nui galway mens soccer club newsletter 2012

NUI Galway Soccer Club Newsletter WINTER ‘12 ISSUE NO.6 [email protected]

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Online edition of our annual newsletter


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NUI Galway Soccer ClubNewsletterWINTER ‘12 ISSUE NO.6[email protected]

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Chairman’s Address (Eric Mortimer)


Dear Friend/Player

Welcome to our sixth annual newsletter. We have a bumper edition with lots of news, on and off the pitch, as well as a Ò memory laneÓ feature. Be sure and check to see if you are there.

I wish to thank everybody involved at the club and acknowledge the great effort put in over the past year. The development of the club has been tremendous over the past number of years and we have now one of the largest activity profiles of any sports club on campus. This is reflected particularly in the increasing number of soccer club players in receipt of University scholarships.

Finally I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. DonÕ t hesitate to drop us a line, email us on [email protected], post on Facebook or even meet in person if you are around the campus. We love to hear from our past players and share stories of the Ò good old daysÓ be it Ò UCGÓ or Ò NUI GalwayÓ soccer club.

Collingwood 2012 After reaching three successive Cup finals we travelled to Limerick with great hopes of success having retained the majority of the squad from 2011. However a strong UCC side knocked us out on day one in what was a tournament of shocks with Mary Immaculate taking a lot of scalps on route to their first final where they lost to kingpins UCD. We await this yearÕ s competition in Jordanstown with fervor where we take on UCC again on day one. Revenge would be sweet!

Harding 2012 Held in Cork, our very talented Freshers squad won the shield for the second time in three years. Manager Derek Rogers has been benefiting from “blooding” freshers in the CUFL league which is played October until December between the Universities and IoTs. We are very confident given the solid performance in this season’s CUFL league, using a team combined with Collingwood and Harding players co-managed by Derek and Ò JumboÓ Brennan, that the Harding squad have the quality and strength in depth to go one better and bring the Harding Cup home in February 2013.

Junior Soccer Our two junior squads continue to be competitive in the Premier and Division 4 leagues in the Galway and District league. The Ò ColtsÓ are in a mid-table position with only two league games remaining due to a smaller league this season. They also remain in the Divisional and Michael Byrne cups. The Premier team are down the table but have a number of games and manager Gareth Gorman is confident that the squad will get up the table after the Christmas break. They also remain in the Michael Byrne and Connacht cups.

In a historic and very interesting twist the latest Michael Byrne Cup draw has pitted both teams against each other in the second round to be played January 12th/13th 2013. With five divisions between the teams the bookies favourites would have to be the Premier lads but the Colts may have other plansÉ !

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All the best,


Coaches The club thanks greatly the tremendous coaching efforts put in last year by Billy Clery (Collingwood), Ò JumboÓ Brennan (Collingwood), Derek Rogers (Harding), Mark Cobey (Collingwood) and Gareth Gorman (Premier).

We pay tribute to Billy Clery who is taking a well-earned break after six years with the club. Billy has been involved in coaching/managing virtually every team at the club and a driving force behind the development of the club in recent years. Ò JumboÓ takes the reigns as Collingwood manager for 2013.


Annual DrawThe club is very grateful to have Liam Spillane on board once again for the annual draw which is the clubÕ s biggest fundraiser. We very much appreciate the sponsors of the prizes and yourself for ANY contribution you can make. Both intervarsity competitions are in Northern Ireland this year which will a lot to our costs and every ticket bought helps.

New Pitch Hoardings: Ò Sell a SignÓ SchemeThe University have provided a new soccer pitch adjacent to Tony Corcoran park and the club are selling advertising hoardings at a very competitive rate. The hoardings will give your business great exposure given the level of soccer activity going on these days in Dangan. Further to this the official pitch opening will be held in the New Year and the hosting of Collingwood in 2015 by NUI Galway will give further spotlight to your business. If you wish to come on board we would be delighted if you could mail us ([email protected]) or contact myself or Liam Spillane directly

Sponsors We acknowledge the generosity of our sponsors both past and present that include:, Alumni Office NUI Galway, Monroe’s Tavern, The Skeffington Arms Hotel, Topaz, Newcastle Road, West Ireland Cycling, Aran Sports and G Furniture.

Billy receives club jersey as acknowledgment of his trojan efforts for the club since 2006.

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Intervarsity 2013 CompetitionsHarding Cup University of Ulster Coleraine Fri Feb 9th - Sun Feb 11th Collingwood Cup University of Ulster, Jordanstown Mon Feb 25th - Thurs Feb 28th

Scholarship Awards

NUI Galway Scholarships (New) Martin Conneely, Colm Horgan, Roy King, Stephen Rodden(Existing) Cian Fadden, Cian McBrien, Ger Cheevers and Joe Woods.

Eamon Deacy ScholarshipGabriel DÕ Arcy

TOP (LEFT TO RIGHT): Blain Sheridan, Gary Mullin, Richie Byrne, Bryan OÕ Grady, Stevie Henriques, Gareth Gorman (Manager), Colie Collins-Smyth, Cillian Grant.

BOTTOM (LEFT TO RIGHT): Barry Johnstone, Mikey Creane, Ger Cheevers, Ger Bane, Aidan Cannon, Cian McBrien, Billy Clery.

Premier Squad 2012Premier team 4-2 winners v Mervue United Ô AÕ in Dangan April 22nd 2012

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Rory OÕ Toole (NUI Galway), Eric Mortimer (NUI Galway), John Concannon (University of

A friendly soccer game was held between a University of Manchester contingent and the Galway United legends team, currently preparing for the Chick Deacy memorial game v Aston Villa scheduled for mid-August. Ò ChickÓ , who passed away in February, played with both Aston Villa and Galway United during his career and received an honorary Masters of Arts degree from NUI Galway in 2009 (

The game arranged by NUI Galway Soccer club was played at West United’s grounds in Claddagh. John Concannon of the University of Manchester described his partiesÕ visit to Galway as Ò a fantastic experience particularly due to the friendliness and hospitality received during our visitÓ .

Eamon Deacy (RIP) Warmup Game v University of Manchester June 15th 2012

“Colts” Squad 2012

TOP (LEFT TO RIGHT): Patrick McTigue, Eoin Corrigan, Eric Mortimer, David Tierney, Joe Monaghan, Ollie Mortimer, Roger Grealish, Dave Mullin. BOTTOM (LEFT TO RIGHT): John Brennan, Cillian Quinn, Jame OÕ Toole, Kieran OÕ Malley, Dom McGreevey, Aonghus OÕ Flatharta, Karol Mortimer.

Colts 2-2 draw v Corrib Celtic in Annaghdown April 14th 2012

Manchester), Kevin Cassidy (NUI Galway), Derek Rogers (NUI Galway)

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BirthsColm and Caroline Costello had their third child, Senan in October 2011. A brother for Eoghan and Oisin. Hopefully they will follow in their DadÕ s and their unclesÕ (Harry and John) footsteps and play for NUI, Galway eventually. Another lad for the NUI, Galway team might surely be Tadgh, born to Paul and Susan O’Neill last year. Its their second child. Paul’s brother Sean and his wife Maire had their second child recently when Conor, a brother for Erin, was born. This was particularly joyous for them because not so long ago their baby Aidan died just after birth.

Gerry and Edel Gillespie had a baby boy their first child on 8th April last. Gordon and Trish Curley had their third child Aine in October. An email from Fran Carter tells us that Kyle was born last January and Fran is enjoying parenthood. Warmest congrats to all and very best wishes for the future.

We have fallen miles behind in details of Jude and Edel HarkinÕ s family so here is an update! Sorcha is 12, Rory 10 and Naoise 8.

DeathsSome months ago the death took place of Gerry O’Doherty aged 89, brother of Terry snr., uncle of Aidan and John and grand uncle of young Terry. Gerry was probably our oldest past player and competed in the early forties for UCG with brother Terry. At that time the soccer-minded students got together and formed Collegians and in their first year they were not allowed to play in Collingwood by the College authorities. However in 1943/1944 some sympathetic professors and technicians helped them financially and they got organised to play Collingwood in Dublin but unfortunately that was too late for Gerry who had graduated by then. Terry got selected for the Irish Universities team that year. One of Gerry’s sons referees in China and other sons play abroad. I am grateful to Aidan and to Paddy O’Flaherty (Clones) for the above information. Our sympathy to all the O’Dohertys on GerryÕ s death.

Chris Clerken from Co. Laois who died in May 2012 played a prominent role with the College first team in the early fifties. We have just heard that another leading Collingwood player Vincent Kyne of Roscommon, who won a Collingwood medal in 1955 playing as a defender, has passed away. Vincent lived on Golf Links Road in Roscommon. John Lillis, brother of Don, Jim and Finbar passed away recently. The Club extends its sympathy to all the bereaved.

In Athlone on 27th August last Mike O’Loughlin, Shane’s (‘Bushey’) brother passed away after a long illness. Our sincere sympathy to Shane, Mike’s wife Caroline and four children, his parents Jack and Mary and the O’Loughlin family. Also in August last two further deaths took place. Benny O’Connor’s brother and Martin Cullinane’s brother passed away. Sincere sympathy to Benny and to Martin, Pat and Anthony Cullinane and both extended families.

One of our great supporters over the years Martin Fahy, brother of Kevin and nephew of Tony Corcoran, has died very recently. Our sympathies to Kevin, Tony and Martin’s sisters Ann and Therese. Though having been ill for many years Martin made sure to get around and had visited the US, Australia, Germany and the UK over the years. Our sympathy to Tom McGrath and his brothers, Michael and Shane and sisters, Kathy, Helen and Siobhan on the very recent death of their mother, Tess.

The death of Eamon (Ô ChickÕ ) Deacy last February was a huge shock in Galway and Irish soccer circles. Eamon had an English championship medal (forerunner of the Premier league) which he won with Aston Villa in the early eighties and later in Ireland he won an FAI Cup winners medal with Galway Utd. While not directly involved with UCG its nice to record that he played side by side with many College players in various representative teams and of course he had four Irish caps under Eoin HandÕ s stewardship. NUI, Galway honoured him with an honorary degree a few years ago and now there is going to be an Eamon Deacy Soccer scholarship at the College.

David Lillis has suffered a double bereavement with the death of his sister and his son-in-law. Tony Beatty, father of Johnny, Ray and Terry, died in March 2012 and Denise Grant, sister of Pat, John and Des, died in April 2012. Johnny and Pat were both former Soccer Club secretaries. Rita Woodman, Kieran’s wife, passed away in May 2012. Also in May Catherine Burke, NoelÕ s mother-in-law, passed away just after her hundredth birthday. Pat Quinn, Paddy O’Flaherty’s friend died in 2012. He won a Collingwood with UCD having spent two years in UCG. The Club would like to offer its sincere sympathies to all the bereaved.

Paddy O’Flaherty’s son, Joseph died in London in the summer. He was head of catering at Millwall F.C. where he knew Mick McCarthy and Eamonn Dunphy and a host of other players

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and officials. Our sympathy to Paddy and to Joseph’s partner and two daughters. Professor Jim Flavin, father of Aongus, died during the year. He was very helpful to the club in driving many players to matches all over Galway when his son was involved. Sincere sympathy to the Fahy and Flavin families.

The club is saddened to hear of the death recently of Joe O’Sullivan, a former Club captain, who played in the early fifties as a defender in UCG B.E. from 1955 and unusually for the time he gained an M.E. degree in 1961. Our sympathy to his wife and family.

Our condolences to James McDaid and Myles Meehan, two of our fine former players, on the deaths of their mothers during the past year.

WeddingsIn the big event of the year James 0’Toole married Susan Farragher at St.Joseph’s Church in Galway and later there were great celebrations at Dromoland Castle where the guests enjoyed inter alia a fine fireworks display and the pleasant strains of a string quartet. Another great Club stalwart Commandant Tom McGrath got married to Kate Hanrahan, who is a captain in the Defence Forces, in Newport, Co. Mayo. Young Alan Keane, brother of Mike and Ronan, tied the knot during last summer.

Other News and AchievementsSeamus Conneely and Iarlaith Davoren were involved in Sligo Rovers winning of the Premier league and though not involved very recently hopefully they will qualify for winnerÕ s medals. In the crucial game at the Showgrounds another ex-NUI Galway Collingwood man John Russell was on the opposite side with St. Pats.

One of our current committee, Dami Adebari, was successful in getting elected as SU Welfare Officer. Congrats Dami and good luck with the job. Committed clubman and player Ger Cheevers got the NUI Galway Sports Award (Soccer)

Former Club secretary Joe Varley has finished very strongly with his MA in naval studies at the University of Exeter and is hoping to do a Ph.D. and Anthony Foy is doing a Masters in international business at Magee. Best of luck with the studies lads.

Two of our well known former players Army men Kieran McDaid and Andrew Kilfeather both having reached the rank of colonel have retired and the Club wishes them the very best in the future.John Browne emails to tell us that he is lining out with Ballyvary Blue Bombers (!) in the Mayo league so good luck John hope you put a few away.

Our last Collingwood winning captain (1999) Kieran Foley was back in Galway on a visit during the summer. He now lives in New York with his wife Elda and two young children and is group marketing director for Digicel (City Tribune 20 June 2012).

Dora Gorman, MickeyÕ s daughter, has won an Irish senior cup winners medal in hockey when UCD defeated Loreto in May 2012. Well done Dora.

James Lee, Robert’s older brother, has got lots of publicity in the local Galway papers for his company Griffin Tuition which specialises in problems such as CNS disorders, dyslexia, poor memory and learning problems.

John Flannery of AIDS West is pictured with Health minister Dr. James Reilly at the launch of a sexual health guide (Galway Independent 28 March 2012). Mike Keane and Liam Kilmartin are shown at a prize presentation at Mike’s firm Ayaya (Galway Advertiser 24 May 2012). Ronan Killeen makes the Galway Advertiser twice for golf (8 March 2012) and at the Mumford & Sons concert (Galway Advertiser 14 June 2012). John Crumlish, CEO of the Galway Arts Festival, makes the Galway Independent no less than four times 28 April, 30 May (twice) and 18 July Ð the latter with NUIG president Jim Browne.

Ronan Lambe had a great start to the July Galway Races with two firsts (Train of Thought and Thunder Mountain) and a second place (Silver Concorde) all on the opening day. Congrats Ronan, keep them coming!

Paul Concannon and Jason Moran successfully guided St Mary’s College, Galway to victory in the Connacht senior Schools. Well done and congratulations.

Dr. Jim O’Gara at UCD’s Conway Institute got a big write up in the Irish Times Healthplus ( 10 April 2012) on Ô a new step in the fight against MRSA’. Ray Burke (RTE) had three articles in the City Tribune (20 and 27 January and 3 February 2012) on James JoyceÕ s Galway connections. Best wishes to both men in their work.

Adrian Devine, TomÕ s brother, is expanding his talkative teddies into the Scottish and Welsh markets. They have been a big hit in Ireland (Galway Independent 12 September 2012).

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NUI Galway Soccer Club NewsletterWINTER ‘12 ISSUE | [email protected]