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SEPTEMBER 2-6, 2013

Table of Contents 2 Publisher’s Note

3 Online Survey

4 Partner With Sponsors

5 Thank You 2013 Sponsors

6 Celebrate in Your Company

7 Become an NPW Supporter

8 Use Social Media to Promote NPW

9 Celebrate in Your Community

10 Enter NPW Contests

12 Chapter Media Outreach

13 MCMMNED Volunteer Program

14 Win Scholarships

15 Show Your Spirit With NPW Merchandise

16 Calendar of NPW Deadlines

NPW Guide by Joshua White, Public Relations Coordinator for APA

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Dear APA member,

I look forward to National Payroll Week® every year. It’s a time to celebrate everything payroll

professionals provide year-round to ensure workers are paid accurately and on time and America’s vital programs are funded. In order to help plan your 2013 celebrations, the APA has crafted this handy guide, where you’ll find useful tips, ideas, and more to get the most out of your NPW celebration for 2013.

To jump-start the celebrations, share your opinions on the latest trends impacting payroll by participating in the “Getting Paid In America” survey. The online survey isn’t limited to just payroll professionals, so I encourage you to spread the word to everyone you know. Each person who completes the survey is automatically entered to win a free paycheck and a trip for two to Las Vegas! Learn more about the survey on page 3.

Educate teens in your community about their paychecks and the payroll withholding system by participating in MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day. Find out how you can volunteer on page 13. Students can also enter for a chance to win one of four scholarships by visiting Find out more on page 14.

Give your NPW activities a boost by partnering with NPW sponsors. These exceptional companies welcome the opportunity to team up with local APA chapters to spread the NPW message. Learn how to connect with sponsors on page 4.

Increase the effectiveness of your NPW celebrations with social media. Learn how to use the right social media tools to help. See page 8 for more details.

Promote your NPW event or cause in the local media and help increase its awareness. Discover tips to get your event in the news on page 12.

Want to reward your chapter for promoting NPW in your community? Enter NPW contests to receive great prizes like free registration to the 32nd Annual Congress. See pages 10 and 11 for contest details and tips from the judges.

Gain recognition for celebrating NPW at your company by signing up as an NPW Supporter. More details on page 7.

Happy National Payroll Week!



Dan MadduxExecutive DirectorAmerican Payroll Association

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Every year workers from across the nation participate in the “Getting Paid In America” survey, providing a glimpse into how Americans are paid. Each person who participates in the survey is automatically entered in a drawing for a free paycheck and trip to Las Vegas.

Promoting the survey is a great way to spread the word about NPW to family, friends, and colleagues. The 2012 NPW Online Survey Promotion Contest winner, Judith Kaye Hahn, CPP, came up with a variety of ways to promote the survey and NPW at her company and in her community.

“I gained permission to post a link to the online survey and NPW artwork on our company intranet, as well as our external website,” said Hahn. “I also reached out to the local airport to purchase space to run information on the survey to reach non-members.”

Getting creative with crafts is an effective and inexpensive approach to spread the word about the survey.

“One year I made badges with the information on them and handed them out everywhere,” Hahn said.

The survey helps APA determine workers’ opinions on the current payment methods of American workers, as well as promoting the payroll profession to national media outlets such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and CNN.

Don’t forget to submit your efforts for the NPW Online Survey Promotion Contest for a chance to win a free trip to the 32nd Annual Congress and other great prizes. See page 11 for more information.


Voice Your Opinions and ‘Get Paid’ With the NPW Survey

Each person who participates in the survey is automatically entered in a drawing for a free paycheck and trip to Las Vegas.

NPW survey winner Marlena Glaze accepts her winnings from APA Director Dave Young, CPA. 3

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“NPW sponsors play a key role in building support for and awareness of the impact payroll professionals have on the lives of America’s workers. These outstanding organizations often partner with local chapters and individual members to ensure that local NPW campaigns succeed.

Give your event the best chance to succeed by contacting this year’s sponsors. Visit and select “Team with Sponsors” under the “How to Celebrate” menu to receive tips on how to approach sponsors as well as a sample thank you letter.



Team Up With Sponsors to Enhance Your NPW Event

ADP is proud to continue its role as the exclusive Diamond Sponsor of National Payroll Week to help educate America’s workers on their paychecks and the payroll withholding system.

Kelly Shanley, Senior Director of Global Events Marketing for ADP

Left: Accountemps, a Robert Half Company, teamed up with APA’s Richmond Chapter for an open house to celebrate NPW and payroll professionals. Right: Paychex’ corporate payroll team was honored for their service with an ice cream social.

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Thank You 2013 NPW Sponsors 5


Diamond Sponsor

Media Partners

Platinum Sponsors

Money Matters National Education Day

Gold Sponsors





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Companies nationwide celebrate NPW by recognizing their payroll departments for their contributions. There are numerous opportunities within your company to recognize your payroll staffers and colleagues.

Some opportunities include hosting an NPW party at the office.

“We organized an open house where we handed out information about NPW and served PayDay and 100 Grand candy bars,” said Jean Bateh, who organized the NPW activities at Technology Credit Union.

Other ideas to celebrate at your office include decorating with balloons, celebrating with an NPW cake, and writing letters of appreciation to payroll personnel.



Support NPW and Your Payroll Professionals

“We organized an open house where we handed out information about NPW and served PayDay and 100 Grand candy bars.

Jean Bateh, Technology Credit Union

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The special designation of NPW Supporter has been created for companies that celebrate their payroll professionals during NPW. NPW Supporters will receive recognition for their efforts in PAYTECH magazine, in the commemorative NPW video shown at the Annual Congress, and on the NPW website. To become a supporter, click “Become an NPW Supporter” under the “How To Celebrate” menu on the NPW website, and fill out the NPW Supporter commitment form. Remember to upload your NPW celebration photos at

Become an NPW Supporter

The Office of Pay and Retirement Services

Milwaukee Center for Independence

Technology Credit Union

In appreciation for signing up as an NPW Supporter, APA will:• Link to your corporate website from • Recognize your company in PAYTECH

magazine’s NPW issue.• Recognize your company in the NPW

video shown during APA’s Annual Congress.

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Increase the awareness of NPW and your NPW activities by promoting them on social media. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are a great way to reach people online.

Facebook is an excellent resource to help promote your chapter’s NPW festivities.

First, consider creating a Facebook page for your chapter, if you haven’t already. Setting up a page is easy. Just visit Facebook’s Help Center at for steps to start your page.

Once you’ve started your page, some basic tips to create a vibrant community include:

1. Promote your page—invite everyone in your chapter to “Like” your page, and also add a link to your Facebook page in your chapter newsletters, emails, and in any other place that you normally communicate with chapter members. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a huge number of “likes.” Aim for a fun, active group and the size of your group will grow with time.

2. Get the word out—Send “Status Updates” to your followers on Facebook about all the great things your chapter is doing for NPW. Attach a photo to your updates whenever you can to make them more eye-catching.

3. Make your events interactive—create Facebook “Events” to promote and invite people to join your NPW celebrations.

Chronic le your event by uploading pictures to your NPW Facebook page to show everyone how you celebrate NPW in style. You can also upload your photo to APA’s NPW page,

Twitter is another great social media site to use to promote NPW. First, set up a username for your chapter, if you haven’t already. To get started, visit the Twitter Help Center at Once you’ve got a username, a few things you can do with the tools include:

1. Promote your Twitter account—like Facebook, you’ll want to invite your chapter members and friends to ”Follow” your username, and add a link to your account on your chapter’s website, and in its newsletter, emails, and in any other communication tools for your chapter.

2. Promote your events—send out regular tweets with updates on when and where your NPW celebrations will happen.

3. Share interactive photos—share photos of your NPW celebrations with your followers by uploading them on Twitter.

4. Have fun—share the type of things you’d want to see and comment on. Remember, Twitter limits messages to 140 characters so creativity is a must when sending out Tweets.

For more ideas on how to promote NPW using social media, visit the NPW Facebook page at



Spark Interest Through Social Media

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National Payroll Week is the perfect time to make a difference in your community. During NPW, many chapters and individuals volunteer their time and expertise to give back to those who need it most.

“I enjoy volunteering,” said Wilma Parker, Atlanta Chapter. “If there is an opportunity to give back, I try to work it into my schedule. Everybody needs help.”

For National Payroll Week 2012, the Atlanta Chapter participated in Dress for Success One Suit Weekend, among other activities.

“The chapter collected women’s business suits for unemployed women to use at interviews,” said Parker. “We also collected food, school supplies, and donations for the Atlanta Community Food Bank.”

MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day is another great volunteer opportunity for individuals and chapters. In 2012, more than 650 member volunteers participated in the program. For more information on MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day, visit page 13.

Remember to submit your efforts for the Educational Outreach and Community Service Contest, as well as the National Education Champions regional contest. See page 11 for contest details. Upload the photos of your volunteer efforts to the NPW Facebook page at To find out more on how you can celebrate in your community, visit and click “Celebrate in Your Community,” under the “How To Celebrate” menu. 9


Serve Your Community During NPW

Top: The Atlanta Chapter reached more than 850 students during MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day. Middle: The Houston Chapter provided 14 filled backpacks for children. Bottom: The Greater Nashville Chapter donated food and their time to the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge.

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Do you go all out for NPW? Receive recognition for your efforts by entering in the 2013 NPW contests. By entering, you have a chance to win a free registration to the 32nd Annual Congress, free APA courses and webinars, and recognition in PAYTECH.

Read on for contest details as well as tips from past winners and judges. For more information including contest deadlines, see page 16.

Chapter Promotion ContestThe NPW Chapter Promotion Contest encourages enthusiastic payroll pros to showcase their dedication to National Payroll Week.

Entering is easy! Simply select your chapter’s name from the drop-down menu when ordering National Payroll Week merchandise to earn credits. The chapter that earns the most credits wins! NPW items must be ordered by August 23 to qualify. Prizes include

registration to the 32nd Annual Congress, free APA webinars, and a copy of The Payroll Source®.

Local Government Outreach Chapter ContestEncourage your local government to recognize NPW in your area and win! Reach out to government officials in your city, county, and state for an official NPW proclamation acknowledging NPW and payroll professionals.

For tips, sample letters, and proclamation language, head to and

click “Request a Proclamation” under the “Tools” menu. Winning chapters receive a free registration to the 32nd Annual Congress and a copy of The Payroll Source. Submissions are due no later than September 25.

Educational Outreach and Community Service Chapter Contest

Does your chapter love giving back to the community? This contest recognizes and rewards

chapters for the extraordinary effort they’ve put into giving back to their community during

National Payroll Week. Winning chapters can receive great prizes, including a free registration to

the 32nd Annual Congress and a copy of The Payroll Source. All submissions are due by September 25.

Chapter Photo ContestChronicle your chapter’s NPW celebrations using photos to win this contest. To enter, simply submit your three best NPW-related photos. Channel your inner artist by highlighting National Payroll Week as creatively as possible for the best chance to win. Contest winners will have their photo displayed in PAYTECH. All entries are due by September 25.



Win Free Payroll Education

Tips from the judges•Show off the spirit of

NPW in your photos.•Ensure the photo is crisp

and clear.•Include the NPW

artwork, logo, or theme.

The Houston Chapter won First Place in the 2012 Chapter Photo Contest with their theme, “No Mystery in Payroll.”

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Activity Ideas•Organize an NPW-related game

to bring attention to payroll.•Teach paycheck basics to teens

for MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day.

•Host a donation drive to increase community involvement.

Local Media Outreach Chapter ContestGain local media coverage for National Payroll Week and your chapter. Prizes include free registration to the 32nd Annu-al Congress and a copy of The Payroll Source. Send all entries to APA’s Chapter Relations department by September 25 to qualify. For insights on how to properly reach out to the media, see page 12.

Online Survey Promotion ContestIndividuals and chapters are eligible to win this contest. To compete, promote the “Getting Paid In America” survey everywhere you go. The entries with the most original and effective outreach efforts will win fantastic prizes from APA, including a free registration to the 32nd Annual Congress. The deadline for entry is September 25.

National Education (Regional) ContestCrown your region education champion! The region with the most students taught during MasterCard Money Matters Nation-al Education Day will take home the crown.

Go to to register as a volunteer. Contact local schools or youth groups about teaching paycheck basics for MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day. Use the special curriculum supplied by the APA to educate local teens about their paychecks.

To receive credit, go to, highlight the “How To Celebrate” tab, and click on “NPW Con-tests” to fill out the “National Education Champions Contest” form. You’ll receive one RCH for teaching, and the region with the most participants wins. The deadline to enter is September 25.

Individual Activity Contest Reward yourself for increasing awareness of National Payroll Week by entering this contest. Individual entries are accepted for events that include any combination of contest categories including educational outreach and community service, local gov-ernment outreach, and media outreach. All entries are due to APA’s Chapter Relations department by September 25. 11


The Atlanta Chapter won First Place in the Local Government Outreach Chapter Contest in 2012.

Tips from the judges: Media Outreach•Include copies of any

media coverage you received.

•Include photos of chapter members being interviewed or your event being covered by media.

•Let us know how many people were reached.

•Let us know about your efforts, even if you didn’t get any coverage. Include samples of the materials you provided to local media.

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National Payroll Week continues to grow each year, due in large part to local chapter media outreach efforts. Continue to spread awareness

of NPW, your chapter, and the payroll profession by contacting local media during NPW 2013. The following tips can help you to successfully spread the word:

Choose Your StoryReporters work with lim-ited resources and seek stories that are relevant to their audience. Observe local TV, radio, and news-papers to better under-stand what they report on, and to create a story that fits their needs.

Tell Your StoryOnce you’ve decided on your story, follow these guidelines from APA to promote it:

1. Find the right contact. Email APA at [email protected] for a detailed list of all media in your area. Otherwise, research the media outlets online to try to obtain contact information for the appropriate reporters.

2. Be timely. Contact reporters two weeks before your events, and send a reminder three days prior to the event.

3. Be thankful. Even if the reporter didn’t cover your

story, follow up with them. Thank them for their time, and ask advice for future topics they’d be interested in.

4. Know your spokesperson. Once you’ve found the right reporters, designate a media spokesper-son. Remember, the best spokesperson isn’t always the person with the highest position.

5. Evaluate your effor ts. Improve your media out-reach by analyzing your outreach efforts to deter-mine which efforts were successfu l and which could be improved upon for the future.

6. Prepare for Interviews.7. Find everything you need

to give a great interview at on the “Public Relations/Media” page under the “Tools” menu.

Tips for success•Research a reporter’s

past stories to understand the topics that matter to them.

•Proofread everything before you send it to local media.

•Reporters receive tons of email. Make sure your subject line stands out.



Grab Local Media Attention for Your Event

The Denver Chapter took First Place in the 2012 Local Media Outreach Contest.

Potential Story Ideas•Your chapter’s

community outreach efforts.

•Teaching local youth for MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day.

•The “Getting Paid In America” online survey.

•Obtaining an NPW proclamation from local government officials.

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Every year, hundreds of payroll professionals volunteer in their communities to teach paycheck basics during MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day. This event gives members the opportunity to give back to their communities by sharing their payroll knowledge.

“You see that light bulb moment they have. They’ve been receiving these checks and had no idea what their paycheck consisted of, and when you’re explaining it, they have that ah-ha moment,” said Stephanie Garcia, a member of the Alamo Chapter.

Volunteering to teach is a breeze! Visit and click “Volunteer for

Money Matters Nation-a l Educat ion Day” under the “How To Cel-ebrate” menu. After fill-

ing out the volunteer form, you will receive an email containing

the lesson plan, student guide, and PowerPoint

presentation. Upload photos of your teaching experi-ence at

“The material that APA puts out is wonderful! It has step-by-step instructions and gives the instructors everything they need,” said Anna Schumacher, a member of the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Chapter.

The number of payroll professionals volunteering to teach teens during MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day is strong each year, and the MasterCard sponsorship helps make the program’s

success possible.“The program successfully educates teens

throughout the nation about the basics of paychecks each year,” said Dan Maddux, Executive Director of APA. “This community program continually improves thanks to MasterCard Worldwide’s sponsorship and the extraordinary commitment of APA member volunteers.”

This year’s MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day is Thursday, September 5. If you’re unable to teach on September 5, don’t worry! You can teach the lesson anytime until September 25 and still receive an RCH and recognition from APA.

Go to to receive your RCH, and select the “NPW Contests” tab under the “How To Celebrate” menu and fill out the “National Education Champions Contest” form.

Thanks to the partnership between APA and MasterCard, four individuals will be awarded educational scholarships. To find out more about the scholarships, see page 14. 13


Teach Paycheck Basics to TeensTeach Paycheck Basics to TeensVolunteer and receive the “Bringing Home the Gold” lesson plan to help you teach paycheck basics to teens in your community.

”“You see that light bulb

moment they have…that ah-ha moment.

Stephanie Garcia, Alamo Chapter

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APA and MasterCard are proud to continue awarding f o u r i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h educational scholarships as part of MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day.

“We a r e de l i g h t ed to continue offering four scholarships as part of this important initiative,” said Dan Maddux, Executive Director of APA. “APA is extremely proud to offer this opportunity as part of our efforts to educate students on the ins and outs of their paychecks.”

Tell your family, friends, and colleagues to visit to enter for a chance at one of the four scholarships. Anyone can qualify as long as they demonstrate knowledge of the paycheck basics taught as part of the MasterCard Money Matters National Education Day program.



Michelle Grasso

Kristin Lamb Courtney NelsonKimberly Norton, CPP

Win One of Four NPW Scholarships

Tell your family, friends, and colleagues to visit to enter for a chance at one of the four scholarships.

“At first, I couldn’t believe the news. Finances have been tight lately. The scholarship will help relax some of the pressure.

Michelle Grasso$5,000 scholarship winner

2012 Scholarship Winners

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1. Polo—Show off your great fashion sense and NPW spirit all at once with the NPW Polo! The short-sleeved purple polo is 100% cotton and embroidered with a white and gold “National Payroll Week 2013” logo. Available in sizes M-XXL. $19.99

2. Poster—Proclaim your payroll pride by hanging this artistic poster all over your office! The poster, which incorporates the many aspects of life impacted by payroll, is designed in a decorative pattern that translates figurative imagery into abstract geometric shapes. $4.99

3. Pen—Master both paper and your smart phone with this stylus-equipped pen. The forward-thinking pen uses black ink and includes a stylus at its tip. The pen includes a purple grip and features “National Payroll Week 2013” imprinted on its barrel. $1.99

4. Lapel Pin—Wear this NPW pin on your collar and be the envy of your payroll colleagues. The lapel pin features the 2013 NPW artwork.1.25” X 1.25.” $0.99

5. Balloons—Make your NPW party festive with NPW balloons! Yellow, green, and purple balloons are imprinted with the 2013 NPW logo. Packs of 25 balloons. $4.99

6. Bear—Brighten up your office with this warm and fuzzy companion. The official 2013 NPW collectible teddy bear stands 7” tall and is imprinted with the phrase “Payroll Pro’s Give Their Beary Best!” $9.99

7. Tote—This fashionable tote bag features a large pocket for all your daily essentials and a pocket for a water bottle. The 2013 NPW Tote Bag is imprinted with the National Payroll Week 2013 logo. 15” X 15”. $9.99

8. Screen Cleaner – Keep your tablet, phone, and glasses squeaky clean with this extra large screen cleaner. The cloth, made of highest quality microfiber for cleaner results, is printed with the 2013 NPW artwork. 6”X 6”. $3.99

9. Car Charger – Charge up your NPW with this handy mobile device charger. Connect a USB cord to charge your electronic devices in your car. The charger plugs into any standard cigarette lighter or car electric outlet. 1 1/2” X 4”. $4.99

10. NPW Hats—Hats off to these fun payroll-

themed hats. Choose from 1 of 3 fun payroll phrases, “Payroll Genius,” “Payroll Rocks,” and “I Y Payroll.” The phrase chosen will be embroidered onto a one size fits all, purple baseball hat. 100% brushed cotton twill. $14.99

Because We’re Working for



Diamond Sponsor

Media Partners

Platinum Sponsors

Money Matters National Education Day

Gold Sponsors

National Payroll Week was founded by the American Payroll Association, the nation’s leader in payroll education. Take the 2013 “Getting Paid In America” survey at to be eligible to win a free paycheck.







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Some images enlarged to show detail.











NPW MerchandiseOrder online at

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Contest DeadlineChapter Promotion Contest For promoting NPW by purchasing and encouraging others to purchase NPW 2013 items.

Aug. 23, 2013

Chapter Photo Contest For chapters with photos that capture the spirit of NPW.

Sept. 25, 2013

National Education Champions ContestFor chapters that actively support payroll literacy (regional competition).

Sept. 25, 2013

Educational Outreach/Community ServiceFor chapters with events that benefit their communities.

Sept. 25, 2013

Local Media Outreach ContestFor chapters that reach out to local media to promote NPW.

Sept. 25, 2013

Local Government Outreach ContestFor chapters that gain recognition for NPW from their government officials.

Sept. 25, 2013

Individual Activity ContestFor individuals and groups working separately from an APA chapter, for support in the following categories:•Educational Outreach and Community Service•Local Government Outreach•Local Media Outreach

Sept. 25, 2013

Online Survey Promotion ContestFor supporting and spreading the word about the “Getting Paid In America” online survey. Open to individuals, companies, groups, chapters, and anyone else who promotes the survey

Sept. 25, 2013



Just for Chapters

Individuals & Groups


Don’t Miss the Deadline