ri!(ht after, Kathy Tcmplr:ton :~nd I sec :1ction in the :t\lixcd Doubles semi-finals. In both matches 1 we'll he- the lop seeded twosomes. I· '

Kathy and I mo\'cd into the ~-~- ·- - - .. ·-·--- ·-·--· '.lixcrl s~mi-Finals with a vic· ory o\'cr Barry \\'oodworth and .\nn Hills of Ilalif<~X. We took ·he first ;ct fi-2 anrl Wl'rr ex· \rmlPrl in the sceond s!'t for a :-5 win. Thnt was in quartcr­:·inal play. so we're two wins ·may from a t1tlc.

Tlw quarter-final~ or tlw ""n's llnllhil·~ put Doug and I ~~~dn··d K<'\'in ~JunJlty a1HI

I , . Lnrry \Vnrd of Halifax. \\'c didn't hal'c too much tr<Ht'ole with fi·l and ti-0 wins. Lik,• i the ~!ixed Doubles thi.; has so t playing in the semdin<1ls. f

Our opposition in lhr semi· \ finals of the :\len's Doubles will be th~ hest up here. Bill Reggen ann Jim Cf1u,gh!an are seeded first ann l go alon~ with lhPir rlwire. \\'c pia)· :;t 2.110 p.m. to·d:Jy.

1 tram up with K;•lh)· nfr the :\liXl'll llnuiJIPs sl·mi-fi;ml< and while it'll he t1•·n ~trai~ht ~anws for Ill<'. thr sanw \':ill go tor Bill Re~:gcn. Till' ~!1:\NI llouhl~> is set lor ~.30 p.m. as Kathy and I l:1~r He~g!'n and .Jurly Shahspean•.

i\s in thr ~hin·s })oublt~s gaa~r our oppmwnts are first seeded anrl that means a lot. I think if we get past the s!'mi-finals we'll ha\'e a gnorl ci1auce at th!' croll'llS.

thP L:ulir>' Douhll's yesterday. Th(•)' lost H·:l and 7-5 after tak· in~ a default \'IC\Ory. OUr pby maybe finished up today. \\'e hqpc not. In any Hent if ,,.c win this afternoon we'll ph:· our finals Saturday and that will complete the tourna· menl.

,e Rfds did not ~et a man to lO '" .1

· ~IIXIm GHEENSO~IES : ~lrs. V. (;raham. first ba~e until two were out in , , . • Start at No. 1 Tee at 2 p.m. c;. ll. Srriom. n .. T. nr .. ,•n h fifth innin~. NE\'_ YORK. c 1'> F.A l - As i to t~e Yankees or any other

1 finish at No. 15. anrl Jlr.<. A .. J. Dunn1• 1·, T. 'L •·

Finals in both sPclions will likely be playr<l on Saturday. In anv ewnt we arr makin~ our r~vcrsatinn< to Jcal'c '•n· home on Sunday. \l'r'rr all ''H>king forward lo the tennis , lmil's w1th George 'lans!irld.

Kathy anrl Karen went out of

T:1e pa3l week has been won· rlrrful for all of us. \\'e'vt ll'arn••d plenty ahout tcnni1 and played again3t some fine players. Doug still has the Hiwrdnle :\len's Doubl~s finals eoming up and what with the clinies there should be a ten· ni.s-fillrrl week in store for all o[ us next week.

ICiin~t seven defeats. , line approached. Frank Lane, • • • • . ! Olil'er 20 v> ~Irs. F. J. OLeary A. Bennett. uorc; norsE 11 11·as .~nderson·~ third victory the maJor league tradmg dead·~ outf1l. i :lli>s L. Winter and L. A. )Ia\ tin. l' I'. llnnrood and ''~''·

Purker. the Rrds' 1 e ad in g the old ~.~~·~·eland provocateur, Daley 1s .a ru~~ed a~pean~g · a111i G. c. Baird 22. v. Gr<1ham . .T, A. ~lr1·h:m an<i pitcher. now !1-6, floundered cracked: \\hen arc the Yan· lcfl·hand Pilcher standm.r: SIX·i ~Irs. J. R. l'al'sons and E. :llrs. ,J. R. l'ai'>OII< I.< D .. \n· m,;1:• B b ll L through ~ 1·~ innin~s be[ ore the kees l!~ln~ to c~ll '.',P Bud Dairy i ferl·onc who appears shmm~r · ~lanchul 25 vs ~Irs. A. J. Dunne drrson. c;. R. B:1ird and 'Ir<. F. 1, ll n 0 ,_.. as e a eagu es eu~ climbed nil o1·er h1m. He from Kansas Cit~·" . than Ius 185 pounds. There IS, and J. M. Bradshaw 22. J. O'Leary . il''f up ei~ht hit.•. four runs. And don't think the New· only a thinning fringe of li.ght ~Irs. v. Graham and N. Allan D. L. Forbes . .T. B. \l'il,on --------------------------------Jrit two batters and committed York club wouldn't if it could.! hair on an otherwise hnld head.' 20 vs ~Irs. J. Price and D. R. ;md 'lrs. D. H. Bc1inl 1·s :\. -a balk bt>fore Bob Grim took' The Yankees required an· He is a knuckle baller ·with Baird 25. ,\lla·l. A. :11. Goollrid~c and PO:'iY LEAGl'E Churchill Park 110.30 Tige~s \'S. Sunbeams. "'~ in the ~e\'~nlh. other pitcher. Because of this cun·cs of two different speeds ~Irs. Peruse and D, Anderson :llr>. II. AITc. f.'ity llall Park Two shutouts were registered 2.30 Pepsi vs. Reddys .

Chicago scored six runs hl'fore and lhc multiple deals between and who throws pretty hanl. 22 1·s ~Irs, D. H. BairuC:lllll J. A. l'. 11. i·onrn)·. L. A. Olil"rr For IIH' "·l'ond gamr in a in Little J.ea;ue at Churchill' Churchlll Park that innin~ ended. Eleven batters them and their comins on the For a stkkout performer. he ~lceban 25. nnrl :lli'·' L. \\'intt•r ~< E. '.Ian· t•ow. llnh llnwrlen lo<t hi< shut· Park yestcrclay afternoon b~·: 2.30 Cardinals vs. Dunlop~. went to lh~ plnle. . · plains. there was consirlerable: has knocked around_ more than :lliss A. O'Reilly :md v. Gra· ehul. .!. :11. Bra1bh:ll a:Hl s .. 1. out ;11 the fum! frame in Pony the Lions and Dunlops. 4.00 Red Sox vs. Rams •

Jerry Lynch spoiled Ander- talk of a. bul. for Budd)' Leo somewhat. but oll\'lousl~· was harn 22, \'s :\Irs. G. ~lcXar.lara Br~g~. Lca~nl' a! the 'nail Park. In the first encounter Lion,. Victoria Park d 1 ton's bid for a ~hutout with a Dal~r. wh1ch 1s the way hr wns an excellent student learning to and D. J. Breen 14. In addition to th•· ahcrc YP;terda)· morning lloh threw led h)· the excellent pitehing' lO.:lO Half Pints "~- Ayre a es • homt run in th~ ninth. II wa~ cln."tcncd 27 years ago. throw strikes the ha~d way. lli:; ~Irs. if. A,;Te ann G. R. thel·e will he llrivin:: .. \pproaeh a splendid no-hitter to lead his of Wayne Bradbury blanked: 2.30 Sporters vs. Dodgel'l. }lis fifth o! the season. So w easkcd Parke C'arroll.' strongest attnbute IS thai hr Se\'iour 22 1-s ~lrs R Bennett <1nd Putting compel it ions. Ileum. Indians. to a 17·1 shellack· Ram.< 10·0. :

DETROIT I API- Detroit Ti· the onr-time Kansas C'ity sports' knows how to piteh and hr has and J. And!·~s 1;11 22. · , ing oH•r the Dodgers. 1 Bradbury allowed only one; ~trs built ."P enou~~ earl)· lr.1d \\Tiler. who runs the baseball: the ncne of. a burglar. . ~Irs. A. Shea and H. Feder Indians drew 13 walks in the' hit nnd fanned fourteen batters! Ill off~et \\ashm~ton s late hillllC OPl'raiiOn there, about the SitU· At the maJor !eagar trarlm:; 13 \'S :\irs D Landri"illl and I G 11 d r Clll'OUnlcr and rr"istcrcli twcnll' for the \'ictory. The one hit! run JlO"~er and defeated the St'll· ati.~n. . . . : deadline, Ihiey had won eight ,ll. '1. hon.stol; 22. ~· I a ao e Olll' ~(olen ha!'e; during th~ came from the bat of Rams i lllo~ !1-o Thur>d_~y. . It IS mhculous. to say that; games and los~ two for a sr1·enth i .\I iss E. ~lunn and H. \\'. ~!. . ~a me while hal' in~ three base r~al!'her .Jerry ~ralone w~en hr,

.hm lemon h1t his 22nd >1nd any h~llpl~~·cr Will not b(\' p!aee club \l'llh nn l'arnrd·rUn 1 ~Joorhouse 23 vs :\Irs. G. llibils w• 1\ • tl j1its. 1 doubled to left centre f1eld In· !!3.rd hom~ _runs ~nd Harmon traded •• snld General Jllnnacer l average of 2.!i8. He had started! and \\'. E. Peters li. . lll s 1 e . Dowden hit a long lriple into. the first inning. . I Killebrew hiS c1~hth. hut _all Carroll. "l douhl. that thPre. are 12 games. ~ompletrd fh·e an~: ~Irs. D .. J. O'Drisroll and .J. · · : Mt field for the best hit of 1 Kearse;· was tagged w1th the: tame after the T1:;_~rs harl <taker! n,wrc th.~n. two m the maJors. 1 had 48 stnl<eo~Its .agamsl 2~! H. P;mons 21 vs )Irs. ll. L. ..! the day. , Rams defeat. . ; Frank Lary to a ,.o lead. 1rd \\ Illlams and Stanley hases on halls 111 )'Irldm~ 7;J !Forbes and )[ B G od 'd t Bob Walsh was charged with The second game saw Btll

Rock)· ~olant?'s 20!h hOilll' ~lusial. who could not be oh· hits in 64 innings. A year ago, 25. ' · · 0 n gc the loss. I Corcoran throw a brilliant no· run. commg w1th ti\O matr> lamPd at an~· rr!ce. and the he bagged 16 and dropped 131 ~h.. E D .. . 1 D 11 hitter and made all but. one aboard in the filth inning, helped reasons thci'<' arc sentimental. 'with an ERA of 3.1'1 for the ' 0 .0' .·~·. 11 '·"J ~ 11'1 ~111 ( 11 ·k. : BAllE RU'fll U\AGl'E 1 put out by the three strike pnt-t ~ t I ·n f t ' lk ~ "B t 't tl · · I l · 11 'l 0 " 1 ' 5 ' · ·' · 01' ms o .e .• ary 1 ron ... , wn · _anu tl put 1 us way m the, serent 1-plaee Alh ehcs, , and C. !' Horwood 20 . llannerman Park 1 tern to defeat the Kiwanians t\\·o smgles prccedN~ Colanlo;; l'ase of Duley. l\o t'luh could: He has had a slighll::·wilhcr· si;RI'I.t:S nu·x ' Brares suffered their second 115-0. Two men reached first base homt run o!f B11l Fischer. deal for him and remain a pen- 'I ed riJ:ht arm since birth. ye' is : St .. rt t X 10 T .. t defeat while the Giants picked safely, both by free passes.

The Senators u~ed four pitch- nant contender. We would want a fifth infiel!ler ami anything "I· .~ 18 ai ·1 ~· ec a 2 p.m. up their first win in Babe! Steve ~!artin ami John ~rs. Starter Tex Cinen~l'r. who, more players than they would ; hut an All·America out at bat. ' ~.~ J ~~J es. . 24 . A Ruth League y!'stcrday after·; Whelan slammed four baggers 1ra1 knocked out in the third, give." 1 He shoots golf in the low 80's G ·., · ·1 -1 ~'1 r) ' 15 · :11. 1 noon b,,. a score of 2-0.


to aid the Dun lops victor'·· ·h h · · ' · , Oilul'l( ge -. • " f". I P Tl~ers opened up With In other words. Daley is 1 and is a superior fish~rman. · 1 D Y"l · ~ C H C i .Joe Corcoran sent 10 batters Rovle. Trickett and -:l!acGil· three runs, was the io•er. '~imply loo J!ood to he s·.1•apped Daley's 1·alue to the Athletics ro~.' 7 · ,. son 1' \'S · · on· I ' down \'it the three strike route: li\'ari· saw action on the hill

--- · ----· --- - · · ... ____ goc.s _beyond handcuffing the op- 1 s .. i. Br:~~g 20 vs D. L. For· • i·· i and allowed two hils for the for Kiwanians with Pat Royle po,~lll_on. . . hes 22 . I , , Gianls victory. ' suffering the defeat.

~lis home IS In L?ng. Re~ch.. .J. fl. l'h:llkci' 7 I'S D. J . .\lur- r;. Paul "Cap'' Clarke look his • Victoria Park

I ~ahf.: l~ut we ~~cpt l~,nn m ~\an·,' phy 9. 1 ' ,. · ; second loss of the season. He I Half Pints defeated Sporters sas Cil' last \I mter explamed 1 'd ~~·· ·' · · '' i also fanned ten batters, 110-5 ,·n ''esterdnv. mornin~·s ac·

l'c' · 11' "A. b·l. 1 t' • · .J. Re1 24 vs J. Dunne 17. , ~ arro . s a pu. w-rc a wns . \\'. l'. Sheclev N vs R p G d· . : ,i.i. handed out one free pass and lion while Ayredales dropped ~1an .. he appeared m .72 towns :den 22. · · · ' 0 · . ... . . .... ... • . . allowed six hils. three of which I Dail)' News Dodgers 42 in the m siX slates. He 1s a tre· E. Gillies 17 vs B. F. H 1 , . . were two ba~gcrs. afternoon. mendous fellow personally and 11 arC) RAY GALLAt.II~.R . ' LITTLE LEM;UE Six second inning runs by left that impression as a : :f. Price 17 vs F. C p 1 Ray Gallagher won his tln~d: Bannerman Park I Half Pints was the big factor speak~r." , 24. · a mer straight ~len's Sin~les Iitle m i Tclys upset the Pepsi nine 1 in the first game. John Smith

Practice Comer

St. Pat's senior 1oecer team will drill at the St. Pat's Field tonight. The workout is set for 7.00 p.m. and all players ace asked to attend.

The Guards senior and junior football teams will drill at the Ayre grounds tonight. Thi workout is set for 7.00 p.m., and all players are asked to a!· tend.

ThP- Jetettes of the Ladies softball league will work out tonight at the Bannerman Park diamond. All team members are asked to be present for the drill which is set for 7.30 p.m.

GENEiZAJ.t..Y. ti;; E.A.OIIG,I.{ if04T A ~.1-1;)/?T-!>TCP ~C<XP /..IP EVErfZYTI-{Ii'IG

A sHlebar to the Dalev ~lory , (' P"l"rs 2, R H d 19 the Rirerdale Tennis Tourna· · 10·2 ~·esterdny morning at bnngcd out a homer for the . · ' '· • ' • I'S . II son . · G II l d IS that·. Trader Frank Lane ?f 1 T .. \1. ·'lartin 24 5 E D . ment last nignt. <1 ag 1er e· Bannerman Park as Bob Roche winners in the third. Tne ~!C United football the Imhans traded Bud away m 15 v · aVIS feated Burf Ploughman in three' threw a glittering one-hitter. Robert Jlleaney took the teams have the junior and

...,_._.orAIII~~~-~,...~--1 IN ~l(i,I.(T ... 1..;;1

h~'-6 .4/i-f> I=AI-1.. A~ Ti-IE'I A14V. ...

what was perhaps his worst • · sets to cop the crown three' Roche not only had a fine ~"""'"r·s lo~< while Jim Fow· senior soccer elevens scheduled barter. Going to Baltimore with I NOVEI.TY SIXOMES sets to one. pitching day but also hnd a Ier was registering the Half to workout at the school

' Dale~·. April I. 1958, were Gene· Play 3 holes. Each player of Ploughman opened the hest triple and single in four trips, •'lilt 1 ictory. grounds tonight. The drilii will Woodling and Dick Williams.' a side playing in rota lion and of fire sets finals on Wr(lnes- to the plate. ' J\~-redalcs put three doubles begin at 7.00 p.m. and all the Tribe got were using only one club for each day night with a hard fou~ht: \l'a)'ne Ma)', Telys recei\'er. • and a walk together for three Larry Doby, now out of base· shot. 10·8 score. Last night Gallag·. swung the hearie>t hal of the I third innin~ scores to break a ball. and Don Ferrarcse, now in I. J. RPid, D. J. Murphy and her came back to even the 1 game ha\·in!: a pair of triples! J.J deadlock with Dodger$. The The Feildians senior ba>eball the Pacific Coast League. Daley ;\Irs. D. J. O'Driscoll vs J. Price count with a 7·5 win nnd then anrl a double in four trips. 1 other run for the losers came sqund will hold an lmporta~f didn't linger long on the shore G. Peters and Mrs. E. Davis. ' racked up 6·2 nnd 6·1 sets fori Harold \'edd was tagged with m till! fifth. workout lomght. The dnll WI

! of Chesapeake Bay, mol'ing to R. Hudson, E. Gillies and the title. · lh1• loss. · 1 Fred Noflall was the losing ~et underway at the Feildian f Kansas City for Arnold Porto· Jllrs. D. L. Forbes vs F. c. Pal· Only the ~len's Doubles fin·f The afternoon game saw the hurler while Frnnk Hickey was 1 Grounds at 6.30 p.m.

carrcro. mer. B. F. Harley and Jllrs. G. als are still to he played in the Reddys hlnnk the Rockets by a taking the win. 1 . -"Daley s~ow~d flashes. of Hibbs. Tounwl~ent. These finals will; scor~ of 13·0. All plnye~·s in the Victoria: Tomght at the Brother. Eg_an

gr_ent ~~om1se m the higher R. P. Godde_n, J. Dunne and have to wail until Doug Hous~ I \\ ayne Ay!l~·ard sent ~3 Rock· Park Little Lea"ue m11st have Field, the Holy Cross JUmor mmor~: concluded Parke Car· Mrs. D. Landngan vs E. Davis, returns from Nova Scotia as he rts down sw1~g nllo'."mg two their birth eertlficates before· football team will drill at 7.00 roll. All he needed was a J. R. Chalker and Miss E. , is involved in the fir•als. I h1\s and rdusm:; to 1ssue any ;\londay's games. ! p.m. All players are asked to chance." Munn. free passes to f1rst base. TODAY'S SCJIEDULE 'attend the workout.

Bud Daley got it in Kansas F. ,J. O'Leary, G. c. Baird , Bri~n Gibhons. Reddys third POSY LEAGliE City let become the moat-sought and Jllrs. G. McNamara vs J. M. The German pocket bailie· ' ~aekcr was top batsman having 10.30 White Sox vs. Cardinals. ' The Guards junior haseball pitcher in baseball. Hopkins, w. c. Sheeley and ship Admiral Graf Spec was i a pair of singles and a double BARE RUTH LF.AGl'E :team will hold a practice at the

Miss A. O'Reilly. blown up by her commander: in four appearances. 4.()0 Dod~ers vs. Bra1·es. !Aj·re Athletic Grounds tonight.

Probable Pitchers

American League Chicago (Wynn 5·7) at New

York (Turley 6·1 (N). Cleveland (Grant 6-4 or Lat·

man 1·1) at Boston (Dctoek 4-3) N.

Detroit (Burnside 5-4) at Baltimore (Barber 5-4) N.

Kansas City (Hall 5-7) at Washington (Kralick 4.0) N.

National League Pittsburgh (Haddix 6-5) at

San Francisco (McCormick 9·5) N.

Milwaukee (Pizarro 5·2) or Burdette 00·4) at Chicago (Freeman 3·1.)

Philadelphia (Conley 6-5) at Los Angeles (Drysdale 7·10) N.

St. Louis (Simmons 1·0) at Cincinnati (MA:Lish 3-6) N.

KANSAS CITY (AP)-Kan. sas City Athletics Thursday an· pounced the signing of two Canadian players for 1961 as­signment Ill Sanford of • the Florida State League.

They are first bascban Rene Ouzilleau of Levis, Que., and outfielder Joseph Setlakwe, Thetford Mines, Que. Botfl are 19 years old and are ·right· handed throwers and hitters.

I .

D. J. j)'Driscoll, H. B. Good- outside the harbor of lllontevi· i .John Ryall was tagged with LlTTJ.E I.E AGUE I All players are asked to attend ridge and Mrs. Peruse vs J. R. deo, -Uruguay, in 19:!9. the Rockets defeat. Bannerman Park I the workout set for 7.00 p.m.


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Still Another Shutout; I

St. Pat' s-Guards Tie Four Game Shutout Streak For Browne


NOT BASKETBALL-Bob Badcock appears to be dribbling lhe ball in last night's Scuinr !; .. ,_.. . ... :t the Gum d~ center hair is j~st readying for a kick. In the 11ction. left to right, arr Angus Barrett, Fred 'North, Bad-cock, Ed Hodder, Doug Chaulk, and referee Charlie Doyel.-Max Mercer Photo. . · • ., ._


Pierson's Three Hitter Crusaders Wi~

'.: ':'• Gives

Holy Cross Tied For Third .; .. ..

.. •

Cub Sports








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1 • Jacoby I


··-·---· . -----NOilTR 4Q.Jl04 .JII3 +AQ .KQ.JS

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WIST .AU •x 1ou tl08U ...78

lAST •ns .1732 +IIH .932

lOUTH (Dl 4K3:l .AQ +KJU .Al084

Both 'fUintrable South Wtd Norlll lnt



. 1 N.'r. Pan 4 N.'!'. Pas& 0 N.T. Pus Pan Pau

: Osleblnt 1114 ..... 't

By OSWALD JACOBY What do you do with 16

pointt and a balanced hand when your partner opena a te. to 17-point no-trump?

II he hn the maximum of 17 you want to be in a alam and don't care about aces since with 33 higl! card points you just

1 can't be missina two aces. If 1 he has the mlxlmum of 15 you i can afford to play four-no-1 trump, but don't want to be in Ia Klam. j If you use in four no·trump bids as Blackwood you have no i way to handle auch altuatio!UI, i therefore all expert pRrtner-1 ships simply play that the im-1 mediate raise of an OpPning nO· i trump to four show& a balanced I , b~nd with enough points so

1 that the partnership will hold 31 to 33 depending on whether the openin11 no-ttump was max. !mum. minimum or average.

With the minimum the open· er passes; with the maximum be bids the slam; with the aver­age he passe~. bids five or six no·trump or, if he wishes. may give 1 Blackwood responae.

Today's hand illmtrateG this use of four no-trump. South has the 17 maximum and jumps

, risht to the slam . I It doean't matter what Is

I opened. South knocks out till' ace of apadu and makes 12

i tricks without having to try the , heart finesse.

I CARD Sense / Q-The biddins has betn. East Soutla West Jliorth 1¥ ?

You, South, hold: 4A K J 2 .3 +A K Q J 8 7

.A2 What do 70u do? A-Bill twe Ileana, This lm·

mediate eue llld Ia a game force a11d ehowa a ••11d equal 111

1 atrength to 111 openinJ two llld. 1 It doea not parantee firat round heart control.

TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner bids two apades. ,

What do now? 1

A111wer Tomerrow


lt'a okay to be intoxicated with love If it doesn't lead to llein1 plinth drunk after mar­rlaae.

I • • •

I There'• a rolle11 for waiters in the eaat. Stud)' up on your

\ arithmetic boys.

1 that jack , prices tf h&mea.

• • •

house built, look N the aome of the new

• 0 •

I.ots of elderly women are still aenthl'lental about dolls, says a manufacturer. And their husbands?


Conatance de Mille, widow of the late producer-director Cecil de Mille, died Sunday night in the family home in Hollywood's Laughlin l>ark district. She was 87. Mrs. de Mille had been in poor health for several yeara and recently eontracttd pneu­monia. Her husband died of a heart attack January 21, 19159. The couple waa married Au· &ust 18, 1902.

It takea 1100 to 800 yean to build one Inch of top aoll.

Leif Erlcaon Ia aald to have been the flrat white man to nt foot on American ao!l.

First aucceaaful aacent ef the Matterho111 waa made Ill 18611 lly lldwanl Whymper.








\'\'lii..C:,, '!>'a~ I '1'1:1\ t.O l'o.~"l\..\0\:IC:, "1'0 ~'E:~ 1.{~~-..o~'.




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\IJa.\. 1 OUV.. ~~ \-\M• ~~ ~S\0~\S\'.\~C:t 'l.Q.~ 'Oil\ \'.'1:. \S 'il.~\'c'\~'11:.<:.\-1.'{, l'=>W'\

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~0:,\~'E: ... l'\'!>\.\\l..'a'5 \1\'a'l!i\W:l ~~t'..

l:v- W. 5HRUGGS

1'/ru, 91JC~ MO'ItE OOifJa w FOII.W.L »JD coma, suvros• voa sr;.r" 1 'l'OUIZ QIIALIFICATI0!6.

ft '· P.SLIE TURNfl

Ry v. T. H.AM.LIN





ly DICK CA Yal

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Toronto IOMSTO CLOli!SG STOrll8

a,. Tilt Caaadlaa rrr&.. Tor-onlo Slack Exchon~HUl)' 21

Ou.N..l!U<'n~ ;n C'tnta untru n11rkrd 1. r-Odd II\L •d - F.x·Oi\'ldtnd•t xr­Rta:ln•o n.-F.x·l>i\'jd~nd•;

Ntw Ro•eo MOO ?I 'Ill 'N N Kolore 33000 14 U\lo I' + ._. Jl;ewluod • 10110 1' 14 14 N Mylamo 2111100 rr 110 10 -t New Ro•yo 21100 !" ~\lo !" +._. Nlck•t MS 11(111 » .. » Nltk Rim ~ 31 35 35 -4 Nonnda 61! 137._. 37._. IIT'Ii + "' S'orhrau 500 31 :IS 3S _, Norlarlfe ~ 20 10 20

llrl ~ormctal 1410 :110 17! :ns --1 """'' ~IP'II Hlrh L(llw Clott Ch're Norpn ~ I I I ....t

~USE~ Nonynr 7500 S 5 S Atad t 1nB 1,\0 7 "1 7 -+ 1 1 N Coldttrm 700 t4 M i4 -1 Admcala llOO llO lJO JlD 10 I ~ Rank 11100 !5 5! :IS A<ni<'<' M0 loll AS 66 Sonp A wto 100 27\lo 2'1 ... :1'1111 +1 A.l\lkt Hu.r J!\1 i~l ~5'' 1711\ -2:0

1· North Can 100 105 105 lOS -1

Aft'l ~00!<11 !Jt; ~l'l Ill~ ~Of\'alit 1.500 9~ 9~ fWI -+- "' .Snud ..,, , 4', "' ~ ·P~ I O'Drlt'n 1000 !1 11 !1 -1 Area M0 &I 6l S! O'f,cary SOD II II II +I .\uon 4(l(lll K • • -1 [ OJ•t'mbka ISO 61& f.ol 11t6 --8 A ATC'Idla 15t" ~~ JC'I :n orc·han .uoo 110 1G7 10'1' -1 All l' l"or 1001;;' ~~~ 1~2 _ 2 1

• Orm•~Y 10011 211; ,._,., 2111 + V. \tln-Ruf !tOO • • • Pom1ce 4800 151,1 15 15" + % Aumnho ll"tl(l 6l" ti1-2 ti1<a + ~ 1 Palo • 400 2U 2~0 '40 -15 \umJqUf' ~~"\' .. ':' ': , Payma•t 230G 18 13 lS - V. Bantcno l~l>llt M ~':' ~~ "'"7 rcl'flt!'l• 16000 12 ttv.t 11" - ~ barn,u i2t)(l 1~" 1:\~ lvtl -1 l'<'rrl'n 5(JO 13 13 13 1\f~, l.l"d l'.\1\1 !1:~ ~·~ ~~~ Pil'k crow ztU 65 85 5., F.<'lttltr \~ln 4ft "~ ~~ -1 l'li\l.'('f j 2300 tt!!T\ l2'J 12~ P.dlth rrl tn(~l 1R ~~; lR .. 2 l't1r.ilr.r 2\W :13 lO 30 -1 1\f'Lhlm :::·'-.• 1'$ l•l h1 Jlrr•lon 1~00 415 415 ftl +I r:r,('{la :\thl 11 \1 II t'urdu :!100 4 4 f R1!'•"., .:·",,", ,', \I>' • I - U~ QUC' .\\,;("Ol ~('M 9 .~~~ ! _+1\ti '1\d<-Of" ~ 10 1 Qur ('(IJl 90(1 i l'


17 !Itt C-dlao p,..,. A)llbl 3111 Fra .. r Ill; Abll Jr !M GT Lak01 STili AtboiiDI \II" How Smlll l3l Bnqu C Nat &2 Htld 1111 M• 44\4, Bonk lloel ~ Imp l!ank llll< lla\tlt Ill 410 Imp Oil 31\t lla'ltll PC 14" l•t Nick J2\t Int Pap 14~ Bathurst I! 371'1 !leU tl;w Man•I"H 11i Bra• IIIII llldl Prod »~< N !I car 11\UNoraada 37 c c-ut 14 Paadu• I? c Com••• pr rl Prleo st C IINIIINIP II IIUt POW !I c 1\tlt com 51 Koral !!ink h111 Cdn llrw It ao7allta ISS Cda llr"' pr 81 L C.., llli Cda Colaa 10 l!bawla 1m c Int Powor IS Slut N\0 c lnl Powor pr 60 Traa, Ca• tru CPR 1314 U!l lllotl I Coekthall u Walllrr "" sncromo tl1lt CANAmAN fl Brl41t IW. COftl Pap • !lOm Tor 12!\ FoundaUOI t

New York 11\J.C"ll. J\,,,. H ~.... ~:; ' ~ -,,'l - '"' Qu,• 'lan 1300 810~ ~~ K\t • \~ ll~hr. t-1)('1 1 ~o :'llt ' ~~~ 0 :-.lrtnl 9:t0('1 74 70 71 •l NEW YOltK CLOitNG 8T()CI:ll l'r~h·rt1f' l1 .;~:; .\2"• ~::\ · Oun~ton 1000 11'\ 11~ 11~ + 1 IJ Tbe C1a1d\tn Prt-11 'Fr~ul ltf"ff :1"'1 3,., J6 .lh -1 R:Hhmt' ~:!00 s; ~s Mi -1 Beth Stefl 4ni MOI\1)' W 4M41



7·1f ~~::"~nk 1;1~ .• :~: 0\7; 1~~ : ~·~ n~!~:,~~~l! 31:7~ ~; :~ :,, :~~ ~o~~dw~rntr ~~ ~!dl~e~~rp i:,~· t :t.d.amf't !"~·, ~ l 11 :1 _

5 Rt•.,hn :!000 :!1 21 ~1 + 1 CDI!.t Elllw;an 161., Std Ojl NJ 4Cl1 ~

• 1110') .. 111[4-.. ., .. , . ,,,,., t .&mr Chtb :1o·, "1.> l't•• t:•'ll n~·x~!Mr U,\'1 1:1 2~ 'Z~ -1 E1 Auto '!1. ~ Utd Areraft ·tl~ Ctmfl 'Rl . "· ~;1:~ :1 1:: :,·. • '' R:o AhWin tf\80 '-15 &15 645 -t oen Elee 101\ Vanadium 21~ .. c TUna.ln ~~l\• :!)II 17:l 1;2 •. 4 no('J.;~\111 7700 :!1'1 19 19 -1~ Goadyelr lS Wettn .. e 53'• l·~n "'"'i• •'·"' ''' •· · 1'' - '' Sond Ill•· ~oo T 1 7 + 1'1 Gl Nor 111 4m Konnf<OII Tl U Stool 12.1 M • • I, July 26. J LONDON ( APl-Sir Jaeob · C ~no :n•l !l ;; l\ ~alelll• moll 14 72 Tl -T lnl T T 31!1'1 Walk GW 130 $3!\4 25 351'• +"' c \lol•rt 1,'1) '' H 1: Snll'•P cr .7~ 17 ft7 r1 Webb Knop 7SO 260 :HiD 2no -10 M s ' •Fergus lea\·ing Charlotte· Epstein, the American-born c x l'n 1u::.1 !I' :: :" ·l shmlu 3.101 :~ !!'0 210 -2 MOlT ACTIVE TORoNto RroCKI Wtllo• A mo 1!4" 34\!1 341\ S J E A H I p town July 29, Pictou July 30,' sculptor, left an estate valued l dn ~\\ ,,· ., 1 :.~ :.1 .!l • 'l s, ~llliM" MOO 2~ 2ft 28 +2 ar Till Caoa41aa Pr111 C.\SADJAN '"' Tr·•r ~, • ' I s:-roo· 1000 ~l ft3 33 8toe• soln llllh Lew CI11o c~·•• ""' Nlld 100 16\'o m m I due St. John's Aug. 1, sailing at $156,723, probate o[ his will· C .. r.~Nto fl:.t'IO lfl 1.; 1to I •;~ 4 ~ ~· 45 1 ·oUSTRtAU C 0 SUJ 6·U $1814 161 161-J ,. •n·l:na '-'"' .: :~ "' --1 ~;~;:/~:;\.~< \oo • '! 2 _ 1 !llooro 11~ sm~ 44~~o Ul\- \0 c"goUierlos 200 17~ 7~ ;\o _ y, MOvEMENTS ' Aug. 2. ' disclosed Tuesday. It will be ,.""'"' .,_, !II'• ::'• :J·· ' 'I S-'"'"''~ mo fl ~D 20 -1 i:rcatlv T•lt 4757 S!D11 IOV• IDV.-"'

1 Coo Kocllak 200 ~o 10 10 -i •Fergu! leave Charlottetown, divided equally between his

''"1 r,, ,.';.:', :. , ,, " • 1 <" , .• n oaso no 77! m IIA Oil 46941 S25'• 2511 2514 111 1 c .. , Pap l:W 13911 39"' 39~ + 11' P.E.l. Aug. 5th, leave Pictou, ' widow and three children. Sir

~~';;,;.•·~< · ' 1• "' " • ,., ~,\",'~~~~ ;;ggo r ;o r7 -tit! ~!'Jl ou ~ :iln ~~~~ ~~ ~ 'I I g~tnGao ~~ m~ ~llt :~::: ~: THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES N.S. Aug 6th, arrive St. John's Jacob died last August 10. , '·'" .he :. • _., , _.,., '' "· . 1 1,.,.~. 11 11120 163 160 1611 -1 nu.8 : oaqd Fr A zl s; 46 16 A 8 1 1 A 9 h ('!\b·li•r ;: " :: , • • :~ . 1 ,.,.,.,. 800 110 m 1611 Petrol 16200 50 10 !0 -I Hornor A z.!ll 121 21 21 STEAMSIDPS LTD. ug. t J, eave ug. I . 1 1 'I•' · · ... ;·,; ;;_; · :; ,.,·rntorr ~ 100 19 19 IP +1'1 Dynaml• 99011 42 39 39 -2 llnv t'ound 50 llili 37>; Jm M.V. Perth loading at Mon· *Fergus leave Charlottetown, The German pocket bat1lP- 1

~:~" "~11!, '.': .. I' 1 i;;~~~~~· ;;: ~ ~ 'U :':.~ ~ ~:/'~ro ~: ,:~ 4~ 4~g ~i i ~~~~!~c~ ~ ~~ ~~'• ~:., ~ .. -; ~ treat July 22nd, for st. John'ai' P.E.l., Aug 12th, leave Pictou, ship Admiral Graf Spec was 1 • ., .• ,.. : ' '' Tl•r'•·' '!"" ~• 27 :; +I Rnrkr M66 ~ ; ~ , MncLaron n $801> 10;, ao;, :and Botwood N S Aug 13th arriv! St blown up by her commander I ... ,,u·rtt 1 .... (' t" ofl ·''· ,. \·hr .. lo~ :ln~ ~!"!'< :\6.' 3~ -1 ~IINF." ~Ill RefrJI B 7.HI SJ9LII 1911 191• 1 • J ·h··, . 5 . I . ' 'd h h h f ~~ t . l Rrl!••,rno · ... • . ..·, 1" "'"" ·'"" 600, Mil 6.,.. -l s Mvlama ~110011 ~1 ao rn --1 , ~1ooro 500 145'• 4l 4s + ~. S.S. Gowrie loading at Tor·! o n 1 Aug. 1 th, eave Aug. outs1 e t e ar or o • on Cl'l·

• 1 '"''·" '' ·· • · 1'n Fnrl lni\0 n 23 23 1 Lalhi ~m 1110850 ~6 50 ;1 +3 'MR Halrloo •2 lb • • I t J ly 25th H ·11 July· 16th deo, Uruguay, in 19:Jn (' lll .. n'\t'r> •. ' ·:' ;;·I i,ll ... , \ ;'\' (';;n .1\.)nll gj:l 9.\ 9i +I Bankno 162610 ~ :17 :'17 .. , Que PIH'Int 9:2:i $31'1 Jll~ ll3 t. on ° u • ami on • I .

C~ '\,11~~:;·; 11 ./·:.: ·:: • ; : ' .:'; ' . ;'' ~ ;:~:::~·:., \m s2f.! 2~~ J;L "' : ~ai~~~~ .. :~~~ ~ ;: :~ !} :~h~1~ooo 12,;; :z~· 29\6

3N · ~~~;./~~~~r~~~,;;~~ 28' for St. to:~e~:; 1 ~e::;;~~~~~ i~~;r~o~;~- •

ar~>on ,,. v1·•P·" lPOOl 33 31 32 -1 Shop Sa\'t lOll S71\ 1'• 7 · 'd S J.l : A 22 ~~ .1· At a famlly reunion I•· r1ir in ( 'h" •• \;,.,. ,, ""' 1,·, 1111 un -4 ll!J J F d T Fin A 120 137'• 37 30 - •• ~I.V. Dundee loading at Tor-· ue I. om l ug. n11. ~a1 · Ohio there were 75 people in-~,~~~ •• ~ 1~, ''.;' ·;,,; :;:·~:;,,'~ \~ ·~ ;~ l~ :lo lY ufua UD S ~~!~: ~~~cp 7!J ·~~·· 3¥;~ '~;:.: ~ onto Aug 5th .. Hamilton Aug. ing.;ufg: 23rd_. eluding seven ltnd<'s anrl ~osh c ''o"·"" .. w. 11 ,.,,. ~: 11" 121 11~ m -s t.:nlon Gas fjo SIJ\1 IJ'• 11'• + lo 6th., Montreal Aug. 9th. for St.· e ngerahon. k h 1 c \h~ .. hf'r :'~ :• . :~ "ll!q·~ :();;'!() 1.1 12 121r1 + ", Ml!T\'A1. ruNn" u corp B tRn s~o 20 20 T h ' nows ow mnny an s . c '"rth:,t . . - . \\'r ll"t~ '"" 1111 110 uo +2 !• Tho c ••• ~, •• rr... u [_oun ,\ 1°11 $~ ~~ l1 .. ll:. 0 n s. I :SFLD.·CANADA STEA~ISHIPS c R.o l'·•r '' • , .. 1•• 1.1·.,d '"'~' 11 tJ 13 -I : · ~~~1 A;~7 , ~.~;:!~r:•" ~:~ ~:;; ~~ ~~~~ :fo · ~LV. Perth lo~dlng at Toronto i 1\I.S. "Belle Isle II" ~nroute ~ H'"';'"" '";.';. -''·· ,, .. ,,., ;; "" """,. ''" 911 110 90 'All Cdn rom 48' l27• Windw Hoi <18 II> l! 21 ,Aug. lOth, Hamilton Aug. lith, I from ~lontreal due St. John's ,..n.,.•~ 4 ~ • :, , , Yo·un)t llC: 4ill0 70 M 711 -1 , AU Cdn Oh• · · 'Zl ,l -~ FAST> DIRECT'. F~EIGHT SAILINGS

• .. ... t.. • • ' ' • t

li I '


'· •• l.·rp .. , ,, , ., , ,, , .. , , Z1•nmR< . 10 n 19 19 It + 11~ ' Amcrlran Groon~ 7·;' 298 ~~

11 •iocopo lU~ ~8 1 11 Montreal Aug. 13th, for St. · Jtil\' z•th

(cp-~1,. furl> I l!tnubrRn 2i.1~ "• 101100 10 9 + ' I h • d B t d . " , . ("t~pr1nd :'.:·.: ~.·· , '. ·;: : i C.I~J't' \(lr iS to 1 1 Canadian tnvHtrntnt r..~R tl: .-\m~unlum ~ttl) ; 2 2 • 0 n s an ° woo . l M.S. "Bedford II" sailing from' C ''"·" 1 '·, , . , ; . , . ~ Rulo;o 131111 l9l 47& 47D Canorun~ 3i·~~ 3~ 61 ' Arno ~~~0 :. i': + 1 I C~AR_KE STEAMSHIP CO. 1 Halifax July 22nd., due St. 1 """' • ' c: • '"' c·or ;~ m IR 1ft C omptnn Mutuol 7:1 .. 51' ,\II Toll lim ;z •I H ghl I ~! I I

~ ::~;(~"' t • ~·I~ ',' .. ul~·,t,nolr.•on ,~~~~ 24J~. ~~ 2-~7 -· I cc~mrnmoroanl"···,anl~h •• }:i:'· 11.1~ ;,20 ~~fe~~:~ 11!15 24 2~ 24 I 1 lner C3\'lng • on re~ I John's .Julv 24th.

FRO:YI :IIONTREt\1,, P.Q. TO ST. JOH:'i'S. !'\FLO.


• \ I • '"' •• • .. r B ".. '90 LOOO '90 1.7 ll ; I ·,July_ 20, due St. John's July 25, I '!.\'. .:Wood~ock" •. Al.[l'ng l'Jit'r·~r 1' ~ 11 J - •• OIL~ I Dl,·eralfltc'l tne. arr" ,,,.;;~ ·'· Bonmnle 3000 4 20 n '- "' r"'"'' • :. :·; :': . ~,·;... , .IP Co·n• '"" 3H :16 36 Dlvldond Shmo 2·92 uo Burn! um 2ooo n " 1" salhng July 27 (Bay Roberts). I from Montreal July 28th rlue 1'< <'• ··' ~m I.•~•r 10011 7 1 7 + \t Domnlon r,qut' 14 · 1 ~ 103 Cal Ed 100 SIN 11•1 HI> - '• •Nov aport leave Montreal ' ' n.rr II·•• •. •. '' .1.,.,,.. 1 ~10 ~'• ~·; •u. ·1\t I First Ollond Gu ~~~ 3.41 camp Chlb mo ooj 60~ Go; ·-15 . . , i St. John's, August 1st. (Refrig-1' q• .. •• 1 •. 11. ''I ,,,., 'I •\•anwr• ;no 42 4. 42 +6 : l"ondl collottll A ! ., ~-:~ Canoram 2500 41 J, u •J Jul~ 27, arriVe St. Johns Aug. eration) f, .. :;:~."a _,.., !'~•.~ ... _ lP :_·,4 ~:~~ ~ .. 'rr 3~f~ ~ie '~5 '~1 - 1• ~~~~! ~:ll:~:f ~ ~:;; ~:~11 1 ~=~~i~~· f~ sU~~ ii~ g}! ~2 ~! 1, leave Aug. 3. I ~l.S. ~'Bed!ord II" sailin~ ,., .. ,,do : " ,,, '·'. - ,, """' woo J\0 3'• Ju, + li Group Inc. ~.Jl U! C•lll ll•l Rio M" 211125 ~ 21112' •Gulfport leave ,Montreal from Halifax Aug. 2nd., due St. r··"~l I ~·· ·: "" ,,,. ::" • l'olallo Rll(J(I 3.11 37 :Ill -1 Orouprd lncomr Arrum. 4·!>6 ;·:: Ch•m•lloy :JOeg 6 '"6 6 + 12 Aug. 3, arrl\'e St. Johns Aug. 8, John's', August 4th . •. ~:: '•i1 ,,. i:; ;;·~ ;:·;: _, ~~~~~::, 1~:!:. '~\" 1~ l~ :i g~:;"..!;hs.J~~~/o., ~.~ 6 :2~ ~~[~'copptr ~~~ D,,. 911• 9,. +'-" leave Aug, 10. 1 JII.S. "BeiiP Isle II" ~ailing }'. ~' 1 I ·,.: - I., (';, i\• (' 1001) 260 !51; 260 -10 lftVf~:,ton Growth runtl 5·111 6•0 I Comln~a JOO!l .. " .. ~ Htghlmer leav M t 1 ~-~::·<b • ·• • c Chil'fn 2,00 RO 77 110 +2 1~,-.,1oro Mutual • 111.12 11.!9 c \'auzo ~ou 16 R6 86 .1 . ! on rea from Montreal August 4th, due I' r\1 1•" <. ', ,. ' ::, . - ''· Cdn u .. · ;.;o :135 :133 2~5 +2 Ko)'Stont 13.4! 14.11 Cop Ron~ Jon lli 1!7 121 Aug. 10, arrive St. John's Aug. I St John's August Bth ~ · '''" .. , , . ..• '" c t:, Gao 38911 IG5 1ro 160 -5 J.o•·rr•~• l'und I" d :·~i ;·~l 1<on 400 ;:. 9l~~.'~~> !~. 15,0

lcave Aug. 17 (Bay Roberts) I ~.!.S. "Bodford Il' saiiin~ from · , .ol, ~ , ~ 1

.;, 1 • 1 c Bi!lh Cr 2.\00 23 21 22 + H1 Mutual Aceumutaun• un · ·83 ' nome ~.iHJ • il N I I - < ~ 1. :.,. " • : c Uu-k~· ;oo m 415 420 -2l I Mutual lnrom• Fun~ 4.1~ 4. ' Emp Oil 2001' I 4 4 ovaport eave 1\lontrea Halifax August lOth due St , '':1·'"'' .. . . · ...• , . r uu,k)' ... 41! lAO 160 160 -20 North Amrr. Fund of can. 1·00 8·70 ' ~·ab 2001! 91'1 m 9\!1 + "" A 17 . St J h • . ., . • · 00 ·.o MO IJO 211 1.01 4.41 Falcon z3o 131 31 ll · , ug. • arrive · 0 n 5 Aug. .John's. August 12th.

': ,1 ,, ·,-_., s:, 1·:. 1' • ~ ... l ~ul'<'rior 1 It: + lhdlss(ln •e3 519 S't'· ·•J' 21•• 22 leave Aug 24 •f<O .r. "" ,, ' ,., • I' l'Pn\ llrl ;s2.'• m leO 410 -! S&Vt and Invest •. .. JloUinRor 2~1 - •• ,s • ' • . . FUR:SESS WITHY co LTD

:'·',',,~ K .... ,,. 1,. 1,, .. 1,1 c l>r,,.on 25011 23 221\ 2S - ~ i supervl•rd Amor. JI'Und 3:_-;: U! lnl C•ram ~~~~ ~ ;01 i~ -:;-l · • Gulfport leave Montreal Aug. N ,' S II d St ·• J h ,' · • .. bit :· ' ' :; " 1 Ll• \',·~'~ ,cl·r ''!'~. 1~11 1:1:8'1 ,3;1 &uperv•t"'d EF.".':. ~ !9.9l i Lt.;'~!~lda 2000 2\> m m- 1> 24th, arrive St. John's Aug. : 0\3 co a ue · 0 n 5 '

• , • . 1. ", .1 H' ·' ac ~vv " n !upef\1 se .xo:" !ilt3 " <·I' ,~,,,nl .,. .: ' • ; , '_ ,_, r W•·.•l P•t• 11111 295 m 29l supervl•rd Exor 57 · ·12 517 ' )lmill !J,JO 5.170 ro ~ -;l '!29th, leave St. ,John's Aug 31st. August 5. Leaving [or Halifa~. I,.'"' · .. ,. ,., ~. .. l1' • ' lltl'l'ol 2700 !2 51 !I _, Supervlotd Exec 55 ~-51 1.531 N Ilona 15~.· nd B t A t 6 d HI I ,,, .• ,.,, "'" .. . .. • ;:; . w n""''' p,,, ~'~ m m m • 8UPIT\'ltrd Growth Fund . l:ll ;-:_· ~~Yc~mL • .1 3 3 Highliner leaving Montreal. a os on ugus . ue a I· ~:~~~:; ... .; t • 1 ll.•·n .. ml< !>9011 4! 39 J9 - suporvl••d lneomt Fund n~ !.72 •. ~; s':•'ntla•o ISOO ~~L 1~,. ·~1,; -I I Aug. 31st. due St. John's Sept. I' fax 8 and Boston August

: • ., '• • ·- ,, ~-'•"• woo 282 28l 282 -1 TV Eloetronle !·,o 57 ·' • 5000 , 11 L B t A t 12 C.•·ll·';; ~ ~ ,, .• 1_ 1, rr rr~r pr ,;; ~no 100 400 Tm•d ln•·ostmonl JI'Un4 ... 14·7; ~w Amulet 4000 17 17 1: -1 '5th !Riling Sept. 7th. (Bay Rob- . eavmg os on ugu~ :i;;~ ... ~:r ,,, 0 ,. , !''' ::•: , ~~ \i~~~-'~)j A 11~; ~~ ~~ 87~ -1 Unlttd Arcumulattvo 13·17 · ~~:.!!~ 22:0 6{~ ~i ~i - 15 . ert~). 1 and Halifax August 16, due St. lh<h Hell ·'"' : ,; 116 11,.m• 11 n 1227 775 7~~ 7!0 -!D M } Que Cobalt 21110 3~ 325 llll +1 I •Refr'"eration. :.John's August 18. Sailing again }i(';li"'Ct'r 1"41~2 :.: ·~ ~l1t 11 ()1'1 G 93\1 920 900 915 +I ontrea QUf Sm~lt. 1000 11 10 10 -2 "-' I II•••~ :1:.• "' ='" '''' --1 !.II'''' ~· ~ ~ 9 _ 1 Roborvat 1000 ~ ~ 19 _ 5 , GULF AND NORTHERN ·same day for Liverpool. 11..... ~-, ·~·· ~,,, ·~-. • ~l 1.""~ roln! 20011 49\lo 4ft 19~-"' st Low a 1000 540 525 s,; -ll · SHIPPING CO. 1 S.S. Guernsey arr1vmg St. H:.11 !\.!!." ;·.J ~ 1 P• ;.~ 1 ' ·W• ··· :.• SCU wl!i 400 4J o otl\ MONTREAl. CLOSING &TOCKI So.tcllte 13750 82. 73 73 -1! I J h Jnor""'"a :• •· "' " =• -I•, Poe ,.,,, lOll 870 110 I4D - n1 Tht canadlo• rrott sherrill 100 m 295 295 •IO •Fergus leaving Charlotte- 0 n's July 6th, leaving July 1.•1 \1, ,, I· •• - '• l'trtlli\ rr 1000 ~' 4> f,\ Montroal Stock ExrhaniHUl1 21 II s nulau\1 J~$00 ~1 11 !9 .~ llown July 22 Pictou JU[" 23 II 8th, for Halifax and New York. 1~. '·' l r! ~··';' ~-.. ~~·l ~,!I~ -ll, Pt•r\1\ Oil!! 200 110 llfl nn -1 I Completr tabulot;on of Thufl~l)' tran•- Stetp R 450 780 775 780 I d ' 't ~. . ' L .· rt N y k J I 15th r~ ... l'l < rrp 4:.-.. ;: ' lul 111:) .._ 1 • Pt·tLtl\ Jl\200 ~ !<I ~ -1 I aetloau. QuotatDD• In centc untf'll marked , sumva!l 300 t-48 H6 t.ctt • 1 1 Ue St. John s Ju]y ~ !RJltng \ CB\ mh ew or U Y • • 1· - R>~ .- .. :n z,.\ :11 45 44 4s s. a-Odd lot, ·~-Ex·Divldend. ar-E•· 'fazln 100 7 7 7 +I 1-------·----. · I Saint John, N.B., July 18th, •·• · l' •· ·'' •:·., :,1 ' ' ::~,';,~j;.r ~1: ~, !12 52 -1 atlhtl, liW-Ex-Warraato. Tilon 11(16(1 13 121\ IJ 1 Phillip Mor 1500 7n\l 89'• 69'i + '-' : Halifax N S July 20th arnv-J "'-~~~ ... ~:\1(1 ' .. ·.-~P. , .... - ·.~/8 ~l T'r~\\1 Gu 1~ 17~ 174 1ifl . . Sft u Asbutos soo )90 m 3~ -S Pit Plate 3!KH) 63l~ 63'' 6\ -11,-1 . I • •t • ;.,. "'' 't • ·~> 1011 100 1M -1 · -k Iolii Bllb Lo'O' Cleot Ch'l• \'an1uard 7500 15•, 14 li -3 Proe Gam 2100 11" IIR 118 _ ,, 'mg St. John's July 23rd, lea\·· J .,,.," :o., ,,,.' 1"'' -· •; it;;;;j;~. iso m 61~ 61' +5 I Abitibi 18!10 13911 3!1\l :1!1\i- I• \'enouros 11111 12n. 2l'i 23'•- '1 . Pu_nmon 700 lJ'-' :1.1 3N + '• ing JuLo· 26th for Corner Brook t\•rr \.:lt1 '!;:" S'' ~~·• ::·. Um·:.~, Ptte f.IIM 5 5 $ : Abtlbl pr &0 S%4 24 24 1 \\'eotdon 2000 ~ 5 5 + 1,.~ RCA 42ti00 o2l~ J9''' oo1, -2 . "' ' "•lrm ( ., '., .'.I •• ,., • 4 s . .rrro 937 a 8 ft -2 I ArDdl All 10!0 tln\lo 101'; 10~ Ropub sn 4100 61111 '~ w. Hahfax and New York. h.:k ,,:n :. I ~~ :'

11 1 ~-1 .. !i St•t'Ur rne 1000 )1'1 ).).·, 3.\S -la AIDd Sur 100 S11 11 11 - ~ Tol•l .. ,.~ tJutu.ttrjalJ 14.300 Mint~ Rcy Tob 6200 77~ 761,3 iii' to -1. 1.~ X ' s r d St T h . t•hrad!'r ">f·'o s:~ a r ~ ; .. ~. ~ .. l ~outh \' 4j00 i 9 I Al1om1 1910 *31"' 30'4 30\l -1\~ and 011~ 1711.200. j Royal Out lJ.lOO J-1~ 3-' :w - .1 1

1 O\a CO 13 Ue ' 'O n S

~ .. ~~~~n :, ~,;,·; ~ w :1 11 , s 1wtll1<'r 1'"1W ~~ ;~ ~ +1 ~\~:ij pr 1:: ,t22: ~~II& ~~4 ~ ~. N y k l ~:~!t!otb to: i~~~ ~;~ ~~~ Augu~t 5. LeaYing for Halifa~ ""' ·," _,, :. '' Sl""" 1·il 1"9l :. '" _. A•·m 2pc pr 275 .... , •nL o'\1- '·•: , s. in•l•lr 20,00 and Boston August 6. due Hah-

'• ' I. r,· • :'l Suhtnnrtn 111(,11 62 ·~· ..... II IU _.,, ""~ ew or .. J 37•~ Jj:14 36 -·F• 1"'"· 10 '\ • , -, ,

11 '· • ~ Tl!l;~l :100 -12 4.2 -42 -l Ani c Pulp Pr 2S ~2 ~2 !i:! -'- 2 :, SSotp,·o,nr.vv R 12000 1711

' JR1 • 16~h- 1 4 fax August B and Boston Au-1•.·· · """ T r l'lll1 4'l 4" ~' -2 I A•bntolll 215 S2~~ 2lv.t '12"'1 + Ll. JJOOO 2:1 .!2~~ 1::~ - ... I• .11 ~. l'l •• , ,ol ;,'~ ~; :.1~· · 1 ·r~i'.~,r~ n 1~" :1~00 2~ 190 202 +2 81n S&¥1 JtfP r.oo t\71.-;; n~t.~ 17l'!- '• Nt;w 'YORK CLOSING sToCKI 1 Sd s'rand toon 4~/ 4u1. ~61 4 _ 14 gust 11. tca\·ing Boston Auf:u:::t lm•·• \ 0 I 2900 1112 99 D!l -1 !!Ink MOftl 7110 tl~t m• 5I .... Br Tht .~ssocloltd l'r... : ~td Oil Cal ftl{\0 41•, •c" 40'o- •• 12 d II ]'[ A ·t 16 l 1.('' .. ~"' .-tl • • .. ~~ '• "~ • "l w~·'''~... ~~oo ~ 5 '6 • BNS rts 1372 40' •oo 400 -5 :o;ew Yerk stock };w.rhan.-r-Juty 21 Rtd on Jnd .~200 :t6t2 Jfil• 36,.11 _ 1_. an a 1 ax ug:u~ • < ue ; •·.'~•1 •· '· 11' '" 1" '""~'·" 1000 IJ'• tm ll'> +1 I!IDk NS 21! $31~ ll1 51 , xd-Ex·dh·ideod, xr-Ex · rllhl•. ••- Std Oil s.1 35100 w. 40'• •o';- 11 St. John's August lB. Sailing 1.,.. . .... -- ,, w Cdn OG 1700 IDl tet 101 -4 llonq~· en 70 Ill ~l l\2"' . F.x-wnrrants. ~~Und ri:r'k 630 !'I !'I !'I- August 31. Lea\·in;: for Halifax ~;;~~ ::·~: 'II~ 111' ···~ w Cc1n OGw &00 36\A• 3~ 38sa"' l!l!aatlloqup• .!"a ~ •• 131\li37'• 3374~. 3311'" + ~.· ,' •tor• Sol•• Rll. L- ~IM• ,,Nb·~ ... ' T 1?!?2 47J:r-, 4·P· Hl. • ,, an . d f L' I

l W~hllrnP 93(1 ~2 ""' .," ... .,... .,.. .... ,. ~ .. n ....... II· .., •xa('O o.;u() JS, 7:tl4 i:'\14 - ~-- oam same ay or t\'erpoo . •: •• j•1n '' ' 2« '''' !" • . •o 1- tOO !D' Boll p•ono t~• Sl5~ 1511 45\'o 1 ACF lnd ·~. 4' we 441•- I> Tea Sulph r 7'00 16<· 16 16 Wr•l>~•• 3R.. "" • " ""' ~ -· ' ., Thlokol • " " Newfoundland due St. John's ~~unr1 :'· .~. . ~ !• ,

1 w nrralla 1230 so 10 80 8owtt 5 pr so $47 •7 47,...,. + \~ 1 Alll·genY f'i700 93• 91 ~ 91':1 snoo 391~; 38~~ 381.'J + :~

~;::~·1~; ·.: " ·- '• Y•n Con 1000 ··N.3·· 3 , 'I Bowatfr 1!0 $71> m ,.. + II ' Allis rh 6700 281'• ll I 27'• - .. Tl~OWII!t' 4!00 Jl'>o m. 17\, "'• August 23. LeaYing for Halifax ,. \',:~ ~ Pn nn --2'1 sratil 601 400 400 400 'Amerada 4800 5flt. j~:J. .. 5!iil- "'• Timkcn fino S~'· 7131'..1 j]!.J- 1" and Boston Augu~t 24 due Hal i . ,,J.r(''ln q• )1£ll1t 106-' 552 ~ !2.'.4 I BA on 43~ $2~~ 25\1 25% + ~- ' Am Can ~lOll l9h 39,, 39l1 - 'il I Tn•ent c 1301'1 3i 361~ J61-) - !- . • . ~I• :I'm' • " , -1 :o;s 1210 $l8'i l7'i S7li- I I liCE 5..., pr 110 ,ll 41 41 Am Cyan 48<111 ll'il SJ'• 5; + \o Un Corb ~600 12S 123'., 12310- ,, fax August 26 and Boston Au-~brun 1;,~... 411 J;' :\H fumm 800 S51'• S.Oh so•,- ~ BCE ·~4Pr 25 S-t&lh .t(M 40~- \? ' Am !\lot ~500 !lSI 20~ • .:!0'1- :~' t.;td ,\Ire ln£00 4~(~ n•4 H!la + ~~~ t 29 L .· B I A . ~, ... !rh 2•·•• ' ' Imp 120 $39 58!1 m•- ... IIC Powor toll $Jill 31~4 31'•- '!I 'I Am smell 2:00 Sll• 5o;. 50'•- • tid Corp 7300 71; 7'4 1'1- I): gus . ea\ In~ OS on U-'\larbrun .• ,',. ' -I u,., al P31 SG7 r.61> 661~ - ~. IIC Pbouo so SUI'> II" ~~~ Am Sid 173110 12'• 1211 ~~. - ... \:S Gypo 1500 1021, 119"• 101 - •• gust 20th and Halifax Septem- I

~~~kn~~e ,!~·; ·£: ~ it• if•: !~ ·rot-1>nm ~~~:tf:i~tA~~ $2Yt :t•b';:w .J: .. ~"~ 1\1\' ~·YJ ~~; ~~ ~~~ 1;~: ;fr! ;'i11 ~~• : ~t' H~ s~~~h~r 5~~00 80~~2 ~:~. ~:~' -;t~l' her 3, rluc St. John's September 'h:-:tc·r , •. · :,, • ,r.·~ 1'·'a ,\lummi 117M $29 23~t. 2t + 't Can Ctm z42<1 $24 1t 24 - ~ Anaconda &iOO ~~ 4B'i. 49\~ -\.oa 1 \'anadlum 1000 u~·• 211' 21t'- 1; 5. Sailing for Livernoor Sep-Mf'1l run :• .u li ~~' A •l ·\nt:ln :"fld 600 S6'~ 61.-J ~ + % Can Cem •r 64 127 27 !7 Amrcn Stl noo &4~1 63 11

' 6351 -H• 1 Walkers 300 J5 3 o~ 353-i JYn ""~" t h 6 I Mldf'.m 12 ~"~ lJ\ ~o c Dttw 1282 I3:8V. ll J1 Call troD 200 Slfi~1 18'AI Ui~A! Armstg Ck 270:> ·U~"' 14 •UI,~ -P• ' W Un Ttl .4(100 •W,~ ·3~~~ 43~~~ - •t em er · :\t .1 <.:~ J~,) !!11 ' 4 lu'-; 1!1' 11 - l"' n \I:IJ:"MI ~0 $7 6%, 6'1.- ~ Can Malt ~ $53 '-3 ~:\ Babcock 1600 3tl• 307!J ll + 11 · WE'5thouse ft?OO Sfili 5.2~ ~Jia -~·~~ Ml1 On ~~·! ,;· ~~) ,1;'1"' .... v~ n('I,CO 100 Ill 11 11 -1"' CSL 205 •• 1 401 6 -t:D"'--%' BIH Ohio 1400 35\4 Jt~. :w•- 1.&' Woolwth 3400 71~ 701) jQl, -PI Nova Scotia due St. John's ~,~"\~" 'I ·, ' "1 ., .'1 li!lan~ IIlii 445 m 445 • CSL pr 200 112 12 t:l 'Both Sleo1 173011 45'!> 14'1 4l'•-.,. ' and Boston Seplemb•r 8. due • ~ 1 1; Slm:l•un~ '!7.i ~~8 ~ u - ,_, c Bank Com 115 151~ ~l 51 -" Boeina: Air lMIOO 30~, 29 1-. 291~- ~ 1 A t ' '1urr:.• ,, l• ''" ••. : .. : ;·: -~ l'rmblnA 9011 17 7 7 c Brew 7011 53!11 3.11 31 Borden Co 3011 ;9•• 1~1 49 .. - I merican I Halifax September 9 and Bos· fo.,a'!'lla Cr 111 '1(1 St<'llnlln 7.~ 133 33 33 - ~ C CtlaD 85S 120 20 20 Bor,q: War 2700 35~ 3S lS11 -·~ 1 b 12. L · ~r>loo 2''" .' ·• ' 1 \\ain,;riJhl 2111 190 m 1110 +IS 'c Colan 17!pr !S Sll 31 31 - V. Budd ~Ill 36011 11s; 17 17''o + '• · ton Scptem er eann!: l>t• Lab 11 '11 Walk•rc ll!l $35'1 31'1 :15 + ~~ C Cllemlcol 300 16\i 1\t Stl- '!0 nurl MUll 5200 lB'• 1111 lR'-"- '• AMERICAN CL081Nil STOCK~ ; Boston September 13 and Hali· !\f"'>>" Alur :\im ~ 11

• '1

"01 We~ton B 50 t3\1 38~~ Jill,\ +V. c Fairbkt A 200 S91ill I 9'•- 14 Burrough 4600 lMk 34r• 3W•- 1•' B7 Tile ,,norlatrd Pr••• f S d •

''"' "h .... ,,., .,., l'· !f· C Folrbko II 2511 S!li ~... t%- ~ Calumet 1200 !1'> 21~< 21'•- '' Amnlcan Sto<k J<:xrhonro-.luly 2 , ax eptember 17, Ue St. Johns .... ~·· ,.,,,, ' •· • 1' c ""'"" 400 4211 420 420 -!S I Can DTJ 700 201'o zo•. ,,,, + ,, xd-Ex-dlvld•nd, xr-Ex . rlhls .... _ September 19. Sailing agam Xt" C;.l ~~~,~ ~~ 2;~ :;~ :_, l Tnhl uln 2.1~1.000. CIL 71.5 $13'" 1314 131/,- \'i. I CPR 2800 24 23~ 23'tt- 1.-, · Ex-wanants. : same day for Liverpool. S ~'" ••• Cl Pow 1110 Ill 13 13 + I'> I caoe Jl 2800 11 lOla 11 + '• Nrl --~------- --·--· ... Cl Pow,.. 190 140'ri 40 40 -1 l catrr Trae 6300 26 25'• 26 _.J,I SIDtt 5•1t" Rah LD-,r CIOif' Ch'rr

---····- C Oil z3 1191-i 19V. 19\l Celantoe 58lO 24'4 23\i 23'~- li Bell Phono JOO 46'• 4.11, 46'11 CPR 1090 U3 23V• :131• - % Choo Oblo 6500 60\1 58\'o ~~~; -'• • Bratll :11011 I 4 4 ''

Newfoundland due St. John's



1 Philanlhropisl, Ctara­

'1 She helped 1 rstablish

hospil.1ls in Europe durin~ \~--

' Prunlan war 113 Oleieacld ; eJter


14 Lubr!eators 15 SancUnro

persons .Je Small m'ul lt7 Coin wed in

I tlte Orier.t II Cornish 101'>'11

(prefix) , !0 Ma1cullne . nickname : 21 h d!Jplc;u:ed i al !UCottoJ:

bundles ,21 Stutter i 32 D!lmounted

'=:::~ . 141J'D!elll

DOWN !Stud 2. Wings 3 Check 4 Light brnwn ~ li~ 11 ol Famo

flRme ~ Dirds' homes 1 Jnstignte 8 Narrow Inlet • 9 Entire 27 Peruvian 41fJ Mrs. TrumiDI'

JO'Fcmlnlne copllal U Enthusi11Uc , nlclmam~ 29 Wl•c men ardor I

11 Algonquian 30 Paradise 45 Palm truJt I 1ndlan 31 Cereal ll'BSSes 47 Italian clll

12 Hops' kilns 35 Common 48 Japan- : 19 Lcitll point nickname In outca111 ) 21 She--d In ''Lone Star 4a DntiJtaUOD I

1004 State" (ab,) 22 Electrical unit 38 Bowline term B1 Bind 23 Pilch (pl.)· ~2 Stray 24 Blotches 39 Sesame 14 Before 2'• Pa~>t 40 Tapuyan 15 Solemn 20 NauiJcal tcnn 42 Fortlncatlon promlle

IIA'lll!'7 ·n~nllet

wuber- ""-~'-! dwil7


··='11 .GCCiach tl Drillk mada · wtlh mal\ fr 8bt founded

• tlltAmerlcan I -.:cross II• Qldt beetle

··--~~-1 ... to nlltf ... .• ..., ;., lllltita MGibea .,.. ..

c Pet ..- &55 It !li m CIUu svc 2900 "" 411,; 41Yo- '-•' M oil soo 2611 2l'l 2501: ;, Seplernber 16. Leaving for c Vlcktrl • SID 113~ 131'; 13116 Clevlt• 3800 59\lt 51 m•- Vo Br Am Th \CoO 8'1 l'i 8 + II I Halifax and Boston September ' CocUitull &lO Sll 11~ IS + V. Coca Cola 3700 64 63\4 6j\l Burry Bt.. 600 10', 101 10'' ' eon M 8 14$0 tt7li 17'1i 17li- II• cas 21110 40 3911 39\i -1 can s o;t 1900 3,, 211 2% _ ,_. : 24, due Halifax September 26 , c .. Gl••· 100 1231; :Uii> 2Sii + I Coml SOl• .• 2011 201; 19\1 [9%-"' Can Murc 900 4'i 4'l Po- ., ·I' and Boston September 29. Lea\'· I Dill SOli 4.10 IUii 211~ 21!0 + 111 Con Ed 2700 6611 6511 661> Chtsebro 700 :r.M 3!V. 31'' ,. n llrldlt 525 IIDI'o Ill< 15\!1- '' coulatnor 1100 211> 2l'' 24'''- I! I con liS 500 18 15 ' IR •-_,: I' ing Boston September 30 and n DolriH 100 SUllo uv, 111< + m cont can 490D :!111\ 311\ · :!llli + ;, Croole 5500 29 :n 28 11 + 111 Halifax October 4, due St. : D Jl'ndl'J 75 131111 J9" 31\!1 - llo Con OU 3.100 48'l'o 47\o 47\'o - 11 De,·-Pol 1110 !·I! !-18 9·15 ' J h • 0 t b 6 S '[' · ' D otau •l 1&9 19 69 copw 511 900 37V. :n :n - 1 Oom• Expt 900 8 5•11 611 611 _ 1.1 ' o n s c o er . a1 mg agam i n Sletl 175 til._. 11\la 1114 + ~ crano co BOO -tm 45 45 Duko Pow 2110 51M lOI'J 50'~ &arne day for Liverpool. I D Tar 173! $13 1211 1211 - I> Crow• ZtU 4000 4111 40"' 4~1 -II'J El Bond 1200 Dli 22,_ 2:1'1 D T"l :I02.l 19~ ~~ Mil + 'o'a curt\tt Wr 2300 1911 18\1 18" - 1't Ford 18011 14 II 14 1 D•ponl 175 llDI'o 20V. 20" neoro 7200 48 45\1 48 + II Goldlld 9900 1•1 1"11 l'l FURNESS RED CROSS USE . 11 Kool Ill Ill s a Dl•t Seal 200 291'> 291" 291> - 1> Houtn~or 300 22•1 2m 22'' S. Guernsey left Halifax July 1 rtHtwood 500 Sill'> 11" 111!1 Dome 11011 !91i 18;1 lB'ril-% Imp Oil 700 ~N 31'1 3111 + 'I 21 . · . St J h , 1 ram Ploy 175 no11 201't 2011 + ~ nou1111 6100 31 29'1• 2io/•- Ill Jupiter JOilO 2 1 15.1 11~·16-1·1 6, st, arnvmg . o n! July Foundata 37! S8\!a 9 9 - • Dow Chtm 9100 83\/• 8Dih sm -llo M"s•r·l" 600 9~ 9•> 91; 1. 24th lea\'ing St John'5 July : l'raur 1800 fl11i 24 21" + 10 nu pont 8200 !ll8lio 193V• 191\o -4 ~lessabi 700 7l'l 73' '• 73'-" - •> ' ' . Gatlllea• 10 135 35 35 Elll Kod 5300 um US~> um -2 Molyhd•n 3.1oo 42 n•\ 41"1 I 26th. for Corner Brook, Haii-Gen D7nom 140 MJ" 42\lo 42" +11f:t Eaton Mil 1100 31.\> ll"' 32 - '1 Nat Pole 5011 1 11-16 1~1 11> -1-16 fax and New York GL Poptr 1000 $37o/a 2710 31" + \o ,EI Aulo L 100 47'!'• 47 47 - II• Nat Rub 1011 1711 lli'o 11'1 - '•I . . H Smith 135 135% 35 35 -I Et Paso NG SIOO 3211 32\!1 321> - '-' NJ Zinr 100 23'\ 2311. 2.1'-'• + '' 1 S.S. Guernsey leavmg New Hud·II•J 3l Sill'• IIIIo '"¥! - Ill l'trootono 1100 36 3l\\ 35'11 - 'ril Pac Pete S900 15·16 8 9-16 8 9-16-5·11

1 York Aug 5th Saint John N B

Imp Bonk 75 S-19 mo 51.o- ~ Ford IDCOO am. 61,._ S2V• -lila Pantepoc 1400 15·16 '\ 'I -16 ' : ' ' ' ' Imp 011 44.1 $31" 31 3111> Frueb Tra 8!00 211'• 201\ 2111'1 + "


Proo10ft 23011 111. 4!-16 4'> +l-16IAug 8th, Hahfax, N.S.. Aug.' Imp Tob tooT 11m lllio 11% Goo Dyn 6400 43!0 431\ 43\1. +!Vo Shor Wms too 114 114 114 -11> lOth arriving St John's Aug lnd Aocop 225 138V. 38'1> 38'.0 - It! Getl Etoc 20100 8311 !0 8011 -3 St 011 Ky 1110 59 59 59 ' · · Inland c pr ~ 117'4 17\1 17\'• Ge• Foodl J2IIO Ilm 1311!1 131\!1 Toc~nclr 1100 8\1 B'l 8\1 + 1~ 13th, leaving Aug. 16th. for I•t Nl$tl UIO as311 &21'• Sl\o -m Gtn Mllll 1!00 2711 261'• 21%- VI I Tr·Cont 400 231/o 23\1 23'' C B k H ]'f d N 1n1 Paper 35 PliO 1411 941'• + "'' Gen Motoro 32300 43'1i 43 ~l'o - '~> Un Gu 100 13"1 13'1'o 13'~ + li orner roo • a 1 ax an ew , Inl UUI 150 US\t ll\!1 ll" - " oon Tlrt 4100 D7!!1 l&% Hli +"' Wr Hart 200 ·m 1\1 !V. York. JAiorpr PL 27l f53\lo m~ 52~ - "' GUddon 4110 37% 37v. 37% + " 11'011 011 pr z75 $12 U 12 Goodrich !!00 59\l 51\!1 59 -1 Jamalea 10500 l2t 2D Ill,. -1 Good)>oar 11100 35 34'l'o 35 - % Lalllll 25 117\ti 17" lln - ~ Gr PaiP 1600 2 11> I'!a Mil aDd Pll 713 Sl4V. 14Vo 14% - " Grand ua 5110 2D 211,; 28V. - ~ M ... :r.. 410 ~V. ll'o IV. - It! ot A p 11D00 Mil 33" 33\!1 - 1'1 Mw·F l"pr lO 1111 II Ill - " GT Nor Ill 1500 4,. 4811 481'o llolll>ol A 211 ~~ 22 23 - ~ GnU OU 13900 27~ 17 17" + It! MellOn I 1011 :131\ HI\ UIO - " Homoll< 400 40\lo 3!1'10 40 1111 ~ 170 II Ul'o lll'o )11tortako tsrAI 35 21" 241'1 - '10 IIU 'l'rull 100 W 43 43 - " rnl Boo Mob 3400 !101 41111> SOD - Y~ Jlorl•• pr HI! m n Ill +I lnt Harv 3300 4111 13% 13\t -1~ Not SU Car siO 112\1. 12" 12\1. lnl Nl$ 90110 551'1 53\1. 53"' -W• !ltrtll<la 11011 Nl'li 37 27 - 'li lnl Pop 11100 116 - 9t4l -1" Nl LP 1100 1131'1 13" 13" lnt Ttl lo:IOO 40" :IDI't li\lo - It Polt Btrt 200 Sst" ~ 20il - Jolml MID 1700 SS &2\li 52li -m Pt!1DI111 pr 15 1101 1011 IDI Knot<Ot ?7011 71\lo 7t% 7~ Placer 1011 liS tJ u + " KraJ• 200 31\1. :11\0 3m - ¥o 1

Prltl br • 11011 S3ll 38\lo 31! + V. Kroehltr 2110 13\!1 UV• 1314 - li Prov Trlllc 17& $14\ti 1410 14\4 LOIW'I Tlloa 1500 11!'1 IS% 11'10 Q Nat Gao 1140 1m !l'.o '"' - It! lilanh neld 100 52\1. am l3l'• - "' Q 11at oa wt 11M us t:IS t3l Marti• eo 2'1000 S31't 51 ~1'4 - '~'• Qll Gu un IIIII $41 41 41 Merck 4500 11'4 14" 811; - " Q .. p.,.. 71 138 31 36 +I Min MM 11400 ' 71 69'4 HV• -11 Roo AV Cu 101 470 410 470 +I Mimi OBI 500 :10% 301\ 3~- v, Jlolllod A 100 IS7 37 117 M .. ll~ C11 ?!DO 401' 391; 3M~ - 1~ Rollond pr 110 175 75 75 M""l Ward !!00 11\i 401; 40!1 - li llosa1 ftlll• 7tt N7 681' N111 - II Nal A vial 2500 n" 2m 21" + l'.o Royallto 100 I'll 825 U -2l Nal Cuh 3000 118\1. ll"• 116\1 - ~· IlL C., IS ll~o m IV. - \1. llat Dill &3110 2711 2Sii 21!1 8alada·8 3011 ltv• lit w, Not Gyps 100 5410 54\t 54Vo + II :::::: A ;: s'it'"' :" :' ~ ~ ~~ ~;.at 4j= t~41 ~ ~~ + ~ Sllllpooa 125 ftt 21 21 - '!0 Nor Pac 2000 43\t 42¥. 42\t - " IIDIIIII•m us .~..... 1111-1 19\!1 - ~~ I 0111• 011 2100 311; 31\1. 31 + •• Stool Co• 710 tN"• IIWt &6\!1 outb Mar 1.100 23'4 2311 22!; - ,., Stotnbl A Z50 S19 19 It Porka Da 17110 44!11 44'4 44'> - \i Ttlaro Ca• m ll!l'. 49 4f - "' I Pelul liB 5400 13 12'1 ~~·~ - I• Tor Dmllk 71 ~211 52 &2 -I> Phtl~ D 3700 4711 46!~ 461'> -I! Tra01 C Plfll 610 .17~ tm 17" - 1\ P~Ik:o . 13800 25\t till 21\t - 11


FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LTD. Llnrpool fit. John's Bostn RallfaJ. Sl. Jolm'l

·eo lo Rfa & to to to at. John'• Bosten HallfiJ • St. John's L'pool

"Nova Scotia" •• Jly. 29 Aug. 6 Aug. 12 Aug. 16 Aug. 18 "Newfoundland" Aug. 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 "Nova Scotia" •. Aug. 31 Sept. 7 Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Scp. 19 "Newfoundland" Sept. 16 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Oct. 4 Oct. 61 "Nova Sc,otla" •• Sept. 30 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 oct. 20 "Newfoundland" .Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 71 S.S. Port Avalon expected sail from Liverpool July 21st, ar· riving St. John's July 28th.

Persona contemplating passage to Europe

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S.S. GUERNSEY lv. New York . .... . ............... . Lc. Saint John, N. B. . ................... . Lv. Halifax ..... ..... ........... .. . .. . Ar. St. John's ...................... July 24 Lv. St. John's .................... July 26

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CBN ritD:u, July 22nd.

u. '7.30-News '7.35-Top of the ?.lorning 1.00--CBC News and Weather L15-llusical Clock 9.00-llorrung Devotions 9.15-Program Pre\'iew 9.20-Piano Playtime 9.30-CBC News and Direct

Report.!!-Rec11rds at Random

lO.OO-Arcl1ers 10.15-lril Power lO.~For Consumers 10.!!.5-For Consumers. 10.45-Cliffs Kitchen\lusic in the ~lorning 11.00-:\lusical Program. lo.30-llusical Pops.

6.30-Venture. 7.3()..-Nfld. Program from

London. 7.45-Notes an~ Commenta. 8.0()..-N ews 8.05-Flashback 8.15-Recitals from the Or·

cheslra. 8.3()...-\\'inni;lcg Sunday Con·

cert 9.30-CBC Stage

10.30-ln A ~tanner of Speak· in g ..

9.30-CBC Summer Stage. 11.30-CBC National News 11.40-Weekend Review and

Special Speaker 12.00-Sign Off - 0 Canada­

The Queen

VOCM FRIDAY, July 22nd.

11.15-llusical :\ferry-Go· ti.~U-News and Weather Round.

1· 6.a5-Breakfast with Bill

11.45-Regina ~lcBride 6.55--News P .ll. I 7.00-Breakfast with Bill 12.00-BBC News : 7.30-News and Waterfront 12.10-Announcers Choice · Directory 12.15-Farm Broadcast. 7.35-Breakfast with Bill 12.30-Farm Broadcast j' 7.55-1'\ews 1:!.45-:\lid Day Serenade 8.00-Torbay We~ther , 1.00-Doyle Bulletin


8.05-Breakfast w1th Bill 1.15-A :.tan Called Sheppard 8.2:>--News 1.30-CBC News and Weather 8.36rHit of the Oay US--Billy O'Connor Show, 8.35--Sportsca..t !.15-Xational School Broad· 8.40-Breakfast with Bill

cast 8.55--N ews 2.29-Dominion Time Signal. 9.0()...-Morning Date 2.30-:Musical Randezl'ous 9.15--Lindas First Love 2.45-BBC \'ariel)'. 9.30-~iorning Date 3.15--John Dranie Tells I 10.00-Ntws

Storr. 1\).05--Stork Club 1.30-CBC Xe\\'5 and Trans 10.15--Jlm Ameche Shrw

Canada :O.Iatinee, 10.55--News U3--Hersehnren Strings 11.00-Jim Ameche Show 5.00-!Waring Twenties 11.15-Western Jamboree fi.30-Fisheries Broadcast IUS-News 5.45-ltusic from the Album• P.M. &.00--CBC News 12.00-Western Jamboree 6.05-l'ntermeuo 12.30-News &.~Program Pre\'iew. .12.35--Ramblin with Record• 6.30-Suppcr Guest 112.45-Fisbcrman's Forecast 6.45--Light ~iusie. with R~:ord.l ~.00-CBC :-.cws and Weather i US-Sportscast 7.15-Eileen Stanbury Sings 1 1.20-Ramblln with Records 7.30-Tops Today I 1.30--NeWft 7.45-Doyle Bulletin ! 1.45-Pusing Parade (John 8.15-Rawhide Nesbitt) 8.30-Ro\·ing Reporter 2.00--Jim Ameehe Show S.~llines and Resources 2.55-News 8.55-\\'eather for ~lariners 3.ll0-Dollars On Parade 9.00-1nlitation to Worship 3.35--News 9.10-1nten·iew 4.00-Bob's Bandwagoa 9.30-The Old North 4.55-News

11.30-CBC Xational News, 5.00--Bob's Bandwagon Roundup and Talk.· 5.30-Supper Serenade

12.00-Sign Off-0 Canada- 5.50-Fisherman's Forecast The Queen. 6.00-Bulletln Board

SATURDAY, July 23rd. Travelogue 7.31)--CB.:: News. 6.3~Supper Serenade 7 35-Top of the Morn1n• 6.45-Nem a:oo-cBC News and Weather. 7.00-Shillelagh Showtime. 8.15-llusical Clock. 8.00-Cream Of The Crop 11.00-:\lorning Devotlo!ll. 10 00-VOCM All Time Hit 11.15-Program Preview. Parade 9.20-South of the Border 10.30-Eventlde Meditation• 930-Tops In Re\iew 10.45-Sports

10.00-0ut1c10k 11.00-Torbay Weather to:ao....Newa. 11.05--Big Top Ten 10.»-Graftons Hour. 11.30-Ciub 590 and News. 11.00-BBC Variety. Newburgh, N.Y. 11.30-!\lusieal Program. Jl.U--Sacrtd HMrt Program. 12.00-BBC News 12.15--Jr. Farm Broadcast 1%.30-World Church News.

. \:Z.~Mid Da; Serenade. P.M. 1.00-Dorle Bulletin. 1.15-:Musical Program. 1.3Q......{:BC News and Weather, 1.45-Camera Club. 2.00-llusicaJ Program. 2.15-Movie Scene. 2.29--Domlnion Observatory

Time Signal. 2..30-Here'l HarmODJ. 2.-'5--This Week. 3.00-Baseball Game of the

Day 5 00-~sical Program 6..30-Supper Guest. 7.00--CBC News and Weather. T.l>-Hymns of Praise. T .30--Glrl Guides '7.45--Doyle Bulletin. 8.15-:Sfld. Sparta Roundup. 8.30--This la My Story. 8.S6-Weather for l!arlnen 9.00-Chicho Valee. 9.30--Johnny Burt and Strings

10.00-Neil Cbotem Octet. 10.30-Four'a Company. 11.30--CBC' National New1 11.41).-.?.luslc Till Midnite 12.00-CBC National New!,



11.35-Breakfut with Bill. 8.55-News. 7.00--Breakfast With Bill. '1.15-Sports. 7.20-Breakfut with Bill. 7.30-News and Transportation

Report. ?.~Breakfast with Blll. 7.45-Sport.s. 7 .50-Breakfast with Bill. 7.55--News. 8.00-Torbay Weather. 8.05--News. 8.10-Community Calendar. 8.15-Breakfast '1\ith Slli. 8.25--News. 8.30-Hit Tune of the Day, 8.35-Sporl!. 8.4()...-Breakfast with Bill. 8.5:>--News. 9.00-Breakfast with Bill. 9.30-Bib 8 Program,

10.00-News. 10.05-Stork Club, 10.15--Here's Health, 10,30-Juke Box Jamboree, 10.55--News. 11.00-Juke Box .Jamboree. 1130-Reddy's Varieties, P.M.

SUNDAY, July Udl. 12.00-News. A M. 12.05-Jukc Box Jamboree, . 1!.30-lnterlude , 12.30-News. 9.00-CBC News and. \\ eather 12.3~-Rambling with Records.· 11.10-Program Hlghh~hta 12.4:>--Fisherman's Forecast. 11.15-!>llgic Music Box 12.50-Rambllna witt! Recordl. 9.30-Newa 12.55-News. 11.35-Post Mark U.K. US--Sportscast

10.00-llaritime Garoener l.ZO-Rambllng with RecordJ. 10.15-Neigl!bourly News 1 ;i'J--NPII'S 10.30--0rgan Recital U3-Constabulary Report. 11.00-Gower Street United 2.00-Jim Ameche Show.

Church. 2.55--News. P.ll. 12.15-CBC News and Weather 12~Program Highlights 12.30--To Praise my God 12.45-Regional Roundup 1.15-Ruth Fleichmann Sings 1.30-BBC News l.f5.-Sunday Miscellany 2.00-InVitation. 2.29--Dominion Obs. Time

Signal, UO--Cblldreli Magazine ~New. li.3S-Capltol Report 4.00-Rtliglous Period UO-Chamber Music II.Jti-NeWI

; 11.33 Carl Tapscott , t.IIII--Critiull7 Spemna


3.00-Saturday Serenade. 3.55-News. · 4.00-Bob's Banr:wagon. 4.55-News. 11.00-Bob'a Bandwagon. 11.30-Supper Serenade. UO-Fisherman's Forecut U5-NeWI. 8.00-Bulletin Board. 6.15-Sportscast and

Travelogue. 8.30--Supper Serenade. 8.30-News and Weather. 6.45--News. 7.00-ShlJielagh Showtlme 1.00-Cream of U.t Crop. 11.45-Newa.

10.00-VOCM All Time Hit Parade.


•---------- RRPRESf.NTi\TIVE W.\NT·

10.30-Eventide Meditations, 10.45--Sports, 10.55-News. 11.00--Torbay Weather. 11,05-- Big Top Ten. 11.30--Music from the Old

Mill, 12.00-News. 12.05-Club 590. 1.00-News. 1.0:>--Club 590. 2.00-Close Down.




Nfld. Armature Works


Regular 8.31 a.m. train lenv- : · ing St. John's Monday, July 1 Bli!LDING MATERIALS:.

bth .. will make connectiOn at • CHESTER DAWE, L TO. I -SUNDAY, July 24th. Ar"cnlia with ~lotor Ves~els SIJ,\W ST. and TOPSAIL RD

A.M. fm~ tl1e Ba~· Run and West Run For all your nuildin& 6.30-Ncws and Weather. Placentia Bay. Requirements caC



11.00 a.m. Junior


2:30p.m. Junior


6.35--S.unday Breakfast. . t.:ONNJ·:CTION GREEN B,\\' 80161-91171 6.55--News. 1 1 ·• 1 ·ng 7 00-Sundav Breakfast. . Train "The Car~ loU cavl I 7:30-St. Annes Shrine ol tht ·St. John's Tuesday. July 261.~.. DRUG STORES

For emplo)·ment with the [ron Ore Company of Canada at Carol Lake. I

Senior 7.00 p.m.

ST. PAT'S vs FEILDIANS Air. will make connect10_n at Lel:ls·l ----------- :1-!ust have experience in all

7.45-Sund~y Breakfast Club porte with the Noma fo~. rcbu· M. CONNORS LTD., phase~ of warehousing, such ~s 'and News. Jar ports Green Bay Senlcc. Prescriptions Pickup and automolil'e parts, plumbing,

8.30-0ral Roberts. FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES delivery service. Phone 2206: heatin~. etc. 9.00-People's Gospel Hour. I 'th

ELECTRICAL . Good starting salan· WI 9.30-Rel·ival Echoes. FREIGHT LEWISPORTE· ! prospects for future ad-: 10.00-News. CORNER BROOK SERVICE APPLIANCES 10.05--old, Old Stor•. ,·ancement. • Freight lor regular ports 10.3()...-Frank and Ernest. ILewisporte-Corne: Brook Scr·r fJAINE JOHNSTON Apply to 10.45-Bible Talk. vice for forwarctmg v1a Lewis· 11.00-church SerVi~e. · 1 1 COMPANY LTD Prl'j;onnrl Supenlsnr, • porte and the S.S. Sprmgc a e , . P.M. will be acceptrd at the Railway Agency Department Oilier ~o. ~~ 12.15-Vi;tas of Israel. 'Freight Shed :\londay, July , 243 Water St. Dial 2102 Iron or. rompany nf Canada, 12.30-News. :25 th .. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tucs-! YOUR FIUGIDAIRE 95 J.e~farchanl Road, 12.35--Thc Search. clay, .July 26th., 9 a.m .• to DEALER. st •. John's, Sfld. 1.00-Sport's Rc\'iew. noon. jlyZl.22

~:~~:::~y Serenade. FREIGHT SOUTH COAST HEAP & PARTNERS jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .. iii __ iii_i_iiiiii_iii.ilil,. 1.45-How Christian Science SERVICE (NFLD.) LTD.

Heals. Freight is accepted daily at Wiring MateriaLs, Wire and 2.00-Jim Ameehe Show and the Railway Freight Shed for Cables, Motors Starters,

News. reAular ports South Coast Scr· Lamps, Switches, Lightint 1 4.00-Lutheran Hour. \'icc but in order to guarantee Fixtures, etc. 1

4.3()..-Life with the Lyons. mo\'emcnt by this trip of the IV AREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST. 1

5,00-News. :\I.V. Bonavista freight mu~t be DlAL5085 5.15-0utdoors In Nfld. . at the Railway Freight Shed not 5.30-Lawrence \\'elk Show. i later than 1:00 p.m. Tuesda)'. FIRE INSURANCE

and News. I,IUII' 2Gth. I 10.00-This ism~· Story. • ::ROSBIE & CO., LTD.

10.45-Sp,,rtcast. ~. ~ i UNDERWRITERS AT


1957 'Plymouth 4 Door Sedan



2.30 p.m. ST. BON'S vs



Junior 10.30 a.m.


7.00 p.m. MAC-UNITED vs.


i Married Couple

ED-Experienccd ami well counectcd calling on dry goods wholesalers. d~pl. stores etc., by progrcssll'e men's hosiery 'manufact~r· rr on commission bas1s. Please ~ive complete de· tails a, to expcrirnrr. lir.cs earried etc .. which "W be kept confidential. P.<•ply. to Box N 0 .508 c f o D;uly

1 New~. I

I SELf t:~JPI.onn:~T on a 1 full or part lime baSIS. No I m~rchandise to bu~ Pos·

I sihic earnings 10 the S15,-000 . S30.1'00 category.

· Write for free details. Con· <olidated Industries. Box ·24-AX. Louisville, lllinois.

10.30-Sundny evening at 590. ~ • cw 1

Agents for

10.55-News. ·1·.,- :~... · LLOYDS. 11.00-Torbay Weather. LOW RATES 11.05-Big Top Ten. ~~~~~,....,.·-..- DIAL 5031 11.30-Club 590. 12.00-News . 12.05-Club 590. 12.55-Ncw~.


McKINLAY i Seeking i MOTORS LTD. i Room and Board i

NEW ~lETHOD RUG CLEAN· ERS-Rugs and Carpet made to look like new. Von Schrader process adds years to life of rugs Clean· ed in home or at our plant. 'Phone 91033, New Method Rug Cleaners, Freshwater ltoad. leMARCHANT ROAD ! for a temporary

HARDWARE STORES .. -------·------~---- .

Statutory Notice I HARRIS & HIScocK, LTD. 1.00-Close Down. 1

General Hardware • ,. 1 Distributors for Sunbeam

CJON :In the matter of the " 111 and · Electrical Appliances, FRIDAY, July 22nd. / Estate of Catherine F. Mur-~ Sports goods and Sporll

-~~~~~~~~- phy, late of Carbonear In the wear for all occasion1. 6.30-· 'fbe Bob Lcwts :>no\'\ Province o! Newfoundland. I DIAl 5016 8.3()..-N{Jd. News Widow, deceased. 1---..;;.... _____ _ 8.35-Weather Forec~st be ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD, 6.~The Bob Lewis Show All persons claiming to 8.45-Headline News and creditors of or who have any McCLAR"l AUTOMATIC

d f WARM AIR CONDITIONING Forecast claims or dcman s upon or a · 8.50-The Bob Lewis Show feeling the Estate of CathPrine 210 WATER ST. 7.00-News F. Murphy, late of Carbonear ___ DIAL U8S 7.05-Local Weather aforesaid, Widow, deceased, are PAIRS 7.20--The Bob Lewis Show requested to send particulars of RADIO• TV RE 7.30-News their claim in writing, duly at-7.35-Complete Weatlm tested, to the undersigned GREAT EASTERN OIL 7.45--News Solicitor for the Executor named 8.00-News in the Will of tne said deceased COMPANY, LTD. 8.05-Weather on or before the 29th day of REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV 8.15--Shlpping Report Juiv, A.D. 1060, after which AND ALL ELECTRICAL 8.20-The Bob Lewis Show dat~ the said Executor will pro· APPLIANCES 8.25-Kiddies Corner ceed to distribute the said DIAL 3001 to3005 8 30-News Estate hal'ing regard only to the 8.40-The Bob Lewis Show claims of which he then shall GROCERS (Retail) 8.55--Just a Minute have had notice. 9.00-News Dated at Bay Roberts this: L. HEALEY 9.05-Musle for Millions 29th day of June, A.D. 1960. · cross Roads and Water Street 9.20-Jerry Wiggins Show WILJ.IMI R. SMAI.I.WOOD. Dial 3026

lO.OO-N cws In a ~linute , lO.Ol-Martin's Corner Solicitor lor the Executor. 10.15-The Rii;ht to Happlne~ ADDRESS: 10.35-HousewlvctJ Cho1~e Cross Ro~ds, , 10.55-!llusic for Relaxin& . Bay. Rohcrts, Nfld. 11.00-News In a Minute Jne30,Jiy9,16,23 ll.ol-The Rev. lttatthew ---~--------11.35-Nfld. Quiz -With News and 11.45-Moneyman. Weather. 12.00-News Hlghlighll 1.1:>--News.



JOB BROTHERS & CO. LTD. Water Street

Dial 2658--4123

12.02--Town and Country 1.35-Don Jamie&on's Editorial.. REG. T. MORGAN

PHONE 419~~~ i --------

Vacation period.

DIAL 4057



will be out of town

until August 12th.

• THE CENTRAL BARBER ! SHOP-We are now opera!· ' ing 10 chairs, you can be

assured of prompt, effici· ent, sanitary service. No waitin" problem. 24 New Gower o Street opposite A de· !aide Motors, Ltd.

; WASTED IS GOOD CONDI· 1 TION _ Nfid. and Canadian gold, I will pay $200.00 for 1880 $2.00 gold pieces, and highest prices paid for all other old. Also for:-1 cents before 1907 .. 55c. each 5 cents before 1894 !2.50 eact Nickel-1946 ... , . ,$30.00 each 10 cents before 1890 . $2.50 each 20 cents before 1881 . $1.50 each Canadian silver dollars:-194~

--------- .-$5.00, 1947-$5.00, 1948-

1 9 5 7 PONTIAC

$25.00. All Nfld. paper money wanted.

J Please register money by return maiL References with Bank of Nova Scotia, Bridge Branch, N.S. A. L. GALBRAITH. Shan­non Park, N .S. jlyl3,1mth

FOR ALL YOUR Exterior and Interior Painting,

1 Paper Hanging, Cleaning, Roofing ~te. Phone L. Howell, '1397H or 3752A. jly14,2wk

$1200·00 .

12.30-N~WJ 1.45--Sporta. INSURANCE LIMITED 12.33-Town and CountrJ 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook. Temple Bldg., P.O. Box 168, 1.oo-Ne~t., 2.00-News Highlights. 341 Duckworth St.

Save your Energy Use ELECTRICITY

! Baird Motors Ltd. I I MERRYMEETING ROAD :



CO., LTD. Radio, Television, Wuhen. Refrigerators, Deep Freezera

Electric Rangu, 1.05-Weat:..•er Forecast 2.01-Bob Goes Calling and Dial B0370 or 775t 1.35-Don Jatnieson'a News,

Editorial 4.00-News. 1.40-Sporta 4.05--Ranch Party. 1.4:>--Art Baker's Notebook 5.00-News, 2.00-News Highlights 5.01-Bob Lewis Dance Party. 2.03-JPrry Wiggins Show 6.05--Bulletin Board. 2.3()..-News 6.10-National News. 2.31-Jcrry Wiggins Sho" 6.1:>--Sports. 3.01-Western Jamboree 6.30-Club 93 and News. 4.00-News in a Minute 8.00-News in a Minute. 4.01-Ranch Party 8.ol-Hit Parade and News. 5.00-News In a Minute 9.00-News. 5.01-Bob Lewis Dance Parl1 9.01-Gospel Hour. 6.00-News Hlghllghta 9.30-News in a Minute. 6.01-Weather 9.31-Let's Slag a Hymn. 6.05-Bulletin Board 9.45-News. 6.10-National News 10.00-Ncws Highlight~. 6.1S..:..Sports 10.01-The Barn Dance. 6.25--Ever Battery News 10.3~National News. 6.30-Cluh 93 , 10.45--Saturday Night House 7.02--Club 03 Party and News. 7.30-News 2.01-Quccn and Sign Of!. 7.45-Don Jamieson's News SUNDAY, July 24tb. 8.00-News in a ~linute A.M .

6.30-Ncws. 6.35--Marching with the

Guards, 7.00-Ncws, 7,05-Bob Farnon. 7.3~News.



Dial 2206


Llt.'r.~i <g•" ,..,.., ' ..... ,,. Cheap Reliable Electricity I In and Around St. John's

Cor. Moncby & Empire ATe. 1---------­Dial 90070 Statutory Notice

PARKDALE PHARMACY Jn the matter of the Estatl' nf

Elizabeth Ave. Tom Sam, late or IS .John's Dial 91121 In the Province of Ne~dound·

land, restaurant proprietor, i 1 FREIGHT SERVICE deceased.

TRINITY. SOUT~ All persons claimin~ to be From St. John • •Ia . cr~ditors of or who have any Whltbourne to Old P!rhcan, • claims or demands upon or d·] North Shore Contrptlon feeling the Estate of Tom Sam, 1

to Carbonear. . 1 for late of St. John's aforesaid, Tru~ks al~o 1avat~~~c: restaurant proprietor, deceased,

:~~es a:eas~~able: are requirc_d to . &en_d pa:t!cu-For further Information lars of the1r cla1m m wr_1tmg,

DIAL 936038 duly attested, to the RVg1strar

8.01-Best from the West 8.30-National News 8.31-Best from the West 9.00-N ews In a Minute 9.03-Nfld. Soiree. 9.40-Personally Speaking. 9.45-Dosco News. lO.O~News Hi~hiights 10.ol-The Falcon 10.30-National News 10.45-Sports

7.35-Road ·Show with Sports, 1----------News and Wpather.

9.30-Sunday School of the

of the Supreme Court of ~ew­foundland, Administrator of the above estate on or before the 14th day of August A.D. 1960,

10,55--Music In the Night 11.00-News Highlights 11.03-~tuslc In the Night 12.00-News 12.01-~lu!ie In the Night

CJON SATUBDAY-;"'July 23rd.

A.M. 6.30-The Bob Lewis ~how­

News, Weath9r and Ship· ping,

10.00-Martin's Corner. 10.15-Right To Happiness. 10.30-National News. 10.35-Top Twenty Five TunK

,, •

Air. 10.ot-Week In Review. 10.30-News in a Minul~. 10.35-Nild .. Busin~ss Week. 11.00--News In a ~iinute. 11.01-Chapel for Shutln1. 12.00-News in a ~linute. P.M. 12.01--Sing lt Again. 12.3()...-N ews. 12.45-Provlnclal News Mulld

up. . 1.00-Newa to a Minute. 1.01-Longlne'a Symphonette. l.3~News. 1.40-Parliament Hill. 2.00-News in a Minute. 2.01-Road Show and News. 4.01-Hour of Decision

(Contihued on page 16) ' .

· aflpr which date the Admin· I istrator will proceed to dis· I tribute the said esta[e ha1·ing · re~tard only to the claim of which he shall then · hal'e had notice.

Datpd at St. .Tuhn's this 14th day of .July A.D. 1!160,

J. A. WINTER, Q.C., Registrar of tbe Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Administrator of Estate Tom Sam, deceas­ed.

ADDRESS: 1 Registrar Supr~me Court,

l. Duckworth Street, St. John's, Nfld ..


DIAl. 8-0378 • 8-0379 i ·-·· • I

--------------·------ I -------a:l LAND SURVEYS


Floor Polishert, Gramophonea

Public Address System, Tapa 1\ecorden


81.\L 3001 10 1016





PHOTO COPYING I. !an26.1y. •-----·-


Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.


USED-20 FT. LIFEBOAT only 4 yr~. old: has Stuart 2 cvcle, 2 eyl. 8 h.p. gas en· gine only run two hours; marine reverse ....... $850

USED-1958 5 b.p. ELTO exc. cond ............. $200


USED-1959 7.5 h.p. SCOTT bail-a-malic, ~car shift ~cp. tank, good cond .•..... $225 1

USEJI-1958 18 h.p. ELEt.:. JOHNSON, with 12 volt batt. and rem. cont. ........ $500

USED - WORLD'S SMAI,T .. F.ST OR motnr-only 17 lb. but 1.7 h.p.-fine for trollin~ or very light boat .. $'

ltl7 GOWER ST. PHONE '94i


• •. 't


.. - . .. . ,, • ... - ~

• • t -.... ' .. -:·- .. ~ ~

\. ··"

ffi_.E_D_A_IL_Y_N_E_w_s • ._~-·-JO~H-N-~~·~N-F~LD~.,-F_R~ID~A~Y,_J~~~Y~2~2,_1~9~~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------l!





0 I N G 0 15 21 36 52 65 7 29 45 57 72 6 23 41 46 69

11 20 38 58 70 2 16 44 47 73 8 28 33 50 74

10 18

35 56 75 3 31 54

'62 14 40 59 1 37

Consolation Prizes to ,he first 20 persons who complete the letter X .

Help Kin - Help Kiddies

Expert Watch Repairs CHRO!IlO~t:TERS




c.o.D. JllDER~


-------.------ ··-···· ----- --------. ·····---- ·-- ----








The Funeral of our late Comrade Arthur Whelan will take place this morning at 8.45 c.m., from Iris late residence, 264 Empire Avenue, All available ex-Servicemen are requested to at. tent ,

J, W. GOODYEAR, Secretary,





between 25 and 30 years of age for

Warehouse assistant.


Female Office Clerk Typing essential. .

Apply to BOX 102 c1o Daily News.

NITRATE OF SODA "The Magic Grower"

Help your Crops along to Market.

Frank McNamara Ltd. PHONE 5143 • 5144 QUEEN STREET


CII'I'V 01' ·~· IOJUI'l


PUBLIC NOTICE The use of Quidi Vidi Lake by any aircraft except aeroplanes chartered by the Department of Health for emergency purposes is prohibited"bY the Council.

By Order.



Ac~ng City Clerk.



1. No cars will be permitted to enter the Eastern parking area of the Basilica frpm 11 :00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

2. Certain sections of the Western park· ing area will also be reserved, under the directions of the police.

3. Parishioners are requested to kindly cooperate with the police in this mat• ter.

ENJOY YOUR .STEAKS! In most comfortable surroundings.

Soft Music - Solt Lights.

Our Dining Room is open from 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.

We cater to Weddings, Receptions, Banquets, etc.


Advertise l.n ·The ·News

"Ever since we discovered oil, I've wondered if we shouldn't s~\1 som~ and have our house REMODELED!''

• • • That's right lady - a com· fortah\e home i~ the first ess~ntial to happv living. I£ YOU want more living com­fort and modernizing of your home. you wont need an oil well, just come in and see us, You can re-

' model on easy monlhly I terms and live better now.

------ -----KODAK P~JI CAMERA

New low price for a genuine Kodak miniature!

Superb miniature styling • , . performance ••. in a color-slide camera priced just a step above a snapshot camera. Anastar f/3.9 lens, flash shutter, no-thread loading ••• ultra-easy exposure-value settings. Come in and see the simplest, surest

, •• , most economical •• , fine-miniature Kodak has ever built!



Velvet Horn For Fast t; ~~~o~-~- ~ 06!u~. ~=~ HOLYROOD l 'I Second floor. -

WATER STREET WEST TUNA BOATS Taxi Service ! Suitab.._~ T;.>r work shop area PHONE 3011 FOR CHARTER I or possibly offices •. --- Expert Wedgeport HOTEL TAXI , Heat and electricity ;nclud-

FOR SALE Guides. I ed, Central location, easy Ph 29F2 Dial 2424-2410 ! parking.

1953 Chev. motor complete. one QUEEN'S ROAD Apply 1953 Ford motor complete. HOLYROOD I I 6384

1953 International motor complete j\ . • 1 Open from 6.30 to 2 a.m. B r d G ( H . t l'lt ) 14,2mts I 1 , 1 rant or .a c ms , 1 === i__ • __ : jly22.25.2i

1 ton. 2 slake bodies. Also ---- ---·--~----· ------------------------­parts for Chel' ., Ford and In· , tcrnational. Apply

Harding's Trucking

SPRINGDALE ST. Dial 3214 ' -------- ----- i

FOR SALE One 12ft. Boat

fully equipped with auto· 1

matic controls, 12 h.p. motor, Master Craft trailer, lfie preservers, I

For further Information:

Dial 3358F or apply 366 Water Street,

during business hours.

Where To Stay Balsam Hotel

BARNES ROAD Situated In the Heart of

the Cit;.

Quiet, Comfortable Atmos­phere.

For heservations and In· formation.·

Dial 6336 MRS. JOHN FACE'!. Resident Manageren


Fly To St. Pierre· Miquelon

For information call

4461-A or 90797-L Ask for









Would those attending please donate as generously as possible to the collection at the various gates which is for the upkeeping of the cemetery. Plot holders are expected to have their places attended ,o as early as posibse. No work will be permitted on plots after THURSDAY, July 21st. jly21,22

»tA-tf;paW' WORLD WIDE


• BY AIR • BY RAil




TO BE SURf- CALL 90061, 90062



....... j.... ... , .... · ... ~ -.·._ ~ . ••'. ·: ·.·~-': . .. . ·. ~ .· )·.#~

I :: ... ~ '~ .:. .. ·

~· ·:; - .. ~. -.r"6'

.... 1' .:··.

1 • .;.. :'~

--:~f~ ...... ~ . . .. ..... :-:. . . . . :;_ ~~ ~

~- ~ ..... ' ... -..

""'t\ .. ·• . ·: . ~ : " .. . . ' .

-1 . ' ...... .. , . . . .

·. _,.~.

: ~·

. -- ,., ._ ;

- .. -.. . ..... ~ .. . . ,. ...... - --~-· .... 'It~ .. ' .. . .. .... \ .. '·

• -. ,1





FEATHER BANDS Ladies Hats Feather Bands


Jteg. $3.50 Reg. Price $2.98

Sale Price S 1. 75 Sale Price s1.75



THIS IS MY GOD Hermon Wouk .... $4.50


Nevil Shute .......... 4.50 CLEA

Lawrence Durrell .... 3.7 5 A EUROPEAN

CLARENCE E. MOORE, EDUCATION District Supervisor, N~wfound- Romain Gary ...... 3.7 5 land Branch, H. J. Hemz Com· pany of Canada Ltd. hns been 1 ENJOY, ENJOY I appointed Sales Branch Man- Harry Golden .... .. 4.7 5 ager succeed~ng C. A. Innes, THE BURIED DAY who has retired. Mr. Moore joined the Heinz Company as a salesman in 1946 at Sydney, N .S. In June, 1957, he became District Supervisor, Halifax Branch. He was transferred to Newfoundland in January of this year. A native of the Mari­times, Mr. Moore will make his headquarters in St. John's.

11.30--Perry 1\lason 12.30--News lleadline.~ (l.oca)}

SATURDAY, July 231'd.

3.00--ln the dug out with Howie ~lecker

3.30--Baseball Game or !he Week

6.30--The St. l.awl'ence 1"ol'th 7.00--This is Alire 7.30--Mr. Adams and t:ve . 11.00--Weekend !"ews. 8.15-Natlonal Jllews. 8.30--Dennls the ~leuate . 9,00-Saber or London. 9.30--Bachelor Father

10.00--l\lan Called X 10.30--Great 1\lovies. 12.00--Twjlight ·Zone. 12.30--Local News Hearllines


P K. Kemp &

5.00 i

C. Lloyd .... .. .. .. . .. 5.00 THE JOY OF MUSIC I

Leonard Bernstein .. THE VICTOR CAMPAIGN

Colonel C. P. Stacey


ANCHOR WATCH Newfoundland Stories

in Verse by

Otto P. Kelland Author of the Song

"Let me Fish off Cape St. Mary's"

' Cloth .................... $3.50 Paper ................... 1.75

! Di(ks & Co., Ltd. SUNDAY, July 24th. i

4.3o-orai Robert's Prog1·am. )1 The Booksellers 5.00--Country Calendar • 5.30-Holiday Edition. 'Spin 4425 or 2008 3191 6.30-News Magazine. j--· or

J·V· RADIO[O(T 7.00-How To Marry a Uilli11n· . ANNOl:l\'CE~liENT--

t'RIIJAY, July 22nd. • 7.30--~;:· Cummings Show. I :Oit: ... ~nd.~I;~.· J~ .. ;~ .. Richa~~ • , CJON ·TV

• ,.,_.' t :: I '.~~ ' "' ' • • '. • :.


-----------· BROWNIE

S~cAMERA Electrr'c-eye makes exposure s.:!ttings automatically! This amazing new camera gives you good, cleor pictures on bright doys, cloudy days, in sun or shode .•. outomoticallyJ The electric-eye makes it right measures the light,; ond lets just the right amount through. All you do is oim and 1hoot! Takes color slides, color snapshoft, block·and·white pictures. A remarkable camera.,. at a remarkably low price I



.'ith your precious SUMMER FILMS •

developing and printi1:g of bolh

white and colour rolls, return

them to us.



For careful

black and

4.00-0n Location S.OO-II!ghway Patrol. of Kclligrcws Nflct ... · h 1 8 30-F th K I ' I .. "IS 0

, continued from page 14) 10.3(}-Ncws. .i.OO-Caravan ' a er nows Best. announce the rng<tgement of 4 ;:cJ-:\cws. 10,45-Sunda~· Serenade. 6.00--Fury :·~t:;t~~~~~f M;shic. lhcit· younger dau~htcr. Joyce 4 ~:!-Edu<·ation. 11.00-Goldcn Age of Popular 6.30-Local News and World · ' van ow, to F /0. H. Bruee Campbell son , r s t 10.30-Encore f ~I . d ' TOOTON'S ~ liJ-:\cws in a ~linule. Songs, 0 por n 20--P ti 0 • I. an .\Irs. Alexander I ~\It-Hour of Decision. 11.30-Semprini Serenade. 6.45--Summer Theatre - Call 1 ' resen ng Barry Morse. 1.\lacLean Campbell. of \\'ellacc· : ~ ~1-Children's Story Hour. of Ule Wild 1·30--Hotel de Paree. I burg, Ontariu. The wcddina . ~ l'!~!\cws. 12.00-News in a :Minute. 8.15-Natlonal New• 1~-00--0utlook. I will lake place in Winnipeg I ti ·:,_church \\'orld News. 12.01-:Melodies and Memories. 8.30--TV Hour of StarR 1UO-News Headline•. Manitoba early in. S~ptembcr: 1

6 ~~~~1. Thomas' Church 12,30-News. 9.30--Red River Jamboree :The couple wtli rcstde 111 Rivers ; DISTRIBUTORS FOR KODAK IN NEWFOUNDLAND"


112.:1"...-Mantavanl. 10.00--Four Just Men MAINE GUEST ' Manitoh01, where the groom is 1

: ::,_!load Sho\\' and News. 1.00-News in a Minute and /10.30-Fiylng Doctor . PORTLAND, Me. - AP • stationed with the RcA F ll' • :-ramily Bible Hour. Sign Off. 11.00--1 Spy · Eric Leighton, a 39-ycar·old 1 • · • •

-....:,.;;;;~~==~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.1 statistici_an for the Canadian DEATiis- . BRIDGE STOLEN


POT A TOES ................... 75 lb. SACKS CABBAGE .................... 50 lb. SACKS TURNIPS ................ · ..... 50 lb. SACKS



Have Been Appointed Sole Distributors . For


which, with th1ir 30 toola and 6.6 h.p. engine, operat• such ·' attachments a11









>A~ H. MURRAY & ·_Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN'S


.•. -: .. '

Internattonal Paper Company --- --· .. __ ... --·-·- 1 ATTENTION ' 1

l o~ Trois ·Rivier~s,, Que., was HALLEY-Accidently kilJcd · • LIMESTONE, Me. lAP) _/TV Pt~k~d as. _lila me s honorary · July 20, Douglas Halley.. age I' Police on both sides of the United 1 REP IRS mtlhonth VJStlor Saturday, 44 years. Leaving to mourn BOYS ON SUMIIIER States-Canadian border are look- i A

I his mother, father, wife, six \' ACATION ing for a stolen bridge. '


MARRIED 1 sons, lwo,,daughtcrs, five broth· 1 :. Town mana~e1• Bernard Cam-1 REASONABI.f RATES ers an(l lllr · 1 L' 1 If •·ou would Jikr. to make ~

I , ee SIS crs. • unera " : eron asked for help when he dis-RORKE-NEWTON-1\Iarricd notice later those extra dollars you have 1 at the Parish Church \"1 't 1 \'' OL ' been thinking of, now is the I co,·ered that someone had driven GUARANTEED WORK ' • • ' 11 e i 0 RIDGE - Passed away : • off with a small bridge which Iii Waltham, Berksh1re, England, 1 at Toronto July 2lst, Jessie (nee · time to act by ~elling the July 20th., Joy, daughter ot ; llliller), beloved wife of Jacob j Daily News. i spanned Limestone Stream only PHONE M 1 • 1 h I 250 feet from the Maine • New • fl. B. Maxse Benson and the :Woolridge and dear mother of Simp Y 'P one 2177-2178 or I Brunswick border. late Mr. Arthur D. Newton (of Richard and Adeline. Funeral i 2179 and ask for the Circula·

94123 London and Kenya) to James 1 on Saturday, July 23rd. from i tion Department, there you The bridge, used mostly by a Ernest, aon of Jllrs. Kathleen : ~Iiller funeral Home. 1695 St. : will get full particulars on I couple of farmers in the area, Rorke and the late :\lr. Ja:ncs Clair Avenue West. Toronto. 1 how your summer vacation consisted of a dozen railroad Rorke of Carbonear. i'lcwfound , AND HEWS _ Passed peace- I can be turned into real profits. i rails and some planks. All but land. I fully away on Wednesday, Juty

1 " ff , • • ' • 1 one rail and a few. planks


Centre Ltd. ----·-·----·-- , 20th, Belinda, widow of the late . . La"an, IS _shtp_ parlance. Js , t~ken. Cameron satd track~ m-,

ANNOUNCEI\IE:'IIT Chllrlcs Andrews. aged 76 years. , shtp ca~g? wht~h 1s _sunk wtlh ! dtcaled a truck had ~eft wtlh a I 90 CAMP!!LL A VI.· Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Carl· Leaving 10 mourn four sons, the ~cftm.te pmtenlton of re·

1. heavy load from the stde nearest i Aft ho ~ _ 11 'cr, 185 Lellfarchant Road, an- .John, Cecil, Walter and Charles, covenng tt later. Canada. I er urs ~""""nl' r•

nounce the engagement of their ail at St. John's, two sisters, daughter, Janet Hope, to Dr. :-.Irs. Esau Somerton. Portugal John Irving Green, son of l\lr. Cove and llrs. Douglas Noel at and Mrs. Harold I. Green of Harbour Grace; also nine grand· Rockville Center, New York. children. Funeral. will lake The wedding will take place on place at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, August 27th, .July 22nd, from her son's resi· I

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~' dence, 19 Pine Bud Piece, to i ~>::'the Anglican Cemetery, Forest


SEQUILLtON In loving memory of our dear wife and mother,


July 22nd, 1957.

Just when your life wa~ brightest,

~!t . when your years were best;

You were called from this world o{ sorrow,

To a home of eternal rest.

May the Sacred Heart ol Jesus have mercy on her soul.

-Ever remembered by husband and children:


Road. FUDGE-P01ssed away, July

21st. George Fudge, aged 81 : years. Surviving him are two ! daughters, Katherine \ :-.Lrs. I Norman Cramm), Margaret (Mrs. W. H. Rompkcy); two i

step-sons, James and Nelson ' Pike; two brothers, Benjamin ' and Edward; three grandchil· , drcn. Remains resting at Car· i nell's Funeral Home. 28 Coch· 1 rane Street. Funeral will lake ' place at 3.30 p.m. today, Fri· I day, to the Angliean Cemetery, i Forest Road. I --FUNERAi,N01'1CE ... _ I

REID-The Funeral' of !he i . late L!oval Linton Reid, will I I take pla~e at 2.30 p.m. on Sal· I : urday. July 2:\rd, f1·om Carnell's


:Funeral Home, 28 Cochr~nc :Street to the General !•rotr~tant 1




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(Aluminum) SPECIAL


e PALINGS etc.


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THIS WEEK ONLY Reg. $2.75 per quart NOW ........ $1.59 Quart

