now you see me star treck into darkness

Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking, but what you're really doing is ltering, interpreng, searching for meaning. To take that most precious of gis you give me, your aenon, To take that most precious of gis you give me, your aenon, and use it against you. Look, it was a business trip. I mean, it is a kind of business. Maybe the oldest business. You're thinking of a woman's name. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J... J? Jean. Jane. Janet. Who's Janet? You want this to go away? - Okay, pull out your wallet. Do you shake down everybody like this? No, only the special few. And you, Warren Beay, every me you see or even think of Janet, you're gonna picture me naked. And that's not a prey sight. I am your biggest fan. I could tell by the way you'rea t tacking my face right now. I could do that trick52 dierent ways. Don't worry about it. I'll call you. You don't have my number. I'm magic. I'll nd it .Have a good night. That wasn't mentalism, by the way.It was just an observaon. Second observaon ,you are beauful. Nice to meet you( go for hand shake, ip him nger) Especially when we don't know who brought us here or even if it's real. Sh ! Hold on, I'm sensing...I'm sensing you are a control freak. I'm sorry, have we met before? It doesn't take a mentalist to gure that out. Well, I take that as a compliment. Only he would take it as a compliment. I'm the Lover.(cough) Three minutes. - The door's locked. Oh, no, nothing's ever locked. Wait. What do you think this is all about?( he’s meditang) Hang on. Hang on. I got nothin'. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the delay. I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom. Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened. And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake. No. Wait, did you? I wish. Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it? we are going to rob a bank. That's a lot of excitement for a crime. Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob? That's a lot of people with a vendea. There is someone here tonight without whom we would just be four magicians working the circuit ,trying to get... Well, actually, trying to get here. Please, stand up, Art. Please, stand up. The only man here with the Queen's cell phone number. we made sure we put your name on top. If you turn out to be as good as you think you are, dear girl, that won't be necessary much longer. It has the added aracon of being very stylish. It's about me the French learned from America on that subject. But before you go anywhere, could you please, pick a card, any card. Not that card. Oh! No, that's an old American joke. You can take that one. What about Cowan? Look at him. He's just sing there on his ass. Hilarious, Rhodes. I love you. Who is she? –ugh..- Who are you? You goa be kidding me. It's bad enough they got me chasing down David Coppereld and Friends. You're right, he probably is useless. Is it okay with Interpol if we talk to him, too? Okay, okay, okay, let's just say you robbed a bank. I did. Fine. Fantasc. You did. But since I'm new to this, can you explain to me how you went from Las Vegas to Paris in three seconds? Okay, I'll deal with you when I'm done with this other bullshit. No, I can't. You just have to let him nish his movement. Okay, I need a me-out. Too many French people in one room. I  just ew 12 h ours, a er what wa s already a long da y. A nd I do not handle j et lag well. So if you wa nt to see who can be grumpier, - I promise you, you will lose. - Hmm. Mm-hmm. Fine. So which one of these idiots do you want to talk to rst? Oh, yes. That would be... What do the kids call it these days? Oh, yes, that's right. Magic. Just answer the queson, okay, smartass. All right. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You can keep that. Don't share it with him. Then your brother/manager disappeared with all your hard - earned money. IRS audit. Back taxes. You've had a long hard slog back into the limelight, haven't you, Mr. McKinney? Yes, indeed, it has. And I do appreciate that trip down Memory Lane. Listen to me. If you didn't rob that bank, then you knew about it. Which makes you an accomplice. So if you wanna walk out of here today, I'd suggest you start... Now you listen to me, unless you think there's a D.A. in the state of Nevada who'd be willing to make sense of this to a jury, then we have a show to perform. And you, Agent Rhodes, have a drawing board to get back to. Is this your rst date? What? No, I mean, obviously, you guys don't know each other well, if at all. But, like, there is a palpable tension in this room. And before you get involved, you should consider the fact that she has a lot of big secrets.

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Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you. Because

what is seeing? You're looking, but what you're really doing is ltering, interpreng, searching for

meaning. To take that most precious of gis you give me, your aenon, To take that most precious

of gis you give me, your aenon, and use it against you. Look, it was a business trip. I mean, it is a

kind of business. Maybe the oldest business. You're thinking of a woman's name. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,

I, J... J? Jean. Jane. Janet. Who's Janet? You want this to go away?- Okay, pull out your wallet. Do you

shake down everybody like this? No, only the special few. And you, Warren Beay, every me you see

or even think of Janet, you're gonna picture me naked. And that's not a prey sight. I am your biggest

fan. I could tell by the way you'rea t tacking my face right now. I could do that trick52 dierent ways.

Don't worry about it. I'll call you. You don't have my number. I'm magic. I'll nd it .Have a good night.

That wasn't mentalism, by the way.It was just an observaon. Second observaon ,you are beauful.

Nice to meet you( go for hand shake, ip him nger) Especially when we don't know who brought us

here or even if it's real. Sh ! Hold on, I'm sensing...I'm sensing you are a control freak. I'm sorry, have

we met before? It doesn't take a mentalist to gure that out. Well, I take that as a compliment. Only

he would take it as a compliment. I'm the Lover.(cough) Three minutes. - The door's locked. Oh, no,

nothing's ever locked. Wait. What do you think this is all about?( he’s meditang) Hang on. Hang on. Igot nothin'. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the delay. I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom.

Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened. And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and

all of his miracles were fake. No. Wait, did you? I wish. Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it? we are

going to rob a bank. That's a lot of excitement for a crime. Now who here has a bank they would like

us to rob? That's a lot of people with a vendea. There is someone here tonight  

without whom we would just be four magicians working the circuit ,trying to get... Well, actually,

trying to get here. Please, stand up, Art. Please, stand up. The only man here with the Queen's cell

phone number. we made sure we put your name on top. If you turn out to be as good as you think

you are, dear girl, that won't be necessary much longer. It has the added aracon of being very

stylish. It's about me the French learned from America on that subject. But before you go anywhere,could you please, pick a card, any card. Not that card. Oh! No, that's an old American joke. You can

take that one. What about Cowan? Look at him. He's just sing there on his ass. Hilarious, Rhodes. I

love you. Who is she? –ugh..- Who are you? You goa be kidding me. It's bad enough they got me

chasing down David Coppereld and Friends. You're right, he probably is useless. Is it okay with

Interpol if we talk to him, too? Okay, okay, okay, let's just say you robbed a bank. I did. Fine. Fantasc.

You did. But since I'm new to this, can you explain to me how you went from Las Vegas to Paris in

three seconds? Okay, I'll deal with you when I'm done with this other bullshit. No, I can't. You just

have to let him nish his movement. Okay, I need a me-out. Too many French people in one room. I

 just ew 12 hours, aer what was already a long day. And I do not handle jet lag well. So if you want

to see who can be grumpier,- I promise you, you will lose.

- Hmm. Mm

-hmm. Fine. So which one of

these idiots do you want to talk to rst? Oh, yes. That would be... What do the kids call it these days?

Oh, yes, that's right. Magic. Just answer the queson, okay, smartass. All right. Sorry, sorry, sorry. You

can keep that. Don't share it with him. Then your brother/manager disappeared with all your hard-

earned money. IRS audit. Back taxes. You've had a long hard slog back into the limelight, haven't you,

Mr. McKinney? Yes, indeed, it has. And I do appreciate that trip down Memory Lane. Listen to me. If

you didn't rob that bank, then you knew about it. Which makes you an accomplice. So if you wanna

walk out of here today, I'd suggest you start... Now you listen to me, unless you think there's a D.A. in

the state of Nevada who'd be willing to make sense of this to a jury, then we have a show to perform.

And you, Agent Rhodes, have a drawing board to get back to. Is this your rst date? What? No, I

mean, obviously, you guys don't know each other well, if at all. But, like, there is a palpable tension inthis room. And before you get involved, you should consider the fact that she has a lot of big secrets.

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And I know the rst one is that this is your rst me o the desk. Isn't it? You should have said

something to him. This is a weird way for you to nd out. You are literally begging to be arrested. You

know that? If it means you would actually do it, then, yeah. But you won't. Because if you did, it

means that you, and the FBI, and your friends at Interpol, actually believe, at an instuonal level, in

magic. The press would have a eld day. And we'd be even more famous than we already are. And

you guys would look like idiots even more then you already are. You have, what we in the business,like to call, "nothing up your sleeve. "And you know it. Don't draw him in and then dump him because

abandonment is a big "area" for him. Mommy? Daddy. Ah! You have big daddy issues. Your average

therapist is gonna charge you $200-$300 for this sesh. Me? I'll take a tenner. You wanna know who

sat in that chair before you? Mob bosses, murderers, and thieves. And you know who put them

there? The guy who's sing in this chair. So I warn you, I can maintain my resolve much longer than

you can maintain that phony arrogance. And the instant that you even show the slightest crack in that

smug facade, I'll be there. I will be all over you like... Like white on rice? Sorry. That's unfair. Let me

warn you. I want you to follow. Because no maer what you think you might know, we will always be

one step, three steps, seven steps ahead of you. And just when you think you're catching up, that's

when we'll be right behind you. And at no me will you be anywhere other than exactly where I wantyou to be. So come close. Get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually

see. I'm gonna nail you... Something wrong with that soda, Miss? First rule of magic. Always be the

smartest guy in the room. Thaddeus Bradley, the guy from TV with the DVDs and shows? No. - He was

actually quite good. 

- Really? - One of the best. 

- You don't say. "The greatest genius is in 

seeing through the illusion. "That's a man who loves his work. That's incredible. That's amazing. Red

dye, palmed. Is that how Jesus did it? That's incredible. I'm sorry. Can I just take a minute here You

were one of the great magicians. Why did you stop? Well, the money is only there because the need

to know is greater than the desire to be fooled. It is a game. You're the game. You're being played.

And your pathec aempts at fawning to gain my trust... I mean, come on. You got me. If you really

want to know how a bank in Paris was robbed from a stage in Las Vegas, my special comes out next

month. Or I could just bring you in on obstrucon charges and force you to tell me. Unless, of course

,what you're trying to say to me is that you actually don't know how they did it. Showmanship and

theatrics. When a magician waves his hand and says, "This is where the magic is happening. "The real

trick is happening somewhere else. Misdirecon. A basic concept of magic. Not interested in the

concepts of magic. I wanna know how they robbed a bank. You're an idiot if you think they robbed a

bank. And when you're ready to go to Paris,n just say the magic word. Blow me? - That'll suce.

Hardy har har. What was with the helmet? My fun. What?- Nothing.

- Oh! No, no, no, the audience

picked the seat. Unless, of course, the audience didn't pick the seat. They let them think they picked

the seat. But how did they know what bank was his? - You're kidding. - Really? Can you be any more

of a condescending ass? Yes. Like this. There's a very rare, very mysterious wayin which a magician

divines an audience member's bank. You ready? Yes. Credit card. Oh, merde. I think these guys have

cracked the secret to show business. Give your audience $3 million. Puts 'em in a good mood, doesn't

it? Best nale ever. They're gonna be the rst magicians in history to get laid. Remember, if the

oxygen mask comes down, - put it on the lawyer rst. Remember. - Oh, yes. Um... Allow me to make

plain what we've both been thinking. Now, recognizing that you have physical needs not being met,

and strictly in the vein of helping a sister out, I invite you to think of me as your own personal

corkscrew. Consequently, you're very ghtly... How should I put it? Um... Corked. Wow. Thanks. Letme mull over that oer of cheap and meaningless sex. Cheap and meaningless, maybe, but, uh, not

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me-consuming. some of those guys pracce one simple move eight hours a day for years. Really?

Some of those guys seriously need to get a life. I could care less about magicians in general. What I

hate is people who exploit other people. Exploit them how? By taking advantage of their weaknesses

Their need to believe in something that's unexplainable in order to make their lives more bearable. I

see it as a strength. My life is happier when I believe that. Is this your card? - Cool. That smile on your

face. Is it real? Maybe. So let me ask you, Mr. Detecve Man. Do you feel exploited? Or did you havemaybe a ny, ny bit of fun? Doctor says, "Sir, you're gonna have to stop masturbang. "He says,

"Why?" He says, "So I can nish the examinaon. "He had a real, kind of... A real masculine name. A

real, kind of, salt-of -the-earth... You know, a real sck-it-to-you... Okay. You know what? I got nothin'.

- Nearly though. - Was I? Yeah. My uncle's name was Cushman Armitage. Really? Snues and

Cushman Armitage? That was your childhood? I certainly hope tonight's show is gonna be beer than

this. Either you have a cease-and-desist, which you don't, or you should leave. If I want something to

cease or desist, it does. Take ve. According to your potenal backers, you stand to make 2.5 million

tops from your best special. I have here a check for 3.5 million. To walk away? To y away. My jet is at

your disposal. Let's not kid ourselves, Mr. Tressler. You're in this to ride them up. I'm in it to ride them

down. I take it that we do not have a deal. And therein lies our conict. Let me be blunt. My bankaccount is much, much bigger than yours. And my lawyers are much stronger. And they will manacle

you with so many injuncons. Unl you stand by, hopelessly watching everything that you own drain

away in front of your greedy lile eyes. This isn't the rst me I've been threatened. And I'm sll

here. It is, however, the rst me you've been threatened by me. And if you do anything to sully my

investment, the ride down, which you menoned, will be sudden, precipitous, and measurable on the

Richter scale. Oops. You shouldn't have done that. According to superson, one who uses a doll to

enact one's own wrath, is likely to bring that very wrath unto himself. Isn't that funny? And I thought

you didn't believe in magic. Do me a favor. Visualize your most adventurous sexual experience. Stay

out of my head, you perv. Well, no, if I stay out of your head, I'm never gonna get into your pants. Do

you mind if I do a quick read on you? By all means. It's up your le sleeve. No. No, I don't see it up

there. You know, why don't you check your unnecessary velveteen pocket there? Anyway, thank you

so much for coming by, but this is kind of a talent only area, so... Break a leg. Oh. By the way, I know

how he did that trick. So, when he was 14, he saw a hole in a tree in Central Park. He had a guy who

worked at the carousel sign a card for what looked like a roune lile trick. And? At the guy's

rerement, 18 years later, Shrike performs, has the guy sign a card, and presto! The card is in the tree.

It was in the tree for 18 years. The card was in the tree. The tree grew around the card in 18 years. I

mean, that isn't magic. It's not magic. The point is, the trick was not to look closely. It was to look so

far that you see 20 years into the past. And now, you will say the magic word. Abracadabra. Yes, and I

will wave this magic wand for no reason. And then... Fluy has magically vanished before your very

eyes. How could we, Art? We don't have your password. We'd need access to informaon we could

never get our hands on. Ah, yes, security quesons, for instance, like, I don't know, your mother's

maiden name or the name of your rst pet. Where would we get that informaon, Art? You certainly

would never tell us. Who exactly are you anyway? I thought you said you were a desk agent. Not bad.

What is this? What's the Eye of Horus? Oh, certainly nothing I want to get into tonight. This is a magic

trick, Mr. Tressler. Played out on a global scale. You, sir, are the abracadabra. The distracon, while

they set up the real trick. I was a $140-million distracon? And that very ego that got you involved

with them in the rst place is what keeps you from seeing that. - You know... - "I can destroy you.

"Yes, I do know. Well, you won't. And you won't destroy them. Whatever this grand trick is, it was

designed a long me ago. And I believe that what's about = to follow is really going to amaze. So I

suggest you sit back and enjoy your front row seat. You paid quite a lot of good money for it.

Whatever you stand to make... I'll double it, if you expose them now. And destroy them. I stand tomake ve million.-M-ai vazut clipind? No, you're not. It happened to you. It happened to you. 

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Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us. 

Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us. Guys, I don't know if  

can do this, all right. I don't want to go to jail, you know? Then don't screw up.  

You're always talking about wanng to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good me 

to start acng like one. Sck to the plan. 

Stay here and burn it all. Tell me. Is my money being well-spent? Exceedingly well. Now you tell me,

how do you like your Horsemen? Fricasseed or fried? Shredded. I'll tell the chef. Don't ever tell me to  

stay in the car. Ever. I didn't have taccal command. If you don't trust me, just tell me. Promise me,

next me, 

you will back me up. Could we have this 

onversaon later, please? No! Okay, ne, I promise. Now, go! People say I'm "hard to read. "  

That's an American expression. If I nd out that you are anything other  

than who you say you are, I swear... If I nd out that you are anything other 

than who you say you are, I swear.. And we French also 

have an expression. "Faith can move mountains. If we hope to capture The Horsemen, 

then you need to have a lile faith in me. Because I've done nothing  

to deserve otherwise. I just got my ass handed to me. I am losing this case. So faith is a luxury  

I don't have any me for right now. The point of why we are here 

is to say that we are not... We cannot quit now. We've started something  

bigger than all of us. We have to nish it. What the hell's going on?  

We got our orders. Now you've got new orders. Open it up. As our, let's call it,  

year of living dangerouslycomes to a close, 

in a rare moment of vulnerability, I'd like to express a senment 

to you about our relaonshipOkay. Well, when I rst met you, 

I thought you were kind of a - dick. 

- Oh. And? No, that's it. That's very nice. - Yeah. 

- I'm touched Yeah. Just from the heart. Well, I didn't tell you 

where I was touched. Unfortunately, like all good things,  

it must come to an end. So we would like to  

start our show tonight... By saying goodbye. All we wanted was to bring  

the world to a magic show. And thereby bring a lile magic 

back to the world. This has been one hell 

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of a ride for all of usBut it's me for us to disappear. Good night, New York. And thank you for

believing in us. You were right. 

It's bigger than all of us. This is one me I'm 

not happy being right. So I guess this is it. Is it? I've been framed. - I'm sure you were. 

- Yeah, but I can prove it. I always do. Just like I predicted that  

you'd play the fool. Let's just drop the 

theatricality, all right? The cameras aren't rolling in here. Fellas, can I have a few minutes  

with my friend here alone, please. The legend is that the 

"Eye" is everywhere. Waing for the truly great magicians 

to disnguish themselves from the mediocre ones. Maybe that was you. Deep down inside you 

wanted nothing more than to be part of the "Eye," 

but you were never invited. So you try to destroy them. 

But instead what happens? You pissed them o. The Eye isn't real. Okay, then, explain then. 

Who's behind all this. Somebody with an obsession. - Meculous. Somebody prepared to 

sacrice everything. Somebody so prepared to lose 

that they wouldn't even be a suspect unl the trick was done. I don't want a prole. I need a name. I

don't know who. But they had to have access to 

the warehouse to plant the mirrors. Always a step ahead of me. 

And the FBI. Got past them not once, 

not twice, but consistently. Almost as if they were on the in... The inside. - You. 

- Mmm. Why? That is the queson, isn't it? You're right. I can't tell you how long I've waited  

to see the look on your face. Who are you? What do you want from me? What do I want? I want you

to spend 

the rest of your life in this cell, staring at four walls and 

wondering how you missed it. How you let yourself  

be so blinded by your ego that you convinced yourself  

that you were one step ahead when you were always 

two steps behind. That was actually prey good. Thank you. When I said, "Always be  

the smartest guy in the room. " We were in agreement. Henley. I've never seen her speechless. I take

that as a huge compliment. Hey, man, I'm so sorry  

or kicking your ass. Really. Hey, listen, for the record,  

I have always been a 100% believer. And the amount of energy I have 

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expended to keep these indels on point... Merri, you're in. God bless. Come. The real magic is

taking four strong solo 

acts and making them all work together. The real magic is taking four strong solo 

acts and making them all work together. The real magic is taking four strong solo 

acts and making them all work together. Welcome to the Eye. I created a persona. I planned. I worked

out every detail. But the one thing that I 

couldn't imagine happening was you. And I know that the 

logical conclusion for you is to take this case 

to its resoluon. And for you to turn me in. But you know how I feel 

about resoluon and logic. And you also know that I think some things 

are best le unexplained. One more secret to lock away. Hmm. Come in close. Closer. Because now

you know our secret. We could be anywhere. 

Watching you. We're looking for someone 

to help us with our next trick. On the count of three, 

open your eyes and tell me what you see. One. Two... 

Star Treck Into Darkness 

What the hell did you take? I have no idea, 

but they were bowing to it. Regulaons aside, 

this acon is morally wrong. Regulaons aside, pulling your ass 

out of a volcano was morally right. Whoa, Jim, calm down. I'm not gonna take 

ethics lessons from a robot! Reverng to name-calling 

suggests that you are defensive and therefore nd my opinion valid. I wasn't asking for your

opinion. Bones, get that thing o my face. Jim, you're not actually 

going down there, are you? You don't rob a bank 

when the getaway car has a at re. Once we're en route, 

I want you to transmit a targeted comm burst 

to Harrison's locaon. and if he doesn't play nice, 

you're not afraid to use them. - Is that a problem? 

- No, sir. I've just never sat in the chair before. You just sat that man down  

at a high-stakes poker game

with no cards and told him to blu. Now Sulu's a good man, 

but he is no captain. For the next two hours, he is. And enough with the metaphors, all 

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right? That's an order. If you do not surrender 

to them immediately, I will unleash the enre payload 

of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked onto your locaon. You have two minutes 

to conrm your compliance. >Refusal to do so will result 

in your obliteraon. If you test me, you will fail. What it would do to me  

if you died, Spock. You didn't feel anything. You didn't care. And I'm not the only one who's upset  

with you. The Captain is, too. No, no, no. Don't drag me into this. She is right. Your suggeson that 

I do not care about dying is incorrect. A senent being's opmal chance at maximizing their ulity 

is a long and prosperous life. Great. Not exactly a love song, Spock.

I had experienced those feelings before, mulplied exponenally on the day my planet was

destroyed. Such a feeling is something I choose never to experience again. Nyota, you mistake mychoice not to feel as a reecon of my not caring. Well, I assure you, 

the truth is precisely the opposite.

Let me explain what's happening here. You are a criminal. I watched you murder 

innocent men and women. And the only reason 

why you are sll alive is because I am allowing it. So shut your mouth. Oh, Captain, are you going 

to punch me again over and over ll your arm weakens? Clearly you want to, so tell me, why did

you allow me to live? despite your aempt 

to convince me otherwise, you seem to have 

a conscience, Mr. Kirk. If you did not, 

then it would be impossible for me to convince you of the truth. 23-17-46-11. Coordinates not far

from Earth. If you want to know why I did what I did, go and take a look. Give me one reason 

why I should listen to you. I can give you 72. And they're on board your ship, Captain. They have

been all along. I suggest you open one up. Dr. Marcus asked 

for the steadiest hands on the ship. You know, when I dreamt  

about being stuck on a deserted planet 

with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo! This indicates that 

you plan to align with Khan, the very man 

we were sent here to destroy. I'm not aligning with him, I'm using him. An Arabic proverb


to a prince who was betrayed and decapitated 

by his own subjects. Sll, it's a hell of a quote. - I will go with you, Captain. 

- No, I need you on the bridge. It is my funcon aboard 

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this ship to advise you on making the wisest 

decisions possible, something I rmly believe you are incapable 

of doing in this moment. You're right! What I'm about to do, 

it doesn't make any sense, it's not logical. It is a gut feeling. I only know what I can do. TheEnterprise and her crew 

need someone in that chair that knows what he's doing. It's you, Spock. Tell me everything you


about that ship. to make you answer for what you did. But right now I need your help. In exchange

for what? You said you'd do anything 

for your crew. - I can guarantee their safety. 

- Captain. Bones, what are you doing 

with that tribble? he tribble's dead. I'm injecng Khan's platelets into 

the deceased ssue of a necroc host. and I want to know why. You coming with me or not? You...

You should have let me sleep. I'm going to make this 

very simple for you. - Captain. 

- Your crew for my crew.< >Spock don't.. Mr. Spock, give me my crew. And what will you do 

when you get them? Connue the work we were doing 

before we were banished. of any being you nd to be 

less than superior. Shall I destroy you, Mr. Spock? We have no transporter capabilies. Fortunately

mine are 

perfectly funconal.< Drop your shields. If I do so, I have no guarantee that you will not destroy

the Enterprise. Well, let's play this out 

logically then, Mr. Spock. to demonstrate my resolve. Then if yours holds, 

I will have no choice but to kill you and your enre crew. you will also destroy your own people.

Your crew requires oxygen 

to survive, mine does not. I will target your life support systems located behind the a nacelle. And

aer every single person 

aboard your ship suocates, I will walk over your cold 

corpses to recover my people. Now, shall we begin? What, stun him? Khan? 

I thought he was helping us. I'm prey sure we're helping him. A wise choice, Mr. Spock. I see your

72 torpedoes If they are not mine, 

Commander, I will know it.

are sll in their tubes. Vulcans do not lie. The torpedoes are yours. Thank you, Mr. Spock. I have

fullled your terms. Well, Kirk, it seems apt to return you to your crew. Aer all, no ship should godown 

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without her captain. He's locking phasers on us, sir! The torpedoes! 

How much me, Lieutenant? Twelve seconds, sir! It is what you would have done. It was only

logical. I'm scared, Spock. Help me not be. I do not know. Why I went back for you. Because you

are my friend. <i>There will always be 

those who mean to do us harm.</i> <i>To stop them,</i> <i>we risk awakening 

the same evil within ourselves.</i> <i>Our rst insnct is to seek revenge</i> <i>when those we

love are taken from us.</i> <i>But that's not who we are.</i> <i>We are here today</i> <i>to

rechristen the U.S.S. Enterprise,</i> <i>and to honor those who lost their lives</i> <i>nearly one

year ago.</i> <i>When Christopher Pike 

rst gave me his ship</i> <i>he had me recite the Captain's Oath,</i> <i>words I didn't appreciate

at the me.</i> <i>Now I see them as a call 

for us to remember</i> <i>who we once were,</i> <i>and who we must be again.</i> <i>And those

words?</i> <i>Space, the nal froner.</i> <i>These are the voyages 

of the star-ship Enterprise.</i> <i>to explore strange new worlds,</i> <i>to seek out new life 

and new civilizaons,</i> <i>to boldly go 

where no one has gone before.</i> Where shall we go? As a mission of this duraon 

has never been aempted, I defer to your good judgment, Captain. Mr. Sulu, take us out. Aye,
