nrsg. hx bronchial asthma

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  • 8/6/2019 Nrsg. Hx Bronchial Asthma


  • 8/6/2019 Nrsg. Hx Bronchial Asthma


  • 8/6/2019 Nrsg. Hx Bronchial Asthma


  • 8/6/2019 Nrsg. Hx Bronchial Asthma


    has a harmonious She can form a healthyrelationship with others. He is a very quite

    person. He does not have any enemies.

    like love and liking, regular business interactions, orsome other type of social commitment.

    Interpersonal relationships take place in a greatvariety of contexts, such as family, friends,marriage, acquaintances, work, clubs,neighborhoods, and churches. They may beregulated by law, custom, or mutual agreement,and are the basis ofsocial groups and society as awhole. A relationship is normally viewed as aconnection between two individuals, such as aromantic or intimate relationship, or a parent-child

    relationship.All relationships involve some level ofinterdependence. People in a relationship tend toinfluence each other, share their thoughts andfeelings, and engage in activities together. Becauseof this interdependence, anything that changes orimpacts one member of the relationship will havesome level of impact on the other member.Psychologists have suggested that all humans have a

    basic, motivational drive to form and maintaincaring interpersonal relationships.According to attachment theory, relationships

    can be viewed in terms of attachment styles thatdevelop during early childhood. These patterns are

    believed to influence interactions throughoutadulthood by shaping the roles people adopt in


    Sexuality-reproductive He dresses appropriately, based on his gender.Presently he is not active in his sex life. Not applicable Sexuality is defined not only by a persons genetaliabut also by attitudes and feelings. It can also bedefined as learned behaviors in how a person reactsto his or her own sexuality and by how onebehaves in relationships with others.(Fundamentals of Nursing 5th edition by Taylor,page 931)

    Sexuality is a crucial part of a persons identity.Sex is central to who we are, to our emotional

  • 8/6/2019 Nrsg. Hx Bronchial Asthma


    well-being and to the quality of our lives. Theworld health organization defined sexual health asthe integration of the somatic, emotional,intellectual and social aspect of sexual beings inways that are positively enriching and thatenhances personality, communication and love.(Kozier, Fundamentals of Nursing 7th ed. Pages973).

    During the middle adulthood both men andwomen experience decreased hormone productioncausing the climacteric, usually called menopausal

    in women. These events often affect the individualsself-concept, body image and sexual identity.Women through the menopausal period

    experiences hot flushes, vasomotor instability, sleepdisturbances, vaginal dryness, genital tract atrophy,mood changes and skin, hair changes. Theincidence of osteoporosis and cardiovascular lipidchanges also increases. The climacteric in the malesis no as dramatic in the females; changes are more

    gradual.Sexual response love and play involve peoplesemotional, psychologic, physical and spiritual makeup, which plays a significant role in the satisfaction.

    Sexual desires fluctuates within each person andvaries from person to person. If people suppressesor block out conscous sexual desires, they may notexperience any physiological respose. (Kozier,Fundamentals of Nursing 7th ed. Pages 975,980).

    Coping-stress Whenever he has problem, he asks guidancefrom our Lord. He watches television or talk tohis siblings as his stress management. He alwayswatches billiard games in their neighbor when hefeels lonely. When he gets mad, he just keepsquiet and walks away from their house. Whenhe experiences difficulty of breathing he justrelaxes and breathes deeply and take salbutamolvia nebulizer..

    He asks guidance from our Lordand talk to his doctor. Coping mechanisms which are behaviors used todecrease stress and anxiety. Many coping behaviorsare learned, based on ones family past experiences,and socio-cultural influences and expectations.

    (Fundamentals of Nursing 5th edition by Taylor,page 855)

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    Value-belief He is a Roman Catholic he attends massoccasionally. He always asks the guidance of ourLord whenever there are Christian events likeHoly week, He believes in ghosts, andelementals. He seldom reads the bible. Does notalways pray the rosary. He respects and obeyshis wife. For him education is very important tohis children, so he and his wife is doing all theefforts to send their children to school.

    Not applicable Spiritual well-being is the condition that existswhen the universal spiritual needs for meaning andpurpose, love and belonging, and forgiveness aremet. O Briens conceptual model of spiritual well-being in illness identified three empirical referentsof spiritual well-being: personal faith, religiouspractice and spiritual contentment. Spiritual beliefsare of special importance to nurses because of themany ways they can influence a patients level ofhealth and self-care behaviors. (Kozier,Fundamentals of Nursing 7th ed. Pages 975,979).

    Spiritual well-being is manifested by a generallyfeeling of being alive, purposeful and fulfilled.People nurture or enhance their spirituality in manyways. Some focus on development of the inner selfor world; others focus on the expression of theirspiritual energy with others or outer world.Relating to ones inner self or soul may be achievedthrough conducting an inner dialogue with a higherpower or with ones self through prayer or

    medications. The expression of a persons spiritualenergy to others is manifested in loving relationshipwith and service to others, joy and laughter andparticipation in religious services and associatedfellow gatherings and activities and by expressionof compassion, empathy, forgiveness and hope.(Kozier, Fundamentals of Nursing 7th ed. Pages996).