nts 501 nt intro and survey class iii: the gospels of matthew and mark

NTS 501 NT INTRO AND SURVEY Class III: The Gospels of Matthew and Mark

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Class III: The Gospels of Matthew and Mark

Page 2: NTS 501 NT INTRO AND SURVEY Class III: The Gospels of Matthew and Mark

Matthew and Mark1.1 Introduction; some fundamental questions

• What are the key differences between the synoptic gospels?

• How should we interpret gospels?• Synchronic or diachronic method?

• How do we find out the distinct character of gospel?• Compare parallel passages• Where is the passage placed within the gospel?• What is unique material/themes in each gospel ? (e.g. Prodigal)• What are unique phrases, terminology in each?

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Matthew 15:17-20 Mark 7:18-19

17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.

18 “Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? 19 For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)

Matthew and Mark

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Matthew 7:11 Luke 11:13

11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Matthew and Mark

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Matthew and Mark2.1 Gospel of Matthew

2.1.1 Author, date, provenance• All gospels were initially anonymous (titles AD 125)

• Added to distinguish from other gospels

• Authorship in the ancient world vs. now• Individual vs. communal; detached observer vs. testimony of the


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Matthew and Mark

• ‘Matthew wrote logia in order in Hebrew dialect and others interpret them as could’

Papias, Exposition of the Lord’s Sayings [c. AD110-130]; in Eusebius, Ecc. Hist 3.39.16

• Is Papias’ testimony trustworthy? (Knew John? Adv. Haer 5.33.4)• What is this ‘logia’?• Current Matthew not a translation from Hb/Ar. (esp. OT quotes )• Many doubt the authorship

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Matthew and Mark• Was Matthew the apostle the author of Matthew’s gospel?

• Arguments PRO Matthew:• Why pick Matthew as the author – why not a more prominent apostle?• Tax-related info only in Matt (nomisma [state coin] in 22:15-22; temple tax


• Arguments CONTRA Matthew:• Would Matthew use Mark’s gospel as a source? (2nd hand info?; Greek)• Papias’ testimony contains difficulties (Hebrew; only logia etc.)

• Matthew probably part of the composition• Wrote the logia (Q source) and others finished it?

• FACT: The gospel does not name its author

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Matthew and MarkDate

Suggestions: AD 40s-100 Ignatius of Antioch cites Matthew in AD 110 (Ign.Eph 19:1-3//Mt 3:15) Didache (AD 80-130) cites (Did 8:2//Matt 6:9-11)

Difficulties with exact dating Depends on synoptic problem & dating of Mark

Matthew later than Mark – when was Mark written? Luke-Acts? External evidence (after Peter’s death mid 60s [Irenaeus] or b/f [Clement]?)

Numerous variables & presuppositions of the scholar

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Matthew and Mark When was Matthew written?

PRO earlier dating (b/f AD 70 [i.e. AD 55-early 60s]) Possible early dating of Mark (AD 50s) and Luke-Acts (AD 62) Temple related info: sacrifices (5:23-4); temple tax (17:24-7); swearing by the

Temple gold (23:16-22)

PRO later dating (AD 70-90) Mark’s date probably AD 60s-70; Luke-Acts in 70s-80s Prophecy fulfilled – written down (“king …troops, destroyed the city” 22:5) Post-70 Jewish concerns – How is God present w/ His people? (1:23; 28:20)

Continuing value of Torah? (5:17-18; 22:38-40)

FACT: no date is given in the writing itself

AD 60s-70s

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Matthew and Mark• Provenance

• Nowhere stated explicitly• Geographical clues and church tradition

• Antioch• Jerusalem• Syria


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Matthew and Mark• Structure of Matthew

• Based on 5 discourses:• Infancy narrative (1:1-2:23)• Primary Marcan narrative (narrative materials)• Five discourses (5-7, 10, 13, 18, 23-25)• Passion and resurrection (26-28)

• Based on Transitional statements (‘from that time on Jesus began to’)

• Introduction (1:1-4:16)• Body (4:17-16:20)• Conclusion (16:21-28:20)

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Matthew and Mark2.1.2 Purpose and Themes • Purpose

• No explicit purpose (cf. Lk 1:1-4)

• Teaching /training manual (5-7, 10, 13, 18, 24-25; 28:18-19)• Ethical laxity of believers?

• Directed to Jewish-Christians• Jewish customs are not explained (Matt 15:1-2//Mark 7:1-3)

• Jesus as the new Moses – teacher of messianic halakah

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Matthew and Mark• Matthew’s special materials:

• Infancy narrative (Matt 1-2; cf.Luke 1-2)

• Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7; cf. Luke 6)

• Exclusive mission to Israel (10:5-6)

• Promise of peace (Matt 11:28-30)

• Scribes of the kingdom of Heaven (13:52)

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Matthew and Mark• Instructions for the community (18:15-22)

• Denunciation of Pharisees and scribes (23:1-36; Luke 11:37-54)

• Unique parables• Unforgiving servant (18:23-35) • Laborers in the Vineyard (20:1-16)• Ten bridesmaids (25:1-13)• Last Judgment – Sheep and goats (25:31-46)

• Rumor of the stolen body (28:11-15)

• Complete references in p. 108, BOX 5.1

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Matthew and Mark• Major Themes and emphasis • Unique stylistic features:

• Gematria – 3 x14 generations; Jesus the son of David (4+6+4 - דוד)• Triplets and doublets

• Three acts of piety (6:1-18)• Two masters (6:24-25); two ways (7:13-14); two builders (7:24-27)• Divorce x2 (5:31-2; 19:9); seeking sign (12:38-42; 16:1-4)• Doubling of characters (two blind 20:29-34; two demoniacs 8:28-33)

• Peter’s role (14:28-31; 16:17-19; 17:24-27; 18:21-22)• Less colorful – more to the point (e.g. 8:28-33)• Thematically organized (e.g. five discourses)

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Matthew and Mark• Themes:

• Fulfillment formula; ‘it took place to fulfill’ (1:23, 2:6, 18 etc.)• Jesus is the culmination of Israel’s hope (13:16-17)

• Jesus as the embodiment of Israel (=the son)• ‘son of Abraham, son of David ‘ (1:1)• Moses typology – five discourses

• Flees to Egypt & comes out of Egypt (2:13, 15)• 40 days in the wilderness (4:1-11)

• God’s presence: Jesus – Immanuel (1:23, 18:20; 28:19)• God alone is to be worshipped (4:10; Deut 6:13)• Jesus is worshipped (2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25; 20:20; 28:9, 17)• Jesus is present in the ekklesia (18:20)• Jesus’ abiding presence (1:23; 28:19)

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Matthew and Mark• Jesus as the Son of God – God as the Father

• Virgin birth (1:18)• Baptism and transfiguration (3:17; 17:5)• Confession by disciples (14:32-33; 16:16)• Jesus says He is the Son of God (21:33-46; 26:63-66)• Hostile people (27:40, 43; 27:54)

• Jesus the Master Teacher – discipleship (28:19-20) • Sermon on the Mount – Christian halakah• Perfect deeds and perfect motives (5:18-19; 48; 6:2-6;16-18)• Gk. dikaiosune – practical deeds of righteousness (1:19; 3:15; 5:10; 17-20;

6:1, 35; 25:37 etc.)• ‘righteous –evil’ 13:49• ‘evil-good’ – ‘righteous-unrighteous’ 5:45-46

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Matthew and Mark• Good deeds

• ‘bear fruit worthy of repentance’ 3:8-10• Sermon on the Mount (5-7; 5:48; 7:21)• Parables (13:49; 22:1-14; 25:1-12, 14-30, 31-46 )• Wise person – hears and acts (7:24)

• Mercy, grace, forgiveness• Kingdom is freely available to all – particularly to ‘sinners’ (11:19)• ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’ (9:13;12:7)• Rest and peace (11:28-30)• Become like children (18:1-5; 19:13-15)• Forgiving and forgiveness (6:12; 18:23-35; 26:28)• Generosity and mercy (20:1-16)

Kingdom not yet fully present (6:9-11)

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Matthew and Mark• Scripture interpretation & Law and the prophets

• Law & prophets not pass away 5:17; 23:23; cf. 5:23-4; 11:13• ‘jot and title’ – Jesus sets aside commandments! (5:34-36, 38-39; 9:10-17)• Binding & loosing Scripture – binding anger; loosing Sabbath (5:21-23; 12:5-8)

• Matthew & OT quotes (2:6/Mic 5:2/2 Sam 5:2 ‘by no means’)

• Nazareth/Nazorean (2:23) – Nazirite vow or Branch (Hb. נצר)?

• Religious leaders & Devil knows Scripture (2:3-6; 17:10; 19:7; 21:41-2; 4:6)• Jesus & deeper understanding (5:21-48; 9:13; 12:3-7; 19:4; 21:16, 42; 22:29-31, 43; 26:54)

• Jesus and the Law in Matthew• Law & prophets interpreted through Jesus and kingdom 5:17; 11:13• Fulfillment not abolishing 5:17-19• Golden rule (7:12); mercy over sacrifice (9:13; 12:7); God’s word over tradition

(15:6); love of God and neighbor (22:34-40); ‘weightier matters’ (23:23)

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Matthew and Mark• Right understanding (13:18, 23 [cf. Mk 4:20; Lk 8:15];15:16;16:9)

• Doubt, fear, failure (14:31; 28:17; 8:24-26; 14:30; 17:6; 16:21-23; 17:14)• Understanding ‘given’ by God (11:25; 13:11; 16:17)

• Gk. Ekklesia (only in Matthew) – community of God’s people• Settling disputes (18:15-17) • Authority & church discipline (16:17-19, 18:18-20)• Forgiveness (18:21-22, 23-35)

• Priority mission to Israel (1:21; 10:1-16;15:24)• Hostility to Jewish leaders (cf. Mk 5:22; 12:28-34; Lk 13:31; Jh 3:1f)

• 12:34, 39, 45; 16:4; 22:18; 3:7; 23:33, 15; 15:13-14; 21:43; 27:25• Breach and conflict in Matthew’s day (?)

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Matthew and Mark• Mission to the Gentiles commissioned (2:11; 8:11-12; 15:21-28;

21:33-45; 28:18-19)

• Other themes• Kingdom of Heaven• Miracles • Death and resurrection

• Matt 26:28

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Matthew and Mark2.2 Gospel of Mark

2.2.1 Author, date, provenance• “Mark being the interpreter of Peter whatsoever he recorded he wrote

with great accuracy…” (Papias as quoted in Ecc. Hist 3.39.15)

• ‘Memoirs of Peter’ alludes to Mark: “named Boanerges, which means ‘sons of Thunder’” (Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 106; c. 150)

• Problem in early testimonies: Peter’s role & date• Was Peter dead or alive when Mark wrote? (Irenaeus vs. Clement)

• John Mark as the author disputed but possible (1 Pet 5:13, Col 4:10, 2 Tim 4:11, Phil 24; Acts 12:12, 25, 15:37-39; cf. Mk 14:51-52)

• Peter’s role in Mark: Inclusio of Peter in Mk 1:16; 16:7

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Matthew and Mark• Date:

• Suggestions AD 40-70s• After the departure [Peter/Paul], Mark wrote… (Ecc. Hist 5.8.2-4)

• OR when ‘Peter proclaimed..Mark….writing’ (Ecc. Hist. 6.14.6-7)• Also differences between Irenaeus (Ag. Her 3.1.1) and Clement

• Depends on many factors• What circumstances does it address?• Persecution by Nero as the setting? (AD 64-66)

AD 50-60s (AD 70s probably latest)

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Matthew and Mark• Provenance:

• Rome (Latinisms 12:42 lepta x2 = 1 quadrant; 15:16 praetorium)• Four night watches (6:48; 13:35) over Jewish three• Mark with Peter in Babylon (=Rome) 1 Pet 5:13

• Galilee (Aramaic words 3:17; 5:41; 7:11, 34; 14:36; 15:34)• Decapolis; Tyre; Syria; Egypt


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Matthew and Mark• Structure

• Geographical outline • Galilee (1:14-9:50)• Judean period (10:1-13:37)• Passion and resurrection (14:1-16:8/20)

• Messianic outline (8:22, 15:39)• Growing awareness (1:1-8:21)• Center w/ inclusio (8:22-10:52)• Toward clarity (15:39; 11:1-16:8/20)

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Matthew and Mark2.2.2 Purpose and themes• Purpose

• ‘The beginning of the good news …Christ, Son of God’ (1:1)

• Encourage persecuted Christians to carry the cross• Follow the Master

• Discipleship and true understanding of Messiahship • Theology of the cross

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Matthew and Mark• Special materials:

• Healing of the deaf and dumb (7:31-7)

• Parable of the growing seed (4:26-29)

• Progressive healing of the blind in Bethsaida (8:22-26)

• Saying on the salt (9:49-50)

• Flight of the young man (14:51-52)

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Matthew and Mark• Stylistic features of Mark

• The gospel of action – short and compact accounts• ‘and then…’• Miracles and exorcisms• Disproportionately long passion narrative

• Colloquial and unrefined grammar • Historic present (x151)

• Literary sandwich: fig tree-Temple-fig tree (11:12-25)

• Abrupt ending (16:8)• Original lost or intentional?

• Harsh tone• ‘He … out of his mind’ (3:19-21//Matt 12:46-50//Lk 8:19-21)

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Matthew and Mark• Themes

• Secrecy and the Messianic secret - ‘see that you say nothing’ 1:43• Only demons know true identity (1:24; 32; 3:11-12)• People are to be quiet about Jesus (1:44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26; 8:29-30; 9:9;

5:19-20 as exception)• Jesus discloses the secret during his trial (14:61-64; cf. 11:1-11)

Why the Messianic secret• Jesus never claimed to be Messiah (?) [W. Wrede]• Readers identify w/disciples [they know – 1:1, 11]• Jesus & kingdom only understood through the cross and suffering

• Cf. Peter’s confession and failure (8:29-33)

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Matthew and Mark• Disciples’ lack of comprehension - blindness of 8:22 & 10:52

• ‘Do you not understand this parable?’ (4:14)• ‘do you not care that we’re drowning’ (4:38 cf. Mt 8:25; Lk 8:22ff.)• ‘they did not understand…Heart was hardened’ (6:52)• See also 7:18; 8:17-21• Passion predictions (8:33; 9:32; 10:32-34)• Who is the greatest? (9:33-35;10:35-46)• Little children (10:13-15)

Status and honor or service

• Disciples abandon Jesus and Peter’s denial (14:26-72)

• Why point out disciples’ failures? • Mercy; election; identify with their failure

• Do disciples ever learn?• They will see Jesus in Galilee (16:7-8) –Mark’s ending?

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Matthew and Mark• Jesus – human portrait

• Weakness & frailty (6:5, 31; 7:24-30; 11:12; 13:32; 1:41; 3:5; 6:6, 34; 10:41; 14:34)• Distinct from God (10:18)• Does not know the timing of the end (13:32)

• Jesus – the Son of God & Son of Man • “son of God” – OT (Ex 4:22-23; Gen 6:2,4) & Greco-Roman worlds• Called “Son” by God (1:11; 9:7); demons (1:24; 32; 3:11-12)• Centurion’s confession (15:39)• Jesus – Son of God & Son of Man (12:6, 36; 14:61-62)

• Son of Man sayings: earthly activity; suffering; future glory

• Miracles (1:21-28; 2:1-12; 3:1-6; 4:35-40; 5:1-43; 6:30-56; 7:24-8:10)• Knows the future (10:32-34; 13:2; 14:18-20, 27-30)• Knows people’s thoughts (2:8; 12:15)

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Matthew & Mark• Kingdom of God (Is 52:7)

• “kingdom…come near” [Gk. eggiken] (1:14-15)• Present aspects and future aspects (1:15; 2:15-17; 13:25-36)

• Purity and holiness redefined (1:40-42; 2:15-17)• Material possessions and service (10:21, 43-44)

• Cross and Glory (1:1-8:26 & 8:27-16:8)• Shame of the cross

• Plot to kill introduced early (3:6; cf. Matt 12:14; Lk 19:47)• Ransom and covenant (10:45; 14:24) – relationship established

• Power of God • Power to save – power through suffering• Cross-bearing & discipleship

• Fits the situation of persecution under Nero